[eletter] eletter 353

Jianghai Hu jianghai at purdue.edu
Tue Jan 2 11:31:27 EST 2018

E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing
Issue 353
January 2018

Jianghai Hu
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Purdue University
465 Northwestern Ave.
West Lafayette, IN, 47907
Tel: +1 (765) 4962395
Fax: +1 (765) 4943371

Welcome to the 353 issue of the Eletter, available electronically at
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The next Eletter will be mailed out at the beginning of February 2018.


1. IEEE CSS Headlines
1.1 IEEE Control Systems Society Technically Cosponsored Conferences
1.2 IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
1.3 IEEE Control Systems Letters
1.4 IEEE Control Systems Society Publications Content Digest

2. Award
2.1 Best Paper Award of 2017 Asian Control Conference

3. Courses & Seminar
3.1 Graduate Course on “Modeling and Control of Distributed Parameter
Systems: the Port Hamiltonian Approach”
3.2 Online Seminar on “Quo Vadis Model Predictive Control? From Stabilizing
to Distributed Economic MPC”
3.3 Course on “Modeling and Simulation of Cyber-Physical Systems”

4. Books
4.1 Model Predictive Control: Theory, Computation, and Design, 2nd Edition
4.2 Intelligent Building Control Systems: A Survey of Modern Building
Control and Sensing Strategies
4.3 A First Course in Control System Design
4.4 Call for Book Chapters: Control of Photovoltaic and Wind Energy Systems

5. Journals
5.1 Contents: Automatica
5.2 Contents: Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems
5.3 Contents: Evolution Equations and Control Theory
5.4 Contents: Nonlinear Studies
5.5 Contents: Mathematics in Engineering, Science and Aerospace
5.6 Contents: IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information
5.7 Contents: IET Control Theory & Applications
5.8 Contents: International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer
5.9 Contents: IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica
5.10 Contents: Control Engineering Practice
5.11 Contents: Journal of Process Control
5.12 Contents: Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
5.13 Contents: Journal of the Franklin Institute
5.14 Contents: Proceedings of the Institute of Applied Mathematics
5.15 CFP: European Journal of Control Special Issue on Advanced Control
Theory and Applications for Next-Generation Engineered Systems

6. Conferences
6.1 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications
6.2 International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and
6.3 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems
6.4 International Workshop on Variable Structure Systems
6.5 ACM International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control
6.6 World Congress: Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and
6.7 IFAC Conference on Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems
6.8 IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems, Robotics,
and Vehicles
6.9 IFAC Conference on Modelling Identification and Control of Nonlinear
6.10 IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design & IFAC Workshop on Linear
Parameter Varying Systems
6.11 Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation

7. Positions
7.1 PhD: KU Leuven, Belgium
7.2 PhD: KU Leuven, Belgium
7.3 PhD: KU Leuven, Belgium
7.4 PhD: Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands
7.5 PhD: Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
7.6 PhD: MINES ParisTech, France
7.7 Research Assistant: German Aerospace Center, Germany
7.8 PostDoc: Australian National University, Australia
7.9 PostDoc: KTH, Sweden
7.10 PostDoc: Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
7.11 PostDoc: UTFSM, Chile
7.12 PostDoc: Northeastern University, USA
7.13 PostDoc: Lund University, Sweden
7.14 PostDoc: Libera Università di Bolzano, Italy
7.15 PostDoc: Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
7.16 PostDoc: Huazhong University of Science & Technology, China
7.17 Valorisation Manager: KU Leuven, Belgium
7.18 Faculty: Zhejiang University of Technology, China
7.19 Faculty: University of Tennessee at Knoxville, USA
7.20 Faculty: Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
7.21 Faculty: Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
7.22 Faculty: Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
7.23 Faculty: Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
7.24 Intern: Intuitive Surgical, USA
7.25 Visiting Faculty Fellows: Georgia Tech, USA

1. IEEE CSS Headlines

1.1. IEEE Control Systems Society Technically Cosponsored Conferences
Contributed by: Luca Zaccarian, CSS AE Conferences, zaccarian at laas.fr

The following conferences have been recently included in the list of events
technically cosponsored by the IEEE Control Systems Society:

- 37th Chinese Control Conference (CCC2018), Wuhan, China. Jul 25 - Jul 27,
2018. http://ccc2018.cug.edu.cn/English/Home.htm
- 22nd International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing
(ICSTCC 2018), Sinaia, Romania. Oct 10 - Oct 12, 2018.
- 23rd International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and
Robotics (MMAR 2018), Miedzyzdroje, Poland. Aug 27 - Aug 30, 2018.
- 30th Chinese Control and Decision Conference (2018 CCDC), Shenyang,
Liaoning Province, China. Jun 9 - Jun 11, 2018. http://www.ccdc.neu.edu.cn/
- 14th Workshop on Discrete Event Systems (WODES'18). Sorrento Coast,
Italy. May 30 - Jun 1, 2018. http://wodes2018.unisa.it/

For a full listing of CSS technically cosponsored conferences, please visit
http://ieeecss.org/conferences/technically-cosponsored and for a list of
the upcoming and past CSS main conferences please visit

1.2. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Contributed by: Michelle Colasanti, ieeetcst at osu.edu

Table of Contents
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Volume 26 (2018), Issue 1 (January)


- A Two-Layer Stochastic Model Predictive Control Scheme for Microgrids, S.
Raimondi Cominesi, M. Farina, L. Giulioni, B. Picasso, and R. Scattolini,
page 1
- Physics-Based 3-D Control-Oriented Modeling of Floating Wind Turbines, J.
R. Homer and R. Nagamune, page 14
- Frequency Control in Power Systems Based on a Regulating Market, M.
Perninge and R. Eriksson, page 27
- Spatial-Based Predictive Control and Geometric Corridor Planning for
Adaptive Cruise Control Coupled With Obstacle Avoidance, M. Graf Plessen,
D. Bernardini, H. Esen, and A. Bemporad, page 38
- Model Predictive Charging Control of In-Vehicle Batteries for Home Energy
Management Based on Vehicle State Prediction, A. Ito, A. Kawashima, T.
Suzuki, S. Inagaki, T. Yamaguchi, and Z. Zhou, page 51
- On the Virtual Joints for Kinematic Control of Redundant Manipulators
With Multiple Constraints, S. Huang, J. Xiang, W. Wei, and M. Z. Q. Chen,
page 65
- Robust Concurrent Attitude-Position Control of a Swarm of Underactuated
Nanosatellites, R. Haghighi and C. K. Pang, page 77
- Degradation Control for Electric Vehicle Machines Using Nonlinear Model
Predictive Control, L. Samaranayake and S. Longo, page 89
- Pressure Feedback in Fluid Power Systems—Active Damping Explained and
Exemplified, H. C. Pedersen and T. O. Andersen, page 102
- Flexible Spacing Adaptive Cruise Control Using Stochastic Model
Predictive Control, D. Moser, R. Schmied, H. Waschl, and L. del Re, page 114
- A Novel State Transformation Approach to Tracking of Piecewise Linear
Trajectories, A. Bazaei, Z. Chen, Y. K. Yong, and S. O. R. Moheimani, page
- Hierarchical Design of Connected Cruise Control in the Presence of
Information Delays and Uncertain Vehicle Dynamics, L. Zhang, J. Sun, and G.
Orosz, page 139
- Autonomous Takeoff and Flight of a Tethered Aircraft for Airborne Wind
Energy, L. Fagiano, E. Nguyen-Van, F. Rager, S. Schnez, and C. Ohler, page
- Heuristic Versus Optimal Charging of Supercapacitors, Lithium-Ion, and
Lead-Acid Batteries: An Efficiency Point of View, Y. Parvini, A. Vahidi,
and S. A. Fayazi, page 167
- Underactuated Potential Energy Shaping With Contact Constraints:
Application to a Powered Knee-Ankle Orthosis, G. Lv and R. D. Gregg, page
- Obstacle Avoidance for Low-Speed Autonomous Vehicles With Barrier
Function, Y. Chen, H. Peng, and J. Grizzle, page 194
- Analytical Solutions for Impulsive Elliptic Out-of-Plane Rendezvous
Problem via Primer Vector Theory, R. Serra, D. Arzelier, and A.
Rondepierre, page 207
- Achieving Consensus of Euler–Lagrange Agents With Interconnecting Delays
and Without Velocity Measurements via Passivity-Based Control, E. Nuño and
R. Ortega, page 222
- Time-Optimal Control Strategies for a Hybrid Electric Race Car, S.
Ebbesen, M. Salazar, P. Elbert, C. Bussi, and C. H. Onder, page 233


- Adaptive Trajectory Tracking for Quadrotor MAVs in Presence of Parameter
Uncertainties and External Disturbances, G. Antonelli, E. Cataldi, F.
Arrichiello, P. Robuffo Giordano, S. Chiaverini, and A. Franchi, page 248
- Geometric Control of Quadrotor UAVs Transporting a Cable-Suspended Rigid
Body, T. Lee, page 255
- Bandwidth-on-Demand Motion Control, S. J. L. M. van Loon, B. G. B.
Hunnekens, A. S. Simon, N. van de Wouw, and W. P. M. H. Heemels, page 265
- MIMO Sliding Mode Controller for Gait Exoskeleton Driven by Pneumatic
Muscles, J. Cao, S. Q. Xie, and R. Das, page 274
- A Numerical Bifurcation Analysis of Indirect Vector-Controlled Induction
Motor, J. K. Jain, S. Ghosh, and S. Maity, page 282
- Robust Observers for a Class of Nonlinear Systems Using PEM Fuel Cells as
a Simulated Case Study, M. Benallouch, R. Outbib, M. Boutayeb, and E.
Laroche, page 291
- Robust Distributed Control Protocols for Large Vehicular Platoons With
Prescribed Transient and Steady-State Performance. C. K. Verginis, C. P.
Bechlioulis, D. V. Dimarogonas, and K. J. Kyriakopoulos, page 299
- Toward Unified Control of a Powered Prosthetic Leg: A Simulation Study,
D. Quintero, A. E. Martin, and R. D. Gregg, page 305
- Neural Network-Based State of Charge Observer Design for Lithium-Ion
Batteries, J. Chen, Q. Ouyang, C. Xu, and H. Su, page 313
- Observer-Based Feedback Stabilization for Lipschitz Nonlinear Systems
With Extension to H∞ Performance Analysis: Design and Experimental Results,
A. Thabet, G. B. H. Frej, and M. Boutayeb, page 321
- A Frequency Localizing Basis Function-Based IV Method for Wideband System
Identification, M. Gilson, J. S. Welsh, and H. Garnier, page 329
- Minimization of Betatron Oscillations of Electron Beam Injected Into a
Time-Varying Lattice via Extremum Seeking, A. Scheinker, X. Huang, and J.
Wu, page 336
- Adaptive Feedforward Compensation for Voltage Source Disturbance
Rejection in DC–DC Converters, Y. Bao, L. Y. Wang, C. Wang, J. Jiang, C.
Jiang, and C. Duan, page 344
- Working Region and Stability Analysis of PV Cells Under the
Peak-Current-Mode Control, C. Peng, M. Wu, and D. Yu, pagee 352
- A Stochastic Optimal Control Approach for Exploring Tradeoffs Between
Cost Savings and Battery Aging in Datacenter Demand Response, A. Mamun, I.
Narayanan, D. Wang, A. Sivasubramaniam, and H. K. Fathy, page 360
- Optimizing Vents Layout and Configuration of Complex Urban Tunnels for
Air Quality Control, Z. Tan and H. O. Gao, page 368


Authors’ Reply to “Comments on “A Novel Fault Diagnosis and Prediction
Scheme Using a Nonlinear Observer With Artificial Immune System as an
Online Approximator,” B. Thumati and J. Sarangapani, page 377

1.3. IEEE Control Systems Letters
Contributed by: Francesca Bettini, bettini at dei.unipd.it

Table of Contents
IEEE Control Systems Letters
Volume 2 (2018), Issue 1 (January)

Please note that IEEE Control Systems Letters is accessible in IEEE Xplore
through the web page:

- Low-Dimensional Space- and Time-Coupled Power System Control Policies
Driven by High-Dimensional Ensemble Weather Forecasts; J. Warrington, D.
Drew, and J. Lygeros – p. 1
- Estimation of Multiple Point Sources for Linear Fractional Order Systems
Using Modulating Functions; Z. Belkhatir and T.-M. Laleg-Kirati – p. 7
- Neural Network-Based Repetitive Learning Control of Euler Lagrange
Systems: An Output Feedback Approach; E. Tatlicioglu, N. Cobanoglu, and E.
Zergeroglu – p. 13
- Modeling Biological Timing and Synchronization Mechanisms by Means of
Interconnections of Stochastic Switches; C. Manes, P. Palumbo, V. Cusimano,
M. Vanoni, and L. Alberghina – p. 19
- Solvability Regions of Affinely Parameterized Quadratic Equations; K.
Dvijotham, H. Nguyen, and K. Turitsyn – p. 25
- Longitudinal Tire Force Estimation Using Youla Controller Output
Observer; J. Velazquez Alcantar and F. Assadian – p. 31
- Optimal Scheduling of Downlink Communication for a Multi-Agent System
With a Central Observation Post; M. Zanon, T. Charalambous, H. Wymeersch,
and P. Falcone – p. 37
- Joint Exploration and Tracking: JET; A. Ivanov and M. Campbell – p. 43
- The Fastest Known Globally Convergent First-Order Method for Minimizing
Strongly Convex Functions; B. Van Scoy, R. A. Freeman, and K. M. Lynch – p.
- Local Exponential Stabilization of Semi-Linear Hyperbolic Systems by
Means of a Boundary Feedback Control; L. Zhang, C. Prieur, and J. Qiao – p.
- Finite-Sample System Identification: An Overview and a New Correlation
Method; A. Carè, B. Cs. Csáji, M. C. Campi, and E. Weyer – p. 61
- Effects of Viscous Damping on Differential Flatness-Based Control for a
Class of Under-Actuated Planar Manipulators; V. Sangwan and S. K. Agrawal –
p. 67
- A Switched Systems Approach Based on Changing Muscle Geometry of the
Biceps Brachii During Functional Electrical Stimulation; C. A. Rouse, V. H.
Duenas, C. Cousin, A. Parikh, and W. E. Dixon – p. 73
- Optimality of Unconstrained Pulse Inputs to the Bergman Minimal Model; C.
Townsend and M. M. Seron – p. 79
- The Role of the Time-Arrow in Mean-Square Estimation of Stochastic
Processes; Y. Chen, J. Karlsson, and T. T. Georgiou – p. 85
- Stability Analysis of Constrained Optimization Dynamics via Passivity
Techniques; K. C. Kosaraju, V. Chinde, R. Pasumarthy, A. Kelkar, and N. M.
Singh – p. 91
- Continuous Finite-Time Output Regulation of Nonlinear Systems With
Unmatched Time-Varying Disturbances; J. Yang, Z. Ding, S. Li, and C. Zhang
– p. 97
- Network Synchronization Through Stochastic Broadcasting; R. Jeter, M.
Porfiri, and I. Belykh – p. 103
- A Comparison Among Deterministic Packet-Dropouts Models in Networked
Control Systems; C. De Persis and P. Tesi – p. 109
- Approximate Diagnosis of Metric Systems; G. Pola, E. De Santis, and M. D.
Di Benedetto – p. 115
- Multivariable Virtual Reference Feedback Tuning for Non-Minimum Phase
Plants; G. R. Gonçalves da Silva, L. Campestrini, and A. S. Bazanella – p.
- Single Agent Indirect Herding of Multiple Targets: A Switched Adaptive
Control Approach; R. A. Licitra, Z. I. Bell, E. A. Doucette, and W. E.
Dixon – p. 127
- Inverse Stability Problem and Applications to Renewables Integration; T.
L. Vu, H. D. Nguyen, A. Megretski, J.-J. Slotine, and K. Turitsyn – p. 133
- Transient Stability Guarantees for Ad Hoc DC Microgrids; K. Cavanagh, J.
A. Belk, and K. Turitsyn – p. 139
- On the Generalization and Stability Analysis of Pareto Seeking Control;
K. T. Atta, A. Johansson, and M. Guay – p. 145
- Cooperative Output Regulation of Heterogeneous Unknown Systems via
Passification-Based Adaptation; S. Baldi – p. 151
- Stability and l2-Gain Analysis of Adaptive Control SystemsWith
Event-Triggered Try-Once-Discard Protocols; M. Wakaiki – p. 157
- Learning Through Fictitious Play in a Game-Theoretic Model of Natural
Resource Consumption; T. Manzoor, E. Rovenskaya, A. Davydov, and A.
Muhammad – p. 163
- Comments on Truncation Errors for Polynomial Chaos Expansions; T.
Mühlpfordt, R. Findeisen, V. Hagenmeyer, and T. Faulwasser – p. 169
- Finite-Time Nonanticipative Rate Distortion Function for Time-Varying
Scalar-Valued Gauss-Markov Sources; P. A. Stavrou, T. Charalambous, and C.
D. Charalambous – p. 175
- Optimal Motion Planning for Differentially Flat Systems Using Bernstein
Approximation; V. Cichella, I. Kaminer, C. Walton, and N. Hovakimyan – p.

1.4. IEEE Control Systems Society Publications Content Digest
Contributed by: Elizabeth Kovacs, ekovacs2 at nd.edu

The IEEE Control Systems Society Publications Content Digest is a novel and
convenient guide that helps readers keep track of the latest published

The CSS Publications Content Digest, available at
http://ieeecss.org/publications-content-digest provides lists of current
tables of contents of the periodicals sponsored by the Control Systems

Each issue offers readers a rapid means to survey and access the latest
peer-reviewed papers of the IEEE Control Systems Society. We also include
links to the Society’s sponsored Conferences to give readers a preview of
upcoming meetings.

2. Award

2.1. Best Paper Award of 2017 Asian Control Conference
Contributed by: LiChen Fu, lichen at ntu.edu.tw

Asian Journal of Control
Best Paper Award, 2017

In 2001 Asian Control Conference, the Editorial Board of Asian Journal of
Control has conveyed the 1st Best Paper Award. The award includes a plaque
and US$ 1,000. Now, we would like to announce the winner of the 9th Best
Paper Award. The award was conveyed during 2017 Asian Control Conference
(Dec. 17-20) in Gold Coast, Australia.

Award Paper
Title: Distributed MPC for Tracking and Formation of Homogeneous
Multi-agent System with Time-varying Communication Topology
Authors: Baocang Ding, Liang Ge, Hongguang Pan and Peng Wang
Volume 18, Issue 3, May 2016, Pages: 1030–1041
DOI: 10.1002/asjc.1186
Full text: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/asjc.1186/epdf

The distributed model predictive control (MPC) is studied for the tracking
and formation problem of multi-agent system with time-varying communication
topology. At each sampling instant, each agent solves an optimization
problem respecting input and state constraints, to obtain its optimal
control input. In the cost function for the optimization problem of each
agent, the formation weighting coefficient is properly updated so that the
adverse effect of the time-varying communication topology on the
closed-loop stability can be counteracted. It is shown that the overall
multi-agent system can achieve the desired tracking and formation
objectives. The effectiveness of the results is demonstrated through two

3. Courses & Seminar

3.1. Graduate Course on “Modeling and Control of Distributed Parameter
Systems: the Port Hamiltonian Approach”
Contributed by: Yann Le Gorrec, legorrec at femto-st.fr

Dear Colleagues,

It is our pleasure to inform you that the course:

"Modeling and Control of Distributed Parameter Systems: the Port
Hamiltonian Approach"

will be held from Monday 12 February 2018 to Friday 16 February 2018 at
Centrale Supelec, Paris Saclay, France in the context of the 2018
International Graduate School on Control (EECI-IGSC-2018).

This course presents a system oriented approach to modeling, analysis, and
control of distributed parameter systems (DPS), i.e., systems governed by
partial differential equations (PDEs). This class of systems is more and
more encountered in control engineering due to the increased use of
complex, heterogeneous and smart and compliant materials in applications.
Analysis and control of DPS is thus of high theoretical and practical
interest, especially when considering the evolution of computing capacities
that allows to deal with very high order systems. The formalism used in
this course is the port-Hamiltonian framework. Well-known in control of
nonlinear systems governed by ordinary differential equations, this
formalism based on the notion of energy and power exchanges has been
extended to distributed parameter systems. The aim of this course is to
show how this formalism can be advantageously used to study stability and
derive simple (boundary) control laws for the stabilization of un-(or
weakly) damped (linear) distributed parameter systems.

The course is intended for PhD students and researchers willing to have an
introduction to the modelling and control of distributed parameters systems
using the port-Hamiltonian framework.

More information can be found on the website

If you are interested in following this course please register through the
website http://www.eeci-igsc.eu/on-line-registration/
Note that financial support will be awarded to few selected PhD or Master
students attending a module of IGSC 2018 Program
1) 400€ for students in French universities outside Region Ile de France
and in Europe;
2) 500€ for students from other countries

Application will be closed on 31/12/2017.

Best regards
Yann Le Gorrec and Hans Zwart

3.2. Online Seminar on “Quo Vadis Model Predictive Control? From
Stabilizing to Distributed Economic MPC”
Contributed by: Tansel Yucelen, yucelen at usf.edu

Online Seminar by Dr. Frank Allgower - 12:00 PM Eastern Time, January 24,

USF Forum on Robotics & Control Engineering (USF FoRCE,
http://force.eng.usf.edu/) will host Dr. Frank Allgower on January 24, 2018
at 12:00 PM Eastern Time. Specifically, Dr. Allgower will give an online
seminar titled "Quo Vadis Model Predictive Control? From Stabilizing to
Distributed Economic MPC" (abstract and biography of the speaker are
included below). We hope that you will make plans to participate on this
free online seminar. Here is the WebEx information needed to connect to
this online seminar:

WebEx direct link:
WebEx indirect link: https://force.my.webex.com/force.my (use 628 502 348
for the meeting number and mdRMbkyN for the password)
WebEx phone link: +1-510-338-9438 USA Toll (global call-in numbers:

The mission of the USF FoRCE is simple: Provide free, high-quality outreach
events and online seminars to reach broader robotics and control
engineering communities around the globe. To support our mission, we
periodically invite distinguished lecturers to the USF FoRCE to give talks
on recent research and/or education results related to robotics and control
engineering. As a consequence, the USF FoRCE aims in connecting
academicians and government/industry researchers/practitioners with each
other through crosscutting basic and applied research and education
discussions. We cordially hope that you will enjoy the USF FoRCE events and
find them highly-valuable to your own research and education interests.

During Spring 2018, other USF FoRCE speakers will include Drs. Daniel
Liberzon, Ilya Kolmanovsky, Jeff Shamma, and Hassan Khalil. Visit
http://force.eng.usf.edu/ for more information and to access previously
recorded events. For any questions, email the USF FoRCE director, Dr.
Tansel Yucelen (yucelen at usf.edu).

Title: Quo Vadis Model Predictive Control? From Stabilizing to Distributed
Economic MPC (Dr. Frank Allgower, 12:00 PM Eastern Time, 01/24/2018)

Abstract: During the past decades model predictive control (MPC) has become
a preferred control strategy for the control of a large number of
industrial processes. Computational issues, application aspects and systems
theoretic properties of MPC (like stability and robustness) are rather well
understood by now. For many application disciplines a significant shift in
the typical control tasks to be solved can, however, be witnessed at
present. This concerns for example robot control, autonomous mobility, or
industrial production processes. This will be examplarily discussed with
the vision of the smart factory of the future, often termed Industry 4.0,
where the involved control tasks, are undergoing a fundamental new
orientation. In particular the stabilization of predetermined setpoints
does not play the same role as it has in the past. In this talk we will
first give an introduction to and an overview over the field of model
predictive control. Then new challenges and opportunities for the field of
control are discussed with Industry 4.0 as an example. We will in
particular investigate the potential impact of Model Predictive Control for
the fourth industrial revolution and will argue that some new developments
in MPC, especially connected to distributed and economic model predictive
control, appear to be ideally suited for addressing some of the new

Biography: Frank Allgöwer is director of the Institute for Systems Theory
and Automatic Control and professor in Mechanical Engineering at the
University of Stuttgart in Germany. Frank's main interests in research and
teaching are in the area of systems and control with a current emphasis on
the development of new methods for optimization-based control, networks of
systems and systems biology. Frank received several recognitions for his
work including the IFAC Outstanding Service Award, the IEEE CSS
Distinguished Member Award, the State Teaching Award of the German state of
Baden-Württemberg, and the Leibniz Prize of the Deutsche
Forschungsgemeinschaft. Frank served as IEEE CSS Vice-President for
Technical Activities over in 2012-2015 and is President of the
International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) for the years
2017-2020. He was Editor for the journal Automatica from 2001 to 2015 and
is editor for the Springer Lecture Notes in Control and Information Science
book series. He has published over 500 scientific articles. Since 2012
Frank serves a Vice-President of the German Research Foundation (DFG).

3.3. Course on Modeling and Simulation of Cyber-Physical Systems
Contributed by: Ricardo Sanfelice, ricardo at ucsc.edu

New Course on Modeling and Simulation of Cyber-Physical Systems

Cyber-physical systems (CPS for short) combine digital and analog devices,
interfaces, networks, computer systems, and the like, with the natural and
man-made physical world. The inherent interconnected and heterogeneous
combination of behaviors in these systems makes their analysis and design
an exciting and challenging task.

This course provides you with an introduction to modeling and simulation of
cyber-physical systems. The main focus is on models of physical process,
finite state machines, computation, converters between physical and cyber
variables, and digital networks. The instructor of this course is Ricardo
Sanfelice (https://hybrid.soe.ucsc.edu), Associate Professor in the
Department of Computer Engineering at the University of California Santa

Course site: https://www.coursera.org/learn/cyber-physical-systems-1

4. Books

4.1. Model Predictive Control: Theory, Computation, and Design, 2nd Edition
Contributed by: James Rawlings, james.rawlings at wisc.edu

Model Predictive Control: Theory, Computation, and Design, 2nd Edition

The second edition is now available from Amazon.

What's new?

A new coauthor, Professor Moritz M. Diehl, and chapter, Chapter 8,
``Numerical Optimal Control,'' which provides a comprehensive treatment of
methods for the numerical solution of the MPC optimization problem.

A software release. The software enables the solution of all of the
examples and exercises in the text requiring numerical calculation. The
software is based on the freely available CasADi language, and a high-level
set of Octave/Matlab functions, MPCTools, to serve as an interface to
CasADi. The software can be downloaded from


New topics. Stochastic MPC, discrete actuators, economic MPC, distributed
MPC of nonlinear systems, software for computing explicit MPC, new state
estimation results for bounded disturbances.

Nob Hill Publishing
ISBN 978-0-9759377-3-0
770 pages
US$110 list

4.2. Intelligent Building Control Systems: A Survey of Modern Building
Control and Sensing Strategies
Contributed by: Yasmin Brookes, yasmin.brookes at springer.com

Intelligent Building Control Systems: A Survey of Modern Building Control
and Sensing Strategies
by John T. Wen and Sandipan Mishra (Eds.)
ISBN: 978-3-319-68461-1
December 2017, Springer
Hardcover, 313 pages, $189.00/€149,99


Readers of this book will be shown how, with the adoption of ubiquituous
sensing, extensive data-gathering and forecasting, and building-embedded
advanced actuation, intelligent building systems with the ability to
respond to occupant preferences in a safe and energy-efficient manner are
becoming a reality. The articles collected present a holistic perspective
on the state of the art and current research directions in building
automation, advanced sensing and control, including:

• model-based and model-free control design for temperature control;
• smart lighting systems;
• smart sensors and actuators (such as smart thermostats, lighting fixtures
and HVAC equipment with embedded intelligence); and
• energy management, including consideration of grid connectivity and
distributed intelligence.

These articles are both educational for practitioners and graduate students
interested in design and implementation, and foundational for researchers
interested in understanding the state of the art and the challenges that
must be overcome in realizing the potential benefits of smart building
systems. This edited volume also includes case studies from implementation
of these algorithms/sensing strategies in to-scale building systems. These
demonstrate the benefits and pitfalls of using smart sensing and control
for enhanced occupant comfort and energy efficiency.


Introduction and Overview
Part I Building Level Design and Control Architectures
Part II The Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning (HVAC) System
Part III Beyond HVAC: Lighting, Grid, and Distribute

4.3. A First Course in Control System Design
Contributed by: Kamran Iqbal, kxiqbal at ualr.edu

A First Course in Control System Design
Author: Kamran Iqbal, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, USA
ISBN: 9788793609051
e-ISBN: 9788793609044
Website: http://www.riverpublishers.com/book_details.php?book_id=449

Control systems are pervasive in our lives. Our homes have environmental
controls. The appliances we use at home, such as the washing machine,
microwave, etc. have embedded controllers. We fly in airplanes and drive
automobiles, which make extensive use of control systems. The increasing
automation in the past few decades has increased our reliance on control

A First Course in Control System Design discusses control systems design
from a model-based perspective as applicable to single-input single-output
systems. The emphasis in this book is on understanding and applying the
techniques that enable the design of effective control systems. The book
covers the time-domain and the frequency-domain design methods, as well as
the design of continuous-time and discrete-time systems. It is suitable for
self-study or as text for a one-semester introductory course in Control
Systems Design at junior or senior level.

Technical topics discussed in the book include:
Modeling of physical systems
Analysis of transfer function and state variable models
Control system design via root locus
Control system design in the state-space
Control design of sampled-data systems
Compensator design via frequency response modification

4.4. Call for Book Chapters: Control of Photovoltaic and Wind Energy Systems
Contributed by: Radu-Emil Precup, radu.precup at aut.upt.ro

Currently, we are in the process of editing two forthcoming books
tentatively entitled
1) Solar Photovoltaic Power Plants: Advanced Control and Optimization
Techniques, and
2) Advanced Control and Optimization Paradigms for Wind Energy Systems,
both to be published by Springer Nature, http://www.springer.com/gp.

We would like to take this opportunity to cordially invite you to submit
your work for consideration in these publications. Furthermore, the quality
is very important since these books will be distributed worldwide. All the
submitted book chapters will undergo through a peer preview process where 4
experts will individually go through the work to uphold the quality and
validity of the book.

The deadline for submitting chapter proposals is January 20, 2018; the
deadline for submitting full chapters is April 30, 2018. These publications
are anticipated to be released in 2018. There are NO submission or
acceptance fees for manuscripts submitted to these book publications.
Authors of accepted chapters will get a free e-book after publication.

For more information and proposals submission, please check the call page:

5. Journals

5.1. Contents: Automatica
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com

Vol. 87
January 2018

- Prabhat K. Mishra, Debasish Chatterjee, Daniel E. Quevedo, Sparse and
constrained stochastic predictive control for networked systems, Pages 40-51
- Henrik Anfinsen, Ole Morten Aamo, Adaptive control of linear hyperbolic
systems, Pages 69-82
- Yan-Jun Liu, Shumin Lu, Shaocheng Tong, Xinkai Chen, C.L. Philip Chen,
Dong-Juan Li, Adaptive control-based Barrier Lyapunov Functions for a class
of stochastic nonlinear systems with full state constraints, Pages 83-93
- Luis Orihuela, Pablo Millán, Samira Roshany-Yamchi, Ramón A. García,
Negotiated distributed estimation with guaranteed performance for
bandwidth-limited situations, Pages 94-102
- Manas Mejari, Dario Piga, Alberto Bemporad, A bias-correction method for
closed-loop identification of Linear Parameter-Varying systems, Pages
- Xiaoqiang Ren, Junfeng Wu, Subhrakanti Dey, Ling Shi, Attack allocation
on remote state estimation in multi-systems: Structural results and
asymptotic solution, Pages 184-194
- Iasson Karafyllis, Miroslav Krstic, Sampled-data boundary feedback
control of 1-D parabolic PDEs, Pages 226-237
- Mahdi Imani, Ulisses M. Braga-Neto, Particle filters for
partially-observed Boolean dynamical systems, Pages 238-250
- Liyong Lin, Alin Stefanescu, Weilin Wang, Rong Su, W. Murray Wonham,
Symbolic reachability analysis and maximally permissive entrance control
for globally synchronized templates, Pages 290-300
- Mohamed Abdelmonim Hassan Darwish, Gianluigi Pillonetto, Roland Tóth, The
quest for the right kernel in Bayesian impulse response identification: The
use of OBFs, Pages 318-329
- Thomas Berger, Huy Hoàng Lê, Timo Reis, Funnel control for nonlinear
systems with known strict relative degree, Pages 345-357
- Silun Zhang, Wenjun Song, Fenghua He, Yiguang Hong, Xiaoming Hu,
Intrinsic tetrahedron formation of reduced attitude, Pages 375-382
- Zhiyong Sun, Shaoshuai Mou, Brian D.O. Anderson, Changbin Yu,
Conservation and decay laws in distributed coordination control systems,
Pages 1-7
- Simone de Marco, Lorenzo Marconi, Robert Mahony, Tarek Hamel, Output
regulation for systems on matrix Lie-groups, Pages 8-16
- Farzad Salehisadaghiani, Lacra Pavel, Distributed Nash equilibrium
seeking in networked graphical games, Pages 17-24
- Zhuo-Heng He, Qing-Wen Wang, Yang Zhang, A system of quaternary coupled
Sylvester-type real quaternion matrix equations, Pages 25-31
- Qian Ma, Keqin Gu, Narges Choubedar, Strong stability of a class of
difference equations of continuous time and structured singular value
problem, Pages 32-39
- Francisco Lopez-Ramirez, Andrey Polyakov, Denis Efimov, Wilfrid
Perruquetti, Finite-time and fixed-time observer design: Implicit Lyapunov
function approach, Pages 52-60
- Vladimir Dombrovskii, Tatiana Obyedko, Maria Samorodova, Model predictive
control of constrained Markovian jump nonlinear stochastic systems and
portfolio optimization under market frictions, Pages 61-68
- Héctor Ríos, Andrew R. Teel, A hybrid fixed-time observer for state
estimation of linear systems, Pages 103-112
- Yujuan Wang, Yongduan Song, Leader-following control of high-order
multi-agent systems under directed graphs: Pre-specified finite time
approach, Pages 113-120
- Ferdinand Küsters, Stephan Trenn, Switch observability for switched
linear systems, Pages 121-127
- Mohsen Khalili, Xiaodong Zhang, Marios M. Polycarpou, Thomas Parisini,
Yongcan Cao, Distributed adaptive fault-tolerant control of uncertain
multi-agent systems, Pages 142-151
- Ionuţ Munteanu, Boundary stabilization of the stochastic heat equation by
proportional feedbacks, Pages 152-158
- Ioannis Exarchos, Evangelos A. Theodorou, Stochastic optimal control via
forward and backward stochastic differential equations and importance
sampling, Pages 159-165
- Quanxin Zhu, Hui Wang, Output feedback stabilization of stochastic
feedforward systems with unknown control coefficients and unknown output
function, Pages 166-175
- Liang Hu, Zidong Wang, Qing-Long Han, Xiaohui Liu, State estimation under
false data injection attacks: Security analysis and system protection,
Pages 176-183
- Xiangru Xu, Constrained control of input–output linearizable systems
using control sharing barrier functions, Pages 195-201
- Xiaoxiao Cheng, Ying Tan, Iven Mareels, On robustness analysis of linear
vibrational control systems, Pages 202-209
- Swann Marx, Eduardo Cerpa, Output feedback stabilization of the
Korteweg–de Vries equation, Pages 210-217
- Laurent Bako, Robustness analysis of a maximum correntropy framework for
linear regression, Pages 218-225
- Xingwen Liu, Shouming Zhong, Qianchuan Zhao, Dynamics of delayed switched
nonlinear systems with applications to cascade systems, Pages 251-257
- Debarghya Ghosh, Xavier Bombois, Julien Huillery, Gérard Scorletti,
Guillaume Mercère, Optimal identification experiment design for LPV systems
using the local approach, Pages 258-266
- Lanlan Su, Graziano Chesi, Robust stability of uncertain linear systems
with input and output quantization and packet loss, Pages 267-273
- Dejan Milutinović, David W. Casbeer, Meir Pachter, Markov inequality rule
for switching among time optimal controllers in a multiple vehicle
intercept problem, Pages 274-280
- Florent Di Meglio, Federico Bribiesca Argomedo, Long Hu, Miroslav Krstic,
Stabilization of coupled linear heterodirectional hyperbolic PDE–ODE
systems, Pages 281-289
- Chao Yang, Mrinal Kumar, On the effectiveness of Monte Carlo for initial
uncertainty forecasting in nonlinear dynamical systems, Pages 301-309
- Shuai Yuan, Lixian Zhang, Bart De Schutter, Simone Baldi, A novel
Lyapunov function for a non-weighted gain of asynchronously switched linear
systems, Pages 310-317
- W. Alejandro Apaza-Perez, Jaime A. Moreno, Leonid M. Fridman, Dissipative
approach to sliding mode observers design for uncertain mechanical systems,
Pages 330-336
- Mahmoud Abdelrahim, Romain Postoyan, Jamal Daafouz, Dragan Nešić, Maurice
Heemels, Co-design of output feedback laws and event-triggering conditions
for the -stabilization of linear systems, Pages 337-344
- Keyi Xing, Feng Wang, Meng Chu Zhou, Hang Lei, Jianchao Luo, Deadlock
characterization and control of flexible assembly systems with Petri nets,
Pages 358-364
- Guanyu Lai, Changyun Wen, Zhi Liu, Yun Zhang, C.L. Philip Chen, Shengli
Xie, Adaptive compensation for infinite number of actuator failures based
on tuning function approach, Pages 365-374
- Yaguang Yang, An efficient LQR design for discrete-time linear periodic
system based on a novel lifting method, Pages 383-388
- Kab Seok Ko, Won Il Lee, PooGyeon Park, Dan Keun Sung, Delays-dependent
region partitioning approach for stability criterion of linear systems with
multiple time-varying delays, Pages 389-394
- Ai-Guo Wu, Wen-Xue Zhang, Ying Zhang, An iterative algorithm for discrete
periodic Lyapunov matrix equations, Pages 395-403
- Jingyi Wang, Chen Xu, Michael Z.Q. Chen, Jianwen Feng, Guanrong Chen,
Stochastic feedback coupling synchronization of networked harmonic
oscillators, Pages 404-411
- Kyriakos G. Vamvoudakis, Henrique Ferraz, Model-free event-triggered
control algorithm for continuous-time linear systems with optimal
performance, Pages 412-420
- Sung Jin Yoo, Distributed consensus tracking of a class of asynchronously
switched nonlinear multi-agent systems, Pages 421-427
- Shin Kawai, Noriyuki Hori, General mapping discrete-time models of a
descriptor system with an arbitrary initial condition, Pages 428-431
- Jovan D. Stefanovski, Passive fault tolerant perfect tracking with
additive faults, Pages 432-436
- Abhisek K. Behera, Asif Chalanga, Bijnan Bandyopadhyay, A new geometric
proof of super-twisting control with actuator saturation, Pages 437-441
- Timothy L. Molloy, Jason J. Ford, Tristan Perez, Finite-horizon inverse
optimal control for discrete-time nonlinear systems, Pages 442-446
- Tao Shen, Ian R. Petersen, An ultimate state bound for a class of linear
systems with delay, Pages 447-449
- Weiming Xiang, Parameter-memorized Lyapunov functions for discrete-time
systems with time-varying parametric uncertainties, Pages 450-454
- Mazen Alamir, Stability proof for nonlinear MPC design using
monotonically increasing weighting profiles without terminal constraints,
Pages 455-459

5.2. Contents: Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com

Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems
Vol. 27
February 2018

- Shuai Yuan, Bart De Schutter, Simone Baldi, Robust adaptive tracking
control of uncertain slowly switched linear systems, Pages 1-12
- Liguang Xu, Shuzhi Sam Ge, Asymptotic behavior analysis of complex-valued
impulsive differential systems with time-varying delays, Pages 13-28
- Qun Liu, Daqing Jiang, Tasawar Hayat, Bashir Ahmad, Analysis of a delayed
vaccinated SIR epidemic model with temporary immunity and Lévy jumps, Pages
- Junjie Lu, Zhikun She, Shuzhi Sam Ge, Xin Jiang, Stability analysis of
discrete-time switched systems via Multi-step multiple Lyapunov-like
functions, Pages 44-61
- R. Sakthivel, Chao Wang, Srimanta Santra, B. Kaviarasan, Non-fragile
reliable sampled-data controller for nonlinear switched time-varying
systems, Pages 62-76
- Shuo Li, Zhengrong Xiang, Exponential stability analysis and -gain
control synthesis for positive switched T–S fuzzy systems, Pages 77-91
- Jing Xie, Jun Zhao, model reference adaptive control for switched systems
based on the switched closed-loop reference model, Pages 92-106
- Bin Pei, Yong Xu, George Yin, Xiaoyu Zhang, Averaging principles for
functional stochastic partial differential equations driven by a fractional
Brownian motion modulated by two-time-scale Markovian switching processes,
Pages 107-124
- Scott C. Johnson, Ankush Chakrabarty, Jianghai Hu, Stanisław H. Żak,
Raymond A. DeCarlo, Dual-mode robust fault estimation for switched linear
systems with state jumps, Pages 125-140
- Senren Tan, Zhuo Jin, G. Yin, Optimal dividend payment strategies with
debt constraint in a hybrid regime-switching jump–diffusion model, Pages
- Lei Wang, Xiao-Song Yang, The existence and stability analyses of
periodic orbits in 3-dimensional piecewise affine systems, Pages 157-173
- Martin Fränzle, Antoine Girard, John Lygeros, Sriram Sankaranarayanan,
Special issue on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, Pages 174-176
- Meng Liu, Chenxi Du, Meiling Deng, Persistence and extinction of a
modified Leslie–Gower Holling-type II stochastic predator–prey model with
impulsive toxicant input in polluted environments, Pages 177-190
- Mostafa Herajy, Fei Liu, Monika Heiner, Efficient modelling of yeast cell
cycles based on multisite phosphorylation using coloured hybrid Petri nets
with marking-dependent arc weights, Pages 191-212
- Yurong Liu, Zidong Wang, Lifeng Ma, Ying Cui, Fuad E. Alsaadi,
Synchronization of directed switched complex networks with stochastic link
perturbations and mixed time-delays, Pages 213-224
- Yonggang Chen, Zidong Wang, Wei Qian, Fuad E. Alsaadi, Asynchronous
observer-based control for switched stochastic systems with mixed delays
under quantization and packet dropouts, Pages 225-238
- Hongbo Pang, Jun Zhao, Output regulation of switched nonlinear systems
using incremental passivity, Pages 239-257
- Lin-Fei Nie, Jing-Yun Shen, Chen-Xia Yang, Dynamic behavior analysis of
SIVS epidemic models with state-dependent pulse vaccination, Pages 258-270
- Di Zhang, Qingling Zhang, Baozhu Du, fuzzy observer design for nonlinear
positive Markovian jump system, Pages 271-288
- Mohammad S. Ghasemi, Ali A. Afzalian, Invariant convex approximations of
the minimal robust invariant set for linear difference inclusions, Pages
- Richard Burke, Petri T. Piiroinen, Reduced-order approximation of
consensus dynamics in networks with a hybrid adaptive communication
protocol, Pages 298-306
- Xinzhi Liu, Peter Stechlinski, Switching and impulsive control algorithms
for nonlinear hybrid dynamical systems, Pages 307-322
- Shuiying Li, Yuechao Ma, Finite-time dissipative control for singular
Markovian jump systems via quantizing approach, Pages 323-340
- Liang Wang, Daqing Jiang, Ergodic property of the chemostat: A stochastic
model under regime switching and with general response function, Pages
- Yongzhen Pei, Miaomiao Chen, Xiyin Liang, Changguo Li, Meixia Zhu,
Optimizing pulse timings and amounts of biological interventions for a pest
regulation model, Pages 353-365
- Tiantian Wu, Xiao-Song Yang, On the existence of homoclinic orbits in
-dimensional piecewise affine systems, Pages 366-389
- Jianhua Zhang, Jiajun Xia, Rubin Wang, Modellingand supervisory control
of hybrid dynamical systems via fuzzy l-complete approximation approach,
Pages 390-415
- Jing Xie, Yonggui Kao, Ju H. Park, performance for neutral-type Markovian
switching systems with general uncertain transition rates via sliding mode
control method, Pages 416-436
- Pierre-Jean Meyer, Dimos V. Dimarogonas, Compositional abstraction
refinement for control synthesis, Pages 437-451

5.3. Contents: Evolution Equations and Control Theory
Contributed by: Irena Lasiecka, lasiecka at memphis.edu

Content Evolution Equations and Control Theory [EECT]
Volume 6,Number 4, December 2017

1. Exact and approximate controllability of coupled one-dimensional
hyperbolic equations Pages : 487 - 516, Abdelaziz Bennour, Farid Ammar
Khodja and Djamel Teniou
2. Approximate controllability of semilinear non-autonomous evolution
systems with state-dependent delay Pages : 517 - 534, Xianlong Fu
3. Finite determining parameters feedback control for distributed nonlinear
dissipative systems - a computational study Pages : 535 - 557, Evelyn
Lunasin and Edriss S. Titi
4. Some problems of guaranteed control of the Schlögl and FitzHugh---Nagumo
systems Pages : 559 - 586, Vyacheslav Maksimov
5. Stability and instability of solutions to the drift-diffusion system
Pages : 587 - 597, Takayoshi Ogawa and Hiroshi Wakui
6. Exact controllability results for a class of abstract nonlocal Cauchy
problem with impulsive conditions Pages : 599 - 613, Poongodi Rathinasamy,
Murugesu Rangasamy and Nirmalkumar Rajendran
7. Degeneracy in finite time of 1D quasilinear wave equations II Pages :
615 - 628, Yuusuke Sugiyama
8. Asymptotic profile of solutions to the linearized double dispersion
equation on the half space ℝn+ Pages : 629 - 645, Yu-Zhu Wang, Si Chen and
Menglong Su

5.4. Contents: Nonlinear Studies
Contributed by: Seenith Sivasundaram, seenithi at gmail.com

Vol 24 No 4 (2017): Nonlinear Studies
Published: 2017-11-28

- A new approach for the source problem based on the maximum entropy
principle, Carlo Bianca, 715-723
- Stability results by Krasnoselskii-Burton theorem in nonlinear neutral
integro-differential equation with variable delay, Imene Soualhia,
Abdelouaheb Ardjouni, Mouataz Billah Mesmouli, Ahcene Djoudi, 725-744
- An energy-gap cost functional for cavities identification, Emna Jaῒem,
Sinda Khalfallah, 745-756
- On Dixon elliptic functions and their Sumudu transforms : Connections to
associated continued fractions expansions and Hankel determinants, Fethi
Bin Muhammad Belgacem, Rathinavel Silambarasan, 757-773
- A generalized Bernoulli wavelet operational matrix of derivative
applications to optimal control problems, Ahmed Bokhari, Abdessamad Amir,
Sidi Mohamed Bahri, Fethi Bin Muhammad Belgacem, 775-790
- Fractional higher dimensional initial boundary value problems via
variational iteration method coupled with Elzaki transform, Djelloul Ziane,
Mountassir Hamdi Cherif, Kacem Belghaba, 791-804
- Asymptotic behavior of Green function for a parabolic equation associated
to a Dirichlet form on metric spaces.
- Tarek Kenzizi, 805-823
- Existence of Stepanov-like weighted pseudo almost automorphic solutions
of fractional integro-differential equations via measure theory
- Velusamy Kavitha, Syed Abbas, R Murugesu, 825-850
- Fuzzy largest cost entry method of transportation problem using
heptagonal fuzzy numbers, P. Rajarajeswari, M. Sangeetha, 851-858
- Minimal translation surfaces in Lorentz Heisenberg 3-Space, Djemaia
Bensikaddour, Lakehal Belarbi, 859-867
- The modified Adomian decomposition method for solving oscillating
magnetic fields integro-differential equations, H. O. Bakodah, M.
Al-Mazmumy, S. O. Almuhalbedi, Anjan Biswas, 869-882
- Subsonic flow over a thin airfoil in ground effect, Mohamed Serry, Amjad
Tuffaha, 883-901
- Solution bounds of the hyper-chaotic Rabinovich system, Rezzag Samia,
- Solution of fractional distributed order reaction-diffusion systems with
Sumudu transform, Kottakkaran Sooppy Nisar, Zakaria Mokhtar Gharsseldien,
Fethi Bin Muhammad Belgacem, 911-920
- Even homoclinic orbits for a non periodic dynamical systems, Fathi
Khelifi, Mohsen Timoumi, 921-933
- On the modeling of the stock market evolution by means of the
information-thermostatted kinetic theory, Carlo Bianca, Aly Kombargi,
- Homomorphism and anti-homomorphism in interval valued fuzzy soft
subhemirings of a hemiring, N. Anitha, V. Lambodharan, 945-950

5.5. Contents: Mathematics in Engineering, Science and Aerospace
Contributed by: Seenith Sivasundaram, seenithi at gmail.com

Vol 8 No 4 (2017): Mathematics in Engineering, Science and Aerospace (MESA)
Published: 2017-11-28


- Digital signal processing in attitude determination system for the space
robots and land-survey satellites, Yevgeny Somov, Sergey Butyrin, Sergey
Somov, 373-382
- Periodic solutions for a class of sublinear second order Hamiltonian
system, Fathi Khelifi, Mohsen Timoumi, 383-397
- Prony series and spectral function characterization of viscoelastic
compliances of a solid polymer, Jutima Simsiriwong, Rani Warsi Sullivan,
Harry H Hilton, 389-417
- An analytical model for water spray interaction with fire plume, V.
Novozhilov, 419-429
- Analytical and experimental probabilistic constitutive relation
characterizations, part I: linear viscoelastic media, Harry H. Hilton,
Jutima Simsiriwong, Rani Warsi Sullivan
- Asymptotic stability of nonlinear neutral fractional difference
equations, Abdelouaheb Ardjouni, Hamid Boulares, Yamina Laskri, 475-487
- An efficient numerical algorithm for solving Dirichlet initial-boundary
value problems, H. O. Bakodah, N. A. Al-Zaid, M. Al-Mazmumy, Anjan Biswas,
- Verification of attitude control system for a land-survey satellite by
analysis of an image motion in onboard telescope, Yevgeny Somov, Sergey
Butyrin, Tatyana Somova, 511-520
- An efficient technique for solving linear and nonlinear fractional
partial differential equations, Shehu Maitama, 521-534
- Modelling and forecasting the behavior of multi-fractal time series: Can
we forecast the future? Vladimir Kulish, Rushikesh Pawar, 535-542

5.6. Contents: IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information
Contributed by: Charis Edworthy, charis.edworthy at oup.com

Contents, IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information 34:04

The Table of Contents below can be viewed at: http://bit.ly/2BoLddW

- Ali Nemati and Sohrab Ali Yousefi, A numerical scheme for solving
two-dimensional fractional optimal control problems by the Ritz method
combined with fractional operational matrix, http://bit.ly/2BEZtfy
- Safa Maraoui, Abdelkader Krifa, and Kais Bouzrara, Model reduction of
discrete-time linear systems using Meixner-like filters,
- Xuan Yang and Xiaoe Ruan, Reinforced gradient-type iterative learning
control for discrete linear time-invariant systems with parameters
uncertainties and external noises, http://bit.ly/2CLy7DB
- Jianzhou Liu, Li Wang, and Juan Zhang, The solution bounds and fixed
point iterative algorithm for the discrete coupled algebraic Riccati
equation applied to automatic control, http://bit.ly/2BQkwhm
- El Hassan Zerrik and Abella El Kabouss, Regional optimal control of a
class of bilinear systems, http://bit.ly/2CNj5Nx
- Mahboobeh Esmaeili and Mohammad Keyanpour, A new approach to optimal
control of delay systems via Haar wavelets, http://bit.ly/2z3Bpjz
- M Salim and M J Khosrowjerdi, An ℋ∞ approach to data-driven simultaneous
fault detection and control, http://bit.ly/2oV0q0p
- Soleiman Hosseinpour and Alireza Nazemi, A collocation method via
block-pulse functions for solving delay fractional optimal control
problems, http://bit.ly/2BQbjWq
- Yanfang Li, Genqi Xu, and Zhongjie Han, Stabilization of an
Euler–Bernoulli beam system with a tip mass subject to non-uniform bounded
disturbance, http://bit.ly/2Bo15gR
- Jing Wang, Hugues Mounier, Silviu-Iulian Niculescu, Marcel-Stefan
Geamanu, and Arben Cela, Event-driven model-free control in motion control
with comparisons, http://bit.ly/2BGKi5w
- Daniel Yuh Chao, Yen-Ping Chi, Tsung-Hsien Yu, Li-Chih Yu, and Mike Y J
Lee, Proof by model: a new knowledge-based reachability analysis
methodology for Petri net, http://bit.ly/2Bpvc7e
- Abdelhadi Elharfi, Exponential stabilization and motion planning of an
overhead crane system, http://bit.ly/2B7fp8Y
- Ping Yang, Kang-Li Xu, and Yao-Lin Jiang, H2 model order reduction for
bilinear systems based on the cross gramian, http://bit.ly/2DhnKbQ
- Shuo Li and Zhengrong Xiang, Stability and L1 -gain control for positive
impulsive switched systems with mixed time-varying delays,
- Bruno Vilhena Adorno and Philippe Fraisse, The cross-motion invariant
group and its application to kinematics, http://bit.ly/2oXmW8X
- Layla Ezzahri, Ali Boutoulout, and Fatima Zahrae El Alaoui, On the
controllability of hyperbolic linear systems with constraints on the
gradient, http://bit.ly/2DcD9do
- Jinwei Guo, Yamiao Cui, and Che Liu, Deadlock Control Based on Capacity
Restrictions for FMS, http://bit.ly/2BEMvOM
- Yanqian Wang and Shuyu Zhang, H∞ control for a class of non-linear
discrete-time networked systems with limited information,

5.7. Contents: IET Control Theory & Applications
Contributed by: Alexandria Lipka, alipka at theiet.org

IET Control Theory & Applications
Volume 12
January 2018

- Yutao Tang and Peng Yi, Distributed coordination for a class of
non-linear multi-agent systems with regulation constraints, Pages 1 –9
- Liqian Dou, Peihua Su, Qun Zong, Zhengtao Ding, Fuzzy disturbance
observer-based dynamic surface control for air-breathing hypersonic vehicle
with variable geometry inlets, Pages 10 –19
- Chong Tan, Xiao Yin, Guo-Ping Liu, Jinjie Huang, Yun-Bo Zhao,
Prediction-based approach to output consensus of heterogeneous multi-agent
systems with delays, Pages 20 –28
- Van-Phong Vu and Wen-June Wang, Observer-based controller synthesis for
uncertain polynomial systems, Pages 29 –37
- Li Li, Yang Liu, Zhile Yang, Xiaofeng Yang, Kang Li, Mean-square error
constrained approach to robust stochastic iterative learning control, Pages
38 –44
- Ali A., Abdullah Robust model reference control of linear
parameter-varying systems with disturbances, Pages 45 –52
- Xing Chu, Zhaoxia Peng, Guoguang Wen, Ahmed Rahmani, Robust fixed-time
consensus tracking with application to formation control of unicycles,
Pages 53 –59
- Jung-Min Yang and Seong Woo Kwak, Fault recovery for cascaded
asynchronous sequential machines, Pages 60 –67
- Chunyan Han and Wei Wang, Optimal filter for MJL system with delayed
modes and observations, Pages 68 –77
- Qingke Tan, Xiwang Dong, Qingdong Li, Zhang Ren, Distributed
event-triggered cubature information filtering based on weighted average
consensus, Pages 78 –86
- Bin Wang, Ke Shi, Lan Yang, Fengjiao Wu, Diyi Chen, Fuzzy generalised
predictive control for a class of fractional-order non-linear systems,
Pages 87 –96
- Kobra Ghasemi, Jafar Ghaisari, Mohamad R. Pouryayevali, Decentralised
attitude synchronisation of multiple rigid bodies on lie group SO(3), Pages
97 –109
- Cheng Tan, Changbao Xu, Lin Yang, Wing Shing Wong, Gittins index based
control policy for a class of pursuit-evasion problems, Pages 110 –118
- Zhao-Yan Li and Bin Zhou, Spectral decomposition based solutions to the
matrix equation AX−XB=CAX−XB=C, Pages 119 –128
- Qiao Zhu and Jian-Xin Xu, Dual IM-based ILC scheme for linear
discrete-time systems with iteration-varying reference, Pages 129 –139
- Guopei Chen and Ying Yang, New necessary and sufficient conditions for
finite-time stability of impulsive switched linear time-varying systems,
Pages 140 –148
- Yu Zhao, Yongfang Liu, Guanghui Wen, N.D. Alotaibi, Zhongke Shi,
Distributed finite-time tracking of second-order multi-agent systems: An
edge-based approach, Pages 149 –154
- Sung Hyun Kim, Improved relaxation method for control design of
non-homogeneous Markovian jump fuzzy systems with general transition
descriptions, Pages 155 –162
- Han Sol Kim, Jin Bae Park, Young Hoon Joo, Sampled-data control of fuzzy
systems based on the intelligent digital redesign method via an improved
fuzzy Lyapunov functional approach, Pages 163 –173
- Hanfeng Li, Xianfu Zhang, Qingrong Liu, Adaptive output feedback control
for a class of large-scale output-constrained non-linear time-delay
systems, Pages 174 –181

5.8. Contents: International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer
Contributed by: AMCS, amcs at uz.zgora.pl

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science (AMCS)
2017, Volume 27, Number 4 (December)
Special section on "Exploring Complex and Big Data" (Jerzy Stefanowski,
Krzyszof Krawiec and Robert Wrembel, Eds.)


Special section
- Stefanowski J., Krawiec K. and Wrembel R. Exploring complex and big data
- Bembenik R., Jóźwicki W. and Protaziuk G. Methods for mining co-location
patterns with extended spatial objects 681
- Bilalli B., Abelló A. and Aluja-Banet T. On the predictive power of
meta-features in OpenML 697
- Gorawski M. and Lorek M. Efficient storage, retrieval and analysis of
poker hands: An adaptive data framework 713
- Koziarski M. and Woźniak M. CCR: A combined cleaning and resampling
algorithm for imbalanced data classification 727
- Weinberg A.I. and Last M. Interpretable decision-tree induction in a big
data parallel framework 737

Regular section
- Qi X., Theilliol D., He Y. and Han J. An active fault-tolerant control
framework against actuator stuck failures under input saturations 749
- Ma Y., Cocquempot V., El Badaoui El Najjar M. and Jiang B. Actuator
failure compensation for two linked 2WD mobile robots based on
multiple-model control 763
- Rawat S., Goyal N. and Ram M. Software reliability growth modeling for
agile software development 777
- Rascón R., Rosas D. and Hernandez-Balbuena D. Regulation control of an
underactuated mechanical system with discontinuous friction and backlash 785
- Sokol M., Komorníková M., Bacigál T. and Rodríguez M.X. The approximation
function of bridge deck vibration derived from the measured eigenmodes 799
- Adacher L. and Gemma A. A robust algorithm to solve the signal setting
problem considering different traffic assignment approaches 815
- Gdawiec K. Procedural generation of aesthetic patterns from dynamics and
iteration processes 827
- Jiang J., Liu P., Ye Z., Zhao W. and Tang X. A hierarchical inferential
method for indoor scene classification 839
- Clempner J.B. and Poznyak A.S. Negotiating transfer pricing using the
Nash bargaining solution 853

5.9. Contents: IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica
Contributed by: Yan Ou, yan.ou at ia.ac.cn

Table of Contents

IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica
Volume 5 (2018), Issue 1 (January)

- New Chief, New Journey, New Excellence.F.-Y. Wang, page 1

- Encoding-Decoding-Based Control and Filtering of Networked Systems:
Insights, Developments and Opportunities. Z. D. Wang, L. C. Wang, S. Liu,
and G. L. Wei, page 3
- Internet of Vehicles in Big Data Era. W. C. Xu, H. B. Zhou, N. Cheng, F.
Lyu, W. S. Shi, J. Y. Chen, and X. M. Shen, page 19
- Residential Energy Scheduling for Variable Weather Solar Energy Based on
Adaptive Dynamic Programming. D. R. Liu, Y. C. Xu, Q. L. Wei, and X. L.
Liu, page 36
- From Mind to Products: Towards Social Manufacturing and Service. G.
Xiong, F-Y. Wang, T. R. Nyberg, X. Q. Shang, M. C. Zhou, Z. Shen, S. S. Li,
and C. Guo, page 47
- Analysis of Autopilot Disengagements Occurring During Autonomous Vehicle
Testing. C. Lv, D. P. Cao, Y. F. Zhao, D. Auger, M. Sullman, H. J. Wang, L.
Dutka, L. Skrypchuk, A. Mouzakitis, page 58

- IoT-based Smart and Complex Systems: A Guest Editorial Report. N. Q. Wu,
Z. W. Li, K. Barkaoui, X. O. Li, T. Murata, and M. C. Zhou, page 69
- A Methodology for Reliability of WSN Based on Software Defined Network in
Adaptive Industrial Environment. Y. Duan, W. F. Li, X. W. Fu, Y. Luo, and
L. Yang, page 74
- Data Gathering in Wireless Sensor Networks Via Regular Low Density Parity
Check Matrix. X. X. Song and Y. Li, page 83
- An Intrusion Detection Algorithm for Wireless Networks Based on ASDL. W.
J. Zhu, M. L. Deng, and Q. L. Zhou, page 92
- SVM-DT-Based Adaptive and Collaborative Intrusion Detection. S. H. Teng,
N. Q. Wu, H. B. Zhu, L. Y. Teng, and W. Zhang, page 108
- Capture-aware Bayesian RFID Tag Estimate for Large-scale Identification.
H. F. Wu, Y. Wang, and Y. Zeng, page 119
- RFID-based Production Data Analysis in an IoT-enabled Smart Job-shop. K.
Ding and P. Y. Jiang, page 128
- Collision-free Scheduling of Multi-bridge Machining Systems: A Colored
Traveling Salesman Problem-based Approach. J. Li, X. H. Meng, and X. Dai,
page 139
- The Formation Control of Multi-agent Systems on a Circle. Q. Wang, Y. Z.
Wang, and H. X. Zhang, page 148
- Gini Coefficient-based Task Allocation for Multi-robot Systems With
Limited Energy Resources. D. F. Wu, G. P. Zeng, L. G. Meng, W. J. Zhou, and
L. M. Li, page 155
- Distributed Tracking Control of a Class of Multi-agent Systems in
Non-affine Pure-feedback Form Under a Directed Topology. Y. Yang and D.
Yue, page 169
- Guaranteed Cost Consensus for High-dimensional Multi-agent Systems With
Time-varying Delays. Z. Wang, M. He, T. Zheng, Z. L. Fan, and G. B. Liu,
page 181
- Cyber-Physical-Social System Between a Humanoid Robot and a Virtual Human
Through a Shared Platform for Adaptive Agent Ecology. S. M. M. Rahman, page
- Exploring Latent Semantic Information for Textual Emotion Recognition in
Blog Articles. X. Kang, F. J. Ren, and Y. N. Wu, page 204
- Time-varying Algorithm for Swarm Robotics. L. G. Hou, F. W. Fan, J. Y.
Fu, and J. H. Wang, page 217
- Active Queue Management Exploiting the Rate Information in TCP-IP
Networks. A. Boudi and M. Loudini, page 223
- Distributed Containment Control of Networked Nonlinear Second-order
Systems With Unknown Parameters. L. Ma, H. B. Min, S. C. Wang, Y. Liu, and
Z. G. Liu, page 232
- Event-triggered MPC Design for Distributed Systems With Network
Communications. X. X. Mi and S. Y. Li, page 240
-Detecting Data-flow Errors Based on Petri Nets With Data Operations. D. M.
Xiang, G. J. Liu, C. G. Yan, and C. J. Jiang, page 251

- Development and Evaluation of a 7-DOF Haptic Interface. J.-L. Hao, X.-L.
Xie, G.-B. Bian, Z.-G. Hou, and X.-H. Zhou, page 261
- Polynomial Approach to Optimal One-wafer Cyclic Scheduling of Treelike
Hybrid Multi-Cluster Tools via Petri Nets. F. J. Yang, N. Q. Wu, Y. Qiao,
and R. Su, page 270
- Behavior Consistency Computation for Workflow Nets With Unknown
Correspondence. M. M. Wang, G. J. Liu, P. H. Zhao, C. G. Yan, and C. J.
Jiang, page 281
- A Novel Robust Attitude Control for Quadrotor Aircraft Subject to
Actuator Faults and Wind Gusts. Y. Y. Guo, B. Jiang, and Y. M. Zhang, page
- An Adaptive Strategy via Reinforcement Learning for the Prisoner's
Dilemma Game. L. Xue, C. Y. Sun, D. Wunsch, Y. J. Zhou, and F. Yu, page 301
- Parallel Dispatch: A New Paradigm of Electrical Power System Dispatch. J.
J. Zhang, F.-Y. Wang, Q. Wang, D. Z. Hao, X. J. Yang, D. W. Z. Gao, X. Y.
Zhao, and Y. C. Zhang, page 311
- Feature Selection for Multi-label Classification Using Neighborhood
Preservation. Z. L. Cai and W. Zhu, page 320
- A Novel Distributed Optimal Adaptive Control Algorithm for Nonlinear
Multi-Agent Differential Graphical Games. M. Mazouchi, M. B.
Naghibi-Sistani, and S. K. H. Sani, page 331
- Robust Formation Maneuvers Through Sliding Mode for Multi-agent Systems
With Uncertainties. D. W. Qian, C. D. Li, S. G. Lee, and C. Ma, page 342
- Suboptimal Robust Stabilization of Discrete-time Mismatched Nonlinear
System. N. S. Tripathy, I. N. Kar, and K. Paul, page 352
- An Iterative Relaxation Approach to the Solution of the
Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman-Isaacs Equation in Nonlinear Optimal Control. M. D.
S. Aliyu, page 360
- Robust Adaptive Gain Higher Order Sliding Mode Observer Based
Control-constrained Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Spacecraft
Formation Flying. R. R. Nair and L. Behera, page 367
- Bionic Quadruped Robot Dynamic Gait Control Strategy Based on Twenty
Degrees of Freedom. D. W. Gong, P. Wang, S. Y. Zhao, L. Du, and Y. Duan,
page 382

5.10. Contents: Control Engineering Practice
Contributed by: Martin Böck, cep at acin.tuwien.ac.at

Control Engineering Practice
Volume 70
January 2018

- Torleiv H. Bryne, Robert H. Rogne, Thor I. Fossen, Tor A. Johansen, A
virtual vertical reference concept for aided inertial navigation at the sea
surface, Pages 1-14
- D. Seitz, O. Gehring, C. Bunz, M. Brunschier, O. Sawodny, Model-based
control of exhaust heat recovery in a heavy-duty vehicle, Pages 15-28
- Ying Xiong, Yindi Jing, Tongwen Chen, Sensitivity analysis and
sensitivity-based design for linear alarm filters, Pages 29-39
- Suresh N. Thennadil, Mark Dewar, Craig Herdsman, Alison Nordon, Edo
Becker, Automated weighted outlier detection technique for multivariate
data, Pages 40-49
- Christian Jauch, Santhosh Tamilarasan, Katherine Bovee, Levent Güvenc,
Giorgio Rizzoni, Modeling for drivability and drivability improving control
of HEV, Pages 50-62
- Ahmed Yar, Aamer Iqbal Bhatti, Qadeer Ahmed, First principle based
control oriented model of a gasoline engine including multi-cylinder
dynamics, Pages 63-76
- Weili Yan, Chee Khiang Pang, Chunling Du, Periodic disturbance rejection
to the Nyquist frequency and beyond, Pages 77-85
- Maria Pia Fanti, Agostino M. Mangini, Giovanni Pedroncelli, Walter
Ukovich, A decentralized control strategy for the coordination of AGV
systems, Pages 86-97
- D.G. Mogale, Sri Krishna Kumar, Manoj Kumar Tiwari, An MINLP model to
support the movement and storage decisions of the Indian food grain supply
chain, Pages 98-113
- Miha Pipan, Niko Herakovic, Closed-loop volume flow control algorithm for
fast switching pneumatic valves with PWM signal, Pages 114-120
- Christian M. Thürlimann, David J. Dürrenmatt, Kris Villez, Soft-sensing
with qualitative trend analysis for wastewater treatment plant control,
Pages 121-133
- Bahador Rashidi, Dheeraj Sharan Singh, Qing Zhao, Data-driven root-cause
fault diagnosis for multivariate non-linear processes, Pages 134-147
- Yulai Zhang, Yuefeng Cen, Guiming Luo, Causal direction inference for
network alarm analysis, Pages 148-153

5.11. Contents: Journal of Process Control
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com

Journal of Process Control
Vol. 58
October 2017

- Jigang Wu, Mian Jiang, Xuejun Li, Heying Feng, Assessment of severity of
nonlinearity for distributed parameter systems via nonlinearity measures,
Pages 1-10
- Xiaodan Hong, Biao Huang, Yongsheng Ding, Fan Guo, Lei Chen, Lihong Ren,
Multi-model multivariate Gaussian process modelling with correlated noises,
Pages 11-22
- Yutaek Oh, Chul-Jin Lee, Youngsub Lim, A short-cut graphical method for
sizing of recycle valves in anti-Surge system considering time delay, Pages
- Zhu Wang, Xionglin Luo, Modeling study of nonlinear dynamic soft sensors
and robust parameter identification using swarm intelligent optimization
CS-NLJ, Pages 33-45
- Mihai Daniel Moraru, Costin Sorin Bildea, Design and plantwide control of
n-butyl acrylate production process, Pages 46-62
- Ridong Zhang, Furong Gao, Panagiotis D. Christofides, An improved
approach for H∞ design of linear quadratic tracking control for chemical
processes with partial actuator failure, Pages 63-72
- Li Jia, Qi Xiong, Feng Li, Correlation analysis method based SISO
neuro-fuzzy Wiener model, Pages 73-89
- Chi Zhai, Wei Sun, Ahmet Palazoglu, Analysis of periodically forced
bioreactors using nonlinear transfer functions, Pages 90-105
- Timothy I. Salsbury, John M. House, Carlos F. Alcala, Yaoyu Li, An
extremum-seeking control method driven by input–output correlation, Pages
- M. Alamir, P. Bonnay, F. Bonne, V.V. Trinh, Fixed-point based
hierarchical MPC control design for a cryogenic refrigerator, Pages 117-130
- Benben Jiang, Richard D. Braatz, Fault detection of process correlation
structure using canonical variate analysis-based correlation features,
Pages 131-138
- Laleh Ravanbod, Carine Jauberthie, Nathalie Verdière, Louise
Travé-Massuyès, Improved solutions for ill-conditioned problems involved in
set-membership estimation for fault detection and isolation, Pages 139-151

Journal of Process Control
Vol. 59
November 2017

- Boyuan Zheng, Xianwen Gao, Sucker rod pumping diagnosis using valve
working position and parameter optimal continuous hidden Markov model,
Pages 1-12
- Akshaya Kumar Patra, Pravat Kumar Rout, Adaptive sliding mode Gaussian
controller for artificial pancreas in TIDM patient, Pages 13-27
- Anis Hamadouche, Abdelmalek Kouadri, Azzedine Bakdi, A modified Kullback
divergence for direct fault detection in large scale systems, Pages 28-36
- Judith Ebegbulem, Martin Guay, Distributed control of multi-agent systems
over unknown communication networks using extremum seeking, Pages 37-48
- Iman Nodozi, Mehdi Rahmani, LMI-based model predictive control for
switched nonlinear systems, Pages 49-58
- Limin Wang, Fanfan Liu, Jingxian Yu, Ping Li, Ridong Zhang, Furong Gao,
Iterative learning fault-tolerant control for injection molding processes
against actuator faults, Pages 59-72

Journal of Process Control
Vol. 60
December 2017

- Matteo Razzanelli, Gabriele Pannocchia, Parsimonious cooperative
distributed MPC algorithms for offset-free tracking, Pages 1-13
- Charles-Henri Clerget, Jean-Philippe Grimaldi, Mériam Chèbre, Nicolas
Petit, An example of robust internal model control under variable and
uncertain delay, Pages 14-23
- Naresh Doni Jayavelu, Nadav Bar, ISNCA: A new iterative approach for
constrained matrix factorization methods, Pages 24-33
- Ph. Bogaerts, K. Mhallem Gziri, A. Richelle, From MFA to FBA: Defining
linear constraints accounting for overflow metabolism in a macroscopic
FBA-based dynamical model of cell cultures in bioreactor, Pages 34-47
- Jayaram Valluru, Piyush Lakhmani, Sachin C. Patwardhan, Lorenz T.
Biegler, Development of moving window state and parameter estimators under
maximum likelihood and Bayesian frameworks, Pages 48-67
- Muhammad Faisal Aftab, Morten Hovd, Selvanathan Sivalingam, Detecting
non-linearity induced oscillations via the dyadic filter bank property of
multivariate empirical mode decomposition, Pages 68-81
- César Lincoln C. Mattos, Zhenwen Dai, Andreas Damianou, Guilherme A.
Barreto, Neil D. Lawrence, Deep recurrent Gaussian processes for
outlier-robust system identification, Pages 82-94
- Qinqin Zhu, Qiang Liu, S. Joe Qin, Concurrent quality and process
monitoring with canonical correlation analysis, Pages 95-103
- A. Schaum, J. Alvarez, T. Meurer, J.A. Moreno, State-estimation for a
class of tubular reactors using a pointwise innovation scheme, Pages 104-114
- Jianyuan Feng, Kamuran Turksoy, Sediqeh Samadi, Iman Hajizadeh, Elizabeth
Littlejohn, Ali Cinar, Hybrid online sensor error detection and functional
redundancy for systems with time-varying parameters, Pages 115-127
- Donovan Chaffart, Luis A. Ricardez-Sandoval, Robust dynamic optimization
in heterogeneous multiscale catalytic flow reactors using polynomial chaos
expansion, Pages 128-140
- Xun Tang, Jianli Zhang, Michael A. Bevan, Martha A. Grover, A comparison
of open-loop and closed-loop strategies in colloidal self-assembly, Pages

5.12. Contents: Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com

Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Vol. 68
February 2018

- Tuong Le, Bay Vo, Sung Wook Baik, Efficient algorithms for mining
top-rank-k erasable patterns using pruning strategies and the subsume
concept, Pages 1-9
- D. Cárdenas-Peña, D. Collazos-Huertas, A. Álvarez-Meza, G.
Castellanos-Dominguez, Supervised kernel approach for automated learning
using General Stochastic Networks, Pages 10-17
- Seulki Lee, Seoung Bum Kim, Time-adaptive support vector data description
for nonstationary process monitoring, Pages 18-31
- Changpeng Wang, Xueli Song, Jiangshe Zhang, Graph Regularized Nonnegative
Matrix Factorization with Sample Diversity for Image Representation, Pages
- Yanyun Tao, Yuzhen Zhang, Qinyu Wang, Fuzzy c-mean clustering-based
decomposition with GA optimizer for FSM synthesis targeting to low power,
Pages 40-52
- Lin Wang, Xuehui Zhu, Bo Yang, Jifeng Guo, Shuangrong Liu, Meihui Li,
Jian Zhu, Ajith Abraham, Accelerating nearest neighbor partitioning neural
network classifier based on CUDA, Pages 53-62
- Wen Long, Jianjun Jiao, Ximing Liang, Mingzhu Tang, An
exploration-enhanced grey wolf optimizer to solve high-dimensional
numerical optimization, Pages 63-80
- Partha P. Biswas, P.N. Suganthan, R. Mallipeddi, Gehan A.J. Amaratunga,
Optimal power flow solutions using differential evolution algorithm
integrated with effective constraint handling techniques, Pages 81-100
- Govind P. Gupta, Sonu Jha, Integrated clustering and routing protocol for
wireless sensor networks using Cuckoo and Harmony Search based
metaheuristic techniques, Pages 101-109
- Waldir Jesus de Araujo Lobão, Marco Aurélio Cavalcanti Pacheco, Douglas
Mota Dias, Ana Carolina Alves Abreu, Solving stochastic differential
equations through genetic programming and automatic differentiation, Pages
- Zhen Liu, Qiuhua Zheng, Zhongping Ji, Weihua Zhao, Sparse
Self-Represented Network Map: A fast representative-based clustering method
for large dataset and data stream, Pages 121-130
- Edwin Lughofer, Robert Pollak, Alexandru-Ciprian Zavoianu, Mahardhika
Pratama, Pauline Meyer-Heye, Helmut Zörrer, Christian Eitzinger, Julia
Haim, Thomas Radauer, Self-adaptive evolving forecast models with
incremental PLS space updating for on-line prediction of micro-fluidic chip
quality, Pages 131-151
- Pablo J. Prieto, Nohé R. Cazarez-Castro, Luis T. Aguilar, Selene L.
Cardenas-Maciel, Corrigendum to “Chattering existence and attenuation in
fuzzy-based sliding mode control” [Eng. Appl. Artif. Intell. 61 (2017)
152–160], Page 152
- Guillaume Gaudet, Maxime Raison, Sofiane Achiche, Classification of Upper
limb phantom movements in transhumeral amputees using electromyographic and
kinematic features, Pages 153-164
- Congcong Chen, Feng Jiang, Chifu Yang, Seungmin Rho, Weizheng Shen,
Shaohui Liu, Zhiguo Liu, Hyperspectral classification based on
spectral–spatial convolutional neural networks, Pages 165-171
- Wei Hu, Yongguang Yu, Wenjuan Gu, Parameter estimation of
fractional-order arbitrary dimensional hyperchaotic systems via a hybrid
adaptive artificial bee colony algorithm with simulated annealing
algorithm, Pages 172-191
- Shaojie Qiao, Nan Han, Jiliu Zhou, Rong-Hua Li, Cheqing Jin, Louis
Alberto Gutierrez, SocialMix: A familiarity-based and preference-aware
location suggestion approach, Pages 192-204
- Sinh Dinh Mai, Long Thanh Ngo, Multiple kernel approach to
semi-supervised fuzzy clustering algorithm for land-cover classification,
Pages 205-213
- Goran Andonovski, Gašper Mušič, Sašo Blažič, Igor Škrjanc, Evolving model
identification for process monitoring and prediction of non-linear systems,
Pages 214-221
- M. Talaat, M.H. Gobran, M. Wasfi, A hybrid model of an artificial neural
network with thermodynamic model for system diagnosis of electrical power
plant gas turbine, Pages 222-235
- Junchen Jin, Xiaoliang Ma, Hierarchical multi-agent control of traffic
lights based on collective learning, Pages 236-248
- Ali Zolghadri, The challenge of advanced model-based FDIR for real-world
flight-critical applications, Pages 249-259

5.13. Contents: Journal of the Franklin Institute
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com

Journal of the Franklin Institute
Vol. 354, Issue 18
December 2017

- Xun Sun, Huaguang Zhang, Jian Han, Yingchun Wang, Non-fragile control for
interval type-2 TSK fuzzy logic control systems with time-delay, Pages
- Atta Oveisi, Mohammad Aldeen, Tamara Nestorović, Disturbance rejection
control based on state-reconstruction and persistence disturbance
estimation, Pages 8015-8037
- Zhifeng Gao, Bing Han, Guoping Jiang, Jinxing Lin, Dezhi Xu, Active fault
tolerant control design approach for the flexible spacecraft with sensor
faults, Pages 8038-8056
- Ling-Ling Lv, Zhe Zhang, Lei Zhang, A parametric poles assignment
algorithm for second-order linear periodic systems, Pages 8057-8071
- Feng Zhou, Hui Peng, Xiaoyong Zeng, Xiaoying Tian, Xiaoyan Peng, RBF-ARX
model-based robust MPC for nonlinear systems with unknown and bounded
disturbance, Pages 8072-8093
- Yao Ma, Junmin Wang, Control of aged automotive selective catalytic
reduction systems for consistent performances, Pages 8094-8116
- Zhijia Zhao, Zhijie Liu, Zhifu Li, Ning Wang, Jingfeng Yang, Control
design for a vibrating flexible marine riser system, Pages 8117-8133
- Xudong Zhang, Dietmar Ghlich, Wei Zheng, Karush-Kuhn-Tucker based global
optimization algorithm design for solving stability torque allocation of
distributed drive electric vehicles, Pages 8134-8155
- Spandan Roy, Indra Narayan Kar, Adaptive sliding mode control of a class
of nonlinear systems with artificial delay, Pages 8156-8179
- Xiaocheng Shi, Shengyuan Xu, Weimin Chen, Yongmin Li, Zhengqiang Zhang,
Adaptive neural control of switched nonstrict-feedback nonlinear systems
with multiple time-varying delays, Pages 8180-8199
- Zhen Liu, Quanmin Zhu, Lin Zhao, Jinpeng Yu, Cunchen Gao, A new result on
observer-based sliding mode control design for a class of uncertain Ito^
stochastic delay systems, Pages 8200-8216
- Pedro Mercader, Kristian Soltesz, Alfonso Baños, Robust PID design by
chance-constrained optimization, Pages 8217-8231
- Qingsong Liu, Bin Zhou, Extended observer based feedback control of
linear systems with both state and input delays, Pages 8232-8255
- Yuechao Ma, Xiaorui Jia, Qingling Zhang, Robust finite-time non-fragile
memory H∞ control for discrete-time singular Markovian jumping systems
subject to actuator saturation, Pages 8256-8282
- Meng Zhang, Zhitao Liu, Hongye Su, Jianping Cai, Longhua Ma, PI
simultaneous stabilization and set-point output regulation of
Port-Hamiltonian systems, Pages 8283-8292
- Ziran Chen, Baoyong Zhang, Zhengqiang Zhang, Qi Zhou, Guaranteed cost
fuzzy tracking control for nonlinear polynomial systems with input
saturation, Pages 8293-8311
- Jingang Lai, Xiaoqing Lu, Wei Yao, Jinyu Wen, Shijie Cheng, Robust
distributed cooperative control for DC mircogrids with time delays, noise
disturbances, and switching topologies, Pages 8312-8332
- Anh Tuan Le, Soon-Geul Lee, 3D cooperative control of tower cranes using
robust adaptive techniques, Pages 8333-8357
- Tai-Shan Lou, Lei Wang, Housheng Su, Mao-Wen Nie, Ning Yang, Yanfeng
Wang, Desensitized cubature Kalman filter with uncertain parameters, Pages
- Jeremy H.T. Ooi, Chee Pin Tan, Wen-Shyan Chua, Xianghua Wang, State and
unknown input estimation for a class of infinitely unobservable descriptor
systems using two observers in cascade, Pages 8374-8397
- Pegah Tabarisaadi, Mohammad Mehdi Mardani, Mokhtar Shasadeghi, Behrouz
Safarinejadian, A sum-of-squares approach to consensus of nonlinear
leader-follower multi-agent systems based on novel polynomial and fuzzy
polynomial models, Pages 8398-8420
- Mengli Xiao, Yongbo Zhang, Huimin Fu, Three-stage unscented Kalman filter
for state and fault estimation of nonlinear system with unknown input,
Pages 8421-8443
- Meng Zhang, Peng Shi, Zhitao Liu, Hongye Su, Longhua Ma, Fuzzy
model-based asynchronous H∞ filter design of discrete-time Markov jump
systems, Pages 8444-8460
- Yi Huang, Yingmin Jia, Adaptive fixed-time relative position tracking and
attitude synchronization control for non-cooperative target spacecraft
fly-around mission, Pages 8461-8489
- Jinliang Liu, Lili Wei, Engang Tian, Shumin Fei, Jie Cao, Filtering for
networked systems with hybrid-triggered communication mechanism and
stochastic cyber attacks, Pages 8490-8512
- Anna Michalak, Andrzej Nowakowski, Finite-time stability and finite-time
synchronization of neural network – Dual approach, Pages 8513-8528
- Matej Pčolka, Sergej Čelikovský, Production-process optimization
algorithm: Application to fed-batch bioprocess, Pages 8529-8551
- Lei Shi, Jinliang Shao, Wei Xing Zheng, Ting-Zhu Huang, Asynchronous
containment control for discrete-time second-order multi-agent systems with
time-varying delays, Pages 8552-8569
- Qiu-Yan Song, Yao-Lin Jiang, Zhi-Hua Xiao, Arnoldi-based model order
reduction for linear systems with inhomogeneous initial conditions, Pages
- Alberto Petrillo, Alessandro Salvi, Stefania Santini, Antonio Saverio
Valente, Adaptive synchronization of linear multi-agent systems with
time-varying multiple delays, Pages 8586-8605
- Zhaoxia Duan, Jun Zhou, Jian Shen, Finite frequency filter design for
nonlinear 2-D continuous systems in T–S form, Pages 8606-8625
- Hongfei Li, Chuandong Li, Tingwen Huang, Deqiang Ouyang, Fixed-time
stability and stabilization of impulsive dynamical systems, Pages 8626-8644
- Zhu Wang, Xionglin Luo, A novel weight function-based robust iterative
learning identification method for discrete Box–Jenkins models with
Student's t-distribution noises, Pages 8645-8658
- Guoqing Wang, Ning Li, Yonggang Zhang, Maximum correntropy unscented
Kalman and information filters for non-Gaussian measurement noise, Pages
- Marco Crocco, Andrea Trucco, Alessio Del Bue, Uncalibrated 3D room
geometry estimation from sound impulse responses, Pages 8678-8709
- Massinissa Hadjloum, Mohammed El Gibari, Hongwu Li, Afshin S. Daryoush,
Leaky waveguide deflector for 40 GS/s and 6 bits all-optical
analog-to-digital converters, Pages 8710-8720
- Wei Liu, Channel equalization and beamforming for quaternion-valued
wireless communication systems, Pages 8721-8733
- David Vrba, Jan Vrba, Dario B. Rodrigues, Paul Stauffer, Numerical
investigation of novel microwave applicators based on zero-order mode
resonance for hyperthermia treatment of cancer, Pages 8734-8746
- Ajay Bandla, Nathaniel Hager, Mohammad-Reza Tofighi, Ultra-broadband
material spectroscopy from scattering parameters obtained from time domain
measurements, Pages 8747-8757
- Yaaqoub Malallah, Antarpreet Singh, Sampada Deshmukh, Chins Chinnasamy,
Melania Marinescu, Afshin S. Daryoush, Complex permeability extraction of
FeCo nanoparticles using annular ring resonator and its RF applications,
Pages 8758-8771
- Hitoshi Hayashi, Youichi Nakayama, Junichi Mizusawa, Broadband 4-way
power divider with 45° phase differences between output ports, Pages

Journal of the Franklin Institute
Vol. 355, Issue 1
January 2018

- Chao Chen, Jun Zhao, Yan-Feng Sui, Tracking-protection-recovery switching
control for aero-engines, Pages 1-30
- Jun-Wei Zhu, Wen-An Zhang, Li Yu, Dan Zhang, Robust distributed tracking
control for linear multi-agent systems based on distributed intermediate
estimator, Pages 31-53
- Wenjie Si, Xunde Dong, Feifei Yang, Decentralized adaptive neural control
for interconnected stochastic nonlinear delay-time systems with asymmetric
saturation actuators and output constraints, Pages 54-80
- Yun Ho Choi, Sung Jin Yoo, Decentralized adaptive output-feedback control
of interconnected nonlinear time-delay systems using minimal neural
networks, Pages 81-105
- Zewei Zheng, Liang Sun, Adaptive sliding mode trajectory tracking control
of robotic airships with parametric uncertainty and wind disturbance, Pages
- Yong-Hua Liu, Dynamic surface asymptotic tracking of a class of uncertain
nonlinear hysteretic systems using adaptive filters, Pages 123-140
- Qiu Han Seer, Jobrun Nandong, Multi-scale control scheme: Stabilization
of a class of fourth-order integrating-unstable systems, Pages 141-163
- Yuhua Xu, Defeng Meng, Chengrong Xie, Guoqiao You, Wuneng Zhou, A class
of fast fixed-time synchronization control for the delayed neural network,
Pages 164-176
- Gwo-Ruey Yu, Yu-Chia Huang, Chih-Yung Cheng, Sum-of-squares-based robust
controller design for discrete-time polynomial fuzzy systems, Pages 177-196
- Ashik Ahmed, Md. Mehedi Hassan Galib, Shafi Md. Kawsar Zaman, Golam
Sarowar, An optimization methodology of susceptance variation using
lead-lag controller for grid connected FSIG based wind generator system,
Pages 197-217
- Jorge D. Rios, Alma Y. Alanis, Carlos Lopez-Franco, Nancy Arana-Daniel,
RHONN identifier-control scheme for nonlinear discrete-time systems with
unknown time-delays, Pages 218-249
- Guang-Xin Zhong, Guang-Hong Yang, Asynchronous fault detection and robust
control for switched systems with state reset strategy, Pages 250-272
- Xuan Liu, Ding Zhai, Jiuxiang Dong, Qingling Zhang, Adaptive
fault-tolerant control with prescribed performance for switched nonlinear
pure-feedback systems, Pages 273-290
- H.C. Lim, Zhi Chao Ong, A. Brandt, Implementation of phase controlled
impact device for enhancement of frequency response function in operational
modal testing, Pages 291-313
- Mengling Li, Linna Liu, Feiqi Deng, Input-to-state stability of switched
stochastic delayed systems with Lévy noise, Pages 314-331
- Ö. Feyza Erkan, Onur Cihan, Mehmet Akar, Analysis of distributed
consensus protocols with multi-equilibria under time-delays, Pages 332-360
- Yonghui Sun, Yi Wang, Xiaopeng Wu, Yinlong Hu, Robust extended fractional
Kalman filter for nonlinear fractional system with missing measurements,
Pages 361-380
- Yingjun Zhang, Jiahu Qin, Wei Xing Zheng, Yu Kang, Extended evidential
cognitive maps and its applications, Pages 381-405
- Zidong Wang, Dong Wang, Bo Shen, Fuad E. Alsaadi, Centralized
security-guaranteed filtering in multirate-sensor fusion under deception
attacks, Pages 406-420
- Seok Young Lee, Won Il Lee, PooGyeon Park, Orthogonal-polynomials-based
integral inequality and its applications to systems with additive
time-varying delays, Pages 421-435
- Weijian Ren, Shibo Sun, Nan Hou, Chaohai Kang, Event-triggered
non-fragile H∞ fault detection for discrete time-delayed nonlinear
systems with channel fadings, Pages 436-457
- Ning Zhao, Xian Zhang, Yu Xue, Peng Shi, Necessary conditions for
exponential stability of linear neutral type systems with multiple time
delays, Pages 458-473
- Xinghong Zhang, Hongbin Ma, Decentralized adaptive synchronization with
bounded identification errors for discrete-time nonlinear multi-agent
systems with unknown parameters and unknown high-frequency gains, Pages
- Jie Li, Yuanqing Xia, Xiaohui Qi, Hui Wan, On convergence of the
discrete-time nonlinear extended state observer, Pages 501-519
- M.J. Park, O.M. Kwon, J.H. Ryu, Advanced stability criteria for linear
systems with time-varying delays, Pages 520-543
- Paulo Canas Rodrigues, Rahim Mahmoudvand, The benefits of multivariate
singular spectrum analysis over the univariate version, Pages 544-564
- Amer M. Magableh, Neameh Jafreh, Exact expressions for the bit error rate
and channel capacity of a dual-hop cooperative communication systems over
Nakagami-m fading channels, Pages 565-573
- Jin-Jin Mei, Ting-Zhu Huang, Si Wang, Xi-Le Zhao, Second order total
generalized variation for speckle reduction in ultrasound images, Pages
- Flvio R. Pavan, Magno T.M. Silva, Maria D. Miranda, A numerically robust
blind equalization scheme applied to MIMO communication systems, Pages

5.14. Contents: Proceedings of the Institute of Applied Mathematics
Contributed by: IAM, proceedings.iam at gmail.com

Proceedings of the Institute of Applied Mathematics, V.6, N.2 2017

- F.A. Aliev, V.B. Larin, Algorithm for factorization of second degree
discrete matrix polynomials
- M.A. Noor, Kh.I. Noor, S. Iftikhar, Integral inequalities via strongly
beta-convex functions
- N.A.Aliev, G.S. Alieva, R.M. Tagiyev, Determination of the coefficient of
hydraulic resistance in gas lift process described by partial derivatives
hyperbolic equations
- A. Aghili, M.R. Masomi, Solving systems of fractional partial
differential equations via two dimensional Laplace transforms
- A.B. Ramazanov, Application of a gradient algorithm in some problems for
recognition of images
- E. Guner, S. Balci, The solution of the fuzzy lifting problem on fuzzy
covering spaces
- M.A. Sadygov, J.J. Mamedova, H.S. Akhundov, Extremal problem for the
Goursat-Darboux type inclusion in infinite domain
- N.S. Hajiyeva, I.A. Maharramov, Identification problem for defining the
coefficient of hydraulic resistance on different areas of pump-compressor
pipes in gas lift process
- S.M. Madian, Some results of differential subordination and
superordination for p-valent functions associated with new operator
- Z. Velioğlu, N. Ekici, Parafree lie algebras with certain properties
- Fikret A. Aliev, N.A. Aliev, N.A. Safarova, K.G. Gasimova, Y.V. Mamedova,
Analytical construction of regulators for a fractional derivative

5.15. CFP: European Journal of Control Special Issue on Advanced Control
Theory and Applications for Next-Generation Engineered Systems
Contributed by: Heng Zhang, ezhangheng at gmail.com

CFP: European Journal of Control Special Issue on Advanced Control Theory
and Applications for Next-Generation Engineered Systems


Recent years has witnessed great advances and in-depth integration of
modern control, communication, and computing technologies. They have
prompted the birth of next-generation engineered systems, including
networked cyber-physical systems, Internet of Things, smart power grids,
artificial intelligence robots, intelligent transportation systems, and
smart buildings, etc. The multi-device composition, heterogeneous
architecture, complex connection and interaction mechanisms, and limited
resources, indeed pose substantial design and operation challenges. It is
obvious that traditional control technologies have remarkably improved the
system performances. However, due to the integration and interaction of
cyberspace and physical world in the next-generation engineered systems, it
is required to explore new control methods to integrally operate the
systems to achieve the higher requirements.

This special issue will seek latest significant contributions on advanced
control theory and applications for next-generation engineered systems.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Modeling of next-generation engineered systems
- System stability and performance analysis
- Decentralized/distributed control for next-generation engineered systems
- Resilient/secure feedback controller design
- Data-driven/event-driven control for next-generation engineered systems
- Robust control for next-generation engineered systems
- Fault tolerant control for next-generation engineered systems
- Switching control strategy for next-generation engineered systems
- Resource allocations/optimization for next-generation engineered systems
- Intelligent autonomous control for next-generation engineered systems
- Experiments, platforms, and applications for next-generation engineered

Submission of manuscripts:
All papers will undergo the same rigorous review process as that for a
regular paper submitted to this journal. Prospective authors should submit
high quality and original manuscripts. Authors should prepare their
manuscript according to the Guide for Authors available from the online
submission page of European Journal of Control at:

All manuscripts and any supplementary material should be submitted through
Elsevier Editorial System (EES). The authors must select as “Control Theory
For NGESs” when they reach the “Article Type” step in the submission
process. The EES website is located at:

- Full paper submission deadline: June 30, 2018
- First notification: August 31, 2018
- Final notification: October 31, 2018
- Final paper due: November 30, 2018
- Publication date (tentative): March, 2019

Guest Editors:
Dr. Heng Zhang (Managing Guest Editor), University of Western Sydney,
Dr. Yanzheng Zhu, Shandong University of Science and Technology, China;
Prof. Michael V. Basin, Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon, Mexico;
Dr. Dawei Shi, Harvard University, United States;
Prof. Zhengtao Ding, University of Manchester, UK.

6. Conferences

6.1. IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications
Contributed by: Alessandro Beghi, beghi at dei.unipd.it

2nd IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications, IEEE CCTA 2018
August 21-24, 2018
The Scandic Hotel Copenhagen
Copenhagen, Denmark

The 2018 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications will be
held in Wonderful Copenhagen, Denmark. This conference is one of the main
conferences sponsored by the IEEE Control Systems Society. It is the second
in a series that follows an evolution, replacing the successful former IEEE
CCA and IEEE MSC series. The CCTA 2018 technical program will feature the
presentation of contributed and invited papers, as well as tutorial
sessions and workshops, focusing on technological advances and applications
of control engineering. Scandinavia has several strong control groups with
a tradition of cooperation with companies, and significant participation
from industry is anticipated. The conference includes all aspects of
control engineering for practical control systems, from analysis and
design, through simulation and hardware. Major themes of energy,
manufacturing, and transportation will feature applications of control
technology for robotic, automotive, biomechanical, aerospace, power and
energy systems, control of networks, and many others. Plenary lectures will
be delivered on each of the three days as part of the conference program.
Confirmed plenary speakers are Dr. Peter Terwiesch (ABB) and Dr. Anuradha
Annaswamy (MIT).

CCTA 2018 will be held at the Scandic Hotel Copenhagen, located in central
Copenhagen, with views of one of the three lakes and the city, and close to
the Tivoli Gardens and the pedestrian street, Strøget.

Call for Contributed Papers: Papers are invited in the form of regular
manuscripts. Papers must conform to the submission policy, described below,
requiring that all manuscripts be in 2-column IEEE Proceedings format,
written in English and meet strict page limits.

Call for Invited Sessions: Invited sessions consist of 6 papers presenting
a unifying theme from a diversity of viewpoints. Proposals must clearly
describe the motivation and relevance of the session. Proposals must be
accompanied by full versions of each paper, which will be individually
reviewed together with the proposal itself. Individual papers may be
removed from a proposed session and replaced by appropriate contributed
papers. In case an entire proposed session is rejected, selected papers may
be accepted as contributed ones.

Call for Tutorial Sessions: Tutorial sessions addressing state-of-the-art
control theory and advanced industrial applications are solicited. Call for
Workshops: Workshops to be held prior to the conference are solicited on
all related topics. Proposals for workshops addressing novel control
methodologies and nonstandard control applications are strongly encouraged.

All papers and session proposals must be submitted through the conference
submission website css.paperplaza.net and must conform to the policy found
on the CCTA 2018 web site, ccta2018.ieeecss.org. Papers must be submitted
in English. The 2nd IEEE CCTA is sponsored by the IEEE Control Systems
Society, and is organized in cooperation with the Society for Instrument
and Control Engineers (SICE).

Important Dates:
Paper submissions site css.paperplaza.net opens: November 1, 2017
Deadline for submission of Invited Session proposals: January 15, 2018
Deadline for submission of contributed and invited papers: January 15, 2018
Notification of acceptance/rejection: April 23, 2018
Final submission and registration sites open: April 27, 2018
Deadline for final submission of all papers: May 21, 2018

Jakob Stoustrup (General Chair)
Thomas Parisini (General Co-Chair )
Kristin Y. Pettersen (Program Chair )

6.2. International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and
Contributed by: Pawel Dworak, pawel.dworak at zut.edu.pl

23rd International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and
27-30 August 2018
Amber Baltic Hotel, Międzyzdroje, Poland

It is our great pleasure to invite You to participate in the 23rdt
International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics,
MMAR 2018 to be held in Międzyzdroje, Poland, from August 27th to August
30th, 2018.

The Conference will be a good opportunity for highlighting the new results
and directions of Automatic Control theory, technology and applications. As
such, it mainly will concentrate on the following key points:
– emphasis on invited lectures including plenaries,
– industry participation promotion,
– attract young people to study and work in the field.
The participants of the 23rd International MMAR Conference will have the
opportunity to take part in the wide spectrum of categories for technical
presentations, including plenary lectures, regular papers of both lecture
and poster session types, and panel discussion. We look forward to seeing
our old and new friends in Poland. You are kindly invited to participate in
the 23rd International MMAR Conference in Międzyzdroje, Poland.

The proceedings of the conference will be submitted for review and approval
for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore® Digital Library and will be submitted for
inclusion in the Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Science (ISI Web
of Science).

Key Dates
March 5, 2018 - Paper submission
May 21, 2018 - Notification of acceptance
June 25, 2018 - Registration
July 2, 2018 - Camera-ready paper submission

For more information see http://www.mmar.edu.pl

6.3. International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems
Contributed by: Youmin Zhang, Youmin.Zhang at concordia.ca

Call-for-Papers: 2018 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems
(ICUAS'18) (http://www.uasconferences.com)

First of all, we wish you wholeheartedly a HAPPY NEW YEAR of 2018 and HAPPY
HOLIDAYS with health, happiness and prosperity.

On behalf of the Organizing Committee and the ICUAS Association, it is our
pleasure to invite you to participate in the 2018 International Conference
on Unmanned Aircraft Systems, ICUAS’18, which will be on June 12-15, 2018
in Dallas, TX, at the Dallas Marriott City Center. This annual conference
has grown tremendously; it has earned the respect of the professional
community and it is constantly co-sponsored technically by the IEEE CSS and
RAS and the Mediterranean Control Association. The conference is fully
sponsored by the ICUAS Association. Following the usual tradition, the
conference will be preceded by one day of tutorials and workshops, followed
by three full-days of technical sessions. In 2018, we introduce ‘poster
papers’, which will go under the same thorough review process, but will
report on new ideas with only preliminary results. Keynote lectures, panel
discussions and a social agenda will complement and complete the four-day

Conference topics include (but not limited to): Airspace Control;
Integration; See/Sense-Detect-and-Avoid Systems; Airspace Management;
Interoperability; Security; Airworthiness; Levels of Safety; Sensor Fusion;
Autonomy; Manned/Unmanned Aviation; Smart Sensors; Biologically Inspired
UAS; Micro- and Mini- UAS; Standardization; Certification; Networked UAS;
Technology Challenges; Control Architectures; Payloads; Training; Energy
Efficient UAS; Path Planning and Navigation; UAS Applications;
Environmental Issues; Regulations; UAS Communications; Fail-Safe Systems;
Reliability of UAS; UAS Testbeds; Frequency Management; Risk Analysis; UAS
Transportation Management (UTM); Policy/Regulation/Law Aspects.

Unmanned system autonomy, collaboration and coordination, formation
control, validation and verification and unmanned system design for assured
autonomy, are topics of great interest to ICUAS'18.

Through Keynote addresses, round table panel discussions and presentations,
it is expected that the outcome of the Conference will be a clear
understanding of what industry, military, civilian, national/international
authorities need, and what are the crucial next steps that need to be
completed before UAS are utilized in everyday life applications.

IMPORTANT DATES (Please check the latest information at
February 12, 2018: Full Papers/ Invited Papers/Tutorial Proposals Due
April 15, 2018: Acceptance/Rejection Notification
May 7, 2018: Upload Final, Camera Ready Papers
April 15 - May 7, 2018: Early Registration

All papers must be submitted and uploaded electronically. Go to
https://controls.papercept.net. Click on the link “Submit a Contribution to
ICUAS’18” and follow the steps. The paper format must follow IEEE paper
submission rules, two-column format using 10 point fonts, Times New Roman.
The maximum number of pages per submitted paper is 10. For accepted papers,
up to two additional pages will be permitted for a charge of $100 per
additional page. Illustrations and references are included in the page
count. Invited and Special Sessions: Proposals for invited/special sessions
must be submitted/uploaded electronically. A Summary Statement describing
the motivation and relevance of the proposed session, invited paper titles
and author names must be uploaded electronically by February 12, 2018. In
addition, authors must submit FULL versions of invited papers
electronically, through https://controls.papercept.net. Each paper must be
marked as 'Invited Session Paper'. Workshops/Tutorials: Proposals for
workshops/tutorials should contain title, the list of speakers, and
extended summaries (2000 words) of their presentations. Proposals must be
sent by e-mail to the Tutorial/ Workshop Chair by February 12, 2018. Paper
Review Process: All submitted papers will undergo a peer review process
coordinated by the Program Chairs, Advisory Committee Members, IPC members
and qualified reviewers. Authors will be notified of results at the latest
by April 15, 2018. Accepted papers must be uploaded electronically no later
than May 7, 2018. Authors are encouraged to accompany their presentations
with multimedia material, which will be included in the Conference Digital
Proceedings. Conference Proceedings will be acquired by IEEE and they
appear in IEEE Xplore.

Welcome and look forward to receiving your contributions and attendance to
the ICUAS'18! For detailed information please see www.uasconferences.com.

Kimon P. Valavanis, U of Denver, kimon.valavanis at du.edu

Frank Lewis, U of Texas at Arlington, lewis at uta.edu
Mark W. Spong, U of Texas at Dallas, mspong at utdallas.edu

Youmin Zhang, Concordia Univ., ymzhang at encs.concordia.ca
Fulvia Quagliotti, Politecnico di Torino, fulvia.quagliotti at polito.it
Dawn Zoldi, US Air Force Academy, zoldidmk at gmail.com

Didier Theilliol, U of Lorraine, Didier.theilliol at univ-lorraine.fr
Tor Arne Johansen, NTNU, tor.arne.johansen at ntnu.no

6.4. International Workshop on Variable Structure Systems
Contributed by: Martin Steinberger, martin.steinberger at tugraz.at

15th International Workshop on Variable Structure Systems (VSS 2018)
Graz University of Technology, Austria
July 9-11, 2018

The 15th International Workshop on Variable Structure Systems will be held
Monday July 9 through Wednesday July 11, 2018 at the Institute of
Automation and Control, Graz University of Technology, Austria. It is the
premier conference in variable structure and sliding mode control bringing
together people from academia and industry. It will feature three plenary
talks as well as regular and poster sessions.

Theory of sliding mode control and observation
* First order sliding mode
* Higher order sliding mode
* Chattering analysis
* Discrete time sliding mode
* Adaptive sliding mode
* Sliding mode based fault detection
* Networked control systems

* Automotive systems
* Hydraulic/pneumatic systems
* Electric drives and actuators
* Power electronics
* Multi-agent systems
* Mobile robots
* Process industry

* Paper submission site open: November, 2017
* Deadline for paper submission: January 12, 2018
* Notification of acceptance: March 31, 2018
* Final submission and registration open: April 1, 2018
* Deadline for final submission and online registration: May 1, 2018

You are invited to electronically submit the full version of your work
following the IEEE standards via the web page: www.vss-graz.com

See you in Graz, Austria!

Martin Horn (General Co-Chair)
Leonid Fridman (General Co-Chair)
Martin Steinberger (Program Chair)

6.5. ACM International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control
Contributed by: Kostas Margellos, kostas.margellos at eng.ox.ac.uk

21st ACM International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and
Control (HSCC)
April 11-13, 2018,
Porto, Portugal

URL: www.hscc2018.deib.polimi.it

Important dates:
Paper submission deadline: October 6, 2017 (11:59pm UTC-12) [Papers
currently under review]
Notification: December 2017
Camera-ready: February 2018
Conference dates: April 11-13, 2018
* Please refer to the conference website for up-to-date information. *

Paper submission information:
Regular papers (maximum 10 pages, 10pt font, two-column ACM format)
Tool and Case Study Papers (maximum 6 pages, 10pt font, two-column ACM
Demos (maximum 2 pages, 10pt font, two-column ACM format, title should
begin with “Demo”)
Posters (maximum 2 pages, 10pt font, two-column ACM format, title should
begin with “Poster”)

- Best Repeatability Evaluation Award; Papers would be eligible upon
passing the repeatability evaluation process will receive the “artifact
evaluated” badge.
- Best Demo/Poster Award
- Best Paper Award *New*
- Test-of-Time Award *New*

Conference scope:
HSCC 2018 is the 21st in a series of conferences focusing on original
research on concepts, tools, and techniques from computer science, control
theory, and applied mathematics for the analysis and control of hybrid
systems, with an emphasis on computational aspects. By drawing on
strategies from computation and control, hybrid systems theory finds
application in both man-made cyber-physical systems (ranging from small
robots to global infrastructure networks) and natural systems (ranging from
biochemical networks to physiological models). Papers are expected to cover
a wide spectrum of topics from theoretical results to practical
considerations, from academic research to industrial adoption, including
but not limited to:

- Mathematical foundations, computability and complexity
- Analysis, verification, validation, and testing
- Modeling paradigms and techniques
- Design, synthesis, planning, and control
- Programming and specification languages
- Network science and network-based control
- Security, privacy, and resiliency in cyber-physical systems with a focus
on computation and control
- Artificial intelligence and machine learning in control algorithms
- Software tools
- Applications and industrial case studies in: automotive, transportation,
autonomous systems, avionics, energy and power, robotics, medical devices,
manufacturing, systems and synthetic biology, models for the life sciences,
and other related areas

Program Committee Chairs:
Maria Prandini, Politecnico di Milano
Jyotirmoy V.Deshmukh, University of Southern California

Repeatability Evaluation Chair:
Sergiy Bogomolov, Australian National University

Publicity Chair:
Kostas Margellos, University of Oxford

Demo and Poster Session Chair:
Jens Oehlerking, Robert Bosch GmbH

Awards Chair
Akshay Rajhans, The MathWorks

Program Committee:
See www.hscc2018.deib.polimi.it

Steering Committee:
Rajeev Alur, University of Pennsylvania
Werner Damm, OFFIS
John Lygeros, ETH Zurich
Oded Maler, Verimag
Paulo Tabuada, University of California at Los Angeles
Claire Tomlin, University of California at Berkeley

Submission website:
See www.hscc2018.deib.polimi.it

6.6. World Congress: Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and
Contributed by: Seenith Sivasundaram, seenithi at gmail.com

World Congress: Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and Sciences
WHEN: July 3, 2018 – July 6, 2018
WHERE: American University of Armenia, Yerevan
Website: http://www.icnpaa.com
Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and Science have stimulated
cooperation among scientists from a variety of disciplines. Developments in
computer technology have additionally allowed for solutions of mathematical
problems. This international forum will extend scholarly cooperation and
collaboration, encouraging the dissemination of ideas and information.
The conference will have a pool of active researchers, with a proper
balance between academia and industry, as well as between senior and junior
researchers, including graduate students and post-doctoral fellows. It is
anticipated that such a balance will provide both senior and junior
researchers an opportunity to interact and to have a wider picture of
recent advances in their respective fields. The conference, especially,
enables the setting up of new interdisciplinary research directions among
its participants by establishing links with world renowned researchers,
making possible joint international projects that will no doubt bring about
fresh and innovative ideas and technologies in engineering, aerospace and

Co-Sponsored by: AIAA: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
IFIP: International Federation of Information Processing
American University of Armenia, Yerevan

The proceedings will be published by the American Institute of Physics.
AIP Conference Proceedings are indexed in:
• Astrophysics Data System(ADS)
• Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS)
• Crossref
• EBSCO Publishing
• Electronic Library Information Navigator (ELIN), Sweden
• Elsevier – SCOPUS
• International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
• Thomson Reuters (ISI)

6.7. IFAC Conference on Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems
Contributed by: Daniele Magazzeni, daniele.magazzeni at kcl.ac.uk

ADHS 2018 Call for Papers

The 6th IFAC Conference on Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems
Oxford University, UK, July 11-13, 2018.
Website: http://www.cs.ox.ac.uk/conferences/ADHS18/

* Invited Session Proposals due: December 19, 2017
* Paper Submissions due: December 22, 2017
* Author notification: February 2018

The Organising Committee has the pleasure of inviting you to participate in
the 6th IFAC Conference on Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems (ADHS 18)
to be held at Oxford University, UK, July 11-13, 2018.

ADHS 2018 will be held at the Department of Computer Science, University of

ADHS will be hosted within FLOC 2018 (http://www.floc2018.org) and will
precede CAV 2018 (http://cavconference.org/2018/).

The conference happens under the auspices of IFAC and is sponsored by the
IFAC Technical Committee on Discrete Event and Hybrid Systems.

Contributions are invited in all areas pertaining to the engineering of
hybrid systems including: modelling, specification, verification, analysis,
control synthesis, simulation, validation, and implementation. We solicit
papers and invited session proposals describing theoretical or applied
research in the area. We also welcome papers describing tools, reporting
case studies or connecting the cognate fields of control theory and formal

Contributions are encouraged on applications of hybrid methods in various
fields, such as automotive, avionics, energy and power, mobile and
autonomous robotics, the process and manufacture industry, transportation
and infrastructure networks, communication networks and networked control
systems, cyber-physical systems, safety-critical systems, systems and
synthetic biology.

Author Guidelines

* Regular papers: Regular papers can have a length of up to 8 pages at
submission. Accepted papers are limited to 6 pages in the conference
preprints and on-line proceedings.
* Invited session proposals: Invited sessions consist of 4 to 6 papers
related to a common theme that fits within the scope of ADHS. An invited
session proposal should contain a short description of the common theme as
well as the list of papers in the session and their abstracts.
The invited session organiser first has to submit the pdf file of the
session proposal (without participating papers). The IFAC Conference
Manuscript Management System then returns an acknowledgment that contains
an alpha-numeric code for the proposed session. Subsequently, the organiser
has to notify the contributing authors of their invited session code. The
corresponding author of each paper then submits the paper on-line as an
invited paper.
* Invited session papers: Invited session papers can have a length of up to
8 pages at submission. Invited session papers go through the same review
process as regular papers. Accepted papers are limited to 6 pages in the
conference preprints and on-line proceedings. Submission as an invited
session paper requires the invited session code, which can be obtained from
the session organiser.

Submission Instructions

* The website for submission is:
* All papers submitted to ADHS 18 must be written in English and formatted
in the standard IFAC 2-column format provided on the IFAC Conference
Management System website (see the item "Support for Authors" above).
* For initial submissions, all regular and invited session papers are
limited to eight (8) pages. The submission website will not permit longer
papers to be uploaded.
* For the final upload all accepted and invited papers are limited to six
(6) pages.
* For each accepted paper at least one of the authors should have a full
registration in order to have the paper included in the preprints and the
post-conference on-line proceedings at IFAC-PapersOnLine.
* Author's kits with style (.cls) files for LaTeX are available from the
submission website. Go to http://ifac.papercept.net and select "Support"
for these files and example files, or directly go to the support page.
Please do not change the formatting in any way.

Important Dates

Invited Session Proposals due: December 19, 2017
Paper submission due: December 22, 2017
Author notification: February 2018
Final papers due: April 2018
Early registration: TBA
Conference: July 11-13, 2018

The reference timezone for all deadlines is UTC-12.


General Chair
* Alessandro Abate (U. Oxford, UK)

Program Chairs
* Maurice Heemels (TU Eindhoven, NL)
* Antoine Girard (CNRS, FR)

6.8. IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems, Robotics,
and Vehicles
Contributed by: Vahid Hassani, vahid.hassani at ntnu.no

11th IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems, Robotics,
and Vehicles
Opatija, Croatia, September 9-12, 2018
CAMS 2018 website: http://www.ifac-cams2018.com

Paper submission is open from papercept

We would like to invite you to participate in the 11th IFAC Conference on
Control Applications in Marine Systems, Robotics, and Vehicles (CAMS2018)
that will take place in Opatija, Croatia, 9-12 September 2018. CAMS returns
to Croatia after 11 years and will be organized by University of Zagreb in
cooperation with the KoREMA, the national member organization for Croatia
in the IFAC.

CAMS 2018 will provide an excellent opportunity for the presentation and
discussion of research results and development in the areas of control
applications for surface & underwater vessels, floating & sub-sea
structures, and other marine systems. The conference opens possibilities
for industry, universities and research facilities to explore the future
trends in application of control theory to marine systems, and to establish
new and innovative activities for applying advanced solutions to marine

Areas and Topics (including but not limited to)
• Marine cyber-physical systems
• Ship automation
• Surface and underwater vehicles
• Communication in marine domain
• Systems for integrated operation
• Internet of things (IoT) in maritime domain
• Subsea construction and operation
• Propulsion and energy savings
• Decision support and safe operation
• Control applications in offshore wind and wave marine renewables
• Maritime robotics (underwater, surface, aerial)
• Biomimetics in marine robotics
• Marine cyber-physical systems for aquaculture
• Applications of maritime robotics (monitoring, mapping, search & rescue,
habitat and environment, mine counter measure, …)
• Hybrid power generations for marine systems
• Navigation, guidance and control of marine vehicles
• Adaptive, nonlinear and re-configurable systems
• Marine swarms of heterogeneous agents
• Cooperative and intelligent marine cyber-physical systems
• Robust and resilient marine systems
• Modelling, identification and estimation
• Monitoring, diagnosis and fault handling
• Autonomous marine vehicles
• Safety and security for ports and ships
• Ship roll stabilization techniques
• Maritime security
• Sensors and sensor fusion in marine systems
• Supervision and surveillance in marine applications
• Human-machine interface in marine systems
• Risk and life cycle assessment in marine systems

Important dates:
- Paper submission deadline: March 20, 2018
- Paper Acceptance/Rejection: May 7, 2018

Submission Procedure:
To submit a paper, please follow the link "Submission" located on the top
line of the conference website or directly under the papercept link:

Proposals for Invited Sessions are welcome and should be submitted in
Papercept by February 15th 2018.
The proceedings of the Symposium will be published on-line on the
http://www.ifac-papersonline.net website.
For further information on CAMS 2018 please contact the Technical Program
Chair cams2018 at fer.hr or visit CAMS 2018 website:

International Program Committee (IPC) chair
Vahid Hassani, NTNU, Norway, E-mail: vahid.hassani at ntnu.no

National Organizing Committee (NOC) chair
Zoran Vukic, University of Zagreb, Croatia, E-mail: Zoran.Vukic at fer.hr

Editor of the conference proceeding
Nikola Miskovic, University of Zagreb, Croatia, E-mail:
Nikola.Miskovic at fer.hr

6.9. IFAC Conference on Modelling Identification and Control of Nonlinear
Contributed by: Alma Y. Alanis, almayalanis at gmail.com


2nd IFAC Conference on Modelling Identification and Control of Nonlinear
June 20-22, 2018
Guadalajara, Mexico

On behalf of the Program Committee, it is our pleasure to welcome you to
the Second IFAC Conference on Modelling Identification and Control of
Nonlinear Systems (IFAC MICNON 2018). MICNON 2018 will be held in
Guadalajara, Mexico during June 20-22, 2018, as a sequence to MICNON 2015
(Saint-Petersburg, Russia). This conference series that is organized by the
IFAC Technical Committee on Nonlinear Systems (that is also in charge of
the NOLCOS series).

The MICNON 2018 will cover all areas of nonlinear systems theory and
applications, including control and analysis of nonlinear systems,
modelling and identification of nonlinear systems and all types of
applications in connection to nonlinear systems. The organization of MICNON
2018 in Guadalajara-Mexico will be a catalyzer to increase the research
interest in nonlinear systems as well as a great opportunity to explore the
research advances in the Automatic Control community.

The MICNON 2018 program will consist of plenary lectures, parallel and
panel sessions, invited talks, industrial exhibitions and more. MICNON 2018
will be accompanied by a pre-conference day of workshops and tutorials.
Besides, the MICNON 2018 is complemented with a social and cultural program
to enjoy Guadalajara and Mexico.

We invite you to participate in different ways with: Contributed papers,
Invited Sessions, Tutorial Sessions, Panel Sessions, Special Sessions,
Workshops, Exhibits and more. Papers, session and workshop proposals must
be submitted through the submission website. Submissions must conform to
policies given on the conference website https://www.micnon2018.org/, for
the rest of proposals, please contact us at: contact at micnon2018.org, and
looking forward to welcoming you in Guadalajara!

Important Dates
Deadline for special sessions/workshops proposals: November 30, 2017
Deadline for submission: January 22, 2018 (Firm Deadline)
Notification of acceptance: March 16, 2018
Final paper submission: April 30, 2018
Conference dates: June 20-22, 2018

Confirmed Plenary Speakers
Frank Allgower, University of Stuttgart
David Angeli, Imperial College London
Patrizio Colaneri, Politecnico di Milano
Zhong-Ping Jiang, NYU Tandon School of Engineering
Thomas Schön, Uppsala University
Mark Spong, University of Texas at Dallas
Kumar Venayagamoorthy, Clemson University


Lorenzo Marconi and Jaime A. Moreno, IPC Chairs
Alma Y. Alanis and Marco A. Perez-Cisneros, NPC Chairs
Edgar N. Sanchez and Esteban A. Hernandez-Vargas, Editors

6.10. IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design & IFAC Workshop on Linear
Parameter Varying Systems
Contributed by: Eugenio B. Castelan, eugenio.castelan at ufsc.br


9th IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design (ROCOND'18) and
2nd IFAC Workshop on Linear Parameter Varying Systems (LPVS'18)
Florianopolis, SC, Brazil,
September 03-05, 2018

http://rocond18.ufsc.br http://lpvs18.ufsc.br

Updated Important Dates:
Submission site open - https://ifac.papercept.net 31/11/2017
Open track session submission deadline 15/02/2018
Draft paper submission deadline 15/02/2018
Acceptance/rejection notification 15/05/2018

The Organizing Committees have the pleasure of inviting you to participate
in the joint9th IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design (ROCOND'18) and 2nd
IFAC Workshop on Linear Parameter Varying Systems (LPVS'18) to be held in
Florianopolis, Brazil, September 3-5, 2018. The joint ROCOND'18 and LPVS'18
will be held at the conference center of Majestic Palace Hotel near
downtown Florianopolis. Majestic Palace Hotel is a 5-star hotel offering
luxury accommodation, stunning views of the North Bay, and located just
minutes from Shopping Malls, several beaches on the north, south and east
of Santa Catarina Island.

Author Guidelines
The joint ROCOND'18& LPVS'18 invite four types of submission: ROCOND
Regular or Open Invited Track papers, and LPVS Regular or Open Invited
Track papers. For the purpose of review only, all submitted manuscripts may
be up to eight (8) pages long. However, normal length for the final
manuscript is limited to six (6) pages. Papers exceeding the normal length
may be submitted upon payment of over length page charges of EUR 100.00 for
each page in excessof six. A maximum of two extra pages above normal six
are permitted.

Scope and Topics:
ROCOND 2018 - Over the last three decades, robust control has been a topic
of active research and development of new theoretical principles, numerical
methods and effective control algorithms to design and implement complex
engineering control systems that provide adequate performance and stability
when implemented in real plants. Emphasis will be put on current challenges
and new directions in development of theoretical and computational tools
for versatile practical applications implemented on advanced control
systems (networked, embedded, distributed control systems) and are not
purely devoted to robust control design.

LPVS 2018 - The class of Linear Parameter Varying (LPV)systems can be used
to represent several types of dynamical systems such as time varying
uncertain, non-linear, switching or multi-models ones. The LPV modeling
allows also the design of the so-called LPV controllers, where the control
law parametersare up dated according to the measurable plant varying
parameters. In the last two decades, LPV systems and control have been an
active topic of research in the control systems community. This Workshop
aims at presenting new results in the field of LPV systems and their
applications in real life and industry (automotive, aerospace, robotics,
chemical processes, biological systems, energy and nuclear, network
controlled-systems), including aspects on modeling, identification,
stability, control design, observation and diagnosis.

IFAC Young Author Prize

It will be awarded a prize for the best paper in the joint ROCOND'18 and
LPV'18for an author younger than 30 years by September 1st 2018. The author
should be the first (corresponding) and presenting author of the paper. The
prize and a certificate will be awarded at the closing ceremony of the
joint ROCOND'18 and LPV'18.

Copyright Conditions
All publication material submitted for presentation at an IFAC-sponsored
meeting (Congress, Symposium, Conference, Workshop) must be original and
hence cannot be already published, nor can it be under review elsewhere.
The authors take responsibility for the submitted material and must confer
the copyright to IFAC when they submit the final version of the paper. See
further details at the Conference webpage.

6.11. Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation
Contributed by: Maja Matijasevic, maja.matijasevic at fer.hr

26th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation
June 20-22, 2018
Hotel "Kolovare", Zadar, Croatia

The 26th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, MED'18, is
returning to Croatia! The hosting city of Zadar is situated in the heart of
the Adriatic sea. It has exceptional history and rich cultural heritage,
spanning over 2,000 years. The Old Town, located on a natural peninsula, is
surrounded by historical ramparts, within which one can find a mix of
archaeological and monumental treasures from ancient and medieval times to
Renaissance and contemporary architectural achievements such as the first
Sea Organ in the world. In the year 2016, Zadar received the prestigious
"Best European Destination 2016" award.

The theme of MED’18 centers on societal and economic challenges related to
increase in the system autonomy. Roundtables dedicated to this theme will
be organized during the conference. An innovative aspect of the conference
program is related to industrial challenges planned for MS and PhD
students. There will be 3 challenges with topics in i) process automation,
ii) automotive control design, and iii) autonomous systems control design.

MED’18 spans four full days: June 19th is devoted to Challenges, Tutorials
and Workshops, followed by the three day technical conference on June
20-22, 2018.

Areas of interest traditionally include a wide range of topics in control
systems, technology, and applications. This year, we would like to address
emerging research areas in control, such as systems of systems, robotics,
intelligent autonomous systems and computational intelligence,
architectures for intelligent control, control inspired by systems biology,
vision in control, and control theory in psychology and sociology, as well
as application of control theory in economics, next generation healthcare
and healthcare delivery. Given the growing energy problems and demands, we
would like to invite papers on control applications in new energy
resources, and in energy grid control. In an increasingly networked world,
communications, computing and control systems merge – thus networked
control systems, IoT and cloud computing in control applications are also
of special importance.

Important dates:

February 12, 2018: Regular Papers / Invited Sessions / Tutorial Proposals
April 16, 2018: Acceptance / Rejection Notification
May, 7 2018: Final Manuscripts Due
May, 7 2018: Early Registration Deadline

Contributed papers: All papers must be submitted and uploaded
electronically through https://controls.papercept.net. The paper format
must follow IEEE paper submission rules, two-column format using 12 point
fonts, Times New Roman. The maximum number of pages per submitted paper is
6. Up to two additional pages will be permitted for a charge of 100 € per
additional page. Illustrations and references are included in the page

Invited and Special Sessions: Proposals for invited and special sessions by
topic of interest must be submitted and uploaded electronically. A Summary
Statement describing the motivation and relevance of the proposed session,
invited paper titles and author names must be uploaded electronically by
mid-February, 2018. In addition, authors must submit FULL versions of
invited papers electronically. Each such paper must be marked as "Invited
Session Paper".

Workshops – Tutorials: Proposals for workshops and tutorials should contain
the title of the session, the list of speakers, and extended summaries
(2000 words) of their presentations. Proposals must be uploaded
electronically, as well as sent by e-mail to the Tutorial and Workshop
Chair by February 12, 2018.

General Chairs:
Stjepan Bogdan, University of Zagreb
Sandra Hirche, Technical University of Munich
Program Chairs:
Nikola Miskovic, University of Zagreb
Roberto Galeazzi, Technical University of Denmark

7. Positions

7.1. PhD: KU Leuven, Belgium
Contributed by: Jan Swevers, jan.swevers at kuleuven.be

PhD: KU Leuven Department of Mechanical Engineering, Belgium

The KU Leuven, Department of Mechanical Engineering is searching for a
young, motivated and skilled PhD researcher with a strong background in
numerical optimization, systems and control for a PhD position on
"Real-time motion planning and fast MPC for complex mechatronic systems"

RESEARCH PROJECT: This project focuses on optimal motion control of complex
mechatronic motion systems operating in changing environments. Changing
environments require real-time motion planning, which is very challenging
if system dynamics are complex and collision constraints change
The overall project goal is to develop and experimentally validate an
effective MPC approach for complex mechatronic systems that realizes
optimal motion planning and control in real-time. This research will be
supported by an MPC toolchain development in order to integrate all
software in an open and modular fashion as to create a workflow from
problem specification to deployment. All developments will be validated
experimentally on academic set-ups (e.g. AGV or robot) in the lab.

YOUR PROFILE: An ideal candidate has a master degree in engineering
(mechanical, control ...) and a strong background in control and dynamic
system modelling, numerical optimization, programming (Matlab, C/C++), a
strong interest in and experience with experimental work. Proficiency in
English is a requirement. Applicants whose mother tongue is neither Dutch
nor English must present an official language test report. The acceptable
tests are TOEFL, IELTS, and Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English (CAE)
or Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE). Required minimum
scores are:
• TOEFL: 600 (paper-based test), 100 (internet-based test)
• IELTS: 7 (only Academic IELTS test accepted) • CAE/CPE: grade B or A.

OUR OFFER: A fully funded PhD position for four years at the KU Leuven. KU
Leuven is among the top European universities and a hub for
interdisciplinary research in the field of optimization. You will be
embedded in the MECO research team of the department of Mechanical
Engineering (www.mech.kuleuven.be/meco).

APPLICATION PROCEDURE: To apply, send email to jan.swevers at kuleuven.be.
Subject of your email should be: “MECHATRONICS MPC PhD application”.
Deadline: February 28, 2018! Include:
• an academic CV with photo,
• a Pdf of your diplomas and transcript of course work and grades,
• statement of research interests and career goals (max. 2 pages),
• sample of technical writing (publication or thesis),
• contact details of at least two referees,
• proof of English language proficiency test results.

7.2. PhD: KU Leuven, Belgium
Contributed by: Panos Patrinos, panos.patrinos at esat.kuleuven.be

Fully funded PhD position at the Department of Electrical Engineering
(ESAT), KU Leuven:
Theory, algorithms and applications for structured, nonconvex optimization

The STADIUS Center for Dynamical Systems, Signal Processing and Data
Analytics, Prof. Panos Patrinos, at the Department of Electrical
Engineering (ESAT), KU Leuven is offering a fully funded, 4-year PhD
position on the topic of the theory and algorithms for structured nonconvex
optimization. KU Leuven is among the top European universities (ranked
first in Times Higher Education list of most innovative universities in
Europe) and a hub for interdisciplinary research in the field of
optimization. The PhD position is in the context of the research project “A
unifying algorithmic framework for structured optimization”, funded by the
Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO) for advancing fundamental scientific

Project summary: The objective of the project is to develop and implement a
unifying methodological and algorithmic framework for structured nonsmooth
and nonconvex optimization, targeting problems resulting from various
application domains, such as control and machine learning. The project will
build upon ongoing, promising research of the group that establishes a
connection between nonsmooth and smooth optimization, leading to new
interpretations, insights, nonconvex extensions and improved versions of
popular algorithms such as ADMM. The candidate will contribute in further
exploring this direction by conducting fundamental research in algorithmic
optimization and/or developing optimization software (in Julia, Python, C)
to solve real-world problems in control and/or machine learning, such as
embedded model predictive control for autonomous driving and deep learning.

Candidate requirements: Applicants should have a Master's degree from a
good-quality university in mathematics, engineering, computer science or a
related field. They should possess a strong background and interest in
mathematics and, ideally, numerical optimization. They should have
excellent analytical and problem solving skills and, preferably,
well-developed programming skills. Depending on their interest, background
and skills the focus of the PhD project can be either on fundamental theory
and algorithmic development or software development and applications
related to either control or machine learning. Applicants should also have
good English communication skills.

Application procedure: To apply send email to
panos.patrinos at esat.kuleuven.be with subject “PhD application: structured
optimization”, attaching an academic CV, a pdf of your diplomas and
transcript of course work and grades, a statement of research interests and
career goals (1 page max.), sample of technical writing (publication or
thesis) and contact details of at least two referees.

7.3. PhD: KU Leuven, Belgium
Contributed by: Panos Patrinos, panos.patrinos at esat.kuleuven.be

Fully funded PhD position at the Department of Electrical Engineering
(ESAT), KU Leuven:
Risk-Averse Learning and Model Predictive Control for Autonomous Driving

The STADIUS Center for Dynamical Systems, Signal Processing and Data
Analytics, Prof. Panos Patrinos, at the Department of Electrical
Engineering (ESAT), KU Leuven is offering a fully funded, 4-year PhD
position on the topic of real-time risk-averse learning model predictive
control for autonomous vehicles. KU Leuven is among the top European
universities (ranked first in Times Higher Education list of most
innovative universities in Europe) and a hub for interdisciplinary research
in the field of optimization. The project will be carried out in
collaboration with a leading automotive company.

Project summary: The project concerns the development of theory and
methodologies combining data-based learning with Model Predictive Control
(MPC) in the context of autonomous vehicle motion control. The new methods
will be capable of dealing with high-effect low-probability (HELP) events
such as unexpected changes in traffic, traction and road conditions and
unforeseen movements of other vehicles and pedestrians. To this end, the
candidate will build upon the recently developed risk-averse MPC framework
within our group, that accounts for the uncertainty within uncertainty
estimates, being more resilient than stochastic MPC and less conservative
than robust MPC. The overall goal is to develop MPC strategies that are
able to learn from data in real time, to continuously improve performance
and safety guarantees in the highly uncertain context of autonomous driving
will be developed.

Candidate requirements: Applicants should have a Master's degree from a
good-quality university in engineering or a related field. They should
possess a strong background and interest in systems & control and, ideally,
numerical optimization. They should have well-developed programming and
excellent analytical and problem solving skills. Applicants should also
have good English communication skills.

Application procedure: To apply send email to
panos.patrinos at esat.kuleuven.be with subject “PhD application: risk-averse
MPC”, attaching an academic CV, a pdf of your diplomas and transcript of
course work and grades, a statement of research interests and career goals
(1 page max.), sample of technical writing (publication or thesis) and
contact details of at least two referees.

7.4. PhD: Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands
Contributed by: Sergio Grammatico, s.grammatico at tudelft.nl

PhD position: Complex Network Games.
Delft Center for Systems and Control (DCSC), Delft University of
Technology, The Netherlands.

We are looking for a talented candidate with an M.Sc. degree (or close to
completion) in Systems and Control, or Applied Mathematics, Electrical or
Mechanical Engineering, or related field, with theoretical background and
interest in System Theory, Automatic Control, Optimization, Game Theory,
and with good command of the English language (knowledge of Dutch is not

Project description: The candidate will conduct fundamental,
multi-disciplinary, research on complex multi-agent systems characterized
by the presence of: (i) noncooperative (e.g. selfish) agents; (ii) complex
networks that define the inter-dependence between objective functions and
constraints, and the information exchange; (iii) uncertain variables and
probabilistic constraints. The key challenge is to design structured
multi-agent dynamics that converge to an efficient equilibrium solution,
despite the presence of uncertainty. With this aim, stochastic or
randomized methods, e.g. the scenario approach, shall be developed for game
theory. Application areas include smart power grids and automated driving.

The PhD position is in the context of the project “Complex Network Games:
The Scenario Approach” (OMEGA), funded by the Netherlands Organization for
Scientific Research (NWO) for curiosity-driven research in Mathematics.

Conditions of employment: The appointment will be for 4 years. The PhD
student will participate in the training and research activities of the TU
Delft Graduate School and of the Dutch Institute of Systems and Control
(DISC). As an employee of TU Delft, the PhD student will receive a
competitive salary in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement for
Dutch Universities (CAO), from 2.2k EUR/month (gross, 1st year) to 2.8k
EUR/month (gross, 4th year), namely from 1.7k EUR/month (after taxes, 1st
year) to 2.0k EUR/month (after taxes, 4th year), plus holiday allowance (8%
of gross annual income) and end-of-year allowance (8.3% of gross annual
income), travel budget, secondary benefits, discounts for health insurance
and sport membership. Assistance with accommodation can be arranged.

Applications shall include the following documents:
curriculum vitae;
statement of motivation and research interests (up to one page);
transcripts of all exams taken and obtained degrees (in English);
names and contact information of up to three references (e.g.
project/thesis supervisors);
up to two research-oriented documents (e.g. thesis, conference/journal

Applications or inquires shall be emailed to prof. Sergio Grammatico (
s.grammatico at tudelft.nl).

The call for applications will remain open until the ideal candidate is
found. The starting date is flexible, but ideally would be February/March

More information: s.grammatico at tudelft.nl,

7.5. PhD: Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Contributed by: Jonas Sjöberg, jonas.sjoberg at chalmers.se

PhD student position in safe and efficient control of automated vehicles in
urban traffic

Automated transport systems will revolutionize the efficiency of
transportation of people and goods, and at the same time dramatically
reduce environmental impact. This project concerns optimization of the
overall transport performance by taking advantage of new possibilities for
efficient communication, accurate position estimation, and smart decision

The goal of this PhD project is to develop control algorithms for automated
driving in a predominantly urban traffic, which may consist of
conventional, electrified and self-driven vehicles. The main objective is
to develop algorithms for efficient driving, e.g. in terms of energy
consumption, traffic flow, component wear and emissions, while ensuring
safe interaction with surrounding vehicles, pedestrians and stationary

The initial part of the project is in cooperation with, among others, Volvo
Buses. Specific traffic scenarios for autonomous buses will be considered,
and real driving tests where developed algorithms are verified are planned
within the project. The algorithm development will rely on the use of
model-based control techniques that incorporate real-time positioning,
predictive traffic information and communication between vehicles and/or
infrastructure, while addressing the trade-off between computational
demands and optimality. Techniques, such as convex relaxations,
time-to-space transformations, variable changes, model abstractions,
approximations and multi-level optimization will be of main interest.

By the starting date, the applicant should have a Master of Science degree
or equivalent, in Electrical Engineering, Engineering Physics, Mechanical
Engineering, Applied Math or in a related discipline. A successful
applicant should have a strong background in control theory and
optimization and be familiar with system modelling tools. Programming
skills in Matlab are required and in C/C++ are welcome. A genuine interest
and curiosity in the subject, excellent oral and written English
communication skills are needed.

Start date: as soon as possible

Application deadline: 15 February 2018

More information and application instructions:

7.6. PhD: MINES ParisTech, France
Contributed by: Florent Di Meglio, florent.di_meglio at mines-paristech.f

The System and Control Center (CAS) at MINES ParisTech, offers a PhD
position (Early-Stage Researcher) on

Parameter estimation for distributed parameter models of thermoacoustic

Several research positions are available to early-stage and experienced
researchers in the Marie Sklodowska Curie Initial Training Network
MAGISTER, funded by the European Commission under Horizon 2020. MAGISTER is
a multi-disciplinary project providing research training in computational
fluid mechanics, combustion dynamics, acoustics and machine learning. The
research objective is to predict and control accurately the combustion
dynamics in a gas turbine engine over the full range of Technology
Readiness Levels, by means of the application of machine learning on CFD
simulations, laboratory experiments and full engine data.

Within the Systems & Control center at MINES ParisTech a vacancy exists for
a PhD position.

Job description
The objectives of this study are:
(I) Deriving observability conditions for the parameters of a distributed
parameter model of the thermoacoustic oscillations. (II) Derive model-based
estimation methods and adaptive observers relying on transient pressure
data (III) Validate the proposed approach on experimental data.

The expected results are:
(I) A set of experiments enabling identification of unmeasured parameters
(II) Validated Algorithms ensuring the convergence of estimations to the
true value of model parameters from experimental measurements.

Our Offer
The successful applicant will be appointed on a 3-year contract.
The salary for PhD research is € 2 500, 00 net per month. This includes
benefits such as healthcare, unemployment and retirement

Candidate must be able to demonstrate competence in systems & control and
signal processing under the supervision of F. Di Meglio.

Applicants must satisfy the eligibility rules stipulated by the Horizon
2020 Guidelines of the European Commission. In particular, they must not
have performed their main acitivity in the Netherlands for more than 12
months of the 36 months preceding the position. Early-Stage Researchers
must be in the first four years (full-time equivalent) of their research
careers, starting at the date of obtaining the degree which would formally
entitle them to embark on a doctorate.

For more information about this vacancy you can contact Dr. F. Di Meglio,
telephone +33 6 218 13 1 52 (e-mail: florent.di_meglio at mines-paristech.fr).

Your application, provided with a CV, list of three persons for reference,
a list of publications (if applicable), and a summary of the M.Sc thesis
should be sent before May, 1st, 2017 to florent.di_meglio at mines-paristech.fr

The organisation
MINES ParisTech. MINES ParisTech is founded in 1783, is one of the oldest
French higher education institution in engineering. It provides high-level
scientific training through its research centers, with an important focus
on industrial partnerships.

The Systems & Control Center (CAS) is one of the school’s 18 research
centers. It focuses on the control of dynamical systems, estimation and
filtering with a large range of industrial applications, such as quantum
control, process control and mechatronics.

7.7. Research Assistant: German Aerospace Center, Germany
Contributed by: Jonathan Brembeck, bewerber-SR-FAZ-AM at dlr.de

The German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute of System Dynamics and Control
- located in Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany - has two open positions as research
assistant in areas of network control and fault diagnostics for x-by-wire

Position 1: Development of distributed control algorithms for automotive
The first project focus on the development of innovative robust methods for
safety-critical vehicle control tasks, which rely on information provided
by distributed vehicular networks. Particular attention will be given to
the co-design of control and communication methods capable of minimizing
the effect of network disturbances, such as delays, signal degradation and
packet loss. The developed methods should be implemented and validated in
our experimental prototype vehicles, such as the ROboMObil.

Position 2: Fault diagnosis for X-by-wire vehicles
The second project will tackle the fault detection and isolation (FDI) in
x-by-wire vehicles. Our goal consists in the development of non-linear FDI
methods, combined with plausibility algorithms, in order to improve the
reliability of x-by-wire vehicle architectures against actuator and sensor
faults. Additionally, we also aim to develop model-based diagnosis methods
to support the defense against cyber attacks of cloud-based vehicle control

For both position, knowledge of German language is a plus. Candidates with
strong knowledge in network control theory, Matlab/Simulink and embedded
systems are desirable.

Further details can be found at:
and applications must be sent via the web interface on these pages.

7.8. PostDoc: Australian National University, Australia
Contributed by: Sergiy Bogomolov, sergiy.bogomolov at anu.edu.au

Postdoctoral position in Hybrid Systems at the Australian National

Cyber-Physical Systems Laboratory led by Dr Sergiy Bogomolov is seeking
applications for a postdoctoral position on the topic “Verification of
Hybrid Systems”. The successful candidate will work on algorithms and
techniques to support scalable verification of hybrid systems. Candidates
working on adjacent topics, which contribute to the broad goal of ensuring
safety of hybrid systems such as synthesis of hybrid systems, are
encouraged to apply as well. Interest in investigating links between formal
methods and areas of artificial intelligence such as AI planning and
verification of machine learning algorithms is welcome.

The successful candidate will have a PhD degree (or will be working towards
its completion) in Computer Science, Applied Mathematics or a related
discipline and be able to demonstrate an excellent research track record in
the area of hybrid systems. The position is available immediately and will
be open until a suitable candidate has been found. The initial duration of
the position is two years and might be extended depending on the
candidate’s performance and funding availability. The candidate will be
offered an internationally competitive salary (around 100K AUD/year + 17%

Please send a complete CV including information about your publications and
reference writers as well as your motivation letter to Dr Sergiy Bogomolov (
sergiy.bogomolov at anu.edu.au). For more information, please consult

The Australian National University is a top ranked university (#20
world-wide according to QS world university ranking 2017) located in
Canberra, the capital city of Australia. Canberra enjoys one of the highest
quality of life in the world (most liveable city according to Regional
Well-Being Report 2014 by OECD).

7.9. PostDoc: KTH, Sweden
Contributed by: Dimos Dimarogonas, dimos at kth.se

The Department of Automatic Control at the KTH Royal Institute of
Technology in Stockholm, Sweden, is seeking up to two postdoc associates in
Hybrid Control of Multi-Robot Systems. The full announcement can be found


Deadline for applications: January 15, 2018. Please contact Prof. Dimos
Dimarogonas at dimos at kth.se for further information about the positions.

7.10. PostDoc: Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Contributed by: Jonas Sjöberg, jonas.sjoberg at chalmers.se

PostDoc position

The position is intended for 2 years PostDoc within a project about
automation of (electric) city buses together with Volvo Busses and
Mechatronics group at Chalmers. The main research in Vehicle Dynamics will
be in Virtual Verification, i.e. dynamic modelling (Vehicle mechanical,
Vehicle control algorithms, Vehicle environment) and how to evaluate
requirements. Specific requirements for the city bus project are foreseen
to be: 1) Avoid interference between the vehicle's body/wheels and the edge
of driveable area/obstacles and 2) Drive with good comfort and 3) Drive
with high transport efficiency. Comfort in longitudinal and lateral
direction is especially a novel research area, since conventional (manually
driven) vehicles are not developed for such requirements. City buses are
especially sensitive in that aspect since occupants may be standing. Within
the project there will be good availability of test vehicles.

Position summary:
The position is a full-time temporary employment with a competitive salary
and with social benefits. The position is limited to a maximum of two years

Mandatory educational qualifications:
- PhD in Automotive, Mechanical, Mechatronics/Control, or Physics

Mandatory experience and skills:
- Driver license, especially for trucks and buses
- Modelling and simulation of Mechanical and Mechatronic dynamic systems.
- Good knowledge of the English language (both oral and written), writing
of scientific papers
- Leadership skills will be valuable in teaching, including supervision of
MSc theses

Meritorious experience and skills: Simulink, ROS/GAZEBO

Application deadline: 31 January 2018

More information and application instructions:

7.11. PostDoc: UTFSM, Chile
Contributed by: Juan I. Yuz, juan.yuz at usm.cl


The Advanced Center for Electrical and Electronic Engineering (AC3E) offers
up to FOUR postdoctoral fellowships in the areas of Smart Industry, Energy
and Power Systems, and Health Technologies.
AC3E was created on 2014 to group individual research efforts into multi-
and inter-disciplinary teams and focus research towards industry related
problems to spark innovation. The Center is part of UTFSM, the largest and
most prestigious universities in Chile and Latin America in the area of
science, technology, and engineering. The lines of research of the Center
are: Control and Automation, Renewable Energy and Power Conversion,
Robotics, Biomedical Systems, Electrical Systems, and Signal Processing and
Communications. These lines of research focus their work around the
following areas of impact.

Areas of Impact
1. Smart Industry.
2. Energy and Power Systems.
3. Health Technologies.

Required Documents
1. Cover letter explaining your interest in becoming part of AC3E.
2. Curriculum Vitae, including a list of publications.
3. Evidence of PhD degree.
4. Contact details of at least two referees, that may be contacted for a
reference letter.

Important Information
• The postdoctoral fellowships are for two years.
• Required documents should be provided in English in a single PDF file.
• The positions are for working at AC3E, located at UTFSM main campus in
Valparaiso, Chile.
• Selected candidates are expected to join AC3E no later than July 2018.
• Application deadline is March 5, 2018.
• Applications should be sent to ac3e at usm.cl with subject POSTDOCTORAL
• Additional information can be found at www.ac3e.cl and at www.usm.cl
• Further enquiries can be sent to ac3e at usm.cl

Juan I. Yuz E., Ph.D.
Director, Advanced Center for Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Associate Professor, Departamento de Electrónica
Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, CHILE.

7.12. PostDoc: Northeastern University, USA
Contributed by: Rifat Sipahi, rifat at coe.neu.edu

A Postdoctoral Research Associate position is available for joining an
interdisciplinary research team established by the Laboratory of
Neurobiology (PI: Professor Günther K.H. Zupanc; Department of Biology) and
the Complex Dynamical Systems & Control Laboratory (PI: Professor Rifat
Sipahi; Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering) at
Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

Funded by the National Science Foundation, the postdoctoral researcher will
work on a project at the intersection of neuroscience, regenerative
biology, and system dynamics, primarily involving cellular automata (CA)
modeling of cell proliferation dynamics to explain tissue growth and repair
mechanisms in a regeneration-competent organism. The successful candidate
will have genuine interest in biological systems, and will hold a Ph.D. in
a relevant discipline with strong background in modeling of dynamical
systems, especially using CA approaches.

The appointed candidate will have the opportunity to become involved in the
writing of manuscripts, preparing grant proposals, supervising graduate and
undergraduate students, and participating in outreach activities.

This position is available immediately for one year. A competitive salary
and fringe-benefits package will be offered. Interested parties should
contact the PI Prof. Zupanc at G.Zupanc at northeastern.edu and CC Prof.
Sipahi at rifat at coe.neu.edu along with the following documents:

* Motivation letter (no more than 2 pages)
* Curriculum vitae (as detailed as possible; please present journal
publications separately from conference publications)
* Names of at least three references, including contact details (one of
which must be the Ph.D. advisor of the candidate)
* PDFs of at least two relevant publications

7.13. PostDoc: Lund University, Sweden
Contributed by: Anders Rantzer, rantzer at control.lth.se

Applications are invited for positions as postdoc at the LCCC Linnaeus
center, Lund University, Sweden. See http://www.lccc.lth.se.

LCCC - Lund Center for Control of Complex engineering systems has been
created with support from a ten year Linnaeus grant by the Swedish Research
Council, a special grant allocated to research environments of highest
international quality. The positions will enable excellent young
individuals to develop their own line of research in synergy with a strong
environment. Co-funding is available from projects such as robot navigation
and medical intensive care.

7.14. PostDoc: Libera Università di Bolzano, Italy
Contributed by: Karl von Ellenrieder, kvonellenrieder at unibz.it

PostDoc: Libera Università di Bolzano, Alto-Adige, Italia

We are looking for a highly qualified scholar in control engineering and
mechatronics to join our field robotics group. The effort will involve
research on the development of field robot platforms and systems.

To apply, please visit the application website at

A detailed position description is on page (4/17) of the linked file

The working environment is trilingual and requires knowledge of either
(italian + english), (german + english) or all three languages.

Application Deadline: 29 January 2018

Inquiries and Completed Applications should be sent via email to the
Academic Staff Personnel office: personnel_academic at unibz.it

7.15. PostDoc: Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Contributed by: Bowen Yi, yibowen at ymail.com

Postdoctoral Position in Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

The Optimization & Control Engineering Research Center of Shanghai (in the
Department of Automation, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China) offers 3
postdoc positions in control engineering as soon as possible thereafter. We
are interested in candidates in the broad areas of advanced control theory,
multi-agents formation, artificial intelligence, machine learning, pattern
recognition, game theory, industrial networked control systems, etc.

Requirements and qualifications:
-PhD degree
-Documented experience with research dissemination in international
scientific journals
-Experience with writing research applications
-Good communication skills in English or Chinese
-Self-motivation and the ability to work both independently and as a team
player with researchers from different disciplines

Main tasks:
-Active involvement in research efforts
-Supervision of student projects and thesis at both master and Ph.D. levels

Salary and others:
- RMB 120-200k/year (approximately, 18-30kUSD)
- It is a 2-year position and can be extended to 5 years

Required documents
-One self-recommendation letter covering your research statements, your
achievements, as well as your possible requirements from us
-A list of your publications

For further information, please contact Prof. Dr. Weidong Zhang, Email:
wdzhang at sjtu.edu.cn.
Tel: +86-21-34204019.
Address: Dongchuan Road 800, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai
200240, China.

7.16. PostDoc: Huazhong University of Science & Technology, China
Contributed by: Ye Yuan, ye.yuan at outlook.com

Prof. Ye Yuan (http://yy311.github.io) is looking for a number of postdocs
and visiting researchers starting as soon as possible at Huazhong
Artificial Intelligence Lab (HAIL), Huazhong University of Science &
Technology (HUST), China.

The research project is broadly on the development of deep learning, system
identification and control theory and its application to robotics.
1. For Postdoc, we offer
• A competitive salary (USD 35,000 – 50,000 per year);
• Experimental platforms to test ideas (Vicon + Crazyflies, GPU cluster,
UR3/5 robot + Kinect)
• Full contract for 2 years with the possibility of renewal up to 5 years
contingent on performance;
• Possibilities to stay at HUST as a lecturer or an associate professor
2. For visiting professors, we offer
• A highly competitive salary depending on the qualification (up to USD
9,000 per month);
• Travel cost and local housing.
3. Your Profile
• A Ph.D. degree in Control Theory, Robotics, Mathematics or a closely
related field;
• An excellent background in one of the following areas: system
identification, control theory, machine learning, neuroscience, robotics.
• Tenured professors in leading institutes (for visiting professors).

Interested candidates should send their CV (with names of at least two
references) and a cover letter (for postdoc candidates) describing their
specific interest and how their background fits the qualifications to Prof.
Ye Yuan <yye at hust.edu.cn>.

7.17. Valorisation Manager: KU Leuven, Belgium
Contributed by: Wim Michiels, Wim.Michiels at cs.kuleuven.be

Valorisation manager: KU Leuven, Belgium

Position Valorisation Manager Computational Mathematics and High
Performance Computing

The NUMA (Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics) section of the
Department of Computer Science of KU Leuven develops numerical methods,
algorithms and software for simulation, control and data analysis, with
applications in many fields in science and engineering. Research topics
include numerical linear algebra, tensor-based data analysis, model order
reduction, control and optimization methods, multi-scale modelling and
simulation, high performance computing, and uncertainty propagation. For
the valorisation of the research output and the exploration of
opportunities for projects, in particular with industry, we have a vacancy
for a full-time, permanent position as a valorisation manager.

The candidate must possess a PhD degree, and have at least 3 years of
research experience after the PhD, including tech transfer and/or
collaborations with companies. Experience in project proposal writing and
knowledge of intellectual property rights are desirable.

More information and application instructions can be found at

The review of the applications will start on January 15, 2018, and continue
until the position is filled.

7.18. Faculty: Zhejiang University of Technology, China
Contributed by: Qiu Xiang, qiuxiang at zjut.edu.cn


Zhejiang Control Science and Engineering First-Class (Class A) Discipline
Recruitment Announcement

Zhejiang University of Technology (ZJUT), sitting by the beautiful West
Lake, Hangzhou, is a Zhejiang Province and the Ministry of Education
co-supported, provincially governed key university, who owns one of the
only 14 Collaborative Creation Centers in the first initiative of the state
“2011 Program”. ZJUT has its beautiful campus covering more than 3000 mu,
which accommodates 24 Colleges, more than 37,000 full-time students and
more than 3,300 staffs. ZJUT is proudly to have 2 self-owned and 2 sharing
Fellows of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, as well as more than 1400
faculties with senior professional titles. ZJUT has State Key Disciplines,
State Engineering Research Centers, State University Science Parks, Centers
for Postdocs, as well as the power of awarding Doctors, Masters, MBAs and
recruiting foreign students and those from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.

The Control Science and Engineering Discipline within the College of
Information Engineering was one of the Priority-among-Priorities
Disciplines (selected by Zhejiang Provincial Government in 2009), and is
now one of the Zhejiang First-Class (Class A) Disciplines in the first
initiative of the Program in 2015. The Discipline now has the Doctoral
Program at the first-level discipline, the Center for Postdocs, and the
Zhejiang Collaborated Key Laboratory of Embedded Systems. The College of
Information Engineering where the Discipline is in has 5 undergraduate
programs: Automation, Electrical Engineering and Its Automation, Electronic
Information Engineering, Communication Engineering, and Electronic Science
and Technology. The Discipline is now recruiting faculties in the following
areas at the levels of State and Zhejiang Provincial “1000 Plan” high-level
talents, Zhejiang “Qianjiang Scholars”, ZJUT “Yunhe Specially-Appointed
Professors”, “ZJUT Professors”, outstanding PhDs and postdocs, etc.

(1) Control Science and Engineering, including advanced control theory,
robotics, machine vision, pattern recognition, industrial networked control
systems, MES, etc.
(2) Electrical Engineering, including electric drive, power electronics,
new energy, etc.
(3) Mechatronic Engineering, including high-precision servo control of
mechatronic devices, the modelling and dynamic analysis of robots, etc.
(4) Computer Science and Technology, including smart city, smart
healthcare, big data, cloud computing, IoT, industrial control software,

A. Selection criteria
High-level talents (Changjiang Scholars, 1000 Plan Scholars, Qianjiang
Scholars, etc.) You have major achievements and influence in your research
area that have already been recognized by national and international
researchers, or have great potentials of future development; You also meet
the criteria of corresponding talents programs.
ZJUT Professors /Associate Professors You have a PhD degree obtained from a
recognized university or research institutes with at least one year of
oversea research experience in a well-known foreign institute; You have
research achievements recognized by national and international researchers;
Your application also passes the review process at the university level
Outstanding PhDs/Postdocs You have a PhD degree obtained from a recognized
university or research institute; You have high-quality research outputs
and the professional skills required by a university lecturer, and great
potentials of your future career.

B. Salary and welfare
(1) National-Level Top Tier Talents:Fellows of Chinese Academy of Sciences
or Chinese Academy of Engineering, “Special Support Program” Distinguished
Talents, Principal Investigators of NSFC Innovative Research Team, or other
talents at the equivalent level. Treatment:Negotiation on the case by case

(2) National-Level Top Tier Talents:National “1000 Plan” Scholars
(long-term), Changqiang Scholars, NSFC Distinguished Young Scholars,
“Special Support Program” Outstanding Talents, winners (rank first) of
three major national science awards, or other talents at the equivalent
level. Salary (CNY):≥700K /Year; Housing Benefit(CNY):3M-5M; Startup
Funds(CNY):Case by case.

(3) National-Level Young Talents:“Special Support Program” Outstanding
Young Talents, “1000 Plan” Young Scholars, “Changjiang Young Scholars, NSFC
Outstanding Young Scholars, 973 Program Young Scholars, “Millions of
Talents Program” Scholars, or other talents at the equivalent level. Salary
(CNY):≥450K /Year; Housing Benefit(CNY):1.5M-2.5M; Startup Funds(CNY):1M-3M.

(4) Provincial-and-Ministry-Level Talents,Yunhe Specially-Appointed
Professors:CAS “100 Plan” Scholars, Zhejiang ”Qianjiang Scholars”, Zhejiang
“1000 Plan” (long-term) Scholars, or other talents who have made
significant academic contributions with great potentials of development and
who are awarded “Yunhe Specially-Appointed Professors” after the review of
ZJUT. Salary (CNY):≥350K /Year; Housing Benefit(CNY):1.5M; Startup

(5) ZJUT Professors,ZJUT Associated Professors:You have a PhD degree
obtained from a recognized university or research institutes with at least
one year of oversea research experience in a well-known foreign institute;
You have research achievements recognized by national and international
colleges; Your application also passes the review process at the university
level. Salary (CNY):Salaries at the appropriate levels; Housing
Benefit(CNY):0.4M-0.5M; Startup Funds(CNY):0.1M-0.2M.

(6) Outstanding PhDs/Postdoctors:You have a PhD degree obtained from a
recognized university or research institute; You have high-quality research
outputs and the professional skills required by a university lecturer, and
great potentials of your future career. Salary (CNY):Salaries at the
appropriate levels; Housing Benefit(CNY):0.3M.

(7) Postdocs (leading to a faculty):Besides the basic salary and welfare,
50K/Year subsidy is provided for the first two years, with the possibility
of continuing this subsidy plus a one-off 200K housing benefit if you are
accepted to ZJUT public institution business unit.

C. Required documents

(1) One self-recommendation letter covering your study and professional
records, your teaching and research statements, your achievements, your
work plan as well as your possible requirements from us.
(2) A list of your research funds, awards, and publications in the recent
five years.

D. Contact us

Dr. Qiu,
Email : qiuxiang at zjut.edu.cn
Mobile: +86-13867469319
Address: Xiaoheshan College Park, College of Information Engineering,
Zhejiang University of Technology, 310023

Zhejiang Control Science and Engineering First-Class (Class A) Discipline
Dec 7, 2017

7.19. Faculty: University of Tennessee at Knoxville, USA
Contributed by: Seddik Djouadi, djouadi at utk.edu

The Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) at The
University of Tennessee, Knoxville (UTK) is seeking candidates for a tenure
track faculty position at the assistant or associate professor level in the
area of controls, communications, and signal and image processing.
Applicants should have an earned Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, Computer
Engineering, or a related field. Successful candidates will be expected to
teach at both undergraduate and graduate levels, to establish a vigorous
funded research program, and to have a willingness to collaborate with
other faculty in research.
The Knoxville campus of the University of Tennessee is seeking candidates
who have the ability to contribute in meaningful ways to the diversity and
intercultural goals of the University. The University of Tennessee welcomes
and honors people of all races, genders, creeds, cultures, and sexual
orientations, and values intellectual curiosity, pursuit of knowledge, and
academic freedom and integrity. Interested candidates should apply at


and submit a cover letter, a curriculum vitae, a statement of research and
teaching interests, and contact information for three references. Review of
applications will begin on December 15, 2017, and continue until the
positions are filled.

7.20. Faculty: Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Contributed by: Morten Breivik, morten.breivik at ntnu.no

The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU,
http://www.ntnu.edu/) hereby invites applications for a
professorship/associate professorship in Instrumentation and Sensor
Systems, affiliated with the Department of Engineering Cybernetics
(Institutt for teknisk kybernetikk - ITK, http://www.ntnu.edu/itk) at
NTNU’s Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering.

ITK has 21 professors, 15 adjunct professors, about 15 postdocs and
researchers as well as 70 PhD candidates. Approximately 160 candidates
graduate annually from the three MSc programs in cybernetics, which
comprise over 700 students in total. The department is involved in numerous
research projects and centers, including the Centre of Excellence for
Autonomous Marine Operations and Systems (NTNU AMOS,
http://www.ntnu.edu/amos). Two of ITK’s professors are IEEE Fellows.

The professor/associate professor must have a solid background in
instrumentation and sensor systems and their use in industrial control
systems. Supplementary research competence in any of the following areas is
also relevant: Safety and reliability of industrial real-time systems;
cyber security; systems engineering; industrial computer systems and
networks; industrial internet of things (IIoT); embedded systems;
electronics; signal processing; data analysis; estimation; and statistical

Relevant application areas include energy and process systems; marine
vessels; autonomous vehicles; robotics; ocean science; biology; medicine;
health; buildings; infrastructure; transportation systems; and remote
sensing, surveillance and monitoring.

The professor/associate professor is expected to play a leading role in
research and research-based education in instrumentation and sensor systems
in cooperation with the existing staff at ITK. She or he is also expected
to establish collaboration with relevant colleagues at other departments at
the faculty and within NTNU’s strategic research areas.

The department has strong relationships to Norwegian and international
academia and industry, with numerous joint research projects. The research
activities at the department rely crucially on external funding, and the
development of educational programs may also receive external funding. The
successful applicant is expected to work actively to obtain research grants
and other external funding from the Research Council of Norway, European
research and educational agencies, relevant industry and other available

The full announcement can be found at
with application deadline on Sunday February 4, 2018.

About NTNU, Trondheim and Norway:

- About NTNU: http://www.ntnu.edu/
- NTNU Facts and Figures: http://www.ntnu.edu/facts
- NTNU International Researcher Support: http://www.ntnu.edu/nirs
- About Trondheim: https://trondheim.com/
- About Norway: https://www.visitnorway.com/about/
- Working in Norway: https://www.nav.no/workinnorway/en/Home
- Practical info about Norway:

NTNU is Norway's largest university, with an annual budget of USD 1
billion. Its 55 departments are spread out over 8 faculties, educating
40.000 students at any one time, of which half study technology and the
natural sciences. NTNU graduates almost 7.000 bachelor and master students
every year, while about 370 doctoral degrees are awarded annually. The
university has more than 100 laboratory facilities distributed among the
different faculties and departments. These are central elements in NTNU's
education and research work.

Many of the technological and cultural innovations that allow Norway to
extract oil and gas from the North Sea, grow healthy salmon in fish farms,
or interpret the country's 9.000 years of human history have been developed
at NTNU. The university itself, founded in 1910, has contributed a solid
century of academic achievements and discoveries that have shaped Norwegian

Trondheim was Norway's first capital city, founded more than 1.000 years
ago, in 997 - but now instead of Viking raiders and Hanseatic traders,
you'll find jazz musicians and an international student body savouring
Trondheim city life. With a population of 187.353 (January 1, 2016), it is
the third most populous municipality in Norway.

With its snow-capped mountains, deep green valleys and sapphire blue
fjords, Norway is recognized the world over for its scenic beauty. Combine
that with Norway's cultural heritage, and you'll find that living in Norway
has something to offer everyone.

While Norway lies at the very top of Europe – and in fact includes the
island archipelago of Svalbard, home to the most northerly communities on
the planet – the country's climate is moderated by the Gulf Stream, and
features four distinct seasons. Norway's natural beauty and a history of
famous polar explorers are two reasons why the outdoors is such an
important part of Norwegian culture.

Newcomers to Norway will find the Norwegian work culture to be relaxed, but
efficient. The typical work week is 37.5 hours long, with a generous summer
holiday time and official holidays sprinkled throughout the year. The work
culture reflects the culture at large, which is respectful of individual
rights and supports a generous welfare system.

7.21. Faculty: Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Contributed by: Wassim M. Haddad, wm.haddad at aerospace.gatech.edu

Georgia Institute of Technology
School of Aerospace Engineering
Faculty Position in Dynamical Systems and Control

The School of Aerospace Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology,
Atlanta, Georgia, invites nominations and applications for a faculty
position in the areas of flight dynamics, dynamical systems, control
theory, information science, and the interactions between these fields
beginning August 2018.

All ranks will be considered, but senior level appointments will reserved
for exceptional candidates having a demonstrated superior research and
teaching record. Salary and rank will be commensurate with qualifications.

While all related areas of research in dynamical systems and control will
be considered, candidates with a research agenda most closely aligned with
aerospace applications are highly desirable.

Candidates are required to have a doctorate in Aerospace Engineering or a
closely related field. The successful transdisciplinary candidates will
have an outstanding research record and will be expected to teach graduate
and undergraduate courses, supervise graduate students, and interact with
the faculty on the development of a strong externally funded research

The School of Aerospace Engineering presently has 36 full-time faculty
members and its undergraduate and graduate programs are ranked among the
top aerospace engineering programs in the nation. The research interests of
the faculty cover a broad spectrum of aerospace engineering including gas
dynamics, propulsion, combustion, aerodynamics, structural mechanics,
flight dynamics, and control. Information about the School can be found at

Applicants should send (electronically or via mail) a curriculum vitae, a
cover letter, a statement of teaching interests and philosophy, a statement
of research plans, and the name and contact information of at least three
references to: Tamecia Wright, c/o Professor Panagiotis Tsiotras, School of
Aerospace Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA,
30332-0150. e-mail: tamecia.wright at aerospace.gatech.edu.

Review of applications will begin immediately, and will continue until
January 20, 2018.

7.22. Faculty: Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Contributed by: Wassim M. Haddad, wm.haddad at aerospace.gatech.edu

Georgia Institute of Technology
School of Aerospace Engineering
Faculty Position in Autonomous Systems

The Institute for Robotics and Intelligent Machines and the School of
Aerospace Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech)
invites nominations and applications for a faculty position in the general
area of autonomous and intelligent systems. The appointment is expected to
be at the Assistant or Associate Professor level, but appointments at the
Full Professor level will be considered for exceptional candidates having
demonstrated a superior research and teaching record.

Candidates are expected to have a strong commitment to teaching at the
undergraduate and graduate levels as well as to the development of an
externally funded research program. An earned doctorate in Aerospace
Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science/Engineering, Software
Engineering or a closely related field is required.

The Aerospace Engineering program at Georgia Tech is the largest program of
its kind in the US, having approximately 40 full-time faculty members, and
more than 800 undergraduate students and 500+ graduate students. Its
undergraduate and graduate programs are typically ranked among the top
aerospace engineering programs in the nation. The research interests of the
faculty cover a broad spectrum including gas dynamics, propulsion,
combustion, aerodynamics, structural mechanics, flight mechanics, robotics
and autonomy, orbital mechanics, rotorcraft, aircraft and space systems
design, dynamics and control, air-traffic control, and cognitive
engineering. Information about the School can be found at www.ae.gatech.edu.

The Institute for Robotics and Intelligent Machines (IRIM) is one of the
twelve interdisciplinary research institutes (IRI) at Georgia Tech, and
serves as an umbrella under which robotics researchers, educators, and
students from across campus come together to advance the many high-powered
and diverse robotics activities at Georgia Tech. IRIM’s mission is to
create new and exciting opportunities for faculty collaboration; educate
the next generation of robotics experts, entrepreneurs, and academic
leaders; and partner with industry and government to pursue truly
transformative robotics research. More than 70 faculty, 30 labs and 60+ PhD
students across the College of Engineering, the College of Computing, the
College of Science, and the College of Design are affiliated with IRIM.
More details about IRIM can be found at robotics.gatech.edu.

Applicants should send (electronically or via mail) a curriculum vitae, a
cover letter, a statement of teaching interests and philosophy, a statement
of research plans, and the name and contact information of at least three
references to: Tamecia Wright, e-mail: tamecia.wright at aerospace.gatech.edu,
c/o Professor Panagiotis Tsiotras, School of Aerospace Engineering, Georgia
Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, 30332-0150.

7.23. Faculty: Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Contributed by: Wassim M. Haddad, wm.haddad at aerospace.gatech.edu

Georgia Institute of Technology
Chair, Daniel Guggenheim School of Aerospace Engineering

The College of Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology is
seeking nominations and applications from qualified individuals for the
position of Chair of the Daniel Guggenheim School of Aerospace Engineering
(AE). The successful candidate will hold the William R.T. Oakes School
Chair. Ranked 2nd for both its undergraduate and graduate programs by U.S.
News & World Report, the School is among the top aerospace engineering
programs in the world. It has a student body of approximately 940
undergraduates, 520 masters and Ph.D. students, 33 full-time administrative
staff, 72 research faculty, and 36 academic faculty. The School’s diverse
faculty is actively engaged in $31M annually in externally sponsored
research at the national and international level and is currently organized
into six broad disciplinary areas: aerodynamics and fluid dynamics,
aeroelasticity and structural dynamics, flight mechanics and control,
propulsion and combustion, structural mechanics and materials, and systems
design and optimization. Additional information may be found at

The Chair reports to the Dean of the College of Engineering and has overall
responsibility for the academic and research programs in AE, including all
administrative, budgetary, and personnel decisions. Candidates for the
position must have the strategic vision and management skills needed to
advance the School towards greater excellence and visibility within a
rapidly evolving multi-disciplinary and high-technology environment.
Candidates must have an earned doctoral degree and international
recognition in their specific discipline(s) with demonstrated excellence in
technical, academic and professional achievements, and a strong record of
leadership. Candidates should provide evidence of fiscal responsibility, a
record of attracting funds from private and public sources, and fostering a
collaborative and diverse environment. The Chair has significant
responsibility for external affairs, including fundraising, community
engagement and alumni and industry relations. The ability to work
successfully with federal, state and private funding agencies as well as
with faculty, staff, students, and the Georgia Tech administration is
essential. Candidates must demonstrate a strong commitment to
forward-thinking approaches for engineering education, interdisciplinary
scholarship and entrepreneurship, and address the challenges involved in
scaling innovative programs to the size and rigor of the School. Salary and
benefits are highly competitive.

Applications should include a letter of interest (of no more than 3 pages)
stating prior leadership experience and strategic vision for the future of
AE in research and education, curriculum vitae, and the names and addresses
of five professional references. Electronic submission of materials should
be sent to: ae-search at coe.gatech.edu. Applications will be kept in strict
confidence. Review of application materials will begin on February 1, 2018,
continuing until the position is filled. The start date is negotiable but
the anticipated start is August 2018.

7.24. Intern: Intuitive Surgical, USA
Contributed by: James Zhang, James.Zhang at IntuSurg.com

Intuitive Surgical, the global leader in surgical robots, has the following
internship in its Sunnyvale, CA headquarter - Systems Analyst (Robotics
Control Engineer) Intern. Enclosed is the job description. If you are
currently enrolled as a graduate student and have the matching
qualifications, please send me your resume and links of related projects to
James.Zhang at IntuSurg.com. Students who will graduate by 2019 are
preferred. Please start your email subject with "Internship".

Company Description:
Joining Intuitive Surgical, Inc. means joining a team dedicated to using
technology to benefit patients by improving surgical efficacy and
decreasing surgical invasiveness, with patient safety as our highest

Must be concurrently enrolled in a degree-seeking program with an
accredited university or enrolled in an upcoming program in the fall.

Primary Function of Position:
Systems Analysts, with a vital and wide-ranging role, are primarily
responsible for generating, debugging and tuning the key algorithms
associated with Intuitive Surgical products, and providing analytic
assistance to other engineering groups. The Systems Analyst will
investigate and resolve issues that impact the production process and
system performances in the field. The successful candidate will have the
technical depth to troubleshoot advanced problems and initiate improvements.

Roles and Responsibilities:
* Design, develop, implement, and support product testing, calibration and
diagnostics software algorithms
* Address issues at production and also in the field, perform analysis,
evaluate risk, determine root causes, provide solutions, and propose design
* Analyze complex medical electro-mechanical devices and servo control
systems for safety and clinical risk, anticipate potential failure modes,
and provide risk mitigation strategies

Skill/Job Requirements:
* Thorough theoretical knowledge and hands-on experience in robot
manipulator kinematics, dynamics, and control including motion and vision
* Demonstrated sound engineering judgment and technical skills in real
problem solving - from improving and optimizing performance levels to
identifying issues, and making improvements
* In-depth knowledge of software principles, practices and techniques
including testability, maintainability and scalability. The ability of
writing efficient and reliable codes that really, really work on real
systems is essential
* Proficient in Matlab and C/C++ is a must, and experience of other high
level programming languages, e.g. Python and JavaScript, is a plus

Learning Outcomes:
* Obtain real-world knowledge on manipulator robotics, control and safety
algorithms, and also hands-on experience on complex mechatronic systems
* Improve software knowledge and skills
* Develop analytical thinking and real-world problem solving skills
including data analysis, failure and risk analysis
* Enhance communication and team skills

Commitment: Must be available to work full-time hours, M-F for 10-12 weeks
beginning Summer of 2018.

We are an AA/EEO/Veterans/Disabled employer.

James Zhang, PhD
Intuitive Surgical, Inc.
1266 Kifer Road, Sunnyvale, CA 94086
Email: James.Zhang at IntuSurg.com

7.25. Visiting Faculty Fellows: Georgia Tech, USA
Contributed by: Panagiotis Tsiotras, tsiotras at gatech.edu

Visiting Faculty Fellows at the Institute for Robotics and Intelligent
Machines at Georgia Tech

The Institute for Robotics and Intelligent Machines at Georgia Tech invites
applications/nominations for the 2017-2018 Visiting Faculty Fellows program.

IRIM's VFF program supports extended visits (one to six months) to the
Georgia Tech Atlanta campus for individuals working at other institutions
or industry/government laboratories, engaged in research activities
focusing on robotics and autonomous systems. IRIM will provide Visiting
Fellows with partial salary support, along with support for travel and
living expenses.

During their stay, the IRIM Visiting Fellows will have the opportunity to
interact with IRIM faculty and students and give a 2-3 day mini-tutorial on
their current research.

More information about the IRIM VFF program can be found at:
robotics.gatech.edu/faculty/fellows or by e-mail at
vff2018 at robotics.gatech.edu.

The application deadline is January 31, 2018.

Georgia Tech's Institute for Robotics and Intelligent Machines (IRIM),
established in 2013, is one of the twelve Interdisciplinary Research
Institutes (IRIs) at Georgia Tech and serves as an umbrella under which
robotics researchers, educators, and students from across campus can come
together to advance the many high-powered and diverse robotics activities
at Georgia Tech. More than 70 faculty, 180+ students and 30 labs are part
of IRIM, involved in research focusing around six core areas: Mechanics,
Interaction, Systems, AI/Cognition, Perception, and Control. Additional
information about IRIM can be found at: robotics.gatech.edu

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