[Embrio-list] EMBRIO All-Hands Retreat Feedback Survey

Ladd, Brent Thomas laddb at purdue.edu
Wed Jul 19 14:44:52 EDT 2023

Dear EMBRO Community,

It was great to see so many of us together in person last week at the annual retreat! We are gathering everyone's feedback and input on the retreat so that we can improve the next All-Hands meeting, and future events.

Please take a few minutes to provide your feedback and thoughts. The survey is optional; however we hope you will complete it. Your input helps us to accurately report our progress and outcomes to our funder, The National Science Foundation.

Annual Retreat Feedback Survey:

Thank you,

Brent T. Ladd, Senior Research Program Manager, EMBRIO Institute<https://www.purdue.edu/research/embrio/>
Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering
Purdue University
Office: Hall for Discovery Learning and Research
207 S. Martin Jischke Drive
West Lafayette, IN 47907
laddb at purdue.edu

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