[Epics-india] Reminders for lab this week - (27th)

Kelsey N Welch welch4 at purdue.edu
Sun Oct 22 17:14:45 EDT 2017

Hello team,

I would like to clarify that mini design review will only be 30 minutes. Each team has 10 minutes including questions from our visitor. Our visitor wants to interact with your teams for her last 30 minutes as you work in your teams.


Kelsey Welch

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From: Rahul Maheswaran
Sent: Saturday, October 21, 18:35
Subject: Reminders for lab this week - (27th)
To: epics-india at ecn.purdue.edu
Cc: Kelsey N Welch, maeve at purdue.edu

Hey guys,

Hope you are having a good weekend. I wanted to brief you guys on what to expect for lab this week so that you can prepare in advance and make sure that work doesn't pile up just before Friday.

We will be presenting a design review/overview from 8.30am to 9.30am. What I mean by this is that your team should be able to present your projects within the hour. Since we have 3 teams, I would expect each team to take up to 15 minutes and expect 5-10 minutes of questions. Now remember that these numbers are by no means a hard value that you need to stick to, but more of a reference point to make sure all three teams have enough time to present their projects without having to rush through it.

Since it's a team presentation, we need to make sure we are organized and updated on each others' proceedings, and therefore I will be expecting the teams to make their presentations AT LEAST by Wednesday, so that I can take a look at it and give you feedback by Thursday. I would love to have a mock presentation, but understanding course load and logistical issues in getting everyone together at the same place on the same day, we will not be having a mock presentation for the entire team. I have attached a google slides link for you to put up the presentation on. Make sure it's done by Wednesday and if you have a lot of work due, communicate within your team to see if you can get it completed with help from someone else.

Link to presentation : https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1KM5oexArqC4XOjJYOF3w-gJMVlskeZIWfvZG6g6MwT0/edit?usp=sharing

Team India - Presentation for 27th of October


1 Team INDIA October 27th

However, I expect each team to practice on their own using your out of lab meeting time (or an extra out of lab meeting for this week) and make sure that everybody in your team is aware of how the presentation will go and discuss speaker slides. Please let me know when you are having your team mock reviews and I will try my best to come and see it and maybe discuss any changes that we might need.

The presentation itself should be very short and interesting and be able to speak for itself. Feel free to use slides from the Design Review and just adjust for time.

Finally, as Kelsey mentioned, let's make sure that we wear attire that makes it more formal. I don't expect business casual like the design review, but let's try and stick to smart casual.

And as usual, if you have any questions please feel free to email/pm me and I will get back to you as soon as I can. Good luck and hope you have a great week ahead!


Rahul Maheswaran

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