[eletter] eletter 362

Jianghai Hu jianghai.hu at gmail.com
Tue Oct 2 17:41:27 EDT 2018

E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing
Issue 362
October 2018

Jianghai Hu
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Purdue University
465 Northwestern Ave.
West Lafayette, IN, 47907
Tel: +1 (765) 4962395
Fax: +1 (765) 4943371

Welcome to the 362 issue of the E-letter, available electronically at
together with its pdf version

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And, as always, search for .** to navigate to the next item in the Eletter.

The next E-letter will be mailed out at the beginning of November 2018.


1. IEEE CSS Headlines
1.1 CFP: CSS Outreach Fund
1.2 IEEE Control Systems Society Technically Cosponsored Conferences
1.3 IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
1.4 IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems
1.5 IEEE Control Systems Letters
1.6 IEEE Control Systems Society Publications Content Digest

2. Award
2.1 European Control Award: Call for Nomination

3. Online Seminar
3.1 Online Seminar by Dr. Francesco Bullo

4. Books
4.1 Logical Foundations of Cyber-Physical Systems
4.2 Handbook of Model Predictive Control
4.3 Distributed Averaging and Balancing in Network Systems with
Applications to Coordination and Control
4.4 A Brief Introduction to Machine Learning for Engineers
4.5 Smart Grid Control
4.6 Intelligent Control of Connected Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles

5. Journals
5.1 Contents: Automatica
5.2 Contents: Systems & Control Letters
5.3 Contents: Nonlinear Studies
5.4 Contents: Mathematics in Engineering, Science and Aerospace
5.5 Contents: IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information
5.6 Contents: Asian Journal of Control
5.7 Contents: International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer
5.8 Contents: IET Control Theory & Applications
5.9 Contents: International Journal of Control
5.10 Contents: Control Engineering Practice
5.11 Contents: Mechatronics
5.12 Contents: Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
5.13 Contents: ISA Transactions
5.14 Contents: Journal of the Franklin Institute
5.15 Contents: IFAC Journal of Systems and Control
5.16 Contents: Evolution Equations & Control Theory
5.17 Contents: International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems
5.18 Contents: TWMS Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
5.19 CFP: Annual Reviews in Control

6. Conferences
6.1 IFAC Conference on Cyber-Physical & Human Systems
6.2 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference
6.3 Symposium on Machine Learning for Dynamical Systems
6.4 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems
6.5 IEEE International Conference on Control & Automation
6.6 SIAM Conference on Control Theory and its Applications
6.7 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems
6.8 Conference on Decision and Game Theory for Security
6.9 SICC International Tutorial Workshop “Topics in Nonlinear Dynamics”
6.10 International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems
6.11 IEEE Colombian Conference on Automatic Control 2019
6.12 IEEE Workshop on Cyber-Physical Networking
6.13 CDC Workshop on “Secure and Resilient Control Systems”
6.14 CDC Workshop on “Traffic Flow Control via PDE Techniques”
6.15 CDC Workshop on “Learning for Control”
6.16 ACC Invited Session on “Human-Closed Loop System Interactions for
Uncertain Systems”

7. Positions
7.1 MS/PhD: Clemson University, USA
7.2 PhD: University of Lübeck, Germany
7.3 PhD: Tsinghua University, China
7.4 PhD: ETH Zurich and Lucerne Kantonsspital, Switzerland
7.5 PhD: Stevens Institute of Technology, USA
7.6 PhD: University of Houston, USA
7.7 PhD: Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
7.8 PhD: Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
7.9 PhD: George Washington University, USA
7.10 PhD: International Max Planck Research School for Intelligent Systems,
Stuttgart/Tübingen, Germany
7.11 PhD: Lund University, Sweden
7.12 PhD/PostDoc: Politecnico di Torino, Italy and New York University, USA
7.13 PostDoc: Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
7.14 PostDoc: Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
7.15 PostDoc: Huazhong University of Science & Technology, China
7.16 PostDoc: Harvard Unviersity, USA
7.17 PostDoc: National Taiwan University, Taiwan
7.18 PostDoc: Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
7.19 PostDoc: University of California Irvine, USA
7.20 PostDoc: University of Melbourne, Australia
7.21 PostDoc: University of British Columbia, Canada
7.22 PostDoc: University of Houston, USA
7.23 PostDoc: University College Dublin, Ireland
7.24 PostDoc: Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
7.25 PostDoc: Lehigh University, USA
7.26 Research Fellow: University of Hull, UK
7.27 Research Group Leader: University of Stuttgart, Germany
7.28 Research Scientist: French German Research Institute of Saint-Louis,
7.29 Faculty: University of Vermont, USA
7.30 Faculty: Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
7.31 Faculty: University of Pennsylvania, USA
7.32 Faculty: Syracuse University, USA
7.33 Faculty: Northeastern University, USA
7.34 Faculty: Stanford University, USA
7.35 Faculty: Virginia Tech, USA
7.36 Faculty: University of Houston, USA
7.37 Faculty: University of Texas at San Antonio, USA

1. IEEE CSS Headlines

1.1. CFP: CSS Outreach Fund
Contributed by: Daniel E. Rivera, daniel.rivera at asu.edu

The IEEE Control Systems Society (CSS) Outreach Fund provides grants for
projects that will benefit CSS members and the controls community in
general.  Since its inception in 2011, the Fund has made over 60 grants on
behalf of a diverse group of CSS member-led activities.

The CSS Outreach Task Force is pleased to announce that the window for
proposal submission for its 2018 fall solicitation will be held from
November 1 to 23, 2018. Information regarding the program, which includes
proposal requirements and descriptions of current and past funded projects,
can be found in:


Potential applicants are encouraged to watch a 10-minute video describing
the CSS Outreach Fund that is available from IEEE.tv:


Inquiries, notices of intent, and requests for application materials must
be made directly to Daniel E. Rivera, Outreach Task Force Chair, at
daniel.rivera at asu.edu.

1.2. IEEE Control Systems Society Technically Cosponsored Conferences
Contributed by: Luca Zaccarian, CSS AE Conferences, zaccarian at laas.fr

The following items have been recently included in the list of events
technically cosponsored by the IEEE Control Systems Society:

 - 12th Asian Control Conference (ASCC). Fukuoka, Japan. Jun 9 - Jun 12,
2019. http://www.ascc2019.org/

 - 31st Chinese Control and Decision Conference (2019 CCDC). Nanchang,
China. Jun 3 - Jun 5, 2019. http://www.ccdc.neu.edu.cn/

 - 56th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and
Computing. Monticello (IL), United States. Oct 2 - Oct 5, 2018.

 - 18th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS
2018). PyeongChang, South Korea. Oct 17 - Oct 20, 2018.

 - 2nd IFAC Conference on Cyber-Physical and Human Systems. Miami (FL),
United States. Dec 14 - Dec 15, 2018. http://www.cphs2018.org/

For a full listing of CSS technically cosponsored conferences, please visit
http://ieeecss.org/conferences/technically-cosponsored and for a list of
the upcoming and past CSS main conferences please visit

1.3. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
Contributed by: Alessandro Astolfi, ieeetac at imperial.ac.uk

Table of Contents
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
Volume 63 (2018), Issue 9 (September)

- Scanning the Issue, p. 2753


- Passivity-Based Design for Event-Triggered Networked Control Systems,
Arash Rahnama, Meng Xia, Panos J. Antsaklis, p. 2755
- Time-Inconsistent Mean-Field Stochastic LQ Problem: Open-Loop
Time-Consistent Control, Yuan-Hua Ni, Ji-Feng Zhang, Miroslav Krstic, p.
- Infinite Time Horizon Maximum Causal Entropy Inverse Reinforcement
Learning, Zhengyuan Zhou, Michael Bloem, Nicholas Bambos, p. 2787
- Decentralized Supervisory Control of Networks of Nonlinear Control
Systems, Giordano Pola, Pierdomenico Pepe, M. Domenica Di Benedetto, p. 2803
- Numerical Optimal Control with Periodicity Constraints in the Presence of
Invariants, Sebastien Gros, Mario Zanon, p. 2818
- A Distributed Algorithm for Computing a Common Fixed Point of a Finite
Family of Paracontractions, Daniel Fullmer, A. Stephen Morse, p. 2833
- Gaussian Process Quadrature Moment Transform, Jakub Prüher, Ondrej
Straka, p. 2844
- Tracking a Diffusing Three-Dimensional Source via Nonholonomic Extremum
Seeking, Trevor Ashley, Sean B. Andersson, p. 2855
- Stochastic Optimization in a Cumulative Prospect Theory Framework, Cheng
Jie, Prashanth L.A., Michael C. Fu, Steven Marcus, Csaba Szepesvári, p. 2867
- Coalitional Control for Self-Organizing Agents, Filiberto Fele, Ezequiel
Debada, J.M. Maestre, Eduardo F. Camacho, p. 2883
- Dynamic Models of Appraisal Networks Explaining Collective Learning,
Wenjun Mei, Noah E. Friedkin, Kyle Lewis, Francesco Bullo, p. 2898
- Optimal Computing Budget Allocation to Select the Non-dominated Systems -
a Large Deviations Perspective, Juxin Li, Weizhi Liu, Giulia Pedrielli, Loo
Hay Lee, Ek Peng Chew, p. 2913
- Global Adaptive Stabilization and Tracking Control for High-Order
Stochastic Nonlinear Systems with Time-Varying Delays, Lingrong Xue,
Tianliang Zhang, Weihai Zhang, Xue-Jun Xie, p. 2928
- Navigation Functions for Convex Potentials in a Space with Convex
Obstacles, Santiago Paternain, Daniel E. Koditschek, Alejandro Ribeiro, p.
- The Structured Distance to the Nearest System Without Property P, Scott
C. Johnson, Mark Wicks, Milos Zefran, Raymond A. DeCarlo, p. 2960
- Enhancing Output-feedback MPC with Set-valued Moving Horizon Estimation,
Florian David Brunner, Matthias A. Muller, Frank Allgöwer, p. 2976

Technical Notes and Correspondence

- Control Design Using Passivation for Stability and Performance, Meng Xia,
Arash Rahnama, Shige Wang, Panos J. Antsaklis, p. 2987
- Control Strategies for Non-zero Set-point Regulation of Linear Impulsive
Systems, Pablo S. Rivadeneira, Antonio Ferramosca, Alejandro H. González,
p. 2994
- Stochastic Feedback Based Kalman Filter for Nonlinear Continuous-Discrete
Systems, Jiaolong Wang, Jihe Wang, Dexin Zhang, Xiaowei Shao, p. 3002
- Passive Controller Realization of a Biquadratic Impedance with Double
Poles and Zeros as a Seven-Element Series-Parallel Network for Effective
Mechanical Control, Kai Wang, Michael Z. Q. Chen, Chanying Li, Guanrong
Chen, p. 3010
- Image-Based Position Control of Mobile Robots with a Completely Unknown
Fixed Camera, Xinwu Liang, Hesheng Wang, Yun Hui Liu, Weidong Chen, Z.
Jing, p. 3016
- Estimation of Nonlinear Dynamic Systems over Communication Channels,
Vahideh Sanjaroon, Alireza Farhadi, Abolfazl Seyed Motahari, Babak H.
Khalaj, p. 3024
- Denial-of-Service Power Dispatch against Linear Quadratic Control via a
Fading Channel, Heng Zhang, Wei Xing Zheng, p. 3032
- On the Linear Quadratic Problem for Systems with Time Reversed Markov
Jump Parameters and the Duality with Filtering of Markov Jump Linear
Systems, Daniel A. Gutierrez-Pachas, Eduardo F. Costa, p. 3040
- On the Whittle Index for Restless Multi-armed Hidden Markov Bandits,
Rahul Meshram, D Manjunath, Aditya Gopalan, p. 3046
- Optimal and Robust Sampled-Data Control of Markov Jump Linear Systems: a
Differential LMI Approach, Gabriela W. Gabriel, Tiago R. Gonçalves, Jose C.
Geromel, p. 3054
- Sliding Mode Based Differentiation and Filtering, Arie Levant, Xinghuo
Yu, p. 3061
- Quasi-Continuous MIMO Sliding-Mode Control, Arie Levant, Boris Shustin,
p. 3068
- Input Design for Kernel-Based System Identification from the Viewpoint of
Frequency Response, Yusuke Fujimoto, Ichiro Maruta, Toshiharu Sugie, p. 3075
- Stability Analysis for Continuous-Time Switched Systems with Stochastic
Switching Signals, Xiaotai Wu, Yang Tang, Jinde Cao, Xuerong Mao, p. 3083
- Gradient-Based Myopic Allocation Policy: An Efficient Sampling Procedure
in a Low-Confidence Scenario, Yijie Peng, Chun-Hung Chen, Michael C. Fu,
Jian-Qiang Hu, p. 3091
- Switching Stochastic Nonlinear Systems with Application to an Automotive
Throttle, Alessandro N. Vargas, Eduardo F. Costa, Leonardo Acho, Joao B.R.
do Val, p. 3098
- Neumann Boundary Stabilization of One-Dimensional Linear Parabolic
Systems With Input Delay, Hideki Sano, p. 3105
- Optimal Steering of a Linear Stochastic System to a Final Probability
Distribution, Part III, Yongxin Chen, Tryphon T. Georgiou, Michele Pavon,
p. 3112
- Stability Analysis of Optimal Adaptive Control using Value Iteration with
Approximation Errors, Ali Heydari, p. 3119
- Simulation Budget Allocation for Selecting the Top-m Designs with Input
Uncertainty, Hui Xiao, Siyang Gao, p. 3127
- Approximate Value Iteration for Risk-aware Markov Decision Processes,
Pengqian Yu, William B. Haskell, Huan Xu, p. 3135
- On Homogeneous Finite-Time Control for Linear Evolution Equation in
Hilbert Space, Andrey Polyakov, Jean-michel Coron, Lionel Rosier, p. 3143
- A Flow-Network Based Polynomial-Time Approximation Algorithm for the
Minimum Constrained Input Structural Controllability Problem, Shana
Moothedath, Prasanna Chaporkar, Madhu N. Belur, p. 3151
- Competitive Interaction Design of Cooperative Systems Against Attacks,
Azwirman Gusrialdi, Zhihua Qu, Marwan A. Simaan, p. 3159
- Quantized Feedback Stabilization of Nonlinear Systems with External
Disturbance, Wei Ren, Junlin Xiong, p. 3167
- Generalization of Gao’s Reaching Law for Higher Relative Degree Sliding
Variables, Andrzej Bartoszewicz, Pawel Latosinski, p. 3173
- A Linearized Stability Theorem for Nonlinear Delay Fractional
Differential Equations, Tuan Hoang The, Hieu Trinh, p. 3180
- On the Necessity of LMI-based Design Conditions for Discrete Time LPV
Filters, Amit Pandey, Mauricio de Oliveira, p. 3187

1.4. IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems
Contributed by: Maureen Stanton, stanton at bu.edu

IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems
Volume 5 (2018), Issue 3 (September)

Table of Contents

- Translational and Rotational Invariance in Networked Dynamical Systems,
C.-I. Vasile, M. Schwager, and C. Belta, p. 822
- Pricing for the Optimal Coordination of Opportunistic Agents, O.
Dalkilic, A. Eryilmaz, and X. Lin, p. 833
- Detection Against Linear Deception Attacks on Multi-Sensor Remote State
Estimation, Y. Li, L. Shi, and T. Chen, p. 846
- Controllability of Dynamic-Edge Multi-Agent Systems, Y. Wang, J. Xiang,
Y. Li, and M. Z. Q. Chen, p. 857
- Distributed Enforcement of Phase-Cohesiveness for Frequency Control of
Islanded Inverter-Based Microgrids, M. Zholbaryssov and A. D.
Domínguez-García, p. 868
- Finite-Time Distributed Averaging Over Gossip-Constrained Ring Networks,
A. Falsone, K. Margellos, S. Garatti, and M. Prandini, p. 879
- Networked State Estimation With Delayed and Irregularly Spaced
Time-Stamped Observations, B. Yan, H. Lev-Ari, and A. M. Stanković, p. 888
- Network-Based Analysis of Small-Disturbance Angle Stability of Power
Systems, Y. Song, D. J. Hill, and T. Liu, p. 901
- Independent Log-Linear Learning in Potential Games With Continuous
Actions, T. Tatarenko, p. 913
- Centrality Measures in Linear Consensus Networks With Structured Network
Uncertainties, M. Siami, S. Bolouki, B. Bamieh, and N. Motee, p. 924
- A Distributed, Asynchronous, and Incremental Algorithm for Nonconvex
Optimization: An ADMM Approach, M. Hong, p. 935
- Stable Wireless Network Control Under Service Constraints, M. Kasparick
and G. Wunder, p. 946
- Distributed Stopping for Average Consensus in Digraphs, N. E. Manitara
and C. N. Hadjicostis, p. 957
- Scaling the Kalman Filter for Large-Scale Traffic Estimation, Y. Sun and
D. B. Work, p. 968
- A Jamming-Resilient Algorithm for Self-Triggered Network Coordination, D.
Senejohnny, P. Tesi, and C. De Persis, p. 981
- Likelihood Ratio-Based Scheduler for Secure Detection in Cyber Physical
Systems, J.-Y. Ding, K. You, S. Song, and C. Wu, p. 991
- Compositional Abstraction for Networks of Control Systems: A
Dissipativity Approach, M. Zamani and M. Arcak, p. 1003
- Energy-Optimal Pump Scheduling and Water Flow, D. Fooladivanda and J. A.
Taylor, p. 1016
- Diffusing Private Data Over Networks, F. Koufogiannis and G. J. Pappas,
p. 1027
- I-CSMA: A Link-Scheduling Algorithm for Wireless Networks Based on Ising
Model, Y. Wang and Y. Xia, p. 1038
- Novel Homotopy Theory for Nonlinear Networks and Systems and Its
Applications to Electrical Grids, H.-D. Chiang and T. Wang, p. 1051
- Structure Learning in Power Distribution Networks, D. Deka, S. Backhaus,
and M. Chertkov, p. 1061
- Topology Design for Stochastically Forced Consensus Networks, S.
Hassan-Moghaddam and M. R. Jovanović, p. 1075
- Multiperiod Network Rate Allocation With End-to-End Delay Constraints, M.
H. Hajiesmaili, M. S. Talebi, and A. Khonsari, p. 1087
- Mechanism Design for Resource Allocation in Networks With Intergroup
Competition and Intragroup Sharing, A. Sinha and A. Anastasopoulos, p. 1098
- A Tool for Stability and Power-Sharing Analysis of a Generalized Class of
Droop Controllers for High-Voltage Direct-Current Transmission Systems, D.
Zonetti, R. Ortega, and J. Schiffer, p. 1110,
- Adaptive Reliable Coordination Control for Linear Agent Networks With
Intermittent Communication Constraints, X. Wang and C.-H. Yang, p. 1120
- Evaluating the Effects of Real Power Losses in Optimal Power Flow-Based
Storage Integration, A. Castillo and D. F. Gayme, p. 1132
- Control Analysis and Design for Statistical Models of Spiking Networks,
A. Nandi, M. M. Kafashan, and S. Ching, p. 1146
- Optimal Attack Strategies Subject to Detection Constraints Against
Cyber-Physical Systems, Y. Chen, S. Kar, and J. M. F. Moura, p. 1157
- Adaptive Consensus in Leader-Following Networks of Heterogeneous Linear
Systems, F. Xiao and T. Chen, p. 1169
- On (Non)Supermodularity of Average Control Energy, A. Olshevsky, p. 1177
- Discrete-Time Distributed Extremum-Seeking Control Over Networks With
Unstable Dynamics, I. Vandermeulen, M. Guay, and P. J. McLellan, p. 1182
- Conic Relaxations for Power System State Estimation With Line
Measurements, Y. Zhang, R. Madani, and J. Lavaei, p. 1193
- On Maximizing Sensor Network Lifetime by Energy Balancing, R. Du, L.
Gkatzikis, C. Fischione, and M. Xiao, p. 1206
- Resilient First-Order Consensus and Weakly Stable, Higher Order
Synchronization of Continuous-Time Networked Multiagent Systems, H. J.
LeBlanc and X. Koutsoukos, p. 1219
- Distributed Optimal Load Frequency Control with Non-Passive Dynamics, S.
Trip and C. De Persis, p. 1232
- Harnessing Smoothness to Accelerate Distributed Optimization, G. Qu and
N. Li, p. 1245
- Characterization of Cutsets in Networks With Application to Transient
Stability Analysis of Power Systems, Y. Song, D. J. Hill, and T. Liu, p.
- Optimal Control of Linear Systems With Limited Control Actions:
Threshold-Based Event-Triggered Control, B. Demirel, E. Ghadimi, D. E.
Quevedo, and M. Johansson, p. 1275
- Detecting Topology Variations in Networks of Linear Dynamical Systems, G.
Battistelli and P. Tesi, p. 1287
- Distributed Integer Weight Balancing in the Presence of Time Delays in
Directed Graphs, A. I. Rikos and C. N. Hadjicostis, p. 1300
- Secure State Estimation and Control for Cyber Security of the Nonlinear
Power Systems, Q. Hu, D. Fooladivanda, Y. H. Chang, and C. J. Tomlin, p.
- Epidemic Processes Over Time-Varying Networks, P. E. Paré, C. L. Beck,
and A. Nedić, p. 1322
- Event-Driven Trajectory Optimization for Data Harvesting in Multiagent
Systems, Y. Khazaeni and C. G. Cassandras, p. 1335
- Proportionally Fair Resource Allocation in Multirate WLANs, J. P.
Champati and P. Chaporkar, p. 1349
- A Theory of Solvability for Lossless Power Flow Equations—Part I:
Fixed-Point Power Flow, J. W. Simpson-Porco, p. 1361
- A Theory of Solvability for Lossless Power Flow Equations—Part II:
Conditions for Radial Networks, J. W. Simpson-Porco, p. 1373
- Consistent Dynamic Event-Triggered Policies for Linear Quadratic Control,
D. J. Antunes and B. A. Khashooei, p. 1386
- Distributed Control of Vehicle Strings Under Finite-Time and Safety
Specifications, P. Tallapragada and J. Cortés, p. 1399
- Stochastic Distributed Predictive Tracking Control for Networks of
Autonomous Systems With Coupling Constraints, M. Farina and S. Misiano, p.
- Analyzing and Quantifying the Effect of k-Line Failures in Power Grids,
S. Soltan, A. Loh, and G. Zussman, p. 1424
- An Adaptive Switched Control Approach to Heterogeneous Platooning With
Intervehicle Communication Losses, Y. A. Harfouch, S. Yuan, and S. Baldi,
p. 1434
- Impact of Hostile Interference on Wireless Link Connectivity, G. D.
Nguyen, S. Kompella, C. Kam, J. E. Wieselthier, and A. Ephremides, p. 1445
- Consensus Error Calculation for Multiagent Systems With Both System and
Measurement Noises, Z. Wang and H. Zhang, p. 1457
- Online Distributed Voltage Stress Minimization by Optimal Feedback
Reactive Power Control, M. Todescato, J. W. Simpson-Porco, F. Dörfler, R.
Carli, and F. Bullo, p. 1467
- Robustness of DC Networks With Controllable Link Weights, Q. Ba and K.
Savla, p. 1479
- On 3-D Formation Control With Mismatched Coordinates, Z. Meng, B. D. O.
Anderson, and S. Hirche, p. 1492
- CORRECTIONS, Corrections to “On Submodularity and Controllability in
Complex Dynamical Networks”, T. H. Summers, F. L. Cortesi, and J. Lygeros,
p. 1503

1.5. IEEE Control Systems Letters
Contributed by: Francesca Bettini, bettini at dei.unipd.it

Table of Contents
IEEE Control Systems Letters
Volume 2 (2018), Issue 4 (October)


- A Distributed Iterative Algorithm for Multi-Agent MILPs: Finite-Time
Feasibility and Performance Characterization, A. Falsone, K. Margellos, and
M. Prandini - p. 563
- Practical Sample-and-Hold Stabilization of Nonlinear Systems Under
Approximate Optimizers, P. Osinenko, L. Beckenbach, and S. Streif - p. 569
- Empirical Detection of Time Scales in LTI Systems using Sparse
Optimization Techniques, V. S. Pinnamaraju and A. K. Tangirala - p. 575
- Improving Scenario Decomposition for Multistage MPC Using a
Sensitivity-Based Path-Following Algorithm, D. Krishnamoorthy, E.
Suwartadi, B. Foss, S. Skogestad, and J. Jäschke - p. 581
- Distributed Kalman Filtering Over Sensor Networks with Unknown Random
Link Failures, S. Battilotti, F. Cacace, M. d’Angelo, and A. Germani - p.
- Marketing Resource Allocation in Duopolies Over Social Networks, V. S.
Varma, I.-C. Mor˘arescu, S. Lasaulce, and S. Martin - p. 593
- A Global Optimal Solution to the Eco-Driving Problem, G. P. Padilla, S.
Weiland, and M. C. F. Donkers - p. 599
- New Haar-Based Algorithms for Stability Analysis of LPV Systems, P. T.
Bandeira, P. C. Pellanda, and L. O. de Araújo - p. 605
- Sample-Based SMPC for Tracking Control of Fixed-Wing UAV, M. Mammarella,
E. Capello, F. Dabbene, and G. Guglieri - p. 611
- A Class of Hybrid Velocity Observers for Angular Measurements with Jumps,
M. Brentari, P. Bosetti, and L. Zaccarian - p. 617
- Visual Area Coverage by Heterogeneous Aerial Agents Under Imprecise
Localization, M. Tzes, S. Papatheodorou, and A. Tzes - p. 623
- On the Efficiency of Nash Equilibria in Aggregative Charging Games, D.
Paccagnan, F. Parise, and J. Lygeros - p. 629
- Trajectory Tracking on Complex Networks with Non-Identical Chaotic Nodes
via Inverse Optimal Pinning Control, C. J. Vega, E. N. Sanchez, and G. Chen
- p. 635
- Solving Stochastic LQR Problems by Polynomial Chaos, T. Levajkovi´c, H.
Mena, and L.-M. Pfurtscheller - p. 641
- Outlier-Robust Estimation of Uncertain-Input Systems with Applications to
Nonparametric FIR and Hammerstein Models, R. S. Risuleo and H. Hjalmarsson
- p. 647
- Synchronization of Networks of Piecewise-Smooth Systems, M. Coraggio, P.
DeLellis, S. J. Hogan, and M. di Bernardo - p. 653
- Identification of Sparse Reciprocal Graphical Models, D. Alpago, M.
Zorzi, and A. Ferrante - p. 659
- Control-Theoretical and Topological Analysis of Covariance Intersection
Based Distributed Kalman Filter, T.-K. Chang and A. Mehta - p. 665
- Modeling Hydraulic Networks for Control: How to Deal With Consumption?,
S. Kaltenbacher, M. Steinberger, and M. Horn - p. 671
- H∞-Optimal Parallel Feedforward Control Using Minimum Gain, R. J. Caverly
and J. R. Forbes - p. 677
- Identifiability of Undirected Dynamical Networks: A Graph-Theoretic
Approach, H. J. van Waarde, P. Tesi, and M. K. Camlibel - p. 683
- Graph Algorithms for Topology Identification Using Power Grid Probing, G.
Cavraro and V. Kekatos - p. 689
- On the Existence of Stable Real nth-Order Transfer Functions With Desired
Phase at n Frequencies, V. K. Singh and V. Natarajan - p. 695
- Static Output-Feedback Incentive Stackelberg Game for Discrete-Time
Markov Jump Linear Stochastic Systems with External Disturbance, H.
Mukaidani, H. Xu, and V. Dragan - p. 701
- Hybrid Framework for Consensus in Directed and Asynchronous Network of
Non-Holonomic Agents, T. Borzone, I.-C. Mor˘arescu, M. Jungers, M. Boc, and
C. Janneteau - p. 707
- Kernel-Based Impulse Response Estimation with a Priori Knowledge on the
DC Gain, Y. Fujimoto and T. Sugie - p. 713
- Wide-Area Damping Control for Interarea Oscillations in Power Grids Based
on PMU Measurements, I. Zenelis and X. Wang - p. 719
- Containability with Event-Based Sampling for Scalar Systems with
Time-Varying Delay and Uncertainty, S. Linsenmayer, H. Ishii, and F.
Allgöwer - p. 725
- Regularization and Feedback Passivation in Cooperative Control of
Passivity-Short Systems: A Network Optimization Perspective, A. Jain, M.
Sharf, and D. Zelazo - p. 731
- DEEPCAS: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Algorithm for Control-Aware
Scheduling, B. Demirel, A. Ramaswamy, D. E. Quevedo, and H. Karl - p. 737
- Derivative-Free Optimization Algorithms Based on Non-Commutative Maps, J.
Feiling, A. Zeller, and C. Ebenbauer - p. 743
- A Switched Systems Framework for Path Following with Intermittent State
Feedback, H.-Y. Chen, Z. I. Bell, P. Deptula, and W. E. Dixon - p. 749
- Contraction and Robustness of Continuous Time Primal-Dual Dynamics, H. D.
Nguyen, T. L. Vu, K. Turitsyn, and J.-J. Slotine - p. 755
- Sampled-Data Reachability Analysis Using Sensitivity and
Mixed-Monotonicity, P.-J. Meyer, S. Coogan, and M. Arcak - p. 761
- On Guaranteed Capture in Multi-Player Reach-Avoid Games via Coverage
Control, P. Rivera-Ortiz and Y. Diaz-Mercado - p. 767
- Stability Analysis of Nonlinear Repetitive Control Schemes, F. Califano,
M. Bin, A. Macchelli, and C. Melchiorri - p. 773
- Distributed Actuator Selection: Achieving Optimality via a Primal-Dual
Algorithm, L. Romao, K. Margellos, and A. Papachristodoulou - p. 779
- Sliding Mode Based Dynamic State Estimation for Synchronous Generators in
Power Systems, G. Rinaldi, P. P. Menon, C. Edwards, and A. Ferrara - p. 785
- Generic Existence of Unique Lagrange Multipliers in AC Optimal Power
Flow, A. Hauswirth, S. Bolognani, G. Hug, and F. Dörfler - p. 791
- Characterization of Ultimate Bounds for Systems with State-Dependent
Disturbances, S. Olaru and H. Ito - p. 797
- A Robustness Measure of Transient Stability Under Operational Constraints
in Power Systems, L. Aolaritei, D. Lee, T. L. Vu, and K. Turitsyn - p. 803
- Constrained Ulam Dynamic Mode Decomposition: Approximation of the
Perron-Frobenius Operator for Deterministic and Stochastic Systems, D.
Goswami, E. Thackray, and D. A. Paley - p. 809
- Privacy Verification and Enforcement via Belief Abstraction, B. Wu and H.
Lin - p. 815
- Actuator Placement for Symmetric Structural Controllability with
Heterogeneous Costs, O. Romero and S. Pequito - p. 821
- On Avoiding the Effect of Non-Minimum Phase Zeros Over the
Signal-to-Noise Ratio Limitation, M. Derpich and A. J. Rojas - p. 827
- On Global Optimization for Informative Path Planning, P. Boström-Rost, D.
Axehill and G. Hendeby - p. 833
- A Scalable Model-Based Learning Algorithm with Application to UAVs, X.
Liang, M. Zheng, and F. Zhang - p. 839
- Exponential Hidden Markov Models for H∞ Control of Jumping Systems, F.
Stadtmann and O. L. V. Costa - p. 845

1.6. IEEE Control Systems Society Publications Content Digest
Contributed by: Kaiwen Chen, kaiwen.chen16 at imperial.ac.uk

The IEEE Control Systems Society Publications Content Digest is a novel and
convenient guide that helps readers keep track of the latest published

The CSS Publications Content Digest, available at
http://ieeecss.org/publications-content-digest provides lists of current
tables of contents of the periodicals sponsored by the Control Systems

Each issue offers readers a rapid means to survey and access the latest
peer-reviewed papers of the IEEE Control Systems Society. We also include
links to the Society’s sponsored Conferences to give readers a preview of
upcoming meetings.

2. Award

2.1. European Control Award: Call for Nomination
Contributed by: Paul Goulart, paul.goulart at eng.ox.ac.uk

The “European Control Award (ECA)” is to recognize outstanding
contributions by a young researcher in the area of systems and control. The
award is sponsored by the European Control Association (EUCA), and will be
presented during the annual European Control Conference. The recipient will
give a plenary lecture during the final day of the ECC. Details of this
award and the nomination procedure can be found at

We encourage you to identify and to promote potential candidates for the
European Control Award 2019, before November 30th 2018.

3. Online Seminar

3.1. Online Seminar by Dr. Francesco Bullo
Contributed by: Tansel Yucelen, yucelen at usf.edu

Online Seminar by Dr. Francesco Bullo - 12:00 PM Eastern Time, October 19,
2018 (Friday)

University of South Florida Forum on Robotics & Control Engineering (USF
FoRCE, http://force.eng.usf.edu/) will host Dr. Francesco Bullo (University
of California, Santa Barbara) on October 19, 2018 at 12:00 PM Eastern Time.
Specifically, Dr. Bullo will give an online seminar titled "Perspectives on
the History, Sociology, and Mathematics of Influence Systems" (abstract and
biography of the speaker are included below). We hope that you will make
plans to participate on this free online seminar. Here is the WebEx
information needed to connect to this online seminar:

WebEx direct link:

WebEx indirect link:
(use 623 812 420 for the meeting number and FY3zJ2fw for the password)

WebEx phone link:
+1-510-338-9438 USA Toll
(global call-in numbers:

The mission of the USF FoRCE is simple: Provide free, high-quality outreach
events and online seminars to reach broader robotics and control
engineering communities around the globe. To support our mission, we
periodically invite distinguished lecturers to the USF FoRCE to give talks
on recent research and/or education results related to robotics and control
engineering. As a consequence, the USF FoRCE aims in connecting
academicians and government/industry researchers/practitioners with each
other through crosscutting basic and applied research and education
discussions. We cordially hope that you will enjoy the USF FoRCE events and
find them highly-valuable to your own research and education interests.

Visit http://force.eng.usf.edu/ for more information and to access
previously recorded events. For any questions, email the USF FoRCE
director, Dr. Tansel Yucelen (yucelen at usf.edu).

Title: Perspectives on the History, Sociology, and Mathematics of Influence
Systems (Dr. Francesco Bullo, 12:00 PM Eastern Time, October 19, 2018)

Abstract: This talk will present models for the evolution of opinions,
interpersonal influences, and social power in a group of individuals. I
will present empirical data and mathematical models for the opinion
formation process in deliberative groups, including concepts of self-weight
and social power. I will then focus on groups who discuss and form opinions
along sequences of judgmental, intellective, and resource allocation
issues. I will show how the natural dynamical evolution of interpersonal
influence structures is shaped by the psychological phenomenon of reflected
appraisal. Multi-agent models and analysis results are grounded in
influence networks from mathematical sociology, replicator dynamics from
evolutionary games, and transactive memory systems from organization
science. (Joint work with: Noah E. Friedkin, Peng Jia, and Ge Chen)

Biography: Francesco Bullo is a Professor with the Mechanical Engineering
Department and the Center for Control, Dynamical Systems and Computation at
the University of California, Santa Barbara. He was previously associated
with the University of Padova (Laurea degree in Electrical Engineering,
1994), the California Institute of Technology (Ph.D. degree in Control and
Dynamical Systems, 1999), and the University of Illinois. His research
interests focus on network systems and distributed control with application
to robotic coordination, power grids and social networks. He is the
coauthor of “Geometric Control of Mechanical Systems” (Springer, 2004) and
“Distributed Control of Robotic Networks” (Princeton, 2009); his “Lectures
on Network Systems” (CreateSpace, 2018) is available on his website. He
received best paper awards for his work in IEEE Control Systems,
Automatica, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, IEEE Transactions on
Circuits and Systems, and IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems.
He is a Fellow of IEEE and IFAC. He has served on the editorial boards of
IEEE, SIAM, and ESAIM journals, and is serving as 2018 IEEE CSS President.

4. Books

4.1. Logical Foundations of Cyber-Physical Systems
Contributed by: Andre Platzer, aplatzer at cs.cmu.edu

Logical Foundations of Cyber-Physical Systems

Andre Platzer.
Logical Foundations of Cyber-Physical Systems.
Springer, 2018. 659 pages.
ISBN 978-3-319-63587-3. $49.99/€


Cyber-physical systems (CPSs) combine cyber capabilities, such as
computation or communication, with physical capabilities, such as motion or
other physical processes. Cars, aircraft, and robots are prime examples,
because they move physically in space in a way that is determined by
discrete computerized control algorithms. Designing these algorithms is
challenging due to their tight coupling with physical behavior, while it is
vital that these algorithms be correct because we rely on them for
safety-critical tasks.

This textbook teaches undergraduate students the core principles behind
CPSs. It shows them how to develop models and controls; identify safety
specifications and critical properties; reason rigorously about CPS models;
leverage multi-dynamical systems compositionality to tame CPS complexity;
verify CPS models of appropriate scale in logic; and develop an intuition
for operational effects.

The book is supported with homework exercises, lecture videos, and slides.


1. Cyber-Physical Systems: Overview

Part I - Elementary Cyber-Physical Systems
2. Differential Equations & Domains
3. Choice & Control
4. Safety & Contracts
5. Dynamical Systems & Dynamic Axioms
6. Truth & Proof
7. Control Loops & Invariants
8. Events & Responses
9. Reactions & Delays

Part II - Differential Equations Analysis
10. Differential Equations & Differential Invariants
11. Differential Equations & Proofs
12. Ghosts & Differential Ghosts
13. Differential Invariants & Proof Theory

Part III - Adversarial Cyber-Physical Systems
14. Hybrid Systems & Games
15. Winning Strategies & Regions
16. Winning & Proving Hybrid Games
17. Game Proofs & Separations

Part IV - Comprehensive CPS Correctness
18. Axioms & Uniform Substitutions
19. Verified Models & Verified Runtime Validation
20. Virtual Substitution & Real Equations
21. Virtual Substitution & Real Arithmetic

4.2. Handbook of Model Predictive Control
Contributed by: Sasa V. Rakovic, sasa.v.rakovic at gmail.com

We are very pleased to announce that the Handbook of Model Predictive
Control, edited by Sasa V. Rakovic and William S. Levine, is now available
from Springer.

The following is a link to the Springer’s website for the handbook, which
contains detailed information about the book.


4.3. Distributed Averaging and Balancing in Network Systems with
Applications to Coordination and Control
Contributed by: Tanya Capawana, tanya.capawana at nowpublishers.com

Foundations and Trends in Systems and Control:
Distributed Averaging and Balancing in Network Systems: with Applications
to Coordination and Control
By: Christoforos N. Hadjicostis (University of Cyprus, Cyprus), Alejandro
D. Domínguez-García (University of Illinois, USA) and Themistokis
Charalambous (Aalto Universityt, Finland)

This monograph focuses on the key operations of distributed average
consensus and weight/flow balancing under a variety of communication
topologies and adversarial network conditions such as delays and packet
drops. Divided into two parts, Theory and Applications, it first provides
the reader with thorough grounding into the theory underpinning the
research before discussing two applications in detail. Namely, the
coordination of distributed energy resources and the computation of
PageRank values.

1. Introduction
Part I. Theory
2. Preliminaries
3. Distributed Asymptotic Average Consensus
4. Distributed Finite-Time Average Consensus
5. Distributed Weight Balancing
Part II. Applications
6. Coordination of Distributed Energy Resources
7. The PageRank Problem

4.4. A Brief Introduction to Machine Learning for Engineers
Contributed by: Tanya Capawana, tanya.capawana at nowpublishers.com

Foundations and Trends in Signal Processing:
A Brief Introduction to Machine Learning for Engineers
By: Osvaldo Simeone (King’s College London, UK)

There is a wealth of literature and books available to engineers starting
to understand what machine learning is and how it can be used in their
everyday work. This presents the problem of where the engineer should
start. The answer is often “for a general, but slightly outdated
introduction, read this book; for a detailed survey of methods based on
probabilistic models, check this reference; to learn about statistical
learning, this text is useful” and so on. This monograph provides the
starting point to the literature that every engineer new to machine
learning needs. It offers a basic and compact reference that describes key
ideas and principles in simple terms and within a unified treatment,
encompassing recent developments and pointers to the literature for further

I. Basics
1. Introduction
2. A Gentle Introduction through Linear Regression
3. Probabilistic Models for Learning
II. Supervised Learning
4. Classification
5. Statistical Learning Theory
II. Unsupervised Learning
6. Unsupervised Learning
IV. Advanced Modelling and Inference
7. Probabilistic Graphical Models
8. Approximate Inference and Learning
V. Conclusions
9. Concluding Remarks

4.5. Smart Grid Control
Contributed by: Oliver Jackson, oliver.jackson at springer.com

Title: Smart Grid Control
Subtitle: Overview and Research Opportunities
Editors: Stoustrup, J., Annaswamy, A., Chakrabortty, A., Qu, Z. (Eds.)
ISBN: 978-3-319-98309-7
Hardcover: $149.99/€119,99
268 pages,
October 2018, Springer

This book focuses on the role of systems and control. Focusing on the
current and future development of smart grids in the generation and
transmission of energy, it provides an overview of the smart grid control
landscape, and the potential impact of the various investigations presented
has for technical aspects of power generation and distribution as well as
for human and economic concerns such as pricing, consumption and demand
A tutorial exposition is provided in each chapter, describing the
opportunities and challenges that lie ahead. Topics in these chapters
include: wide-area control; issues of estimation and integration at the
transmission; distribution, consumers, and demand management; and
cyber-physical security for smart grid control systems. The contributors
describe the problems involved with each topic, and what impact these
problems would have if not solved.
The tutorial components and the opportunities and challenges detailed make
this book ideal for anyone interested in new paradigms for modernized,
smart power grids, and anyone in a field where control is applied. More
specifically, it is a valuable resource for students studying smart grid
control, and for researchers and academics wishing to extend their
knowledge of the topic.


Part I Electricity Markets
Electricity Markets in the United States: A Brief History, Current
Operations, and Trends
Some Emerging Challenges in Electricity Markets
Incentivizing Market and Control for Ancillary Services in Dynamic Power
Long-Term Challenges for Future Electricity Markets with Distributed Energy

Part II Distributed Control for DER Integration
Distributed control of power grids
Virtual Energy Storage from Flexible Loads: Distributed Control with QoS
Distributed Design of Smart Grids for Large-Scalability and Evolution
Smart Grid Control: Opportunities and Research Challenges: A Decentralized
Stochastic Control Approach

Part III Wide-area Control using Real-time Data
Wide-Area Communication and Control: A Cyber-Physical Perspective
Research Challenges for Design and Implementation of Wide-Area Control
Signal Processing in Smart Grids: from Data to Reliable Information
WAMS Based Controlled System Separation to Mitigate Cascading Failures in
Smart Grid

Part IV Cyber-physical Security
Smart Grid Security: Attacks and Defenses
Multi-Layer Cyber-Physical Security and Resilience for Smart Grid
Cyber Security for Power System State Estimation
Challenges and Opportunities: Cyber-Physical Security in the Smart Grid
Towards Resilient Operation of Smart Grid

4.6. Intelligent Control of Connected Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles
Contributed by: Oliver Jackson, oliver.jackson at springer.com

Title: Intelligent Control of Connected Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles
Authors: Taghavipour, A., Vajedi, M., Azad, N.L.
ISBN: 978-3-030-00313-5
Hardcover: $169.99/€139,99
212 pages,
October 2018, Springer
URL: https://www.springer.com/us/book/9783030003135
Intelligent Control of Connected Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles presents
the development of real-time intelligent control systems for plug-in hybrid
electric vehicles, which involves control-oriented modelling, controller
design, and performance evaluation. The controllers outlined in the book
take advantage of advances in vehicle communications technologies, such as
global positioning systems, intelligent transportation systems, geographic
information systems, and other on-board sensors, in order to provide
look-ahead trip data. The book contains simple and efficient models and
fast optimization algorithms for the devised controllers to address the
challenge of real-time implementation in the design of complex control
Using the look-ahead trip information, the authors of the book propose
intelligent optimal model-based control systems to minimize the total
energy cost, for both grid-derived electricity and fuel. The multilayer
intelligent control system proposed consists of trip planning, an
ecological cruise controller, and a route-based energy management system.
An algorithm that is designed to take advantage of previewed trip
information to optimize battery depletion profiles is presented in the
book. Different control strategies are compared and ways in which
connecting vehicles via vehicle-to-vehicle communication can improve system
performance are detailed.
Intelligent Control of Connected Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles is a
useful source of information for postgraduate students and researchers in
academic institutions participating in automotive research activities.
Engineers and designers working in research and development for automotive
companies will also find this book of interest.


1 Introduction
1.1 Background; 1.2 Motivation and Challenges; 1.3 Objectives and Methods;
1.4 Book Organization; References
2 Related Work
2.1 Trip Planning; 2.2 HEV/PHEV Energy Management Strategies; 2.3 Cruise
Controller; 2.4 Summary; References
3 High-Fidelity Modeling of a Plug-in Hybrid Electric Powertrain
3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Toyota Prius Plug-in Hybrid Powertrain; 3.3
High-Fidelity Model in MapleSim; 3.4 Model Validation; 3.5 High-Fidelity
Model in Autonomie; 3.6 Summary; References
Part I: Energy Management Approach
4 Nonlinear Model Predictive Control
4.1 NMPC Energy Management Design; 4.2 Low-Level Controls Design; 4.3
Summary; References
5 Multi-parametric Predictive Control
5.1 eMPC Energy Management Strategy Design; 5.2 Energy Management
Polytopes; 5.3 Stability Notes; 5.4 eMPC Performance Simulation; 5.5 eMPC
Performance Benchmarking via HIL; 5.6 Summary; References
6 Control-Relevant Parameter Estimated Strategy
6.1 Control-Relevant Parameter Estimation (CRPE); 6.2 CRPE-eMPC Energy
Management Polytopes; 6.3 CRPE-eMPC Performance Simulation; 6.4 CRPE-eMPC
Performance Benchmarking via HIL; 6.5 Summary; References
Part II: Smart Ecological Supervisory Controls
7 Real-Time Trip Planning Module Development and Evaluation
7.1 Online Optimization Model; 7.2 Real-Time Optimization Procedure; 7.3
Benchmarking via MIL and HIL; 7.4 Summary; References
8 Route-Based Supervisory Controls
8.1 Optimum Energy Management Development; 8.2 MIL Testing; 8.3 Control
Prototyping via HIL; 8.4 Summary; References
9 Ecological Cruise Control
9.1 Control-Oriented Modeling; 9.2 Controls Design; 9.3 Results; 9.4 HIL
Testing Results; 9.5 Summary; References
10 Conclusions
10.1 Part I; 10.2 Part II; 10.3 Recommendations for Future Research

5. Journals

5.1. Contents: Automatica
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com

Vol. 97
November 2018

- Zohra Kader, Christophe Fiter, Laurentiu Hetel, Lotfi Belkoura,
Stabilization by a relay control using non-quadratic Lyapunov functions,
Pages 353-366
- John Maidens, Axel Barrau, Silvère Bonnabel, Murat Arcak, Symmetry
reduction for dynamic programming, Pages 367-375
- Karmvir Singh Phogat, Debasish Chatterjee, Ravi N. Banavar, A
discrete-time Pontryagin maximum principle on matrix Lie groups, Pages
- Alice Cleynen, Benoîte de Saporta, Change-point detection for piecewise
deterministic Markov processes, Pages 234-247
- Tao Yang, Yan Wan, Hong Wang, Zongli Lin, Global optimal consensus for
discrete-time multi-agent systems with bounded controls, Pages 182-185
- John Matthew Brewer, Panagiotis Tsiotras, Partial attitude
synchronization for networks of underactuated spacecraft, Pages 27-37
- Hidenori Shingin, Yoshito Ohta, Amplitude SNR limitation in control over
channels with bounded noise, Pages 286-291
- Jun Moon, Tamer Başar, Linear quadratic mean field Stackelberg
differential games, Pages 200-213
- Jun Hu, Zidong Wang, Huijun Gao, Joint state and fault estimation for
time-varying nonlinear systems with randomly occurring faults and sensor
saturations, Pages 150-160
- Ai-Guo Wu, Hui-Jie Sun, Ying Zhang, An SOR implicit iterative algorithm
for coupled Lyapunov equations, Pages 38-47
- Biqiang Mu, Tianshi Chen, On input design for regularized LTI system
identification: Power-constrained input, Pages 327-338
- Wassim M. Haddad, Tanmay Rajpurohit, Xu Jin, Energy-based feedback
control for stochastic port-controlled Hamiltonian systems, Pages 134-142
- Reza Sheikhbahaei, Aria Alasty, Gholamreza Vossoughi, Robust fault
tolerant explicit model predictive control, Pages 248-253
- Lilian Kawakami Carvalho, Yi-Chin Wu, Raymond Kwong, Stéphane Lafortune,
Detection and mitigation of classes of attacks in supervisory control
systems, Pages 121-133
- Daniel Jung, Erik Frisk, Residual selection for fault detection and
isolation using convex optimization, Pages 143-149
- Bin Zhou, Xuefei Yang, Global stabilization of discrete-time multiple
integrators with bounded and delayed feedback, Pages 306-315
- Sergio Grammatico, Comments on “Distributed robust adaptive equilibrium
computation for generalized convex games” [Automatica 63 (2016) 82–91],
Pages 186-188
- Kun Lin, Cheng Jie, Steven I. Marcus, Probabilistically distorted
risk-sensitive infinite-horizon dynamic programming, Pages 1-6
- Jung-Min Yang, Exact fault recovery for asynchronous sequential machines
with output bursts, Pages 115-120
- Ding Zhai, Liwei An, Jiuxiang Dong, Qingling Zhang, Output feedback
adaptive sensor failure compensation for a class of parametric strict
feedback systems, Pages 48-57
- Hongyi Li, Yueying Wang, Deyin Yao, Renquan Lu, A sliding mode approach
to stabilization of nonlinear Markovian jump singularly perturbed systems,
Pages 404-413
- Serhii Babenko, Michael Defoort, Mohamed Djemai, Serge Nicaise, On the
consensus tracking investigation for multi-agent systems on time scale via
matrix-valued Lyapunov functions, Pages 316-326
- Andrea Bisoffi, Fulvio Forni, Mauro Da Lio, Luca Zaccarian, Relay-based
hybrid control of minimal-order mechanical systems with applications, Pages
- Ti-Chung Lee, Weiguo Xia, Youfeng Su, Jie Huang, Exponential consensus of
discrete-time systems based on a novel Krasovskii–LaSalle theorem under
directed switching networks, Pages 189-199
- Guangchen Wang, Hua Xiao, Jie Xiong, A kind of LQ non-zero sum
differential game of backward stochastic differential equation with
asymmetric information, Pages 346-352
- Robin Ping Guan, Branko Ristic, Liuping Wang, Rob Evans, Monte Carlo
localisation of a mobile robot using a Doppler–Azimuth radar, Pages 161-166
- Maryam Sadeghi Reineh, Solmaz S. Kia, Faryar Jabbari, New anti-windup
structure for magnitude and rate limited inputs and peak-bounded
disturbances, Pages 301-305
- Salim Ibrir, Joint state and parameter estimation of non-linearly
parameterized discrete-time nonlinear systems, Pages 226-233
- He Kong, Salah Sukkarieh, Metamorphic moving horizon estimation, Pages
- Heng Wang, Shoudong Huang, Guanghong Yang, Gamini Dissanayake, Comparison
of two different objective functions in 2D point feature SLAM, Pages 172-181
- Pepijn Bastiaan Cox, Roland Tóth, Mihály Petreczky, Towards efficient
maximum likelihood estimation of LPV-SS models, Pages 392-403
- Nilanjan Roy Chowdhury, Srikant Sukumar, Debasish Chatterjee, A new
condition for asymptotic consensus over switching graphs, Pages 18-26
- Alexandros Nikou, Dimitris Boskos, Jana Tumova, Dimos V. Dimarogonas, On
the timed temporal logic planning of coupled multi-agent systems, Pages
- Sei Zhen Khong, Arjan van der Schaft, On the converse of the passivity
and small-gain theorems for input–output maps, Pages 58-63
- Mohamed Abdelmonim Hassan Darwish, Pepijn Bastiaan Cox, Ioannis
Proimadis, Gianluigi Pillonetto, Roland Tóth, Prediction-error
identification of LPV systems: A nonparametric Gaussian regression
approach, Pages 92-103
- Julian Barreiro-Gomez, Hamidou Tembine, Constrained evolutionary games by
using a mixture of imitation dynamics, Pages 254-262
- Jun Zheng, Guchuan Zhu, Input-to-state stability with respect to boundary
disturbances for a class of semi-linear parabolic equations, Pages 271-277
- Matteo Cocetti, Andrea Serrani, Luca Zaccarian, Linear output regulation
with dynamic optimization for uncertain linear over-actuated systems, Pages
- Hugo Lhachemi, David Saussié, Guchuan Zhu, Boundary feedback
stabilization of a flexible wing model under unsteady aerodynamic loads,
Pages 73-81
- Yong Xu, Jiu-Gang Dong, Renquan Lu, Lihua Xie, Stability of
continuous-time positive switched linear systems: A weak common copositive
Lyapunov functions approach, Pages 278-285
- Dong Shen, Jian-Xin Xu, Distributed learning consensus for heterogenous
high-order nonlinear multi-agent systems with output constraints, Pages
- Tianju Sui, Damián Edgardo Marelli, Minyue Fu, Renquan Lu, Accuracy
analysis for distributed weighted least-squares estimation in finite steps
and loopy networks, Pages 82-91
- Alexey A. Bobtsov, Anton A. Pyrkin, Romeo S. Ortega, Alexey A. Vedyakov,
A state observer for sensorless control of magnetic levitation systems,
Pages 263-270
- Yuzhe Li, Junfeng Wu, Tongwen Chen, Transmit power control and remote
state estimation with sensor networks: A Bayesian inference approach, Pages
- Saptarshi Bandyopadhyay, Soon-Jo Chung, Distributed Bayesian filtering
using logarithmic opinion pool for dynamic sensor networks, Pages 7-17

5.2. Contents: Systems & Control Letters
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com

Systems & Control Letters
Vol. 120
October 2018

- Xiaoquan Tang, Long Zhang, Xiuting Li, Bayesian augmented Lagrangian
algorithm for system identification, Pages 9-16
- Victor Ayala, Philippe Jouan, Singular linear systems on Lie groups;
equivalence, Pages 1-8
- Xinzhi Liu, Kexue Zhang, Stabilization of nonlinear time-delay systems:
Distributed-delay dependent impulsive control, Pages 17-22
- Ramin Esmzad, Reza Mahboobi Esfanjani, Modified likelihood Kalman filter
for systems with incomplete, delayed and lost measurements, Pages 23-28
- Wentao Tang, Prodromos Daoutidis, Distributed adaptive dynamic
programming for data-driven optimal control, Pages 36-43
- A.A. Malikopoulos, C.D. Charalambous, I. Tzortzis, The average cost of
Markov chains subject to total variation distance uncertainty, Pages 29-35

5.3. Contents: Nonlinear Studies
Contributed by: Seenith Sivasundaram, seenithi at gmail.com

Vol 25 No 3 (2018): Nonlinear Studies
Published: 2018-08-28

- Existence and inclusion for nonlocal elliptic boundary value problems,
Christoph Tietz, 475-487
- Intuitionistic fuzzy soft subhemiring of a hemiring, N. Anitha, J.
Venkatesan, 489-503
- A quenching problem of Kawarada's type for one dimensional Caputo
fractional reaction diffusion equation , Subhash Subedi, Aghalaya S
Vatsala, 505-519
- A delayed SEIR epidemic model with pulse vaccination and treatment,
Mahmoud H DarAssi, Mohammad Safi, Bashir Al-Hdaibat, 521-534
- Study of a symbiotic system with disease and delay, Kusumika Kundu, Sudip
Samanta, Pijush Panday, Nikhil Pal, Q. J. A. Khan, Joydev Chattopadhyay,
- Some variants of two basic hybrid fixed point theorems of Krasnoselskii
and Dhage with applications, Bapurao C. Dhage, 559-573
- Alternative food of intermediate predator control chaos-conclusion drawn
from a tri-trophic food chain, Binayak Nath, Krishna Pada Das, 575-589
- Exact controllability of nonlocal stochastic neutral impulsive
differential equations , R Nirmalkumar, R. Murugesu, 591-607
- Duality structure, asymptotic analysis and emergent fractal sets ,
Dhurjati Prasad Datta, Soma Sarkar, 609-640
- The improved HPM for analytical solution of fractional Schr\"{o}dinger
equation , Bahram Agheli, Rahmat Darzi, 641-652
- On paraquaternionic submersions of tangent bundle of order two ,Hichem El
Hendi, Belarbi Lakehal, 653-664
- Turing-Hopf bifurcation in Gauss-type model with cross diffusion and its
application , Ismail Boudjema, Salih Djilali, 665-687
- Gelfand-Philips and L-limited properties of order P on Banach spaces, M.
Alikhani, M. Fakhar, Jafar Zafarani, 689-700
- Existence results of weak solution to perturbed Kirchhoff type problems
for impulsive differential equations , F. Vahedi, G.A. Afrouzi, M.
Alimohammady, 701-717
- Linear differential equations with fast-growing coefficients in complex
plane, Mohamed Amine Zemirni, Benharrat Belaidi, 719-731

5.4. Contents: Mathematics in Engineering, Science and Aerospace
Contributed by: Seenith Sivasundaram, seenithi at gmail.com

Vol 9 No 3 (2018): Mathematics in Engineering, Science and Aerospace (MESA)
Published: 2018-08-28

- A unified linear bending/shear beam (spar) theory: From deterministic da
Vinci–Euler–Bernoulli elastic beams , Harry H. Hilton, 277-314
- New technique in asymptotic stability for third-order nonlinear delay
differential equations,Hocine Gabsi, Abdelouaheb Ardjouni, Ahcene Djoudi,
- Land-survey satellite guidance and attitude control during a scanning
stereoscopic imagery, Yevgeny Somov, Sergey Butyrin, 331-338
- A new fractional order modified hyperchaotic Pan system, Zetili Sihem,
Zehrour Okba, Diar Ahmed, 339-346
- Coordinate bending studies for univariate Schr\"odinger equation: Cubic
and inverse cubic bending functions, Metin Demiralp, 347-364
- Satellite attitude guidance and economical digital control during initial
modes, Tatyana Somova, 365-372
- Subharmonic and homoclinic solutions for a class of Hamiltonian Systems,
Khaled Khachnaoui, Mohsen Timoumi, 373-386
- Guidance, navigation and control of a free-flying robot during its
rendezvous with a passive space vehicle , Yevgeny Somov, Sergey Butyrin,
Sergey Somov, 387-396
- A general integrable probability density function with an arbitrary
number of open parameters, Harry H. Hilton, Ishan T. Karnik, 397-409

5.5. Contents: IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information
Contributed by: Charis Edworthy, charis.edworthy at oup.com

Contents, IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information 35:03

The Table of Contents below can be viewed at: http://bit.ly/2DioiSJ

- Urvashi Arora and N. Sukavanam, Controllability of retarded semilinear
fractional system with non-local conditions
- Gloria-Lilia Osorio-Gordillo, Mohamed Darouach, Latifa Boutat-Baddas, and
Carlos-Manuel Astorga-Zaragoza, H∞ dynamical observer-based control for
descriptor systems
- Mourad Kchaou and Magdi S. Mahmoud, Robust (Q,S,R)-γ-dissipative sliding
mode control for uncertain discrete-time descriptor systems with
time-varying delay
- A. Kulkarni and S. Purwar, Adaptive nonlinear gain based composite
nonlinear feedback controller with input saturation
- Zhongli You and JinRong Wang, On the exponential stability of nonlinear
delay systems with impulses
- Gabriel Rodrigues de Campos, Dimos V. Dimarogonas, Alexandre Seuret, and
Karl H. Johansson, Distributed control of compact formations for
multi-robot swarms
- Muhammad Imran and Abdul Ghafoor, Frequency weighted passivity preserving
model reduction technique
- Mohammed Amine Ghezzar, Djillali Bouagada, and Mohammed Chadli, Influence
of discretization step on positivity of a certain class of two-dimensional
continuous-discrete fractional linear systems
- Alexandre Seuret and Emilia Fridman, Wirtinger-like Lyapunov–Krasovskii
functionals for discrete-time delay systems
- Chaker Jammazi, Some results on finite-time stabilizability: application
to triangular control systems
- Nizar Hadj Taieb and Mohamed Ali Hammami, Some new results on the global
uniform asymptotic stability of time-varying dynamical systems
- Piotr Kulczycki, Małgorzata Charytanowicz, Piotr A. Kowalski, and Szymon
Łukasik, Identification of atypical (rare) elements—a conditional,
distribution-free approach
- Jian Liu and Xiaoe Ruan, Synchronous-substitution-type iterative learning
control for discrete-time networked control systems with Bernoulli-type
stochastic packet dropouts
- Yali Dong, Shuang Liang, Liangliang Guo, and Wenqin Wang, Exponential
stability and stabilization for uncertain discrete-time periodic systems
with time-varying delay
- Amin Jajarmi and Mojtaba Hajipour, An efficient iterative eigenvalue
decomposition approach for the optimal control of time-delay systems
- Hongyan Yu, Songtao Guo, Fei Wang, and Yang Yang, Dynamic time-delayed
feedback control of Westwood+ TCP flow control model with communication
- Wencheng Zou and Zhengrong Xiang, Containment control of fractional-order
nonlinear multi-agent systems under fixed topologies

5.6. Contents: Asian Journal of Control
Contributed by: Li-Chen Fu, lichen at ntu.edu.tw

Asian Journal of Control
Vol.20, No.5 September, 2018


[Regular Paper]
1. Switching Control of Acceleration and Safety Protection for Turbo Fan
Aero‐Engines Based on Equilibrium Manifold Expansion Model (Pages:
1689-1700), Chao Chen, Jun Zhao
2. A Control Architecture for Time‐Optimal Landing of a Quadrotor Onto a
Moving Platform (Pages: 1701-1712), Botao Hu, Lu Lu, Sandipan Mishra
3. Time‐Varying Stabilizers for Stochastic Systems with no Unforced
Dynamics (Pages: 1713-1719)
Author: Patrick Florchinger
4. Adaptive Nonlinear Control of Reduced‐Part three‐Phase Shunt Active
Power Filters (Pages: 1720-1733), Younes Abouelmahjoub, Fouad Giri,
Abdelmajid Abouloifa, Fatima‐Zahra Chaoui, Mohammed Kissaoui
5. Nonlinear Control Method for Nonlinear Systems with Unknown
Perturbations by Combining Left and Right Factorization (Pages: 1734-1744),
Fazhan Tao, Mingcong Deng
6. Motion Control of a Nonholonomic Mobile Manipulator in Task Space
(Pages: 1745-1754), Shengfeng Zhou, Yazhini C. Pradeep, Ming Zhu, Kendrick
Amezquita‐Semprun, Peter Chen
7. Robust Optimal Control of Nonlinear Systems With System Disturbance
During Feedback Disruption (Pages: 1755-1768), Sang‐Young Oh, Ho‐Lim Choi
8. The Qualitative Properties of Symmetric Open‐Loop Nash Equilibria in the
State‐Control Dynamic System in Differential Games (Pages: 1769-1781),
Shao‐Chieh Hsueh, Chen Ling
9. Singular Linear Quadratic Optimal Control Problem for Stochastic
Nonregular Descriptor Systems (Pages: 1782-1792), Xin Wang, Bin Liu
10. L1‐Gain Analysis and Control for Switched Positive Systems with Dwell
Time Constraint (Pages: 1793-1803), Jian Shen, Weiqun Wang
11. A new Wavelet Method for Variable‐Order Fractional Optimal Control
Problems (Pages: 1804-1817), Mohammad Hossein Heydari, Zakieh Avazzadeh
12. A Novel Robust Constraint Force Servo Control for Underactuated
Manipulator Systems: Fuzzy and Optimal (Pages: 1818-1838), Fangfang Dong,
Jiang Han, Ye‐Hwa Chen, Lian Xia
13. An Enhanced Coupling Nonlinear Tracking Controller for Underactuated 3D
Overhead Crane Systems (Pages: 1839-1854), Menghua Zhang, Xin Ma, Xuewen
Rong, Rui Song, Xincheng Tian, Yibin Li
14. Exponential Stability and Delayed Impulsive Stabilization of Hybrid
Impulsive Stochastic Functional Differential Systems (Pages: 1855-1868),
Dianqaing Li, Pei Cheng, Feiqi Deng
15. Stabilization of a Timoshenko Beam With Disturbance Observer‐Based Time
Varying Boundary Controls (Pages: 1869-1880), Dongyi Liu, Yining Chen,
Yingfeng Shang, Genqi Xu
16. A Piecewise Envelope Approach to H ∞ Control of Nonlinear Systems
(Pages: 1881-1890), Kai Liu, Jianghai Hu, Wenya Zhou, Jing Liu, Shangmin
17. Integrated 3‐D Flight Trajectory Tracking Control with Aerodynamic
Constraints on Attitude and control Surfaces (Pages: 1891-1906), Xueyuan
Wang, Hao Fang, Lihua Dou, Jie Chen, Bin Xin
18. New Saturated Delayed Control for a Chain of Integrators with Nonlinear
Terms (Pages: 1907-1916), Meng Li, Huawen Ye, Jianling Kang, Juan Zhang
19. Characterization of Stochastic Mean‐Field Type H_ Index (Pages:
1917-1927), Limin Ma, Yan Li, Tianliang Zhang
20. Event-Triggered Consensus of Nonlinear Multi‐Agent Systems with Unknown
External Disturbance (Pages: 1928-1937), Tao Dong, Aijuan Wang
21. Lyapunov Functional Approach to Stability Analysis of Riemann‐Liouville
Fractional Neural Networks with Time‐Varying Delays (Pages: 1938-1951), Hai
Zhang, Renyu Ye, Jinde Cao, Alsaedi Ahmed, Xiaodi Li, Ying Wan
22. Integrated Dynamics Control and Energy Efficiency Optimization for
Overactuated Electric Vehicles (Pages: 1952-1966), Boyuan Li, Haiping Du,
Weihua Li, Bangji Zhang
23. Integrated Translational and Rotational Control for the Final Approach
Phase of Rendezvous and Docking (Pages: 1967-1978), Han Yan, Shuping Tan,
Yongchun Xie
24. Fractional Order Synchronous Reluctance Motor: Analysis, Chaos Control
and FPGA Implementation (Pages: 1979-1993), Karthikeyan Rajagopal, Fahime
Nazarimehr, Anitha Karthikeyan, Ashokkumar Srinivasan, Sajad Jafari
25. Trajectory Controllability of Fractional Integro‐Differential Systems
in Hilbert Spaces (Pages: 1994-2004), Venkatesan Govindaraj, Raju K. George
26. On the Complexity of SOS Programming and Applications in Control
Systems (Pages: 2005-2013)
Author: Graziano Chesi
27. LMI‐Based Robust PID Controller Design for Voltage Control of Islanded
Microgrid (Pages: 2014-2025), Maniza Armin Priyo Nath Roy, Subroto K.
Sarkar, Sajal K. Das

[Brief Paper]
1. Boundary Control for a Flexible Inverted Pendulum System Based on a PDE
Model with Input Saturation (Pages: 2026-2033), Yawei Peng, Jinkun Liu
2. Robust Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine Based on
Passivity Theory (Pages: 2034-2041), Razvan Mocanu, Alexandru Onea
3. Control Design for Artificial Swarm Mechanical Systems: Dynamics,
Uncertainty, and Constraint (Pages: 2042-2050), Xiaomin Zhao, Ye‐Hwa Chen,
Han Zhao, Fangfang Dong

5.7. Contents: International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer
Contributed by: AMCS, amcs at uz.zgora.pl

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science (AMCS)
2018, Volume 28, Number 3 (September)
Regular issue


- Li W., Huang C. and Zhai G. Quadratic performance analysis of switched
affine time-varying systems 429
- Elloumi W., Mehdi D. and Chaabane M. Robust controlled positive delayed
systems with interval parameter uncertainties: A delay uniform
decomposition approach 441
- Kaczorek T. Stability of interval positive fractional discrete-time
linear systems 451
- Salcedo J.V., Martínez M., García-Nieto S. and Hilario A. BIBO
stabilisation of continuous-time Takagi–Sugeno systems under persistent
perturbations and input saturation 457
- Chabir K., Rhouma T., Keller J.Y. and Sauter D. State filtering for
networked control systems subject to switching disturbances 473
- Duleba I., Karcz-Duleba I. and Mielczarek A. A fast evaluation of initial
configurations in repeatable inverse kinematics for redundant manipulators
- Jafarzadeh H. and Fleming C.H. An exact geometry-based algorithm for path
planning 493
- Li D., Zhu J., Xu B., Lu M. and Li M. An ant-based filtering
random-finite-set approach to simultaneous localization and mapping 505
- Ajgl J. and Straka O. Fusion of multiple estimates by covariance
intersection: Why and how it is suboptimal 521
- Pancerz K. and Schumann A. Slime mould games based on rough set theory 531
- Leski J.M. and Kotas M.P. Linguistically defined clustering of data 545
- Jaworski M. Regression function and noise variance tracking methods for
data streams with concept drift 559
- Gurgul P., Jopek K., Pingali K. and Paszyńska A. Applications of a
hyper-graph grammar system in adaptive finite-element computations 569
- Fritzsche K. and Röbenack K. On hyper-regularity and unimodularity of Ore
polynomial matrices 583
- Barkalov A., Titarenko L. and Mielcarek K. Hardware reduction for
LUT-basedMealy FSMs 595

5.8. Contents: IET Control Theory & Applications
Contributed by: Alexandria Lipka, alipka at theiet.org

IET Control Theory & Applications
Volume 15
October 2018


- Dadong Tian, Shutang Liu, Yuangong Sun, Jianwei Xia, Reachable set
estimation for switched positive systems with mixed time-varying delays and
bounded disturbances, Pages 2003 –2009
- Kotaro Hashikura, Kazuki Namba, Akira Kojima, Periodic
constraint-tightening MPC for switched PV battery operation, Pages 2010
- Negin Sayyaf and Mohammad Saleh Tavazoei, Robust control for
time-fractional diffusion processes: application in temperature control of
an alpha silicon carbide cutting tool, Pages 2022 –2030
- Seyyed Ali Emami and Amin Rezaeizadeh, Adaptive model predictive
control-based attitude and trajectory tracking of a VTOL aircraft, Pages
2031 –2042
- Ruili Song, Boliang Lu, Quanxin Zhu, Stability of a class of neutral
stochastic functional differential equations with Markovian switching,
Pages 2043 –2054
- Shuzhen Yu, Zhiyong Yu, Haijun Jiang, Cheng Hu, Leader-following
guaranteed performance consensus for second-order multi-agent systems with
and without communication delays, Pages 2055 –2066
- Juan Deng, Lin Wang, Zhixin Liu, Xiaoming Hu, Coordination of multiple
rigid bodies under distance-induced interaction topologies, Pages 2067 –2075
- Zhiguo Han, Ke Zhang, Haipeng Liu, Actuator fault reconstruction based on
a robust adaptive observer, Pages 2076 –2087
- Hafiz Ahmed and Héctor Ríos, Experimental study of robust output-based
continuous sliding-modes controllers for Van der Pol oscillator, Pages 2088
- Huihui Ji, He Zhang, Baotong Cui, Finite-dimensional guaranteed cost
sampled-data fuzzy control of Markov jump distributed parameter systems via
T–S fuzzy model, Pages 2098 –2108
- Seyed Majid Smaeilzadeh and Mehdi Golestani, Finite-time fault-tolerant
adaptive robust control for a class of uncertain non-linear systems with
saturation constraints using integral backstepping approach, Pages 2109
- Jianliang Mao, Jun Yang, Shihua Li, Yunda Yan, Qi Li, Output
feedback-based sliding mode control for disturbed motion control systems
via a higher-order ESO approach, Pages 2118 –2126
- Xiangze Lin, Shuaiting Huang, Shihua Li, Yun Zou, Finite-time
stabilisation of switched linear input-delay systems via saturating
actuators, Pages 2127 –2137
- Xuhuan Xie, Shanbin Li, Bugong Xu, Output-based event-triggered control
for networked control systems: tradeoffs between resource utilisation and
robustness, Pages 2138 –2147
- Yao Han, Jinpeng Yu, Lin Zhao, Haisheng Yu, Chong Lin, Finite-time
adaptive fuzzy control for induction motors with input saturation based on
command filtering, Pages 2148 –2155
- Weixin Han, Zhenhua Wang, Yi Shen, Yipeng Liu, H−/L∞H−/L∞ fault detection
for linear discrete-time descriptor systems, Pages 2156 –2163

5.9. Contents: International Journal of Control
Contributed by: Bing Chu, b.chu at soton.ac.uk

International Journal of Control

Volume 91, Issue 10, 2018


- Synchronisation control of electric motors through adaptive disturbance
cancellation, Cristiano Maria Verrelli, Salvatore Pirozzi, Patrizio Tomei,
Ciro Natale, Stefano Bifaretti, Alessandro Lidozzi, Marco Tiberti & Danilo
Diaferia, pages: 2147-2158
- Adaptive finite-time stabilisation of high-order uncertain nonlinear
systems, Meng-Meng Jiang & Xue-Jun Xie, pages: 2159-2169
- Robust impedance control of robot manipulators using differential
equations as universal approximator, Alireza Izadbakhsh & Saeed
Khorashadizadeh, pages: 2170-2186
- Near-maximum principle for general recursive utility optimal control
problem, Shuzhen Yang, pages: 2187-2198
- Conversion of descriptor representations to state-space form: an
extension of the shuffle algorithm, Roberto Kawakami Harrop Galvão, Karl
Heinz Kienitz & Sillas Hadjiloucas, pages: 2199-2213
- H∞ control design for synchronisation of identical linear multi-agent
systems, Laura Dal Col, Sophie Tarbouriech & Luca Zaccarian, pages:
- Asymptotic behaviours of a class of threshold models for collective
action in social networks, Andrea Garulli & Antonio Giannitrapani, pages:
- Quantised polynomial filtering for nonlinear systems with missing
measurements, Yang Liu, Zidong Wang & D. H. Zhou, pages: 2250-2260
- Cluster-delay consensus in multi-agent systems via pinning
leader-following approach with intermittent effect, Da Huang, Haijun Jiang,
Zhiyong Yu & Xing Chen, pages: 2261-2272
- A unified theory for optimal feedforward torque control of anisotropic
synchronous machines, Hisham Eldeeb, Christoph M. Hackl, Lorenz Horlbeck &
Julian Kullick, pages: 2273-2302
- Inverse optimal adaptive backstepping control for spacecraft rendezvous
on elliptical orbits, Kun Li & Haibo Ji, pages: 2303-2313
- Stability limit of human-in-the-loop model reference adaptive control
architectures, Tansel Yucelen, Yildiray Yildiz, Rifat Sipahi, Ehsan Yousefi
& Nhan Nguyen, pages: 2314-2331
- A B-spline-based pseudo-inversion approach for constrained optimal output
transition, Leopoldo Jetto, Valentina Orsini & Raffaele Romagnoli, pages:
- H2 performance limitations for LTI discrete-time systems in the presence
of stochastic disturbance, Kui Zou, Xingyu Gou & Yanwei Ding, pages:
- Distributed dynamic lane reversal and rerouting for traffic delay
reduction, Evan Gravelle & Sonia Martínez, pages: 2355-2365
- Approximate controllability results for impulsive neutral differential
inclusions of Sobolev-type with infinite delay, V. Vijayakumar, pages:
- Nonlinear stochastic receding horizon control: stability, robustness and
Monte Carlo methods for control approximation, F. Bertoli & A. N. Bishop,
pages: 2387-2402

5.10. Contents: Control Engineering Practice
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com

Control Engineering Practice
Vol. 79
October 2018

- Wenkai Hu, Ahmad W. Al-Dabbagh, Tongwen Chen, Sirish L. Shah, Design of
visualization plots of industrial alarm and event data for enhanced alarm
management, Pages 50-64
- Minsung Kim, Precise tracking of highly nonlinear phase-shift full-bridge
series resonant inverter via iterative learning control, Pages 78-90
- Ramón Piedrafita, Diego Comín, José Ramón Beltrán, Simulink®
implementation and industrial test of Input Shaping techniques, Pages 1-21
- Mohammad Mousavi Anzehaee, Behzad Behnam, Payman Hajihosseini, Augmenting
ARMarkov-PFC predictive controller with PID-Type III to improve boost
converter operation, Pages 65-77
- Dazi Li, Ze Wang, Wenlong Yu, Quanshan Li, Qibing Jin, Application of
LADRC with stability region for a hydrotreating back-flushing process,
Pages 185-194
- Šandor Ileš, Jadranko Matuško, Fetah Kolonić, Sequential distributed
predictive control of a 3D tower crane, Pages 22-35
- Bo Yang, Tao Yu, Hongchun Shu, Dena Zhu, Na An, Yiyan Sang, Lin Jiang,
Perturbation observer based fractional-order sliding-mode controller for
MPPT of grid-connected PV inverters: Design and real-time implementation,
Pages 105-125
- C. Pomponi, S. Scalzi, L. Pasquale, C.M. Verrelli, R. Marino, Automatic
motor speed reference generators for cruise and lateral control of electric
vehicles with in-wheel motors, Pages 126-143
- Kang Song, Tianyuan Hao, Hui Xie, Disturbance rejection control of
air–fuel ratio with transport-delay in engines, Pages 36-49
- Hai-Bo Yuan, Hong-Cheol Na, Young-Bae Kim, Robust MPC–PIC force control
for an electro-hydraulic servo system with pure compressive elastic load,
Pages 170-184
- Chuan Yan, Huazhen Fang, Haiyang Chao, Energy-aware leader-follower
tracking control for electric-powered multi-agent systems, Pages 209-218
- Tianyu Ren, Yunfei Dong, Dan Wu, Ken Chen, Collision detection and
identification for robot manipulators based on extended state observer,
Pages 144-153
- Qinling Zheng, Zhan Ping, Simone Soares, Yu Hu, Zhiqiang Gao, An
optimized active disturbance rejection approach to fan control in server,
Pages 154-169
- Alejandro Merino, Luis Felipe Acebes, Raúl Alves, César de Prada, Real
Time Optimization for steam management in an evaporation section, Pages
- Juan S. Laverde, Mario A. Ríos, Damping electromechanical oscillations
using supplementary controls at VSC-HVDC stations based on reduced low
order models, Pages 195-208

Control Engineering Practice
Vol. 80
November 2018

- Cristiano Maria Verrelli, Emilio Lorenzani, Raffaele Fornari, Michele
Mengoni, Luca Zarri, Steady-state speed sensor fault detection in induction
motors with uncertain parameters: A matter of algebraic equations, Pages
- Stanislaw Wrona, Maria de Diego, Marek Pawelczyk, Shaping zones of quiet
in a large enclosure generated by an active noise control system, Pages 1-16
- J.F. Guerrero-Castellanos, H. Rifaï, V. Arnez-Paniagua, J.
Linares-Flores, L. Saynes-Torres, S. Mohammed, Robust Active Disturbance
Rejection Control via Control Lyapunov Functions: Application to
Actuated-Ankle–Foot-Orthosis, Pages 49-60
- Hamed Jabbari Asl, Tatsuo Narikiyo, Michihiro Kawanishi, Neural
network-based bounded control of robotic exoskeletons without velocity
measurements, Pages 94-104
- Daniel Jung, Kok Yew Ng, Erik Frisk, Mattias Krysander, Combining
model-based diagnosis and data-driven anomaly classifiers for fault
isolation, Pages 146-156
- Birgit Vogel-Heuser, Felix Ocker, Maintainability and evolvability of
control software in machine and plant manufacturing — An industrial survey,
Pages 157-173
- Alireza Alizadegan, Pan Zhao, Ryozo Nagamune, Mu Chiao, Robust H∞ control
of miniaturized optical image stabilizers against product variabilities,
Pages 70-82
- G. Lapouge, J. Troccaz, P. Poignet, Multi-rate unscented Kalman filtering
for pose and curvature estimation in 3D ultrasound-guided needle steering,
Pages 116-124
- Feng Jin, Jun Zhao, Zhongyang Han, Wei Wang, A joint scheduling method
for multiple byproduct gases in steel industry, Pages 174-184
- Roland Bálint, Attila Fodor, Katalin M. Hangos, Attila Magyar,
Cost-optimal model predictive scheduling of freezers, Pages 61-69
- Qingchao Jiang, Xuefeng Yan, Parallel PCA–KPCA for nonlinear process
monitoring, Pages 17-25
- Chao Zhai, Michael Z.Q. Chen, Francesco Alderisio, Alexei Yu. Uteshev,
Mario di Bernardo, An interactive control architecture for interpersonal
coordination in mirror game, Pages 36-48
- Philipp Rosenzweig, Andreas Kater, Thomas Meurer, Model predictive
control of piezo-actuated structures using reduced order models, Pages 83-93
- Joeri Frederik, Lars Kröger, Gerd Gülker, Jan-Willem van Wingerden,
Data-driven repetitive control: Wind tunnel experiments under turbulent
conditions, Pages 105-115
- Suli Zou, Ian Hiskens, Zhongjing Ma, Consensus-based coordination of
electric vehicle charging considering transformer hierarchy, Pages 138-145
- Fang Wang, Suxia Ma, He Wang, Yaodong Li, Junjie Zhang, Prediction of NOX
emission for coal-fired boilers based on deep belief network, Pages 26-35

5.11. Contents: Mechatronics
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com

Vol. 54
October 2018

- Kun-Yung Chen, Wen-Hao Yang, Rong-Fong Fung, System identification by
using RGA with a reduced-order robust observer for an induction motor,
Pages 1-15
- S. Rafatnia, H. Nourmohammadi, J. Keighobadi, M.A. Badamchizadeh, In-move
aligned SINS/GNSS system using recurrent wavelet neural network
(RWNN)-based integration scheme, Pages 155-165
- Chiara Talignani Landi, Valeria Villani, Federica Ferraguti, Lorenzo
Sabattini, Cristian Secchi, Cesare Fantuzzi, Relieving operators’ workload:
Towards affective robotics in industrial scenarios, Pages 144-154
- Guilherme Kunz, Eduardo Perondi, José Machado, A design strategy for
obtaining reliable controllers for critical mechanical systems, Pages
- Cong Li, Chao Li, Zheng Chen, Bin Yao, Adaptive thrust allocation based
synchronization control of a dual drive gantry stage, Pages 68-77
- Jing Xie, Xiangjun Zeng, Meimei Zhang, Junming Cheng, Hang Wang,
Implementation of active magnetic control system for piston centering in
labyrinth piston compressor, Pages 52-67
- Zakriya Mohammed, Ghada Dushaq, Aveek Chatterjee, Mahmoud Rasras, An
optimization technique for performance improvement of gap-changeable MEMS
accelerometers, Pages 203-216
- Liu Qiang, Wang Kun, Ren Yuan, Peng Peilan, Ma Limei, Yin Zhaojing, Novel
repeatable launch locking/unlocking device for magnetically suspended
momentum flywheel, Pages 16-25
- S.M. Mizanoor Rahman, Yue Wang, Mutual trust-based subtask allocation for
human–robot collaboration in flexible lightweight assembly in
manufacturing, Pages 94-109
- R. Jeyasenthil, S.B. Choi, A novel semi-active control strategy based on
the quantitative feedback theory for a vehicle suspension system with
magneto-rheological damper saturation, Pages 36-51
- Nauman Masud, Christian Smith, Magnus Isaksson,
Disturbance observer based dynamic load torque compensator for assistive
exoskeletons, Pages 78-93
- Fang Zhang, Jon Gonzales, Shengbo Eben Li, Francesco Borrelli, Keqiang
Li, Drift control for cornering maneuver of autonomous vehicles, Pages
- Nuno Canadas, José Machado, Filomena Soares, Carlos Barros, Leonilde
Varela, Simulation of cyber physical systems behaviour using timed plant
models, Pages 175-185
- Abdallah Farrage, Naoki Uchiyama, Energy Saving in Biaxial Feed Drive
Systems Using Adaptive Sliding Mode Contouring Control with a Nonlinear
Sliding Surface, Pages 26-35
- Qinyang Guo, Guanglin Shi, Dongmei Wang, Changyu He, Jie Hu, Wei Wang,
Iterative learning based output feedback control for electro-hydraulic
loading system of a gait simulator, Pages 110-120
- M. Khamar, M. Edrisi, Designing a backstepping sliding mode controller
for an assistant human knee exoskeleton based on nonlinear disturbance
observer, Pages 121-132
- Tarcísio M.P. Silva, Marcel A. Clementino, Alper Erturk, Carlos De
Marqui, Equivalent electrical circuit framework for nonlinear and high
quality factor piezoelectric structures, Pages 133-143
- Giovanni Cherubini, Angeliki Pantazi, Mark A. Lantz, Corrigendum to
``Feedback Control of Transport Systems in Tape Drives Without Tension
Transducers'' [Mechatronics 49 (2018) 211–223], Page 166

5.12. Contents: Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com

Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Vol. 75
October 2018

- Yan Wang, Hong Huang, Lida Huang, Xiaole Zhang, Source term estimation of
hazardous material releases using hybrid genetic algorithm with composite
cost functions, Pages 102-113
- Bo Li, Wei Guo, Xiao-Long Zhang, A global manifold margin learning method
for data feature extraction and classification, Pages 94-101
- Daniel H. Stolfi, Enrique Alba, Generating realistic urban traffic flows
with evolutionary techniques, Pages 36-47
- Daniel Valcarce, Javier Parapar, Álvaro Barreiro, A MapReduce
implementation of posterior probability clustering and relevance models for
recommendation, Pages 114-124
- Abderrahim Larhlimi, Mohammed Mestari, GPU parallel neural hierarchical
multi objective solver for burst routing and wavelength assignment, Pages
- C. Porcel, A. Ching-López, G. Lefranc, V. Loia, E. Herrera-Viedma,
Sharing notes: An academic social network based on a personalized fuzzy
linguistic recommender system, Pages 1-10
- Qiuling Hou, Liming Liu, Ling Zhen, Ling Jing, A novel projection
nonparallel support vector machine for pattern classification, Pages 64-75
- Bo Xiao, H.K. Lam, Xiaozhan Yang, Yan Yu, Hongliang Ren, Tracking control
design of interval type-2 polynomial-fuzzy-model-based systems with
time-varying delay, Pages 76-87
- Jan Racko, Juraj Machaj, Peter Brida, Ubiquitous smartphone based
localization with door crossing detection, Pages 88-93
- Man Zhu, Axel Hahn, Yuan-Qiao Wen, Identification-based controller design
using cloud model for course-keeping of ships in waves, Pages 22-35
- Jen-Wei Huang, Chia-Wen Chiang, Jia-Wei Chang, Email security level
classification of imbalanced data using artificial neural network: The real
case in a world-leading enterprise, Pages 11-21

5.13. Contents: ISA Transactions
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com

ISA Transactions
Vol. 80
September 2018

- Huijun Wang, Fangxu Li, Levitation control of an improved modular
bearingless switched reluctance motor, Pages 564-571
- Ali Tavasoli, Active disturbance rejection boundary control of Timoshenko
beam with tip mass, Pages 221-231
- M. Alegría-Zamudio, R.F. Escobar-Jiménez, J.F. Gómez-Aguilar, Fault
tolerant system based on non-integers order observers: Application in a
heat exchanger, Pages 286-296
- Ignacio Martin-Diaz, Daniel Morinigo-Sotelo, Oscar Duque-Perez, Roque A.
Osornio-Rios, Rene J. Romero-Troncoso, Hybrid algorithmic approach oriented
to incipient rotor fault diagnosis on induction motors, Pages 427-438
- Hanyong Shao, Huanhuan Li, Lin Shao, Improved delay-dependent stability
result for neural networks with time-varying delays, Pages 35-42
- Shen Zhang, Qing Wang, Chaoyang Dong, Extended state observer based
control for generic hypersonic vehicles with nonaffine-in-control
character, Pages 127-136
- Reza Behinfaraz, Mohammad Ali Badamchizadeh, Synchronization of different
fractional order chaotic systems with time-varying parameter and orders,
Pages 399-410
- Pengfei Li, Yu Kang, Yun-Bo Zhao, Jiahu Qin, Weiguo Song,
Discretization-based stabilization for a class of switched linear systems
with communication delays, Pages 1-11
- Xuehong Tian, Huanlao Liu, Haitao Liu, Robust finite-time consensus
control for multi-agent systems with disturbances and unknown velocities,
Pages 73-80
- Kewei Xia, Wei Huo, Adaptive control for spacecraft rendezvous subject to
actuator faults and saturations, Pages 176-186
- Pei Tang, Guoqi Li, Chen Ma, Ran Wang, Gaoxi Xiao, Luping Shi, Matrix
function optimization under weighted boundary constraints and its
applications in network control, Pages 232-243
- Beata Mrugalska, A bounded-error approach to actuator fault diagnosis and
remaining useful life prognosis of Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy systems, Pages
- Juan Chen, Baotong Cui, YangQuan Chen, Backstepping-based boundary
control design for a fractional reaction diffusion system with a
space-dependent diffusion coefficient, Pages 203-211
- Aijun Hu, Jun Zhao, Ling Xiang, Output-only modal analysis of wind
turbine tower based on vibration response under emergency stop, Pages
- Javier Gimenez, Daniel C. Gandolfo, Lucio R. Salinas, Claudio Rosales,
Ricardo Carelli, Multi-objective control for cooperative payload transport
with rotorcraft UAVs, Pages 491-502
- Laya Das, Gaurav Kumar, Raghunathan Rengaswamy, Babji Srinivasan, A novel
approach for benchmarking and assessing the performance of state
estimators, Pages 137-145
- Zahra Razavinasab, Malihe M. Farsangi, Mojtaba Barkhordari, Robust output
feedback distributed model predictive control of networked systems with
communication delays in the presence of disturbance, Pages 12-21
- Ashish Kumar, Rama Komaragiri, Manjeet Kumar, Design of wavelet transform
based electrocardiogram monitoring system, Pages 381-398
- Wenjie Si, Dongshu Wang, Finite-time decentralized adaptive neural
constrained control for interconnected nonlinear time-delay systems with
dynamics couplings among subsystems, Pages 54-64
- Jun Ma, Jiande Wu, Xiaodong Wang, Incipient fault feature extraction of
rolling bearings based on the MVMD and Teager energy operator, Pages 297-311
- M. Fallahi, M. Zareinejad, K. Baghestan, A. Tivay, S.M. Rezaei, A.
Abdullah, Precise position control of an electro-hydraulic servo system via
robust linear approximation, Pages 503-512
- Jingjing Du, Lei Zhang, QingBang Han, A novel weighting method for
multi-linear MPC control of Hammerstein systems based on included angle,
Pages 212-220
- In Seok Seo, Seong Ik Han, Dual closed-loop sliding mode control for a
decoupled three-link wheeled mobile manipulator, Pages 322-335
- Hongyun Xiong, Ye Liao, Xiaoyan Chu, Xiaohong Nian, Haibo Wang, Observer
based fault tolerant control for a class of Two-PMSMs systems, Pages 99-110
- Xi Liu, Hua Qu, Jihong Zhao, Pengcheng Yue, Maximum correntropy
square-root cubature Kalman filter with application to SINS/GPS integrated
systems, Pages 195-202
- J. Ernesto Solanes, Luis Gracia, Pau Muñoz-Benavent, Jaime Valls Miro,
Vicent Girbés, Josep Tornero, Human-robot cooperation for robust surface
treatment using non-conventional sliding mode control, Pages 528-541
- Lin Zhao, Jinpeng Yu, Chong Lin, Command filter based adaptive fuzzy
bipartite output consensus tracking of nonlinear coopetition multi-agent
systems with input saturation, Pages 187-194
- Linwei Li, Xuemei Ren, Identification of nonlinear Wiener-Hammerstein
systems by a novel adaptive algorithm based on cost function framework,
Pages 146-159
- Zhengen Zhao, Ying Yang, Jing Zhou, Linlin Li, Qingyu Yang, Adaptive
fault-tolerant PI tracking control for ship propulsion system, Pages 279-285
- Yanbo Yang, Yan Liang, Quan Pan, Yuemei Qin, Xiaoxu Wang, Adaptive
Gaussian mixture filter for Markovian jump nonlinear systems with colored
measurement noises, Pages 111-126
- Shunyi Zhao, Yuriy S. Shmaliy, Fei Liu, Fast Kalman-like optimal FIR
filter for time-variant systems with improved robustness, Pages 160-168
- Xuguang Wang, Jie Su, Lifeng Zhang, Time-delay estimation for SISO
systems using SWσ, Pages 43-53
- Samir Zeghlache, Hemza Mekki, Abderrahmen Bouguerra, Ali Djerioui,
Actuator fault tolerant control using adaptive RBFNN fuzzy sliding mode
controller for coaxial octorotor UAV, Pages 267-278
- Mina B. Abd-el-Malek, Ahmed K. Abdelsalam, Ola E. Hassan, Novel approach
using Hilbert Transform for multiple broken rotor bars fault location
detection for three phase induction motor, Pages 439-457
- Flavien Paccot, Helene Chanal, A generic method for servo tuning based on
dynamic modeling and task description, Pages 542-553
- Yogendra Arya, Improvement in automatic generation control of two-area
electric power systems via a new fuzzy aided optimal PIDN-FOI controller,
Pages 475-490
- Muhammad Shamrooz Aslam, Baoyong Zhang, Yijun Zhang, Zhengqiang Zhang,
Extended dissipative filter design for T-S fuzzy systems with multiple time
delays, Pages 22-34
- Fengfa Yue, Xingfei Li, Robust adaptive integral backstepping control for
opto-electronic tracking system based on modified LuGre friction model,
Pages 312-321
- Miaoping Sun, Jingjing Liu, Haibo Wang, Xiaohong Nian, Hongyun Xiong,
Robust fuzzy tracking control of a quad-rotor unmanned aerial vehicle based
on sector linearization and interval matrix approaches, Pages 336-349
- Kajal Kothari, Utkal Mehta, Jito Vanualailai, A novel approach of
fractional-order time delay system modeling based on Haar wavelet, Pages
- Jinji Sun, Han Zhou, Xin Ma, Ziyan Ju, Study on PID tuning strategy based
on dynamic stiffness for radial active magnetic bearing, Pages 458-474
- Hailiang Hou, Xiaohong Nian, Jie Chen, Dengfeng Xiao, Decentralized
coordinated control of elastic web winding systems without tension sensor,
Pages 350-359
- Hongqiang Sang, Ying Zhou, Xiujun Sun, Shaoqiong Yang, Heading tracking
control with an adaptive hybrid control for under actuated underwater
glider, Pages 554-563
- Jyh-Cheng Jeng, Guo-Ping Ge, Data-based approach for feedback–feedforward
controller design using closed-loop plant data, Pages 244-256
- Hossein Mirzaeinejad, Mehdi Mirzaei, Sadra Rafatnia, A novel technique
for optimal integration of active steering and differential braking with
estimation to improve vehicle directional stability, Pages 513-527
- Hossein M.H. Abdoli, Majdeddin Najafi, Iman Izadi, Farid Sheikholeslam,
Sliding mode approach for formation control of multi-agent systems with
unknown nonlinear interactions, Pages 65-72
- Hicham Khebbache, Salim Labiod, Mohamed Tadjine, Adaptive sensor
fault-tolerant control for a class of multi-input multi-output nonlinear
systems: Adaptive first-order filter-based dynamic surface control
approach, Pages 89-98
- M. Davanipour, A.R. Khayatian, M. Dehghani, M.M. Arefi, A solution for
enhancement of transient performance in nonlinear adaptive control: Optimal
adaptive reset based on barrier Lyapunov function, Pages 169-175
- Yueqiao Han, Yonggui Kao, Cunchen Gao, Robust observer-based H∞ control
for uncertain discrete singular systems with time-varying delays via
sliding mode approach, Pages 81-88
- Guo Wang, Jiuhui Wang, Zixuan Zhou, Qiantao Wang, Qiong Wu, Xingyu Jiang,
Efstathios Santana, State variable technique islanding detection using
time-frequency energy analysis for DFIG wind turbine in microgrid system,
Pages 360-370

5.14. Contents: Journal of the Franklin Institute
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com

Journal of the Franklin Institute
Vol. 355, Iss. 15
October 2018

- Guodong Wang, Xiangyu Wang, Shihua Li, Sliding-mode consensus algorithms
for disturbed second-order multi-agent systems, Pages 7443-7465
- Lijuan Liu, Yan Wang, Cheng Wang, Feng Ding, Tasawar Hayat, Maximum
likelihood recursive least squares estimation for multivariate
equation-error ARMA systems, Pages 7609-7625
- Josip Kasac, Dubravko Majetic, Danko Brezak, An algebraic approach to
on-line signal denoising and derivatives estimation, Pages 7799-7825
- Qinyao Liu, Feng Ding, Yan Wang, Cheng Wang, Tasawar Hayat, Auxiliary
model based recursive generalized least squares identification algorithm
for multivariate output-error autoregressive systems using the
decomposition technique, Pages 7643-7663
- Jai Prakash Tripathi, Syed Abbas, Gui-Quan Sun, Debaldev Jana, Cui-Hua
Wang, Interaction between prey and mutually interfering predator in prey
reserve habitat: Pattern formation and the Turing–Hopf bifurcation, Pages
- Liang Ma, Jie Dong, Kaixiang Peng, A practical propagation path
identification scheme for quality-related faults based on nonlinear dynamic
latent variable model and partitioned Bayesian network, Pages 7570-7594
- Lei Fu, Yuechao Ma, Dissipative filtering for singular Markov jump
systems with generally uncertain transition rates via new integral
inequality approach, Pages 7354-7383
- Paweł Latosiński, Andrzej Bartoszewicz, Discrete time sliding mode
controllers with relative degree one and two switching variables, Pages
- Lingling Lv, Zhe Zhang, Lei Zhang, Xianxing Liu, Gradient based approach
for generalized discrete-time periodic coupled Sylvester matrix equations,
Pages 7691-7705
- Wenjie Si, Approximation-based decentralized output-feedback control for
uncertain stochastic interconnected nonlinear time-delay systems with input
delay and asymmetric input saturation, Pages 7098-7133
- Jiyang Chen, Chuandong Li, Xujun Yang, Asymptotic stability of delayed
fractional-order fuzzy neural networks with impulse effects, Pages 7595-7608
- Guibing Zhu, Jialu Du, Yonggui Kao, Command filtered robust adaptive NN
control for a class of uncertain strict-feedback nonlinear systems under
input saturation, Pages 7548-7569
- Roberto Font, Pablo Pedregal, Some numerical tests for an alternative
approach to optimal feedback control, Pages 7011-7026
- Ahmad Sakr, Ahmad M. El-Nagar, Mohammad El-Bardini, Mohammed Sharaf,
Improving the performance of networked control systems with time delay and
data dropouts based on fuzzy model predictive control, Pages 7201-7225
- Liqian Dou, Jingqi Gao, Qun Zong, Zhengtao Ding, Modeling and switching
control of air-breathing hypersonic vehicle with variable geometry inlet,
Pages 6904-6926
- Yi Wang, Zhongjun Ma, Guanrong Chen, Distributed control of cluster lag
consensus for first-order multi-agent systems on QUAD vector fields, Pages
- Xin Liu, Xianqiang Yang, Weili Xiong, A robust global approach for LPV
FIR model identification with time-varying time delays, Pages 7401-7416
- Lin Zhang, Gang Li, Controller design for discrete-time hybrid linear
parameter-varying systems with semi-Markov mode switching, Pages 7056-7071
- Zhibo Wang, Huaiqin Wu, Projective synchronization in fixed time for
complex dynamical networks with nonidentical nodes via second-order sliding
mode control strategy, Pages 7306-7334
- Penghua Li, Liping Chen, Ranchao Wu, J.A. Tenreiro Machado, António M.
Lopes, Liguo Yuan, Robust asymptotic stability of interval fractional-order
nonlinear systems with time-delay, Pages 7749-7763
- Xiang Hua Wang, Chee Pin Tan, Distributed cooperative controller design
considering guidance loop and impact angle, Pages 6927-6946
- Xueying Ding, Haitao Li, Shuling Wang, Set stability and synchronization
of logical networks with probabilistic time delays, Pages 7735-7748
- Zhengqing Shi, Junda He, Tengli Wang, Chuan Zhou, Jian Guo, Optimal
formation control and collision avoidance in environment with multiple
rectangle obstacles, Pages 7626-7642
- Weiming Wang, Xiaoyan Gao, Yongli Cai, Hongbo Shi, Shengmao Fu, Turing
patterns in a diffusive epidemic model with saturated infection force,
Pages 7226-7245
- Li Sheng, Yichun Niu, Lei Zou, Yurong Liu, Fuad E. Alsaadi,
Finite-horizon state estimation for time-varying complex networks with
random coupling strengths under Round-Robin protocol, Pages 7417-7442
- Tiedong Ma, Tiantian Yu, Bing Cui, Adaptive synchronization of
multi-agent systems via variable impulsive control, Pages 7490-7508
- Liang Jia, Junguo Zhang, Shuyue Chen, Zhenjie Hou, Fabric defect
inspection based on lattice segmentation and lattice templates, Pages
- Chun Zeng, Dong Shen, JinRong Wang, Adaptive learning tracking for
uncertain systems with partial structure information and varying trial
lengths, Pages 7027-7055
- Bei Wang, Zhichao Li, Xuefeng Yan, Multi-subspace factor analysis
integrated with support vector data description for multimode process
monitoring, Pages 7664-7690
- Xing Fang, Fei Liu, Zhengtao Ding, Robust control of unmanned helicopters
with high-order mismatched disturbances via disturbance-compensation-gain
construction approach, Pages 7158-7177
- Aihua Hu, Jinde Cao, Manfeng Hu, Liuxiao Guo, Event-triggered group
consensus for multi-agent systems subject to input saturation, Pages
- Dian Zhang, Jun Cheng, Ju H. Park, Jinde Cao, Robust H∞ control for
nonhomogeneous Markovian jump systems subject to quantized feedback and
probabilistic measurements, Pages 6992-7010
- Yushu Yu, Xilun Ding, Trajectory linearization control on SO(3) with
application to aerial manipulation, Pages 7072-7097
- Jinling Liang, Jinling Wang, Tingwen Huang, l1 filtering for
continuous-discrete T-S fuzzy positive Roesser model, Pages 7281-7305
- Yang Yang, Dong Yue, Chuang Xu, Dynamic event-triggered leader-following
consensus control of a class of linear multi-agent systems, Pages 7706-7734
- Yuanhong Ren, Weiqun Wang, Yixiang Wang, Mingxuan Shen, Incremental H∞
performance for a class of stochastic switched nonlinear systems, Pages
- Saba Sedghizadeh, Soosan Beheshti, Data-driven subspace predictive
control: Stability and horizon tuning, Pages 7509-7547
- Kun Zhang, Huaguang Zhang, Zhiyun Gao, Hanguang Su, Online adaptive
policy iteration based fault-tolerant control algorithm for continuous-time
nonlinear tracking systems with actuator failures, Pages 6947-6968
- Adrian N. Bishop, Pierre Del Moral, On the robustness of Riccati flows to
complete model misspecification, Pages 7178-7200
- Abdallah Benabdallah, Walid Hdidi, Uniting two local output controllers
for linear system subject to input saturation: LMI Approach, Pages 6969-6991
- Bin Zhou, Solutions to linear bimatrix equations with applications to
pole assignment of complex-valued linear systems, Pages 7246-7280

5.15. Contents: IFAC Journal of Systems and Control
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com

IFAC Journal of Systems and Control
Vol. 5
September 2018

- Minghui Zheng, Fu Zhang, Xiao Liang, A systematic design framework for
iterative learning control with current feedback, Pages 1-10
- Matthias Wildemeersch, Wai Hong Ronald Chan, Elena Rovenskaya, Tony Q.S.
Quek, Characterization and control of conservative and non-conservative
network dynamics, Pages 22-29
- Cui Wang, Jun Zhou, Zhaoxia Duan, Multi-agent collision approach for
stabilizing multi-machine power networks with distributed excitation
systems, Pages 11-21

5.16. Contents: Evolution Equations & Control Theory
Contributed by: Irena Lasiecka, lasiecka at memphis.edu

The new issue EECT 7-4 December 2018 regular issue is now online.


- Tomas Barta, Exact rate of decay for solutions to damped second order
ODE's with a degenerate potential, 531
- Imen Benabbas and Djamel Eddine Teniou, Observability of wave equation
with Ventcel dynamic condition, 545
- Francesco Cordoni and Luca Di Persio, Optimal control for the stochastic
FitzHugh-Nagumo model with recovery variable, 571
- Tyrone E. Duncan, Some partially observed multi-agent linear exponential
quadratic stochastic differential games, 587
- Abdelkarim Kelleche and Nasser-Eddine Tatar, Existence and stabilization
of a Kirchhoff moving string with a delay in the boundary or in the
internal feedback, 599
- Yangrong Li, Renhai Wang and Lianbing She, Backward controllability of
pullback trajectory attractors with applications to multi-valued
Jereys-Oldroyd-equations, 617
- Ahmet Ozkan Ozer, Dynamic and electrostatic modeling for a piezoelectric
smart composite and related stabilization results, 639
- Zhousheng Ruan, Sen Zhang and Sican Xiong, Solving an inverse source
problem for a time fractional diffusion equation by a modified
quasi-boundary value method, 669

5.17. Contents: International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems
Contributed by: Keum-Shik Hong, journal at ijcas.com

International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems (IJCAS)
ISSN: 1598-6446

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Table of contents
Vol. 16, No. 5, October 2018

- A Reduced-order Fault Detection Filter Design for Polytopic Uncertain
Continuous-time Markovian Jump Systems with Time-varying Delays, Lihong
Rong, Xiuyan Peng*, and Biao Zhang pp.2021-2032
- Graphical Robust PID Tuning Based on Uncertain Systems for Disturbance
Rejection Satisfying Multiple Objectives, Minghui Chu and Jizheng Chu*
- A Novel Approach to Motion Control Design for Functionally Related
Systems, Tarik Uzunovic* and Asif Sabanovic pp.2043-2054
- Stochastic Stability, L1-gain and Control Synthesis for Positive
Semi-Markov Jump Systems, Longjiang Zhao, Wenhai Qi*, Lihua Zhang, Yonggui
Kao, and Xianwen Gao pp.2055-2062
- High Performance Super-twisting Control for State Delay Systems, Deepti
Khimani* and Machhindranath Patil pp.2063-2073
- Simultaneous Fault Detection and Control for Markovian Jump Systems with
General Uncertain Transition Rates, Li-Wei Li, Mouquan Shen*, and Wen Qin
- Asynchronous Switching Control for Continuous-time Switched Linear
Systems with Output-feedback, Zhiyong Jiang and Peng Yan* pp.2082-2092
- Robust Integral Sliding Mode Control of Uncertain Networked Control
Systems with Multiple Data Packet Losses, Chaouki Mnasri*, Dhouha Chorfi,
and Moncef Gasmi pp.2093-2102
- Manipulator-actuated Adaptive Integrated Translational and Rotational
Stabilization for Spacecraft in Proximity Operations with Control
Constraint, Feng Zhang* and Guang-Ren Duan pp.2103-2113
- Adaptive Distributed Fault-tolerant Formation Control for Multi-robot
Systems under Partial Loss of Actuator Effectiveness, Yeong-Hwa Chang*,
Chun-I Wu, and Hung-Wei Lin pp.2114-2124
- Robust Time-varying H∞ Control for Networked Control System with
Uncertainties and External Disturbance, Meng Li and Yong Chen* pp.2125-2135
- A Novel Controller Design for Three-phase Voltage Source Inverter, Ming
Chen, Ang Zhang, and Kil To Chong* pp.2136-2145
- Full-Order and Reduced-order Observer Design for One-sided Lipschitz
Nonlinear Fractional Order Systems with Unknown Input, Tao Zhan, Jiaming
Tian, and Shuping Ma* pp.2146-2156
- A Multi-step Output Feedback Robust MPC Approach for LPV Systems with
Bounded Parameter Changes and Disturbance, Xu-Bin Ping*, Peng Wang, and
Jia-Feng Zhang pp.2157-2168
- Disturbance Observer-based Proportional-type Position Tracking Controller
for DC Motor, Young Seok Lee, Dong Soo Kim, and Seok-Kyoon Kim* pp.2169-2176
- Multivariable Adaptive Control of the Rewinding Process of a Roll-to-roll
System Governed by Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations, Quoc Chi
Nguyen*, Mingxu Piao, and Keum-Shik Hong pp.2177-2186
- Optimal N-Parametric Type Iterative Learning Control, Ali Madady*,
Hamid-Reza Reza-Alikhani, and Sara Zamiri pp.2187-2202
- A Novel LQG Controller of Active Suspension System for Vehicle Roll
Safety, Shi-an Chen, Yu-meng Cai*, Jian Wang, and Ming Yao pp.2203-2213
- Fixed-time Synchronization of Memristive Cohen-Grossberg Neural Networks
with Impulsive Effects, Ruoyu Wei, Jinde Cao*, and Ahmed Alsaedi
- Data Filtering Based Multi-innovation Gradient Identification Methods for
Feedback Nonlinear Systems, Bingbing Shen, Feng Ding*, Ling Xu, and Tasawar
Hayat pp.2225-2234
- Angular Rate and Alignment Estimation for Gyroless Spacecraft by Only
Star Trackers, Henzeh Leeghim, Hyochoong Bang, and Chang-Yull Lee*
- SOS Based Robust Control for Dynamic Positioning System Subject to
Actuator Saturation, Xiaoyu Su* and Bin Lin pp.2244-2252
- Robust Contractive Economic MPC for Nonlinear Systems with Additive
Disturbance, Meng Zhao*, Can-Chen Jiang, and Ming-Hong She pp.2253-2263
- Desired Compensation Adaptive Robust Control of Electrical-optical
Gyro-stabilized Platform with Continuous Friction Compensation Using
Modified LuGre Model, Yuefei Wu* and Dong Yue pp.2264-2272
- Adaptive Dynamic Programming and Cooperative Output Regulation of
Discrete-time Multi-agent Systems, Weinan Gao, Yiyang Liu*, Adedapo
Odekunle, Yunjun Yu, and Pingli Lu pp.2273-2281
- Finite-time Sliding Mode Control of Markovian Jump Systems Subject to
Actuator Faults, Zhiru Cao, Yugang Niu*, and Haijuan Zhao pp.2282-2289
- Stability and Stabilization Criteria for Sampled-data Control System via
Augmented Lyapunov-Krasovskii Functionals, Chang Ho Lee, Seung Hoon Lee,
Myeong Jin Park*, and Oh Min Kwon* pp.2290-2302
- Fault Diagnosis and Statistical Information Tracking Fault Tolerant
Control for Non-Gaussian Non-linear Stochastic Systems, Yacun Guan, Lifan
Li, and Lina Yao* pp.2303-2311
- Distributed Containment Control for Multi-agent Systems in Purefeedback
Form under Switching Topologies, Yuehui Ji*, Hailaing Zhou, and Qiang Gao
- Three Basic Theorems in Numerical Analysis in Control Engineering Course
and Their Application, Hiroaki Mukaidani* and Tadashi Shima pp.2321-2333
- Consensus Tracking of Second Order Multi-agent Systems with Disturbances
under Heterogenous Position and Velocity Topologies, Xuxi Zhang* and
Xianping Liu pp.2334-2342
- Improved Sufficient LMI Conditions for the Robust Stability of
Time-delayed Neutral-type Lur’e Systems, Wenyong Duan*, Baozhu Du, Yan Li,
Cuifeng Shen, Xuelai Zhu, Xiaofan Li, and Jian Chen pp.2343-2353
- Fault-tolerant Consensus of Leader-following Multi-agent Systems Based on
Distributed Fault Estimation Observer, Pu Yang*, Ben Ma, Yan Dong, and
Jianwei Liu pp.2354-2362
- Active Fault-tolerant Control Design for a Submarine Semi-physical
Simulation System, Lijun Liu, Wei Yu, and Zhen Yu* pp.2363-2372
- Trajectory Synthesis and Optimization of an Underactuated Microrobotic
System with Dynamic Constraints and Couplings, Pengcheng Liu, Hongnian Yu*,
and Shuang Cang pp.2373-2383
- Robust GPI Control of a New Parallel Rehabilitation Robot of Lower
Extremities, Hector Azcaray*, Andres Blanco, Carlos Garcia, Manuel Adam,
Juan Reyes, Gerardo Guerrero, and Cesar Guzman pp.2383-2392
- Progressive Filtering Approach for Early Human Action Recognition, Tehao
Zhu, Yue Zhou, Zeyang Xia*, Jiaqi Dong, and Qunfei Zhao pp.2393-2404
- Controller Design Based on Wavelet Neural Adaptive Proportional Plus
Conventional Integral-derivative for Bilateral Teleoperation Systems with
Time-varying Parameters, Soheil Ganjefar, Mohammad Afshar, Mohammad Hadi
Sarajchi, and Zhufeng Shao* pp.2405-2420
- Closed-loop Planar Fuzzy Control System for a Curvature-controllable
Steerable Bevel-tip Needle, Binxiang Xu, Chen Zhou, and Seong Young Ko*
- Non-contact Gap and Flush Measurement Using Monocular Structured
Multi-line Light Vision for Vehicle Assembly, Thi-Trang Tran and CheolKeun
Ha* pp.2432-2445
- Navigation Control of Mobile Robots Using an Interval Type-2 Fuzzy
Controller Based on Dynamic-group Particle Swarm Optimization, Jyun-Yu
Jhang, Cheng-Jian Lin*, Chin-Teng Lin, and Kuu-Young Young pp.2446-2457
- Decentralized Backstepping Control of a Quadrotor with Tilted-rotor under
Wind Gusts, Abdul-Wahid A. Saif*, Abdulrahman Aliyu, Mujahed Al Dhaifallah,
and Moustafa Elshafei pp.2458-2472
- Finite-time Synchronization of Neural Networks with Multiple Proportional
Delays via Non-chattering Control, Wanli Zhang, Chuandong Li*, Tingwen
Huang, and Junjian Huang pp.2473-2479
- Improved Robust Passive Criteria of Neural Networks with Discrete and
Distributed Delays Based on Extended Reciprocally Convex Matrix Inequality,
Hui-Jun Yu, Yong He*, and Min Wu pp.2480-2488
- Fuzzy Preview Control for Half-vehicle Electro-hydraulic Suspension
System, Hyun Duck Choi, Chang Joo Lee, and Myo Taeg Lim* pp.2489-2500
- Generalized and Exponential Synchronization for a Class of Novel Complex
Dynamic Networks with Hybrid Time-varying Delay via IPAPC, Lin Pan, Xin
Tang*, and Yongping Pan pp.2501-2517
- Fuzzy Iterative Learning Control-based Design of Fault Tolerant
Guaranteed Cost Controller for Nonlinear Batch Processes, Jingxian Yu, Hui
Dang, and Limin Wang* pp.2518-2527
- Maximum Likelihood Multi-innovation Stochastic Gradient Estimation for
Multivariate Equation-error Systems, Lijuan Liu, Feng Ding*, Cheng Wang,
Ahmed Alsaedi, and Tasawar Hayat pp.2528-2537
- Sampled-data Fuzzy Control of Two-wheel Inverted Pendulums Based on
Passivity Theory, Rongjun Liu, Junfeng Wu*, and Dan Wang pp.2538-2548
- Adaptive Fuzzy Finite-time Control for Uncertain Nonlinear Systems with
Dead-zone Input, Wenshun Lv, Fang Wang*, and Lili Zhang pp.2549-2558
- Quantized Output Feedback Control of Networked Control Systems with
Packet Dropout, Mei Yu*, Shuang Bai, Ting Yang, and Jianhua Zhang
- Remarks on Discrete-time Multi-output Nonlinear Observer Canonical Form,
Hong-Gi Lee* and Hyeran Hong pp.2569-2574

5.18. Contents: TWMS Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
Contributed by: Gamar Mammadova, f aliev at hotmail.com

TWMS Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 9, No.2, 2018
ISSN 2076-2585
Volume 9, No. 2, 2018


1. On and Embedded Uniform Spaces, A.Chekeev, B.Z.Rakhmankulov,
2. Synthesis of the Quad-Rotor Control Algorithms in the Basic Flight
Modes, B. Larin, A.A. Tunik
3. Skew Generalized Quasi-Cyclic Codes, Abualrub , M.F. Ezerman , P.
Seneviratne , P. Sole
4. Some New Quantum Inequalities via Tgs-Convex Functions, A. Noor, M.U.
Awan, K.I.Noor, F. Safdar
5. Impact of Advertisement on Retailer’s Inventory with Non-Instantaneous
Deterioration under Price-Sensitive Quadratic Demand, H. Shah, U.
Chaudhari, M.Y. Jani
6. Normalized Wright Functions with Negative Coefficients and Their Some
Integral Transforms, Mustafa, O. Altintas
7. Design and Analysis of A Class of Weighted-Newton Methods with Frozen
Derivative, R. Sharma, D. Kumar
8. A Priori Estimates of Solutions Dirichlet Boundary Value Problems for
the Polyharmonic, quations in Generalized Morrey Spaces, Gadjiev, S. Aliev,
S. Galandarova
9. On Primeness of Non-deterministic Automata Associated with Input
Semigroup, S. Shaheen, M. Shabir

5.19. CFP: Annual Reviews in Control
Contributed by: Francoise Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue,
lamnabhi at l2s.centralesupelec.fr

Call for contributions to Annual Reviews in Control (ARC)

The aim of Annual Reviews in Control is to provide comprehensive and
visionary views of the field of Systems and Control, by publishing
- Survey papers on main methodologies or technical advances,
- Vision papers on cutting-edge and emerging topics with visionary
- Tutorial fundamental guides for future studies.
You are most welcome to submit papers of either type on:

ARC also publishes Special Sections on important and timely topics,
containing mainly also vision, review or research tutorial type papers.
Potential Editors are most welcome to send their proposal to any member of
the ARC Editorial Board:

>From 2016, the following Special Sections have been published:

The history of Discrete Event Systems
in Volume 45 2018
Guest Editor: Manuel Silva

Control of Partial Differential Equations
in Volume 44 2017
Guest Editors: Ralph C. Smith, Hans Zwart

Cyber-Physical & Human Systems
in Volume 44 2017
Guest Editors: Mariana Netto, Sarah K. Spurgeon

Fault detection, Supervision and Safety for Tecnhical Processes
in Volume 42 2016
Guest Editor: Didier Maquin

Navigation, Guidance and Control of Underwater Vehicles
in Volume 42 2016
Guest Editors: Pere Ridao, David Ribas, Pedro J. Sanz

Advanced Control and Optimization for Dynamical Systems
in Volume 42 2016
Guest Editor: Prakash Jagadeesan

Nonlinear Model Predictive Control
in Volume 41 2016
Guest Editors: Daniel Limon, David Muñoz de la Peña, Colin N. Jones

Dependable Control of Discrete Systems
in Volume 41 2016
Guest Editor: Ernesto López-Mellado

6. Conferences

6.1. IFAC Conference on Cyber-Physical & Human Systems
Contributed by: Yue Wang, wangyueyue1 at gmail.com

The global controls community and the wider scientific community interested
in the broad range of questions and implications emerging from the
relationships between humans and technology are invited to participate in
the Second IFAC Conference on Cyber-Physical & Human Systems (CPHS). Taking
place in Miami just days before the 2018 Conference on Decision and Control
(CDC), CPHS 2018 aims to bring together researchers and practitioners from
academia and industry to share scientific and technological advances as
well as gain a deeper understanding of the interactions between
cyber-physical systems and humans. Of particular focus are human-centered
technologies in a wide-range of applications including transportation,
energy, robotics, manufacturing, and health-care.

Miami is a popular vacation spot, not only in the United States, but in the
world! The Miami area offers multiple attractions for all. Conveniently
located in Downtown Miami, the Hyatt Regency hotel captures the spirit of
the city. With its striking white towers overlooking the Miami River, Hyatt
Regency Miami is a landmark hotel offering first rate service. The hotel
enjoys easy access to popular attractions such as Brickell City Center for
world-class shopping, Wynwood Art District with galleries and museums, the
Adrienne Arsht Center for the performing arts, Coral Gables with a Venetian
Pool and botanical garden, and the Latin flavor of Little Havana. The hotel
is a just a short 15-minute drive from South Beach. There’s no better way
to enjoy the Florida sunshine than with Hyatt Regency Miami as your home

The conference program, through a combination of paper and poster
presentations, will showcase the interactions between cyber-physical
systems and humans during December 14 and 15. Two plenary lectures – one by
a prominent social scientist and the other by a roboticist -- are featured.
A panel exploring the interface between engineers and social-scientists,
and a mini-workshop on transdisciplinary communication and collaboration
have been arranged. A special session that showcases hardware and software
demonstrations of current CPHS research is also included.

The IFAC CPHS Young Author Prize will be awarded to the best paper by a
student author, and the CPHS Best Poster Prize to the best interactive
presentation. Accepted papers will be published in the open-access
IFAC-PapersOnLine series hosted on ScienceDirect (

Advance registration is now open and is highly recommended. All attendees
must register. See the CPHS 2018 website for registration fees and other

6.2. Dynamic Systems and Control Conference
Contributed by: Yue Wang, wangyueyue1 at gmail.com

Dear colleagues:

The 2018 DSCC is only about four weeks away. Please check the conference
website https://www.asme.org/events/dscc for updated programs and events.

If you have not got a chance to register, now is the time to get it done
and checked off from your to-do-list.

If you have registered but have not selected a workshop, consider
registering and attending one of the workshops that are conveniently
scheduled on the afternoon of September 30, Sunday:
https://www.asme.org/events/dscc/program/workshops, right before the
welcome reception!

Finally, if you have not booked your hotel, hurry up since our block of
reserved rooms at the conference revenue (Hyatt Regency Atlanta) is running
out quickly, and the discount rate of $179/night ends on September 7,
Friday. See https://www.asme.org/events/dscc/venue-travel for how to book
the hotel with the discounted rate.

We look forward to seeing you soon!

Best regards,
The DSCC 2018 Organizing Committee

6.3. Symposium on Machine Learning for Dynamical Systems
Contributed by: Boumediene Hamzi, boumediene.hamzi at gmail.com

Dear all,

We are planning to organize a "Symposium on Machine Learning for Dynamical
Systems” at Imperial College London in February 2019 (tentative date: Feb.
11 th). Below are some details.


Since its inception in the 19th century through the efforts of Poincaré and
Lyapunov, the theory of dynamical systems addresses the qualitative
behaviour of dynamical systems as understood from models. From this
perspective, the modeling of dynamical processes in applications requires a
detailed understanding of the processes to be analyzed. This deep
understanding leads to a model, which is an approximation of the observed
reality and is often expressed by a system of Ordinary/Partial,
Underdetermined (Control), Deterministic/Stochastic differential or
difference equations. While models are very precise for many processes, for
some of the most challenging applications of dynamical systems (such as
climate dynamics, biological systems or the financial markets), the
development of such models is notably difficult.

On the other hand, the field of machine learning is concerned with
algorithms designed to accomplish a certain task, whose performance
improves with the input of more data. Applications for machine learning
methods include computer vision, stock market analysis, speech recognition,
recommender systems and sentiment analysis in social media. The machine
learning approach is invaluable in settings where no explicit model is
formulated, but measurement data is available. This is frequently the case
in many systems of interest, and the development of data-driven
technologies is becoming increasingly important in many applications.

The intersection of the fields of dynamical systems and machine learning is
largely unexplored, and the goal of this symposium is to bring together
researchers from these fields to fill the gap between the theories of
dynamical systems and machine learning in view of analyzing dynamical
systems on the basis of observed data rather than attempt to study them

The website of the event is
and will be updated in due course. In the meantime, please contact me if if
you are interested in giving a talk.

Registration: Registration can be made at

Best wishes,
Boumediene Hamzi (on behalf of the local organization committee)

6.4. International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems
Contributed by: D. Theilliol, didier.theilliol at univ-lorraine.fr

First Call-for-Papers:
2019 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS'19) (

On behalf of the ICUAS'19 Organizing Committee, this is to invite you to
submit your contributions to the 2019 International Conference on Unmanned
Aircraft Systems (ICUAS'18; http://www.uasconferences.com). The conference
is co-sponsored by the IEEE CSS and RAS, and several other organizations.

The 2019 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems, ICUAS'19,
will be held on June 11-14, in the Atlanta Marriott Buckhead Hotel and
Conference Center which is situated in a supreme location in the heart of
Atlanta. June 11 will be a Workshop/Tutorial full-day, followed by a
three-day technical Conference on June 12-14.
Judging from the interest ICUAS has drawn over the past years and its
growth, ICUAS'19 is expected to continue on this path and attract the
highest number of participants from academia, industry, federal and state
agencies, government, the private sector, users, practitioners and
engineers who wish to be affiliated with and contribute technically to this
highly demanding and evolving and expanding field. ICUAS'19 is fully
sponsored by the ICUAS Association, which is a non-profit organization.
Information about the Association may be found at www.icuas.com.
The major themes of ICUAS'19 will be: design for trusted and assured
autonomy, metrics for autonomy, and design for resilience. These focus area
topics are center-stage in the attempt to design and build high-confidence
UAS/RPAS. In addition, ICUAS'19 will include a separate track on
regulations, policy, legal and ethical issues that are essential to allow
for integration of UAS/RPAS in the national airspace. National and
international organizations, agencies, industry, military and civilian
authorities are working towards defining roadmaps of UAS/RPAS expectations,
technical requirements and standards that are prerequisite to their full
utilization, as well as legal, policy and ethical issues. The next
generation of UAS/RPAS is expected to be used for a wide spectrum of
civilian and public domain applications. Challenges to be faced and
overcome include, among others, see-and-avoid systems, robust and
fault-tolerant flight control systems, payloads, communications, levels of
autonomy, manned-unmanned swarms, network-controlled swarms, as well as
challenges related to policies, procedures, regulations, safety, risk
analysis assessment, airworthiness, certification issues, operational
constraints, standardization and frequency management, all of paramount
importance, which, coupled with 'smart', 'environmentally friendly' cutting
edge technologies will pave the way towards full integration of UAS/RPAS
with manned aviation and into the respective national airspace.
ICUAS'19 aims at bringing together different groups of qualified military
and civilian representatives worldwide, organization representatives,
funding agencies, industry and academia, to discuss the current state of
unmanned aviation advances, and the roadmap to their full utilization in
civilian and public domains. Special emphasis will be given to research
opportunities, and to 'what comes next' in terms of the essential
technologies that need to be utilized to advance the state-of-the-art.

Conference topics include (but not limited to): Airspace Control;
Integration; See/Sense-Detect-and-Avoid Systems; Airspace Management;
Interoperability; Security; Airworthiness; Levels of Safety; Sensor Fusion;
Autonomy; Manned/Unmanned Aviation; Smart Sensors; Biologically Inspired
UAS; Micro- and Mini- UAS; Standardization; Certification; Networked UAS;
Technology Challenges; Control Architectures; Payloads; Training; Energy
Efficient UAS; Path Planning and Navigation; UAS Applications;
Environmental Issues; Regulations; UAS Communications; Fail-Safe Systems;
Reliability of UAS; UAS Testbeds; Frequency Management; Risk Analysis; UAS
Transportation Management (UTM); Policy/Regulation/Law Aspects.

Unmanned system autonomy, collaboration and coordination, formation
control, validation and verification and unmanned system design for assured
autonomy, are topics of great interest to ICUAS'19

Through Keynote addresses, round table panel discussions and presentations,
it is expected that the outcome of the Conference will be a clear
understanding of what industry, military, civilian, national/international
authorities need, and what are the crucial next steps that need to be
completed before UAS/RPAS are utilized in everyday life applications. .

IMPORTANT DATES (Please check the latest information at
February 12, 2019: Full Papers/ Invited Papers/Tutorial Proposals Due
April 15, 2019: Acceptance/Rejection Notification
May 10, 2019: Upload Final, Camera Ready Papers
April 15 - May 10, 2019: Early Registration

Papers must be submitted electronically. Go to
https://controls.papercept.net. Click on "Submit a Contribution to
ICUAS'19" and follow the steps. The paper format mufst follow IEEE paper
submission rules. Submitted papers should be classified as Contributed,
Poster or Invited Session papers. The maximum number of pages for a
contributed/invited paper submission is 10, and for a poster paper is 6.
Accepted, contributed/invited session papers only, will be allowed up to
two additional pages for a charge of $100 per additional page.
Illustrations and references are included in the page count. Poster papers
will allow for researchers/practitioners to present novel/cutting edge
ideas with potential, however, not yet fully developed.
Invited Sessions: Proposals must be submitted/uploaded electronically. A
Summary Statement describing the motivation and relevance of the proposed
session, paper titles and author names must be uploaded electronically by
February 12, 2019. Authors must also submit full versions of invited papers
electronically, marked as 'Invited Session Paper'.
Workshops/Tutorials: Proposals for workshops/tutorials should contain
title, the list of speakers, and extended summaries (2000 words) of their
presentations. Proposals must be sent by e-mail to the Tutorial/ Workshop
Chair by February 12, 2019.
Review Process: All submitted papers will undergo a peer review process
following IEEE rules and standards. Authors will be notified of results at
the latest by April 15, 2019. Accepted papers must be uploaded
electronically no later than May 10, 2019. Authors are encouraged to
accompany their presentations with multimedia material, which will be
included in the Conference Digital Proceedings. Only Contributed or Invited
Session papers will be acquired by IEEE and they appear in IEEE Xplore.
Paper presentation: Contributed/Invited Session papers will be grouped in
Technical Sessions and will be allocated 20 minutes for oral presentation,
which includes questions from the audience. Poster papers will be grouped
based on subject. Presenters are encouraged to supplement the poster with
additional slides, video or software demonstrations, etc. All poster paper
presentations will be scheduled in one day.
Welcome and look forward to receiving your contributions and attendance to
the ICUAS'19! For information about the ICUAS Association, Inc., see

Kimon P. Valavanis, U of Denver, kimon.valavanis at du.edu

Didier Theilliol, U of Lorraine, Didier.theilliol at univ-lorraine.fr
YangQuan Chen, UC Merced, yangquan.chen at ucmerced.edu

James Morrison, KAIST, Korea, james.morrison at kaist.edu
Antonios Tsourdos, Cranfield Univ., a.tsourdos at cranfield.ac.uk

6.5. IEEE International Conference on Control & Automation
Contributed by: Lihua Xie, elhxie at ntu.edu.sg

The 15th IEEE International Conference on Control & Automation

July 16-19, 2019, Edinburgh, Scotland

Call for Papers

The 15th IEEE International Conference on Control & Automation (IEEE ICCA
2019) will be held onJuly 16-19, 2019, in Edinburgh, Scotland. The
conference is jointly organized by IEEE Control Systems Chapter, Singapore,
and IEEE Control Chapter for United Kingdom and Ireland. It is technically
sponsored by IEEE Control Systems Society. It aims to create a forum for
scientists and practising engineers throughout the world to present the
latest research findings and ideas in the areas of control and automation,
and possible contributions toward sustainable development and environment
preservation. The conference is featured with the Best Paper Award and the
Best Student Paper Award.

The conference will be held in Edinburgh which has been recognised as the
capital of Scotland since at least the 15th century. Edinburgh is
Scotland's second most populous city and the seventh most populous in the
United Kingdom. It is the second largest financial centre in the United
Kingdom (after London) and the city's historical and cultural attractions
have made it the United Kingdom's second most popular tourist destination,
attracting over one million overseas visitors each year.

Topics of interest include but not limited to: Modeling and Control of
Complex Systems ; Linear Systems; Robust Control; Nonlinear Systems and
Control; Fuzzy and Neural Systems; Estimation and Identification; Fault
Detection and Diagnostics; Process Control & Instrumentation; Motion
Control; Flexible Manufacturing Systems; Integrated Manufacturing; Factory
Modeling and Automation; Petri-Nets and Applications; Micro and Nano
Systems; Sensor Networks; Networked Control; Control of Smart Power
Delivery Systems; Control of Distributed Generation Systems; Optimal
Control; Discrete Event Systems; Adaptive Control; Learning Systems;
Intelligent and AI Based Control; Sensor/data Fusion; Robotics; Automated
Guided Vehicles; Control Education; Control Applications; Process
Automation; Man-machine Interactions; Smart Structures; Smart Buildings;
Energy Efficiency; Multi-agent Systems

Submission of Papers

Regular papers in the full version should be submitted online at the
conference website at www.ieee-icca.org. General inquiries should be
addressed via Email at IEEE-ICCA-2019 at ntu.edu.sg to the Program Chair,
Prof. Keyou You. Proposals for invited sessions are also solicited and
should be submitted to the Invited Session Chair, Prof. Guoqiang Hu via
email: gqhu at ntu.edu.sg.

Conference website: http://uav.ece.nus.edu.sg/~icca19/

Important Dates

Deadline for Manuscript Submission: December 31, 2018
Notification of Acceptance: February 15, 2019
Submission of Final Manuscripts: April 30, 2019

6.6. SIAM Conference on Control Theory and its Applications
Contributed by: William S. Levine, wsl at ece.umd.edu

The 19th SIAM Conference on Control Theory and its Applications will be
held in Chengdu, China, June 19 to 21, 2019. Contributions from all areas
of control theory and its applications are welcome.

For details about the conference and how to submit a contribution, please
go to the web site https://www.siam.org/conferences/CM/Main/ct19

Chengdu is a fun city, famous for its food. It is also the location of the
Panda Breeding Research Center, where you can hold a baby panda for a fee.
It is also easy to reach. There are non stop flights from major cities in
the US, Europe and Asia.

6.7. ACM/IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems
Contributed by: Linda Bushnell, LB2 at uw.edu

The 10th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems
April 16-18, 2019 in Montreal, Canada, part of CPSWeek 2019

Overview: As digital computing and communication become faster, cheaper,
and available in packages that are smaller and use less power, these
capabilities are increasingly embedded in many objects and structures in
the physical environment. Cyber-physical systems (CPS) are physical and
engineered systems whose operations are monitored, coordinated, controlled,
and integrated by computing and communication. Broad CPS deployment is
transforming how we interact with the physical world as profoundly as the
world wide web transformed how we interact with one another, and further
harnessing their capabilities holds the possibility of enormous societal
and economic impact.

ACM/IEEE ICCPS is the premier single-track conference for reporting
advances in all CPS aspects, including theory, tools, applications,
systems, test-beds and field deployments. The conferences focuses on the
core science to develop fundamental principles that underpin the
integration of cyber and physical elements, as well as on the development
of technologies, tools, architectures and infrastructure for building CPS
systems, highlighting the design, implementation, and investigation of CPS
applications. Application domains include (but are not limited to):
transportation, energy, water, agriculture, medical and assistive
technology, sensor and social networks, robotics, smart cities, ecology,
and supply-chains. Among the relevant research areas are security, control,
optimization, machine learning, game theory, mechanism design, mobile and
cloud computing, model-based design, verification, data mining / analytics,
signal processing, and human-in-the-loop shared or supervisory control.

All submissions must be in English. Only original papers that are not
submitted or published in other conferences or journals will be considered.
Manuscripts should have a main body with no more than 10 pages. Up to 2
additional pages of appendices may follow the main body of the paper,
within the same submitted .pdf file. The submissions must be in the ACM
two-column conference style, US Letter (8.5 inch x 11 inch) paper size, and
10pt text font size.

Important Dates:
Full paper submission deadline: October 17, AoE, 2018 (FIRM deadline, see
CPSWeek deadline policy),
Author notification: December 28, 2018,
Camera-ready paper due: February 15, 2019.

General Co-Chairs:
Xue Liu, McGill University, Canada
Paulo Tabuada, UCLA, USA

Program Co-Chairs:
Linda Bushnell, University of Washington, USA
Miroslav Pajic, Duke University, USA

Steering Committee:
Insup Lee, University of Pennsylvania, USA
Jack Stankovic, University of Virginia, USA
Eric M. Feron, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Karl H. Johansson, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden
Xenofon Koutsoukos, Vanderbilt University, USA
Raj Rajkumar, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Chris Gill (Ex Officio), Washington University in St. Louis, USA
Bruno Sinopoli (Ex Officio), Carnegie Mellon University, USA

6.8. Conference on Decision and Game Theory for Security
Contributed by: Linda Bushnell, LB2 at uw.edu

9th Conference on Decision and Game Theory for Security – October 29-31,
2018, Seattle, WA

Conference Co-Chairs: Tamer Başar & Radha Poovendran

Keynote Speakers: João P. Hespanha (UC Santa Barbara), John Baras (Univ

Conference website: http://www.gamesec-conf.org

Important Dates:
Registration: Early registration (before Thursday, October 4) will be $550
USD. Late registration (on or after October 4) will be $650 USD.

Recent advances in information and communication technologies pose
significant security challenges that impact all aspects of modern society.
The 9th Conference on Decision and Game Theory for Security in Seattle,
Washington, USA, focuses on protection of heterogeneous, large-scale and
dynamic systems as well as managing security risks faced by critical
infrastructures through rigorous and practically-relevant analytical
methods. GameSec 2018 invites novel, high-quality theoretical and
practically-relevant contributions, which apply decision and game theory,
as well as related techniques such as distributed optimization, dynamic
control and mechanism design, to build resilient, secure, and dependable
networked systems. The goal of GameSec 2018 is to bring together academic
and industrial researchers in an effort to identify and discuss the major
technical challenges and recent results that highlight the connections
between game theory, control, distributed optimization, economic incentives
and real-world security, reputation, trust and privacy problems.

Tutorial Track: Game Theory and Deception

Special Track: Adversarial AI

6.9. SICC International Tutorial Workshop “Topics in Nonlinear Dynamics”
Contributed by: Alessandro Rizzo, alessandro.rizzo at polito.it

Complexity and The City - 13th SICC international tutorial workshop "Topics
in Nonlinear Dynamics"

Dear Colleague,
we are happy to announce that the 13th SICC international tutorial workshop
"Topics in Nonlinear Dynamics" will be held at the Politecnico di Torino,
29-30 October 2018. This year, the focus is on the fascinating theme of
"Complexity and the city".

Registration to the 13TH SICC International Tutorial Workshop "TOPICS IN
NONLINEAR DYNAMICS" can be done at this address

Phd Students and Junior researchers will be given the opportunity to share
their research results to the other participants and the audience at large
through a dynamical and fun presentation style: the PechaKucha. 20 timed
slides shown for 20 seconds each (6 minutes 40 seconds in total), a unique,
fun, and challenging way to communicate your research and receive feedback!

Submit your talk proposal in the form of a one-page abstract to
complexcity at polito.it WITHIN SEPTEMBER 30. It’s going to be fun!


The workshop is the 13th of a series of tutorial workshops annually
organized to explore the emergence of new research fields in which
modeling, analysis and control of nonlinear and complex systems play a role
of growing importance. These workshops have been traditionally devoted to
an interdisciplinary audience with particular attention to PhD students and
young researchers. The theme of this year is “Complexity and The City” with
a unique focus on interactions, mobility, epidemics, information and
misinformation spreading, and many other complex phenomena typical of urban

The workshop will gather scholars, students, and practitioners for two days
of presentations and debates around complex systems science and its
interplay with urban environments. A series of plenary lectures from
renowned scholars is planned, while PhD students and young researchers will
have dedicated sessions to present their research activity in an effective
and appealing way. Social events will foster interaction and creation of
collaboration opportunities.


* Amin Amjoshoaa, Senseable City Lab, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Cambridge MA
* Andrea Baronchelli, City University of London, UK
* Baruch Barzel, Bar Ilan University, Tel Aviv, Israel
* Guido Caldarelli, IMT Lucca, Italy
* Mario Di Bernardo, Università degli Studi Federico II, Napoli, Italy and
University of Bristol, UK
* Fabio Duarte, Senseable City Lab, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Cambridge MA
* Chiara Poletto, EPIcx Lab, Inserm, Paris, France
* Maurizio Porfiri, New York University Tandon School of Engineering,
Brooklyn NY, USA
* Carlo Ratti, Senseable City Lab, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Cambridge MA
* Paolo Santi, Senseable City Lab, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Cambridge MA
* Rossano Schifanella, University of Torino, Italy
* Michele Tizzoni, ISI Foundation, Torino, Italy
* Kimon Valavanis, Unmanned Systems Research Institute, University of
Denver, CO, USA


Submissions and registration are open.

Please, find more information at: https://complexcity.polito.it

SICC - Societa' Italiana Caos e Complessita'
e-mail info at sicc-it.org
Web http://www.sicc-it.org

6.10. International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems
Contributed by: Zee Yeon Lee, conference at icros.org

2018 18th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems
(ICCAS 2018)
October 17~20, 2018YongPyong Resort, PyeongChang, GangWon Province, Korea

Call for Papers: http://icros.org/data/download/ICCAS2018/ICCAS2018_CFP.pdf

The aim of the ICCAS is to bring together researchers and engineers
worldwide to present their latest works, and disseminate the
state-of-the-art technologies related to control, automation, robotics, and

- June 17, 2018 : Submission of Regular Papers (3~6 pages)
- July 13, 2018 : Submission of Organized Session/Mini-symposium Proposal
with Papers and Research Poster Papers (1~2 pages)
- July 31, 2018 : Notification of Acceptance
- August 31, 2018 : Submission of Final Camera-ready Papers

The conference invites three types of submission: "Regular Paper",
"Research Poster Paper", and "Organized (Invited) Session/Mini-symposium
To submit papers, go "Online Paper Submission" on the website:

PAPER SUBMISSION GUIDELINE: http://2018.iccas.org/?page_id=81

Indexed in: IEEE Xplore, EI compendex, and SCOPUS

PLENARY SPEAKERS- Edwin K. P. Chong (Colorado State Univ., USA)
- Matthew W. Smuck (Stanford Univ., USA)
- Janan Zaytoon (Univ. of Reims, France)
- Xiaoyan Zhu (Tsinghua Univ., China)
- Hideaki Ishii (Tokyo Inst. of Tech., Japan)

-- Welcome to PyeongChang, 2018 Winter Olympics Venue --
PyeongChang is a county in Gangwon Province, South Korea. It’s known for
Odaesan National Park, with trails crisscrossing the Taebaek Mountains. The
park is also home to several Buddhist temples, including Woljeongsa Temple,
with its 9-story octagonal pagoda. Lee Hyo-seok Culture Village explores
the life of early-20th-century poet Lee Hyo-seok. On the Heungjeong Valley
bank are the 7 themed gardens of Herbnara Farm.

General Chair: Chul Joo Hwang (President of ICROS; Jusung Engineering,
Organizing Chair: Sungwan Kim (Seoul Nat’l Univ., Korea)
Program Chair: Jung Kim (KAIST, Korea)
Organized by Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems (ICROS)
Technically Co-sponsored by: IEEE CSS; IEEE RAS; IEEE IES; SICE; ACA; ISA;

6.11. IEEE Colombian Conference on Automatic Control 2019
Contributed by: Jhon Isaza, jhonisaza at itm.edu.co

First Call for Papers
4th IEEE Colombian Conference on Automatic Control 2019

Scope: The 4th IEEE Colombian Conference on Automatic Control (CCAC) will
be held on October 15-18, 2019 in Medellin-Colombia. This is the fourth in
a series that have been successfully established in the Colombian and Latin
American region. The objective of the conference is to gather academics and
industrial researchers and practitioners to discuss the state of the art,
research, and developments in technological advances and applications of
control engineering to encourage technology development in Colombia and the
Latin American region. The conference includes all aspects around control
engineering, from analysis and design to simulation and hardware. Major
topics for the event include, but are not limited to, the following:

Applied control for industrial and non-industrial areas, applied control
for robots, hybrid systems, intelligent control, mechatronics, mobile
robots, modeling of dynamic systems, multi-robot systems, control of power
systems, process control and automation, process optimization, sensing and
sensor fusion, system identification, systems and signals, control of
biological systems and biochemical processes.

Important Dates:
- Paper submission deadline: (March 17 2019) April 1 2019
- Paper decision notification: June 03 2019
- Camera-ready final manuscripts: July 15 2019

Paper submission: The program committee invites you to submit 4 to 6 pages
long papers in English through www.ieeeccac2019.com.

Submitted papers to CCAC must be original, not previously published or
accepted for publication elsewhere and must not be submitted to any other
event or publisher during the entire review process. IEEE policy regarding
plagiarism and duplicate submission/publication will be strictly enforced.
Accepted and presented papers will be published in the IEEE CCAC 2019
Conference Proceedings and submitted to IEEE Xplore®. Only English versions
will be published in IEEE Xplore®.

Venue: The 4th IEEE CCAC 2019 will be held in Medellin from the 15th to
18th of October 2019. Medellin, the 2nd largest city in Colombia, is a
vibrant city that offers a wide variety of tourist, gastronomic and
cultural attractions.

Contact: Additional details and Conference updates are available at:
Inquiries about the conference may be addressed to: contact at ieeeccac2019.com

6.12. IEEE Workshop on Cyber-Physical Networking
Contributed by: Sebastian Trimpe, trimpe at is.mpg.de

Call for Contributions

1st IEEE Workshop on Cyber-Physical Networking
(CPN - co-located with IEEE CCNC 2019)
January 11 - 14, 2019 in Las Vegas, USA

Workshop website:

Increasing the data rates of communication systems has been a major
research objective of the past decades. The corresponding research efforts
lead to the modern information society of today. Recently, we see a rapid
spread of cyber-physical applications such as telemedicine, smart
production and infrastructure systems. Such systems build the backbone for
e.g. Industry 4.0 environments and operate with feedback control loops that
are closed over communication channels and, thus, impose real-time
requirements on the communication system. Predictably low latency is
generally a desirable property, however, it challenges concurring
requirements for high reliability, spectral, and energy efficiency in
particular when wireless links used. Classical approaches for the
independent design of communication and control have reached their limits
for quite some time.

The research objective in the area of cyber-physical networking is to
develop a theoretical and practical basis for the paradigmatic change from
throughput- to real-time-oriented communication in networked control
systems. In order to meet the requirements of cyber-physical applications,
a tight (horizontal and vertical) integration of all communication,
control, and system components is necessary in order to fully exploit their
individual elasticity and mutual adjustment potential. We understand
cyber-physical networking as including all aspects of such a system, in
particular network and communication, control and the physical system
itself. Ultimately, this workshop aims to bring together leading
researchers in the area of communication, control and systems design - to
share views on approaches to bring together these domains for enabling
cyber-physical networking.

We encourage the submission of courageous research ideas and proposals that
explore the potential of cyber-physical networks, also off the beaten track.

Submissions are encouraged to cover multiple of the following top-level
topics (but not limited to).

Application Scenarios for Cyber-Physical Networks:
- Benchmarks, Quality Metrics, and Testbeds
- Industry Case Studies and Experience Reports
- Consumer Products
Control Design and Architectures for Cyber-Physical Networks:
- Performance, Stability, and Robustness Guarantees
- Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
- Model-Predictive, Optimal, Learning-Based, and Robust Control
Network Architectures and Protocols for Cyber-Physical Networks:
- Mobility Aspects
- Latency and Resilience Awareness
- Time-Sensitive Networking
Operating System Approaches for Cyber-Physical Networks:
- Resource Management
- Timeliness and Energy Awareness
- Local and Distributed Dependability

The workshop allows two types of submissions: papers and demos. Submitted
papers must represent original material that is not currently under review
in any other conference or journal, and has not been previously published.
All paper submissions should be written in English with a maximum paper
length of six (6) printed pages (10-point font) following the IEEE format.
All demo submissions come in form of an extended abstract with a maximum
length of two (2) printed pages with the same format as paper submissions.
At the workshop, demos are required to bring a poster (A0) that accompanies
their presentation. We also encourage the paper authors to optionally
present a demo. This does not require a separate submission of an extended
abstract but is covered by the paper submission.

For more details, please refer to IEEE CCNC 2019 conference website:

Workshop website:

6.13. CDC Workshop on “Secure and Resilient Control Systems”
Contributed by: Quanyan Zhu, qz494 at nyu.edu

Workshop on Secure and Resilient Control Systems
57th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Miami Beach, Florida,
December 16, 2018

Security of control systems poses an inherently multi-disciplinary research
challenge. Network and systems security is needed to discover possible
cyber vulnerabilities and develop secure protocols. The incentives,
capabilities, and goals of adversary must be understood and modeled,
through techniques including game theory. The control actions should be
robust to the impact of possible attacks and enable recovery of system
functionality when attacks do occur. The proposed workshop will present a
holistic view of control system security, with perspectives on network
security, game theory, and control, as well as a view for how these
disciplines can be combined to design resilient, safe, and secure control
systems. From the application side, we will place a particular emphasis on
the security of power systems, which is one of the most active research
domains in this area. Case studies on different control and regulation
operations in energy management systems as well as the development of
testbeds for the cyber-physical security of such systems will be presented.

Anuradha Annaswamy and Mehran Dibaji (MIT)
Tamer Basar (UIUC)
Henrik Sandberg and Karl H. Johansson (KTH)
Zhihua Qu (UCF)
Joao Hespanha (UCSB) and Yongqiang Wang (Clemson U)
Radha Poovendran (U of Washington)
Manimaran Govindarasu (Iowa State U)
Radhakisan Baheti (NSF)

Hideaki Ishii (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Quanyan Zhu (New York University)

Registration link:

Workshop website:

6.14. CDC Workshop on “Traffic Flow Control via PDE Techniques”
Contributed by: Nikolaos Bekiaris-Liberis, nikos.bekiaris at dssl.tuc.gr

CDC 2018 Workshop on “Traffic Flow Control via PDE Techniques”

The workshop will cover the subjects of (vehicular) traffic flow control
and estimation as well as traffic flow dynamics modelling for control and
estimation, with particular emphasis on PDE-based techniques. Both
methodological and practical aspects will be addressed.


Miroslav Krstic, University of California, San Diego, USA.
Christophe Prieur, CNRS, France.
Iasson Karafyllis, National Technical University of Athens, Greece.
Christian Claudel, University of Texas at Austin, USA.
Maria Laura Delle Monache, Inria, France.
Benedetto Piccoli, Rutgers University, USA.
Paola Goatin, Inria, France.
Gabor Orosz, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA.
Nikolaos Bekiaris-Liberis, Technical University of Crete, Greece.


Nikolaos Bekiaris-Liberis, Technical University of Crete, Greece.
Maria Laura Delle Monache, INRIA Grenoble-Rhone Alpes, France.
Delphine Bresch-Pietri, MINES ParisTech, France.
Rafael Vazquez, University of Seville, Spain.

Registration is available at a rate of 170 USD (85 USD for students) via

For more details follow the link

6.15. CDC Workshop on “Learning for Control”
Contributed by: Konstantinos Gatsis, kgatsis at seas.upenn.edu

Workshop on Learning for Control, 57th IEEE Conference on Decision and
Control, Miami Beach, Florida, December 16, 2018

Over the past two decades, advances in computing and communications have
resulted in the creation, transmission and storage of data from all sectors
of society. Over the next decade, the biggest generator of data is expected
to be Internet-of-Things devices which sense and control the physical
world. This explosion of data that is emerging from the physical world
requires a rapprochement of areas such as machine learning, control theory,
and optimization. The availability and scale of data, both temporal and
spatial, brings a wonderful opportunity for our community to both advance
the theory of control systems in a more data-driven fashion, as well as
have a broader industrial and societal impact. The goals of our workshop

- Present state-of-the-art results in the theory and application of
Learning for Control, including topics such as statistical learning for
control, reinforcement learning for control, online and safe learning for
- Bring together some of the leading researchers across the fields in order
to promote cross-fertilization of results, tools, and ideas, and stimulate
further progress in the area
- Attract new researchers in these exciting problems, creating a larger yet
focused community that thinks rigorously across the disciplines and asks
new questions

Michael I. Jordan, University of California, Berkeley

Dimitri P. Bertsekas, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Francesco Borrelli, University of California, Berkeley
Giuseppe Carlo Calafiore, Politecnico di Torino
Maryam Fazel, University of Washington
Frank L. Lewis, University of Texas at Arlington
Benjamin Recht, University of California, Berkeley
Angela Schoellig, University of Toronto
Claire J. Tomlin, University of California, Berkeley
Rene Vidal, Johns Hopkins University

Konstantinos Gatsis, University of Pennsylvania
Pramod P. Khargonekar, University of California, Irvine
Manfred Morari, University of Pennsylvania
George J. Pappas, University of Pennsylvania

The workshop will take place on Sunday December 16, 2018 during the 57th
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control at the Fontainebleau in Miami
Beach, FL, USA. Please note that only people who have registered for the
conference can register for the workshop.

Registration link:

Workshop website:

6.16. ACC Invited Session on “Human-Closed Loop System Interactions for
Uncertain Systems”
Contributed by: Yildiray Yildiz, yyildiz at bilkent.edu.tr

Dear Colleagues:

We invite you to submit papers to the Invited Session on Human-Closed Loop
System Interactions for Uncertain Systems at the 2019 American Control
Conference (ACC).

The invited session will cover stability, performance, and robustness
investigations, as well as modeling and controller design studies, for
uncertain systems where humans are treated as a part of the closed loop

Please send your contributions (abstracts will be enough at this stage) no
later than September 12th, 2018 to the organizers whose emails are listed

Best regards,

Yildiray Yildiz (yyildiz at bilkent.edu.tr)
Tansel Yucelen (yucelen at usf.edu)

7. Positions

7.1. MS/PhD: Clemson University, USA
Contributed by: Mohammad Naghnaeian, mnaghna at clemson.edu

A few PhD/Masters positions are available in the Mechanical Engineering
Department, Clemson University. The research lies in the broad area of
control and optimization of cyber-physical systems. A prior knowledge of
robust and adaptive control, hybrid and switching systems, and optimal
control is preferred but not required. The students will also assist Dr.
Naghnaeian in
a)developing control algorithms for connected vehicles to improve fuel
economy, safety, and fault/adversary detection.
b)performing fundamental control theoretic research on the security of
controlled systems.
c)merging the robust control framework with the the learning techniques
from data to develop robust and real-time implementable data-driven control
d) setting up the cyber-physical security laboratory.

Interested applicants can email their CVs to Dr. Naghnaeian at (
mnaghna at clemson.edu).

7.2. PhD: University of Lübeck, Germany
Contributed by: Georg Schildbach, georg.schildbach at uni-luebeck.de

Ph.D. Position in Autonomous Systems

We are looking for a passionate doctoral student to join the research group
on intelligent autonomous systems, with particular focus on autonomous
vehicles. Your responsibilities are to carry out an independent research
project, to support our teaching, to supervise Bachelors and Masters
theses, and to help with laboratory experiments. Our areas of research
include algorithms for autonomous vehicles, in particular:
• Advanced control and estimation
• Numerical optimization for embedded systems
• Machine learning for object detection and situation interpretation
• Motion planning and trajectory tracking
• Strategies for the reliability of safety-critical systems
The main prerequisite is a good Masters degree in any subdiscipline of
computer science, engineering, or mathematics as well as a strong
motivation for research. In addition, you should have some experience with
computer programming and scientific writing, and be able to communicate
fluently in English (and ideally also in German). Prior in the field of
robotics or mechatronics would be a plus, but not a strict requirement.

For more information see:

If you would like to apply for this position, please send your full
documents (cv, transcripts, etc.) to:
University of Luebeck (bewerbung at uni-luebeck.de)
In case you have further question, please contact:
Prof. Dr. Georg Schildbach (georg.schildbach at uni-luebeck.de)

7.3. PhD: Tsinghua University, China
Contributed by: (Samuel) Qing-Shan Jia, jiaqs at tsinghua.edu.cn

(Samuel) Qing-Shan Jia, jiaqs at tsinghua.edu.cn

The center for intelligent and networked systems (CFINS) at Tsinghua
University (Beijing, China) (http://www.cfins.au.tsinghua.edu.cn) invites
applications for PhD positions in the field of control and optimization of
energy Internet and smart buildings. Potential applicants with knowledge on
Markov decision process, power systems, and/or building systems are
especially encouraged to apply. The potential applicant should be expected
to receive a Bachelor/MS degree in EE/CS/IE or related areas, or already
have a Bachelor/MS degree in these fields. Applications will be reviewed
immediately. All applications should be received by Oct. 30, 2018.
Interested applicants, please send an email to (Samuel) Qing-Shan Jia
jiaqs at tsinghua.edu.cn to know more details.

7.4. PhD: ETH Zurich and Lucerne Kantonsspital, Switzerland
Contributed by: John Lygeros, jlygeros at ethz.ch

PhD Position, ETH Zurich and Lucerne Kantonsspital

A PhD position is available to conduct research on systems theory in
neuroscience research, specifically data driven modelling of cerebral blood
flow regulation based on a variety of blood flow measurement methods. The
successful applicant will have the opportunity to work in a team comprising
experienced vascular neurologists from the Lucerne Kantonsspital and
control engineers from the Automatic Control Laboratory of ETH Zurich; ETH
Zurich will serve as the PhD granting institution. A wealth of
physiological data from a number of subjects is already available based on
earlier experiments. Additional clinical work for data collection will be
carried out at the Lucerne Kantonsspital, while data analysis and modelling
research will be carried out at both locations.

Candidates with a background in control theory and an interest in human or
animal physiology are highly encouraged to apply. The successful candidate
should have good analytical skills, an ability to work in an active team
environment, and a relevant university degree at the Master's level (e.g.
electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, computer science,
mathematics, etc.). Some programming experience (e.g. in Matlab), fluency
in spoken English, and technical writing skills are highly desirable.

Interested candidates should submit their CV, transcripts of their studies,
a short justification for their interest, and the names and contact
information of three references to:

John Lygeros
Automatic Control Laboratory
ETL I 22
Physikstrasse 3
CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland
Email: jlygeros at ethz.ch

7.5. PhD: Stevens Institute of Technology, USA
Contributed by: Yi Guo, yguo1 at stevens.edu

Ph.D. Student Positions Available
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Stevens Institute of Technology

We are looking for 2 or more Ph.D. students to join the Robotics and
Automation Laboratory in Spring or Fall 2019. Research projects are in the
field of robotics and machine learning, where students need to develop
learning, planning and control algorithms and to validate them on systems
of autonomous mobile robots and/or wearable sensors.

If you're interested, please email your CV to yguo1 at stevens.edu, together
with a one-page statement that provide details about your knowledge and
research experience in robotics, controls, and/or machine learning.
Information about the research work conducted in the lab can be found from
the web link: http://personal.stevens.edu/~yguo1

7.6. PhD: University of Houston, USA
Contributed by: Rose Faghih, rtfaghih at uh.edu

Spring 2019 Ph.D. Opening (Application Deadline: October 15th, 2018)

The Computational Medicine Laboratory (CML) at the University of Houston is
currently looking to recruit one highly motivated and creative Ph.D.
student with applied mathematics and/or signal processing background to
develop mathematical algorithms for biomedical engineering applications.
CML mainly focuses on designing control, optimization, estimation, signal
processing, and machine learning algorithms for biomedical and neural
engineering applications. The ideal candidate has obtained their B.S.
degree in electrical engineering (or related fields, e.g. mechanical,
computer or biomedical engineering, computer science, applied mathematics,
statistics, etc.) focusing on control theory and/or signal processing. The
projects involve algorithm design and validation in real-time experiments
with human recordings. Interested candidates should contact Dr. Rose Faghih
at rtfaghih at uh.edu with the required documents listed at

7.7. PhD: Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Contributed by: Riccardo Ferrari, r.ferrari at tudelft.nl

One PhD Position in Fault and Cyber-attack Tolerance for Distributed Systems
Delft Center for Systems and Control (DCSC), Delft University of
Technology, The Netherlands

I am looking for a talented, outstanding candidate with an M.Sc. degree (or
close to completion) in Systems & Control, Electrical or Electronics
Engineering, Mechanical engineering or Computer science and with good
command of the English language (Dutch not required). Candidates with a
background in fault diagnosis, multi-robots formations or distributed
(parameters)-systems are especially encouraged to apply.

PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The successful candidate will carry out research in
support of Dr. Ferrari, aiming to make distributed systems, such as
critical infrastructures or formations of cooperative self-driving cars,
robust to faults or cyber-attacks that could affect one or more subsystem
or vehicle. The PhD student will develop model-based algorithms capable of
detecting and isolating faults or cyber-attacks, as well as accommodation
techniques. Research topics will include, for instance, probabilistic
methods for designing detection thresholds, watermarking or encryption
techniques, uncertainty propagation in large nonlinear systems and privacy
issues between parties participating to the distributed scheme. There will
be the possibility to test such algorithms on a multi-robot setup in our

CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT: The position will start as soon as possible, and
run for four years. The successful candidate will be enrolled in the
University graduate school. PhD students will receive a competitive salary
in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities
(CAO), from 2.2k EUR/month (gross, 1st year) to 2.8k EUR/month (gross, 4th
year), possibly from 1.7k EUR/month (after taxes, 1st year) to 2.0k
EUR/month (after taxes, 4th year), plus holiday allowance (8% of gross
annual income) and end-of-year allowance (8.3% of gross annual income),
travel budget, secondary benefits, discounts for health insurance and sport
membership. Assistance with accommodation can be arranged.

ABOUT TU DELFT: TU Delft is an internationally recognized research
university with over 20,000 students and 3,300 staff scientists. Its high
quality teaching standards and experimental facilities are renowned,
placing it among the 6 top universities in Europe and top 18 in the world
in the Engineering and Technology field (Times Higher Education 2018). TU
Delft is an equal opportunity employer and committed to increase the
diversity of its staff.

APPLICATION: Please send your application including a motivation letter, a
curriculum vitae, a list of courses with grades, and contact information
for two academic references to Dr. Riccardo Ferrari (r.ferrari at tudelft.nl).
Dr. Ferrari can also be contacted for more information about this vacancy.
The deadline for ensuring full consideration of an application is October
15, 2018, but the position will remain open until filled.

7.8. PhD: Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Contributed by: Sergio Grammatico, s.grammatico at tudelft.nl

3 PhD positions: Game theoretic Control, Complex Systems of Systems,
Operator Theory
Delft Center for Systems and Control (DCSC), Delft University of
Technology, The Netherlands.

I am looking for talented, outstanding candidates with an M.Sc. degree (or
close to completion) in Systems and Control, or Applied Mathematics,
Electrical or Mechanical Engineering, or related field, with theoretical
background and interest in System Theory, Automatic Control, Optimization,
Game Theory, and with good command of the English language (knowledge of
Dutch is not required).

General project description: The candidates will conduct theoretical and
algorithmic research on complex multi-agent systems characterized by the
presence of: (i) mixed cooperative and noncooperative agents; (ii)
uncertain and stochastic variables; (iii) mixed-integer decision variables.
The research will develop and build upon tools from game theory, monotone
and fixed-point operator theory, statistical learning, distributed
optimization and control. The main application areas are distributed
control for smart power grids and multi-vehicle automated driving.

The PhD positions are in the context of the research projects "Complex
Network Games: The Scenario Approach" (OMEGA), funded by the Netherlands
Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) as TOP grant in Mathematics, and
"Game theoretic Control for Complex Systems of Systems" (COSMOS), funded by
the European Research Council as ERC Starting Grant.

Conditions of employment: The appointments will be for 4 years. The PhD
students will participate in the training and research activities of the TU
Delft Graduate School and of the Dutch Institute of Systems and Control
(DISC). As an employees of TU Delft, the PhD students will receive a
competitive salary in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement for
Dutch Universities (CAO), from 2.2k EUR/month (gross, 1st year) to 2.8k
EUR/month (gross, 4th year), possibly from 1.7k EUR/month (after taxes, 1st
year) to 2.0k EUR/month (after taxes, 4th year), plus holiday allowance (8%
of gross annual income) and end-of-year allowance (8.3% of gross annual
income), travel budget, secondary benefits, discounts for health insurance
and sport membership. Assistance with accommodation can be arranged.

Applications shall include the following documents:
• curriculum vitae;
• statement of motivation and research interests (up to one page);
• transcripts of all exams taken and obtained degrees (in English);
• names and contact information of up to three references (e.g.
project/thesis supervisors);
• up to two research-oriented documents (e.g. thesis, conference/journal

Applications or inquires shall be emailed to prof. Sergio Grammatico (
s.grammatico at tudelft.nl).

The starting date are flexible. The call for applications will remain open
until the ideal candidates are found.

More information: s.grammatico at tudelft.nl,

7.9. PhD: George Washington University, USA
Contributed by: Taeyoung Lee, tylee at gwu.edu

Flight dynamics and control lab (http://fdcl.seas.gwu.edu) of the George
Washington University at Washington DC is looking for new doctoral
students. There are three open positions for the following projects.

1. Uncertainty Propagation for Hybrid Systems

This project is to construct comprehensive computational techniques for
stochastic analysis of hybrid systems evolving on a nonlinear configuration
manifold, including uncertainty propagation, Bayesian estimation, and
stochastic optimal control schemes.

In particular, backgrounds in the following topics are desired.

a. Stochastic analysis
b. Hybrid systems
c. Estimation
d. Geometric mechanics

This position will be funded by AFOSR.

2. Dynamics and Control of Flapping Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

This project aims to uncover the biomechanics of Monarch butterflies
exhibiting the longest flight range among insects, and to utilize it to
develop bio-inspired control schemes for long-range flapping-wing micro
aerial vehicles. Backgrounds in the following topics are desired.

a. Nonlinear dynamics
b. Nonlinear control theory
c. Aerodynamics
d. Geometric mechanics

This position will be funded by NSF.

3. Aerial Mapping and Situation Awareness

This project aims to develop aerial robotic systems to monitor a complex
urban environments, create a real time map, and share it with other
autonomous vehicles. Backgrounds in the following topics are desired.

b. ROS
c. Machine learning
d. Image processing

This position will be funded by NSF.

For every position, it is expected that the candidates have expertise in
structured programming.

To apply, or to request more information, please contact Prof. Taeyoung Lee
at tylee at gwu.edu. The application should include CV, a list of
publications, and a list of reference, and it should be submitted as a
single PDF file.

7.10. PhD: International Max Planck Research School for Intelligent
Systems, Stuttgart/Tübingen, Germany
Contributed by: Frank Allgower, allgower at ist.uni-stuttgart.de

PhD: International Max Planck Research School for Intelligent Systems,
Stuttgart/Tübingen, Germany

Multiple PhD positions in Intelligent Systems, including Control, at the
International Max Planck Research School for Intelligent Systems in
Stuttgart and Tubingen, Germany

The Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems and the Universities of
Stuttgart and Tubingen are collaborating to offer a new interdisciplinary
Ph.D. program, the International Max Planck Research School for Intelligent
Systems. This doctoral program will accept its 3rd Ph.D. generation in
spring 2019 and will enroll about 100 Ph.D. students over the next six
years. This school is a key element of the state’s “Cyber Valley”
initiative (http://www.cyber-valley.de/en) to accelerate basic research and
commercial development in the broad field of artificial intelligence.
Students are sought who want to earn a doctorate in the broad area of
intelligent systems, including control systems.

The participating faculty are Frank Allgöwer, Philipp Berens, Matthias
Bethge, Michael J. Black, Andrés Bruhn, Martin Butz, Caterina De Bacco,
Peer Fischer, Andreas Geiger, Matthias Hein, Philipp Hennig, Ardian Jusufi,
Katherine J. Kuchenbecker, Hendrik Lensch, Falk Lieder, Georg Martius, Mi
Jung Park, Ludovic Righetti, Bernhard Schölkopf, Fabian Sinz, Metin Sitti,
Alexander Spröwitz, Ingo Steinwart, Joerg Stueckler, Gabriele Schweikert,
Marc Toussaint, Sebastian Trimpe, Isabel Valera, Ulrike von Luxburg, and
Felix Wichmann.

Intelligent systems that can successfully perceive, act, and learn in
complex environments hold great potential for aiding society. To advance
human knowledge in this domain, we need doctoral students who are curious,
creative, and passionate about research to join our school. Learn more at

All aspects of the program are in English. You may join our program in
spring 2019. You will be mentored by our internationally renowned faculty.
You will register as a university graduate student and conduct research for
approximately three years. You can take part in a wide variety of
scientific seminars, advanced training workshops, and social activities.
Your doctoral degree will be conferred when you successfully complete your
Ph.D. project. Our dedicated coordinator will assist you throughout your
time as a doctoral student.

People with a strong academic background and a master’s degree in
Engineering, Computer Science, Cognitive Science, Mathematics, Control
Theory, Neuroscience, Materials Science, Physics, or related fields should

We seek to increase the number of women in areas where they are
underrepresented, so we explicitly encourage women to apply. We are
committed to employing more handicapped individuals and especially
encourage them to apply. We are an equal opportunity employer and value
diversity at our institutions.

Admission will be competitive. If selected, you will receive funding via an
employment contract, subject to the rules of the Max Planck Society and the
two participating universities.

You can apply at http://imprs.is.mpg.de before midday CET on November 15,
The selection interviews will take place between January 29 and February 1,
2019 in Stuttgart and Tubingen,Germany.

7.11. PhD: Lund University, Sweden
Contributed by: Anders Rantzer, rantzer at control.th.se

This PhD project is part of a larger project, aiming to bridge the gap
between machine learning and control engineering. These research fields
have traditionally evolved more or less separately, but in recent years the
intersections in terms of applications as well theoretical challenges have
been growing. We will study sequential decision making in systems whose
dynamics are initially unknown, i.e. with adaptive control or reinforcement
learning. For the project, we need PhD candidates with a strong background
in mathematics, optimization and statistics, combined with a solid
engineering competence. See http://www.control.lth.se.

7.12. PhD/PostDoc: Politecnico di Torino, Italy and New York University, USA
Contributed by: Alessandro Rizzo, alessandro.rizzo at polito.it

I am writing to inform you that three positions are available within my
research programs on complex and networked systems:

1) post-doctoral researcher, for a duration of 18 months, within the
research project “Mac2Mic” - Macro to Micro: uncovering the hidden
mechanisms driving network dynamics. The project is funded by the Italian
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperations and by the
Ministry of Science and Technology of the State of Israel, in the framework
of the bilateral initiatives of scientific and technological cooperation.
The aim of the project is the inference of local/individual dynamics (node
dynamics) in networked systems for which global measurements at the
population level (i.e., “observables”) are available. The project is
carried out in collaboration with Dr. Guido Caldarelli (Institute of
Complex Systems, National Research Council, Rome, and IMT Lucca) and Dr.
Baruch Barzel (Bar-Ilan University, Tel Aviv, Israel). The post-doctoral
researcher will be hired at Politecnico di Torino. An outgoing mobility
phase of at least two stays of two months each at Bar-Ilan University is
mandatory (additional funds for mobility are allocated).

2) Ph.D. student at the New York University Tandon School of Engineering,
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Dynamical Systems
Laboratory, directed by Prof. Maurizio Porfiri. The research will be
focused on time-varying complex networks for modeling and control of
epidemic processes in heterogeneous populations. The candidate will enroll
at New York University and will be co-mentored by Prof. Porfiri and myself.
It will be possible to work toward a dual-title agreement with Politecnico
di Torino, subject to a mobility activity of at least one year, which can
be fractioned in two period of at least six months each.

3) Post-doc researcher at the New York University Tandon School of
Engineering, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Dynamical
Systems Laboratory, directed by Prof. Maurizio Porfiri. The research will
be focused on time-varying complex networks for modeling and control of
epidemic processes in heterogeneous populations. Duration and terms of the
appointment are negotiable.

7.13. PostDoc: Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Contributed by: Yuanxin Wu, yuanxin.wu at sjtu.edu.cn

Multiple Postdoc Positions of Institute of Sensing and Navigation, Shanghai
Jiao Tong University, China

Institute of Sensing and Navigation in School of Electronic Information and
Electrical Engineering of Shanghai Jiao Tong University is open for
postdoctoral researcher recruitment. The institute focuses on solving
problems regarding intelligent processing theories and core technologies in
the area of high-precision detection, recognition, navigation, and job
control in realistic scenarios. Applicants should have a PhD degree in
related fields from well-known universities/institutes, or is expected to
complete his/her doctoral defense successfully in the near future.

Position 1: Remote Sensing Information Processing (2 vacancies)
SAR image target detection and identification, SAR image classification,
multi-source remote sensing image fusion, deep learning and microwave

Position 2: Unmanned System with Intelligent Sensing and Navigation
Technology (5 vacancies)
Non-structural scene sensing and object identification for low-speed
unmanned system, high-efficient SLAM, signal/image understanding and
multisensor-based positioning and navigation.

Position 3: inertial-based navigation system (2 vacancies)
Theoretical research, information fusion methods, algorithms and prototype
system design at cross-disciplines of inertial-visual navigation.
Applications include large-scale autonomous navigation, 3D reconstruction
and wearable motion tracking.

Basic salary will be RMB 200-300K (~USD 30-45K) /year before tax, depending
on qualification. Those with outstanding achievements might have additional
rewards. Positions are supposed to be no less than 2 years and could be
extended up to 6 years. It is possible to apply a tenure-track position for
university assessment after the post-doc period. Your CV, 3-5
representative publications, and three referee letters (including doctoral
supervisor) are expected. Applications should be sent to Mrs. Ling Gong,
lgong at sjtu.edu.cn. The post would be long effective until positions filled.

7.14. PostDoc: Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Contributed by: Weidong Zhang, wdzhang at sjtu.edu.cn

Postdoctoral position in Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

The Optimization & Control Engineering Research Center of Shanghai (in the
Department of Automation, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China) seeks to
fill 3 postdoctoral positions as soon as possible thereafter. We are
interested in candidates in broad areas of advanced control theory,
multi-agents, machine learning, pattern recognition, networked control
systems, etc.

Applied conditions as follows:
-PhD degree
-Experience in theory or engineering research
-Good communication skills in English or Chinese
-Strong work ethic and passion for research

Main tasks:
-To conduct original research
-Assist in writing proposals for new research and write reports for
existing research
-Supervision of student projects and thesis at both master and Ph.D. levels

Salary and others:
-RMB 120-200k/year (approximately, 18-30kUSD)
-It is a two-year position and can be extended to 5 years

Required documents
-Detailed curriculum vitae and list of publications;
-Names and contact information of three references.

For further information, please contact Prof. Dr. Weidong Zhang, Email:
wdzhang at sjtu.edu.cn, Tel: +86-21-34204019. Address: Dongchuan Road 800,
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China.

7.15. PostDoc: Huazhong University of Science & Technology, China
Contributed by: Hai-Tao Zhang, zht at hust.edu.cn

The iMDS research lab (http://imds.auto.hust.edu.cn/English/Home.htm/)
directed by Prof. Hai-Tao Zhang, Prof. Zhiyong Chen and Prof. Ye Yuan are
looking for a postdoc researcher starting as soon as possible at Huazhong
University of Science & Technology (HUST), Wuhan, China. The key research
project is broadly on control theory development and experiments of
nano-positioning systems. The project is funded by National Natural Science
Foundation of China - Overseas Joint Grant.

We offer
1). A competitive salary (Chinese RMB 200,000 to 300,000 per year plus
housing allowance, negotiable depending on the qualification) by HUST.
2). State-of-the-art experimental platforms.
3). Full contract for 2 years with the possibility of renewal on

Your Profile
1). A Ph.D. degree in Control Theory, Power Systems Engineering,
Mathematics, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, or a closely related
2). An excellent background i and a record of journal publications in
control theory and applications on nano-positioning systems.

Interested candidates should send their CV (with names of at least two
references) and a cover letter describing their specific interest and how
their background fits the qualifications to Prof. Hai-Tao Zhang (
zht at hust.edu.cn). All applications will be treated in the strictest

About Huazhong UST: www.hust.edu.cn,

About School of Automation, Huazhong UST: auto.hust.edu.cn

7.16. PostDoc: Harvard Unviersity, USA
Contributed by: Claire Van Strien, cvanstrien at seas.harvard.edu

Open Positions with the Biomedical Systems Engineering Research Group at
Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

The Diabetes Research Group at the Harvard John A. Paulson School of
Engineering and Applied Sciences is seeking post-doc fellows that would
like to be engaged in cutting edge interdisciplinary biomedical research
and the development of novel control algorithms to improve glucose control
and quality of life for people with type 1 diabetes mellitus. The research
activity will include algorithm development, computer simulations and
translation of the work to human clinical studies.

Basic Qualifications
A Ph.D. degree (or close to completion) in Systems and Control, Applied
Mathematics, Electrical or Mechanical or Chemical Engineering, or related
field is required. Ideal candidates must have a strong background in design
and development of MPC algorithms, System Theory, Automatic Control, and
Optimization. Excellent interpersonal, written, and oral communication
skills and ability to write peer reviewed papers with limited supervision.
Must have the ability to collaborate with a multidisciplinary team of
scientists and medical professionals on a large project at all stages.
Experience using Matlab, Java is required.

Additional Qualifications
Preference for individuals familiar and interested in translational
medicine or biomedical-related fields. This position requires an individual
capable of consistent use of discretion, judgment, and initiative.
Experience using C, embedded C and Python is a plus.

Required documents
An informal cover letter and/or personal statement, no longer than 1 page
and detailed curriculum vitae with a list of publications is required.
Please provide the names and contact information of three references.
Please submit as one .pdf file in the above order. Incomplete applications
will not be considered.

Prospective candidates should send their application to APS at seas.harvard.edu
with the required information. Applications will be considered on a rolling
basis until positions are filled.

7.17. PostDoc: National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Contributed by: Li-Chen Fu, lichen at ntu.edu.tw

PostDoc position opening for Center for Artificial Intelligence and
Advanced Robotics, National Taiwan University, Taiwan

We are looking for applicants who hold a PhD degree in the related fields
of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, and with:
1. Experience in software project management and software engineering
2. Ability of programming and system integration
3. Great enthusiasm and interest in Human-Robot Interaction and Machine
4. Responsibility and teamwork spirit

Main Tasks:
1. Writing proposals and reports of research projects
2. Assisting on project and software development related to Artificial
Intelligence Robotics
3. Assisting on experimental design and the display planning of research

Working hours: from 9 AM to 6 PM, two days off/week

Working location: Center for Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Robotics,
National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan

Salary: Based on the appointment standard of Ministry of Science and
Technology, Taiwan, the starting salary of doctoral level is NTD 58,350.
Salary could be negotiated up to NTD 93,360 based on qualification.

Please email your CV and copy of Certificate of the highest Degree to:
Dr. Ming-Li Chiang, minglichiang at ntu.edu.tw
With the e-mail title: “(Name)_Apply for the PostDoc Position”

Position is open until filled.

7.18. PostDoc: Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Contributed by: Paolo Falcone, falcone at chalmers.se

At the Mechatronics Group of the Department of Electrical Engineering, we
are engaged in both fundamental and applied research related to intelligent
transportation systems. Ongoing research projects focus, among others, on
the design and the experimental validation of coordination algorithms for
connected autonomous vehicles. Our research is, where possible, validated
through experiments on full-scale vehicles and in collaboration with
industrial partners.

We invite applications for one post-doctoral position in networked control
for Intelligent Transportation Systems. The successful candidate will join
a team of post-docs and Ph. D. students, engaged in neighboring research,
and is expected to contribute to the design of control algorithms for
systems, subject to state and input constraints, communicating through
lossy channels with limited capacity. If possible and relevant, the
achieved results will be demonstrated through experiments on full-scale
vehicles and in collaboration with our industrial partners.
The research project is strongly connected with ongoing research projects
within the WASP (Walleberg Autonomous Systems Program).

The working time of post-doctoral staff is mainly devoted to research.
Undergraduate teaching duties, not exceeding 20% of the working time, may
include supervision of MSc students. The position is co-funded by the
Chalmers Area of Advance in Transportation. The appointment is a full-time
employment (not a scholarship) for a period of not more than two years

A PhD (or close to completion) in control theory, optimization and
constrained optimal control or neighboring relevant field is required.
Experience with automotive control applications will be preferred.
Ability to initiate new research collaborations is essential. Good
communication skills in oral and written English are required.

Apply at

Application deadline: 15 November, 2018

For questions, please contact:
Paolo Falcone (falcone at chalmers.se)
Division of Systems and Control
Tel: +46 31 772 1803

Jonas Sjöberg, (jonas.sjoberg at chalmers.se)
Division of Systems and Control.
Tel: +46 31 772 1855

7.19. PostDoc: University of California Irvine, USA
Contributed by: Solmaz S. Kia, solmaz at uci.edu

Post-Doctoral Position in the Cooperative Systems Lab of University of
California Irvine

Cooperative Systems Lab (PI: Prof. Solmaz Kia) of the Mechanical and
Aerospace Dept. of University of California invites applications for a
post-doctoral position in the area of "Distributed mobile sensor deployment
in urban environments with the special focus on persistent monitoring and
long-term autonomy".

Candidates are expected to have a proven publication record and the ability
to work independently. Research background in the following areas is a plus:
* Cooperative control and optimization, game theory
* Distributed algorithms for decision making, distributed optimization
* Network identification, privacy preservation in distributed algorithms

To apply, please submit your CV and a cover letter that includes the names
of three references to https://recruit.ap.uci.edu/apply/JPF04798. Prior to
applying, you are encouraged (but not required) to contact Prof. Solmaz Kia
via email at (solmaz at uci dot edu).

The University of California, Irvine is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative
Action Employer advancing inclusive excellence through diversity. All
qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without
regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity,
national origin, disability, age, protected veteran status, or other
protected categories covered by the UC nondiscrimination policy.

7.20. PostDoc: University of Melbourne, Australia
Contributed by: Peter Dower, pdower at unimelb.edu.au

Postdoctoral Research Fellow Position at the University of Melbourne,

A postdoctoral research fellow with a PhD in applied mathematics or
equivalent is sought to conduct systems theory research in the area of
optimal control for continuous time nonlinear dynamical systems, with an
emphasis on the development of idempotent methods for the solution of
dynamic programming equations. A solid working knowledge of optimal control
theory, including dynamic programming and Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman partial
differential equations, is essential. Exposure to abstract algebra, convex
analysis, optimization, and numerical methods is desirable.

An initial appointment for one year is available. The closing date for
applications is 29 October 2018.

For further information, including selection criteria and instructions on
how to apply, please visit

Contributor: Peter M. Dower, University of Melbourne.
E: pdower at unimelb.edu.au | W: http://people.eng.unimelb.edu.au/pdower

7.21. PostDoc: University of British Columbia, Canada
Contributed by: Greg Stewart, greg.stewart at honeywell.com

Postdoctoral Research Position in Control Systems/Machine Learning at The
University of British Columbia

Applications are invited for a three-year postdoctoral fellowship at the
University of British Columbia. The successful candidate will conduct high
quality research in machine learning with a focus on deep learning and
reinforcement learning to address real world industrial control problems.
The principal investigators, based in UBC’s Department of Chemical and
Biological Engineering, the Institute of Applied Mathematics, and
Honeywell, expect the research to have a significant influence on
industrial practice. UBC and Honeywell have extensive experience in
collaborating on advanced control technology. Previous projects have
resulted in a series of academic innovations and industrial products
recognized with awards from IEEE, IFAC, and NSERC.

Responsibilities: The postdoctoral fellow will be expected to
- Conduct high quality research in machine learning with a focus on deep
learning and reinforcement learning.
- Coordinate the project with the industrial partners and prepare regular
- Mentor PhD and undergraduate students.
- Travel to the sites of industrial partners and implement control/machine
learning algorithms on real industrial processes.

Qualifications: The applications must have the following minimum
- A recent PhD in Control Systems and/or Machine Learning from a reputed
program in Applied Mathematics, Computer Science or Engineering.
- Some experience with industrial control systems.
- Strong mathematical skills as they pertain to control theory and machine
- Excellent programming skills in Matlab, Python and TensorFlow.
- Excellent written and oral communication skills.

Diversity: Equity and diversity are essential to academic excellence. An
open and diverse community fosters the inclusion of voices that have been
underrepresented or discouraged. We encourage applications from members of
groups that have been marginalized on any grounds enumerated under the B.C.
Human Rights Code, including sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or
expression, racialization, disability, political belief, religion, marital
or family status, age, and/or status as a First Nation, Metis, Inuit, or
Indigenous person.

This position is available immediately. The home academic unit at UBC will
be one of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Mathematics, or Computer
Science, depending on the profile of the successful applicant. More
information is available from Prof. Bhushan Gopaluni (
bhushan.gopaluni at ubc.ca) or Dr. Greg Stewart (greg.stewart at honeywell.com),
Senior Fellow at Honeywell. Interested applicants should send a covering
letter, a Curriculum Vitae, and a list of three referees to the same

7.22. PostDoc: University of Houston, USA
Contributed by: Rose Faghih, rtfaghih at uh.edu

Postdoctoral Opening (Available Immediately)

The Computational Medicine Laboratory (CML) at the University of Houston is
currently looking to recruit one highly motivated and creative postdoctoral
associate with applied mathematics and/or signal processing background to
develop mathematical algorithms for biomedical engineering applications.
CML mainly focuses on designing control, optimization, estimation, signal
processing, and machine learning algorithms for biomedical and neural
engineering applications. The ideal candidate has obtained their Ph.D.
degree in electrical engineering (or related fields, e.g. mechanical,
industrial, computer or biomedical engineering, computer science, applied
mathematics, statistics, operations research, etc.) focusing on control
theory and/or signal processing. The projects involve algorithm design and
validation in real-time experiments with human recordings. Interested
candidates should contact Dr. Rose Faghih at rtfaghih at uh.edu with their CV.

7.23. PostDoc: University College Dublin, Ireland
Contributed by: Giovanni Russo, giovanni.russo1 at ucd.ie


One year PostDoc position is available at the Systems and Control Group
within the School of Electric and Electronic Engineering of the University
College Dublin. The PostDoc will work under the supervision of Dr. Giovanni
Russo and will be jointly supervised by Prof. Robert Shorten.

The group performs fundamental and applied research in the area at the
intersection of networks, control, decision science and cyber-physical
systems. Our fundamental research is typically applied on a number of
real-world applications, including manufacturing, smart cities and
connected/autonomous vehicles. In order to do so, the lab features a number
of testing facilities. This includes a large scale hardware-in-the-loop
testing system for connected vehicles and an augmented reality environment
for manufacturing applications.

For this position, we are seeking candidates for our work within the I-Form
Centre for Advanced Manufacturing (
http://www.sfi.ie/sfi-research-centres/i-form/). Within the project, we
will develop a cyber-physical system allowing humans to collaborate with
augmented reality avatars and with robots in order to fulfill a complex
manufacturing task. The research will have both a theoretical and an
applied, hands-on, aspect, benefitting from the experimental test-bed
currently available at UCD.

The ideal candidate should have a background in:
1. nonlinear dynamics and complex systems;
2. deep and reinforcement learning;
3. optimization;
4. statistics.

To apply:
send, to giovanni.russo1 at ucd.ie: (i) a cover letter stating your interest
in the position; (ii) the names of three referees; (iii) your CV. The
deadline for the applications is October, 15th, 2018.

Pre-applications and informal inquiries can be made to Dr Giovanni Russo.

7.24. PostDoc: Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Contributed by: Sergio Grammatico, s.grammatico at tudelft.nl

2 PostDoc positions: Game theoretic Control, Complex Systems of Systems,
Operator Theory
Delft Center for Systems and Control (DCSC), Delft University of
Technology, The Netherlands.

I am looking for talented, outstanding research fellows with a Ph.D. degree
(or close to completion) in Systems and Control, or Applied Mathematics,
Electrical or Mechanical Engineering, or related field, with theoretical
background and interest in System Theory, Automatic Control, Optimization,
Game Theory, and with good command of the English language (knowledge of
Dutch is not required). Expertise in mixed-integer optimization is

General project description: The researchers will conduct theoretical and
algorithmic research on complex multi-agent systems characterized by the
presence of: (i) mixed cooperative and noncooperative agents; (ii)
uncertain and stochastic variables; (iii) mixed-integer decision variables.
The research will develop and build upon tools from game theory, monotone
and fixed-point operator theory, statistical learning, distributed
optimization and control. The main application areas are distributed
control for smart power grids and multi-vehicle automated driving.

The PostDoc positions are in the context of the research project "Game
theoretic Control for Complex Systems of Systems" (COSMOS), funded by the
European Research Council as ERC Starting Grant.

Conditions of employment: The appointments will be for 3 years. As an
employees of TU Delft, the research fellows will receive a competitive
salary in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch
Universities (CAO), of about 3.2k EUR/month gross, possibly from 2.5k
EUR/month after taxes, plus holiday allowance (8% of gross annual income)
and end-of-year allowance (8.3% of gross annual income), travel budget,
secondary benefits, discounts for health insurance and sport membership.
Assistance with accommodation can be arranged.

Applications shall include the following documents:
• curriculum vitae;
• statement of motivation and research interests (up to one page);
• transcripts of all exams taken and obtained degrees (in English);
• names and contact information of up to three references (e.g.
project/thesis supervisors);
• up to three research documents (e.g. thesis, conference/journal

Applications or inquires shall be emailed to prof. Sergio Grammatico (
s.grammatico at tudelft.nl).

The starting date are flexible. The call for applications will remain open
until the ideal candidates are found.

More information: s.grammatico at tudelft.nl,

7.25. PostDoc: Lehigh University, USA
Contributed by: Nader Motee, motee at lehigh.edu

Postdoc Positions: Lehigh University, USA

Two postdoctoral positions are available with the Distributed Control and
Dynamical Systems (dcds.lehigh.edu) Laboratory in the Department of
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics at Lehigh University. All candidates
with strong backgrounds in all or some of the following research areas are
encouraged to apply:

1. Stochastic dynamical systems; Decision-making; non-Gaussian uncertainty
2. SLAM in highly dynamic environments; Visual perception.
3. Learning algorithms and task planning for autonomous robots.

Applicants should have a PhD degree in Engineering, Computer Science, or
Applied Mathematics. The initial appointment is for one year with a
possible extension up to 2-3 years. As employees of Lehigh University,
postdocs will receive a competitive salary, travel budget, and benefits,
and discounts for health insurance.

Interested applicants may contact Prof. Nader Motee (motee at lehigh.edu) by
sending him the following information: (1) one-page research statement
explaining how your background fits the research areas, (2) detailed CV and
list of publications, (3) names of three references. All documents should
be sent in PDF format. Applications received before December 15, 2018 will
receive full consideration.

7.26. Research Fellow: University of Hull, UK
Contributed by: Ron Patton, r.j.patton at hull.ac.uk

Research Fellow Position: Fault Detection and Isolation and Fault Tolerant
Control in Offshore Renewable Energy Systems, Aura Research Centre,
University of Hull, UK. We are looking to recruit a talented and
outstanding research fellow with a Ph.D. degree in Systems and Control or
related subject with good command of the English language. Research
experience in control of renewable energy systems or energy harvesting will
be an advantage, with internationally excellent publications and conference
proceedings. Evidence of the ability to build strong and effective research
networks and contribute to the successful completion of collaborative
research projects. Recent PhD graduates should not be put off from applying.

Persons interested in pursuing the application must email a Short CV
including a list of publications and conference presentations as soon as
possible to Professor Ron Patton: r.j.patton at hull.ac.uk

General project description: The chosen applicant will conduct theoretical
and application based research focused on the development of fault
diagnosis and fault tolerant control architectures and algorithms for large
structure offshore wind turbines (up to 8MW). The work will focus on robust
fault tolerant control approaches, capable of maintaining good power
efficiency performance in the presence of sensor or actuator faults and
rotor, tower bending and wind air flow uncertainty.

The research will contribute to a new EPSRC Project: “A New Partnership in
Offshore Wind (http://www.npow.group.shef.ac.uk/)”. This is an exciting new
collaboration between the Universities of Hull, Sheffield and Durham with
Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy and Ørsted. The successful research fellow
will be expected to work closely with the above academic institutions and
industry partners and to report results to collaborators and to disseminate
them through journal and conference publications.

Conditions of employment: The appointment will be for 3 years on the Band 7
Salary Scale in the UK and the appointee will attract a handsome travel
bursary to support the research.

7.27. Research Group Leader: University of Stuttgart, Germany
Contributed by: Frank Allgower, allgower at ist.uni-stuttgart.de

Independent Research Group Leader in the Cyber Valley Initiative,
University of Stuttgart, Germany

At the University of Stuttgart a new Cyber Valley Research Group will be
established as part of the Cyber Valley initiative (
http://www.cyber-valley.de/en). The group will be funded by the Christian
Bürkert Foundation. Cyber Valley is a new center for AI research in the
Stuttgart/Tübingen region of Germany, bringing together partners from
science and industry to create a world-leading hub for research in
intelligent systems and to establish an ecosystem for startups in the field
of artificial intelligence.

We are seeking applications for the position of Group Leader for this new
group. The position is a senior postdoc level position, initially for four
years and is non-tenure track. The person holding the position will be
expected to work independently and will have the right to supervise and
graduate own PhD students and to teach at the University of Stuttgart. The
funding provided to the group includes the group leader position (TV-L E14,
senior postdoc level), two additional PhD positions as well as startup and
running budgets for up to four years. The group will be embedded into the
Institute for Systems Theory and Automatic Control at the University of
Stuttgart (www.ist.uni-stuttgart.de /index.en.html) and will benefit from
its infrastructure, support structures and research environment. The
working language at the institute is English.

We are looking for a young, highly motivated and emerging researcher, who
will take the lead in building up the new group and a competitive research
program. The ideal candidate should have an excellent international
early-career track record. The research group is expected to engage
actively with the existing research environment, including the Cyber Valley
partners and Arena 2036 (www.arena2036.de/en).

Applicants from all fields of engineering and science working at the
interface between modern manufacturing engineering on one side and control,
automation, artificial intelligence or Big Data on the other side are
encouraged to apply. Both, theoretical and more application oriented
research directions are of interest.

Applicants should submit a description of past and planned research
activities (up to three pages), a CV, the names and addresses of at least
three potential references as well as pdf files of up to 5 key
publications. Applications should be submitted as a single pdf-file to
search at ist.uni-stuttgart.de. The closing date for applications is October
7, 2018.

Please contact Frank ALLGOWER (allgower at ist.uni-stuttgart.de) for further

7.28. Research Scientist: French German Research Institute of Saint-Louis,
Contributed by: Mrs. Borchert, humanresources at isl.eu

The French German Research Institute of Saint-Louis (ISL), a leader in
Europe in research on guided projectiles, is urgently looking for the head
of its department "guidance, navigation, control, and System analysis".
This department belongs to the division "Flight Techniques for
Projectiles", comprising also aerodynamics, real flight experiments and
sensors & communication systems departments. Their research is applied to
all kinds of guided projectiles, mostly gun-launched. The position is
challenging as the division's roadmap schedules ambitious deadlines for
demonstrating the feasibility of an innovative long-range guided projectile

We are currently looking for a

Research scientist (m/f),
Head of the department "guidance, navigation, control, and system analysis".

Your Tasks:
- Develop and maintain, at the highest level, research capabilities in
innovative solutions on guidance, navigation and control systems for the
needs in guided projectiles, in synergy with the other departments of the
- Develop and maintain, at the highest level, evaluation capabilities of
performances of guided projectiles concepts.
- Leverage the expertise of academic partners, other research institutes
and industry to the bene t of the objectives of the department.
- Engage proactively with industry, so as to anticipate best their needs in
terms of research output.
- Establish the research department program in accordance with the strategy
and priorities of the Division and with the needs of the French and German
Ministries of Defence.
- Manage, plan and evaluate the research carried out in the department.
- Monitor closely the research work of the scientists, engineers and PhD
students of the department.

The incumbent is expected to carry out personally research, in addition to
the management of the department.
The department possesses recognised skills and has developed so far quite
innovative solutions.

Other duties:
- Manage the department's human and financial resources as well as
scientific equipment.
- Optimise the use of the department's capabilities for the proper
execution of the research program.
- Involve strongly in the department's life, cohesion and development.
- Involve strongly in a synergetic approach in particular with the other
departments of the division as key for success.
- Increase the scienti c reputation of our Institute through high-level
publications, involvement in conferences, external communication, etc.

Your Profile:
- PhD in automatic control applied to flight mechanics.
- At least 10 years of experience in high-level research (with a
demonstrated prominence in your scientific community), including the e
ective management of a research team of 10 collaborators at least.
- Skills in guidance, navigation and control, and in system analysis for
ying vehicles; additionally, skills in flight mechanics, aeroballistics,
aerodynamics, mechatronics would be highly desirable.
- Knowledge in projectile and missile technologies.
- Organisational skills, ability to work effectively as the leader of the
team, communication skills.
- An effective work experience in a multinational context and experience in
managing multi-partners Projects would be valued.
- Excellent command of English; understanding or even ability to express
yourself efficiently in one or both of the French and German languages
would be of course a very desirable plus.

The ISL offers an attractive salary, flexible work arrangements and a very
friendly work environment.

If these challenges appeal to you and you feel you have the right profile,
we are looking forward to receive your complete application mentioning the
following keyword "GNC-S".

French-German Research Institute of Saint-Louis
Mrs. Isabel BORCHERT
5 rue du G én éral Cassagnou
BP 70034
Phone: +33 (0)3 89 69 51 31
humanresources at isl.eu

For more information please visit www.isl.eu.

7.29. Faculty: University of Vermont, USA
Contributed by: Tian Xia, txia at uvm.edu

The University of Vermont (UVM) seeks applicants for a tenure-track hire in
signal processing with a research focus on hardware and/or software
implementations (e.g., cognitive communication and sensing, cyber physical
systems, environmental monitoring, medical devices, robotics, internet of
things, or artificial intelligence). UVM is an EO/AA Employer. All
qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without
regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity,
national origin, disability, protected veteran status, or any other
category legally protected by federal or state law. Full details are
available at http://www.uvmjobs.com/postings/31457.

7.30. Faculty: Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Contributed by: Yorai Wardi, ywardi at ece.gatech.edu

The Georgia Institute of Technology invites applicants for the endowed
position of the Julian T. Hightower Chair in Systems and Control in the
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Previous holders of the
Julian T. Hightower Chair include E. Kamen, A. Tannenbaum, J. Shamma, and
M. Egerstedt.

Candidates are expected to have a distinguished record of research in
autonomy, robotics, and control theory that will add to the College's
existing strengths in these areas. In particular, the successful candidate
is expected to be a leading member of the Decision and Controls Laboratory
(DCL) within the College. The DCL comprises over 20 faculty members and
organizes a number of events throughout the year. In addition, the
appointed individual will have the opportunity to join the Institute for
Robotics and Intelligent Machines (IRIM) at Georgia Tech. IRIM is one of
the world's leading academic robotics institutes comprised of over 50
faculty members.

The successful candidate is expected to establish a
high-visibility/high-impact research program funded by industry and
government, help attract outstanding students and faculty to the program,
and serve as a mentor to other faculty. The academic salary for the Chair
holder will be paid from Institute funds, enabling funds generated by the
endowment to be used by the Chair holder for the purposes of research
support and program development. Salary will be fully competitive.

Interested candidates should submit an application letter, curriculum vita,
research and teaching statements and names of three references
electronically at: http://hightowerchair.ece.gatech.edu Review of
applications will begin immediately. To receive the most serious
consideration, interested applicants should submit their materials before
January 17, 2019.

Georgia Tech is an equal education/employment opportunity institution
dedicated to building a diverse community. We strongly encourage
applications from women, underrepresented minorities, individuals with
disabilities, and veterans. Georgia Tech has policies to promote a healthy
work-life balance and is aware that attracting faculty may require meeting
the needs of two careers.

7.31. Faculty: University of Pennsylvania, USA
Contributed by: George Pappas, pappasg at seas.upenn.edu

Multiple Faculty Positions
Department of Electrical and Systems Engineering

The School of Engineering and Applied Science at the University of
Pennsylvania is growing its faculty by 33% over the next five years. As
part of this initiative, the Department of Electrical and Systems
Engineering is engaged in an aggressive, multi-year hiring effort for
multiple tenure-track positions at all levels. Candidates must hold a Ph.D.
in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Systems Engineering, or
related area. The department seeks individuals with exceptional promise
for, or proven record of, research achievement, who will take a position of
international leadership in defining their field of study, and excel in
undergraduate and graduate education. Leadership in cross-disciplinary and
multi-disciplinary collaborations is of particular interest. We are
interested in candidates in all areas that enhance our research strengths in

Nanodevices and nanosystems (nanoelectronics, MEMS/NEMS, power electronics,
nanophotonics, nanomagnetics, quantum devices, integrated devices and
systems at nanoscale),

Circuits and computer engineering (analog, RF, mm-wave, digital circuits,
emerging circuit design, computer engineering, IoT, embedded and
cyber-physical systems), and

Information and decision systems (control, optimization, robotics, data
science, network science, communications, information theory, signal

Prospective candidates in all areas are strongly encouraged to address
large-scale societal problems in energy, transportation, health, food and
water, economic and financial networks, social networks, critical
infrastructure, and national security. We are especially interested in
candidates whose interests are aligned with the school’s strategic plan,
Diversity candidates are strongly encouraged to apply. Interested persons
should submit an online application at
https://www.ese.upenn.edu/faculty-staff/ and include curriculum vitae,
statement of research and teaching interests, and at least three
references. Review of applications will begin on December 1, 2018.

The University of Pennsylvania is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Minorities/Women/Individuals with Disabilities/Veterans are encouraged to

7.32. Faculty: Syracuse University, USA
Contributed by: Amit K. Sanyal, aksanyal at syr.edu

The College of Engineering and Computer Science at Syracuse University is
in the middle of a transformative plan to hire up to 50 faculty over 5
years across its four Departments. As part of this “50 over 5” initiative,
the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE) seeks to fill
several tenure-track/tenured faculty positions at the rank of Assistant,
Associate and Full Professor. While exceptional candidates in all research
areas relevant to the MAE Department will be considered, primary
fundamental research areas of focus include: (1) Materials for Energy
Conversion and/or Storage (e.g. 2D materials, nanocomposites, solid state
physics, etc.); (2) Robotics and Autonomous Systems (e.g., legged robots,
autonomous vehicles, human-machine interaction, etc.); (3) Cyber Physical
Systems (i.e. engineered systems that seamlessly integrate computational
algorithms and physical components); (4) Intelligent Control for Building
Automation; and (5) Advanced Manufacturing (including Cyber-Manufacturing

It is anticipated that the appointments will begin in Fall 2019. Applicants
must have earned a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering,
or a related field by the date of appointment. For consideration at the
Associate or Full Professor level, the candidate must have demonstrated an
appropriate established record of research, teaching and service. Further
information on the MAE department can be found at: http://mae.syr.edu

The Department has close ties with other Departments and on-campus
multidisciplinary centers like the Syracuse Center of Excellence in
Environmental and Energy Systems (SyracuseCoE) and the Center for Advanced
Systems and Engineering (CASE). In addition, New York state opportunities
include the New York State Energy and Research Development Authority
(NYSERDA) funding opportunities to develop energy efficient technologies,
and the recent investment of $250 million for unmanned systems and
cross-connected platforms in the central New York state region as part of
the Upstate Revitalization Initiative.

For full consideration applicants must complete an online Application at
www.sujobopps.com/postings/76670 and attach the application file to job
number 074073. Please attach your cover letter, curriculum vitae, statement
of research interests, statement of teaching interests, and names and
contact information of three references. In the cover letter, please
clearly state in which research area you want your application to be
considered. The initial screening of applications will begin on October 15,
2018. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.

7.33. Faculty: Northeastern University, USA
Contributed by: Rifat Sipahi, rifat at coe.neu.edu

As part of a strategic initiative in the area of Urban Engineering,
Northeastern University seeks faculty candidates for tenured or
tenure-track appointments at the assistant, associate, or full professor
level in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering in the area
of Automation in Civil and Environmental Engineering. Interested candidates
may be considered for joint appointments with other departments
commensurate with their areas of expertise. The department is in the midst
of a significant, multi-year expansion in size and scope, including
faculty, facilities, and programs within several disciplines and across
disciplinary boundaries.

Advances in automation technologies, fueled by developments in sensors and
actuators, IoT, robotics, artificial intelligence (AI), and information
theory, have the potential to significantly impact the planning, design,
operations, and control of Civil and Environmental Systems. We are looking
for individuals with the passion to develop a research and educational
program in this emerging area. Examples of application domains of interest
include autonomous mobility systems and services; construction automation
(e.g., robotic assembly, maintenance/repair of the built environment);
robotic/swarm mapping for environmental site assessment; and AI-based
process automation and context aware computing (e.g., for tasks undertaken
in risky or hazardous environments). Applicants should have a broad
background in fields such as sensors, robotics, intelligent control, data
analytics, AI, and machine learning, applied to areas in the Civil and
Environmental Engineering domain.

Successful candidates are expected to demonstrate a proven ability to
develop and sustain a research program with emphasis on interdisciplinary
and translational research, teach both undergraduate and graduate classes,
and be active, recognized leaders in their discipline.

Candidates should be committed to fostering diverse and inclusive
environments as well as to promoting experiential learning, which are
central to a Northeastern University education.

For further information see: http://www.civ.neu.edu/civ/search.

Qualifications: A Doctorate degree in civil engineering or a related field
is required by the start date as well as excellence in research, teaching,
and service. Senior-level candidates should have a demonstrated record of
developing transformative solutions to global challenges, sustaining a
research program with an emphasis on interdisciplinary and translational
research, teaching both undergraduate and graduate classes, and being an
active, recognized leader nationally and internationally in the discipline.

Equal Employment Opportunity: Northeastern University is an Equal
Opportunity, Affirmative Action Educational Institution and Employer, Title
IX University. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for
employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin,
disability status, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic
protected by the law. Northeastern University is an E-Verify Employer.

7.34. Faculty: Stanford University, USA
Contributed by: Edwin Mendoza, search at ee.stanford.edu

Faculty Position
Department of Electrical Engineering
Stanford University

The Department of Electrical Engineering at Stanford University (
http://ee.stanford.edu/) invites applications for a tenure-track faculty
appointment at the junior level (Assistant or untenured Associate
Professor) in the broadly defined field of electrical and computer
engineering. The department is especially interested in candidates in
robotics, autonomous systems, embedded systems, signal processing, control,
optimization, and machine learning. Priority, however, will be given to the
overall originality and promise of the candidate’s work over any specific
area of specialization.

Applicants should have an earned Ph.D., evidence of the ability to pursue
an independent program of research, a strong commitment to both graduate
and undergraduate teaching, and the ability to initiate and conduct
research across disciplines. A successful candidate will be expected to
teach courses at the graduate and undergraduate levels and to build and
lead a team of graduate students in Ph.D. research.

Applications should include a brief research and teaching plan, a detailed
resume including a publications list, and the names and email addresses of
at least five references.

Candidates should apply online at http://ee.stanford.edu/job-openings.
Applications will be accepted through November 15, 2018.

Stanford is an equal employment opportunity and affirmative action
employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for
employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual
orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, protected
veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law. Stanford also
welcomes applications from others who would bring additional dimensions to
the University's research, teaching and clinical missions.

7.35. Faculty: Virginia Tech, USA
Contributed by: Craig Woolsey, cwoolsey at vt.edu

The Kevin T. Crofton Department of Aerospace and Ocean Engineering at
Virginia Tech invites applications for a tenure-track or tenured faculty
position in dynamics, control, and estimation effective August 2019.
Candidates with expertise that complements the strategic thrust areas
described on the department website (www.aoe.vt.edu) are encouraged to
apply. The search committee especially welcomes applications from
candidates whose scholarship relates to cybersecurity; cyberphysical
systems; networked multi-agent systems; control in adversarial
environments; ocean, atmospheric, or space robotics and autonomy; or
related aerospace and ocean engineering topics that are important for
commerce and security. Applicants must apply online at
https://listings.jobs.vt.edu/login. Please refer to job posting number

7.36. Faculty: University of Houston, USA
Contributed by: Karolos Grigoriadis, karolos at uh.edu

The Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Houston (UH)
invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position in the general
area of controls and dynamic systems beginning Fall 2019. The position is
at the Assistant Professor level, but exceptional candidates with
outstanding credentials and appropriate academic experience may be
considered for the rank of Associate Professor.

Successful candidates must hold a PhD in a relevant area of engineering,
and should have a demonstrated record of high quality scholarship, a strong
potential to attract external funding and commitment to teaching.
Candidates are expected to establish a nationally recognized externally
funded research program in the field of controls and dynamic systems.
Emerging targeted areas of application in energy and the environment,
health and biomedicine, manufacturing, cyber-physical systems, social and
behavioral systems, and networked systems will be given special
consideration. Candidates must have a demonstrated ability to conduct
independent research and show promise for excellence in teaching, mentoring
and entrepreneurship.

UH is a designated Carnegie Tier One Research university and one of Texas’
premier public research and teaching institutions with over 40,000
students. The UH campus is a park-like campus proximal to downtown Houston,
the fourth-largest city in the nation. Houston, in addition to being the
energy capital of the world, is home to the Texas Medical Center, the
largest medical center in the world, and to NASA’s Johnson Space Center.
Houston supports a full spectrum of cultural organizations, as well as
sports, and year-around outdoor activities.

UH is a recipient of the National Science Foundation ADVANCE Institutional
Transformation Award to increase the participation of women in academic
science and engineering careers. The University of Houston is responsive to
the needs of dual career couples.

Please apply via http://jobs.uh.edu under Faculty Positions (Keyword:

7.37. Faculty: University of Texas at San Antonio, USA
Contributed by: Ahmad Taha, ahmad.taha at utsa.edu

Faculty Position at the University of Texas at San Antonio: Tenure-Track
Assistant or Tenured/Tenure-Track Associate Professor in Electrical and
Computer Engineering Cluster Hire: Artificial Intelligence

Link: https://jobs.utsa.edu/postings/10159

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