[Epics-india] Tonight: General Motors Co-Op Opportunity

Pierce, Andrew L pierce1 at purdue.edu
Tue Feb 20 13:15:51 EST 2018

Hello EPICS teams,

I wanted to share an opportunity to secure a co-op with GM. They will be on campus tonight from 7 - 9 PM in Krach  and at the career fair in the Union tomorrow to recruit co-op students for vehicle engineering and manufacturing. They are particularly looking for ECE students, with positions in both hardware and software. GM has been a long time sponsor and friend of EPICS, and your experience with us will give you an advantage over the competition.

Good luck!

Andrew Pierce
EPICS Academic Administrator
Neil Armstrong Hall of Engineering - Room 1209
701 West Stadium Avenue
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2045
Email: pierce1 at purdue.edu<mailto:pierce1 at purdue.edu>
Phone: (765) 414-2107

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