[Epics-india] Tasks for the coming weeks - EPICS INDIA Spring 2018

Rahul Maheswaran rmaheswa at purdue.edu
Sat Feb 24 21:03:06 EST 2018

Hey everyone,

Great job with the design review and all the comments we received.

This is a sum up of all the things I mentioned on the groupme, but I will make it clear and put it up here so that you can save this mail take a look at it if you are unsure.

I will apologize if everyone feels overwhelmed by the number of things you are responsible for, but we need to stick to our schedule and take into all the complications that we will face during the next steps.

Next steps :

Modeling the new casing - Zaina and anyone else who wants to help her. Please drop an email to Mr. Jorge about the acrylic (email : mart1419 at purdue.edu<mailto:mart1419 at purdue.edu> ). Since this is going to eat up the time we have, we will be working on the final model WHILE we get a final word from him.

If autoCad is not working, try sketchup. You can get assistance from Kelsey if you run into any issues or need some oversight into your design. If SketchUp doesn't work, then we have Solidworks and so on.

Note: I am positive with the 3D model printing as we have the resources at our disposal and we will only need the modeling to be completed. If you think otherwise, let me know why.

ATTACHING THE CASING: HEAT INSERTS FOR 3D models looks promising and easy to use.

Printing the casing - Rahul  I will be responsible for printing all the pieces and we can all work together in attaching them. We will be using the heat set inserts made for 3D printing, along with a screw and attaching them together physically. This is cost effective and less time consuming than making snap-fit joints

Wiring the new model and building a backup circuit  - Rahul - Once again, I will take responsibility for this and make sure we have the model working.

Website -  Lexi - You will need to get the website updated ASAP

Testing - Lauren - Lauren, I need you to email (ASAP) Prof. Carla Zoltowski(email : cbz at purdue.edu) and ask her if we can go ahead with the testing process(not sure if she will contact them for us or she will give us the contact information)/ get any contact information so we can contact them and check the availability. This needs to be planned well ahead of time so we can get everyone's availability and start getting the model ready for testing.

Worst case scenario, we will be testing with the wooden prototype and we can account for the feedback in the final model.

Safety - Lauren/Lexi - I need the both of you to look into what sort of safety regulations we will have to worry about (if any) and start coming up solutions for it.

We around 4 weeks before scheduled delivery and we need to get all of this done before that. I know everyone has exams coming up and classes are getting hectic, but we will need to plan every single step out in advance and execute it effectively.

Each person should start working on their tasks and make sure you have a back up/ Plan B/C for each step. If one of those ideas don't work, move to the next one. Time is precious.

If anyone has any other question, please email me or text me.


Rahul Maheswaran
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