[Epics-india] Weekly Update

Rahul Maheswaran rmaheswa at purdue.edu
Tue Jan 23 21:31:15 EST 2018

Hey guys,

Great job on the casing. It looks really good. Since we are settling into the semester, I will give a small overview of the work we have. So this is probably going to be the longest email I will send. Please make sure you take like 5 minutes to go through the entire thing and let me know if you have any questions.

  1.  Notebooks: By now I hope everyone has access to their notebooks. If not let me know (or Kelsey/Claire) and get it sorted out ASAP.
  2.  Semester Timeline: Great job on this. It's due by week 4, but we are already done with it, so we don't have anything to worry about.
  3.  Website: So this is for Lexi. The team's website (https://epics.ecn.purdue.edu/india/) should be updated. You can sign up for the webmaster skill sessions so that you can also earn your PDH hours and get the job done at the same time. If not, please let me know, and we can sort this out. The website will have to reflect the current team and the previous semester's team. The layout is already coded so unless you want to feel like you want to change the design (which I'm totally okay with) you can just change the reference links to the images and change the wording.
  4.  We will have an informal notebook review next week. So please start working on your notebooks if you already haven't.
  5.  PDH Hours: Please make sure you get your PDH credits as soon as you can so that it doesn't become a hassle at the end of the semester when you feel like everything that can go wrong, is going wrong.
  6.  Design document: It isn't due until week 6, but I think we can save a lot of time and stress if we start working on it right away. Let's split portions during lab and talk about it more then.
  7.  PIGS: This is specifically for Lexi as we are doing the same thing we did last semester. Instead of trying to meet up at the same time just to figure out our PIGS, we will try to do our PIGS online. We will use the same link every week. (I will download it every Friday before lab) So, whenever you feel like you made some progress/came across an issue, please update it on the presentation.

         This link is : https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1UgIqMJNdNWfSVrHCFNJ7Yky3W-6QVzZOUknsnUTr7zM/edit#slide=id.g25f3f8dfca_0_3

        8. Finally, about the project itself. There is a lot of potential progress with this project, and it will look really good on the team if we can deliver it well within time. Remember that this isn't anyone's project but yours. If you feel like you want to change something/or don't like an idea and want to do it some other way, please feel free to go ahead with it.

I don't know about everyone, but if I were in your position, I would feel like I have no idea what's going on with the entire Arduino ordeal and feel like I can't contribute. This isn't true because, to be honest, I too have no idea what we should be doing with it. Google and people with experience are your best friends, and everything is self-taught. Feel free to go to the EPICS lab and take a look at the Arduino circuit and google what's going on, if it helps you understand it better.

Let's aim to finish this project and actually build up a decent record for this team. I think we haven't delivered in the last 4 semesters, and it's about time we do something about it.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Also, once again I apologize for the length of this email, but this will be the longest one for this semester (hopefully).
See you guys on Friday!


PIGS - 01/19 (Week 01)<https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1UgIqMJNdNWfSVrHCFNJ7Yky3W-6QVzZOUknsnUTr7zM/edit#slide=id.g25f3f8dfca_0_3>
1 PIGS - 01/26 (Week 02)

INDIA - Purdue University<https://epics.ecn.purdue.edu/india/>
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