[Epics-india] EPICS Awards and Delivery Shirts

Pierce, Andrew L pierce1 at purdue.edu
Wed Apr 12 14:45:23 EDT 2017

Hi Students,

1.       Your team must submit your delivery checklists by the end of business hours this Friday to receive a delivery t-shirt at the awards open house.

2.       You are all strongly encouraged to attend the awards open house on Monday, April 17 from 4:30-5:30 pm in the Kurz atrium in ARMS. There will be cookies, coffee, and punch served. We are really looking forward to this opportunity to celebrate your successes.

3.       The dress code for the open house is business casual.

Good luck with design reviews next week!

Andrew Pierce
EPICS Academic Administrator
Neil Armstrong Hall of Engineering - Room 1209
701 West Stadium Avenue
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2045
Email: pierce1 at purdue.edu<mailto:pierce1 at purdue.edu>
Phone: (765) 414-2107

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