[Embrio-list] Log your committee members and mentor relationships by Friday

Ladd, Brent Thomas laddb at purdue.edu
Wed Feb 22 13:48:58 EST 2023

urgent request: please submit by end of this Friday.

In preparation for our NSF site visit* taking place next Friday, we want to capture the network of mentoring in EMBRIO. For example, dual mentorship of trainees is one of the enabling components of interdisciplinarity in our NSF proposal and we need to show how we are doing at this stage.

To this end, graduate students and postdocs, please view the Google spreadsheet link below to log your committee members and/or advisors on the first tab "Student Committees/Postdoc Advisors".

For Everyone in the Institute, if you've mentored another EMBRIO member, please log this in the second tab "Mentoring Others" (this can be any permutation e.g. faculty to faculty, student to student, postdoc to student, so forth)


This data will be used to construct a network graph highlighting our mentorship efforts and to track our overall progress in this regard.

You will also see a column in both tabs asking for a direct URL link to your profile photo (should have a .jpg, .png. or some image file type at end of URL). This will be used to represent you in the network graph, as well as on our Institute website.

Thanks for your attention to this request!!

*many of you may not have participated in an NSF site visit previously. The purpose of this is for a team from NSF to ask us questions regarding our integration efforts in terms of progress, plans, challenges. They will use our answers to assess how we are doing as a BII, and provide some recommendations for improvement.

Brent T. Ladd, Senior Research Program Manager, EMBRIO Institute<https://www.purdue.edu/research/embrio/>
Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering
Purdue University
laddb at purdue.edu

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