[Embrio-list] End of Week Announcements: See draft data sharing policy for comments

Ladd, Brent Thomas laddb at purdue.edu
Fri Dec 8 12:40:29 EST 2023

Dear EMBRIOphytes,

Data Sharing Policy for EMBRIO
The Leadership team has been working on a data sharing policy for the Institute, drawing on the expertise of seasoned data managers and with other Institutes that have implemented such policies. A draft Data Sharing Policy<https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fapp.box.com%2Fs%2Fun4td0uoh4sykjs34s4naiehd6tshnqz&data=05%7C02%7Cembrio-list%40ecn.purdue.edu%7C6d9d7601805340e13d7d08dbf814c52b%7C4130bd397c53419cb1e58758d6d63f21%7C0%7C0%7C638376540311657152%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=YFLY8S4SI%2BYgLgkkj8hzBl1IIAD2pRb%2BuN%2FbYVCSgU4%3D&reserved=0> for EMBRIO has been designed to promote transparency, collaboration, and responsible data management within our research community.  Please review the draft policy and provide comments by end of the year, either publicly associated with the online draft or your comments can be sent to me via email (laddb at purdue.edu). Ratifying a data sharing policy is a critical first step in an overall data management plan. Thanks in advance for everyone reading and commenting on this draft policy.

Our next Institute seminar will take place January 8th, 3pm ET with an update from Thrust 4 leads and collaborators. The scheduling poll revealed no one requesting a different day or time, so we will march forward with Mondays at 3-4pm. We will stick with a "biweekly" schedule to the extent possible, with each month featuring an update from one of the research thrusts, along with guest speakers, ABIDES topic, and possible trainee topic sessions. Look for a calendar invite from me today with the series and zoom link. Note that due to university holidays, institute events, and speaker availability, it won't be a consistent biweekly schedule. with constraints of Outlook, the series invitation will initially include all weeks next semester, then I will "delete" the non-meeting occurrences from the calendar series.

Mark your calendar for the NSF BII conference January 22-23. Calendar invite forthcoming from NSF with Zoom link. This year’s conference will be in a hybrid format, with most attending via zoom, and a smaller team in person at NSF headquarters. View the draft agenda<https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fapp.box.com%2Fs%2Flrip7a41s5ijnfk9my055m36ka808au5&data=05%7C02%7Cembrio-list%40ecn.purdue.edu%7C6d9d7601805340e13d7d08dbf814c52b%7C4130bd397c53419cb1e58758d6d63f21%7C0%7C0%7C638376540311657152%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=BKwqsQG6ynNCYzgOl7CN8SX76XnRJYL9n5z3%2FT%2FnDCU%3D&reserved=0>.

Final newsletter of the year will go out next Wednesday, December 13th. If you have any news or announcements you would like included please get those to me by next Tuesday.

Wishing you all a good weekend, and smooth sailing with end of the semester, and if I don't see you again until January enjoy the holidays!!!

Brent T. Ladd, Senior Research Program Manager, EMBRIO Institute<https://www.purdue.edu/research/embrio/>
Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering, Purdue University
Office: Hall for Discovery Learning and Research, Ste. 203
207 S. Martin Jischke Drive
West Lafayette, IN 47907
laddb at purdue.edu

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