[Epics-india] seminar announcement

Blatchley, Ernest R blatch at purdue.edu
Thu Apr 19 11:43:10 EDT 2018

Hi EPICS Classes

The class "Water Supply in Developing Countries" will be hosting Mr. Suprio Das for a visit in the first part of next week.  Suprio leads a company that has developed an automatic chlorinating device that functions without electrical power.  This device could play important roles in provision of safe water for people in developing countries and in disaster-relief settings.  As part of his visit, Suprio has agreed to give a seminar on Tuesday April 24, from 3:30-4:30 PM in ARMS 1103.  He will be talking about the automatic chlorinator ("Zimba") and some of its applications.  An announcement of this seminar is attached.  Please feel free to circulate this announcement among your classes and interested peers.


Chip Blatchley

Ernest R. Blatchley III, Ph.D., P.E., BCEE, F. ASCE
Professor, Lyles School of Civil Engineering and Division of Environmental & Ecological Engineering
Purdue University
550 Stadium Mall Drive
West Lafayette, IN  47907
Ph. 1-765-494-0316

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