[eletter] eletter 359
Jianghai Hu
jianghai.hu at gmail.com
Tue Jul 3 11:42:15 EDT 2018
E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing
Issue 359
July 2018
Jianghai Hu
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Purdue University
465 Northwestern Ave.
West Lafayette, IN, 47907
Tel: +1 (765) 4962395
Fax: +1 (765) 4943371
Welcome to the 359 issue of the E-letter, available electronically at
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The next E-letter will be mailed out at the beginning of August 2018.
1. IEEE CSS Headlines
1.1 IEEE Control Systems Society Technically Cosponsored Conferences
1.2 IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
1.3 IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems
1.4 IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
1.5 IEEE Control Systems Letters
1.6 IEEE Control Systems Society Publications Content Digest
2.1 IQPC Survey on “The Future of AI: Opportunities, Trends and Challenges
that Will Reshape Enterprise”
3. Books
3.1 Control Subject to Computational and Communication Constraints: Current
4. Journals
4.1 New Journal: Annual Review of Control, Robotics, and Autonomous Systems
4.2 Contents: Automatica
4.3 Contents: Systems & Control Letters
4.4 Contents: IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica
4.5 Contents: Evolution Equations and Control Theory
4.6 Contents: Asian Journal of Control
4.7 Contents: International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer
4.8 Contents: International Journal of Control
4.9 Contents: Proceedings of the Institute of Applied Mathematics
4.10 Contents: IET Control Theory & Applications
4.11 Contents: Control Engineering Practice
4.12 Contents: Mechatronics
4.13 Contents: Journal of Process Control
4.14 Contents: Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
4.15 Contents: Annual Reviews in Control
4.16 Contents: European Journal of Control
4.17 Contents: ISA Transactions
4.18 Contents: Journal of the Franklin Institute
4.19 Contents: IFAC Journal of Systems and Control
4.20 Contents: Applied and Computational Mathematics an International
4.21 CFP: International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing
5. Conferences
5.1 American Control Conference
5.2 Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing
5.3 International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems
6. Positions
6.1 PhD: Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
6.2 PhD: Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
6.3 PhD: Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
6.4 PhD: Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria
6.5 PhD: University of Grenoble-Alpes, France
6.6 PhD: University of Grenoble-Alpes, France
6.7 PhD: George Washington University, USA
6.8 PhD: University of New South Wales, Australia
6.9 PhD: University of New South Wales, Australia
6.10 PhD: University of Sannio in Benevento, Italy
6.11 PhD: Illinois Institute of Technology, USA
6.12 PhD/PostDoc: KU Leuven, Belgium
6.13 PostDoc: Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
6.14 PostDoc: Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
6.15 PostDoc: INRIA Grenoble, France
6.16 PostDoc: USP, Brazil
6.17 PostDoc: University of Sydney, Australia
6.18 Research Associate: Paderborn University, Germany
6.19 Faculty: Aalborg University, Denmark
6.20 Department Head: French German Research Institute of Saint-Louis,
6.21 Research Scientist: Optikom, China
1. IEEE CSS Headlines
1.1. IEEE Control Systems Society Technically Cosponsored Conferences
Contributed by: Luca Zaccarian, CSS AE Conferences, zaccarian at laas.fr
The following conferences have been recently included in the list of events
technically cosponsored by the IEEE Control Systems Society:
- 2018 Summer School on Smart Cities. Stockholm, Sweden. Jul 2 - Jul 6,
2018. https://www.itrl.kth.se/events/summer-school-on-sma
- 56th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and
Computing. Monticello (IL), United States. Oct 2 - Oct 5, 2018.
- 18th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS
2018). PyeongChang, South Korea. Oct 17 - Oct 20, 2018.
- 2nd IFAC Conference on Cyber-Physical and Human Systems. Miami (FL),
United States. Dec 14 - Dec 15, 2018. http://www.cphs2018.org/
- 37th Chinese Control Conference (CCC2018), Wuhan, China. Jul 25 - Jul
27, 2018. http://ccc2018.cug.edu.cn/English/Home.htm
- 22nd International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing
(ICSTCC 2018), Sinaia, Romania. Oct 10 - Oct 12, 2018.
For a full listing of CSS technically cosponsored conferences, please visit
http://ieeecss.org/conferences/technically-cosponsored and for a list of
the upcoming and past CSS main conferences please visit
1.2. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
Contributed by: Alessandro Astolfi, ieeetac at imperial.ac.uk
Table of Contents
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
Volume 63 (2018), Issue 6 (June)
Scanning the Issue, p. 1547
- Approximate Best-Response Dynamics in Random Interference Games, Ilai
Bistritz, Amir Leshem, p. 1549
- Performance Bounds on Spatial Coverage Tasks by Stochastic Robotic
Swarms, Fangbo Zhang, Andrea L. Bertozzi, Karthik Elamvazhuthi, Spring
Berman, p. 1563
- Stabilizing Stochastic Predictive Control under Bernoulli Dropouts,
Prabhat Kumar Mishra, Debasish Chatterjee, Daniel E. Quevedo, p. 1579
- Observability of Finite Labeled Transition Systems, Kuize Zhang, Ting
Liu, Daizhan Cheng, p. 1591
- On Lyapunov-Krasovskii Characterizations of Stability Notions for
Discrete-Time Systems with Uncertain Time-Varying Time-Delays, Pierdomenico
Pepe, Giordano Pola, M. Domenica Di Benedetto, p. 1603
- An Adaptive Observer-Based Robust Estimator of Multi-sinusoidal Signals,
Boli Chen, Gilberto Pin, Wai N. Ng, Shu Yuen Hui, Thomas Parisini, p. 1618
- On Weight-Prioritized Multi-Task Control of Humanoid Robots, Karim
Bouyarmane, Abderrahmane Kheddar, p. 1632
- Optimal Denial-of-Service Attack Scheduling with Energy Constraint Over
Packet-dropping Networks, Jiahu Qin, Menglin Li, Ling Shi, Xinghuo Yu, p.
- Almost Global Consensus on the n-Sphere, Johan Markdahl, Johan Thunberg,
Jorge Goncalves, p. 1664
- Proximate Time-Optimal Control of a Harmonic Oscillator, Roger A Braker,
Lucy Y. Pao, p. 1676
- Characterizations of Input-to-State Stability for Infinite-Dimensional
Systems, Andrii Mironchenko, Fabian Wirth, p. 1692
- Stabilization of Networked Control Systems Under Clock Offsets and
Quantization, Kunihisa Okano, Masashi Wakaiki, Guosong Yang, Joao P.
Hespanha, p. 1708
- Uniform Value for Some Nonexpansive Optimal Control Problems with General
Evaluations, Xiaoxi Li, p. 1724
Technical Notes and Correspondence
- Formation-Preserving Properties of Cooperative Kinematic Agents Without
and With an External Influence of Target Attraction, Wei Li, p. 1737
- Asynchronous Implementation of Distributed Coordination Algorithms:
Conditions Using Partially Scrambling and Essentially Cyclic Matrices, Yao
Chen, Weiguo Xia, Ming Cao, Jinhu Lu, p. 1745
- Distributed Nonsmooth Optimization with Coupled Inequality Constraints
via Modified Lagrangian Function, Shu Liang, Xianlin Zeng, Yiguang Hong, p.
- Importance Splitting for Finite-Time Rare Event Simulation, Guangxin
Jiang, Michael C. Fu, p. 1760
- Worst-case Prediction Performance Analysis of the Kalman Filter, Sholeh
Yasini, Kristiaan Pelckmans, p. 1768
- Constrained Consensus in Continuous-Time Multi-Agent Systems under
Weighted Graph, Zheqing Zhou, Xiaofeng Wang, p. 1776
- Robust Consensus Analysis and Design under Relative State Constraints or
Uncertainties, Dinh Hoa Nguyen, Tatsuo Narikiyo, Michihiro Kawanishi, p.
- Synchronization of Coupled Dynamical Systems: Tolerance to Weak
Connectivity and Arbitrarily Bounded Time-Varying Delays, Ziyang Meng, Tao
Yang, Guoqi Li, Wei Ren, Di Wu, p. 1791
- Finite Horizon Tracking Control of Boolean Control Networks, Zhihua
Zhang, Thomas Leifeld, Ping Zhang, p. 1798
- Reduced Order Internal Models in the Frequency Domain, Petteri Laakkonen,
Lassi Paunonen, p. 1806
- Input-to-State Stabilizing Control for Cyber-Physical Systems with
Multiple Transmission Channels Under Denial-of-Service, An-Yang Lu,
Guang-Hong Yang, p. 1813
- Extremum Cycle Times in Time Interval Models, Philippe Declerck, p. 1821
- Verification of Prognosability for Labeled Petri Nets, Xiang Yin, p. 1828
- Compositional Abstraction and Safety Synthesis using Overlapping Symbolic
Models, Pierre-Jean Meyer, Antoine Girard, Emmanuel Witrant, p. 1835
- Towards Event-Triggered Extended State Observer, Yuan Huang, Dawei Shi,
Junzheng Wang, Ling Shi, p. 1842
- Data-Driven Coordinated Attack Policy Design Based on Adaptive L2-Gain
Optimal Theory, Liwei An, Guang-Hong Yang, p. 1850
- A Pulse Based Integrated Communication and Control Design for
Decentralized Collective Motion Coordination, Huan Gao, Yongqiang Wang, p.
1.3. IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems
Contributed by: Maureen Stanton, stanton at bu.edu
Table of Contents
IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems
Volume 5 (2018), Issue 2 (June)
Special Issue: Approaches to Control Biological and Biologically Inspired
- Introduction to the Special Issue on Approaches to Control Biological and
Biologically Inspired Networks- R. Albert, J. Baillieul, and A. E. Motter,
p. 690
- State Observation and Sensor Selection for Nonlinear Networks- A. Haber,
F. Molnar, and A. E. Motter, p. 694
- Selecting Sensors in Biological Fractional-Order Systems- V. Tzoumas, Y.
Xue, S. Pequito, P. Bogdan, and G. J. Pappas, p. 709
- Network Identification With Latent Nodes via Autoregressive Models- E.
Nozari, Y. Zhao, and J. Cortés, p. 722
- Identification of Nonlinear State-Space Systems From Heterogeneous
Datasets- W. Pan, Y. Yuan, L. Ljung, J. Gonçalves, and G.-B. Stan, p. 737
- Combinatorial Algorithms for Control of Biological Regulatory Networks-
A. Clark, P. Lee, B. Alomair, L. Bushnell, and R. Poovendran, p. 748
- Control of Gene Regulatory Networks With Noisy Measurements and Uncertain
Inputs- M. Imani and U. M. Braga-Neto, p. 760
- Controllability of Conjunctive Boolean Networks With Application to Gene
Regulation- Z. Gao, X. Chen, and T. Başar, p. 770
- Aggregates of Monotonic Step Response Systems: A Structural
Classification- F. Blanchini, C. C. Samaniego, E. Franco, and G. Giordano,
p. 782
- Multiagent Decision-Making Dynamics Inspired by Honeybees- R. Gray, A.
Franci, V. Srivastava, and N. E. Leonard, p. 793
- Design Constraints for Biological Systems That Achieve Adaptation and
Disturbance Rejection- H. Steel and A. Papachristodoulou, p. 807
1.4. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Contributed by: Michelle Colasanti, ieeetcst at osu.edu
Table of Contents
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Volume 26 (2018), Issue 4 (July)
- Modeling, Control Design, and Combined Plant/Controller Optimization for
an Energy-Harvesting Tethered Wing, P. Nikpoorparizi, N. Deodhar, and C.
Vermillion, page 1157
- Distortion Compensation for a Robotic Hardware-In-The-Loop Contact
Simulator, C. Qi, F. Gao, X. Zhao, Q. Wang, and Q. Sun, page 1170
- A Parametric Programming Approach to Automated Integrated Circuit Design .
. J. Števek, M. Kvasnica, M. Fikar, and A. Gomola, page 1180
- Gain Scheduled Attitude Control of Fixed-Wing UAV With Automatic
Controller Tuning, P. Poksawat, L. Wang, and A. Mohamed, page 1192
- Adaptive Near-Optimal Control of Uncertain Systems With Application to
Underactuated Surface Vessels, Y. Zhang, S. Li, and X. Liu, page 1204
- A Cooperative Charging Protocol for Onboard Supercapacitors of
Catenary-Free Trams, H. Li, J. Peng, J. He, R. Zhou, Z. Huang, and J. Pan,
page 1219
- Leader–Follower Navigation in Obstacle Environments While Preserving
Connectivity Without Data Transmission, D. Sakai, H. Fukushima, and F.
Matsuno, page 1233
- Reconfigurable Tolerant Control of Uncertain Mechanical Systems With
Actuator Faults: A Sliding Mode Observer-Based Approach, B. Xiao, S. Yin,
and H. Gao, page 1249
- Adaptive Target Scheme for Learning Control of Quantum Systems, W. Zhang,
D. Dong, and I. R. Petersen, page 1259
- Digital Control Strategies With Attractiveness and Invariance
Specifications, M. Sun, L. Wu, Y. Hu, and W. Zhou, page 1272
- Aircraft Fault Accommodation With Consideration of Actuator Control
Authority and Gyro Availability, X. Yu, Y. Fu, and Y. Zhang, page 1285
- On the Convergence Conditions of Distributed Dynamic State Estimation
Using Sensor Networks: A Unified Framework, S. Wang and W. Ren, page 1300
- A Dual Particle Filter-Based Fault Diagnosis Scheme for Nonlinear
Systems, N. Daroogheh, N. Meskin, and K. Khorasani, page 1317
- Minimum-Time Trajectory Generation for Quadrotors in Constrained
Environments, S. Spedicato and G. Notarstefano, page 1335
- Tricriteria Optimization-Coordination Motion of Dual-Redundant-Robot
Manipulators for Complex Path Planning, Z. Zhang, Y. Lin, S. Li, Y. Li, Z.
Yu, and Y. Luo, page 1345
- Design of Nonlinear Systems in the Frequency Domain: An Output Frequency
Response Function-Based Approach, Y. Zhu and Z. Q. Lang, page 1358
- A Guiding Vector-Field Algorithm for Path-Following Control of
Nonholonomic Mobile Robots, Y. A. Kapitanyuk, A. V. Proskurnikov, and M.
Cao, page 1372
- Data-Driven Charging Strategy of PEVs Under Transformer Aging Risk, C.
Li, C. Liu, K. Deng, X. Yu, and T. Huang, page 1386
- Active Disturbance Rejection Attitude Control for a Dual Closed-Loop
Quadrotor Under Gust Wind, H. Yang, L. Cheng, Y. Xia, and Y. Yuan, page 1400
- Coordinated Control of Aerial Robotic Manipulators: Theory and
Experiments, G. Muscio,
F. Pierri, M. A. Trujillo, E. Cataldi, G. Antonelli, F. Caccavale, A.
Viguria, S. Chiaverini, and A. Ollero, page 1406
- Experimental Validation of a Novel PI Speed Controller for AC Motor
Drives With Improved Transient Performances, R. Errouissi, A. Al-Durra, and
S. M. Muyeen, page 1414
- Direct Data-Driven Control of Constrained Systems, D. Piga, S. Formentin,
and A. Bemporad, page 1422
- LiDAR-Based Control of Autonomous Rotorcraft for the Inspection of
Pierlike Structures, B. J. Guerreiro, C. Silvestre, R. Cunha, and D.
Cabecinhas, page 1430
- Demand-Side Energy Management by Use of a Design-Then-Approximate
Controller for Aggregated Thermostatic Loads. M. Ghanavati and A.
Chakravarthy, page 1439
- Optimal Motion Planning and Energy-Based Control of a Single Mast Stacker
Crane, H. Rams, M. Schöberl, and K. Schlacher, page 1449
- Formation Control of Teleoperating Cyber-Physical Syste With Time Delay
and Actuator Saturation, J. Yan, Y. Wan, X. Luo, C. Chen, C. Hua, and X.
Guan, page 1458
- A Stall Warning Scheme for Aircraft Engines With Inlet Distortion via
Deterministic Learning. P. Lin, C. Wang, and T. Chen, page 1468
- Adaptive Mesh Refinement Method for Optimal Control Using Decay Rates of
Legendre Polynomial Coefficients, F. Liu, W. W. Hager, and A. V. Rao, page
- On-the-Fly Control Design of Modular Robot Manipulators, A. Giusti and M.
Althoff, page 1484
- Scalable Multiobjective Control for Large-Scale Water Resources Systems
Under Uncertainty, M. Giuliani, J. D. Quinn, J. D. Herman, A. Castelletti,
and P. M. Reed, page 1492
- Application of the Method of Maximum Likelihood to Identification of
Bipedal Walking Robots, K. Dolinský and S. Cˇelikovský, page 1500
- Adaptive Observer for Nonlinearly Parameterized Hammerstein System With
Sensor Delay—Applied to Ship Emissions Reduction, K. V. Nielsen, M. Blanke,
and L. Eriksson, page 1508
- Robust Team Formation Control for Quadrotors, W. Jasim and D. Gu, page
- Robust Control of an Equipment-Added Multirotor Using Disturbance
Observer, S. Kim, S. Choi, H. Kim, J. Shin, H. Shim, and H. J. Kim, page
- Complexity Analysis About Nonlinear Mixed Oligopolies Game Based on
Production Cooperation, J. Ma and L. Sun, page 1532
1.5. IEEE Control Systems Letters
Contributed by: Francesca Bettini, bettini at dei.unipd.it
Table of Contents
IEEE Control Systems Letters
Volume 2 (2018), Issue 3 (July)
Please note that IEEE Control Systems Letters is accessible in IEEE Xplore
through the web page:
- H2-Norm-Based Multi-Pulse Diesel Fuel Injection Control With Minimal
Cyclic Combustion Variation, X. Luo, M. C. F. Donkers, B. de Jager, and F.
Willems - p. 309
- A Linear Algorithm for Optimization Over Directed Graphs With Geometric
Convergence, R. Xin and Usman A. Khan - p. 315
- Sparsity-Constrained Controllability Maximization With Application to
Time-Varying Control Node
Selection, T. Ikeda and K. Kashima - p. 321
- A Dual Quaternion Feedback Linearized Approach for Maneuver Regulation of
Rigid Bodies, A. Antonello, G. Michieletto, R. Antonello, and A. Cenedese -
p. 327
- Robust Control Contraction Metrics: A Convex Approach to Nonlinear
State-Feedback H∞Control, I. R. Manchester and J.-J. E. Slotine - p. 333
- Reduction of Discrete-Time Two-Channel Delayed Systems, M. Mattioni, S.
Monaco, and D. Normand-Cyrot - p. 339
- Fractional Controller Tuning Expressions for a Universal Plant Structure,
P. Sathishkumar and N. Selvaganesan - p. 345
- Computation-Efficient Simulation of Nonlinear Thermal Boundary Conditions
for Large-Scale Models, T. Frank, S. Bosselmann, M. Wielitzka, and T.
Ortmaier - p. 351
- Control of Rolling Disk Motion on an Arbitrary Smooth Surface, M. Rehan
and M. Reyhanoglu - p. 357
- Data-DrivenDistributionallyRobustOptimalPowerFlowforDistributionSystems,
R. Mieth and Y. Dvorkin - p. 363
- Realization of Nonlinear Time-Delay Input–Output Equations, A. Kaldmäe,
Ü. Kotta, and M. Tõnso - p. 369
- Open Multi-Agent Systems With Discrete States and Stochastic
Interactions, V. S. Varma, I.-C. Morarescu, and D. Nešic - p. 375
- Accelerating Consensus in High-Order Leader-Follower Networks, G.
Parlangeli and M. E. Valcher - p. 381
- Persistence in Control Systems, M. Inoue - p. 387
- A New Classification Algorithm With Guaranteed Sensitivity and
Specificity for Medical Applications, A. Carè, F. A. Ramponi, and M. C.
Campi - p. 393
- Indefinite Linear Quadratic Optimal Control: Strict Dissipativity and
Turnpike Properties, J. Berberich, J. Köhler, F. Allgöwer, and M. A. Müller
- p. 399
- Bio-Inspired Evolutionary Game Dynamics in Symmetric and Asymmetric
Models, L. Stella and D. Bauso - p. 405
- Absolute Stability of Systems With Integrator and/or Time Delay via
Off-Axis Circle Criterion, J. Zhang, H. Tugal, J. Carrasco, and W. P. Heath
- p. 411
- Switched Adaptive Control of Air Handling Units With Discrete and
Saturated Actuators, S. Yuan, L. Zhang, O. Holub, and S. Baldi - p. 417
- Data-Driven Modelling of Subjective Pain/Pleasure Assessments As
Responses to Vaginal Dilation Stimuli, D. Varagnolo, S. Knorn, E.
Oliver-Chiva, R. Melles, and M. Dewitte - p. 423
- Operator-Theoretic Characterization of Eventually Monotone Systems, A.
Sootla and A. Mauroy - p. 429
- Periodic Orbits in Planar Linear Systems With Input Saturation, T.
Lathuilière, G. Valmorbida, and E. Panteley - p. 435
- Barrier Lyapunov Functions and Constrained Model Reference Adaptive
Control, A. L’Afflitto - p. 441
- A Consistent Threshold-Based Policy for Event-Triggered Control, B. A.
Khashooei, D. J. Antunes, and W. P. M. H. Heemels - p. 447
- On the Convergence of Discrete-Time Linear Systems: A Linear Time-Varying
Mann Iteration Converges IFF. Its Operator Is Strictly Pseudocontractive,
G. Belgioioso, F. Fabiani, F. Blanchini, and S. Grammatico - p. 453
- Backstepping Control of a Wave PDE With Unstable Source Terms and Dynamic
Boundary, C. Roman, D. Bresch-Pietri, E. Cerpa, C. Prieur, and O. Sename -
p. 459
- Optimal Diffusion Processes, S. Jafarizadeh - p. 465
- Algorithms and Performance Analysis for Stochastic Wiener System
Identification, B. Wahlberg and L. Ljung - p. 471
- Robust Output Regulation for a Class of Linear Differential-Algebraic
Systems, A. Di Giorgio, A. Pietrabissa, F. D. Priscoli, and A. Isidori - p.
- An Uncertainty-Based Control Lyapunov Approach for Control-Affine Systems
Modeled by Gaussian Process, J. Umlauft, L. Pöhler, and S. Hirche - p. 483
- Impact of Time Correlated Mode Mismatch on Markov Jump Linear System
State Estimation, W. Zhang and B. Natarajan - p. 489
- Robust Distributed Formation Control of Agents With Higher-Order
Dynamics, K. Fathian, T. H. Summers, and N. R. Gans - p. 495
- On Periodic Dissipativity Notions in Economic Model Predictive Control,
J. Köhler, M. A. Müller, and F. Allgöwer - p. 501
- Scalable Input-to-State Stability for Performance Analysis of Large-Scale
Networks, B. Besselink and S. Knorn - p. 507
- Feedback-Based Iterative Learning Design and Synthesis With Output
Constraints for Robotic Manipulators, G. Sebastian, Y. Tan, D. Oetomo, and
I. Mareels - p. 513
- A New Method for Generating Sigma Points and Weights for Nonlinear
Filtering, R. Radhakrishnan, A. Yadav, P. Date, and S. Bhaumik - p. 519
- PID Controller Synthesis Using a σ-Hurwitz Stability Criterion, S. Han
and S. P. Bhattacharyya - p. 525
- A Variation on a Random Coordinate Minimization Method for Constrained
Polynomial Optimization, G. C. Calafiore and C. Possieri - p. 531
- A Simple Sufficient Condition for Convergence of Projected Consensus
Algorithm, N. Takahashi and K. Kawashima - p. 537
- Learning an Approximate Model Predictive Controller With Guarantees, M.
Hertneck, J. Köhler, S. Trimpe, and F. Allgöwer - p. 543
- Strong Convexity and Smoothness of Solutions to Geometric Optics Problems
via Dynamic Programming, G. Gnecco and D. Selvi - p. 549
- Distributed Algorithm for Suppressing Epidemic Spread in Networks, V. S.
Mai, A. Battou, and K. Mills - p. 555
1.6. IEEE Control Systems Society Publications Content Digest
Contributed by: Alessandro Astolfi, ieeetac at imperial.ac.uk
The IEEE Control Systems Society Publications Content Digest is a novel and
convenient guide that helps readers keep track of the latest published
The CSS Publications Content Digest, available at
http://ieeecss.org/publications-content-digest provides lists of current
tables of contents of the periodicals sponsored by the Control Systems
Each issue offers readers a rapid means to survey and access the latest
peer-reviewed papers of the IEEE Control Systems Society. We also include
links to the Society’s sponsored Conferences to give readers a preview of
upcoming meetings.
2.1. IQPC Survey on “The Future of AI: Opportunities, Trends and Challenges
that Will Reshape Enterprise”
Contributed by: Beth Brody, beth at brodypr.com
Industry Cultural Resistance is Biggest Enemy of Automation, Says New IQPC
The Future of AI: Opportunities, Trends and Challenges that Will Reshape
While customers perceive that artificial intelligence (AI) will allow
brands to deliver what they want when they want it, there remains a
widespread lack of understanding among enterprises of the potential
benefits for AI to solve real-world business problems. The biggest
corporate challenge to implementing an intelligent business strategy is
cultural resistance (49%), according to a new research report, “AI2020: The
Global State of Intelligent Enterprise” by IQPC’s Intelligent Automation
Very few (less than 5%) of the 430 respondents surveyed have established an
intelligent enterprise (IE) and nearly 35% either hadn’t begun or had no
plans to establish IE technologies such as AI and intelligent automation.
However, the survey found that more than half (54%) hope to have IE
established by 2020.
The report found that there remains a widespread lack of understanding of
the potential benefits for artificial intelligence to solve real-world
business problems. However, nearly half (47%) of survey respondents felt
that the most significant impact AI and IE tools will have on their
business is helping them stay ahead of the competition. The focus to date
has largely been on adopting AI as a technology rather than applying AI as
a tool to solve existing problems.
“AI promises a world of insights, analytics and business smarts,” says
Geena Monaco, Content Manager, Intelligent Automation Week. “Sectors such
as banking and financial services, defense and retail are already reaping
the benefits as early adopters of AI.”
Barriers to Innovation
The path to establishing IE can be fraught with risks and challenges, such
as failure to implement governance and regulatory frameworks, a lack of
long-term IE strategy and a lack of in-market case studies and best
practice guidance. The need to change business culture, rapid changes in
technology and competing priorities are among the major inhibitors to a
delayed response to AI.
“Our survey found that industry cultural resistance is the biggest enemy of
automation,” explains Monaco. “Business leaders may be keen to support an
automation program but often harbor serious doubts and deep-seated fear for
their own survival.”
There is a strong consensus that there will be new job opportunities due to
the implementation of IE. This awareness illustrates that management is
open to developing talent in their organization to meet the demands of this
new technology and recruit new skills. Predictive analytics, one of the top
intelligent technologies, can streamline processes and help firms avoid
gaps in productivity.
AI will automate some jobs, particularly the dirty, dangerous or dull work
that people don’t want to do – everything from sewer reconnaissance to
repetitive factory work.
The skills needed for future employment include critical thinking and
problem solving, good communication and teamwork, leadership, initiative,
creativity and the willingness to leverage the current technology.
The IQPC report studied the intelligent enterprise at various industry
sectors, including oil and gas, pharma and healthcare, defense and security
and financial services. To download a copy of the report, visit Intelligent
Automation Network. Intelligent Automation Week 2018 will be held July 30 –
Aug 2 in Chicago featuring industry leaders from various sectors presenting
on the transformation and adoption of enterprise automation. To register,
visit https://intelligentautomation.iqpc.com/
About the Intelligent Automation Network
The Artificial intelligence & Intelligent Automation Network (aiia.net) is
an online community focused on building the intelligent enterprise. It
combines a range of real world and digital assets to help business
executives navigate the brave new world of AI.
3. Books
3.1. Control Subject to Computational and Communication Constraints:
Current Challenges
Contributed by: Yasmin Brookes, yasmin.brookes at springer.com
Control Subject to Computational and Communication Constraints: Current
by Sophie Tarbouriech, Antoine GIRARD and Laurentiu Hetel (Eds.)
ISBN: 978-3-319-78448-9
June 2018, Springer
Hardcover, 376 pages, $179.99/€149,99
This book provides a broad overview of the current problems, challenges and
solutions in the field of control theory, communication theory and
computational resources management. Recent results on dynamical systems,
which open new opportunities for research and challenges to be addressed in
the future, are proposed in the context of computational and communication
constraints. In order to take into the account complex phenomena, such as
nonlinearities, time-varying parameters and limited availability of
information, the book proposes new approaches for open problems with both
theoretical and practical significance.
The contributors’ research is centred on robust stability and performance
of control loops that are subject to computational and communication
constraints. A particular focus is placed on the presence of constraints in
communication and computation, which is a critical issue in networked
control systems and cyber-physical systems. The contributions, which rely
on the development of novel paradigms are provided are by leading experts
in the field from all over the world, thus providing readers with the most
accurate solutions for the constraints.
Control subject to Computational and Communication Constraints highlights
many problems encountered by control researchers, while also informing
graduate students of the many interesting ideas at the frontier between
control theory, information theory and computational theory. The book is
also a useful point of reference for engineers and practitioners, and the
survey chapters will assist instructors in lecture preparation.
Part I Switched and Sampled-Data Systems
1 Minimal- and Reduced-Order Models for Aperiodic Sampled-Data Systems
2 Stabilizability and Control Co-Design for Discrete-Time Switched Linear
3 Stability Analysis of Singularly Perturbed Switched Linear Systems
4 Stability of LTI Systems with Distributed Sensors and Aperiodic Sampling
5 Template Complex Zonotope Based Stability Verification
6 Timing Contracts for Multi-Core Embedded Control Systems
Part II Event-Triggered Architectures
7 Time-Regularized and Periodic Event-Triggered Control for Linear Systems
8 Event-Triggered State-Feedback via Dynamic High-Gain Scaling for
Nonlinearly Bounded Triangular Dynamics
9 Insights on Event-Triggered Control for Linear Systems Subject to
Norm-Bounded Uncertainty
10 Abstracted Models for Scheduling of Event-Triggered Control Data Traffic
11 Resilient Self-Triggered Network Synchronization
Part III Distributed Control of Cyber-Physical Systems
12 Distributed Hybrid Control Synthesis for Multi-Agent Systems
13 Modeling and Co-Design of Control Tasks over Wireless Networking
Protocols from High-Level Specifications
14 Discontinuities, Generalized Solutions, and (Dis)agreement in Opinion
15 Information Constraints in Multiple Agent Problems with I.I.D. States
16 Networked Hybrid Dynamical Systems: Models, Specifications, 17
Stabilization of Linear Hyperbolic Systems of Balance Laws with Measurement
Errors and Tools
4. Journals
4.1. New Journal: Annual Review of Control, Robotics, and Autonomous Systems
Contributed by: Jenni Rankin, jrankin at annualreviews.org
New Journal: The Annual Review of Control, Robotics, and Autonomous
Systems, edited by Naomi Ehrich Leonard, provides comprehensive reviews of
significant theoretical and applied developments that impact the
engineering of autonomous and semiautonomous systems. The broad fields of
control and robotics are the major areas covered, together with connections
to theoretical and applied mechanics, optimization, communication,
information theory, machine learning, computing, and signal processing. The
journal will cover important intersections with fields outside of
engineering, including biology, neuroscience, and human behavioral
sciences. Available online now:
4.2. Contents: Automatica
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com
Vol. 93
July 2018
- Anastasiia A. Usova, Ilia G. Polushin, Rajni V. Patel, Scattering-based
stabilization of non-planar conic systems, Pages 1-11
- Siyu Xie, Lei Guo, A necessary and sufficient condition for stability of
LMS-based consensus adaptive filters, Pages 12-19
- Ali Chibani, Mohammed Chadli, Steven X. Ding, Naceur Benhadj Braiek,
Design of robust fuzzy fault detection filter for polynomial fuzzy systems
with new finite frequency specifications, Pages 42-54
- Fei Miao, Quanyan Zhu, Miroslav Pajic, George J. Pappas, A hybrid
stochastic game for secure control of cyber-physical systems, Pages 55-63
- Mirko Fiacchini, Marc Jungers, Antoine Girard, Stabilization and control
Lyapunov functions for language constrained discrete-time switched linear
systems, Pages 64-74
- Han Zhang, Xiaoming Hu, Consensus control for linear systems with optimal
energy cost, Pages 83-91
- Claudio Altafini, Francesca Ceragioli, Signed bounded confidence models
for opinion dynamics, Pages 114-125
- Miloš S. Stanković, Srdjan S. Stanković, Karl Henrik Johansson,
Distributed time synchronization for networks with random delays and
measurement noise, Pages 126-137
- Wei Liu, Jie Huang, Cooperative global robust output regulation for a
class of nonlinear multi-agent systems by distributed event-triggered
control, Pages 138-148
- Milan Korda, Igor Mezić, Linear predictors for nonlinear dynamical
systems: Koopman operator meets model predictive control, Pages 149-160
- Yanjie Li, Xinyu Wu, Yunjiang Lou, Haoyao Chen, Jiangang Li, Coupling
based estimation approaches for the average reward performance potential in
Markov chains, Pages 172-182
- Jun-Wei Wang, Ya-Qiang Liu, Chang-Yin Sun, Pointwise exponential
stabilization of a linear parabolic PDE system using non-collocated
pointwise observation, Pages 197-210
- Francesca Boem, Yilun Zhou, Carlo Fischione, Thomas Parisini, Distributed
Pareto-optimal state estimation using sensor networks, Pages 211-223
- Umer Hameed Shah, Keum-Shik Hong, Active vibration control of a flexible
rod moving in water: Application to nuclear refueling machines, Pages
- Andreas A. Malikopoulos, Christos G. Cassandras, Yue J. Zhang, A
decentralized energy-optimal control framework for connected automated
vehicles at signal-free intersections, Pages 244-256
- Alessandro Costalunga, Luca Consolini, Synthesis of virtual holonomic
constraints for obtaining stable constraint dynamics, Pages 262-273
- Stefano Miani, Michele Zilletti, Paolo Gardonio, Franco Blanchini,
Patrizio Colaneri, Switching and sweeping vibration absorbers: Theory and
experimental validation, Pages 290-301
- Vladimir Gaitsgory, Lars Grüne, Matthias Höger, Christopher M. Kellett,
Steven R. Weller, Stabilization of strictly dissipative discrete time
systems with discounted optimal control, Pages 311-320
- Gianluigi Pillonetto, System identification using kernel-based
regularization: New insights on stability and consistency issues, Pages
- Sheng Chen, Cheng-Chew Lim, Peng Shi, Zhenyu Lu, Synchronization control
for reaction–diffusion FitzHugh–Nagumo systems with spatial sampled-data,
Pages 352-362
- Yiding Ji, Yi-Chin Wu, Stéphane Lafortune, Enforcement of opacity by
public and private insertion functions, Pages 369-378
- Simon Rohou, Luc Jaulin, Lyudmila Mihaylova, Fabrice Le Bars, Sandor M.
Veres, Reliable non-linear state estimation involving time uncertainties,
Pages 379-388
- Adriano Da Silva, Christoph Kawan, Robustness of critical bit rates for
practical stabilization of networked control systems, Pages 397-406
- Farshad Harirchi, Necmiye Ozay, Guaranteed model-based fault detection in
cyber–physical systems: A model invalidation approach, Pages 476-488
- Martin Guay, Isaac Vandermeulen, Sean Dougherty, P. James McLellan,
Distributed extremum-seeking control over networks of dynamically coupled
unstable dynamic agents, Pages 498-509
- Viorel Barbu, Chiara Benazzoli, Luca Di Persio, Mild solutions to the
dynamic programming equation for stochastic optimal control problems, Pages
- Johan Thunberg, Johan Markdahl, Jorge Gonçalves, Dynamic controllers for
column synchronization of rotation matrices: A QR-factorization approach,
Pages 20-25
- Yan-Wu Wang, Xiao-Kang Liu, Jiang-Wen Xiao, Yanjun Shen, Output
formation-containment of interacted heterogeneous linear systems by
distributed hybrid active control, Pages 26-32
- Jun Song, Yugang Niu, Yuanyuan Zou, Asynchronous sliding mode control of
Markovian jump systems with time-varying delays and partly accessible mode
detection probabilities, Pages 33-41
- Giorgio Battistelli, Luigi Chisci, Daniela Selvi, A distributed Kalman
filter with event-triggered communication and guaranteed stability, Pages
- Saeed Ahmed, Frédéric Mazenc, Hitay Özbay, Dynamic output feedback
stabilization of switched linear systems with delay via a trajectory based
approach, Pages 92-97
- Jiangshuai Huang, Wei Wang, Changyun Wen, Jing Zhou, Adaptive control of
a class of strict-feedback time-varying nonlinear systems with unknown
control coefficients, Pages 98-105
- Qijiang Song, Recursive identification of systems with binary-valued
outputs and with ARMA noises, Pages 106-113
- Pingyuan Cui, Tong Qin, Shengying Zhu, Yang Liu, Rui Xu, Zhengshi Yu,
Trajectory curvature guidance for Mars landings in hazardous terrains,
Pages 161-171
- Bo-Yang Liu, Ming Zhang, Peng Kang, Hong-Yi Dai, Suppressing phase
damping decoherence by periodical imperfect projective measurements
- Miloje S. Radenković, Miroslav Krstić, Extremum seeking-based perfect
adaptive tracking of non-PE references despite nonvanishing variance of
perturbation, Pages 189-196
- Ignacio Rubio Scola, Gildas Besançon, Didier Georges, Optimizing Kalman
optimal observer for state affine systems by input selection, Pages 224-230
- Tomáš Masopust, Complexity of deciding detectability in discrete event
systems, Pages 257-261
- Jiang-Bo Yu, Yan Zhao, Yu-Qiang Wu, Global robust output tracking control
for a class of uncertain cascaded nonlinear systems, Pages 274-281
- Giulio Bottegal, Ricardo Castro-Garcia, Johan A.K. Suykens, A
two-experiment approach to Wiener system identification, Pages 282-289
- Tatiana Kharkovskaya, Denis Efimov, Andrey Polyakov, Jean-Pierre Richard,
Design of interval observers and controls for PDEs using finite-element
approximations, Pages 302-310
- Qinghua Zhang, Adaptive Kalman filter for actuator fault diagnosis, Pages
- Per Mattsson, Dave Zachariah, Petre Stoica, Recursive nonlinear-system
identification using latent variables, Pages 343-351
- Jiguo Dai, Beibei Ren, UDE-based robust boundary control for an unstable
parabolic PDE with unknown input disturbance, Pages 363-368
- Xiaoli Luan, Biao Huang, Fei Liu, Higher order moment stability region
for Markov jump systems based on cumulant generating function, Pages 389-396
- Elham (Fatemeh) Asadi, Arthur Richards, Scalable distributed model
predictive control for constrained systems, Pages 407-414
- Zheming Wang, Chong Jin Ong, Speeding up finite-time consensus via
minimal polynomial of a weighted graph — A numerical approach, Pages 415-421
- Yunpeng Zhu, Z.Q. Lang, The effects of linear and nonlinear
characteristic parameters on the output frequency responses of nonlinear
systems: The associated output frequency response function, Pages 422-427
- Kazuhiro Sato, Riemannian optimal model reduction of linear
port-Hamiltonian systems, Pages 428-434
- Ye Wang, Vicenç Puig, Gabriela Cembrano, Set-membership approach and
Kalman observer based on zonotopes for discrete-time descriptor systems,
Pages 435-443
- Dongjuan Li, Dapeng Li, Adaptive tracking control for nonlinear
time-varying delay systems with full state constraints and unknown control
coefficients, Pages 444-453
- Ji Liu, Shaoshuai Mou, A. Stephen Morse, Brian D.O. Anderson, Changbin
(Brad) Yu, Request-based gossiping without deadlocks, Pages 454-461
- Gautam Kumar, Delsin Menolascino, ShiNung Ching, Sensitivity of linear
systems to input orientation and novelty, Pages 462-468
- Ramachandra Rao Kolluri, Iven Mareels, Tansu Alpcan, Marcus Brazil,
Julian de Hoog, Doreen Anne Thomas, Stability and active power sharing in
droop controlled inverter interfaced microgrids: Effect of clock
mismatches, Pages 469-475
- Astrid H. Brodtkorb, Svenn Are Værnø, Andrew R. Teel, Asgeir J. Sørensen,
Roger Skjetne, Hybrid controller concept for dynamic positioning of marine
vessels with experimental results, Pages 489-497
- Salim Ibrir, A projection-based algorithm for model-order reduction with
H2 performance: A convex-optimization setting, Pages 510-519
- Lifeng Ma, Zidong Wang, Qing-Long Han, Hak-Keung Lam,
Envelope-constrained H∞ filtering for nonlinear systems with quantization
effects: The finite horizon case, Pages 527-534
- Won Il Lee, Seok Young Lee, PooGyeon Park, Affine Bessel–Legendre
inequality: Application to stability analysis for systems with time-varying
delays, Pages 535-539
- Hussein Obeid, Leonid M. Fridman, Salah Laghrouche, Mohamed Harmouche,
Barrier function-based adaptive sliding mode control, Pages 540-544
- Henrik Anfinsen, Ole Morten Aamo, A note on establishing convergence in
adaptive systems, Pages 545-549
- Jinya Su, Wen-Hua Chen, Further results on “Reduced order disturbance
observer for discrete-time linear systems”, Pages 550-553
- Augusto Ferrante, Lorenzo Ntogramatzidis, On the reduction of the
continuous-time generalized algebraic Riccati equation: An effective
procedure for solving the singular LQ problem with smooth solutions, Pages
Vol. 94
August 2018
- Xue Luo, Stephen S.-T. Yau, The suboptimal method via probabilists’
Hermite polynomials to solve nonlinear filtering problems, Pages 9-17
- William Lewis Scott, Naomi Ehrich Leonard, Optimal evasive strategies for
multiple interacting agents with motion constraints, Pages 26-34
- Rong Su, Supervisor synthesis to thwart cyber attack with bounded sensor
reading alterations, Pages 35-44
- Alireza Mohammadi, Manfredi Maggiore, Luca Consolini, Dynamic virtual
holonomic constraints for stabilization of closed orbits in underactuated
mechanical systems, Pages 112-124
- Mattia Zorzi, Alessandro Chiuso, The harmonic analysis of kernel
functions, Pages 125-137
- Will Challis Clarke, Chris Manzie, Michael John Brear, Hierarchical
economic MPC for systems with storage states, Pages 138-150
- Jing Chen, Biao Huang, Feng Ding, Ya Gu, Variational Bayesian approach
for ARX systems with missing observations and varying time-delays, Pages
- Xuya Cong, Maria Pia Fanti, Agostino Marcello Mangini, Zhiwu Li, On-line
verification of current-state opacity by Petri nets and integer linear
programming, Pages 205-213
- Xiang-Shen Ye, Ruo-Bing Xue, Jianjun Gao, Xi-Ren Cao, Optimization in
curbing risk contagion among financial institutes, Pages 214-220
- Guanghui Sun, Ligang Wu, Zhian Kuang, Zhiqiang Ma, Jianxing Liu,
Practical tracking control of linear motor via fractional-order sliding
mode, Pages 221-235
- Fengwei Chen, Xiangtao Zhuan, Hugues Garnier, Marion Gilson, Issues in
separable identification of continuous-time models with time-delay, Pages
- Sonja Stüdli, Maria M. Seron, Richard H. Middleton, Vehicular platoons in
cyclic interconnections, Pages 283-293
- Giuseppe Giordano, Sébastien Gros, Jonas Sjöberg, An improved method for
Wiener–Hammerstein system identification based on the Fractional Approach,
Pages 349-360
- Siyu Lv, Zhen Wu, Qing Zhang, Optimal switching under a hybrid diffusion
model and applications to stock trading, Pages 361-372
- Biqiang Mu, Tianshi Chen, Lennart Ljung, On asymptotic properties of
hyperparameter estimators for kernel-based regularization methods, Pages
- Xiang Xu, Lu Liu, Gang Feng, Stabilization of linear systems with
distributed infinite input delays: A low gain approach, Pages 396-408
- Renato Markele Ferreira Cândido, Laurent Hardouin, Mehdi Lhommeau, Rafael
Santos Mendes, Conditional reachability of uncertain Max Plus Linear
systems, Pages 426-435
- Panshuo Li, James Lam, Ka-Wai Kwok, Renquan Lu, Stability and
stabilization of periodic piecewise linear systems: A matrix polynomial
approach, Pages 1-8
- Rui Li, Yingjing Shi, Yongduan Song, Localization and circumnavigation of
multiple agents along an unknown target based on bearing-only measurement:
A three dimensional solution, Pages 18-25
- Xu Zhang, Wei Lin, Yan Lin, Adaptive control of time-delay cascade
systems with unknown parameters by partial state feedback, Pages 45-54
- Chong-Xiao Shi, Guang-Hong Yang, Augmented Lagrange algorithms for
distributed optimization over multi-agent networks via edge-based method,
Pages 55-62
- Xu Jin, Fault-tolerant iterative learning control for mobile robots
non-repetitive trajectory tracking with output constraints, Pages 63-71
- Bao Wang, Quanxin Zhu, Stability analysis of semi-Markov switched
stochastic systems, Pages 72-80
- D.P. Borgers, R. Postoyan, A. Anta, P. Tabuada, D. Nešić, W.P.M.H.
Heemels, Periodic event-triggered control of nonlinear systems using
overapproximation techniques, Pages 81-87
- Pauline Bernard, Laurent Praly, Convergence of gradient observer for
rotor position and magnet flux estimation of permanent magnet synchronous
motors, Pages 88-93
- Insoon Yang, A dynamic game approach to distributionally robust safety
specifications for stochastic systems, Pages 94-101
- Ido Avraham, Maxim Kristalny, Yoash Levron, Leonid Mirkin, Real-time
power sharing: Dynamic control allocation and VPP aggregation, Pages 102-111
- Victoria Grushkovskaya, Alexander Zuyev, Christian Ebenbauer, On a class
of generating vector fields for the extremum seeking problem: Lie bracket
approximation and stability properties, Pages 151-160
- Tong Zhou, Minimal inputs/outputs for subsystems in a networked system,
Pages 161-169
- Yukang Cui, Jun Shen, Yong Chen, Stability analysis for positive singular
systems with distributed delays, Pages 170-177
- Graham C. Goodwin, Maria M. Seron, Christopher Townsend, A modified relay
autotuner for systems having large broadband disturbances, Pages 178-185
- Maobin Lu, Lu Liu, Robust output consensus of networked heterogeneous
nonlinear systems by distributed output regulation, Pages 186-193
- Xiaojie Su, Fengqin Xia, Jianxing Liu, Ligang Wu, Event-triggered fuzzy
control of nonlinear systems with its application to inverted pendulum
systems, Pages 236-248
- Chi Seng Pun, Robust time-inconsistent stochastic control problems, Pages
- Xiaochen Xie, James Lam, Guaranteed cost control of periodic piecewise
linear time-delay systems, Pages 274-282
- Anqi Fu, Manuel Mazo, Decentralized periodic event-triggered control with
quantization and asynchronous communication, Pages 294-299
- Svyatoslav Pavlichkov, Chee Khiang Pang, Decentralized uniform
input-to-state stabilization of hierarchically interconnected triangular
switched systems with arbitrary switchings, Pages 300-306
- Alexander Schaum, Thomas Meurer, Jaime A. Moreno, Dissipative observers
for coupled diffusion–convection–reaction systems, Pages 307-314
- Martin A. Sehr, Robert R. Bitmead, Stochastic output-feedback model
predictive control, Pages 315-323
- Jun Yang, Jiankun Sun, Wei Xing Zheng, Shihua Li, Periodic
event-triggered robust output feedback control for nonlinear uncertain
systems with time-varying disturbance, Pages 324-333
- Sebastian Florin Tudor, Cristian Oară, Robust stabilization of discrete
generalized systems, Pages 334-340
- Yaning Lin, Xiushan Jiang, Weihai Zhang, Necessary and sufficient
conditions for Pareto optimality of the stochastic systems in finite
horizon, Pages 341-348
- Shigeru Akashi, Hideaki Ishii, Ahmet Cetinkaya, Self-triggered control
with tradeoffs in communication and computation, Pages 373-380
- Humberto Caballero-Barragán, Linda Patricia Osuna-Ibarra, Alexander G.
Loukianov, Franck Plestan, Sliding mode predictive control of linear
uncertain systems with delays, Pages 409-415
- Erliang Zhang, Rik Pintelon, Nonparametric identification of linear
dynamic errors-in-variables systems, Pages 416-425
- Xin Xin, Linear strong structural controllability and observability of an
n-link underactuated revolute planar robot with active intermediate joint
or joints, Pages 436-442
- Parijat Bhowmick, Sourav Patra, On decentralized integral controllability
of stable negative-imaginary systems and some related extensions, Pages
- Rafael Suzuki Bayma, Yunpeng Zhu, Zi-Qiang Lang, The analysis of
nonlinear systems in the frequency domain using Nonlinear Output Frequency
Response Functions, Pages 452-457
- Qinyuan Liu, Zidong Wang, Xiao He, D.H. Zhou, Event-triggered resilient
filtering with measurement quantization and random sensor failures:
Monotonicity and convergence, Pages 458-464
4.3. Contents: Systems & Control Letters
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com
Systems & Control Letters
Vol. 117
July 2018
- Arash Sadeghzadeh, On exploiting inexact scheduling parameters for
gain-scheduled control of linear parameter-varying discrete-time systems,
Pages 1-10
- N. Noroozi, S.H. Mousavi, H.J. Marquez, Integral versions of
input-to-state stability for dual-rate nonlinear sampled-data systems,
Pages 11-17
- Yonggang Li, Yi Huang, Peng Lin, Wei Ren, Distributed rotating consensus
of second-order multi-agent systems with nonuniform delays, Pages 18-22
- Víctor Ayala, Adriano Da Silva, Max Ferreira, Affine and bilinear systems
on Lie groups, Pages 23-29
- Xiaoquan Tang, Long Zhang, Stability orthogonal regression for system
identification, Pages 30-36
- Mojeed O. Oyedeji, Magdi S. Mahmoud, Couple-group consensus conditions
for general first-order multiagent systems with communication delays, Pages
- Jian Wang, Stabilization of a discrete time linear system over finite
data-rate channel with noise attenuation performance by spherical polar
coordinate quantizer, Pages 45-52
- Tanagorn Jennawasin, David Banjerdpongchai, Design of state-feedback
control for polynomial systems with quadratic performance criterion and
control input constraints, Pages 53-59
- I. Pontes Duff, C. Poussot-Vassal, C. Seren, H2-optimal model
approximation by input/output-delay structured reduced order models, Pages
4.4. Contents: IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica
Contributed by: Yan Ou, yan.ou at ia.ac.cn
IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica
Volume 5 (2018), Issue 4 (July)
- Polyhedral Feasible Set Computation of MPC-Based Optimal Control
Problems. L. T. Xie, L. Xie, H. Y. Su, and J. D. Wang, page 765
- The Power Allocation Game on A Network: A Paradox. Y. K. Li and A. S.
Morse, page 771
- Finite Frequency Fuzzy H∞ Control for Uncertain Active Suspension Systems
With Sensor Failure. Z. X. Zhang, H. Y. Li, C. W. Wu, and Q. Zhou, page 777
- Analysis of the Caratheodory's Theorem on Dynamical System Trajectories
Under Numerical Uncertainty. P. Osinenko, G. Devadze, and S. Streif, page
- Modified Cuckoo Search Algorithm to Solve Economic Power Dispatch
Optimization Problems. J. Zhao, S. X. Liu, M. C. Zhou, X. W. Guo, and L.
Qi, page 794
- Robust Leader-Following Output Regulation of Uncertain Multi-Agent
Systems With Time-Varying Delay. A. Shariati and Q. Zhao, page 807
- A Matrix Approach to the Modeling and Analysis of Networked Evolutionary
Games With Time Delays. G. D. Zhao, Y. Z. Wang, and H. T. Li, page 818
- Parallel Reinforcement Learning: A Framework and Case Study. T. Liu, B.
Tian, Y. F. Ai, L. Li, D. P. Cao, and F.-Y. Wang, page 827
- Networked Control Approach for Distributed Generation Systems. M. S.
Mahmoud and M. S. U. Rahman, page 836
- Robust Adaptive Control for Robotic Systems With Input Time-Varying Delay
Using Hamiltonian Method. Y. Ren and W. W. Sun, page 852
- DOA Estimation Based on Sparse Representation of the Fractional Lower
Order Statistics in Impulsive Noise. S. Li, R. X. He, B. Lin, and F. Sun,
page 860
- Comparative Study of Different Decoupling Schemes for TITO Binary
Distillation Column via PI Controller. M. Hamdy, A. Ramadan, and B.
Abozalam, page 869
- Adaptive Sliding-Mode Control of an Automotive Electronic Throttle in the
Presence of Input Saturation Constraint. R. Bai, page 878
4.5. Contents: Evolution Equations and Control Theory
Contributed by: Irena Lasiecka, lasiecka at memphis.edu
Evolution Equations and Control Theory (EECT)
Please find the link to the EECT vol 7. nr 2 -published June 2018.
4.6. Contents: Asian Journal of Control
Contributed by: Li-Chen Fu, lichen at ntu.edu.tw
Asian Journal of Control
Vol.20, No.3 May, 2018
Free Access until July 15, 2018.
[Special Issue: Theoretical and Practical Challenges in Learning Control]
1. Optimal Estimation of Rational Feedforward Control via Instrumental
Variables: With Application to a Wafer Stage (Pages: 975-992), Frank
Boeren, Lennart Blanken, Dennis Bruijnen and Tom Oomen
2. Rohrs' Example Revisited: On the Robustness of Adaptive Iterative
Learning Control (Pages: 993-1002), Berk Altın and Kira Barton
3. Learning Control of Robot Manipulators in Task Space (Pages: 1003-1013),
K. M. Dogan, E. Tatlicioglu, E. Zergeroglu and K. Cetin
4. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Formation Using Learning Based Model Predictive
Control (Pages: 1014-1026), Ahmed T. Hafez, Sidney N. Givigi and Shahram
5. Adaptive Iterative Learning Boundary Control of a Flexible Manipulator
with Guaranteed Transient Performance (Pages: 1027-1038), Zhijie Liu and
Jinkun Liu
6. Improved D‐Type Anticipatory Iterative Learning Control for a Class of
Inhomogeneous Heat Equations (Pages: 1039-1046), Deqing Huang and Xuefang Li
7. Improving Robustness Filter Bandwidth in Repetitive Control by
Considering Model Mismatch (Pages: 1047-1057), Arnfinn A. Eielsen, Yik R.
Teo and Andrew J. Fleming
8. Quantized Iterative Learning Control Design For Linear Systems Based On
A 2‐D Roesser Model (Pages: 1058-1066), Yin Yanling, Bu Xuhui and Liang
9. Estimation of Road Friction Coefficient and Vehicle States by 3‐DOF
Dynamic Model and HSRI Model Based on Information Fusion (Pages:
1067-1076), Ying Xu, Biyun Chen and Cheng Chi
10. Networked Iterative Learning Control Design for Nonlinear Systems with
Stochastic Output Packet Dropouts (Pages: 1077-1087), Jian Liu and Xiaoe
11. Event‐Triggered Iterative Learning Control for Multi‐Agent Systems with
Quantization (Pages: 1088-1101), Ting Zhang and Junmin Li
12. Intermittent and Successive ILC for Stochastic Nonlinear Systems with
Random Data Dropouts (Pages: 1102-1114), Dong Shen Chao and Zhang Yun Xu
13. Adaptive Controller Based Unified Power Flow Control for Low Power
Oscillation Damping (Pages: 1115-1124), Nadia Zeb, Bilal Khan, Sahibzada
Muhammad Ali, Chaudhry Arshad Mehmood, Rabia Sajjad, Umar Farid and Ayesha
14. Distributed Control Design for Spatially Interconnected Markovian Jump
Systems With Time‐Varying Delays (Pages: 1125-1134), Hongyan Feng, Huiling
Xu, Shengyuan Xu and Weimin Chen
15. An E‐HOIM Based Data‐Driven Adaptive TILC of Nonlinear Discrete‐Time
Systems for Non‐Repetitive Terminal Point Tracking (Pages: 1135-1144), Na
Lin Ronghu, Chi Biao Huang, Chiang‐Ju Chien and Yuanjing Feng
16. State Space Constrained Iterative Learning Control for Robotic
Manipulators (Pages: 1145-1150), Kaloyan Yovchev, Kamen Delchev and Evgeniy
[Regular Paper]
1. Adaptive Output‐Feedback Control of Nonlinear Systems with Multiple
Uncertainties (Pages: 1151-1160), Yaxin Huang and Yungang Liu
2. ℓ2 Gain Estimation and Visualization of A Control Parameter Set in 3D
Space Using Plant Response Data (Pages: 1161-1170)
Author: Masami Saeki
3. Decentralized Sliding Mode Control for Multi‐Input Complex
Interconnected Systems Subject to non‐smooth Nonlinearities (Pages:
Author: Wen‐Jeng Liu
4. Robust Double‐integral T‐S Fuzzy Output Regulation for Nonlinear Systems
(Pages: 1182-1193), Kuang‐Yow Lian, Chien‐Hung Liu and Chian‐Song Chiu
5. Sliding Mode Disturbance Observer‐based Motion Control for a
Piezoelectric Actuator‐based Surgical Device (Pages: 1194-1203)
Author: Jun Yik Lau, Wenyu Liangm, Hwee Choo Liaw and Kok Kiong Tan
6. Globally Stable Adaptive Dynamic Surface Control for Cooperative Path
Following of Multiple Underactuated Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (Pages:
1204-1220), Hao Wang, Yiping Li and Kaizhou Liu
7. Adaptive Fractional Order PI Controller Design for a Flexible Swing arm
System Via Enhanced Virtual Reference Feedback Tuning (Pages: 1221-1240),
Yuanlong Xie, Xiaoqi Tang, Shiqi Zheng, Wenjun Qiao and Bao Song
8. Adaptive Terminal Sliding Mode Control for Motion Tracking of a
Micropositioning System (Pages: 1241-1252), Guangwei Wang and Qingsong Xu
9. Generalized Extended State Observer Based Control for Networked
Interconnected Systems with Delays (Pages: 1253-1262), Yao‐Wei Wang, Wen‐An
Zhang, Hui Dong and Jun‐Wei Zhu
10. Stabilization of Uncertain Multi‐Order Fractional Systems Based on the
Extended State Observer (Pages: 1263-1273), Liping Chen, Gang Chen, Ranchao
Wu, J.A. Tenreiro Machado, António M. Lopes and Suoliang Ge
11. EID‐Estimation‐Based Periodic Disturbance Rejection for Sintering
Ignition Process with Input Time Delay (Pages: 1274-1287), Xin Chen, Wei
Jiao, Min Wu and Weihua Cao
[Brief Paper]
1. Backstepping and Sliding‐Mode Techniques Applied to Distributed
Secondary Control of Islanded Microgrids (Pages: 1288-1295), Jian Li and
Dezhen Zhang
2. Robust H∞ Control of Discrete‐time Singular Systems via Integral Sliding
Surface (Pages: 1296-1302), Jianjun Bai, Renquan Lu, Zhengguang Wu, Ridong
Zhang, Xiaodong Zhao and Anke Xue
3. On the Design of Event‐Triggered Suboptimal Controllers for Nonlinear
Systems (Pages: 1303-1311), Yazdan Batmani
4.7. Contents: International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer
Contributed by: AMCS, amcs at uz.zgora.pl
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science (AMCS)
2018, Volume 28, Number 2 (June)
Special section on "Advanced Diagnosis and Fault-Tolerant Control Methods"
(Vicenç Puig, Dominique Sauter, Christophe Aubrun, Horst Schulte, Eds.)
S p e c i a l s e c t i o n
- Pröll S., Lunze J. and Jarmolowitz F. From structural analysis to
observer-based residual generation for fault detection 233
- Simani S., Farsoni S. and Castaldi P. Data-driven techniques for the
fault diagnosis of a wind turbine benchmark 247
- Li B., Khlif-Bouassida M. and Toguyéni A. On-the-fly diagnosability
analysis of bounded and unbounded labeled Petri nets using verifier nets 269
- Quiñones-Grueiro M., Verde C., Prieto-Moreno A. and Llanes-Santiago O. An
unsupervised approach to leak detection and location in water distribution
networks 283
- Pazera M., Buciakowski M. and Witczak M. Robust multiple sensor
fault-tolerant control for dynamic non-linear systems: Application to the
aerodynamical twin-rotor system 297
- Falconí G.P., Angelov J. and Holzapfel F. Adaptive fault-tolerant
position control of a hexacopter subject to an unknown motor failure 309
- Harrabi N., KharratM., Aitouche A. and Souissi M. Control strategies for
the grid side converter in a wind generation system based on a fuzzy
approach 323
R e g u l a r s e c t i o n
- Kaczorek T. Analysis of positive linear continuous-time systems using the
conformable derivative 335
- Gugat M. andWintergerst D. Transient flow in gas networks: Traveling
waves 341
- Liu H., Zhong M. and Yang R. Simultaneous disturbance compensation and
Hi/H∞ optimization in fault detection of UAVs 349
- Bonilla I., Mendoza M., Campos-Delgado D.U. and Hernández-Alfaro D.E.
Adaptive impedance control of robot manipulators with parametric
uncertainty for constrained path-tracking 363
- Jiang T., Ammar S.I., Chang B. and Liu L. Analysis of an N-policy GI/M/1
queue in a multi-phase service environment with disasters 375
- Baran M. Closest paths in graph drawings under an elastic metric 387
- Ahmed F. and Kabir M.H. Facial expression recognition under difficult
conditions: A comprehensive study on edge directional texture patterns 399
- Kartal S., Oral M. and Ozyildirim B.M. Pattern layer reduction for a
generalized regression neural network by using a self-organizing map 411
4.8. Contents: International Journal of Control
Contributed by: Bing Chu, b.chu at soton.ac.uk
International Journal of Control
Volume 91, Issue 7, 2018
- Robust fault-tolerant control using an accurate emulator-based
identification technique, Rajamani Doraiswami & Lahouari Cheded, pages:
- Control of a class of patterned systems, Adam C. Sniderman, Mireille E.
Broucke & Gabriele M. T. D'Eleuterio, pages: 1489-1507
- Simultaneous identification of damping coefficient and initial value for
PDEs from boundary measurement, Zhi-Xue Zhao, Mapundi K. Banda & Bao-Zhu
Guo, pages: 1508-1521
- Iterative learning in optimal control of linear dynamic processes,
Ewaryst Rafajłowicz & Wojciech Rafajłowicz, pages: 1522-1540
- Identification of EIV models by compensated PEM, Masoud Moravej Khorasani
& Mohammad Haeri, pages: 1541-1553
- Controllability and observability of 2D thermal flow in bulk storage
facilities using sensitivity fields, Nik L.M. Grubben & Karel J. Keesman,
pages: 1554-1566
- Tuning and robustness analysis of event-based PID controllers under
different event-generation strategies, Julio Ariel Romero Pérez & Roberto
Sanchis Llopis, pages: 1567-1587
- Structurally constrained controller synthesis for general proper plants
with application to vehicle platooning, Yung-Shan Chou & Yun-Lun Chang,
pages: 1588-1608
- Optimal H∞ state feedback sampled-data control design for Markov jump
linear systems, G. W. Gabriel, J. C. Geromel & K. M. Grigoriadis, pages:
- Stabilisation of discrete-time systems via Schur stability region, T.
Büyükköroğlu, G. Çelebi & V. Dzhafarov, pages: 1620-1629
- A stable control for second-order nonholonomic planar underactuated
mechanical system: energy attenuation approach, Peiyin Xiong, Xuzhi Lai &
Min Wu, pages: 1630-1639
- Global regulation for a class of stochastic high-order nonlinear systems
with multiple unknown control directions, Jian Zhang, Xiaowu Mu & Yungang
Liu, pages: 1640-1651
- Small-world architecture of networked control systems, Jan Lunze, pages:
- Stability and performance analysis of linear positive systems with delays
using input–output methods, Corentin Briat, pages: 1669-1692
- On privacy vs. cooperation in multi-agent systems, Vaibhav Katewa, Fabio
Pasqualetti & Vijay Gupta, pages: 1693-1707
- Command-filter-based distributed containment control of nonlinear
multi-agent systems with actuator failures, Guozeng Cui, Shengyuan Xu, Qian
Ma, Ze Li & Yuming Chu, pages: 1708-1719
- Hybrid control design for limit cycle stabilisation of planar switched
systems, Mohammed Benmiloud, Atallah Benalia, Mohamed Djemai & Michael
Defoort, pages: 1720-1729
4.9. Contents: Proceedings of the Institute of Applied Mathematics
Contributed by: IAM, proceedings.iam at gmail.com
Proceedings of the Institute of Applied Mathematics, V.7, N.1, 2018
ISSN 2225-0530
- H.S. Akhundov, M.A.Sadygov, J. J. Mamedova, Extremal problem for the
Goursat-Darboux type inclusion in infinite domain
- M. Çakmak and M. Tunç, Hadamard type inequalities for s-geo-convex
- T.S.Gadjiev, S.Y.Aliev, G. SH.Gasanova, G. M. Zulfaliyeva, The solutions
of initial boundary problems nonlinear elliptic-parabolic equations
- J. Rashidinia, M. Mahdavi , A. Sobhani, Local collocation method for
solving time dependent convection-diffusion equation
- H. K. Musaev, Coercive estimation of the solutions of infinite system of
Integro-differential equations in weighted spaces
- Bhavana Deshpande, Employing generalized Meir-Keeler contraction for
coincidence point results on ordered metric spaces with application
- S.I. Hamidov, On an equilibrium state in two-sector model of economic
- Sh.I.Mustafayev, K.G. Gasimova, Depth pump with viscous-plastic fluid
- R.K. Mehtiyev, A.K. Mehtiyev, The dual-periodic problem of the creation
of a crack in a fiber of composites in a long-distance shift
- R. Mojarad, A. Shariatinia, J. Asadpour, Some energies of regular fuzzy
- Rigid optimal stabilization and observation nonlinear systems under
un-certain conditions. Part 1, Onishchenko S.M., Reviewed by F.A. Aliev,
V.B. Larin
4.10. Contents: IET Control Theory & Applications
Contributed by: Alexandria Lipka, alipka at theiet.org
IET Control Theory & Applications
Volume 12
July 2018
- Zhaoxu Yu, Huaicheng Yan, Shugang Li, Yan Dong, Adaptive quantised
control of switched stochastic strict-feedback non-linear systems with
asymmetric input saturation, Pages 1367 –1375
- Yu-Chi Chiang and Chih-Chiang Cheng, Terminal adaptive output feedback
variable structure control Pages 1376 –1383
- Luca Cavanini, Gionata Cimini, Gianluca Ippoliti, Computationally
efficient model predictive control for a class of linear parameter-varying
systems, Pages 1384 –1392
- Jinwei Yu, Jinchen Ji, Zhonghua Miao, Jin Zhou, Formation control with
collision avoidance for uncertain networked Lagrangian systems via adaptive
gain techniques, Pages 1393 –1401
- Debasish Biswas, Kaushik Das Sharma, Gautam Sarkar, Stable adaptive NSOF
domain FOPID controller for a class of non-linear systems, Pages 1402 –1413
- Hsiu-Ming Wu and Reza Tafreshi, Air–fuel ratio control of lean-burn SI
engines using the LPV-based fuzzy technique, Pages 1414 –1420
- Laura Celentano and Michael Basin, New results on robust stability
analysis and synthesis for MIMO uncertain systems, Pages 1421 –1430
- Boubekeur Targui, Omar Hernández-González, Carlos-Manuel
Astorga-Zaragoza, Maria Eusebia Guerrero-Sánchez, Chain observer for
Lipschitz non-linear systems with long time-varying delayed measurements,
Pages 1431 –1439
- Xin Huang ; Ding Zhai, Jiuxiang Dong, Adaptive integral sliding-mode
control strategy of data-driven cyber-physical systems against a class of
actuator attacks, Pages 1440 –1447
- Linghuan Kong, Wei He, Chenguang Yang, Guang Li, Zhengqiang Zhang,
Adaptive fuzzy control for a marine vessel with time-varying constraints,
Pages 1448 –1455
- Raj Deshmukh, Omanshu Thapliyal, Cheolhyeon Kwon, Inseok Hwang,
Distributed state estimation for a stochastic linear hybrid system over a
sensor network, Pages 1456 –1464
- Xianqiang Yang, Xin Liu, Boxuan Han, LPV model identification with an
unknown scheduling variable in the presence of missing observations – a
robust global approach, Pages 1465 –1473
- Sapna Gupta, Rajeev Gupta, Subhransu Padhee, Parametric system
identification and robust controller design for liquid–liquid heat
exchanger system, Pages 1474 –1482
- Bo Pang and Qingling Zhang, Sliding mode control for polynomial fuzzy
singular systems with time delay, Pages 1483 –1490
- Sanbo Ding, Zhanshan Wang, Huaguang Zhang, Event-triggered control for a
class of non-linear systems: an exponential approximation method, Pages
1491 –1496
- Qiao Zhu, Jun-Jun Ding, Ming-Liang Yang, LQG control based lateral active
secondary and primary suspensions of high-speed train for ride quality and
hunting stability, Pages 1497 –1504
- Kongwei Zhu, Dan Ma, Jun Zhao, Event triggered control for a switched LPV
system with applications to aircraft engines, Pages 1505 –1514
- Aijuan Wang, Xiaofeng Liao, Tao Dong, Event-triggered gradient-based
distributed optimisation for multi-agent systems with state consensus
constraint, Pages 1515 –1519
- Yang Liu, Zidong Wang, Donghua Zhou, State estimation and fault
reconstruction with integral measurements under partially decoupled
disturbances, Pages 1520 –1526
- Yilin Ma and Ruizhu Han, Algorithms for set stabilisation of Boolean
control networks, Pages 1527 –1532
4.11. Contents: Control Engineering Practice
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com
Control Engineering Practice
Vol 76
July 2018
- Pan Zhao, Ryozo Nagamune, Mu Chiao, Multiple parameter-dependent robust
control of miniaturized optical image stabilizers, Pages 1-11
- Kræn Vodder Nielsen, Mogens Blanke, Lars Eriksson, Morten
Vejlgaard-Laursen, Marine diesel engine control to meet emission
requirements and maintain maneuverability, Pages 12-21
- Jialu Du, Xin Hu, Miroslav Krstić, Yuqing Sun, Dynamic positioning of
ships with unknown parameters and disturbances, Pages 22-30
- Hossein Sartipizadeh, Tyrone L. Vincent, Robust model predictive control
of a catalytic autothermal methane reformer for fuel cell applications,
Pages 31-40
- Xuewu Ji, Xiangkun He, Chen Lv, Yahui Liu, Jian Wu,
Adaptive-neural-network-based robust lateral motion control for autonomous
vehicle at driving limits, Pages 41-53
- Julian Theis, Daniel Ossmann, Frank Thielecke, Harald Pfifer, Robust
autopilot design for landing a large civil aircraft in crosswind, Pages
- Alessio Angius, Marcello Colledani, Anteneh Yemane, Impact of condition
based maintenance policies on the service level of multi-stage
manufacturing systems, Pages 65-78
- Eunhyek Joa, Kyongsu Yi, Kimo Sohn, Hyungjune Bae, Four-wheel independent
brake control to limit tire slip under unknown road conditions, Pages 79-95
- Zheng Lv, Jun Zhao, Yanwei Zhai, Wei Wang, Non-iterative T–S fuzzy
modeling with random hidden-layer structure for BFG pipeline pressure
prediction, Pages 96-103
- Diego Alberto Mercado Ravell, Marco Moreno Maia, Francisco Javier Diez,
Modeling and control of unmanned aerial/underwater vehicles using hybrid
control, Pages 112-122
- Biao Lu, Yongchun Fang, Ning Sun, Nonlinear control for underactuated
multi-rope cranes: Modeling, theoretical design and hardware experiments,
Pages 123-132
- M. Kalikatzarakis, R.D. Geertsma, E.J. Boonen, K. Visser, R.R. Negenborn,
Ship energy management for hybrid propulsion and power supply with shore
charging, Pages 133-154
- Vanja Ranogajec, Vladimir Ivanović, Joško Deur, H. Eric Tseng,
Optimization-based assessment of automatic transmission double-transition
shift controls, Pages 155-166
- Amélie Chevalier, Matthias Verstraete, Robin De Keyser, Mia Loccufier,
Specimen-specific control in the UGent Knee Rig using gain adaptation,
Pages 104-111
4.12. Contents: Mechatronics
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com
Vol. 52
June 2018
- Tejinder Singh, Alaa Elhady, Huayong Jia, Ali Mojdeh, Cemalettin Kaplan,
Vipul Sharma, Mohamed Basha, Eihab Abdel-Rahman, Modeling of low-damping
laterally actuated electrostatic MEMS, Pages 1-6
- Jessivaldo Santos, André Conceição, Tito Santos, Humberto Araújo, Remote
control of an omnidirectional mobile robot with time-varying delay and
noise attenuation, Pages 7-21
- Minh Nhat Nguyen, Duc Thien Tran, Kyoung Kwan Ahn, Robust position and
vibration control of an electrohydraulic series elastic manipulator against
disturbance generated by a variable stiffness actuator, Pages 22-35
- Kun Yang, Lelai Zhou, Xuewen Rong, Yibin Li, Onboard hydraulic system
controller design for quadruped robot driven by gasoline engine, Pages 36-48
- Sheng-Long Xie, Hai-Tao Liu, Jiang-Ping Mei, Guo-Ying Gu, Modeling and
compensation of asymmetric hysteresis for pneumatic artificial muscles with
a modified generalized Prandtl–Ishlinskii model, Pages 49-57
- Anil Kumar, Pinhas Ben-Tzvi, Novel wireless sensing platform for
experimental mapping and validation of ship air wake, Pages 58-69
- Alessio Merola, Domenico Colacino, Carlo Cosentino, Francesco Amato,
Model-based tracking control design, implementation of embedded digital
controller and testing of a biomechatronic device for robotic
rehabilitation, Pages 70-77
- Maarten Verbandt, Laurens Jacobs, Dora Turk, Taranjitsingh Singh, Jan
Swevers, Goele Pipeleers, Linear Control Toolbox - supporting B-splines in
LPV control, Pages 78-89
- Hyein Lee, Sangjoon J. Kim, Handdeut Chang, Jung Kim, Development of a
compact optical torque sensor with decoupling axial-interference effects
for pHRI, Pages 90-101
- Luis Gracia, J. Ernesto Solanes, Pau Muñoz-Benavent, Jaime Valls Miro,
Carlos Perez-Vidal, Josep Tornero, Adaptive Sliding Mode Control for
Robotic Surface Treatment Using Force Feedback, Pages 102-118
- Yangming Zhang, Peng Yan, An adaptive integral sliding mode control
approach for piezoelectric nano-manipulation with optimal transient
performance, Pages 119-126
- Yongping Pan, Xiang Li, Huiming Wang, Haoyong Yu, Continuous sliding mode
control of compliant robot arms: A singularly perturbed approach, Pages
- T.Q. Dinh, J. Marco, J.I. Yoon, K.K. Ahn, Robust predictive tracking
control for a class of nonlinear systems, Pages 135-149
4.13. Contents: Journal of Process Control
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com
Journal of Process Control
Vol. 67
July 2018
- Yining Dong, S. Joe Qin, A novel dynamic PCA algorithm for dynamic data
modeling and process monitoring, Pages 1-11
- Qiang Liu, Qinqin Zhu, S. Joe Qin, Tianyou Chai, Dynamic concurrent
kernel CCA for strip-thickness relevant fault diagnosis of continuous
annealing processes, Pages 12-22
- Bo Lu, Leo Chiang, Semi-supervised online soft sensor maintenance
experiences in the chemical industry, Pages 23-34
- Q. Peter He, Jin Wang, Statistical process monitoring as a big data
analytics tool for smart manufacturing, Pages 35-43
- Jing Yu, Victor M. Zavala, Mihai Anitescu, A scalable design of
experiments framework for optimal sensor placement, Pages 44-55
- Bo Lu, John Stuber, Thomas F. Edgar, Data-driven adaptive multiple model
system utilizing growing self-organizing maps, Pages 56-68
- Gang Li, S. Joe Qin, Comparative study on monitoring schemes for
non-Gaussian distributed processes, Pages 69-82
- Shu Xu, Bo Lu, Michael Baldea, Thomas F. Edgar, Mark Nixon, An improved
variable selection method for support vector regression in NIR spectral
modeling, Pages 83-93
- A. Sadeghian, O. Wu, B. Huang, Robust probabilistic principal component
analysis based process modeling: Dealing with simultaneous contamination of
both input and output data, Pages 94-111
- Shriram Gajjar, Murat Kulahci, Ahmet Palazoglu, Real-time fault detection
and diagnosis using sparse principal component analysis, Pages 112-128
- José Daniel A. Santos, Guilherme A. Barreto, Novel sparse LSSVR models in
primal weight space for robust system identification with outliers, Pages
- G.M. Stanley, Big Data Approximating Control (BDAC)—A new model-free
estimation and control paradigm based on pattern matching and
approximation, Pages 141-159
- Michael C. Thomas, Wenbo Zhu, Jose A. Romagnoli, Data mining and
clustering in chemical process databases for monitoring and knowledge
discovery, Pages 160-175
- Chihang Wei, Junghui Chen, Zhihuan Song, Multilevel MVU models with
localized construction for monitoring processes with large scale data,
Pages 176-196
- Ray Wang, Thomas F. Edgar, Michael Baldea, Mark Nixon, Willy Wojsznis,
Ricardo Dunia, A geometric method for batch data visualization, process
monitoring and fault detection, Pages 197-205
4.14. Contents: Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Vol. 73
August 2018
- C.A. Carrillo-Santos, J.C. Seck-Tuoh-Mora, N. Hernández-Romero, L.E.
Ramos-Velasco, Wavenet identification of dynamical systems by a modified
PSO algorithm, Pages 1-9
- Marie Lachaize, Sylvie Le Hégarat-Mascle, Emanuel Aldea, Aude Maitrot,
Roger Reynaud, Evidential framework for Error Correcting Output Code
classification, Pages 10-21
- Hatice Çataloluk, Fatih Vehbi Çelebi, A novel hybrid model for two-phase
image segmentation: GSA based Chan–Vese algorithm, Pages 22-30
- Fernando Gamino-Sánchez, Isabel V. Hernández-Gutiérrez, Alberto J.
Rosales-Silva, Francisco J. Gallegos-Funes, Dante Mújica-Vargas, Eduardo
Ramos-Díaz, Blanca E. Carvajal-Gámez, Jean Marie V. Kinani, Block-Matching
Fuzzy C-Means clustering algorithm for segmentation of color images
degraded with Gaussian noise, Pages 31-49
- Erdem Okur, Mehmet Turkan, A survey on automated melanoma detection,
Pages 50-67
- Claude Delpha, Demba Diallo, Hanane Al Samrout, Nazih Moubayed, Multiple
incipient fault diagnosis in three-phase electrical systems using
multivariate statistical signal processing, Pages 68-79
- Debasmit Das, C.S. George Lee, Sample-to-sample correspondence for
unsupervised domain adaptation, Pages 80-91
- Jinyin Chen, Haibin Zheng, Xiang Lin, Yangyang Wu, Mengmeng Su, A novel
image segmentation method based on fast density clustering algorithm, Pages
- Laith Mohammad Abualigah, Ahamad Tajudin Khader, Essam Said Hanandeh, A
combination of objective functions and hybrid Krill herd algorithm for text
document clustering analysis, Pages 111-125
- Mohammed Alswaitti, Mohamad Khairi Ishak, Nor Ashidi Mat Isa, Optimized
gravitational-based data clustering algorithm, Pages 126-148
- W.M. Wang, Z. Li, Z.G. Tian, J.W. Wang, M.N. Cheng, Extracting and
summarizing affective features and responses from online product
descriptions and reviews: A Kansei text mining approach, Pages 149-162
4.15. Contents: Annual Reviews in Control
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com
Annual Reviews in Control
Vol. 45
- Pramod P. Khargonekar, Munther A. Dahleh, Advancing systems and control
research in the era of ML and AI, Pages 1-4
- Domitilla Del Vecchio, Yili Qian, Richard M. Murray, Eduardo D. Sontag,
Future systems and control research in synthetic biology, Pages 5-17
- Jacopo Guanetti, Yeojun Kim, Francesco Borrelli, Control of connected and
automated vehicles: State of the art and future challenges, Pages 18-40
- Ali Zolghadri, On flight operational issues management: Past, present and
future, Pages 41-51
- Marija D. Ilić, Rupamathi Jaddivada, Multi-layered interactive energy
space modeling for near-optimal electrification of terrestrial, shipboard
and aircraft systems, Pages 52-75
- Shilp Dixit, Saber Fallah, Umberto Montanaro, Mehrdad Dianati, Alan
Stevens, Francis Mccullough, Alexandros Mouzakitis, Trajectory planning and
tracking for autonomous overtaking: State-of-the-art and future prospects,
Pages 76-86
- James Riehl, Pouria Ramazi, Ming Cao, A survey on the analysis and
control of evolutionary matrix games, Pages 87-106
- Ali Mesbah, Stochastic model predictive control with active uncertainty
learning: A Survey on dual control, Pages 107-117
- Sachidananda Sen, Vishal Kumar, Microgrid control: A comprehensive
survey, Pages 118-151
- P.P. Singh, B.K. Roy, Comparative performances of synchronisation between
different classes of chaotic systems using three control techniques, Pages
- Anton V. Proskurnikov, Roberto Tempo, A tutorial on modeling and analysis
of dynamic social networks. Part II, Pages 166-190
- Filiberto Fele, Antonio De Paola, David Angeli, Goran Strbac, A framework
for receding-horizon control in infinite-horizon aggregative games, Pages
- Tryphon T. Georgiou, Rudolf E. Kalman’s quest for algebraic
characterizations of positivity, Pages 205-206
- Pramod P. Khargonekar, Professor R.E. Kalman–Reflections on his way of
thinking, Pages 207-210
- Manuel Silva, Special section on the history of Discrete Event Systems,
Pages 211-212
- Manuel Silva, On the history of Discrete Event Systems, Pages 213-222
- Alessandro Giua, Manuel Silva, Petri nets and Automatic Control: A
historical perspective, Pages 223-239
- J. Komenda, S. Lahaye, J.-L. Boimond, T. van den Boom, Max-plus algebra
in the history of discrete event systems, Pages 240-249
- W.M. Wonham, Kai Cai, Karen Rudie, Supervisory control of discrete-event
systems: A brief history, Pages 250-256
- Stéphane Lafortune, Feng Lin, Christoforos N. Hadjicostis, On the history
of diagnosability and opacity in discrete event systems, Pages 257-266
- Y. Wardi, C.G. Cassandras, X.R. Cao, Perturbation analysis: A framework
for data-driven control and optimization of discrete event and hybrid
systems, Pages 267-280
4.16. Contents: European Journal of Control
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com
European Journal of Control
Vol. 42
July 2018
- Kwassi H. Degue, Denis Efimov, Jean-Pierre Richard, Stabilization of
linear impulsive systems under dwell-time constraints: Interval
observer-based framework, Pages 1-14
- Frédéric Mazenc, Michael Malisoff, Laurent Burlion, Jerome Weston,
Bounded backstepping control and robustness analysis for time-varying
systems under converging-input-converging-state conditions, Pages 15-24
- John Coletsos, A relaxation approach to optimal control of Volterra
integral equations, Pages 25-31
- Jinghao Zhu, Singular optimal control by minimizer flows, Pages 32-37
- O.G. Andrianova, A.A. Belov, Robust performance analysis of linear
discrete-time systems in presence of colored noise, Pages 38-48
- Xiang Wu, Qiaodan Liu, Kanjian Zhang, Ming Cheng, Xin Xin, Optimal
switching control for drug therapy process in cancer chemotherapy, Pages
- Aradhana Nayak, Ravi N. Banavar, Diogu Hennedige Sanjeeva Maithripala,
Almost-global tracking for a rigid body with internal rotors, Pages 59-66
- Yuliang Bai, James D. Biggs, Xiaogang Wang, Naigang Cui, Attitude
tracking with an adaptive sliding mode response to reaction wheel failure,
Pages 67-76
- Brahim Brahmi, Maarouf Saad, Jacqueline Tu Anh Thu Lam, Cristobal Ochoa
Luna, Philippe S. Archambault, Mohammad H. Rahman, Adaptive control of a
7-DOF exoskeleton robot with uncertainties on kinematics and dynamics,
Pages 77-87
4.17. Contents: ISA Transactions
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com
ISA Transactions
Vol. 77
June 2018
- Mohamed Boukattaya, Neila Mezghani, Tarak Damak, Adaptive nonsingular
fast terminal sliding-mode control for the tracking problem of uncertain
dynamical systems, Pages 1-19
- Zongyi Guo, Jing Chang, Jianguo Guo, Jun Zhou, Adaptive twisting sliding
mode algorithm for hypersonic reentry vehicle attitude control based on
finite-time observer, Pages 20-29
- M. Syed Ali, R. Vadivel, R. Saravanakumar, Design of robust reliable
control for T-S fuzzy Markovian jumping delayed neutral type neural
networks with probabilistic actuator faults and leakage delays: An
event-triggered communication scheme, Pages 30-48
- Kai Chen, Rongnian Tang, Chuang Li, Junguo Lu, Fractional order PIλ
controller synthesis for steam turbine speed governing systems, Pages 49-57
- Deepika, Sandeep Kaur, Shiv Narayan, Fractional order uncertainty
estimator based hierarchical sliding mode design for a class of fractional
order non-holonomic chained system, Pages 58-70
- Huijuan Li, Anping Liu, Linli Zhang, Input-to-state stability of
time-varying nonlinear discrete-time systems via indefinite difference
Lyapunov functions, Pages 71-76
- Yun Ho Choi, Sung Jin Yoo, Event-triggered decentralized adaptive
fault-tolerant control of uncertain interconnected nonlinear systems with
actuator failures, Pages 77-89
- Abbas Dideban, Hashem Zeraatkar, Petri Net controller synthesis based on
decomposed manufacturing models, Pages 90-99
- Saleh Mobayen, Chaos synchronization of uncertain chaotic systems using
composite nonlinear feedback based integral sliding mode control, Pages
- Xiaoqing Xiao, Ju H. Park, Lei Zhou, Event-triggered H∞ filtering of
discrete-time switched linear systems, Pages 112-121
- Alireza Safa, Reza Yazdanpanah Abdolmalaki, Saeed Shafiee, Behzad
Sadeghi, Adaptive nonsingular terminal sliding mode controller for
micro/nanopositioning systems driven by linear piezoelectric ceramic
motors, Pages 122-132
- Salim Refoufi, Khier Benmahammed, Control of a manipulator robot by
neuro-fuzzy subsets form approach control optimized by the genetic
algorithms, Pages 133-145
- I. Santín, M. Barbu, C. Pedret, R. Vilanova, Fuzzy logic for plant-wide
control of biological wastewater treatment process including greenhouse gas
emissions, Pages 146-166
- Han Liu, Jianzhong Zhou, Yang Zheng, Wei Jiang, Yuncheng Zhang, Fault
diagnosis of rolling bearings with recurrent neural network-based
autoencoders, Pages 167-178
- Jiayuan Zhang, Wei Zhan, Mehrdad Ehsani, On-line diagnosis of inter-turn
short circuit fault for DC brushed motor, Pages 179-187
- Igor Afonso Acampora Prado, Mateus de Freitas Virgílio Pereira, Davi
Ferreira de Castro, Davi Antônio dos Santos, Jose Manoel Balthazar,
Experimental evaluation of HJB optimal controllers for the attitude
dynamics of a multirotor aerial vehicle, Pages 188-200
- Jinsong Zhao, Zhipeng Wang, Chuanbi Zhang, Chifu Yang, Wenjie Bai, Zining
Zhao, Modal space three-state feedback control for electro-hydraulic servo
plane redundant driving mechanism with eccentric load decoupling, Pages
- Mohamed Mankour, Mounir Khiat, Leila Ghomri, Abdelkader Chaker, Mourad
Bessalah, Modeling and real time simulation of an HVDC inverter feeding a
weak AC system based on commutation failure study, Pages 222-230
- Leonardo M. Honório, Exuperry Barros Costa, Edimar J. Oliveira, Daniel de
Almeida Fernandes, Antonio Paulo G.M. Moreira, Persistently-exciting signal
generation for Optimal Parameter Estimation of constrained nonlinear
dynamical systems, Pages 231-241
ISA Transactions
Vol. 78
July 2018
- Hamid Reza Karimi, Hui Zhang, Steven Ding, Advanced Methods in Control
and Signal Processing for Complex Marine Systems, Pages 1-2
- Ying Yang, Li Linlin, Steven X. Ding, Jianbin Qiu, Kaixiang Peng, Fault
detection for piecewise affine systems with application to ship propulsion
systems, Pages 3-9
- Alessandro Baldini, Lucio Ciabattoni, Riccardo Felicetti, Francesco
Ferracuti, Alessandro Freddi, Andrea Monteriù, Dynamic surface fault
tolerant control for underwater remotely operated vehicles, Pages 10-20
- Kun You, Lijiang Wei, Kai Jiang, A fuzzy logic urea dosage controller
design for two-cell selective catalytic reduction systems, Pages 21-30
- Zhixiong Zhong, Yanzheng Zhu, Choon Ki Ahn, Reachable set estimation for
Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy systems against unknown output delays with application
to tracking control of AUVs, Pages 31-38
- Huafeng Wu, Xiaojun Mei, Xinqiang Chen, Junjun Li, Jun Wang, Prasant
Mohapatra, A novel cooperative localization algorithm using enhanced
particle filter technique in maritime search and rescue wireless sensor
network, Pages 39-46
- Yaohong Qu, Bing Xiao, Zhenzhou Fu, Dongli Yuan, Trajectory exponential
tracking control of unmanned surface ships with external disturbance and
system uncertainties, Pages 47-55
- Defeng Wu, Fengkun Ren, Lei Qiao, Weidong Zhang, Active disturbance
rejection controller design for dynamically positioned vessels based on
adaptive hybrid biogeography-based optimization and differential evolution,
Pages 56-65
- Yuanhui Wang, Yulong Tuo, Simon X. Yang, Mohammad Biglarbegian, Mingyu
Fu, Reliability-based robust dynamic positioning for a turret-moored
floating production storage and offloading vessel with unknown time-varying
disturbances and input saturation, Pages 66-79
- Peijuan Li, Guoliang Sheng, Xiaofei Zhang, Jingqiu Wu, Baochun Xu, Xing
Liu, Yao Zhang, Underwater terrain-aided navigation system based on
combination matching algorithm, Pages 80-87
- Penghao Jiao, Zhijun Li, Qiang Li, Wen Zhang, Li He, Yue Wu, Simulation
of low temperature combustion mechanism of different combustion-supporting
agents in close-coupled DOC and DPF system, Pages 88-97
- Yangde Gao, Mohammad Karimi, Aleksey A. Kudreyko, Wanqing Song, Spare
optimistic based on improved ADMM and the minimum entropy de-convolution
for the early weak fault diagnosis of bearings in marine systems, Pages
- Andre A. Silva, Shalabh Gupta, Ali M. Bazzi, Arthur Ulatowski,
Wavelet-based information filtering for fault diagnosis of electric drive
systems in electric ships, Pages 105-115
- Wei Shen, Yu Pang, Jihai Jiang, Robust controller design of the
integrated direct drive volume control architecture for steering systems,
Pages 116-129
- Zhijia Zhao, Yu Liu, Fang Guo, Robust output feedback stabilization for a
flexible marine riser system, Pages 130-140
4.18. Contents: Journal of the Franklin Institute
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com
Journal of the Franklin Institute
Vol. 355, Iss. 11
July 2018
- Zheng Wang, Bo Zhang, Jianping Yuan, Decentralized adaptive fault
tolerant control for a class of interconnected systems with nonlinear
multisource disturbances, Pages 4493-4514
- Sung Jin Yoo, Tae-Hyoung Kim, Decentralized low-complexity tracking of
uncertain interconnected high-order nonlinear systems with unknown high
powers, Pages 4515-4532
- Xiaohua Li, Xiaoping Liu, Backstepping-based decentralized adaptive
neural H∞ tracking control for a class of large-scale nonlinear
interconnected systems, Pages 4533-4552
- J. Preetha Roselyn, D. Devaraj, Adaptive multi objective differential
evolution with fuzzy decision making in preventive and corrective control
approaches for voltage security enhancement, Pages 4553-4582
- Yogendra Arya, AGC of two-area electric power systems using optimized
fuzzy PID with filter plus double integral controller, Pages 4583-4617
- Aijuan Wang, Xiaofeng Liao, Tao Dong, Fractional-order follower observer
design for tracking consensus in second-order leader multi-agent systems:
Periodic sampled-based event-triggered control, Pages 4618-4628
- Yirui Cong, Zhiguang Feng, Hongwei Song, Shimin Wang, Containment control
of singular heterogeneous multi-agent systems, Pages 4629-4643
- Xiaozheng Jin, Xianfeng Zhao, Jiahu Qin, Wei Xing Zheng, Yu Kang,
Adaptive finite-time consensus of a class of disturbed multi-agent systems,
Pages 4644-4664
- Gaojian Ji, Cheng Hu, Juan Yu, Haijun Jiang, Finite-time and fixed-time
synchronization of discontinuous complex networks: A unified control
framework design, Pages 4665-4685
- Dan Liu, Yurong Liu, Fuad E. Alsaadi, Recursive state estimation based-on
the outputs of partial nodes for discrete-time stochastic complex networks
with switched topology, Pages 4686-4707
- Jinling Wang, Haijun Jiang, Tianlong Ma, Cheng Hu, A new approach based
on discrete-time high-order neural networks with delays and impulses, Pages
- C. Maharajan, R. Raja, Jinde Cao, G. Rajchakit, Novel global robust
exponential stability criterion for uncertain inertial-type BAM neural
networks with discrete and distributed time-varying delays via Lagrange
sense, Pages 4727-4754
- Mohammad Heggo, Xu Zhu, Sumei Sun, Yi Huang, A cognitive TV white
space-broadband power line MIMO system for indoor communication networks,
Pages 4755-4770
4.19. Contents: IFAC Journal of Systems and Control
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com
IFAC Journal of Systems and Control
Vol. 4
June 2018
- Cristi Guevara, Hugo Leiva, Approximated controllability of the strongly
damped impulsive semilinear wave equation with memory and delay, Pages 1-6
- Sudin Kadam, Ravi Banavar, Geometry of locomotion of the generalized
Purcell’s swimmer: Modelling, controllability and motion primitives, Pages
- Hoai-Nam Nguyen, Per-Olof Gutman, On the modified Minkowski functional
minimization controller for uncertain systems with input and state
constraints, Pages 17-24
4.20. Contents: Applied and Computational Mathematics an International
Contributed by: Fikret Aliev, chief_ed at acmij.az
Applied and Computational Mathematics an International Journal
Vol.17, No.2, July 2018
- Ali Karci, A3-Artificial Atom Algorithm: A New Meta-Heuristic
Computational Intelligence Algorithm Inspired by Chemical Processes, pages:
- Z. Hanalioglu, N. Fescioglu Unver, T. Khaniyev, Asymptotic Expansions for
the Moments of the Renewal-Reward Process with a Normal Distributed
Interference of Chance, pages: 141-150
- Shaher Momani, Omar Abu Arqub, Banan Maayah, Feras Yousef, Ahmed Alsaedi,
A Reliable Algorithm for Solving Linear and Nonlinear Schrodinger
Equations, pages: 151-160
- B. Sun, A. Dudin, S. Dudin, Queueing System With Impatient Customers,
Visible Queue and Replenishable Inventory, pages: 161-174
- Minjia Shi, Hongwei Zh., Patrick Sole, Optimal Three-Weight Cubic Codes,
pages: 175-184
- A. Khan, G. Zaman, Asymptotic Behavior of an Age-Structured SIRS Endemic
Model, pages: 185-204
- T.A. Aliev, N.F. Musaeva, N.E. Rzaeva, U.E. Sattarova, Algorithms for
Forming Correlation Matrices Equivalent to Matrices of Useful Signals of
Multidimensional Stochastic Objects, pages: 205-216
4.21. CFP: International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing
Contributed by: Yongping Pan, yongppan at gmail.com
[CFP] International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing
International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing invites
authors to submit original articles on learning from adaptive control under
relaxed excitation conditions rather than the classical condition of
persistent excitation (PE).
The capacity to learn is one of the fundamental features of autonomous
intelligent behaviour which is reflected by parameter convergence in
adaptive control [1]. Learning is desirable as it enhances stability and
robustness properties of adaptive control systems such as superior
trajectory tracking, accurate online modelling, and robustness against
various perturbations. However, the classical PE condition that guarantees
to learn from adaptive control is too stringent and usually infeasible in
practice [2]. Even when PE exists, the learning speed in adaptive control
heavily depends on the PE strength resulting in a generally slow learning
process. The exploitation of online historical data provides a promising
way to achieve learning from adaptive control without PE and has attracted
great attention in recent years, where typical emerging techniques include
concurrent learning [3] and composite learning [4]. In these emerging
learning techniques, online historical data are exploited together with
instantaneous data to construct special prediction errors that are
available from measurable signals, and both prediction and tracking errors
are employed to update parameter estimates so that learning can be achieved
under weaker excitation conditions.
This special issue aims to provide state-of-the-art developments about
learning from adaptive control, with a special focus on online historical
data-driven adaptive control and parameter estimation as well as their
applications to various real-world problems. However, other contributions
that also aim to relax the classical PE condition for parameter convergence
are also warmly welcome. Interested topics include but are not limited to:
- Composite learning for adaptive control and parameter estimation
- Concurrent learning for adaptive control and parameter estimation
- Learning from adaptive control under functional uncertainties
- Learning from adaptive control under time-varying uncertainties
- Learning from adaptive control under various perturbations
- Other learning techniques for parameter convergence without PE
- Real-world applications of all above emerging learning techniques
Authors are requested to submit their manuscripts online at the journal
submission website: https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/acsp-wiley. When
submitting, please choose manuscript type “Learning From Adaptive Control
Under Relaxed Excitation Conditions” and answer “Yes” to “Is this
submission for a Special Issue?” The schedule of the Special Issue is shown
as follows, but submissions will follow the first-come first-review policy.
Time Table:
Deadline for first submissions: 31 Aug 2018
Decision of first submissions: 31 Nov 2018
Deadline for second submissions: 30 Jan 2019
Final decision notification: 31 Mar 2019
Expected publication: Summer 2019
Guest Editors:
Dr Yongping Pan (Lead) Email: biepany at nus.edu.sg; yongppan at gmail.com
Department of Biomedical Engineering, National University of Singapore,
Prof Alexey Bobtsov Email: bobtsov at mail.ru
Department of Control Systems and Informatics, ITMO University, Russia
Prof Mohamed Darouach Email: modar at pt.lu
Research Center for Automatic Control of Nancy, University of Lorraine,
Prof Young-Hoon Joo Email: yhjoo at kunsan.ac.kr
Department of Control and Robotics Engineering, Kunsan National University,
For online information, please visit the homepage of the journal:
Welcome to contact the Leading Guest Editor for further information.
1. Antsaklis PJ. Intelligent learning control. IEEE Control Syst. Mag.
1995; 15(3): 5-7.
2. Farrell JA. Persistence of excitation conditions in passive learning
control. Automatica 1997; 33(4): 699-703.
3. Kamalapurkar R, Reish B, Chowdhary G, Dixon WE. Concurrent learning for
parameter estimation using dynamic state-derivative estimators. IEEE Trans.
Autom. Control 2017; 62(7): 3594-3601.
4. Pan Y, Yu H. Composite learning from adaptive dynamic surface control.
IEEE Trans. Autom. Control 2016; 61(9): 2603-2609.
5. Conferences
5.1. American Control Conference
Contributed by: Sergio Pequito, sergio.pequito at gmail.com
It is a great pleasure to present you the call for papers for the upcoming
2019 American Control Conference taking place in Philadelphia between July
10-12, 2019. Please consider submitting your outstanding works. The
deadline is September 17, 2018. More information can be found on the
website http://acc2019.a2c2.org. Looking forward to seeing you in
Sergio Pequito
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Publicity Chair, ACC’19
5.2. Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing
Contributed by: Peggy Wells, pwells at illinois.edu
56th Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing – October
2-5, 2018
CONFERENCE CO-CHAIRS | Negar Kiyavash & Daniel Liberzon
Call for Papers: Submission Deadline: July 9, 2018
Manuscripts can be submitted from June 15-July 9, 2018 with the submission
deadline of July 9th being firm. Please follow the instructions at
PLENARY SPEAKER — A. Stephen Morse, Dudley Professor of Electrical
Engineering at Yale University
JULY 9 — Submission Deadline
NOTE: AUGUST 3 — Acceptance Date Authors will be notified of acceptance via
email by August 6, 2018, at which time they will also be sent detailed
instructions for the preparation of their papers for the Conference
AFTER AUGUST 6 — Registration Opens
OCTOBER 2 — Opening Tutorial Lectures given by Paulo Tabuada and Joao
Hespanha at the Coordinated Science Lab, University of Illinois at
OCTOBER 3-5 — Conference Sessions at the University of Illinois Allerton
Park & Retreat Center. The Allerton House is located 26 miles southwest of
the Urbana-Champaign campus of the University of Illinois in a wooded area
on the Sangamon River. It is part of the 1,500 acre Robert Allerton Park, a
complex of natural and man-made beauty designated as a National natural
landmark. Allerton Park has 20 miles of well-maintained trails and a living
gallery of formal gardens, studded with sculptures collected from around
the world.
OCTOBER 7 — Final Paper Deadline Final versions of papers that are
presented at the conference must be submitted electronically in order to
appear in the Conference Proceedings and IEEE Xplore.
5.3. International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems
Contributed by: Zee Yeon Lee, conference at icros.org
2018 18th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems
(ICCAS 2018)October 17~20, 2018YongPyong Resort, PyeongChang, GangWon
Province, Korea
Call for Papers: http://icros.org/data/download/ICCAS2018/ICCAS2018_CFP.pdf
The aim of the ICCAS is to bring together researchers and engineers
worldwide to present their latest works, and disseminate the
state-of-the-art technologies related to control, automation, robotics, and
- June 17, 2018 : Submission of Regular Papers (3~6 pages)(Extended)
- July 13, 2018 : Submission of Organized Session/Mini-symposium Proposal
with Papers and Research Poster Papers (1~2 pages)
- July 31, 2018 : Notification of Acceptance
- August 31, 2018 : Submission of Final Camera-ready Papers
The conference invites three types of submission: "Regular Paper",
"Research Poster Paper", and "Organized (Invited) Session/Mini-symposium
To submit papers, go "Online Paper Submission" on the website:
PAPER SUBMISSION GUIDELINE: http://2018.iccas.org/?page_id=81
Indexed in: IEEE Xplore, EI compendex, and SCOPUS
PLENARY SPEAKERS- Edwin K. P. Chong (Colorado State Univ., USA)
- Matthew W. Smuck (Stanford Univ., USA)
- Janan Zaytoon (Univ. of Reims, France)
- Xiaoyan Zhu (Tsinghua Univ., China)
- Hideaki Ishii (Tokyo Inst. of Tech., Japan)
-- Welcome to PyeongChang, 2018 Winter Olympics Venue --
PyeongChang is a county in Gangwon Province, South Korea. It’s known for
Odaesan National Park, with trails crisscrossing the Taebaek Mountains. The
park is also home to several Buddhist temples, including Woljeongsa Temple,
with its 9-story octagonal pagoda. Lee Hyo-seok Culture Village explores
the life of early-20th-century poet Lee Hyo-seok. On the Heungjeong Valley
bank are the 7 themed gardens of Herbnara Farm.
General Chair: Chul Joo Hwang (President of ICROS; Jusung Engineering,
Organizing Chair: Sungwan Kim (Seoul Nat’l Univ., Korea)
Program Chair: Jung Kim (KAIST, Korea)
Organized by Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems (ICROS)
Technically Co-sponsored by: IEEE CSS; IEEE RAS; IEEE IES; SICE; ACA; ISA;
6. Positions
6.1. PhD: Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Contributed by: Bart De Schutter, b.deschutter at tudelft.nl
PhD position on "AI-networking: control and network science" at Delft
University of Technology, The Netherlands
Delft University of Technology and KPN, the leading fixed and mobile
telecom operator in The Netherlands, have started a collaboration, called
NExTWORKx. The goals of this collaboration include excellent academic
research into both fundamental properties and implementation of the next
generation telecommunication networks.
In this context we are announcing a PhD position in the field of
AI-networking: control and network science. The aim is to identify the
dynamic processes in the communication network based on network state
information (e.g. in routers) using system theory and to develop and
integrate new learning methods in order to control and manage the
telecommunication network.
We are looking for excellent candidates with a background in systems and
control, network science, systems theory, telecommunications, stochastic
For more information and how to apply, please see
https://www.nas.ewi.tudelft.nl/index.php/work-with-us and/or contact prof.
Piet Van Mieghem at p.f.a.vanmieghem [at] tudelft.nl
6.2. PhD: Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Contributed by: S Hassan HoseinNia, s.h.hosseinniakani at tudelft.nl
This is a four year PhD position. You will develop and conduct research on
precision motion control for hightech mechatronics applications. The next
big step in the industrial revolution, of which control is a vital part,
requires higher speed and increased precision. Classical control is not
capable of achieving the increasing demands on performance, robustness and
efficiency. Existing advanced controllers are complicated and heavily
incompatible with industry standards in terms of design and implementation.
This project aims to introduce a new control paradigm that overcomes these
You will be engaged in the development of novel complex order controllers
using nonlinear approaches.
The tasks to be performed include:
• Develop complex order nonlinear reset controllers
• Develop frequency domain analysis for nonlinear controllers with reset
• Develop stability theories for complex order controllers in frequency
• Loop-shaping guidelines for designed controllers
• The supervision of MSc student projects related to your own,
• Being an inspiring member for the PME department by proactive
• Engaging in the writing of scientific articles and proposals to secure
funding for further work on the topic.
Applicants should have the following qualifications:
• Masters and background within the fields of (but not restricted to)
Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics, Electrical Engineering and Control
• Experience with:
° Nonlinear Control theories
° Robust Control theory
° Loopshaping methods
° Frequency domain control design
• Experience or high interest (not mandatory but preferred) with
° Hands on experimental work (control implementation and prototypings)
° Fractional order control
° Reset Control
• A good publication record.
• Good skill in writing scientific articles
• High motivation for teamwork and good communication skills.
For more information please contact Dr. Hassan HosseinNia, email:
s.h.hosseinniakani at tudelft.nl.
To apply, please send an detailed cv, a list of publications and your
letter of motivation by July 31, 2018 to s.h.hosseinniakani at tudelft.nl.
6.3. PhD: Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Contributed by: Sander Wahls, s.wahls at tudelft.nl
PhD: Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Topic: Identification of Lax-integrable Systems
Job description: Lax-integrable systems are (typically nonlinear) partial
differential equations that can be expressed though a compatibility
condition between two linear operators, the so-called Lax pair. This
special structure provides them with many desirable properties. However,
given an arbitrary partial differential equation, it is not trivial to
decide whether it is Lax-integrable. Furthermore, it is even harder to find
suitable Lax pairs. The process usually involves human intervention, a lot
of expertise, and, finally, some luck.
The goal of this Ph.D. project is to investigate automatic methods for
finding Lax pairs. While there are semi-automatic methods for finding Lax
pairs from given partial differential equations based on symbolic
computations, the focus in this Ph.D. project will be on numerical methods
that identify Lax pairs from given input-output data. The successful
candidate will join a team of Ph.D. students that are investigating the
exploitation of Lax integrability in engineering applications.
Requirements: We are looking for a candidate with a strong academic
background, who has or is close to obtaining a Master of Science degree in
systems and control, applied mathematics, physics, electrical engineering,
or another related discipline. Experience with classic system
identification, nonlinear systems, or numerical methods is a plus.
Conditions of employment: TU Delft offers a customisable compensation
package, a discount for health insurance and sport memberships, and a
monthly work costs contribution. Flexible work schedules can be arranged.
An International Children’s Centre offers childcare and an international
primary school. Dual Career Services offers support to accompanying
partners. Salary and benefits are in accordance with the Collective Labour
Agreement for Dutch Universities.
As a PhD candidate you will be enrolled in the TU Delft Graduate School. TU
Delft Graduate School provides an inspiring research environment; an
excellent team of supervisors, academic staff and a mentor; and a Doctoral
Education Programme aimed at developing your transferable,
discipline-related and research skills. Please visit www.tudelft.nl/phd for
more information.
Information and application: For information about this vacancy, you can
contact Dr.-Ing. Sander Wahls, Assistant Professor, email:
s.wahls at tudelft.nl. For information about the selection procedure, please
contact Irina Bruckner, HR advisor, email: application-3mE at tudelft.nl.
To apply please submit the following:
· curriculum vitae;
· statement of motivation and research interests (one page);
· transcripts of all exams taken and obtained degrees (in English);
· names and contact information of up to three references (e.g.
project/thesis supervisors);
· up to two research-oriented documents (e.g. thesis, conference/journal
Please email your application to Irina Bruckner, email:
application-3mE at tudelft.nl. When applying for this position, please refer
to vacancy number 3mE18-34. The start date is flexible. Applications will
be considered on a rolling basis until the position is filled.
6.4. PhD: Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria
Contributed by: Luigi del Re, luigi.delre at jku.at
PhD: Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria
We welcome applications for a doctoral position on development and testing
of advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and autonomous driving
functions in cooperation with industrial partners in presence of real
traffic environment. Their development and assessment of performances and
safety is strongly dependent on a realistic traffic environment model, as
ADAS must account both the behaviour of traffic participants but also the
level of uncertainty on that knowledge.
The candidate to this project will focus on some aspects among the
following ones: the analysis of the behaviour of real traffic participants,
the development of numerical simulations able to describe those behaviours
in a stochastic framework, development and testing of ADAS control
algorithms embedding behaviour prediction and model based or learning
safety assessment.
The Institute for Design and Control of Mechatronical Systems (DESREG
Institute) at the JKU Linz, Austria, has a long research tradition in
control engineering and identification of dynamical systems with a main
focus on automotive and biomedical applications. The institute is currently
involved in the development control algorithms for ADAS and in particular
for their verification under general conditions (traffic conditions, sensor
failures, etc.). The position presents ample opportunities to work in close
collaboration with the DESRED institute academic and industrial partners.
For further information see:
Beside the tasks associated with this position, depending on the
candidate’s skills and preferences, he/she might be involved also in
project management and teaching activities.
The successful candidate must hold a Master degree in mechatronics,
mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, computer science, physics
or mathematics and be interested in the field of intelligent transport
systems. Team player qualities are essential.
The minimum gross salary for the position is 2,794.60 €/month (in line with
the University collective agreement, KV classification B1). The doctoral
contract is initially limited to one year and will be extended up to 4
years in case of successful cooperation.
The position will begin at a flexible date starting from August 1st 2018,
please send all relevant information (curriculum and supporting documents)
to luigi.delre at jku.at
6.5. PhD: University of Grenoble-Alpes, France
Contributed by: Oded Maler, oded.maler at imag.fr
PhD Proposal: Data Mining Dynamic Behaviors using Signal Temporal Logic
Tempo group
University of Grenoble-Alpes
Supervisors: Oded Maler and Nicolas Basset
The major goal of the project is to develop new techniques for extracting
information from temporal behaviors (signals, wave-forms, sequences), and
come up with succinct representation that captures their properties. These
behaviors, can be a result of running simulations or measuring actual
systems in various domains. In some application domains temporal data
mining is handled by techniques coming from machine learning (recurrent
neural networks (RNN), automaton learning), statistics and control (system
identification). The project will explore the applicability of Signal
Temporal Logic (STL) for inferring classifiers and for clustering of such
STL is a simple extension of temporal logic used to specify properties of
real-valued signals defined over continuous time. It can express, for
example constraints on the temporal distance between events such as
threshold crossings of various variables. Its major use is to monitor
behaviors (simulation traces, measurement from a real system during
operation) and detect violations of temporal properties. Since its
introduction in 2004, STL has been adopted by researchers in many
application domains to specify and monitor behaviors of diverse systems
such as robots, medical devices (artificial pancreas, anaesthesia machine),
analog circuits, biochemical models of cellular pathways, and
cyber-physical control systems, mostly within the automotive domain. An
introduction to can be found in
and a recent survey appears in
The starting point of the thesis will be the work on parametric
identification of temporal properties which solves the following problem:
given a behavior and a parametric STL (PSTL) formula, a formula where some
threshold and timing constants have been replaced by parameters, find the
set of parameters that makes the behavior satisfy the property. More
details can be found in
>From the point of view of machine learning, the formula can be viewed as a
feature extractor which reduces the signal into a low-dimensional set in
the parameter space that can be used for classification and clustering.
The goal of the thesis is to develop these ideas further, theoretically and
practically, to the point of being applicable to real-life case-studies.
The actual evolution of the thesis will depend, of course, on intermediate
results but also on the qualifications and tendencies of the student. Among
the topics to be investigated we find:
1) A comparison with other approaches to learn from temporal behaviors such
as RNN and automata;
2) Fundamental and algorithmic studies on the quantitative semantics of STL
which reflects the robustness of satisfaction in space and time;
3) An implementation of different approaches (search, quantifier
elimination, backward computation) to solve the parametric identification
problem, exactly or approximately;
4) Handling the fact that while observing system behaviors we have only
positive examples;
5) Developing efficient algorithms for sub-problems encountered during the
development of the classification and clustering algorithms, e.g.,
computing the Hausdorff distance between unions of poyhedra, or
approximating monotone functions;
6) Applying the resulting algorithms to case-studies coming from
cyber-physical systems and mostly from systems biology.
7) Integrating the results in the AMT toolbox.
All in all, the thesis offers an opportunity to participate in a
leading-edge research in a new and timely domain that combines clean and
decent theory, real-life applicability and international collaboration. The
thesis is part of the SYMER multi-disciplinary project of the Grenoble
university, in collaboration with biologists working on cellular metabolism
and epigenetics and the project results will be applied to models developed
within the project.
We are looking for motivated candidates with a Masters degree in Computer
Science, Electrical Engineering, Mathematics or even Physics, and a solid
background in a non-empty subset of computer science (algorithms, automata,
logic), control, optimization, formal methods, machine learning, signal
processing and statistical reasoning. Such candidates who are ready to
learn new things and complete their background, are kindly requested to
send e-mail (with "PhD-candidate" in the title) a CV and a motivation
letter to Oded.Maler at univ-grenoble-alpes.fr and
nicolas.basset1 at univ-grenoble-alpes.fr
The Grenoble area, in addition to being surrounded skiable mountains is
easily accessible: Lyon (1 hour), Geneva (1.5 hours), Torino (2 hours),
Paris (3 hours by train) and Barcelona (6 hours). It features one of
Europe’s largest concentrations of academic/industrial research and
development with a lot of students, a cosmopolite atmosphere and work
VERIMAG, http://www-verimag.imag.fr is a leading academic lab in
verification and model-based design of embedded cyber-physical systems. Its
past contributions include model checking (J. Sifakis, Turing Award 2007),
the data-flow language Lustre (P. Caspi, N. Halbwachs) underlying the SCADE
programming environment for safety-critical systems. The Tempo group at
VERIMAG has made pioneering contributions to the study of hybrid
cyber-physical systems and its applications, and in particular the
development of STL. Group alumni have proceeded to post-doc abroad
(Berkeley, Carnegie-Mellon, Cornell, Boston University, IST Ausrtria) or
integrate in industry (Mathworks, Intel, local start-ups) or R&D
organization (Austrian Institute of Technology).
6.6. PhD: University of Grenoble-Alpes, France
Contributed by: Alina Voda, alina.voda at gipsa-lab.grenoble-inp.fr
PHD Position, fully funded by university grant, at GIPSA-lab, University
Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble, France.
Title: "Fractional order modeling and identification for phantom EEG
Starting: 1/10/2018.
Details at:
6.7. PhD: George Washington University, USA
Contributed by: Taeyoung Lee, tylee at gwu.edu
Flight dynamics and control lab (http://fdcl.seas.gwu.edu) of the George
Washington University at Washington DC is looking for new doctoral
students. There are two open positions for each of the following projects.
1. Uncertainty Propagation for Hybrid Systems
This project is to construct comprehensive computational techniques for
stochastic analysis of hybrid systems evolving on a nonlinear configuration
manifold, including uncertainty propagation, Bayesian estimation, and
stochastic optimal control schemes.
In particular, backgrounds in the following topics are desired.
a. Stochastic analysis
b. Hybrid systems
c. Estimation
d. Geometric mechanics
This position will be funded by AFOSR, starting from Fall 2018.
2. Dynamics and Control of Flapping Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
This project aims to uncover the biomechanics of Monarch butterflies
exhibiting the longest flight range among insects, and to utilize it to
develop bio-inspired control schemes for long-range flapping-wing micro
aerial vehicles. Backgrounds in the following topics are desired.
a. Nonlinear dynamics
b. Nonlinear control theory
c. Aerodynamics
d. Geometric mechanics
This position will be funded by NSF, starting from summer 2018.
For both positions, it is expected that the candidates have expertise in
structured programming.
To apply, or to request more information, please contact Prof. Taeyoung Lee
at tylee at gwu.edu. The application should include CV, a list of
publications, and a list of reference, and it should be submitted as a
single PDF file.
6.8. PhD: University of New South Wales, Australia
Contributed by: Daoyi Dong, daoyidong at gmail.com
Scientia PhD Scholarship at UNSW: Machine learning for quantum estimation
and control
This project aims to develop effective estimation and control methods using
machine learning for quantum systems. Benchmarking and controlling quantum
systems have been an important task in next generation technology. However,
efficient methods for the estimation and control of complex quantum systems
are lacking. The project will advance key knowledge and provide effective
methods to enable us to identify and control complex quantum systems for
wide applications arising in this emerging technological revolution. The
research outcomes will make an important contribution to accelerating
practical applications of future quantum technology. The scholarship
provides the following support:
• Work on high quality research projects with the best supervisory teams in
world class environments
• $40K a year stipend for four years
• Tuition fees covered for the full 4 year period
• Coaching and mentoring will form a critical part of your highly
personalised leadership development plan
• Up to $10k each year to build your career and support your international
research collaborations
More application information could be found at:
If you are interested in applying for the scholarship, please submit your
application online, or contact A/Prof Daoyi Dong (d.dong at unsw.edu.au), Dr
Hidehiro Yonezawa (h.yonezawa at unsw.edu.au) or Prof Valeri Ougrinovski (
v.ougrinovski at adfa.edu.au) by 20 July 2018.
6.9. PhD: University of New South Wales, Australia
Contributed by: Hendra Nurdin, h.nurdin at unsw.edu.au
A new UNSW Scientia PhD Scholarship is available to work on the topic
"Quantum parameter estimation and system identification for quantum
The Scientia scholarship (
https://research.unsw.edu.au/unsw-scientia-phd-scholarship-scheme) is a
generous scholarship scheme that provides a stipend of AUD$40,000 for 4
years (tax−free) together with a support package of up to AUD$10,000 per
annum to provide financial support for career development activities such
as conference travel and research collaboration. The scholarship's purpose
is to attract the best potential talents from around the world to work on
important contemporary research problems.
Information about the Scientia PhD project:
Quantum systems promise capabilities in sensing, communications and
computing that significantly surpass those of current systems that are
based on classical rather than quantum physics. The project will develop
new data-driven methods for quantum parameter estimation and system
identification for quantum systems that are of interest in quantum
technological applications. The new methods will be applied to construct
mathematical models for linear Gaussian systems that describe quantum
optical and optomechanical systems for Gaussian continuous-variable quantum
information processing, and for quantum noise spectroscopy, that is, the
identification of the quantum noise acting on a quantum system.
The ideal candidate will have a degree in engineering, physics and/or
statistics with knowledge of quantum mechanics and control theory. The
candidate is expected to have strong analytical skills and a strong
interest in the application of ideas and methods from control theory and
statistics to quantum technological applications. A dual undergraduate
degree in engineering and science (physics or mathematics/stastistics) or
an undergraduate and a master's degree in related fields would be
advantageous but not strictly required.
For further information, please contact Dr Hendra Nurdin at
h.nurdin at unsw.edu.au and to apply please go to:
6.10. PhD: University of Sannio in Benevento, Italy
Contributed by: Davide Liuzza, davide.liuzza at unisannio.it
PhD Position available at the Department of Engineering of the University
of Sannio in Benevento, Italy.
Contacts: Prof. Luigi Glielmo (email glielmo at unisannio.it), Prof. Luigi
Iannelli (email luigi.iannelli at unisannio.it), Dr. Davide Liuzza (email
davide.liuzza at unisannio.it), Giuseppe Silano (email
giuseppe.silano at unisannio.it).
The GRACE (Group for Research on Automatic Control Engineering) at the
University of Sannio offers two PhD positions for an incoming European
Project on CPS for farming scenarios to be started in October 2018.
The successful candidates will conduct original research on drone
navigation and control in unknown environments (with special emphasis on
woods and orchard) based on visual odometry information.
Our ideal candidates have a sound knowledge in robotics and computer vision
from their Bachelor and Master degrees, experience in drone navigation,
SLAM, computer vision algorithms and virtual reality environments for
robotic applications (such as Gazebo, V-Rep, Webots, AirSim, etc.).
Furthermore, a basic knowledge of ROS is desirable.
The candidates will also have to demonstrate experience in object
programming (C++, Java), general skills in computer programming (Python, C,
XML, and so on) an excellent academic track record, well developed problem
solving skills and a strongly motivated personality. Familiarity with open
source OS (Ubuntu) and version control systems (Git and Mercurial) is a
plus. Interests in both theoretical robotic research and mobile robotic
applications as well as the ability of working independently complete the
candidate profiles.
The candidates will be selected according to applicant fulfilment of the
above qualifications.
Interested candidates must send detailed CV, two contacts to whom we can
ask reference letters, and any other useful documentation to the email
luigi.iannelli at unisannio.it, davide.liuzza at unisannio.it and
giuseppe.silano at unisannio.it (please, include all the addresses).
Answers will be given at the beginning of September, 2018.
The selected candidate will join the control system group at the University
of Sannio in Benevento, Italy. The project involves an academic and
industrial panel of roughly 50 European partners.
6.11. PhD: Illinois Institute of Technology, USA
Contributed by: Qing-Chang Zhong, zhongqc at ieee.org
PhD in Control and Stability of Future Power Systems: Illinois Institute of
Technology, Chicago, USA
An exciting opportunity is coming up for talented and committed researchers
to apply for a fully-funded PhD studentship at Illinois Institute of
Technology. This is to continue the work presented at a semi-plenary talk
delivered at the 20th IFAC World Congress on Synchronized and Democratized
(SYNDEM) Smart Grids (
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY8lgFAlBxP6j6haMqh4WLQ). We plan to
investigate the stability of SYNDEM smart grids with millions of power
electronic converters by adopting passivity and port-Hamiltonian systems
theory. We are particularly looking for candidates who have strong
mathematical background in control theory as well as versatile practical
skills in power electronics and power systems.
If you are interested in this, please send your CV, transcripts and two
representative publications to Qing-Chang Zhong (zhongqc at ieee.org).
6.12. PhD/PostDoc: KU Leuven, Belgium
Contributed by: Johan Suykens, johan.suykens at esat.kuleuven.be
PhD and Postdoc positions KU Leuven (ERC Advanced grant E-DUALITY)
The research group KU Leuven ESAT-STADIUS is currently offering 3 PhD and 3
Postdoc (1 year, extendable) positions within the framework of the ERC
(European Research Council) Advanced Grant E-DUALITY
http://www.esat.kuleuven.be/stadius/E (PI: Johan Suykens) on Exploring
Duality for Future Data-driven Modelling.
Within this ERC project E-DUALITY we aim at realizing a powerful and
unifying framework (including e.g. kernel methods, support vector machines,
deep learning, multilayer networks, tensor-based models and others) for
handling different system complexity levels, obtaining optimal model
representations and designing efficient algorithms.
The research positions relate to the following possible topics:
-1- Duality principles
-2- Multiple data sources and coupling schemes
-3- Manifold learning and semi-supervised schemes
-4- Optimal prediction schemes
-5- Scalability, on-line updating, interpretation and visualization
-6- Mathematical foundations
-7- Matching model to system characteristics
For further information and on-line applying, see
https://www.kuleuven.be/personeel/jobsite/jobs/54681979" (PhD positions) and
https://www.kuleuven.be/personeel/jobsite/jobs/54681807" (Postdoc positions)
(click EN for English version).
The research group ESAT-STADIUS http://www.esat.kuleuven.be/stadius at the
university KU Leuven Belgium provides an excellent research environment
being active in the broad area of mathematical engineering, including
data-driven modelling, neural networks and machine learning, nonlinear
systems and complex networks, optimization, systems and control, signal
processing, bioinformatics and biomedicine.
6.13. PostDoc: Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Contributed by: Rudy Negenborn, r.r.negenborn at tudelft.nl
Post-doc: "Coordination & control for logistics on modular floating
transport hubs"
available at Delft University of Technology, Dept. of Maritime & Transport
Within the framework of the EU H2020 funded program Space at Sea we seek a
talented and ambitious post-doctoral researcher for research on control and
optimization of logistics for floating transport hubs. The Space at Sea
program aims to provide sustainable and affordable workspace at sea by
developing a standardised and cost efficient modular (floating) island with
low ecological impact. The Space at Sea program aims at four application areas
on such an island: Transport and Logistics hub, Energy hub, Farming and
Living at sea. The current post-doc vacancy focuses on the Transport and
Logistics hub application.
We seek a post-doctoral researcher that will focus on real-time process
control and coordination methods of transport and logistic tasks on and
around the platform, and with other (land-based) hubs. Specific challenges
include developing methods that take into account limited operational
windows due to sea states, formal mathematical modelling, developing
simulation cases, and determining and assessing alternative routing
strategies for vessels and land-based vehicles while keeping environmental
impact at a minimum.
You will work closely together with TU Delft staff and the (international)
project partners on many aspects of the transport and logistics hub.
We are seeking a researcher who has expertise and interest in one or more
of the following areas:
• Automatic (distributed) control, operations research, simulation;
• Vehicle routing, logistics, terminal / port design.
You have obtained a PhD or an equivalent degree or expect to obtain such a
degree very soon related to these areas (control, optimization, logistics).
Good spoken and written English and the ability to work in a team are
For more information about this position, please contact Prof. R.R.
Negenborn, e-mail: r.r.negenborn at tudelft.nl. To apply, please e-mail an
up-to-date, detailed curriculum vitae, a letter of application, and the
names and contact information (telephone number and e-mail address) of two
references by 7 July, 2018 to: application-3mE at tudelft.nl.
6.14. PostDoc: Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Contributed by: S Hassan HoseinNia, s.h.hosseinniakani at tudelft.nl
This is a postdoctoral research position, with a limited 12-month duration.
You will develop, conduct and supervise research on soft magnetic actuators
for mechatronics. You will be engaged in the development of novel systems
aimed at creating a demonstrator as a proof of principle, based on tuneable
electromagnetic with applications in precision mechatronics applications.
The tasks to be performed include:
• The design of a soft material actuator suitable to the mechatronic and
biomechanical applications,
• The development of a suitable fabrication process for the manufacturing
of the system,
• The characterization and testing of the device’s functionality, stability
and reliability,
• The supervision of MSc student projects related to your own,
• Being an inspiring member for the PME department by proactive
• Engaging in the writing of scientific articles and proposals to secure
funding for further work on the topic.
Applicants should have the following qualifications:
• PhD and multidisciplinary background within the fields of (but not
restricted to) Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics, Applied Physics
• Experience with:
° Softmatter actuators (polymeric, magnetic, electrical, penumatic, etc)
° Megnetic actuator
° Modelling and control of such systems
• Experience or high interest (not mandatory but preferred) with
° Hands on experimental work and fabriation
° Compliant mechanisms or robotics applications
• A good publication record.
• Interest in educational tasks such as teaching and supervision of Master
and PhD students.
• Good skill in writing scientific articles and funding proposals
• High motivation for teamwork and good communication skills.
Applicants should have the following qualifications:
• PhD and multidisciplinary background within the fields of (but not
restricted to) Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics, Applied Physics,
Material Science, or Chemical Engineering
• Experience with:
° Softmatter actuators (polymeric, magnetic, electrical, penumatic, etc)
° Megnetic actuator
° Modelling and control of such systems
• Experience or high interest (not mandatory but preferred) with
° Hands on experimental work and fabriation
° Compliant mechanisms or robotics applications
• A good publication record.
• Interest in educational tasks such as teaching and supervision of Master
and PhD students.
• Good skill in writing scientific articles and funding proposals
• High motivation for teamwork and good communication skills.
For more information please contact Dr. Hassan HosseinNia, email:
s.h.hosseinniakani at tudelft.nl.
To apply, please send an detailed cv, a list of publications and your
letter of motivation by July 15th, 2018 to s.h.hosseinniakani at tudelft.nl.
6.15. PostDoc: INRIA Grenoble, France
Contributed by: Vincent Acary, vincent.acary at inria.fr
Post-doc position INRIA Grenoble, France. Structural analysis of nonsmooth
DAE systems.
A two-year post-doc position is open at INRIA Rhone-Alpes in structural
analysis of nonsmooth DAE systems.
A complete description and how to apply is available here:
Vincent Acary
6.16. PostDoc: USP, Brazil
Contributed by: OSWALDO LUIZ DO VALLE COSTA, oswaldo at lac.usp.br
PostDoc: USP, Brazil
Contributed by: Oswaldo Luiz do Valle Costa, oswaldo at lac.usp.br
Systems and Control: Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Brazil
A Post-Doctorate Fellowship is opened for researchers who have completed
his\her PhD less than seven years ago to develop research in Brazil.
Candidates must hold a PhD-Doctorate degree related to at least one of the
next topics: Control and Systems Engineering; Automation; Robotics;
Electrical Engineering; Electronics; Mechatronics; Mathematics (pure or
applied); Statistics. Candidates holding a PhD in any of the aforementioned
topics are invited to apply. The successful applicant will be required to
live in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, during the fellowship period. Our
research facilities are located at the Universidade de São Paulo, São
Paulo, Brazil.
The selected candidate will receive a Post-Doctorate Fellowship from
FAPESP, Brazil (R$ 7,174.80 per month, which is approximately equivalent to
US$ 1,800.00). The fellowship is awarded for 12 (twelve) months and can be
renewed for another 12 months. The position requires a good-level of
written and oral communication skills in English.
The aim of the project is to advance the knowledge on control problems for
Markov jump linear systems (MJLS. Problems related to the so-called hidden
Makov case will also be investigated, as well as real practical application
on fault tolerant control problems. The appointed candidate is expect to
build a bridge between theory and applications. The selected candidates
will work under the supervision of Prof. Oswaldo Luiz do Valle Costa (USP,
The selection process will consist of the candidate’s CV analysis (first
step) and an interview via Skype with the selected candidates (second
step). The result of the first step of the selection process will be
informed by email. The interview will be arranged with the candidates by
email. Candidates should submit their documentation by email at "
oswaldo at lac.usp.br". The required documentation for application are a cover
letter in which the applicant justifies his or her interest in the proposed
topics and an updated academic Curriculum Vitae. The deadline for
applications is August 31, 2018, but applications will be accepted until
the position is filled.
Starting time (tentative): November 01, 2018.
6.17. PostDoc: University of Sydney, Australia
Contributed by: Ian Manchester, ian.manchester at sydney.edu.au
A post-doctoral research associate/fellow position is now open at the
University of Sydney.
We are seeking applicants with a strong background and publication record
in nonlinear control theory, control of robotic systems, nonlinear
predictive control, stability verification, and/or learning control to
contribute to a project funded by the Australian Research Council and led
by A/Prof Ian Manchester.
This is a 2 Year Full time Fixed Term role with Base Salary: $90K-102K p.a,
depending on experience, plus superannuation.
For full details and application go to
and do a "Job search" for "Job reference" 1124/0618F
Closing date for applications is 22nd of July.
6.18. Research Associate: Paderborn University, Germany
Contributed by: Daniel Quevedo, dquevedo at ieee.org
The Automatic Control Group (Prof. Daniel Quevedo) in the Department of
Electrical Engineering at Paderborn University is seeking a Research
Associate (Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in)
This is a full-time position, which is to be filled as soon as possible. We
will welcome doctoral students and postdocs. The position is limited to the
duration of the qualification procedure in the field of Automatic Control,
depending on the previous qualification, for a period of usually 3 years
with possible extensions (according to WissZeitVG).
Your duties and responsibilities:
The appointee will be actively involved in our research activities in the
area of networked control, support the group's teaching activities (4 SWS)
and also assist in the supervision of final-year students.
For further information, see http://control.upb.de
Your profile:
- A Master's or a doctoral degree in control theory from an excellent
- Postdoctoral applicants must have a proven capacity for high-quality
research in our areas of interest and publications in leading international
journals in systems control.
- Fluency in English is required, knowledge of German is a strong advantage.
We offer a stimulating work environment in an international team and an
attractive remuneration package according to pay scale TV-L EG 13 of the
German public service (approx. € 3.600-4.000 per month).
Applications from women are particularly welcome and, in case of equal
qualifications and experience, will receive preferential treatment
according to state law (LGG). Qualified disabled people (in the sense of
the German social law SGB IX) are also encouraged to apply. The applicant
may choose to have the staff council (WPR) involved in his/her appointment.
Please send your application (including a cover letter, your CV, list of
publications, and contact details of at least two referees) to Ines Kaiser,
ines.kaiser at upb.de by 15 August 2018 (reference no. 3391).
6.19. Faculty: Aalborg University, Denmark
Contributed by: Department of Electronic Systems, Aalborg University,
ach at adm.aau.dk
Professor in Robotics and Control
At the Technical Faculty of IT and Design, Department of Electronic
Systems, a position as Professor in Robotics and Control is open for
appointment from September 1, 2018 or soon hereafter. The Department of
Electronic Systems is one of the largest departments at Aalborg University
with a total of more than 250 employees. The department is internationally
recognized in particular for its contributions within Information and
Communication Technology (ICT). The research and teaching of the Department
of Electronic Systems focus on electronic engineering and the activity
areas are organized in the sections: Antennas, Propagation and
Millimetre-wave Systems section (APMS), Automation Control section
(Control), Connectivity section (CNT), Signal and Information Processing
section (SIP), Wireless Communication Networks section (WCN) and
Communication, Media and Information technologies (CMI). The department
focuses on maintaining a close interplay with the university’s surroundings
- locally, nationally and internationally – as well as producing unique
basic research and educating talented and creative engineers. The
department collaborates with leading ICT researchers all over the world.
Job description
We seek to appoint a Professor to lead research and knowledge exchange at
the intersection of the disciplines of robotics and control. The successful
candidate will join a team of academics in control and robotics with a
comprehensive robotics research and teaching portfolio (including a new
graduate programme in Robotics). The group focuses on novel robotics
application areas.
The position requires internationally recognized research experience in one
or more of the following areas:
Collaborative robotics
Shared autonomy
Physical human-robot interaction
Autonomous systems
Synthesis for closed loop robotic systems (w. uncertainty and dynamic
The main duties and responsibilities include:
Leadership and strategic direction and focus of a research programme within
Research, including publication of results and supervision of research
Teaching and assessment of primarily graduate students.
Generation of research funding applications and management of successful
projects and programmes.
Leverage of reputation, knowledge and experience to strengthen our
relationship with private industry partners in the field of robotics.
Teaching will be within the BSc/MSc study program in Robotics, and within
the PhD School in Electronics and Electrical Engineering. It includes
preparation and lecturing of internal and external courses at
undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate levels, as well as supervision of
student projects at all these levels.
You may obtain further professional information from Professor Thomas Bak,
phone no. 9940 8701, Email tba at es.aau.dk.
Qualification requirements:
The successful applicant can demonstrate a documented high level of
original scientific production at an international level, including proven
further development of the research area in question. An assessment of the
candidate’s undertaking of research management and/or other possible
management functions will also be taken into account. In addition the
applicant is expected to have the qualifications required for undertaking
teaching responsibilities. Special contributions to and development of
educational and teaching related areas will be considered in the overall
The application must contain the following:
A motivated text wherein the reasons for applying, qualifications in
relation to the position, and intentions and visions for the position are
A current curriculum vitae.
Copies of relevant diplomas (Master of Science and PhD). On request you
could be asked for an official English translation.
Scientific qualifications. A complete list of publications must be attached
with an indication of the works the applicant wishes to be considered. You
may attach up to 10 publications. A link to your unique research identifier
(Google Scholar or Web of Science ResearcherID or Scopus Author ID) which
allows your publication and citation record to be analyzed.
Teaching qualifications described in the teaching portfolio. If this is not
enclosed the applicant must include an explanation for its absence.
Dissemination qualifications, including participation on committees or
boards, participation in organisations and the like.
Additional qualifications in relation to the position.
Possibly contact information for 2-3 references
Personal data.
The applications are only to be submitted online by using the "Apply
online" button below.
We wish to reflect the diversity of society and welcome applications from
all qualified candidates regardless of personal background.
An assessment committee will assess all candidates.
For further information concerning the application procedure please contact
Anne Christoffersen by mail ach at adm.aau.dk or phone (+45) 9940 9680.
Information regarding guidelines, ministerial circular in force, teaching
portfolio and procedures can be seen here (
Appointment and salary acc. to the agreement between the Ministry of
Finance and the Danish Confederation of professional Associations (AC) on
Academics in the State. Employment as Professor is in accordance with a
classified position on scale 37. In addition, a pensionable increment will
be given.
Vacancy number
Apply online
6.20. Department Head: French German Research Institute of Saint-Louis,
Contributed by: Mrs. Borchert, humanresources at isl.eu
The French German Research Institute of Saint-Louis (ISL), a leader in
Europe in research on guided projectiles, is urgently looking for the head
of its department "guidance, navigation, control, and System analysis".
This department belongs to the division "Flight Techniques for
Projectiles", comprising also aerodynamics, real flight experiments and
sensors & communication systems departments. Their research is applied to
all kinds of guided projectiles, mostly gun-launched. The position is
challenging as the division's roadmap schedules ambitious deadlines for
demonstrating the feasibility of an innovative long-range guided projectile
We are currently looking for a
Research scientist (m/f),
Head of the department "guidance, navigation, control, and system analysis".
Your tasks
- Develop and maintain, at the highest level, research capabilities in
innovative solutions on guidance, navigation and control systems for the
needs in guided projectiles, in synergy with the other departments of
the division.
- Develop and maintain, at the highest level, evaluation capabilities of
performances of guided projectiles concepts.
- Leverage the expertise of academic partners, other research institutes
and industry to the benefit of the objectives of the department.
- Engage proactively with industry, so as to anticipate best their needs in
terms of research output.
- Establish the research department program in accordance with the strategy
and priorities of the Division and with the needs of the French and German
Ministries of Defence.
- Manage, plan and evaluate the research carried out in the department.
- Monitor closely the research work of the scientists, engineers and PhD
students of the department.
The incumbent is expected to carry out personally research, in addition to
the management of the department.
The department possesses recognised skills and has developed so far quite
innovative solutions.
Other duties
- Manage the department's human and financial resources as well as
scientific equipment.
- Optimise the use of the department's capabilities for the proper
execution of the research program.
- Involve strongly in the department's life, cohesion and development.
- Involve strongly in a synergetic approach in particular with the other
departments of the division as key for success.
- Increase the scientific reputation of our Institute through high-level
publications, involvement in conferences, external communication, etc.
Your profile
- PhD in automatic control applied to flight mechanics.
- At least 10 years of experience in high-level research (with a
demonstrated prominence in your scientific community), including the
effective management of a research team of 10 collaborators at least.
- Skills in guidance, navigation and control, and in system analysis for
flying vehicles; additionally, skills in flight mechanics, aeroballistics,
aerodynamics, mechatronics would be highly desirable.
- Knowledge in projectile and missile technologies.
- Organisational skills, ability to work effectively as the leader of the
team, communication skills.
- An effective work experience in a multinational context and experience in
managing multi-partners Projects would be valued.
- Excellent command of English; understanding or even ability to express
yourself efficiently in one or both of the French and German languages
would be of course a very desirable plus.
The ISL offers an attractive salary, flexible work arrangements and a very
friendly work environment.
If these challenges appeal to you and you feel you have the right profile,
we are looking forward to receive your complete application mentioning the
following keyword "GNC-S".
French-German Research Institute of Saint-Louis
Mrs. Isabel BORCHERT
5 rue du Général Cassagnou
BP 70034
Phone: +33 (0)3 89 69 51 31
humanresources at isl.eu
For more information please visit www.isl.eu.
6.21. Research Scientist: Optikom, China
Contributed by: Yueqing Jiang, dchu at optikom.cn
A research scientist available at Optikom, Xiamen China
* Algorithm Development
* Matlab Programming
* On-site Commissioning
* Be involved in the whole cycle of the software development: design,
documentation, testing, alpha trial, beta trial, release, etc
* Customer support
* Publication and fund application
* Have the Ph.D. degree in the area of process control, applied
mathematics, chemical engineering, computer science, or the other related
* Be familiar with system identification, system failure prediction,
abnormal detection, model based control, plant lifecycle management, and
other related knowledge.
* Will be an asset to have experience of industrial project commissioning
* Will be an asset to have the experience with big data analysis
* The candidate with strong interests on the industrial applications using
complicated algorithm development is highly recommended to apply.
* Fluent in both spoken and written Chinese
Interested applicants may send his/her CV to dchu at optikom.cn. Benefits
included competitive salary package, plus health insurance and housing
allowance. For more information check www.optikom.cn.
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