[Epics-india] Fwd: EPICS India design review

Neha Choudhary nchoudha at purdue.edu
Fri Feb 24 10:10:45 EST 2017

Please see the email below by Ahmed, one of the remote design reviewer. He also sent his thesis.

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Ahmed Abdelkaree Hashem Abdelnaby" <ahashem at purdue.edu<mailto:ahashem at purdue.edu>>
To: "Neha Choudhary" <nchoudha at purdue.edu<mailto:nchoudha at purdue.edu>>
Cc: "Anwesha Sanyal" <sanyal1 at purdue.edu<mailto:sanyal1 at purdue.edu>>
Subject: Re: EPICS India design review

Hi Neha and Anwesha,

Here are my questions:

1- Using an irrigation tank with drip/sprinkler irrigation, should be more investigated. Drip require 1 Bar, and sprinklers require 4-5 Bar pressure. This is difficult to obtain by a tank.  For that you have to consider it is a constant or falling head. Also, consider using specific emitters with big opening, where they require low pressure and to avoid any plugging problems from fungi grow in the tank. Also, consider using some acid liquid fertilizers to clean any fungi in the system.

2- Try to choose the appropriate tank capacity based on the peak of each irrigation plot requirement.

I finished my master in Low head bubbler irrigation system, and attached my thesis. It might help to see the shortcoming of low pressure with irrigation systems.

Please let me know if you have any questions.



From: Neha Choudhary
Sent: Friday, February 24, 2017 8:50:46 AM
To: Ahmed Abdelkaree Hashem Abdelnaby
Cc: Anwesha Sanyal
Subject: EPICS India design review

Hi Ahmed,

I am Neha, TA, for EPICS India team. We are having technical difficulties to connect you over Skype. Can you go on this link https://www.gotomeeting.com/meeting/join-meeting and type meeting id 189-368-741

Again sorry for the inconvenience!



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