[Epics-india] Mock Design Review - THURSDAY 8.15 PM (LOCATION TBD)

Rahul Maheswaran rmaheswa at purdue.edu
Mon Sep 25 13:06:07 EDT 2017

Hey guys,

So after looking at the list, almost everyone can make it on Thursday at 8.15pm. I will get back to you within the next two days about the location, (most probably the same room as Lab) but I will need to talk to our TA and see if she can reserve it.

So for now, just make sure that you keep Thursday evening free and start working on your presentation. To make it easier, I have added a google slides link so you can make the presentation on that, so we don't have to worry about making sure everyone has the most recently edited copy of the presentation.

Link to slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/198scVEw7DCos-WxTL4k33Yhtj9FUBthEdhhATifTv0c/edit?usp=sharing

Note: The idea of a design review is to present the work you have done so far to all those who will be there on the day. The presentation should be designed in a way where all three teams can finish presenting within 1.5 hours or less, and open floor for questions and answers. The best way to go about it is to think of the reviewers as people who have no idea what is going on with your project, and your presentation should be able to give them a good overview of what it's about. The idea isn't to be very technical or specific, but rather be informative and simple, and yet be able to relay all the work you have done so far in an interesting manner.

Teams, also make sure that your design specifications are coming along. This document is something that will be handed over to everyone present, and it should be detailed and thorough. Don't try to make it at the last moment as you will tend to miss out on important bits.

Let me know if you have any questions. If you have no idea about what the presentations should look like,  please make sure you go through SharePoint and see previous semesters' design reviews. Our most recent design reviews can also be found on the website.

Mid Semester Design Review<https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/198scVEw7DCos-WxTL4k33Yhtj9FUBthEdhhATifTv0c/edit?usp=sharing>
1 Mid-Semester Design Review Team INDIA

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