[eletter] eletter 355
Jianghai Hu
jianghai.hu at gmail.com
Sat Mar 3 10:44:24 EST 2018
E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing
Issue 355
March 2018
Jianghai Hu
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Purdue University
465 Northwestern Ave.
West Lafayette, IN, 47907
Tel: +1 (765) 4962395
Fax: +1 (765) 4943371
Welcome to the 355 issue of the E-letter, available electronically at
together with its pdf version
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And, as always, search for .** to navigate to the next item in the Eletter.
The next E-letter will be mailed out at the beginning of April 2018.
1. IEEE CSS Headlines
1.1 CFP: CSS Outreach Fund
1.2 CFP: IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
1.3 CFP: IEEE Control Systems Letters
1.4 IEEE Control Systems Society Technically Cosponsored Conferences
1.5 IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
1.6 IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
1.7 IEEE Control Systems Society Publications Content Digest
2.1 Online Seminar: “Nonlinear Observers Robust to Measurement Noise and
Their Applications in Control and Synchronization”
2.2 LCCC Focus Period on “Learning and Adaptation for Sensorimotor Control”
2.3 Canceled: Second American MPC Summer School 2018
3. Books
3.1 Scalar, Vector, and Matrix Mathematics, Theory, Facts, and Formulas
3.2 Modeling of Dynamic Systems
4. Journals
4.1 Contents: Automatica
4.2 Contents: Systems & Control Letters
4.3 Contents: European Journal of Control
4.4 Contents: IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica
4.5 Contents: Asian Journal of Control
4.6 Contents: Applied and Computational Mathematics an International Journal
4.7 Contents: IET Control Theory & Applications
4.8 Contents: International Journal of Control
4.9 Contents: Control Engineering Practice
4.10 Contents: Mechatronics
4.11 Contents: Journal of Process Control
4.12 Contents: Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
4.13 Contents: Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems
4.14 Contents: ISA Transactions
4.15 Contents: Journal of the Franklin Institute
4.16 Contents: Evolution Equations and Control Theory
4.17 CFP: European Journal of Control
5. Conferences
5.1 IFAC Conference on Cyber-Physical & Human Systems
5.2 International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and
5.3 International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing
5.4 International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems
5.5 ASME 2018 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference
5.6 Call for Workshop Proposals: ASME 2018 Dynamic System and Control
5.7 World Congress: Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and
5.8 Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing
5.9 International Conference on Systems and Control
5.10 International Symposium on Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems
5.11 IFAC International Conference on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control
5.12 IFAC Conference on Analysis and Control of Chaotic Systems
5.13 IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design and Workshop on Linear
Parameter Varying Systems
5.14 CEAS Conference on Guidance, Navigation and Control
5.15 IFAC Workshop on Distributed Estimation and Control in Networked
6. Positions
6.1 PhD: CEA LIST, France
6.2 PhD: University of Louisiana at Lafayette, USA
6.3 PhD: Aarhus University, Denmark
6.4 PhD: Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
6.5 PhD: University of Cambridge, UK
6.6 PhD/PostDoc: Paderborn University, Germany
6.7 PhD/PostDoc: University of Melbourne, Australia
6.8 PhD/PostDoc: KULeuven/VUB/UCL/UMons, Belgium
6.9 Researcher: University of Warwick, UK
6.10 Researcher: University of Klagenfurt, Austria
6.11 Researcher: University of Klagenfurt, Austria
6.12 PostDoc: Texas A&M University, USA
6.13 PostDoc: Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
6.14 PostDoc: Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands.
6.15 PostDoc: Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
6.16 PostDoc: University of Pennsylvania, USA
6.17 PostDoc: University of Pennsylvania, USA
6.18 PostDoc: University of New Mexico, USA
6.19 PostDoc: University of Groningen, The Netherlands
6.20 PostDoc: University of Texas at Dallas, USA
6.21 PostDoc/Visiting Researcher: Huazhong University of Science &
Technology, China
6.22 Faculty: University College Dublin, Ireland
6.23 Faculty: University of Oxford, UK
6.24 Faculty: Zhejiang University of Technology, China
6.25 Faculty: OVGU Magdeburg, Germany
6.26 Faculty: University of Tehran, Iran
6.27 Curriculum Development Director: Vin University, Vietnam
6.28 Research Scientist: Bosch Center for Artificial Intelligence, Germany
1. IEEE CSS Headlines
1.1. CFP: CSS Outreach Fund
Contributed by: Daniel E. Rivera, daniel.rivera at asu.edu
The IEEE Control Systems Society (CSS) Outreach Fund provides grants for
projects that will benefit CSS members and the controls community in
general. Since its inception in 2011, the Fund has made 60 grants on
behalf of a diverse group of CSS member-led activities.
The CSS Outreach Task Force is pleased to announce that the window for
proposal submission for its 2018 spring solicitation will be held from May
1 to 25, 2018. Information regarding the program, which includes proposal
requirements and descriptions of current and past funded projects, can be
found in:
Potential applicants are encouraged to watch a 10-minute video describing
the CSS Outreach Fund that is available from IEEE.tv:
Inquiries, notices of intent, and requests for application forms must be
made directly to Daniel E. Rivera, Outreach Task Force Chair, at
daniel.rivera at asu.edu.
1.2. CFP: IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
Contributed by: Sergio Galeani, sergio.galeani at uniroma2.it
The 57th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control will be held Monday
through Wednesday, December 17-19, 2018 at the Fontainebleau in Miami
Beach, FL, USA. The conference will be preceded by technical workshops on
Sunday, December 16, 2018.
The CDC is recognized as the premier scientific and engineering conference
dedicated to the advancement of the theory and practice of systems and
control. The CDC annually brings together an international community of
researchers and practitioners in the field of automatic control to discuss
new research results, perspectives on future developments, and innovative
applications relevant to decision making, systems and control, and related
The IEEE CDC is hosted by the IEEE Control Systems Society (CSS) in
cooperation with the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM),
the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences
(INFORMS), the Japanese Society for Instrument and Control Engineers
(SICE), and the EUropean Control Association (EUCA).
The 2018 CDC will feature contributed and invited papers, as well as
tutorial sessions and workshops.
Aside from the technical sessions, the 2018 CDC will feature the Bode
Lecture and four semi-plenary lectures.
The Bode Lecture will be presented by Prof. Mark Spong, from the University
of Texas, Dallas.
The Semi-Plenary speakers will be:
- Maurice Heemels, Eindhoven University of Technology;
- Sean Meyn, University of Florida;
- Yasamin Mostofi, University of California, Santa Barbara;
- Rodolphe Sepulchre, University of Cambridge.
Important deadlines:
- Invited Session Proposals Due: March 10
- Initial Paper Submissions Due: March 20
- Workshop Proposals Due: May 1
Further details can be found at the CDC2018 website:
1.3. CFP: IEEE Control Systems Letters
Contributed by: Francesca Bettini, bettini at dei.unipd.it
Call for submissions to L-CSS Special Issue:
“Control and Network Theory for Biological Systems”.
The L-CSS invites submissions for a special issue on “Control and Network
Theory for Biological Systems” (to be included, tentatively, in the January
2019 issue of L-CSS).
Authors are invited to submit six-page manuscripts for review on this
topic. The deadline for initial submissions is: *** May 31, 2018 ***.
Submission instructions can be found in the L-CSS website at
Guest Editors:
- Murat Arcak, University of California at Berkeley, USA
- Franco Blanchini, UniversitaÕ degli Studi di Udine, Italy
- Mathukumalli Vidyasagar, IIT Hyderabad, India and University of Texas at
Dallas, USA
This special issue intends to collect new ideas and contributions at the
frontiers of the field of control and network theory for biological systems.
The primary aspect of any contribution should be novelty and originality.
Also, the results should be presented in a mathematical language, according
to the L-CSS standard.
Specific topics of interest for this special issue include, but are not
limited to:
- systems biology: analysis of biochemical reaction networks, gene
regulatory networks, molecular systems and cell systems;
- stability, robustness, dynamic and steady-state behavior of biological
- modeling and identification of biological networks;
- graph-theoretical approaches for biological networks;
- stochastic models in biology:
- synthetic biology: design of biological feedback control systems de novo;
- analysis of ecological systems and strategies for ecosystem management;
- dynamics of epidemics, infections and contagion;
- design of optimal therapies for diseases and smart drug delivery.
A manuscript submitted to the special issue should be six pages long in the
journal format (style files are available on PaperPlaza), which is a strict
The contribution may also be accompanied by supplementary material, as is
customary in biology journals (up to 9 additional pages are possible).
However, the value of the submission shall be decided based only the main
paper, which must be self-contained.
The supplement is intended to present complementary information, such as
simulations, videos, figures, or examples, but not, for instance, theorem
proofs or definitions. Some mathematical background can be added to the
supplement, for the reader’s convenience, if it is already existing in the
According to the L-CSS policy, the final decision will be made within two
rounds of reviewing with no exceptions. The final decision will be reached
no later than 5 months from the initial submission deadline.
1.4. IEEE Control Systems Society Technically Cosponsored Conferences
Contributed by: Luca Zaccarian, CSS AE Conferences, zaccarian at laas.fr
The following conferences have been recently included in the list of events
technically cosponsored by the IEEE Control Systems Society:
- 18th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS
2018). PyeongChang, South Korea. Oct 17 - Oct 20, 2018.
- 2nd IFAC Conference on Cyber-Physical and Human Systems. Miami (FL),
United States. Dec 14 - Dec 15, 2018. http://www.cphs2018.org/
- 37th Chinese Control Conference (CCC2018), Wuhan, China. Jul 25 - Jul 27,
2018. http://ccc2018.cug.edu.cn/English/Home.htm
- 22nd International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing
(ICSTCC 2018), Sinaia, Romania. Oct 10 - Oct 12, 2018.
- 23rd International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and
Robotics (MMAR 2018), Miedzyzdroje, Poland. Aug 27 - Aug 30, 2018.
For a full listing of CSS technically cosponsored conferences, please visit
http://ieeecss.org/conferences/technically-cosponsored and for a list of
the upcoming and past CSS main conferences please visit
1.5. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
Contributed by: Alessandro Astolfi, ieeetac at imperial.ac.uk
Table of Contents
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
Volume 63 (2018), Issue 1 (January)
A New Beginning Within a Solid Tradition, A. Astolfi, p. 1
Scanning the Issue, p. 3
- Distributed Linearized Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers for
Composite Convex Consensus Optimization, N. S. Aybat, Z. Wang, T. Lin, S.
Ma, p. 5
- Stability of Switched Systems on Randomly Switching Durations with Random
Interaction Matrices, Y. Guo, W. Lin, G. Chen, p. 21
- LQG Control with Minimum Directed Information: Semidefinite Programming
Approach, T. Tanaka, P. Mohajerin Esfahani, S. K. Mitter, p. 37
- Bregman Storage Functions for Microgrid Control, C. De Persis, N.
Monshizadeh, p. 53
- Realization Theory for a Class of Stochastic Bilinear Systems, M.
Petreczky, R. Vidal, p. 69
- Infinite Horizon Optimal Transmission Power Control for Remote State
Estimation over Fading Channels, X. Ren, J. Wu, K. H. Johansson, G. Shi, L.
Shi, p. 85
- Distributed Partitioning Algorithms for Locational Optimization of
Multi-Agent Networks in SE(2), E. Bakolas, p. 101
- Optimal Synchronization of Heterogeneous Nonlinear Systems with Unknown
Dynamics, H. Modares, F. L. Lewis, W. Kang, A. Davoudi, p. 117
- Communication Preserving Min-Max Time Consensus Tracking, A. K. Mulla, D.
Chakraborty, p. 132
- Differentially Private MIMO Filtering for Event Streams, J. Le Ny, M.
Mohammady, p. 145
- Algebraic Certificates of (Semi-)Definiteness for Polynomials over Fields
Containing the Rationals, L. Menini, C. Possieri, A. Tornambe, p. 158
- Riccati-Based Design of Event-Triggered Controllers for Linear Systems
with Delays, D. P. Borgers, V. S. Dolk, W.P.M.H. Heemels, p. 174
Technical Notes and Correspondence
- Braking Control in Railway Vehicles: A Distributed Preview Approach, B.
Picasso, D. Caporale, P. Colaneri, p. 189
- Mode-Target Games: Reactive Synthesis for Control Applications, A.
Balkan, M. Vardi, P. Tabuada, p. 196
- Finite Frequency H-infinity Deconvolution with Application to
Approximated Bandlimited Signal Recovery, H. Gao, X. Li, J. Qiu, p. 203
- A Novel Extended State Observer for Output Tracking of MIMO Systems with
Mismatched Uncertainty, Z-L. Zhao, B-Z. Guo, p. 211
- SMC Design for Robust Stabilization of Nonlinear Markovian Jump Singular
Systems, Y. Wang, Y. Xia, H. Shen, P. Zhou, p. 219
- Stability of Linear Systems with Time-Varying Delays using
Bessel-Legendre Inequalities, A. Seuret, F. Gouaisbaut, p. 225
- Input-to-State Stability and Inverse Optimality of Linear
Time-Varying-Delay Predictor Feedbacks, X. Cai, N. Bekiaris-Liberis, M.
Krstic, p. 233
- Least Square Estimation-Based SDP Cuts for SOCP Relaxation of AC OPF, Z.
Miao, L. Fan, H. Ghassempour Aghamolki, B. Zeng, p. 241
- Complexity of Infimal Observable Superlanguages, T. Masopust, p. 249
- Backstepping Design for Incremental Stability of Stochastic Hamiltonian
Systems with Jumps, P. Jagtap, M. Zamani, p. 255
- A Finite Convergence Criterion for the Discounted Optimal Control of
Stochastic Logical Networks, T. Shen, Y. Wu, p. 262
- Distributed Event-Based State Estimation for Networked Systems: An
LMI-Approach, M. Muehlebach, S. Trimpe, p. 269
- A Modified Frequency Domain Condition for the Physical Realizability of
Linear Quantum Stochastic Systems, A. Khodaparastsichani, I. R. Petersen,
p. 277
- Combined MRAC for Unknown MIMO LTI Systems with Parameter Convergence, S.
Basu Roy, S. Bhasin, I. N. Kar, p. 283
- Stability Analysis of Nonlinear Time-Delay Systems using a Novel
Piecewise Positive Systems Method, T. N. Phan, H. Trinh, P. N. Pathirana,
V. N. Phat, p. 291
- Disturbance Compensation with Finite Spectrum Assignment for Plants with
Input Delay, I. Furtat, E. Fridman, A. Fradkov, p. 298
- Sufficient Stability Conditions of Nonlinear Differential Systems Under
Impulsive Control with State-Dependent Delay, X. Li, J. Wu, p. 306
Table of Contents
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
Volume 63 (2018), Issue 2 (February)
Scanning the Issue, p. 313
- Sensor Choice for Minimum Error Variance Estimation, M. Zhang, K. Morris,
p. 315
- The Kalman Decomposition for Linear Quantum Systems, G. Zhang, S.
Grivopoulos, I. R. Petersen, J. E. Gough, p. 331
- Source Localization by a Binary Sensor Network in the Presence of
Imperfection, Noise and Outliers, E-W. Bai, p. 347
- Distributed Computation of Equilibria in Misspecified Convex Stochastic
Nash Games, H. Jiang, U. V. Shanbhag, S. P. Meyn, p. 360
- Asynchronous Distributed Algorithms for Solving Linear Algebraic
Equations, J. Liu, S. Mou, A. S. Morse, p. 372
- Causality Countermeasures for Anomaly Detection in Cyber-Physical
Systems, D. Shi, Z. Guo, K. H. Johansson, L. Shi, p. 386
- Spectral Conditions for Stability and Stabilization of Positive
Equilibria for a Class of Nonlinear Cooperative Systems, P. Ugo Abara, F.
Ticozzi, C. Altafini, p. 402
- Distributed Active State Estimation with User-Specified Accuracy, C.
Freundlich, S. Lee, M. M. Zavlanos, p. 418
- Convergence of Asynchronous Distributed Gradient Methods over Stochastic
Networks, J. Xu, S. Zhu, Y. C. Soh, L. Xie, p. 434
- Taming Mismatches in Inter-Agent Distances for the Formation-Motion
Control of Second-Order Agents, H. Garcia de Marina, B. Jayawardhana, M.
Cao, p. 449
- A Comparative Study of Input-Output Stability Results, L. J. Bridgeman,
J. R. Forbes, p. 463
- Production Control to Reduce Starvation in a Partially Flexible
Production-Inventory System, C. Zhao, N. Kang, J. Li, J. A. Horst, p. 477
Technical Notes and Correspondence
- Consensus of Discrete-Time Linear Multi-Agent Systems With Communication,
Input and Output Delays, X. Xu, . Liu, G. Feng, p. 492
- Discrete-Time Predictor Feedback for Consensus of Multi-Agent Systems
with Delays, A. Ponomarev, Z. Chen, H-T. Zhang, p. 498
- Structure Preserving H^2 Optimal Model Reduction Based on Riemannian
Trust-Region Method, K. Sato, H. Sato, p. 505
- Sparsity of Linear Discrete-Time Optimal Control Problems with l1
Objectives, C. V. Rao, p. 513
- The K-P Problem on Tensor Products of Lie Groups and Time Optimal Control
of n Quantum Bits With A Bounded Field, F. Albertini, D. D'Alessandro, p.
- A Numerically Stable Solver for Positive Semi-Definite Quadratic Programs
Based on Nonnegative Least Squares, A. Bemporad, p. 525
- A Randomized Algorithm for Parsimonious Model Identification, B. Yilmaz,
K. Bekiroglu, C. M. Lagoa, M. Sznaier, p. 532
- Structural Analysis and Optimal Design of Distributed System Throttlers,
M. Siami, J. Skaf, p. 540
- Cooperative Output Regulation of Linear Multi-Agent Systems by
Intermittent Communication: A Unified Framework of Time- and
Event-Triggering Strategies, W. Hu, L. Liu, G. Feng, p. 548
- Robust Stability Analysis and State Feedback Synthesis for Discrete-Time
Systems Characterized by Random Polytopes, Y. Hosoe, T. Hagiwara, D.
Peaucelle, p. 556
- Fixed-Time Consensus Tracking for Multi-Agent Systems with High-Order
Integrator Dynamics, Z. Zuo, B. Tian, M. Defoort, Z. Ding, p. 563
- Output-Feedback Lyapunov-based Predictive Control of Stochastic Nonlinear
Systems, T. Homer, P. Mhaskar, p. 571
- A Characterization of Integral ISS for Switched and Time-varying Systems,
H. Haimovich, J. L. Mancilla-Aguilar, p. 578
- Recursive Spectral Meta-Learner for Online Combining Different Fault
Classifiers, M. Chen, J. Shang, p. 586
- A Novel Adaptive Kalman Filter with Inaccurate Process and Measurement
Noise Covariance Matrices, Y. Huang, Y. Zhang, Z. Wu, N. Li, J. Chambers,
p. 594
- Complexity of Verifying Nonblockingness in Modular Supervisory Control,
T. Masopust, p. 602
- Event-Based Model Predictive Tracking Control of Nonholonomic Systems
with Coupled Input Constraint and Bounded Disturbances, Z. Sun, L. Dai, Y.
Xia, K. Liu, p. 608
1.6. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Contributed by: Michelle Colasanti, ieeetcst at osu.edu
Table of Contents
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Volume 26 (2018), Issue 2 (March)
2017 IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology Outstanding Paper
Award, page 381
- Exhaust Pressure Estimation for Diesel Engines Equipped With Dual-Loop
EGR and VGT, S. Kim, H. Jin, and S. B. Choi, page 382
- Online Energy Maximization of an Airborne Wind Energy Turbine in
Simulated Periodic Flight, M. Kehs, C. Vermillion, and H. Fathy. page 393
- Nonlinear Model-Based Tracking Control of Underwater Vehicles With Three
Degree-of-Freedom Fully Coupled Dynamical Plant Models: Theory and
Experimental Evaluation, S. C. Martin and L. L. Whitcomb, page 404
- Dependability Analysis of Safety Critical Real-Time Systems by Using
Petri Nets, L. K. Singh and H. Rajput, page 415
- Complex Process Monitoring Using KUCA With Application to Treatment of
Waste Liquor, Y. Zhang and Q. Jia, page 427
- An Adaptive Online Co-Search Method With Distributed Samples for Dynamic
Target Tracking, F. Li, M. Zhou, and Y. Ding, page 439
- Resilient Corner-Based Vehicle Velocity Estimation, M. Pirani, E.
Hashemi, A. Khajepour, B. Fidan, A. Kasaiezadeh, S.-K. Chen, and B.
Litkouhi, page 452
- Unit Prediction Horizon Binary Search-Based Model Predictive Control of
Full-Bridge DC–DC Converter, J. Saeed and A. Hasan, page 463
- Robust Optimal Dispatch, Secondary, and Primary Reserve Allocation for
Power Systems With Uncertain Load and Generation, U. Münz, A. Mešanovic ́,
M. Metzger, and P. Wolfrum, page 475
- Transmission of Signal Nonsmoothness and Transient Improvement in Add-On
Servo Control, T. Jiang and X. Chen, page 486
- Bayesian Inference in Non-Markovian State-Space Models With Applications
to Battery Fractional-Order Systems, P. E. Jacob, S. M. M. Alavi, A. Mahdi,
S. J. Payne, and D. A. Howey, page 497
- Real-Time Optimizing Control of an Experimental Crosswind Power Kite, S.
Costello, G. François, and D. Bonvin, page 507
- Scheduled Controller Design for Systems With Varying Sensor
Configurations: A Frequency-Domain Approach, R. van der Weijst, B. van
Loon, M. Heertjes, and M. Heemels, page 523
- Event-Based Power/Performance-Aware Thermal Management for High-Density
Microprocessors, A. Leva, F. Terraneo, I. Giacomello, and W. Fornaciari,
page 535
- GPU-Accelerated Stochastic Predictive Control of Drinking Water Networks,
A. K. Sampathirao, P. Sopasakis, A. Bemporad, and P. Patrinos, page 551
- Multicopter With Series Connected Propeller Drives, F. Bauer, C. M.
Hackl, K. M. Smedley, and R. M. Kennel, page 563
- Prototyping of Concurrent Control Systems With Application of Petri Nets
and Comparability Graphs, R. Wis ́niewski, A. Karatkevich, M. Adamski, A.
Costa, and L. Gomes, page 575
- Sliding Mode Control of Underground Coal Gasification Energy Conversion
Process, A. Uppal, Y. M. Alsmadi, V. I. Utkin, A. I. Bhatti, and S. A.
Khan, page 587
- Energy Storage Operation for Voltage Control in Distribution Networks: A
Receding Horizon Approach, D. Zarrilli, A. Giannitrapani, S. Paoletti, and
A. Vicino, page 599
- Adaptive Proportional–Integral Clock Synchronization in Wireless Sensor
Networks, K. S. Yildirim, R. Carli, and L. Schenato, page 610
- Locomotion Control and Gait Planning of a Novel Hexapod Robot Using
Biomimetic Neurons, G. Zhong, L. Chen, Z. Jiao, J. Li, and H. Deng, page 624
- Frequency-Domain Analysis of Robust Monotonic Convergence of Norm-Optimal
Iterative Learning Control, X. Ge, J. L. Stein, and T. Ersal, page 637
- D-Type ILC Based Dynamic Modeling and Norm Optimal ILC for High-Speed
Trains, Q. Yu, Z. Hou, and J.-X. Xu, page 652
- Structured Modeling and Control of Adaptive Optics Systems, C. Yu and M.
Verhaegen, page 664
- A Double Disturbance Observer Design for Compensation of Unknown Time
Delay in a Wireless Motion Control System, W. Zhang, M. Tomizuka, P. Wu,
Y.-H. Wei, Q. Leng, S. Han, and A. K. Mok, page 675
- Disturbance Observer-Based Robust Saturated Control for Spacecraft
Proximity Maneuvers, L. Sun and Z. Zheng, page 684
- Adaptive Control of a Flexible String System With Input Hysteresis, W. He
and T. Meng, page 693
- Nonlinear Adaptive Fault-Tolerant Quadrotor Altitude and Attitude
Tracking With Multiple Actuator Faults, R. C. Avram, X. Zhang, and J. Muse,
page 701
- Optimal Swing Up and Stabilization Control for Inverted Pendulum via
Stable Manifold Method, T. Horibe and N. Sakamoto, page 708
- Dynamic Magnetometer Calibration and Alignment to Inertial Sensors by
Kalman Filtering, Y. Wu, D. Zou, P. Liu, and W. Yu, page 716
- Adaptive Reference Model Predictive Control With Improved Performance for
Voltage-Source Inverters, Y. Yang, S.-C. Tan, and S. Y. R. Hui, page 724
- Adaptive Near-Optimal Compensation in Lossy Polyphase Power Systems, H.
Lev-Ari, R. D. Hernández, A. M. Stankovic ́, and E. A. Marengo, page 732
- Antiswing Control of Offshore Boom Cranes With Ship Roll Disturbances, B.
Lu, Y. Fang, N. Sun, and X. Wang, page 740
- Controller Design of an Electric Power Steering System, D. Lee, K.-S.
Kim, and S. Kim, page 748
- Fault-Tolerant Cooperative Control Design of Multiple Wheeled Mobile
Robots, M. A. Kamel, X. Yu, and Y. Zhang, page 756
- Lyapunov Estimator for High-Speed Demodulation in Dynamic Mode Atomic
Force Microscopy, M. R. P. Ragazzon, M. G. Ruppert, D. M. Harcombe, A. J.
Fleming, and J. T. Gravdahl, page 765
1.7. IEEE Control Systems Society Publications Content Digest
Contributed by: Elizabeth Kovacs, ekovacs2 at nd.edu
The IEEE Control Systems Society Publications Content Digest is a novel and
convenient guide that helps readers keep track of the latest published
The CSS Publications Content Digest, available at
http://ieeecss.org/publications-content-digest provides lists of current
tables of contents of the periodicals sponsored by the Control Systems
Each issue offers readers a rapid means to survey and access the latest
peer-reviewed papers of the IEEE Control Systems Society. We also include
links to the Society’s sponsored Conferences to give readers a preview of
upcoming meetings.
2.1. Online Seminar: “Nonlinear Observers Robust to Measurement Noise and
Their Applications in Control and Synchronization”
Contributed by: Tansel Yucelen, yucelen at usf.edu
Online Seminar by Dr. Daniel Liberzon - 12:00 PM Eastern Time, March 23,
USF Forum on Robotics & Control Engineering (USF FoRCE,
http://force.eng.usf.edu/) will host Dr. Daniel Liberzon on March 23, 2018
at 12:00 PM Eastern Time. Specifically, Dr. Liberzon will give an online
seminar titled "Nonlinear Observers Robust to Measurement Errors and Their
Applications in Control and Synchronization" (abstract and biography of the
speaker are included below). We hope that you will make plans to
participate on this free online seminar. Here is the WebEx information
needed to connect to this online seminar:
WebEx direct link:
WebEx indirect link: https://force.my.webex.com/force.my (use 623 414 799
for the meeting number and bNXPddCn for the password)
WebEx phone link: +1-510-338-9438 USA Toll (global call-in numbers:
The mission of the USF FoRCE is simple: Provide free, high-quality outreach
events and online seminars to reach broader robotics and control
engineering communities around the globe. To support our mission, we
periodically invite distinguished lecturers to the USF FoRCE to give talks
on recent research and/or education results related to robotics and control
engineering. As a consequence, the USF FoRCE aims in connecting
academicians and government/industry researchers/practitioners with each
other through crosscutting basic and applied research and education
discussions. We cordially hope that you will enjoy the USF FoRCE events and
find them highly-valuable to your own research and education interests.
In the remaining period of Spring 2018, other USF FoRCE speakers will
include Drs. Ilya Kolmanovsky and Hassan Khalil. Visit
http://force.eng.usf.edu/ for more information and to access previously
recorded events. For any questions, email the USF FoRCE director, Dr.
Tansel Yucelen (yucelen at usf.edu).
Title: Nonlinear Observers Robust to Measurement Noise and Their
Applications in Control and Synchronization (Dr. Daniel Liberzon, 12:00 PM
Eastern Time, 03/23/2018)
Abstract: In this talk we address the problem of designing nonlinear
observers that possess robustness to output measurement errors. To this
end, we introduce a novel concept of quasi-Disturbance-to-Error Stable
(qDES) observer. In essence, an observer is qDES if its error dynamics are
input-to-state stable (ISS) with respect to the disturbance as long as the
plant's input and state remain bounded. We develop Lyapunov-based
sufficient conditions for checking the qDES property for both full-order
and reduced-order observers. This relates to a novel "asymptotic ratio"
characterization of ISS which is of interest in its own right. When
combined with a state feedback law robust to state estimation errors in the
ISS sense, a qDES observer can be used to achieve output feedback control
design with robustness to measurement disturbances. As an application of
this idea, we treat a problem of stabilization by quantized output
feedback. Applications to synchronization of electric power generators and
of chaotic systems in the presence of measurement errors will also be
Biography: Daniel Liberzon was born in the former Soviet Union in 1973. He
did his undergraduate studies in the Department of Mechanics and
Mathematics at Moscow State University from 1989 to 1993. In 1993 he moved
to the United States to pursue graduate studies in mathematics at Brandeis
University, where he received the Ph.D. degree in 1998 (supervised by Prof.
Roger W. Brockett of Harvard University). Following a postdoctoral position
in the Department of Electrical Engineering at Yale University from 1998 to
2000 (with Prof. A. Stephen Morse), he joined the University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign, where he is now a professor in the Electrical and
Computer Engineering Department and the Coordinated Science Laboratory. His
research interests include nonlinear control theory, switched and hybrid
dynamical systems, control with limited information, and uncertain and
stochastic systems. He is the author of the books "Switching in Systems and
Control" (Birkhauser, 2003) and "Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control
Theory: A Concise Introduction" (Princeton Univ. Press, 2012). His work has
received several recognitions, including the 2002 IFAC Young Author Prize
and the 2007 Donald P. Eckman Award. He delivered a plenary lecture at the
2008 American Control Conference. He is a fellow of IEEE and IFAC, and an
Editor for Automatica (nonlinear systems and control area).
2.2. LCCC Focus Period on “Learning and Adaptation for Sensorimotor Control”
Contributed by: Anders Rantzer, rantzer at control.lth.se
LCCC Focus Period on “Learning and Adaptation for Sensorimotor Control”
The LCCC Linnaeus center - Lund Center for Control of Complex engineering
systems is announcing a Focus Period on "Learning and Adaptation for
Sensorimotor Control" from October 8 to November 9, 2018 with a workshop in
the middle. Confirmed invited speakers include Francesca Cacucci (UK),
Marie Csete (USA), Ondrej Chum (Czech Republic), Mathew Diamond (Italy),
John Doyle (USA), Auke Ijspeert (Switzerland), Henrik Jörntell (Sweden),
Hedvig Kjellström Sidenbladh (Sweden), Per Petersson, (Sweden), Ben Recht
(USA), Angela Schoelling (Canada), Terrence Sejnowski (USA), Patrick van
der Smagt (Germany), Stefano Soatto (USA), Csaba Szevesvari (USA), Paul
Verschure (Spain), René Vidal (USA), CI de Zeeuw (The Netherlands).
The aim of the focus period is to bring together leading researchers from
different communities to create cross-fertilization and new ideas. At any
particular time, there will be room for up to 10 visiting scholars. A
typical visit will be 3 weeks, either beginning or ending with the workshop
week. Invitation as visiting scholar includes free accommodation and
workshop registration. Interested visitors are encouraged to contact Anders
Rantzer <rantzer at control.lth.se>.
For more information, see http://www.lccc.lth.se/index.php?page=october-2018
2.3. Cancelled: Second American MPC Summer School 2018
Contributed by: Sasa V. Rakovic, sasa.v.rakovic at gmail.com
The previously announced second American MPC summer school 2018 (please see
the previous issue of e-letters) has been just cancelled.
Please take a note of this unexpected outcome, and ignore the previous
announcement as the summer school is not going to be held.
Kind regards,
Sasa V. Rakovic, Ph.D. DIC
3. Books
3.1. Scalar, Vector, and Matrix Mathematics, Theory, Facts, and Formulas
Contributed by: Dennis Bernstein, dsbaero at umich.edu
Scalar, Vector, and Matrix Mathematics, Theory, Facts, and Formulas
Revised and expanded edition
by Dennis Bernstein
Princeton University Press, 2018, 1600 pages
Since its initial publication, this book has become the essential reference
for users of matrices in all branches of engineering, science, and applied
mathematics. In this third and expanded edition, Dennis Bernstein combines
extensive material on scalar and vector mathematics with the latest results
in matrix theory to make this the most comprehensive, current, and
easy-to-use book on the subject.
Each chapter describes relevant theoretical background followed by
specialized results. Hundreds of identities, inequalities, and facts are
stated clearly and rigorously with cross-references, citations to the
literature, and helpful comments. Beginning with preliminaries on sets,
logic, relations, and functions, this unique compendium covers all of the
major topics in matrix theory, such as transformations and decompositions,
polynomial matrices, generalized inverses, and norms. Additional topics
include graphs, groups, convex functions, polynomials, and linear systems.
The book also features a wealth of new material on scalar inequalities,
geometry, combinatorics, series, integrals, and more.
Now more comprehensive than ever, Scalar, Vector, and Matrix Mathematics
includes a detailed list of symbols, a summary of notation and conventions,
an extensive bibliography and author index with page references, and an
exhaustive subject index.
3.2. Modeling of Dynamic Systems
Contributed by: Teng Li, tengli at mech.ubc.ca
Features of the new book by Clarence W. de Silva
Modeling of Dynamic Systems
CRC Press, ISBN 978-1-4987-9848-8, 2018
- Provides systematic approaches that leads to unique models
- Presents modeling approaches that are applicable to problems in many
physical domains (e.g., electrical, mechanical, fluid, and thermal) and to
problems of multiple domains (mixed systems)
- Presents “unified” and “integrated” approaches to modeling of mechatronic
and other engineering systems
- Modeling approaches that are commonly and effectively used in electrical
engineering are extended to other domains
- Equivalence or approximate equivalence (to the actual physical system or
to another type of model) is considered as the primary basis in developing
“equivalent models” and in “model reduction” using various criteria of
4. Journals
4.1. Contents: Automatica
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com
Volume 90
April 2018
- Vito Cerone, Valentino Razza, Diego Regruto, Set-membership
errors-in-variables identification of MIMO linear systems, Pages 25-37
- Zhangjie Liu, Mei Su, Yao Sun, Hua Han, Xiaochao Hou, Josep M. Guerrero,
Stability analysis of DC microgrids with constant power load under
distributed control methods, Pages 62-72
- Miguel A. Davó, Christophe Prieur, Mirko Fiacchini, Dragan Nešić,
Enlarging the basin of attraction by a uniting output feedback controller,
Pages 73-80
- Hong Lin, Hongye Su, Michael Z.Q. Chen, Zhan Shu, Renquan Lu, Zheng-Guang
Wu, On stability and convergence of optimal estimation for networked
control systems with dual packet losses without acknowledgment Pages 81-90
- Jihene Ben Rejeb, Irinel-Constantin Morărescu, Antoine Girard, Jamal
Daafouz, Stability analysis of a general class of singularly perturbed
linear hybrid systems, Pages 98-108
- Tianshi Chen, On kernel design for regularized LTI system identification,
Pages 109-122
- Zhongqi Sun, Li Dai, Kun Liu, Yuanqing Xia, Karl Henrik Johansson, Robust
MPC for tracking constrained unicycle robots with additive disturbances,
Pages 172-184
- Helen Clare Henninger, James Douglas Biggs, Optimal under-actuated
kinematic motion planning on the ϵ-group, Pages 185-195
- Vladimir Macias, Israel Becerra, Rafael Murrieta-Cid, Hector M. Becerra,
Seth Hutchinson, Image feedback based optimal control and the value of
information in a differential game, Pages 271-285
- Xiaojie Su, Xinxin Liu, Peng Shi, Yong-Duan Song, Sliding mode control of
hybrid switched systems via an event-triggered mechanism, Pages 294-303
- Xiang Li, Yun-Hui Liu, Haoyong Yu, Iterative learning impedance control
for rehabilitation robots driven by series elastic actuators, Pages 1-7
- Deyuan Meng, Ziyang Meng, Yiguang Hong, Uniform convergence for signed
networks under directed switching topologies, Pages 8-15
- Jindřich Duník, Oliver Kost, Ondřej Straka, Design of measurement
difference autocovariance method for estimation of process and measurement
noise covariances, Pages 16-24
- Marcello Farina, Xinglong Zhang, Riccardo Scattolini, A hierarchical
multi-rate MPC scheme for interconnected systems, Pages 38-46
- Vasile Dragan, Samir Aberkane, Ioan-Lucian Popa, Optimal filtering for a
class of linear Itô stochastic systems: The dichotomic case, Pages 47-53
- Chengpu Yu, Lennart Ljung, Michel Verhaegen, Identification of structured
state-space models, Pages 54-61
- Gennady Yu. Kulikov, Maria V. Kulikova, Stability analysis of Extended,
Cubature and Unscented Kalman Filters for estimating stiff
continuous–discrete stochastic systems, Pages 91-97
- Christian Lageman, Uwe R. Helmke, Brian D.O. Anderson, Simultaneous
velocity consensus and shape control for a finite number of point agents on
the unit circle, Pages 123-129
- Giulio Bottegal, Gianluigi Pillonetto, The generalized cross validation
filter, Pages 130-137
- Kevin Schmidt, Iasson Karafyllis, Miroslav Krstic, Yield trajectory
tracking for hyperbolic age-structured population systems, Pages 138-146
- Xiaojian Li, Shuxun Chen, Chichi Liu, Shuk Han Cheng, Yong Wang, Dong
Sun, Development of a collision-avoidance vector based control algorithm
for automated in-vivo transportation of biological cells, Pages 147-156
- Qiang Shen, Chengfei Yue, Cher Hiang Goh, Baolin Wu, Danwei Wang,
Rigid-body attitude stabilization with attitude and angular rate
constraints, Pages 157-163
- Mojtaba Zarei, Ahmad Kalhor, Dani Brake, Arc Length based Maximal
Lyapunov Functions and domains of attraction estimation for polynomial
nonlinear systems, Pages 164-171
- Deming Yuan, Yiguang Hong, Daniel W.C. Ho, Guoping Jiang, Optimal
distributed stochastic mirror descent for strongly convex optimization,
Pages 196-203
- Dario Bauso, Mark Cannon, Consensus in opinion dynamics as a repeated
game, Pages 204-211
- Ngoc Anh Nguyen, Sorin Olaru, A family of piecewise affine control
Lyapunov functions, Pages 212-219
- Michael A. Demetriou, Design of adaptive output feedback synchronizing
controllers for networked PDEs with boundary and in-domain structured
perturbations and disturbances, Pages 220-229
- Haifa Ethabet, Djahid Rabehi, Denis Efimov, Tarek Raïssi, Interval
estimation for continuous-time switched linear systems, Pages 230-238
- Mondher Farza, Mohammed M’Saad, Tomas Ménard, Ali Ltaief, Tarak Maatoug,
Adaptive observer design for a class of nonlinear systems. Application to
speed sensorless induction motor, Pages 239-247
- Dominic Groß, Catalin Arghir, Florian Dörfler, On the steady-state
behavior of a nonlinear power system model, Pages 248-254
- Matthew Levitt, Mădălin Guţă, Hendra I. Nurdin, Power spectrum
identification for quantum linear systems, Pages 255-262
- Shan Ma, Matthew J. Woolley, Ian R. Petersen, Naoki Yamamoto, Cascade and
locally dissipative realizations of linear quantum systems for pure
Gaussian state covariance assignment, Pages 263-270
- Yan Li, Weihai Zhang, Xi-Kui Liu, ℋ− index for discrete-time stochastic
systems with Markovian jump and multiplicative noise, Pages 286-293
- Yueying Wang, Yuanqing Xia, Hongyi Li, Pingfang Zhou, A new integral
sliding mode design method for nonlinear stochastic systems, Pages 304-309
- Sei Zhen Khong, Ian R. Petersen, Anders Rantzer, Robust stability
conditions for feedback interconnections of distributed-parameter negative
imaginary systems, Pages 310-316
- Arvo Kaldmäe, Ülle Kotta, Realization of time-delay systems, Pages 317-320
- Marco Lovera, Comments on the paper “Global stabilisation of periodic
linear systems by bounded controls with applications to spacecraft magnetic
attitude control”, Pages 321-323
Volume 89
March 2018
- Zuguang Gao, Xudong Chen, Tamer Başar, Stability structures of
conjunctive Boolean networks, Pages 8-20
- Quang Minh Ta, Chien Chern Cheah, Stochastic control for optical
manipulation of multiple microscopic objects, Pages 52-64
- Fabien Lauer, Global optimization for low-dimensional switching linear
regression and bounded-error estimation, Pages 73-82
- Siyang Gao, Leyuan Shi, Zhengjun Zhang, A peak-over-threshold search
method for global optimization, Pages 83-91
- Jianping He, Chengcheng Zhao, Lin Cai, Peng Cheng, Ling Shi, Practical
closed-loop dynamic pricing in smart grid for supply and demand balancing,
Pages 92-102
- Se-Kyu Oh, Byung Jun Park, Jong Min Lee, Point-to-point iterative
learning model predictive control, Pages 135-143
- Jackeline Abad Torres, Sandip Roy, Dominant eigenvalue minimization with
trace preserving diagonal perturbation: Subset design problem, Pages 160-168
- Xavier Bombois, Anton Korniienko, Håkan Hjalmarsson, Gérard Scorletti,
Optimal identification experiment design for the interconnection of locally
controlled systems, Pages 169-179
- Prasad Vilas Chanekar, Nikhil Chopra, Shapour Azarm, Co-design of linear
systems using Generalized Benders Decomposition, Pages 180-193
- Melkior Ornik, Mireille E. Broucke, Chattering in the Reach Control
Problem, Pages 201-211
- Niklas Everitt, Miguel Galrinho, Håkan Hjalmarsson, Open-loop
asymptotically efficient model reduction with the Steiglitz–McBride method,
Pages 221-234
- Harm H.M. Weerts, Paul M.J. Van den Hof, Arne G. Dankers, Identifiability
of linear dynamic networks, Pages 247-258
- Weifeng Liu, Shujun Zhu, Chenglin Wen, Yongsheng Yu, Structure modeling
and estimation of multiple resolvable group targets via graph theory and
multi-Bernoulli filter, Pages 274-289
- Jianglin Lan, Ron J. Patton, A decoupling approach to integrated
fault-tolerant control for linear systems with unmatched non-differentiable
faults, Pages 290-299
- Hernán De Battista, Martín Jamilis, Fabricio Garelli, Jesús Picó, Global
stabilisation of continuous bioreactors: Tools for analysis and design of
feeding laws
- Claudio De Persis, Erik R.A. Weitenberg, Florian Dörfler, A power
consensus algorithm for DC microgrids, Pages 364-375
- Xiao Yu, Xiang Xu, Lu Liu, Gang Feng, Circular formation of networked
dynamic unicycles by a distributed dynamic control law, Pages 1-7
- Chao Sun, Guoqiang Hu, Lihua Xie, Magnus Egerstedt, Robust finite-time
connectivity preserving coordination of second-order multi-agent systems,
Pages 21-27
- Zhengyuan Zhou, Jerry Ding, Haomiao Huang, Ryo Takei, Claire Tomlin,
Efficient path planning algorithms in reach-avoid problems, Pages 28-36
- Yusuke Fujimoto, Toshiharu Sugie, Informative input design for
Kernel-Based system identification, Pages 37-43
- Christophe Prieur, Joseph J. Winkin, Boundary feedback control of linear
hyperbolic systems: Application to the Saint-Venant–Exner equations, Pages
- Masaki Ogura, Ahmet Cetinkaya, Tomohisa Hayakawa, Victor M. Preciado,
State-feedback control of Markov jump linear systems with hidden-Markov
mode observation, Pages 65-72
- Symeon Grivopoulos, Ian R. Petersen, Bilinear Hamiltonian interactions
between linear quantum systems via feedback, Pages 103-110
- Pietro DeLellis, Franco Garofalo, Francesco Lo Iudice, The partial
pinning control strategy for large complex networks, Pages 111-116
- Ziyang Guo, Dawei Shi, Karl Henrik Johansson, Ling Shi, Worst-case
stealthy innovation-based linear attack on remote state estimation, Pages
- Mondher Farza, Omar Hernández-González, Tomas Ménard, Boubekeur Targui,
Mohammed M’Saad, Carlos-Manuel Astorga-Zaragoza, Cascade observer design
for a class of uncertain nonlinear systems with delayed outputs, Pages
- Lin Li, Minyue Fu, Huanshui Zhang, Renquan Lu, Consensus control for a
network of high order continuous-time agents with communication delays,
Pages 144-150
- Zhen-Guo Liu, Yu-Qiang Wu, Universal strategies to explicit adaptive
control of nonlinear time-delay systems with different structures, Pages
- Junfeng Zhang, Xiao He, Donghua Zhou, Filtering for stochastic uncertain
systems with non-logarithmic sensor resolution, Pages 194-200
- Ngoc Anh Nguyen, Stochastic output feedback control: Convex lifting
approach, Pages 212-220
- Michele Cucuzzella, Antonella Ferrara, Practical second order sliding
modes in single-loop networked control of nonlinear systems, Pages 235-240
- Alexander G. Loukianov, Jorge Rivera Domínguez, Bernardino
Castillo-Toledo, Robust sliding mode regulation of nonlinear systems, Pages
- Chao Huang, Changbin (Brad) Yu, Tuning function design for nonlinear
adaptive control systems with multiple unknown control directions, Pages
- Gang Zheng, Andrey Polyakov, Arie Levant, Delay estimation via sliding
mode for nonlinear time-delay systems, Pages 266-273
- Yi Dong, Youfeng Su, Yue Liu, Shengyuan Xu, An internal model approach
for multi-agent rendezvous and connectivity preservation with nonlinear
dynamics, Pages 300-307
- Xiangpeng Li, Hao Yang, Haibo Huang, Dong Sun, A switching controller for
high speed cell transportation by using a robot-aided optical tweezers
system, Pages 308-315
- Lei Ding, Wei Xing Zheng, Ge Guo, Network-based practical set consensus
of multi-agent systems subject to input saturation, Pages 316-324
- Yongming Li, Lu Liu, Gang Feng, Robust adaptive output feedback control
to a class of non-triangular stochastic nonlinear systems, Pages 325-332
- Changxin Liu, Huiping Li, Jian Gao, Demin Xu, Robust self-triggered
min–max model predictive control for discrete-time nonlinear systems, Pages
- Haibin Sun, Yankai Li, Guangdeng Zong, Linlin Hou, Disturbance
attenuation and rejection for stochastic Markovian jump system with
partially known transition probabilities, Pages 349-357
- Wen-An Zhang, Ling Shi, Sequential fusion estimation for clustered sensor
networks, Pages 358-363
- Florian David Brunner, Duarte Antunes, Frank Allgöwer, Stochastic
thresholds in event-triggered control: A consistent policy for quadratic
control, Pages 376-381
- Bin Zhou, Weiwei Luo, Improved Razumikhin and Krasovskii stability
criteria for time-varying stochastic time-delay systems, Pages 382-391
- Xi Wang, Zhiwu Li, W.M. Wonham, Priority-free conditionally-preemptive
scheduling of modular sporadic real-time systems, Pages 392-397
- Yongping Pan, Haoyong Yu, Composite learning robot control with
guaranteed parameter convergence, Pages 398-406
- Fernando de Oliveira Souza, Maurício Carvalho de Oliveira, Reinaldo
Martinez Palhares, A simple necessary and sufficient LMI condition for the
strong delay-independent stability of LTI systems with single delay, Pages
- Laura Menini, Corrado Possieri, Antonio Tornambè, A Newton-like algorithm
to compute the inverse of a nonlinear map that converges in finite time,
Pages 411-414
- Minh Hoang Trinh, Chuong Van Nguyen, Young-Hun Lim, Hyo-Sung Ahn,
Matrix-weighted consensus and its applications, Pages 415-419
- Anh-Tu Nguyen, Philippe Chevrel, Fabien Claveau, Gain-scheduled static
output feedback control for saturated LPV systems with bounded parameter
variations, Pages 420-424
- Yongfang Liu, Yu Zhao, Wei Ren, Guanrong Chen, Appointed-time consensus:
Accurate and practical designs, Pages 425-429
4.2. Contents: Systems & Control Letters
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com
Systems & Control Letters
Volume 112
February 2018
- Yifen Mu, Stackelberg–Nash equilibrium, social welfare and optimal
structure in hierarchical continuous Public Goods game, Pages 1-8
- Huaibin Tang, Tao Li, Convergence rates of discrete-time stochastic
approximation consensus algorithms: Graph-related limit bounds, Pages 9-17
- Ning Chen, Yanqing Wang, Dong-Hui Yang, Time-varying bang–bang property
of time optimal controls for heat equation and its application, Pages 18-23
- V. Léchappé, E. Moulay, F. Plestan, Prediction-based control of LTI
systems with input and output time-varying delays, Pages 24-30
- Chong Lin, Bing Chen, Peng Shi, Jin-Peng Yu, Necessary and sufficient
conditions of observer-based stabilization for a class of fractional-order
descriptor systems, Pages 31-35
- Yu Huang, Xingfu Zhong, Carathéodory–Pesin structures associated with
control systems, Pages 36-41
- Le Van Hien, Le Huy Vu, Hieu Trinh, Stability of two-dimensional
descriptor systems with generalized directional delays, Pages 42-50
Systems & Control Letters
Volume 111
January 2018
- Wenxiao Zhao, Han-Fu Chen, Er-Wei Bai, Kang Li, Local variable selection
of nonlinear nonparametric systems by first order expansion, Pages 1-8
- Yusheng Wei, Zongli Lin, Stability criteria of linear systems with
multiple input delays under truncated predictor feedback, Pages 9-17
- Bowen Yi, Romeo Ortega, Weidong Zhang, Relaxing the conditions for
parameter estimation-based observers of nonlinear systems via signal
injection, Pages 18-26
- Boris Andrievsky, Alexander L. Fradkov, Daniel Liberzon, Robustness of
Pecora–Carroll synchronization under communication constraints, Pages 27-33
- Hideki Sano, Stability analysis of the telegrapher’s equations with
dynamic boundary condition, Pages 34-39
- Mahmoud El Chamie, Behçet Açıkmeşe, Safe Metropolis–Hastings algorithm
and its application to swarm control, Pages 40-48
- Justin Fong, Ying Tan, Vincent Crocher, Denny Oetomo, Iven Mareels,
Dual-loop iterative optimal control for the finite horizon LQR problem with
unknown dynamics, Pages 49-57
- Fang Shang, Yungang Liu, Chengdong Li, Global stabilization for
feedforward nonlinear systems with unknown control direction and unknown
growth rate, Pages 58-63
- Shengquan Xiang, Small-time local stabilization for a Korteweg–de Vries
equation, Pages 64-69
- Qingkai Yang, Ming Cao, Hector Garcia de Marina, Hao Fang, Jie Chen,
Distributed formation tracking using local coordinate systems, Pages 70-78
4.3. Contents: European Journal of Control
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com
European Journal of Control
Volume 40
March 2018
- Mohamed Maghenem, Antonio Loria, Elena Panteley, A robust δ-persistently
exciting controller for leader-follower tracking-agreement of multiple
vehicles, Pages 1-12
- Chedia Latrech, Mourad Kchaou, Hervé Guéguen, Networked non-fragile H∞
static output feedback control design for vehicle dynamics stability: A
descriptor approach, Pages 13-26
- Dany Abou Jaoude, Mazen Farhood, Model reduction of distributed
nonstationary LPV systems, Pages 27-39
- Miguel Parada Contzen, Stability of switched linear systems with possible
Zeno behavior: a polytopic approach,
Pages 40-47
- Safa Jedidi, Romain Bourdais, Marie Anne Lefebvre, Preservation of
structural identifiability in expanded systems, Pages 48-52
- Thulasi Mylvaganam, Mario Sassano, Autonomous collision avoidance for
wheeled mobile robots using a differential game approach, Pages 53-61
- Bo Shen, Zidong Wang, Hailong Tan, Guaranteed cost control for uncertain
nonlinear systems with mixed time-delays: The discrete-time case, Pages
- Sergey N. Dashkovskiy, Svyatoslav S. Pavlichkov, Integrator backstepping
for uncertain nonlinear systems with non-smooth dynamics, Pages 68-79
- Robert Vrabel, Local null controllability of the control-affine nonlinear
systems with time-varying disturbances, Pages 80-86
- Mohamed Ouzahra, Corrigendum to “Approximate and exact controllability of
a reaction-diffusion equation governed by bilinear control” [Eur. J. of
Control, 32 (2016), 32–38], Page 87
4.4. Contents: IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica
Contributed by: Yan Ou, yan.ou at ia.ac.cn
IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica
Volume 5 (2018), Issue 2 (March)
- Decomposition Methods for Manufacturing System Scheduling: A Survey. F.
J. Yang, K. Z. Gao, I. W. Simon, Y. T. Zhu, and R. Su, page 389
- Nonlinear Bayesian Estimation: From Kalman Filtering to a Broader
Horizon. H. Z. Fang, N. Tian, Y. B. Wang, M. C. Zhou, and M. A. Haile, page
- Vehicle Dynamic State Estimation: State of the Art Schemes and
Perspectives. H. Y. Guo, D. P. Cao, H. Chen, C. Lv. H. J. Wang, and S. Q.
Yang, page 418
- Coordinated Control Architecture for Motion Management in ADAS Systems.
T. C. Lin, S. Ji, C. E. Dickerson, and D. Battersby, page 432
- An Online Fault Detection Model and Strategies Based on SVM-Grid in
Clouds. P. Y. Zhang, S. Shu, and M. C. Zhou, page 445
- An Adaptive RBF Neural Network Control Method for a Class of Nonlinear
Systems. H. J. Yang and J. K. Liu, page 457
- Stabilization of Uncertain Systems With Markovian Modes of Time Delay and
Quantization Density. J. F. Wang and C. F. Liu, page 463
- A Model Predictive Scheduling Algorithm in Real-Time Control Systems. M.
Y. Kang, C. L. Wen, and C. X. Wu, page 471
- Explicit Symplectic Geometric Algorithms for Quaternion Kinematical
Differential Equation. H.-Y. Zhang, Z.-H. Wang, L.-S. Zhou, Q.-N. Xue, L.
Ma, and Y.-F. Niu, page 479
- Social Manufacturing for High-end Apparel Customization. X. Q. Shang,
F.-Y. Wang, G. Xiong, T. R. Nyberg, Y. Yuan, S. Liu, C. Guo, and S. Bao,
page 489
- Research on the Low-order Control Strategy of the Power System With Time
Delay. X. Y. Yu, X. J. F. Hong, J. Qi, L. L. Ou, and Y. L. He, page 501
- LMI Consensus Condition for Discrete-time Multi-agent Systems. M. S.
Mahmoud and G. D. Khan, page 509
- Constructing Multicast Routing Tree for Inter-cloud Data Transmission: An
Approximation Algorithmic Perspective. J. Huang, S. H. Li, and Q. Duan,
page 514
- Operator-Based Robust Nonlinear Control for SISO and MIMO Nonlinear
Systems With PI Hysteresis. S. H. Bi, L. Wang, S. J. Wen, and M. C. Deng,
page 523
- A Novel Design Framework for Smart Operating Robot in Power System. Q.
Wang, X. J. Yang, Z. G. Huang, S. Q. Ma, Q. Li, D. W. Z. Gao, and F.-Y.
Wang, page 531
- Training and Testing Object Detectors With Virtual Images. Y. L. Tian, X.
Li. K. F. Wang, and F.-Y. Wang, page 539
- Local Robust Sparse Representation for Face Recognition With Single
Sample per Person. J. Q. Gu, H. F. Hu, and H. X. Li, page 547
- Fractional-order Sparse Representation for Image Denoising. L. L. Geng,
Z. X. Ji, Y. H. Yuan, and Y. L. Yin, page 555
- Modeling, Optimization, and Control of Solution Purification Process in
Zinc Hydrometallurgy. B. Sun, C. H. Yang, H. Q. Zhu, Y. G. Li, and W. H.
Gui, page 564
- U-model Enhanced Dynamic Control of a Heavy Oil Pyrolysis/Cracking
Furnace. Q. M. Zhu, D. Y. Zhao, S. Z. Zhang, and P. Narayan, page 577
- Causality Diagram-based Scheduling Approach for Blast Furnace Gas System.
F. Jin, J. Zhao, C. Y. Sheng, and W. Wang, page 587
- Relief Materials Vehicles Planning in Natural Disasters. Q. Shi, W. Yang,
Z.-M. Yang, and Q.-C. Zhao, page 595
- Cyber Attack Protection and Control of Microgrids. M. M. Rana, L. Li, and
S. W. Su, page 602
- Robust H∞ Load Frequency Control of Multi-area Power System With Time
Delay: A Sliding Mode Control Approach. Y. H. Sun, Y. X. Wang, Z. N. Wei,
G. Q. Sun, and X. P. Wu, page 610
- An Exploration on Adaptive Iterative Learning Control for a Class of
Commensurate High-order Uncertain Nonlinear Fractional Order Systems. J. M.
Wei, Y. A. Zhang, and H. Bao, page 618
- A Novel Approach for Enhancement of Geometric and Contrast Resolution
Properties of Low Contrast Images. K. K. Singh, M. K. Bajpai, and R. K.
Pandey, page 628
- Relationship Between Integer Order Systems and Fractional Order Systems
and Its Two Applications. X. F. Zhang, page 639
- Letter to the Editor Re "Fractional Modeling and SOC Estimation of
Lithium-ion Battery". R. Hasan and J. Scott, page 644
4.5. Contents: Asian Journal of Control
Contributed by: LiChen Fu, lichen at ntu.edu.tw
Asian Journal of Control
Vol.20, No.1 January, 2018
[Invited Paper]
1. Dead-beat regulation of mechanical juggling systems (pages 1–11), Laura
Menini, Corrado Possieri and Antonio Tornambè
[Regular Paper]
2. Boundary Control for A Flexible Inverted Pendulum System Based on A Pde
Model (pages 12–21), Yawei Peng, Jinkun Liu and Wei He
3. Global Practical Tracking for Nonlinear Systems With More Unknowns via
Adaptive Output-Feedback (pages 22–38), Shaoli Jin, Yungang Liu and
Fengzhong Li
4. Fixed-Time Synchronization of a Class of Second-Order Nonlinear
Leader-Following Multi-Agent Systems (pages 39–48), Hua Li, Ming Zhu,
Zhaobi Chu, Haibo Du, Guanghui Wen and Naif D. Alotaibi
5. Matrix form of Biconjugate Residual Algorithm to Solve the Discrete-Time
Periodic Sylvester Matrix Equations (pages 49–56)
Author: Masoud Hajarian
6. A neural differential evolution identification approach to nonlinear
systems and modelling of shape memory alloy actuator (pages 57–70), Son
Ngoc Nguyen, Vinh Ho-Huu and Anh Pham Huy Ho
7. Synchronization of A Class of Uncertain Chaotic Systems with Lipschitz
Nonlinearities Using State-Feedback Control Design: A Matrix Inequality
Approach (pages 71–85), Saleh Mobayen and Fairouz Tchier
8. A Game Theory-Based Coordination and Optimization Control Methodology
for a Wind Power-Generation Hybrid Energy Storage System (pages 86–103),
Xiaojuan Han, Xiaoling Yu, Yubo Liang, Jianlin Li and Zekun Zhao
9. Data-Driven Adaptive Critic Approach for Nonlinear Optimal Control via
Least Squares Support Vector Machine (pages 104–114), Jingliang Sun,
Chunsheng Liu and Nian Liu
10. Computationally-Light Non-Lifted Data-Driven Norm-Optimal Iterative
Learning Control (pages 115–124), Ronghu Chi, Zhongsheng Hou, Shangtai Jin
and Biao Huang
11. Non-Fragile Simultaneous Actuator and Sensor Fault-Tolerant Control
Design for Markovian Jump Systems Based on Adaptive Observer (pages
125–134), Dunke Lu, Guohui Zeng and Jin Liu
12. Constrained Nonlinear-Based Optimisation Applied to Fuzzy PID
Controllers Tuning (pages 135–148), Paulo Gil, Ana Sebastião and Catarina
13. Fuzzy Sliding-mode Strategy for Air–fuel Ratio Control of Lean-burn
Spark Ignition Engines (pages 149–158), Hsiu-Ming Wu and Reza Tafreshi
14. Improved Controller Design for Uncertain Positive Systems and its
Extension to Uncertain Positive Switched Systems (pages 159–173), Junfeng
Zhang, Xudong Zhao, Ridong Zhang and Yun Chen
15. Design of Regulatory Traffic Light Control Systems with Synchronized
Timed Petri Nets (pages 174–185), Yi-Sheng Huang, Yi-Shun Weng and MengChu
16. Synchronization of Uncertain Complex Networks with Time-Varying Node
Delay and Multiple Time-Varying Coupling Delays (pages 186–195), Chuan
Zhang, Xingyuan Wang, Chunpeng Wang and Wenjie Zhou
17. Discrete-Valued Model Predictive Control Using Sum-of-Absolute-Values
Optimization (pages 196–206), Takuya Ikeda and Masaaki Nagahara
18. Dynamic Output Feedback Control for Systems Subject to Actuator
Saturation via Event-Triggered Scheme (pages 207–215), Hongchao Li,
Zhiqiang Zuo and Yijing Wang
19. A New Approach for Vehicle Lateral Velocity and Yaw Rate Control with
Uncertainty (pages 216–227), Hao Sun, Han Zhao, Kang Huang and Shengchao
20. A modified gradient-based algorithm for solving extended
Sylvester-conjugate matrix equations (pages 228–235), Mohamed A. Ramadan
and Ahmed M. E. Bayoumi
21. Global PID Control of Robot Manipulators Equipped with PMSMs (pages
236–249), V. M. Hernández-Guzmán and J. Orrante-Sakanassi
22. A Seventh-Degree Cubature Kalman Filter (pages 250–262), Dong Meng,
Lingjuan Miao, Haijun Shao and Jun Shen
23. Quasi-Time-Dependent H∞ Controller for Discrete-Time Switched Linear
Systems With Mode-Dependent Average Dwell-Time (pages 263–275), Hui Zheng,
Guanghui Sun, Yu Ren and Congcong Tian
24. Exponential Stability and Stabilization for Quadratic Discrete-Time
Systems with Time Delay (pages 276–285), Fu Chen, Shugui Kang, Shidong Qiao
and Caixia Guo
25. Estimation of Multi-Order Spectra for Nonlinear Closed-Loop Systems
(pages 286–297), Jialiang Zhang and Jianfu Cao
26. Stabilization of Stochastic Coupled Systems With Time Delay Via
Feedback Control Based on Discrete-Time State Observations (pages 298–311),
Yongbao Wu, Mengjie Huo and Wenxue Li
27. Interpolatory Model Order Reduction Method for Second Order Systems
(pages 312–322), Zhi-Yong Qiu, Yao-Lin Jiang and Jia-Wei Yuan
28. Boundary Control for a Vibrating String System with Bounded Input
(pages 323–331), Zhijia Zhao, Yu Liu and Fei Luo
29. Adaptive Finite-Time Robust Control of Nonlinear Delay Hamiltonian
Systems Via Lyapunov-Krasovskii Method (pages 332–342), Renming Yang and
Rongwei Guo
30. Online Algebraic Identification Approach of Continuous Linear Time
Delay Systems (pages 343–355), Abdelbacet Mhamdi, Kaouther Ibn Taarit and
Moufida Ksouri
31. Continuous-Action XCSR with Dynamic Reward Assignment Dedicated to
Control of Black-Box Mechanical Systems (pages 356–369), Saeed Hashemnia,
Masoud Shariat Panahi and Mohammad Mahjoob
32. Iterative Learning Control for Linear Discrete-Time Systems with
Unknown High-Order Internal Models: A Time-Frequency Analysis Approach
(pages 370–385), Qiao Zhu, Jian-Xin Xu, Deqing Huang and Guang-Di Hu
33. Singular Perturbation Method for Smart Building Temperature Control
Using Occupant Feedback (pages 386–402), Santosh K. Gupta, Koushik Kar,
Sandipan Mishra and John T. Wen
34. Fractional Order Controller for Controlling Power System Dynamic
Behavior (pages 403–414), S. P. Nangrani and S. S. Bhat
35. On Finite-Time Stabilization of Active Disturbance Rejection Control
for Uncertain Nonlinear Systems (pages 415–424), Qing Wang, Maopeng Ran and
Chaoyang Dong
36. Robust Model Predictive Control for Linear Discrete-Time System With
Saturated Inputs and Randomly Occurring Uncertainties (pages 425–436),
Jianhua Wang, Yan Song, Sunjie Zhang, Shuai Liu and Abdullah M. Dobaie
37. The Unified Frame of Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers for
Three Classes of Matrix Equations Arising in Control Theory (pages
437–454), Yi-Fen Ke and Chang-Feng Ma
38. Spacecraft Anti-Unwinding Attitude Control Using Second-Order Sliding
Mode (pages 455–468), Pyare Mohan Tiwari, S. Janardhanan and Mashuq un-Nabi
39. Exponential Synchronization of Memristive Chaotic Recurrent Neural
Networks Via Alternate Output Feedback Control (pages 469–482), Xiaofan Li,
Jian-an Fang and Huiyuan Li
40. Lebesgue-p NORM Convergence OF Fractional-Order PID-Type Iterative
Learning Control for Linear Systems (pages 483–494)
Author: Lei Li
41. Optimistic Value Model of Indefinite LQ Optimal Control for
Discrete-Time Uncertain Systems (pages 495–510), Yuefen Chen and Yuanguo Zhu
42. Design of Optimal Petri Net Supervisors for Flexible Manufacturing
Systems via Weighted Inhibitor Arcs (pages 511–530), XuYa Cong, Chao Gu,
Murat Uzam, YuFeng Chen, Abdulrahman M. Al-Ahmari, NaiQi Wu, MengChu Zhou
and ZhiWu Li
43. Influence of the Tensor Product Model Representation of qLPV Models on
the Feasibility of Linear Matrix Inequality Based Stability Analysis (pages
531–547), Alexandra Szollosi and Peter Baranyi
[Brief Paper]
1. A Consensus Protocol over Noisy Two-Layered Networks with Cooperative
and Antagonistic Interactions (pages 548–557), L. T. H. Nguyen, T. Wada, I.
Masubuchi, T. Asai and Y. Fujisak
2. Nonlinear Constrained Optimal Control Problems and Cardinal Hermite
Interpolant Multiscaling Functions (pages 558–567), Elmira Ashpazzadeh,
Mehrdad Lakestani and Mohsen Razzaghi
3. Almost Disturbance Decoupling for a Class of Nonlinear Systems Subject
to Time-Delays Via Sampled-Data Output Feedback Control (pages 568–576),
Qinghua Meng, Pan Wang, Zong-Yao Sun and Chih-Chiang Chen
4. Bipartite Linear χ-Consensus of Double-Integrator Multi-Agent Systems
With Measurement Noise (pages 577–584), Cuiqin Ma, Weiwei Zhao and Yun-Bo
5. A Condition for Boundedness of Solutions of Bidimensional Switched
Affine Systems With Multiple Foci and Centers (pages 585–594)
Author: Liying Zhu
6. A Note on all-Stabilizing Proportional Controllers for Single
Input–Single Output Systems (pages 595–598), İlker Üstoğlu, Halit Örenbaş
and Yavuz Eren
7. Global Practical Mittag Leffler Stabilization by Output Feedback for a
Class Of Nonlinear Fractional-Order Systems (pages 599–607), Omar Naifar,
Abdellatif Ben Makhlouf, Mohamed Ali Hammami and Liping Chen
8. Exponential Stabilization of Switched Discrete-Time Systems with All
Unstable Modes (pages 608–612), Jiao Li, Zixiao Ma and Jun Fu
4.6. Contents: Applied and Computational Mathematics an International
Contributed by: Fikret A Aliev, chief_ed at acmij.az
Applied and Computational Mathematics an International Journal
Vol.17, No.1, February 2018
- O. Castillo, Towards Finding the Optimal n in Designing Type-n Fuzzy
Systems for Particular Classes of Problems: A Review, pages: 3-9
- A. Ashyralyev, B. Hicdurmaz, A Stable Second Order of Accuracy Difference
Scheme for a Fractional Schrodinger Differential Equation, pages: 10-21
- B. Zhang, J. Peng, S. Li, Matching Index and its Algorithm of Uncertain
Random Graph, pages: 22-35
- H. Fazli, Juan J. Nieto, F. Bahrami, On the Existence and Uniqueness
Results for Nonlinear Sequential Fractional Differential Equations
- pages: 36-47
- M. Meyvaci, V.K. Kalantarov, On the Stability of Solutions of Generalised
Pipe Equation Under Nonhomogeneous Dirichlet Boundary Control, pages:48-55
- V.S. Guliyev, R.V. Guliyev, M.N. Omarova Riesz, Transforms Associated
with Schrodinger Operator on Vanishing Generalized Morrey Spaces, pages:
- A. Oner, G.O. Gunel, N. Saldi, Mean Field Multilayer Stackelberg
Differential Games in Multi-Agent Systems, pages: 72-95
- V. Yucesoy, H. Ozbay, Optimal Nevanlinna Pick Interpolant and its
Application to Robust Repetitive Control of Time Delay Systems, pages:
- A.B. Ramazanov, New of Accuracy of Gradient Algorithm in the
Jordan-Dedekinds Structure, pages: 109-113
4.7. Contents: IET Control Theory & Applications
Contributed by: Alexandria Lipka, alipka at theiet.org
IET Control Theory & Applications
Volume 12, Issue 5
March 2018
- Yun Fu, Yu Liu, Daoping Huang, Boundary output feedback control of a
flexible spacecraft system with input constraint, Pages 571 - 581
- Farshid Abbasi, Javad Mohammadpour Velni, Robust non-linear control
design for systems governed by Burgers' equation subjected to parameter
variation, Pages 582 - 592
- Zhou Wu, Kai Zhao, Xiaohua Xia, Lighting retrofit and maintenance models
with decay and adaptive control, Pages 593 - 600
- Feisheng Yang, Jing He, Jing Wang, Minghui Wang, Auxiliary-function-based
double integral inequality approach to stability analysis of load frequency
control systems with interval time-varying delay, Pages 601 - 612
- Yuezu Lv, Zhongkui Li, Zhisheng Duan, Distributed adaptive consensus
protocols for linear multi-agent systems over directed graphs with relative
output information, Pages 613 - 620
- Jing Bai, Guoguang Wen, Ahmed Rahmani, Yongguang Yu, Consensus for the
fractional-order double-integrator multi-agent systems based on the sliding
mode estimator, Pages 621 - 628
- Xifang Sun, Weisheng Chen, Hao Dai, Event-triggered adaptive control for
a class of non-linear systems with multiple unknown control directions,
Pages 629 - 637
- Ming You, Qun Zong, Bailing Tian, Xinyi Zhao, Fanlin Zeng, Comprehensive
design of uniform robust exact disturbance observer and fixed-time
controller for reusable launch vehicles, Pages 638 – 648
- Luc Meyer, Dalil Ichalal, Vincent Vigneron, Interval observer for LPV
systems with unknown inputs, Pages 649 - 660
- Ruirui Duan, Junmin Li, Observer-based non-PDC controller design for T–S
fuzzy systems with the fractional-order, Pages 661 - 668
- Fei Ye, Hongli Dong, Yu Lu, Weidong Zhang, Consensus controllers for
general integrator multi-agent systems: analysis, design and application to
autonomous surface vessels, Pages 669 - 678
- Alireza Khanzadeh, Mahdi Pourgholi, Fixed-time leader–follower consensus
tracking of second-order multi-agent systems with bounded input
uncertainties using non-singular terminal sliding mode technique, Pages 679
- 686
- Andong Liu, Wen-an Zhang, Bo Chen, Li Yu, Networked filtering with Markov
transmission delays and packet disordering, Pages 687 - 693
- Jin Guo, Jing-Dong Diao, Parameter estimation for systems with structural
uncertainties based on quantised inputs and binary-valued output
observations, Pages 694 - 699
- Fei Yan, Ji-Lie Zhang, Guoxiang Gu, Output regulation in the presence of
quadratically bounded parameter uncertainties, Pages 700 - 706
IET Control Theory & Applications
Volume 12, Issue 4
March 2018
- Jian-Jun Gu, Jun-Min Wang, Ya-Ping Guo, Output regulation of anti-stable
coupled wave equations via the backstepping technique, Pages 431 – 445
- Qianjin Wang, Wei Dai, Xiaoping Ma, Chunyu Yang, Multiple models and
neural networks based adaptive PID decoupling control of mine main fan
switchover system, Pages 446 – 455
- Chao Yang, Zhe Gao, Fanghui Liu, Kalman filters for linear
continuous-time fractional-order systems involving coloured noises using
fractional-order average derivative, Pages 456 - 465
- Ixbalank Torres Zúñiga, Alejandro Vargas, Jaime A. Moreno, On the
practical estimation of unknown inputs for polytopic LTI systems, Pages 466
- 476
- Mohamad Ali Bagherzadeh, Javad Askari, Jafar Ghaisari, Mohsen Mojiri,
Robust asymptotic stability of parametric switched linear systems with
dwell time, Pages 477 - 483
- Hongjun Ma, Yanli Liu, Dan Ye, Adaptive output feedback tracking control
for non-linear switched stochastic systems with unknown control directions,
Pages 484 - 494
- Ming Yue, Cong An, Liang Ding, Yafu Zhou, MPC motion planning-based
sliding mode control for underactuated WPS vehicle via Olfati
transformation, Pages 495 - 503
- Yuanqiang Zhou, Dewei Li, Jianbo Lu, Yugeng Xi, Lihui Cen, Networked and
distributed predictive control of non-linear systems subject to
asynchronous communication, Pages 504 - 514
- Huanhuan Yuan, Yuanqing Xia, Secure filtering for stochastic non-linear
systems under multiple missing measurements and deception attacks, Pages
515 - 523
- K. Raajananthini, R. Sakthivel, Choon Ki Ahn, S. MarshalAnthoni,
Fault-tolerant control of two-dimensional discrete-time systems, Pages 524
- 531
- Yi Huang, Yingmin Jia, Distributed finite-time output feedback
synchronisation control for six DOF spacecraft formation subject to input
saturation, Pages 532 - 542
- Zhongwei He, Wei Xie, Control of non-linear systems based on interval
observer design, Pages 543 - 548
- Wenling Li, Cong Meng, Yingmin Jia, Junping Du, Recursive filtering for
complex networks using non-linearly coupled UKF, Pages 549 - 555
- Li-Bing Wu, Heng Wang, Xi-Qin He, Da-Qing Zhang, Sheng-Juan Huang,
Adaptive fault estimation and fault-tolerant tracking control for a class
of non-linear systems with output constraints, Pages 556 - 562
- Wei Su, Ge Chen, Yongguang Yu, Finite-time elimination of disagreement of
opinion dynamics via covert noise, Pages 563 - 570
4.8. Contents: International Journal of Control
Contributed by: Bing Chu, b.chu at soton.ac.uk
International Journal of Control
Volume 91, Issue 3, 2018
- Adaptive architectures for resilient control of networked multiagent
systems in the presence of misbehaving agents, Gerardo De La Torre & Tansel
Yucelen, pages: 495-507
- A single dynamic observer-based module for design of simultaneous fault
detection, isolation and tracking control scheme, M. Davoodi, N. Meskin &
K. Khorasani, pages: 508-523
- Interval observer framework for fault-tolerant control of linear
parameter-varying systems, R. Lamouchi, T. Raïssi, M. Amairi & M. Aoun,
pages: 524-533
- Time-response shaping using output to input saturation transformation, E.
Chambon, L. Burlion & P. Apkarian, pages: 534-553
- A new iterative approach for multi-objective fault detection observer
design and its application to a hypersonic vehicle, Di Huang & Zhisheng
Duan, pages: 554-570
- An effective pseudospectral method for constraint dynamic optimisation
problems with characteristic times, Long Xiao, Xinggao Liu, Liang Ma &
Zeyin Zhang, pages: 571-581
- LP-based velocity profile generation for robotic manipulators, Ákos Nagy
& István Vajk, pages: 582-592
- A new RISE-based adaptive control of PKMs: design, stability analysis and
experiments, M. Bennehar, A. Chemori, M. Bouri, L.F. Jenni & F. Pierrot,
pages: 593-607
- An assessment on the use of stationary vehicles to support cooperative
positioning systems, Rodrigo H. Ordóñez-Hurtado, Emanuele Crisostomi &
Robert N. Shorten, pages: 608-621
- Recursive subspace identification subject to relatively slow time-varying
load disturbance, Jie Hou, Tao Liu & Qing-Guo Wang, pages: 622-638
- Robust synergetic control design under inputs and states constraints,
Saeid Rastegar, Rui Araújo & Jalil Sadati, pages: 639-657
- A new polytopic approach for the unknown input functional observer
design, Souad Bezzaoucha, Holger Voos & Mohamed Darouach, pages: 658-677
- Direct method for Yau filtering system with nonlinear observations, Ji
Shi, Zhiyu Yang & Stephen S. -T. Yau, pages: 678-687
- Performance analysis for bounded persistent disturbances in
PD/PID-controlled robotic systems with its experimental demonstrations,
Jung Hoon Kim, Sung-Moon Hur & Yonghwan Oh, pages: 688-705
- Elegant anti-disturbance control for discrete-time stochastic systems
with nonlinearity and multiple disturbances, Xinjiang Wei & Shixiang Sun,
pages: 706-714
- Robust structure and motion recovery for monocular vision systems with
noisy measurements, J. Keshavan & J.S. Humbert, pages: 715-724
- Application of shifted Jacobi pseudospectral method for solving
(in)finite-horizon min–max optimal control problems with uncertainty, Z.
Nikooeinejad, A. Delavarkhalafi & M. Heydari, pages: 725-739
4.9. Contents: Control Engineering Practice
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com
Control Engineering Practice
Volume 72
March 2018
- Om Prakash, Arun Kumar Samantaray, Ranjan Bhattacharyya, Model-based
multi-component adaptive prognosis for hybrid dynamical systems, Pages 1-18
- Ziwei Liu, Zhiqiang Ge, Guangjie Chen, Zhihuan Song, Adaptive soft
sensors for quality prediction under the framework of Bayesian network,
Pages 19-28
- Mohammad Al Janaideh, Micky Rakotondrabe, Isam Al-Darabsah, Omar
Aljanaideh, Internal model-based feedback control design for inversion-free
feedforward rate-dependent hysteresis compensation of piezoelectric
cantilever actuator, Pages 29-41
- Jalil Sharafi, William H. Moase, Chris Manzie, Multiplexed extremum
seeking for calibration of spark timing in a CNG-fuelled engine, Pages 42-52
- Fabrício Gonzalez Nogueira, Walter Barra Junior, Carlos Tavares da Costa
Junior, Janio José Lana, LPV-based power system stabilizer: Identification,
control and field tests, Pages 53-67
- Le Yao, Zhiqiang Ge, Variable selection for nonlinear soft sensor
development with enhanced Binary Differential Evolution algorithm, Pages
- Yuanjin Yu, Zhaohua Yang, Chao Han, Hu Liu, Disturbance-observer based
control for magnetically suspended wheel with synchronous noise, Pages 83-89
- M.A. Beijen, M.F. Heertjes, J. Van Dijk, W.B.J. Hakvoort, Self-tuning
MIMO disturbance feedforward control for active hard-mounted vibration
isolators, Pages 90-103
- Ho Yu, Il Seop Choi, Kyung-Lyong Han, Jae Yeon Choi, Goobong Chung, Jinho
Suh, Development of a upper-limb exoskeleton robot for refractory
construction, Pages 104-113
- Henrik Mosskull, Constant power load stabilization, Pages 114-124
- Andreas Weißmann, Daniel Görges, Xiaohai Lin, Energy-optimal adaptive
cruise control combining model predictive control and dynamic programming,
Pages 125-137
- Guangrong Chen, Junzheng Wang, Shoukun Wang, Jiangbo Zhao, Wei Shen,
Energy saving control in separate meter in and separate meter out control
system, Pages 138-150
- Tilman Barz, Dominik Seliger, Klemens Marx, Andreas Sommer, Sebastian F.
Walter, Hans Georg Bock, Stefan Körkel, State and state of charge
estimation for a latent heat storage, Pages 151-166
- Imad Matraji, Ahmed Al-Durra, Andri Haryono, Khaled Al-Wahedi, Mohamed
Abou-Khousa, Trajectory tracking control of Skid-Steered Mobile Robot based
on adaptive Second Order Sliding Mode Control, Pages 167-176
- Xiaochuan Li, Fang Duan, Panagiotis Loukopoulos, Ian Bennett, David Mba,
Canonical variable analysis and long short-term memory for fault diagnosis
and performance estimation of a centrifugal compressor, Pages 177-191
- Maria Pia Fanti, Agostino Marcello Mangini, Michele Roccotelli, A
simulation and control model for building energy management, Pages 192-205
- Ali Esmaili, Jianyi Li, Jinyu Xie, Joshua D. Isom, Closed-loop
identification for plants under model predictive control, Pages 206-218
- Robert L. Cloud, John F. O’Brien, Large feedback control design with
limited plant information, Pages 219-229
4.10. Contents: Mechatronics
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com
Volume 49
February 2018
- Panfeng Huang, Pei Dai, Zhenyu Lu, Zhengxiong Liu, Asymmetric wave
variable compensation method in dual-master-dual-slave multilateral
teleoperation system, Pages 1-10
- Yu-Sheng Lu, Yi-Yi Lin, Smooth motion control of rigid robotic
manipulators with constraints on high-order kinematic variables, Pages 11-25
- Zhufeng Shao, Tiemin Li, Xiaoqiang Tang, Lewei Tang, Hao Deng, Research
on the dynamic trajectory of spatial cable-suspended parallel manipulators
with actuation redundancy, Pages 26-35
- Hongliang Ren, Tao Wang, Development and modeling of an electromagnetic
energy harvester from pressure fluctuations, Pages 36-45
- Yuanping Xu, Jin Zhou, Zongli Lin, Chaowu Jin, Identification of dynamic
parameters of active magnetic bearings in a flexible rotor system
considering residual unbalances, Pages 46-55
- Satoshi Ito, Shingo Nishio, Masaaki Ino, Ryosuke Morita, Kojiro
Matsushita, Minoru Sasaki, Design and adaptive balance control of a biped
robot with fewer actuators for slope walking, Pages 56-66
- V.C. Moulianitis, G.-A.D. Zachiotis, N.A. Aspragathos, A new index based
on mechatronics abilities for the conceptual design evaluation, Pages 67-76
- Erhan Akdoğan, Mehmet Emin Aktan, Ahmet Taha Koru, M. Selçuk Arslan,
Murat Atlıhan, Banu Kuran, Hybrid impedance control of a robot manipulator
for wrist and forearm rehabilitation: Performance analysis and clinical
results, Pages 77-91
- Hossein Vahid Alizadeh, Mohamed K. Helwa, Benoit Boulet, Modeling,
analysis and constrained control of wet cone clutch systems: A synchromesh
case study, Pages 92-104
- Masoud S. Bahraini, Mohammad Bozorg, Ahmad B. Rad, SLAM in dynamic
environments via ML-RANSAC, Pages 105-118
- Mohammad Hayajneh, Marco Melega, Lorenzo Marconi, Design of autonomous
smartphone based quadrotor and implementation of navigation and guidance
systems,, Pages 119-133
- Tom Verstraten, Raphaël Furnémont, Pablo López-García, David
Rodriguez-Cianca, Hoang-Long Cao, Bram Vanderborght, Dirk Lefeber, Modeling
and design of an energy-efficient dual-motor actuation unit with a
planetary differential and holding brakes, Pages 134-148
- Andrea Baldoni, Marco Cempini, Mario Cortese, Simona Crea, Maria Chiara
Carrozza, Nicola Vitiello, Design and validation of a miniaturized SEA
transmission system, Pages 149-156
- Dongpil Lee, Kyongsu Yi, Sehyun Chang, Byungrim Lee, Bongchoon Jang,
Robust steering-assist torque control of electric-power-assisted-steering
systems for target steering wheel torque tracking, Pages 157-167
- Julien Le Flohic, Flavien Paccot, Nicolas Bouton, Hélène Chanal,
Application of hybrid force/position control on parallel machine for
mechanical test, Pages 168-176
- Yeongyu Park, Inseong Jo, Jeongsoo Lee, Joonbum Bae, A Dual-cable Hand
Exoskeleton System for Virtual Reality, Pages 177-186
- Thi Thoa Mac, Cosmin Copot, Robin De Keyser, Clara M. Ionescu, The
development of an autonomous navigation system with optimal control of an
UAV in partly unknown indoor environment, Pages 187-196
- Erik Hultman, Mats Leijon, An updated cable feeder tool design for
robotized stator cable winding, Pages 197-210
- Giovanni Cherubini, Angeliki Pantazi, Mark A. Lantz, Feedback control of
transport systems in tape drives without tension transducers, Pages 211-223
- Jorge Juan Gil, Pablo Ciáurriz, Iñaki Díaz, Controlling two
haptically-coupled devices: System modeling and stability analysis, Pages
4.11. Contents: Journal of Process Control
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com
Journal of Process Control
Volume 62
February 2018
- Kangkang Zhang, Jun Zhao, Yucai Zhu, MPC case study on a selective
catalytic reduction in a power plant, Pages 1-10
- Zhichao Wang, Min Liu, Mingyu Dong, Low-rank manifold optimization for
overlay variations in lithography process, Pages 11-23
- Amirhossein Nikoofard, Tor Arne Johansen, Glenn-Ole Kaasa, Reservoir
characterization in under-balanced drilling using low-order lumped model,
Pages 24-36
- Linkai Luo, Yuan Yao, Furong Gao, Chunhui Zhao, Mixed-effects Gaussian
process modeling approach with application in injection molding processes,
Pages 37-43
- Xiaodong Jia, Yuan Di, Jianshe Feng, Qibo Yang, Honghao Dai, Jay Lee,
Adaptive virtual metrology for semiconductor chemical mechanical
planarization process using GMDH-type polynomial neural networks, Pages
- Nayana P. Mahajan, Sadanand B. Deshpande, Sumant G. Kadwane, Design and
implementation of an advanced controller in plant distributed control
system for improving control of non-linear belt weigh feeder, Pages 55-65
Journal of Process Control
Volume 61
January 2018
- Radhia Fezai, Majdi Mansouri, Okba Taouali, Mohamed Faouzi Harkat,
Nasreddine Bouguila, Online reduced kernel principal component analysis for
process monitoring, Pages 1-11
- Hocine Oubabas, Said Djennoune, Maamar Bettayeb, Interval sliding mode
observer design for linear and nonlinear systems, Pages 12-22, André
Bégin-Drolet, Simon Collin, Jérôme Gosselin, Jean Ruel, A new robust
controller for non-linear periodic single-input/single-output systems using
genetic algorithms, Pages 23-35
- Bin Yang, Mingjie Liu, Hakil Kim, Xuenan Cui, Luenberger-sliding mode
observer based fuzzy double loop integral sliding mode controller for
electronic throttle valve, Pages 36-46
- Shiwen Xie, Yongfang Xie, Chunhua Yang, Weihua Gui, Yalin Wang,
Distributed parameter modeling and optimal control of the oxidation rate in
the iron removal process, Pages 47-57
- Minjeong Cho, Myungwan Han, Dynamics and control of entrainer enhanced
reactive distillation using an extraneous entrainer for the production of
butyl acetate, Pages 58-76
- M. Bahadır Saltık, Leyla Özkan, Jobert H.A. Ludlage, Siep Weiland, Paul
M.J. Van den Hof, An outlook on robust model predictive control algorithms:
Reflections on performance and computational aspects, Pages 77-102
4.12. Contents: Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Volume 69
March 2018
- Sayma Akther, Md. Rezaul Karim, Md. Samiullah, Chowdhury Farhan Ahmed,
Mining non-redundant closed flexible periodic patterns, Pages 1-23
- Yang Meng, Ronghua Shang, Licheng Jiao, Wenya Zhang, Shuyuan Yang,
Dual-graph regularized non-negative matrix factorization with sparse and
orthogonal constraints, Pages 24-35
- Ibrahim Abdallah, Anne-Lise Gehin, Belkacem Ould Bouamama, On-line robust
graphical diagnoser for hybrid dynamical systems, Pages 36-49
- Atta Oveisi, Mateus Bagetti Jeronimo, Tamara Nestorović, Nonlinear
observer-based recurrent wavelet neuro-controller in disturbance rejection
control of flexible structures, Pages 50-64
- Shufeng Hao, Chongyang Shi, Zhendong Niu, Longbing Cao, Concept coupling
learning for improving concept lattice-based document retrieval, Pages 65-75
- Maxim A. Dulebenets, Mihalis M. Golias, Sabya Mishra, A collaborative
agreement for berth allocation under excessive demand, Pages 76-92
- Chaoshun Li, Wen Zou, Nan Zhang, Xinjie Lai, An evolving T–S fuzzy model
identification approach based on a special membership function and its
application on pump-turbine governing system, Pages 93-103
- Ronald R. Yager, Naif Alajlan, Multi-criteria formulations with uncertain
satisfactions, Pages 104-111
- Srikumar Krishnamoorthy, Efficient mining of high utility itemsets with
multiple minimum utility thresholds, Pages 112-126
- J.C. Galan-Hernandez, V. Alarcon-Aquino, O. Starostenko, J.M.
Ramirez-Cortes, Pilar Gomez-Gil, Wavelet-based frame video coding
algorithms using fovea and SPECK, Pages 127-136
- P. Reche-Lopez, J.M. Perez-Lorenzo, F. Rivas, R. Viciana-Abad, Binaural
lateral localization of multiple sources in real environments using a
kurtosis-driven split-EM algorithm,
Pages 137-146
- Amir Elmishali, Roni Stern, Meir Kalech, An Artificial Intelligence
paradigm for troubleshooting software bugs, Pages 147-156
- O. García-Hinde, G. Terrén-Serrano, M.Á. Hombrados-Herrera, V.
Gómez-Verdejo, S. Jiménez-Fernández, C. Casanova-Mateo, J. Sanz-Justo, M.
Martínez-Ramón, S. Salcedo-Sanz, Evaluation of dimensionality reduction
methods applied to numerical weather models for solar radiation
forecasting, Pages 157-167
- Gangireddy Sushnigdha, Ashok Joshi, Evolutionary method based integrated
guidance strategy for reentry vehicles, Pages 168-177
- Eduard Alibekov, Jiří Kubalík, Robert Babuška, Policy derivation methods
for critic-only reinforcement learning in continuous spaces, Pages 178-187
4.13. Contents: Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com
Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems
Volume 28
May 2018
- Yuechao Ma, Xiaorui Jia, Qingling Zhang, Robust observer-based
finite-time H∞ control for discrete-time singular Markovian jumping system
with time delay and actuator saturation, Pages 1-22
- Huijiao Wang, Dong Zhang, Renquan Lu, Event-triggered H∞ filter design
for Markovian jump systems with quantization, Pages 23-41
- Arvo Kaldmäe, Ülle Kotta, Alexey Shumsky, Alexey Zhirabok, Disturbance
decoupling in nonlinear hybrid systems, Pages 42-53
- Huong Le Thi, Stéphane Junca, Mathias Legrand, Periodic solutions of a
two-degree-of-freedom autonomous vibro-impact oscillator with sticking
phases, Pages 54-74
- Chao Han, Li Jia, Daogang Peng, Model predictive control of batch
processes based on two-dimensional integration frame, Pages 75-86
- Meng Liu, Xin He, Jingyi Yu, Dynamics of a stochastic regime-switching
predator–prey model with harvesting and distributed delays, Pages 87-104
- Deyin Yao, Ming Liu, Renquan Lu, Yong Xu, Qi Zhou, Adaptive sliding mode
controller design of Markov jump systems with time-varying actuator faults
and partly unknown transition probabilities, Pages 105-122
- Zhiyong Yu, Haijun Jiang, Da Huang, Cheng Hu, Consensus of nonlinear
multi-agent systems with directed switching graphs: A directed spanning
tree based error system approach, Pages 123-140
4.14. Contents: ISA Transactions
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com
ISA Transactions
Volume 73
February 2018
A. Castillo, P. García, R. Sanz, P. Albertos, Enhanced extended state
observer-based control for systems with mismatched uncertainties and
disturbances, Pages 1-10
- Li Li, Fucheng Liao, Robust preview control for a class of uncertain
discrete-time systems with time-varying delay, Pages 11-21
- Xiang-Peng Xie, Dong Yue, Ju H. Park, Robust Fault Estimation Design for
Discrete-Time Nonlinear Systems via A Modified Fuzzy Fault Estimation
Observer, Pages 22-30
- An-Ming Kang, Hong-Sen Yan, Stability analysis and dynamic regulation of
multi-dimensional Taylor network controller for SISO nonlinear systems with
time-varying delay, Pages 31-39
- Shuai An, Suozhong Yuan, Relative position control design of receiver UAV
in flying-boom aerial refueling phase, Pages 40-53
- Qinglei Hu, Jian Zhang, Youmin Zhang, Velocity-free attitude coordinated
tracking control for spacecraft formation flying, Pages 54-65
- Ping Liu, Guodong Li, Xinggao Liu, Long Xiao, Yalin Wang, Chunhua Yang,
Weihua Gui, A novel non-uniform control vector parameterization approach
with time grid refinement for flight level tracking optimal control
problems, Pages 66-78
- Xianghua Wang, Xiao Lu, Three-dimensional impact angle constrained
distributed guidance law design for cooperative attacks, Pages 79-90
- Hong Xia, Wei Xing Zheng, Jinliang Shao, Event-triggered containment
control for second-order multi-agent systems with sampled position data,
Pages 91-99
- Farhad Samadi Gazijahani, Sajad Najafi Ravadanegh, Javad Salehi,
Stochastic multi-objective model for optimal energy exchange optimization
of networked microgrids with presence of renewable generation under
risk-based strategies, Pages 100-111
- Renan Landau Paiva de Medeiros, Walter Barra, Iury Valente de Bessa, João
Edgar Chaves Filho, Florindo Antonio de Cavalho Ayres, Cleonor Crescêncio
das Neves, Robust decentralized controller for minimizing coupling effect
in single inductor multiple output DC-DC converter operating in continuous
conduction mode, Pages 112-129
- Ling Zhao, Haiyan Cheng, Tao Wang, Sliding mode control for a two-joint
coupling nonlinear system based on extended state observer, Pages 130-140
- Hafiz Ahmed, Ivan Salgado, Héctor Ríos, Robust synchronization of
master-slave chaotic systems using approximate model: An experimental
study, Pages 141-146
- Tao Zou, Sheng Wu, Ridong Zhang, Improved state space model predictive
fault-tolerant control for injection molding batch processes with partial
actuator faults using GA optimization, Pages 147-153
- Siavash Sharifi, Ali Tivay, S. Mehdi Rezaei, Mohammad Zareinejad, Bijan
Mollaei-Dariani, Leakage fault detection in Electro-Hydraulic Servo Systems
using a nonlinear representation learning approach, Pages 154-164
- Xiaoan Yan, Minping Jia, Wan Zhang, Lin Zhu, Fault diagnosis of rolling
element bearing using a new optimal scale morphology analysis method, Pages
- K. Ghousiya Begum, A. Seshagiri Rao, T.K. Radhakrishnan, Optimal
controller synthesis for second order time delay systems with at least one
RHP pole, Pages 181-188
- Narongrit Pimkumwong, Ming-Shyan Wang, Full-order observer for direct
torque control of induction motor based on constant V/F control technique,
Pages 189-200
- Yongkui Sun, Wen Tan, Tongwen Chen, A method to remove chattering alarms
using median filters, Pages 201-207
- Dandan Wang, Qun Zong, Bailing Tian, Shikai Shao, Xiuyun Zhang, Xinyi
Zhao, Neural network disturbance observer-based distributed finite-time
formation tracking control for multiple unmanned helicopters, Pages 208-226
- Mircea-Bogdan Radac, Radu-Emil Precup, Raul-Cristian Roman, Data-driven
model reference control of MIMO vertical tank systems with model-free VRFT
and Q-Learning, Pages 227-238
- B.M.S. Arifin, C.J. Munaro, O.F.B. Angarita, M.V.G. Cypriano, S.L. Shah,
Actuator stiction compensation via variable amplitude pulses, Pages 239-248
- Jiaqi Zhong, Shan Liang, Qingyu Xiong, Receding horizon H∞ guaranteed
cost tracking control for microwave heating medium with
temperature-dependent permittivity, Pages 249-256
- Junping Huang, Xuefeng Yan, Relevant and independent multi-block approach
for plant-wide process and quality-related monitoring based on KPCA and
SVDD, Pages 257-267
- Paolo Righettini, Roberto Strada, Ehsan KhademOlama, Shirin Valilou,
Online Wavelet Complementary velocity Estimator, Pages 268-277
ISA Transactions
Volume 72
January 2018
- Omid Mofid, Saleh Mobayen, Adaptive sliding mode control for finite-time
stability of quad-rotor UAVs with parametric uncertainties, Pages 1-14
- Zhijian Sun, Guoqing Zhang, Yu Lu, Weidong Zhang, Leader-follower
formation control of underactuated surface vehicles based on sliding mode
control and parameter estimation, Pages 15-24
- Saba Al-Wais, Suiyang Khoo, Tae Hee Lee, Lakshmanan Shanmugam, Saeid
Nahavandi, Robust H∞ cost guaranteed integral sliding mode control for the
synchronization problem of nonlinear tele-operation system with variable
time-delay, Pages 25-36
- Mehran Rahmani, MEMS gyroscope control using a novel compound robust
control, Pages 37-43
- Ke Shi, Xiaofang Yuan, Liang Liu, Model predictive controller-based
multi-model control system for longitudinal stability of distributed drive
electric vehicle, Pages 44-55
- Krzysztof Patan, Two stage neural network modelling for robust model
predictive control, Pages 56-65
- Rodrigue Tchamna, Moonyong Lee, Analytical design of an industrial
two-term controller for optimal regulatory control of open-loop unstable
processes under operational constraints, Pages 66-76
- Qibing Jin, Hehe Wang, Qixin Su, Beiyan Jiang, Qie Liu, A novel
optimization algorithm for MIMO Hammerstein model identification under
heavy-tailed noise, Pages 77-91
- Yang Liu, Xiaoping Liu, Yuanwei Jing, Shaowei Zhou, Adaptive backstepping
H∞ tracking control with prescribed performance for internet congestion,
Pages 92-99
- Peguy Roussel Nwagoum Tuwa, P. Woafo, Suppression of the noise-induced
effects in an electrostatic micro-plate using an adaptive back-stepping
sliding mode control, Pages 100-109
- Tri Tran, Q.P. Ha, Perturbed cooperative-state feedback strategy for
model predictive networked control of interconnected systems, Pages 110-121
- Yushun Tan, Dongsheng Du, Shumin Fei, Quantized filtering for T-S fuzzy
networked systems with saturation nonlinearities: An output-dependent
triggering method, Pages 122-137
- Bingbo Cui, Xiyuan Chen, Xihua Tang, Haoqian Huang, Xiao Liu, Robust
cubature Kalman filter for GNSS/INS with missing observations and colored
measurement noise, Pages 138-146
- Minlin Wang, Xuemei Ren, Qiang Chen, Robust tracking and distributed
synchronization control of a multi-motor servomechanism with H-infinity
performance, Pages 147-160
- Marios Stogiannos, Alex Alexandridis, Haralambos Sarimveis, Model
predictive control for systems with fast dynamics using inverse neural
models, Pages 161-177
- Xiuxing Yin, Li Pan, Direct adaptive robust tracking control for 6 DOF
industrial robot with enhanced accuracy, Pages 178-184
- Jay Singh, Kalyan Chattterjee, C.B. Vishwakarma, Two degree of freedom
internal model control-PID design for LFC of power systems via logarithmic
approximations, Pages 185-196
- R. Sanz, P. García, P. Albertos, A generalized smith predictor for
unstable time-delay SISO systems, Pages 197-204
- Ahmad M. El-Nagar, Nonlinear dynamic systems identification using
recurrent interval type-2 TSK fuzzy neural network – A novel structure,
Pages 205-217
- Xiaogang Deng, Lei Wang, Modified kernel principal component analysis
using double-weighted local outlier factor and its application to nonlinear
process monitoring, Pages 218-228
- Zhe Zhang, Gumin Jin, Jianxun Li, Penalty boundary sequential convex
programming algorithm for non-convex optimal control problems, Pages 229-244
- Gang Niu, Junjie Jiang, Byeng D. Youn, Michael Pecht, Autonomous health
management for PMSM rail vehicles through demagnetization monitoring and
prognosis control, Pages 245-255
- Zhen-Cai Zhu, Xiang Li, Gang Shen, Wei-Dong Zhu, Wire rope tension
control of hoisting systems using a robust nonlinear adaptive backstepping
control scheme, Pages 256-272
- Chifu Yang, Jinsong Zhao, Liyi Li, Sunil K. Agrawal, Design and
implementation of a novel modal space active force control concept for
spatial multi-DOF parallel robotic manipulators actuated by electrical
actuators, Pages 273-286
- Mohamed G. Mousa, S.M. Allam, Essam M. Rashad, Maximum power extraction
under different vector-control schemes and grid-synchronization strategy of
a wind-driven Brushless Doubly-Fed Reluctance Generator, Pages 287-297
4.15. Contents: Journal of the Franklin Institute
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com
Journal of the Franklin Institute
Volume 355, Issue 3
February 2918
Jafferi Jamaludin, Syarkawi Syamsuddin, Nasrudin Abd. Rahim, Hew Wooi Ping,
Control of switch-sharing-based multilevel inverter suitable for
photovoltaic applications, Pages 1018-1039
- R. Sakthivel, Srimanta Santra, B. Kaviarasan, Resilient sampled-data
control design for singular networked systems with random missing data,
Pages 1040-1072
- Yafeng Li, Liuliu Zhang, Changchun Hua, Yu Zhang, Xinping Guan, Output
feedback control for stochastic nonlinear time delay systems using dynamic
gain technique, Pages 1073-1087
- Omar Shaheen, Ahmad M. El-Nagar, Mohammad El-Bardini, Nabila M.
El-Rabaie, Probabilistic fuzzy logic controller for uncertain nonlinear
systems, Pages 1088-1106
Shiqi Zheng, Wenjie Li, Stabilizing region of PDμ controller for fractional
order system with general interval uncertainties and an interval delay,
Pages 1107-1138
- Xinlei Ma, Yongfeng Guo, Lan Chen, Active disturbance rejection control
for electric power steering system with assist motor variable mode, Pages
- Qunxian Zheng, Hongbin Zhang, Youzhu Ling, Xingzhong Guo, Mixed H∞ and
passive control for a class of nonlinear switched systems with average
dwell time via hybrid control approach, Pages 1156-1175
- Tae H. Lee, Ju H. Park, Improved stability conditions of time-varying
delay systems based on new Lyapunov functionals, Pages 1176-1191
- Neyir Ozcan, M. Syed Ali, J. Yogambigai, Quanxin Zhu, Sabri Arik, Robust
synchronization of uncertain Markovian jump complex dynamical networks with
time-varying delays and reaction–diffusion terms via sampled-data control,
Pages 1192-1216
- Lingzhong Zhang, Yongqing Yang, Fei wang, Xin sui, Lag synchronization
for fractional-order memristive neural networks with time delay via
switching jumps mismatch, Pages 1217-1240
- Xueyan Yang, Xiaodi Li, Jinde Cao, Robust finite-time stability of
singular nonlinear systems with interval time-varying delay, Pages 1241-1258
- Yingnan Pan, Guang-Hong Yang, Novel event-triggered filter design for
nonlinear networked control systems, Pages 1259-1277
- Huayun Han, Ying Yang, Linlin Li, Steven X. Ding, Observer-based fault
detection for uncertain nonlinear systems, Pages 1278-1295
- Fengxia Zhang, Musheng Wei, Ying Li, Jianli Zhao, The minimal norm least
squares Hermitian solution of the complex matrix equation AXB+CXD=E, Pages
- Jovan D. Stefanovski, New class of FD filters in presence of
disturbances, Pages 1311-1337
- Zhengran Cao, Chuandong Li, Xin Wang, Tingwen Huang, Finite-time
consensus of linear multi-agent system via distributed event-triggered
strategy, Pages 1338-1350
- Jinling Wang, Jinling Liang, Lan Wang, Switched mechanisms for stability
and l1-gain analysis of T-S fuzzy positive systems described by the F-M
second model, Pages 1351-1372
- Jian-Chen Liu, A generalized probability-interval-decomposition approach
for stability analysis of T-S fuzzy systems with stochastic delays, Pages
- Xinsong Yang, Chen Xu, Jianwen Feng, Jianquan Lu, General synchronization
criteria for nonlinear Markovian systems with random delays, Pages 1394-1410
- H. Trinh, D.C. Huong, A new method for designing distributed
reduced-order functional observers of interconnected time-delay systems,
Pages 1411-1451
- Wenfeng Hu, Lu Liu, Gang Feng, Robust cooperative output regulation of
heterogeneous uncertain linear multi-agent systems by intermittent
communication, Pages 1452-1469
- Yuan Zhang, Jing Yao, Guanrong Chen, Towards mesoscale analysis of
inter-vehicle communications, Pages 1470-1492
- L. Giarré, F. Argenti, Mixed ℓ2 and ℓ1-norm regularization for adaptive
detrending with ARMA modeling, Pages 1493-1511
- Haiyan Gao, Ji Zhang, Weiqiang Tang, Offset-free trajectory tracking
control for hypersonic vehicle under external disturbance and parametric
uncertainty, Pages 997-1017
Journal of the Franklin Institute
Volume 355, Issue 2
January 2018
- Magdi S. Mahmoud, Robust fuzzy stabilization of hybrid discrete delay T–S
systems, Pages 625-652
- Yong Feng, Minghao Zhou, Xuemei Zheng, Fengling Han, Xinghuo Yu,
Full-order terminal sliding-mode control of MIMO systems with unmatched
uncertainties, Pages 653-674
- Sung Jin Yoo, A robust low-complexity tracker design with preassigned
performance for uncertain high-order nonlinear systems with unknown
time-varying delays and high powers, Pages 675-692
- Hamed Rahimi Nohooji, Ian Howard, Lei Cui, Neural network adaptive
control design for robot manipulators under velocity constraints, Pages
- Zhongjun Yang, Huaguang Zhang, Yang Cui, Adaptive fuzzy tracking control
for switched uncertain strict-feedback nonlinear systems, Pages 714-727
- Mario Porru, Alessandro Serpi, Ignazio Marongiu, Alfonso Damiano,
Suppression of DC-link voltage unbalance in three-level neutral-point
clamped converters, Pages 728-752
- Defeng He, Shiming Yu, Linlin Ou, Lexicographic MPC with multiple
economic criteria for constrained nonlinear systems, Pages 753-773
- Luca Merigo, Manuel Beschi, Fabrizio Padula, Antonio Visioli, A
noise-filtering event generator for PIDPlus controllers, Pages 774-802
- Chi Zhang, Wei Zou, Ningbo Cheng, Junshan Gao, Trajectory tracking
control for rotary steerable systems using interval type-2 fuzzy logic and
reinforcement learning, Pages 803-826
- Sarah Mechhoud, Taous-Meriem Laleg-Kirati, Adaptive energy-based bilinear
control of first-order 1-D hyperbolic PDEs: Application to a one-loop
parabolic solar collector trough, Pages 827-848
- Wei Qian, Manman Yuan, Lei Wang, Yonggang Chen, Junqi Yang, Robust
stability criteria for uncertain systems with interval time-varying delay
based on multi-integral functional approach, Pages 849-861
- Xiao Zhang, Yaqi Hao, Daizhan Cheng, Incomplete-profile potential games,
Pages 862-877
- Wei Liu, Kaijiang Yu, Xingguo Tan, Xuhui Bu, State estimation for
networked systems with Markovian communication constraints and multiple
packet dropouts, Pages 878-901
- Zhi-Hui Zhang, Guang-Hong Yang, Fault detection for discrete-time
uncertain LPV systems using non-minimal order filter, Pages 902-921
- Zhe Gao, Fractional-order Kalman filters for continuous-time
fractional-order systems involving colored process and measurement noises,
Pages 922-948
- Shixian Luo, Feiqi Deng, Wu-Hua Chen, Multiple switching-time-dependent
discretized Lyapunov functions/functionals methods for stability analysis
of switched time-delay stochastic systems, Pages 949-964
- Zvezdan M. Marjanović, Goran T. Djordjević, Gradimir V. Milovanović,
Truncation error analysis in computing of SEP and SEP floor for partially
coherent receiver of MPSK signals over composite fading channels, Pages
- Aleksandar Radonjic, Vladimir Vujicic, Integer codes correcting burst and
random asymmetric errors within a byte, Pages 981-996
4.16. Contents: Evolution Equations and Control Theory
Contributed by: Irena Lasiecka, lasiecka at memphis.edu
Evolution Equations and Control Theory
Vol 7.1, 2018. l
The new issue EECT 7-1 March 2018 regular issue is now online:
4.17. CFP: European Journal of Control
Contributed by: Yanzheng Zhu, yanzhengzhu1986 at gmail.com
CFP: European Journal of Control Special Issue on Advanced Control Theory
and Applications for Next-Generation Engineered Systems
Recent years has witnessed great advances and in‐depth integration of
modern control, communication, and computing technologies. They have
prompted the born of nextgeneration engineered systems, including networked
cyber‐physical systems, Internet of Things, smart power grids, artificial
intelligence robots, intelligent transportation systems, and smart
buildings, etc. It is well recognized that the next‐generation engineered
systems have brought great benefits for humanʹs manufacture and life.
However, their multi‐device composition, heterogeneous architecture,
complex connection and interaction mechanisms, and limited resources,
indeed pose substantial design and operation challenges. It is obvious that
constructing the model of system evolution should jointly consider the
objectives of system control, as well as limited resources. In our control
and automation society, an intractable problem is how to jointly design
decentralized/distributed cooperative control policies, and
resource‐efficient allocation approaches to achieve the best operation
performances, e.g., stability, robustness, and efficiency.
Since existing data transmission for remote state estimation and control in
the nextgeneration engineered systems relies on wireless technologies,
adversaries can illegally invade the system at remote side, secretly steal
the sensitive information or malicious manipulate the control system to an
abnormal state. It is reported that a great number of potential security
breaches have been found in industrial control systems. For example, if the
security breaches are malevolently used to destroy the smart grid by the
attackers, power stations may work disorderly or cannot generate
electricity. Different from traditional cyber attacks which only destroy
the cyber layer, new emerging attacks can adopt both cyber and physical
approaches to disrupt the operation of systems. Thus, from perspective of
system control, it is crucial to design proper secure control methodologies
to actively defend cyber‐physical attacks.
Besides, it is still difficult to apply the existing control theory to
practice. Most of the theoretical verification work is accomplished by
computer simulations. It is clear that there exists a huge gap between the
simulation platform and the practical environment. Thus, the simulations
cannot perfectly imitate the running of engineered systems under operation
designed theory. More practical platforms and testbeds are desired to fill
the gap between the theoretical results and the practical applications.
In general, traditional control technologies have remarkably improved the
system performances. However, due to the integration and interaction of
cyber space and physical world in the next‐generation engineered systems,
it is required to explore new control methods to integrally operate the
systems to achieve the higher requirements.
In general, traditional control technologies have remarkably improved the
system performances. However, due to the integration and interaction of
cyber space and physical world in the next‐generation engineered systems,
it is required to explore new control methods to integrally operate the
systems to achieve the higher requirements.
Recently, the researches on control theory and applications for
next‐generation engineered systems are becoming critical and urgent and
have drawn increasing attention from both academia and industry. They have
been included as either specific technical sessions or important topics in
top conferences, such as IEEE CDC, ECC, ACC, and IFAC World Congress. There
are also several journal special issues/sections on control theory and
applications for next‐generation engineered systems ‐‐‐“Sliding Mode
Control and Observation for Complex Industrial Systems”, “New Technique
Trends for Power Converters in Distributed Power Generation Systems” in
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, “Smart Agents and
Cyber‐Physical Systems for Future Industrial Systems” in IEEE Transactions
on Industrial Informatics, and“Secure Control of Cyber Physical Systems” in
IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems. Note that, the former
three special issues/sections are interested in system design for specific
industrial systems, while the latter mainly focuses on secure control of
CPSs. Unlike them, we emphasize on advanced control theory and applications
for next‐generation engineered systems.
The advanced control theory and applications for next‐generation engineered
systems is a hot research topic in European Journal of Control. Since
January 2015, the journal has published about 30 papers on this topic.
However, there is no special issue in European Journal of Control specified
to this topic. Thus, it is important and timely to launch a special issue
to highlight the importance of advanced control theory for the
nextgeneration engineered systems and to link the practical challenges and
requirements with the most recent theoretical and technical advances in
this area. We also believe that this special issue will attract the
attention of a large audience including researchers and developers from
control, automation, robotics, and industrial communities.
This special issue will seek latest significant contributions on advanced
control theory and applications for next‐generation engineered systems.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Modeling of next‐generation engineered systems
- System stability and performance analysis
- Decentralized/distributed control for next‐generation engineered systems
- Resilient/secure feedback controller design
- Data‐driven/event‐driven control for next‐generation engineered systems
- Robust control for next‐generation engineered systems
- Fault tolerant control for next‐generation engineered systems
- Switching control strategy for next‐generation engineered systems
- Resource allocations/optimization for next‐generation engineered systems
- Intelligent autonomous control for next‐generation engineered systems
- Experiments, platforms and applications for next‐generation engineered
Full paper submission deadline: June 30, 2018
First notification: August 31, 2018
Final notification: October 31, 2018
Final paper due: November 30, 2018
Publication date (tentative): March, 2019
Guest Editors:
Dr. Heng Zhang, School of Computing, Engineering & Math, University of
Western Sydney, Australia, Email: Dr.Zhang.Heng at ieee.org
Dr. Yanzheng Zhu, Security Control Research Center, Shandong University of
Science and Technology, China, Email: yanzhengzhu1986 at gmail.com
Prof. Michael V. Basin, Department of Physical and Mathematical Sciences,
Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon, Mexico, Email: mbasin at fcfm.uanl.mx
Dr. Dawei Shi, John A. Paulson School of Engineering & Applied Sciences,
Harvard University, United States, Email: daweishi at seas.harvard.edu
Prof. Zhengtao Ding, School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering,
University of Manchester, UK, Email: Zhengtao.Ding at manchester.ac.uk
5. Conferences
5.1. IFAC Conference on Cyber-Physical & Human Systems
Contributed by: Yue Wang, yue6 at clemson.edu
The 2nd IFAC Conference on Cyber-Physical & Human Systems
December 14-15, 2018, Miami, USA
Submission Deadline: April 15, 2018
Acceptance notification: September 1, 2018
Final Submission Deadline: October 1, 2018
Steady advances in controls, communications, and computing are enabling new
forms of cyber-physical systems (CPS), and are simultaneously redefining
the role and position of humans in broad areas of applications and blurring
the traditional boundaries between humans and technology. Therefore, for
the most part, human interactions in these technical systems are becoming
more complex and raising a range of new technical challenges and broader
questions, touching social and even cultural domains. This newfound
relationship between humans and technology must be studied from an
engineering perspective, a human-factors perspective, and from the
perspective of social sciences. This conference series on Cyber-Physical &
Human Systems (CPHS) is intended to examine these multidisciplinary
The second IFAC conference on CPHS builds on the success of CPHS 2016 and
the H-CPS-I meeting in 2014. CPHS 2018 aims to bring together researchers
and practitioners from academia and industry to share scientific and
technological advances as well as gain a deeper understanding of the
interactions between cyber-physical systems and humans. Of particular
interest are human-centered technologies in a wide-range of applications
including transportation, energy, robotics, manufacturing, and health-care.
Examples of topics include human-machine symbiosis, humans as
supervisors/operators of complex engineering systems, humans as agents in
multi-agent systems, and humans as elements in controlled systems. In
addition to the technical and theoretical contributions, CPHS 2018 also
invites papers studying the ethical questions, public policies, regulatory
issues, and new risks associated with interactions between humans and
cyber-physical systems. Towards this end, we invite submissions in the
following categories:
• Full conference papers (6-8 pages) addressing relevant CPHS topics, which
will be peer-reviewed, and presented at the conference (if accepted).
Review, Tutorial and Vision papers are also welcome.
• Extended abstracts (a minimum of 500 words) addressing topics of
interest, subject to the same review process as full papers, and invited to
present at the conference (if accepted).
• Invited sessions, consisting of six full papers and/or extended
abstracts, to fill a two-hour block.
• Tutorials and/or workshops, a half-day or full-day event either before or
after the conference (please contact the organizers for guidance and
We encourage submissions on human-centered technologies in a wide-range of
applications including transportation (ground, air, and space), energy,
robotics, manufacturing, and health-care. Example of topics include the
1. Human-Machine Symbiosis
o Control of smart prosthetics
o Neurostimulation
o Exoskeletons
o Biomedical implants
o Augmented Human
2. Humans as supervisors/operators of complex engineering systems
o Human-Machine interaction in flight control
o Cooperative control in Automotive systems (ex. ADAS)
o Process plant operation
o Robotic surgery
o Spacecraft control
o Control in hazardous environments
o Automated or semi-automated trains
o Remote operation of robotic teams (ex. in rescue scenarios)
3. Humans as agents in multi-agent systems
o Intelligent road transportation
o Next-generation air traffic management
o Flexible manufacturing
o Assistive robotics
o Smart Grid and Demand Response
o Urban mobility
4. Humans as elements in controlled systems
o Comfort control in homes
o Smart cities
o Rescue robotics
o Assistive devices
o Smart infrastructure
o Connected buildings
5. General CPHS topics
o Semiautonomous and mixed-initiative systems
o Shared control
o Cognitive control
o Decision-support for human operators
o Recent theoretical developments impacting the open problems
o Ethics, public policy, and regulatory issues
o Potential impact and open problems
The conference program will only include papers of the highest standard as
selected by the IPC, in accordance with the IFAC guidelines
www.ifac-control.org/publications/Publications-requirements-1.4.pdf. All
papers and abstracts will be accepted with the understanding that the
authors will present them at the CPHS Conference. At least one author of
every accepted paper will be required to register for the conference before
uploading the final version. Accepted papers and abstracts will be
presented either in oral or poster format. Accepted papers will be included
in the conference “preprints” (USB drive) and published online, whereas
accepted abstracts will only be included as preprints and not published
on-line. All papers, abstracts, and invited session proposals must be
submitted through the conference submission website, www.cphs2018.org, and
conform to the policy found therein.
Copyright: "All publication material submitted for presentation at an
IFAC-sponsored meeting (Congress, Symposium, Conference, Workshop) must be
original and hence cannot be already published, nor can it be under review
elsewhere. The authors take responsibility for the material that has been
submitted. IFAC-sponsored conferences will abide by the highest standard of
ethical behavior in the review process as explained on the Elsevier webpage
(https://www.elsevier.com/authors/journal-authors/policies-and-ethics), and
the authors will abide by the IFAC publication ethics guidelines (
Accepted papers will be published in the open-access IFAC-PapersOnLine
series hosted on ScienceDirect (http://www.sciencedirect.com/). To this
end, author(s) must confer the copyright to IFAC when they submit the final
version of the paper through the paper submission process. The author(s)
retain the right to use a copy of the paper for personal use, internal
institutional use at the author(s)’ institution, or scholarly posting at an
open web site operated by the author(s) or their institution, limited to
noncommercial use. Any other use of the paper requires approval by IFAC."
5.2. International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and
Contributed by: Pawel Dworak, pawel.dworak at zut.edu.pl
23rd International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and
27-30 August 2018
Amber Baltic Hotel, Międzyzdroje, Poland
It is our great pleasure to invite You to participate in the 23rdt
International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics,
MMAR 2018 to be held in Międzyzdroje, Poland, from August 27th to August
30th, 2018.
The Conference will be a good opportunity for highlighting the new results
and directions of Automatic Control theory, technology and applications. As
such, it mainly will concentrate on the following key points:
– emphasis on invited lectures including plenaries,
– industry participation promotion,
– attract young people to study and work in the field.
The participants of the 23rd International MMAR Conference will have the
opportunity to take part in the wide spectrum of categories for technical
presentations, including plenary lectures, regular papers of both lecture
and poster session types, and panel discussion. We look forward to seeing
our old and new friends in Poland. You are kindly invited to participate in
the 23rd International MMAR Conference in Międzyzdroje, Poland.
The proceedings of the conference will be submitted for review and approval
for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore® Digital Library and will be submitted for
inclusion in the Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Science (ISI Web
of Science).
Key Dates (Please check the latest information at www.mmar.edu.pl)
March 5, 2018 - Paper submission
May 21, 2018 - Notification of acceptance
June 25, 2018 - Registration
July 2, 2018 - Camera-ready paper submission
For more information see http://www.mmar.edu.pl
5.3. International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing
Contributed by: Marian Barbu, Marian.Barbu at ugal.ro
22nd International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing -
October 10-12, 2018, Sinaia, Romania
Website: http://www.icstcc.ugal.ro/2018
ICSTCC 2018 aims at bringing together under a unique forum, scientists from
Academia and Industry, to discuss the state of the art and the new trends
in System Theory, Control and Computer Engineering, promoting professional
interactions and fellowship.
ICSTCC 2018 is technically co-sponsored by IEEE Control Systems Society.
In accordance with the Letter of Acquisition signed with IEEE, the
Proceedings of ICSTCC 2018 will be submitted for inclusion in IEEE Xplore
Digital Library. The Proceedings will also be submitted for indexing in
Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index (formerly ISI
ICSTCC 2018 conference will be hosted by the beautiful International Center
for Conferences – CASINO Sinaia. Sinaia is one of the most famous and
oldest mountain tourist resorts in Romania, known as “The Carpathian
Pearl”. It is best known for being the summer residence of the Romanian
Royal family. We are planning a number of field trips: Bran Castle
(Dracula's Castle) and Peles Castle.
Confirmed keynote speakers:
Alberto Bemporad (Italy)
Gildas Besancon (France)
Emilia Fridman (Israel)
Ion Necoara (Romania)
Dorothee Normand-Cyrot (France)
Sigurd Skogestad (Norway)
Important dates:
- April 27, 2018: Invited Session proposal submission
- May 4, 2018: Initial paper submission
- June 29, 2018: Notification of acceptance
- July 27, 2018: Final submission and registration payment
The main areas of interest are: Automation and Robotics; Computer Science
and Engineering; Electronics and Instrumentation
All papers should be submitted via the online submission system at
For further information please contact the organizing committee at:
icstcc2018 at ugal.ro.
5.4. International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems
Contributed by: Hye-Soo Kim, conference at icros.org
2018 18th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems
(ICCAS 2018)
October 17~20, 2018
YongPyong Resort, PyeongChang, GangWon Province, Korea
Call for Papers: http://icros.org/data/download/ICCAS2018/ICCAS2018_CFP.pdf
The aim of the ICCAS is to bring together researchers and engineers
worldwide to present their latest works, and disseminate the
state-of-the-art technologies related to control, automation, robotics, and
- May 31, 2018 : Submission of Regular Papers (3~6 pages)
- June 30, 2018 : Submission of Organized Session/Mini-symposium Proposal
with Papers and Research Poster Papers (1~2 pages)
- July 31, 2018 : Notification of Acceptance
- August 31, 2018 : Submission of Final Camera-ready Papers
- Edwin K. P. Chong (Colorado State Univ., USA)
- Mattew W. Smuck (Stanford Univ., USA)
- Janan Zaytoon (Univ. of Reims, France)
- Xiaoyan Zhu (Tsinghua Univ., China)
- Hideaki Ishii (Tokyo Inst. of Tech., Japan)
-- Welcome to PyeongChang, 2018 Winter Olympics Venue --
PyeongChang is a county in Gangwon Province, South Korea. It’s known for
Odaesan National Park, with trails crisscrossing the Taebaek Mountains. The
park is also home to several Buddhist temples, including Woljeongsa Temple,
with its 9-story octagonal pagoda. Lee Hyo-seok Culture Village explores
the life of early-20th-century poet Lee Hyo-seok. On the Heungjeong Valley
bank are the 7 themed gardens of Herbnara Farm.
General Chair: Chul Joo Hwang (President of ICROS; Jusung Engineering,
Organizing Chair: Sungwan Kim (Seoul Nat’l Univ., Korea)
Program Chair: Jung Kim (KAIST, Korea)
Organized by Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems (ICROS)
5.5. ASME 2018 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference
Contributed by: Yue Wang, yue6 at clemson.edu
The ASME 2018 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference
September 30 - October 3, 2018, Hyatt Regency Atlanta, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
The 2018 Dynamic Systems and Control (DSC) Conference will be held on
October 1-3, 2018 at the Hyatt Regency Atlanta, located in the heart of
downtown Atlanta, Georgia. The venue is one of the top Atlanta luxury
hotels and is connected to the MARTA transit system and blocks away from
major attractions such as Georgia Aquarium and the World of Coca-Cola. On
behalf of the 2018 DSCC Organization Committee and the Dynamics Systems and
Control Division (DSCD) of ASME, we cordially invite you to enjoy an
exciting technical program and a unique opportunity to network.
The DSC conference is the showcase technical forum of the ASME Dynamic
Systems and Control Division. It provides a focused and intimate setting
for dissemination and discussion of the state of the art in dynamic systems
and control research, with a mechanical engineering focus. The 2018 DSC
Conference Technical Program will consist of sessions in all of the usual
areas of interest to the Division that include, but are not limited to,
automotive and transportation systems, bio-systems and health care, energy
systems, mechatronics, modeling, identification, intelligent systems,
robotics, vibrations, and smart structures. Highlights of the 2018 DSCC
will include:
- Four plenary talks given by distinguished scholars, including the
Oldenburger Lecture and the Nyquist Lecture.
- Workshops and tutorials that are focused on emerging topics.
- Invited and special sessions on technical tracks and funding programs
that are of interest to the DSC community.
- Student programs including Best Student Paper competition, networking
with faculty recruiters, and networking with industry.
- Exhibits by industry.
- Extensive networking opportunities during the opening reception,
continental breakfasts, the banquet, and the farewell lunch.
All accepted papers must be presented on-site at the conference by an
author of the paper. Papers which are not presented (no-shows) will be
removed from the official conference proceedings and will not be indexed
through the ASME Digital Collection.
Online access to conference papers will be given to all registered
attendees at the start of the conference. Following the event, the official
proceedings of the conference are published in the ASME Digital Collection,
and will be submitted to all major indexers including EI Complex, Scopus,
and the ISI Conference Proceedings Citation Index.
Important Dates
- Submission of invited session proposals - April 2, 2018
- Submission of contributed and invited papers - April 9, 2018
- Notification of acceptance/rejection - May 28, 2018
- Submission of final papers - July 2, 2018
Conference Organizers
General Chair
XIAOBO TAN, xbtan at egr.msu.edu
Michigan State University
Program Chair
GEORGE ZHU, zhug at egr.msu.edu
Michigan State University
5.6. Call for Workshop Proposals: ASME 2018 Dynamic System and Control
Contributed by: Sean Andersson, sanderss at bu.edu
ASME 2018 Dynamic System and Control Conference
Call for workshop proposals
We invite you to submit your proposals for a workshop to be delivered at
the 2018 DSCC in Atlanta, GA. Workshops will be held on Sunday, September
30, from 1 – 5 pm. Organizers of workshops with at least ten registered
attendees will receive a (single) $500 travel stipend.
Proposals should be sent as PDF files to the Workshops Chair (Sean B.
Andersson) at sanderss at bu.edu and should provide the following information.
1. Names, affiliations, and a brief biosketch of the organizers and
2. Workshop abstract.
3. Outline and timing of topics covered (3-4 hours).
Submission deadline: April 15, 2018.
Acceptance notification: May 31, 2018.
5.7. World Congress: Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and
Contributed by: Seenith Sivasundaram, seenithi at gmail.com
World Congress: Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and Sciences
WHEN: July 3, 2018 – July 6, 2018
WHERE: American University of Armenia, Yerevan
Website: http://www.icnpaa.com
Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and Science have stimulated
cooperation among scientists from a variety of disciplines. Developments in
computer technology have additionally allowed for solutions of mathematical
problems. This international forum will extend scholarly cooperation and
collaboration, encouraging the dissemination of ideas and information. The
conference will have a pool of active researchers, with a proper balance
between academia and industry, as well as between senior and junior
researchers, including graduate students and post-doctoral fellows. It is
anticipated that such a balance will provide both senior and junior
researchers an opportunity to interact and to have a wider picture of
recent advances in their respective fields. The conference, especially,
enables the setting up of new interdisciplinary research directions among
its participants by establishing links with world renowned researchers,
making possible joint international projects that will no doubt bring about
fresh and innovative ideas and technologies in engineering, aerospace and
Co-Sponsored by: AIAA: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
IFIP: International Federation of Information Processing
American University of Armenia, Yerevan
The proceedings will be published by the American Institute of Physics.
5.8. Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing
Contributed by: Rachel E Palmisano, rep2 at illinois.edu
Call for papers
Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing
Manuscripts can be submitted from June 15-July 9, 2018. The submission
deadline of July 9th is firm.
Please follow the instructions at allerton.csl.illinois.edu.
5.9. International Conference on Systems and Control
Contributed by: Driss MEHDI, driss.mehdi at univ-poitiers.fr
The 2018 7th International Conference on Systems and Control
The 7th edition of the International Conference on Systems and Control will
be held on October 24-26, 2018, at the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia,
Paper submission: Papers must be submitted electronically via the Web
upload system only. The guidelines are given at the ICSC'18 Web site
The authors are invited to submit the full version of their manuscripts
online through the online paper submission
Important Dates:
Contributed papers, invited session papers: May 30, 2018
Notification of Acceptance / Rejection: July 20, 2018
Final, Camera ready papers due: September 15, 2018
Conference opening: October 24, 2018
For more information please visit the website of the conference
Program Chairs
Joseba Quevedo, Spain
Driss Mehdi, France
Abdelouahab Aitouche, France
General Chair :
Pedor Albertos, Spain
Please feel free to contact Prof. D. MEHDI (driss.mehdi at univ-poitiers.fr)
5.10. International Symposium on Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems
Contributed by: Ted Pavlic, tpavlic at asu.edu
October 15–17, 2018
University of Colorado at Boulder, USA
Paper submission: May 15, 2018, 11.59pm Pacific Time
Author Notification: July 30, 2018
Camera ready submission: September 1, 2018
Now in its 14th edition, the International Symposium on Distributed
Autonomous Robotic Systems (DARS) provides a forum for scientific advances
in the theory and practice of distributed autonomous robotic systems. It is
a highly selective, single-track meeting that is soliciting submissions
presenting significant, original, and previously unpublished research.
Distributed robotics is an interdisciplinary and rapidly growing area,
combining research in computer science, communication and control systems,
and electrical and mechanical engineering. Distributed robotic systems can
autonomously solve complex problems while operating in highly unstructured
real-world environments. They are expected to play a major role in
addressing future societal needs, for example, by improving environmental
impact assessment, food supply, transportation, manufacturing, security,
and emergency and rescue services. DARS 2018 will build upon past successes
and provide an exciting environment for researchers to present and discuss
the latest technologies, algorithms, system architectures, and
applications. All interested researchers and engineers are invited to take
part in DARS 2018.
Papers are solicited in all areas of distributed autonomous robotics,
including, but not restricted to:
* Architectures for teams of robots
* Self-organizing and self-assembling robotic systems
* Swarm robotic systems
* Hybrid symbiotic teams (humans and robots, animals and robots)
* Learning and adaptation in teams of robots
* Modular robotics
* Localization and navigation in multi-robot systems
* Multi-robot and multi-vehicle motion coordination
* Distributed cooperative perception
* Distributed cooperative action
* Distributed control and planning
* Control issues in multi-robot systems
* Performance metrics for robot teams
* Distributed decision making
* Sensor and actuator networks
* Networking issues in multi-robot systems
* Wireless and robotic sensor networks
* Multi-robot applications in exploration, inspection, coverage, search and
rescue, service, environmental monitoring, etc.
Please submit your paper using https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/DARS2018
Papers should be formatted according to the style files of Springer
Proceedings in Advanced Robotics (SPAR). The page limit is 12 pages.
All accepted contributions will be included as full-length papers in the
Proceedings of DARS 2018. The proceedings will likely be published in the
Springer SPAR series (Springer Proceedings in Advanced Robotics).
DARS 2018 provides four sponsor packages: platinum, gold, silver, and
bronze. Sponsors currently include the University of Colorado at Boulder
(gold), UC-Boulder College of Engineering and Applied Science (silver),
Modular Robotics (silver), and Robotic Materials (bronze).
If you wish to become a sponsor of, or exhibitor at, DARS 2018, please
visit http://dars2018.org/ or contact industry chair Christoffer Heckman (
christoffer.heckman at colorado.edu) for more information.
General Chair: Nikolaus Correll (University of Colorado at Boulder)
General Co-Chair: Mac Schwager (Stanford University)
Technical Program Co-Chairs:
Marco Dorigo (Université Libre de Bruxelles)
Vijay Kumar (University of Pennsylvania),
Fumitoshi Matsuno (Kyoto University),
Katia Sycara (Carnegie Mellon University)
See http://dars2018.org/ for more information about the Program Committee.
5.11. IFAC International Conference on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control
Contributed by: Rolf Findeisen, rolf.findeisen at ovgu.de
6th IFAC International Conference on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control -
NMPC 2018
August 19th-22nd, 2018
Madison, Wisconsin, US
Submission deadlines:
Invited session proposals 25 MARCH 2018
Regular & invited papers, workshop proposals 5 APRIL 2018
Abstracts contributions 25 APRIL 2018
The 6th IFAC International Conference on Nonlinear Model Predictive
Control, will take place in the city of Wisconsin, Madison, US, August
19th-22nd, 2018.
Model predictive control (MPC) is one of the advanced control techniques
that has significantly affected control engineering practice with thousands
of controllers implemented in various fields, spanning from process
industry to automotive and robotics.
NMPC 2018 aims at bringing together researchers interested and working in
the field of MPC, from both academia and industry. This allows to reflect
and establish the current state-of-the-art and focus the future development
of the MPC field towards relevant directions.
Major conference topics are (detailed list see conference webpage):
· Uncertainty and model predictive control
· Stability of model predictive control
· Economic model predictive control
· Big data and predictive control
· Model predictive control in the cloud/IoT and model predictive control
· Learning and model predictive control
· Moving horizon estimation
· Hierarchical and decentralized predictive control
· Embedded and real-time feasible predictive control
· Applications of model predictive control
NMPC 2016 will take place in the city of Wisconsin, Madison, USA in the
fluno conference center. It is located between the lakes Mendota and Monona
on the University of Wisconsin Madison campus, in the downtown and cultural
center of Madison. Madison is the capital of the U.S. state of Wisconsin.
For detailed information about the 6th IFAC-NMPC, visit www.nmpc2018.org
We hope to welcoming you at NMPC 2018
Rolf Findeisen, Daniel Limon, Tobias Geyer (IPC chairs)
James B. Rawlings, Victor Zavala, Thomas Badgwell (NOC chairs)
Conference Website: http://www.nmpc2018.org
Copyright: "All publication material submitted for presentation at an
IFAC-sponsored meeting (Congress, Symposium, Conference, Workshop) must be
original and hence cannot be already published, nor can it be under review
elsewhere. The authors take responsibility for the material that has been
submitted. IFAC-sponsored conferences will abide by the highest standard of
ethical behavior in the review process as explained on the Elsevier webpage
(https://www.elsevier.com/authors/journal-authors/policies-and-ethics), and
the authors will abide by the IFAC publication ethics guidelines (
Accepted papers will be published in the open-access IFAC-PapersOnLine
series hosted on ScienceDirect (http://www.sciencedirect.com/). To this
end, author(s) must confer the copyright to IFAC when they submit the final
version of the paper through the paper submission process. The author(s)
retain the right to use a copy of the paper for personal use, internal
institutional use at the author(s)’ institution, or scholarly posting at an
open web site operated by the author(s) or their institution, limited to
noncommercial use. Any other use of the paper requires approval by IFAC."
5.12. IFAC Conference on Analysis and Control of Chaotic Systems
Contributed by: Alexander Pogromsky, a.pogromsky at tue.nl
The 5th IFAC Conference on Analysis and Control of Chaotic Systems
(http://chaos2018.wtb.tue.nl/) will take place on October 30 - November 1
2018 in Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
This conference is related to analysis and control of chaotic systems.
It provides a forum for the presentation of new developments in the
important interdisciplinary field of chaos control, synchronization and
complex networks. The research activity in this field is driven by the
needs of different application domains such as: biology (brain dynamics,
heart beating, etc.), physics (optics, magnetics, fluid dynamics, etc.),
mechanics, smart industry, engineering (non-linear dynamics of electronic
and power electronic systems, chaos encrypted signals, walking robots,
etc.), economics (critical decision, etc.), chemical engineering, and so
on. The aim of the conference is to provide the communities of control
engineering, physics, economics, biology, fluid dynamics, power
electronics, electronic circuits, etc. with an opportunity to exchange
information and new ideas and to discuss new developments in the field of
chaos control and synchronization. Both theory and applications will be
The conference will cover all topics related to complex dynamics within the
framework of control systems theory and engineering, including (but not
limited to) the following: control of complex systems, bifurcations in
complex systems, nonlinear time series and identification, brain dynamics,
small world networks, applications (biology, chemical engineering, physics,
electrical engineering), control and observation via communication
constraints, providing a discussion forum for the physics, chaos and
control system communities.
This event is organized by IFAC Technical Committee
TC2.3 (Non-linear control systems) and co-sponsored by the following IFAC
Technical Committees:
TC1.2: Adaptive Learning Systems
TC1.3: Discrete Event and Hybrid systems
TC1.5: Networked Systems
TC2.1: Control design
TC8.2: Biological and Medical Systems
Confirmed plenary speakers: M. Cao, T. Iwasaki, R. Sepulchre We invite you
to submit papers and invited session proposals.
The submission deadline is April, 15, 2018.
IPC Chairs: J.-I. Imura, A. Fradkov
NOC Chair: H. Nijmeijer
IFAC copyright conditions:
5.13. IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design and Workshop on Linear
Parameter Varying Systems
Contributed by: Eugênio B. Castelan, eugenio.castelan at ufsc.br
ROCOND'18 & LPVS'18 (Extended deadline for submissions: March 15, 2018)
9th IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design (ROCOND'18) and 2nd IFAC
Workshop on Linear Parameter Varying Systems (LPVS'18) - Florianopolis, SC,
Brazil, September 03-05, 2018.
http://rocond18.ufsc.br http://lpvs18.ufsc.br
Updated Important Dates:
Open track session submission deadline March 15, 2018 (No further
Draft paper submission deadline March 15, 2018 (No further extensions)
Acceptance/rejection notification May 15, 2018
Submission site - https://ifac.papercept.net
The Organizing Committees have the pleasure of inviting you to participate
in the joint9th IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design (ROCOND'18) and 2nd
IFAC Workshop on Linear Parameter Varying Systems (LPVS'18) to be held in
Florianopolis, Brazil, September 3-5, 2018. The joint ROCOND'18 and LPVS'18
will be held at the conference center of Majestic Palace Hotel near
downtown Florianopolis. Majestic Palace Hotel is a 5-star hotel offering
luxury accommodation, stunning views of the North Bay, and located just
minutes from Shopping Malls, several beaches on the north, south and east
of Santa Catarina Island.
Author Guidelines
The joint ROCOND'18& LPVS'18 invite four types of submission: ROCOND
Regular or Open Invited Track papers, and LPVS Regular or Open Invited
Track papers. For the purpose of review only, all submitted manuscripts may
be up to eight (8) pages long. However, normal length for the final
manuscript is limited to six (6) pages. Papers exceeding the normal length
may be submitted upon payment of over length page charges of EUR 100.00 for
each page in excess of six. A maximum of two extra pages above normal six
are permitted.
Scope and Topics:
ROCOND 2018 - Over the last three decades, robust control has been a topic
of active research and development of new theoretical principles, numerical
methods and effective control algorithms to design and implement complex
engineering control systems that provide adequate performance and stability
when implemented in real plants. Emphasis will be put on current challenges
and new directions in development of theoretical and computational tools
for versatile practical applications implemented on advanced control
systems (networked, embedded, distributed control systems) and are not
purely devoted to robust control design.
LPVS 2018 - The class of Linear Parameter Varying (LPV)systems can be used
to represent several types of dynamical systems such as time varying
uncertain, non-linear, switching or multi-models ones. The LPV modeling
allows also the design of the so-called LPV controllers, where the control
law parametersare up dated according to the measurable plant varying
parameters. In the last two decades, LPV systems and control have been an
active topic of research in the control systems community. This Workshop
aims at presenting new results in the field of LPV systems and their
applications in real life and industry (automotive, aerospace, robotics,
chemical processes, biological systems, energy and nuclear, network
controlled-systems), including aspects on modeling, identification,
stability, control design, observation and diagnosis.
We have already confirmed plenary speakers for:
- ROCOND 2018: Mario Sznaier, Jose C. Geromel and Karl H. Johansson,
- LPVS 2018: Javad Mohammadpour and Ricardo Sanchez-Pena
Plenary information, including titles, abstracts and speaker biographies
are available on the conference website.
IFAC Young Author Prize
It will be awarded a prize for the best paper in the joint ROCOND'18 and
LPV'18for an author younger than 30 years by September 1st 2018. The author
should be the first (corresponding) and presenting author of the paper. The
prize and a certificate will be awarded at the closing ceremony of the
joint ROCOND'18 and LPV'18.
IFAC copyright conditions:
5.14. CEAS Conference on Guidance, Navigation and Control
Contributed by: Marco Lovera, marco.lovera at polimi.it
5th CEAS Conference on Guidance, Navigation and Control (EuroGNC 2019)
First announcement and call for papers
On behalf of the Organizing Committee and the Council of European Aerospace
Societies (CEAS) it is a pleasure to invite you to participate in the 5th
CEAS Conference on Guidance, Navigation and Control (EuroGNC 2019), which
will be held Wednesday through Friday, April 3-5, 2019 at the Bovisa Campus
of Politecnico di Milano, Italy.
EuroGNC brings together on a biannual basis an international community of
researchers and practitioners in the field of aerospace guidance,
navigation and control to discuss new research results, perspectives on
future developments, and innovative applications relevant to aeronautics
and space. Scientists and engineers from industry, research institutes and
universities involved in the development of novel GNC methods, applications
or technologies are invited to attend the 5th EuroGNC. Presentations should
focus on technical and scientific aspects of GNC architectures, algorithms
and methods as well as on actual experience gained from real-life
applications in those fields.
The 2019 EuroGNC is organized by the Council of European Aerospace
Societies (CEAS), with the support of the Italian Member Society –
Associazione Italiana Di Aeronautica e Astronautica (AIDAA) and the
co-sponsorship of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
(AIAA) and of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Science (JSASS).
Conference topics include (but are not limited to):
Flight experiments and lessons learned; atmospheric applications; manned
fixed-wing and rotary-wing aircraft; missiles; unmanned aerial vehicles;
autonomous aerial vehicles; special and unconventional configurations;
space applications; reentry, descent and landing; attitude and orbit
control; multi-spacecraft applications; high performance satellite control;
launcher and ascent control; innovative methods, algorithms, systems and
architectures for guidance and control; fault-tolerant control; FDIR
algorithms and techniques; nonlinear, adaptive and other novel methods and
algorithms; certification aspects; development methods and tools (modeling
& simulation, control design, testing, verification and validation);
sensors, data fusion, navigation and estimation; inertial & coupled
navigation; novel navigation methods (visual, bio-inspired, acoustic,
September 15, 2018: Full Papers/Invited Papers Due
December 15, 2018: Acceptance/Rejection Notification
January 15, 2019: Upload Final, Camera Ready Papers
Details on paper submission will be provided in the updated calls for
papers and on the conference website eurognc19.polimi.it.
Marco Lovera, Politecnico di Milano, marco.lovera at polimi.it
5.15. IFAC Workshop on Distributed Estimation and Control in Networked
Contributed by: Bart Besselink, b.besselink at rug.nl
7th IFAC Workshop on Distributed Estimation and Control in Networked
Systems (NecSys18)
August 27-28, 2018
University of Groningen, Groningen, the Netherlands
The Organising Committee has the pleasure of inviting you to participate in
the 7th IFAC Workshop on Distributed Estimation and Control in Networked
Systems (NecSys18) to be held at the University of Groningen, the
Netherlands, August 27-28, 2018.
Networked systems and complex dynamical systems can be taken as composed of
a large number of simple systems interacting through a communication
medium. These systems arise as natural models in many areas of engineering
and sciences, such as sensor networks, autonomous and unmanned vehicles,
Internet of Things (IoT), smart manufacturing systems (Industry 4.0),
biological networks, and animal cooperative aggregation.
The workshop will focus on recent theoretical and experimental developments
in the last few years for the analysis, design, identification, estimation
and control of networked systems. The aim of this workshop is to bring
together researchers from control, computer science, communication, game
theory, statistics, mathematics and other areas, as well as practitioners
in the related industrial or educational fields, to discuss emerging topics
in networked systems of common interest.
Following the tradition of previous NecSys workshops, the workshop will be
single track and will feature plenary presentations and poster/interactive
sessions of contributed papers. The plenary speakers who have so far
confirmed their presence are:
- Carlos Canudas de Wit (CNRS, GIPSA-Lab)
- Jorge Cortes (University of California San Diego)
- Florian Dorfler (ETH Zurich)
- Antoine Girard (CNRS, L2S)
- Julien Hendrickx (UC Louvain)
- Paul van den Hof (TU Eindhoven)
- Steve Morse (Yale University)
- Giuseppe Notarstefano (University of Salento)
- Lacra Pavel (University of Toronto)
* Paper submission deadline: April 15, 2018
* Notification of acceptance: June 30, 2018
* Final paper submission deadline: July 20, 2018
Conference Co-chairs
* Claudio De Persis (University of Groningen)
* Ming Cao (University of Groningen)
International Programme Committee Chair
* Mehran Mesbahi (University of Washington)
International Programme Committee Co-chairs
* Hyungbo Shim (Seoul National University)
* Kanat Camlibel (University of Groningen)
6. Positions
6.1. PhD: CEA LIST, France
Contributed by: Guillaume MERCERE, guillaume.mercere at univ-poitiers.fr
PhD: Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA),
France, Strasbourg University, and Poitiers University, France
A fully funded Ph.D. position is available in the area of control theory
and collaborative robots at the Interactive Robotics Laboratory (IRL) of
the CEA LIST, France. The appointment will be for 3 years.
In order to improve the industrial production as well as to reduce some
important manufacturing costs, robots and people must nowadays have the
potential to work in the same environment – even on the same workpieces –
at the same time. Such a practical cooperative robotic framework requires
the development of new robots. The involved robots must be built to work
safely alongside people thanks to appropriate mechanical structures as well
as new dedicated controllers. These specific practical constraints often
lead to compliant mechanical actuation designs characterized by intrinsic
or active, control-adjustable compliance. These new design specifications
imposed by the collaborative application requirements, raise specific
identification and control issues which must be solved to ensure a safe
cooperative human-robot work. The goal of this Ph.D. project consists in
developing new automatic control tools for (i) the identification of
multivariable models from frequency data, that suit to the context of
co-manipulation and with (ii) the goal of enabling the synthesis of robust
control laws. The aim is to nicely combine the advantages of black-box and
gray-box models to lead to passive representations capable of representing
complex dynamics such as high frequency flexible modes. Experimental
validation will be carried out on the demonstrators available at CEA-LIST.
More details are available on
Candidate requirements: applicants should have a Master's degree from a
good-quality university in applied mathematics, engineering, computer
science or a related field. They should possess a strong background and
interest in mathematics and, ideally, in identification, advanced control
and robotics. They should have excellent analytical and problem solving
skills and, preferably, well-developed programming skills. Applicants
should have a good knowledge of Matlab. The candidate should have excellent
oral and written communication skills in English.
Application procedure: To apply for this Ph.D. position, send an email to
laroche at unistra.fr, guillaume.mercere at univ-poitiers.fr, Neil.ABROUG at cea.fr
with “PhD application: Identification of multivariable models for
human-robot co-manipulation with passivity certificates” as subject,
attaching an academic CV, a cover letter, a pdf of your diplomas and
transcript of course work and grades, a certificate of proficiency in
English, and any other document deemed necessary by the candidate which can
enrich the application.
6.2. PhD: University of Louisiana at Lafayette, USA
Contributed by: Afef Fekih, afef.fekih at louisiana.edu
The Advanced Controls Laboratory at the University of Louisiana at
Lafayette, USA has available funding to support a PhD student in the
general area of advanced control design/Fault Tolerant Control with
application to dynamic systems. Special considerations will be given to
students who have previously worked with power systems such as wind
turbines and/or PVs, smart grid. The successful candidate is expected to
have a strong background in control systems theory, and a very good
knowledge of power systems in general. Programming skills in
MATLAB/Simulink are required. A genuine interest and curiosity in the
subject, excellent oral and written English communication skills are needed.
Applicants shall have a Master’s degree or equivalent in systems and
controls, power systems, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering,
applied Math or a related discipline. The PhD student is expected to carry
out original research and complete coursework throughout the period of
appointment. Results will be communicated in the form of journal
publications, conference presentations, and the PhD dissertation.
Interested individuals should send their detailed curriculum vitae to Dr.
Afef Fekih (afef.fekih at louisiana.edu).
6.3. PhD: Aarhus University, Denmark
Contributed by: Erdal Kayacan, erdal.kayacan at gmail.com
Applications are invited for a fully funded PhD studentship position within
the Department of Engineering at Aarhus University, Denmark starting in the
fall 2018. At Aarhus University, you will have thrilling opportunity to
apply the latest artificial intelligence technologies to solve real-world
problems, in particular advanced autonomy for aerial robots.
Research area and project description:
We are looking for qualified and talented enthusiast PhD students who wish
to investigate embedded guidance, control and navigation problem of
unmanned aerial systems using artificial intelligence/machine learning
methods with emphasis on reinforcement learning, deep neural networks, and
learning controls for robotics.
Our aim is to leverage the current state-of-the-art autonomy level towards
smarter robots, which will learn and interact with their environment,
collaborate with people and other robots, plan their future actions and
execute the given task accurately.
If you wish to shape the future through the marriage of robotics with
artificial intelligence/machine learning, come and join us, we can create
this vision with your help through the alliance of robotics with artificial
intelligence/machine learning.
What you stand to gain? A fully funded PhD position for 3 years (starting
Fall 2018) at the Department of Engineering, Aarhus University; a fun
environment to drive your passion for robotics.
Qualifications and specific competences:
" A master's degree in mechanical engineering, electrical engineering,
aerospace engineering, computer science/engineering, control theory,
mechatronics, applied mathematics, or other related disciplines
" Excellent verbal and writing skills in English with very good
communication skills
" Experience in Robot Operating System (ROS)
" Concrete knowledge in C/C++
" Experience in machine/deep learning
" Hands on experience in UAVs
" Demonstration of research activities (conference or journal papers)
Please refer to the official advert [1] for application details and
guideline. The deadline for applications via the online system [1] is 01
May 2018.
Do you want to study for a PhD at a top 100 university?
Aarhus University is a modern, academically diverse and research-intensive
university with a strong commitment to high-quality research and education
and the development of society nationally and globally. The university
offers an inspiring research and teaching environment to its 42,500
students and 11,500 employees and has an annual budget of EUR 840 million.
Over the course of the past decade, the university has consolidated its
position in the top 100 on the most influential rankings of universities
Learn more at http://www.au.dk/en/ and
Denmark is home country for Aarhus University and provides a safe and
stable environment with great conditions as well as lots of social
opportunities. Aarhus is innovative and international, big city but in
walking distance, surrounded by forests, parks and sea.
Learn more at http://talent.au.dk/working-at-aarhus-university/
Salary range:
PhD fellows are employed on the basis of academic trade union agreements,
and the salary is regulated accordingly (depending on seniority). The
salary amounts to approx. DKK 26,000 per month before tax, excluding
pension and holiday (2017). The working and fiscal status of a recipient of
a PhD fellowship is that of a university employee.
Learn more at http://talent.au.dk/phd/scienceandtechnology/financing/
Applicants seeking further information are invited to contact:
Associate Professor Erdal Kayacan, e-mail: erdal.kayacan at gmail.com
6.4. PhD: Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Contributed by: Sergio Grammatico, s.grammatico at tudelft.nl
PhD position: Cooperative Network Games.
Delft Center for Systems and Control (DCSC), Delft University of
Technology, The Netherlands.
We are looking for a talented candidate with an M.Sc. degree (or close to
completion) in Systems and Control, or Applied Mathematics, Electrical or
Mechanical Engineering, or related field, with theoretical background and
interest in System Theory, Automatic Control, Optimization, Game Theory,
and with good command of the English language (knowledge of Dutch is not
Project description: The candidate will conduct multi-disciplinary,
algorithmic, research on complex multi-agent systems characterized by the
presence of: (i) mixed cooperative and noncooperative agents; (ii) high
volume of historic data (big data) and forecast on the uncertain variables;
(iii) nonlinear system dynamics. The key challenges are to extract the
knowledge hidden in the historic data, e.g. via statistical learning, and
to coordinate the states and the decisions of the agents to an efficient
equilibrium solution, e.g. via the principles of the sharing economy. With
this aim, distributed statistical learning shall be developed for
cooperative game theory. The main application area is distributed,
peer-to-peer, energy trading in smart power grids.
The PhD position is in the context of the research project "Enabling
peer-to-peer energy trading by leveraging prosumer analytics" (P2P-TALES),
funded by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) as
collaborative project on Energy Systems Integration and Big Data (ESI-BIDA):
Conditions of employment: The appointment will be for 4 years. The PhD
student will participate in the training and research activities of the TU
Delft Graduate School and of the Dutch Institute of Systems and Control
(DISC). As an employee of TU Delft, the PhD student will receive a
competitive salary in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement for
Dutch Universities (CAO), from 2.2k EUR/month (gross, 1st year) to 2.8k
EUR/month (gross, 4th year), possibly from 1.7k EUR/month (after taxes, 1st
year) to 2.0k EUR/month (after taxes, 4th year), plus holiday allowance (8%
of gross annual income) and end-of-year allowance (8.3% of gross annual
income), travel budget, secondary benefits, discounts for health insurance
and sport membership. Assistance with accommodation can be arranged.
Applications shall include the following documents:
• curriculum vitae;
• statement of motivation and research interests (up to one page);
• transcripts of all exams taken and obtained degrees (in English);
• names and contact information of up to three references (e.g.
project/thesis supervisors);
• up to two research-oriented documents (e.g. thesis, conference/journal
Applications or inquires shall be emailed to prof. Sergio Grammatico (
s.grammatico at tudelft.nl).
The call for applications will remain open until the ideal candidate is
found. The starting date is flexible, but ideally would be April/May/June
More information: s.grammatico at tudelft.nl,
6.5. PhD: University of Cambridge, UK
Contributed by: Ioannis Lestas, icl20 at cam.ac.uk
A PhD position in the area of control of networks is available at the
University of Cambridge, Department of Engineering (control group) with a
start date on October 1st 2018. Full funding (both fees and maintenance)
will be provided to the successful applicant. The project will be
supervised by Dr Ioannis Lestas (icl20 at cam.ac.uk) who can also be contacted
for any inquiries.
Applications can be made via the university Application Portal
by specifying Dr Ioannis Lestas as project supervisor.
Applications should be received preferably by March 31st, though early
submissions are strongly encouraged.
6.6. PhD/PostDoc: Paderborn University, Germany
Contributed by: Daniel Quevedo, dquevedo at ieee.org
The Automatic Control Group (Prof. Daniel Quevedo) in the Department of
Electrical Engineering at Paderborn University is seeking a Research
Associate (Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in). This is a full-time
position, limited to three years, and which is to be filled as soon as
possible. We will welcome doctoral students and postdocs.
Your duties and responsibilities:
The candidate will be actively involved in research on stochastic
optimisation-based control methods within the project “Privacy-preserving
collaborative Control and Optimisation in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks”. The
latter is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) within a newly
established joint Sino-German research initiative.
For further information on our activities, see http://control.upb.de
Your profile:
- A Master's or a doctoral degree in control theory from an excellent
- Postdoctoral applicants must have a proven capacity for high-quality
research and publications in leading international journals in systems
- Fluency in English is required, knowledge of German is an advantage.
We offer a stimulating work environment in an international team and an
attractive remuneration package according to pay scale TV-L EG 13 of the
German public service (approx. €3.600-4.000/month). Applications from women
are particularly welcome and, in case of equal qualifications and
experience, will receive preferential treatment according to state law
(LGG). Qualified disabled people (in the sense of the German social law SGB
IX) are also encouraged to apply. The applicant may choose to have the
staff council (WPR) involved in his/her appointment.
Please send your application (including a cover letter, your CV, list of
publications, and contact details of at least two referees) to Ines Kaiser,
ines.kaiser at upb.de by 15.03.2018. In your application, please mention the
reference no. 3262.
For further information, see http://controlsystems.upb.de/en/openings.html
6.7. PhD/PostDoc: University of Melbourne, Australia
Contributed by: Girish Nair, gnair at unimelb.edu.au
One Post-doctoral and two PhD positions are available to investigate the
use of nonstochastic and zero-error information theory in filtering and
control problems with deterministic disturbances or unknown noise
distributions. These positions are based in the Department of Electrical
and Electronic Engineering, University of Melbourne, Australia, and support
an Australian Research Council Future Fellowship project.
**Post-doctoral applicants should have a theoretically-focused PhD in a
relevant area. Knowledge of probability theory and random sampling methods
would be useful.
Salary: from AU$87,415/year before tax, plus employer superannuation
contribution of 9.25%.
Duration: one year including probation period. Extensions are subject to
performance and funding.
Starting date: flexible.
To express interest, please email a research statement and CV, with 3
referees listed, to Prof. Girish Nair, gnair at unimelb.edu.au
**PhD candidates should have a 4-year Bachelors and/or a Masters degree
with a strong background in control or information theory. Knowledge of
probability theory would be helpful. Candidates must also meet the PhD
admission requirements of the Department of Electrical and Electronic
Engineering and the University of Melbourne.
Stipend: AU$30,000/year tax-free for 3-4 years, with up to AU$15,00 for
travel and conferences; subject to satisfactory progress, including passing
Departmental confirmation after one year.
Starting date: flexible
To express your interest, please email a research statement and CV, with 2
referees listed, to Prof. Girish Nair, gnair at unimelb.edu.au
6.8. PhD/PostDoc: KULeuven/VUB/UCL/UMons, Belgium
Contributed by: Ivan Markovsky, ivan.markovsky at vub.ac.be
PhD and postdoc positions EOS project KULeuven/VUB/UCL/UMons, Belgium
We are advertising several PhD and postdoctoral positions for an EOS
project on “Structured Low-Rank Matrix/Tensor Approximation: Numerical
Optimization-Based Algorithms and Applications” (2018-2021). This
excellence-of-science project involves a consortium of four Belgian
universities: KULeuven (L. De Lathauwer, B. De Moor, P. Patrinos, M. Van
Barel), VUB (I. Markovsky, M. Ishteva), UCL (P.A. Absil, F. Glineur) and
UMons (N. Gillis).
We are seeking outstanding candidates who have obtained a master’s or
doctoral degree in mathematical engineering, computer science, electrical
engineering, mathematics or physics. Strong candidates have a proven record
in numerical mathematics, optimization, systems & control, machine learning
and/or signal processing. A good knowledge of linear algebra is mandatory
but experience with tensor techniques is not required. Candidates must be
fluent in English.
Further information and application form are available from
https://www.esat.kuleuven.be/stadius/selma/ .
6.9. Researcher: University of Warwick, UK
Contributed by: Zhuqing Meng, xiaowei.zhao at warwick.ac.uk
Marie Sklodowska-Curie Early Stage Researcher in Wind Turbine Control (two
Fixed Term positions (2 posts available) for 36 months.
The School of Engineering of University of Warwick is looking to appoint
two full-time Marie Sklodowska-Curie Early Stage Researchers (two posts) to
undertake independent and collaborative research in wind turbine control.
These positions are two of the 15 positions available within the ConFlex
project, sponsored by the H2020-MSCA-ITN Program. The ConFlex consortium
consists of 15 academics in 10 beneficiary universities located in 6
countries (UK, Israel, France, Spain, Germany and the Netherlands). In
addition, we have four partner universities in Canada, China, USA and
France and 11 prestigious industry partners who will be hosting the early
stage researchers (ESRs) for secondments, mostly from Europe. The ConFlex
consortium will provide the ESRs with extensive technical and interpersonal
skills training. Each ESR will have internship opportunities in at least
one of the industry partners and will visit at least one of the academic
collaborators. The main task of the University of Warwick is to work on the
advanced control of wind turbines.
It is essential that you have a good honours degree and hold, or be near
completion of, a Master’s degree in the fields of Control Engineering,
Electrical Engineering, Applied Mathematics, Data Science or Mechanical
Engineering. You will have a developing research profile with the ability
to publish high quality research output. You will have excellent IT skills
including demonstrable ability to use IT to write technical research papers
and presentations. You are also required to be an excellent communicator
with strong communication skills, and be able to evidence excellent
interpersonal skills with relevant experience of working independently and
as part of a team. The successful candidate will have experience and/or
knowledge in at least one of the following areas: controller design,
optimisation, wind turbines and/or data science.
You will be required to meet Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher eligibility
criteria. As a condition of the project at the time of recruitment the
researcher shall NOT have resided or carried out his/her main activity in
the UK for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to his/her
recruitment under the project, and you must not have been awarded a
doctoral degree. Applicants must be in the first four years of their
research career (e.g. working as a researcher after obtaining your Master’s
degree) and you will be registered, or demonstrate a willingness to
register, for a PhD degree at the University of Warwick.
Funding is for 3 years at approximately 41,276EUR per annum including
mobility allowance and will be paid in GBP, subject to exchange rate and
tax, national insurance & pension deductions for both employer & employee.
Details of the exchange rate arrangements will be provided in any offer of
employment made.
These posts are for a fixed term of 36 months to start on 1 April 2018, or
as soon as possible after this date.
For informal discussion of this opportunity, please contact Dr. Xiaowei
Zhao at Xiaowei.zhao at warwick.ac.uk.
The University aims to promote work life balance for all employees and the
School of Engineering will consider a range of possible flexible working
arrangements in order to recruit the best candidate.
Closing date: 11 March 2018 (UK time)
Full details of the duties and selection criteria for this role are found
in the vacancy advert on the University of Warwick jobs page with the link
6.10. Researcher: University of Klagenfurt, Austria
Contributed by: Kornelia Lienbacher, kornelia.lienbacher at aau.at
Open Research Position
The Institute of Networked and Embedded Systems at the University of
Klagenfurt has an opening for a research staff member position in the field
of industrial sensor networks (UWB technology).
Your work will comprise:
Research in wireless, networked sensor systems for industrial applications:
communications protocols, ultra-wideband (UWB) communications and
experimental performance analysis
Dedicated participation in a third party funded research project in
cooperation with two companies and three research organizations
Independent research with the aim to submit a dissertation
Student mentoring
The research group works on the design, modeling and analysis of future
systems for mobile and wireless communications as well as for robotic and
drone systems. We furthermore address interdisciplinary questions in the
field of self-organization and network theory.
Our team is very international and committed to quality research and
teaching. The offices and laboratories are located in the well-equipped
Lakeside Science & Technology Park. Working language is English. The
Institute cooperates with national and international partners in research
and industry. It is part of the research cluster Lakeside Labs
(self-organizing networked systems) and the Karl-Popper-Kolleg Networked
Autonomous Drones.
The Alpen-Adria-Universität (AAU) is a young and vibrant campus university
and hosts approximately 10,000 students. It is located in the southern part
of Austria, a region with outstanding quality of life at the intersection
of alpine and Mediterranean culture which is underlined also by our motto
”Overcoming boarders”.
A university degree (Master or Diplom-Ingenieur) in the field of electrical
engineering, computer engineering, ICT, telematics, communications
engineering, telecommunications or technical informatics graded with
“good”. Studies have to be concluded before 1 March 2018.
Fluent in written and spoken English
Experience in two or more of the following fields of mobile communications,
communications protocols, communications engineering, experimental
performance analysis and sensor networks
Profound programing skills in C/C++
We expect
social and communicative competences
first relevant scientific publications (beyond the master thesis)
relevant international experience
knowledge in UWB communications
The annual gross salary is € 38.234 (40 hours weekly according to Uni-KV:
B1). It might be increased depending on previous experience. Employment is
for now limited to 1.5 years and intended to be commenced as soon as
The university strives at raising the number of female scientific staff
members and therefore specifically invites women to apply. In case of equal
qualifications, women will receive priority consideration.
Please address applications including the usual documents to Univ.-Prof.
Dr. Christian Bettstetter a.s.a.p. and send a single PDF file to my
secretary (kornelia.lienbacher at aau.at). Further information regarding the
Institute can be found on our website https://nes.aau.at.
Travel expenses in connection with the application procedure cannot be
6.11. Researcher: University of Klagenfurt, Austria
Contributed by: Kornelia Lienbacher, kornelia.lienbacher at aau.at
Open Researcher Position: 5G and Drones
The Faculty of Technical Sciences at the University of Klagenfurt has over
10 years of experience in performing research with small drones, with a
strong emphasis on wireless communication, distributed coordination,
autonomous navigation, path planning, and system aspects (see Dronehub K).
The university recently established the Karl Popper doctoral school on
networked autonomous aerial vehicles with the Jet Propulsion Laboratory
(JPL) and T-Mobile being external collaboration partners.
To strengthen our team further, we are searching for a researcher (PhD
student or junior PostDoc) who will perform the following tasks:
Experimental, hands-on research in wireless communications over LTE-A and
5G for aerial robots
Dedicated participation in a third party funded research project
Independent research with the aim to submit a dissertation
Student mentoring
The expected starting date is as soon as possible. The University of
Klagenfurt is a young and vibrant campus university hosting 10,000
students. It is located in the southern part of Austria, a region with
outstanding quality of life at the intersection of Alpine and Mediterranean
culture. Offices and laboratories are located in the well-equipped Lakeside
Science & Technology Park. Our team is very international with English
being the working language. For further information see nes.aau.at
University degree (Master or Dipl.-lng.) in electrical engineering,
computer engineering, communications engineering, or technical informatics
graded with “good” or better.
Fluent in written and spoken English
Profound programming skills
We expect:
Social and communicative competences
First relevant scientific publications (beyond the master thesis)
Relevant international experience
The contract will be based on a minimum annual gross salary of 39.702 Euros
(40 hours weekly) or 29.776 Euros (30 hours weekly) according to Uni-KV:
B1. It might be increased depending on previous experience. The contract is
initially for 1.5 years and intended to be commenced as soon as possible.
The university strives at raising the number of female sci
6.12. PostDoc: Texas A&M University, USA
Contributed by: Alfredo Garcia, alfredo.garcia at tamu.edu
Postdoctoral Position on Iterative Mechanism Design and Distributed
Position Description: A postdoctoral research assistantship is available at
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at Texas A&M University.
The candidate is expected to work on several research topics related to
distributed optimization and iterative mechanism design. The work is
currently supported by NSF and AFOSR.
Qualifications: We are seeking candidates that have a record of scholarship
optimization, game theory and network science who have the potential to
publish in premier journals. Candidates may come from different
backgrounds, such as operation research, electrical engineering, economics,
computer science or a related field.
Application: The position is available immediately and offered for one-year
terms, subject to renewal based on performance. Salary is competitive and
commensurate with rank and qualifications. Review of applications will
begin immediately and continue until the positions are filled.
Applications should include a cover letter and (a) full curriculum vitae,
(b) a brief statement of research interests, (c) evidence of excellence in
research, (d) the names and contact info of three references, and (e) two
representative papers related.
Please send all materials to: Alfredo Garcia at alfredo.garcia at tamu.edu.
Please use as subject of your email "Application for the post-doc position"
6.13. PostDoc: Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Contributed by: Simone Baldi, s.baldi at tudelft.nl
Post-doc position at the Faculty Mechanical, Maritime and Materials
Engineering, TU Delft
The Departments of Maritime and Transport Technology and Delft Center for
Systems and Control of Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands, are
seeking qualified candidates for a one-year position as a post-doctoral
fellow within the research area of autonomous operation of construction
crane vessels
The challenge:
Highly automated vessels are needed for offshore transportation and
construction to improve the safety and operational efficiency of the
construction work. Adaptive control systems for construction vessels that
can handle changing conditions during offshore installation works could
help with achieving autonomous operation of construction vessels. To
achieve this goal, we need to develop an integrated simulation model that
can reliably capture the dynamics of the vessel-crane system under
different environmental conditions and loads, and supplement it with the
design of adaptive controllers for synchronized operation of cranes and
propulsion system. Four main systems should be integrated: vessel dynamics,
hydraulic crane, propulsion system, and adaptive control system. The
parameters of both the vessel and the crane should be made adaptable to
different construction stages and environmental conditions (including
higher sea states). The adaptive control system should be designed to
handle the changes during off-shore construction operations and improve the
safety and operational efficiency in the presence of uncertainties within
the system.
We are looking for a candidate with a PhD degree in Systems and Control,
Mechanical Engineering, Maritime Engineering or a closely related
discipline, with a strong background in Lagrangian and Hamiltonian
mechanics and/or in guidance, navigation and control of vessels. An
excellent publication record will be evaluated very positively. A good
command of the English language is required.
Conditions of employment:
TU Delft offers an attractive benefits package, including a flexible work
week, free highspeed Internet access from home, and the option of
assembling a customised compensation and benefits package (the ’IKA’).
Salary and benefits are in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement
(CAO) of the Association of Universities in the Netherlands (VSNU), and are
depending on the qualifications and experience of the candidate selected.
Information and application:
For more information about this position, please contact Dr. Milinko
Godjevac (m.godjevac –at- tudelft.nl) and Dr. Simone Baldi (s.baldi –at-
tudelft.nl). Applicants should submit their letter of application along
with a detailed curriculum vitae, a research statement indicating your
background and interests and how they align with the position (around one
page long), a list of publications, title and abstract of your PhD
dissertation, the PDF files of two key publications, contact information
for at least two academic references and all other information that might
be relevant to your application to Dr. Milinko Godjevac and Dr. Simone
Baldi. A first selection will be made based on the submitted material, and
selected candidates will undergo a Skype interview.
The initial application deadline for the position is April 1, 2018, but the
position will stay open until a suitable candidate has been appointed.
6.14. PostDoc: Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands.
Contributed by: Giulia Giordano, g.giordano at tudelft.nl
Postdoctoral position: Complex Dynamical Networks
Delft Center for Systems and Control (DCSC), Delft University of
Technology, The Netherlands.
We are looking for a talented post-doctoral research fellow with background
and interest in System Theory, Automatic Control, Optimisation; strong
mathematical skills; a track record of publications in high-quality
journals and/or conferences; and an excellent command of the English
language (knowledge of Dutch is not required).
The researcher will conduct fundamental theoretical and algorithmic
research on complex dynamical networks, with possible applications to
systems in both engineering and biology.
The researcher will not be assigned to a pre-defined project. She/He will
be free to follow her/his own preferences within the research activities
and expertise of the group. For more information on the possible research
topics, see:
Applicants should have the following qualifications
- Ph.D. degree (or close to completion) in Systems and Control, Operations
Research, Applied Mathematics, Electrical Engineering, or a related field.
- Strong mathematical skills, along with ability and interest to work at
the intersection of several technical research domains, in particular
System Theory, Automatic Control, Optimisation.
- Good programming skills (e.g., in Matlab).
- Excellent command of the English language and communication skills.
Expertise in either networked dynamical systems, decentralised control or
systems biology is highly appreciated.
Conditions of employment:
The TU Delft offers a customisable compensation package, a discount for
health insurance and sport memberships, and a monthly work costs
contribution. Flexible work schedules can be arranged. An International
Children’s Centre offers childcare and an international primary school.
Dual Career Services offers support to accompanying partners. Salary and
benefits are in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch
Information and application:
For more information about this position, please contact dr Giulia
Giordano, e-mail: g.giordano at tudelft.nl.
An application dossier consists of the following documents:
- detailed curriculum vitae and list of publications;
- a brief statement of motivation, research interests and vision (1-2
- academic transcripts of all exams taken and obtained degrees (in English);
- names and contact information of up to three references (e.g. PhD
- up to five publications (possibly, also currently unpublished work ad PhD
Applications can be submitted to Irina Bruckner, e-mail:
application-3mE at tudeflt.nl.
When applying for this position, please refer to vacancy number 3ME18-11.
The call for applications will remain open until the ideal candidate is
The starting date is flexible, but ideally would be May/June 2018.
6.15. PostDoc: Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Contributed by: Sergio Grammatico, s.grammatico at tudelft.nl
PostDoc position: Game theory and Optimization for Automated Driving.
Delft Center for Systems and Control (DCSC), Delft University of
Technology, The Netherlands.
We are looking for a talented postdoctoral research fellow with a Ph.D.
degree (or close to completion) in Systems and Control, or Operations
Research, or related field, with background and interest in System Theory,
Automatic Control, Optimization, Game Theory, and with good command of the
English language (knowledge of Dutch is not required). Expertise in
mixed-integer optimization is appreciated.
Project description: The research fellow will conduct fundamental and
algorithmic research on complex multi-agent systems with application to
automated driving in highways. The key challenge is to design distributed
control algorithms with mixed-integer decision variables for
noncooperative, multi-agent and dynamic environments, such as
semi-automated highways. With this aim, game-theoretic and
optimization-based distributed control shall be developed.
Conditions of employment: The appointment will be for 1 year, with the
possibility for extension. As an employee of TU Delft, the research fellow
will receive a competitive salary in accordance with the Collective Labour
Agreement for Dutch Universities (CAO) of about 2.5k EUR/month gross,
possibly about 2.1k EUR/month after taxes, plus holiday allowance (8% of
gross annual income) and end-of-year allowance (8.3% of gross annual
income), secondary benefits, discounts for health insurance and sport
membership. Assistance with accommodation can be arranged.
Applications shall include the following documents:
- curriculum vitae;
- statement of motivation and research interests (up to one page);
- transcripts of all exams taken and obtained degrees (in English);
- names and contact information of up to three references (e.g.
project/thesis supervisors);
- up to three research-oriented documents (e.g. thesis, conference/journal
Applications or inquires shall be emailed to prof. Sergio Grammatico (
s.grammatico at tudelft.nl).
The call for applications will remain open until the ideal candidate is
found. The starting date is flexible.
6.16. PostDoc: University of Pennsylvania, USA
Contributed by: James Weimer, weimerj at seas.upenn.edu
Postdoctoral Research Positions in Assured Autonomy
School of Engineering and Applied Science
University of Pennsylvania
The PRECISE center at University of Pennsylvania is seeking applications
for postdoctoral researchers to work on the project, entitled “Integrated
Static and Dynamic Approaches to High-Assurance for Learning-Enabled
Cyber-Physical Systems (LE-CPS),” which is funded by the DARPA Assured
Autonomy Program (https://www.darpa.mil/program/assured-autonomy). The
project is aimed to develop the foundations and tools for the rigorous
design of high-assurance LE-CPS in a systematic way.
Researchers with an interest and experience in machine learning,
adversarial learning, formal methods, hybrid and control systems, assurance
cases, confident arguments, run-time verification, and tool development are
encouraged to apply. We are particularly seeking candidates whose interests
are in more than one of the mentioned areas. They are expected to work with
the following project team members:
Rajeev Alur (alur at cis.upenn.edu),
Nicola Bezzo (nb6be at virginia.edu),
Daniel Lee (ddlee at seas.upenn.edu),
Insup Lee (lee at cis.upenn.edu),
Manfred Morari (morari at seas.upenn.edu),
George Pappas (pappas at seas.upenn.edu),
Oleg Sokolsky (sokolsky at is.upenn.edu), and
James Weimer (weimerj at seas.upenn.edu).
Positions are offered for the initial period of one year, with an option to
renew for subsequent years.
Positions will be available until qualified candidates found. A competitive
salary will be offered.
Please email a complete CV including a research statement to Insup Lee (
lee at cis.upenn.edu).
6.17. PostDoc: University of Pennsylvania, USA
Contributed by: James Weimer, weimerj at seas.upenn.edu
Postdoctoral Research Positions in Resilient Cyber-Physical Systems
School of Engineering and Applied Science
University of Pennsylvania
The PRECISE center at University of Pennsylvania is seeking applications
for postdoctoral researchers to work on model-based design, verification,
and synthesis of cyber-physical systems as part of the DARPA CASE program.
The project is aimed at ensuring resiliency of systems in response to
evolving requirements and newly discovered vulnerabilities.
Researchers with an interest and experience in any related areas are
welcome to apply. Particular areas of expertise include:
- Verification and synthesis of hybrid systems
- Security of embedded control systems
- Model-based design for cyber-physical systems
Candidates with proven tool development skills will be preferred.
Positions are offered for the initial period of one year, with an option to
renew for subsequent years. A competitive salary will be offered.
Please email a complete CV including a research statement to one of the PIs
of the project: Rajeev Alur (alur at cis.upenn.edu), Insup Lee (
lee at cis.upenn.edu), Rahul Mangharam (rahulm at seas.upenn.edu), Mayur Naik (
mhnaik at seas.upenn.edu), Oleg Sokolsky (sokolsky at is.upenn.edu), and James
Weimer (weimerj at seas.upenn.edu)
6.18. PostDoc: University of New Mexico, USA
Contributed by: Meeko Oishi, oishi at unm.edu
Postdoctoral Associate: Planning and Control for Collaborative Autonomy
Multiple postdoctoral positions are available in the Hybrid Systems and
Controls Laboratory (http://hscl.unm.edu) at the University of New Mexico
to work on projects funded by the NSF National Robotics Initiative (“NRI:
Planning, collaborative guidance, and navigation in uncertain, dynamic
environments”) and by Sandia National Laboratories (“Autonomous Sensor
Tasking and Scheduling Across Multiple Platforms”). The postdoctoral
associates will work with researchers in Electrical and Computer
Engineering and Computer Science to develop theory and algorithms to enable
collaborative autonomy in dynamic and uncertain environments. Researchers
with interest and experience in optimization, hybrid systems and control,
stochastic optimal control, reinforcement learning, planning, distributed
systems, and human cyber-physical systems are encouraged to apply.
Interested candidates should provide a CV, a cover letter summarizing
capabilities and interests, and contact information for three professional
references. Questions can be directed to Prof. Meeko Oishi (oishi at unm.edu).
Please apply through https://hr.unm.edu/unmjobs. Applications received by
April 15, 2017 will receive full consideration, although the position will
remain open until filled.
UNM is New Mexico’s flagship institution, and is located in Albuquerque,
NM, USA, a metropolitan area of 650,000 that provides a wide variety of
recreational and cultural opportunities. The surrounding area is renowned
for outdoor activities including hiking, mountain biking, cycling, skiing,
and others.
6.19. PostDoc: University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Contributed by: Claudio De Persis, c.de.persis at rug.nl
Postdoctoral Fellowship Engineering Science and Technology (1.0 FTE)
The University of Groningen is a research university with a global outlook,
currently in or around the top 100 on several influential global ranking
The Faculty of Science and Engineering harbours a kaleidoscope of
disciplines and research strengths. Our programmes in research and
education range from nanomaterials and biomachinery to astronomy, from
mathematics to systems and control theory, from neurosciences to computer
science, and from molecular and evolutionary biology to marine biology. On
top of its track record of research excellence, the Faculty offers a large
number of bachelor's degree programmes (overseen by our Undergraduate
School of Science and Engineering) and master's degree programmes (overseen
by our Graduate School of Science and Engineering). Nearly all of our
bachelor's (BSc) and master's degree programmes (MSc) are fully
English-taught, thus allowing students from all over the world to follow a
degree programme with us.
*The FSE Fellowship programme*
Our unique FSE fellowship programme offers temporary positions for talented
junior researchers who want to further develop both their research and
teaching skills. You will have an appointment for four years during which
you can do challenging research, have various teaching responsibilities
(approximately 30% of the time), and be offered opportunities for training
and career orientation. From day one, you will have a personal Work and
Development Plan (WDP) that describes the specific research, teaching and
training activities that you will undertake. You will receive didactic
training in your first year and have the opportunity to obtain a University
Teaching Qualification. In addition to the yearly Result and Development
Interviews with your supervisors, you will have a yearly meeting with a
career counsellor to discuss your career development and plans. A personal
budget of a €1000 per year is dedicated for additional training and career
activities. The preferred starting date of these fellows is before July
*Job description*
We offer one fellow positions in the field of Systems and Control, with a
teaching task in the BSc or MSc Industrial Engineering and Management. The
fellow position will be embedded in the Engineering and Technology
Institute Groningen (ENTEG). Research in Systems and Control at the
University of Groningen has a long tradition and current scientific
activities at the Institute of Engineering and Technology focuses on
nonlinear systems, hybrid and switched control, robotics and mechatronics,
cyber-physical systems, energy networks, with applications ranging from
power networks to traffic systems, data centres, smart manufacturing and
adaptive optics.
You have
- a PhD, obtained no longer than 3 years ago, preferably from another
university than the University of Groningen
- a promising research record
- affinity with teaching; individuals with actual teaching experience will
be favoured
an excellent command of English.
*Conditions of employment*
The University of Groningen offers a salary dependent on qualifications and
work experience of € 3,111 gross per month up to a maximum of € 4,084
(salary scale 10 Dutch Universities) gross per month for a full-time
position. The UFO-profile Researcher/Lecturer applies. You will have an
initial appointment of one year that will be extended by 3 years if you
perform satisfactorily. The fellowship will not be extended after the four
years period.
In addition to the primary salary the University offers 8% holiday
allowance and an end-of-year bonus of 8.3%.
The University of Groningen provides career services for partners of new
faculty members moving to Groningen.
The University of Groningen has adopted an active policy to increase the
number of female scientists across all disciplines of the university.
Therefore, female candidates are especially encouraged to apply.
You may apply for this position until 23 March 23.59h Dutch local time by
means of the application form available at
If the page is not available, please submit your application to the email
secsms at rug.nl
with subject "Postdoctoral Fellowship Engineering Science and Technology".
Interested candidates are invited to submit a complete application
- a letter of motivation
- a curriculum vitae, including a list of publications
- a short description (max 1 A4) of your teaching interests (extra
attachment 1)
- a short description (max 1 A4) of your scientific field of interest
(extra attachment 2).
Selection interviews will take place in the second half of March 2018.
The preferred starting date is before July 2018.
Unsolicited marketing is not appreciated.
For information you can contact:
Prof. Claudio De Persis, c.de.persis at rug.nl
Prof. Jacquelien Scherpen, j.m.a.scherpen at rug.nl
(please do not use for applications)
Additional information
6.20. PostDoc: University of Texas at Dallas, USA
Contributed by: Reza Moheimani, Reza.Moheimani at utdallas.edu
Three postdoctoral research associate positions are available for joining
an established interdisciplinary research group based in the Laboratory for
Dynamics and Control of Nanosystems at the University of Texas at Dallas.
Funded by Department of Energy, the researchers will work at the
intersection of nanotechnology, control engineering, MEMS design, and
high-precision mechatronics. The goal of this three-year project is to
develop a novel platform technology for high-throughput atomically precise
The successful candidates will have the opportunity to participate in a
host of theoretical and experimental projects, supervise graduate and
undergraduate researchers, write reports and manuscripts, attend
international conferences, prepare proposals and work closely with
collaborating groups based in Zyevx Labs and NIST.
The applicants should have (or be close to completing) a Ph.D. in
Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, or a closely related field,
in addition to the following experiences.
Control and high-precision mechatronics: The candidate should have a strong
analytical background, be familiar with advanced control design methods and
have demonstrated experience with real-time control implementation for
laboratory or full scale mechatronic systems.
MEMS: The candidate should have experience with MEMS design,
characterization and microfabrication in a cleanroom environment and be
able to design interface electronic circuits for MEMS transducers.
Nanotechnology: The candidate should be familiar with scanning probe
microscopy methods and have demonstrated and substantial experience with
instrumentation design for SPMs. Experience with high-speed AFM will be
highly regarded. Regular users of scanning probe microscopes will not be
The positions are available from May 1, 2018 and include a competitive
salary and fringe benefits package. Interested applicants should contact
Dr. Reza Moheimani at Reza.Mohiemani at utdallas.edu with the following
- A detailed CV including a list of publications
- A statement of research interests and background (one page only)
- Names and contact details of three references
6.21. PostDoc/Visiting Researcher: Huazhong University of Science &
Technology, China
Contributed by: Ye Yuan, yye at hust.edu.cn
Prof. Ye Yuan (http://yy311.github.io/bio.html) is looking for a number of
postdocs and visiting researchers starting as soon as possible at Huazhong
University of Science & Technology (HUST), China.
The research project is broadly on the development of deep learning, system
identification and control theory and its application to cyber-physical
1. For Postdoc, we offer
• A competitive salary (USD 35,000 – 50,000 per year);
• Experimental platforms to test ideas (Vicon + Crazyflies, GPU cluster,
UR3/5 robot + Kinect, HIL power simulator)
• Full contract for 2 years with the possibility of renewal up to 5 years
contingent on performance;
• Possibilities to stay at HUST as a lecturer or an associate professor
2. For visiting professors, we offer
• A highly competitive salary depending on the qualification (up to USD
9,000 per month);
• Travel cost and local housing.
3. Your Profile
• A Ph.D. degree in Control Theory, Computer Sciences, Mathematics or a
closely related field;
• An excellent background in one of the following areas: system
identification, control theory, machine learning, neuroscience, robotics.
• Tenured professors in world-leading institutes (for visiting professors).
Interested candidates should send their CV (with names of at least two
references) and a cover letter (for postdoc candidates) describing their
specific interest and how their background fits the qualifications to Prof.
Ye Yuan <yye at hust.edu.cn>. We will invite qualified candidates for
interview; apologies for not being able to answer your inquiry emails about
the application.
6.22. Faculty: University College Dublin, Ireland
Contributed by: Robert Shorten, robert.shorten at ucd.ie
University College Dublin’s School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering
has a long and distinguished record of excellence in education and
research. The School has an international track record of research
achievement across major fields within the discipline, including physical
layer communications and integrated circuits, electrical power systems,
optimisation and control, and biomedical engineering (
http://www.ucd.ie/eece/). The School is committed to the highest standards
of undergraduate and postgraduate teaching, learning and student
development within a research-informed environment.
Applications are invited for faculty positions in the following areas:
1. Integrated Circuit Design (with expertise in one or more of the
following: monolithic Radio Frequency (RF), Analogue, and Mixed-Signal
Circuit Design); and
2. Cyber-Physical Systems (with expertise in one or more of the following:
Optimisation, Control, Decision Science, Stochastic Processes, Machine
Candidates should have outstanding records of research accomplishment in
fundamental scientific areas underpinning Electronic Engineering, be
qualified to deliver high quality research-informed teaching to doctoral
level, and be capable of contributing to Bachelors and Masters degree
programmes in Electronic Engineering.
Appointees will be located within the School of Electrical & Electronic
Engineering and will be expected to develop into leading figures within
Ireland’s Engineering community, building up and sustaining internationally
important research teams, and interacting with industrial partners and
other disciplinary areas within and outside the university.
Lecturer/Assistant Professor (above the bar) Salary Scale: €52,325–€82,267
per annum.
Closing date: 16 April 2018
Full details can be found at https://www.ucd.ie/workatucd/ (Job Refs
010026, 010027).
University College Dublin is an Equal Opportunity Employer
6.23. Faculty: University of Oxford, UK
Contributed by: Kostas Margellos, kostas.margellos at eng.ox.ac.uk
Associate Professor of Engineering Science (Robotics), Department of
Engineering Science, University of Oxford
Applications to be received by 12pm on Monday 5th of March 2018
Grade 30S: From £46,336 p.a.
The Department of Engineering Science intends to appoint an Associate
Professor in Engineering Science (Robotics) from 1 September 2018 or as
soon as possible after. The successful candidate will work at the
Department of Engineering Science (Central Oxford) and will be offered a
Tutorial Fellowship at Brasenose College under arrangements described in
the Job Description.
The combined University and College salary will be on a scale currently
from £46,336 p.a. plus additional benefits including free accommodation in
housing provided by the college or a housing allowance of £10,237 p.a. and
a fellows allowance of up to £1,700 p.a. (see Job Description for full
details). The post of Associate Professor can be an entry level permanent
academic position, and can also be held by more senior academic staff, some
of whom hold the title of Full Professor for which an allowance of £2,700
p.a. is payable. The appointment will be initially for 5 years at which
point, upon completion of a successful review, the postholder will be
eligible for reappointment to the retiring age.
This appointment will add further strength to the Department’s
internationally-renowned research in robotics, which has been located in
the Mobile Robotics Group for the past decade. This post is part of the
expansion of the Mobile Robotics Group into the Oxford Robotics Institute,
which involves the creation of new academic posts and a move into expanded
accommodation in Central Oxford. The Associate Professor will build a
research group developing algorithms and systems for machine perception
(laser, vision, radar), planning, reconstruction, and platform control.
The successful candidate will be expected to engage in original research in
the field of robotics, to secure research funding and to assist in the
teaching of their subject at both undergraduate and graduate level.
Undergraduate teaching may include lectures and practical classes, and the
supervision of undergraduate design and project work.
She or he will have a strong background applicable to research in robotics,
including a doctorate in the subject or a cognate discipline, a proven
research record of high quality at international level, significant future
research potential, and the ability to attract research funding and develop
an independent programme of research. The successful candidate will have
the ability to teach effectively, both at undergraduate and graduate
levels, and have excellent interpersonal skills for undertaking tutorial
The job ref is: DF18BNC/132521. Please quote this in all correspondence.
Queries about the post that are not answered in the further particulars
should be addressed to Professor Lionel Tarassenko CBE FREng FMedSci, Head
of Department of Engineering Science, email:
academic.recruitment at eng.ox.ac.uk or tel: 01865 273003.
The closing date for applications is 12.00 noon on Monday 5 March 2018. It
is expected that the interviews of the shortlisted candidates will take
place on Friday 20 April 2018.
Applications are particularly welcome from women and black and minority
ethnic candidates, who are under-represented in academic posts in Oxford.
Contact: Professor Lionel Tarassenko CBE FREng FMedSci (01865 273003)
More information can be found at:
6.24. Faculty: Zhejiang University of Technology, China
Contributed by: Qiu Xiang, qiuxiang at zjut.edu.cn
Zhejiang Control Science and Engineering First-Class (Class A) Discipline
Recruitment Announcement
Zhejiang University of Technology (ZJUT), sitting by the beautiful West
Lake, Hangzhou, is a Zhejiang Province and the Ministry of Education
co-supported, provincially governed key university, who owns one of the
only 14 Collaborative Creation Centers in the first initiative of the state
“2011 Program”. ZJUT has its beautiful campus covering more than 3000 mu,
which accommodates 24 Colleges, more than 37,000 full-time students and
more than 3,300 staffs. ZJUT is proudly to have 2 self-owned and 2 sharing
Fellows of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, as well as more than 1400
faculties with senior professional titles. ZJUT has State Key Disciplines,
State Engineering Research Centers, State University Science Parks, Centers
for Postdocs, as well as the power of awarding Doctors, Masters, MBAs and
recruiting foreign students and those from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.
The Control Science and Engineering Discipline within the College of
Information Engineering was one of the Priority-among-Priorities
Disciplines (selected by Zhejiang Provincial Government in 2009), and is
now one of the Zhejiang First-Class (Class A) Disciplines in the first
initiative of the Program in 2015. The Discipline now has the Doctoral
Program at the first-level discipline, the Center for Postdocs, and the
Zhejiang Collaborated Key Laboratory of Embedded Systems. The College of
Information Engineering where the Discipline is in has 5 undergraduate
programs: Automation, Electrical Engineering and Its Automation, Electronic
Information Engineering, Communication Engineering, and Electronic Science
and Technology. The Discipline is now recruiting faculties in the following
areas at the levels of State and Zhejiang Provincial “1000 Plan” high-level
talents, Zhejiang “Qianjiang Scholars”, ZJUT “Yunhe Specially-Appointed
Professors”, “ZJUT Professors”, outstanding PhDs and postdocs, etc.
(1) Control Science and Engineering, including advanced control theory,
robotics, machine vision, pattern recognition, industrial networked control
systems, MES, etc.
(2) Electrical Engineering, including electric drive, power electronics,
new energy, etc.
(3) Mechatronic Engineering, including high-precision servo control of
mechatronic devices, the modelling and dynamic analysis of robots, etc.
(4) Computer Science and Technology, including smart city, smart
healthcare, big data, cloud computing, IoT, industrial control software,
A. Selection criteria
High-level talents (Changjiang Scholars, 1000 Plan Scholars, Qianjiang
Scholars, etc.) You have major achievements and influence in your research
area that have already been recognized by national and international
researchers, or have great potentials of future development; You also meet
the criteria of corresponding talents programs.
ZJUT Professors /Associate Professors You have a PhD degree obtained from a
recognized university or research institutes with at least one year of
oversea research experience in a well-known foreign institute; You have
research achievements recognized by national and international researchers;
Your application also passes the review process at the university level
Outstanding PhDs/Postdocs You have a PhD degree obtained from a recognized
university or research institute; You have high-quality research outputs
and the professional skills required by a university lecturer, and great
potentials of your future career.
B. Salary and welfare
(1) National-Level Top Tier Talents:Fellows of Chinese Academy of Sciences
or Chinese Academy of Engineering, “Special Support Program” Distinguished
Talents, Principal Investigators of NSFC Innovative Research Team, or other
talents at the equivalent level. Treatment:Negotiation on the case by case
(2) National-Level Top Tier Talents:National “1000 Plan” Scholars
(long-term), Changqiang Scholars, NSFC Distinguished Young Scholars,
“Special Support Program” Outstanding Talents, winners (rank first) of
three major national science awards, or other talents at the equivalent
level. Salary (CNY):≥700K /Year; Housing Benefit(CNY):3M-5M; Startup
Funds(CNY):Case by case.
(3) National-Level Young Talents:“Special Support Program” Outstanding
Young Talents, “1000 Plan” Young Scholars, “Changjiang Young Scholars, NSFC
Outstanding Young Scholars, 973 Program Young Scholars, “Millions of
Talents Program” Scholars, or other talents at the equivalent level. Salary
(CNY):≥450K /Year; Housing Benefit(CNY):1.5M-2.5M; Startup Funds(CNY):1M-3M.
(4) Provincial-and-Ministry-Level Talents,Yunhe Specially-Appointed
Professors:CAS “100 Plan” Scholars, Zhejiang ”Qianjiang Scholars”, Zhejiang
“1000 Plan” (long-term) Scholars, or other talents who have made
significant academic contributions with great potentials of development and
who are awarded “Yunhe Specially-Appointed Professors” after the review of
ZJUT. Salary (CNY):≥350K /Year; Housing Benefit(CNY):1.5M; Startup
(5) ZJUT Professors,ZJUT Associated Professors:You have a PhD degree
obtained from a recognized university or research institutes with at least
one year of oversea research experience in a well-known foreign institute;
You have research achievements recognized by national and international
colleges; Your application also passes the review process at the university
level. Salary (CNY):Salaries at the appropriate levels; Housing
Benefit(CNY):0.4M-0.5M; Startup Funds(CNY):0.1M-0.2M.
(6) Outstanding PhDs/Postdoctors:You have a PhD degree obtained from a
recognized university or research institute; You have high-quality research
outputs and the professional skills required by a university lecturer, and
great potentials of your future career. Salary (CNY):Salaries at the
appropriate levels; Housing Benefit(CNY):0.3M.
(7) Postdocs (leading to a faculty):Besides the basic salary and welfare,
50K/Year subsidy is provided for the first two years, with the possibility
of continuing this subsidy plus a one-off 200K housing benefit if you are
accepted to ZJUT public institution business unit.
C. Required documents
(1) One self-recommendation letter covering your study and professional
records, your teaching and research statements, your achievements, your
work plan as well as your possible requirements from us.
(2) A list of your research funds, awards, and publications in the recent
five years.
D. Contact us
Dr. Qiu,
Email : qiuxiang at zjut.edu.cn
Mobile: +86-13867469319
Address: Xiaoheshan College Park, College of Information Engineering,
Zhejiang University of Technology, 310023
Zhejiang Control Science and Engineering First-Class (Class A) Discipline
Feb 7, 2018
6.25. Faculty: OVGU Magdeburg, Germany
Contributed by: Rolf Findeisen, rolf.findeisen at ovgu.de
The Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology of the
OVGU Magdeburg, Germany, invites applications for a W1 Professorship with
Tenure Track (W2, Associated chaired professor equivalent) "Autonomous
Automation Systems".
Responsibilities: The professorship should strengthen interdisciplinary
research in the field of digitalization at the Department and the
University. The responsibilities are research and teaching in the field of
automation and control of autonomous systems. We are looking for a
candidate with internationally recognized reputation in at least two of the
following fields:
-Autonomous automation systems
-Automation, machine learning, and artificial intelligence
-Automation of the Internet of Things (IoT) and the Internet of Everything
-Automation and Control of Cyber Physical Systems
-Cooperative automation and control
-Automation exploiting Big Data
Possible fields of application are process automation, Industry 4.0/Smart
Factories, energy systems and energy networks, robotics, biotechnology,
medical engineering and future transportation systems.
We offer an excellent, interdisciplinary research environment,
characterized by a close interaction between the engineering disciplines,
mathematics and computer science. Active involvement of the professorship
in the state Centre of excellence Dynamic Systems (CDS; www.cds.ovgu.de),
and the focal research activities of the university and the Department of
Electrical Engineering and Information Technology are desired. The
candidate should be willing to contribute to the teaching in the Bachelor
and Master study directions of the Department of Electrical Engineering and
Information Technology in general and especially towards the study
directions systems engineering and engineering cybernetics, medical
engineering, and mechatronics.
Qualifications: The job announcement is part of the national and regional
program for the support of scientists on an early career level. It is aimed
at junior researchers who have a strong potential for a successful career
in the sciences. Formal prerequisites for the appointment are set out
especially in § 40 of the Higher Education Act for the Federal State of
Saxony-Anhalt (Hochschulgesetz Sachsen-Anhalt).
Offer: The professorship will be for an initial period of three years.
Remuneration is in accordance with W remuneration (remuneration group W1,
Remuneration Act Saxony-Anhalt (Besoldungsgesetz Sachsen-Anhalt). The
appointment will be extended for a further three years following a positive
interim evaluation. Following a positive final evaluation, the position
will be converted to a permanent W2 professorship after six years.
Professors with Tenure Track will be given appropriate resources at the
OVGU and take part in
performance-related allocation of resources. We understand the Tenure Track
Professorship as a career step to-wards taking over a lifetime
professorship. Along this path, we hope to support you with indi-vidually
tailored development opportunities. We are also happy to help looking for
childcare options and with offers for dual career couples.
Application: The OVGU aims to increase the proportion of women scientists
within the university and specifically encourages women to apply.
Applications from disabled persons will be given priority in the case of
equal suitability.
The application along with curriculum vitae including a description of
academic positions, a list of publications and teaching experience, copies
of certificates should be sent no later than March 29, 2018 to:
Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg,
Herrn Prof. Dr.-Ing. R. Vick,
Dekan der Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Postfach
4120, D-39106 Magdeburg
For further information please contact Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rolf Findeisen (
rolf.findeisen at ovgu.de, phone: +49 391 67 58708).
6.26. Faculty: University of Tehran, Iran
Contributed by: Hamed Kebriaei, kebriaei at ut.ac.ir
The University of Tehran offers up to three tenure track assistant
professor position in the field of Control in School of Electrical and
Computer Engineering (ECE).
University of Tehran (UT) is the first modern and highest rank university
in Iran. School of ECE, with more than 2000 students, 84 faculty members,
80 research Laboratories is the largest school in University of Tehran.
ECE-UT holds the “Control and Intelligent Processing Center of Excellence”
of the country and the Control department of ECE attracts the highest
ranked students of the country in the field.
For more information about the control department of ECE you can visit:
The applicants must hold a PhD degree from renowned international
universities and have a solid background in Control Systems with a strong
academic records and proved world class capabilities in research.
The areas of interest are included: Hybrid/Switched Control Systems,
Learning Control Systems, Data Driven Control Systems, Control of Network
Systems and Automation Control Systems. The application areas are included
but not limited to: Systems Biology, Energy, Cyber Physical Systems, and
Complex Networks.
As assistant professor your role will be to:
-Perform fundamental and applied research at the forefront of the systems
and control domain;
-Publish in renowned scientific journals and conferences;
-Set up and teach inspiring courses and lab projects in the BSc, MSc and
PhD programs at ECE-CS;
-Supervise PhD and MSc students as well as BSc student projects;
-Maintain and expand an effective network of cooperation partners in
academia, institutes and industry
-Contribute to acquiring funding for research projects from (inter)national
research funding agencies.
What is required in an application pack?
•Cover letter stating your interest in the faculty position in Control
•A full academic CV,
•Your statement of purpose,
•Details of three references.
Interested candidates should send their application pack for consideration
to Dr. Hamed Kebriaei: kebriaei at ut.ac.ir
6.27. Curriculum Development Director: Vin University, Vietnam
Contributed by: Nicole Rossi, nr399 at cornell.edu
Curriculum Development Director of Engineering and Technology Program
Vin University, Hanoi, Vietnam
About Vin University:
Vin University is a new, private, non-profit university established by
Vingroup, with the mission to be the first world-class, internationally
accredited and ranked university in Vietnam. Vin University has two
overarching goals: excellence in teaching, and producing research that
contributes to the key economic sectors of Vietnam.
The formation of Vin University has resulted from the collaboration of
Vingroup with Cornell University. Cornell, an Ivy League institution based
in Ithaca, NY, is involved in every aspect of development from
infrastructure and campus reviews, to curriculum development and faculty
hiring. Cornell's SC Johnson College of Business is providing extensive
academic advisement in a variety of areas, drawing from a wealth of faculty
expertise at multiple colleges and units at Cornell. Vin University aims to
meet the QS 5-star rating standards and include the following schools: a
School of Business, Hospitality, and Real Estate; a School of Engineering
and Technology; a School of General Education; a School of Public Health
and Health Services; a School of Nursing; and a School of Medicine. The
University will be an English Medium Instruction (EMI) institution and
plans to open for the inaugural class of students in Fall 2020.
The Opportunity:
Vin University seeks a dynamic and collaborative individual who has an
established record of engagement and accomplishments in curriculum
development at the university level to be the Curriculum Development
Director (CDD) of the Engineering and Technology Program.
The Curriculum Development Director will play a key role in developing a
curriculum for the Engineering and Technology Program and building a
framework for academic practice and curriculum delivery. The CDD will also
play a strategic role in promoting best practices in teaching, learning and
assessment; the development of academic staff; and study skills support for
This position will collaborate with Program Directors from Cornell
University, report directly to the Vin University Project Director, and
take on special projects as requested by the Project Director.
This position represents a rare opportunity to be part of building a
world-class higher education program in Vietnam from the ground up. It will
be a full-time, 1-3 year (negotiable) assignment, with potential following
opportunities for Dean, Program
Required Qualifications:
- Ph.D. degree in relevant fields, including mechanical engineering,
electrical engineering, or other core engineering discipline.
- Requisite specialty expertise and documented educational experience: at
least three years of participation as an active faculty member in a
relevant university program.
- Strong record of accomplishment in higher education curriculum
development and implementation with international standard and
accreditation (preferably with the U.S. accreditation standards).
- English proficiency in reading, speaking, writing, and teaching.
- Expertise in areas such as automotive engineering, control systems,
automation such as mechatronics/robotics, or systems engineering is a plus.
- Experience in accreditation.
- Experience in hiring university faculty and in coaching/mentoring
university faculty.
- Experience of working in multidisciplinary and collaborative educational
- Strong knowledge/experiences in educational technology/T&L pedagogy.
How to Apply:
To apply, please send to humanresources at vinuni.edu.vn (1) your resume and
(2) a cover letter explaining your interest in the position and relevant
qualifications. Please include Position Title on the Email Subject.
Applications submitted before March 15th, 2018 will receive immediate
- Application deadline: Open until filled.
- Position start date: Available Immediately.
6.28. Research Scientist: Bosch Center for Artificial Intelligence, Germany
Contributed by: Mathias Bürger, mathias.buerger at de.bosch.com
Research Scientist Positions at the Bosch Center for Artificial Intelligence
The Bosch Center for Artificial Intelligence is looking for outstanding
researchers to support our growing team.
At the Bosch Center for Artificial Intelligence, you will have the
opportunity to work in interdisciplinary teams and to bring the latest AI
technology to real-world problems. You will have access to advanced AI
systems and large-scale data sets across various domains.
We have several scientist positions open. The positions are related to
reinforcement learning, control, planning as well as to machine learning in
general. You will have the opportunity to shape a research strategy and to
develop algorithms for multiple exciting application domains, including
mobile robotics and industrial technology.
To find out more, visit our website www.bosch-ai.com and have a closer look
at the following positions.
Research Scientist Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Systems & Robotics
Research Scientist for Decision Making, Learning and Control for Robotic
Sensor Networks
Research Scientist for Reinforcement Learning
Contact: Mathias Bürger (mathias.buerger at de.bosch.com)
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