[Epics-india] Show Off Your EPICS Project!

Pierce, Andrew L pierce1 at purdue.edu
Tue Nov 14 12:39:01 EST 2017

Hello EPICS students,

I wanted to encourage all of you to take the opportunity to be featured on future EPICS brochures and websites. We have a professional photographer booked for this Saturday from 9 - 11 am to photograph EPICS projects in the lab. We would love to have several volunteers join us for photos with your projects. Please email maeve at purdue.edu<mailto:maeve at purdue.edu> if interested.


Andrew Pierce
EPICS Academic Administrator
Neil Armstrong Hall of Engineering - Room 1209
701 West Stadium Avenue
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2045
Email: pierce1 at purdue.edu<mailto:pierce1 at purdue.edu>
Phone: (765) 414-2107

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