[Embrio-list] New EMBRIO Journal Club: “Calcium Imaging Techniques”

Perez Rosas, Norma Citlalcue nperezro at purdue.edu
Wed Jan 25 11:16:51 EST 2023

Dear EMBRIO members,

Due to the need within our EMBRIO community to process and analyze Ca2+ Images, David Umulis proposed to discuss papers regarding methods and tools for analyzing calcium imaging as part of a new journal club. The goal is to write a review paper about these techniques and methods.

In order for the community to join the discussion, here I am sending you a link to when2meet. To set a time when most of the members can join the discussion, please let me know your availability through that link.


We will discuss the following papers:


Students and postdocs, please select a paper you want to discuss and let me know your selection. I will add your name to this Google Sheet in order that the community knows the rotation.


The presenter will prepare a presentation of the paper and lead the discussion during the meeting for about 1 hour.

Since the goal is to write a review paper, I’d like to get every presenter to write a short 2-3 sentence summary, and I will add your text in the summary column of the spreadsheet.

On Google Sheets, you will also find a worksheet tab called “Tool Attribute Table”, the aim is to fill out that table through the discussion as a basis for the writing process. We can discuss the structure and the content of the Table in our meetings.

Also, if you want to add an additional paper to the list, please let me know.

We are planning to start the journal club in February, then please let me know your availability and selection ASAP.



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