[Epics-india] EPICS INDIA - Weekly Update

Rahul Maheswaran rmaheswa at purdue.edu
Thu Nov 9 18:47:12 EST 2017

Hey guys,

I haven't attached a separate document because there isn't too much that needs to be brought up.

We will have a standard lab; starting with PIGS and then moving onto team discussions.

I do want to talk about returning students for next semester. I will do this during lab tomorrow.

I would also like to ask everyone to take a look at the study abroad trip during spring break:

https://www.studyabroad.purdue.edu/programs/flyer.cfm?flyer=1228 .

Professor Oakes would be talking about it tomorrow and you can have a better understanding of it if you check the link before you come to class.

Please let me know if you have any other questions.

See you tomorrow.


Rahul Maheswaran

Office of Programs for Study Abroad : Program Details<https://www.studyabroad.purdue.edu/programs/flyer.cfm?flyer=1228>
The arrangements for the travel, housing, meals, excursions and course content of this program have been made by the leader. Questions about this program can only be ...

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