[Embrio-list] Zoom link for the Ca2+ Imaging Techniques Journal Club

Zhang, Weiwei zhan2190 at purdue.edu
Mon Feb 27 11:10:31 EST 2023

Hi everyone,

Just a quick reminder that for any EMBRIO members who wish to join the new journal club "Calcium Imaging Techniques" at 11 AM today, please use this Zoom link:

We have noticed that a Microsoft Team link was also sent out in the calendar invitation and please do not join through that link. We are sorry for the confusion!


Weiwei Zhang, PhD
Plant Cell Biologist, Staiger Lab
Department of Botany and Plant Pathology
Purdue University
201 S. University St.
West Lafayette, IN 47907

Phone: 765-494-4945
zhan2190 at purdue.edu<mailto:zhan2190 at purdue.edu>

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