[Embrio-list] EMBRIO Newsletter submissions - by Friday noon

Brent T Ladd laddb at purdue.edu
Mon Aug 15 15:14:30 EDT 2022

Submit your items for inclusion in the EMBRIO Newsletter by this Friday, noon to Brent (laddb at purdue.edu<mailto:laddb at purdue.edu> with subject line: EMBRIO news items).

Examples include relevant training and professional development workshops, seminars, conferences, awards, publications, trainee dissertation titles and defense dates, recruitment/openings, tools and resources, and other pertinent news or announcements that our EMBRIO community should know about!


Brent T. Ladd, MS
Senior Research Program Manager, EMBRIO Institute<https://www.purdue.edu/research/embrio/>
Director of Education & Diversity, Center for Science of Information<http://www.soihub.org/>
Purdue University
laddb at purdue.edu

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