[Epics-india] INDIA Week 4 Deliverables and Week 6-8

Kelsey N Welch welch4 at purdue.edu
Sun Feb 18 13:18:42 EST 2018

Please upload the design doc to the link to the design review sharepoint provided in this email thread.

Thank you,

Kelsey Welch, E.I.T.

Candidate for Masters of Science in Civil Engineering Structures

EPICS Graduate Teaching Assistant

From: Kelsey N Welch
Sent: Thursday, February 8, 2018 8:02:49 PM
To: epics-india at ecn.purdue.edu
Cc: Claire A Sigworth
Subject: INDIA Week 4 Deliverables and Week 6-8

Hello INDIA Team,

Checking in on the status of the week 4 deliverables. Tomorrow I will do notebook review conferences.

☐Website - how is this going?

☐ Budget - was this turned in? We talked to Pam about it week 3 and how the arduino you were given needed to be added to the budget.

☐ Gantt Chart - please upload this as its own file to Sharepoint.

Information about week 7 deliverables and milestones.

  *   Design Document is due next Friday, February 16th 11:59pm to Sharepoint<https://sharepoint.ecn.purdue.edu/epics/designreview/Friday/Forms/AllItems.aspx?RootFolder=%2Fepics%2Fdesignreview%2FFriday%2FINDIA&FolderCTID=0x01200069B64DD4747FAB4885F7904E793C4248&View=%7B4C38B867-3221-434F-9F1B-2CBCBE6440B6%7D>.
     *   Upload it as a PDF and label it "INDIA_Sp2018_DesignDoc_MidSemester"
  *   Mock Design Review
     *   This needs to be scheduled
  *   Design Review is Friday, February 23rd 8:30-10:20, arrive early
     *   Every student has to present at midsemester or final design review
     *   Business casual is the attire for Design Review
     *   Is there anyone on campus you have been working with that you can invite to design review?

Week 7 Deliverables
Deliverable     Date Due        Turn In Location
Project Evaluation Rubric       2/23/2018       <https://sharepoint.ecn.purdue.edu/epics/teams/i2r/Semester%20Documentation/Forms/AllItems.aspx?RootFolder=%2Fepics%2Fteams%2Fi2r%2FSemester%20Documentation%2F2018%20Spring&FolderCTID=0x0120003548F09775BEE14C9C6AB7129A0F8F5F&View=%7BBBBBCFE3-6596-4D75-97F1> Sharepoint Semester Documentation<https://sharepoint.ecn.purdue.edu/epics/teams/india/Semester%20Documentation/Forms/AllItems.aspx?RootFolder=%2Fepics%2Fteams%2Findia%2FSemester%20Documentation%2F2018%20Spring&View=%7B921A51DA-B409-40FD-B775-1B3B2DB0D80B%7D>
Individual Evaluation Rubric    2/23/2018       welch4 at purdue.edu<mailto:welch4 at purdue.edu>
Peer Evaluations        2/23/2018       myEPICS<https://engineering.purdue.edu/MyEpics/>
Design Notebook 2/23/2018       OneNote
Documentation Upload
Design Review Follow Up 2/23/2018
3/2/2018        <https://sharepoint.ecn.purdue.edu/epics/teams/i2r/Semester%20Documentation/Forms/AllItems.aspx?RootFolder=%2Fepics%2Fteams%2Fi2r%2FSemester%20Documentation%2F2018%20Spring%2FMidsemester%20Documentation&FolderCTID=0x0120003548F09775BEE14C9C6AB7129A0F8F5F&V> Sharepoint Semester Documentation<https://sharepoint.ecn.purdue.edu/epics/teams/india/Semester%20Documentation/Forms/AllItems.aspx?RootFolder=%2Fepics%2Fteams%2Findia%2FSemester%20Documentation%2F2018%20Spring&View=%7B921A51DA-B409-40FD-B775-1B3B2DB0D80B%7D>
Sharepoint Semester Documentation<https://sharepoint.ecn.purdue.edu/epics/teams/india/Semester%20Documentation/Forms/AllItems.aspx?RootFolder=%2Fepics%2Fteams%2Findia%2FSemester%20Documentation%2F2018%20Spring&View=%7B921A51DA-B409-40FD-B775-1B3B2DB0D80B%7D>

Friday February 23, 2018 by 11:59pm
     *   Project Evaluation Rubric uploaded to Sharepoint in Semester Documentation
        *   Call file "ProjectEvaluation_Midsemester"
        *   A link to the document can be found here: https://engineering.purdue.edu/EPICS/teams/team-documents/Grading
     *   Individual Evaluation Rubric
        *   THIS DOCUMENT MUST BE SUBMITTED TO ME VIA EMAIL, and please label your documents as follows: INDIA-IER-Spring18-YOURFULLNAME.docx.
           *   Add lines as necessary. Your specific accomplishments and grade you think you deserve will probably push the first page to be longer

        *   Outline your specific accomplishments with a detailed description in the Student’s Comments box.
        *   Note where evidence of your work can be found
           *   Specific SharePoint folders (“Notebook” is not adequate)
        *   Explain why you deserve a certain grade in the Student’s Comments box
        *   A link to IERs can be found here.  https://engineering.purdue.edu/EPICS/purdue/team-documents/ier (fill out the one that is associated with your EPICS level)
     *   Peer Evaluations
        *   To be completed in myEPICS
        *   If you give everyone the same score and/or no feedback your contribution to peer evaluation grade will suffer

     *   Individual Documentation (OneNote Notebook)
        *   Remember that the notebooks should provide evidence of your efforts!
           *   Keep a backup copy of your notebook content in case there are problems with OneNote around the submission deadline.
        *   Reflections - Make sure they are up-to-date. A reflection should be about midsemester design review.
     *   Documentation Upload
        *   Please upload all necessary documents on SharePoint Semester Documentation (EPICS SharePoint ONLY): All documents you have worked on this semester so far
        *   Make sure the documents on SharePoint are well organized in a logical manner
        *   Please make sure all the documents are checked-in on SharePoint
  *   Due Friday March 2nd in lab
     *   Design Review Follow-Up <https://sharepoint.ecn.purdue.edu/epics/teams/india/_layouts/15/WopiFrame.aspx?sourcedoc=/epics/teams/india/Semester%20Documentation/2018%20Spring/Design%20Review%20Follow%20Up.xls&action=default> filled out


Kelsey Welch, E.I.T.

Candidate for Masters of Science in Civil Engineering Structures

EPICS Graduate Teaching Assistant
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