[Epics-india] Submissions due this week - Reminder

Rahul Maheswaran rmaheswa at purdue.edu
Tue Oct 3 20:44:12 EDT 2017

Hey guys,

Hope your week has been good so far. I want to remind you guys about the stuff due this week.

  *   Notebooks: Your notebooks are due Friday, October 6th, 5:00 pm.

         Your comments from week 4 conferences do not need to be fixed for weeks prior to that,                           but there should be clear evidence of work done and improvement from that.

  *   Individual Evaluation Rubric and Project Evaluation Rubric Should be completed and handed over by hand, at the start of design review on Friday, October 6th.

  *   Peer Evaluation: Make sure you complete the peer evaluation before the due date. To access your peer evaluation, go to myEPICS and click on "View Available Peer Evaluations<https://engineering.purdue.edu/MyEpics/index.php?Module=Modules_Survey&Action=Survey/View>"

> Team Members should evaluate everyone in their Sub - Team, and if you feel like you want to review anyone with specific team roles (eg: Webmaster, Financial officer, project manager), you can do so.
> Design leads have the same responsibilities as team members, but you are required to review the Project Manager (me) and can review anyone else with a team role.

As always, please pm me or send me an email, if you have any other questions.

Rahul Maheswaran

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