[Embrio-list] Today's All-hands Session at 3pm ET

Ladd, Brent Thomas laddb at purdue.edu
Mon Feb 26 11:11:29 EST 2024

Dear EMBRIO Members,

Our all-hands session this afternoon at 3 has been slated as an overall State of the Institute session. We'll also have a short presentation from SLC President, David Gazzo, and we'll cover upcoming Institute events and deadlines, with time for questions/discussions.

See you there!

Brent T. Ladd, Senior Research Program Manager, EMBRIO Institute<https://www.purdue.edu/research/embrio/>
Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering, Purdue University
Office: Hall for Discovery Learning and Research, Ste. 203
207 S. Martin Jischke Drive
West Lafayette, IN 47907
laddb at purdue.edu

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