[eletter] eletter 360
Jianghai Hu
jianghai.hu at gmail.com
Thu Aug 2 18:54:45 EDT 2018
E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing
Issue 360
August 2018
Jianghai Hu
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Purdue University
465 Northwestern Ave.
West Lafayette, IN, 47907
Tel: +1 (765) 4962395
Fax: +1 (765) 4943371
Welcome to the 360 issue of the E-letter, available electronically at
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The next E-letter will be mailed out at the beginning of September 2018.
1. IEEE CSS Headlines
1.1 Code Ocean and IEEE DataPort Now Available to IEEE TAC Authors
1.2 IEEE Control Systems Society Technically Cosponsored Conferences
1.3 IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
1.4 IEEE Control Systems Society Publications Content Digest
2. Awards
2.1 European Control Award
3.1 Magnetic Bearing Experiment Used for Nonlinear and Multivariable
Control Research
4. Books
4.1 Control Strategies for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems and
Autonomous Driving Functions: Development, Testing and Verification
4.2 Input-to-State Stability for PDEs
4.3 Stabilizing and Optimizing Control for Time-Delay Systems: Including
Model Predictive Controls
5. Journals
5.1 Contents: Automatica
5.2 Contents: Systems & Control Letters
5.3 Contents: Foundations and Trends in Systems and Control
5.4 Contents: IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information
5.5 Contents: Journal of Control and Decision
5.6 Contents: Asian Journal of Control
5.7 Contents: International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems
5.8 Contents: IET Control Theory & Applications
5.9 Contents: Control Theory and Technology
5.10 Contents: Control Engineering Practice
5.11 Contents: Evolution Equations & Control Theory
5.12 Contents: Mechatronics
5.13 Contents: ISA Transactions
5.14 Contents: Journal of the Franklin Institute
5.15 Contents: IFAC Journal of Systems and Control
5.16 CFP: IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
5.17 CFP: Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems
6. Conferences
6.1 Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing
6.2 International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems
6.3 CEAS Conference on Guidance, Navigation and Control
6.4 IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications
6.5 CDC 2018 Meet the Faculty Candidate Poster Session
6.6 CDC 2018 Workshop on "Traffic Flow Control via PDE Techniques"
6.7 CDC 2018 Workshop on "Learning for Control"
7. Positions
7.1 MS/PhD: Université Laval, Canada
7.2 PhD: Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
7.3 PhD: University of Georgia, USA
7.4 PhD: French-German Research Institute of Saint-Louis, France
7.5 PhD: Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany & IMS Laboratory, France
7.6 PhD: Centrale Lille, France
7.7 PhD: CNRS, France
7.8 PhD: George Washington University, USA
7.9 PhD: University of Western Ontario, Canada
7.10 PhD: Polytechnique Montreal & McGill University, Canada
7.11 PhD: University of Kansas, USA
7.12 PhD: Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
7.13 PhD: University of Sannio, Italy
7.14 PhD: Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
7.15 PhD: International Max Planck Research School for Intelligent Systems,
7.16 PhD/PostDoc: KU Leuven, Belgium
7.17 PhD/PostDoc/Intern: City University of New York, USA
7.18 Researcher: University of Cyprus, Cyprus
7.19 PostDoc: Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Chile
7.20 PostDoc: KU Leuven, Belgium
7.21 PostDoc: Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
7.22 PostDoc: Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
7.23 PostDoc: Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
7.24 PostDoc: EPFL, Switzerland
7.25 PostDoc: Technion Institute of Technology, Israel
7.26 PostDoc: Aalto University, Finland
7.27 PostDoc: Ohio State University, USA
7.28 PostDoc: Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
7.29 PostDoc: Ghent University Global Campus, Korea
7.30 PostDoc: Ghent University Global Campus, Korea
7.31 PostDoc/Research Scientist: Qingdao University, China
7.32 Faculty: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA
7.33 Faculty: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA
7.34 Faculty: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA
7.35 Faculty: MINES ParisTech, France
7.36 Faculty: University of Maryland, USA7.37 Research Scientist: French
German Research Institute of Saint-Louis, France
7.38 Control System Engineer: Cornell University, USA
1. IEEE CSS Headlines
1.1. Code Ocean and IEEE DataPort Now Available to IEEE TAC Authors
Contributed by: Alessandro Astolfi, ieeetac at imperial.ac.uk
Code Ocean and IEEE DataPort are now available to authors of the IEEE T. on
Automatic Control
- Code Ocean is a cloud-based executable research platform that allows
authors to share their algorithms in an effort to make the world's
scientific code more open and reproducible. Uploading your algorithms and
associated data files to the Code Ocean site is easy. Anyone can run an
algorithm posted to Code Ocean, modify it, and test the modifications. The
published algorithm that an author posts will remain unchanged.
Any author that has had an IEEE journal article published on IEEE Xplore in
the past five years can upload associated algorithms to Code Ocean by
Once the algorithm is uploaded to Code Ocean, it will be automatically
linked to the associated article in IEEE Xplore. Users in IEEE Xplore will
be able to discover and access the link to run the algorithm in Code Ocean.
Further information about using Code Ocean can be found at:
- IEEE DataPort™ serves as a valuable and easily accessible repository of
datasets and data analysis tools. The repository is designed to accept all
types of datasets, including Big Data datasets up to 2TB, and it provides
both downloading capabilities and access to Cloud services to enable data
analysis in the Cloud. IEEE DataPort™ is a universally accessible
web-based portal that serves four primary purposes:
* Enable individuals and institutions to make datasets easily accessible to
a broad set of researchers, engineers and industry;
* Enable researchers, engineers and industry to gain access to datasets
that can be analyzed to advance technology;
* Make data analysis tools and capabilities available to enable analysis of
* Retain referenceable data for reproducible research.
IEEE DataPort™ is an online data repository created and supported by both
the IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) and the IEEE Big Data Initiative
(BDI). IEEE DataPort™ will support IEEE’s overall mission of Advancing
Technology for Humanity.
1.2. IEEE Control Systems Society Technically Cosponsored Conferences
Contributed by: Luca Zaccarian, CSS AE Conferences, zaccarian at laas.fr
The following conferences have been recently included in the list of events
technically cosponsored by the IEEE Control Systems Society:
- 2018 Summer School on Smart Cities. Stockholm, Sweden. Jul 2 - Jul 6,
2018. https://www.itrl.kth.se/events/summer-school-on-sma
- 56th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and
Computing. Monticello (IL), United States. Oct 2 - Oct 5, 2018.
- 18th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS
2018). PyeongChang, South Korea. Oct 17 - Oct 20, 2018.
- 2nd IFAC Conference on Cyber-Physical and Human Systems. Miami (FL),
United States. Dec 14 - Dec 15, 2018. http://www.cphs2018.org/
- 37th Chinese Control Conference (CCC2018), Wuhan, China. Jul 25 - Jul
27, 2018. http://ccc2018.cug.edu.cn/English/Home.htm
- 22nd International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing
(ICSTCC 2018), Sinaia, Romania. Oct 10 - Oct 12, 2018.
For a full listing of CSS technically cosponsored conferences, please visit
http://ieeecss.org/conferences/technically-cosponsored and for a list of
the upcoming and past CSS main conferences please visit
1.3. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
Contributed by: Alessandro Astolfi, ieeetac at imperial.ac.uk
Table of Contents
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
Volume 63 (2018), Issue 7 (July)
Scanning the Issue, p. 1865
- Generation of Conditional Densities in Nonlinear Filtering for Infinite
Dimensional Systems, Nevroz Sen, p. 1868
- Learning Model Predictive Control for Iterative Tasks. A Data-Driven
Control Framework., Ugo Rosolia, Francesco Borrelli, p. 1883
- Bisimulation Equivalence of Discrete-Time Stochastic Linear Control
Systems, Giordano Pola, Costanzo Manes, Arjan van der Schaft, M. Domenica
Di Benedetto, p. 1897
- Centralized Versus Decentralized Optimization of Distributed Stochastic
Differential Decision Systems with Different Information Structures-Part
II: Applications, Charalambos D. Charalambous, Nasir U. Ahmed, p. 1913
- Invariance with Dynamic Multipliers, Matthias Fetzer, Carsten W. Scherer,
Joost Veenman, p. 1929
- Backstepping PDE Design: A Convex Optimization Approach, Pedro Ascencio,
Alessandro Astolfi, Thomas Parisini, p. 1943
- Pattern Formation via Eigenstructure Assignment General Theory and
Multi-Agent Application, Andy Wu, Tetsuya Iwasaki, p. 1959
- Prediction-Correction Interior-Point Method for Time-Varying Convex
Optimization, Mahyar Fazlyab, Santiago Paternain, Victor M. Preciado,
Alejandro Ribeiro, p. 1973
- Liveness-enforcing Supervision in AMS Oriented HAMGs: An Approach Based
on New Characterization of Siphons Using Petri Nets, Chen Chen, Hesuan Hu,
p. 1987
- Reachability Analysis for Solvable Dynamical Systems, Ting Gan, Mingshuai
Chen, Yangjia Li, Bican Xia, Naijun Zhan, p. 2003
- An Incentive-based Online Optimization Framework for Distribution Grids,
Xinyang Zhou, Emiliano Dall'Anese, Lijun Chen, Andrea Simonetto, p. 2019
- Range-only Based 3D Circumnavigation of Multiple Moving Targets by a
Non-Holonomic Mobile Robot, Alexey S. Matveev, Anna A. Semakova, p. 2032
- Regularization of Chattering Phenomena via Bounded Variation Controls,
Marco Caponigro, Roberta Ghezzi, Benedetto Piccoli, Emmanuel Trelat, p. 2046
- Observability Through Matrix-Weighted Graph, S. Emre Tuna, p. 2061
- Hierarchical Robust Performance Analysis of Uncertain Large Scale
Systems, Khaled Laib, Anton Korniienko, Marc Dinh, Gerard Scorletti,
Florent Morel, p. 2075
- Growing Linear Consensus Networks Endowed by Spectral Systemic
Performance Measures, Milad Siami, Nader Motee, p. 2091
- Feedback Stabilization of Switched Linear Systems with Unknown
Disturbances under Data-Rate Constraints, Guosong Yang, Daniel Liberzon, p.
- A Distributed Observer for a Time-Invariant Linear System, Lili Wang, A.
Stephen Morse, p. 2123
Technical Notes and Correspondence
- Efficient Quadratic Penalization Through the Partial Minimization
Technique, Aleksandr Y. Aravkin, Dmitriy Drusvyatskiy, Tristan van Leeuwen,
p. 2131
- Robust Controllability of Switched Asynchronous Sequential Machines,
Jung-Min Yang, p. 2139
- Robustness Analysis of Asynchronous Sampled-Data Multi-Agent Networks
With Time-Varying Delays, Feng Xiao, Yang Shi, Wei Ren, p. 2145
- Stabilizability of Discrete-time Nonlinearly Parameterized Systems with
Scalar Parameters, Chanying Li, p. 2153
- Distributed Model Predictive Control of Spatially Interconnected Systems
Using Switched Cost Functions, Peng Liu, Umit Ozguner, p. 2161
- Identification of a Moving Object’s Velocity and Range With a
Static-moving Camera System, Jian Chen, Kaixiang Zhang, Bingxi Jia, Yanyan
Gao, p. 2168
- Bit Rate Conditions to Stabilize a Continuous-Time Linear System with
Feedback Dropouts, Qiang Ling, p. 2176
- Stability Analysis and Delay Control for Switched Positive Linear
Systems, Xudong Zhao, Yunfei Yin, Lei Liu, Xi-Ming Sun, p. 2184
- Robust Controller Design for Attitude Dynamics Subjected to Time-Delayed
State Measurements, Joao Cavalcanti, Luis Felipe Cruz Figueredo, Joao Y.
Ishihara, p. 2191
- Optimal Attack Energy Allocation against Remote State Estimation,
Lianghong Peng, Ling Shi, Xianghui Cao, Changyin Sun, p. 2199
- Invariance Control Synthesis for Switched Nonlinear Systems: An Interval
Analysis Approach, Yinan Li, Jun Liu, p. 2206
- Global Output Feedback Stabilization of a Class of Nonlinear Systems with
Unknown Measurement Sensitivity, Chih-Chiang Chen, Chunjiang Qian, Zong-Yao
Sun, Yew-Wen Liang, p. 2212
- Robot Planning based on Boolean Specifications using Petri Net Models,
Cristian Mahulea, Marius Kloetzer, p. 2218
- A Result on Almost Sure Stability of Linear Continuous-Time Markovian
Switching Systems, Shen Cong, p. 2226
- On the Structural and Strong Structural Controllability of Undirected
Networks, Shima Sadat Mousavi, Mohammad Haeri, Mehran Mesbahi, p. 2234
- Design Trade-offs in Concave Cost Sharing Games, Matthew Phillips, Jason
R. Marden, p. 2242
- Distributed Subgradient Method with Edge-Based Event-Triggered
Communication, Yuichi Kajiyama, Naoki Hayashi, Shigemasa Takai, p. 2248
- Mutually Quadratically Invariant Information Structures in Two-Team
Stochastic Dynamic Games, Marcello Colombino, Roy S. Smith, Tyler H.
Summers, p. 2256
- Funnel Control via Funnel Pre-Compensator for Minimum Phase Systems with
Relative Degree Two, Timo Reis, Thomas Berger, p. 2264
- Reachability Analysis for Safety Assurance of Cyber-Physical Systems
against Cyber Attacks, Cheolhyeon Kwon, Inseok Hwang, p. 2272
- The Multi-Armed Bandit with Stochastic Plays, Antoine Lesage-Landry,
Joshua A. Taylor, p. 2280
- Efficient-Robust Routing for Single Commodity Network Flows, Yongxin
Chen, Tryphon T. Georgiou, Michele Pavon, Allen Tannenbaum, p. 2287
- Distributed Subgradient-based Multi-agent Optimization with More General
Step Sizes, Peng Wang, Peng Lin, Wei Ren, Yongduan Song, p. 2295
- Addendum to ``Local Controllability of the Two-Link Magneto-Elastic
Micro-Swimmer'', Laetitia Giraldi, Jean-Baptiste Pomet, Pierre Lissy,
Clement Moreau, p. 2303
- Comment on ``Upper and lower bounds for controllable subspaces of
networks of diffusively-coupled agents'', Mengran Xue, Sandip Roy, p. 2306
1.4. IEEE Control Systems Society Publications Content Digest
Contributed by: Kaiwen Chen, kaiwen.chen16 at imperial.ac.uk
The IEEE Control Systems Society Publications Content Digest is a novel and
convenient guide that helps readers keep track of the latest published
The CSS Publications Content Digest, available at
http://ieeecss.org/publications-content-digest provides lists of current
tables of contents of the periodicals sponsored by the Control Systems
Each issue offers readers a rapid means to survey and access the latest
peer-reviewed papers of the IEEE Control Systems Society. We also include
links to the Society’s sponsored Conferences to give readers a preview of
upcoming meetings.
2. Awards
2.1. European Control Award
Contributed by: Paul Goulart, paul.goulart at eng.ox.ac.uk
The “European Control Award (ECA)” is to recognize outstanding
contributions by a young researcher in the area of systems and control. The
award is sponsored by the European Control Association (EUCA), and will be
presented during the annual European Control Conference. The recipient will
give a plenary lecture during the final day of the ECC. Details of this
award and the nomination procedure can be found at
We encourage you to identify and to promote potential candidates for the
European Control Award 2019, before November 30th 2018.
3.1. Magnetic Bearing Experiment Used for Nonlinear and Multivariable
Control Research
Contributed by: Brad Paden, bpaden at launchpnt.com
This magnetic bearing experiment is a 4x4 multivariable control experiment
that has been used in a number of research projects [1-5]. The system
dynamics are comprised of the rotor bending resonances, actuator
inductances, and magnetic nonlinearities in the actuators and sensors. Some
versions of the experiment incorporate an air-turbine and can reach two
critical speeds of the rotor. A number of publications report experimental
results on a range of topics including: system identification, H-infinity
control, nonlinear control, decoupling control, rotor dynamics research,
active rotor balancing, repetitive control, and sliding mode control. The
experiment has a simple interface with BNC connectors for interfacing with
many of commercial digital controllers available from Mathworks, National
Instruments, dSpace, and others. Preplanned experiments are available.
[1] Chu, Kevin C., Yigang Wang, Jason Wilson, Chi-Ying Lin, and Tsu-Chin
Tsao. "Modeling and control of a magnetic bearing system." In American
Control Conference (ACC), 2010, pp. 2206-2211.
[2] Kang, Christopher, and Tsu-Chin Tsao. "Control of magnetic bearings for
rotor unbalance with plug-in time-varying resonators." Journal of dynamic
systems, measurement, and control 138, no. 1 (2016): 011001.
[3] Noshadi, Amin, Juan Shi, WeeSit Lee, Peng Shi, and Akhtar Kalam. "High
performance H∞ control of non-minimum phase Active Magnetic Bearing
system." In proceedings of 40th Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial
Electronics (IECON 2014), 2014.
[4] Noshadi, Amin, Juan Shi, Wee Sit Lee, Peng Shi, and Akhtar Kalam.
"Genetic algorithm-based system identification of active magnetic bearing
system: A frequency-domain approach." In Control & Automation (ICCA), 11th
IEEE International Conference on, pp. 1281-1286, 2014.
[5] hi, Juan, Xinghuo Yu, Yan Yan, and Shanghe Yu. "Comparison of two types
of nonlinear controllers for magnetic bearing system stabilization: An
experimental approach." In Intelligent Control and Information Processing
(ICICIP), 2012 Third International Conference on, pp. 167-173, 2012.
4. Books
4.1. Control Strategies for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems and
Autonomous Driving Functions: Development, Testing and Verification
Contributed by: Yasmin Brookes, yasmin.brookes at springer.com
Control Strategies for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems and Autonomous
Driving Functions: Development, Testing and Verification by Harald Waschl,
Ilya Kolmanovsky and Frank Willems (Eds.)
ISBN: 978-3-319-91568-5
June 2018, Springer
Hardcover, 223 pages, $149.99/€119,99
This book describes different methods that are relevant to the development
and testing of control algorithms for advanced driver assistance systems
(ADAS) and automated driving functions (ADF). These control algorithms need
to respond safely, reliably and optimally in varying operating conditions.
Also, vehicles have to comply with safety and emission legislation.
The text describes how such control algorithms can be developed, tested and
verified for use in real-world driving situations. Owing to the complex
interaction of vehicles with the environment and different traffic
participants, an almost infinite number of possible scenarios and
situations that need to be considered may exist. The book explains new
methods to address this complexity, with reference to human interaction
modelling, various theoretical approaches to the definition of real-world
scenarios, and with practically-oriented examples and contributions, to
ensure efficient development and testing of ADAS and ADF.
Control Strategies for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems and Autonomous
Driving Functions is a collection of articles by international experts in
the field representing theoretical and application-based points of view. As
such, the methods and examples demonstrated in the book will be a valuable
source of information for academic and industrial researchers, as well as
for automotive companies and suppliers.
1. Cooperation and the Role of Autonomy in Automated Driving
2. Robust Real-World Emissions by Integrated ADF and Powertrain Control
3. Gaining Knowledge on Automated Driving’s Safety—The Risk-Free VAAFO Tool
4. Statistical Model Checking for Scenario-Based Verification of ADAS
5. Game Theory-Based Traffic Modeling for Calibration of Automated Driving
6. A Virtual Development and Evaluation Framework for ADAS—Case Study of a
P-ACC in a Connected Environment
7. A Vehicle-in-the-Loop Emulation Platform for Demonstrating Intelligent
Transportation Systems
8. Virtual Concept Development on the Example of a Motorway Chauffeur
9. Automation of Road Intersections Using Distributed Model Predictive
10. MPDM: Multi-policy Decision-Making from Autonomous Driving to Social
Robot Navigation
4.2. Input-to-State Stability for PDEs
Contributed by: Yasmin Brookes, yasmin.brookes at springer.com
Input-to-State Stability for PDEs by Iasson Karafyllis and Miroslav Krstic
ISBN: 978-3-319-91010-9
June 2018, Springer
Hardcover, 287 pages, $179.99/€149,99
This book lays the foundation for the study of input-to-state stability
(ISS) of partial differential equations (PDEs) predominantly of two
classes—parabolic and hyperbolic. This foundation consists of new
PDE-specific tools.
In addition to developing ISS theorems, equipped with gain estimates with
respect to external disturbances, the authors develop small-gain stability
theorems for systems involving PDEs. A variety of system combinations are
•PDEs (of either class) with static maps;
•PDEs (again, of either class) with ODEs;
•PDEs of the same class (parabolic with parabolic and hyperbolic with
hyperbolic); and
•feedback loops of PDEs of different classes (parabolic with hyperbolic).
In addition to stability results (including ISS), the text develops
existence and uniqueness theory for all systems that are considered. Many
of these results answer for the first time the existence and uniqueness
problems for many problems that have dominated the PDE control literature
of the last two decades, including—for PDEs that include non-local
terms—backstepping control designs which result in non-local boundary
Input-to-State Stability for PDEs will interest applied mathematicians and
control specialists researching PDEs either as graduate students or
full-time academics. It also contains a large number of applications that
are at the core of many scientific disciplines and so will be of importance
for researchers in physics, engineering, biology, social systems and others.
Part I: ISS for First-Order Hyperbolic PDEs
Part II: ISS for Parabolic PDEs
Part III: Small-Gain Analysis
4.3. Stabilizing and Optimizing Control for Time-Delay Systems: Including
Model Predictive Controls
Contributed by: Yasmin Brookes, yasmin.brookes at springer.com
Stabilizing and Optimizing Control for Time-Delay Systems: Including Model
Predictive Controls by Wook Hyun Kwon and PooGyeon Park
ISBN: 978-3-319-92703-9
July 2018, Springer
Hardcover, 425pp, $179.99/€149,99
Stabilizing and Optimizing Control for Time-Delay Systems introduces three
important classes of stabilizing controls for time-delay systems:
non-optimal (without performance criteria); suboptimal (including
guaranteed costs); and optimal controls. Each class is treated in detail
and compared in terms of prior control structures. State- and input-delayed
systems are considered. The book provides a unified mathematical framework
with common notation being used throughout.
Receding-horizon, or model predictive, linear quadratic (LQ),
linear-quadratic-Gaussian and H∞ controls for time-delay systems are chosen
as optimal stabilizing controls. Cost monotonicity is investigated in order
to guarantee the asymptotic stability of closed-loop systems operating with
such controls.
The authors use guaranteed LQ and H∞ controls as representative sub-optimal
methods; these are obtained with pre-determined control structures and
certain upper bounds of performance criteria. Non-optimal stabilizing
controls are obtained with predetermined control structures but with no
performance criteria. Recently developed inequalities are exploited to
obtain less conservative results.
To facilitate computation, the authors use linear matrix inequalities to
represent gain matrices for non-optimal and sub-optimal stabilizing
controls, and all the initial conditions of coupled differential Riccati
equations of optimal stabilizing controls. Numerical examples are provided
with MATLAB® codes (downloadable from http://extras.springer.com/) to give
readers guidance in working with more difficult optimal and suboptimal
Academic researchers studying control of a variety of real processes in
chemistry, biology, transportation, digital communication networks and
mechanical systems that are subject to time delays will find the results
presented in Stabilizing and Optimizing Control for Time-Delay Systems to
be helpful in their work. Practitioners working in related sectors of
industry will also find this book to be of use in developing real-world
control systems for the many time-delayed processes they encounter.
1. Introduction
2. Stability of Time-Delay Systems
3. State Feedback Stabilizing Controls
4. Output Feedback Stabilizing Controls
5. Guaranteed Cost Controls
6. LQ Optimal Controls
7. LQG Optimal Controls
8. H‘ Optimal Controls
5. Journals
5.1. Contents: Automatica
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com
Vol. 95
September 2018
- Michele Tucci, Lexuan Meng, Josep M. Guerrero, Giancarlo Ferrari-Trecate,
Stable current sharing and voltage balancing in DC microgrids: A
consensus-based secondary control layer, Pages 1-13
- Graham C. Goodwin, Diego S. Carrasco, Maria M. Seron, Adrian M. Medioli,
A fundamental control performance limit for a class of positive nonlinear
systems, Pages 14-22
- Robin Hill, Yousong Luo, Uwe Schwerdtfeger, Exact recursive updating of
state uncertainty sets for linear SISO systems, Pages 33-43
- Zongze Wu, Minyue Fu, Yong Xu, Renquan Lu, A distributed Kalman filtering
algorithm with fast finite-time convergence for sensor networks, Pages 63-72
- Masaki Inoue, Kengo Urata, Dissipativity reinforcement in interconnected
systems, Pages 73-85
- Ali Parsa, Alireza Farhadi, Measurement and control of nonlinear dynamic
systems over the internet (IoT): Applications in remote control of
autonomous vehicles, Pages 93-103
- Ji Wang, Shu-Xia Tang, Yangjun Pi, Miroslav Krstic, Exponential
regulation of the anti-collocatedly disturbed cage in a wave PDE-modeled
ascending cable elevator, Pages 122-136
- Sergio Galeani, Mario Sassano, Modal consensus, synchronization and
formation control with distributed endogenous internal models, Pages 163-171
- Kim Batselier, Ching-Yun Ko, Ngai Wong, Tensor network subspace
identification of polynomial state space models, Pages 187-196
- Jan Feiling, Shumon Koga, Miroslav Krstić, Tiago Roux Oliveira, Gradient
extremum seeking for static maps with actuation dynamics governed by
diffusion PDEs, Pages 197-206
- Hao Wang, Ilya V. Kolmanovsky, Jing Sun, Zonotope-based recursive
estimation of the feasible solution set for linear static systems with
additive and multiplicative uncertainties, Pages 236-245
- Muhammad F. Emzir, Matthew J. Woolley, Ian R. Petersen, On physical
realizability of nonlinear quantum stochastic differential equations, Pages
- Catalin Arghir, Taouba Jouini, Florian Dörfler, Grid-forming control for
power converters based on matching of synchronous machines, Pages 273-282
- Hugo Nestor Villegas Pico, Dionysios C. Aliprantis, Reachability analysis
of linear dynamic systems with constant, arbitrary, and Lipschitz
continuous inputs, Pages 293-305
- Shuo Wang, Jr-Shin Li, Free-endpoint optimal control of inhomogeneous
bilinear ensemble systems, Pages 306-315
- Zhenwei Liu, Meirong Zhang, Ali Saberi, Anton A. Stoorvogel, State
synchronization of multi-agent systems via static or adaptive nonlinear
dynamic protocols, Pages 316-327
- Takayuki Ishizaki, Tomonori Sadamoto, Jun-ichi Imura, Henrik Sandberg,
Karl Henrik Johansson, Retrofit control: Localization of controller design
and implementation, Pages 336-346
- Karthik Elamvazhuthi, Hendrik Kuiper, Spring Berman, PDE-based
optimization for stochastic mapping and coverage strategies using robotic
ensembles, Pages 356-367
- Rong Su, W. Murray Wonham, What information really matters in supervisor
reduction?, Pages 368-377
- Vikram Krishnamurthy, Anup Aprem, Sujay Bhatt,nMultiple stopping time
POMDPs: Structural results & application in interactive advertising on
social media, Pages 385-398
- Young Hwan Chang, Qie Hu, Claire J. Tomlin, Secure estimation based
Kalman Filter for cyber–physical systems against sensor attacks, Pages
- Alessandro Costalunga, Aurelio Piazzi, A behavioral approach to
inversion-based control, Pages 433-445
- Andrew Clark, Qiqiang Hou, Linda Bushnell, Radha Poovendran, Maximizing
the smallest eigenvalue of a symmetric matrix: A submodular optimization
approach, Pages 446-454
- Jean Auriol, Federico Bribiesca-Argomedo, David Bou Saba, Michael Di
Loreto, Florent Di Meglio, Delay-robust stabilization of a hyperbolic
PDE–ODE system, Pages 494-502
- Wen Kang, Emilia Fridman, Distributed sampled-data control of
Kuramoto–Sivashinsky equation, Pages 514-524
- Mark Haring, Tor Arne Johansen, On the accuracy of gradient estimation in
extremum-seeking control using small perturbations, Pages 23-32
- Esmaeil Naderi, Khashayar Khorasani, Inversion-based output tracking and
unknown input reconstruction of square discrete-time linear systems, Pages
- Alessandro Macchelli, Federico Califano, Dissipativity-based boundary
control of linear distributed port-Hamiltonian systems, Pages 54-62
- Yongxin Wu, Boussad Hamroun, Yann Le Gorrec, Bernhard Maschke, Reduced
order LQG control design for port Hamiltonian systems, Pages 86-92
- Henrik Anfinsen, Ole Morten Aamo, Stabilization of a linear hyperbolic
PDE with actuator and sensor dynamics, Pages 104-111
- Jinghao Li, Qingling Zhang, A linear switching function approach to
sliding mode control and observation of descriptor systems, Pages 112-121
- Xinghu Wang, Youfeng Su, Dabo Xu, Cooperative robust output regulation of
linear uncertain multiple multivariable systems with performance
constraint, Pages 137-145
- Yong Ren, Wensheng Yin, Rathinasamy Sakthivel, Stabilization of
stochastic differential equations driven by G-Brownian motion with feedback
control based on discrete-time state observation, Pages 146-151
- Jing Zhou, Changyun Wen, Wei Wang, Adaptive control of uncertain
nonlinear systems with quantized input signal, Pages 152-162
- Mahdi Imani, Ulisses M. Braga-Neto, Finite-horizon LQR controller for
partially-observed Boolean dynamical systems, Pages 172-179
- Davide Invernizzi, Marco Lovera, Trajectory tracking control of
thrust-vectoring UAVs, Pages 180-186
- Ülle Kotta, Claude H. Moog, Maris Tõnso, Minimal realizations of
nonlinear systems, Pages 207-212
- Syed Ali Asad Rizvi, Zongli Lin, Output feedback Q-learning for
discrete-time linear zero-sum games with application to the H-infinity
control, Pages 213-221
- Shu Liang, Xianlin Zeng, Yiguang Hong, Distributed sub-optimal resource
allocation over weight-balanced graph via singular perturbation, Pages
- Moritz Schulze Darup, Martin Mönnigmann, Optimization-free robust MPC
around the terminal region, Pages 229-235
- Ankush Chakrabarty, Emilia Fridman, Stanisław H. Żak, Gregery T. Buzzard,
State and unknown input observers for nonlinear systems with delayed
measurements, Pages 246-253
- Maojiao Ye, Guoqiang Hu, Frank L. Lewis, Nash equilibrium seeking for
N-coalition noncooperative games, Pages 266-272
- Zohra Kader, Gang Zheng, Jean-Pierre Barbot, Finite-time and asymptotic
left inversion of nonlinear time-delay systems, Pages 283-292
- Cristiano Maria Verrelli, Patrizio Tomei, Emilio Lorenzani, Persistency
of excitation and position-sensorless control of permanent magnet
synchronous motors, Pages 328-335
- Bård Nagy Stovner, Tor Arne Johansen, Thor I. Fossen, Ingrid Schjølberg,
Attitude estimation by multiplicative exogenous Kalman filter, Pages 347-355
- Xuejiao Yang, Joseph K. Scott, A comparison of zonotope order reduction
techniques, Pages 378-384
- Kim Batselier, Ngai Wong, Matrix output extension of the tensor network
Kalman filter with an application in MIMO Volterra system identification,
Pages 413-418
- Weiming Xiang, James Lam, Panshuo Li, On stability and H∞ control of
switched systems with random switching signals, Pages 419-425
- Stefan Krebs, Matthias Bächle, Sören Hohmann, Coupled boundary interval
observer for LPV systems subject to uncertainties in input, output and
parameters, Pages 426-432
- Huong Ha, James S. Welsh, Mazen Alamir, Useful redundancy in parameter
and time delay estimation for continuous-time models, Pages 455-462
- Cecília F. Morais, Jonathan M. Palma, Pedro L.D. Peres, Ricardo C.L.F.
Oliveira, An LMI approach for H2 and H∞ reduced-order filtering of
uncertain discrete-time Markov and Bernoulli jump linear systems, Pages
- Joachim Deutscher, Nicole Gehring, Richard Kern, Output feedback control
of general linear heterodirectional hyperbolic ODE–PDE–ODE systems, Pages
- Qin Liu, Hossam Seddik Abbas, Javad Mohammadpour Velni, An LMI-based
approach to distributed model predictive control design for
spatially-interconnected systems, Pages 481-487
- Alexandre Seuret, Kun Liu, Frédéric Gouaisbaut, Generalized reciprocally
convex combination lemmas and its application to time-delay systems, Pages
- Liang Xu, Jianying Zheng, Nan Xiao, Lihua Xie, Mean square consensus of
multi-agent systems over fading networks with directed graphs, Pages 503-510
- Rohit Gupta, Uroš V. Kalabić, Anthony M. Bloch, Ilya V. Kolmanovsky,
Solution to the HJB equation for LQR-type problems on compact connected Lie
groups, Pages 525-528
- Tianshi Chen, Gianluigi Pillonetto, On the stability of reproducing
kernel Hilbert spaces of discrete-time impulse responses, Pages 529-533
- Yong-Feng Gao, Xi-Ming Sun, Changyun Wen, Wei Wang, Event-triggered
control for stochastic nonlinear systems, Pages 534-538
- Gang Chen, Zhiyong Li, A fixed-time convergent algorithm for distributed
convex optimization in multi-agent systems, Pages 539-543
- Michael McCreesh, Bahman Gharesifard, Stability of bounded subsets of
Metzler sparse matrix cones, Pages 544-547
- Romeo Ortega, Laurent Praly, Stanislav Aranovskiy, Bowen Yi, Weidong
Zhang, On dynamic regressor extension and mixing parameter estimators: Two
Luenberger observers interpretations, Pages 548-551
- Po-Feng Wu, Chee-Fai Yung, He-Sheng Wang, On the geometric structures of
the H∞ controllers for descriptor systems, Pages 552-555
- Yalu Li, Haitao Li, Weiwei Sun, Event-triggered control for robust set
stabilization of logical control networks, Pages 556-560
- Maria Letizia Corradini, Andrea Cristofaro, Nonsingular terminal
sliding-mode control of nonlinear planar systems with global fixed-time
stability guarantees, Pages 561-565
5.2. Contents: Systems & Control Letters
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com
Systems & Control Letters
Volume 118
August 2018
- Grace S. Deaecto, José C. Geromel, Stability and performance of
discrete-time switched linear systems, Pages 1-7
- D. Bauso, Nonlinear network dynamics for interconnected micro-grids,
Pages 8-15
- Y. Shi, H.D. Tuan, P. Apkarian, A.V. Savkin, Global optimal power flow
over large-scale power transmission networks, Pages 16-21
- Chan-eun Park, Nam Kyu Kwon, PooGyeon Park, Optimal H∞ filtering for
singular Markovian jump systems, Pages 22-28
- Yan-Qiao Wei, Da-Yan Liu, Driss Boutat, Yi-Ming Chen, An improved
pseudo-state estimator for a class of commensurate fractional order linear
systems based on fractional order modulating functions, Pages 29-34
- Hong-feng Tao, Wojciech Paszke, Eric Rogers, Krzysztof Gałkowski,
Hui-zhong Yang, Modified Newton method based iterative learning control
design for discrete nonlinear systems with constraints, Pages 35-43
- Alexander Domoshnitsky, Roman Shklyar, Positivity for non-Metzler systems
and its applications to stability of time-varying delay systems, Pages 44-51
- Iasson Karafyllis, Miroslav Krstic, Small-gain stability analysis of
certain hyperbolic–parabolic PDE loops, Pages 52-61
- Quanxin Zhu, Stability analysis of stochastic delay differential
equations with Lévy noise, Pages 62-68
- Zhe Wu, Helen Durand, Panagiotis D. Christofides, Safe economic model
predictive control of nonlinear systems, Pages 69-76
- Maxim Staritsyn, On “discontinuous” continuity equation and impulsive
ensemble control, Pages 77-83
- A. Anderson, A.H. González, A. Ferramosca, A. D’Jorge, E. Kofman, Robust
MPC suitable for closed-loop re-identification, based on probabilistic
invariant sets, Pages 84-93
- Wei Zhang, Jr-Shin Li, On controllability of time-varying linear
population systems with parameters in unbounded sets, Pages 94-100
- Ioannis Exarchos, Evangelos A. Theodorou, Panagiotis Tsiotras, Stochastic
L1-optimal control via forward and backward sampling, Pages 101-108
- Gen Qi Xu, Necessary condition of linear distributed parameter systems
with exact controllability, Pages 109-115
5.3. Contents: Foundations and Trends in Systems and Control
Contributed by: Tanya Capawana, tanya.capawana at nowpublishers.com
Foundations and Trends in Systems and Control (
https://www.nowpublishers.com/SYS) is pleased to announce its second issue.
This unique journal is a resource for graduate students and researchers
looking for a high-level introduction to a new area. Primarily published as
a monograph-style journal, each issue comprises a state-of-the-art review
(50-200 pages) of its subject written by research leaders. By combining the
peer-review of research journals with the high usage of reference works and
the pedagogy of textbooks, FnT fulfills an important need in graduate-level
The newly published issue is:
Christoforos N. Hadjicostis, Alejandro D. Domínguez-García and Themistokis
"Distributed Averaging and Balancing in Network Systems: with Applications
to Coordination and Control",
Foundations and Trends® in Systems and Control, vol. 5, no. 2–3, pp.
99‐292, Jun. 2018.
doi: 10.1561/2600000016
ISBN: 978-1-68083-438-3, E-ISBN: 978-1-68083-439-0
People at subscribing institutions can download it from:
The emergence of complex systems that are controlled over wireless and
wired broadband networks, ranging from smart grids and traffic networks to
embedded electronic devices and robotic networks, has sparked huge interest
in distributed control problems. This is due to the need to properly
coordinate the information exchange between sensors, actuators, and
controllers in order to enforce a desirable behavior, without relying on a
centralized decision maker.
This monograph focuses on the key operations of distributed average
consensus and weight/flow balancing under a variety of communication
topologies and adversarial network conditions such as delays and packet
drops. Divided into two parts, Theory and Applications, it first provides
the reader with thorough grounding into the theory underpinning the
research before discussing two applications in detail. Namely, the
coordination of distributed energy resources and the computation of
PageRank values.
Table of Contents:
1. Introduction
Part I. Theory
2. Preliminaries
3. Distributed Asymptotic Average Consensus
4. Distributed Finite-Time Average Consensus
5. Distributed Weight Balancing
Part II. Applications
6. Coordination of Distributed Energy Resources
7. The PageRank Problem
To order the print copy of this issue go to:
5.4. Contents: IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information
Contributed by: Charis Edworthy, charis.edworthy at oup.com
IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information 35:02
A new issue of IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information is now
available online.
The Table of Contents below can be viewed at: http://bit.ly/2NJFPV7
- M. Shahini and M. A. Mehrpouya, ransformed Legendre spectral method for
solving infinite horizon optimal control problems, ttp://bit.ly/2mdKTon
- Mehrnoosh Asadi, Heydar Toossian Shandiz, and Alireza Khayatian, ime
scale separation in control of a single-link flexible-joint robot
manipulator, ttp://bit.ly/2urZL6a
- Run-Xia Guo, Kai Guo, and Jian-Kang Dong, ault diagnosis for sensors in a
class of nonlinear systems, ttp://bit.ly/2ue94Y4
- I. El Harraki and A. Boutoulout, ontrollability of the wave equation via
multiplicative controls, ttp://bit.ly/2NKCrcH
- Larbi Afifi, Karima Lasri, Meriem Joundi, and Najia Amimi, eedback
controls for exact remediability in disturbed dynamical systems, ttp://
- Anurag Shukla, N. Sukavanam, and D. N. Pandey, ontrollability of
semilinear stochastic control system with finite delay, ttp://bit.ly/2NMiYs4
- Mahmood Dadkhah, Mohammad Hadi Farahi, and Aghileh Heydari, umerical
solution of time delay optimal control problems by hybrid of block-pulse
functions and Bernstein polynomials, ttp://bit.ly/2ueY2BM
- Joanna Ratajczak and Krzysztof Tchoń, ynamic non-holonomic motion
planning by means of dynamically consistent Jacobian inverse, ttp://
- Luis A. Duffaut Espinosa, W. Steven Gray, and Kurusch Ebrahimi-Fard,
endriform–Tree Setting for Fully Non-commutative Fliess Operators, ttp://
- Pei-yin Xiong, Xu-zhi Lai, and Min Wu, osition and posture control for a
class of second-order nonholonomic underactuated mechanical system, ttp://
- Mokhtar Mohamed, Xing-Gang Yan, Sarah K Spurgeon, and Zehui Mao, obust
variable structure observer design for non-linear large-scale systems with
non-linear interconnections, ttp://bit.ly/2mak8km
- Rui Zhang, Junmin Li, and Jianmin Jiao, bsolute stability of Lurie
systems with two additive time-varying delays, ttp://bit.ly/2mbIiez
- Min-Jie Shi, Jun Huang, Liang Chen, and Lei Yu, daptive full-order and
reduced-order observers for one-sided Lur'e systems with set-valued
mappings, ttp://bit.ly/2NJSmYw
- Qin Fu, Panpan Gu, and Jianrong Wu, ecentralized iterative learning
control for large-scale linear discrete-time systems with fixed initial
state errors, ttp://bit.ly/2L86HfJ
- Rim Zaghdoud, Salah Salhi, and Moufida Ksouri, tate derivative feedback
for singular systems, ttp://bit.ly/2uh1eg9
- Vipin Chandra Pal and Richa Negi, H∞ based anti-windup controller for
two-dimensional discrete delayed systems in presence of actuator
saturation, ttp://bit.ly/2NLqVO1
- Abolfazl Yaghmaei and Mohammad Javad Yazdanpanah, adé-like approximation
and its application in domain of attraction estimation, ttp://bit.ly/2NJO4k0
5.5. Contents: Journal of Control and Decision
Contributed by: Rong Teng, tengrong at ise.neu.edu.cn
Table of Contents
Journal of Control and Decision
Volume 5 (2018), Issue 3 (July)
-Gravitational search algorithm-based fuzzy control for a nonlinear ball
and beam system, M. J. Mahmoodabadi, N. Danesh,p.229
-Robust mode-dependent control for discretetime singular Markovian jump
systems with timevarying delay, Yuhong Liu, Hui Li, Qishui Zhong, Shouming
-A novel dynamic proportional-type iterative learning control design for
non-linear systems,Ming-Fang Chang,p.256
-Integrated guidance and control with input saturation and disturbance
observer, Wangkui Liu, Yiyin Wei, Guangren Duan, Mingzhe Hou,p.277
-A benchmark system to investigate the nonminimum phase behaviour of
multi-input multioutput systems, SaeedReza Tofighi, Farshad
5.6. Contents: Asian Journal of Control
Contributed by: Li-Chen Fu, lichen at ntu.edu.tw
Asian Journal of Control
Vol.20, No.4 July, 2018
[Special Issue: Recent Emerging Technologies in Atomic Force Microscopy]
1. Real‐Time Sliding Mode Observer Scheme for Shear Force Estimation in a
Transverse Dynamic Force Microscope (Pages: 1317-1328), Thang Nguyen, Said
G Khan, Toshiaki Hatano, Kaiqiang Zhang, Christopher Edwards, Guido
Herrmann, Robert Harniman, Stuart C. Burgess, Massimo Antognozzi, Mervyn
2. Parameter Identification and Adaptive Control Of Carbon Nanotube
Resonators (Pages: 1329-1338), Hamed Jamshidifar, Hassan Askari, Baris Fidan
3. Adaptive tilting angles to achieve high‐precision scanning of a dual
probes AFM (Pages: 1339-1351), Jim‐Wei Wu, Yu‐Ting Lo, Wei‐Chih Liu, Da‐Wei
Liu, Kuang‐Yao Chang, Li‐Chen Fu
4. A comparison of scanning methods and the vertical control implications
for scanning probe microscopy (Pages: 1352-1366), Yik R. Teo, Yuen Yong,
Andrew J. Fleming
5. A Wavelet Packet Tree Denoising Algorithm for Images of Atomic‐Force
Microscopy (Pages: 1367-1378), Manuel Schimmack, Paolo Mercorelli
6. A Survey of Methods Used to Control Piezoelectric Tube Scanners in
High‐Speed AFM Imaging (Pages: 1379-1399), Md. Sohel Rana, Hemanshu R.
Pota, Ian R. Petersen
7. A Novel Application of Minimax LQG Control Technique for High‐speed
Spiral Imaging (Pages: 1400-1412), H. Habibullah, H. R. Pota, I. R. Petersen
[Regular Paper]
1. Performance Enhancement for Rigid Tapping by Iterative Learning Control
(Pages: 1151-1160), Shyh‐Leh Chen, Chih‐Chao Wen, Ruo‐Lan Zhao
2. FTESO‐Based Finite Time Control for Underactuated System Within a
Bounded Input (Pages: 1427-1439), Hongbin Wang, Zhen Zhou, Ce Hao,
Zhongquan Hu, Wei Zheng
3. Exponential Consensus for Nonlinear Multi‐Agent Systems with
Communication and Input Delays via Hybrid Control (Pages: 1171-1181),
Yangling Wang, Jinde Cao, Haijun Wang, Ahmed Alsaedi, Fuad E. Alsaadi
4. Neural Network Dynamic Surface Backstepping Control for the Speed and
Tension System of Reversible Cold Strip Rolling Mill (Pages: 1452-1463), Le
Liu, Yu Han, Yiming Fang, Minghao Lin, Nuan Shao
5. ZD Method Based Nonlinear and Robust Control of Agitator Tank (Pages:
Author: Yunong Zhang, Yaqiong Ding, Binbin Qiu, Jianfeng Wen, Xiaodong Li
6. Identification Recurrent Type 2 Fuzzy Wavelet Neural Network and L2‐Gain
Adaptive Variable Sliding Mode Robust Control of Electro‐Hydraulic Servo
System (EHSS) (Pages: 1480-1490), Xiangjian Chen, Di Li, Xibei Yang,
Yuecheng Yu
7. An I&I‐Based Observer to Solve the Output‐Feedback Synchronization
Problem for a Class of Chaotic Systems (Pages: 1491-1503), Carlos
Aguilar‐Ibañez, Eloísa García‐Canseco, Rafael Martínez‐García, Juan Carlos
Martínez‐García, Miguel Santiago Suarez‐Castañon
8. Control of two Electrical Plants (Pages: 1504-1518), José de Jesús
Rubio, Jesus Lopez, Jaime Pacheco, Rodrigo Encinas
9. A Nonsmooth Nonlinear Programming Based Predictive Control for
Mechanical Servo Systems with Backlash‐like Hysteresis (Pages: 1519-1532),
Ruili Dong, Qingyuan Tan, Yonghong Tan
10. On Observer Design for Nonlinear Caputo Fractional‐Order Systems
(Pages: 1533-1540), Assaad Jmal, Omar Naifar, Abdellatif Ben Makhlouf,
Nabil Derbel, Mohamed Ali Hammami
11. New Results on Stabilization of Fractional‐Order Nonlinear Systems via
an LMI Approach (Pages: 1541-1550), Mai Viet Thuan, Dinh Cong Huong
12. Integral Sliding‐Mode Observation and Control for Switched Uncertain
Linear Time Invariant Systems: a Robustifying Strategy (Pages: 1541-1550),
Rosalba Galván‐Guerra, Leonid Fridman, Rafael Iriarte, Juan‐Eduardo
Velázquez‐Velázquez, Martin Steinberger
13. Robust Constrained Model Predictive Control for Discrete‐Time Uncertain
System in Takagi‐Sugeno's Form (Pages: 1566-1581), Haofei Xie, Jun Wang,
Xiaoming Tang
14. Control for the New Harsh sea Conditions Salvage Crane Based on
Modified Fuzzy PID (Pages: 1582-1594), Xiangyong Liu, Wanli Li, Wenjia
Wang, Zhiqiang Xu
15. Adaptive Iterated Extended KALMAN Filter for Relative Spacecraft
Attitude and Position Estimation (Pages: 1595-1610), Kai Xiong, Chunling Wei
16. Robust Approximate Constraint‐Following Control for Autonomous Vehicle
Platoon Systems (Pages: 1611-1623), Xiaomin Zhao, Y. H. Chen, Han Zhao
17. Iterative Learning Control for Nonlinear Systems with Data Dropouts at
Both Measurement and Actuator Sides (Pages: 1624-1636), Yanqiong Jin, Dong
18. Predictor Feedback Stabilization of Stochastic Linear Delayed Systems
with Both Additive and Multiplicative Noises (Pages: 1637-1646), Ali
Javadi, Mohammad Reza Jahed‐Motlagh, Ali‐Akbar Jalali
[Brief Paper]
1. New Condition for FD, All Filters, and New KYP Lemma (Pages: 1647-1657)
Author: Jovan Stefanovski
2. Sum‐of‐Squares‐Based Finite‐Time Adaptive Sliding Mode Control of
Uncertain Polynomial Systems With Input Nonlinearities (Pages: 1658-1662),
Mohammad Mehdi Mardani, Navid Vafamand, Mostafa Shokrian Zeini, Mokhtar
Shasadeghi, Alireza Khayatian
3. New Augmented Lyapunov‐Krasovskii Functional for Stability Analysis of
Systems with Additive Time‐Varying Delays (Pages: 1663-1670), Liming Ding,
Yong He, Min Wu, Qinggou Wang
4. Semi‐Global Robust Output Regulation for A Class of Singular Nonlinear
Systems with Unknown Algebraic Equations (Pages: 1671-1681), Bomin Huang,
Weiyao Lan
5. Distributed Consensus of Multi‐Agent Systems with Input Faults and
Time‐Varying Delays (Pages: 1682-1685), M. Fattahi, A. Afshar
5.7. Contents: International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems
Contributed by: Keum-Shik Hong, journal at ijcas.com
International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems (IJCAS)
ISSN: 1598-6446
Table of contents
Vol. 16, No. 4, August 2018
- A Novel Leader-following Consensus of Multi-agent Systems with Smart
Leader, Fu-Yong Wang, Zhong-Xin Liu*, and Zeng-Qiang Chen pp.1483-1492
- Adaptive Consensualization for Lipschitz Nonlinear-type Multi-agent
Networks with Fixed Topologies, Tang Zheng, Jianxiang Xi*, Mei Yuan, and
Guangbin Liu pp.1493-1501
- Simultaneous Stability of Large-scale Systems via Distributed Control
Network with Partial Information Exchange, Yanfei Zhu, Fuwen Yang*,
Chuanjiang Li, and Yilian Zhang pp.1502-1511
- Consensus of Multi-agent Systems with Feedforward Nonlinear Dynamics and
Digraph, Shuzhen Yu, Haijun Jiang*, Zhiyong Yu, and Cheng Hu pp.1512-1520
- Instability and Unboundedness Analysis for Impulsive Differential Systems
with Applications to Lurie Control Systems, Xiaodi Li*, Wu-Hua Chen, Wei
Xing Zheng, and Qing-guo Wang pp.1521-1531
- Stability of Hybrid Impulsive and Switching Stochastic Systems with
Time-delay, Xuegang Tan, Bin Hu, Zhi-Hong Guan*, Rui-Quan Liao, Jiang-Wen
Xiao, and Yuehua Huang pp.1532-1540
- Robust Stability Analysis of Time-varying Delay Systems via an Augmented
States Approach, Chao-Yang Dong, Ming-Yu Ma*, Qing Wang, and Si-Qian Ma
- Global Output-feedback Stabilization for Nonlinear Time-delay Systems
with Unknown Control Coefficients, Xuehua Yan*, Xinmin Song, and Xiaohong
Wang pp.1550-1557
- Pinning Exponential Synchronization of Nonlinearly Coupled Neural
Networks with Mixed Delays via Intermittent Control, Jian-An Wang* and
Xin-Yu Wen pp.1558-1568
- An Interpolation Technique for Input Constrained Robust Stabilization,
Jung-Su Kim and Young Il Lee* pp.1569-1576
- High-speed Rotor’s Mechanical Design and Stable Suspension Based on
Inertia-ratio for Gyroscopic Effect Suppression, Jiqiang Tang*, Shaopu
Zhao, Ying Wang, and Kuo Wang pp.1577-1591
- Improved Stability Criteria for Discrete-time Delay Systems via Novel
Summation Inequalities, Shenping Xiao*, Linxing Xu, Hongbing Zeng, and Kok
Lay Teo pp.1592-1602
- Global Lagrange Stability for Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Cohen-Grossberg BAM
Neural Networks with Time-varying Delays, Jingfeng Wang, Lixin Tian*, and
Zaili Zhen pp.1603-1614
- A Robust Control Approach for Hydraulic Excavators Using m-synthesis,
Seunghyun Kim, Jaemann Park, Seonhyeok Kang, Pan Young Kim, and H. Jin Kim*
- Decentralized Output Regulation of a New Class of Interconnected
Uncertain Nonlinear Systems, Ranran Li pp.1629-1636
- Robust H∞ Performance of Discrete-time Neural Networks with Uncertainty
and Time-varying Delay, M. Syed Ali, K. Meenakshi, R. Vadivel, and O. M.
Kwon* pp.1637-1647
- Robust Adaptive Dynamic Surface Control Based on Structural Reliability
for a Turret-moored Floating Production Storage and Offloading Vessel,
Yulong Tuo, Yuanhui Wang*, Simon X. Yang, Mohammad Biglarbegian, and Mingyu
Fu pp.1648-1659
- Control Surface Faults Neural Adaptive Compensation Control for Tailless
Flying Wing Aircraft with Uncertainties, Shaojie Zhang*, Weifang Shuang,
and Qingkai Meng pp.1660-1669
- A New Adaptive Partially Decentralized PID Controller for Non-square
Discrete-time Linear Parameter Varying Systems, Ibtissem Malouche* and
Faouzi Bouani pp.1670-1680
- Adaptive Dynamic Output-feedback Control for Chemical Continuous Stirred
Tank Reactor System with Nonlinear Uncertainties and Multiple Time-delays,
Wei Zheng*, Hong-Bin Wang, Shu-Huan Wen, Hong-Rui Wang, and Zhi-Ming Zhang
- Adaptive Global Terminal Sliding Mode Control Scheme with Improved
Dynamic Surface for Uncertain Nonlinear Systems, Saleh Mobayen pp.1692-1700
- Robust Optimal Adaptive Sliding Mode Control with the Disturbance
Observer for a Manipulator Robot System, Kun-Yung Chen pp.1701-1715
- Sliding Mode Control for A Class of Uncertain Discrete Switched Systems,
Yonghui Liu pp.1716-1723
- Guidance Laws against Towed Decoy Based on Adaptive Back-stepping Sliding
Mode and Anti-saturation Methods, Ji-Peng Dong, Jing-Guang Sun, Yong Guo,
and Shen-Min Song* pp.1724-1735
- Synthesis of a Minimum Functional State Observer Approach for
Unperturbed/Perturbed Dynamical Systems, Ridha Aloui* and Naceur Benhadj
Braiek pp.1736-1745
- Multi Observer Structure for Rapid State Estimation in Linear Time
Varying Systems, Jakub Bernat pp.1746-1755
- Hierarchical Parameter Estimation for the Frequency Response Based on the
Dynamical Window Data, Ling Xu, Weili Xiong*, Ahmed Alsaedi, and Tasawar
Hayat pp.1756-1764
- Distributed Observer-based LQ Controller Design and Stabilization for
Discrete-time Multi-agent Systems, Chunyan Han* and Wei Wang pp.1765-1774
- Disturbance Observer Based Output Feedback Controller Design for Systems
with Mismatched Disturbance, Jeang-Lin Chang* and Tsui-Chou Wu pp.1775-1782
- A Multi-mode Incipient Sensor Fault Detection and Diagnosis Method for
Electrical Traction Systems, Hongtian Chen, Bin Jiang*, and Ningyun Lu
- Active Fault Tolerant Control Scheme for Satellite Attitude Systems:
Multiple Actuator Faults Case, Zhifeng Gao*, Zepeng Zhou, Guoping Jiang,
Moshu Qian, and Jinxing Lin pp.1794-1804
- Estimation of CD4+ T Cell Count Parameters in HIV/AIDS Patients Based on
Real-time Nonlinear Receding Horizon Control, Fei Sun and Kamran Turkoglu*
- Finite-time Controller Design for Four-wheel-steering of Electric Vehicle
Driven by Four In-wheel Motors, Qinghua Meng*, Zong-Yao Sun, and Yushan Li
- Information-based Optimal Deployment for a Group of Dynamic Unicycles,
Maode Yan, Yaoren Guo, Lei Zuo*, and Panpan Yang pp.1824-1832
- The Design of Ship Formation Based on a Novel Disturbance Rejection
Control, Yun Li* and Jian Zheng pp.1833-1839
- Between Exploration and Exploitation in Motor Babbling, Chyon Hae Kim,
KantaWatanabe, Shun Nishide, and Manabu Gouko pp.1840-1853
- Differential Game-based Formation Flight for Quadrotors, Manuel
Jimenez-Lizarraga*, Octavio Garcia, Ricardo Chapa-Garcia, and Erik G.
Rojo-Rodriguez pp.1854-1865
- Multi-objective Hierarchical Optimal Control for Quadruped Rescue Robot,
Nan Hu, Shaoyuan Li*, and Feng Gao pp.1866-1877
- Motion Planning of Robot Manipulator Based on Improved NSGA-II, Ying
Huang* and Minrui Fei pp.1878-1886
- On the Voltage-based Control of Robot Manipulators Revisited, Alireza
Izadbakhsh* and Payam Kheirkhahan pp.1887-1894
- Robust-flatness Controller Design for a Differentially Driven Wheeled
Mobile Robot, Mabrouk Boubezoula*, Abdelouhab Hassam, and Oussama Boutalbi
- Tracking Control of Podded Propulsion Unmanned Surface Vehicle with
Unknown Dynamics and Disturbance Under Input Saturation, Dong Dong Mu, Guo
Feng Wang*, and Yun Sheng Fan pp.1905-1915
- Tip-position/velocity Tracking Control of Manipulator for Hull Derusting
and Spray Painting based on Active Disturbance Rejection Control, Zhong
Wang, Xiaohong Jiao*, and Meiyu Feng pp.1916-1926
- P+d Plus Sliding Mode Control for Bilateral Teleoperation of a Mobile
Robot, Lucio R. Salinas*, Diego Santiago, Emanuel Slawinski, Vicente A.
Mut, Danilo Chavez, Paulo Leica, and Oscar Camacho pp.1927-1937
- A Finite-time Adaptive Fuzzy Terminal Sliding Mode Control for Uncertain
Nonlinear Systems, Ehsan Rouhani and Abbas Erfanian* pp.1938-1950
- Parameter Identification for a Quadrotor Helicopter Using Multivariable
Extremum Seeking Algorithm, Weizhen Liu, Xin Huo*, Jinkun Liu, and Libin
Wang pp.1951-1961
- Visual Inertial Odometry with Pentafocal Geometric Constraints, Pyojin
Kim, Hyon Lim, and H. Jin Kim* pp.1962-1970
- Finite-time H∞ Filtering for Discrete-time Markovian Jump BAM Neural
Networks with Time-varying Delays, M. Syed Ali, K. Meenakshi, and Young
Hoon Joo* pp.1971-1980
- Synergetic Adaptive Fuzzy Control for a Class of Nonlinear Discrete-time
Systems, Boukhalfa Abdelouaheb*, Khaber Farid, and Essounbouli Najib
- Neural-networks-based Adaptive Control for an Uncertain Nonlinear System
with Asymptotic Stability, Jongho Shin, Seungkeun Kim*, and Antonios
Tsourdos pp.1989-2001
- Integral Barrier Lyapunov Functions-based Neural Control for
Strictfeedback Nonlinear Systems with Multi-constraint, Jun Zhang
- Stability Analysis and Memory Control Design of Polynomial Fuzzy Systems
with Time Delay via Polynomial Lyapunov-Krasovskii Functional, Hamdi
Gassara, Ahmed El Hajjaji*, Mohamed Krid, and Mohamed Chaabane pp.2011-2020
5.8. Contents: IET Control Theory & Applications
Contributed by: Alexandria Lipka, alipka at theiet.org
IET Control Theory & Applications
Volume 12
August 2018
- Pan Yu, Min Wu, Jinhua She, Kang-Zhi Liu, Yosuke Nakanishi, Enhancement
of disturbance-rejection performance of uncertain input-delay systems: a
disturbance predictor approach, Pages 1673 – 1682
- Eugenio Alcala, Vicenç Puig, Joseba Quevedo, Teresa Escobet,
Gain-scheduling LPV control for autonomous vehicles including friction
force estimation and compensation mechanism, Pages 1683 - 1693
- Hansheng Wu, Simple adaptive robust output tracking control schemes of
uncertain parametric strict-feedback non-linear systems with unknown input
saturations, Pages 1694 - 1703
- Xiao Zhang, Feng Ding, Ling Xu, Erfu Yang, State filtering-based least
squares parameter estimation for bilinear systems using the hierarchical
identification principle, Pages 1704 - 1713
- Xiao-Wei Jiang, Chao-Yang Chen, Qing-Sheng Yang, Xiu-Jun Qu, Huai-Cheng
Yan, Optimal tracking performance for SIMO systems with packet dropouts and
control energy constraints, Pages 1714 - 1721
- Mojtaba Sharifi, Hassan Salarieh, Saeed Behzadipour, Mahdi Tavakoli,
Impedance control of non-linear multi-DOF teleoperation systems with time
delay: absolute stability, Pages 1722 - 1729
- Lu Liu, Shuo Zhang, Dingyu Xue, Yang Quan Chen, General robustness
analysis and robust fractional-order PD controller design for
fractional-order plants, Pages 1730 - 1736
- Jianglong Yu, Xiwang Dong, Qingdong Li, Zhang Ren, Practical time-varying
formation tracking for multiple non-holonomic mobile robot systems based on
the distributed extended state observers, Pages 1737 - 1747
- Bin-Bin He, Hua-Cheng Zhou, YangQuan Chen, Chun-Hai Kou, Asymptotical
stability of fractional order systems with time delay via an integral
inequality, Pages 1748 - 1754
- Fidel Meléndez-Vázquez, Rafael Martínez-Guerra, Reduced-order fractional
integral observer for synchronisation and anti-synchronisation of
fractional-order chaotic systems, Pages 1755 - 1762
- Xiao Wang, Jie Guo, Shengjing Tang, Neural network-based multivariable
fixed-time terminal sliding mode control for re-entry vehicles, Pages 1763
- 1772
- Chang-Jiang Li, Guo-Ping Liu, Data-driven consensus for non-linear
networked multi-agent systems with switching topology and time-varying
delays, Pages 1773 - 1779
5.9. Contents: Control Theory and Technology
Contributed by: Zou Tiefeng, tfzou at scut.edu.cn
Control Theory and Technology
(formerly entitled Journal of Control Theory and Applications)
Vol. 16, No. 3, August 2018
- Multi-agent coverage control design with dynamic sensing regions, L. Ma,
F. He, L. Wang, Y. Yao P. 161
- Algorithmic approaches for optimizing electronic control unit time using
multi-rate sampling, R. Raha, P. Dasgupta, S. Dey P. 173
- A Stackelberg strategy for continuous-time mixed H2/H-infinity control
problem with time delay, X. Li, W. Wang, J. Xu, H. Zhang P. 191
- Limit behaviors of extended Kalman filter as a parameter estimator for a
sinusoidal signal, L. Xie P. 203
- Variational Bayesian data analysis on manifold, Y. Ming P. 212
- Regional constrained control problem for a class of semilinear
distributed systems, El H. Zerrik, N. El Boukhari P. 221
- Queue reduction in discrete-event systems by relabeling, Y. Gan, T. Jiao,
W. M. Wonham P. 232
- Research opportunities arising from measurement and estimation of quantum
systems W. Cui P. 241
5.10. Contents: Control Engineering Practice
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com
Control Engineering Practice
Vol. 77
August 2018
- Hamed Hossein Afshari, Mina Attari, Ryan Ahmed, Ali Delbari, Saeid
Habibi, Tina Shoa, Reliable state of charge and state of health estimation
using the smooth variable structure filter, Pages 1-14
- G. Licitra, A. Bürger, P. Williams, R. Ruiterkamp, M. Diehl, Optimal
input design for autonomous aircraft, Pages 15-27,
ISSN 0967-0661,
- Kevin S. Brooks, Margret Bauer, Sensor validation and reconstruction:
Experiences with commercial technology, Pages 28-40
- D. Wang, X. Chen, A multirate fractional-order repetitive control for
laser-based additive manufacturing, Pages 41-51
- Ming-Gang Gan, Meng Zhang, Chun-Ye Zheng, Jie Chen, An adaptive sliding
mode observer over wide speed range for sensorless control of a brushless
DC motor, Pages 52-62
- Sen Xie, Chunhua Yang, Xiaofeng Yuan, Xiaoli Wang, Yongfang Xie, Layered
online data reconciliation strategy with multiple modes for industrial
processes, Pages 63-72
- Mohamed Amine Fnaiech, Mohamed Trabelsi, Shady Khalil, Majdi Mansouri,
Hazem Nounou, Haitham Abu-Rub, Robust sliding mode control for three-phase
rectifier supplied by non-ideal voltage, Pages 73-85
- Milad Jalali, Ehsan Hashemi, Amir Khajepour, Shih-ken Chen, Bakhtiar
Litkouhi, Model predictive control of vehicle roll-over with experimental
verification, Pages 95-108
- Charles Lorenzini, Jeferson Vieira Flores, Luís Fernando Alves Pereira,
Luís Alberto Pereira, Resonant–repetitive controller with phase correction
applied to uninterruptible power supplies, Pages 118-126
- Mohammed Jama, Addy Wahyudie, Hassan Noura, Robust predictive control for
heaving wave energy converters, Pages 138-149
- Fatima Oliva-Palomo, Anand Sanchez-Orta, Pedro Castillo, Hussain Alazki,
Nonlinear ellipsoid based attitude control for aggressive trajectories in a
quadrotor: Closed-loop multi-flips implementation, Pages 150-161
- Paolo Di Giamberardino, Daniela Iacoviello, LQ control design for the
containment of the HIV/AIDS diffusion, Pages 162-173
- Andres Beltran-Pulido, John Cortes-Romero, Horacio Coral-Enriquez, Robust
Active Disturbance Rejection Control for LVRT capability enhancement of
DFIG-based wind turbines, Pages 174-189
- Jun Shang, Maoyin Chen, Hanwen Zhang, Hongquan Ji, Donghua Zhou, Haifeng
Zhang, Mingliang Li, Increment-based recursive transformed component
statistical analysis for monitoring blast furnace iron-making processes: An
index-switching scheme, Pages 190-200
- Oliver Hofmann, Daniel J. Rixen, Aging tolerant control of direct
injection engines, Pages 201-212
- Furqan Tahir, Ewan Mercer, Ivan Lowdon, David Lovett, Advanced process
control and monitoring of a continuous flow micro-reactor, Pages 225-234
- Yadollah Rasekhipour, Iman Fadakar, Amir Khajepour, Autonomous driving
motion planning with obstacles prioritization using lexicographic
optimization, Pages 235-246
- Masakazu Koike, Takayuki Ishizaki, Nacim Ramdani, Jun-ichi Imura, Optimal
scheduling of battery storage systems and thermal power plants for
supply–demand balance, Pages 213-224
- Gian Paolo Incremona, Mirko Messori, Chiara Toffanin, Claudio Cobelli,
Lalo Magni, Model predictive control with integral action for artificial
pancreas, Pages 86-94
- Mathieu Nadeau, Jean-Yves Denaclara, Renaud Tissier, Herve Walti,
Philippe Micheau, Patient-specific optimal cooling power command for
hypothermia induction by liquid ventilation, Pages 109-117
- Zuo Wang, Shihua Li, Jun Yang, Qi Li, Current sensorless finite-time
control for buck converters with time-varying disturbances, Pages 127-137
5.11. Contents: Evolution Equations & Control Theory
Contributed by: Irena Lasiecka, lasiecka at memphis.edu
Evolution Equations & Control Theory
The new issue EECT 7-3 September 2018 regular issue is now online:
5.12. Contents: Mechatronics
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com
Vol. 53
August 2018
- Mahyar Abdeetedal, Hamed Rezaee, Heidar A. Talebi, Farzaneh Abdollahi,
Optimal adaptive Jacobian internal forces controller for multiple
whole-limb manipulators in the presence of kinematic uncertainties, Pages
- Jing Wang, Changfeng Shao, Yang-Quan Chen, Fractional order sliding mode
control via disturbance observer for a class of fractional order systems
with mismatched disturbance, Pages 8-19
- Xianjun Sheng, Xi Zhang, Fuzzy adaptive hybrid impedance control for
mirror milling system, Pages 20-27
- Raphaël Furnémont, Glenn Mathijssen, Tom Verstraten, Rene Jimenez-Fabian,
Dirk Lefeber, Bram Vanderborght, Novel control strategy for the +SPEA: A
redundant actuator with reconfigurable parallel elements, Pages 28-38
- Hong Van Tran, Tien Hoang Ngo, Ngoc Dang Khoa Tran, Thien Ngon Dang,
Thanh-Phong Dao, Dung-An Wang, A threshold accelerometer based on a
tristable mechanism, Pages 39-55
- Omar Mehrez, Zakarya Zyada, Tatsuya Suzuki, Yoshikazu Hayakawa, Ahmed
Abo-Ismail, Shigeyuki Hosoe, Equilibrium area analysis for nonprehensile
manipulation of a three-link object by two cooperative arms in a plane,
Pages 56-71
- Qing Pan, Yibo Li, Minghui Huang, Control-oriented friction modeling of
hydraulic actuators based on hysteretic nonlinearity of lubricant film,
Pages 72-84
- Qingcong Wu, Xingsong Wang, Bai Chen, Hongtao Wu, Development of an
RBFN-based neural-fuzzy adaptive control strategy for an upper limb
rehabilitation exoskeleton, Pages 85-94
- Xiangyang Zhou, Yating Li, Haixiao Yue, Yuan Jia, Libo Zhao, Zhuangsheng
Zhu, An improved cerebellar model articulation controller based on the
compound algorithms of credit assignment and optimized smoothness for a
three-axis inertially stabilized platform, Pages 95-108
- Huu Minh Le, Lin Cao, Thanh Nho Do, Soo Jay Phee, Design and modelling of
a variable stiffness manipulator for surgical robots, Pages 109-123
- Mohsen Jafarzadeh, Nicholas Gans, Yonas Tadesse, Control of TCP muscles
using Takagi–Sugeno–Kang fuzzy inference system, Pages 124-139
- Ons Amri, Majdi Mansouri, Ayman Al-Khazraji, Hazem Nounou, Mohamed
Nounou, Ahmed Ben Hamida, Improved model based fault detection technique
and application to humanoid robots, Pages 140-151
- Chi-Ying Lin, Yu-Hsi Huang, Wei-Ting Chen, Multimodal suppression of
vibration in smart flexible beam using piezoelectric electrode-based
switching control, Pages 152-167
- Kevin Schmidt, Philipp Wittmuess, Stefan Piehler, Marwan Abdou Ahmed,
Thomas Graf, Oliver Sawodny, Modeling and simulating the thermoelastic
deformation of mirrors using transient multilayer models, Pages 168-180
- Jaeyoung Kim, Galen B. King, Chang-Hyun Kim, Chang-Wan Ha, Modeling and
designing levitation, roll and pitch controller for high accuracy maglev
tray system, Pages 181-191
- Xiaohong Jiao, Guanghui Li, Hui Wang, Adaptive finite time servo control
for automotive electronic throttle with experimental analysis, Pages 192-201
- B. Lafarge, S. Grondel, C. Delebarre, E. Cattan, A validated simulation
of energy harvesting with piezoelectric cantilever beams on a vehicle
suspension using Bond Graph approach, Pages 202-214
- Sitong Xiang, Xiaodong Yao, Zhengchun Du, Jianguo Yang, Dynamic
linearization modeling approach for spindle thermal errors of machine
tools, Pages 215-228
- Jasper De Viaene, Stijn Derammelaere, Kurt Stockman, Load angle
estimation for dynamic stepping motor motion applications, Pages 229-240
- Bing Chen, Bin Zi, Yishan Zeng, Ling Qin, Wei-Hsin Liao, Ankle-foot
orthoses for rehabilitation and reducing metabolic cost of walking:
Possibilities and challenges, Pages 241-250
- Sergio Casas, Cristina Portalés, Jesús Gimeno, Marcos Fernández,
Simulation of parallel mechanisms for motion cueing generation in vehicle
simulators using AM-FM bi-modulated signals, Pages 251-261
- Kunming Zheng, Youmin Hu, Bo Wu, Model-free development of control
systems for a multi-degree-of-freedom robot, Pages 262-276
- Teng Lin, John J. Wang, Lei Zuo, Efficient electromagnetic energy
harvester for railroad transportation, Pages 277-286
5.13. Contents: ISA Transactions
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com
ISA Transactions
Volume 79
August 2018
- Anouar Benamor, Hassani Messaoud, Robust adaptive sliding mode control
for uncertain systems with unknown time-varying delay input, Pages 1-12
- Xiaoan Chu, Muguo Li, H∞ observer-based event-triggered sliding mode
control for a class of discrete-time nonlinear networked systems with
quantizations, Pages 13-26
- Amirhossein Asgharnia, Reza Shahnazi, Ali Jamali, Performance and
robustness of optimal fractional fuzzy PID controllers for pitch control of
a wind turbine using chaotic optimization algorithms, Pages 27-44
- Abdelhamid Bounemeur, Mohamed Chemachema, Najib Essounbouli, Indirect
adaptive fuzzy fault-tolerant tracking control for MIMO nonlinear systems
with actuator and sensor failures, Pages 45-61
- Zhe Gao, Xinchang Lin, Yan Zheng, System identification with measurement
noise compensation based on polynomial modulating function for
fractional-order systems with a known time-delay, Pages 62-72
- Benben Jiang, Yi Luo, Matrix factorization based instrumental variable
approach for simultaneous identification of Bi-directional path models,
Pages 73-82
- Falu Weng, Mingxin Liu, Weijie Mao, Yuanchun Ding, Feifei Liu,
Sampled-data-based vibration control for structural systems with
finite-time state constraint and sensor outage, Pages 83-94
- Yingyang Wang, Jianbo Hu, Improved prescribed performance control for
air-breathing hypersonic vehicles with unknown deadzone input nonlinearity,
Pages 95-107
- Hanyuan Zhang, Xuemin Tian, Xiaogang Deng, Yuping Cao, Batch process
fault detection and identification based on discriminant global preserving
kernel slow feature analysis, Pages 108-126
- Hongtian Chen, Bin Jiang, Ningyun Lu, An improved incipient fault
detection method based on Kullback-Leibler divergence, Pages 127-136
- Payman Hajihosseini, Mohammad Mousavi Anzehaee, Behzad Behnam, Fault
detection and isolation in the challenging Tennessee Eastman process by
using image processing techniques, Pages 137-146
- Wangpeng He, Binqiang Chen, Nianyin Zeng, Yanyang Zi, Sparsity-based
signal extraction using dual Q-factors for gearbox fault detection, Pages
- Zhen Tian, Jingqi Yuan, Liang Xu, Xiang Zhang, Jingcheng Wang,
Model-based adaptive sliding mode control of the subcritical boiler-turbine
system with uncertainties, Pages 161-171
- L. Angel, J. Viola, Fractional order PID for tracking control of a
parallel robotic manipulator type delta, Pages 172-188
- Emre Dincel, Mehmet Turan Söylemez, Digital PI-PD controller design for
arbitrary order systems: Dominant pole placement approach, Pages 189-201
- Abdoljalil Addeh, Aminollah Khormali, Noorbakhsh Amiri Golilarz, Control
chart pattern recognition using RBF neural network with new training
algorithm and practical features, Pages 202-216
- Tarek Ameid, Arezki Menacer, Hicham Talhaoui, Youness Azzoug,
Discrete wavelet transform and energy eigen value for rotor bars fault
detection in variable speed field-oriented control of induction motor
drive, Pages 217-231
- Guangrong Chen, Junzheng Wang, Shoukun Wang, Jiangbo Zhao, Wei Shen,
Compliance control for a hydraulic bouncing system, Pages 232-238
- Ashish Kumar, Rama Komaragiri, Manjeet Kumar, Heart rate monitoring and
therapeutic devices: A wavelet transform based approach for the modeling
and classification of congestive heart failure, Pages 239-250
- Jianjun Luo, Caisheng Wei, Honghua Dai, Zeyang Yin, Xing Wei, Jianping
Yuan, Corrigendum to “Robust inertia-free attitude takeover control of
postcapture combined spacecraft with guaranteed prescribed performance”,
Page 251
5.14. Contents: Journal of the Franklin Institute
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com
Journal of the Franklin Institute
Volume 355, Issue 12
August 2018
- T.P. Chagas, P.-A. Bliman, K.H. Kienitz, Stabilization of periodic orbits
of discrete-time dynamical systems using the Prediction-Based Control: New
control law and practical aspects, Pages 4771-4793
- Dawei Zhang, Zhiyong Zhou, Xinchun Jia, Network-based PI control for
output tracking of continuous-time systems with time-varying sampling and
network-induced delays, Pages 4794-4808
- Gabriele Perozzi, Denis Efimov, Jean-Marc Biannic, Laurent Planckaert,
Trajectory tracking for a quadrotor under wind perturbations: sliding mode
control with state-dependent gains , Pages 4809-4838
- Kai Liu, Optimal control of stochastic functional neutral differential
equations with time lag in control, Pages 4839-4853
- Liang Qiao, Ying Yang, Fault-tolerant control for T–S fuzzy systems with
sensor faults: Application to a ship propulsion system, Pages 4854-4872
- Na Wang, Shaocheng Tong, Observer-based adaptive fuzzy control of a class
of MIMO non-strict feedback nonlinear systems, Pages 4873-4896,
- Shixiang Sun, Xinjiang Wei, Huifeng Zhang, Hamid Reza Karimi, Jian Han,
Composite fault-tolerant control with disturbance observer for stochastic
systems with multiple disturbances, Pages 4897-4915
- Huifeng Zhang, Xinjiang Wei, Hamid Reza Karimi, Jian Han,
Anti-disturbance control based on disturbance observer for nonlinear
systems with bounded disturbances, Pages 4916-4930
- Mehran Mazandarani, Yi Zhao, Fuzzy Bang-Bang control problem under
granular differentiability, Pages 4931-4951
- Lan Zhou, Jinhua She, Shaowu Zhou, Robust H∞ control of an observer-based
repetitive-control system, Pages 4952-4969
- Mohammad Hossein Heydari, A new direct method based on the Chebyshev
cardinal functions for variable-order fractional optimal control problems,
Pages 4970-4995
- Tousif Khan Nizami, Arghya Chakravarty, Chitralekha Mahanta, Analysis and
experimental investigation into a finite time current observer based
adaptive backstepping control of buck converters, Pages 4996-5017
- J. Zheng, M. Fu, R. Lu, S. Xie, Design, identification, and control of a
linear dual-stage actuation positioning system, Pages 5018-5036
- Menghua Chen, Jian Sun, H∞ finite time control for discrete time-varying
system with interval time-varying delay, Pages 5037-5057
- Chengzhi Yuan, Shahab Ilbeigi, Wei Zeng, H∞ output containment control of
heterogeneous multi-agent systems via distributed dynamic output feedback,
Pages 5058-5081
- Devika K. B., Susy Thomas, Sliding mode controller design for MIMO
nonlinear systems: A novel power rate reaching law approach for improved
performance, Pages 5082-5098
- Chuanlin Zhang, Changyun Wen, A non-recursive C1 adaptive stabilization
methodology for nonlinearly parameterized uncertain nonlinear systems,
Pages 5099-5113
- Sen Kuang, Jiazhen Yan, Shuang Cong, Orbit consensus of quantum networks
based on interaction design, Pages 5114-5134
- Mauro Di Marco, Mauro Forti, Luca Pancioni, Stability of memristor neural
networks with delays operating in the flux-charge domain, Pages 5135-5162
- Yanjiao Wang, Feng Ding, Minhu Wu, Recursive parameter estimation
algorithm for multivariate output-error systems, Pages 5163-5181
- Chuanjiang Li, Liangming Chen, Yanning Guo, Yueyong Lyu, Cooperative
surrounding control with collision avoidance for networked Lagrangian
systems, Pages 5182-5202
- Yalu Li, Haitao Li, Peiyong Duan, Synchronization of switched logical
control networks via event-triggered control, Pages 5203-5216
- Xiaoyan Chu, Xiaohong Nian, Miaoping Sun, Haibo Wang, Hongyun Xiong,
Robust observer design for multi-motor web-winding system, Pages 5217-5239
- Zhipeng Li, Minyue Fu, Huanshui Zhang, Zongze Wu, Mean field stochastic
linear quadratic games for continuum-parameterized multi-agent systems,
Pages 5240-5255
- Xiucheng Shi, Jianquan Lu, Yang Liu, Tingwen Huang, Fuad E. Alssadi, A
new class of fixed-time bipartite consensus protocols for multi-agent
systems with antagonistic interactions, Pages 5256-5271
- Xiang-Yu Yao, Hua-Feng Ding, Ming-Feng Ge, Formation-containment control
for multi-robot systems with two-layer leaders via hierarchical
controller–estimator algorithms, Pages 5272-5290
- JunMin Park, Seok Young Lee, PooGyeon Park, An improved stability
criteria for neutral-type Lur’e systems with time-varying delays, Pages
- G.T. Stamov, I.M. Stamova, Jinde Cao, Uncertain impulsive functional
differential systems of fractional order and almost periodicity, Pages
- Yongyuan Yu, Jun-e Feng, Biao Wang, Peihe Wang, Sampled-data
controllability and stabilizability of Boolean control networks: Nonuniform
sampling, Pages 5324-5335
- Weili Xiong, Xudong Shi, Soft sensor modeling with a selective updating
strategy for Gaussian process regression based on probabilistic principle
component analysis, Pages 5336-5349
- Aleksandar Radonjic, Vladimir Vujicic, Erratum to ``Integer Codes
Correcting Burst and Random Asymmetric Errors within a Byte'', Page 5350
5.15. Contents: IFAC Journal of Systems and Control
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com
IFAC Journal of Systems and Control
Volume 4
June 2018
- Cristi Guevara, Hugo Leiva, Approximated controllability of the strongly
damped impulsive semilinear wave equation with memory and delay, Pages 1-6
- Sudin Kadam, Ravi Banavar, Geometry of locomotion of the generalized
Purcell’s swimmer: Modelling, controllability and motion primitives, Pages
- Hoai-Nam Nguyen, Per-Olof Gutman, On the modified Minkowski functional
minimization controller for uncertain systems with input and state
constraints, Pages 17-24
5.16. CFP: IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
Contributed by: Zhiyong Chen, zhiyong.chen at newcastle.edu.au
Special Issue on: "Security and Privacy of Distributed Algorithms and
Network Systems"
---- Introduction
The integration of computation, communication and control technologies has
led to the emergence and burgeoning of large scale engineering systems,
a.k.a., the network systems. These systems find various applications in
different fields, including electric and smart grids, transportation and
smart cities, healthcare and manufacturing, etc. Due to the rapid growth of
the number of geographically deployed units, such as sensors, computers and
controllers, traditional centralized control and optimization algorithms
may not be applicable or work anymore. Distributed control and optimization
algorithms are more promising and desirable to operate and guarantee the
well-functioning of the systems, and have the advantages of being flexible,
scalable, robust and efficient. Yet, due to their very nature, distributed
algorithms are particularly vulnerable to cyber and physical attacks. For
example, in the consensus optimization problem, each participant has to
cooperatively communicate with its neighbors and update its states
according to a predefined rule. If even a single participant is compromised
by the attacker, then convergence of the whole network can be prevented
easily. Similarly, because distributed control and optimization algorithms
usually operate based on predefined rules, attackers can obtain private
information by compromising a portion of the participants or eavesdropping
broadcast information. For example, in the consensus problem, the state of
the agents can be recovered by an attacker by simply spoofing few
transmitted messages. Security and privacy issues of distributed control
and optimization algorithms are critical in network systems and, if not
addressing properly, can result in critical economic losses or even
threaten human safety.
It is usually difficult to design secure distributed control and
optimization algorithms for network systems. On the one hand, because each
participant only knows its own parameters or settings in distributed
control and optimization problems, it is challenging to identify the
compromised participants. On the other hand, since practical optimization
and control problems in network systems are usually complicated, the attack
space is extremely large. Thus, these algorithms inevitably become more
complicated. Designing privacy-preserving distributed algorithms while
guaranteeing system performance, e.g., high accuracy, fast convergence
speed, low computational cost, is another challenging issue for network
Traditional studies on attack modelling, attack detection, privacy
preservation, among others, apply usually to centralized systems. Because
of different structure and assumptions, these results cannot be applied to
the distributed systems in a straightforward way. Recently, researchers
have made great efforts to tackle significant security and privacy problems
in different network systems, e.g., secure time synchronization in wireless
sensor networks, secure and privacy preserving distributed energy
management in smart grid, secure distributed estimation, detection and
control, privacy preserving decision making, secure and privacy preserving
coordination and cooperative control. However, most of these results apply
the specific settings, and have limited extensions. Further, with the
development of new technologies and the emergence of new demand
requirements, existing theoretical results cannot be applied to the
distributed networks directly. For example, a lot of efforts have been made
to achieve the fault-tolerant consensus. Resilient distributed optimization
algorithms have been designed under Byzantine or malicious attacks. But it
is still an open question to evaluate the sub-optimality of the final
solution of the resilient algorithms under different attacks. Meanwhile,
the distributed network system has its special properties, e.g.,
decentralized resources, complicated algorithm and system structure, which
make the attack space much huge. As a result, security and privacy problems
in distributed algorithms in network systems, such as attack modeling,
defense strategy and privacy analysis, can be more challenging. Thus, we
believe that it's important and timely to launch a special issue in the
flagship journal of the control society to emphasize the importance of the
analysis and design of secure distributed control and optimization in
network systems, which should include both in-depth system theory as well
as important applications.
---- Thematic Scope
Such a special issue is expected to link practical challenges and
requirements with the most recent theoretical advances in this hot research
area. This would be the first special issue in a major control journal to
have a systematic study of secure and privacy-preserving distributed
control and optimization problems in network systems. Some urgent research
questions to be answered include but are not limited to the following
- Application-driven models of cyber-physical attacks in network systems
- Secure distributed state estimation and control of network systems
- Effective verification/validation and mechanism design
- Detection, isolation, and classification of attacks
- Self-healing and self-recovery
- Novel privacy notions and properties for network systems
- Privacy preserving distributed algorithms
- Group decision making under security and privacy constraints
- Trading off security, privacy and system performance
- Unified approaches to security and privacy in distributed algorithms and
network systems
- Validation of control-theoretic security and privacy methods in
real-world applications
---- Manuscript Submission
All papers submitted to the special issue will be subject to peer review in
accordance with the established practices of the IEEE Transactions on
Automatic Control. Papers that do not fall within the scope of the special
issue will be returned to the authors without review, to enable them to
submit them as regular papers through the normal channels. Hardcopy
submission will not be accepted. Authors are invited to submit their
manuscripts through the Transactions submission site
http://css.paperplaza.net/journals/tac/scripts/login.pl (once you login,
click on "Submit a new paper to IEEE-TAC" and select the type of submission
to correspond to the special issue). The manuscript format should follow
the guidelines posted at the website:
---- Important Deadlines
Paper submission DEADLINE: January 15 2019
Acceptance: July 15 2019
Tentative Publication: early 2020
---- Guest Editors
Zhiyong Chen
School of Electrical Engineering & Computing
University of Newcastle, Newcastle, Australia
zhiyong.chen at newcastle.edu.au
Fabio Pasqualetti
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of California, Riverside, USA
fabiopas at engr.ucr.edu
Jianping He
Department of Automation
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China
jphe at sjtu.edu.cn
Peng Cheng
College of Control Science and Engineering
Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China
saodiseng at gmail.com
Harry L. Trentelman
Johann Bernoulli Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science,
University of Groningen, The Netherlands
h.l.trentelman at math.rug.nl
Francesco Bullo
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
bullo at engineering.ucsb.edu
5.17. CFP: Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems
Contributed by: George Nikolakopoulos, geonik at ltu.se
Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems
Special Issue on: “Visual Perception for Micro Aerial Robots”
---- Introduction
During the last decades, aerial robots have emerged from a concept to a
leading-edge technology with the enormous potential to become a valuable
tool in multiple applications, in terms of human life safety and task
execution efficiency. So far, the commercial use of aerial robots is mainly
restricted within the photography-filming industry, but its growth is
rapid, investing nowadays in applications that require autonomous
inspection and environmental interaction. The vision of integrating aerial
robotic platforms in the industrial process is in its infancy, with quite a
few open challenges remaining. One of the backbone functionalities that
these platforms should possess to enable and support such tasks are
advanced perception capabilities. Specifically, from a scientific point of
view, reliable localization, navigation, mapping and object perception are
topics that have received a lot of attention, but still require further
developments to reify aerial robot autonomous inspection and physical
---- Thematic Scope
The purpose of this special issue is to address theoretical and
application-oriented problems in the general area of visual perception for
micro-aerial robots and to identify and provide key perception solutions
that meet the real-time constraints posed by aerial vehicles, following
recent advances in computer vision and robotics. Topics of interest include
(but are not limited to):
· Vision-based control and visual servoing
· Visual navigation, mapping, and SLAM
· Cooperative perception using multiple platforms
· Vision-assisted floating-base manipulation
· Deep Learning for visual perception
· Object recognition, tracking, semantic and 3D vision techniques
· Fusion of vision with other sensing systems, e.g., laser scanner
· Advanced visual sensors and mechanisms (event-based, solid state sensors,
LiDAR, RGB-D, time-of-flight cameras, etc.)
· Aerial robot applications on key enabling perception technologies
· Model predictive control for vision-based autonomous navigation
· Reinforcement learning for visual perception
---- Manuscript Submission
Manuscripts should describe original and previously unpublished results
which are currently not considered for publication in any other journal.
All the manuscripts shall be submitted electronically at
http://www.editorialmanager.com/jint/, and will undergo a peer-review
---- Additional Information
For further details, please, consult the Journal website at
http://www.springer.com/engineering/robotics/journal/10846 or contact the
Guest Editors.
---- Important Deadlines
Manuscript Submission: 22nd of October 2018
First decision after review: 28th of January 2019
Final acceptance decision: 26th of March 2019
Guest Editors
George Nikolakopoulos
Head of Robotics Team
Luleå University of Technology
Luleå, Sweden
Andreas Nüchter
Robotics and Telematics
University of Würzburg
Pantelis Sopasakis
KIOS Research Center for Intelligent Systems and Networks, Dept. of
Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus
6. Conferences
6.1. Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing
Contributed by: Peggy Wells, pwells at illinois.edu
56th Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing – October
2-5, 2018
CONFERENCE CO-CHAIRS | Negar Kiyavash & Daniel Liberzon
Manuscripts can be submitted from June 15-July 9, 2018 with the submission
deadline of July 9th being firm. Please follow the instructions at
PLENARY SPEAKER — A. Stephen Morse, Dudley Professor of Electrical
Engineering at Yale University
AUGUST 6 — Acceptance Date Authors will be notified of acceptance via email
by August 6, 2018, at which time they will also be sent detailed
instructions for the preparation of their papers for the Conference
AFTER AUGUST 6 — Registration Opens
OCTOBER 2 — Opening Tutorial Lectures given by Paulo Tabuada and Joao
Hespanha at the Coordinated Science Lab, University of Illinois at
OCTOBER 3-5 — Conference Sessions at the University of Illinois Allerton
Park & Retreat Center. The Allerton House is located 26 miles southwest of
the Urbana-Champaign campus of the University of Illinois in a wooded area
on the Sangamon River. It is part of the 1,500 acre Robert Allerton Park, a
complex of natural and man-made beauty designated as a National natural
landmark. Allerton Park has 20 miles of well-maintained trails and a living
gallery of formal gardens, studded with sculptures collected from around
the world.
OCTOBER 7 — Final Paper Deadline Final versions of papers that are
presented at the conference must be submitted electronically in order to
appear in the Conference Proceedings and IEEE Xplore.
6.2. International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems
Contributed by: Zee-Yeon Lee, conference at icros.org
2018 18th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems
(ICCAS 2018)
October 17~20, 2018 YongPyong Resort, PyeongChang, GangWon Province, Korea
Call for Papers: http://icros.org/data/download/ICCAS2018/ICCAS2018_CFP.pdf
The aim of the ICCAS is to bring together researchers and engineers
worldwide to present their latest works, and disseminate the
state-of-the-art technologies related to control, automation, robotics, and
- June 17, 2018 : Submission of Regular Papers (3~6 pages)
- July 13, 2018 : Submission of Organized Session/Mini-symposium Proposal
with Papers and Research Poster Papers (1~2 pages)
- July 31, 2018 : Notification of Acceptance
- August 31, 2018 : Submission of Final Camera-ready Papers
The conference invites three types of submission: "Regular Paper",
"Research Poster Paper", and "Organized (Invited) Session/Mini-symposium
Paper". To submit papers, go "Online Paper Submission" on the website:
PAPER SUBMISSION GUIDELINE: http://2018.iccas.org/?page_id=81
Indexed in: IEEE Xplore, EI compendex, and SCOPUS
PLENARY SPEAKERS- Edwin K. P. Chong (Colorado State Univ., USA)
- Matthew W. Smuck (Stanford Univ., USA)
- Janan Zaytoon (Univ. of Reims, France)
- Xiaoyan Zhu (Tsinghua Univ., China)
- Hideaki Ishii (Tokyo Inst. of Tech., Japan)
-- Welcome to PyeongChang, 2018 Winter Olympics Venue --
PyeongChang is a county in Gangwon Province, South Korea. It’s known for
Odaesan National Park, with trails crisscrossing the Taebaek Mountains. The
park is also home to several Buddhist temples, including Woljeongsa Temple,
with its 9-story octagonal pagoda. Lee Hyo-seok Culture Village explores
the life of early-20th-century poet Lee Hyo-seok. On the Heungjeong Valley
bank are the 7 themed gardens of Herbnara Farm.
General Chair: Chul Joo Hwang (President of ICROS; Jusung Engineering,
Organizing Chair: Sungwan Kim (Seoul Nat’l Univ., Korea)
Program Chair: Jung Kim (KAIST, Korea)
Organized by Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems (ICROS)
Technically Co-sponsored by: IEEE CSS; IEEE RAS; IEEE IES; SICE; ACA; ISA;
6.3. CEAS Conference on Guidance, Navigation and Control
Contributed by: Marco Lovera, marco.lovera at polimi.it
5th CEAS Conference on Guidance, Navigation and Control (EuroGNC 2019)
Second announcement and call for papers
On behalf of the Organizing Committee and the Council of European Aerospace
Societies (CEAS) it is a pleasure to invite you to participate in the 5th
CEAS Conference on Guidance, Navigation and Control (EuroGNC 2019), which
will be held Wednesday through Friday, April 3-5, 2019 at the Bovisa Campus
of Politecnico di Milano, Italy.
EuroGNC brings together on a biannual basis an international community of
researchers and practitioners in the field of aerospace guidance,
navigation and control to discuss new research results, perspectives on
future developments, and innovative applications relevant to aeronautics
and space. Scientists and engineers from industry, research institutes and
universities involved in the development of novel GNC methods, applications
or technologies are invited to attend the 5th EuroGNC. Presentations should
focus on technical and scientific aspects of GNC architectures, algorithms
and methods as well as on actual experience gained from real-life
applications in those fields.
The 2019 EuroGNC is organized by the Council of European Aerospace
Societies (CEAS), with the support of the Italian Member Society –
Associazione Italiana Di Aeronautica e Astronautica (AIDAA) and the
co-sponsorship of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
(AIAA) and of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Science (JSASS).
Conference topics include (but are not limited to):
Flight experiments and lessons learned; atmospheric applications; manned
fixed-wing and rotary-wing aircraft; missiles; unmanned aerial vehicles;
autonomous aerial vehicles; special and unconventional configurations;
space applications; reentry, descent and landing; attitude and orbit
control; multi-spacecraft applications; high performance satellite control;
launcher and ascent control; innovative methods, algorithms, systems and
architectures for guidance and control; fault-tolerant control; FDIR
algorithms and techniques; nonlinear, adaptive and other novel methods and
algorithms; certification aspects; development methods and tools (modeling
& simulation, control design, testing, verification and validation);
sensors, data fusion, navigation and estimation; inertial & coupled
navigation; novel navigation methods (visual, bio-inspired, acoustic,
September 15, 2018: Full Papers/Invited Papers Due
December 15, 2018: Acceptance/Rejection Notification
January 15, 2019: Upload Final, Camera Ready Papers
Paper submission site: controls.papercept.net
See the conference website eurognc19.polimi.it for detailed instructions.
Marco Lovera, Politecnico di Milano, marco.lovera at polimi.it
6.4. IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications
Contributed by: Changyun Wen, ecywen at ntu.edu.sg
The 14th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA
19 –21 June 2019, Xi’an, China
The 14th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA
2019) will be held during 19-21 June 2019, in Xi’an, China. The Conference
is organized by IEEE Industrial Electronics Chapter of Singapore, Xi’an
University of Technology, and IEEE Singapore Section. IEEE Industrial
Electronics Society is the financial and technical sponsor. The proceedings
of past ICIEA have been included in the IEEE Xplore database, Web of
Science and indexed by EI Compendex.
ICIEA provides an excellent forum for scientists, researchers, engineers
and industrial practitioners throughout the world to present and discuss
the latest technology advancement as well as future directions and trends
in Industrial Electronics. Authors are invited to submit full papers
describing original research works in the following tracks:
• Artificial Intelligence
• Control and Systems: Adaptive and intelligent control, Distributed and
decentralized control, Games, Hybrid control, Networked control, Nonlinear
systems, Optimization and optimal Control, Predictive control, Process
control, Robust control, System identification and filtering, Uncertain
systems, Control system applications
• Cyber-physical Systems: Smart grid, Intelligent transportation systems,
Internet of things, Mobile healthcare, Distributed computing,
Infrastructure simulations, Security and privacy, Data integration and
visualization, New sensing platform and senses computing
• Energy and Environment
• Industrial Informatics and Computational Intelligence
• Robotics
• Network and Communication Technologies
• Power Electronics
• Signal and Information Processing:
Important Dates:
Deadline for Full Paper submission: 1 November 2018
Deadline for Invited and Special Sessions : 15 November 2018
Notification of Acceptance: 15 February 2019
Deadline for Camera Ready Manuscript Submission:15 March 2019
Deadline for Authors’ Registration: 15 April 2019
For more details about the conference, please visit the website
Apart from participating in ICIEA 2019, you ca
6.5. CDC 2018 Meet the Faculty Candidate Poster Session
Contributed by: Warren Dixon, wdixon at ufl.edu
CDC 2018 Meet the Faculty Candidate Poster Session.
Monday, December 17th, 6:30pm-7:30pm, Glimmer 5, Fontainbleau Hotel, Miami
Abstract: Building on the success of the past several events, the 2018 CDC
will also feature the "Meet the Faculty Candidate" poster session. This
poster session provides a great opportunity for faculty, search committee
members, and recruiters to speak directly with current graduate students
and postdoctoral researchers who are seeking faculty positions.
Faculty candidates, registered for the conference, are invited to register
for this poster session by completing the online registration form on the
conference website by Wednesday October 31st, 2018.
The session will be held on Monday 17th December, 6:30pm-7:30pm in the
Glimmer 5 room, Fontainbleau Hotel, Miami Beach. Space will be available on
a first-come first-serve basis.
Presenters are asked to bring a poster no larger than 4ft x 6ft along with
pushpins to attach the poster. Presenters will likely be more successful
providing high level discussions of their work such as motivation,
strategies, unique insights, rather than narrow mathematical detailed
discussions, unless asked specifically for those details. Presenters are
also encouraged to bring copies of their CV for distribution.
6.6. CDC 2018 Workshop on “Traffic Flow Control via PDE Techniques”
Contributed by: Nikolaos Bekiaris-Liberis, nikos.bekiaris at dssl.tuc.gr
CDC 2018 Workshop on “Traffic Flow Control via PDE Techniques”
The workshop will cover the subjects of (vehicular) traffic flow control
and estimation as well as traffic flow dynamics modelling for control and
estimation, with particular emphasis on PDE-based techniques. Both
methodological and practical aspects will be addressed.
Miroslav Krstic, University of California, San Diego, USA.
Christophe Prieur, CNRS, France.
Iasson Karafyllis, National Technical University of Athens, Greece.
Christian Claudel, University of Texas at Austin, USA.
Maria Laura Delle Monache, Inria, France.
Benedetto Piccoli, Rutgers University, USA.
Paola Goatin, Inria, France.
Gabor Orosz, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA.
Nikolaos Bekiaris-Liberis, Technical University of Crete, Greece.
Registration is available at a rate of 170 USD via
https://cdc2018.ieeecss.org/registration.php (for logistic reasons we
kindly ask you to register as early as possible).
For more details follow the link
6.7. CDC 2018 Workshop on “Learning for Control”
Contributed by: Konstantinos Gatsis, kgatsis at seas.upenn.edu
Workshop on Learning for Control, 57th IEEE Conference on Decision and
Control, Miami Beach, Florida, December 16, 2018
Over the past two decades, advances in computing and communications have
resulted in the creation, transmission and storage of data from all sectors
of society. Over the next decade, the biggest generator of data is expected
to be Internet-of-Things devices which sense and control the physical
world. This explosion of data that is emerging from the physical world
requires a rapprochement of areas such as machine learning, control theory,
and optimization. The availability and scale of data, both temporal and
spatial, brings a wonderful opportunity for our community to both advance
the theory of control systems in a more data-driven fashion, as well as
have a broader industrial and societal impact. The goals of our workshop
- Present state-of-the-art results in the theory and application of
Learning for Control, including topics such as statistical learning for
control, reinforcement learning for control, online and safe learning for
- Bring together some of the leading researchers across the fields in order
to promote cross-fertilization of results, tools, and ideas, and stimulate
further progress in the area
- Attract new researchers in these exciting problems, creating a larger yet
focused community that thinks rigorously across the disciplines and ask new
Michael I. Jordan, University of California, Berkeley
Dimitri P. Bertsekas, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Francesco Borrelli, University of California, Berkeley
Giuseppe Carlo Calafiore, Politecnico di Torino
Maryam Fazel, University of Washington
Frank L. Lewis, University of Texas at Arlington
Benjamin Recht, University of California, Berkeley
Angela Schoellig, University of Toronto
Claire J. Tomlin, University of California, Berkeley
Konstantinos Gatsis, University of Pennsylvania
Pramod P. Khargonekar, University of California, Irvine
Manfred Morari, University of Pennsylvania
George J. Pappas, University of Pennsylvania
The workshop will take place on Sunday December 16, 2018 during the 57th
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control at the Fontainebleau in Miami
Beach, FL, USA. Please note that only people who have registered for the
conference can register for the workshop.
Registration link:
Workshop website:
7. Positions
7.1. MS/PhD: Université Laval, Canada
Contributed by: Andre Desbiens, desbiens at gel.ulaval.ca
M.Sc. or Ph.D.: Université Laval, Québec City, Canada
Economic MPC for Reducing the Energy Footprint of a Mineral Processing Plant
Mineral processing plants are infamous for being high intensity energy
consumers. The low efficiency of comminution stages, i.e. ore crushing and
grinding, largely accounts for the electricity footprint, which
incidentally could be significantly reduced by taking advantage of formal
process control and optimisation techniques. If such approaches have
enabled noteworthy advances for aerospace and petrochemical industry
applications, they are still struggling to penetrate the field of mineral
processing that is more prone to adopt ad hoc and/or heuristic methods.
The LOOP (Laboratoire d’observation et d’optimisation des procédés /
Process observation and optimisation laboratory) is currently looking for
an M.Sc. or Ph.D. candidate to study the benefits of unmeasured state
observation, and economic MPC (model-based predictive control) for reducing
the specific energy consumption of a mineral processing plant. The project
is sponsored by Nemaska Lithium, a Canadian mining company developing a
world-class spodumene orebody. It is funded through the Programme de
recherche en partenariat sur la réduction des émissions de gaz à effet de
serre du Fonds de recherche du Québec – Nature et Technologies (FRQNT). The
candidate will be part of a research team studying process modelling,
regulatory/advanced control, and real-time optimisation issues related to
reducing the energy footprint of mineral processing plants.
• Electrical/electronic/computer engineering,
• Engineering physics, or
• Chemical engineering.
• Ph.D. : $ 30,000/year for 3 years;
• M.Sc. : $ 22,500/year for 2 years.
• Cover letter,
• CV including list of published papers, and
• Academic records.
Send your application to:
Jocelyn Bouchard, Eng., Ph.D.
Associate professor
jocelyn.bouchard at gch.ulaval.ca
7.2. PhD: Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Contributed by: Jonas Sjöberg, jonas.sjoberg at chalmers.se
PhD student position in Design and validation methodology of safety systems
for cyclists
We invite applications for a Ph.D position in design and validation
methodology of safety systems for cyclists. A self-driving bikes is being
designed that will be used for validating active safety functions and
testing algorithms for manual and self-driving vehicles. The bike is
intended to be used in tests together with vehicles and control algorithms
will be designed so that it behaves as realistically as possible with the
ability to move dynamically and roll around curves. The bike must be
self-balancing and be able to carry a dummy to closely resemble a human
cyclist. The Ph.D student will be involved in design of the bike to meet
the requirements for the tests. Further, developing models and algorithms
for the bike and, in cooperation with partners, perform driving tests and
evaluate the results from them.
The research project is strongly connected with other ongoing research
projects on autonomous vehicles, some of them within the WASP (Walleberg
Autonomous Systems Program).
Position summary:
Full-time temporary employment. The position is limited to a maximum of
five years.
Application deadline: 31 August, 2018
For more information and application procedure see:
For questions, please contact:
Jonas Sjöberg, (jonas.sjoberg at chalmers.se)
Division of Systems and Control
Tel: +46 31 772 1855
7.3. PhD: University of Georgia, USA
Contributed by: Javad M. Velni, javadm at uga.edu
Three open positions are available for PhD students at Complex Systems
Control Lab in the School of ECE at Univ. of Georgia. The positions are
available as early as January 2019. The topics and the desired background
are as follows:
1. Control-oriented Modeling and Predictive Control Design for Advanced
Combustion Engines
The objective of this project is to develop fundamental tools for dynamic
modeling and predictive control of nonlinear and stochastic systems and
apply them to high-efficiency low-emission advanced internal combustion
engines (ICEs) and in particular dual fuel natural gas engines. The
modeling and control design will be done in the linear-parameter varying
(LPV) framework.
Strong background in system identification, robust control and optimization
theory is required. Prior knowledge of automotive engines modeling and
control, MPC and machine learning is desired.
2. Coverage Control of Heterogeneous Multi-agent Systems in Unstructured
The general goal of this project is to develop a robot-assisted field-based
high throughput phenotyping system that integrates both ground and aerial
vehicles to collect data and unmask plant responses that can inform a new
level and quality of decision making in selection of crop genotypes for
specific production conditions. A strong computational core of this
research is to develop a suite of analytical tools aiming at successful
deployment of teams of heterogeneous vehicles (ground and aerial) that can
collaboratively collect different types of data, while minimizing energy
consumption in a minimum time and meeting practical constraints pertinent
to phenotyping.
Strong background in optimization theory is required. Prior knowledge of
graph theory and statistical machine learning is desired.
3. Stochastic Control Design for LED Lights Intensity and Spectrum in
The general goal of the project is to develop models and stochastic control
schemes to maximize the return on investment of lighting, based on
physiological responses, crop value, energy prices, and weather in a
network of greenhouses. PhD student will be working on developing a
coordinated strategy for lighting control and the energy management system
in a greenhouse microgrid.
Strong background in optimization theory and stochastic analysis is
required. Prior knowledge of MPC and statistical machine learning is
A competitive research assistantship and full tuition waiver will be
offered. Outstanding candidates will also be considered for other
fellowships provided by the UGA College of Engineering and Graduate School.
To apply, please send an application package to javadm at uga.edu. The
application should be submitted as a single PDF and include a cover letter
(explicitly describing the candidate background and how they fit the open
positions), a detailed CV (including the list of publications), and
unofficial copies of their BS (and, if applicable, MS) transcripts.
University of Georgia (UGA), a top tier one research institution, is ranked
16th overall among all public national universities in the 2018 U.S. News &
World Report rankings, and a Princeton Review top ten in value. UGA is
recognized as a Public Ivy, a publicly-funded university considered to
provide a quality of education comparable to that of an Ivy League
university. Athens, GA is located approximately 70 miles northeast of
Atlanta, GA. Consistently voted one of the best college towns in the United
States, Athens has a thriving business, restaurant and music scene and is
the gateway to numerous leisure activities in northern Georgia.
7.4. PhD: French-German Research Institute of Saint-Louis, France
Contributed by: Spilios Theodoulis, Spilios.Theodoulis at isl.eu
The Guidance, Navigation & Control (GNC) group of the French-German
Research Institute of Saint-Louis (ISL) is inviting applications (only EU
citizenship applications will be considered) for three (3) fully funded PhD
positions in the general area of flight dynamics and robust guidance and
control of aerial vehicles. The successful candidate must hold (or soon
complete) an MSc degree on automatic control with additional skills in
flight mechanics being also appreciated. Excellent programming skills in
MATLAB/Simulink are also required. The positions are to be filled starting
from October 2018 and are in collaboration with industry and academia from
France and Germany. The institute offers an attractive salary, a
multidisciplinary working environment with great scientific interactions
and is located near the metropolitan area of Basel.
To apply for this position, send a CV, transcripts and motivation letter to
Spilios.Theodoulis at isl.eu
7.5. PhD: Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany & IMS Laboratory, France
Contributed by: SABATIER, jocelyn.sabatier at u-bordeaux.fr
PhD Student on “Lithium-ion cell thermal modelling with application to
temperature and ageing management of a battery pack”
Olivier COIS, Rainer HOERLEIN – Robert Bosch GmbH, Stuttgart, Germany (
Rainer.Hoerlein at de.bosch.com)
Jocelyn SABATIER, Christophe FARGES, Patrick LANUSSE – IMS Laboratory,
Bordeaux, France (Jocelyn.sabatier at u-bordeaux.fr)
3 years, Robert Bosch GmbH PhD salary, conditional to positive admission
into the doctoral school
Key dates:
To receive full consideration, applications must be done before November
1st, 2018.
Application must be done with the website:
In order to reduce CO2 emissions, car manufacturers have marketed hybrid
vehicles, incorporating boosting and recuperation functions. The
implementation of these functions uses 48V battery packs based on
lithium-ion cells that currently allow a better compromise between embedded
energy and weight (or volume). For these boosting and recuperation
applications, and for the sake of economy, the battery packs are
dimensioned as tightly as possible in terms of available power and size. In
fact, whether in discharge (for starting or boosting the combustion engine)
or charge (braking recovery), the cells are highly stressed inducing strong
heating. Raising the temperature can be critical for the pack's operational
safety and in any case induces faster aging of the pack cells. Faced with
these thermal constraints, the solution currently used is a derating of the
electrical power exchanged with the pack in case of excessive temperature.
As part of the production of a new generation pack, the aim of the thesis
is to go further in thermal management and to propose active management
solutions for the pack temperature.
Candidate profile:
The candidate will have a MS degree in Control Systems, or related
disciplines. Skills in the field of thermal modeling will be appreciated.
For more information please visit : http://dl.free.fr/n2dwMzPyJ
7.6. PhD: Centrale Lille, France
Contributed by: Ying TANG, ying.tang at univ-lille.fr
A three years PhD position is available at Centrale Lille, France.
Topic: Stabilization of infinite dimensional systems by hybrid control laws
Job description: Cyber-physical systems integrate simultaneously
computational and physical elements. Such systems are typically designed as
a network of embedded computers with sensors as physical inputs and
actuators as outputs, used in the feedback loop. These systems have
received more and more attention in recent years and have become one of the
most important research areas. Their massive deployment is due to their
advantages in terms of low cost, better performance, flexibility, etc. From
the control theory point of view, the design of cyber-physical systems
implies the analysis of complex systems with hybrid dynamics.
Many studies on stability and control for complex dynamic systems (hybrid
systems, sampled-data systems, time-delay systems) have been carried out.
The majority of these works are dedicated to the finite dimensional systems
(described by ordinary differential equations). On the other hand, we can
frequently encounter physical networks represented by infinite dimensional
equations (partial differential equations). Among the different models, we
can highlight hydraulic networks, road traffic networks or gas pipeline
networks. Various approaches of the continuous time control laws have been
reported for such infinite dimensional systems. However, the practical
implementation of the controllers results in a numerical realization in the
form of an algorithm. This implementation can have a crucial effect under
control implementation. For the moment, there are few research works on
numerical implementation of controllers in the systems described by
infinite dimensional equations. From a theoretical point of view, such
classes of systems are very interesting since the study of their properties
(in terms of stability, stabilization, performance, etc.) remains a very
open problem.
In this thesis, we propose to the candidate to develop new theoretical
tools of analysis and control for hybrid systems involving infinite
dimensional equations and discontinuous controllers. Two main problems will
be studied: (1) stability analysis of the system to ensure some performance
criteria. (2) hybrid control design to stabilize the system. Numerical
applications will be subsequently carried out by the candidate.
More details can be found at
Applicants should have the following qualifications:
-Solid background in automatic control and/or applied mathematics
-Experience (not mandatory but preferred) with Partial differential
-Good level in English
-Skills in Matlab, Latex, and programming (not mandatory but preferred)
To apply, please send the following documents to Laurentiu Hetel (
laurentiu.hetel at centralelille.fr) and Ying Tang (ying.tang at univ-lille.fr)
-Detailed CV
-Motivation letter
-Transcripts of records (Undergraduate degree and Master degree)
-Recommendation letters
-Research-oriented documents (e.g. thesis, conference/journal publication)
7.7. PhD: CNRS, France
Contributed by: PERRIN, julie.perrin at gipsa-lab.fr
Resilient Control in Scale-Free Networks
Supervisors: Carlos Canudas-de-Wit (DR-CNRS, main supervisor), Federica
Garin (CR-INRIA),
Application type: PhD student. Gross salary: 1757 Euros/month (CNRS
official salary for PhD students).
Start: anytime from Sept. 2018. Duration: 36 months. Employer: CNRS.
Location: Grenoble, France
Applications: http://scale-freeback.eu/openings/
Required background: Master in control systems engineering or applied
Scale-FreeBack is an ERC Advanced Grant 2015 awarded to Carlos
Canudas-de-Wit, Director of Research at the National Center for Scientific
Research, (CNRS), during Sept. 2016-2021. The ERC is hosted by the CNRS.
The project will be conducted within the NeCS group (which is a joint CNRS
(GIPSA-lab)-INRIA team). Scale-FreeBack is a project with ambitious and
innovative theoretical goals, which were adopted in view of the new
opportunities presented by the latest large-scale sensing technologies. The
overall aim is to develop holistic scale-free control methods of
controlling complex network systems in the widest sense, and to set the
foundations for a new control theory dealing with complex physical networks
with an arbitrary size. Scale-FreeBack envisions devising a complete,
coherent design approach ensuring the scalability of the whole chain
(modelling, observation, and control). It is also expected to find specific
breakthrough solutions to the problems involved in managing and monitoring
large-scale road traffic networks. Field tests and other realistic
simulations to validate the theory will be performed using the equipment
available at the Grenoble Traffic Lab center (see GTL), and a microscopic
traffic simulator replicating the full complexity of the Grenoble urban
network. The proposed work will be undertaken in the context of this
Topic description.
Vulnerabilities in network systems involve faults and disruptions not only
of some system components (sensors and actuators), but also of the
communication interconnections. Such faults might be either random
intrinsic malfunctions, or malicious external attacks. For example, in an
intelligent road infrastructure, intrinsic faults might be the breakdown of
some traffic lights, some closed roads for repair work, or failures of some
sensors, while an example of external attack is a deception attack, where
some roadside access point is shunted, so as to compromise data integrity
(injection of fake signals replacing the sensor measurements) and possibly
create a congestion compromising the system. Resilient closed-loop control
must preserve correct functioning, or at least a graceful degradation,
under a variety of possible risks, including malicious attacks exploiting
some partial or total knowledge of the system dynamics.
Finding means of detecting and mitigating failures and attacks are the two
main goals of this work. Resilient control of cyber-physical systems is a
recent topic attracting a growing attention. Most current literature
concerns linear network systems, in particular for electrical
power-distribution networks. Scale-FreeBack proposes to investigate the
resilient control issues arising in traffic networks, and more in general
in complex network systems. This work will build upon previous results from
the Scale-FreeBack project, where the complexity of controlling large
network systems is tackled by controlling aggregated variables (e.g.,
average densities of some local zones of the traffic network), possibly
with evolutionary (i.e., time-varying and state-dependent) aggregations.
More specifically, it is proposed: 1) to develop diagnostic tools for
detecting anomalies and revealing cyber-physical attacks, 2) to define
security metrics for evolutionary networks, and 3) to revisit the optimal
control design to attenuate the consequences of possible cyber-physical
attacks affecting the most vulnerable nodes.
7.8. PhD: George Washington University, USA
Contributed by: Taeyoung Lee, tylee at gwu.edu
Flight dynamics and control lab (http://fdcl.seas.gwu.edu) of the George
Washington University at Washington DC is looking for new doctoral
students. There are two open positions for each of the following projects.
1. Uncertainty Propagation for Hybrid Systems
This project is to construct comprehensive computational techniques for
stochastic analysis of hybrid systems evolving on a nonlinear configuration
manifold, including uncertainty propagation, Bayesian estimation, and
stochastic optimal control schemes.
In particular, backgrounds in the following topics are desired.
a. Stochastic analysis
b. Hybrid systems
c. Estimation
d. Geometric mechanics
This position will be funded by AFOSR, starting from Fall 2018.
2. Dynamics and Control of Flapping Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
This project aims to uncover the biomechanics of Monarch butterflies
exhibiting the longest flight range among insects, and to utilize it to
develop bio-inspired control schemes for long-range flapping-wing micro
aerial vehicles. Backgrounds in the following topics are desired.
a. Nonlinear dynamics
b. Nonlinear control theory
c. Aerodynamics
d. Geometric mechanics
This position will be funded by NSF, starting from summer 2018.
For both positions, it is expected that the candidates have expertise in
structured programming.
To apply, or to request more information, please contact Prof. Taeyoung Lee
at tylee at gwu.edu. The application should include CV, a list of
publications, and a list of reference, and it should be submitted as a
single PDF file.
7.9. PhD: University of Western Ontario, Canada
Contributed by: A. Tayebi, atayebi at lakeheadu.ca
A PhD position in the area of nonlinear observers and control design for
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles is available in the ECE department at the
University of Western Ontario, London, Canada. A strong mathematical
background will be an asset.
The PhD student will be supervised by Prof. A. Tayebi (
Please e-mail your CV to: atayebi at lakeheadu.ca
7.10. PhD: Polytechnique Montreal & McGill University, Canada
Contributed by: Jerome Le Ny, jerome.le-ny at polymtl.ca
Two fully funded PhD positions are available at Polytechnique Montreal and
McGill University (Montreal, Canada) for a joint research project related
to the navigation and control of multi-robot systems. Details about the
project can be found below. Students with an interest in robotics (in
particular multi-robot systems), navigation, guidance, and control, as well
as an interest in both theory and experiments, are encouraged to contact
Profs. Le Ny, Saussie, and/or Forbes at
jerome.le-ny at polymtl.ca
d.saussie at polymtl.ca
james.richard.forbes at mcgill.ca
Interested applicants should include their CV, transcripts, and statement
of interest.
Project synopsis: The operation of teams of robotic vehicles, such as
autonomous ground vehicles and drones, in a cooperative manner hinges on
robust and reliable navigation, guidance, and control strategies. In order
to navigate, robots must estimate their position, orientation, etc. from
sensor data. Ultra-wideband (UWB) transceivers can be used for
time-of-flight-based (TOF-based) ranging, realizing centimetre-level
accuracy over short ranges (e.g., 100 meters). Using both fixed-to-ground
and vehicle-mounted UWB transceivers will enable robots to estimate their
position and orientation relative to ground transceivers and neighbouring
vehicles. Because ranging hinges on a line of sight (LOS) between UWB
transceivers, guidance strategies that maintain LOS are also required.
Moreover, estimation and control strategies that are cooperative in nature
and able to robustly maintain a particular formation dictated by the
guidance algorithm are necessary.
Two PhD students are sought to conduct research on UWB-aided cooperative
navigation, guidance, and control strategies. One PhD student's research
will focus on cooperative guidance and control. In particular, guidance and
control strategies that robustly maintain an optimal configuration, as well
as strategies to avoid collisions between robots, will be considered. The
other PhD student's research will focus on UWB-based navigation.
Specifically, fusing UWB transceiver measurements with other sensor
measurements (e.g., rate gyro, accelerometer, magnetometers, camera) to
realize accurate relative position, orientation, etc. estimates will be
considered. Both research projects will involve theoretical aspects and
experimental validation.
7.11. PhD: University of Kansas, USA
Contributed by: Huazhen Fang, fang at ku.edu
The Information & Smart Systems Laboratory (ISSL) at the University of
Kansas currently has one Ph.D. scholarship opening, which is anticipated to
start as early as January 2019. The project will be concerned with
high-performance battery system design and management and build upon a mix
of fundamental and applied research involving optimal control, battery
systems and power electronics. Applications are cordially invited from
highly self-motivated candidates with a background in electrical,
electronic, control or automation engineering. A master's degree is
preferred though not required for the Ph.D. position. The successful
applicant will be awarded a competitive scholarship covering both tuition
and living expenses.
ISSL is a group of researchers at the University of Kansas working to push
the frontiers of information-driven smart systems. The lab performs
cutting-edge research on information extraction, analysis and exploitation
for dynamic systems to deal with system complexity and enable system
intelligence. The ISSL people are committed to pursing new ideas,
perspectives and methods synergistically combining estimation, control,
optimization, network systems and machine learning to address fundamental
and applied problems arising from diverse practical systems.
Inquiries can be addressed to Dr. Huazhen Fang at fang at ku.edu. You are
welcome to visit www.issl.space for more information about ISSL. Inquiries
about potential postdoc and visiting researcher positions are also welcome.
7.12. PhD: Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Contributed by: Balazs Kulcsar, kulcsar at chalmers.se
PhD student position in Operational Network Energy Management for
Electrified buses
We invite applications for one doctoral position (placed in the Automatic
Control Group) on developing scalable, real-time implementable methods for
optimizing the energy efficiency of a swarm of electrified vehicles, such
as buses. Join us and be one of the first one to improve public transport
network homogeneity and optimize powertrain control at the same time. The
project will initially focus on designing intelligent algorithms for the
public transport in Gothenburg, for which large amount of data on city bus
driving has already been recorded. One of the tasks is to investigate and
propose an appropriate level of model abstractions and control
decomposition into multiple layers that allow a real-time implementable
solution. Besides first principle modeling, such solution may also require
approximations and reinforcement learning techniques that make use of the
big data already available.
Major responsibilities
Apart research, the position also includes teaching on undergraduate and
MSc level, or performing similar educational department duties
corresponding to a maximum of 20 percent of working hours.
Position summary
Full-time temporary employment. The position is limited to a maximum of
five years.
To qualify as a PhD student, you must have a master's level degree in a
relevant field such as control, mathematics, electrical, mechanical,
transportation, or engineering physics. Your educational background should
cover courses on modeling, basic control course and should have some
understanding on optimization and learning algorithms. Ability to initiate
new research collaborations is essential. Good communication skills in oral
and written English are required.
Chalmers continuously strives to be an attractive employer. Equality and
diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers.
Application procedure
The application should be marked with Ref 20180290 and written in English.
The application should be sent electronically
Deadline September 5th 2018
7.13. PhD: University of Sannio, Italy
Contributed by: Davide Liuzza, davide.liuzza at unisannio.it
PhD positions in mobile robotics - Unisannio, Italy
PhD Position available at the Department of Engineering of the University
of Sannio in Benevento, Italy.
Contacts: Prof. Luigi Glielmo (email glielmo at unisannio.it), Prof. Luigi
Iannelli (email luigi.iannelli at unisannio.it), Dr. Davide Liuzza (email
davide.liuzza at unisannio.it), Giuseppe Silano (email
giuseppe.silano at unisannio.it).
The GRACE (Group for Research on Automatic Control Engineering) at the
University of Sannio offers two PhD positions for an incoming European
Project on CPS for farming scenarios to be started in October 2018.
The successful candidates will conduct original research on drone
navigation and control in unknown environments (with special emphasis on
woods and orchard) based on visual odometry information.
Our ideal candidates have a sound knowledge in robotics and computer vision
from their Bachelor and Master degrees, experience in drone navigation,
SLAM, computer vision algorithms and virtual reality environments for
robotic applications (such as Gazebo, V-Rep, Webots, AirSim, etc.).
Furthermore, a basic knowledge of ROS is desirable.
The candidates will also have to demonstrate experience in object
programming (C++, Java), general skills in computer programming (Python, C,
XML, and so on) an excellent academic track record, well developed problem
solving skills and a strongly motivated personality. Familiarity with open
source OS (Ubuntu) and version control systems (Git and Mercurial) is a
plus. Interests in both theoretical robotic research and mobile robotic
applications as well as the ability of working independently complete the
candidate profiles.
The candidates will be selected according to applicant fulfilment of the
above qualifications.
Interested candidates must send detailed CV, two contacts to whom we can
ask reference letters, and any other useful documentation to the email
address: luigi.iannelli at unisannio.it, davide.liuzza at unisannio.it and
giuseppe.silano at unisannio.it (please, include all the addresses).
Answers will be given at the beginning of September, 2018.
The selected candidate will join the control system group at the University
of Sannio in Benevento, Italy. The project involves an academic and
industrial panel of roughly 50 European partners.
7.14. PhD: Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Contributed by: Sergio Grammatico, s.grammatico at tudelft.nl
3 PhD positions: Game theoretic Control, Complex Systems of Systems,
Operator Theory
Delft Center for Systems and Control (DCSC), Delft University of
Technology, The Netherlands.
I am looking for 3 talented, outstanding candidates with an M.Sc. degree
(or close to completion) in Systems and Control, or Applied Mathematics,
Electrical or Mechanical Engineering, or related field, with theoretical
background and interest in System Theory, Automatic Control, Optimization,
Game Theory, and with good command of the English language (knowledge of
Dutch is not required).
General project description: The candidates will conduct theoretical and
algorithmic research on complex multi-agent systems characterized by the
presence of: (i) mixed cooperative and noncooperative agents; (ii)
uncertain and stochastic variables; (iii) mixed-integer decision variables.
The research will develop and build upon tools from game theory, monotone
and fixed-point operator theory, statistical learning, distributed
optimization and control. The main application areas are distributed
control for smart power grids and multi-vehicle automated driving.
The PhD positions are in the context of the research projects "Complex
Network Games: The Scenario Approach" (OMEGA), funded by the Netherlands
Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) as TOP grant in Mathematics, and
"Game theoretic Control for Complex Systems of Systems" (COSMOS), funded by
the European Research Council as ERC Starting Grant.
Conditions of employment: The appointments will be for 4 years. The PhD
students will participate in the training and research activities of the TU
Delft Graduate School and of the Dutch Institute of Systems and Control
(DISC). As an employees of TU Delft, the PhD students will receive a
competitive salary in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement for
Dutch Universities (CAO), from 2.2k EUR/month (gross, 1st year) to 2.8k
EUR/month (gross, 4th year), possibly from 1.7k EUR/month (after taxes, 1st
year) to 2.0k EUR/month (after taxes, 4th year), plus holiday allowance (8%
of gross annual income) and end-of-year allowance (8.3% of gross annual
income), travel budget, secondary benefits, discounts for health insurance
and sport membership. Assistance with accommodation can be arranged.
Applications shall include the following documents:
• curriculum vitae;
• statement of motivation and research interests (up to one page);
• transcripts of all exams taken and obtained degrees (in English);
• names and contact information of up to three references (e.g.
project/thesis supervisors);
• up to two research-oriented documents (e.g. thesis, conference/journal
Applications or inquires shall be emailed to prof. Sergio Grammatico (
s.grammatico at tudelft.nl).
The starting date are flexible. The call for applications will remain open
until the ideal candidates are found.
More information: s.grammatico at tudelft.nl,
7.15. PhD: International Max Planck Research School for Intelligent
Systems, Germany
Contributed by: Frank Allgower, allgower at ist.uni-stuttgart.de
Multiple PhD positions in Intelligent Systems, including Control, at the
International Max Planck Research School for Intelligent Systems in
Stuttgart and Tubingen, Germany
The Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems and the Universities of
Stuttgart and Tubingen are collaborating to offer a new interdisciplinary
Ph.D. program, the International Max Planck Research School for Intelligent
Systems. This doctoral program will accept its 3rd Ph.D. generation in
spring 2019 and will enroll about 100 Ph.D. students over the next six
years. This school is a key element of the state’s “Cyber Valley”
initiative to accelerate basic research and commercial development in the
broad field of artificial intelligence. Students are sought who want to
earn a doctorate in the broad area of intelligent systems, including
control systems.
The participating faculty are Frank Allgöwer, Philipp Berens, Matthias
Bethge, Michael J. Black, Andrés Bruhn, Martin Butz, Caterina De Bacco,
Peer Fischer, Andreas Geiger, Matthias Hein, Philipp Hennig, Ardian Jusufi,
Katherine J. Kuchenbecker, Hendrik Lensch, Falk Lieder, Georg Martius, Mi
Jung Park, Ludovic Righetti, Bernhard Schölkopf, Fabian Sinz, Metin Sitti,
Alexander Spröwitz, Ingo Steinwart, Joerg Stueckler, Gabriele Schweikert,
Marc Toussaint, Sebastian Trimpe, Isabel Valera, Ulrike von Luxburg, and
Felix Wichmann.
Intelligent systems that can successfully perceive, act, and learn in
complex environments hold great potential for aiding society. To advance
human knowledge in this domain, we need doctoral students who are curious,
creative, and passionate about research to join our school. Learn more at
All aspects of the program are in English. You may join our program in
spring 2019. You will be mentored by our internationally renowned faculty.
You will register as a university graduate student and conduct research for
approximately three years. You can take part in a wide variety of
scientific seminars, advanced training workshops, and social activities.
Your doctoral degree will be conferred when you successfully complete your
Ph.D. project. Our dedicated coordinator will assist you throughout your
time as a doctoral student.
People with a strong academic background and a master’s degree in
Engineering, Computer Science, Cognitive Science, Mathematics, Control
Theory, Neuroscience, Materials Science, Physics, or related fields should
We seek to increase the number of women in areas where they are
underrepresented, so we explicitly encourage women to apply. We are
committed to employing more handicapped individuals and especially
encourage them to apply. We are an equal opportunity employer and value
diversity at our institutions.
Admission will be competitive. If selected, you will receive funding via an
employment contract, subject to the rules of the Max Planck Society and the
two participating universities.
You can apply at http://imprs.is.mpg.de before midday CET on November 15,
The selection interviews will take place between January 29 and February 1,
2019 in Stuttgart and Tubingen,Germany.
7.16. PhD/PostDoc: KU Leuven, Belgium
Contributed by: Johan Suykens, johan.suykens at esat.kuleuven.be
PhD and Postdoc positions KU Leuven: Optimization frameworks for deep
kernel machines
The research group KU Leuven ESAT-STADIUS is currently offering 2 PhD and 1
Postdoc (1 year, extendable) positions within the framework of the KU
Leuven C1 project Optimization frameworks for deep kernel machines
(promotors: Prof. Johan Suykens and Prof. Panos Patrinos).
Deep learning and kernel-based learning are among the very powerful methods
in machine learning and data-driven modelling. From an optimization and
model representation point of view, training of deep feedforward neural
networks occurs in a primal form, while kernel-based learning is often
characterized by dual representations, in connection to possibly infinite
dimensional problems in the primal. In this project we aim at investigating
new optimization frameworks for deep kernel machines, with feature maps and
kernels taken at multiple levels, and with possibly different objectives
for the levels. The research hypothesis is that such an extended framework,
including both deep feedforward networks and deep kernel machines, can lead
to new important insights and improved results. In order to achieve this,
we will study optimization modelling aspects (e.g. variational principles,
distributed learning formulations, consensus algorithms), accelerated
learning schemes and adversarial learning methods.
The PhD and Postdoc positions in this KU Leuven C1 project (promotors:
Prof. Johan Suykens and Prof. Panos Patrinos) relate to the following
possible topics:
-1- Optimization modelling for deep kernel machines
-2- Efficient learning schemes for deep kernel machines
-3- Adversarial learning for deep kernel machines
For further information and on-line applying, see
https://www.kuleuven.be/personeel/jobsite/jobs/54740654" (PhD positions) and
https://www.kuleuven.be/personeel/jobsite/jobs/54740649" (Postdoc position)
(click EN for English version).
The research group ESAT-STADIUS http://www.esat.kuleuven.be/stadius at the
university KU Leuven Belgium provides an excellent research environment
being active in the broad area of mathematical engineering, including
data-driven modelling, neural networks and machine learning, nonlinear
systems and complex networks, optimization, systems and control, signal
processing, bioinformatics and biomedicine.
7.17. PhD/PostDoc/Intern: City University of New York, USA
Contributed by: Hao Su, hao.su at ccny.cuny.edu
PostDoc, PhD, and Internship Positions in Wearable and Soft Robots at City
University of New York
The Biomechatronics and Intelligent Robotics Lab (
http://haosu-robotics.github.io) at the City University of New York, City
College is seeking post-doc fellows, engineers, and PhD students in
wearable and soft robots. The lab won Toyota Mobility Challenge Discovery
Award, TechSAge Design Competition finalist, and $50K Zahn entrepreneurship
competition. The selected candidate will join a multidisciplinary research
team to study high performance actuators, design wearable and soft robots
in collaboration with professors, physical therapists and surgeons at
Cornell University, Harvard University, and several top medical schools in
the United States. This is a great opportunity to pioneer research in a new
generation of wearable and legged robot platforms alongside several PIs who
have expertise in mechatronics, material science, computer vision, and
machine learning.
Postdoc Position #1 (available now): Mechanical design of wearable robots,
soft robots, or legged robots. Experience in actuator design, cable
transmission, series elastic actuators, legged robots, hydraulics or
pneumatics is a plus.
Postdoc Position #2 (available now): Force and position control of our
high-performance wearable robots and legged robot. Experience in impedance
control and haptics is a plus.
The successful postdoc candidate will be offered a 12-month contract with a
highly competitive salary, commensurable with qualifications and
experience. PhD students can be admitted in Spring 2019 or as paid visiting
scholar before admission. PhD students will receive tuition scholarship and
stipend support. Interns will receive stipend support.
** About the lab and City University of New York **
The Biomechatronics lab was established in 2017 and is a 1500 sq ft
facility with the latest generation motion capture system, state of the art
physiology measurement devices, cameras, IMUs, high performance motors, and
more. The lab is a vibrant workplace; students can work on a diverse set of
projects, conduct hands-on experiments, and publish high-quality papers.
The candidates can work with our Zahn Innovation Center, a startup
incubator that has helped create $6M in startup revenue and over 100
internships for students. They can also work with the New York Center for
Biomedical Engineering (NYCBE), a consortium of New York City medical
research institutions established in 1994 to serve as a focal center for
collaborative biomedical engineering research in the New York metropolitan
area. Partner institutions include Columbia University, Hospital for
Special Surgery, New York University, and Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer
Center. Located in Manhattan, CCNY is as diverse, dynamic, and visionary as
New York City itself.
** Application **
Applications (assembled as a single PDF file) should contain a CV, a list
of publications, and copies of up to three scientific papers. Applications
should be emailed to Prof. Hao Su (hao.su at ccny.cuny.edu).
Hao Su, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Director, Lab of Biomechatronics and Intelligent Robotics
Department of Mechanical Engineering
City University of New York, City College
275 Convent Avenue New York, NY 10031
Web: haosu-robotics.github.io
7.18. Researcher: University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Contributed by: KIOS Research Center, mpolycar at ucy.ac.cy
Research and Innovation Positions at the KIOS Research and Innovation
Center of Excellence at the University of Cyprus
The KIOS Research and Innovation Center of Excellence at the University of
Cyprus announces 20 research positions, for full time or part time
employment, funded by the European Union under multiple projects including
the flagship KIOS CoE Teaming project, as well as multiple national or
industry-funded projects.
The required skills and expertise for the announced positions include one
or more of the following areas: Power and energy systems, telecommunication
networks, intelligent transportation systems, smart water networks, control
systems, computational intelligence and machine learning, optimization and
networks, embedded systems and Internet of Things, dependable integrated
systems, software defined radio, fault diagnosis, cyber-security,
reliability, resiliency and fault tolerance. Motivated candidates with
strong mathematical and/or algorithm and software development backgrounds
are strongly encouraged to apply.
University of Cyprus
The University of Cyprus was officially founded in 1989 and started
operating in Nicosia, the capital of Cyprus, in 1992. Within a short time,
the University of Cyprus managed to achieve international recognition
through an impressive course of development. Today, it is ranked 64th young
university (under 50 years) and #351-400 worldwide by the Times New Higher
Education Rankings.
These great distinctions are the result of our dedication to excellence and
continuous development. The University of Cyprus managed to stand out and
receive awards for the new paths it has opened up in particularly demanding
and dynamic contexts of research. The University of Cyprus becomes better
every year; therefore, it wishes to attract the best employees.
To this end, the University constantly develops its programs of study and
recruits high-caliber staff who will contribute significantly to the design
of new curricula, both at undergraduate and graduate level. One of the
strategic aims of the University of Cyprus is the further promotion and
development of research, in which new staff are expected to play an
essential role.
KIOS Research and Innovation Center of Excellence (KIOS CoE)
The KIOS Research and Innovation Center of Excellence is the largest
research center at the University of Cyprus and has recently been upgraded
to a European Research Center of Excellence through the KIOS CoE Teaming
project, with significant funding in excess of 40 million euros over the
next 15 years. Currently, the Center employs about 90 researchers (at
various ranks/levels), who are supported by externally funded research
projects. The vision of KIOS is that it will grow to 150-200 researchers by
2022. KIOS provides an inspiring environment for carrying out top level
research in the area of Information and Communication Technologies with
emphasis on the Monitoring, Control and Security of Critical
Infrastructures including power and energy systems, water networks,
transportation networks, telecommunication networks and emergency
management and response. The Center instigates interdisciplinary
interaction and promotes collaboration between industry, academia and
research organizations in high-tech areas of global importance.
The positions are on a contract basis. Initially, a one-year contract will
be offered but this is renewable based on performance, for multiple years
without any limitation. The monthly salary includes employee’s
contributions, depends on the candidate’s qualifications and expertise and
will be between €1000-€2000 for BSc/MSc holders and between €1800-€3000 for
PhD holders. The 13th salary bonus is incorporated in the monthly salary.
The positions do not include medical insurance coverage, however the
University of Cyprus provides the opportunity, if the employee desires so,
to become a member at the State's healthcare plan (annual cost per person €
550) or join the private health care plan (cost of 5.5% of gross salary).
Maternity leave will be granted based on Social Insurance Laws from 1980
until 2012.
• Bachelor`s Degree and/or postgraduate degree (M.Sc., PhD) in Electrical
Engineering or Computer Engineering or Computer Science or Mathematics or a
related field from an accredited institution.
• Previous research experience will be considered an advantage.
The successful candidates will have the opportunity to conduct fundamental
and/or applied research in the area of Information and Communication
Technologies with emphasis on the Monitoring, Control and Security of
Critical Infrastructure Systems. Depending on their qualifications and
expertise, successful candidates will be responsible to prepare reports and
project deliverables, contribute to the preparation of research proposals,
algorithm and software development and assist in the supervision of
undergraduate students. Furthermore, successful candidates will be
encouraged to publish their research results in international conferences
and journals.
Interested candidates should submit the following items online on the link:
i. Cover letter that specifies their employment availability date
ii. A detailed curriculum vitae in English or in Greek
iii. Copies of transcripts of BSc/MSc/PhD degree(s)
iv. Short description of their academic and research experiences (1 page
v. The names and contact details of at least two University professors from
whom references may be requested
The applications should be submitted as soon as possible, but not later
than Thursday, 30th August 2018, at 5 pm. The evaluation of the
applications will begin immediately. For more information, please contact
the KIOS Center of Excellence, by phone at +357 22893460 or via e-mail at
kios at ucy.ac.cy.
For more information about these Research and Innovation Positions, please
visit the following website:
7.19. PostDoc: Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Chile
Contributed by: Juan I. Yuz, juan.yuz at usm.cl
The Advanced Center for Electrical and Electronic Engineering - AC3E - was
created on 2014 to group individual research efforts into multi- and
inter-disciplinary teams and focus research towards industry related
problems to spark innovation. The Center is part of Universidad Técnica
Federico Santa María - UTFSM - one of the most prestigious universities in
Chile and Latin America in the area of science, technology, and engineering.
AC3E is offering up to three postdoctoral fellowships in the following
lines of research of the Center: Signals and Systems, Renewable Energy and
Power Conversion, Robotics, Electrical Systems, and Data Analytics and
Computational Intelligence.
Required Documents
1. Cover letter explaining your interest in becoming part of AC3E.
2. Curriculum Vitae, including a list of publications.
3. Documentation that evidence the possession of a PhD.
4. Contact details of at least two referees, that may be contacted for a
reference letter.
Important Information
• The postdoctoral fellowships are initially for two years and could be
extended based on annual evaluation.
• Required documents should be provided in English in a single PDF file.
• AC3E is committed to gender diversity and we strongly encourage female
applicants to write confidently about their achievements.
• The positions are for working at AC3E, located at UTFSM main campus in
Valparaiso, Chile.
• Selected candidates are expected to join AC3E no later than January 2019.
• Deadline for application submissions is 31 August, 2018.
• Applications should be sent to ac3e at usm.cl with subject POSTDOCTORAL
• Additional information can be found at www.ac3e.cl and at www.usm.cl
• Further enquiries can be sent to ac3e at usm.cl
7.20. PostDoc: KU Leuven, Belgium
Contributed by: Jan Swevers, jan.swevers at kuleuven.be
Postdoc position on robust optimal feedback control design methodologies
for multivariate mechatronic systems
The KU Leuven (Belgium), Department of Mechanical Engineering is searching
for a motivated and skilled postdoctoral researcher with a
strong background in the development and application of robust feedback
control design methodologies and numerical optimization.
This research project is set up to address the strong demand from the
industry for control design software that can adequately cope with the
complex behavior of multivariate systems and optimize the control
configuration, that is, the combination of sensors, actuators, and the
control architecture. More complicated controllers and additional sensors
and actuators not necessarily lead to an economic profit. The balance
between the enhanced performance and robustness and the elevated costs
(more sensors and actuators, and a more complex control architecture) must
be right. Hence, when considering a more complicated control configuration,
a systematic analysis and optimization of this interplay must be performed.
In this research project you will contribute to (1) methodologies and
software to design robust optimal controllers for multivariate linear and
linear parameter varying systems, (2) methodologies and software for the
optimization of control configurations, (3) a user-friendly design
interface for (1) and (2), and (4) the application and evaluation of robust
optimal controllers on multivariate mechatronic setups with high industrial
relevance. This includes experimental identification of the setups,
implementation of controllers, comparison of control configurations of
different complexity and comparison with decoupled PID-like control
approaches. You will work in close collaboration with two PhD researchers
that are doing a PhD on the abovementioned topics.
The research will take place in the MECO (Motion Estimation Control and
Optimization) research team of the Department Mechanical Engineering of KU
URL: https://www.mech.kuleuven.be/en/pma/research/meco
An ideal candidate has a PhD degree in engineering (mechanical, control
...) or mathematics and a strong background in development and application
of robust control design methodologies, numerical optimization,
programming, and is a team player. Proficiency in English is a requirement.
A fully funded postdoctoral position in an international context for one
year at KU Leuven (renewable); a start date in course of 2018 is to be
agreed upon. KU Leuven is among the top European universities and a hub for
interdisciplinary research in the fields of systems, control and
Please use the online application tool to submit your application.
• an academic CV with photo,
• a pdf of your diplomas and transcript of course work and grades,
• a list and pdf files of your publications,
• a statement of research interests and career goals (max. 2 pages),
• contact details of at least two referees,
Deadline: August 31, 2018. The position might be filled in earlier if an
excellent candidate is found.
7.21. PostDoc: Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Contributed by: Weidong Zhang, wdzhang at sjtu.edu.cn
Postdoctoral Position in Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
The Optimization & Control Engineering Research Center of Shanghai (in the
Department of Automation, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China) seeks to
fill 3 postdoctoral positions as soon as possible thereafter. We are
interested in candidates in broad areas of advanced control theory,
multi-agents, machine learning, pattern recognition, networked control
systems, etc.
Applied conditions as follows:
-PhD degree
-Experience in theory or engineering research
-Good communication skills in English or Chinese
-Strong work ethic and passion for research
Main tasks:
-To conduct original research
-Assist in writing proposals for new research and write reports for
existing research
-Supervision of student projects and thesis at both master and Ph.D. levels
Salary and others:
-RMB 120-200k/year (approximately, 18-30kUSD)
-It is a two-year position and can be extended to 5 years
Required documents
-Detailed curriculum vitae and list of publications;
-Names and contact information of three references.
For further information, please contact Prof. Dr. Weidong Zhang, Email :
wdzhang at sjtu.edu.cn, Tel: +86-21-34204019. Address: Dongchuan Road 800,
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China.
Postdoctoral position in Shanghai Jiaotong University, China
The Engineer Research Center of Marine Automation, Shanghai Municipal
Education Commission (in the Department of Automation, Shanghai Jiaotong
University, China) seeks to fill 3 postdoctoral positions as soon as
possible thereafter. We are interested in candidates in broad areas of
control engineering, marine engineering, unmanned autonomous systems, etc.
Applied conditions as follows:
-PhD degree
-Experience in theory or engineering research
-Good communication skills in English or Chinese
-Strong work ethic and passion for research
Main tasks:
-To conduct original research
-Assist in writing proposals for new research and write reports for
existing research
-Supervision of student projects and thesis at both master and Ph.D levels
Salary and others:
- RMB 120-200k/year (approximately, 18-30kUSD)
- Apartment with very cheap rent
- It is a 2 year position and can be extended to 5 years
Required documents
-Detailed curriculum vitae and list of publications;
-Names and contact information of three references.
For further information, please contact Prof. Dr. Weidong Zhang, Email :
wdzhang at sjtu.edu.cn, tel: +86-21-34204019. Address: Dongchuan Road 800,
Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200240, China.
7.22. PostDoc: Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Contributed by: Jonas Sjöberg, jonas.sjoberg at chalmers.se
Postdoc position:
We invite applications for a post-doctoral position in design and
validation methodology of safety systems for cyclists. A self-driving bike
has been designed that will be used for validating active safety functions
and testing algorithms for manual and self-driving vehicles. The bike is
intended to be used in tests together with vehicles and control algorithms
will be designed so that it behaves as realistically as possible with the
ability to move dynamically and roll around curves. The bike must be
self-balancing and be able to carry a dummy to closely resemble a human
cyclist. The postdoc will be involved in developing models and algorithms
for the bike and, in cooperation with partners, perform driving tests and
evaluate the results from them. Possibly, the postdoc may be involved in
developing new safety algorithms for the vehicles. This would then be in
close connection with industrial partners.
The successful candidate will join a team of post-docs and Ph.D. students,
engaged in neighboring research, and is expected to contribute to the
design of control algorithms for systems, subject to state and input
constraints. The intention is that the achieved results will be
demonstrated through experiments where the bike is tested together with
full-scale vehicles and in collaboration with our industrial partners.
The research project is strongly connected with other ongoing research
projects on autonomous vehicles, some of them within the WASP (Wallenberg
Autonomous Systems Program).
Application deadline: 31 August, 2018
For more information see:
For questions, please contact:
Jonas Sjöberg, (jonas.sjoberg at chalmers.se)
Division of Systems and Control. Tel.: +46 31 772 1855
7.23. PostDoc: Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Contributed by: Jonas Sjöberg, jonas.sjoberg at chalmers.se
Postdoc position
The objective of this project is to develop an intelligent controller that
uses the predictive capabilities of the newly emerging vehicles in order to
optimize their energy consumption, emissions, component wear and driving
comfort. The predictive control is particularly important for hybrid
electric vehicles, which beside the electric machine(s), they possess an
additional power source, such as a combustion engine or a fuel cell system.
A typical control decision in hybrid electric vehicles is to optimally
manage the energy between the different power sources, in order to match
acceleration requested by the driver and at the same time to optimize an
overall performance index. In the last decade, our division has proposed
such predictive controllers, where control functions have been separated
within several control layers. The control layers include at least one
supervisory controller for optimizing the look-ahead energy management and
several local controllers for tracking the set points by the supervisor and
for stabilizing the operation of local components.
The specific goal of this project is to propose a real-time implementable
energy management system and demonstrate its optimality and computational
feasibility in a test rig. The research challenge is to generate a suitable
functional architecture that connects the predictive supervisor with a
local controller that manages the energy of the electric battery. The study
encourages the usage of both model-based techniques and deep learning
methods that enable both fast computation of optimal control policies and
online adaptation of battery parameters that compensate for dynamics
possibly neglected due to computational reasons. The study should
investigate the tradeoff between optimality and computational effort for
different level of modeling details and sensitivity to the method of
adaptation of model parameters.
The position is with the Mechatronics group at Chalmers, where a team of
PhD students, post-docs and senior researchers is working on
computationally efficient optimization of problems in the area of optimal
energy management and autonomous maneuvering/driving. The group is a part
of the division of Systems and Control, within the Department of Electrical
Engineering (E2), which to a large extent deals with the modeling and
development of efficient systems for extracting and processing information.
For more information on E2, see also www.chalmers.se/E2/
Application deadline: 2 September, 2018
For more information, see:
For questions, please contact:
Assistant Professor Nikolce Murgovski, nikolce.murgovski at chalmers.se, +46
31 772 4800
Professor Jonas Sjöberg, jonas.sjoberg at chalmers.se, +46 31 772 1855
Professor Torsten Wik, torsten.wik at chalmers.se, +46 31 772 5146
7.24. PostDoc: EPFL, Switzerland
Contributed by: Alireza Karimi, alireza.karimi at epfl.ch
Post doctoral position in Identification of Distributed Energy Systems
Renewable sources contribute an increasing share of the electrical power,
and the concept of distributed generation (DG) is about to completely
change the basic architecture of the electric power grid. The new structure
includes the interconnections of microgrids that are composed of DG units,
loads and energy storage systems. At the same time, vast advances in
computational power and the ability to get high-bandwidth measurements
thanks to Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) open up many new possibilities to
identify data-driven multivariable dynamic models for the grids. The system
nonlinearity and the lack of persistently excitation signals make the
system identification a challenging problem. The objective of this project
is to develop new identification methods (inspired from machine learning
techniques) that, using the available data from the normal operation of a
grid, estimate linear (or linear parameter varying) models that can be used
for control design.
Application procedure: prospective candidates should send their CV with a
motivation letter to alireza.karimi at epfl.ch. The candidate should have a
PhD degree on system identification or related topics. The position is for
one year with the possibility of extension.
7.25. PostDoc: Technion Institute of Technology, Israel
Contributed by: Yoash Levron, yoashl at ee.technion.ac.il
We offer a post-doc position in power systems and/or control, at the
Technion Institute of Technology, in Israel. For some information about the
group recent activities please visit:
- https://yoash-levron.net.technion.ac.il/
- https://a-lab.ee/projects/dq0-dynamics
The appointment will be for 1-2 years, depending on progress.
* a Ph.d. in power systems / control systems, or another relevant field.
* We look for excellent candidates, with a proven publication record.
The application should consist of:
- A motivation letter stating why the proposed research topic interests you;
- A complete CV with a full publication list;
Please send these to
yoashl at ee.technion.ac.il and juri.belikov at ttu.ee
7.26. PostDoc: Aalto University, Finland
Contributed by: Themistoklis Charalambous,
themistoklis.charalambous at aalto.fi
Postdoctoral Researcher Position on Wireless Networked Control Systems
A postdoctoral researcher position is available at the Distributed Systems
Control (DSC) Group, directed by Professor Themistoklis Charalambous, in
the Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation, School of
Electrical Engineering, Aalto University (AALTO). We are seeking for
exceptional postdoctoral researchers to tackle complex and exciting
problems in the field of Wireless Networked Control Systems (WNCSs). Come
and join us to create the next generation of WNCSs!
In addition to research work, the postdoctoral researcher is expected to
participate to the supervision of students and teaching related to their
expertise and research topics. The contract period is typically for 1-2
years, with an option for renewal. For exceptional candidates, a
longer-term Research Fellow position can be considered. The length of the
contract and starting and ending dates are negotiable. The salary level for
a postdoctoral researcher is competitive, and depends on experience and
qualifications. The contract includes occupational health services and
Finland has a comprehensive social security system.
Wireless Networked Control Systems (WNCSs) have a wide range of
applications in a plethora of areas, such as factory automation networks
and autonomous systems, including Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSs)
and Robotics. As a result, we have been witnessing a great surge in both
research and industrial interest towards the realization of such systems.
The postdoctoral researcher is expected to conduct outstanding and
independent research on control-aware communication strategies and
communication-aware control strategies for WNCSs or a relevant topic.
Candidate’s profile
We are looking for highly motivated, research oriented candidates that have
completed their PhD degree before the start of the contract period.
Proficiency in English is a necessary prerequisite. In the review process,
particular emphasis will be given on the quality of the candidate's
previous research and international experience, together with the substance
and innovativeness of their research interests, and their relevance to the
DSC group research programs.
How to apply
Please send your application as a single PDF file by the 31st of August
2018, through the recruitment system via
http://www.aalto.fi/en/about/careers/jobs/view/1963/. The application
should include:
1) Letter of motivation (maximum 1 page in 10pt font size)
2) A complete curriculum vitae describing education and employment history
with contact details
3) List of publications, with pointers to at most three of the most
relevant publications
4) Contact details of at least two referees
Applications via email will not be taken into account.
Additional information
For further information, please contact Professor Themistoklis Charalambous
(firstname.lastname at aalto.fi), and questions related to recruitment
process, please contact HR Coordinator Jaana Hanninen (
firstname.lastname at aalto.fi).
AALTO reserves the right for justified reasons to leave the position open,
to extend the application period and to consider candidates who have not
submitted applications during the application period.
Aalto University
AALTO is a community of bold thinkers where science and art meet technology
and business. We are committed to identifying and solving grand societal
challenges and building an innovative future. AALTO has six schools with
nearly 11 000 students and nearly 400 professors. Our campuses are located
in Espoo and Helsinki, Finland. The School of Electrical Engineering
fosters basic research as well as the development of the latest
technologies, providing top-quality engineering education. AALTO’s Shanghai
subject ranking 2016 in Electrical & Electronic Engineering is 51-75
worldwide and 13-17 in Europe. AALTO is an international community: more
than 30% of our academic personnel are non-Finns. AALTO is in world’s
top-10 of young universities (QS Top 50 under 50).
The Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation is a part of
AALTO’s School of Electrical Engineering. Hosting a multitude of
international and world-leading researchers, the Department of Electrical
Engineering and Automation provides a truly inspirational ecosystem, where
scientists and engineers from different fields interact and work together
by crossing traditional boundaries to solve the most challenging scientific
and technological problems, provide an excellent education and produce
greater wellbeing for society in general. Its main research focus areas are
control, robotics, autonomous systems, power systems, and Industrial
electronics and informatics. The department develops technologies, data
models and standards supporting the integration of industrial information
7.27. PostDoc: Ohio State University, USA
Contributed by: Ran Dai, dai.490 at osu.edu
A postdoc position is available in the area of control and optimization in
the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department at the Ohio State
University. Qualified candidates with degrees in aerospace engineering,
electrical engineering, applied mathematics, or closely related fields are
encouraged to apply. Preference will be given to applicants who have
experience in either of the two following areas:
1. Optimal control of autonomous systems.
2. Design and experimental test of unmanned ground and aerial vehicles.
Interested applicants may send his/her resume to Dr. Ran Dai at
dai.490 at osu.edu.
7.28. PostDoc: Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Contributed by: Sergio Grammatico, s.grammatico at tudelft.nl
2 PostDoc positions: Game theoretic Control, Complex Systems of Systems,
Operator Theory
Delft Center for Systems and Control (DCSC), Delft University of
Technology, The Netherlands.
I am looking for 2 talented, outstanding research fellows with a Ph.D.
degree (or close to completion) in Systems and Control, or Applied
Mathematics, Electrical or Mechanical Engineering, or related field, with
theoretical background and interest in System Theory, Automatic Control,
Optimization, Game Theory, and with good command of the English language
(knowledge of Dutch is not required). Expertise in mixed-integer
optimization is appreciated.
General project description: The researchers will conduct theoretical and
algorithmic research on complex multi-agent systems characterized by the
presence of: (i) mixed cooperative and noncooperative agents; (ii)
uncertain and stochastic variables; (iii) mixed-integer decision variables.
The research will develop and build upon tools from game theory, monotone
and fixed-point operator theory, statistical learning, distributed
optimization and control. The main application areas are distributed
control for smart power grids and multi-vehicle automated driving.
The PostDoc positions are in the context of the research project "Game
theoretic Control for Complex Systems of Systems" (COSMOS), funded by the
European Research Council as ERC Starting Grant.
Conditions of employment: The appointments will be for 3 years. As an
employees of TU Delft, the research fellows will receive a competitive
salary in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch
Universities (CAO), of about 3.2k EUR/month gross, possibly from 2.5k
EUR/month after taxes, plus holiday allowance (8% of gross annual income)
and end-of-year allowance (8.3% of gross annual income), travel budget,
secondary benefits, discounts for health insurance and sport membership.
Assistance with accommodation can be arranged.
Applications shall include the following documents:
• curriculum vitae;
• statement of motivation and research interests (up to one page);
• transcripts of all exams taken and obtained degrees (in English);
• names and contact information of up to three references (e.g.
project/thesis supervisors);
• up to three research documents (e.g. thesis, conference/journal
Applications or inquires shall be emailed to prof. Sergio Grammatico (
s.grammatico at tudelft.nl).
The starting date are flexible. The call for applications will remain open
until the ideal candidates are found.
More information: s.grammatico at tudelft.nl,
7.29. PostDoc: Ghent University Global Campus, South Korea
Contributed by: Shodhan Rao, Shodhan.Rao at ghent.ac.kr
PostDoc Position in Ghent University Global Campus, Incheon, South Korea
Project Description: The advertised position is a part of a project titled
"Development of Smart Polymorphic Continuous Automatic Packaging System"
which is funded by Korea Evaluation Institute of Industrial Technology
(KEIT). The three partner organizations involved in the project are ACE
Machinery, Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) Europe and
Ghent University Global Campus (GUGC). In general, the project aims to
develop a smart automated packaging system that is capable of adapting to
changes in object shapes, sizes, production scale, rate, layout design and
throughput. At Ghent University Global Campus, we seek a researcher who
would eventually be able to design an intelligent control system for the
smart packaging system being designed at ACE machinery, that takes as input
the production demand and then accordingly synchronizes the performance of
the different modules of the packaging system. As such, the researcher is
expected to work in close collaboration with partners from ACE machinery
involved in this project, understand their specific requirements and
eventually design an electronic control system for the smart packaging
Further the candidate is expected to conduct research on the development
and implementation of an iterative learning control algorithm in order to
improve the performance of the electronic control system designed in the
first phase of the project. The candidate is also expected to contribute on
the one hand towards disseminating results in the form of conference
presentations, journal publications and patent applications and on the
other hand towards certain project administrative tasks that include annual
report writing and internal accounting of the expenses made towards the
project. The duration of the project is roughly one and a half years
subject to successful annual progress.
Profile of the candidate
We are looking for candidates with the following qualifications and skills
1) A PhD degree in Electronics/Electrical/Mechatronics Engineering with
specialization in Control or Robotics.
2) A strong command and fluency in English.
3) Good oral and written communication skills in English.
4) Excellent academic track record.
5) A strong motivation to perform research in the area of industrial
control systems.
6) Strong analytical/mathematical skills.
7) An experience in the design of industrial control systems is desirable.
8) Willingness to learn Korean language.
The remuneration for the job will be commensurate with Korean standards for
a PostDoc position. In addition, free accommodation within the campus is
also foreseen. We provide a stimulating research environment within the
Biotech Data Science Center of Ghent University Global Campus (GUGC), which
is the first campus of Ghent University outside Belgium. This campus is
situated in Songdo International City, Incheon, South Korea. GUGC
integrates educational and research facilities in a single building. Ghent
University has the ambition to organize a first-rate, truly European
education in Asia and to develop excellent research in the fields of
Molecular biotechnology, Environmental and Food technology.
Interested candidates should send their applications before August 31st,
2018 by email to shodhan.rao at ghent.ac.kr with a CV, copies of transcripts
and degrees and a motivation letter (please merge all the documents in one
file). The candidate will receive an e-mail confirming receipt of the
7.30. PostDoc: Ghent University Global Campus, Korea
Contributed by: Shodhan Rao, Shodhan.Rao at ghent.ac.kr
PostDoc position in Applied Mathematics: Ghent University Global Campus,
Incheon, South Korea
There is a vacancy for a PostDoc position in Applied Mathematics in Ghent
University Global Campus (GUGC), Incheon, South Korea (
http://www.ugent.be/globalcampus/en, www.ghent.ac.kr). It concerns a 1-year
full-time position for a renewable period of maximum 4 years subject to
successful annual progress.
The research focus of the researcher is expected to be in the area of
mathematical biology particularly in the area of stability analysis of
biochemical networks. The candidate is also expected to assist his/her
supervisor in teaching undergraduate physics and control courses. The
candidate will mainly work under the supervision of Prof. Shodhan Rao at
We are looking for candidates with the following qualifications and skills
- The candidate should hold or expect to hold by September 1, 2018, a PhD
degree in one of the following disciplines: mathematics, systems and
control, electrical /electronics /mechanical /chemical engineering with a
specialization in systems and control. Exceptional candidates from other
engineering/science backgrounds will also be considered.
- The candidate should have had a rigorous undergraduate mathematics and
physics training and in general a strong background in mathematics and
- The candidate should be highly motivated to conduct research in the area
of applied mathematics, specifically in the area of mathematical
- The candidate should have an excellent academic track record, an
excellent command of English and good academic writing and presentation
- Knowledge of biology or chemistry at undergraduate level is preferable
although not mandatory.
The remuneration for the job will be commensurate with Korean standards for
a PostDoc position. In addition, free accommodation within the campus and a
yearly travel budget are foreseen. We provide a stimulating research
environment within the Biotech Data Science Center of Ghent University
Global Campus (GUGC), which is the first campus of Ghent University outside
Belgium. This campus is situated in Songdo International City, Incheon,
South Korea. GUGC integrates educational and research facilities in a
single building. Ghent University has the ambition to organize a
first-rate, truly European education in Asia and to develop excellent
research in the fields of Molecular biotechnology, Environmental and Food
technology. Its programs are accredited in Flanders and in Korea.
The expected starting date of the PostDoc researcher is October 15, 2018.
Interested candidates should send their applications before September 15th,
2018 by email to Shodhan.Rao at ghent.ac.kr with a CV, copies of transcripts
and degrees and a motivation letter (please merge all the documents in one
7.31. PostDoc/Research Scientist: Qingdao University, China
Contributed by: Jiang Wy, jwy1992 at 126.com
PostDoc / Research Scientist: Qingdao University, China
The Institution for Future is a newly established department in Qingdao
University. We have millions of funding and now seeking for some teammates
who wishes to lead the future with us. We are interested in candidates in
broad areas of control theory and technology, computer science, robotics
and other unmanned systems, artificial intelligence,etc. You will be given
large freedom for own research ideas and/or practical implementations.
To apply or to request more information, please contact jwy1992 at 126.com as
soon as possible. Application documents should include CV, publication
record, and contact details of references.
7.32. Faculty: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA
Contributed by: Agung Julius, agung at ecse.rpi.edu
The School of Engineering at RENSSELAER POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE in Troy, NY
invites applications for multiple positions at the level of Lecturer,
Senior Lecturer, and Professor of Practice in Robotics starting fall 2018.
We seek outstanding and energetic candidates to expand robotics course
offerings and to help establish a modern robotics curriculum. Candidates
should have background and experience in teaching, research, and practice
related to robotics systems, software, design, and analysis. Knowledge in
the contemporary robotics tools for middleware, embedded systems,
visualization, simulation, motion planning, sensing and control is
preferred. Additional experience in related areas, such as manufacturing,
human-machine interaction, machine learning, computer vision, artificial
intelligence, and cognitive science is highly desirable. In addition to
contributing to the robotics curriculum and pedagogy, qualified candidates
will have opportunities to engage in active research programs in robotics
and automation.
The School of Engineering has approximately 175 faculty, 3600
undergraduates, and 600 graduate students, and is in a period of growth.
These positions are expected to complement and augment existing strengths
in robotics, automation, mechatronics, and manufacturing. Successful
candidates are expected to teach undergraduate and graduate courses and
laboratory sessions in robotics and related areas, and to participate in
activities that strengthen the School of Engineering, Rensselaer, and the
broader Rensselaer community.
Applications must include a cover letter, complete curriculum vitae,
statement of teaching and research interests, accomplishments and goals (no
more than three pages), and names and contact information for at least
three professional references. Please put material in a single PDF document
addressed to Prof. John Wen at wenj at rpi.edu with the subject line: Robotics
Position. Application review is ongoing and applications will be accepted
until these positions are filled.
We welcome candidates who will bring diverse intellectual, geographical,
gender, and ethnic perspectives to Rensselaer¹s work and campus
communities. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute is an Affirmative
Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.
7.33. Faculty: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA
Contributed by: Agung Julius, agung at ecse.rpi.edu
Tenure-Track Faculty Position in Electrical, Computer, and Systems
The Department of Electrical, Computer, and Systems Engineering (ECSE) at
RENSSELAER POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE in Troy, NY invites applications for a
tenure-track faculty position at the level of Assistant Professor. We seek
an individual with demonstrated potential for excellence and innovation in
research and teaching. Candidates should have active research interests
that are methodologically innovative and tied to one or more compelling
application domains. Relevant research themes of this search are robotics,
autonomous systems, cyberphysical systems, machine learning, artificial
intelligence, and IoT. There will also be opportunities to participate in
Institute-wide research initiatives such as the Center for Automation
Technologies and Systems, Institute for Data Exploration and Applications,
the Cognitive and Immersive Systems Lab, and the Center for Materials,
Devices, and Integrated Systems.
The ECSE department is in a period of growth. New faculty will be expected
to complement and augment existing departmental strengths in robotics,
control, networking, and computer vision. The successful candidate will be
expected to teach undergraduate and graduate courses in departmental
programs, to develop and maintain a robust program of externally sponsored
research, and to participate in activities that strengthen the department,
the School of Engineering, Rensselaer and the broader community of research
and practice.
The ECSE department awards B.S, M.S./M.Eng and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical
Engineering, Computer and Systems Engineering, and Power Engineering. The
Department is highly interdisciplinary, with strong education and research
connections with other Rensselaer engineering departments and departments
in other disciplines such as Computer Science, Mathematical Sciences, and
Physics, among others. The Department has 35 faculty, 680 undergraduates
and 110 Ph.D. students. ECSE is one of the seven departments in the School
of Engineering, which has approximately 160 faculty members, 3000
undergraduates, and 480 graduate students.
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute is a private research university in Troy,
New York, situated at the beautiful confluence of the Hudson and Mohawk
Rivers. Founded in 1824, it is the oldest technological university in the
English-speaking world. With the university’s involvement, the City of Troy
is in the midst of a period of buoyant commercial and cultural resurgence.
Beyond Troy are the vibrant urban areas of the greater Capital Region,
including Albany, Schenectady, and Saratoga—as well as the beautiful
wilderness of the Adirondack region.
Applications must include a cover letter, complete curriculum vitae,
statement of research accomplishments and goals, a description of teaching
interests, and three professional references. Please send material in a
single PDF document to employment at ecse.rpi.edu subject line: ECSE Faculty
Position. Application review is ongoing and applications will be accepted
until the position is filled.
We welcome candidates who will bring diverse intellectual, geographical,
gender and ethnic perspectives to Rensselaer’s work and campus communities.
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity
7.34. Faculty: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA
Contributed by: Agung Julius, agung at ecse.rpi.edu
Multiple Tenured/Tenure-Track Faculty Positions in Artificial Intelligence
and Machine Learning
Rensselaer – IBM Research Partnership
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute is embarking on an ambitious expansion in
Computational Sciences and Engineering research and education, with a focus
on creating a research cluster in the area of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
and Machine Learning (ML). We seek applications from outstanding candidates
at all ranks (assistant, associate, and full professor) who will build upon
our existing strengths in these and related areas across the Schools of
Science, Engineering, Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, Management, and
Architecture. We seek candidates in research areas to include fundamental
advances in AI and machine learning, theory of learning, novel AI
algorithms and architectures, and software engineering principles for AI
systems (including topics in scalability, robustness, fairness, and
verification). In addition to fundamental AI, areas of interest include,
but are not limited to, applications of AI and ML in cybersecurity,
cyber-physical systems, IoT and edge-computing, and autonomous systems. The
ideal candidates will not only develop a scientific program in AI, but also
work with researchers making contributions to the use of AI and machine
learning in addressing global challenges such as energy and the built
environment, climate science, advanced manufacturing, critical
infrastructure and supply chain management, the arts, and life sciences and
systems biology. These faculty members can have academic appointments in
any of the five Schools at Rensselaer depending on the candidate’s
background, interests, and the potential for collaboration.
Applicants for senior tenured positions must possess an outstanding record
of research accomplishment and a strong commitment to teaching. Applicants
for tenure-track Assistant Professor positions must show evidence of both
emerging research distinction and a high level of dedication to teaching.
Successful candidates will have duties that include teaching graduate and
undergraduate courses, developing and maintaining robust programs of
research and scholarship, and service to their department and to
Rensselaer. We seek highly collaborative applicants with strong technical
vision and a focus on emerging 21st century technologies and challenges. At
minimum, candidates must have a Ph.D. or foreign degree equivalent in
computer science, engineering, or in an appropriate field for their
proposed research, along with the ability to demonstrate, through their
records, promise of future distinction in scholarship and education.
Qualified applicants must submit statements of research and teaching
interests and a curriculum vitae including a list of publications
http://rpijobs.rpi.edu/postings/6807. Applicants must also arrange for the
submission of three letters of reference (senior candidates can submit a
list of 3-5 potential references). Questions about the search may be
directed to provostoffice at rpi.edu. Candidates will be reviewed on a
continuing basis until the positions are filled.
7.35. Faculty: MINES ParisTech, France
Contributed by: Nicolas Petit, nicolas.petit at mines-paristech.fr
Recruitment of a tenure track assistant professor in automatic control
MINES ParisTech is hiring an assistant professor in automatic control
Developing its research and teaching activities in the field of Automatic
Control, MINES ParisTech, member of PSL Research University, opens an
assistant professor position.
This 3-years position (for an initial period of one year, renewable twice)
is aimed at a young researcher (man or woman), who appreciates a
multidisciplinary work combining fundamental research and industrial
applications. The successful candidate will take part to the partnership
research work of his/her team and contribute to industrial and economic
innovation. He/She will also have the opportunity of defining a PhD subject
during his/her first year at Centre Automatique et Systèmes (CAS) that
he/she will supervise together with a senior member of the team who is
officially accredited for such a task.
The position is to evolve into a permanent lecturer and researcher work
within 3 years in the framework of a Tenure Track procedure. A description
of the process is available on MINES ParisTech website:
In line with its training activity, MINES ParisTech develops a research
activity that covers a wide range of scientific disciplines. The eighteen
research centers are organized in five departments: Earth and Environmental
Sciences, Energy and Processes, Mechanics and Materials, Mathematics and
Systems, and finally, Economics, Management and Society.
MINES ParisTech research aims at both academic excellence and
socio-economic impact. This research model is developed in close
interaction with the socio-economic world: private or public sector
companies, and also institutions and public administrations. MINES
ParisTech is the first school in France by its volume of research on
contracts, carried by Armines, the Mines ParisTech Foundation or MINES
ParisTech. This special positioning allows the School expanding its staff
and maintains unique experimental and digital platforms highly appreciated
by its partners.
This ability of MINES ParisTech and companies to work together on ambitious
scientific and industrial issues is recognized nationally and
internationally. For example, the CNRS silver medal awarded to Madeleine
Akrich, two French Research Agency industrial chairs and the renewal of the
Carnot label in 2016. MINES ParisTech is positioned at the 23rd place in
the QS World University Rankings by subject and in the top 100, 150 and 300
of the Shanghai engineering thematic rankings
MINES ParisTech is a top-level engineering school in France. The school has
developed research and graduate education, in conjunction with industry and
academic partners. Within it, the Centre Automatique et Systèmes (CAS) is a
research laboratory specialized in automatic control theory. The research
developed at CAS is focused on industrial needs and is the subject of
scientific publications. CAS also provides courses for engineering Master
students and PhD students.
The laboratory wishes to strengthen its team of 8 researchers, based in
Paris and Fontainebleau, and is looking for a person capable of
contributing to the field of automatic control theory by developing
scientific research relevant to real-world applications.
The successful candidate is expected to have already proven his/her ability
to elaborate academic research in Automatic Control. He/she is expected to
develop an independent and creative research program devoted to his/her
topics, initiate an externally funded research program, and establish a
strong relationship with academic communities and technological companies.
CAS wants to strengthen his team in the field of nonlinear control theory,
and in particular in observer theory and output feedback theory.
The successful candidate will develop an independent and creative research
program devoted to these topics, supervise PhD students, publish in the
best journals and international conferences and be an active player in the
development of the center’s joint research activities.
Teaching activities
The successful candidate will be encouraged to set up or resume small
classes or courses that are part of the educational offer of MINES
ParisTech. The teacher may also be involved in the Common Core Teachings
and the Option (MAREVA) of his Department in the cycle "Civil Engineer" and
the cycle "Engineer Isupfere". He will also be able to intervene in the
modules of Generalist Engineer making use of the resources of the Centers
of the School. He will finally be able to tutor Acts of Undertaking. He
will participate in the selection and graduation of students in the cycles
that will appeal to him. He will supervise PhD students, students with Bac
+5 or Bac + 6 and engineering students. He will also be able to intervene
in the PSL courses. If necessary, it will contribute to the institution's
e-learning offer or to international replications of the School's courses
at its international partners, in both french and english. He will have to
prove an educational experience in the field of the job. He will assume his
share of the administrative work of organization of the lessons and the
industrial visits.
The ability to deliver English lessons or MOOCs is required. An experience
of digital education is a plus.
He/she will take part to the various undergraduate and graduate courses and
teaching sessions in which CAS is involved (which topics cover automatic
control, signal processing, optimization, mechatronics, applied
mathematics, doctoral courses, courses at SPEIT, courses at PSL CPES), open
to MINES ParisTech and PSL students as well as to engineers undergoing
post-graduate education. He/she will be encouraged to organize new courses
to improve CAS educational offer.
Special features of the candidate’s profile
At the time of the appointment, the applicant must have a doctoral degree
in Automatic Control or Applied Mathematics (nonlinear control theory,
observers theory, output feedback, stability and stabilization, normal
forms, differential geometry, adaptive control) or related subject. The
applicant must show interest for science and technology applied to industry
applications. As the position implies cooperation with international
partners, strong social skills as well as good knowledge of English
language are required. Post-doctoral experience in a foreign laboratory
would be an asset for this position.
The applicant will have to show his/her capacity to conduct research work
in a multidisciplinary context, together with an aptitude for teamwork. A
first experience in academic or industrial joint research would be
The position will evolve to a permanent position after 3 years for an
excellent candidate.
The application file should include:
a cover letter;
the candidate’s research project showing the connectivity with research
conducted at CAS ;
a detailed CV;
a list of research work and publications;
if available, the review reports on the candidate’s doctoral thesis;
possibly three reference letters directly sent to CAS from specialists
selected by the candidate. If not, the file will include at least the names
and contact details of three scientific leading figures who could be
contacted to give their opinion about the candidate’s work and abilities.
The file should be sent at the latest on October, 1st, 2018 at the
following address:
Centre Automatique et Systèmes – MINES ParisTech
60 bd St Michel - 75272 PARIS
to Nicolas PETIT and/or by e-mail to nicolas.petit at mines-paristech.fr
For any further information, please contact the human resources department
of MINES ParisTech, and/or Nicolas PETIT.
7.36. Faculty: University of Maryland, USA
Contributed by: Nikhil Chopra, nchopra at umd.edu
Open Rank Faculty Positions
Assistant Professor/Associate Professor/Full Professor Department of
Mechanical Engineering
University of Maryland, College Park
The Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Maryland,
College Park (www.enme.umd.edu) invites applications for candidates to
apply for full-time tenure-track and tenured faculty positions, with a
target start date of January 2019 for some of the positions and September
2019 for others. The hires will conduct research, teach and mentor
students, and work with others in a spirit of collaboration to enhance the
impact of the department. This will include strong scholarship, innovative
teaching of both graduate and undergraduate students, participation in
faculty governance and institution-building, service to the broader
scientific community, and forming partnerships within the department,
school, university, and/or with industrial, governmental, or community
partners. Senior hires are expected to have demonstrated leadership and
should plan to have impact in new areas. We are interested in applications
from individuals working on a broad range of problems in all areas of
Mechanical Engineering. We have a particular interest in robotics, dynamics
and controls, and energy systems, but individuals who can connect to these
areas or who are working at the boundaries of these areas are also
encouraged to apply.
Priority will be given to candidates with expertise in one or more of the
following technical areas: robotics, dynamics and controls, and energy
systems. Candidates for the rank of Associate Professor or Professor should
have a strong record of research, educational activities, and service as
well as a strong funding history. Candidates should be effective
communicators and have an ability and interest in working with diverse
student populations having a variety of backgrounds, learning styles, and
skill levels.
Qualifications: Candidates must have received/receive a PhD in Mechanical
Engineering or a related discipline prior to employment.
Additional Information: For best consideration, applications should be
submitted by September 10, 2018, but the positions will remain open until
filled. Based upon our commitment to achieving excellence through diversity
and inclusion, those who have experience engaging with a range of faculty,
staff, and students and contributing to a climate of inclusivity are
encouraged to discuss their perspectives on these subjects in their
application materials. The review of applications will begin as they are
received and continue until the positions are filled.
Apply by uploading the following documents through the UMD employment
website at https://ejobs.umd.edu/postings/61686
Cover Letter
Curriculum Vitae
Research Statement
Teaching Statement
References (names of four)
Inquiries may be sent to: mefacultyaffairs at umd.edu.
The Department of Mechanical Engineering (www.enme.umd.edu) hosts vibrant
education and research programs and is currently ranked in the top twenty
of all mechanical engineering graduate and undergraduate programs within
the United States. Department faculty members are encouraged to establish
multi-disciplinary collaborations with colleagues and leverage a broad
spectrum of shared research facilities. The University of Maryland has
strong research ties with many government agencies, institutes, research
laboratories, and other organizations located in the greater D.C. area.
EEO/AA Policy
The University of Maryland, College Park, an equal opportunity/affirmative
action employer, complies with all applicable federal and state laws and
regulations regarding nondiscrimination and affirmative action; all
qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment. The
University is committed to a policy of equal opportunity for all persons
and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex,
national origin, physical or mental disability, protected veteran status,
age, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, creed, marital
status, political affiliation, personal appearance, or on the basis of
rights secured by the First Amendment, in all aspects of employment,
educational programs and activities, and admissions.
7.37. Research Scientist: French German Research Institute of Saint-Louis,
Contributed by: Mrs. Borchert, humanresources at isl.eu
The French German Research Institute of Saint-Louis (ISL), a leader in
Europe in research on guided projectiles, is urgently looking for the head
of its department "guidance, navigation, control, and System analysis".
This department belongs to the division "Flight Techniques for
Projectiles", comprising also aerodynamics, real flight experiments and
sensors & communication systems departments. Their research is applied to
all kinds of guided projectiles, mostly gun-launched. The position is
challenging as the division's roadmap schedules ambitious deadlines for
demonstrating the feasibility of an innovative long-range guided projectile
We are currently looking for a
Research scientist (m/f),
Head of the department "guidance, navigation, control, and system analysis".
Your Tasks:
- Develop and maintain, at the highest level, research capabilities in
innovative solutions on guidance, navigation and control systems for the
needs in guided projectiles, in synergy with the other departments of the
- Develop and maintain, at the highest level, evaluation capabilities of
performances of guided projectiles concepts.
- Leverage the expertise of academic partners, other research institutes
and industry to the bene t of the objectives of the department.
- Engage proactively with industry, so as to anticipate best their needs in
terms of research output.
- Establish the research department program in accordance with the strategy
and priorities of the Division and with the needs of the French and German
Ministries of Defence.
- Manage, plan and evaluate the research carried out in the department.
- Monitor closely the research work of the scientists, engineers and PhD
students of the department.
The incumbent is expected to carry out personally research, in addition to
the management of the department.
The department possesses recognised skills and has developed so far quite
innovative solutions.
Other duties:
- Manage the department's human and financial resources as well as
scientific equipment.
- Optimise the use of the department's capabilities for the proper
execution of the research program.
- Involve strongly in the department's life, cohesion and development.
- Involve strongly in a synergetic approach in particular with the other
departments of the division as key for success.
- Increase the scienti c reputation of our Institute through high-level
publications, involvement in conferences, external communication, etc.
Your Profile:
- PhD in automatic control applied to flight mechanics.
- At least 10 years of experience in high-level research (with a
demonstrated prominence in your scientific community), including the e
ective management of a research team of 10 collaborators at least.
- Skills in guidance, navigation and control, and in system analysis for
ying vehicles; additionally, skills in flight mechanics, aeroballistics,
aerodynamics, mechatronics would be highly desirable.
- Knowledge in projectile and missile technologies.
- Organisational skills, ability to work effectively as the leader of the
team, communication skills.
- An effective work experience in a multinational context and experience in
managing multi-partners Projects would be valued.
- Excellent command of English; understanding or even ability to express
yourself efficiently in one or both of the French and German languages
would be of course a very desirable plus.
The ISL offers an attractive salary, flexible work arrangements and a very
friendly work environment.
If these challenges appeal to you and you feel you have the right pro le,
we are looking forward to receive your complete application mentioning the
following keyword "GNC-S".
French-German Research Institute of Saint-Louis Mrs. Isabel BORCHERT
5 rue du G én éral Cassagnou
BP 70034
Phone: +33 (0)3 89 69 51 31
humanresources at isl.eu
For more information please visit www.isl.eu.
7.38. Control System Engineer: Cornell University, USA
Contributed by: Edgar J Johnson, ejj33 at cornell.edu
Cornell University is seeking an Industrial Control System (ICS) Engineer
to work at our main campus in Ithaca, NY.
Position Description:
The ICS Engineer will take the lead role in installing and maintaining
utility plant related computer and control system infrastructure to ensure
safe, uninterrupted, efficient, and environmentally compliant operation of
the University’s utility plants. Performing duties independently and with
limited supervision the key responsibilities include but are not limited to:
• Design, install, and commission control systems, execute modifications
and upgrades, and troubleshoot existing control systems.
• Coordinate with suppliers, contractors, and clients to determine IT
projects’ scope and cost.
• Support operation of Cornell’s Central Energy Plant (CEP) alarm
management system. Work with operations team to add new alarms as needed
and remove nuisance alarms if necessary.
Required Qualifications:
BS Electrical or Mechanical Engineering (or equivalent) 3-5 years
experience as hands-on Automation Controls Engineer working with machine
control and data acquisition.
Specific requirements include:
• Knowledge of control systems architecture and communication protocols.
• Knowledge of control systems installation, troubleshooting practices and
• Proficiency selecting appropriate sensors, safety hardware, PLC hardware,
remote I/O, and VFDs.
• Experience in industrial control equipment
• Ability to become a MCSE (Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer) within 6
Preferred Qualifications:
Master’s degree in Electrical or Mechanical Engineering (or equivalent)
with a minor in industrial control processes. 3-5 years of extensive
knowledge of utility or industrial plant processes, control philosophies
and field control and instrumentation.
For a more detailed description and to apply please follow:
For more information or questions, please contact Edgar Johnson by calling
607-254-3337 or email ejj33 at cornell.edu.
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