[Embrio-list] Reminder: EMBRIO Institute’s Annual Retreat RSVP and Requested Info

Ladd, Brent Thomas laddb at purdue.edu
Fri Jun 16 10:30:00 EDT 2023


EMBRIO Institute’s Annual Retreat will be held July 13th and 14th  at Purdue University in the Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering. If you have not yet done so, please do complete the 2-minute RSVP poll<https://purdue.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_1HcnKhD5uxVQIbs> regarding your attendance at the Retreat so that we can best plan the event (the survey also asks about additional training for Fall semester):

Calling your attention to a few items to prepare for in advance:

A)    Sessions will be dedicated to each of the four thrust areas, with each Thrust co-Lead giving a 25-30 minute talk with time following each for discussion. Biological Thrust Project Leads are asked to coordinate with CORE and other investigators with whom you are collaborating and have them co-present with you (e.g. 2-4 slides describing the CORE integration and results to date). This approach of having integrated talks will be of important benefit to many members in understanding the direct context and connections of the integrated research efforts. As we did last year, students and postdocs are encouraged to be involved in the presentations. Biology Thrust Project Leads – please let me know by June 23rd who will all be presenting for your project.

B)   There are also CORE investigators and other EMBRIO members who may still be in early stages of developing their approaches and are not yet solidified in the biology thrust collaborations. For these situations, CORE investigators (and others newly joined) please contact me (laddb at purdue.edu<mailto:laddb at purdue.edu>)  regarding which Thrust area that you (and/or your trainee) can present a lightning talk (5 - 10 min).

C)     We ask all EMBRIO graduate students to present a poster on July 13th during an afternoon dedicated poster session (postdocs are welcome to present posters as well). Posters can be from a recent conference but must acknowledge the NSF award #2120200. Students, please work with your respective departments to print your poster in advance in a 36” x 48” formatted size to bring with you on the 13th . Submit by email a citation that includes authors (last names, first initials.), year, title, and a PDF abstract (one page or less) to me (laddb at purdue.edu<mailto:laddb at purdue.edu>) by July 3. Access the EMBRIO Institute poster template<https://app.box.com/s/im7el2oa12jca3cfubdth6b9obhhonye>.

D)    There will be an opportunity for REU SURF affiliated students to present either a poster or a lightning talk, aligned with what format they’ve chosen to present at the SURF Symposium later in July.

E)     Best Paper and Best Scientific Figure. At this year’s retreat, we will honor graduate students in these two categories. Please see the attached document for details! Deadline to submit is June 22nd .


For those traveling to Purdue, we will have a block of rooms available near campus – details will be shared soon. Parking passes for visitors to Purdue will be available with prior request. Currently plan for an all day retreat on the 13th starting by 9am, and ½ day through lunch on the 14th (optional afternoon activities may be offered).

More details and full retreat schedule will be shared soon!

Brent T. Ladd, Senior Research Program Manager, EMBRIO Institute<https://www.purdue.edu/research/embrio/>
Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering
Purdue University
laddb at purdue.edu

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