[Embrio-list] Today's Weekly Update: Grants Writing Session 3 Students and Postdocs Only

Ladd, Brent Thomas laddb at purdue.edu
Mon Feb 20 09:14:27 EST 2023

Dear EMBRIO Students and Postdocs,

A reminder that today's Weekly Update is dedicated to session 3 of the Grants Writing development for students and postdocs only using the regularly scheduled Weekly Update time 3pm ET and zoom link.

February 20th : Students present draft Aims page for Peer-Feedback (Jazzmin Owens and Peter Brumm share their aims pages)

Session 3: Demystifying the Craft of Developing an Aims Page

Monday, February 20, 2023, 3pm ET

Zoom link:


Instructions for Session 3:

  1.  Review one or both Jazzmin’s and Peter’s Aims pages available on the Box account folder here: https://app.box.com/s/8ajo994qt51m14rzd3g3anj03ocjfcvq


  1.  Using different shades of color coding, highlight the following key components for unmarked aims pages:
     *   What is the problem?
     *   What has been done already to address the problem?
     *   What is the gap that remains?
     *   How do you propose to address this gap?


  1.  Small Groups/Volunteers:  Share what you identified for each section. Orally state the hypothesis. Is it clearly testable?


  1.  In 1-2 sentences describe the importance and impact of the work and any other feedback* for Jazzmin and/or Peter.

*Guidelines for providing critiques/feedback:

  *   Make sure to highlight strengths
  *   Offer specific critiques WITH suggestions for improvements
     *   e.g.  avoid saying something is unclear or vague.  In what way is it unclear or vague?  How could it be improved?
  *   Critique the product, not the person
     *   e.g. 'I am unsure of what X means in the gap statement' is better than 'I don't know what you mean when you wrote X in the gap statement
  *   Consider providing feedback with the 'compliment sandwich'  (i.e. complement then a constructive critique followed by another complement)
     *   e.g. I like the way that X was stated and I think that Y is really strong.  I was unsure about A and B and you might consider doing Z to strengthen those.  Overall, great draft and exciting work!

Brent T. Ladd, Senior Research Program Manager, EMBRIO Institute<https://www.purdue.edu/research/embrio/>
Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering
Purdue University
laddb at purdue.edu

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