[Embrio-list] NSF BII Annual Meeting Oct. 18-19

Brent T Ladd laddb at purdue.edu
Mon Oct 17 12:09:55 EDT 2022

EMBRIO Community,

The NSF BII virtual meeting starts tomorrow morning. Our Institute is one of a dozen BIIs that will participate.

For any and all members interested, I'm attaching the final NSF BII agenda with Zoom link, along with a guide for accessing the "Gather Town" system that will be used for the poster session and several other topics. Please take note of ideas and insights you think can help EMBRIO, as we would like to capture these following the meeting.

Those who have already signed up to represent our Institute will receive additional information directly from the NSF organizers later today.


Brent T. Ladd, Senior Research Program Manager, EMBRIO Institute<https://www.purdue.edu/research/embrio/>
Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering
Purdue University
laddb at purdue.edu

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