[eletter] eletter 357

Jianghai Hu jianghai.hu at gmail.com
Thu May 3 02:20:00 EDT 2018

E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing
Issue 357
May 2018

Jianghai Hu
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Purdue University
465 Northwestern Ave.
West Lafayette, IN, 47907
Tel: +1 (765) 4962395
Fax: +1 (765) 4943371

Welcome to the 357 issue of the E-letter, available electronically at
together with its pdf version

To submit new articles, go to the CSS website
To subscribe, go to the CSS website
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And, as always, search for .** to navigate to the next item in the Eletter.


1. New IEEE Data Privacy Policy and Its Impacts on E-Letters

2. IEEE CSS Headlines
2.1 IEEE Control Systems Society Call for Nominations for 2018 Awards (due
on May 15)
2.2 CFP: CSS Outreach Fund
2.3 IEEE Control Systems Society Technically Cosponsored Conferences
2.4 IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
2.5 IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems
2.6 IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
2.7 IEEE Control Systems Society Publications Content Digest

3. Awards
3.1 2017/2018 Indian National Science Academy PC Ray Chair Award

4.1 Summer School on “Modelling and control of miniaturized mechatronic
systems – applications in nanosciences and nanorobotics”
4.2 XXII Italian PhD school on Automatic Control “SIDRA 2018”
4.3 Online Seminar by Dr. Hassan Khalil
4.4 Real-World Application of Extremum Seeking Control

5. Books
5.1 Nonlinear Model Reduction by Moment Matching
5.2 Economic Nonlinear Model Predictive Control
5.3 Logical Control of Complex Resource Allocation Systems
5.4 Errors-in-Variables Methods in System Identification
5.5 Freeway Traffic Modelling and Control
5.6 Contracts for System Design

6. Journals
6.1 Contents: Automatica
6.2 Contents: Systems & Control Letters
6.3 Contents: IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica
6.4 Contents: Asian Journal of Control
6.5 Contents: IET Control Theory & Applications
6.6 Contents: Control Engineering Practice
6.7 Contents: Mechatronics
6.8 Contents: Journal of Process Control
6.9 Contents: Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
6.10 Contents: ISA Transactions
6.11 Contents: Journal of the Franklin Institute
6.12 Contents: IFAC Journal of Systems and Control
6.13 Contents: IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information
6.14 Contents: International Journal of Control
6.15 Contents: Evolutions Equations and Control Theory
6.16 CFP: European Journal of Control

7. Conferences
7.1 Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing
7.2 International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems
7.3 International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing
7.4 IFAC Conference on Cyber-Physical & Human Systems
7.5 International Conference on the Internet of Things
7.6 IFAC Conference on Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems
7.7 Biennial International Conference on Powertrain Modelling and Control
Testing, Mapping and Calibration
7.8 World Congress: Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and
7.9 International Workshop on Applied Verification for Continuous and
Hybrid Systems
7.10 Conference on Decision and Game Theory for Security
7.11 International Conference on AC/DC Power Conversion/Transmission
7.12 International Symposium on Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems
7.13 International Conference on Systems and Control
7.14 Latin American Congress on Automatic Control
7.15 ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference
7.16 CSME Workshop on “Platforms for Control System Education and Research”

8. Positions
8.1 PhD: French-German Research Institute of Saint-Louis, France
8.2 PhD: L2S, France
8.3 PhD: Paris Saclay, France
8.4 PhD: Imperial College London, UK
8.5 PhD: Univ. Grenoble Alpes, France
8.6 PhD: University of Lille/CNRS/Schneider Electric, France
8.7 PhD: University of Alabama, USA
8.8 PhD: GIPSA-Lab, France
8.9 PhD: University of Leicester, UK
8.10 PhD: KU Leuven, Belgium
8.11 PhD: University of South Florida, USA
8.12 PhD: UCLouvain, Belgium
8.13 PhD: Newcastle University, UK
8.14 PhD: University of Agder, Norway
8.15 PhD: Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
8.16 PhD/PostDoc: City University of New York, USA
8.17 PhD/PostDoc: ETH, Zurich
8.18 PhD/PostDoc: University College Dublin, Ireland
8.19 PhD/PostDoc: Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany
8.20 PostDoc: Aston University, UK
8.21 PostDoc: Shanghai Jiaotong University, China
8.22 PostDoc: Cornell University, USA
8.23 PostDoc: University of Chalmers, Sweden
8.24 PostDoc: Aarhus University, Denmark
8.25 PostDoc: University of Texas at Dallas, USA
8.26 PostDoc: McGill University, Canada
8.27 PostDoc/Engineer: Argonne National Laboratory, USA
8.28 Research Scientist: King Abdullah University of Science and
Technology, Saudi Arabia
8.29 Faculty: Polytechnique Montreal, Canada
8.30 Faculty: University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
8.31 Faculty: MINES ParisTech, France
8.32 Faculty: Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway

1. New IEEE Data Privacy Policy and Its Impacts on E-Letters

Dear E-Letter subscribers,

Starting from May 25, 2018, a new regulation will take effect and impact
the way IEEE units and IEEE volunteers interact with customers, members and
volunteers. The General Data Privacy Regulation (GDPR), enacted by the
European Union, requires IEEE to obtain consent from customers, members and
other individuals to allow continued communication with them, including the
continued distribution of E-Letters.

To help meet this requirement, IEEE will conduct a campaign to re-confirm
consent from members to the new IEEE Data Privacy policy. As a subscriber
of the E-Letters, in the next few weeks you will receive emails from IEEE
requesting that you read and consent to the updated IEEE Data Privacy
policy. The requested consent will be for all IEEE communications, not just
the E-Letters. In the absence of response to the initial request, IEEE may
send you additional emails.

Once we receive from IEEE the updated mailing list of subscribers who have
consented to the new IEEE Data Privacy policy, we will resume E-Letter
distribution via the updated mailing list. Until then, no new issues of
E-Letters will be sent out to the current mailing list. New issues,
however, will continue to be published on the CSS website:
http://ieeecss.org/publications/e-letter/archive/current . Any further
notices regarding E-Letters will also be announced on this website.

We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.

Best Regards,
Jianghai Hu

2. IEEE CSS Headlines

2.1. IEEE Control Systems Society Call for Nominations for 2018 Awards (due
on May 15)
Contributed by: Joao Hespanha, hespanha at ece.ucsb.edu

Nominations for the IEEE Control Systems Society Awards listed below

Open mid-March and are due on May 15.

The IEEE Control Systems Society strongly encourages its members to speak
up and reach out to colleagues to initiate award nominations. Each year,
many highly qualified individuals, teams, and papers are overlooked for
nominations simply because colleagues assumed that a nomination was already
being prepared by someone else on the individual's, team's or authors'
behalf. You may be surprised to find out that your colleagues would be very
pleased to nominate you, if they had just been encouraged to do so.

- George S. Axelby Outstanding Paper Award (for a paper published in 2017
or 2018 in the IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control);

- IEEE Transactions on Control System Technology Outstanding Paper Award
(for a paper published in 2017 or 2018 in the IEEE Transactions on Control
System Technology);

- IEEE Control Systems Magazine Outstanding Paper Award (for an article
published in 2017 or 2018 in the IEEE Control Systems Magazine);

- IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems Outstanding Paper Award
(for a paper published in 2017 or 2018 in the IEEE Transactions on Control
of Network Systems)

- IEEE Control Systems Technology Award (for outstanding individual or team
contributions to control systems technology);

- Control Systems Society Transition to Practice Award (for a distinguished
contributor to the transition of control and systems theory to practice);

- Antonio Ruberti Outstanding Young Researcher Prize (for a young
researcher for innovation and impact on systems and control).

- IEEE Control Systems Society Award for Excellence in Aerospace Control
(for a team or individual contribution to Aerospace Control in the previous
36 months)

See http://www.ieeecss.org/awards for full details of the different awards.

2.2. CFP: CSS Outreach Fund
Contributed by: Daniel E. Rivera, daniel.rivera at asu.edu

The IEEE Control Systems Society (CSS) Outreach Fund provides grants for
projects that will benefit CSS members and the controls community in
general.  Since its inception in 2011, the Fund has made 60 grants on
behalf of a diverse group of CSS member-led activities.

The CSS Outreach Task Force is pleased to announce that the window for
proposal submission for its 2018 spring solicitation will be held from May
1 to 25, 2018. Information regarding the program, which includes proposal
requirements and descriptions of current and past funded projects, can be
found in:


Potential applicants are encouraged to watch a 10-minute video describing
the CSS Outreach Fund that is available from IEEE.tv:


Inquiries, notices of intent, and requests for application forms must be
made directly to Daniel E. Rivera, Outreach Task Force Chair, at
daniel.rivera at asu.edu.

2.3. IEEE Control Systems Society Technically Cosponsored Conferences
Contributed by: Luca Zaccarian, CSS AE Conferences, zaccarian at laas.fr

The following conferences have been recently included in the list of events
technically cosponsored by the IEEE Control Systems Society:

- 56th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing.
Monticello (IL), United States. Oct 2 - Oct 5, 2018.

- 18th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS
2018). PyeongChang, South Korea. Oct 17 - Oct 20, 2018.

- 2nd IFAC Conference on Cyber-Physical and Human Systems. Miami (FL),
United States. Dec 14 - Dec 15, 2018. http://www.cphs2018.org/

- 37th Chinese Control Conference (CCC2018), Wuhan, China. Jul 25 - Jul 27,
2018. http://ccc2018.cug.edu.cn/English/Home.htm

- 22nd International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing
(ICSTCC 2018), Sinaia, Romania. Oct 10 - Oct 12, 2018.

For a full listing of CSS technically cosponsored conferences, please visit
http://ieeecss.org/conferences/technically-cosponsored and for a list of
the upcoming and past CSS main conferences please visit

2.4. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
Contributed by: Alessandro Astolfi, ieeetac at imperial.ac.uk

Table of Contents
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
Volume 63 (2018), Issue 4 (April)

Scanning the Issue, p. 913

- Stochastic Online Shortest Path Routing: The Value of Feedback, M. S.
Talebi, Z. Zou, R. Combes, A. Proutiere, M. Johansson, p. 915
- Stochastic Thermal Load Management, T. Voice, p. 931
- Phase Limitations of Zames-Falb Multipliers, S. Wang, J. Carrasco, W. P.
Heath, p. 947
- LMI-Based Fixed Order Output Feedback Synthesis for 2D Mixed
Continuous-Discrete-Time Systems, G. Chesi, R. H. Middleton, p. 960
- Robust Distributed Estimation for Linear Systems under Intermittent
Information, Y. Li, S. Phillips, R. G. Sanfelice, p. 973
- Optimal Periodic-gain Fractional Delayed State Feedback Control for
Linear Fractional Periodic Time-delayed Systems, A. Dabiri, E. Butcher, M.
Poursina, M. Nazari, p. 989
- Kalman Filtering over Gilbert-Elliott Channels: Stability Conditions and
Critical Curve, J. Wu, G. Shi, B. D.O. Anderson, K. H. Johansson, p. 1003
- Cooperative Q-learning for Rejection of Persistent Adversarial Inputs in
Networked Linear Quadratic Systems, K. G. Vamvoudakis, J. P. Hespanha, p.
- PID Passivity-Based Control of Port-Hamiltonian Systems, M. Zhang, P.
Borja, R. Ortega, Z. Liu, H. Su, p. 1032
- Distributed Semidefinite Programming with Application to Large-scale
System Analysis, S. Khoshfetrat Pakazad, A. Hansson, M. S. Andersen, A.
Rantzer, p. 1045
- Stochastic Consentability of Linear Systems with Time Delays and
Multiplicative Noises, X. Zong, T. Li, G. Yin, L. Y. Wang, J-F. Zhang, p.
- How to Systematically Distribute Candidate Models and Robust Controllers
in Multiple-Models Adaptive Control: A Coverage Control Approach, S.
Kersting, M. Buss, p. 1075

Technical Notes and Correspondence
- Online Recalibration of the State Estimators for a System with Moving
Boundaries Using Sparse Discrete-in-Time Temperature Measurements, Bryan
Petrus, Zhelin Chen, Joseph Bentsman, Brian G. Thomas, p. 1090
- Track Extraction with Hidden Reciprocal Chains, George Stamatescu,
Langford B White, Riley Bruce-Doust, p. 1097
- On the Convergence Time of Dual Subgradient Methods for Strongly Convex
Programs, Hao Yu, Michael J. Neely, p. 1105
- On the Convergence of a Regularized Jacobi Algorithm for Convex
Optimization, Goran Banjac, Kostas Margellos, Paul J. Goulart, p. 1113
- Subspace Identification of Individual Systems Operating in a Network
(SI2ON), Chengpu Yu, Michel Verhaegen, p. 1020
- Subspace Identification of Local Systems in 1D Homogeneous Networks,
Chengpu Yu, Michel Verhaegen, Anders Hansson, p. 1126
- Fault Estimation Filter with Guaranteed Stability Using Markov
Parameters, Yiming Wan, Tamas Keviczky, Michel Verhaegen, p. 1132
- A Bounded Complementary Sensitivity Function Ensures Topology-Independent
Stability of Homogeneous Dynamical Networks, Franco Blanchini, Daniele
Casagrande, Giulia Giordano, Umberto Viaro, p. 1140
- Data-Driven Inversion-Based Control of Nonlinear Systems with Guaranteed
Closed-Loop Stability, Carlo Novara, Simone Formentin, p. 1147
- EKF-based Enhanced Performance Controller Design for Non-linear
Stochastic Systems, Yuyang Zhou, Qichun Zhang, Hong Wang, Ping Zhou,
Tianyou Chai, p. 1155
- Input Matrix Factorizations for Constrained Control Allocation, Martin
Kirchengast, Martin Steinberger, Martin Horn, p. 1163
- Distributed Consensus of Second-order Multi-agent Systems with Nonconvex
Velocity and Control Input Constraints, Peng Lin, Wei Ren, Chunhua Yang,
Weihua Gui, p. 1171
- Distributed Fictitious Play for Multi-Agent Systems in Uncertain
Environments, Ceyhun Eksin, Alejandro Ribeiro, p. 1177
- A Linearly Relaxed Approximate Linear Program for Markov Decision
Processes, Chandrashekar Lakshminarayanan, Shalabh Bhatnagar, Csaba
Szepesvári, p. 1185
- Codiagnosability Analysis of Bounded Petri Nets, Ning Ran, Hongye Su,
Alessandro Giua, Carla Seatzu, p. 1192
- Control via Leadership of Opinion Dynamics with State and Time-Dependent
Interactions, Florian Dietrich, Samuel Martin, Marc Jungers, p. 1200
- Regularization and Interpolation of Positive Matrices, Kaoru Yamamoto,
Yongxin Chen, Lipeng Ning, Tryphon T. Georgiou, Allen Tannenbaum, p. 1208
- Some Results on Exponential Synchronization of Nonlinear Systems, Vincent
Andrieu, Bayu Jayawardhana, Sophie Tarbouriech, p. 1213
- Robust Stability of Hybrid Limit Cycles in Hybrid Dynamical Systems,
Xuyang Lou, Yuchun Li, Ricardo G. Sanfelice, p. 1220

2.5. IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems
Contributed by: Maureen Stanton, stanton at bu.edu

IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems
Volume 5 (2018), Issue 1 (March)

- Online Leader Selection for Improved Collective Tracking and Formation
Maintenance, A. Franchi and P. R. Giordano, p. 3
- Robust Distributed Fault Estimation for a Network of Dynamical Systems,
J.-W. Zhu and G.-H. Yang, p. 14
- A Multiple Lyapunov Function Approach to Distributed Synchronization
Control of Multi-Agent Systems With Switching Directed Communication
Topologies and Unknown Nonlinearities, S. Su and Z. Lin, p. 23
- Coordinate Dual Averaging for Decentralized Online Optimization With
Nonseparable Global Objectives, S. Lee, A. Nedić, and M. Raginsky, p. 34
- On the Necessity of Symmetric Positional Coupling for String Stability,
D. Martinec, I. Herman, and M. Šebek, p. 45
- Distributed Coordination of Multiple Unknown Euler-Lagrange Systems, Z.
Feng, G. Hu, W. Ren, W. E. Dixon, and J. Mei, p. 55
- Tracking Performance and Optimal Adaptation Step-Sizes of Diffusion-LMS
Networks, R. Abdolee, V. Vakilian, and B. Champagne, p. 67
- Modified Order-Reduction Method for Distributed Control of
Multi-Spacecraft Networks With Time-Varying Delays, Z. Zhang, Y. Shi, Z.
Zhang, H. Zhang, and S. Bi, p. 79
- An Online Algorithm for Data Collection by Multiple Sinks in
Wireless-Sensor Networks, R. Deng, S. He, and J. Chen, p. 93
- Minimum-Rank Dynamic Output Consensus Design for Heterogeneous Nonlinear
Multi-Agent Systems, D. H. Nguyen, p. 105
- Compositional Construction of Approximate Abstractions of Interconnected
Control Systems, M. Rungger and M. Zamani, p. 116
- Co-Design of Arbitrated Network Control Systems With Overrun Strategies,
D. Soudbakhsh, L. T. X. Phan, A. M. Annaswamy, and O. Sokolsky, p. 128
- Distributed Optimal Control of Sensor Networks for Dynamic Target
Tracking, G. Foderaro, P. Zhu, H. Wei, T. A. Wettergren, and S. Ferrari, p.
- Integration of Price-Responsive Appliances in the Energy Market Through
Flexible Demand Saturation, A. De Paola, D. Angeli, and G. Strbac, p. 154
- Event-Triggered Quantized Communication-Based Distributed Convex
Optimization, S. Liu, L. Xie, and D. E. Quevedo, p. 167
- Stability of Boolean Networks With Delays Using Pinning Control, F. Li,
p. 179
- Analysis of Model and Iteration Dependencies in Distributed
Feasible-Point Algorithms for Optimal Control Computation, M. A. Fabbro, I.
Shames, and M. Cantoni, p. 186
- Distributed Cycle Detection and Removal, G. Oliva, R. Setola, L. Glielmo,
and C. N. Hadjicostis, p. 194
- Robust Synchronization in Multi-Agent Networks With Unstable Dynamics, S.
Z. Khong, E. Lovisari, and C.-Y. Kao, p. 205
- A Distributed Algorithm for Solving Positive Definite Linear Equations
Over Networks With Membership Dynamics, J. Lu and C. Y. Tang, p. 215
- Distributed Source Seeking Without Global Position Information, R.
Fabbiano, F. Garin, and C. Canudas-de-Wit, p. 228
- Quickest Change Detection in Adaptive Censoring Sensor Networks, X. Ren,
K. H. Johansson, D. Shi, and L. Shi, p. 239
- Consensus Driven by the Geometric Mean, H. Mangesius, D. Xue, and S.
Hirche, p. 251
- Interdependent Security Games on Networks Under Behavioral Probability
Weighting, A. R. Hota and S. Sundaram, p. 262
- Formal Traffic Characterization of LTI Event-Triggered Control Systems,
A. S. Kolarijani and M. Mazo, p. 274
- Convergence Analysis of Quantized Primal-Dual Algorithms in Network
Utility Maximization Problems, E. Nekouei, T. Alpcan, G. N. Nair, and R. J.
Evans, p. 284
- Optimal Resource Allocation for Competitive Spreading Processes on
Bilayer Networks, N. J. Watkins, C. Nowzari, V. M. Preciado, and G. J.
Pappas, p. 298
- A Formal Methods Approach to Pattern Recognition and Synthesis in
Reaction Diffusion Networks, E. Bartocci, E. A. Gol, I. Haghighi, and C.
Belta, p. 308
- Scalable Stability and Time-Scale Separation of Networked, Cascaded
Systems, K. Sakurama, E. I. Verriest, and M. Egerstedt, p. 321
- A Semidistributed Approach for the Feasible Min-Max Fair Agent-Assignment
Problem With Privacy Guarantees, Y. Xu, E. Alfonsetti, P. C. Weeraddana,
and C. Fischione, p. 333
- Multi-Agent Coordination to High-Dimensional Target Subspaces, K.
Sakurama, S.-I. Azuma, and T. Sugie, p. 345
- Distributed Averaging of Exponential-Class Densities With Discrete-Time
Event-Triggered Consensus, G. Battistelli, L. Chisci, and D. Selvi, p. 359
- Resiliency of Mobility-as-a-Service Systems to Denial-of-Service Attacks,
J. Thai, C. Yuan, and A. M. Bayen, p. 370
- DoS Attack Energy Management Against Remote State Estimation, H. Zhang,
Y. Qi, J. Wu, L. Fu, and L. He, p. 383
- Differentially Private Distributed Convex Optimization via Functional
Perturbation, E. Nozari, P. Tallapragada, and J. Cortés, p. 395
- Event-Driven Cooperative Receding Horizon Control for Multi-Agent Systems
in Uncertain Environments, Y. Khazaeni and C. G. Cassandras, p. 409
- Model-Based Reinforcement Learning in Differential Graphical Games, R.
Kamalapurkar, J. R. Klotz, P. Walters, and W. E. Dixon, p. 423
- Decentralized Synchronization of Uncertain Nonlinear Systems With a
Reputation Algorithm, J. R. Klotz, A. Parikh, T.-H. Cheng, and W. E. Dixon,
p. 434
- Whittle Index Policy for Crawling Ephemeral Content, K. E. Avrachenkov
and V. S. Borkar, p. 446
- Performance Measures for Linear Oscillator Networks Over Arbitrary
Graphs, T. W. Grunberg and D. F. Gayme, p. 456
- Globally Stable Wireless Data Flow Control, T. Wigren and R. Karaki, p.
- On Social Optimal Routing Under Selfish Learning, W. Krichene, M. S.
Castillo, and A. Bayen, p. 479
- Consensus of Euler-Lagrange Systems Using Only Position Measurements, E.
Nuño, p. 489
- Power Grid State Estimation Following a Joint Cyber and Physical Attack,
S. Soltan, M. Yannakakis, and G. Zussman, p. 499
- Optimal Power Flow With Inelastic Demands for Demand Response in Radial
Distribution Networks, M. Khonji, C.-K. Chau, and K. Elbassioni, p. 513
- Symmetry Reduction for Performance Certification of Interconnected
Systems, A. S. R. Ferreira, C. Meissen, M. Arcak, and A. Packard, p. 525
- Pure Nash Equilibrium in a Capacitated Selfish Resource Allocation Game,
S. R. Etesami and T. Başar, p. 536
- Modeling and Design of Adaptive Video Streaming Control Systems, G.
Cofano, L. De Cicco, and S. Mascolo, p. 548
- Partition-Based Distributed Kalman Filter With Plug and Play Features, M.
Farina and R. Carli, p. 560
- Asynchronous Distributed Blind Calibration of Sensor Networks Under Noisy
Measurements, M. S. Stanković, S. S. Stanković, and K. H. Johansson, p. 571
- Adaptive Mitigation of Multi-Virus Propagation: A Passivity-Based
Approach, p. Lee, A. Clark, B. Alomair, L. Bushnell, and R. Poovendran, p.
- On Regret-Optimal Learning in Decentralized Multiplayer Multiarmed
Bandits, N. Nayyar, D. Kalathil, and R. Jain, p. 597
- Relay Selection and Operation Control for Optimal Delay Anonymity
Tradeoff in Anonymous Networks, O. Javidbakht and P. Venkitasubramaniam, p.
- Analyzing Connectivity of Heterogeneous Secure Sensor Networks, J. Zhao,
p. 618
- Distributed Adaptive Consensus Disturbance Rejection for Multi-Agent
Systems on Directed Graphs, J. Sun, Z. Geng, Y. Lv, Z. Li, and Z. Ding, p.
- A Smooth Distributed Feedback for Global Rendezvous of Unicycles, A.
Roza, M. Maggiore, and L. Scardovi, p. 640
- Optimal Decentralized Control With Asymmetric One-Step Delayed
Information Sharing, N. Nayyar, D. Kalathil, and R. Jain, p. 653
- Nonlinear Sliding Mode Control for Interconnected Systems With
Application to Automated Highway Systems, J. Mu, X.-G. Yan, S. K. Spurgeon,
and D. Zhao, p. 664
- Robust Sampled-Data Bilateral Teleoperation: Single-Rate and Multirate
Stabilization, H. Beikzadeh and H. J. Marquez, p. 675

2.6. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Contributed by: Michelle Colasanti, ieeetcst at osu.edu

Table of Contents
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Volume 26 (2018), Issue 3 (May)

- LPV Model Order Reduction by Parameter-Varying Oblique Projection, J.
Theis, P. Seiler, and H. Werner, page 773
- Hovercraft Control With Dynamic Parameters Identification, D. Cabecinhas,
P. Batista, P. Oliveira, and C. Silvestre, page 785
- Robust Fractional-Order Compensation in the Presence of Uncertainty in a
Pole/Zero of the Plant, N. Sayyaf and M. S. Tavazoei, page 797
- Sustainable Model-Predictive Control in Urban Traffic Networks: Efficient
Solution Based on General Smoothening Methods, A. Jamshidnejad, I.
Papamichail, M. Papageorgiou, and B. De Schutter, page 813
- Data-Driven PID Controller and Its Application to Pulp Neutralization
Process, Y. Zhang, Y. Jia, T. Chai, D. Wang, W. Dai, and J. Fu, page 828
- Feedback Control of the Contour Shape in Heavy-Plate Hot Rollin, F.
Schausberger, A. Steinboeck, and A. Kugi, page 842
- Distributed Control of High-Altitude Balloon Formation by
Extremum-Seeking Control, I. Vandermeulen, M. Guay, and P. J. Mclellan,
page 857
- Controlled Lagrangian Particle Tracking: Error Growth Under Feedback
Control, K. Szwaykowska and F. Zhang, page 874
- Nuclear Norm-Based Recursive Subspace Identification for Wind Turbine
Flutter Detection, S. T. Navalkar and J. W. van Wingerden, page 890
- A Bioinspired Dynamics-Based Adaptive Tracking Control for Nonlinear
Suspension Systems, H. Pan, X. Jing, W. Sun, and H. Gao, page 903
- Indoor Tracking With the Generalized t-Distribution Noise Model, L. Yin,
S. Liu, W. K. Ho, and K. V. Ling, page 915
- Nonlinear Adaptive Control of Hydraulic System With Observing and
Compensating Mismatching Uncertainties, C. Wang, L. Quan, Z. Jiao, and S.
Zhang, page 927
- 3-D Decentralized Prioritized Motion Planning and Coordination for
High-Density Operations of Micro Aerial Vehicles, X. Ma, Z. Jiao, Z. Wang,
and D. Panagou, page 939
- A Robust Utility Learning Framework via Inverse Optimization, I. C.
Konstantakopoulos, L. J. Ratliff, M. Jin, S. S. Sastry, and C. J. Spanos,
page 954
- Discovering Association Rules of Mode-Dependent Alarms From Alarm and
Event Logs, W. Hu, T. Chen, and S. L. Shah, page 971
- Reconfigurable Model Predictive Control for Multievaporator Vapor
Compression Systems, D. J. Burns, C. Danielson, J. Zhou, and S. Di Cairano,
page 984
- A Reduced-Order Model of a Lithium-Ion Cell Using the Absolute Nodal
Coordinate Formulation Approach, D. W. Limoge, P. Y. Bi, A. M. Annaswamy,
and A. Krupadanam, page 1001
- Multiobjective Optimal Control With Safety as a Priority, K. Lesser and
A. Abate, page 1015
- Distributed Model Predictive Control for On-Connected Microgrid Power
Management, Y. Zheng, S. Li, and R. Tan, page 1028
- An Evaluation of Stochastic Model-Dependent and Model-Independent Glider
Flight Management, A. A. Menezes, D. D. Shah, and I. V. Kolmanovsky, page

- Impact Fault Detection for Linear Vapor Compressor Using RISE Observer,
M. Mohebbi, M. L. McIntyre, and J. Latham, page 1057
- H∞ Control of Two-Time-Scale Markovian Switching Production-Inventory
Systems, Q.-K. Li, Y.-G. Li, and H. Lin, page 1065
- Gain-Scheduled Flight Controller Using Bounded Inexact Scheduling
Parameters, M. Sato, page 1074
- Distributed Maneuvering of Autonomous Surface Vehicles Based on
Neurodynamic Optimization and Fuzzy Approximation, Z. Peng, J. Wang, and D.
Wang, page 1083
- Static Antiwindup Design for Nonlinear Parameter Varying Systems With
Application to DC Motor Speed Control Under Nonlinearities and Load
Variations, N. us Saqib, M. Rehan, N. Iqbal, and K.-S. Hong, page 1091
- Probabilistic Energy Management Strategy for EV Charging Stations Using
Randomized Algorithms, P. Pflaum, M. Alamir, and M. Y. Lamoudi, page 1099
- Model Predictive Control for Distributed Microgrid Battery Energy Storage
Systems, T. Morstyn, B. Hredzak, R. P. Aguilera, and V. G. Agelidis, page
- Line-Independent Plug-and-Play Controllers for Voltage Stabilization in
DC Microgrids, M. Tucci, S. Riverso, and G. Ferrari-Trecate, page 1115
- Dynamics and Estimator-Based Nonlinear Control of a PEM Fuel Cell, K.
Sankar and A. K. Jana, page 1124
- Temperature Model Identification of FTU Liquid Lithium Limiter, M. L.
Apicella, A. Buscarino, C. Corradino, L. Fortuna, G. Mazzitelli, and M. G.
Xibilia, page 1132
- A Two-Step Approach for an Enhanced Quadrotor Attitude Estimation via IMU
Data, J. Chang, J. Cieslak, J. Dávila, J. Zhou, A. Zolghadri, and Z. Guo,
page 1140
- Adaptive Command-Filtered Backstepping Control of Robot Arms With
Compliant Actuators, Y. Pan, H. Wang, X. Li, and H. Yu, page 1149

2.7. IEEE Control Systems Society Publications Content Digest
Contributed by: Kaiwen Chen, kaiwen.chen16 at imperial.ac.uk

The IEEE Control Systems Society Publications Content Digest is a novel and
convenient guide that helps readers keep track of the latest published

The CSS Publications Content Digest, available at
http://ieeecss.org/publications-content-digest provides lists of current
tables of contents of the periodicals sponsored by the Control Systems

Each issue offers readers a rapid means to survey and access the latest
peer-reviewed papers of the IEEE Control Systems Society. We also include
links to the Society’s sponsored Conferences to give readers a preview of
upcoming meetings.

3. Awards

3.1. 2017/2018 Indian National Science Academy PC Ray Chair Award
Contributed by: Vadim Sokolov, vsokolov at gmu.edu

Indian National Science Academy Chair Award for Biswa Datta

Biswa Nath Datta, Distinguished Research Professor at Northern Illinois
University has received the 2017/2018 PC Ray Chair Award by Indian National
Science Academy (INSA). Named after Sir Prafulla Chandra Ray, eminent
Indian scientist, educator and entrepreneur, it is one of three awards
given to a distinguished foreign scientist.

An award ceremony in honor of Professor Datta was held on the eve of the
International Conference on "Power, Control, Signals and Computation",
January 6-9, 2018 at Vidya Academy of Science and Technology, Thrissur,
Kerala. Professor Datta was nominated for this ward by Vidya Academy and
Abdul Kalam Technology University in Kerala . The ceremony was attended by
scientists and engineers from India, USA, and other foreign countries and
several dignitaries from India. At this ceremony, a plaque of honor was
presented to him by Distinguished Control Theorist, Professor Pramod
Khargonekar, currently the Vice-Chancellor for Research and Distinguished
Research Professor of Electrical Engineering at University of

As an awardee, Professor Datta visited several institutes of higher
education in India and delivered lectures on interdisciplinary research
blending applied and computational mathematics and optimization with
control and vibration engineering. These institutes include Vidya Academy
of Science and Technology, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)-Delhi,
IIT-Madras, IIT-Tirupati, IIT-Kharagpur and Indian Institute of Engineering
Science and Technology, Shibpur, West Bengal.


4.1. Summer School on “Modelling and control of miniaturized mechatronic
systems – applications in nanosciences and nanorobotics”
Contributed by: Antoneta Iuliana BRATCU, antoneta.bratcu at gipsa-lab.fr

Summer School on “Modelling and control of miniaturized mechatronic systems
– applications in nanosciences and nanorobotics”


Location and Date: Grenoble (France) - September 3 to 7, 2018

Scientific Chair: Alina VODA (GIPSA-lab, Grenoble, France)

Website: http://www.gipsa-lab.grenoble-inp.fr/summerschool/EEAUTO2018/

Pre-registration link:

For French participants:

Early registrations are encouraged (the number of participants is limited
to 50).
Pre-registration dead-line is June 30th 2018.
Registration dead-line is July 13th 2018.

Systems miniaturisation becomes more and more necessary in all domains of
science, technology and daily life. Micro- and nano-systems are dedicated
to various applications due to advancements in physics, material science,
electronics, biology, etc. Such kind of systems are very challenging from
control and estimation viewpoints, as they exhibit complex phenomena such
as high-frequency resonance, nonlinearities, noise. Modelling and control
of these mechatronic systems are nowadays well established; some advanced
methods – like high-order modelling, robust or nonlinear control – have
proved their effectiveness.

The aim of this Summer School is to offer the opportunity of a scientific
forum from both control systems and robotics communities, around the
various challenges and methodologies dedicated to miniaturized systems. To
this end, domain experts will be present to share their expertise and
cutting-edge research results.

G. BESANÇON (Grenoble Alpes University, France)
M. BOUDAOUD (Pierre et Marie Curie University, Paris, France)
A. FERREIRA (University of Bourges, Bourges, France)
M. FRUCHARD (University of Orléans, Orléans, France)
Ph. LUTZ (University of Franche-Comté, Besançon, France)
Y. LE GORREC (University of Franche-Comté, Besançon, France)
F. MARCHI (Néel Institute, Grenoble, France)
I. PETERSEN (ANU, Canberra, Australia)
A. POPESCU (Grenoble Alpes University, France)
M. RAKOTONDRABE (University of Franche-Comté, Besançon, France)
S. REGNIER (Pierre et Marie Curie University, Paris, France)
A. SARLETTE (INRIA Paris, France)
A. VODA (Grenoble Alpes University, France)

For further information, please contact Antoneta Iuliana BRATCU
(antoneta.bratcu at gipsa-lab.fr)

4.2. XXII Italian PhD school on Automatic Control “SIDRA 2018”
Contributed by: Elena Valcher, meme at dei.unipd.it

The Italian PhD school on Automatic Control "SIDRA 2018" will be held in

- Beginning on Monday, July 9 at 9:00
- Ending on Saturday, July 14 at 13:00.

The two themes of this edition are:
- "Adaptive Control Systems: Methodologies for Analysis and Synthesis”
coordinated by Andrea Serrani (Ohio State University);
- "Optimization Methods for Decision Making over Networks” coordinated by
G. Notarstefano (Univerisita' del Salento) and Maria Prandini (Politecnico
di Milano).

All the relative information is available in the web page:
where in due time (end of June) you will be able to access to all the
teaching material.
The classes will be taught in English.
Participants will be housed at the University Centre of Bertinoro (Ce.UB).
The avaialble rooms will be assigned based on the booking date. Information
about the Center is available on the web page http://www.ceub.it/; the
contact person at the Ce.UB is Ms. Monica Michelacci (
e-mail:mmichelacci at ceub.it - Tel. 0543 446 500).

The participation fee includes the registration fee and the cost of staying
with half board (bed, breakfast and lunch). Rates are 500,00 Euro for
accommodation in a double room and 630,00 Euro for single room
accommodation (from the afternoon of Sunday, July 8 till the afternoon of
Saturday, July 14).

The request to participate has to be submitted through the application form
that will be available on the web from Ce.UB and it represents a formal
commitment to attend the school.

The registration process follows the following "steps":

- June 5, 2018: Deadline for submission of application (see
http://sidra2018.dei.unibo.it/registration/) (in this web site there is
also other general information on the school)

- June 15, 2018: communications of admission to school will be sent out

- June 26, 2018: deadline for payment of the fee, to be paid according to
the procedures that will be indicated on the entry form (which will be
available on the web Ce.UB). Upon departure, the Centre will release a
receipt of the expenses incurred. For logistics contact Ms. Michelacci.

All students attending the school will receive a certificate of
For those who are interested, a final test will also be offered.
The School welcomes foreign PhD students.

For additional information you can contact
Claudio Melchiorri (University of Bologna) claudio.melchiorri at unibo.it
Elena Valcher (University of Padova) meme at dei.unipd.it

4.3. Online Seminar by Dr. Hassan Khalil
Contributed by: Tansel Yucelen, yucelen at usf.edu

Online Seminar by Dr. Hassan Khalil - 12:00 PM Eastern Time, May 9, 2018

University of South Florida (USF) Forum on Robotics & Control Engineering
(USF FoRCE, http://force.eng.usf.edu/) will host Dr. Hassan Khalil on May
9, 2018 at 12:00 PM Eastern Time. Specifically, Dr. Khalil will give an
(abstract and biography of the speaker are included below). We hope that
you will make plans to participate on this free online seminar. Here is the
WebEx information needed to connect to this online seminar:

WebEx direct link:

WebEx indirect link: https://force.my.webex.com/force.my (use 624 206 946
for the meeting number and DSRmviXN for the password)

WebEx phone link: +1-510-338-9438 USA Toll (global call-in numbers:

The mission of the USF FoRCE is simple: Provide free, high-quality outreach
events and online seminars to reach broader robotics and control
engineering communities around the globe. To support our mission, we
periodically invite distinguished lecturers to the USF FoRCE to give talks
on recent research and/or education results related to robotics and control
engineering. As a consequence, the USF FoRCE aims in connecting
academicians and government/industry researchers/practitioners with each
other through crosscutting basic and applied research and education
discussions. We cordially hope that you will enjoy the USF FoRCE events and
find them highly-valuable to your own research and education interests.

Visit http://force.eng.usf.edu/ for more information and to access
previously recorded events. For any questions, email the USF FoRCE
director, Dr. Tansel Yucelen (yucelen at usf.edu).


Abstract: High-gain observers play an important role in the design of
feedback control for nonlinear systems. This lecture overviews the
essentials of this technique. A motivating example is used to illustrate
the main features of high-gain observers, with emphasis on the peaking
phenomenon and the role of control saturation in dealing with it. The use
of the observer in feedback control is discussed and a nonlinear separation
principle is presented. The use of an extended high-gain observer as a
disturbance estimator is covered. Challenges in implementing high-gain
observers are discussed, with the effect of measurement noise as the most
serious one. Techniques to cope with measurement noise are presented. The
lecture ends by listing examples of experimental testing of high-gain

Biography: Hassan K. Khalil received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in
electrical engineering from Cairo University, Egypt, in 1973 and 1975,
respectively, and the Ph.D. degree from the University of Illinois,
Urbana-Champaign, in 1978, all in electrical engineering. Since 1978, he
has been with Michigan State University (MSU), where he is currently
University Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
He has consulted for General Motors and Delco Products, and published over
100 papers on singular perturbation methods and nonlinear control. He is
the author of High-Gain Observers in Nonlinear Feedback Control (SIAM
2017), Nonlinear Control (Pearson 2015), Nonlinear Systems (Macmillan 1992;
Prentice Hall 1996 & 2002) and coauthor of Singular Perturbation Methods in
Control: Analysis and Design (Academic Press 1986; SIAM 1999). Dr. Khalil
was named IEEE Fellow in 1989 and IFAC Fellow in 2007. He received the 1989
IEEE-CSS George S. Axelby Outstanding Paper Award, the 2000 AACC Ragazzini
Education Award, the 2002 IFAC Control Engineering Textbook Prize, the 2004
AACC O. Hugo Schuck Best Paper Award, the 2009 AGEP Faculty Mentor of the
Year Award, and the 2015 IEEE-CSS Bode Lecture Prize. At MSU he received
the 1983 Teacher Scholar Award, the 1994 Withrow Distinguished Scholar
Award, and the 1995 Distinguished Faculty Award. He was named University
Distinguished Professor in 2003. He served as Associate Editor of the IEEE
Transactions on Automatic Control, Automatica, and Neural Networks, and as
Editor of Automatica for nonlinear systems and control. He was Registration
Chair of the 1984 CDC, Finance Chair of the 1987 ACC, Program Chair of the
1988 ACC, and General Chair of the 1994 ACC.

4.4. Real-World Application of Extremum Seeking Control
Contributed by: Mario Rotea, rotea at utdallas.edu

Real-world application of Extremum Seeking Control

If you are interested in real-world applications of extremum seeking
control (ESC), then let me refer you to an article recently published
(early access category) in the IEEE TCST. The experimental data in this
article support the hypothesis that ESC could lead to significant
improvements in the annual energy production of wind turbines.

*CART3 Field Tests for Wind Turbine Region-2 Operation with Extremum
Seeking Controllers,* in IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology.
doi: 10.1109/TCST.2018.2825450

*Abstract*: For wind turbines operating in below-rated wind-speed
conditions (Region 2), the primary objective is to maximize energy capture.
This brief presents the results of a comprehensive field-test evaluation of
extremum seeking control (ESC) for Region 2. The test has been conducted on
the 600-kW CART3 facility at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. The
ESC algorithm tested uses feedback of the rotor power only to control the
torque gain and/or blade pitch angle for maximum power production. The
results show that ESC control increases the energy capture by 8%-12%
relative to a baseline controller.

5. Books

5.1. Nonlinear Model Reduction by Moment Matching
Contributed by: Tanya Capawana, tanya.capawana at nowpublishers.com

Foundations and Trends in Systems and Control:
Nonlinear Model Reduction by Moment Matching
By: Giordano Scarciotti (Imperial College London) and Alessandro Astolfi
(Imperial College London and Università di Roma “Tor Vergata)

Reduced order models, or model reduction, have been used in many
technologically advanced areas to ensure the associated complicated
mathematical models remain computable. For instance, reduced order models
are used to simulate weather forecast models and in the design of very
large scale integrated circuits and networked dynamical systems.

For linear systems, the model reduction problem has been addressed from
several perspectives and a comprehensive theory exists. Although many
results and efforts have been made, at present there is no complete theory
of model reduction for nonlinear systems or, at least, not as complete as
the theory developed for linear systems.

This monograph presents, in a uniform and complete fashion, moment matching
techniques for nonlinear systems. This includes extensive sections on
nonlinear time-delay systems; moment matching from input/output data and
the limitations of the characterization of moment based on a signal
generator described by differential equations. Each section is enriched
with examples and is concluded with extensive bibliographical notes.

This monograph provides a comprehensive and accessible introduction into
model reduction for researchers and students working on non-linear systems.

1: Introduction
2: Model reduction by moment matching
3: Model reduction of time-delay systems
4: Data-driven model reduction
5: Model reduction with explicit signal generators
6: Conclusions.

5.2. Economic Nonlinear Model Predictive Control
Contributed by: Tanya Capawana, tanya.capawana at nowpublishers.com

Foundations and Trends in Systems and Control:
Economic Nonlinear Model Predictive Control
By: Timm Faulwasser, Lars Grüne and Matthias A. Müller

Model Predictive Control (MPC) can be dated back to the 1960s, and can now
be regarded as a mature control method, which has had significant impact on
industrial process control. It is applied in many control systems and has
been extended to include non-linear dynamics and non-convex constraints.

Of increasing importance in all such control systems in the economic
benefits within the design of the system. Traditionally, the so-called
control pyramid has been the main technique to do this, whereby economic
targets are translated into setpoints and reference trajectories, which are
in turn stabilized by control techniques such as MPC. At the same time, in
process systems engineering and other fields of application, one aims at
economic process operation and much attention has been given to this and
the term Economic Model Predictive Control (EMPC) has been coined.

Economic Nonlinear Model Predictive Control provides a concise overview of
different approaches on the question of stability and optimality in
different formulations of EMPC. It is the first monograph to cover
approaches both with and without terminal constraints and end penalties,
and turnpike/dissipativity-based settings as well as Lyapunov-based

This monograph is an accessible tutorial on the state-of-the-art in model
predictive control. Students and researchers will find a clear exposition
of current knowledge upon which they can build their own research.

1. Introduction
2. Revisiting Stabilizing NMPC
3. Economic MPC with Terminal Constraints
4. EMPC without Terminal Constraints and Penalties
5. Performance Bounds
6. EMPC with Averaged Constraints
7. EMPC with Generalized Terminal Constraints
8. Lyapunov-based Approach
9. Multi-objective Approach
10. Conclusions and Outlook

5.3. Logical Control of Complex Resource Allocation Systems
Contributed by: Tanya Capawana, tanya.capawana at nowpublishers.com

Foundations and Trends in Systems and Control:
Logical Control of Complex Resource Allocation Systems
By: Spyros Reveliotis (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)

Logical Control of Complex Resource Allocation Systems provides a
comprehensive tutorial on solutions to the supervisory control problem. The
reader is shown results that are theoretically rigorous yet offer rich
practical applications. These resource allocation techniques have major
implications for many modern-day and future applications. They also point
the way forward for the necessary further research to successfully solve
the scheduling problems in such systems.

1. Introduction
2. Sequential Resource Allocation Systems and their Supervisory Control
Problem of Deadlock Avoidance
3. RAS Classes Admitting Maximally Permissive Deadlock Avoidance of
Polynomial Complexity
4. Efficient Implementations of the Maximally Permissive DAP as a Classifier
5. RAS Logical Analysis and Control through Petri Net Theory
6. Suboptimal Deadlock Avoidance for the Considered RAS
7. Some Concluding Remarks

5.4. Errors-in-Variables Methods in System Identification
Contributed by: Yasmin Brookes, yasmin.brookes at springer.com

Errors-in-Variables Methods in System Identification by Torsten Söderström
ISBN: 978-3-319-75000-2
April 2018, Springer
Hardcover, 485 pages, $179.99/€149,99


This book presents an overview of the different errors-in-variables (EIV)
methods that can be used for system identification. Readers will explore
the properties of an EIV problem. Such problems play an important role when
the purpose is the determination of the physical laws that describe the
process, rather than the prediction or control of its future behaviour. EIV
problems typically occur when the purpose of the modelling is to get
physical insight into a process. Identifiability of the model parameters
for EIV problems is a non-trivial issue, and sufficient conditions for
identifiability are given. The author covers various modelling aspects
which, taken together, can find a solution, including the characterization
of noise properties, extension to multivariable systems, and
continuous-time models. The book finds solutions that are constituted of
methods that are compatible with a set of noisy data, which traditional
approaches to solutions, such as (total) least squares, do not find.

A number of identification methods for the EIV problem are presented. Each
method is accompanied with a detailed analysis based on statistical theory,
and the relationship between the different methods is explained. A
multitude of methods are covered, including:
• instrumental variables methods;
• methods based on bias-compensation;
• covariance matching methods; and
• prediction error and maximum-likelihood methods.

The book shows how many of the methods can be applied in either the time or
the frequency domain and provides special methods adapted to the case of
periodic excitation. It concludes with a chapter specifically devoted to
practical aspects and user perspectives that will facilitate the transfer
of the theoretical material to application in real systems.

Errors-in-Variables Methods in System Identification gives readers the
possibility of recovering true system dynamics from noisy measurements,
while solving over-determined systems of equations, making it suitable for
statisticians and mathematicians alike. The book also acts as a reference
for researchers and computer engineers because of its detailed exploration
of EIV problems.


1. Introduction
2. The Static Case
3. The Errors-in-Variables Problem for Dynamic Systems
4. Identifiability Analysis
5. Modeling Aspects
6. Elementary Methods
7. Methods Based on Bias-Compensation
8. Covariance Matching
9. Prediction Error and Maximum Likelihood Methods
10. Frequency Domain Methods
11. Total Least Squares
12. Methods for Periodic Data
13. Algorithmic Properties
14. Asymptotic Distributions
15. Errors-in-Variables Problems in Practice

5.5. Freeway Traffic Modelling and Control
Contributed by: Yasmin Brookes, yasmin.brookes at springer.com

Freeway Traffic Modelling and Control by Antonella Ferrara, Simona Sacone
and Silvia Simona
ISBN: 978-3-319-75959-3
April 2018, Springer
Hardcover, 316 pages, $179.99/€149,99


This monograph provides an extended overview of modelling and control
approaches for freeway traffic systems, moving from the early methods to
the most recent scientific results and field implementations. The concepts
of green traffic systems and smart mobility are addressed in the book,
since a modern freeway traffic management system should be designed to be
sustainable. Future perspectives on freeway traffic control are also
analysed and discussed with reference to the most recent technological

The most widespread modelling and control techniques for freeway traffic
systems are treated with mathematical rigour, but also discussed with
reference to their performance assessment and to the expected impact of
their practical usage in real traffic systems. In order to make the book
accessible to readers of different backgrounds, some fundamental aspects of
traffic theory as well as some basic control concepts, useful for better
understanding the addressed topics, are provided in the book.

This monograph can be used as a textbook for courses on transport
engineering, traffic management and control. It is also addressed to
experts working in traffic monitoring and control areas and to researchers,
technicians and practitioners of both transportation and control
engineering. The authors’ systematic vision of traffic modelling and
control methods developed over decades makes the book a valuable survey
resource for freeway traffic managers, freeway stakeholders and
transportation public authorities with professional interests in freeway
traffic systems.


Part I Introduction
1. Freeway Traffic Systems
2. Fundamentals of Traffic Dynamics
Part II Freeway Traffic Modelling
3. First-Order Macroscopic Traffic Models
4. Second-Order Macroscopic Traffic Models
5. Microscopic and Mesoscopic Traffic Models
6. Emission Models for Freeway Traffic Systems
7. State Estimation in Freeway Traffic Systems
Part III Freeway Traffic Control
8. An Overview of Traffic Control Schemes for Freeway Systems
9. Implementation-Oriented Freeway Traffic Control Strategies
10. Control Strategies for Sustainable Mobility in Freeways
11. Emerging Freeway Traffic Control Strategies

5.6. Contracts for System Design
Contributed by: Albert Benveniste, albert.benveniste at inria.fr

Contracts for system design
Albert Benveniste, Benoit Caillaud, Dejan Nickovic, Roberto Passerone,
Jean-Baptiste Raclet, Philipp Reinkemeier, Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli,
Werner Damm, Thomas A. Henzinger, and Kim G. Larsen

Contract-based design has been proposed as an “orthogonal” approach that
complements system design methodologies proposed so far to cope with the
complexity of system design. Contract-based design provides a rigorous
scaffolding for verification, analysis, abstraction/refinement, and even
synthesis. A number of results have been obtained in this domain but a
unified treatment of the topic that can help put contract-based design in
perspective was missing. This monograph intends to provide such a treatment
where contracts are precisely defined and characterized so that they can be
used in design methodologies with no ambiguity. In particular, this
monograph identifies the essence of complex system design using contracts
through a mathematical “meta-theory”, where all the properties of the
methodology are derived from a very abstract and generic notion of
contract. We show that the meta-theory provides deep and illuminating links
with existing contract and interface theories, as well as guidelines for
designing new theories. Our study encompasses contracts for both software
and systems, with emphasis on the latter. We illustrate the use of
contracts with two examples: requirement engineering for a parking garage
management, and the development of contracts for timing and scheduling in
the context of the Autosar methodology in use in the automotive sector.

The table of contents follows:
1. Introduction, industrial context
2. Contract based design, a primer on contracts
3. Positioning of this monograph and bibliographical note
4. A mathematical meta-theory of contracts
5. Assume/Guarantee contracts
6. Synchronous Moore Interfaces and Assume/Guarantee contracts
7. Rely/Guarantee reasoning and Assume/Guarantee contracts
8. Interface theories: interface automata and modal interfaces
9. Scheduling contracts and contracts for timing
10. Contracts in Requirement Engineering
11. Contracts for timing in Autosar
12. Conclusion, status of research, status of practice

6. Journals

6.1. Contents: Automatica
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com

Vol. 91
May 2018

- Konstantinos Gatsis, Alejandro Ribeiro, George J. Pappas, Random access
design for wireless control systems, Pages 1-9
- Kevin S. Galloway, Biswadip Dey, Collective motion under
beacon-referenced cyclic pursuit, Pages 17-26
- Yu-Long Wang, Qing-Long Han, Network-based modelling and dynamic output
feedback control for unmanned marine vehicles in network environments,
Pages 43-53
- Jihene Ben Rejeb, Irinel-Constantin Morărescu, Jamal Daafouz, Control
design with guaranteed cost for synchronization in networks of linear
singularly perturbed systems, Pages 89-97
- Ravi Gondhalekar, Eyal Dassau, Francis J. Doyle, Velocity-weighting &
velocity-penalty MPC of an artificial pancreas: Improved safety &
performance, Pages 105-117
- Marcos G. Todorov, Marcelo D. Fragoso, Oswaldo Luiz do Valle Costa,
Detector-based H∞ results for discrete-time Markov jump linear systems with
partial observations, Pages 159-172
- Xiaofeng Zong, George Yin, Le Yi Wang, Tao Li, Ji-Feng Zhang, Stability
of stochastic functional differential systems using degenerate Lyapunov
functionals and applications, Pages 197-207
- Philippe Martin, Lionel Rosier, Pierre Rouchon, Controllability of the 1D
Schrödinger equation using flatness, Pages 208-216
- Miloje S. Radenković, Miroslav Krstić, Distributed adaptive consensus and
synchronization in complex networks of dynamical systems, Pages 233-243
- Biao Lu, Yongchun Fang, Ning Sun, Modeling and nonlinear coordination
control for an underactuated dual overhead crane system, Pages 244-255
- Bin Zhou, Improved Razumikhin and Krasovskii approaches for discrete-time
time-varying time-delay systems, Pages 256-269
- K.D. Do, A.D. Lucey, Stochastic stabilization of slender beams in space:
Modeling and boundary control, Pages 279-293
- Huiping Li, Yang Shi, Weisheng Yan, Fuqiang Liu, Receding horizon
consensus of general linear multi-agent systems with input constraints: An
inverse optimality approach, Pages 10-16
- Xinghu Wang, Youfeng Su, Dabo Xu, A nonlinear internal model design for
heterogeneous second-order multi-agent systems with unknown leader, Pages
- Xingwen Liu, Qianchuan Zhao, Shouming Zhong, Stability analysis of a
class of switched nonlinear systems with delays: A trajectory-based
comparison method, Pages 36-42
- Alex S. Leong, Subhrakanti Dey, Daniel E. Quevedo, Transmission
scheduling for remote state estimation and control with an energy
harvesting sensor, Pages 54-60
- Efstathios Bakolas, Finite-horizon covariance control for discrete-time
stochastic linear systems subject to input constraints, Pages 61-68
- Kun-Zhi Liu, Xi-Ming Sun, Miroslav Krstic, Distributed predictor-based
stabilization of continuous interconnected systems with input delays, Pages
- Hua-Cheng Zhou, Hongyinping Feng, Disturbance estimator based output
feedback exponential stabilization for Euler–Bernoulli beam equation with
boundary control, Pages 79-88
- Ji Ma, Haibo Ji, Dong Sun, Gang Feng, An approach to quantized consensus
of continuous-time linear multi-agent systems, Pages 98-104
- Nacim Ramdani, Louise Travé-Massuyès, Carine Jauberthie, Mode
discernibility and bounded-error state estimation for nonlinear hybrid
systems, Pages 118-125
- Bo-Chao Zheng, Xinghuo Yu, Yanmei Xue, Quantized feedback sliding-mode
control: An event-triggered approach, Pages 126-135
- Karina A. Barbosa, Carlos E. de Souza, Daniel Coutinho, Admissibility
analysis of discrete linear time-varying descriptor systems, Pages 136-143
- Niklas Everitt, Giulio Bottegal, Håkan Hjalmarsson, An empirical Bayes
approach to identification of modules in dynamic networks, Pages 144-151
- Abdelkader Abdessameud, Abdelhamid Tayebi, Distributed output regulation
of heterogeneous linear multi-agent systems with communication constraints,
Pages 152-158
- Irina V. Alexandrova, Alexey P. Zhabko, A new LKF approach to stability
analysis of linear systems with uncertain delays, Pages 173-178
- Zhao-Yan Li, James Lam, Yong Wang, Stability analysis of linear
stochastic neutral-type time-delay systems with two delays, Pages 179-189
- Hadi Taghvafard, Anton V. Proskurnikov, Ming Cao, Local and global
analysis of endocrine regulation as a non-cyclic feedback system, Pages
- Aivar Sootla, Alexandre Mauroy, Damien Ernst, Optimal control formulation
of pulse-based control using Koopman operator, Pages 217-224
- Haichao Gui, Anton H.J. de Ruiter, Global finite-time attitude consensus
of leader-following spacecraft systems based on distributed observers,
Pages 225-232
- Ngoc-Tu Trinh, Vincent Andrieu, Cheng-Zhong Xu, Output regulation for a
cascaded network of 2 × 2 hyperbolic systems with PI controller, Pages
- Jianying Zheng, Jiu-Gang Dong, Lihua Xie, Stability of discrete-time
positive switched linear systems with stable and marginally stable
subsystems, Pages 294-300
- Guanyu Lai, Zhi Liu, Yun Zhang, C.L. Philip Chen, Shengli Xie, Adaptive
backstepping-based tracking control of a class of uncertain switched
nonlinear systems, Pages 301-310
- Nicoletta Bof, Ruggero Carli, Luca Schenato, Is ADMM always faster than
Average Consensus?, Pages 311-315
- Yuqian Guo, Weihua Gui, Chunhua Yang, Redefined observability matrix for
Boolean networks and distinguishable partitions of state space, Pages
- Suchitra Pandey, Bhupendra Das, Siva Kumar Tadepalli, Comments on “New
finite-sum inequalities with applications to stability of discrete
time-delay systems”, Pages 320-321

Vol. 92
June 2018

- Zepeng Ning, Lixian Zhang, James Lam, Stability and stabilization of a
class of stochastic switching systems with lower bound of sojourn time,
Pages 18-28
- Nikolaos Bekiaris-Liberis, Miroslav Krstic, Compensation of actuator
dynamics governed by quasilinear hyperbolic PDEs, Pages 29-40
- Tao Liu, Jie Huang, Leader-following attitude consensus of multiple rigid
body systems subject to jointly connected switching networks, Pages 63-71
- Kaihua Xi, Johan L.A. Dubbeldam, Hai Xiang Lin, Jan H. van Schuppen,
Power-Imbalance Allocation Control of Power Systems-Secondary Frequency
Control, Pages 72-85
- Ioannis Kordonis, Petros Maragos, George P. Papavassilopoulos, Stochastic
stability in Max-Product and Max-Plus Systems with Markovian Jumps, Pages
- Kan Xie, Qianqian Cai, Minyue Fu, A fast clock synchronization algorithm
for wireless sensor networks, Pages 133-142
- Hidenori Shingin, Yoshito Ohta, Reduction of state variables based on
regulation and filtering performances, Pages 143-154
- Xingkang He, Wenchao Xue, Haitao Fang, Consistent distributed state
estimation with global observability over sensor network, Pages 162-172
- Yaning Lin, Tianliang Zhang, Weihai Zhang, Pareto-based guaranteed cost
control of the uncertain mean-field stochastic systems in infinite horizon,
Pages 197-209
- Delphine Bresch-Pietri, Frédéric Mazenc, Nicolas Petit, Robust
compensation of a chattering time-varying input delay with jumps, Pages
- Yu Feng, Xiang Chen, Guoxiang Gu, Robust stabilization subject to
structured uncertainties and mean power constraint, Pages 1-8
- Li Dai, Yulong Gao, Lihua Xie, Karl Henrik Johansson, Yuanqing Xia,
Stochastic self-triggered model predictive control for linear systems with
probabilistic constraints, Pages 9-17
- Cemal Tugrul Yilmaz, Halil Ibrahim Basturk, Rejection of sinusoidal
disturbances for known LTI systems in the presence of output delay, Pages
- Hideki Sano, Low order stabilizing controllers for a class of distributed
parameter systems, Pages 49-55
- Eyal Weiss, Michael Margaliot, Guy Even, Minimal controllability of
conjunctive Boolean networks is NP-complete, Pages 56-62
- Carine Jauberthie, Lilianne Denis-Vidal, Qiaochu Li, Zohra
Cherfi-Boulanger, Optimal input design for parameter estimation in a
bounded-error context for nonlinear dynamical systems, Pages 86-91
- Ping Gong, Weiyao Lan, Adaptive robust tracking control for uncertain
nonlinear fractional-order multi-agent systems with directed topologies,
Pages 92-99
- Lucian Buşoniu, Előd Páll, Rémi Munos, Continuous-action planning for
discounted infinite-horizon nonlinear optimal control with Lipschitz
values, Pages 100-108
- Bernard Vau, Henri Bourlès, Generalized convergence conditions of the
parameter adaptation algorithm in discrete-time recursive identification
and adaptive control, Pages 109-114
- Hossein Sartipizadeh, Tyrone L. Vincent, A new robust MPC using an
approximate convex hull, Pages 115-122
- Cheng Song, Yuan Fan, Coverage control for mobile sensor networks with
limited communication ranges on a circle, Pages 155-161
- Jinpeng Yu, Peng Shi, Lin Zhao, Finite-time command filtered backstepping
control for a class of nonlinear systems, Pages 173-180
- Chengpu Yu, Michel Verhaegen, Data-driven fault estimation of non-minimum
phase LTI systems, Pages 181-187
- Yûki Nishimura, Hiroshi Ito, Stochastic Lyapunov functions without
differentiability at supposed equilibria, Pages 188-196
- Sung-Mo Kang, Hyo-Sung Ahn, Shape and orientation control of moving
formation in multi-agent systems without global reference frame, Pages
- Jinsha Li, Daniel W.C. Ho, Junmin Li, Adaptive consensus of multi-agent
systems under quantized measurements via the edge Laplacian, Pages 217-224
- Shan Zuo, Yongduan Song, Frank L. Lewis, Ali Davoudi, Adaptive output
containment control of heterogeneous multi-agent systems with unknown
leaders, Pages 235-239
- Ross Drummond, Stephen Duncan, The Aizerman and Kalman conjectures using
symmetry, Pages 240-243
- Yilin Wang, Shuanghe Yu, An improved dynamic quantization scheme for
uncertain linear networked control systems, Pages 244-248
- Kiyoshi Nishiyama, A computationally reduced version of the fast H∞
filter, Pages 249-253
- Zhi-gang Su, Chunjiang Qian, Yong-sheng Hao, Ming Zhao, Global
stabilization via sampled-data output feedback for large-scale systems
interconnected by inherent nonlinearities, Pages 254-258
- Pubudu N. Pathirana, Phan T. Nam, Hieu M. Trinh, Stability of positive
coupled differential-difference equations with unbounded time-varying
delays, Pages 259-263
- Zhiyong Sun, Na Huang, Brian D.O. Anderson, Zhisheng Duan, Comments on
“Distributed event-triggered control of multi-agent systems with
combinational measurements”, Pages 264-265
- Yuan Fan, Gang Feng, Yong Wang, Cheng Song, Authors’ reply to comments on
“Distributed event-triggered control of multi-agent systems with
combinational measurements”, Page 266

6.2. Contents: Systems & Control Letters
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com

Systems & Control Letters
Vol. 114
April 2018

- Guangming Zhuang, Qian Ma, Baoyong Zhang, Shengyuan Xu, Jianwei Xia,
Admissibility and stabilization of stochastic singular Markovian jump
systems with time delays, Pages 1-10
- Shuzhen Yang, The necessary and sufficient conditions for stochastic
differential systems with multi-time state cost functional, Pages 11-18
- H. Hammouri, F.S. Ahmed, S. Othman, Observer design based on immersion
technics and canonical form, Pages 19-26
- Jianhui Huang, Haiyang Wang, Zhen Wu, A sufficient stochastic maximum
principle for a kind of recursive optimal control problem with obstacle
constraint, Pages 27-30
- Mattia Mattioni, Salvatore Monaco, Dorothée Normand-Cyrot, Nonlinear
discrete-time systems with delayed control: A reduction, Pages 31-37
- György Lipták, Katalin M. Hangos, Mihály Pituk, Gábor Szederkényi,
Semistability of complex balanced kinetic systems with arbitrary time
delays, Pages 38-43
- Peng Yi, Jinlong Lei, Yiguang Hong, Distributed resource allocation over
random networks based on stochastic approximation, Pages 44-51
- Hsueh-Ju Chen, Alexander Lanzon, Closed-loop stability analysis of
discrete-time negative imaginary systems, Pages 52-58
- Weixin Han, Harry L. Trentelman, Zhenhua Wang, Yi Shen, Towards a minimal
order distributed observer for linear systems, Pages 59-65
- Fei Ye, Bo Sun, Linlin Ou, Weidong Zhang, Disturbance observer-based
control for consensus tracking of multi-agent systems with input delays
from a frequency domain perspective, Pages 66-75

Systems & Control Letters
Vol. 115
May 2018

- Mingxuan Shen, Weiyin Fei, Xuerong Mao, Yong Liang, Stability of highly
nonlinear neutral stochastic differential delay equations, Pages 1-8
- Zbigniew Bartosiewicz, Positive realizations of nonlinear input–output
discrete-time systems, Pages 9-14
- Jing Chen, Feng Ding, Yanjun Liu, Quanmin Zhu, Multi-step-length gradient
iterative algorithm for equation-error type models, Pages 15-21
- Daizhan Cheng, Changxi Li, Fenghua He, Observability of Boolean networks
via set controllability approach, Pages 22-25
- Zehor Belkhatir, Taous Meriem Laleg-Kirati, Parameters and fractional
differentiation orders estimation for linear continuous-time
non-commensurate fractional order systems, Pages 26-33
- Kai Zhao, Yongduan Song, Jiye Qian, Jin Fu, Zero-error tracking control
with pre-assignable convergence mode for nonlinear systems under
nonvanishing uncertainties and unknown control direction, Pages 34-40
- Dong Zhao, Steven X. Ding, Youqing Wang, Yueyang Li, Krein-space based
robust H∞ fault estimation for two-dimensional uncertain linear discrete
time-varying systems, Pages 41-47
- Tao Bian, Zhong-Ping Jiang, Stochastic and adaptive optimal control of
uncertain interconnected systems: A data-driven approach, Pages 48-54
- Patrizio Tomei, Cristiano Maria Verrelli, Advances on adaptive learning
control: The case of non-minimum phase linear systems, Pages 55-62

6.3. Contents: IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica
Contributed by: Yan Ou, jas at ia.ac.cn

Table of Contents
IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica
Volume 5 (2018), Issue 3 (May)

- Advances in Vision-Based Lane Detection: Algorithms, Integration,
Assessment, and Perspectives on ACP-Based Parallel Vision. Y. Xing, C. Lv,
L. Chen, H. J. Wang, H. Wang, D. P. Cao, E. Velenis, and F.-Y. Wang, page

- Deep Scalogram Representations for Acoustic Scene Classification. Z. Ren,
K. Qian, Z. X. Zhang, V. Pandit, A. Baird, and B. Schuller, page 662
- A Mode-Switching Motion Control System for Reactive Interaction and
Surface Following Using Industrial Robots. D. Nakhaeinia, P. Payeur, and R.
Laganiere, page 670
- Adaptive Proportional-Derivative Sliding Mode Control Law With Improved
Transient Performance for Underactuated Overhead Crane Systems. M. H.
Zhang, X. Ma, R. Song, X. W. Rong, G. H. Tian, X. C. Tian, Y. B. Li, page
- On "Over-Sized" High-Gain Practical Observers for Nonlinear Systems. D.
Carnevale, C. Possieri, and A. Tornambe, page 691
- H∞ Tracking Control for Switched LPV Systems With an Application to
Aero-Engines.K. W. Zhu, J. Zhao, and G. M. Dimirovski, page 699
- Neural-Network-Based Terminal Sliding Mode Control for Frequency
Stabilization of Renewable Power Systems. D. W. Qian and G. L. Fan, page 706
- Gait Recognition by Cross Wavelet Transform and Graph Model. S. A. More
and P. J. Deore, page 718
- Containment Control of Fractional Order Multi-Agent Systems With Time
Delays. H. Y. Yang, F. Y. Wang, and F. J. Han, page 727
- Preparation of Hadamard Gate for Open Quantum Systems by the Lyapunov
Control Method. N. Ghaeminezhad and S. Cong, page 733
- Group Decision Making With Consistency of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Preference
Relations Under Uncertainty. Y. Lin and Y. M. Wang, page 741
- Dynamic Case Retrieval Method With Subjective Preferences and Objective
Information for Emergency Decision Making. J. Zheng, Y. M. Wang, and S. Q.
Chen, page 749
- Refined Jensen-Based Multiple Integral Inequality and Its Application to
Stability of Time-Delay Systems. J. D. Wang, Z. S. Wang, S. B. Ding, and H.
G. Zhang, page 758

6.4. Contents: Asian Journal of Control
Contributed by: Li-Chen Fu, lichen at ntu.edu.tw

Asian Journal of Control
Vol.20, No.2 March, 2018

[Invited Paper]
1. Fault-Tolerant Control Allocation for Overactuated Nonlinear Systems
(Pages: 621-634), Andrea Cristofaro, Marios M. Polycarpou and Tor Arne

[Regular Paper]
2. Determining Dissipativity of Switched Nonlinear Systems Using
Linearization (Pages: 635-645), Hanmei Wang and Jun Zhao
3. Distributed Fixed-Time Coordinated Tracking for Nonlinear Multi-Agent
Systems Under Directed Graphs (Pages: 646-658), Boda Ning, Zongyu Zuo,
Jiong Jin and Jinchuan Zheng
4. Output Tracking for One-Dimensional Schrödinger Equation subject to
Boundary Disturbance (Pages: 659-668), Jun-Jun Liu, Jun-Min Wang and
Ya-Ping Guo
5. Stabilization of Non-Linear Fractional-Order Uncertain Systems (Pages:
Author: Yude Ji, Mingxing Du and Yanping Guo
6. Velocity Reversal Systems: A Simple Friction Model for Telescopes
(Pages: 678-688), T. S. Kumar and Ravi N. Banavar
7. An Extended Car-Following Model With Consideration of the Driver's
Memory and Control Strategy (Pages: 689-696), Yi-ming Zheng, Rong-jun
Cheng, Hong-xia Ge and Siu-ming Lo
8. Incomplete Logical Control System and its Application to Some
Intellectual Problems (Pages: 697-706), Xiao Zhang, Yuanhua Wang and
Daizhan Cheng
9. Control and Synchronization Of A Class Of Uncertain Fractional Order
Chaotic Systems Via Adaptive Backstepping Control (Pages: 707-720), Manoj
Kumar Shukla and B.B. Sharma
10. Suboptimal Output Consensus for Time-Delayed Singular Multi-Agent
Systems (Pages: 721-734), Jiajing Wang, Ming He, Jianxiang Xi and Xiaogang
11. Composite Disturbance-Observer-Based Control and H∞ Control for High
Speed Trains with Actuator Faults (Pages: 735-745)
Authors:Hairong Dong, Xue Lin, Xiuming Yao, Weiqi Bai and Bin Ning
12. WDOP-based Summation Inequality and its Application to Exponential
Stability of Linear Delay Difference Systems (Pages: 746-754), Xian Zhang,
Wanzhen Shang and Yantao Wang
13. Dynamic Output Feedback Robust MPC With one Free Control Move for LPV
Model With Bounded Disturbance (Pages: 755-767), Baocang Ding, Pengjun Wang
and Jianchen Hu
14. Full Adaptive Integral Backstepping Controller for Interior Permanent
Magnet Synchronous Motors (Pages: 768-779), Mohsen Hoshyar and Mirhamed Mola
15. Adaptive Neural Dynamic Surface Control for Stochastic Nonlinear
Time-Delay Systems with Input and Output Constraints (Pages: 780-789),
Wen-Jie Si, Xun-De Dong and Fei-Fei Yang
16. Frequency Interval Gramians Based Structure Preserving Model Order
Reduction for Second Order Systems (Pages: 790-801), Shafiq Haider, Abdul
Ghafoor, Muhammad Imran and Fahad Mumtaz Malik
17. Uncertain Saturated Discrete-Time Sliding Mode Control for A Wind
Turbine Using A Two-Mass Model (Pages: 802-818), Chaker Zaafouri, Borhen
Torchani, Anis Sellami and Germain Garcia
18. Stochastic Stability and Stabilization of Singular It ô-type Markovian
Jump Systems with Uncertain Transition Rates: An LMI Approach (Pages:
819-828), Baoping Jiang, Cunchen Gao and Yonggui Kao
19. Stabilization Criteria for Singular Fuzzy Systems With Random Delay and
Mixed Actuator Failures (Pages: 829-838), Sakthivel Rathinasamy, M.
Rathika, B. Kaviarasan and Hao Shen
20. Direct Adaptive Fuzzy Backstepping Control for Stochastic Nonlinear
SISO Systems with Unmodeled Dynamics (Pages: 839-855), Xiumei Zhang, Xikui
Liu and Yan Li
21. Backstepping Control for Flexible Joint with Friction Using Wavelet
Neural Networks and L2-Gain Approach (Pages: 856-866), Ming Chu, Qingxuan
Jia and Hanxu Sun
22. Desired Compensation Adaptive Repetitive Control of Electrical-Optical
Gyro-Stabilized Platform with High-Precision Disturbance Compensation
(Pages: 867-880), Yuefei Wu and Dong Yue
23. Stability Analysis of Periodic Solution for a Complex-valued Neural
Networks With Bounded and Unbounded Delays (Pages: 881-892)
Author: Bo Du
24. Adaptive Failure Compensation for Uncertain Systems with Unknown
Utility Decrement of Actuators (Pages: 893-905), Jianping Cai, Meng Zhang,
Lantao Xing and Lujuan Shen
25. Control of Grid Connected Photovoltaic Systems with Microinverters: New
Theoretical Design and Numerical Evaluation (Pages: 906-918), Abdelhafid
Yahya, Hassan El Fadil, Mustapha Oulcaid, Leila Ammeh, Fouad Giri and Josep
M. Guerrero

[Brief Paper]
1. Discrete-Time Consensus Filters for Average Tracking of Time-Varying
Inputs on Directed Switching Graphs (Pages: 919-934), Shuai Li and Yi Guo
2. Controllability of Fractional Differential Equation of Order α∈(1,2]
With Non-Instantaneous Impulses (Pages: 935-942), Malik Muslim and Avadhesh
3. Distributed Consensus-Based Optimization of Multiple Load Aggregators
for Secondary Frequency Control (Pages: 943-955), Qian Tang, Hong Zhou,
Zhi-Wei Liu and Qi-Jun Deng
4. Distributed Consensus of Third-order Multi-agent Systems with
Communication Delay (Pages: 956-961), Wenying Hou, Minyue Fu and Huanshui
5. Model Free Adaptive Control for a Class of Nonlinear Systems Using
Quantized Information (Pages: 962-968), Xuhui Bu, Yingxu Qiao, Zhongsheng
Hou and Junqi Yang

6.5. Contents: IET Control Theory & Applications
Contributed by: Alexandria Lipka, alipka at theiet.org

IET Control Theory & Applications
Volume 12
May 2018


- Yuzhu Huang, Optimal guaranteed cost control of uncertain non-linear
systems using adaptive dynamic programming with concurrent learning, Pages
1025 – 1035
- Yifan Liu, Zhiqiang Pu, Jianqiang Yi, Observer-based robust adaptive T2
fuzzy tracking control for flexible air-breathing hypersonic vehicles,
Pages 1036 – 1045
- Yan Zheng, Shuzhi Sam Ge, Yaonan Wang, Non-weighted filtering for
positive switched delay systems, Pages 1046 – 1054
- Can Li, Jie Lian, Estimator design of switched linear systems under
unknown persistent excitation, Pages 1055 – 1063
- Rajamani Doraiswami, Lahouari Cheded, Robust Kalman filter-based least
squares identification of a multivariable system, Pages 1064 - 1074
- Siyi Wang, Yabing Gao, Jianxing Liu, Ligang Wu, Saturated sliding mode
control with limited magnitude and rate, Pages 1075 - 1085
- Zhuoyue Song, Chao Duan, Housheng Su, Jinchang Hu, Full-order sliding
mode control for finite-time attitude tracking of rigid spacecraft, Pages
1086 - 1094
- Hamidreza Modares, Rohollah Moghadam, Frank L. Lewis, Ali Davoudi, Static
output-feedback synchronisation of multi-agent systems: a secure and
unified approach, Pages 1095 – 1106
- Yu-Qun Han, Hong-Sen Yan Adaptive multi-dimensional Taylor network
tracking control for SISO uncertain stochastic non-linear systems, Pages
1107 – 1115
- Iván Salgado, Manuel Mera, Isaac Chairez, Suboptimal adaptive control of
dynamic systems with state constraints based on Barrier Lyapunov functions,
Pages 1116 - 1124
- Gustavo Cruz Campos, Joao Manoel Gomes da Silva Jr., Sophie Tarbouriech,
Carlos Eduardo Pereira, Stabilisation of discrete-time systems with
finite-level uniform and logarithmic quantisers, Pages 1125 - 1132
- Teng Shao, Quanbo Ge, Zhansheng Duan, Junzhi Yu, Relative closeness
ranking of Kalman filtering with multiple mismatched measurement noise
covariances, Pages 1133 - 1140
- Jiwei Wen, Sing Kiong Nguang, Peng Shi, Xudong Zhao, Stability and
control of discrete-time switched systems via one-step ahead Lyapunov
function approach, Pages 1141 - 1147
- Ziheng Zhou, Xiaoli Luan, Fei Liu, Finite-frequency fault detection based
on derandomisation for Markov jump linear system, Pages 1148 - 1155
- Bharat Verma, Prabin K. Padhy, Optimal PID controller design with
adjustable maximum sensitivity, Pages 1156 - 1165

6.6. Contents: Control Engineering Practice
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com

Control Engineering Practice
Vol. 74
May 2018

- Zhangming He, Yuri A.W. Shardt, Dayi Wang, Bowen Hou, Haiyin Zhou,
Jiongqi Wang, An incipient fault detection approach via detrending and
denoising, Pages 1-12
- Zhengrong Chu, Yuming Sun, Christine Wu, Nariman Sepehri, Active
disturbance rejection control applied to automated steering for lane
keeping in autonomous vehicles, Pages 13-21
- Patricio Colmegna, Fabricio Garelli, Hernán De Battista, Ricardo
Sánchez-Peña, Automatic regulatory control in type 1 diabetes without
carbohydrate counting, Pages 22-32
- Wei He, Carlos Abraham Soriano-Rangel, Romeo Ortega, Alessandro Astolfi,
Fernando Mancilla-David, Shihua Li, Energy shaping control for buck–boost
converters with unknown constant power load, Pages 33-43
- Pawel Nowak, Jacek Czeczot, Tomasz Klopot, Robust tuning of a first order
reduced Active Disturbance Rejection Controller, Pages 44-57
- Gianluca Palli, Salvatore Strano, Mario Terzo, Sliding-mode observers for
state and disturbance estimation in electro-hydraulic systems, Pages 58-70
- Alireza Bafandeh, Shamir Bin-Karim, Ali Baheri, Christopher Vermillion, A
comparative assessment of hierarchical control structures for
spatiotemporally-varying systems, with application to airborne wind energy,
Pages 71-83
- Gian Antonio Susto, Andrea Schirru, Simone Pampuri, Alessandro Beghi,
Giuseppe De Nicolao, A hidden-Gamma model-based filtering and prediction
approach for monotonic health factors in manufacturing, Pages 84-94
- Attila Garami, Bernadett Csordás, Árpád Palotás, Pál Tóth, Reaction zone
monitoring in biomass combustion, Pages 95-106
- M. Brunot, A. Janot, P.C. Young, F. Carrillo, An improved instrumental
variable method for industrial robot model identification, Pages 107-117
- Sina Sharif Mansouri, Christoforos Kanellakis, Emil Fresk, Dariusz
Kominiak, George Nikolakopoulos, Cooperative coverage path planning for
visual inspection, Pages 118-131
- Abhishek Jain, Aranya Chakrabortty, Emrah Biyik, Distributed wide-area
control of power system oscillations under communication and actuation
constraints, Pages 132-143
- Jinlin Zhu, Zhiqiang Ge, Zhihuan Song, Quantum statistic based
semi-supervised learning approach for industrial soft sensor development,
Pages 144-152
- Satja Sivčev, Matija Rossi, Joseph Coleman, Gerard Dooly, Edin Omerdić,
Daniel Toal, Fully automatic visual servoing control for work-class marine
intervention ROVs, Pages 153-167
- Ikram Belhajem, Yann Ben Maissa, Ahmed Tamtaoui, Improving low cost
sensor based vehicle positioning with Machine Learning, Pages 168-176
- Ali Taherifar, Gholamreza Vossoughi, Ali Selk Ghafari,
Assistive-compliant control of wearable robots for partially disabled
individuals, Pages 177-190
- Sönke Rhein, Knut Graichen, Constrained trajectory planning and actuator
design for electromagnetic heating systems, Pages 191-203

6.7. Contents: Mechatronics
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com

Vol. 51
May 2018

- Bradley A. Reinholz, Lindsey Reinholz, Rudolf J. Seethaler, Optimal
trajectory operation of a cogging torque assisted motor driven valve
actuator for internal combustion engines, Pages 1-7
- M. Bianchi, M. Cempini, R. Conti, E. Meli, A. Ridolfi, N. Vitiello, B.
Allotta, Design of a Series Elastic Transmission for hand exoskeletons,
Pages 8-18
- Nima Karbasizadeh, Mojtaba Zarei, Ali Aflakian, Mehdi Tale Masouleh,
Ahmad Kalhor, Experimental dynamic identification and model feed-forward
control of Novint Falcon haptic device, Pages 19-30
- Zhengyuan Wang, Umberto Montanaro, Saber Fallah, Aldo Sorniotti, Basilio
Lenzo, A gain scheduled robust linear quadratic regulator for vehicle
direct yaw moment Control, Pages 31-45
- Yicheng Li, Zhaozheng Hu, Yuezhi Hu, Duanfeng Chu,
Integration of vision and topological self-localization for intelligent
vehicles, Pages 46-58
- Sara Sharifzadeh, Istvan Biro, Niels Lohse, Peter Kinnell, Abnormality
detection strategies for surface inspection using robot mounted laser
scanners, Pages 59-74
- Hui Zuo, Siyuan He, Double stage FPCB scanning micromirror for laser line
generator, Pages 75-84
- Noppadol Ajjanaromvat, Manukid Parnichkun, Trajectory tracking using
online learning LQR with adaptive learning control of a leg-exoskeleton for
disorder gait rehabilitation, Pages 85-96
- Kourosh Darvish, Francesco Wanderlingh, Barbara Bruno, Enrico Simetti,
Fulvio Mastrogiovanni, Giuseppe Casalino, Flexible human–robot cooperation
models for assisted shop-floor tasks, Pages 97-114
- Nabilah Farhat, Christopher P. Ward, Roger M. Goodall, Roger Dixon, The
benefits of mechatronically-guided railway vehicles: A multi-body physics
simulation study, Pages 115-126
- Seung-Ju Lee, Bum-Keun Kim, Yong-Gi Chun, Dong-June Park, Design of
mastication robot with life-sized linear actuator of human muscle and load
cells for measuring force distribution on teeth, Pages 127-136
- T.L. Nguyen, S.J. Allen, S.J. Phee, Direct torque control for cable
conduit mechanisms for the robotic foot for footwear testing, Pages 137-149

6.8. Contents: Journal of Process Control
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com

Journal of Process Control
Vol. 64
April 2018

- F. Jamil, M. Abid, M. Adil, I. Haq, A.Q. Khan, S.F. Khan, Kernel
approaches for fault detection and classification in PARR-2, Pages 1-6
- Wentao Tang, Prodromos Daoutidis, Network decomposition for distributed
control through community detection in input–output bipartite graphs, Pages
- Yulei Ge, Shurong Li, Peng Chang, An approximate dynamic programming
method for the optimal control of Alkai-Surfactant-Polymer flooding, Pages
- C. Toffanin, S. Del Favero, E.M. Aiello, M. Messori, C. Cobelli, L.
Magni, Glucose-insulin model identified in free-living conditions for
hypoglycaemia prevention, Pages 27-36
- Mania Navi, Nader Meskin, Mohammadreza Davoodi, Sensor fault detection
and isolation of an industrial gas turbine using partial adaptive KPCA,
Pages 37-48
- Zehan Zhang, Teng Jiang, Shuanghong Li, Yupu Yang, Automated feature
learning for nonlinear process monitoring – An approach using stacked
denoising autoencoder and k-nearest neighbor rule, Pages 49-61
- Yue Liu, Zhiqiang Ge, Weighted random forests for fault classification in
industrial processes with hierarchical clustering model selection, Pages
- Falah Alobaid, Start-up improvement of a supplementary-fired large
combined-cycle power plant, Pages 71-88
- Bruno Didier Olivier Capron, Darci Odloak, A robust LQR-MPC control
strategy with input constraints and control zones, Pages 89-99
- K. Prinz, A. Steinboeck, A. Kugi, Optimization-based feedforward control
of the strip thickness profile in hot strip rolling, Pages 100-111
- Jun Shang, Maoyin Chen, Hongquan Ji, Donghua Zhou, Isolating incipient
sensor fault based on recursive transformed component statistical analysis,
Pages 112-122
- Junhua Zheng, Zhihuan Song, Semisupervised learning for probabilistic
partial least squares regression model and soft sensor application, Pages
- Marc Oliver Wagner, Thomas Meurer, Flatness-based feedforward control
design and two-degrees-of-freedom tracking control for semilinear plug flow
reactors, Pages 132-140
- J.R. Salvador, T. Alamo, D.R. Ramirez, D. Muñoz de la Peña, Model
predictive control of partially fading memory systems with binary inputs,
Pages 141-151

Journal of Process Control
Vol. 65
May 2018

- Younghoon Kim, Seoung Bum Kim, Optimal false alarm controlled support
vector data description for multivariate process monitoring, Pages 1-14
- Jun-Sheng Wang, Guang-Hong Yang, Data-driven compensation method for
sensor drift faults in digital PID systems with unknown dynamics, Pages
- Chudong Tong, Ting Lan, Xuhua Shi, Yuwei Chen, Statistical process
monitoring based on nonlocal and multiple neighborhoods preserving
embedding model, Pages 34-40
- Yang Yu, Xiaochuan Luo, Qiang Liu, Model predictive control of a dynamic
nonlinear PDE system with application to continuous casting, Pages 41-55
- Zhonggai Zhao, Youqin Wang, Fei Liu, A multi-way LPV modeling method for
batch processes, Pages 56-67
- Xuhui Feng, Boris Houska, Real-time algorithm for self-reflective model
predictive control, Pages 68-77
- José M. Igreja, Costas Marakkos, João M. Lemos, Finite dimensional models
of the hydraulic hammer effect and solar tower control, Pages 78-83
- Xiaoli Luan, Qiang Chen, Pedro Albertos, Fei Liu, Conversion of SISO
processes with multiple time-delays to single time-delay processes, Pages
- Jinlin Zhu, Zhiqiang Ge, Zhihuan Song, Le Zhou, Guangjie Chen,
Large-scale plant-wide process modeling and hierarchical monitoring: A
distributed Bayesian network approach, Pages 91-106
- Zhiqiang Ge, Distributed predictive modeling framework for prediction and
diagnosis of key performance index in plant-wide processes, Pages 107-117

6.9. Contents: Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com

Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Vol. 71
May 2018

- Wenyu Wang, Jin-Kao Hao, Qinghua Wu, Tabu search with feasible and
infeasible searches for equitable coloring, Pages 1-14
- Mehdi Nourbakhsh, Javier Irizarry, John Haymaker, Generalizable surrogate
model features to approximate stress in 3D trusses, Pages 15-27
- Kaveh Amouzgar, Sunith Bandaru, Amos H.C. Ng, Radial basis functions with
a priori bias as surrogate models:A comparative study, Pages 28-44
- Jagdish Chand Bansal, Pushpa Farswan, Atulya K. Nagar, Design of wind
farm layout with non-uniform turbines using fitness difference based BBO,
Pages 45-59
- Shuai Liu, Witold Pedrycz, Adam Gacek, Yaping Dai, Development of
information granules of higher type and their applications to granular
models of time series, Pages 60-72
- Khaoula Tidriri, Teodor Tiplica, Nizar Chatti, Sylvain Verron, A generic
framework for decision fusion in Fault Detection and Diagnosis, Pages 73-86
- Harel Yedidsion, Roie Zivan, Alessandro Farinelli, Applying max-sum to
teams of mobile sensing agents, Pages 87-99
- Harish Garg, Rishu Arora, Novel scaled prioritized intuitionistic fuzzy
soft interaction averaging aggregation operators and their application to
multi criteria decision making, Pages 100-112
- Llorenç Burgas, Joaquim Melendez, Joan Colomer, Joaquim Massana, Carles
Pous, N-dimensional extension of unfold-PCA for granular systems
monitoring, Pages 113-124
- Hossein Azgomi, Mohammad Karim Sohrabi, A game theory based framework for
materialized view selection in data warehouses, Pages 125-137
- Miltiadis Alamaniotis, Jino Mathew, Alexander Chroneos, Michael E.
Fitzpatrick, Lefteri H. Tsoukalas, Probabilistic kernel machines for
predictive monitoring of weld residual stress in energy systems, Pages
- Andrés Camero, Javier Arellano-Verdejo, Enrique Alba, Road map
partitioning for routing by using a micro steady state evolutionary
algorithm, Pages 155-165
- Hongbo Zhu, Yan Gao, Yong Hou, Li Tao, Multi-time slots real-time pricing
strategy with power fluctuation caused by operating continuity of smart
home appliances, Pages 166-174
- Charu Gupta, Amita Jain, Devendra Kumar Tayal, Oscar Castillo, ClusFuDE:
Forecasting low dimensional numerical data using an improved method based
on automatic clustering, fuzzy relationships and differential evolution,
Pages 175-189
- C.L. Yeung, W.M. Wang, C.F. Cheung, Eric Tsui, Rossitza Setchi, Rongbin
W.B. Lee, Computational narrative mapping for the acquisition and
representation of lessons learned knowledge, Pages 190-209
- Slaheddine Zgarni, Hassen Keskes, Ahmed Braham, Nested SVDD in DAG SVM
for induction motor condition monitoring, Pages 210-215
- Fuyuan Xiao, A novel multi-criteria decision making method for assessing
health-care waste treatment technologies based on D numbers, Pages 216-225
- Himanshu Mittal, Mukesh Saraswat, An optimum multi-level image
thresholding segmentation using non-local means 2D histogram and
exponential Kbest gravitational search algorithm, Pages 226-235
- Marzieh Eskandari-Khanghahi, Reza Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, Ata Allah
Taleizadeh, Saman Hassanzadeh Amin, Designing and optimizing a sustainable
supply chain network for a blood platelet bank under uncertainty, Pages
- Davor Antanasijević, Jelena Antanasijević, Viktor Pocajt, Prediction of
the transition temperature of bent-core liquid crystals using fuzzy
“digital thermometer” model based on artificial neural networks, Pages
- N. Baklouti, A. Abraham, A.M. Alimi, A Beta basis function Interval
Type-2 Fuzzy Neural Network for time series applications, Pages 259-274
- Ali Mortazavi, Vedat Toğan, Ayhan Nuhoğlu, Interactive search algorithm:
A new hybrid metaheuristic optimization algorithm, Pages 275-292
- Carol Martinez, Carlos Sampedro, Aneesh Chauhan, Jean François Collumeau,
Pascual Campoy, The Power Line Inspection Software (PoLIS): A versatile
system for automating power line inspection, Pages 293-314

6.10. Contents: ISA Transactions
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com

ISA Transactions
Vol. 75
April 2018

- Ruimei Zhang, Deqiang Zeng, Xinzhi Liu, Shouming Zhong, Qishui Zhong,
Improved results on state feedback stabilization for a networked control
system with additive time-varying delay components' controller, Pages 1-14
- Zhibao Song, Junyong Zhai, Adaptive output-feedback control for switched
stochastic uncertain nonlinear systems with time-varying delay, Pages 15-24
- Yang Li, Hongbin Zhang, Asynchronous L1-gain control of uncertain
switched positive linear systems with dwell time, Pages 25-37
- Huihui Ji, He Zhang, Chenlong Li, Tian Senping, Junwei Lu, Yunliang Wei,
H∞ control for time-delay systems with randomly occurring nonlinearities
subject to sensor saturations, missing measurements and channel fadings,
Pages 38-51
- Qunxian Zheng, Hongbin Zhang, Mixed H∞ and passive filtering for switched
Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy systems with average dwell time, Pages 52-63
- Changhui Wang, Jinwu Gao, Mei Liang, Identification of look-up tables
using gradient algorithm, Pages 64-75
- Weiqi Bai, Hairong Dong, Xiuming Yao, Bin Ning, Robust fault detection
for the dynamics of high-speed train with multi-source finite frequency
interference, Pages 76-87
- Xiangwei Bu, Guangjun He, Ke Wang, Tracking control of air-breathing
hypersonic vehicles with non-affine dynamics via improved neural
back-stepping design, Pages 88-100
- Mengli Xiao, Yongbo Zhang, Zhihua Wang, Huimin Fu, An adaptive
three-stage extended Kalman filter for nonlinear discrete-time system in
presence of unknown inputs, Pages 101-117
- Huiliao Yang, Bin Jiang, Hao Yang, Hugh H.T. Liu, Synchronization of
multiple 3-DOF helicopters under actuator faults and saturations with
prescribed performance, Pages 118-126
- Quanyi Liang, Lei Wang, Qiqi Hao, Zhikun She, Synchronization of
heterogeneous linear networks with distinct inner coupling matrices, Pages
- Yong Ma, Mengqi Hu, Xinping Yan, Multi-objective path planning for
unmanned surface vehicle with currents effects, Pages 137-156
- J. Sánchez, M. Guinaldo, A. Visioli, S. Dormido, Identification of
process transfer function parameters in event-based PI control loops, Pages
- Yuanlong Xie, Xiaoqi Tang, Bao Song, Xiangdong Zhou, Yixuan Guo,
Data-driven adaptive fractional order PI control for PMSM servo system with
measurement noise and data dropouts, Pages 172-188
- Prakash Dwivedi, Sandeep Pandey, A.S. Junghare, Robust and novel two
degree of freedom fractional controller based on two-loop topology for
inverted pendulum, Pages 189-206
- Kenneth Renny Simba, Ba Dinh Bui, Mathew Renny Msukwa, Naoki Uchiyama,
Robust iterative learning contouring controller with disturbance observer
for machine tool feed drives, Pages 207-215
- Donya Ashtiani Haghighi, Saleh Mobayen, Design of an adaptive
super-twisting decoupled terminal sliding mode control scheme for a class
of fourth-order systems, Pages 216-225
- Lu Liu, Siyuan Tian, Dingyu Xue, Tao Zhang, YangQuan Chen, Continuous
fractional-order Zero Phase Error Tracking Control, Pages 226-235
- Chung Duc Tran, Rosdiazli Ibrahim, Vijanth Sagayan Asirvadam, Nordin
Saad, Hassan Sabo Miya, Internal model control for industrial wireless
plant using WirelessHART hardware-in-the-loop simulator, Pages 236-246
- Ming Ren, Bo Song, Tianxin Zhuang, Shujing Yang, Optical partial
discharge diagnostic in SF6 gas insulated system via multi-spectral
detection, Pages 247-257

ISA Transactions
Vol. 76
May 2018

- Mehran Mazandarani, Naser Pariz, Sub-optimal control of fuzzy linear
dynamical systems under granular differentiability concept, Pages 1-17
- Xiao-Lei Wang, Guang-Hong Yang, Event-triggered fault detection for
discrete-time T-S fuzzy systems, Pages 18-30
- Komal, Reliability analysis of a phaser measurement unit using a
generalized fuzzy lambda-tau(GFLT) technique, Pages 31-42
- Zhen Tian, Jingqi Yuan, Xiang Zhang, Lei Kong, Jingcheng Wang, Modeling
and sliding mode predictive control of the ultra-supercritical
boiler-turbine system with uncertainties and input constraints, Pages 43-56
- Zhen Ruan, Wu-Hua Chen, Xiaomei Lu, Dual-stage periodic event-triggered
output-feedback control for linear systems, Pages 57-66
- Onder Tutsoy, Duygun Erol Barkana, Harun Tugal, Design of a completely
model free adaptive control in the presence of parametric, non-parametric
uncertainties and random control signal delay, Pages 67-77
- Bao-Ran An, Guo-Ping Liu, Chong Tan, Group consensus control for
networked multi-agent systems with communication delays, Pages 78-87
- Lei Deng, Guoqi Li, Jing Pei, Jiangshuai Huang, L0 norm constraint based
external control source allocation for the minimum cost control of directed
networks, Pages 88-96
- Mengli Xiao, Yongbo Zhang, Huimin Fu, Zhihua Wang, Nonlinear unbiased
minimum-variance filter for Mars entry autonomous navigation under large
uncertainties and unknown measurement bias, Pages 97-109
- Aprajita Salgotra, Somnath Pan, Model based PI power system stabilizer
design for damping low frequency oscillations in power systems, Pages
- Ahmadreza Jenabzadeh, Behrouz Safarinejadian, Tracking control of
nonholonomic mobile agents with external disturbances and input delay,
Pages 122-133
- Zewei Zheng, Mir Feroskhan, Liang Sun, Adaptive fixed-time trajectory
tracking control of a stratospheric airship, Pages 134-144
- Tomasz Klopot, Piotr Skupin, Mieczyslaw Metzger, Patryk Grelewicz, Tuning
strategy for dynamic matrix control with reduced horizons, Pages 145-154
- A. Cuenca, J. Alcaina, J. Salt, V. Casanova, R. Pizá, A packet-based
dual-rate PID control strategy for a slow-rate sensing Networked Control
System, Pages 155-166
- Isuru A. Udugama, M.T. Munir, Rob Kirkpatrick, Brent R. Young, Wei Yu,
Side draw control design for a high purity multi-component distillation
column, Pages 167-177
- Hui Li, Fuli Wang, Hongru Li, Abnormal condition identification and safe
control scheme for the electro-fused magnesia smelting process, Pages
- S. Kapil Arasu, J. Prakash, Experimental validation of
predictor-corrector approach based control schemes on the laboratory scale
non-linear system, Pages 188-196
- Nailu Li, Anle Mu, Xiyun Yang, Kaman T. Magar, Chao Liu, A novel
composite adaptive flap controller design by a high-efficient modified
differential evolution identification approach, Pages 197-215
- Miaomiao Ma, Liyang Shao, Xiangjie Liu, Coordinated control of micro-grid
based on distributed moving horizon control, Pages 216-223
- Nan-Chyuan Tsai, Chi-Ting Yeh, Hsin-Lin Chiu, Linear magnetic clutch to
automatically control torque output, Pages 224-234
- Mohamad Bahrami, Mahyar Naraghi, Mohammad Zareinejad, Adaptive
super-twisting observer for fault reconstruction in electro-hydraulic
systems, Pages 235-245
- Tomislav Matić, Ivan Aleksi, Željko Hocenski, Dieter Kraus, Real-time
biscuit tile image segmentation method based on edge detection, Pages

6.11. Contents: Journal of the Franklin Institute
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com

Journal of the Franklin Institute
Vol. 355, Iss. 7
May 2018

- Jediael Machín Almeida, Alexander G. Loukianov, José M. Cañedo Castañeda,
Jorge Rivera Dominguez, Robust sensorless observer-based adaptive sliding
modes control of synchronous motors, Pages 3221-3248
- Kai Wang, Junghui Chen, Zhihuan Song, Fault diagnosis for processes with
feedback control loops by shifted output sampling approach, Pages 3249-3273
- Xinwei Wang, Chao Han, Yuanjin Yu, Zhaohua Yang, A modified adaptive
backstepping method for shaft deflection tracking control of magnetically
suspended momentum wheel with nonlinear magnetic torque, Pages 3274-3287
- Rui Wang, Jinkun Liu, Trajectory tracking control of a 6-DOF quadrotor
UAV with input saturation via backstepping, Pages 3288-3309
- Baolong Zhu, Mingliang Suo, Ying Chen, Zhiping Zhang, Shunli Li, Mixed H∞
and passivity control for a class of stochastic nonlinear sampled-data
systems, Pages 3310-3329
- Yueyang Li, Hamid Reza Karimi, Choon Ki Ahn, Yuan Xu, Dong Zhao, Optimal
residual generation for fault detection in linear discrete time-varying
systems with uncertain observations, Pages 3330-3353
- K. Langueh, G. Zheng, T. Floquet, Impulsive fixed-time observer for
linear time-delay systems, Pages 3354-3366
- A. Yu. Aleksandrov, E.B. Aleksandrova, Delay-independent stability
conditions for a class of nonlinear difference systems, Pages 3367-3380
- Feiyan Chen, Feng Ding, Ling Xu, Tasawar Hayat, Data filtering based
maximum likelihood extended gradient method for multivariable systems with
autoregressive moving average noise, Pages 3381-3398

Journal of the Franklin Institute
Vol. 355, Iss. 8
May 2018

- Javier A. Gallegos, Manuel A. Duarte-Mermoud, Rafael Castro-Linares,
Mixed order robust adaptive control for general linear time invariant
systems, Pages 3399-3422
- Yueyuan Zhang, Cheng-Chew Lim, Fei Liu, Robust mixed H2/H∞ model
predictive control for Markov jump systems with partially uncertain
transition probabilities, Pages 3423-3437
- Zhiguo Yan, Yunxia Song, Ju H. Park, Quantitative mean square exponential
stability and stabilization of stochastic systems with Markovian switching,
Pages 3438-3454
- Ernesto Aranda-Escolástico, Carlos Rodríguez, María Guinaldo, José Luis
Guzmán, Sebastián Dormido, Asynchronous periodic event-triggered control
with dynamical controllers, Pages 3455-3469
- Bailing Tian, Hanchen Lu, Zongyu Zuo, Qun Zong, Multivariable uniform
finite-time output feedback reentry attitude control for RLV with
mismatched disturbance, Pages 3470-3487
- Damiano Rotondo, Tor Arne Johansen, Analysis and design of quadratic
parameter varying (QPV) control systems with polytopic attractive region,
Pages 3488-3507
- Xiaohang Li, Hamid Reza Karimi, Yueying Wang, Dunke Lu, Shenghui Guo,
Robust fault estimation and fault-tolerant control for Markovian jump
systems with general uncertain transition rates, Pages 3508-3540
- Tito L.M. Santos, Taniel S. Franklin, Enhanced Finite Spectrum Assignment
with disturbance compensation for LTI systems with input delay, Pages
- Yun Ho Choi, Sung Jin Yoo, Robust event-driven tracking control with
preassigned performance for uncertain input-quantized nonlinear
pure-feedback systems, Pages 3567-3582
- Jason Sheng-Hong Tsai, Hsuan-Han Wang, Shu-Mei Guo, Leang-San Shieh, Jose
I. Canelon, A case study on the universal compensation-improvement
mechanism: A robust PID filter-shaped optimal PI tracker for systems
with/without disturbances, Pages 3583-3618
- Syed Imranul Islam, Cheng-Chew Lim, Peng Shi, Functional observer based
controller for stabilizing Takagi–Sugeno fuzzy systems with time-delays,
Pages 3619-3640
- Jian Han, Dong Shen, Chiang-Ju Chien, Terminal iterative learning control
for discrete-time nonlinear systems based on neural networks, Pages
- Weimin Chen, Qian Ma, Baoyong Zhang, State estimation of neutral
Markovian jump systems: A relaxed L–K functional approach, Pages 3659-3676
- Xian-He Zhang, Guang-Song Han, Zhi-Hong Guan, Juan Li, Ding-Xue Zhang,
Rui-Quan Liao, Robust multi-tracking of heterogeneous multi-agent systems
with uncertain nonlinearities and disturbances, Pages 3677-3690
- K. Sivaranjani, R. Rakkiyappan, Young Hoon Joo, Event triggered reliable
synchronization of semi-Markovian jumping complex dynamical networks via
generalized integral inequalities, Pages 3691-3716
- Shaoyan Guo, Lipo Mo, Yongguang Yu, Mean-square consensus of
heterogeneous multi-agent systems with communication noises, Pages 3717-3736
- Feng Ding, Huibo Chen, Ling Xu, Jiyang Dai, Qishen Li, Tasawar Hayat, A
hierarchical least squares identification algorithm for Hammerstein
nonlinear systems using the key term separation, Pages 3737-3752
- Najmeh Daroogheh, Nader Meskin, Khashayar Khorasani, An improved particle
filtering-based approach for health prediction and prognosis of nonlinear
systems, Pages 3753-3794
- Ming Yin, Zongze Wu, Deyu Zeng, Panshuo Li, Shengli Xie, Sparse subspace
clustering with jointly learning representation and affinity matrix, Pages
- Zhi Li, Sihai Guan, Diffusion normalized Huber adaptive filtering
algorithm, Pages 3812-3825
- Tai-Fang Li, Jun Fu, A correction to “Event-triggered control of switched
linear systems”, Pages 3826-3827

6.12. Contents: IFAC Journal of Systems and Control
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com

IFAC Journal of Systems and Control
Vol. 1
September 2017

- Robert R. Bitmead, A timely emergence, Page 1
- Brian D.O. Anderson, Zhiyong Sun, Toshiharu Sugie, Shun-ichi Azuma,
Kazunori Sakurama, Formation shape control with distance and area
constraints, Pages 2-12
- A.M. de Oliveira, O.L.V. Costa, H∞-filtering for Markov jump linear
systems with partial information on the jump parameter, Pages 13-23
- Mohammed-Tahar Laraba, Sorin Olaru, Silviu-Iulian Niculescu, Analysis of
PWA control of discrete-time linear dynamics in the presence of variable
input delay, Pages 24-36
- Nicolás Faedo, Sébastien Olaya, John V. Ringwood, Optimal control, MPC
and MPC-like algorithms for wave energy systems: An overview, Pages 37-56

IFAC Journal of Systems and Control
Vol. 2
December 2017

- Hildo Bijl, Thomas B. Schön, Jan-Willem van Wingerden, Michel Verhaegen,
System identification through online sparse Gaussian process regression
with input noise, Pages 1-11
- Andreas Hansen, Yutong Li, J. Karl Hedrick, Invariant sliding domains for
constrained linear receding horizon tracking control, Pages 12-17
- Gopal Krishna Kamath, Krishna Jagannathan, Gaurav Raina, The modified
optimal velocity model: stability analyses and design guidelines, Pages

IFAC Journal of Systems and Control
Vol. 3
March 2018
- Ai Hui Tan, Impulse response estimation of massive multi-input systems,
Pages 1-9
- Philipp Braun, Timm Faulwasser, Lars Grüne, Christopher M. Kellett,
Steven R. Weller, Karl Worthmann, Hierarchical distributed ADMM for
predictive control with applications in power networks, Pages 10-22
- Diego Eckhard, Lucíola Campestrini, Emerson Christ Boeira, Virtual
disturbance feedback tuning, Pages 23-29
- Chandrashekhar M. Sakode, Radhakant Padhi, Nonlinear impulsive optimal
control synthesis with optimal impulse timing: A pseudo-spectral approach,
Pages 30-40

6.13. Contents: IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information
Contributed by: Charis Edworthy, charis.edworthy at oup.com

IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information 35:01

The Table of Contents below can be viewed at: http://bit.ly/2KptbJ7

- Hongji Tang, Xiaomei Zhang, Hong Zhu, and Jing Lv, Quantized feedback
control for time-delay systems via sliding mode observers,
- Akbar Zada, Tongxing Li, Muhammad Arif, and Dhaou Lassoued, Criteria for
the exponential stability of linear evolution difference equations,
- Lijun Pan and Jinde Cao, Synchronization for coupled networks with Markov
switching: ergodicity and M-matrix method, http://bit.ly/2JDpU7U
- Ruixia Liu, Ming Liu, Zhaowei Sun, and Jicheng Ding, Impulse variance
control for spacecraft autonomous rendezvous with an observer-based
approach, http://bit.ly/2HH0aqA
- A. Khazari, A. Boutoulout, and F. Z. El Alaoui, Regional boundary
gradient observability of semilinear hyperbolic systems via HUM approach,
- Hongxia Li, Junmin Li, Xiaojun Zhu, Haibin Wu, and Zhongxue Gan,
Distributed adaptive consensus of heterogeneous multi-agent systems with
unknown coupling weights, http://bit.ly/2HIWcxT
- G. M. Bahaa, Fractional optimal control problem for variational
inequalities with control constraints, http://bit.ly/2rauGSJ
- Khosro Sayevand and Mohammadreza Rostami, Fractional optimal control
problems: optimality conditions and numerical solution,
- Efredy Delgado-Aguilera, Manuel A Duarte-Mermoud, and Norelys
Aguila-Camacho, Adaptive synchronization of Lorenz systems using a reduced
number of control signals and parameters without knowing bounds on system
parameters and trajectories, http://bit.ly/2FszZlP
- Xiuyan Zhang, Murat Uzam, Zhiwu Li, and Naiqi Wu, On the synthesis of
liveness-enforcing supervisors for flexible manufacturing systems using
global idle places, http://bit.ly/2I2MyJS
- Hamid Reza Marzban and Sayyed Mohammad Hoseini, Optimal control of linear
multi-delay systems with piecewise constant delays, http://bit.ly/2Kp53Xl
- Soumya Ranjan Sahoo, Soumya Prakash Sahoo, Amit Jena, and K. C. Pati,
Optimal control on Schrödinger Lie group and the behaviour of the dynamics,
- Maryam Kazerooni, Alireza Khayatian, and Aliakbar Safavi, Fault
estimation for a class of interconnected non-linear systems with
time-varying delay using robust adaptive unknown input observers,
- Chaker Jammazi and Azgal Abichou, Controllability of linearized systems
implies local finite-time stabilizability: applications to finite-time
attitude control, http://bit.ly/2KqrOu3
- Zijia Li, Josef Schicho, and Hans-Peter Schröcker, A survey on the theory
of bonds, http://bit.ly/2HF7R0z
- V. Vijayakumar, Approximate controllability results for abstract neutral
integro-differential inclusions with infinite delay in Hilbert spaces,
- Said Boulite, Said Hadd, and Rachid Saij, Error feedback regulation
problem for regular linear systems, http://bit.ly/2JGNhxF

6.14. Contents: International Journal of Control
Contributed by: Bing Chu, b.chu at soton.ac.uk

International Journal of Control
Volume 91, Issue 5, 2018


- Optimal motion planning using navigation measure, Umesh Vaidya, pages:
- Smith predictor-based multiple periodic disturbance compensation for long
dead-time processes, Fang Tan, Han-Xiong Li & Ping Shen, pages: 999-1010
- A new formation control of multiple underactuated surface vessels,
Wenjing Xie, Baoli Ma, Tyrone Fernando & Herbert Ho-Ching Iu, pages:
- Controllability of multi-agent systems with periodically switching
topologies and switching leaders, Lingling Tian, Bin Zhao & Long Wang,
pages: 1023-1033
- A hybrid approach to parameter identification of linear delay
differential equations involving multiple delays, Hamid Reza Marzban,
pages: 1034-1052
- Prescribed performance distributed consensus control for nonlinear
multi-agent systems with unknown dead-zone input, Guozeng Cui, Shengyuan
Xu, Qian Ma, Yongmin Li & Zhengqiang Zhang, pages: 1053-1065
- Flocking with connectivity preservation for disturbed nonlinear
multi-agent systems by output feedback, Ping Li, Baoyong Zhang, Qian Ma,
Shengyuan Xu, Weimin Chen & Zhengqiang Zhang, pages: 1066-1075
- Sampled-data chain-observer design for a class of delayed nonlinear
systems, M. Kahelras, T. Ahmed-Ali, F. Giri & F. Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue,
pages: 1076-1090
- Boundary control for a constrained two-link rigid–flexible manipulator
with prescribed performance, Fangfei Cao & Jinkun Liu, pages: 1091-1103
- Modelling and strategy optimisation for a kind of networked evolutionary
games with memories under the bankruptcy mechanism, Shihua Fu, Haitao Li &
Guodong Zhao, pages: 1104-1117
- Grey-box state-space identification of nonlinear mechanical vibrations,
J. P. Noël & J. Schoukens, pages: 1118-1139
- Adaptive control of a quadrotor aerial vehicle with input constraints and
uncertain parameters, Trong-Toan Tran, Shuzhi Sam Ge & Wei He, pages:
- Almost output regulation of LFT systems via gain-scheduling control,
Chengzhi Yuan, Chang Duan & Fen Wu, pages: 1161-1170
- Finite time state and disturbance estimation for robust performance of
motion control systems using sliding modes, Bhagyashri Tamhane & Shailaja
Kurode, pages: 1171-1182
- Robust pinning control of heterogeneous complex networks with jointly
connected topologies and time-varying parametric uncertainty, Sabato
Manfredi, pages: 1183-1194
- A set-theoretic model reference adaptive control architecture for
disturbance rejection and uncertainty suppression with strict performance
guarantees, Ehsan Arabi, Benjamin C. Gruenwald, Tansel Yucelen & Nhan T.
Nguyen, pages: 1195-1208
- An event-triggered control approach for the leader-tracking problem with
heterogeneous agents, Eloy Garcia, Yongcan Cao & David W. Casbeer, pages:

6.15. Contents: Evolutions Equations and Control Theory
Contributed by: Irena Lasiecka, lasiecka at memphis.edu

New Issue of Evolutions Equations and Control Theory (EECT)
Volume 7, Issue 1,
March 2018


6.16. CFP: European Journal of Control
Contributed by: Heng Zhang, Dr.Zhang.Heng at ieee.org

CFP: European Journal of Control Special Issue on Advanced Control Theory
and Applications for Next-Generation Engineered Systems

Recent years has witnessed great advances and in‐depth integration of
modern control, communication, and computing technologies. They have
prompted the born of nextgeneration engineered systems, including networked
cyber‐physical systems, Internet of Things, smart power grids, artificial
intelligence robots, intelligent transportation systems, and smart
buildings, etc. It is well recognized that the next‐generation engineered
systems have brought great benefits for humanʹs manufacture and life.
However, their multi‐device composition, heterogeneous architecture,
complex connection and interaction mechanisms, and limited resources,
indeed pose substantial design and operation challenges. It is obvious that
constructing the model of system evolution should jointly consider the
objectives of system control, as well as limited resources. In our control
and automation society, an intractable problem is how to jointly design
decentralized/distributed cooperative control policies, and
resource‐efficient allocation approaches to achieve the best operation
performances, e.g., stability, robustness, and efficiency.

Since existing data transmission for remote state estimation and control in
the nextgeneration engineered systems relies on wireless technologies,
adversaries can illegally invade the system at remote side, secretly steal
the sensitive information or malicious manipulate the control system to an
abnormal state. It is reported that a great number of potential security
breaches have been found in industrial control systems. For example, if the
security breaches are malevolently used to destroy the smart grid by the
attackers, power stations may work disorderly or cannot generate
electricity. Different from traditional cyber attacks which only destroy
the cyber layer, new emerging attacks can adopt both cyber and physical
approaches to disrupt the operation of systems. Thus, from perspective of
system control, it is crucial to design proper secure control methodologies
to actively defend cyber‐physical attacks.

Besides, it is still difficult to apply the existing control theory to
practice. Most of the theoretical verification work is accomplished by
computer simulations. It is clear that there exists a huge gap between the
simulation platform and the practical environment. Thus, the simulations
cannot perfectly imitate the running of engineered systems under operation
designed theory. More practical platforms and testbeds are desired to fill
the gap between the theoretical results and the practical applications.

In general, traditional control technologies have remarkably improved the
system performances. However, due to the integration and interaction of
cyber space and physical world in the next‐generation engineered systems,
it is required to explore new control methods to integrally operate the
systems to achieve the higher requirements.

Recently, the researches on control theory and applications for
next‐generation engineered systems are becoming critical and urgent and
have drawn increasing attention from both academia and industry. They have
been included as either specific technical sessions or important topics in
top conferences, such as IEEE CDC, ECC, ACC, and IFAC World Congress. There
are also several journal special issues/sections on control theory and
applications for next‐generation engineered systems ‐‐‐“Sliding Mode
Control and Observation for Complex Industrial Systems”, “New Technique
Trends for Power Converters in Distributed Power Generation Systems” in
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, “Smart Agents and
Cyber‐Physical Systems for Future Industrial Systems” in IEEE Transactions
on Industrial Informatics, and“Secure Control of Cyber Physical Systems” in
IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems. Note that, the former
three special issues/sections are interested in system design for specific
industrial systems, while the latter mainly focuses on secure control of
CPSs. Unlike them, we emphasize on advanced control theory and applications
for next‐generation engineered systems.

The advanced control theory and applications for next‐generation engineered
systems is a hot research topic in European Journal of Control. Since
January 2015, the journal has published about 30 papers on this topic.
However, there is no special issue in European Journal of Control specified
to this topic. Thus, it is important and timely to launch a special issue
to highlight the importance of advanced control theory for the
nextgeneration engineered systems and to link the practical challenges and
requirements with the most recent theoretical and technical advances in
this area. We also believe that this special issue will attract the
attention of a large audience including researchers and developers from
control, automation, robotics, and industrial communities.


This special issue will seek latest significant contributions on advanced
control theory and applications for next‐generation engineered systems.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Modeling of next‐generation engineered systems
- System stability and performance analysis
- Decentralized/distributed control for next‐generation engineered systems
- Resilient/secure feedback controller design
- Data‐driven/event‐driven control for next‐generation engineered systems
- Robust control for next‐generation engineered systems
- Fault tolerant control for next‐generation engineered systems
- Switching control strategy for next‐generation engineered systems
- Resource allocations/optimization for next‐generation engineered systems
- Intelligent autonomous control for next‐generation engineered systems
- Experiments, platforms and applications for next‐generation engineered


Full paper submission deadline: June 30, 2018
First notification: August 31, 2018
Final notification: October 31, 2018
Final paper due: November 30, 2018
Publication date (tentative): March, 2019

Guest Editors:

Dr. Heng Zhang, School of Computing, Engineering & Math, University of
Western Sydney, Australia, Email: Dr.Zhang.Heng at ieee.org

Dr. Yanzheng Zhu, Security Control Research Center, Shandong University of
Science and Technology, China, Email: yanzhengzhu1986 at gmail.com

Prof. Michael V. Basin, Department of Physical and Mathematical Sciences,
Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon, Mexico, Email: mbasin at fcfm.uanl.mx

Dr. Dawei Shi, John A. Paulson School of Engineering & Applied Sciences,
Harvard University, United States, Email: daweishi at seas.harvard.edu

Prof. Zhengtao Ding, School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering,
University of Manchester, UK, Email: Zhengtao.Ding at manchester.ac.uk

7. Conferences

7.1. Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing
Contributed by: Peggy Wells, pwells at illinois.edu

56th Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing – October
2-5, 2018
CONFERENCE CO-CHAIRS | Negar Kiyavash & Daniel Liberzon

Call for Papers: Submission Deadline: July 9, 2018
Manuscripts can be submitted from June 15-July 9, 2018 with the submission
deadline of July 9th being firm. Please follow the instructions at


JULY 9 — Submission Deadline
AUGUST 6 — Acceptance Date Authors will be notified of acceptance via email
by August 6, 2018, at which time they will also be sent detailed
instructions for the preparation of their papers for the Conference
AFTER AUGUST 6 — Registration Opens
OCTOBER 2 — Opening Tutorial Lectures given by Paulo Tabuada and Joao
Hespanha at the Coordinated Science Lab, University of Illinois at
OCTOBER 3-5 — Conference Sessions at the University of Illinois Allerton
Park & Retreat Center. The Allerton House is located 26 miles southwest of
the Urbana-Champaign campus of the University of Illinois in a wooded area
on the Sangamon River. It is part of the 1,500 acre Robert Allerton Park, a
complex of natural and man-made beauty designated as a National natural
landmark. Allerton Park has 20 miles of well-maintained trails and a living
gallery of formal gardens, studded with sculptures collected from around
the world.
PLENARY SPEAKER — A. Stephen Morse, Dudley Professor of Electrical
Engineering at Yale University
OCTOBER 7 — Final Paper Deadline Final versions of papers that are
presented at the conference must be submitted electronically in order to
appear in the Conference Proceedings and IEEE Xplore.

7.2. International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems
Contributed by: Zee Yeon Lee, conference at icros.org

2018 18th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems
(ICCAS 2018)
October 17~20, 2018YongPyong Resort, PyeongChang, GangWon Province, Korea

Call for Papers: http://icros.org/data/download/ICCAS2018/ICCAS2018_CFP.pdf

The aim of the ICCAS is to bring together researchers and engineers
worldwide to present their latest works, and disseminate the
state-of-the-art technologies related to control, automation, robotics, and

- May 31, 2018 : Submission of Regular Papers (3~6 pages)
- June 30, 2018 : Submission of Organized Session/Mini-symposium Proposal
with Papers and Research Poster Papers (1~2 pages)
- July 31, 2018 : Notification of Acceptance
- August 31, 2018 : Submission of Final Camera-ready Papers

PAPER SUBMISSION: The conference invites three types of submission:
"Regular Paper", "Research Poster Paper", and "Organized (Invited)
Session/Mini-symposium Paper".
To submit papers, go "Online Paper Submission" on the website:

PAPER SUBMISSION GUIDELINE: http://2018.iccas.org/?page_id=81

Indexed in: IEEE Xplore, EI compendex, and SCOPUS

- Edwin K. P. Chong (Colorado State Univ., USA)
- Mattew W. Smuck (Stanford Univ., USA)
- Janan Zaytoon (Univ. of Reims, France)
- Xiaoyan Zhu (Tsinghua Univ., China)
- Hideaki Ishii (Tokyo Inst. of Tech., Japan)

-- Welcome to PyeongChang, 2018 Winter Olympics Venue --
PyeongChang is a county in Gangwon Province, South Korea. It’s known for
Odaesan National Park, with trails crisscrossing the Taebaek Mountains. The
park is also home to several Buddhist temples, including Woljeongsa Temple,
with its 9-story octagonal pagoda. Lee Hyo-seok Culture Village explores
the life of early-20th-century poet Lee Hyo-seok. On the Heungjeong Valley
bank are the 7 themed gardens of Herbnara Farm.

General Chair: Chul Joo Hwang (President of ICROS; Jusung Engineering,
Organizing Chair: Sungwan Kim (Seoul Nat’l Univ., Korea)
Program Chair: Jung Kim (KAIST, Korea)Organized by Institute of Control,
Robotics and Systems (ICROS)
Technically Co-sponsored by: IEEE CSS; IEEE RAS; IEEE IES; SICE; ACA; ISA;

7.3. International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing
Contributed by: Marian Barbu, Marian.Barbu at ugal.ro

22nd International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing -
October 10-12, 2018, Sinaia, Romania
Website: http://www.icstcc.ugal.ro/2018

ICSTCC 2018 aims at bringing together under a unique forum, scientists from
Academia and Industry, to discuss the state of the art and the new trends
in System Theory, Control and Computer Engineering, promoting professional
interactions and fellowship.

ICSTCC 2018 is technically co-sponsored by IEEE Control Systems Society.
In accordance with the Letter of Acquisition signed with IEEE, the
Proceedings of ICSTCC 2018 will be submitted for inclusion in IEEE Xplore
Digital Library. The Proceedings will also be submitted for indexing in
Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index (formerly ISI

ICSTCC 2018 conference will be hosted by the beautiful International Center
for Conferences – CASINO Sinaia. Sinaia is one of the most famous and
oldest mountain tourist resorts in Romania, known as “The Carpathian
Pearl”. It is best known for being the summer residence of the Romanian
Royal family. We are planning a number of field trips: Bran Castle
(Dracula's Castle) and Peles Castle.

Confirmed keynote speakers:
Alberto BEMPORAD - Recent Advances in Embedded Model Predictive Control
Gildas BESANCON - Some 'exciting' issues in the problem of observer design
Emilia FRIDMAN - Sampled-data and Networked Control Systems: A Time-Delay
Ion NECOARA - Optimization in control: recent advances and challenges
Dorothee NORMAND-CYROT - Nonlinear digital Lyapunov based stabilizing
Sigurd SKOGESTAD - The BigPicture: Economic plantwide control for complete
processing plants

Important dates:
- April 27, 2018: Invited Session proposal submission
- May 4, 2018: Initial paper submission
- June 29, 2018: Notification of acceptance
- July 27, 2018: Final submission and registration payment

The main areas of interest are: Automation and Robotics; Computer Science
and Engineering; Electronics and Instrumentation

All papers should be submitted via the online submission system at

For further information please contact the organizing committee at:
icstcc2018 at ugal.ro.

7.4. IFAC Conference on Cyber-Physical & Human Systems
Contributed by: Yue Wang, yue6 at clemson.edu

The 2nd IFAC Conference on Cyber-Physical & Human Systems
December 14-15, 2018, Miami, USA

Submission Deadline: April 23, 2018
Acceptance notification: September 1, 2018
Final Submission Deadline: October 1, 2018

The field of Cyber-Physical Systems has evolved due to the growing
intersection of controls, communications, networks and computing with
domain expertise in biology, chemistry, aerospace, electrical, or
mechanical engineering and applications including transportation in ground,
air, water, and space, energy, robotics, healthcare, and manufacturing. The
relationship between CPS and humans is of late of increasing interest, with
roles of humans in technical systems becoming more complex, beyond users
and consumers, as active agents, operators, decision-makers and enablers of
efficient and resilient infrastructures. This relationship and its
underpinnings not only in engineering and physical and computational
sciences, but also in social, behavioral and economic sciences needs to be
explored in all its breadth and depth, and forms the focus of this
conference series on Cyber-Physical & Human Systems (CPHS).

The second IFAC conference on CPHS is intended to bring together
researchers and practitioners in related fields from academia and industry
to share revolutionary advances and explore a deeper understanding of the
interactions between cyber-physical systems & humans. We are interested not
only in the potential impact of control systems, open and new solutions, or
new theoretical developments to recent challenges, as well as the study of
ethics, public policies and negative impacts that need to be considered and
avoided by suitable actions.

The aim of CPHS 2018 is to follow the success of CPHS 2016 and H-CPS-I in
2014 through multidisciplinary exchanges. Indeed, we believe that removing
the barriers between the different disciplines and application domains is
essential to identify new open problems and to discuss the actual
challenges to be overcome by scientific investigation.

To achieve this goal, we invite submissions in the following categories:
• Full conference papers (6-8 pages) addressing topics of interest, to be
carefully reviewed, presented at the conference (if accepted). The
conference program will only include papers selected on the highest
standard by the IPC, according to the IFAC guidelines
www.ifac-control.org/publications/Publications-requirements-1.4.pdf, and
published in open access in partnership with Elsevier in the
IFAC-PapersOnline series, hosted on the ScienceDirect platform
• Extended abstracts (a minimum of 500 words) addressing topics of
interest, subject to the same review process as full papers, and invited to
present at the conference (if accepted). Abstracts will be included on the
conference “preprints” (USB drive) but not published on-line.
• Invited sessions, consisting of 6 full papers and/or short abstracts, to
fill a two-hour block
• Accepted papers will be presented in oral or poster format.
• Special sessions, such as panel sessions, to be presented over lunch or
in the early evening (approximately 60-90 minutes)
Tutorials and/or workshops, a half-day or full-day event either before or
after the conference (please contact the organizers for guidance and

All authors should refer to the Preprints, Proceedings and Copyright
Conditions prior to submitting their papers/abstracts. We encourage
submissions on human-centered technologies in a wide-range of applications
including transportation (ground, air, and space), energy, robotics,
manufacturing, and health-care. Example of topics include the following:

1. Human-Machine Symbiosis
o Control of smart prosthetics
o Neurostimulation
o Exoskeletons
o Biomedical implants
o Augmented Human
2. Humans as supervisors/operators of complex engineering systems
o Aircraft control, Human-Machine interaction in aircraft
o Automotive cooperated control (ADAS, etc)
o Process plant operation
o Robotic surgery
o Spacecraft control
o Control in hazardous environments
o Automated or semi-automated trains
o Remote operation of robotic teams e.g. in rescue scenarios
3. Humans as agents in multi-agent systems - Intelligent road transportation
o Next-generation air traffic management
o Flexible manufacturing
o Assistive robotics
o Smart Grid and Demand Response
o Urban mobility
4. Humans as elements in controlled systems - Comfort control in homes
o Smart cities
o Rescue robotics
o Assistive devices
o Smart infrastructure
o Connected buildings
5. General CPHS topics
o Semiautonomous and mixed-initiative systems
o Shared control
o Cognitive control
o Decision-support for human operators
o Recent theoretical developments impacting the open problems
o Ethics, public policy, and regulatory issues
o Potential impact and open problems

Operating Committee
General Chair Anuradha Annaswamy, MIT, USA
General Chair Dawn Tilbury, UMichigan, USA
Program Chair Sandra Hirche, TU Muenchen, Germany
Vice Chair, Invited Sessions Goldie Nejat, UToronto, Canada
Vice Chair, Industry Tariq Samad, UMinnesota, USA
Editor Berenice Mettler, ICSI, Berkeley, USA
Finance Chair Rifat Sipahi, Northeastern University, USA
Publicity Chair Yue Wang, Clemson University, USA
Registration Chair Yildiray Yildiz, Bilkent University, Turkey
Local Arrangements Chair Tansel Yucelen, Univ. South Florida, USA
Special Sessions Chair Neera Jain, Purdue University, USA
Advisory Board Mariana Netto, IFSTTAR, France
Advisory Board Francoise Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue, CNRS, University of
Paris-Saclay, France
Advisory Board Pramod Khargonekar, UC Irvine, USA

7.5. International Conference on the Internet of Things
Contributed by: Kyriakos G. Vamvoudakis, kyriakos at vt.edu

Call for Papers
8th International Conference on the Internet of Things (IoT 2018)
http://iot-conference.org Santa Barbara, CA, USA

Conference Chairs
Krzysztof Janowicz (UCSB)
Werner Kuhn (UCSB)

Program Chairs
Federica Cena (University of Torino)
Armin Haller (Australian National University)
Kyriakos G. Vamvoudakis (Virginia Tech)

Driven by connected low-cost sensing and actuation and the large host of
scientifically and economically relevant application scenarios that they
enable, the Internet of Things has become a central research area with a
broad reach across many fields in information technology and adjacent
domains. The vision for the Internet of Things has always been the creation
of complex interacting systems that allow for seamless information exchange
between physical and digital objects. Thanks to the wide availability of
smartphones, not only companies but also consumers are part of this
networked world. This interconnectivity together with large-scale data
processing, machine learning, robotics, and new fabrication techniques
leads to a transfer of innovation and business patterns from the digital
space into the physical world — indicating that we are at the brink of
another industrial revolution.

The International Conference on Internet of Things (IoT) has become the
premier gathering place where visionary, ground-breaking research in the
IoT field meets leading industry experts. Since its beginnings in the year
2008, IoT has been backed by strong support from leading academic
institutions as well as industry and we are happy to announce its eight
iteration will take place from October 15-18th 2018 in Santa Barbara, CA,

Topics of Interest

IoT 2018 solicits original, high impact research papers on all topics
related to the development and social adoption of the Internet of Things –
topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Architectures for IoT
- Internet of Things Architecture: Novel information architecture design on
field, edge, and cloud devices; object access and networking technology;
investigation of technologies that support the mobility of functions and
executions across system entities.
- Web Technologies for the IoT: Web-based discovery, search, and service
composition to facilitate interactions between devices on the IoT and with
- Integration of Physical and Virtual Artifacts and Events: Advanced object
identification, classification, and localization
- Description and Discovery of IoT devices, including mobile and moving
devices: Ontologies and data models for the description and discovery of
mobile systems and applications, including autonomous systems and wearable,
urban or sensory computing devices.

Human-Object Interactions (HOI)
- IoT Interactions: Novel methods and techniques for seamless
human-to-object interactions, including Augmented Reality and Virtual
Reality interactions, Tangible and Gestural Interfaces.
- Novel affordances for IoT and Smart Objects: design of novel affordance
for IoT-based smart objects

Object-Object Interactions (OOI)
- Interoperability of IoT Systems: Service discovery and composition,
synchronization in distributed systems, overcoming siloization of IoT
systems, semantic data description frameworks.
- Object-objects Interactions: methods and protocols for co-operations and
coordination among objects, social internet of things, trust among objects

Privacy/security in IoT
- Social Acceptance of IoT Systems: Data security, authentication and
authorization. Privacy protection, data sharing technologies (incl.
blockchain technology), tampering protection and detection in IoT systems.
- Privacy/Security/Real-Time Fault Correction: Ensure privacy across
integrated and wireless IoT systems while also being resilient to attackers.

IoT applications
- Real World Applications of IoT technology: Evaluation of challenges of
real world deployments of Smart Cities, Industry 4.0, Industrial Internet,
and GS1 implementations, including planned deployments (e.g., in advanced
Manufacturing and Logistics).
- Physical World Event Processing and Understanding: Novel data collection,
deep learning, reality mining, and prediction methods based on physical
world observations. This might include real-time decision making, event
processing, and extracting information from large datasets.
- Internet of Things and implications for user modeling: holistic user
model based on IoT-enabled data gathering, novel personalized intelligent
services and applications based on user model

Submission Information

Papers have to be submitted via the EasyChair (
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iot20180) conference system, must
be written in English and contain original material that has not been
published or is currently undergoing review elsewhere. Papers should not
exceed 8 pages, including figures and references. The paper layout should
follow the SIGCHI Conference format. Papers are peer-reviewed by a
committee of experts in the IoT field and selected based on technical
novelty, integrity of the analysis, and practical relevance and impact.
Accepted papers will be listed on DBLP and published via the ACM Digital
Library. Cases of plagiarism or multiple submissions will be subject to
disciplinary action as per ACM rules and regulations, and no-shows at the
conference will result in an exclusion from the ACM Digital Library.

Important Dates
- Paper Submission: June 7, 2018
- Acceptance notice: July 9, 2018
- Camera-Ready Submission: July 23, 2018
- Early Bird Registration deadline: September 7, 2018

7.6. IFAC Conference on Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems
Contributed by: Alessandro Abate, aabate at cs.ox.ac.uk

ADHS 2018 Call for Papers
The 6th IFAC Conference on Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems
Oxford University, UK, July 11-13, 2018.
Website: http://www.cs.ox.ac.uk/conferences/ADHS18/

* Official Program: Early May, 2018

* Accepted papers: http://www.cs.ox.ac.uk/conferences/ADHS18/programme

* Keynote Speakers: Erika Abraham, Calin Belta, and Raphael Jungers

The Organising Committee has the pleasure of inviting you to participate in
the 6th IFAC Conference on Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems (ADHS 18)
to be held at Oxford University, UK, July 11-13, 2018.

ADHS 2018 will be held at the Department of Computer Science, University of

ADHS will be hosted within FLOC 2018 (http://www.floc2018.org) and will
precede CAV 2018 (http://cavconference.org/2018/). The conference happens
under the auspices of IFAC and is sponsored by the IFAC Technical Committee
on Discrete Event and Hybrid Systems.

ADHS 2018 will host the ARCH workshop on Friday 13, 2018 —

Student bursaries are available (check the conference website in due time).

7.7. Biennial International Conference on Powertrain Modelling and Control
Testing, Mapping and Calibration
Contributed by: Kambiz Ebrahimi, k.ebrahimi at lboro.ac.uk

Call for Papers
4th Biennial International Conference on “Powertrain Modelling and Control
Testing, Mapping and Calibration”
10th – 11th September 2018, Loughborough, UK
Recent advances and developments in new generation of hybrid and electric
powertrains, covering dynamics, control, testing, characterization and

• Electric Drivetrains
• Hybrid Powertrains
• Battery Management System
• Powertrain Optimization
• Emission Legislation
• Powertrain / engine testing
• Tribology and Friction
• Noise, Vibration and Harshness
• Fuel Cells
• Combustion Engine Modelling
• Performance / Drivability
• ECU development
• Drive Cycles
• Mapping and Calibration
• Hardware -in-Loop testing
• Driveline and Transmission

Solicited Papers:
Research papers reporting on new developments in powertrain design,
modelling and control for conventional, hybrid and electric vehicles.
Industry and development papers reporting on actual developments of
technology, products, systems and solutions.
In addition, PMC 2018 solicits special session proposals to stimulate
in-depth discussions in special areas relevant to the conference theme.

Important dates:
Abstract submission: 15 May 2018
Abstract acceptance: 15 June 2018
Submission of Full Paper: 30 June 2018
Notification of acceptance: 15 July 2018
Final paper: 1 August 2018
Registration: 15 August 2018

Prof Kambiz Ebrahimi,
Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering Loughborough University, UK.
k.ebrahimi at lboro.ac.uk ,
pmc2018 at lboro.ac.uk
Tel: 0044(0)1509 227289

7.8. World Congress: Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and
Contributed by: Seenith Sivasundaram, seenithi at gmail.com

World Congress: Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and Sciences
WHEN: July 3, 2018 – July 6, 2018
WHERE: American University of Armenia, Yerevan
Website: http://www.icnpaa.com

Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and Science have stimulated
cooperation among scientists from a variety of disciplines. Developments in
computer technology have additionally allowed for solutions of mathematical
problems. This international forum will extend scholarly cooperation and
collaboration, encouraging the dissemination of ideas and information.
The conference will have a pool of active researchers, with a proper
balance between academia and industry, as well as between senior and junior
researchers, including graduate students and post-doctoral fellows. It is
anticipated that such a balance will provide both senior and junior
researchers an opportunity to interact and to have a wider picture of
recent advances in their respective fields. The conference, especially,
enables the setting up of new interdisciplinary research directions among
its participants by establishing links with world renowned researchers,
making possible joint international projects that will no doubt bring about
fresh and innovative ideas and technologies in engineering, aerospace and

Co-Sponsored by: AIAA: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
IFIP: International Federation of Information Processing
American University of Armenia, Yerevan

The proceedings will be published by the American Institute of Physics.

7.9. International Workshop on Applied Verification for Continuous and
Hybrid Systems
Contributed by: Kostiantyn Potomkin, kostiantyn.potomkin at anu.edu.au

5th Int. Workshop on Applied Verification for Continuous and Hybrid Systems
(Part of ADHS), Oxford, UK, July 13, 2018
The workshop on applied verification for continuous and hybrid systems
(ARCH) brings together researchers and practitioners to establish a curated
set of benchmarks and test them in a friendly competition.

Call for Submissions
Verification of continuous and hybrid systems is increasing in importance
due to new cyber-physical systems that are safety- or operation-critical.
This workshop addresses verification techniques for continuous and hybrid
systems with a special focus on the transfer from theory to practice.
Topics include, but are not limited to:
- Proposals for new benchmark problems (not necessarily yet solvable)
- Tool presentations
- Tool executions and evaluations based on ARCH benchmarks
- Experience reports including open issues for industrial success
- Reports on results of our friendly competition (separate call)
Researchers are welcome to submit examples, tools and benchmarks that have
already appeared in brief form, but whose details were omitted. The online
benchmark repository allows researchers to include modeling details,
parameters, simulation results, etc. Submissions are encouraged, but not
required, to include executable data (models, configuration files, code
etc.). It is not required to show that the benchmark has a solution; it
suffices that the problem is described in enough detail that somebody else
can try to solve it.

Prize (tentative)
The paper with the most promising benchmark results receives a prize of 500
Euros sponsored by Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany. The winner is preselected by
the program committee and determined by an audience voting.

General Submission Guidelines
Submissions consist of papers (ideally 3-8 pages) and optional files (e.g.
models or traces) submitted through the ARCH'18 EasyChair web site (
http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=arch18). ARCH18 will provide
proceedings in the EasyChair EPiC series, indexed by DBLP. Detailed submis-
sion guidelines can be found here:
https://cps-vo.org/group/ARCH/submissionInstructions. Submissions receive
at least 3 anonymous reviews, including one from industry and one from
Benchmark papers: A zip archive with additional data (description details,
model files, sample traces, code, known results, etc.) is to be submitted
together with the extended abstract. Benchmarks can be academic or
industrial, of small size or extensive case studies.

Evaluation Criteria for Benchmarks
While the review criteria for tool presentations, benchmark results, and
experience reports are more general, benchmark proposals should address the
following criteria:
- Relevance: How typical is the benchmark for its application domain or
academic topic? How important (scientifically or practically) are the
phenomena it exhibits? Does the benchmark correspond to an existing
real-world system?
- Clarity: How easy is it to create a working model from the description?
How clear is the specification of the properties to be verified?
- Verification advantages: Can verification show properties of the
benchmark that are difficult to obtain using other approaches (stochastic
simulation etc.)?

Important Dates
Submission deadline - April 27, 2018 (extended)
Notification of acceptance - May 20, 2018 (extended)
Final version - June 13, 2018
Workshop - July 13, 2018

PDF-Version of the Call
There is a pdf (https://cps-vo.org/node/41779) of the call (reduced content
to make it fit on a single page).

Program chairs:
Goran Frehse, University Joseph Fourier-Verimag, France -
Matthias Althoff, Technische Universitat Munchen, Germany -
Publicity chair:
Sergiy Bogomolov, Australian National University, Australia -
Evaluation chair:
Taylor T. Johnson, Vanderbilt University, USA -

7.10. Conference on Decision and Game Theory for Security
Contributed by: Linda Bushnell, LB2 at uw.edu

9th Conference on Decision and Game Theory for Security – October 29-31,
2018, Seattle, WA

Conference Co-Chairs: Tamer Başar & Radha Poovendran

Keynote Speaker (confirmed): João P. Hespanha (UC Santa Barbara)

Conference website: http://www.gamesec-conf.org

Paper submissions are through the conference website:

Important Dates:
Abstract submission (optional): 1 June 2018
Paper submission: 15 June 2018
Decision notification: 6 August 2018
Camera-ready submission: 13 August 2018

Recent advances in information and communication technologies pose
significant security challenges that impact all aspects of modern society.
The 9th Conference on Decision and Game Theory for Security in Seattle,
Washington, USA, focuses on protection of heterogeneous, large-scale and
dynamic systems as well as managing security risks faced by critical
infrastructures through rigorous and practically-relevant analytical
methods. GameSec 2018 invites novel, high-quality theoretical and
practically-relevant contributions, which apply decision and game theory,
as well as related techniques such as distributed optimization, dynamic
control and mechanism design, to build resilient, secure, and dependable
networked systems. The goal of GameSec 2018 is to bring together academic
and industrial researchers in an effort to identify and discuss the major
technical challenges and recent results that highlight the connections
between game theory, control, distributed optimization, economic incentives
and real-world security, reputation, trust and privacy problems.

Tutorial Track: Game Theory and Deception

Special Track: Adversarial AI

7.11. International Conference on AC/DC Power Conversion/Transmission
Contributed by: Sajjad Fekriasl, sajjad.fekriasl at gb.abb.com

The International Conference on AC/DC Power Conversion and Transmission
(ACDC 2019)

5-7 February 2019
Venue: DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel, Coventry, UK

Deadline for submission of abstract: 16 May 2018

Call for paper submission (abstract):


The 15th IET International conference on AC and DC Power Conversion and
Transmission (ACDC 2019)

ACDC power conversion and transmission technologies and projects have been
gathering pace, structure and importance for the power sector. New
technologies have been developed with potential benefits to asset managers
and system operators, particularly with regards to high voltage
transmission. ACDC 2019 is an opportunity to meet and share your latest
research with AC and DC specialists worldwide. There will be more than 100
sessions and posters and workshops over 3 days at ACDC 2019, featuring
leading researchers and industry experts from all around the world.

Benefits of ACDC 2019:
* Gain updates on the latest advances in HVDC and HVAC technologies,
including FACTS devices
* Discover the recent AC and DC projects being implemented worldwide, and
* Understand the challenges arising from environmental, regulatory,
political and social factors, and how they impact on the development of
transmission networks

ACDC 2019 will examine key developments in the market, including Escalation
in offshore generation, Vast distance transmission requirements, and
Improvements in the reliability and efficiency of ageing grid systems.
There will be 200+ T&D engineers and attending as an author, so ACDC 2019
comes with significant publication benefits too - it is an exciting
international conference to showcase your latest AC and DC Power research
focusing on the impact of new challenges on the development of power
transmission schemes that are arising from environmental, regulatory,
political and social factors.

*** Deadline for submission of an abstract is 16 May 2018. ***

7.12. International Symposium on Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems
Contributed by: Ted Pavlic, tpavlic at asu.edu

CALL FOR PAPERS – DARS 2018 (May 15 deadline)
October 15–17, 2018
University of Colorado at Boulder, USA

Paper submission: May 15, 2018, 11.59pm Pacific Time
Author Notification: July 30, 2018
Camera ready submission: September 1, 2018

Now in its 14th edition, the International Symposium on Distributed
Autonomous Robotic Systems (DARS) provides a forum for scientific advances
in the theory and practice of distributed autonomous robotic systems. It is
a highly selective, single-track meeting that is soliciting submissions
presenting significant, original, and previously unpublished research.

Distributed robotics is an interdisciplinary and rapidly growing area,
combining research in computer science, communication and control systems,
and electrical and mechanical engineering. Distributed robotic systems can
autonomously solve complex problems while operating in highly unstructured
real-world environments. They are expected to play a major role in
addressing future societal needs, for example, by improving environmental
impact assessment, food supply, transportation, manufacturing, security,
and emergency and rescue services. DARS 2018 will build upon past successes
and provide an exciting environment for researchers to present and discuss
the latest technologies, algorithms, system architectures, and
applications. All interested researchers and engineers are invited to take
part in DARS 2018.

Papers are solicited in all areas of distributed autonomous robotics,
including, but not restricted to:

* Architectures for teams of robots
* Self-organizing and self-assembling robotic systems
* Swarm robotic systems
* Hybrid symbiotic teams (humans and robots, animals and robots)
* Learning and adaptation in teams of robots
* Modular robotics
* Localization and navigation in multi-robot systems
* Multi-robot and multi-vehicle motion coordination
* Distributed cooperative perception
* Distributed cooperative action
* Distributed control and planning
* Control issues in multi-robot systems
* Performance metrics for robot teams
* Distributed decision making
* Sensor and actuator networks
* Networking issues in multi-robot systems
* Wireless and robotic sensor networks
* Multi-robot applications in exploration, inspection, coverage, search and
rescue, service, environmental monitoring, etc.


Please submit your paper using https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/DARS2018

Papers should be formatted according to the style files of Springer
Proceedings in Advanced Robotics (SPAR). The page limit is 12 pages.


All accepted contributions will be included as full-length papers in the
Proceedings of DARS 2018. The proceedings will likely be published in the
Springer SPAR series (Springer Proceedings in Advanced Robotics).


DARS 2018 provides four sponsor packages: platinum, gold, silver, and
bronze. Sponsors currently include the University of Colorado at Boulder
(gold), UC-Boulder College of Engineering and Applied Science (silver),
Modular Robotics (silver), and Robotic Materials (bronze).

If you wish to become a sponsor of, or exhibitor at, DARS 2018, please
visit http://dars2018.org/ or contact industry chair Christoffer Heckman (
christoffer.heckman at colorado.edu) for more information.


General Chair: Nikolaus Correll (University of Colorado at Boulder)
General Co-Chair: Mac Schwager (Stanford University)

See http://dars2018.org/ for more information about the Program Committee.

7.13. International Conference on Systems and Control
Contributed by: Driss MEHDI, driss.mehdi at univ-poitiers.fr

The 2018 7th International Conference on Systems and Control

The 7th edition of the International Conference on Systems and Control will
be held on October 24-26, 2018, at the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia,

Paper submission: Papers must be submitted electronically via the Web
upload system only. The guidelines are given at the ICSC'18 Web site

The authors are invited to submit the full version of their manuscripts
online through the online paper submission


Important Dates:
Contributed papers, invited session papers: May 30, 2018
Notification of Acceptance / Rejection: July 20, 2018
Final, Camera ready papers due: September 15, 2018
Conference opening: October 24, 2018


Program Chairs
Joseba Quevedo, Spain
Driss Mehdi, France
Abdelouahab Aitouche, France

General Chair :
Pedor Albertos, Spain

For more information please feel free to contact Prof. D. MEHDI (
driss.mehdi at univ-poitiers.fr)

7.14. Latin American Congress on Automatic Control
Contributed by: Oscar Camacho, camacho1959 at gmail.com

The CLCA 2018 will be held from October 24th to October 26th at the campus
of Escuela Politécnica Nacional in Quito, Ecuador.

===Deadline Extended===
The submission deadline for the CLCA 2018 - The Latin American Congress on
Automatic Control 2018 - has been extended to May 15th, 2018. Also the best
papers will be indexed in SciELO and Latindex

**Call for papers**
We kindly invite you to submit your contributions to the Latin American
Congress on Automatic Control to be held in Quito, Ecuador.

The Latin American Congress on Automatic Control is the largest meeting in
Latin America of experts who present recent contributions, current trends,
new challenges and opportunities that frame all the areas related to:
process control, electrical power systems, control systems, mechatronics,
robotics and other associated topics.

The conference is an excellent opportunity for all attendees to establish
networks and interact with important Latin American researchers.

CLCA 2018 will be held from October 24th to October 26th at the campus of
Escuela Politécnica Nacional in Quito, Ecuador. The conference will include
keynote and contributed paper presentations, tutorials and workshops.

**Paper presentation**
All papers are limited to a maximum of 6 pages (in the standard IFAC
conference double column format), including figures, tables and references.
Details of the presentation format will be also available on the conference


Workshops will be held before the conference technical days, on October
22nd and 23rd. This space will provide an interactive forum for
participants to discuss emerging and active research areas related with the
conference topics."

7.15. ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference
Contributed by: Yue Wang, yue6 at clemson.edu

The ASME 2018 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference
September 30 - October 3, 2018, Hyatt Regency Atlanta, Atlanta, Georgia, USA

The 2018 Dynamic Systems and Control (DSC) Conference will be held on
October 1-3, 2018 at the Hyatt Regency Atlanta, located in the heart of
downtown Atlanta, Georgia. The venue is one of the top Atlanta luxury
hotels and is connected to the MARTA transit system and blocks away from
major attractions such as Georgia Aquarium and the World of Coca-Cola. On
behalf of the 2018 DSCC Organization Committee and the Dynamics Systems and
Control Division (DSCD) of ASME, we cordially invite you to enjoy an
exciting technical program and a unique opportunity to network.

The DSC conference is the showcase technical forum of the ASME Dynamic
Systems and Control Division. It provides a focused and intimate setting
for dissemination and discussion of the state of the art in dynamic systems
and control research, with a mechanical engineering focus. The 2018 DSC
Conference Technical Program will consist of sessions in all of the usual
areas of interest to the Division that include, but are not limited to,
automotive and transportation systems, bio-systems and health care, energy
systems, mechatronics, modeling, identification, intelligent systems,
robotics, vibrations, and smart structures. Highlights of the 2018 DSCC
will include:

- Four plenary talks given by distinguished scholars, including the
Oldenburger Lecture and the Nyquist Lecture.
- Workshops and tutorials that are focused on emerging topics.
- Invited and special sessions on technical tracks and funding programs
that are of interest to the DSC community.
- Student programs including Best Student Paper competition, networking
with faculty recruiters, and networking with industry.
- Exhibits by industry.
- Extensive networking opportunities during the opening reception,
continental breakfasts, the banquet, and the farewell lunch.

All accepted papers must be presented on-site at the conference by an
author of the paper. Papers which are not presented (no-shows) will be
removed from the official conference proceedings and will not be indexed
through the ASME Digital Collection.

Online access to conference papers will be given to all registered
attendees at the start of the conference. Following the event, the official
proceedings of the conference are published in the ASME Digital Collection,
and will be submitted to all major indexers including EI Complex, Scopus,
and the ISI Conference Proceedings Citation Index.

Important Dates
- Submission of invited session proposals - April 2, 2018
- Submission of contributed and invited papers - April 9, 2018
- Notification of acceptance/rejection - May 28, 2018
- Submission of final papers - July 2, 2018

Conference Organizers
General Chair
XIAOBO TAN, xbtan at egr.msu.edu
Michigan State University

Program Chair
GEORGE ZHU, zhug at egr.msu.edu
Michigan State University

7.16. CSME Workshop on “Platforms for Control System Education and Research”
Contributed by: Zuzana Fabusova, zuzana.fabusova at quanser.com

CSME Workshop on "Platforms for Control System Education and Research"

May 27, 2018, 1 – 4 pm EDT, York University, Toronto, Canada

With the rise of technologies like unmanned vehicles and robotics, the
importance of understanding feedback control is becoming more and more
prevalent. Unfortunately, many regard control systems as a very theoretical
and abstract course. Having a comprehensive lab component to a control
systems course is vital to connecting abstract theory to practical
applications. Further, it is important to have well-designed labs to ensure
the experience is learning about control systems, and not tinkering with
hardware or tedious programming.
The goal of this workshop is to introduce Quanser’s solutions and approach
to control systems for teaching and research. Three systems will be
demonstrated: the Quanser AERO, Active Suspension, and Coupled Tanks. The
Quanser AERO is a multi-configurable aerospace-based system used for
control system teaching and research. The Active Suspension is double
spring mass damper system with an automotive application. Finally, the
Coupled Tanks is a process control system with different configurations
geared towards controlling fluid level.
The workshop will also include a hands-on portion where attendees will have
the opportunity to learn about classic and modern control techniques and
see examples of how Quanser solutions are used in academic research. The
Rotary Servo Base Unit will be used to explore PID-based control, and the
Rotary Servo Flexible Link and Rotary Flexible Joint will be used to
demonstrate vibration mitigation for robotics type systems that exhibit
flexibilities using state-feedback.

For more details, visit http://csme2018.lassonde.yorku.ca/workshops/

8. Positions

8.1. PhD: French-German Research Institute of Saint-Louis, France
Contributed by: Spilios Theodoulis, Spilios.Theodoulis at isl.eu

The Guidance, Navigation & Control (GNC) group of the French-German
Research Institute of Saint-Louis (ISL) is inviting applications for three
(3) fully funded PhD positions in the general area of flight dynamics and
robust guidance and control of aerial vehicles. The successful candidate
must hold (or soon complete) an MSc degree on automatic control with
additional skills in flight mechanics being also appreciated. Excellent
programming skills in MATLAB/Simulink are also required. The positions are
to be filled starting from October 2018 and are in collaboration with
industry and academia from France and Germany. The institute offers an
attractive salary, a multidisciplinary working environment with great
scientific interactions and is located near the metropolitan area of Basel.

To apply for this position, send a CV, transcripts and motivation letter to
Spilios.Theodoulis at isl.eu

8.2. PhD: L2S, France
Contributed by: Antoine Girard, antoine.girard at l2s.centralesupelec.fr

PhD Position: Efficient synthesis of controllers using symbolic models

Supervisors: Antoine Girard (Antoine.Girard at l2s.centralesupelec.fr)
Location: Gif-sur-Yvette, France Laboratoire des Signaux et Systèmes - L2S
Institution: CNRS – CentraleSupélec – Univ. Paris-Sud – Univ. Paris-Saclay
Department: Laboratoire des Signaux et Systèmes - L2S
Duration: Three years, starting October 2018
Position funded by European project (ERC consolidator) PROCSYS

Context and Objectives

Cyber-physical systems (CPS) consist of computational elements monitoring
and controlling physical entities. The main objective of the PROCSYS
project is to propose a general framework for the design of programmable
CPS that will allow engineers to develop advanced functionalities using a
high-level language for specifying the behaviors of a CPS while abstracting
details of the dynamics. Controllers enforcing the specified behaviors will
be generated from a high-level program using an automated model-based
synthesis tool. Correctness of the controllers will be guaranteed by
following the correct by construction synthesis paradigm through the use of
symbolic control techniques [1,2]: the continuous physical dynamics is
abstracted by a symbolic model, which is a discrete dynamical system; an
interface consisting of low-level controllers is designed such that the
physical system and the symbolic model behaves identically; a high-level
symbolic controller is then synthesized automatically from the high-level
program and the symbolic model.

Work description

We will develop efficient controller synthesis techniques based on
incremental exploration of the dynamics of the symbolic model, which can be
computed on the fly while synthesizing the controller. This has been the
approach developed in our preliminary work [3], which has demonstrated
significant improvements in terms of scalability for safety specifications
and deterministic symbolic models. The main idea is to define priorities on
the transitions of the symbolic model and explore the transitions with
higher priority first. The transitions of lower priority are only explored
if the control specification cannot be met with the former transitions. In
the PhD thesis, we will develop efficient controller synthesis algorithms,
which extend the work above in the following directions:
1. Non-deterministic symbolic models, extending the applicability of the
approach to a broad class of systems
2. General specifications defined in the high-level language developed
within the PROCSYS project, describing rich and complex behaviors
3. Additional synthesis objectives (timing constraints, quantitative
performance criteria, robustness)
Applications to case studies, e.g. in the field of autonomous driving will
be considered.

Background of the candidate

The candidate must hold a Master in control theory or computer science with
a strong mathematical background. A prior experience in the area of hybrid
systems is recommended. Programming skills are also needed.

[1] Belta, C., Yordanov, B., & Gol, E. A. (2017). Formal Methods for
Discrete-Time Dynamical Systems (Vol. 89). Springer.
[2] Tabuada, P. (2009). Verification and control of hybrid systems: a
symbolic approach. Springer Science & Business Media.
[3] Girard, A., Gössler, G., & Mouelhi, S. (2016). Safety controller
synthesis for incrementally stable switched systems using multiscale
symbolic models. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 61(6), 1537-1549.

8.3. PhD: Paris Saclay, France
Contributed by: Antoine Chaillet, antoine.chaillet at centralesupelec.fr

PhD offer at Paris Saclay: Contributions to the input-to-state stability of
nonlinear time-delay systems

Input-to-state stability (ISS) has become a central tool in the stability
and robustness analysis of dynamical systems, with a wide range of
practical applications. This ISS property refers to systems whose internal
dynamics is stable, and for which the disturbances deteriorate moderately
this nominal behavior. One of the great strength of this property lies in
its characterization using Lyapunov theory, which makes it relatively easy
to check in practice. The ISS property was originally developed in a
finite-dimensional context, meaning for systems ruled by ordinary
differential equations. More recently, it has been extended to systems
involving time-delays and more general infinite-dimensional systems.
However, one of the important limitations of these works lies in the fact
that the corresponding characterization requires a dissipation in terms of
the whole Lyapunov function itself. This feature makes this property harder
to check in an infinite-dimensional context. In a recent paper, we have
conjectured that ISS for time-delay systems would also hold under the
weaker requirement of a dissipation in terms of the current value of the
state only, which would allow a much easier applicability.

The first goal of this PhD thesis is to deepen the investigations around
this question and to either prove this conjecture (at least for specific
classes of systems) or disprove it through a counter-example. Depending on
the answer to this question, the objective will be to adapt the ISS
framework accordingly. In particular, we expect to provide relaxed
characterizations of ISS and of the related (though weaker) notions of
integral ISS (iISS) and Strong iISS. We will also extend stability analysis
results for interconnected systems (in cascade or in feedback form) using
these new formulations. We will also make use of these new
characterizations to study incremental stability properties of time-delay

The main developments expected from this PhD thesis are of a theoretical
nature. The candidate should have a strong background and interest in
mathematics, specifically in dynamical systems theory and/or functional
analysis. Some knowledge in control theory, particularly for nonlinear
systems, would be useful. It is not mandatory to be able to speak French.

Candidates are invited to contact Antoine Chaillet (
antoine.chaillet at centralesupelec.fr) for further information.

8.4. PhD: Imperial College London, UK
Contributed by: Diego Oyarzun, d.oyarzun at imperial.ac.uk

PhD studentship in Network Cancer Medicine
Department of Mathematics
Imperial College London

We have an exciting opportunity for a student to work at the interface of
cancer biology, network theory and data science.

The project is part of a thriving collaboration between the Biomathematics
Group and the Cancer Metabolism & Systems Toxicology Group at Imperial
College London. The student will be based at EPSRC Centre for Mathematics
of Precision Healthcare in South Kensington, at the heart of London's
cultural and scientific quarter.

For more details please check the advert here https://goo.gl/t4kefS or

8.5. PhD: Univ. Grenoble Alpes, France
Contributed by: Gildas Besancon, Gildas.Besancon at Grenoble-inp.fr

PhD: Univ. Grenoble Alpes, Gipsa-lab Control Systems Department (coll.
Geosciences Dep.)

TITLE: "Modeling and information reconstruction from heterogeneous data in
the context of gravitational hazards – Application to Harmaliere landslide "

CONTEXT: The PHD will be held within the context of Univ. Grenoble Alpes
(France), which is
one of the major research-intensive French universities, enjoying an
international reputation in many scientific fields, and having been ranked
as the 5th most innovative city in the world. Its campus additionally
benefits from a natural environment and a high quality of life and work

SHORT PROJECT DESCRIPTION: In the challenging context of environmental
monitoring, the PHD will focus on the case-study of Harmalière landslide
(Isère, France), for a purpose of anticipation/estimation of the associated
hazards (e.g. predictions of mass propagation and headscarp regression),
and with a special attention to the problem of heterogeneity in data
(ground/remote sensors, signals/images, instrumental/testimonial data,
synchronous/asynchronous measurements, etc.). It will be based on available
measurements, underlying mechanics, and system approach, to develop an
appropriate dynamical model of the landslide behavior. This in short
includes suitable data processing, model structure definition and
calibration, observer-based evolution/fault prediction.
The PHD will be mainly located in GIPSA-lab. However, this
multidisciplinary project will be conducted in the frame of a close
collaboration between three research departments of Univ. Grenoble Alpes
(GIPSA-lab, IRSTEA, ISTerre).

Applicants shall have a strong background and solid skills in control and
information technology. Additional knowledge in mechanical modeling and/or
geosciences would be an advantage.
A good level in French and English is an asset.

Applicants must hold a Master degree (or be about to obtain one) or have a
university degree equivalent to a European Master (5-year duration).

Applicants will attach a file including:
- Their CV
- A cover letter / letter of motivation
- A summary of previous work done/publications in Master 1 and Master 2
- A record of the grades of Master 1 and Master 2
- A copy of their latest diploma
The application should be sent to: gildas.besancon at grenoble-inp.fr,
guillaume.chambon at irstea.fr, laurent.baillet at univ-grenoble-alpes.fr

APPLICATION DEADLINE: May 31, 2018 at 17:00 (CET)
TYPE of CONTRACT: temporary 3 year-doctoral contract, full time, starting
on October 1, 2018
with gross salary of 1768€ / month.

8.6. PhD: University of Lille/CNRS/Schneider Electric, France
Contributed by: Mihaly Petreczky, mihaly.petreczky at centralelille.fr

PhD position at University of Lille/CNRS/Schneider Electric, France.

We are looking for a PhD candidate with a background in one of the
following disciplines: machine learning, control theory, systems
identification, statistics or probability theory. Knowledge of either
machine learning or system identification/control theory is a plus.
The project is a collaborative one between University of Lille, CNRS and
Schneider Electric.
The prospective student will spend a significant part of his/her time at
Schneider Electric and he/she will be expected to carry out both
fundamental and applied research.

Obtaining good models is one of the bottlenecks of the developmental cycle
of controllers. While there are many theoretically sound methods for
calculating controller based on suitable models of the underlying physical
processes, it remains a non-trivial task to estimate those models from
data. There are two approaches for obtaining such models. One is system
identification, which is a classical branch of control theory which aims at
learning dynamical models (difference/differential equations) from data and
use these models for decision making (control). Another one is machine
learning, especially in deep learning. The strength of machine learning
algorithms based on neural networks (deep learning) is that they often
generate models which are good at predicting the behavior of complex
processes. A disadvantage is that the models produced by those algorithms
tend to fall into classes of models for which there exist few theoretically
sound algorithms for control design. In contrast, system identification was
conceived for producing models useful for control, however, existing system
identification algorithms tend to work for relatively simple processes. If
we could combine these two fields, we might obtain a framework for
producing high quality models of complex processes which are useful for
control. Such a framework would shorten the developmental cycle of new
controllers, make them easier to adapt to new requirements of the clients.

Hence, the goal of thisJ student is expected to validate the obtained
results on practical cases studies provided by Schneider Electric.

Contact persons:
Mihaly Petreczky (mihaly.petreczky at ec-lille.fr) CNRS,
Stefan Capitaneanu (stefan.capiteneanu at schneider-electric.com) Schneider
Lotfi Belkoura (lotfi.belkoure at univ-lille1.fr) University of Lille

8.7. PhD: University of Alabama, USA
Contributed by: Qingbin Gao, gaoqingbin at gmail.com

Funded Ph.D. research assistant positions are available for the Department
of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa
starting from Fall 2018. The Ph.D. advisor will be Dr. Qingbin Gao who will
be joining the department at the same time.

The research is in the general areas of Control and Robotics. Research
topics will include but not limited to dynamic systems and control,
time-delay systems, multi-agent systems, connected/autonomous vehicles,
robotics, advanced manufacturing, and vibrations.

The candidates are expected to have the background in one or multiple of
the following areas: Mechanical Engineering, Electronic Engineering,
Automation, Robotics, Control, or equivalent fields. Previous research
experience, especially in the abovementioned areas are highly desirable.
Solid background in mathematics and programming skills using
MATLAB/Simulink, C/C++, or equivalent programming languages are necessary.
A competitive stipend with full tuition waiver and healthcare will be
offered. Financial support for travels to professional conferences can be
expected as well. Review of applications will begin immediately and
positions will be available until filled.

To apply, please email a single PDF file containing a cover letter
outlining your interests and qualifications, a detailed CV, transcripts,
GRE/TOEFL scores, and an optional Research Statement (encouraged though not
necessary) and contact information for three references to Dr. Qingbin Gao (
gaoqingbin at gmail.com). Please include the phrase "Ph.D. applicant 2018" in
the Subject line of the email. Additional details of Dr. Gao’s research can
be found at https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=DkozDV0AAAAJ&hl=en.

The University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa is located on a beautiful
1,168-acre residential campus in Tuscaloosa, a dynamic and resilient
community of over 150,000 in central Alabama. Tuscaloosa is conveniently
located between Atlanta, New Orleans, and the white sandy beaches of the
Gulf coast. The area offers excellent climate, minimal urban congestion,
and abundant outdoor recreation. The Tuscaloosa community provides rich
cultural, educational, and athletic activities for a broad range of
lifestyles. Moreover, the state of Alabama is home to a growing and highly
successful automotive industry spearheaded by Mercedes-Benz, Honda,
Hyundai, and Toyota Powertrains. Numerous automotive suppliers are located
in and around the region, as well, including ZF, Lear, Brose, and Faurecia.
Further information about the university can be found at http://www.ua.edu.

8.8. PhD: GIPSA-Lab, France
Contributed by: Paolo Frasca, paolo.frasca at gipsa-lab.fr

PhD Student on “Modeling and Control of Social Dynamics in Static and
Dynamic Networks”

Supervisors: Paolo Frasca (paolo.frasca at gipsa-lab.fr), Alain Kibangou (
alain.kibangou at gipsa-lab.fr)
Employment: 3 years, full French PhD salary (≈ 1500 euros per month after
taxes) + insurances, conditional to positive admission into the doctoral

Key dates: To receive full consideration, applicants need to contact the
supervisors no later than June 10. Position starts in October 2018

Context: This work will be carried out in the NeCS team (Networked Control
Systems), a joint CNRS/INRIA team at GIPSA-Lab laboratory in Grenoble,
France. The team’s research concerns modeling, estimation and control of
networked systems, with a broad spectrum of theoretical and applied topics
including traffic networks, intelligent vehicles, social dynamics,
large-scale complex networks, sensor networks, and security and privacy in
cyber-physical systems.

Candidate profile: The candidate will have a MS degree in Applied
Mathematics, Control Systems, Electrical Engineering, or related

For more information please visit

8.9. PhD: University of Leicester, UK
Contributed by: Andrea Lecchini-Visintini, alv1 at leicester.ac.uk

PhD Studentship in Engineering - Interface with the Life Sciences

Modelling and estimation of physiological and pathological dynamics at the
calyx of Held giant synapse

Dr Andrea Lecchini-Visintini (first supervisor)
Computational Engineering and Control Group
Department of Engineering
University of Leicester, UK

Professor Ian Forsythe and Dr Vincenzo Marra (co-supervisors)
Molecular Neurophysiology Laboratory
Department of Neuroscience, Psychology and Behaviour
University of Leicester, UK

Project Highlights:
- Modelling and estimation project in support of fundamental research on
the functioning of neural synapses
- Methodological research on the combination of modelling from first
principles with system identification from experimental data
- Close collaboration with a leading neuroscience laboratory generating
experimental data and opportunity to contribute to the design of experiments

The project offers the unique opportunity to develop research in system
identification and modelling of dynamical systems, parameter estimation and
Bayesian statistics, in close collaboration with a leading neuroscience
laboratory generating real experimental data. In addition to the
opportunity to develop theoretical knowledge in modelling and estimation,
the perspective student will have the opportunity to gain experience in
data processing for electrophysiology. The student will also gain access to
a large database of experimental data obtained under different conditions
and to contribute to the design of new experiments (e.g. input design).

The studentship offers: a full UK/EU fee waiver for 3.5 years, an annual
tax free stipend of £14,777 (2018/19), a Research Training Support Grant to
support project costs, and conferences.

The ideal candidate will have a degree in Engineering, Physics, or Applied
Mathematics and an interest in applying modelling and estimation techniques
in the life sciences. A background in physiology and biochemistry is not

The full advert is available online at: https://tinyurl.com/ych7hunp

Applications should be submitted at: https://tinyurl.com/y9ddu99g (Ref.

The closing date is Friday, May 11, 2018.

Informal enquiries should be directed to Dr Lecchini-Visintini (
alv1 at leicester.ac.uk)

8.10. PhD: KU Leuven, Belgium
Contributed by: Jan Swevers, jan.swevers at kuleuven.be

PhD: University of Leuven (KU Leuven), Belgium

Three fully funded PhD positions in an international context for four years
at the KU Leuven:
a top European university and a hub for interdisciplinary research in the
fields of systems, control and optimization.


Details can be found at:

8.11. PhD: University of South Florida, USA
Contributed by: Tansel Yucelen, yucelen at usf.edu

Doctoral Student - Open Position (U.S. Citizen Only)

We are searching for an exceptional U.S. Citizen Ph.D. student, with a
strong background in dynamical systems and automatic controls, to work on a
funded Graduate Research Assistant position at the Laboratory for Autonomy,
Control, Information, and Systems (LACIS, http://lacis.eng.usf.edu/),
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of South Florida. This
student is expected to start working on Fall 2018 (or Spring 2019) and
perform high-quality and innovative research related to nonlinear control
of aerospace systems.

Our intention is to give our strong guidance in order to maximize the
chances of our students of building a rewarding research career. If you are
interested, please send an email to Asst. Professor Tansel Yucelen at
yucelen at usf.edu including:

(1) Your resume (applications are expected to either hold a M.Sc. degree or
soon to receive a M.Sc. degree).

(2) Official or unofficial transcript for both B.Sc. and M.Sc. (please
apply if you already took courses related to nonlinear control theory).

(3) two contact information (including name, e-mail, and phone number of
the person) for letter of recommendation requests (one of these two contact
information must include your current advisor).

The interdisciplinary research performed at the LACIS is focused on the
discovery of novel control, information, and decision systems that reveal
next generation highly-capable autonomous vehicles and robotic swarms.
Visit our website http://lacis.eng.usf.edu/ for more information.

Dr. Tansel Yucelen, Asst. Professor, LACIS Director
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of South Florida

8.12. PhD: UCLouvain, Belgium
Contributed by: Julien Hendrickx, julien.hendrickx at uclouvain.be

Two fully funded PhD fellowships in the context of RevealFlight, a
multidisciplinary project bridging control, multi-agent systems,
aerodynamics and biomechanics, with the ambition of re-creating bird
formation flight from first principles in order to shed light on their
interplay and how it leads to the remarkable energy efficiency of birds.

We are looking for

1) a PhD student in control and modeling of multi-agent system. The
successful candidate will be in charge of understanding the inter-bird
interactions in the formation. (S)he will in particular develop different
models of interactions, bird “social” behaviors and of optimizing their
actions. These will be tested using both simulations and theoretical
(full description:

2) a PhD student in flight control. The successful candidate will develop
controllers allowing birds to fly and maneuver, including within turbulent
flows, using biologically compatible actuation. Optimization and machine
learning could play an important role. (full description:

Exceptional candidates at the postdoc level will also be considered

Project website: https://sites.uclouvain.be/RevealFlight/
Contact: revealflight at uclouvain.be

8.13. PhD: Newcastle University, UK
Contributed by: Sadegh Soudjani, Sadegh.Soudjani at ncl.ac.uk

A fully funded Ph.D. position is available in the area of "Formal
Verification and Synthesis of Cyber-Physical Systems" in the School of
Computing at Newcastle University.

Cyber-physical systems (CPS) are systems of collaborating computational
elements controlling physical entities. Composition of continuous and
discrete models is essential for capturing the behaviour of such systems.
Verification and synthesis of CPS are algorithmically studied using
abstraction techniques and model checking tools. The goal of this research
is to focus on formal verification and controller synthesis of CPS models
by addressing robustness and scalability of the algorithms, while taking
uncertainty into account, utilising available data from the system and
synthesising optimal controllers. Application areas of the research
include, among others, smart grids, energy networks and systems biology.

This studentship provides a unique opportunity to perform
interdisciplinary, high-impact research within a group of interdisciplinary
researchers. The successful candidate will work closely with Dr Soudjani
and will join the AMBER group, which gives possibility of collaboration and
interaction with scientists in CESI centre on energy applications and in
ICOS group on Biosystems.
The successful candidate has an excellent first degree in, e.g., computer
science, mathematics, or engineering. For this interdisciplinary research,
the candidate is expected to have a strong background in one of the three
areas (control theory, computer science, probability theory) and wish to
gain knowledge on the other areas.

The School of Computing, including the AMBER group, has recently moved in a
new, state-of-the-art, £58 million building which is highly sensorised and
can be used as a unique research facility.

Application closing date is 15 June 2018 or until funding a suitable
candidate. Expected start date is October 2018 or soon thereafter. The
appointment will be for 3 years.

Interested individuals should send their detailed curriculum vitae and
other supporting documents to Dr Sadegh Soudjani (sadegh.soudjani at ncl.ac.uk).
Only potential suitable candidates will be contacted.

8.14. PhD: University of Agder, Norway
Contributed by: Jing Zhou, jing.zhou at uia.no

PhD: Department of Engineering Sciences, University of Agder, Norway
Title of the project: Control of offshore crane systems

The University of Agder invites applications for a PhD fellowship in
Control of offshore crane systems. The position is linked to the Department
of Engineering Sciences and SFI Offshore Mechatronics Center (
https://sfi.mechatronics.no/). The contract is for a period of 3 years.
Starting date is August 2018/ or negotiated with the faculty.

Brief Description of the Research Project:
• modelling and analysis of coupled dynamics between crane, vessel, wire
and payloads,
• dynamic positioning control, motion compensation and heave compensation,
• and implementing and testing the developed models and control algorithms.

To be regarded as an eligible applicant, the applicant should have:
• strong knowledge in systems and control
• the average grade for courses included in the bachelor's degree should be
B or higher
• the average grade for courses included in the master's degree should be B
or higher
• the master's thesis should have a grade B or higher
• Applicants whose mother tongue is neither Norwegian nor English must
present an official language test report. The acceptable tests are:
• TOEFL – 550 (paper-based test), or 80 (internet based test)
• IELTS – 6.0.

Salary: The position is remunerated according to the State salary scale,
code 1017, salary NOK 435 500 gross per year.

Interested individuals should send their detailed curriculum vitae, copies
of their recent transcripts, and if applicable TOEFL/IELTS test scores to
Prof. Jing Zhou (email: jing.zhou at uia.no). Candidates that expect to
complete their Master degree studies by summer 2018 can apply. Deadline: 31
May, 2018!

8.15. PhD: Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Contributed by: Morten Breivik, morten.breivik at ntnu.no

The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) is now announcing
48 PhD positions within 9 projects that will contribute to digital
transformation in Norway, see https://www.ntnu.edu/digital-transformation

One of the projects is about developing autonomous all-electric passenger
ferries for urban areas - Autoferry. Such ferries can create new transport
possibilities in cities and in the long term revitalize transport and
traffic in coastal areas.

We have already built a 5 meter prototype of the ferry, which had its first
sea trials in November 2017. This will be our main development platform on
the road toward a full-scale ferry.

Excellent test opportunities exist at Nyhavna in Trondheim and the project
collaborates with Trondheim Harbor, DNV GL, Maritime Robotics and Kongsberg
Seatex. These will provide additional competence, equipment and
infrastructure in collaboration with the project team. A strong team of
international researchers will also contribute to the project.

The main hypothesis of the project is that such ferries can operate safely
alongside other vessels in confined and congested environments such as
urban water channels. Verifying this requires a broad multi-disciplinary
approach, where the research methods combine theory, simulations and
experimental testing and validation. Therefore, the project involves 19
researchers from three faculties and all three NTNU campuses. These have
competence in the fields of control systems, autonomous systems, sensor
fusion, robotic vision, instrumentation systems, communication systems,
artificial intelligence, cyber security, risk management, power systems and
human factors, constituting a unique multi-disciplinary project team, which
is required to solve the challenges of this project.

Six PhD positions within automation and autonomy; multi-sensor tracking;
all-electric power and propulsion; human-machine interaction and remote
control; communications and cyber security; and risk management are now
- with application deadline on May 27.

About NTNU, Trondheim and Norway:

- About NTNU: http://www.ntnu.edu/
- NTNU Facts and Figures: http://www.ntnu.edu/facts
- NTNU International Researcher Support: http://www.ntnu.edu/nirs
- About Trondheim: https://trondheim.com/
- About Norway: https://www.visitnorway.com/about/
- Working in Norway: https://www.nav.no/workinnorway/en/Home
- Practical info about Norway:

8.16. PhD/PostDoc: City University of New York, USA
Contributed by: Hao Su, hao.su at ccny.cuny.edu

PostDoc and PhD positions in wearable and surgical robots at the City
University of New York

** Description of the position **
The Biomechatronics and Intelligent Robotics Lab (
http://haosu-robotics.github.io) at the City University of New York, City
College is seeking full-time post-doc fellows and PhD students in wearable
and surgical robots. The selected candidate will join a multidisciplinary
research team and will collaborate closely with physical therapists and
surgeons at Cornell University, Harvard University, and several other top
medical schools in the United States.

Postdoc Position #1: Mechanical design of wearable robots and surgical
robots. Experience in actuator design, cable transmission, series elastic
actuators, electric motors, or pneumatics is a plus.

Postdoc Position #2: Developing force and position control algorithms for
our wearable robot and soft bi-manual humanoid robot. Experience in
impedance control and haptics is a plus. This is a great opportunity to
pioneer research in a new generation of wearable and humanoid robot
platforms alongside several PIs who have expertise in mechatronics,
computer vision, and machine learning.

The successful postdoc candidate will be offered a fixed-term contract (12
months) with a highly competitive salary, commensurable with qualifications
and experience. PhD students can be admitted in Fall 2018. PhD students
will receive tuition scholarship and stipend support.

** About the lab and City University of New York **
The Biomechatronics lab was established in 2017 and is a 1000 sq ft
facility with the latest generation motion capture system, state of the art
physiology measurement devices, cameras, IMUs, motor motion control
systems, and more. The lab is a vibrant workplace; students can work on a
diverse set of projects, conduct hands-on experiments, and publish
high-quality papers.

The candidates can work with our Zahn Innovation Center, a startup
incubator that has helped create $6M in startup revenue and over 100
internships for students. They can also work with the New York Center for
Biomedical Engineering (NYCBE), a consortium of New York City medical
research institutions established in 1994 to serve as a focal center for
collaborative biomedical engineering research in the New York metropolitan
area. Partner institutions include Columbia University, Hospital for
Special Surgery, New York University, and Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer
Center. Located in Manhattan, CCNY is as diverse, dynamic, and visionary as
New York City itself.

** Application **
Applications (assembled as a single PDF file) should contain a CV, a list
of publications, and copies of up to three scientific papers. Applications
should be emailed to Professor Hao Su (hao.su at ccny.cuny.edu).

Hao Su, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Director, Lab of Biomechatronics and Intelligent Robotics (BIRO)
Department of Mechanical Engineering
City University of New York, City College
275 Convent Avenue New York, NY 10031
Web: haosu-robotics.github.io

8.17. PhD/PostDoc: ETH, Zurich
Contributed by: Roy Smith, rsmith at control.ee.ethz.ch

PhD and Postdoctoral positions in Control and System Identification at ETH,

The Automatic Control Laboratory (in the Department of Information
Technology & Electrical Engineering) at ETH, Zurich has two open Ph.D.
positions and one open Post-doctoral Researcher position. The research
project is focused on modeling, identification and control of systems
characterised by periodic behaviour. Both theoretical and application
topics will be studied with the application work addressing several areas
in the energy domain: multiple grid energy systems; autonomous kites for
airborne wind energy; and thermoacoustic machines.

Qualifications (for Ph.D. applicant): a solid background in control at the
Master's level, together with strong mathematical skills; a strong Masters
project in controls, identification, or a related field. Applications must
have (or be close to completing) a Masters degree from a recognised

Qualifications (for Post-doctoral applicants): a Ph.D. in identification,
optimisation, or control systems from a recognised university. Experience
in one of the application areas is a benefit but not essential, especially
in strong theoretical theses.

The PhD projects will run for four years and the Post-doctoral position is
currently funded for three years. The positions are open from May 2018 and
will remain open until filled. The start date is negotiable but ideally
within the next 3 months. The Automatic Control Laboratory has four faculty
members, 10 post-docs or senior researchers and about 30 PhD students. The
working language is English.

To apply: please submit the following (in PDF format) to Prof. Roy Smith (
rsmith at control.ee.ethz.ch):
- a current curriculum vitae
- a one page summary of your research interests and motivation
- a copy of your most recent transcripts (for Ph.D. applicants)
- the names and contact information for 2 to 3 references in a position to
assess your research potential.

8.18. PhD/PostDoc: University College Dublin, Ireland
Contributed by: Robert Shorten, robert.shorten at ucd.ie

We are seeking excellent candidates to work in the following areas as part
of a sharing economy project. Currently we have a number of Ph.D. positions
and one Postdoc position available in the following areas.

1. Dimensioning and control of Sharing Economy Systems
2. Congestion management and behavioural analytics for Sharing Economy
3. Human-in-the loop data science and control/prediction and optimization
under feedback
4. Blockchain and DAGS for high frequency sharing economy micropayments
5. Design of Cyber-Physical Systems

The positions will involve the development of theory at the interface of
control theory, applied probability, economics, and computer science, as
well as the realisation of a number of practical (mobility based)
demonstrators. Some of the research will be conducted in collaboration with
IBM Research, with potential for significant interaction with other
industrial companies.

Applications should be submitted to Robert.shorten at ucd.ie, to be received
by June 15th, 2018. Applicants should submit a CV and the names of 3
referees. All Ph.D. candidates will be expected to fulfil the English
Language requirements for admission to the Ph.D. programme at University
College Dublin (www.ucd.ie).

All positions are funded by Science Foundation Ireland.

8.19. PhD/PostDoc: Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany
Contributed by: Stefan Streif, stefan.streif at etit.tu-chemnitz.de

The Automatic Control & System Dynamics Lab in the Faculty of Electrical
Engineering and Information Technology at the Chemnitz University of
Technology offers several positions for Research Associates (PhD students
as well as postdocs; full-time positions; initially limited to three years
and with the possibility of continuation).

Job and project descriptions:

You will work on research projects and aim for publications of your results
in reputed journals and participate at international conferences. Your
research addresses but is not limited to:

* learning-based and adaptive optimal control (with particular focus on MPC
and ADP);
* set-based and probabilistic methods for control and fault diagnosis;
* hierarchical control and scheduling for networked systems;
* formal verification of control systems.

Besides theoretical research topics, we offer a variety of applications
(e.g. energy and automation, agriculture and food production). You will be
given large freedom for own research ideas and/or practical
implementations. New offices, laboratories and IT facilities provide an
ideal working environment. Furthermore, postdocs are given the chance to
build up their own group and actively strengthen and shape the above
activities by supervision of doctoral students and interaction with
industrial and academic partners. The salary is competitive (Germany's
standard remuneration group 13 TV-L; salary after-tax and with full health
insurance is at least 2200 € / month or usually higher depending on your

Your profile:

* strong background in control theory;
* ability and/or interest to apply theory in application-oriented projects
or experience with controller implementation and experiments is an
advantage in some of the projects;
* postdocs must have a high-quality publication record with a clear
relation to our research and application profile; furthermore, project
supervision and coordination skills are desirable;
* excellent writing and communication skills;
* basic knowledge of German is an advantage outside of the university, but
not strictly required.

Application process:

To apply or to request more information, please contact
control at etit.tu-chemnitz.de as soon as possible. Application documents
should include CV, publication record, and contact details of references.

Application deadline:

31 May 2018

8.20. PostDoc: Aston University, UK
Contributed by: Randa Herzallah, r.herzallah at aston.ac.uk

A postdoc position “Harmonisation of Behavioural Dynamics of
Quasi-Independent Agents of Limited Information” at Aston University, UK.

A three-year postdoctoral position with competitive salary is available in
the Systems Analytics Research Institute (SARI) within the School of
Engineering and Applied Science at Aston University. The potential
candidate has to be skilled, enthusiastic, motivated and dynamic, have a
strong mathematical, signal processing and control background, and has
excellent interpersonal skills to work on an innovative research project
funded by the Leverhulme Trust.

For further information and how to apply please follow the following link


If you are interested please apply before 23 April to be considered for the
first round of interview. However, application will still be open until 13

SARI research institute, Aston University, Birmingham,UK

8.21. PostDoc: Shanghai Jiaotong University, China
Contributed by: Weidong Zhang, wdzhang at sjtu.edu.cn

Postdoctoral position in Shanghai Jiaotong University, China

The Optimization & Control Engineering Research Center of Shanghai (in the
Department of Automation, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China) seeks to
fill 3 postdoctoral positions as soon as possible thereafter. We are
interested in candidates in broad areas of advanced control theory,
multi-agents, machine learning, pattern recognition, networked control
systems, etc.

Applied conditions as follows:
-PhD degree
-Experience in theory or engineering research
-Good communication skills in English or Chinese
-Strong work ethic and passion for research

Main tasks:
-To conduct original research
-Assist in writing proposals for new research and write reports for
existing research
-Supervision of student projects and thesis at both master and Ph.D levels

Salary and others:
-RMB 120-200k/year (approximately, 18-30kUSD)
-It is a 2 year position and can be extended to 5 years

Required documents
-Detailed curriculum vitae and list of publications;
-Names and contact information of three references.

For further information, please contact Prof. Dr. Weidong Zhang, Email:
wdzhang at sjtu.edu.cn, tel: +86-21-34204019. Address: Dongchuan Road 800,
Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200240, China.

8.22. PostDoc: Cornell University, USA
Contributed by: Mark Campbell, mark.campbell at cornell.edu

Postdoc positions in robotics, self-driving cars and sensor networks,
Cornell University

The Autonomous Systems Lab at Cornell University invites applications for
postdoctoral fellow positions in several areas of robotics, including
learning and perception in self-driving cars, distributed information
fusion for mobile sensor networks, and security of cyber-physical systems.
The focus will be on developing theory and algorithms, with validation via
our in-house experiments which include a self-driving car with a full array
of sensors and processing; a suite of 8 small robots with
lidar/vision/GPUs; and experiments with human-robot teams.

Applicants should have finished a PhD in Engineering or Computer Science or
a related field, and ideally have extensive experience in one or more of
the following: estimation/perception, probabilistic graphical models,
planning/optimization, and machine learning. The appointments are renewable
1-3 years postdoctoral fellowships, with a salary based on experience and
research interests. All hires will be working as a part of an
interdisciplinary team, typically with other university collaborators.

Applicants should email a single pdf file which contains: 1) a cover letter
with a summary of interests, 2) a full CV with publications, and 3) the
names and contact information for three references. Applications should be
emailed as a link or attachment to
mark.campbell at cornell.edu with the subject line "POSTDOC APPLICATION". The
positions will remain open until filled.

Cornell University, located in Ithaca, New York, is an inclusive, dynamic,
and innovative Ivy League university and New York's land-grant institution.
Its staff, faculty, and students impart an uncommon sense of larger purpose
and contribute creative ideas and best practices to further the
university's mission of teaching, research, and outreach. Diversity and
Inclusion are a part of Cornell University’s heritage. We are a recognized
employer and educator valuing AA/EEO, Protected Veterans, and Individuals
with Disabilities.

Professor Mark Campbell
S. C. Thomas Sze Director
John A. Mellowes '60 Professor
Sibley School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Cornell University

8.23. PostDoc: University of Chalmers, Sweden
Contributed by: Jonas Sjöberg, jonas.sjoberg at chalmers.se

Postdoctoral position in Optimal energy management in miscellaneous traffic

The energy management system (EMS) in vehicles controls the amount of
energy delivered or absorbed by the power-train components, including
decisions on acceleration, splitting power among components and engine
on/off and gear selection. This system is instrumental for minimizing
energy consumption and emissions of both electrified and automated
conventional vehicles. An active research on the EMS is the optimal control
of multiple buffers, including the chemical, electric, kinetic, potential
and thermal energy storage.

The main objective of this project is to build upon the optimization
methodology of previous studies, by developing an online implementable EMS
that minimizes fuel consumption and keeps a safe distance to surrounding
vehicles. The goal is to use model based optimization techniques that are
closely in line with the strong trend in vehicle industry to rely more on
mathematical models in the control design work, and to verify control
functions as far as possible in simulations. Particular attention will be
placed on the development of a model-based and cooperative predictive
controller with tractable in-vehicle (or cloud) computations, while taking
into consideration the surrounding traffic, which may consist of both
manually and self-driven vehicles. The focus will be kept on the
interaction with a slow moving leading vehicle, in a possibly hilly
terrain. In particular, for the case of a manually driven or
non-cooperative leading vehicle, this project will investigate the
scenarios of optimally approaching the leading vehicle and the potential
benefit from varying the distance to, or overtaking the leading vehicle. In
the case of a self-driven and cooperative leading vehicle, this project
will investigate the spontaneous merging into a platoon formation and
scenarios where it might be beneficial to split/leave the platoon.

The position is at the division of Systems and Control within the
Mechatronics group at Chalmers, where a team of PhD students, post-docs and
senior researchers is working on convex modeling and numerical optimization
of problems in the area of optimal energy management and autonomous
maneuvering/driving. The group is a part of the Department of Electrical
Engineering (E2), which to a large extent deals with the modeling and
development of efficient systems for extracting and processing information.
For more information on E2, see also www.chalmers.se/E2/.

Application deadline: 13 May2018

More information and application procedure at:

For questions, please contact:
Jonas Sjöberg, Systems and Control, jonas.sjoberg at chalmers.se, tel: +46 31
Nikolce Murgovski, Systems and Control, nikolce.murgovski at chalmers.se,
+46-31-772 4800

8.24. PostDoc: Aarhus University, Denmark
Contributed by: Erdal Kayacan, erdal at eng.au.dk

The Department of Engineering, Aarhus University, invites applicants for a
1-year postdoc position offering applicants an exciting opportunity to join
a new research project on advanced autonomy in aerial robotics.

We are looking for enthusiast a post doctoral researcher who wishes to
investigate embedded guidance, control and navigation problem of unmanned
aerial systems using artificial intelligence/machine learning methods with
emphasis on reinforcement learning, deep neural networks, learning controls
for robotics. Our aim is to leverage the current state-of-the-art autonomy
level towards more smarter robots which will learn and interact with their
environment, collaborate with people and other robots, plan their future
actions and execute the given task accurately.

The position is available from September 1, 2018 or as soon as possible

Job description
You are expected to contribute to [the aerial robotics laboratory
activities, e.g.:

Manage laboratory facilities and support research projects
Ensure processes and procedures are executed in compliance to the
University’s policy framework.
Code and develop novel UAV controllers, necessary interfaces for the
communication of the on-board computer with the ground stations.
Support to develop journal and conference articles.

Your profile
Applicants should hold a PhD in automatic control engineering, mechatronics
engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, computer
science or other related disciplines from reputable universities. The PhD
should have been completed within the last 5 years at most. Candidates, who
will complete and defend their PhD thesis by Summer 2018, are welcome.

The candidate should have:
Excellent verbal and writing skills in English with very good communication
Demonstrated ability to translate theory into practice,
A solid publication track record in peer-reviewed journals and conferences,
Concrete knowledge in C/C++,
Experience in aerial robotics,
A background in robotics, control theory and machine/deep learning would be
a distinct advantage,
Hands on experience in UAVs is a plus,
Experience of Robot Operating System (ROS) is a plus,
Demonstrated experience in team coordination and fund-raising is a plus.

About the Electrical and Computer Engineering Section
Electrical and computer engineering are closely related engineering
disciplines that focus on the development of hardware and software for
intelligent units and networks. This includes hardware at system and
component levels as well as many different types of software for
controlling electronic devices and networks.

The research areas within the Electrical and Computer Engineering Section
at Department of Engineering support the development within this area. The
outcome greatly influences our daily lives as advanced technologies are
incorporated into an increasing number of products, for example in
industrial processes, at hospitals and in information infrastructures.

Place of Work and area of Employment
The place of work is Aabogade 34, 8200 Aarhus N., Denmark, and the area of
employment is Aarhus University with related departments.

Contact information
Further information about the position may be obtained from Associate
Professor Erdal Kayacan,
erdal {at} eng.au.dk

Application procedure
Shortlisting is used. This means that after the deadline for applications
and with the assistance from the assessment committee chairman, and the
appointment committee if necessary, the head of department selects the
candidates to be evaluated. All applicants will be notified whether or not
their applications have been sent to an expert assessment committee for
evaluation. The selected applicants will be informed about the composition
of the committee, and each applicant is given the opportunity to comment on
the part of the assessment that concerns him/her self. Once the recruitment
process is completed a final letter of rejection is sent to the deselected
applicants, including the main considerations emphasized during the
selection process.

Formalities and salary range
Science and Technology refers to the Ministerial Order on the Appointment
of Academic Staff at Danish Universities under the Danish Ministry of
Science, Technology and Innovation.

The application must be in English and include a curriculum vitae, degree
certificate, a complete list of publications, a statement of future
research plans and information about research activities, teaching
portfolio and verified information on previous teaching experience (if
any). Guidelines for applicants can be found here.

Appointment shall be in accordance with the collective labour agreement
between the Danish Ministry of Finance and the Danish Confederation of
Professional Associations. Further information on qualification
requirements and job content may be found in the Memorandum on Job
Structure for Academic Staff at Danish Universities. Salary depends on
seniority as agreed between the Danish Ministry of Finance and the
Confederation of Professional Associations.

All interested candidates are encouraged to apply, regardless of their
personal background. Research activities will be evaluated in relation to
actual research time. Thus, we encourage applicants to specify periods of
leave without research activities, in order to be able to subtract these
periods from the span of the scientific career during the evaluation of
scientific productivity.

Aarhus University offers Relocation service to International researchers.
You can read more about it here.

Deadline: 31.05.2018

All applications must be made online and received by:

8.25. PostDoc: University of Texas at Dallas, USA
Contributed by: Mario Rotea, rotea at utdallas.edu

Open Research Associate Position in Optimization & Control of Wind Energy

The wind energy team at the University of Texas at Dallas seeks to fill a
postdoctoral research associate position in optimization and control of
wind energy systems. The successful candidate will be part of a team of
faculty members, graduate students and industry partners developing
methodology and new technologies to enhance the performance and reliability
of wind energy systems and their integration to the power grid. UT Dallas
is home to a site of WindSTAR, an NSF Industry/University Cooperative
Research Center for use-inspired R&D to advance wind energy science &

Ph.D. in Engineering or Computer Science required. Must be recent Ph.D.
graduate within the past three years. To apply for this position go to

For information about WindSTAR activities, members and outcomes see the
annual report at

For recent news on center outcomes see main banner at the NSF website

8.26. PostDoc: McGill University, Canada
Contributed by: Ahmad Haidar, ahmad.haidar at mcgill.ca

Position Title: Post-doc Researcher –Parameter Estimation and Filtering for
Continuous Glucose Sensors

The Department of Biomedical Engineering in the Faculty of Medicine at
McGill University is seeking outstanding candidates for a Postdoc position.
The successful candidate will develop a calibration algorithm (real-time
filtering, observer design, and parameter estimation) for a novel,
under-development, continuous glucose sensor. A disposable probe is
inserted under the skin, and generates continuous electrical current
proportional to the glucose concentrations in the interstitial liquid. The
probe is connected to a transmitter, which holds a calibration algorithm
that estimates plasma glucose levels using electric current signal and
intermittent capillary glucose values. Continuous glucose sensors are
currently used in clinical practice and form essential components of
artificial pancreas systems.

The successful candidate will design and optimize the calibration algorithm
using data collected in clinical experiments, and will consequently work
with our industrial partner on the real-time implementation of the
algorithm in the transmitter. This is a great opportunity for a highly
motivated applicant who wants to utilize their expertise in filtering
methods to tackle medical problems.

Our lab is highly multi-disciplinary and includes researchers with
backgrounds of endocrinology, control engineering, nutrition, pediatrics,
and computer science. Our department offers unique courses on intellectual
property, regulatory affairs, and clinical trials tailored specifically for
biomedical engineers who wish to pursue career in industry.

McGill University ranks 1st in Canada among medical-doctoral universities
(Maclean’s) and is Canada’s most international university. McGill is
located in the vibrant multicultural Montreal in the francophone province
of Quebec. Montreal is a city steeped in culture and is named the best
student city in the world (QS Ranking).

Desired Skills:
• Strong expertise in estimation algorithms, observers, Kalman filtering,
and parameter estimation methods.
• Strong programming skills.

Starting Date:
• As soon as possible.

Apply with your curriculum vitae to Prof. Ahmad Haidar (
ahmad.haidar at mcgill.ca).

Please refer to www.mcgill.ca/haidar for more information on our research
program. For information on registration instructions, rights and
responsibilities, and how to get a work permit if you're joining us from
abroad, please refer to http://www.mcgill.ca/gps/postdocs.

8.27. PostDoc/Engineer: Argonne National Laboratory, USA
Contributed by: Dominik Karbowski, dkarbowski at anl.gov

The Vehicle and Mobility Simulation group at Argonne National Laboratory
(near Chicago, USA) has an opening for an engineer/post-doc to research
energy efficiency in the context of new mobility forms, esp. Connected and
Automated Vehicles. Strong control background is encouraged, as eco-driving
and multi-vehicle coordination are major topics to be tackled.

To apply, please submit your application at
http://www.anl.gov/careers/apply-job/external-applicants (search for REQ.

8.28. Research Scientist: King Abdullah University of Science and
Technology, Saudi Arabia
Contributed by: Jeff Shamma, jeff.shamma at kaust.edu.sa

Research Scientist: King Abdullah University of Science and Technology

The Robotics, Intelligent Systems, and Control (RISC) lab at KAUST (
https://risc.kaust.edu.sa) is seeking a Research Scientist with a
background in areas such as distributed decision making and control, game
theory, and optimization, with particular interest in research experience
relevant to smart cities, e.g., renewable energy integration, urban
mobility, green buildings, etc.

The Research Scientist position involves conducting independent research as
well as working with post-doctoral researchers and graduate students.
Accordingly, the desired profile should have some experience following the
PhD degree.

Prospective applicants should contact Jeff Shamma (jeff.shamma at kaust.edu.sa)
with (i) a current CV; (ii) a brief statement of prior research experience
and future interests; and (iii) contact information for 3 references.

For more information about life at KAUST, please visit

8.29. Faculty: Polytechnique Montreal, Canada
Contributed by: Jerome Le Ny, jerome.le-ny at polymtl.ca

Position summary
Polytechnique Montreal is one of Canada’s leading engineering schools in
terms of its student population and the scope of its research activities
with more than 8,000 students and 1,000 employees. Polytechnique Montreal
is seeking applicants for a tenure-track faculty position with the
Department of Electrical Engineering, at the Assistant or Associate
Professor levels. This position falls within the application areas of the
Institute for Data Valorization (IVADO, https://ivado.ca/en/), an academic
initiative bringing together researchers form HEC Montréal, Polytechnique
Montréal and the Université de Montréal. The successful candidate will
receive support from IVADO and its members.

The collective agreement includes, among other benefits, specific
work-family balance accommodations and maternity, paternity and adoption
leave over and above the Québec Parental Insurance Plan (

Polytechnique Montréal applies an employment equity program and encourages
women, members of visible and ethnic minorities, Aboriginal peoples and
persons with disabilities to apply. Accommodation can be provided to
persons with disabilities based on their characteristics.

The Department of electrical engineering has 31 professors, one senior
lecturer, 26 support staff, many postdoctoral researchers, professional
researchers and research assistants, 413 undergraduate and 169 graduate
students. The department leads internationally-recognized research, in
close collaboration with industry, in several core areas such as:
automation and systems, biomedical engineering, power systems and networks,
microelectronics, telecommunications and microwaves, clustering and
recognition, machine learning, big data.

Major responsibilities
The successful candidate will be expected to carry out the basic duties of
this position with a dynamic and creative approach. In particular, he/she
- take part in teaching and in laboratory activities for undergraduate and
graduate courses in electrical engineering;
- supervise and lead graduate students;
- initiate and carry out leading-edge research projects;
- collaborate with research teams within Polytechnique Montreal and other
institutions, notably IVADO;
- develop and maintain collaborations with industry.

Area of expertise
The applicant will have to demonstrate a deep understanding of theoretical
and technological tools of data science, including optimization in and
estimation from big data, deep learning, reinforcement learning, support
vector machines, hidden Markov models, etc. and of their application to
areas connected to electrical engineering or systems theory. More
specifically, applications may fall within, but are not limited to, the
following areas:
- Cyberphysical systems, e.g., analysis of massive sensor data for anomaly
detection anomalies, system vulnerability and failure characterization;
data-driven learning of high performance control schemes; machine based
perception in robotics and autonomous systems.
- Electrical networks, e.g., data-based learning of the aggregate behavior
of renewable energy sources; anticipation of vulnerable system states and
data based learning and identification of corrective actions;
disaggregation of loads based on smart meter and substation provided data.
- Communications systems, e.g., machine learning for optimal usage of the
frequency spectrum in cognitive radio; learning of Internet traffic to
improve network structure and routing algorithms, to increase communication
speed and to decrease energy usage (Green Internet); data based speech and
signal processing.
- Medical image analysis using artificial intelligence and machine learning
algorithms, integration of genomic, proteomic, metabolomic data with
clinical image analysis, big data science applied to medical imaging, etc.

Start date: September 2018.

Essential qualifications
Applicants must hold a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering and a
doctorate (PhD) in a relevant field of expertise. The successful candidate
will be registered on the roll of the Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec (OIQ)
as an engineer, or take the necessary measures to be registered on the roll
of the OIQ as an engineer before applying for tenure. Relevant industry
experience is an asset. Although knowledge of French is not a prerequisite,
faculty are expected to be able to teach and work in French after 2 years
(and are provided with support to help them reach this objective).

Conditions of employment
This faculty position is tenure-track. Salary and benefits will be set in
accordance with the collective agreement. The collective agreement
includes, among other benefits, specific work-family balance accommodations
and maternity, paternity and adoption leave over and above the Québec
Parental Insurance Plan (http://www.rqap.gouv.qc.ca/).

Candidates should submit an application file that consists of a curriculum
vitae, a statement of teaching goals and research priorities, a roadmap for
integration of their activities into those of IVADO, records of teaching
effectiveness, official records of diplomas, the names of three references,
several examples of work relevant to the position and examples of recent
contributions. Applications must be sent by April 28th, at 5 PM, to the
following address:

Yves Goussard, Professor and Chairman
Department of Electrical Engineering
École Polytechnique
Case postale 6079, succursale Centre-ville
Montréal (Québec) H3C 3A7
E-mail: dge.sec-direction at polymtl.ca

This posting may be extended past April 28th. Examination of applications
will begin as soon as possible and continue until the position is filled.
Only candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.

We encourage all qualified candidates to apply; however, in accordance with
immigration requirements, Canadians and permanent residents will be given

8.30. Faculty: University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
Contributed by: SDU Mechatronic, jerome at mci.sdu.dk

Assistant professor position in applied AI and machine learning

Do you want to join SDU Mechatronics in our quest towards making
intelligent mechatronic systems? We are looking for a full-time assistant
professor in applied AI and machine learning. SDU Mechatronics, located in
Sønderborg, Denmark, is a young team of experts from different engineering
fields: mathematical modeling, control, embedded software, digital
manufacturing and cyber-physical systems. The competences we are looking
for include machine learning, artificial intelligence, with a strong
expertise on their application and implementation on mechatronic systems.
As our new colleague, you will take active part in research and teaching at
the University of Southern Denmark, ranked among the top 50 young
universities in the world.

Further information for international applicants about entering and working
in Denmark.

Further information about The Faculty of Engineering.

You can only apply for the position through our website

Your application must be registered in our system on the 15/05/2018 at
23.59.59 CET at the latest.

8.31. Faculty: MINES ParisTech, France
Contributed by: Nicolas Petit, nicolas.petit at mines-paristech.fr

Developing its research and teaching activities in the field of Automatic
Control, MINES ParisTech, member of PSL Research University, opens an
assistant professor position. This 3-years position (for an initial period
of one year, renewable twice) is aimed at a young researcher (man or
woman), who appreciates a multidisciplinary work combining fundamental
research and industrial applications. The successful candidate will take
part to the partnership research work of his/her team and contribute to
industrial and economic innovation. He/She will also have the opportunity
of defining a PhD subject during his/her first year at Centre Automatique
et Systèmes (CAS) that he/she will supervise together with a senior member
of the team who is officially accredited for such a task.

The position is to evolve into a permanent lecturer and researcher work
within 3 years in the framework of a Tenure Track procedure.

MINES ParisTech is a top-level engineering school in France. The school has
developed research and graduate education, in conjunction with industry and
academic partners. Within it, the Centre Automatique et Systèmes (CAS) is a
research laboratory specialized in automatic control theory. The research
developed at CAS is focused on industrial needs and is the subject of
scientific publications. CAS also provides courses for engineering Master
students and PhD students.

The laboratory wishes to strengthen its team of 8 researchers, based in
Paris and Fontainebleau, and is looking for a person capable of
contributing to the field of automatic control theory by developing
scientific research relevant to real-world applications.

The successful candidate is expected to have already proven his/her ability
to elaborate academic research in Automatic Control. He/she is expected to
develop an independent and creative research program devoted to his/her
topics, initiate an externally funded research program, and establish a
strong relationship with academic communities and technological companies.

CAS wants to strengthen his team in the field of nonlinear control theory,
and in particular in observer theory and output feedback theory. The
successful candidate will develop an independent and creative research
program devoted to these topics, supervise PhD students, publish in the
best journals and international conferences and be an active player in the
development of the center’s joint research activities.

Teaching activities
The successful candidate will be encouraged to set up or resume small
classes or courses that are part of the educational offer of MINES
ParisTech. The teacher may also be involved in the Common Core Teachings
and the Option (MAREVA) of his Department in the cycle "Civil Engineer" and
the cycle "Engineer Isupfere". He will also be able to intervene in the
modules of Generalist Engineer making use of the resources of the Centers
of the School. He will finally be able to tutor Acts of Undertaking. He
will participate in the selection and graduation of students in the cycles
that will appeal to him. He will supervise PhD students, students with Bac
+5 or Bac + 6 and engineering students. He will also be able to intervene
in the PSL courses. If necessary, it will contribute to the institution's
e-learning offer or to international replications of the School's courses
at its international partners, in both french and english. He will have to
prove an educational experience in the field of the job. He will assume his
share of the administrative work of organization of the lessons and the
industrial visits.

The ability to deliver English lessons or MOOCs is required. An experience
of digital education is a plus.

Special features of the candidate’s profile
At the time of the appointment, the applicant must have a doctoral degree
in Automatic Control or Applied Mathematics (nonlinear control theory,
observers theory, output feedback, stability and stabilization, normal
forms, differential geometry, adaptive control) or related subject. The
applicant must show interest for science and technology applied to industry
applications. As the position implies cooperation with international
partners, strong social skills as well as good knowledge of English
language are required. Post-doctoral experience in a foreign laboratory
would be an asset for this position.

The applicant will have to show his/her capacity to conduct research work
in a multidisciplinary context, together with an aptitude for teamwork. A
first experience in academic or industrial joint research would be

The position will evolve to a permanent position after 3 years for an
excellent candidate.

The application file should include:
• a cover letter;
• the candidate’s research project showing the connectivity with research
conducted at CAS ;
• a detailed CV;
• a list of research work and publications;
• if available, the review reports on the candidate’s doctoral thesis;
• possibly three reference letters directly sent to CAS from specialists
selected by the candidate. If not, the file will include at least the names
and contact details of three scientific leading figures who could be
contacted to give their opinion about the candidate’s work and abilities.

The file should be sent at the latest on October, 1st, 2018 at the
following address:

Centre Automatique et Systèmes – MINES ParisTech
60 bd St Michel - 75272 PARIS
to Nicolas PETIT and/or by e-mail to nicolas.petit at mines-paristech.fr

For any further information, please contact the human resources department
of MINES ParisTech, and/or Nicolas PETIT.

8.32. Faculty: Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Contributed by: Morten Breivik, morten.breivik at ntnu.no

The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU,
http://www.ntnu.edu/) hereby invites applications for a
professorship/associate professorship in Systems Engineering for Control
Applications, which is one out of two new complementary positions within
systems engineering being established at NTNU.

The position announced here will be affiliated with the Department of
Engineering Cybernetics (Institutt for teknisk kybernetikk, ITK –
http://www.ntnu.edu/itk) at NTNU’s Faculty of Information Technology and
Electrical Engineering in Trondheim, Norway. The other position is
affiliated with the Department of Electronic Systems. The successful
candidates are expected to jointly develop a world-leading research
community within systems engineering, together with existing faculty.

ITK has 25 professors, 17 adjunct professors, about 15 postdocs and
researchers as well as 70 PhD candidates. Approximately 160 candidates
graduate annually from the three MSc programs in cybernetics, which
comprise over 700 students in total. The department is involved in numerous
research projects and centers, including the Centre of Excellence for
Autonomous Marine Operations and Systems (NTNU AMOS,

Relevant control applications include unmanned aerial systems, autonomous
marine vessels, small satellite systems, underwater robots and other
cyber-physical systems. In this context, systems engineering provides a
holistic view on issues such as mission and requirements analysis,
system/HW/SW architecture, functional design, modelling and simulation,
system integration, regulatory frameworks, certification, safety,
reliability, verification, environmental factors (temperature, pressure,
humidity, mechanics and vibrations, emissions, radiation, etc.),
electromagnetic compatibility, energy management, packaging, documentation
and quality management.

Relevant areas of expertise include:
• Optimization, systems and control theory
• Modelling and simulation of dynamics
• Sensor and navigation systems
• Autonomous systems, robotics and artificial intelligence
• Aerospace engineering
• Safety and reliability engineering
• Industrial computer systems
• Industrial electronics and EMC
• Embedded and real-time software engineering
• Human-machine interaction
• Design thinking and user centered design

Research activities are expected to have a strong international profile and
impact, with a long-term perspective and to be concentrated around basic
challenges and enabling technologies with relevance and importance for
applications and industry.

The department has strong relationships with Norwegian and international
industry, with numerous joint research projects including applications in
the maritime, offshore, energy, process, aquaculture and medical industries.

The research activities at the department rely significantly on external
funding, and the development of educational programs may also receive
external funding. The successful applicant is expected to work actively to
obtain research grants and other external funding from the Research Council
of Norway, European research and educational agencies, relevant industry
and other available sources.

The candidate will join a research community at ITK which was rated
"excellent from an international perspective" in the Norwegian Research
Council’s evaluation of 53 ICT communities in Norway in 2012, as one of
only three ICT communities to receive such a rating in the Norwegian
university and college sector. Currently, two of ITK’s professors are IEEE

The full announcement can be found at
with application deadline on Friday June 1.

About NTNU, Trondheim and Norway:

- About NTNU: http://www.ntnu.edu/
- NTNU Facts and Figures: http://www.ntnu.edu/facts
- NTNU International Researcher Support: http://www.ntnu.edu/nirs
- About Trondheim: https://trondheim.com/
- About Norway: https://www.visitnorway.com/about/
- Working in Norway: https://www.nav.no/workinnorway/en/Home
- Practical info about Norway:

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