[eletter] eletter 356

Jianghai Hu jianghai.hu at gmail.com
Sun Apr 1 23:38:24 EDT 2018

E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing
Issue 356
April 2018

Jianghai Hu
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Purdue University
465 Northwestern Ave.
West Lafayette, IN, 47907
Tel: +1 (765) 4962395
Fax: +1 (765) 4943371

Welcome to the 356 issue of the E-letter, available electronically at
together with its pdf version

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The next E-letter will be mailed out at the beginning of May 2018.


1. IEEE CSS Headlines
1.1 CFP: CSS Outreach Fund
1.2 IEEE Control Systems Society Technically Cosponsored Conferences
1.3 IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control

2.1 Summer School on Control and Robotics: Fundamentals for advanced
2.2 Summer School on Smart Cities
2.3 Online Seminar by Ilya Kolmanovsky
2.4 LCCC Focus Period on “Learning and Adaptation for Sensorimotor Control”
2.5 Mark W. Spong Joins Georgia Tech as Second Visiting Faculty Fellow in

3. Books
3.1 Model Predictive Control of High Power Converters and Industrial Drives
3.2 A First Course in Predictive Control, Second Edition

4. Journals
4.1 Contents: Systems & Control Letters
4.2 Contents: Control Engineering Practice
4.3 Contents: Journal of Process Control
4.4 Contents: Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
4.5 Contents: ISA Transactions
4.6 Contents: Journal of the Franklin Institute
4.7 Contents: International Journal of Control
4.8 Contents: Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems
4.9 Contents: International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems
4.10 Contents: IET Control Theory & Applications
4.11 Contents: Asian Journal of Control
4.12 Contents: Nonlinear Studies
4.13 Contents: TWMS Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
4.14 CFP: International Journal of Cyber-Physical Systems
4.15 CFP: Asian Journal of Control

5. Conferences
5.1 International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing
5.2 International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems
5.3 Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing
5.4 ACM International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control
5.5 Interational Conference on Network Games, Control and Optimization
5.6 Indian Control Conference
5.7 IEEE 2018 Ecuador Technical Chapters Meeting
5.8 Australia & New Zealand Control Conference
5.9 CITRIS/CPAR Control Theory and Automation Symposium
5.10 IFAC Workshop on Distributed Estimation and Control in Networked
5.11 World Congress: Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and
5.12 ACC Workshop on “Interdisciplinary Research to Advance the
State-of-the-Art in Human Machine Interaction and Human Robot Interaction”

6. Positions
6.1 PhD: University of Houston, USA
6.2 PhD: Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
6.3 PhD: University of Exeter, UK
6.4 PhD: GIPSA-Lab, Grenoble, France
6.5 PhD: University of Lübeck, Germany
6.6 PhD: University of Lorraine, France
6.7 PhD: University of Groningen, The Netherlands
6.8 PhD: CNRS, Grenoble, France
6.9 PhD: Newcastle University, UK
6.10 PhD: University of Louisiana at Lafayette, USA
6.11 PhD: University of Strasbourg, France
6.12 PhD: Aarhus University, Denmark
6.13 PhD: Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
6.14 PhD: Lund University, Sweden
6.15 PhD/PostDoc: Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany
6.16 Researcher: Politecnico di Torino, Italy
6.17 PostDoc: University of Warwick, UK
6.18 PostDoc: University of Waterloo, Canada
6.19 PostDoc: University of Texas at Dallas, USA
6.20 PostDoc: Khalifa University of Science and Technology, UAE
6.21 PostDoc: Uppsala University, Sweden
6.22 PostDoc: Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
6.23 PostDoc: Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
6.24 PostDoc: Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
6.25 PostDoc: University of Michigan, USA
6.26 Faculty: Uppsala University, Sweden
6.27 Faculty: IMT Atlantique, France
6.28 Faculty: Loughborough University, UK
6.29 Faculty: Clemson University, USA
6.30 Faculty: Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
6.31 Control Engineer: USA

1. IEEE CSS Headlines

1.1. CFP: CSS Outreach Fund
Contributed by: Daniel E. Rivera, daniel.rivera at asu.edu

The IEEE Control Systems Society (CSS) Outreach Fund provides grants for
projects that will benefit CSS members and the controls community in
general.  Since its inception in 2011, the Fund has made 60 grants on
behalf of a diverse group of CSS member-led activities.

The CSS Outreach Task Force is pleased to announce that the window for
proposal submission for its 2018 spring solicitation will be held from May
1 to 25, 2018. Information regarding the program, which includes proposal
requirements and descriptions of current and past funded projects, can be
found in:


Potential applicants are encouraged to watch a 10-minute video describing
the CSS Outreach Fund that is available from IEEE.tv:


Inquiries, notices of intent, and requests for application forms must be
made directly to Daniel E. Rivera, Outreach Task Force Chair, at
daniel.rivera at asu.edu.

1.2. IEEE Control Systems Society Technically Cosponsored Conferences
Contributed by: Luca Zaccarian, CSS AE Conferences, zaccarian at laas.fr

The following conferences have been recently included in the list of events
technically cosponsored by the IEEE Control Systems Society:

 - 56th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and
Computing. Monticello (IL), United States. Oct 2 - Oct 5, 2018.

 - 18th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS
2018). PyeongChang, South Korea. Oct 17 - Oct 20, 2018.

 - 2nd IFAC Conference on Cyber-Physical and Human Systems. Miami (FL),
United States. Dec 14 - Dec 15, 2018. http://www.cphs2018.org/

 - 37th Chinese Control Conference (CCC2018), Wuhan, China. Jul 25 - Jul
27, 2018. http://ccc2018.cug.edu.cn/English/Home.htm

 - 22nd International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing
(ICSTCC 2018), Sinaia, Romania. Oct 10 - Oct 12, 2018.

For a full listing of CSS technically cosponsored conferences, please visit
http://ieeecss.org/conferences/technically-cosponsored and for a list of
the upcoming and past CSS main conferences please visit

1.3. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
Contributed by: Alessandro Astolfi, ieeetac at imperial.ac.uk

Table of Contents
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
Volume 63 (2018), Issue 3 (March)

Scanning the Issue, p. 617

- Covariance Intersection for Partially Correlated Random Vectors, Z. Wu,
Q. Cai, M. Fu, p. 619
- Safety Verification and Control for Collision Avoidance at Road
Intersections, H. Ahn, D. Del Vecchio, p. 630
- Stability Analysis of Monotone Systems via Max-separable Lyapunov
Functions, H. R. Feyzmahdavian, B. Besselink, M. Johansson, p. 643
- Model Reduction of Networked Multi-Agent Systems by Cycle Removal, H-J.
Jongsma, H. L. Trentelman, M. K. Camlibel, p. 657
- Steering the Eigenvalues of the Density Operator in
Hamiltonian-controlled Quantum Lindblad Systems, P. Rooney, A. M. Bloch, C.
Rangan, p. 672
- An Exact Convex Formulation of the Optimal Power Flow in Radial
Distribution Networks Including Transverse Components, M. Nick, R.
Cherkaoui, J-Y. LeBoudec, M. Paolone, p. 682
- Weakly Coupled Dynamic Program: Information and Lagrangian Relaxations,
F. Ye, H. Zhu, E. Zhou, p. 698
- Distributed Online Optimization in Dynamic Environments Using Mirror
Descent, S. Shahrampour, A. Jadbabaie, p. 714
- Riccati Observers for the Non-Stationary PnP Problem, C. Samson, T.
Hamel, p. 726
- Asynchronous Decision-Making Dynamics under Best-Response Update Rule in
Finite Heterogeneous Populations, P. Ramazi, M. Cao, p. 742
- Scalable Design of Structured Controllers using Chordal Decomposition, Y.
Zheng, R. P. Mason, A. Papachristodoulou, p. 752
- A Dynamic Game Model of Collective Choice in Multi-Agent Systems, R.
Salhab, R. P. Malhame, J. Le Ny, p. 768

Technical Notes and Correspondence
- Cooperative Output Regulation for A Class of Nonlinear Multi-Agent
Systems with Unknown Control Directions subject to Switching Networks, T.
Liu, J. Huang, p. 783
- Pulse-Based Control Using Koopman Operator Under Parametric Uncertainty,
A. Sootla, D. Ernst, p. 791
- Multi-Sensor Kalman Filtering with Intermittent Measurements, C. Yang, J.
Zheng, X. Ren, W. Yang, H. Shi, L. Shi, p. 797
- A Data-Driven Computation Method for the Gap Metric and the Optimal
Stability Margin, T. Koenings, M. Krueger, H. Luo, S. X. Ding, p. 805
- Composite Model Reference Adaptive Control with Parameter Convergence
under Finite Excitation, N. Cho, H-S. Shin, Y. Kim, A. Tsourdos, p. 811
- Alternating Projections Methods for Discrete-time Stabilization of
Quantum States, F. Ticozzi, L. Zuccato, P. D. Johnson, L. Viola, p. 819
- Complexity Certification of a Distributed Augmented Lagrangian Method, S.
Lee, N. Chatzipanagiotis, M. M. Zavlanos, p. 827
- Distributed Coordination of DERs with Storage for Dynamic Economic
Dispatch, A. Cherukuri, J. Cortes, p. 835
- Exponential Stability of Coupled Linear Delay Time-Varying
Differential-Difference Equations, P. H. A. Ngoc, p. 843
- Switching Control for Parameter Identifiability, Giorgio Battistelli,
Pietro Tesi, p. 849
- Stabilization of 2-D Switched Systems with All Modes Unstable via
Switching Signal Regulation, S. Shi, Z. Fei, W. Sun, X. Yang, p. 857
- Distributed Control for Reaching Optimal Steady State in Network Systems:
An Optimization Approach, Xuan Zhang, Antonis Papachristodoulou, Na Li, p.
- Low-Rank Modifications of Riccati Factorizations for Model Predictive
Control, I. Nielsen, D. Axehill, p. 872
- On the Design of Attitude Complementary Filters on SO(3), S. Berkane, A.
Tayebi, p. 880
- Convergent Fault Estimation for Linear Systems with Faults and
Disturbances, S-J. Huang, D-Q. Zhang, L-D. Guo, L-B. Wu, p. 888
- A Framework for Global Robust Output Regulation of Nonlinear Lower
Triangular Systems with Uncertain Exosystems, X. Wang, Z. Chen, D. Xu, p.
- Discrete-time Robust Hierarchical Linear-Quadratic Dynamic Games, H.
Kebriaei, L. Iannelli, p. 902
- Corrections to ``Noise-to-state stability for a class of random systems
with state-dependent switching'', D. Zhang, Z. Wu, X-M. Sun, W. Wang, p. 910


2.1. Summer School on Control and Robotics: Fundamentals for advanced
Contributed by: Filomena Soares, fsoares at dei.uminho.pt

Summer School on Control and Robotics: Fundamentals for advanced research

The goal of the Summer Course is to present in a tutorial and accessible
way to the largest number of doctoral students and researchers key
mathematics tools that supports advanced engineering in Robotics and

To Whom?
phD students and Researchers in Mathematics, Economics, Mechanical,
Electrical or other Engineering or related fields.

How to apply?
Send a pre-registration email with your personal data, course graduation,
and contact to:
João Miranda Lemos, jomlemos at gmail.com

Pre-registration: 15 May 2018
Notification of acceptance: 31 May 2018
Send payment confirmation: 30 June 2018

How much?
50 euros fee

23-24 July 2018

FEUP Room I-105 (9h-17h) Campus da FEUP
Rua Dr. Roberto Frias
4200 - 465 Porto, Portugal

More info:
Telef: +351 220 413 317

2.2. Summer School on Smart Cities
Contributed by: Jonas Mårtensson, jonas1 at kth.se

Summer School on Smart Cities - Call for participation

The 2018 IEEE CSS Summer School on Smart Cities will be organized by KTH
Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm 2-6 of July 2018. The summer
school will provide an overview of the latest technical progresses related
to smart cities via realistic case studies delivered by well known
scholars, active researchers and practitioners, as well as present
challenges and opportunities for future research and applications.
Moreover, the summer school will provide an opportunity for all
participants to gain some hand-on experience via realistic projects in a
hackathon competition, and several networking opportunities.

For more information and registration, see

2.3. Online Seminar by Ilya Kolmanovsky
Contributed by: Tansel Yucelen, yucelen at usf.edu

Online Seminar by Dr. Ilya Kolmanovsky - 12:00 PM Eastern Time, April 6,
2018 (Friday)

USF Forum on Robotics & Control Engineering (USF FoRCE,
http://force.eng.usf.edu/) will host Dr. Ilya Kolmanovsky on April 6, 2018
at 12:00 PM Eastern Time. Specifically, Dr. Kolmanovsky will give an online
seminar titled "Reference Governors for Control of Systems with
Constraints" (abstract and biography of the speaker are included below). We
hope that you will make plans to participate on this free online seminar.
Here is the WebEx information needed to connect to this online seminar:

WebEx direct link:

WebEx indirect link: https://force.my.webex.com/force.my (use 629 234 799
for the meeting number and 55VmrVHY for the password)

WebEx phone link: +1-510-338-9438 USA Toll (global call-in numbers:

The mission of the USF FoRCE is simple: Provide free, high-quality outreach
events and online seminars to reach broader robotics and control
engineering communities around the globe. To support our mission, we
periodically invite distinguished lecturers to the USF FoRCE to give talks
on recent research and/or education results related to robotics and control
engineering. As a consequence, the USF FoRCE aims in connecting
academicians and government/industry researchers/practitioners with each
other through crosscutting basic and applied research and education
discussions. We cordially hope that you will enjoy the USF FoRCE events and
find them highly-valuable to your own research and education interests.

Visit http://force.eng.usf.edu/ for more information and to access
previously recorded events. For any questions, email the USF FoRCE
director, Dr. Tansel Yucelen (yucelen at usf.edu).

Title: Reference Governors for Control of Systems with Constraints (Dr.
Ilya Kolmanovsky, 12:00 PM Eastern Time, 04/06/2018)

Abstract: With the increasing trend towards system downsizing and the
growing stringency of requirements, constraint handling and limit
protection are becoming increasingly important for engineered systems.
Constraints can reflect actuator limits, safety requirements (e.g., process
temperatures and pressures must not exceed safe values) or obstacle
avoidance requirements. Reference governors are control schemes that can be
augmented to already existing control systems in order to provide
constraint handling/limit protection capabilities. These add-on schemes
exploit prediction and optimization or invariance/strong returnability
properties to supervise and minimally modify operator (e.g., pilot or
driver) commands, or other closed-loop signals, whenever there is a danger
of future constraint violations. The presentation will introduce the basic
reference governor schemes along with the existing theory. Several recent
extensions and new variants of these schemes will be highlighted. Selected
aerospace and automotive applications will be described. Opportunities for
future research will be mentioned.

Biography: Professor Ilya V. Kolmanovsky has received his Ph.D. degree in
Aerospace Engineering in 1995, his M.S. degree in Aerospace Engineering in
1993 and his M.A. degree in Mathematics in 1995, all from the University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor. He is presently a full professor with tenure in the
Department of Aerospace Engineering at the University of Michigan.
Professor Kolmanovsky’s research interests are in control theory for
systems with state and control constraints and in control applications to
aerospace and automotive systems. Prior to joining the University of
Michigan in January 2010, Dr. Kolmanovsky was with Ford Research and
Advanced Engineering in Dearborn, Michigan for close to 15 years. He is a
Fellow of IEEE, a past recipient of the Donald P. Eckman Award of American
Automatic Control Council, of 2002 and 2016 IEEE Transactions on Control
Systems Techn

2.4. LCCC Focus Period on “Learning and Adaptation for Sensorimotor Control”
Contributed by: Anders Rantzer, rantzer at control.lth.se

LCCC Focus Period on “Learning and Adaptation for Sensorimotor Control”

The LCCC Linnaeus center - Lund Center for Control of Complex engineering
systems is announcing a Focus Period on "Learning and Adaptation for
Sensorimotor Control" from October 8 to November 9, 2018 with a workshop in
the middle. Confirmed invited speakers include Francesca Cacucci (UK),
Marie Csete (USA), Ondrej Chum (Czech Republic), Mathew Diamond (Italy),
John Doyle (USA), Auke Ijspeert (Switzerland), Henrik Jörntell (Sweden),
Hedvig Kjellström Sidenbladh (Sweden), Per Petersson, (Sweden), Ben Recht
(USA), Angela Schoelling (Canada), Terrence Sejnowski (USA), Patrick van
der Smagt (Germany), Stefano Soatto (USA), Csaba Szevesvari (USA), Paul
Verschure (Spain), René Vidal (USA), CI de Zeeuw (The Netherlands).

The aim of the focus period is to bring together leading researchers from
different communities to create cross-fertilization and new ideas. At any
particular time, there will be room for up to 10 visiting scholars. A
typical visit will be 3 weeks, either beginning or ending with the workshop
week. Invitation as visiting scholar includes free accommodation and
workshop registration. Interested visitors are encouraged to contact Anders
Rantzer <rantzer at control.lth.se>.

For more information, see http://www.lccc.lth.se/index.php?page=october-2018

2.5. Mark W. Spong Joins Georgia Tech as Second Visiting Faculty Fellow in
Contributed by: Panagiotis Tsiotras, tsiotras at gatech.edu

Mark W. Spong Joins Georgia Tech as Second Visiting Faculty Fellow in

Mark W. Spong has been selected as the 2018 Visiting Faculty Fellow at the
Institute for Robotics and Intelligent Machines (IRIM) at Georgia Tech.
IRIM’s Visiting Faculty Fellow program supports extended visits (one to six
months) to the Georgia Tech Atlanta campus by individuals working at other
institutions or industry/government laboratories engaged in research
activities focusing on robotics. IRIM provides Visiting Fellows with
partial salary support, along with support for travel and living expenses.
More information about the IRIM Visiting Faculty Fellows program can be
found at


Spong received the Doctor of Science degree in systems science and
mathematics in 1981 from Washington University in St. Louis. He has held
faculty positions at Lehigh University, Cornell University, and at the
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Currently, he is a professor of
Systems Engineering, professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and
holder of the Excellence in Education Chair in the Erik Jonsson School of
Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Texas at Dallas. He
was Dean of the Jonsson School at UT Dallas from 2008-2017. During his
tenure as dean he added four departments of engineering, nine new degree
programs, and more than doubled the number of students and faculty.

Spong is past president of the IEEE Control Systems Society, and a fellow
of both the IEEE and the IFAC. His main research interests are in robotics,
mechatronics, and nonlinear control theory. He has authored or coauthored
more than 300 technical articles, five books, and holds one patent. His
notable awards include the 2018 Bode Lecture Prize from the IEEE Control
Systems Society, the 2016 Nyquist Lecture Prize from the ASME, the 2011
Pioneer in Robotics Award from the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society,
the first IROS Fumio Harashima Award for Innovative Technologies in 2007,
the Senior Scientist Research Award from the Alexander von Humboldt
Foundation, the Distinguished Member Award from the IEEE Control Systems
Society, the John R. Ragazzini and O. Hugo Schuck Awards from the American
Automatic Control Council, and the IEEE Third Millennium Medal.

Georgia Tech’s Institute for Robotics and Intelligent Machines (IRIM),
established in 2013, is one of the eleven Interdisciplinary Research
Institutes (IRIs) at Georgia Tech and serves as an umbrella under which
robotics researchers, educators, and students from across campus can come
together to advance the many high-powered and diverse robotics activities
at Georgia Tech. More than 70 faculty, 180+ students and 30 labs are part
of IRIM, involved in research focusing on three strategic research areas:
medical robotics & human augmentation, autonomy, and collaborative
robotics. Additional information about IRIM may be found at

3. Books

3.1. Model Predictive Control of High Power Converters and Industrial Drives
Contributed by: Tobias Geyer, tobias.geyer at ch.abb.com

Model Predictive Control of High Power Converters and Industrial Drives
by Tobias Geyer
November 2016, Wiley
Hardcover, 576 pages, £84.50 / €101.40


Traditionally, power converters have been controlled by linear SISO control
loops. Particularly for high power converters with multiple coupled
dynamics and tight operating constraints, model predictive control (MPC) is
expected to evolve into the control method of choice. MPC allows one to
increase the power capability of the converter, lower the current
distortions, reduce the converter hardware, achieve very fast transient
responses and ensure the reliable operation within safe operating area

Consisting of two main parts, the first part of the book offers a detailed
review of three-phase power electronics, electrical machines, carrier-based
pulse width modulation, optimized pulse patterns, state-of-the art
converter control methods and the principle of MPC. The second part is an
in-depth treatment of MPC methods that fully exploit the performance
potential of high-power converters. These control methods combine the fast
control responses of deadbeat control with the optimal steady-state
performance of optimized pulse patterns by resolving the antagonism between
the two.

This book is targeted at control engineers with an interest in power
electronics as well as power electronic practitioners working on
control-related aspects. Readers benefit from a concise and comprehensive
treatment of MPC for industrial power electronics, enabling them to
understand, implement and advance the field of high-performance MPC
schemes. A companion website with video animations augments the book.


Part I: Introduction
1 Introduction
2 Industrial Power Electronics
3 Classic Control and Modulation Schemes

Part II: Direct Model Predictive Control With Reference Tracking
4 Predictive Control with Short Horizons
5 Predictive Control with Long Horizons
6 Performance Evaluation of Predictive Control with Long Horizons

Part III: Direct Model Predictive Control With Bounds
7 Model Predictive Direct Torque Control
8 Performance Evaluation of Model Predictive Direct Torque Control
9 Analysis and Feasibility of Model Predictive Direct Torque Control
10 Computationally Efficient Model Predictive Direct Torque Control
11 Derivatives of Model Predictive Direct Torque Control

Part IV: Model Predictive Control Based on Pulse Width Modulation
12 Model Predictive Pulse Pattern Control
13 Performance Evaluation of Model Predictive Pulse Pattern Control
14 Model Predictive Control of a Modular Multilevel Converter

Part V: Summary
15 Summary and Conclusion

3.2. A First Course in Predictive Control, Second Edition
Contributed by: John Anthony Rossiter, j.a.rossiter at sheffield.ac.uk

A First Course in Predictive Control, Second Edition by
J.A. Rossiter

Published by CRC Press (Taylor and Francis group), ISBN 9781138099340,

The book presents a significant expansion in depth and breadth of the
previous edition. The book is an excellent starting point for any
researcher or student to gain a solid grounding in MPC concepts and
algorithms before moving into application or more advanced research topics.
It includes substantially more numerical illustrations and copious
supporting MATLAB code that the reader can use to replicate illustrations
or build his or her own. The code is deliberately written to be as simple
as possible and easy to edit. Sample problems and thought provoking
questions for readers are embedded throughout the chapters, and in-text
questions are designed for readers to demonstrate an understanding of
concepts through numerical simulation. It also includes a chapter for
teachers focussed on possible examination and assessment questions.

4. Journals

4.1. Contents: Systems & Control Letters
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com

Systems & Control Letters
Volume 113
March 2018

- T. Ahmed-Ali, F. Giri, M. Krstic, M. Kahelras, PDE based observer design
for nonlinear systems with large output delay, Pages 1-8
- Delphine Bresch-Pietri, Christophe Prieur, Emmanuel Trélat, New
formulation of predictors for finite-dimensional linear control systems
with input delay, Pages 9-16
- Linlin Hou, Xudong Zhao, Haibin Sun, Guangdeng Zong, l2−l∞ filtering of
discrete-time switched systems via admissible edge-dependent switching
signals, Pages 17-26
- Mohammad Mahdi Share Pasand, Mohsen Montazeri, Controllability and
stabilizability of multi-rate sampled data systems, Pages 27-30
- Ivan Polekhin, On topological obstructions to global stabilization of an
inverted pendulum, Pages 31-35
- Francesca C. Chittaro, Jean-Paul Gauthier, Asymptotic ensemble
stabilizability of the Bloch equation, Pages 36-44
- Suhail M. Shah, Vivek S. Borkar, Q-learning for Markov decision processes
with a satisfiability criterion, Pages 45-51
- Fu Lin, Performance of leader–follower multi-agent systems in directed
networks, Pages 52-58
- Masaki Ogura, Victor M. Preciado, Second-order moment-closure for tighter
epidemic thresholds, Pages 59-64
- Lijuan Chen, Jitao Sun, Distributed optimal control and L2 gain
performance for the multi-agent system with impulsive effects, Pages 65-70
- Ahmet Cetinkaya, Tomohisa Hayakawa, Mohd Amir Fikri bin Mohd Taib,
Stabilizing unstable periodic orbits with delayed feedback control in
act-and-wait fashion, Pages 71-77
- Christoph Kawan, Exponential state estimation, entropy and Lyapunov
exponents, Pages 78-85
- Xiao Liang, Juanjuan Xu, Huanshui Zhang, Solution to stochastic LQ
control problem for Itô systems with state delay or input delay, Pages 86-92
- Dan Pilbauer, Wim Michiels, Jaroslav Bušek, David Osta, Tomáš Vyhlídal,
Control design and experimental validation for flexible multi-body systems
pre-compensated by inverse shapers, Pages 93-100
- Junmin Peng, Chaoyong Li, Xudong Ye, Cooperative control of high-order
nonlinear systems with unknown control directions, Pages 101-108
- E. Bakolas, Constrained minimum variance control for discrete-time
stochastic linear systems, Pages 109-116
- Yirmeyahu J. Kaminski, Jean Lévine, François Ollivier, Intrinsic and
apparent singularities in differentially flat systems, and application to
global motion planning, Pages 117-124

4.2. Contents: Control Engineering Practice
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com

Control Engineering Practice
Volume 73
April 2018

- Eugenio Alcala, Vicenç Puig, Joseba Quevedo, Teresa Escobet, Ramon
Comasolivas, Autonomous vehicle control using a kinematic Lyapunov-based
technique with LQR-LMI tuning, Pages 1-12
- Ye Zhou, Erik-Jan van Kampen, Qi Ping Chu, Incremental model based online
dual heuristic programming for nonlinear adaptive control, Pages 13-25
- Nicolas Herzig, Richard Moreau, Tanneguy Redarce, Frédéric Abry, Xavier
Brun, Nonlinear position and stiffness Backstepping controller for a two
Degrees of Freedom pneumatic robot, Pages 26-39
- S. Strommer, M. Niederer, A. Steinboeck, A. Kugi, Hierarchical nonlinear
optimization-based controller of a continuous strip annealing furnace,
Pages 40-55
- Emmanuel Roussel, Vincent Gassmann, Edouard Laroche, Accuracy–simplicity
trade-off for small-scale helicopter models: A comparative study based on
flight data, Pages 56-65
- Mattias Hovgard, Oscar Jonsson, Nikolce Murgovski, Martin Sanfridson,
Jonas Fredriksson, Cooperative energy management of electrified vehicles on
hilly roads, Pages 66-78
- E.J.J. Smeur, G.C.H.E. de Croon, Q. Chu, Cascaded incremental nonlinear
dynamic inversion for MAV disturbance rejection, Pages 79-90
- Anitha Kumari Sivathanu, Srinivasan Subramanian, Extended Kalman filter
for fouling detection in thermal power plant reheater, Pages 91-99
- G. Gkizas, C. Yfoulis, C. Amanatidis, F. Stergiopoulos, D. Giaouris, C.
Ziogou, S. Voutetakis, S. Papadopoulou, Digital state-feedback control of
an interleaved DC–DC boost converter with bifurcation analysis,Pages 100-111
- Erlend K. Jørgensen, Thor I. Fossen, Ingrid Schjølberg, Paulo T.T.
Esperança, Experimental validation of attitude and rate-sensor bias filter
using range-difference measurements, Pages 112-123
- Josefin Berner, Kristian Soltesz, Tore Hägglund, Karl Johan Åström, An
experimental comparison of PID autotuners,Pages 124-133
- Hasan Abbasi Nozari, Sina Nazeri, Hamed Dehghan Banadaki, Paolo Castaldi,
Model-free fault detection and isolation of a benchmark process control
system based on multiple classifiers techniques—A comparative study,Pages
- Ramin Bighamian, Bahram Parvinian, Christopher G. Scully, George Kramer,
Jin-Oh Hahn, Control-oriented physiological modeling of hemodynamic
responses to blood volume perturbation, Pages 149-160
- Michele Cucuzzella, Riccardo Lazzari, Sebastian Trip, Simone Rosti, Carlo
Sandroni, Antonella Ferrara, Sliding mode voltage control of boost
converters in DC microgrids, Pages 161-170
- Sebastian Ulewicz, Birgit Vogel-Heuser, Increasing system test coverage
in production automation systems, Pages 171-185
- Lisi Tian, Jin Zhao, Dehong Zhou, Finite control set model predictive
control scheme of four-switch three-phase rectifier with load current
observer, Pages 186-194

4.3. Contents: Journal of Process Control
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com

Journal of Process Control
Volume 63
March 2018

- Mario Zanon, Timm Faulwasser, Economic MPC without terminal constraints:
Gradient-correcting end penalties enforce asymptotic stability, Pages 1-14
- Xun Lang, Shan Lu, Lei Xie, Alexey Zakharov, Dan Zhong, Sirkka-Liisa
Jämsä-Jounela, Bihocerence based industrial control loop nonlinearity
detection and diagnosis in short nonstationary time series, Pages 15-28
- Tarek Ait-Izem, M-Faouzi Harkat, Messaoud Djeghaba, Frédéric Kratz, On
the application of interval PCA to process monitoring: A robust strategy
for sensor FDI with new efficient control statistics, Pages 29-46
- Shyh-Hong Hwang, Jui-Chi Lin, Hsin-Chun Wang, Robustness diagrams based
optimal design of run-to-run control subject to deterministic and
stochastic disturbances, Pages 47-64

4.4. Contents: Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com

Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Volume 70
April 2018

- Javier Herrera-Vega, Felipe Orihuela-Espina, Pablo H. Ibargüengoytia,
Uriel A. García, Dan-El Vila Rosado, Eduardo F. Morales, Luis Enrique
Sucar, A local multiscale probabilistic graphical model for data validation
and reconstruction, and its application in industry, Pages 1-15
- Behnaz Moradabadi, Mohammad Reza Meybodi, Link prediction in weighted
social networks using learning automata, Pages 16-24
- Mahdieh Labani, Parham Moradi, Fardin Ahmadizar, Mahdi Jalili, A novel
multivariate filter method for feature selection in text classification
problems, Pages 25-37
- Dibyendu Pal, Amitava Chatterjee, Anjan Rakshit, Robust-stable
quadratic-optimal fuzzy-PDC controllers for systems with parametric
uncertainties: A PSO based approach, Pages 38-51
- Shahriar Bijani, David Robertson, David Aspinall, Secure information
sharing in social agent interactions using information flow analysis, Pages
- Shubhendu Kumar Sarangi, Rutuparna Panda, Pradeep Kumar Das, Ajith
Abraham, Design of optimal high pass and band stop FIR filters using
adaptive Cuckoo search algorithm, Pages 67-80
- Yan Liang, Ying Liu, Chong Chen, Zhigang Jiang, Extracting
topic-sensitive content from textual documents—A hybrid topic model
approach, Pages 81-91
- Juan Ramos, José A. Castellanos-Garzón, Juan F. de Paz, Juan M. Corchado,
A data mining framework based on boundary-points for gene selection from
DNA-microarrays: Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma as a case study, Pages
- Hong He, Yonghong Tan, Wuxiong Zhang, A wavelet tensor fuzzy clustering
scheme for multi-sensor human activity recognition, Pages 109-122
- José Raúl Machado Fernández, Jesús de la Concepción Bacallao Vidal, Fast
selection of the sea clutter preferential distribution with neural
networks, Pages 123-129
- Luis Búrdalo, Andrés Terrasa, Vicente Julián, Ana García-Fornes, The
Information Flow Problem in multi-agent systems, Pages 130-141
- Shizeng Lu, Hongliang Yu, Huijun Dong, Xiaohong Wang, Yongjian Sun,
Single-step prediction method of burning zone temperature based on
real-time wavelet filtering and KELM, Pages 142-148
- Jihwan Lee, Yoo S. Hong, Data-driven prediction of change propagation
using Dependency Network, Pages 149-158
- Yonggang Chen, Lixiang Li, Jinghua Xiao, Yixian Yang, Jun Liang, Tao Li,
Particle swarm optimizer with crossover operation, Pages 159-169
- Erdal Kayacan, Andriy Sarabakha, Simon Coupland, Robert John, Mojtaba
Ahmadieh Khanesar, Type-2 fuzzy elliptic membership functions for modeling
uncertainty, Pages 170-183
- Hitalo O. Silva, Carmelo J.A. Bastos-Filho, Inter-domain routing for
communication networks using Hierarchical Hopfield Neural Networks, Pages
- Armin Ghasem Azar, Mohsen Afsharchi, Mansoor Davoodi, Bahram Sadeghi
Bigham, A multi-objective market-driven framework for power matching in the
smart grid, Pages 199-215

4.5. Contents: ISA Transactions
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com

ISA Transactions
Volume 73
February 2018

- A. Castillo, P. García, R. Sanz, P. Albertos, Enhanced extended state
observer-based control for systems with mismatched uncertainties and
disturbances, Pages 1-10
- Li Li, Fucheng Liao, Robust preview control for a class of uncertain
discrete-time systems with time-varying delay, Pages 11-21
- Xiang-Peng Xie, Dong Yue, Ju H. Park, Robust Fault Estimation Design for
Discrete-Time Nonlinear Systems via A Modified Fuzzy Fault Estimation
Observer, Pages 22-30
- An-Ming Kang, Hong-Sen Yan, Stability analysis and dynamic regulation of
multi-dimensional Taylor network controller for SISO nonlinear systems with
time-varying delay, Pages 31-39
- Shuai An, Suozhong Yuan, Relative position control design of receiver UAV
in flying-boom aerial refueling phase, Pages 40-53
- Qinglei Hu, Jian Zhang, Youmin Zhang, Velocity-free attitude coordinated
tracking control for spacecraft formation flying, Pages 54-65
- Ping Liu, Guodong Li, Xinggao Liu, Long Xiao, Yalin Wang, Chunhua Yang,
Weihua Gui, A novel non-uniform control vector parameterization approach
with time grid refinement for flight level tracking optimal control
problems, Pages 66-78
- Xianghua Wang, Xiao Lu, Three-dimensional impact angle constrained
distributed guidance law design for cooperative attacks, Pages 79-90
- Hong Xia, Wei Xing Zheng, Jinliang Shao, Event-triggered containment
control for second-order multi-agent systems with sampled position data,
Pages 91-99
- Farhad Samadi Gazijahani, Sajad Najafi Ravadanegh, Javad Salehi,
Stochastic multi-objective model for optimal energy exchange optimization
of networked microgrids with presence of renewable generation under
risk-based strategies, Pages 100-111
- Renan Landau Paiva de Medeiros, Walter Barra, Iury Valente de Bessa, João
Edgar Chaves Filho, Florindo Antonio de Cavalho Ayres, Cleonor Crescêncio
das Neves, Robust decentralized controller for minimizing coupling effect
in single inductor multiple output DC-DC converter operating in continuous
conduction mode, Pages 112-129
- Ling Zhao, Haiyan Cheng, Tao Wang, Sliding mode control for a two-joint
coupling nonlinear system based on extended state observer, Pages 130-140
- Hafiz Ahmed, Ivan Salgado, Héctor Ríos, Robust synchronization of
master-slave chaotic systems using approximate model: An experimental
study, Pages 141-146
- Tao Zou, Sheng Wu, Ridong Zhang, Improved state space model predictive
fault-tolerant control for injection molding batch processes with partial
actuator faults using GA optimization, Pages 147-153
- Siavash Sharifi, Ali Tivay, S. Mehdi Rezaei, Mohammad Zareinejad, Bijan
Mollaei-Dariani, Leakage fault detection in Electro-Hydraulic Servo Systems
using a nonlinear representation learning approach, Pages 154-164
- Xiaoan Yan, Minping Jia, Wan Zhang, Lin Zhu, Fault diagnosis of rolling
element bearing using a new optimal scale morphology analysis method, Pages
- K. Ghousiya Begum, A. Seshagiri Rao, T.K. Radhakrishnan, Optimal
controller synthesis for second order time delay systems with at least one
RHP pole, Pages 181-188
- Narongrit Pimkumwong, Ming-Shyan Wang, Full-order observer for direct
torque control of induction motor based on constant V/F control technique,
Pages 189-200
- Yongkui Sun, Wen Tan, Tongwen Chen, A method to remove chattering alarms
using median filters, Pages 201-207
- Dandan Wang, Qun Zong, Bailing Tian, Shikai Shao, Xiuyun Zhang, Xinyi
Zhao, Neural network disturbance observer-based distributed finite-time
formation tracking control for multiple unmanned helicopters, Pages 208-226
- Mircea-Bogdan Radac, Radu-Emil Precup, Raul-Cristian Roman, Data-driven
model reference control of MIMO vertical tank systems with model-free VRFT
and Q-Learning, Pages 227-238
- B.M.S. Arifin, C.J. Munaro, O.F.B. Angarita, M.V.G. Cypriano, S.L. Shah,
Actuator stiction compensation via variable amplitude pulses, Pages 239-248
- Jiaqi Zhong, Shan Liang, Qingyu Xiong, Receding horizon H∞ guaranteed
cost tracking control for microwave heating medium with
temperature-dependent permittivity, Pages 249-256
- Junping Huang, Xuefeng Yan, Relevant and independent multi-block approach
for plant-wide process and quality-related monitoring based on KPCA and
SVDD, Pages 257-267
- Paolo Righettini, Roberto Strada, Ehsan KhademOlama, Shirin Valilou,
Online Wavelet Complementary velocity Estimator, Pages 268-277

ISA Transactions
Volume 74
March 2018

- Jimin Yu, Chenchen Yang, Xiaoming Tang, Ping Wang, H∞ control for
uncertain linear system over networks with Bernoulli data dropout and
actuator saturation, Pages 1-13
- Mahnaz Hashemi, Ghazanfar Shahgholian, Distributed robust adaptive
control of high order nonlinear multi agent systems, Pages 14-27
- Jianjun Luo, Caisheng Wei, Honghua Dai, Zeyang Yin, Xing Wei, Jianping
Yuan, Robust inertia-free attitude takeover control of postcapture combined
spacecraft with guaranteed prescribed performance, Pages 28-44
- Jiayi Tian, Shifeng Zhang, Yinhui Zhang, Tong Li, Active disturbance
rejection control based robust output feedback autopilot design for
airbreathing hypersonic vehicles, Pages 45-59
- Jiangshuai Huang, Qing-Guo Wang, Decentralized adaptive control of
interconnected nonlinear systems with unknown control directions, Pages
- Huabo Liu, Haisheng Yu, Decentralized state estimation for a large-scale
spatially interconnected system, Pages 67-76
- Munevver Mine Ozyetkin, A simple tuning method of fractional order
PIλ-PDμ controllers for time delay systems, Pages 77-87
- Peng Wan, Jigui Jian, Passivity analysis of memristor-based impulsive
inertial neural networks with time-varying delays, Pages 88-98
- Amin Zarei, M. Sedigh Poutari, S. Masoud Barakati, Trajectory tracking
for two-degree of freedom helicopter system using a controller-disturbance
observer integrated design, Pages 99-110
- Ali Djerioui, Azeddine Houari, Mourad Ait-Ahmed, Mohamed-Fouad Benkhoris,
Aissa Chouder, Mohamed Machmoum, Grey Wolf based control for speed ripple
reduction at low speed operation of PMSM drives, Pages 111-119
- Guolian Hou, Huan Du, Yu Yang, Congzhi Huang, Jianhua Zhang, Coordinated
control system modelling of ultra-supercritical unit based on a new T-S
fuzzy structure, Pages 120-133
- Navid Vafamand, Mohammad Mehdi Arefi, Alireza Khayatian, Nonlinear system
identification based on Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy modeling and unscented Kalman
filter, Pages 134-143
- M. Bahloul, L. Chrifi-Alaoui, S. Drid, M. Souissi, M. Chabaane, Robust
sensorless vector control of an induction machine using Multiobjective
Adaptive Fuzzy Luenberger Observer, Pages 144-154
- José de Jesús Rubio, Robust feedback linearization for nonlinear
processes control, Pages 155-164
- S.P. Sadala, B.M. Patre, A new continuous sliding mode control approach
with actuator saturation for control of 2-DOF helicopter system, Pages
- Mohammadreza Toulabi, Shahab Bahrami, Ali Mohammad Ranjbar, Optimal
supplementary frequency controller design using the wind farm frequency
model and controller parameters stability region, Pages 175-184
- Xiang Mao, Hongbin Zhang, Yanhui Wang, Flocking of quad-rotor UAVs with
fuzzy control, Pages 185-193
- Yun-Guang Gao, Fa-Yang Jiang, Jian-Cheng Song, Li-Jun Zheng, Fei-Yan
Tian, Pu-Long Geng, A novel dual closed-loop control scheme based on
repetitive control for grid-connected inverters with an LCL filter, Pages
- Leonardo M. Honório, Daniele A. Barbosa, Edimar J. Oliveira, Paulo A.
Nepomuceno Garcia, Murillo F. Santos, A multiple kernel classification
approach based on a Quadratic Successive Geometric Segmentation methodology
with a fault diagnosis case, Pages 209-216
- Zhang Cong, Distributed ESO based cooperative tracking control for
high-order nonlinear multiagent systems with lumped disturbance and
application in multi flight simulators systems, Pages 217-228
- Robin De Keyser, Cristina I. Muresan, Clara M. Ionescu, An efficient
algorithm for low-order direct discrete-time implementation of fractional
order transfer functions, Pages 229-238
- Binh Xuan Cao, Phuong Le Hoang, Sanghoon Ahn, Jeng-o Kim, Heeshin Kang,
Jiwhan Noh, High-speed, high-precision focal length measurement using
double-hole mask and advanced image sensor software, Pages 239-244
- Bing Li, Xining Zhang, Tingting Wu, Measurement of Instantaneous Angular
Displacement Fluctuation and its applications on gearbox fault detection,
Pages 245-260

4.6. Contents: Journal of the Franklin Institute
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com

Journal of the Franklin Institute
Volume 355, Issue 4
March 2018

- Jiuwen Cao, Anton Kummert, Zhiping Lin, Joerg Velten, Recent advances in
machine learning for signal analysis and processing, Pages 1513-1516
- Pak Kin Wong, Xiang Hui Gao, Ka In Wong, Chi Man Vong, Efficient
point-by-point engine calibration using machine learning and sequential
design of experiment strategies, Pages 1517-1538
- Jiuwen Cao, Tianlei Wang, Luming Shang, Xiaoping Lai, Chi-Man Vong,
Badong Chen, An intelligent propagation distance estimation algorithm based
on fundamental frequency energy distribution for periodic vibration
localization, Pages 1539-1558
- Chun Yin, Shanshan Wu, Shiwei Zhou, Jiuwen Cao, Xuegang Huang, Yuhua
Cheng, Design and stability analysis of multivariate extremum seeking with
Newton method, Pages 1559-1578
- Yu Guo, Fei Wang, James Ting-Ho Lo, Chaotic synchronization based on
neural filter, Pages 1579-1595
- Wentao Ma, Xinyu Qiu, Jiandong Duan, Yingsong Li, Badong Chen, Kernel
recursive generalized mixed norm algorithm, Pages 1596-1613
- Kangrok Oh, Zhengguo Li, Beom-Seok Oh, Kar-Ann Toh, Optimizing between
data transformation and parametric weighting for stable binary
classification, Pages 1614-1637
- Goktug T. Cinar, Pedro M.N. Sequeira, Jose C. Principe, Hierarchical
linear dynamical systems for unsupervised musical note recognition, Pages
- Xiaoli Su, Sen Zhang, Yixin Yin, Wendong Xiao, Prediction model of
permeability index for blast furnace based on the improved multi-layer
extreme learning machine and wavelet transform, Pages 1663-1691
- Disong Wang, Yuexian Zou, Wenwu Wang, Learning soft mask with DNN and
DNN-SVM for multi-speaker DOA estimation using an acoustic vector sensor,
Pages 1692-1709
- Dongyun Lin, Lei Sun, Kar-Ann Toh, Jing Bo Zhang, Zhiping Lin, Twin SVM
with a reject option through ROC curve, Pages 1710-1732
- Jaime Zabalza, Chunmei Qing, Peter Yuen, Genyun Sun, Huimin Zhao,
Jinchang Ren, Fast implementation of two-dimensional singular spectrum
analysis for effective data classification in hyperspectral imaging, Pages
- Setareh Roshan, Yoan Miche, Anton Akusok, Amaury Lendasse, Adaptive and
online network intrusion detection system using clustering and Extreme
Learning Machines, Pages 1752-1779
- Iti Chaturvedi, Edoardo Ragusa, Paolo Gastaldo, Rodolfo Zunino, Erik
Cambria, Bayesian network based extreme learning machine for subjectivity
detection, Pages 1780-1797
- Bo Xue, Linghua Zhang, Weiping Zhu, Yang Yu, A new sensor selection
scheme for Bayesian learning based sparse signal recovery in WSNs, Pages
- Hong Zhu, Chuan Chen, Li-Zhi Liao, Michael K. Ng, Multiple graphs
clustering by gradient flow method, Pages 1819-1845
- S.Y. Kung, A Compressive Privacy approach to Generalized Information
Bottleneck and Privacy Funnel problems, Pages 1846-1872
- Zois Boukouvalas, Yuri Levin-Schwartz, Vince D. Calhoun, Tülay Adalı,
Sparsity and Independence: Balancing Two Objectives in Optimization for
Source Separation with Application to fMRI Analysis, Pages 1873-1887
- Amin Safaei, Q. M. Jonathan Wu, Yimin Yang, System-on-a-chip (SoC)-based
hardware acceleration for foreground and background identification, Pages
- Matheus A. Marins, Felipe M.L. Ribeiro, Sergio L. Netto, Eduardo A.B. da
Silva, Improved similarity-based modeling for the classification of
rotating-machine failures, Pages 1913-1930
- Lukas Mauch, Chunlai Wang, Bin Yang, Subset selection for visualization
of relevant image fractions for deep learning based semantic image
segmentation, Pages 1931-1944
- Xiong Luo, Yang Xu, Weiping Wang, Manman Yuan, Xiaojuan Ban, Yueqin Zhu,
Wenbing Zhao, Towards enhancing stacked extreme learning machine with
sparse autoencoder by correntropy, Pages 1945-1966
- Yu Zhang, Ye Yuan, Fangda Guo, Yishu Wang, Guoren Wang, Improving the
multimodal probabilistic semantic model by ELM classifiers, Pages 1967-1990
- Lei Cai, Jianqing Zhu, Huanqiang Zeng, Jing Chen, Canhui Cai, Kai-Kuang
Ma, HOG-assisted deep feature learning for pedestrian gender recognition,
Pages 1991-2008
- Alexandros Gavriilidis, Jörg Velten, Stephan Tilgner, Anton Kummert,
Machine learning for people detection in guidance functionality of enabling
health applications by means of cascaded SVM classifiers, Pages 2009-2021
- Lei Sun, Kar-Ann Toh, Badong Chen, Zhiping Lin, Exploiting the
categorical reliability difference for binary classification, Pages
- Masahiro Yukawa, Hideaki Kagami, Supervised nonnegative matrix
factorization via minimization of regularized Moreau-envelope of divergence
function with application to music transcription, Pages 2041-2066

Journal of the Franklin Institute
Volume 355, Issue 5
March 2018

- Yizhen Meng, Bin Jiang, Ruiyun Qi, Jianwei Liu, Fault-tolerant
anti-windup control for hypersonic vehicles in reentry based on ISMDO,
Pages 2067-2090
- Chao Han, Zhen Liu, Jianqiang Yi, Immersion and invariance adaptive
control with σ-modification for uncertain nonlinear systems, Pages 2091-2111
- Hamdi Echeikh, Ramzi Trabelsi, Atif Iqbal, Med Faouzi Mimouni, Real time
implementation of indirect rotor flux oriented control of a five-phase
induction motor with novel rotor resistance adaption using sliding mode
observer, Pages 2112-2141
- Luis A. Amézquita-Brooks, Carlos E. Ugalde-Loo, Eduardo Licéaga-Castro,
Jesús Licéaga-Castro, In-depth cross-coupling analysis in high-performance
induction motor control, Pages 2142-2178
- Guangming Zhuang, Jianwei Xia, Weihai Zhang, Junsheng Zhao, Qun Sun,
Huasheng Zhang, State feedback control for stochastic Markovian jump delay
systems based on LaSalle-type theorem, Pages 2179-2196
- Kangdi Lu, Wuneng Zhou, Guoqiang Zeng, Wei Du, Design of PID controller
based on a self-adaptive state-space predictive functional control using
extremal optimization method, Pages 2197-2220
- Ali Khudhair Al-Jiboory, Guoming Zhu, Static output-feedback robust
gain-scheduling control with guaranteed H2 performance, Pages 2221-2242
- Yankai Li, Mou Chen, Liang Cai, Qingxian Wu, Resilient control based on
disturbance observer for nonlinear singular stochastic hybrid system with
partly unknown Markovian jump parameters, Pages 2243-2265
- M.L. Corradini, G. Ippoliti, G. Orlando, Fault-tolerant sensorless
control of wind turbines achieving efficiency maximization in the presence
of electrical faults, Pages 2266-2282
- Junnian Wang, Jun Wang, Qingnian Wang, Xiaohua Zeng, Control rules
extraction and parameters optimization of energy management for bus
series-parallel AMT hybrid powertrain, Pages 2283-2312
- Changchun Hua, Kuo Li, Yafeng Li, Xinping Guan, Decentralized adaptive
tracking quantized control for interconnected pure feedback time delay
nonlinear systems, Pages 2313-2328
- N. Zerroug, M.N. Harmas, S. Benaggoune, Z. Bouchama, K. Zehar, DSP-based
implementation of fast terminal synergetic control for a DC–DC Buck
converter, Pages 2329-2343
- Jingliang Sun, Chunsheng Liu, Disturbance observer-based robust missile
autopilot design with full-state constraints via adaptive dynamic
programming, Pages 2344-2368
- Juntao Fei, Cheng Lu, Adaptive fractional order sliding mode controller
with neural estimator, Pages 2369-2391
- S.M. Tripathi, Chandan Dutta, Enhanced efficiency in vector control of a
Surface-mounted PMSM drive, Pages 2392-2423
- Xiang Liu, Hua Zhang, Liangliang Lv, Fujun Peng, Guoping Cai, Vibration
control of a membrane antenna structure using cable actuators, Pages
- M. Hassan, E. Aljuwaiser, R. Badr, A new on-line observer-based
controller for leader-follower formation of multiple nonholonomic mobile
robots, Pages 2436-2472
- JinRong Wang, Zijian Luo, Dong Shen, Iterative learning control for
linear delay systems with deterministic and random impulses, Pages 2473-2497
- In Seok Park, Nam Kyu Kwon, PooGyeon Park, H∞ control for Markovian jump
fuzzy systems with partly unknown transition rates and input saturation,
Pages 2498-2514
- Tao Li, Zhipeng Li, Li Zhang, Shumin Fei, Improved approaches on adaptive
event-triggered output feedback control of networked control systems, Pages
- Wu Ai, Weisheng Chen, Shaoyong Hua, Distributed cooperative learning for
a group of uncertain systems via output feedback and neural networks, Pages
- Jie WEN, Yuanhao SHI, Xiaonong LU, Stabilizing a class of mixed states
for stochastic quantum systems via switching control, Pages 2562-2582
- Hamed Navvabi, A.H.D. Markazi, Position control of Stewart manipulator
using a new extended adaptive fuzzy sliding mode controller and observer
(E-AFSMCO), Pages 2583-2609
- Geyang Xiao, Huaguang Zhang, Qiuxia Qu, He Jiang, General value iteration
based single network approach for constrained optimal controller design of
partially-unknown continuous-time nonlinear systems, Pages 2610-2630
- Tong Wang, Zhan Yu, Zhan Li, Adaptive tracking control for quantized
nonlinear systems via backstepping design technique, Pages 2631-2644
- Huifang Min, Shengyuan Xu, Yongmin Li, Yuming Chu, Yunliang Wei,
Zhengqiang Zhang, Adaptive finite-time control for stochastic nonlinear
systems subject to unknown covariance noise, Pages 2645-2661
- Yogendra Arya, Automatic generation control of two-area electrical power
systems via optimal fuzzy classical controller, Pages 2662-2688
- Xia Zhao, Chunsheng Liu, Engang Tian, Probability-constrained tracking
control for a class of time-varying nonlinear stochastic systems, Pages
- Xiaolei Li, Xiaoyuan Luo, Jiange Wang, Xinping Guan, Finite-time
consensus for nonlinear multi-agent systems with time-varying delay: An
auxiliary system approach, Pages 2703-2719
- Nankun Mu, Xiaofeng Liao, Tingwen Huang, Quantized consensus in
second-order multi-agent systems via event-trigger control with sampled
data, Pages 2720-2734
- S. Pandiselvi, R. Raja, Q. Zhu, G. Rajchakit, A state estimation H∞ issue
for discrete-time stochastic impulsive genetic regulatory networks in the
presence of leakage, multiple delays and Markovian jumping parameters,
Pages 2735-2761
- Michael Basin, Pablo Rodriguez-Ramirez, Steven X. Ding, Tim Daszenies,
Yuri Shtessel, Continuous fixed-time convergent regulator for dynamic
systems with unbounded disturbances, Pages 2762-2778
- Jessica Mendiola-Fuentes, Daniel Melchor-Aguilar, Modification of
Mikhailov stability criterion for fractional commensurate order systems,
Pages 2779-2790
- Yuanyuan Zhang, Renfu Li, Xiaoming Huo, Stochastic consensus of
discrete-time second-order multi-agent systems with measurement noises and
time delays, Pages 2791-2807
- Jianglong Yu, Xiwang Dong, Qingdong Li, Zhang Ren, Time-varying formation
tracking for high-order multi-agent systems with switching topologies and a
leader of bounded unknown input, Pages 2808-2825
- Ruimei Zhang, Deqiang Zeng, Ju H. Park, Shouming Zhong, Yongbin Yu, Novel
discontinuous control for exponential synchronization of memristive
recurrent neural networks with heterogeneous time-varying delays, Pages
- Zhuo Zhang, Yiyu Zheng, Xueming Xiao, Weisheng Yan, Improved
order-reduction method for cooperative tracking control of time-delayed
multi-spacecraft network, Pages 2849-2873
- Qi Li, Bo Shen, Zidong Wang, Fuad E. Alsaadi, Event-triggered H∞ state
estimation for state-saturated complex networks subject to quantization
effects and distributed delays, Pages 2874-2891
- Xiangyong Chen, Jinde Cao, Ju H. Park, Tingwen Huang, Jianlong Qiu,
Finite-time multi-switching synchronization behavior for multiple chaotic
systems with network transmission mode, Pages 2892-2911
- Yue-E Wang, Ben Niu, Bao-wei Wu, Caiyun Wu, Xue-Jun Xie, Asynchronous
switching for switched nonlinear input delay systems with unstable
subsystems, Pages 2912-2931
- Sheida Malekpour, John A. Gubner, William A. Sethares, Measures of
generalized magnitude-squared coherence: Differences and similarities,
Pages 2932-2950
- Aaron Montero, Ramon Huerta, Francisco B. Rodriguez, Stimulus space
complexity determines the ratio of specialist and generalist neurons during
pattern recognition, Pages 2951-2977
- Yung-Yi Wang, Chun-Wei Huang, Wei-Wei Chen, Maximum likelihood carrier
frequency offset estimation algorithm with adjustable frequency acquisition
region, Pages 2978-2985

Journal of the Franklin Institute
Volume 355, Issue 6
April 2018

- Dongyang Zhao, Yu Liu, Ming Liu, Jinyong Yu, Yan Shi, Adaptive
fault-tolerant control for continuous-time Markovian jump systems with
signal quantization, Pages 2987-3009
- Yanfei Zhu, Fuwen Yang, Chuanjiang Li, Qing-Long Han, Simultaneous H∞
stabilization for large-scale systems within distributed wireless networked
control framework over fading channels, Pages 3010-3030
- Jianwei Xia, Hui Gao, Mingxin Liu, Guangming Zhuang, Baoyong Zhang,
Non-fragile finite-time extended dissipative control for a class of
uncertain discrete time switched linear systems, Pages 3031-3049
- Xueyan Xing, Jinkun Liu, Switching fault-tolerant control of a moving
vehicle-mounted flexible manipulator system with state constraints, Pages
- Xiao Zhang, Ling Xu, Feng Ding, Tasawar Hayat, Combined state and
parameter estimation for a bilinear state space system with moving average
noise, Pages 3079-3103
- Qi Li, Bo Shen, Zidong Wang, Fuad E. Alsaadi, An event-triggered approach
to distributed H∞ state estimation for state-saturated systems with
randomly occurring mixed delays, Pages 3104-3121
- Ying Guo, Yida Wang, Xiaohua Ding, Global exponential stability for
multi-group neutral delayed systems based on Razumikhin method and graph
theory, Pages 3122-3144
- Xiao-Lei Wang, Guang-Hong Yang, Event-based weighted residual generator
design via non-PDC scheme for fault diagnosis in T–S fuzzy systems, Pages
- Baohua Huang, Changfeng Ma, The relaxed gradient-based iterative
algorithms for a class of generalized coupled Sylvester-conjugate matrix
equations, Pages 3168-3195
- Yaqi Hao, Daizhan Cheng, On skew-symmetric games, Pages 3196-3220

4.7. Contents: International Journal of Control
Contributed by: Bing Chu, b.chu at soton.ac.uk

International Journal of Control
Volume 91, Issue 4, 2018


- A multiobjective H∞ control strategy for energy harvesting in
regenerative vehicle suspension systems, Alessandro Casavola, Fabio Di
Iorio & Francesco Tedesco, pages: 741-754
- Robust stability bounds for multi-delay networked control systems,
Timothy Seitz, Rama K. Yedavalli & Alireza Behbahani, pages: 755-769
- Stability analysis of a controlled mechanical system with parametric
uncertainties in LuGre friction model, Yun-Hsiang Sun, Yuming Sun,
Christine Qiong Wu & Nariman Sepehri, pages: 770-784
- Output consensus control of multi-agent systems with nonlinear
non-minimum phase dynamics, F. Shamsi, H.A. Talebi & F. Abdollahi, pages:
- Output transformations and separation results for feedback linearisable
delay systems, F. Cacace, F. Conte & A. Germani, pages: 797-812
- Finite-time consensus for controlled dynamical systems in network, Naim
Zoghlami, Rhouma Mlayeh, Lotfi Beji & Azgal Abichou, pages: 813-826
- Convergence analysis of directed signed networks via an M-matrix
approach, Deyuan Meng, pages: 827-847
- Transformation of nonlinear discrete-time system into the extended
observer form, V. Kaparin & Ü. Kotta, pages: 848-858
- Decentralised fixed modes of networked MIMO systems, Yuqing Hao, Zhisheng
Duan & Guanrong Chen, pages: 859-873
- The detection and stabilisation of limit cycle for deterministic finite
automata, Xiaoguang Han, Zengqiang Chen, Zhongxin Liu & Qing Zhang, pages:
- Edge event-triggered control for multi-agent systems under directed
communication topologies, Bo Wei, Feng Xiao & Ming-Zhe Dai, pages: 887-896
- Output-feedback control for sampled-data systems with variable sampling
rate, Hojin Lee & Yasumasa Fujisaki, pages: 897-906
- Proportional-delayed controllers design for LTI-systems: a geometric
approach, J.-E. Hernández-Díez, C.-F. Méndez-Barrios, S. Mondié, S.-I.
Niculescu & E.J. González-Galván, pages: 907-925
- Attitude guidance and tracking for spacecraft with two reaction wheels,
James D. Biggs, Yuliang Bai & Helen Henninger, pages: 926-936
- Optimal design for robust control of uncertain flexible joint
manipulators: a fuzzy dynamical system approach, Jiang Han, Ye-Hwa Chen,
Xiaomin Zhao & Fangfang Dong, pages: 937-951
- Distributed cooperative H∞ optimal tracking control of MIMO nonlinear
multi-agent systems in strict-feedback form via adaptive dynamic
programming, N. T. Luy, pages: 952-968
- Dynamic modelling and adaptive robust tracking control of a space robot
with two-link flexible manipulators under unknown disturbances, Xinxin
Yang, Shuzhi Sam Ge & Wei He, pages: 969-988

4.8. Contents: Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems
Contributed by: Lars Gruene, lars.gruene at uni-bayreuth.de

Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems (MCSS)
Volume 29, Number 4

Table of Contents

- Petros Maragos, Dynamical systems on weighted lattices: general theory,
49 pages
- C. Guiver, H. Logemann & M. R. Opmeer, Transfer functions of
infinite-dimensional systems: positive realness and stabilization, 61 pages
- P. Acquistapace & F. Gozzi, Minimum energy for linear systems with finite
horizon: a non-standard Riccati equation, 47 pages
- Swann Marx, Vincent Andrieu & Christophe Prieur, Cone-bounded feedback
laws for m-dissipative operators on Hilbert spaces, 32 pages
- S. Karthikeyan, M. Sathya & K. Balachandran, Controllability of
semilinear stochastic delay systems with distributed delays in control, 15

4.9. Contents: International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems
Contributed by: Keum-Shik Hong, journal at ijcas.com

International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems (IJCAS)
ISSN: 1598-6446

Table of contents
Vol. 16, No. 2, April 2018

- Distributed Adaptive Dynamic Surface Containment Control for Uncertain
Multiple Euler-Lagrange Systems, Yeong-Hwa Chang*, Wei-Shou Chan, and
Chun-I Wu pp.403-416
- A Disturbance Observer-based Robust Tracking Controller for Uncertain
Robot Manipulators, Wonseok Ha and Juhoon Back* pp.417-425
- Frequency-domain Tuning of Robust Fixed-structure Controllers via
Quantum-behaved Particle Swarm Optimizer with Cyclic Neighborhood Topology,
Yoonkyu Hwang, Young-Rae Ko, Youngil Lee, and Tae-Hyoung Kim* pp.426-436
- Leader-following Cluster Consensus in Multi-agent Systems with
Intermittence, Da Huang, Haijun Jiang*, Zhiyong Yu, Chengjun Kang, and
Cheng Hu pp.437-451
- A Supervisory Control Theoretic Approach to the Analysis of Democratic
Progress, Seong?Jin Park and Jung?Min Yang* pp.452-460
- Lateral Control for Ultra-low Altitude Airdrop Based on the L1 Adaptive
Control Augmentation, Jinyong Chang, Jiahai Zhu, Ri Liu, and Wenhan Dong*
- Model-free Adaptive Dynamic Programming Based Near-optimal Decentralized
Tracking Control of Reconfigurable Manipulators, Bo Zhao* and Yuanchun Li
- A Sampled-data Approach to Robust H∞ State Estimation for Genetic
Regulatory Networks with Random Delays, Weilu Chen, Dongyan Chen*, Jun Hu*,
Jinling Liang, and Abdullah M. Dobaie pp.491-504
- Static Output Feedback Stabilization of a Class of Switched Linear
Systems with State Constraints, Qingyu Su, Haichao Zhu, and Jian Li*
- An Out-of-sequence Measurement Fusion Method for Guidance Filtering with
Delayed Measurements, Sang-Hyeon Kim and Han-Lim Choi* pp.512-521
- A Two-stage State Transition Algorithm for Constrained Engineering
Optimization Problems, Jie Han, Chunhua Yang, Xiaojun Zhou*, and Weihua Gui
- Periodic Dynamics for Memristor-based Bidirectional Associative Memory
Neural Networks with Leakage Delays and Time-varying Delays, Changjin Xu*
and Peiluan Li pp.535-549
- Consensus Analysis for High-order Heterogeneous Networks with
Communication Delays and Dynamically Changing Digraphs, Xue Li*, Xueer
Chen, Yikang Yang, and Lipo Mo pp.550-558
- A New Adaptive Neuro-sliding Mode Control for Gantry Crane, Slim Frikha*,
Mohamed Djemel, and Nabil Derbel pp.559-565
- Leader-following Consensus of Nonlinear Delayed Multi-agent Systems with
Randomly Occurring Uncertainties and Stochastic Disturbances under
Impulsive Control Input, Yunjian Xu*, Shiguo Peng, and Aiyin Guo pp.566-576
- Distributed Dual-rate Consensus Predictive Control of Looper Tension
System in Hot Rolling Mills, Xiao-Dong Zhang, Shao-Shu Gao*, Xin-Ping Liu,
and Ting-Pei Huang pp.577-585
- Discussions on Smooth Modifications of Integral Sliding Mode Control,
Yongping Pan, Young Hoon Joo, and Haoyong Yu* pp.586-593
- A Suboptimal Shifting Based Zero-pole Placement Method for Systems with
Delays, Libor Pekar* and Radek Matu?u pp.594-608
- Fault-tolerant Control for Nonlinear Systems with Multiple Intermittent
Faults and Time-varying Delays, Liang Cao and Youqing Wang* pp.609-621
- Control Invariant Sets of Linear Systems with Bounded Disturbances,
Shuyou Yu, Yu Zhou, Ting Qu, Fang Xu, and Yan Ma* pp.622-629
- Least Squares based Iterative Parameter Estimation Algorithm for
Stochastic Dynamical Systems with ARMA Noise Using the Model Equivalence,
Feng Ding*, Dandan Meng, Jiyang Dai, Qishen Li, Ahmed Alsaedi, and Tasawar
Hayat pp.630-639
- Further Results on Adaptive State-feedback Stabilization for a Class of
Stochastic Nonholonomic Systems with Time Delays, Xiao-Yan Qin* and
Hui-Fang Min pp.640-648
- New Results on Finite-time Stabilization for Stochastic Systems with
Time-varying Delay, Lihua Zhang, Wenhai Qi*, Yonggui Kao, Xianwen Gao, and
Longjiang Zhao pp.649-658
- Controllability Analysis of Nonlinear Neutral-type Fractional-order
Differential Systems with State Delay and Impulsive Effects, B. Sundara
Vadivoo, Raja Ramachandran, Jinde Cao*, Hai Zhang, and Xiaodi Li pp.659-669
- Input-output Finite-time Control of Uncertain Positive Impulsive Switched
Systems with Time-varying and Distributed Delays, Leipo Liu*, Xiangyang
Cao, Zhumu Fu, Shuzhong Song, and Hao Xing pp.670-681
- A Delay-partitioning Approach to the Stability Analysis of 2-D Linear
Discrete-time Systems with Interval Time-varying Delays, Dan Peng*, Jing
Zhang, Changchun Hua, and Change Gao pp.682-688
- IMC-PID Fractional Order Filter Multi-loop Controller Design for
Multivariable Systems Based on Two Degrees of Freedom Control Scheme,
Tassadit Chekari*, Rachid Mansouri, and Maamar Bettayeb pp.689-701
- Comparison System Method for a class of Stochastic Systems with
Variable-time Impulses, Jie Tan, Chuandong Li*, and Tingwen Huang pp.702-708
- An Observer Based Sampled-data Control for Class of Scalar Nonlinear
Systems Using Continualized Discretization Method, Triet Nguyen-Van
- Minimum Data Rate for Exponential Stability of Networked Control Systems
with Medium Access Constraints, Shixi Wen* and Ge Guo pp.717-725
- A New Global Robust Exponential Stability Criterion for H∞ Control of
Uncertain Stochastic Neutral-type Neural Networks with Both Timevarying
Delays, Maharajan Chinnamuniyandi, Raja Ramachandran, Jinde Cao*,
Grienggrai Rajchakit, and Xiaodi Li pp.726-738
- Control for Underactuated Systems Using Sliding Mode Observer, Djamila
Zehar*, Khier Benmahammed, and Khalissa Behih pp.739-748
- RBF Neural Network Sliding Mode Consensus of Multiagent Systems with
Unknown Dynamical Model of Leader-follower Agents, Amin Sharafian, Vahid
Bagheri, and Weidong Zhang* pp.749-758
- On the Subsystem Level Gain Scheduled Controller Design for MIMO Systems,
Vojtech Vesely pp.759-768
- Realization and Demonstration of Enhanced Korean High-speed Train
Navigation System with Noise Filtering Schemes, Hyunwoo Ko, Youngbo Shim,
and Seung-Hyun Kong* pp.769-781
- Adaptive Pinning Synchronization of Complex Networks with Negative
Weights and Its Application in Traffic Road Network, Dan Wang*,Wei-Wei Che,
Hao Yu*, and Jia-Yang Li pp.782-790
- Development of Predictive Model based Control Scheme for a Molten
Carbonate Fuel Cell (MCFC) Process, Tae Young Kim, Beom Seok Kim, Tae Chang
Park, and Yeong Koo Yeo* pp.791-803
- Tracking Error Constrained Super-twisting Sliding Mode Control for
Robotic Systems, Cheol-Su Jeong, Jong-Shik Kim, and Seong-Ik Han* pp.804-814
- Visual Distinctiveness Detection of Pedestrian based on Statistically
Weighting PLSA for Intelligent Systems, Hyun Chul Song, Gyun Hyuk Lee,
Duk-Sun Shim, and Kwang Nam Choi* pp.815-822
- Application of the Fuzzy Logic for the Development of Automnomous Robot
with Obstacles Deviation
"Lucas Alves Dias*, Roger William de Oliveira Silva*, Paulo Cesar da Silva
Emanuel*, Andre Ferrus Filho, and Rodrigo Teixeira Bento" pp.823-833
- Generating Homogeneous Map with Targets and Paths for Coordinated Search,
Hyeun Jeong Min pp.834-843
- An Enhanced IBVS Controller of a 6DOF Manipulator Using Hybrid PDSMC
Method, Shutong Li, Ahmad Ghasemi, Wenfang Xie*, and Yanbin Gao pp.844-855
- Wind-gust Compensation Algorithm based on High-gain Residual Observer to
Control a Quadrotor Aircraft: Real-time Verification Task at Fixed Point,
Abraham Efraim Rodriguez-Mata*, Ivan Gonzalez-Hernandez, Gabriel Jesus
Rangel Peraza, Sergio Salazar, and Rogelio Lozano Leal pp.856-866
- GPS Signal Tracking on a Multi-antenna Mounted Spinning Vehicle by
Compensating for the Spin Effects, Hun Cheol Im and Sang Jeong Lee*
- Impedance Identification Using Tactile Sensing and Its Adaptation for an
Underactuated Gripper Manipulation, Zhong-Yi Chu, Shao-Bo Yan*, Jian Hu,
and Shan Lu pp.875-886
- IMC-based Design for Teleoperation Systems with Time Delays, Yuling Li,
Yixin Yin, and Dezheng Zhang* pp.887-895
- Robust Control of Spacecraft: Application to an Actuated Simulator,
Maryam Malekzadeh pp.896-903
- Zhang Dynamics based Tracking Control of Knee Exoskeleton with
Time-dependent Inertial and Viscous Parameters, Zhan Li* and Ziguang Yin
- A Normalized Measurement Vector Model for Enhancing Localization
Performance of 6-DoF Bearing-only SLAM, Sukchang Yun, Yeonjo Kim, Byoungjin
Lee, and Sangkyung Sung* pp.912-920
- Enhanced Robust Motion Tracking Control for 6 Degree-of-freedom
Industrial Assembly Robot with Disturbance Adaption, Li Pan, Tao Gao, Fang
Xu, and Libin Zhang* pp.921-928
- Development of Direct-printed Tactile Sensors for Gripper Control through
Contact and Slip Detection, Ju-Kyoung Lee, Hyun-Hee Kim, Jae-Won Choi,
Kyung-Chang Lee, and Suk Lee* pp.929-936
- Improvement of Tracking Control of a Sliding Mode Controller for Robot
Manipulators by a Neural Network, Seul Jung pp.937-943

4.10. Contents: IET Control Theory & Applications
Contributed by: Alexandria Lipka, alipka at theiet.org

IET Control Theory & Applications
Volume 12
April 2018


- Derek Percy Atherton, Professor John Clifford West, Pages 707 - 709
- J.C. West, Reproduction of Prof. J.C. West's, ‟Forty years in control”,
Pages 710 - 717
- Yi Bo Huang, Jianqi An, Yong He, Min Wu, Quasi-convex combination method
and its application to the stability analysis of 2D discrete-time Roesser
systems with time-varying delays, Pages 718 - 727
- Mohammad Mehdi Mardani, Mokhtar Shasadeghi, Behrouz Safarinejadian,
Design of distributed sampled-data fuzzy controller for a class of
non-linear hyperbolic PDE systems: input delay approach, Pages 728 - 737
- Kang Wu, Zhongcai Zhang, Changyin Sun, Disturbance-observer-based output
feedback control of non-linear cascaded systems with external disturbance,
Pages 738 - 744
- Christophe Labar, Emanuele Garone, Michel Kinnaert, Sub-optimal extremum
seeking control for static maps, Pages 745 - 752
- Yuanzhen Feng, Wei Xing Zheng, Group consensus control for discrete-time
heterogeneous first- and second-order multi-agent systems, Pages 753 - 760
- Yousef Alipouri, Biao Huang, Hariprasad Kodamana, MV bound and MV
controller for convex-non-linear systems with input constraints, Pages 761
- 769
- Yanfeng Wu, Mingcong Deng, Operator-based robust non-linear vibration
control for an L-shaped arm with unknown load by using on-line wavelet
transform, Pages 770 - 777
- Lida Edalati, Ali Khaki Sedigh, Mahdi Aliyari Shooredeli, Ali
Moarefianpour, Asymptotic tracking control of strict-feedback non-linear
systems with output constraints in the presence of input saturation, Pages
778 - 785
- Hicham El Aiss, Hafsaa Rachid, Abdelaziz Hmamed, Ahmed El Hajjaji,
Approach to delay-dependent robust stability and stabilisation of delta
operator systems with time-varying delays, Pages 786 - 792
- Chaoxu Guan, Zhongyang Fei, Zhenhuan Wang, Ligang Wu, Stabilisation of
continuous-time switched 2D systems with all unstable modes, Pages 793 - 801
- Anoop Jain, Debasish Ghose, Prathyush P. Menon, Multi-vehicle formation
in a controllable force field with non-identical controller gains, Pages
802 - 811
- Alexander Aleksandrov, Oliver Mason, Diagonal stability of a class of
discrete-time positive switched systems with delay, Pages 812 - 818
- Shigen Gao, Hairong Dong, Bin Ning, Tao Tang, Yidong Li, Nonlinear
mapping-based feedback technique of dynamic surface control for the chaotic
PMSM using neural approximation and parameter identification, Pages 819 -
- Chuanchuan Xu, Bin Zhou, Guang-Ren Duan, Delayed output feedback of
discrete-time time-delay systems with applications to spacecraft
rendezvous, Pages 828 - 836
- Yuanhong Ren, Weiqun Wang, Yixiang Wang, Incremental stability for
switched non-linear systems based on geometrically incremental
dissipativity, Pages 837 - 846

4.11. Contents: Asian Journal of Control
Contributed by: Li-Chen Fu, lichen at ntu.edu.tw

Asian Journal of Control
Vol.20, No.2 March, 2018

[Invited Paper]
1. Fault-Tolerant Control Allocation for Overactuated Nonlinear Systems
(Pages: 621-634), Andrea Cristofaro, Marios M. Polycarpou and Tor Arne

[Regular Paper]
2. Determining Dissipativity of Switched Nonlinear Systems Using
Linearization (Pages: 635-645), Hanmei Wang and Jun Zhao
3. Distributed Fixed-Time Coordinated Tracking for Nonlinear Multi-Agent
Systems Under Directed Graphs (Pages: 646-658), Boda Ning, Zongyu Zuo,
Jiong Jin and Jinchuan Zheng
4. Output Tracking for One-Dimensional Schrödinger Equation subject to
Boundary Disturbance (Pages: 659-668), Jun-Jun Liu, Jun-Min Wang and
Ya-Ping Guo
5. Stabilization of Non-Linear Fractional-Order Uncertain Systems (Pages:
669-677),  Yude Ji, Mingxing Du and Yanping Guo
6. Velocity Reversal Systems: A Simple Friction Model for Telescopes
(Pages: 678-688), T. S. Kumar and Ravi N. Banavar
7. An Extended Car-Following Model With Consideration of the Driver's
Memory and Control Strategy (Pages: 689-696), Yi-ming Zheng, Rong-jun
Cheng, Hong-xia Ge and Siu-ming Lo
8. Incomplete Logical Control System and its Application to Some
Intellectual Problems (Pages: 697-706), Xiao Zhang, Yuanhua Wang and
Daizhan Cheng
9. Control and Synchronization Of A Class Of Uncertain Fractional Order
Chaotic Systems Via Adaptive Backstepping Control (Pages: 707-720), Manoj
Kumar Shukla and B.B. Sharma
10. Suboptimal Output Consensus for Time-Delayed Singular Multi-Agent
Systems (Pages: 721-734), Jiajing Wang, Ming He, Jianxiang Xi and Xiaogang
11. Composite Disturbance-Observer-Based Control and H∞ Control for High
Speed Trains with Actuator Faults (Pages: 735-745),Hairong Dong, Xue Lin,
Xiuming Yao, Weiqi Bai and Bin Ning
12. WDOP-based Summation Inequality and its Application to Exponential
Stability of Linear Delay Difference Systems (Pages: 746-754), Xian Zhang,
Wanzhen Shang and Yantao Wang
13. Dynamic Output Feedback Robust MPC With one Free Control Move for LPV
Model With Bounded Disturbance (Pages: 755-767), Baocang Ding, Pengjun Wang
and Jianchen Hu
14. Full Adaptive Integral Backstepping Controller for Interior Permanent
Magnet Synchronous Motors (Pages: 768-779), Mohsen Hoshyar and Mirhamed Mola
15. Adaptive Neural Dynamic Surface Control for Stochastic Nonlinear
Time-Delay Systems with Input and Output Constraints (Pages: 780-789),
Wen-Jie Si, Xun-De Dong and Fei-Fei Yang
16. Frequency Interval Gramians Based Structure Preserving Model Order
Reduction for Second Order Systems (Pages: 790-801), Shafiq Haider, Abdul
Ghafoor, Muhammad Imran and Fahad Mumtaz Malik
17. Uncertain Saturated Discrete-Time Sliding Mode Control for A Wind
Turbine Using A Two-Mass Model (Pages: 802-818), Chaker Zaafouri, Borhen
Torchani, Anis Sellami and Germain Garcia
18. Stochastic Stability and Stabilization of Singular It ô-type Markovian
Jump Systems with Uncertain Transition Rates: An LMI Approach (Pages:
819-828), Baoping Jiang, Cunchen Gao and Yonggui Kao
19. Stabilization Criteria for Singular Fuzzy Systems With Random Delay and
Mixed Actuator Failures (Pages: 829-838), Sakthivel Rathinasamy, M.
Rathika, B. Kaviarasan and Hao Shen
20. Direct Adaptive Fuzzy Backstepping Control for Stochastic Nonlinear
SISO Systems with Unmodeled Dynamics (Pages: 839-855), Xiumei Zhang, Xikui
Liu and Yan Li
21. Backstepping Control for Flexible Joint with Friction Using Wavelet
Neural Networks and L2-Gain Approach (Pages: 856-866), Ming Chu, Qingxuan
Jia and Hanxu Sun
22. Desired Compensation Adaptive Repetitive Control of Electrical-Optical
Gyro-Stabilized Platform with High-Precision Disturbance Compensation
(Pages: 867-880), Yuefei Wu and Dong Yue
23. Stability Analysis of Periodic Solution for a Complex-valued Neural
Networks With Bounded and Unbounded Delays (Pages: 881-892), Bo Du
24. Adaptive Failure Compensation for Uncertain Systems with Unknown
Utility Decrement of Actuators (Pages: 893-905), Jianping Cai, Meng Zhang,
Lantao Xing and Lujuan Shen
25. Control of Grid Connected Photovoltaic Systems with Microinverters: New
Theoretical Design and Numerical Evaluation (Pages: 906-918), Abdelhafid
Yahya, Hassan El Fadil, Mustapha Oulcaid, Leila Ammeh, Fouad Giri and Josep
M. Guerrero

[Brief Paper]
1. Discrete-Time Consensus Filters for Average Tracking of Time-Varying
Inputs on Directed Switching Graphs (Pages: 919-934), Shuai Li and Yi Guo
2. Controllability of Fractional Differential Equation of Order α∈(1,2]
With Non-Instantaneous Impulses (Pages: 935-942), Malik Muslim and Avadhesh
3. Distributed Consensus-Based Optimization of Multiple Load Aggregators
for Secondary Frequency Control (Pages: 943-955), Qian Tang, Hong Zhou,
Zhi-Wei Liu and Qi-Jun Deng
4. Distributed Consensus of Third-order Multi-agent Systems with
Communication Delay (Pages: 956-961), Wenying Hou, Minyue Fu and Huanshui
5. Model Free Adaptive Control for a Class of Nonlinear Systems Using
Quantized Information (Pages: 962-968), Xuhui Bu, Yingxu Qiao, Zhongsheng
Hou and Junqi Yang

4.12. Contents: Nonlinear Studies
Contributed by: Seenith Sivasundaram, seenithi at gmail.com

Vol 25 No 1 (2018): Nonlinear Studies
Published: 2018-02-28

- A two-dimensional maximum-entropy-based model for the source
reconstruction in a monitoring network, Carlo Bianca, Rapha¨el Sasportas,
Xavier Busch
- A mathematical model of tissue formation: Symbioticism via differential
adhesion and cell surface organelles, P.L. Antonelli, S.F. Rutz, G.S.
Ferreira Jr.
- Effect of prey migration on a delayed stage-structured prey-predator
dynamics, Shashi Kant, Vivek Kumar
- Entropy solutions for nonlinear parabolic problems with noncoercivity
term in divergence form in generalized Musielak-Orlicz spaces Abdeslam
Talha, Abdelmoujib Benkirane, Mohamed Saad Bouh Elemine Vall
- Nonlinear methods to control synchronization between fractional-order and
integer-order chaotic systems, Adel Ouannas, Okba Zehrour, Zaid Laadjal
- New oscillation criteria for second order delay differential equations
with non-positive neutral term, Ramalingam Arul, Venkatachalam Subramaniyam
Shobha, Ethiraju Thandapani
- A result on approximate controllability results for fractional neutral
integro-differential equations with nonlocal and finite, delay conditions
in Hilbert spaces, A. Anuradha, M. Mallika Arjunan
- Controllability results for mixed Volterra-Fredholm type fractional
integrodifferential equations with infinite delay in Banach spaces, R.
Nirmalkumar, R. Murugesu
- Class of Weyl integral operators associated with some generalized
function spaces, Shrideh Khalaf Q. Al-Omari
- Results on fractional neutral integro-differential systems with
state-dependent delay in Banach spaces, N. Valliammal, C. Ravichandran
- A mathematically derived definitional/semantical theory of truth, Seppo
Viljami Heikkilä
-  Existence and stability of positive periodic solutions for delay
nonlinear dynamic equations, Faycal Bouchelaghem, Abdelouaheb Ardjouni,
Ahcene Djoudi
- Some properties for meromorphically multivalent functions associated with
differ-integral operator, R.M. El-Ashwah, W.Y. Kota
- Non-linear dynamics of expression of BMAL1: a mathematical study, Kalyan
Das, Nurul Huda Gazi, Siddhartha Singha, Sandra Pinelas
- The pseudospectral Legendre method for solving the HIV infection model of
CD4+T cells, Kourosh Parand, Fatemeh Mirahmadian, Mehdi Delkhosh

4.13. Contents: TWMS Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
Contributed by: Gamar Mammadova, f_aliev at hotmail.com

TWMS Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 9, No.1, 2018
ISSN 2076-2585

- Generalized Metric Spaces: Survey T. Došenović, S. Radenović, S. Sedghi
- Extended Rectifying Curves as New Kind of Modified Darboux Vectors, Y.
Yayli, I. Gok, H. H. Hacisalihoglu
- Local Convergence of a Hansen-Patrick-like Family of Optimal Fourth Order
Methods, I.K. Argyros, S. George
- Convenient Pretopologies on Z2, J. Ṥlapal
- Decision Making Support in Human Resource Management Based on
Multi-Objective Optimization, M. H. Mammadova Z. G. Jabrayilova
- Optimal Decision Making for Well Interventions under Uncertainty, R.A.
Aliev, H.G. Hajiyev, O.H.Huseynov
- A New Approach to Separability and Compactness in Soft Topological
Spaces, S. Bayramov, Gunduz C. Aras
- The Fibonacci Numbers of Asymptotically Lacunary of χ2 over Probabilistic
p- Metric Spaces
- Deepmala, Vandana, N. Subramanian, L.N. Mishra
- On Factorization of Matrix Polynomial with Respect to the Unit Circle,
F.A. Aliev, V.B. Larin

4.14. CFP: International Journal of Cyber-Physical Systems
Contributed by: Jing Wang, jingwang at bradley.edu

Submit a Paper to the International Journal of Cyber-Physical Systems
Published Semi-Annually. Est. 2019.

With the rapid development of computing, communication and sensing
technology, recent years have seen an ever-increasing research interest in
the study of distributed cyber-physical systems. Cyber-physical systems may
be generically defined as a group of dynamical systems in which both cyber
layer (computer/communication/control) and physical layer (plant models)
coexist. The behaviors of cyber-physical systems are exhibited through the
local interaction among subsystems that individually have the capability of
self-operating. Engineered cyber-physical systems have been developed and
studied as seen in robotic networks, power grids, computer networks, and
sensor networks. In particular, those systems have found a wide range of
potential applications in surveillance and reconnaissance, cooperative
exploration for search and rescue missions, environmental sensing and
monitoring, cooperative transportation, and congestion and flow control of
networks. The International Journal of Cyber-Physical Systems (IJCPS) aims
at presenting the state-of-the-art on controls of distributed
cyber-physical systems. The particular focus is on distributed control,
estimation, optimization and applications of networked cyber-physical
systems. The journal provides a venue for disseminating research outcomes
on unraveling the structure, security, system properties, and efficient
control strategies of networked cyber-physical systems.

Potential topics covered include, but are not limited to:
Distributed Coordination Algorithms for Cyber-Physical Systems
Distributed Estimation of Environment Unknowns Using a Multiagent Team
Task Coordination of Multiagent Systems
Security on Cyber-Physical Systems
Detection of Emergent Behaviors in Cyber-Physical Systems
Cooperative Control of Cyber-Physical Systems Under Limited Communication
Path Planning and Navigation of Multiagent Systems
Control Applications Using a Team of Ground, Aerial, and Underwater Robots
Experimental Validation of Control of Multiagent Systems

Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit their original
empirical research articles 3,000–5,000 words in length. Interested authors
must consult the journal’s guidelines for manuscript submissions at
prior to submission. All submitted articles will be reviewed on a
double-blind review basis by no fewer than 3 members of the journal’s
Editorial Review Board and 1 Associate Editor. Final decision regarding
acceptance/revision/rejection will be based on the reviews received from
the reviewers and at the sole discretion of the Editor-in-Chief.

All manuscripts must be submitted through the E-Editorial Discovery™ online
submission manager. Please see the link at the bottom of this page.

4.15. CFP: Asian Journal of Control
Contributed by: Hassen FOURATI, hassen.fourati at gipsa-lab.fr

Special issue on “Recent Advances on Data Fusion, Estimation in Navigation
and Control”

Asian Journal of Control
(Wiley, Impact Factor 1.42, indexed by ISI Journal Citation Reports,
SCOPUS, Web of Science, etc.)

Deadline for papers submission: April 30, 2018

The category of paper to choose would be the topic of the special issue.

For questions, please Hassen FOURATI, hassen.fourati at gipsa-lab.fr.

5. Conferences

5.1. International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing
Contributed by: Marian Barbu, Marian.Barbu at ugal.ro

22nd International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing -
October 10-12, 2018, Sinaia, Romania
Website: http://www.icstcc.ugal.ro/2018

ICSTCC 2018 aims at bringing together under a unique forum, scientists from
Academia and Industry, to discuss the state of the art and the new trends
in System Theory, Control and Computer Engineering, promoting professional
interactions and fellowship.

ICSTCC 2018 is technically co-sponsored by IEEE Control Systems Society.
In accordance with the Letter of Acquisition signed with IEEE, the
Proceedings of ICSTCC 2018 will be submitted for inclusion in IEEE Xplore
Digital Library. The Proceedings will also be submitted for indexing in
Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index (formerly ISI

ICSTCC 2018 conference will be hosted by the beautiful International Center
for Conferences – CASINO Sinaia. Sinaia is one of the most famous and
oldest mountain tourist resorts in Romania, known as “The Carpathian
Pearl”. It is best known for being the summer residence of the Romanian
Royal family. We are planning a number of field trips: Bran Castle
(Dracula's Castle) and Peles Castle.

Confirmed keynote speakers:
Alberto Bemporad (Italy)
Gildas Besancon (France)
Emilia Fridman (Israel)
Ion Necoara (Romania)
Dorothee Normand-Cyrot (France)
Sigurd Skogestad (Norway)

Important dates:
- April 27, 2018: Invited Session proposal submission
- May 4, 2018: Initial paper submission
- June 29, 2018: Notification of acceptance
- July 27, 2018: Final submission and registration payment

The main areas of interest are: Automation and Robotics; Computer Science
and Engineering; Electronics and Instrumentation

All papers should be submitted via the online submission system at

For further information please contact the organizing committee at:
icstcc2018 at ugal.ro.

5.2. International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems
Contributed by: Hye-Soo Kim, conference at icros.org

2018 18th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems
(ICCAS 2018)
October 17~20, 2018
YongPyong Resort, PyeongChang, GangWon Province, Korea

Call for Papers: http://icros.org/data/download/ICCAS2018/ICCAS2018_CFP.pdf

The aim of the ICCAS is to bring together researchers and engineers
worldwide to present their latest works, and disseminate the
state-of-the-art technologies related to control, automation, robotics, and

- May 31, 2018 : Submission of Regular Papers (3~6 pages)
- June 30, 2018 : Submission of Organized Session/Mini-symposium Proposal
with Papers and Research Poster Papers (1~2 pages)
- July 31, 2018 : Notification of Acceptance
- August 31, 2018 : Submission of Final Camera-ready Papers

PAPER SUBMISSION: The conference invites three types of submission:
"Regular Paper", "Research Poster Paper", and "Organized (Invited)
Session/Mini-symposium Paper". To submit papers, go "Online Paper
Submission" on the website: http://sigongji.2018.iccas.org/

PAPER SUBMISSION GUIDELINE: http://2018.iccas.org/?page_id=81

Indexed in: IEEE Xplore, EI compendex, and SCOPUS

- Edwin K. P. Chong (Colorado State Univ., USA)
- Mattew W. Smuck (Stanford Univ., USA)
- Janan Zaytoon (Univ. of Reims, France)
- Xiaoyan Zhu (Tsinghua Univ., China)
- Hideaki Ishii (Tokyo Inst. of Tech., Japan)

-- Welcome to PyeongChang, 2018 Winter Olympics Venue --
PyeongChang is a county in Gangwon Province, South Korea. It’s known for
Odaesan National Park, with trails crisscrossing the Taebaek Mountains. The
park is also home to several Buddhist temples, including Woljeongsa Temple,
with its 9-story octagonal pagoda. Lee Hyo-seok Culture Village explores
the life of early-20th-century poet Lee Hyo-seok. On the Heungjeong Valley
bank are the 7 themed gardens of Herbnara Farm.

General Chair: Chul Joo Hwang (President of ICROS; Jusung Engineering,
Korea)Organizing Chair: Sungwan Kim (Seoul Nat’l Univ., Korea)
Program Chair: Jung Kim (KAIST, Korea)

Organized by Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems (ICROS)
Technically Co-sponsored by: IEEE CSS; IEEE RAS; IEEE IES; SICE; ACA; ISA;

5.3. Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing
Contributed by: Angie Ellis, amellis at illinois.edu

56th Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing – October
2-5, 2018

CONFERENCE CO-CHAIRS | Negar Kiyavash & Daniel Liberzon

Conference website: http://allerton.csl.illinois.edu/

Call for Papers: Submission Deadline: July 9, 2018

Manuscripts can be submitted from June 15-July 9, 2018 with the submission
deadline of July 9th being firm. Please follow the instructions at


JULY 9 — Submission Deadline

AUGUST 6 — Acceptance Date Authors will be notified of acceptance via email
by August 6, 2018, at which time they will also be sent detailed
instructions for the preparation of their papers for the Conference

AFTER AUGUST 6 — Registration Opens

OCTOBER 2 — Opening Tutorial Lectures given by Paulo Tabuada and Joao
Hespanha at the Coordinated Science Lab, University of Illinois at

OCTOBER 3-5 — Conference Sessions at the University of Illinois Allerton
Park & Retreat Center. The Allerton House is located 26 miles southwest of
the Urbana-Champaign campus of the University of Illinois in a wooded area
on the Sangamon River. It is part of the 1,500 acre Robert Allerton Park, a
complex of natural and man-made beauty designated as a National natural
landmark. Allerton Park has 20 miles of well-maintained trails and a living
gallery of formal gardens, studded with sculptures collected from around
the world.

PLENARY SPEAKER — A. Stephen Morse, Dudley Professor of Electrical
Engineering at Yale University

OCTOBER 7 — Final Paper Deadline Final versions of papers that are
presented at the conference must be submitted electronically in order to
appear in the Conference Proceedings and IEEE Xplore.

5.4. ACM International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control
Contributed by: Kostas Margellos, kostas.margellos at eng.ox.ac.uk

CALL FOR PARTICIPATION — 21st ACM International Conference on Hybrid
Systems: Computation and Control

HSCC 2018 is the 21st in a series of single-track conferences focusing on
original research on concepts, tools, and techniques from computer science,
control theory, and applied mathematics for the analysis and control of
hybrid systems, with an emphasis on computational aspects. By drawing on
strategies from computation and control, hybrid systems theory finds
application in both man-made cyber-physical systems and natural systems.

HSCC 2018 will be held in Porto, Portugal, from April 11 to April 13, 2018,
as part of the CPS Week 2018 (http://www.cister.isep.ipp.pt/cpsweek2018/),
that includes also the International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems
(ICCPS), the International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor
Networks (IPSN), the Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications
Symposium (RTAS), and several other smaller events.


HSCC 2018 program covers a wide spectrum of topics, from theoretical
results to practical considerations related to the implementation of tools
for modeling, verification, control design. We trust that researchers from
academy and industry who are interested in hybrid systems theory and its
applications will find the program of HSCC 2018 stimulating and inspiring
for their work. The program (see https://www.hscc2018.deib.polimi.it/program)

- nine sessions with presentations of regular and tool papers, and a Demo
and Poster session
- HSCC Keynote “Compositional Synthesis for Symbolic Control” by Antoine
Girard, CNRS, France
- HSCC-ICCPS Panel Session “What are the challenges posed to CPS theory by
modern applications?”
with the participation of Frank Allgower (University of Stuttgart), James
Kapinski (Toyota Research Institute of North America), Jens Oehlerking
(Robert Bosch GmbH), Patrick Panciatici (RTE French Transmission System
Operator), Akshay Rajhans (MathWorks), Joao Tasso de Figueiredo Borges de
Sousa (University of Porto)

AWARDS (and supporters)

Best Demo/Poster (Toyota), Best Repeatability Evaluation (Ansys), and *New
this year* Test-of-Time (Bosch and MathWorks) and Best Paper (Denso)

REGISTRATION - See http://www.cister.isep.ipp.pt/cpsweek2018/reg


5.5. Interational Conference on Network Games, Control and Optimization
Contributed by: Quanyan Zhu, qz494 at nyu.edu

Interational Conference, NETwork Games, COntrol and OPtimization, New York,
November 14-16, 2018

NETGCOOP 2018 welcomes original papers related to many network application
domains, such as mobile and fixed access networks, computer networks,
social networks, transportation networks, and more recently electricity
grids and biological networks. Both conceptual and algorithmic tools are
needed for efficient and robust control operation, for performance
optimization, and for better understanding of relationships between
entities which may be cooperative or act selfishly, in uncertain and
possibly adversarial environments. We encourage both theoretical
contributions and submissions relating to real world empirical
measurements, experimental studies.

Important Dates:

Manuscript submission: June 22, 2018
Notification of acceptance: August 27, 2018
Camera-Ready submission: September 15, 2018
Conference: November 14-16, 2018

Conference Organizers:

General Co-Chairs: Jean Walrand (UC Berkeley).
General Vice Co-Chair : Yezekael Hayel (University of Avignon) and Quanyan
Zhu (New York University).
TPC Co-Chairs: Rachid El-Azouzi (University of Avignon), Jianwei Huang (The
Chinese University of Hong Kong), and Ishai Menasche (Microsoft Research).

5.6. Indian Control Conference
Contributed by: Mathukumalli Vidyasagar, m.vidyasagar at iith.ac.in

The Fifth Indian Control Conference will take place during January 9-11
(Wednesday through Friday), 2019, on the campus of the Indian Institute of
Technology Delhi. Previous ICCs were held in Chennai (2015), Hyderabad
(2016), Guwahati (2017), and Kanpur (2018).

We have already lined up three excellent plenary speakers for the Fifth
ICC, namely:

Prof. Andrew Alleyne, Illinois
Prof. Subhashis Chaudhury, IIT Bombay
Prof. Mustafa Khammash, ETH Zurich

As with previous ICCs, the Fifth ICC has received Technical Co-Sponsorship
and Proceedings Acquisition from the IEEE Control Systems Society.
Therefore papers presented at the ICC will appear in IEEE Xplore, after a
quality review.

The paper submission deadline is May 25th, 2018. Further details can be
found on our web site: icc.org.in

We look forward to welcoming you to Delhi in January 2019.

5.7. IEEE 2018 Ecuador Technical Chapters Meeting
Contributed by: Alberto Sanchez, aesanchez at ieee.org

IEEE 2018 Ecuador Technical Chapters Meeting CfP


Important Dates
Full Paper Submission: 10 June 2018
Acceptance Notification: 31 July 2018
Final paper Submission: 18 August 2018
Workshops & Tutorials: 15-16 October 2018
Conference Dates: 17-19 October 2018

The IEEE Ecuador section takes great pleasure in inviting you to the 2018
IEEE ETCM, which will be held from October 17th-19th 2018 in Cuenca,

The 2018 IEEE Ecuador Technical Chapters Meeting (ETCM) will be the third
edition of the running series of conferences organized by the IEEE Ecuador
Section and which intends to provide a highly prestigious venue for
researchers, students and practitioners from the IEEE Technical Society
Chapters in Ecuador.

The conference covers both theoretical and practical issues related to
Communications, Computing, Control Systems, Industrial Electronics,
Engineering in Medicine and Biology, Power and Energy, Robotics and
Automation, Electron Devices and use of Standards.

5.8. Australia & New Zealand Control Conference
Contributed by: Ljubo Vlacic, l.vlacic at griffith.edu.au

07 – 08 December 2018, Melbourne, Australia

Submission of draft papers (all types): 05 June 2018
Invited Session proposals: 01 June 2018
Workshop & Tutorial proposals: 05 June 2018
Author notification: 15 August 2018
Final papers: 01 September 2018
Early registration: 30 August 2018
The Award Nominations: 15 October 2018
Workshops/Tutorials: 06 December 2018
Conference: 7 – 8 December 2018

In addition to traditional paper type submissions, ANZCC 2018 is also
seeking submissions of:
* Practitioner papers, 2 – 6 pages; and
* Presentation-only papers 2 – 6 pages.

Further details can be obtained from

5.9. CITRIS/CPAR Control Theory and Automation Symposium
Contributed by: Abhishek Halder, ahalder at ucsc.edu

CITRIS and the Banatao Institute, People and Robots Initiative (CPAR)
Control Theory and Automation Symposium will be held on Friday, April 27,
2018, 10 am - 5 pm at UC Santa Cruz.

Website: https://norcal-control.github.io/

This symposium will kick off the 1st NorCal Control Workshop, an annual
event providing a forum to bring together students, postdocs and faculty
from various universities, as well as representatives from industry, in the
Northern California region working in the broad area of systems and control
to share knowledge and build new connections.

This inaugural event is organized by CITRIS and the Banatao Institute,
People and Robots Initiative (CPAR) [web:
http://citris-uc.org/initiatives/robotics-2/], and the Cyber-Physical
Systems Research Center (CPSRC) [https://cps.soe.ucsc.edu/] at UC Santa
Cruz and focuses on a timely theme to the field of systems and control. A
goal of the symposium is to spark discussions leading to answers to the
following questions: What are the key challenges in the development of
control and automation solutions to the complex problems of today? What are
unique future opportunities and problems where control and automation would
play a key role? The event features two keynote talks, a panel with systems
and control experts from academia and industry on current challenges and
future directions, as well as a poster and networking session.

5.10. IFAC Workshop on Distributed Estimation and Control in Networked
Contributed by: Claudio De Persis, c.de.persis at rug.nl

7th IFAC Workshop on Distributed Estimation and Control in Networked
Systems (NecSys18)
August 27-28, 2018
University of Groningen, Groningen, the Netherlands

The Organising Committee has the pleasure of inviting you to participate in
the 7th IFAC Workshop on Distributed Estimation and Control in Networked
Systems (NecSys18) to be held at the University of Groningen, the
Netherlands, August 27-28, 2018.

Networked systems and complex dynamical systems can be taken as composed of
a large number of simple systems interacting through a communication
medium. These systems arise as natural models in many areas of engineering
and sciences, such as sensor networks, autonomous and unmanned vehicles,
Internet of Things (IoT), smart manufacturing systems (Industry 4.0),
biological networks, and animal cooperative aggregation.

The workshop will focus on recent theoretical and experimental developments
in the last few years for the analysis, design, identification, estimation
and control of networked systems. The aim of this workshop is to bring
together researchers from control, computer science, communication, game
theory, statistics, mathematics and other areas, as well as practitioners
in the related industrial or educational fields, to discuss emerging topics
in networked systems of common interest.

Following the tradition of previous NecSys workshops, the workshop will be
single track and will feature plenary presentations and poster/interactive
sessions of contributed papers. The plenary speakers who have so far
confirmed their presence are:

- Carlos Canudas de Wit (CNRS, GIPSA-Lab)
- Jorge Cortes (University of California San Diego)
- Florian Dorfler (ETH Zurich)
- Antoine Girard (CNRS, L2S)
- Julien Hendrickx (UC Louvain)
- Paul Van den Hof (TU Eindhoven)
- Steve Morse (Yale University)
- Giuseppe Notarstefano (University of Salento)
- Lacra Pavel (University of Toronto)

Titles and abstracts are available at

* Paper submission deadline: April 15, 2018 (see the conference website for
the most updated information)
* Notification of acceptance: June 30, 2018
* Final paper submission deadline: July 20, 2018

Conference Co-chairs
* Claudio De Persis (University of Groningen)
* Ming Cao (University of Groningen)

International Programme Committee Chair
* Mehran Mesbahi (University of Washington)

International Programme Committee Co-chairs
* Kanat Camlibel (University of Groningen)
* Hyungbo Shim (Seoul National University)

5.11. World Congress: Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and
Contributed by: Seenith Sivasundaram, seenithi at gmail.com

World Congress: Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and Sciences
WHEN: July 3, 2018 – July 6, 2018
WHERE: American University of Armenia, Yerevan
Website: http://www.icnpaa.com

Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and Science have stimulated
cooperation among scientists from a variety of disciplines. Developments in
computer technology have additionally allowed for solutions of mathematical
problems. This international forum will extend scholarly cooperation and
collaboration, encouraging the dissemination of ideas and information.
The conference will have a pool of active researchers, with a proper
balance between academia and industry, as well as between senior and junior
researchers, including graduate students and post-doctoral fellows. It is
anticipated that such a balance will provide both senior and junior
researchers an opportunity to interact and to have a wider picture of
recent advances in their respective fields. The conference, especially,
enables the setting up of new interdisciplinary research directions among
its participants by establishing links with world renowned researchers,
making possible joint international projects that will no doubt bring about
fresh and innovative ideas and technologies in engineering, aerospace and

Co-Sponsored by: AIAA: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
IFIP: International Federation of Information Processing
American University of Armenia, Yerevan

5.12. ACC Workshop on “Interdisciplinary Research to Advance the
State-of-the-Art in Human Machine Interaction and Human Robot Interaction”
Contributed by: Neera Jain, neerajain at purdue.edu

We invite you to participate in our upcoming workshop at the 2018 ACC
titled "Interdisciplinary Research to Advance the State-of-the-Art in Human
Machine Interaction and Human Robot Interaction." There is a growing need
for expertise from the social science and human factors communities to
strengthen our modeling, theoretical foundations, and data collection and
analysis methods. While a large number of recent requests for proposals
specifically call for multidisciplinary collaboration, building the
necessary relationships to do so is often difficult. Therefore, the goals
of this workshop are to 1) facilitate networking among researchers in both
engineering and the social sciences, 2) brainstorm critical research needs
in HMI and HRI, and 3) discuss strategies for successful collaboration
across disciplines for HMI and HRI research. Participants will be engaged
through talks delivered by experts in academia, government, and industry,
break-out group discussions, and networking activities. Faculty, students,
and other researchers who are interested in the broader area of
human-machine and/or human-robot interaction, with a particular emphasis on
engaging in multidisciplinary collaborations, are encouraged to register
for the workshop. Confirmed speakers include researchers in human factors
and psychology at Sandia National Laboratories and the Air Force Research

Date: June 26th, 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM
Organizers: Neera Jain and Tahira Reid (Purdue University)

You can find more info here:

6. Positions

6.1. PhD: University of Houston, USA
Contributed by: Zheng Chen, zchen43 at central.uh.edu

The Bio-inspired Robotics and Controls Lab in the Department of Mechanical
Engineering at the University of Houston has available NSF funding to
support PhD students in the general area of Bio-inspired Robotics, Soft
Actuators and Sensors, Bio-mechatronics, and Dynamics and Control. The
successful candidate is expected to have a strong background in control
theory, modeling of complex dynamic systems, real-time control system
design, system identification, micro/nano fabrication. Good programming
skills and experience with C/C++, MATLAB/Simulink is an asset. A background
in soft actuators and sensors as well as prior working experience with
underwater robot design will be an advantage. Applicant to this position
should already have completed (or will soon complete) a Master degree in
systems and controls, electrical engineering, and/or mechanical
engineering. The funding covers the cost of full tuition and stipends at a
competitive rate and can start as early as Fall 2018.

The position will remain open until filled. Interested individuals should
send their detailed curriculum vitae, copies of their recent transcripts,
personal statement, a copy of their best publication in English, and if
applicable GRE/TOFEL test scores to Dr. Zheng Chen (zchen43 at central.uh.edu).

6.2. PhD: Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Contributed by: Lars Imsland, lars.imsland at ntnu.no

A fully funded PhD research fellowship position within “Economic Model
Predictive Control Across Different Time Scales” is available at the
Department of Engineering Cybernetics, Norwegian University of Science and
Technology, Trondheim, Norway. Candidates that expect to complete their
Master degree studies by summer 2018 can apply.

Further information and application form can be found at

6.3. PhD: University of Exeter, UK
Contributed by: Tim Hughes, t.h.hughes at exeter.ac.uk

PhD: University of Exeter.
"Economic uncertainty and the robust design of sustainable financial
Closing date for applications: 6 April 2018

The University of Exeter’s College of Engineering, Mathematics and Physical
Sciences is inviting applications for a fully-funded PhD studentship to
commence in September 2018 or as soon as possible thereafter. This award
provides annual funding to cover UK/EU tuition fees and a tax-free stipend.
For students who pay UK/EU tuition fees the award will cover the tuition
fees in full, plus at least £14,777 per year tax-free stipend. Students who
pay international tuition fees are eligible to apply, but should note that
the award will only provide payment for part of the international tuition
fee and no stipend. The student would be based in Mathematics in the
College of Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences at the Penryn
Campus in Cornwall.

Project Description:
Recent years have seen sustained growth in aggregate debt levels (private +
public debt) and rising inequality. Indeed, excessive rises in debt levels
are attributed as one of the main causes of the 2008 financial crisis.
Attempts to explain this instability have led to several competing economic
models, which exhibit differing dynamics and result in differing
conclusions on important issues such as austerity and banking regulations.
This project will use and develop techniques from mathematical systems and
control to (1) investigate the sensitivity of economic dynamics to these
differing modelling assumptions; and (2) design mechanisms for controlling
aggregate debt levels and other key economic indicators, which are robust
to the inherent modelling uncertainties. The objective is to inform the
understanding of contemporary economic dynamics and the design of more
sustainable, equitable and efficient financial systems.

For further details, see

6.4. PhD: GIPSA-Lab, Grenoble, France
Contributed by: C. Prieur, christophe.prieur at gipsa-lab.fr

PhD position at GIPSA-Lab, Grenoble, France.

Project title: Estimating the attitude by IMU/vision measurements in
navigation: an automatic control approach.

The proposed work will consist in exploring different approaches to
estimate the attitude and position of the body by using magnetic, inertial
and vision measures. Each types of measure have its own bias, drift, and
possible perturbation, but we aim in designing new estimation algorithms. A
possible track will consist in developing a thorough model of all the
measured signals (continuous time and discrete time) in the context of
developing a new observer, integrating all measures in one step, and not
using separate objectives and separate observers, with a post-processing of
observer outputs.

PhD candidates should have a Masters degree with a strong background in
control theory. Knowledge of observers and nonlinear dynamics with computed
skills are welcome.

Starting date: flexible, as soon as a competent candidate has been selected.

For more information, see
Contact christophe.prieur at gipsa-lab.fr
with a detailed resume, the CV and a list of (at least) two references.

6.5. PhD: University of Lübeck, Germany
Contributed by: Georg Schildbach, georg.schildbach at uni-luebeck.de

Ph.D. Position in Autonomous Systems

We are looking for a passionate doctoral student to join the research group
on Autonomous Systems with focus on “intelligent planing and control”. Your
responsibilities are to carry out an independent research project, to
support our teaching, to supervise Bachelors and Masters theses, and to
help with laboratory experiments. Possible areas of research include:
• Algorithms for advanced control
• Numerical optimization for embedded systems
• Machine learning for object detection and situation interpretation
• Motion planning and trajectory tracking
• Strategies for the reliability of safety-critical systems
The main prerequisite is a good Masters degree in any subdiscipline of
computer science, engineering, or mathematics as well as a strong
motivation for research. In addition, you should have some experience with
computer programming and scientific writing, and be able to communicate
fluently in English. Prior in the field of robotics or mechatronics would
be a plus, but not a strict requirement.

For more information see:

If you would like to apply for this position, please send your full
documents (cv, transcripts, etc.) to:
Prof. Dr. Georg Schildbach (georg.schildbach at uni-luebeck.de)

6.6. PhD: University of Lorraine, France
Contributed by: Dominique Sauter, dominique.sauter at univ-lorraine.fr

A fully funded Ph.D. position is available in the area of control theory
and informatics at University of Lorraine, France. The appointment will be
for 3 years with 1 year extension possible.

The design of secure and safe Networked Control Systems (NCS) is of high
importance in the control of large-scale critical infrastructures or
industrial plants such as power grids, transportation systems,
communication networks, oil and gas pipelines,...The distributed monitoring
and control of Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) relies on the use of
information exchanged via networks between controllers, actuators and
sensors. The information exchanged is therefore vulnerable to malicious
attacks applied to the signals received and issued by the controllers.

In this PhD thesis, to go beyond the current state of the art solutions,
the original idea is to jointly design dynamic resource
reallocation/scheduling and control law synthesis for drastically
increasing the resilience of CPS face to malicious attacks. This can be
achieved in SDN framework where physical plant controller and network
controller may be merged.

This thesis aims to design distributed control algorithms and SDN-based
network resource reallocation/scheduling policies resilient to malicious
attacks applied to the CPS measurements received and issued by the

Applicants shall have a Master’s degree or equivalent in systems and
controls, computer science, applied Math or a related discipline.

To apply for this Ph.D. position, send an email to
dominique.sauter at univ-lorraine.fr (please attach CV and motivation letter).

6.7. PhD: University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Contributed by: Ming Cao, ming.cao at ieee.org

PhD position at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands
Department of Discrete Technology and Production Automation (DTPA)
Research Institute of Engineering and Technology (ENTEG)
University of Groningen, the Netherlands

Project title: Control of autonomous agents

General description: This project is funded by the European Research
Council (ERC). The aim is to study how to design novel strategies and
algorithms to control the collective behavior of interacting autonomous
agents. It is envisioned to apply systems and control theory to model and
analyze such complex networks, and uses robotic teams as case studies to
implement and validate theoretical results. The project will enrich
multidisciplinary research at the interface of systems theory, game theory,
optimization theory and complex network theory, and will also promote the
application of autonomous robotic teams. The PhD position is for 4 years
and the starting gross salary is about € 2200 per month in the first year
and increases to about € 2800 gross per month in the final year. After the
first year, there will be an evaluation. The position will start in 2018.

Research group profile: The Department of Discrete Technology and
Production Automation (DTPA) at the University of Groningen, the
Netherlands, provides a leading education and research environment for
students and researchers who are interested in the inter-disciplinary study
in engineering, computer science, mathematics and applied sciences in
general. The research activities at DTPA focus on developing quantitative
and analytical theories and methodologies for complex industrial processes
and systems, such as autonomous robots, sensor networks, micro-assemblies,
energy systems and space systems. The research of the group is funded by
both public agencies and industrial partners.

Candidate profile: Applicants should have a Masters degree in one of the
following disciplines: electrical or mechanical engineering, applied
mathematics, computer science or applied physics. It is desirable for the
applicants to have solid knowledge about systems and control theory, game
theory, optimization or network theory.
Application: Applicants must submit the following materials:
-- Curriculum vitae;
-- Transcripts;
-- List of two references

These should be emailed to Prof. Ming Cao (ming.cao at ieee.org,
www.rug.nl/staff/m.cao/), who is available for further inquiry.

6.8. PhD: CNRS, Grenoble, France
Contributed by: LEON Lydie, lydie.leon at gipsa-lab.fr

PHD Offer : Traffic control in large-scale urban networks

Supervisors: Carlos Canudas-de-Wit (DR-CNRS, main supervisor), Maria Laura
Delle Monache (CR-Inria, co-supervisor)
Application type: PhD. Gross salary: 1757 Euros/month (CNRS PhD official
Start: anytime from Sep. 2018. Duration: 36 months. Employer: CNRS.
Location: Grenoble, France

More details on our website : http://scale-freeback.eu/openings/

Requested Background: Control systems, applied mathematics, estimation

6.9. PhD: Newcastle University, UK
Contributed by: Sadegh Soudjani, sadegh.soudjani at ncl.ac.uk

A fully funded Ph.D. position is available in the area of "Formal
Verification and Synthesis of Cyber-Physical Systems" in the School of
Computing at Newcastle University.

Cyber-physical systems (CPS) are systems of collaborating computational
elements controlling physical entities. Composition of continuous and
discrete models is essential for capturing the behaviour of such systems.
Verification and synthesis of CPS are algorithmically studied using
abstraction techniques and model checking tools. The goal of this research
is to focus on formal verification and controller synthesis of CPS models
by addressing robustness and scalability of the algorithms, while taking
uncertainty into account, utilising available data from the system and
synthesising optimal controllers. Application areas of the research
include, among others, smart grids, energy networks and systems biology.

This studentship provides a unique opportunity to perform
interdisciplinary, high-impact research within a group of interdisciplinary
researchers. The successful candidate will work closely with Dr Soudjani
and will join the AMBER group, which gives possibility of collaboration and
interaction with scientists in CESI centre on energy applications and in
ICOS group on Biosystems.
The successful candidate has an excellent first degree in, e.g., computer
science, mathematics, or engineering. For this interdisciplinary research,
the candidate is expected to have a strong background in one of the three
areas (control theory, computer science, probability theory) and wish to
gain knowledge on the other areas.

The School of Computing, including the AMBER group, has recently moved in a
new, state-of-the-art, £58 million building which is highly sensorised and
can be used as a unique research facility.

Application closing date is 15 June 2018 or until funding a suitable
candidate. Expected start date is October 2018 or soon thereafter. The
appointment will be for 3 years.

Interested individuals should send their detailed curriculum vitae and
other supporting documents to Dr Sadegh Soudjani (sadegh.soudjani at ncl.ac.uk).
Only potential suitable candidates will be contacted.

6.10. PhD: University of Louisiana at Lafayette, USA
Contributed by: Afef Fekih, afef.fekih at louisiana.edu

The Advanced Controls Laboratory at the University of Louisiana at
Lafayette, USA has available funding to support a PhD student in the
general area of advanced control design/Fault Tolerant Control with
application to dynamic systems. Special considerations will be given to
students who have previously worked with power systems such as wind
turbines and/or PVs, smart grid. The successful candidate is expected to
have a strong background in control systems theory, and a very good
knowledge of power systems in general. Programming skills in
MATLAB/Simulink are required. A genuine interest and curiosity in the
subject, excellent oral and written English communication skills are needed.

Applicants shall have a Master’s degree or equivalent in systems and
controls, power systems, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering,
applied Math or a related discipline. The PhD student is expected to carry
out original research and complete coursework throughout the period of
appointment. Results will be communicated in the form of journal
publications, conference presentations, and the PhD dissertation.

The funding covers the cost of full tuition and stipends at a competitive
rate and will start in Fall 2018.

Interested individuals should send their detailed curriculum vitae to Dr.
Afef Fekih (afef.fekih at louisiana.edu).

6.11. PhD: University of Strasbourg, France
Contributed by: Hassan OMRAN, homran at unistra.fr

Following previous works within the Control-Vision-and-Robotics group of
ICube lab, this Phd subject is at the interface between control and
robotics. Indeed, we wish to contribute to the development of methods for
system analysis and controller synthesis that suits for cable-driven
parallel robots (CDPR). CDPR are composed of a platform connected to
attachment points through cables whose length and tension are adjusted by
winding. Their low invasiveness, large workspace and high
load-mass-per-robot-mass ratio make them interesting solutions for original
applications. The control of these systems has to face many complexities.
On the one hand, as for all parallel robots, models exhibit algebraic
equations in addition to dynamic equations - we speak of a differential
algebraic equation (DAE), which represents a complexity to be managed for
modelling and simulation. On the other hand, it must be ensured that the
cable tensions remain positive. Moreover, they introduce flexible modes to
the non-linear dynamics of these systems which are also multi-variable. In
this research work, the simplifying hypothesis of straight cables will be
relaxed and the models will be processed directly in DAE form. A first
contribution was produced by the team on the possibility of directly
addressing the problem in DAE form a simplistic example of plane robot with
three straight cables. Moreover, we have studied taking into account the
non-rectilinear character of cables in dynamics based on the "assumed mode"
method commonly used for series manipulators with deformations. In this
work, the idea will consist in approaching the non-linear DAE model by a
linear DAE model with variant parameters in order to use the methods
available for these classes of systems.

Applicant profile:

Applicants should be in second year of a Master or in the last year of an
Engineering School, with a strong specialization in Automatic Control. They
should be comfortable with the concept of multi-variable systems control
and the use Matlab/Simulink. They should have excellent communication
skills, especially in English, and the capability to read scientific
articles without difficulty.

How to apply:

Send a resume, a cover letter explaining your skills with respect to the
project, your motivations and your Master grades (use a unique pdf
document) to homran at unistra.fr

Application deadline: May, 15 2018

For more details :


6.12. PhD: Aarhus University, Denmark
Contributed by: Erdal Kayacan, erdal.kayacan at gmail.com

Applications are invited for a fully funded PhD studentship position within
the Department of Engineering at Aarhus University, Denmark starting in the
fall 2018. At Aarhus University, you will have thrilling opportunity to
apply the latest artificial intelligence technologies to solve real-world
problems, in particular advanced autonomy for aerial robots.

Research area and project description:

We are looking for qualified and talented enthusiast PhD students who wish
to investigate embedded guidance, control and navigation problem of
unmanned aerial systems using artificial intelligence/machine learning
methods with emphasis on reinforcement learning, deep neural networks, and
learning controls for robotics.

Our aim is to leverage the current state-of-the-art autonomy level towards
smarter robots, which will learn and interact with their environment,
collaborate with people and other robots, plan their future actions and
execute the given task accurately.

If you wish to shape the future through the marriage of robotics with
artificial intelligence/machine learning, come and join us, we can create
this vision with your help through the alliance of robotics with artificial
intelligence/machine learning.

What you stand to gain? A fully funded PhD position for 3 years (starting
Fall 2018) at the Department of Engineering, Aarhus University; a fun
environment to drive your passion for robotics.

Qualifications and specific competences:

· A master's degree in mechanical engineering, electrical engineering,
aerospace engineering, computer science/engineering, control theory,
mechatronics, applied mathematics, or other related disciplines
· Excellent verbal and writing skills in English with very good
communication skills
· Experience in Robot Operating System (ROS)
· Concrete knowledge in C/C++

· Experience in machine/deep learning
· Hands on experience in UAVs
· Demonstration of research activities (conference or journal papers)

Please refer to the official advert [1] for application details and
guideline. The deadline for applications via the online system [1] is 01
May 2018.


Do you want to study for a PhD at a top 100 university?

Aarhus University is a modern, academically diverse and research-intensive
university with a strong commitment to high-quality research and education
and the development of society nationally and globally. The university
offers an inspiring research and teaching environment to its 42,500
students and 11,500 employees and has an annual budget of EUR 840 million.
Over the course of the past decade, the university has consolidated its
position in the top 100 on the most influential rankings of universities

Learn more at http://www.au.dk/en/ and

Denmark is home country for Aarhus University and provides a safe and
stable environment with great conditions as well as lots of social
opportunities. Aarhus is innovative and international, big city but in
walking distance, surrounded by forests, parks and sea.
Learn more at http://talent.au.dk/working-at-aarhus-university/

Salary range:

PhD fellows are employed on the basis of academic trade union agreements,
and the salary is regulated accordingly (depending on seniority). The
salary amounts to approx. DKK 26,000 per month before tax, excluding
pension and holiday (2017). The working and fiscal status of a recipient of
a PhD fellowship is that of a university employee.
Learn more at http://talent.au.dk/phd/scienceandtechnology/financing/


Applicants seeking further information are invited to contact:
Associate Professor Erdal Kayacan, e-mail: erdal.kayacan at gmail.com,

6.13. PhD: Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Contributed by: Henk Blom, h.a.p.blom at tudelft.nl

The Aerospace Engineering department of Delft University of Technology is
offering a PhD position on Risk Modelling and Simulation for Adaptive
Aircraft Maintenance. This research will be done at the section Air
Transport Operations (ATO), in connection with the European H2020 project
‘ReMAP’, which aims at using condition-based health monitoring to ensure
safe and reliable aircraft maintenance. The ATO section is a vibrant and
youthful group of 30 enthusiastic staff members and PhDs with 40 MSc
students per year. ATO has three research aims: 1) to develop radical new
ways to optimise aircraft operations for efficiency, safety, cost, and
environmental impact; 2) to extend the analysis to an airline fleet and
network level to include capacity and resilience; 3) to synthesise these to
include operational safety at an airline and ATM level.

The research challenge: Aircraft maintenance is of crucial importance to
ensure safe and cost-efficient air transport operations. As such, aircraft
maintenance is performed periodically according to well-defined schedules
and maintenance procedures. Despite this systematic approach, there are
many factors that affect the aircraft maintenance process such as
unforeseen component breakdowns or insufficient/erroneous data on the
condition of components. In turn, this can result in undesirable
maintenance-related aircraft accidents. To improve maintenance planning and
limit the risk of undesirable, maintenance-related events, in this project
a model and simulation of the maintenance process will be developed to
analyse maintenance risks. Promising techniques to explore for this project
are stochastic Petri nets, rare-event Monte Carlo simulation, data
assimilation methods for simulations, data clustering techniques.

• A Master of Science degree in aerospace engineering, applied mathematics,
computer science, operations research, mechanical engineering.
• Strong mathematical, analytical and programming skills.
• Interest in modelling and simulation of large, complex systems, involving
• Knowledge of data analysis techniques.
• Excellent communication skills in spoken and written English, and
teamwork skills.
• Creativity, positive attitude, and perseverance.
• Knowledge of stochastic modelling is an asset.
Conditions of employment: TU Delft offers a customisable compensation
package, a discount for health insurance and sport memberships, and a
monthly work costs contribution. Flexible work schedules can be arranged.
An International Children’s Centre offers childcare and an international
primary school. Dual Career Services offers support to accompanying
partners. Salary and benefits are in accordance with the Collective Labour
Agreement for Dutch Universities. As a PhD candidate you will enroll in the
TU Delft Graduate School. TU Delft Graduate School provides an inspiring
research environment; an excellent team of supervisors, academic staff and
a mentor; and a Doctoral Education Programme aimed at developing your
transferable, discipline-related and research skills. Please visit
www.phd.tudelft.nl for more information.

For more information, please contact Dr. M.A. (Mihaela) Mitici, phone +31
(0)15 27 87082, e-mail: m.a.mitici at tudelft.nl. To apply, please e-mail a
detailed CV, both BSc and MSc transcripts, and a letter of motivation by
1st May 2018 to V.M. van Bragt, V.M.vanBragt at tudelft.nl.
When applying, please refer to vacancy LR18-ReMAP.

6.14. PhD: Lund University, Sweden
Contributed by: Anders Rantzer, rantzer at control.lth.se

Positions as PhD student at the Department of Automatic Control, Lund

The department has a stimulating and international environment consisting
of PhD students, postdocs and teachers coming from all corners of the
world. Research and teaching are conducted in an open and progressive
atmosphere with challenges and cooperation both within academia and with
industry, with national and international networks. Lund University and the
Department of Automatic Control welcome applicants with diverse backgrounds
and experiences. See http://www.lth.se/english/about-lth/vacant-positions.

6.15. PhD/PostDoc: Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany
Contributed by: Stefan Streif, stefan.streif at etit.tu-chemnitz.de

The Automatic Control & System Dynamics Lab in the Faculty of Electrical
Engineering and Information Technology at the Chemnitz University of
Technology offers several positions for Research Associates (PhD students
as well as postdocs; full-time positions; initially limited to three years
and with the possibility of continuation).

Job and project descriptions:

You will work on research projects and aim for publications of your results
in reputed journals and participate at international conferences. Your
research addresses but is not limited to:
* learning-based and adaptive optimal control (with particular focus on MPC
and ADP);
* set-based and probabilistic methods for control and fault diagnosis;
* hierarchical control and scheduling for networked systems;
* formal verification of control systems.

Besides theoretical research topics, we offer a variety of applications in
the area of energy and automation, agriculture and food production. You
will be given large freedom for own research ideas and/or practical
implementations. New offices, laboratories and IT facilities provide an
ideal working environment. Furthermore, postdocs are given the chance to
build up their own group and actively strengthen and shape the above
activities by supervision of doctoral students and interaction with
industrial and academic partners. The salary is competitive (Germany's
standard remuneration group 13 TV-L; salary after-tax and with full health
insurance at least 2200 € / month or higher depending on your experience).

Your profile:

* strong background in optimal and/or nonlinear control theory;
* ability and/or interest to apply theoretical results in
application-oriented projects is an advantage;
* postdocs must have a high-quality publication record with a clear
relation to our research and application profile; furthermore, project
supervision and coordination skills are desirable;
* excellent writing and communication skills;
* basic knowledge of German is an advantage outside of the university, but
not strictly required.

Application process:

To apply or to request more information, please contact
control at etit.tu-chemnitz.de as soon as possible. Application documents
should include CV, publication record, and contact details of references.

Application deadline:
30 April 2018

6.16. Researcher: Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Contributed by: Giuseppe Calafiore, giuseppe.calafiore at polito.it

Researcher: Politecnico di Torino, Italy

The Department of Electronics and Telecommunications (DET) at Politecnico
di Torino, Italy, is looking to appoint one full-time Junior Researcher to
undertake research in the broader area of automatic control.

The position is fixed term, for 36 months. The approximate gross salary is
41,800 Euro per year. The position is reserved to candidates who obtained
their Ph.D. degree on or after Jan. 1, 2013.

Candidates should hold a Master’s degree in the fields of Control
Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Applied Mathematics, Data Science,
Mechanical Engineering, or Physics. The successful candidate will have a
developing research profile showing the ability to publish high quality
research output. He/she is required to be an excellent communicator with
strong communication skills, and be able to evidence excellent
interpersonal skills with relevant experience of working independently and
as part of a team. The successful candidate will have experience and/or
knowledge in one or more of the following areas: control theory, system
identification, optimization, robotics, applied probability, statistics,
and data science or machine learning.

For informal discussion of this opportunity, please contact Prof. Giuseppe
Calafiore at giuseppe.calafiore at polito.it.

The closing date for applications is 26 April, 2018.

Code of the procedure is: 01/18/PR/RA-13
Scientific Sector: 09/G1 Automatica.

Applications are accepted via an on-line application system. Information
are available at

6.17. PostDoc: University of Warwick, UK
Contributed by: Zhuqing Meng, xiaowei.zhao at warwick.ac.uk

Research Fellow (postdoc) in Wind Turbine Control, University of Warwick

Fixed Term position for 12 months, with the possibility of an extension for
a further 2 years. Salary: £29,799 - £38,833 per annum. Any researcher who
is interested in this post can talk with me (xiaowei.zhao at warwick.ac.uk)
before making formal application.

The School of Engineering of the University of Warwick is seeking to
appoint a full-time Research Fellow to work on an EPSRC-funded project on
wind turbine control. You will undertake independent and collaborative
research and will be expected to write up your research for publication.
You will be expected to deal with any management/administration problems
that may arise from the project and produce journal and conference
publications ensuring that the project objectives and deadlines are met.

It is essential that you have a good honours degree and a PhD (or expect to
be awarded the PhD shortly) in the fields of Control Engineering,
Electrical Engineering, Data Science, or Mechanical Engineering. You will
have a developing research profile with the ability to publish high quality
research output and will be able to contribute to the development of
funding proposals. You will have excellent IT skills including demonstrable
ability to use IT to write technical research papers and presentations. You
are also required to be an excellent communicator with strong communication
and interpersonal skills. You should have strong experience in at least one
of the following areas: mathematical modelling, controller design,
optimisation, wind turbines/farms, and data science. You should have
excellent interpersonal skills and be able to work well within a team.

If you have not yet been awarded your PhD but are near submission or have
recently submitted your PhD, any offers of employment will be made as
Research Assistant on level 5 of the University grade structure. Upon
successful award of your PhD and evidence of this fact, you will be
promoted to Research Fellow on the first point of the level 6 of the
University grade structure.

The University aims to promote work life balance for all employees and the
School of Engineering will consider a range of possible flexible working
arrangements in order to recruit the best candidate.

This post is for a fixed term of 12 months, with the potential for
extension for a further 2 years. For informal discussion of this
opportunity, please contact Dr. Xiaowei Zhao at xiaowei.zhao at warwick.ac.uk.

Click the link below for application:

6.18. PostDoc: University of Waterloo, Canada
Contributed by: John W. Simpson-Porco, jwsimpson at uwaterloo.ca

John W. Simpson-Porco at the University of Waterloo seeks a post-doctoral
fellow in the area of decentralized wide-area control design for modern
power systems. The project is titled "Wide-Area Hierarchical Frequency and
Voltage Control for Next Generation Transmission Grids". The broad research
objective is to leverage the latest advances in controller synthesis and
distributed optimization to design real-time controllers for power
transmission (and eventually, distribution) systems. A distinguishing
aspect of the project will be a focus on blending modern principled
controller design procedures with both hierarchical control and distributed
optimization approaches. Responsibilities will include the principled
design of distributed control solutions for power systems, and the
extensive validation of these control solutions using realistic power
system models.

The successful candidate must hold (1) a Ph.D. degree in either systems and
control theory, convex optimization, or power system dynamics and
control,(2) have an established track-record of academic publications in
top venues, (3) have exceptional written and verbal communication skills,
and (4) be highly motivated to make contributions in the area of
decentralized power system control.

To apply, E-mail your CV, a Google Scholar link, two to three
representative publications, and a list of three references to
jwsimpson at uwaterloo.ca

Information on the PI: https://ece.uwaterloo.ca/~jwsimpso/

6.19. PostDoc: University of Texas at Dallas, USA
Contributed by: Mario Rotea, rotea at utdallas.edu

Open Research Associate Position in Optimization & Control of Wind Energy

The wind energy team at the University of Texas at Dallas seeks to fill a
postdoctoral research associate position in optimization and control of
wind energy systems. The successful candidate will be part of a team of
faculty members, graduate students and industry partners developing
methodology and new technologies to enhance the performance and reliability
of wind energy systems and their integration to the power grid. UT Dallas
is home to a site of WindSTAR, an NSF Industry/University Cooperative
Research Center for use-inspired R&D to advance wind energy science &

Ph.D. in Engineering or Computer Science required. Must be recent Ph.D.
graduate within the past three years. To apply for this position go to

For information about WindSTAR activities, members and outcomes see the
annual report at

•Utilize wide range of resources to conduct quality research
•Assist team members in designing and conducting experiments and simulations
•Solve problems as they arise and establish solutions
•Assist in writing proposals for new research and write reports for
existing research
•Maintain database of results and write high-quality articles

•Ph.D. in Engineering or Computer Science with emphasis in one or more of
the following: control theory, control systems technology, real-time
optimization, machine learning.
•Ph.D. graduate within the past three years
•Experience in renewable energy systems
•Proficient in Matlab/Simulink, NI LabVIEW, LaTeX and MS Office
•Strong work ethic and passion for research
•Strong communication (English), analytical and critical thinking skills

6.20. PostDoc: Khalifa University of Science and Technology, UAE
Contributed by: Igor Boiko, i.boiko at ieee.org

A Postdoctoral Fellow Position is available in the area of “Fuel Cell
Control” at the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Khalifa
University of Science and Technology, Abu Dhabi, UAE (1.5 year contract).

Description: A Postdoctoral position is currently available at the
Petroleum Institute, a part of Khalifa University of Science and Technology
(Abu Dhabi, UAE) under the project related to a low temperature Polymer
Electrolyte Membrane (PEM) fuel cell modeling and control. Low temperature
PEM Fuel Cell is an electrochemical device which ensures generation of
electricity from a chemical reaction between hydrogen and oxygen. This
technology has gone through extensive research and development, primarily
because of its sustainable nature and zero gas emissions as compared to
fossil fuels. They can be used as a power source in different applications,
stationary or mobile. The project will involve: (i) Development of a
detailed non-linear model of the PEM fuel cell, particularly using the
approaches to the modeling of complex electrical and thermo-dynamic
components developed within the process control group of the Petroleum
Institute; (ii) Development and design of the model-based control of PEM
fuel cell system; (iii) Implementation of the complete system and
experimental testing.
Candidates must have PhD in Electrical Engineering or related discipline,
experience in modeling and simulation of complex electro-thermodynamic
processes using Matlab/Simulink and in fuel cell modeling and control in
particular, be able to work with hardware and conduct experiments.

Review of applications will begin April 1 and continue until position is
filled. Expected start date: September 2018.
The successful applicant will be offered a competitive salary

Interested applicants can send their CV to Prof. Igor Boiko (iboiko at pi.ac.ae)
and Dr. Ahmed Al-Durra (aaldurra at pi.ac.ae). Please note that due to an
expected high number of applications, only selected candidates will be
contacted for an interview.

6.21. PostDoc: Uppsala University, Sweden
Contributed by: Anders Ahlen, anders.ahlen at signal.uu.se

Postdoctoral position – Secure and Energy-Neutral Signal Processing and
Control over Networks

The position is at the Signals and Systems division, Department of
Engineering Sciences, The Angstrom Laboratory, Uppsala University. The
position is for two years starting 2018-05-01 or as soon as possible

Duties: To conduct original research in the area of signal- and information
processing and control over wireless sensor networks, in particular, (i)
theoretical analysis of secure and resilient networked estimation and
control subject to malicious attacks such as denial of service, data
integrity and eavesdropping attacks, (ii) game theoretic algorithms for
strategic system design, and (iii) integration of energy harvesting based
sensor networks in estimation and control of dynamical systems. Relevant
areas also include distributed and decentralized estimation- and control
algorithm design, e.g., with respect to wireless control applications.

Experience of theoretical and experimental work within the field is
important, as is experience of extensive programming in MATLAB and
preferably also in LabVIEW. The duties include theoretical analysis,
algorithm design and implementation via software based simulations, and
documentation in the form of technical papers and reports. Some teaching in
the undergraduate and/or graduate education and supervision of PhD students
may be included in the position not exceeding 20%.

Qualifications required: To qualify for an employment as a post-doctor, the
applicants must hold a PhD degree or a foreign qualification deemed
equivalent to a PhD and the PhD degree must have been obtained no more than
three years prior to the application date; however, for example, periods of
sick leave or parental leave are deducted from the three-year period.

For this position it is required to have PhD in Automatic Control, Signal
Processing or Wireless Communications with applications to networked
systems or a closely related subject with high quality publications in the
related area of signal processing, control and wireless communications.
Particular emphasis will be placed on a strong mathematical background
(including stochastic control and optimization theory, game theory
(desirable), and systems and control theory), and documented research
experience in signal and information processing/control for/via wireless
sensor networks.

For further information about the position, please refer to


or contact Professor Subhrakanti Dey (Subhrakanti.Dey at signal.uu.se) or Prof
Anders Ahlen (anders.ahlen at signal.uu.se). Information about the division of
Signals and Systems can be found at www.signal.uu.se.

6.22. PostDoc: Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Contributed by: Giulia Giordano, g.giordano at tudelft.nl

Postdoctoral position: Complex Dynamical Networks
Delft Center for Systems and Control (DCSC), Delft University of
Technology, The Netherlands.

We are looking for a talented post-doctoral research fellow with background
and interest in System Theory, Automatic Control, Optimisation; strong
mathematical skills; a track record of publications in high-quality
journals and/or conferences; and an excellent command of the English
language (knowledge of Dutch is not required).

The researcher will conduct fundamental theoretical and algorithmic
research on complex dynamical networks, with possible applications to
systems in both engineering and biology.
The researcher will not be assigned to a pre-defined project. She/He will
be free to follow her/his own preferences within the research activities
and expertise of the group. For more information on the possible research
topics, see:

Applicants should have the following qualifications
- Ph.D. degree (or close to completion) in Systems and Control, Operations
Research, Applied Mathematics, Electrical Engineering, or a related field.
- Strong mathematical skills, along with ability and interest to work at
the intersection of several technical research domains, in particular
System Theory, Automatic Control, Optimisation.
- Good programming skills (e.g., in Matlab).
- Excellent command of the English language and communication skills.

Expertise in either networked dynamical systems, decentralised control or
systems biology is highly appreciated.

Conditions of employment:
The TU Delft offers a customisable compensation package, a discount for
health insurance and sport memberships, and a monthly work costs
contribution. Flexible work schedules can be arranged. An International
Children’s Centre offers childcare and an international primary school.
Dual Career Services offers support to accompanying partners. Salary and
benefits are in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch

Information and application:
For more information about this position, please contact dr Giulia
Giordano, e-mail: g.giordano at tudelft.nl.
An application dossier consists of the following documents:
- detailed curriculum vitae and list of publications;
- a brief statement of motivation, research interests and vision (1-2
- academic transcripts of all exams taken and obtained degrees (in English);
- names and contact information of up to three references (e.g. PhD
- up to five publications (possibly, also currently unpublished work ad PhD

Applications can be submitted to Irina Bruckner, e-mail:
application-3mE at tudelft.nl.
When applying for this position, please refer to vacancy number 3ME18-11.

The call for applications will remain open until the ideal candidate is
The starting date is flexible, but ideally would be May/June 2018.

6.23. PostDoc: Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Contributed by: Erik Steur, e.steur at tudelft.nl

Postdoctoral position: Shaping collective dynamics in multi-robot systems
Delft Center for Systems and Control (DCSC), Delft University of
Technology, The Netherlands.

The departments Delft Center for Systems and Control, Cognitive Robotics
and Process and Energy (P&E) of Delft University of Technology are looking
for a talented postdoctoral fellow who will conduct research on the topic
of self-organizing multi-robot systems.

The number of potential applications of self-organizing multi-robot systems
is vast: swarms of nano-robots can perform distributed sensing tasks and
drug delivery in the human body; groups of robots can form self-deploying
sensor networks that operate in inaccessible or dangerous environments, and
teams of robots can guide pedestrian flows in panic escape situations. The
aim is to produce versatile and reconfigurable robotic systems that can
perform complex tasks fully autonomously by using only simple, reliable and
low-cost building blocks. The challenge is to steer robust organisation of
collective dynamics by controlling only local dynamics.

We are looking for a candidate with a PhD degree (or close to completion)
in Systems and Control, Applied Mathematics, Mathematical Physics, or
Computer science, with a strong interest in mathematical modeling and the
ability to do interdisciplinary research. Basic programming skills in
Matlab are expected and a good command of the English language is required.
Conditions of employment:
The TU Delft offers a customisable compensation package, a discount for
health insurance and sport memberships, and a monthly work costs
contribution. Flexible work schedules can be arranged. An International
Children’s Centre offers childcare and an international primary school.
Dual Career Services offers support to accompanying partners. Salary and
benefits are in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch

Information and application:
For more information about this position, please contact dr. Erik Steur,
e-mail: e.steur at tudelft.nl.
An application dossier consists of the following documents:
- detailed curriculum vitae and list of publications;
- a brief statement of motivation, research interests and vision (1-2
- names and contact information of three references.

Applications can be submitted to Irina Bruckner, e-mail:
application-3mE at tudeflt.nl.
When applying for this position, please refer to vacancy number 3ME18-24.

The call for applications will remain open until the ideal candidate is
The starting date is flexible, but ideally would be July/August 2018.

6.24. PostDoc: Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Contributed by: Jonas Sjöberg, jonas.sjoberg at chalmers.se

We invite applications for one post-doctoral position in 3D perception and
prediction of pedestrians for improved decision-taking in autonomous
driving and active safety.

At the Mechatronics and the Computer Vision Groups of the Electrical
Engineering Department, we are engaged in both fundamental and applied
research related to intelligent transportation systems. Ongoing research
projects focus on the design and the experimental validation of algorithms
for autonomous vehicles operating in complex urban environments. This
includes both situation awareness using cameras and other sensory
information in connection with models to predict the surroundings, as well
as developing control algorithms using the predictions. Our research is,
where possible, validated through experiments on full-scale vehicles, and
often, in collaboration with industrial partners.

The candidate will join a team of postdocs and PhD students engaged in
neighboring research, with the main objective of developing algorithms to
control automated vehicles focusing on issues like safe and efficient

Application deadline: 15 April 2018

More information and application procedure at:

For questions, please contact:
Fredrik Kahl, Computer Vision Group, fredrik.kahl at chalmers.se, tel: +46 31
Jonas Sjöberg, Systems and Control, jonas.sjoberg at chalmers.se, tel: +46 31

6.25. PostDoc: University of Michigan, USA
Contributed by: Alfred Hero, hero at eecs.umich.edu

Postdoctoral Opening: Hybrid black-box/white-box modeling for data-aided
scientific discovery
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department, University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA

The Hero and Violi groups (http://web.eecs.umich.edu/~hero/research.html,
http://www.umich.edu/~violilab/index.html?whereami=menubar), University of
Michigan (Ann Arbor, MI, USA) is inviting applications for one postdoctoral
research associate position.

Starting Date: Open from June 2018.

The successful candidate will work on theory and algorithms for network
inference in the physical sciences and engineering with particular emphasis
on dynamical chemical and biological reaction networks. Hybrid methods
using machine learning (black-box) and mechanistic state space modeling
(white-box) are of special interest. The project will involve developing
sparse learning algorithms for discovering new principles for predicting
network dynamics. The duration of the position is one year and may be
renewable for another year depending on satisfactory progress and
availability of funds.

The ideal candidate will have some experience in modeling dynamical
systems, optimization, and machine learning. Candidates with experience in
at least two out of these three areas will be considered.

Interested applicants should send a CV, a brief description of interests
and goals, and a list of two references in a single PDF file to Professor
Alfred Hero (hero at eecs.umich.edu). Applications will be evaluated as soon
as they are received, until the position is filled. The position is
immediately available.

6.26. Faculty: Uppsala University, Sweden
Contributed by: Anders Ahlen, anders.ahlen at signal.uu.se

Tenure Track Position as Associate Senior Lecturer in Signal Processing at
Uppsala University, Sweden

The position is placed at the Department of Engineering Sciences, Division
of Signals and Systems.

Duties: The position includes teaching, research and administration.
Teaching duties include course responsibility, course administration and
supervision of second- and third-cycle students. The holder shall also keep
abreast of developments within the subject area and the developments in
wider community that are significant for the work at the university.
Furthermore, the holder of the position is required to participate in some
of the different research projects of the division within the areas Signal
Processing, Wireless Communications, and Automatic Control, as well as
participating in the application of external research funding. It is also
expected that the holder of the position will develop the capacity to
attract external grants for his/her own research. A position as associate
senior lecturer is intended to qualify the holder for a teaching position
with higher qualification requirements.

Appointment Period: The position can be held for a maximum of four years.
An associate senior lecturer can apply for promotion to senior lecturer. If
the associate senior lecturer is deemed suitable and fulfills the criteria
for promotion established by the Faculty Board he/she shall be promoted to
and employed as senior lecturer.

Qualifications Required: According to the Swedish Higher Education
Ordinance those qualified for appointment as associate senior lecturer are
persons who have obtained a doctoral degree or achieved the equivalent
competence. Applicants who have obtained a doctoral degree or achieved the
equivalent competence in seven years or less prior to the end of the
application period will be given priority.

According to Uppsala University´s appointments regulations, teaching
expertise is an eligibility requirement for appointment as an associate
senior lecturer. To obtain teaching expertise, the applicant should have
participated in teacher training for higher education of relevance to
operations at the University, comprising at least five weeks, or be
considered to have acquired the equivalent competence. If it has not been
possible to acquire this qualification prior to employment, qualifying
training for teachers in higher education shall be completed during the
first two years of employment.

More information about the position can be found at:

6.27. Faculty: IMT Atlantique, France
Contributed by: Vincent Lebastard, vincent.lebastard at emn.fr

French IMT ATLANTIQUE Bretagne-Pays de la Loire school recruits an
assistant professor in Bio-Inspired Robotics (Locomotion).
Start date of employment : 01/09/2018

IMT Atlantique (Ecole Nationale Supérieure Mines-Télécom Atlantique
Bretagne-Pays de la Loire) is a leading general engineering school and an
international research centre under the French Ministry of Economy and
Industry. Resulting from the January 1, 2017 merger of Télécom Bretagne and
Mines Nantes, it is a school of the French Institut Mines-Télécom.

On 3 campuses in Brest, Nantes and Rennes, IMT Atlantique aims to combine
digital and energy to transform society and industry through teaching,
research and innovation and to be the leading French higher education and
research institution in this field. Every year, IMT Atlantique supervises
2300 students in engineering education, graduate students (Master) and PhD
students. Its research activities, at the crossroads of the business and
higher education worlds, are carried out by 290 permanent researchers and
teacher-researchers, 110 whom are qualified to direct research, and give
rise each year to 1000 publications and €18 million in contracts. Its
training courses are based on cutting-edge research, within 6 laboratories
labeled by the French CNRS (UMRs): GEPEA, IRISA, LATIM, LABSTICC, LS2N and

The candidate will join IMT Atlantique's Automatic, Computer-Integrated
Manufacturing and Computer Sciences training and research group and the
bio-inspired robotics activity of the REV (Robotique Et Vivant) team of the
Nantes Digital Sciences Laboratory, UMR CNRS 6004 (LS2N). The research of
the REV team in bio-inspired locomotion deals with the modelling,
simulation and control of legged, swimming, creeping and flying robots;
mechatronics (design and manufacture of bio-inspired robots and
experimental benches); and the bio-inspired perception of electrical fish
(sensors, for navigation and perception in underwater robotics).

Administrative status: Maître assistant des Mines et des Télécom,
fonctionnaire du Ministère de l’Economie et des Finances.

Missions :
The recruited candidate will participate in teaching, research and
development missions.

Teaching :
The pedagogical activities concern the following disciplines:
Robotics (Mechanical, Automatic)
Physics for the engineer.
Physical modeling for Robotics and Automation;
Mechatronics or experimental physics;
Numerical simulation and scientific calculations (Matlab, C++),

Research and development:

The candidate will carry out research activities in the fields of
bio-inspired robotics and in particular locomotion. The multidisciplinary
nature of this field implies collaborative research and the expected
candidate must be motivated for teamwork.

In this perspective, the candidate will contribute to boost the team's
research in the fields of the dynamics of bio-inspired robots of fish,
snakes and other flying insects without excluding other animal models of
her/his choice. Her/His work may focus on modeling-simulation (multibody
systems, continuous or soft robots), and/or mechatronic design
(bio-inspired robots, innovative actuators) and control of these systems.
Since bio-inspired locomotion is highly dependent on the physical
environments on which animals rely to propel themselves, a background in
mechanics (hydro-dynamics and aerodynamics) will be appreciated. Finally, a
curiosity for life sciences is an important asset.

The recruited candidate will contribute to the influence of the School and
the Laboratory through national or international academic collaborations,
in particular within the framework of national (ANR) and international
(H2020) cooperative projects.

We are expecting a candidate with a robotic profile (mechanical,
automatic), or a candidate with a physicist or mechanic background (applied
and/or theoretical), highly motivated to apply his knowledge in robotics.

Contacts :
Frédéric Boyer, Prof. IMT-A : frederic.boyer at imt-atlantique.fr , +33 6 75
21 07 43
Vincent Lebastard, M. Assistant IMT-A : vincent.lebastard at imt-atlantique.fr,
+33 6 22 40 21 95

The deadline for submitting the application is 30 April 2018 inclusive. To
withdraw an application form, please contact the Human Resources Department:

Florence MOULET– florence.moulet at imt-atlantique.fr - tél : 02 51 85 83 63


Jean-Philippe ROULLAND – jean-philippe.roulland at imt-atlantique.fr – tél :
02 51 85 83 54

Institut Mines Telecom Atlantique
4 rue Alfred Kastler
CS 20722
44307 Nantes CEDEX 3.

Web of Institut Mines Telecom Atlantique : http://www.imt-atlantique.fr

6.28. Faculty: Loughborough University, UK
Contributed by: Wen-Hua Chen, w.chen at lboro.ac.uk

The Department of Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering at Loughborough
University, UK, is looking to recruit a Lecturer in Intelligent Mobility /
Autonomous Vehicles. It has identified intelligent mobility, Advanced
Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) and autonomy as an important area for
growth and this post forms part of the department's long term investment to
expand its capability and to strengthen Loughborough's growing reputation
in this area. We are interested in candidates that can demonstrate that
their research activity complements one or more of our current major
research strengths and can also show that they can grow our activity in
ground vehicle (Automotive) intelligence and autonomy.

We are therefore interested in candidates from a range of backgrounds
including, for example, autonomous vehicles, autonomous functions and ADAS,
the application of information and computer technology to vehicles,
artificial intelligence, machine learning, robotics, computer vision and
image processing, driver and intelligent vehicle interaction, advanced
verification and validation techniques, and electric and hybrid integration
in intelligent powertrains. It is essential that candidates complement our
existing research capabilities and have the vision to expand our research
into the growing areas of intelligent and smart vehicles and systems.

Please follow the link to make your application or find more detail

For more information please contact Prof Martin Passmore
M.A.Passmore at lboro.ac.uk 01509 227250.

Application closing date: 20 April 2018.

Dr Wen-Hua Chen FIEEE CEng FIMechE FIET
Professor in Autonomous Vehicles
Department of Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering
Loughborough University
Leicestershire LE11 3TU
Tel: +44 1509 227230
Mobile: +44 7976032573
Email: w.chen at lboro.ac.uk

6.29. Faculty: Clemson University, USA
Contributed by: Pierluigi Pisu, pisup at clemson.edu

Assistant or Assoc. Professor- Automotive Engineering
Clemson University: College of Engineering, Computing and Applied Sciences:
Automotive Engineering

Location: 4 Research Drive Greenville, SC 29607

Clemson University’s Department of Automotive Engineering is searching for
outstanding applicants for a tenure- track faculty position, at the
Assistant or Associate Professor level, related to the broad area of
connected and automated vehicles.

Research areas of interest include connected and automated vehicles with
expertise in the domain(s) of perception, sensor-fusion, navigation,
optimization, learning and/or control; and deployment experience with
real-time software/hardware architectures for intelligent and autonomous
vehicle systems. Candidates are expected to establish an
internationally-recognized research and education program around the
vehicle automation systems.

The position will include a competitive salary and startup package to
support the research mission of the Vehicle Automation Group lead by Prof.
Venkat Krovi, the Michelin Endowed Chair in Vehicle Automation. Candidates
will also interact with existing research groups throughout Clemson
University, and participate in interdisciplinary research initiatives.


Leading candidates should possess:
• A Ph.D. or equivalent in a relevant technical discipline (such as
Electrical, Mechanical, Automotive, Systems, or Computer Science)
• The ability to build a research program, produce scholarly publications
and have a strong dedication to undergraduate and graduate level teaching
• The qualities of an “entrepreneurial scholar.” This means an individual
who converts a vision into reality through superior strategic planning and
execution skills, while leading the intellectual exploration of new methods
related to automated vehicles
• A knowledge base in global automotive and/or aerospace technologies with
connections to industry is a plus.


Applicants should apply via Interfolio (
https://dossier.interfolio.com/apply/49372 ) by submitting a resume/CV,
statements of research, teaching interests, and the name and contact
information of at least three references. Applications will be welcomed on
an ongoing basis until the search is complete but application review will
begin by March 15th 2018.

Clemson University is an AA/EEO employer and does not discriminate against
any person or group on the basis of age, color, disability, gender,
pregnancy, national origin, race, religion, sexual orientation, veteran
status or genetic information. Clemson University is building a culturally
diverse faculty and staff committed to working in a multicultural
environment and encourages applications from minorities and women.

6.30. Faculty: Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
Contributed by: Maurice Heemels, m.heemels at tue.nl

Four (4) Faculty Positions (assistant/associate/full professors) at
Eindhoven University of Technology

The Department of Mechanical Engineering of the Eindhoven University of
Technology (TU/e) seeks to hire four (4) outstanding faculty members at all
levels (Assistant/Associate/Full Professor) within the field of Autonomous
Systems and Artificial Intelligence. Candidates with a strong background
and track record in Systems and Control Theory and Engineering are
encouraged to apply!


Autonomous engineering systems are being developed at high pace worldwide
with examples being autonomous vehicles, drones and robotics for
manufacturing, care, cure, agricultural and domestic applications. Both
industry and society foster high expectations on the future impact of
autonomous systems. Industrial examples are fully automated distribution of
goods in harbors, warehouses and factory floors, and the automated
inspection of crops in agriculture. Societal impact is envisioned, e.g., in
automated highways or in hospitals where surgery robots cooperate with
surgeons or patient support systems reaching higher levels of autonomy
aiming at cost reduction and improved care or city-wide parcel delivery by
drones. In general, system autonomy allows, on the one hand, to take the
(expert) human out of the loop to achieve increased performance, safety and
efficiency of engineering systems, while, on the other hand, it allows such
systems to interact in more complex, real-world environments where
interaction with (non-expert) humans is actually required. Both aspects
will allow for a step change in the pervasiveness of engineering systems in
industry and society.

System autonomy is often achieved by some form of task automation
(perception, decision-making and action). Automation and control systems
are commonly perceived as ‘artificial intelligence’ (AI) if these are
capable of adapting to and interacting with their environment in a smart
way. Such interaction with their environment (both technology and humans)
typically takes place by data-exchange (e.g., by sensing and/or data-base
access) and physical interaction (e.g., interaction with humans). In this
sense, systems can be made more ‘intelligent’, by making their automation
strategies adaptive to such real-life data and interactions. A further
synergy of model-based control techniques on the one hand and data-based
learning techniques, from the field of artificial intelligence, on the
other hand is envisioned to be the key enabler for such artificially
intelligent, autonomous systems.

Research field

The further development of (artificially) intelligent autonomous systems,
however, poses many challenges, on sensing, control, world modelling,
human-machine interaction, hardware & software design, and (big) data
management and algorithmic design. Another key aspect is that of the
adaptability of such systems. When operating in the real world,
uncertainties, faults and hazards are unavoidable and systems need to be
able to automatically adapt to ensure safety and security or to ensure
optimal performance. Research in this field requires an inherently
multi-disciplinary approach relying on expertise not only from mechanical
engineering, but also from electrical engineering and computer science
(a.o., artificial intelligence).

This research theme provides ample opportunity for fundamental,
interdisciplinary research and valorization in a wide range of
applications, many of which are strongly rooted in the Dutch high-tech &
manufacturing industry, and the agriculture and transportation sectors.

Research field candidates

The Department of Mechanical Engineering of the TU/e seeks to hire four (4)
outstanding faculty members at all levels (assistant/associate/full
professor) within the field of Autonomous Systems and Artificial
Intelligence, which should play a leading role in addressing these
challenges and trends in the above-mentioned areas. Core disciplines that
are envisioned to be needed are:

- Systems and Control
- Artificial Intelligence & machine learning,
- Autonomous monitoring and smart diagnostics
- Networks of distributed sensors and actuators.
- Sensing and world modelling, human-machine interaction,
- Systems engineering, equipment and system design,
- Knowledge on relevant application domains such as, for example, robotics,
mechatronics, transport systems, health applications, smart industry,
energy, agricultural systems, etc.

Candidates can apply to (tenure-track) assistant, associate and full
professor positions and are expected to be experienced in at least one of
the core disciplines mentioned above.


The candidate’s group will strongly co-operate with existing groups in the
Department, in particular the groups within the sections of Control Systems
Technology and Dynamics and Control. Depending on the function level to
which the candidate applies, the candidate’s group can be embedded in the
Section of Control Systems Technology, the Section of Dynamics and Control,
or could form a new section within the department (possibly consisting of
multiple assistant/associate/full professors). The department fosters a
personnel strategy stimulating personal growth towards faculty forming
independent groups within larger coherent sections.

The candidate’s group will be embedded in the High-Tech Systems Institute
within the University. The group will also be embedded in research schools
of the Dutch Institute of Systems and Control (DISC) and Engineering
Mechanics (EM).

More information

- More information regarding the positions (vacancy number V35.3291) can be
found at

- Questions regarding the academic content of the positions can be directed
to prof.dr.ir. Maurice Heemels (email: m.heemels at tue.nl) and prof.dr.ir.
Nathan van de Wouw (email: n.v.d.wouw at tue.nl)

- Other information can be obtained from drs. S. van Heijst, HR department,
(email: s.van.heijst at tue.nl)


If you are interested in this position and want to apply, please go to

6.31. Control Engineer: USA
Contributed by: Lisa Kay Fiore, l.fiore at internationalstarconsultants.com

Title: Controls Engineers (2)
Location: Forest, VA –relocation assistance offered.
Start Date: ASAP
Salary: 80K+ based on experience.
Benefits: 401K Match, Medical, Dental, Vision, and Vacation
Degree: Highly Preferred
Travel: 25%

Job Description:
The control engineer position will assist in the development,
implementation and testing of complete machine control systems. This
position requires significant prior experience. Position will be required
to design new control systems and support existing system installation.
Additional desirable design skills include integrated robotics, vision and
conveyor-based material handling experience.

Must be able to be handed a spec from the PM and integrate full systems
from scratch. Experience must encompass electrical design, print redesign
for repurpose, Allen-Bradley PLC, programming and integrating FANUC robots.
Must have OEM industry experience.

US Citizens and Green Card Holders ONLY.

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