[Epics-india] India team - we will be fine

Oakes, William C. oakes at purdue.edu
Mon Feb 13 12:46:25 EST 2017

I heard that there were concerns with the team and they got worse after the skype call with the VIT students.  I am not worried and do not think we are on totally different paths.  I see our process as we work on our design ideas and prepare how they can be presented to the farmers where we are in country.  Also, we need to prepare the ME students to assist in this.  They can help on the mechanization and irrigation system.

We share your frustration with the change or apparent change in the requirements.  By the way, do we have a shared requirement document with the VIT students?

If we have a different design than they have, we will be presenting them to the farmers.  I honestly do not think that either of our designs, as they currently stand are complete and perfect for the farmers.  What are they missing ?   I don't know but I do know that we can find out when we are there.

The plan remains to move ahead with our design and with a plan to get information from the farmers.  The spring break participants will have an entire day for the hackathon event that we can work on the designs AFTER we have been to the farm and gotten information from the farmers.

Water conservation is ALWAYS important but it is balanced with cost and often traditional practices.  A sustainable designer looks for ways to change practices and make the methods affordable.

I realize this is confusing now and stressful but it can be great.  Prepare our ideas for critique in India and be ready to move based on the feedback we get after the trip.

Happy to talk if needed.  Remember you don't need the answers now.  The questions are more important.

Prof. Oakes

William Oakes, PE
Director, EPICS Program
Prof., Engineering Education

EPICS Program
Armstrong Hall of Engineering
701 W. Stadium Avenue
West Lafayette, IN   47907-2045

Email: oakes at purdue.edu<mailto:oakes at purdue.edu>
Mobile: 765-418-8029,
office: 765-494-3892,
Fax: 765-494-0052

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