[eletter] eletter 350
Jianghai Hu
jianghai.hu at gmail.com
Mon Oct 2 11:59:11 EDT 2017
E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing
Issue 350
October 2017
Jianghai Hu
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Purdue University
465 Northwestern Ave.
West Lafayette, IN, 47907
Tel: +1 (765) 4962395
Fax: +1 (765) 4943371
Welcome to the 350 issue of the Eletter, available electronically at
together with its pdf version
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And, as always, search for .** to navigate to the next item in the Eletter.
The next Eletter will be mailed out at the beginning of November 2017.
1. Editorial
2. IEEE CSS Headlines
2.1 CFP: CSS Outreach Fund
2.2 CSS Technically Cosponsored Conferences
2.3 IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
2.4 IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems
2.5 IEEE CSS Publications Content Digest
3. Award
3.1 Call for Nomination: European Control Award
4.1 Summer School: 10th Elgersburg School on Mathematical Systems Theory
4.2 International Graduate School on Control
4.3 Software Release: MORLAB 3.0
5. Books
5.1 Model Predictive Control of High Power Converters and Industrial Drives
5.2 Global Formulations of Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Dynamics on Manifolds
5.3 Robust Adaptive Dynamic Programming
5.4 Aerial Manipulation
5.5 Saturated Control of Linear Systems
6. Journals
6.1 Contents: Automatica
6.2 Contents: European Journal of Control
6.3 Contents: System & Control Letters
6.4 Contents: Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems
6.5 Contents: Mechatronics
6.6 Contents: Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
6.7 Contents: ISA Transactions
6.8 Contents: Asian Journal of Control
6.9 Contents: International Journal of Control
6.10 Contents: Control Theory and Technology
6.11 Contents: Evolution Equations and Control
6.12 Contents: IET Control Theory & Applications
6.13 Contents: IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information
6.14 Contents: IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica
6.15 Contents: Control Engineering Practice
6.16 Contents: TWMS Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
6.17 CFP: IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
7. Conferences
7.1 IFAC Workshop on Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Methods for Non Linear
7.2 ASCC 2017 Workshops: Advances in Distributed Control and Formation
Control Systems
7.3 World Congress: Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and
7.4 IFAC Conference on Modelling Identification and Control of Nonlinear
7.5 World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation
7.6 IFAC Conference on Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems
7.7 IFAC Symposium on Control in Transportation Systems
7.8 IFAC Conference on Cyber-Physical & Human Systems
7.9 ACM International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control
8. Positions
8.1 PhD: Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands
8.2 PhD: Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands
8.3 PhD: University of Colorado Denver, USA
8.4 PhD: University of Houston, USA
8.5 PhD: Technical University OF Liberec, Czech Republic
8.6 PhD: University of South Florida, USA
8.7 PhD: Louisiana State University, USA
8.8 PhD: University of Cambridge, UK
8.9 PhD: University of Oxford, UK
8.10 PhD: University of Agder, Norway
8.11 PhD: ETH Zurich, Switzerland
8.12 PhD: University of Rhode Island, USA
8.13 PhD: European Training Network TOMOCON, Europe
8.14 PhD: KTH, Sweden
8.15 PhD/Researcher: Bosch Center for Artificial Intelligence, Germany
8.16 PhD/PostDoc: I-Form, Ireland
8.17 PhD/PostDoc: University of Melbourne, Australia
8.18 PostDoc: Tel Aviv University, Israel
8.19 PostDoc: National Institute of Informatics, Japan
8.20 PostDoc: University of California San Diego, USA
8.21 PostDoc: UTFPR, Brazil
8.22 PostDoc: The Ohio State University, USA
8.23 PostDoc: University of Newcastle, Australia and Huazhong University of
Science and Technology, China
8.24 PostDoc: University of Groningen, the Netherlands
8.25 PostDoc: University of Oxford, UK
8.26 PostDoc/Visiting Professor: Huazhong University of Science &
Technology, China
8.27 Research Fellow: Australian National University, Australia
8.28 Research Fellowship: Hull University, UK
8.29 Research Scientist: DLR Institute of Transportation Systems, Germany
8.30 Faculty: Zhejiang University of Technology, China
8.31 Faculty: Texas A&M University, USA
8.32 Faculty: Texas A&M University, USA
8.33 Faculty: University of Pennsylvania, USA
8.34 Faculty: Princeton University, USA
8.35 Faculty: IST Austria, Austria
8.36 Faculty: New York University Abu Dhabi, UAE
8.37 Faculty: Stanford University, USA
8.38 Faculty: Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
8.39 Faculty: Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
8.40 Faculty: University of Tehran, Iran
8.41 Faculty: Lehigh University, USA
8.42 Faculty: University of Michigan, USA
8.43 Faculty: McGill University, Canada
8.44 Faculty: University of Oklahoma, USA
8.45 Faculty: The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
8.46 Faculty: University of Delaware, USA
8.47 Faculty: Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
1. Editorial
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Ernestina Parente
on September 22, 2017, at the age of 47. Ernestina was the editorial
assistant for the CSS E-letter, from January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2015.
She supported Maria Prandini, the previous CSS Electronic Publications
editor, in the composition and compilation of E-letters with great
enthusiasm, care, and diligence. She was instrumental for the timely
publication of E-letters during that time.
Originally from Rapino, a small village in southern Italy, Ernestina held a
Laurea degree in economics and management. She had been working in the
administrative offices of Politecnico di Milano, lately supporting the
administration and finance of international EC funded projects. To everyone
around her, Ernestina was always friendly, generous, smiling. She had a
good and subtle sense of humor. She was full of curiosity and liked music,
sports, reading, and traveling. Even during her last days when she was
fighting against cancer, she remained optimistic and was encouraging her
family to trust that she was going to make it.
Ernestina will be greatly missed by all of us.
Maria Prandini and Jianghai Hu
2. IEEE CSS Headlines
2.1. CFP: CSS Outreach Fund
Contributed by: Daniel E. Rivera, CSS AE Conferences, daniel.rivera at asu.edu
The IEEE Control Systems Society (CSS) Outreach Fund provides financial
resources for projects that will benefit CSS and the controls community in
general. Since its inception in 2011, the Fund has awarded 54 grants on
behalf of a diverse group of CSS member-led activities.
The CSS Outreach Task Force is pleased to announce that the window for
proposal submission for its 2017 fall solicitation will be held from
November 1 to 24, 2017. Information regarding the program, which includes
proposal requirements and descriptions of current and past funded projects,
can be found in:
Inquiries, notices of intent, and requests for application forms must be
made directly to Daniel E. Rivera, Outreach Task Force Chair, at
daniel.rivera at asu.edu.
2.2. CSS Technically Cosponsored Conferences
Contributed by: Luca Zaccarian, CSS AE Conferences, zaccarian at laas.fr
The following conferences have been recently included in the list of events
technically cosponsored by the IEEE Control Systems Society:
- 3rd IEEE Colombian Conference on Automatic Control (CCAC), Cartagena de
Indias, Colombia. Oct 18 - Oct 20, 2017. http://www.ieeeccac2017.org/
- 30th Chinese Control and Decision Conference (2018 CCDC), Shenyang,
Liaoning Province, China. Jun 9 - Jun 11, 2018. http://www.ccdc.neu.edu.cn/
- 14th Workshop on Discrete Event Systems (WODES'18). Sorrento Coast,
Italy. May 30 - Jun 1, 2018. http://wodes2018.unisa.it/
- 2018 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS 2018).
Dallas (TX), United States. Jun 12 - Jun 15, 2018.
- 2018 SICE International Symposium on Control Systems. Tokyo, Japan. Mar 9
- Mar 11, 2018. http://iscs2018.sice-ctrl.jp/
For a full listing of CSS technically cosponsored conferences, please visit
http://ieeecss.org/conferences/technically-cosponsored and for a list of
the upcoming and past CSS main conferences please visit
2.3. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
Contributed by: Elizabeth Kovacs, ekovacs2 at nd.edu
Table of Contents
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
Volume 62 (2017), Issue 10 (October)
Scanning the Issue, p. 4902
- Conditions for Almost Global Attractivity of a Synchronous Generator
Connected to an Infinite Bus, N. Barabanov, J. Schiffer, R. Ortega, D.
Efimov p. 4905
- Secure State Estimation for Cyber Physical Systems under Sensor Attacks:
A Satisfiability Modulo Theory Approach, Y. Shoukry, P. Nuzzo, A. Puggelli,
A. L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, S. A. Seshia, P. Tabuada p. 4917
- Control of a City Road Network: Distributed Exact Verification of Traffic
Safety, A. Colombo, G. Rodrigues De Campos, F. Della Rossa p. 4933
- A Robust Event-Triggered Approach for Fast Sampled-Data Extremization and
Learning, J. I. Poveda, A. R. Teel p. 4949
- Optimal Control of State-Dependent Service Rates in a MAP/M/1 Queue, L.
Xia, Q-M. He, A. S. Alfa p. 4965
- DEXTRA: A Fast Algorithm for Optimization Over Directed Graphs, C. Xi, U.
A. Khan p. 4980
- Stability and Performance Analysis of Spatially Invariant Systems with
Networked Communication, S. H. J. Heijmans, D. P. Borgers, W.P.M.H. Heemels
p. 4994
- Information Transfer of Control Strategies: Dualities of Stochastic
Optimal Control Theory and Feedback Capacity of Information Theory, C. D.
Charalambous, C. K. Kourtellaris, I. Tzortzis p. 5010
- Reduction of Second-Order Network Systems with Structure Preservation, X.
Cheng, Y. Kawano, J. M.A. Scherpen p. 5026
- Computable Delay Margins for Adaptive Systems with State Variables
Accessible, H. Hussain, Y. Yildiz, M. Matsutani, A. Annaswamy, E. Lavretsky
p. 5039
- Towards Synchronization in Networks with Nonlinear Dynamics: A Submodular
Optimization Framework, A. Clark, B. Alomair, L. Bushnell, R. Poovendran p.
- Fekete Points, Formation Control, and the Balancing Problem, J. M.
Montenbruck, D. Zelazo, F. Allgöwer p. 5069
- Convergence Rate of Distributed ADMM over Networks, A. Makhdoumi, A.
Ozdaglar p. 5082
- On the Consensus of Homogeneous Multi-Agent Systems with Positivity
Constraints, M. E. Valcher, I. Zorzan p. 5096
- Service Rate Control of Tandem Queues with Power Constraints, L. Xia, D.
Miller, Z. Zhou, N. Bambos p. 5111
- Homogeneous Rational Lyapunov Functions for Performance Analysis of
Switched Systems with Arbitrary Switching and Dwell-Time Constraints, G.
Chesi, P. Colaneri p. 5124
- Analyzing the Stability of Switched Systems Using Common Zeroing-Output
Systems, T-C. Lee, Y. Tan, I. Mareels p. 5138
- A Mean-Field Game of Evacuation in Multi-Level Building, B. Djehiche, A.
Tcheukam Siwe, H. Tembine p. 5154
- An Input-Output Framework for Submanifold Stabilization, J. M.
Montenbruck, M. Arcak, F. Allgöwer p. 5170
- Under-Approximating Backward Reachable Sets by Semialgebraic Sets, B.
Xue, Z. She, A. Easwaran p. 5185
Technical Notes and Correspondence
- Swarm Aggregation under Fading Attractions, X. Chen p. 5198
- Visibility-Aware Optimal Contagion of Malware Epidemics, S. Eshghi, S.
Sarkar, S. S. Venkatesh p. 5205
- On the Solution Set of the Admissible Bounded Control Problem via
Orthogonal Polynomials, A. E. Choque Rivero p. 5213
- Adaptive Backstepping Control for a Class of Nonlinear Systems with
Non-triangular Structural Uncertainties, J. Cai, C. Wen, H. Su, Z. Liu, L.
Xing p. 5220
- Distributed Continuous-Time Algorithm for Constrained Convex
Optimizations via Nonsmooth Analysis Approach, X. Zeng, P. Yi, Y. Hong p.
- Flocking of the Cucker-Smale Model on General Digraphs, J-G. Dong, L. Qiu
p. 5234
- Backstepping Design of Robust State Feedback Regulators for Linear 2x2
Hyperbolic Systems, J. Deutscher p. 5240
- On Synchronous and Asynchronous Discrete Time Heterogeneous Cyclic
Pursuit, D. Mukherjee, D. Ghose p. 5248
- Coprime Factors Model Reduction of Spatially Distributed LTV Systems over
Arbitrary Graphs, D. Abou Jaoude, M. Farhood p. 5254
- Non-Autonomous Coverage Control with Diffusive Evolving Density, S. Miah,
M. Mohammad Hossein Fallah, D. Spinello p. 5262
- Sum of Squares Certificates for Stability of Planar, Homogeneous, and
Switched Systems, A. A. Ahmadi, P. A. Parrilo p. 5269
- Ex-post Max-min Fairness of Generalized AGV Mechanisms, T. Wang, Y. Xu,
S. Ahipasaoglu, C. Courcoubetis p. 5275
- Multi-agent Second Order Average Consensus with Prescribed Transient
Behavior, L. Macellari, Y. Karayiannidis, D. V. Dimarogonas p. 5282
- Distributed Charging Control of Electric Vehicles Using Online Learning,
W-J. Ma, V. Gupta, U. Topcu p. 5289
- Fault Detection Over Frequency Region: Generalized Spectral Factorization
Approach, J. D. Stefanovski p. 5296
- Dynamic Teams and Decentralized Control Problems with Substitutable
Actions, S. M. Asghari, A. Nayyar p. 5302
- A Descriptor Approach to Robust Leader-Following Output Consensus of
Uncertain Multi-Agent Systems with Delay, A. Shariati, M. Tavakoli p. 5310
- A Separation Principle for Underactuated Lossless Lagrangian Systems, S.
Avila-Becerril, A. Loria, E. Panteley p. 5318
- Truncated Predictor Control of Lipschitz Nonlinear Systems with
Time-Varying Input Delay, Z. Zuo, Z. Lin, Z. Ding p. 5324
- Notes on Stability of Time-Delay Systems: Bounding Inequalities and
Augmented Lyapunov-Krasovskii Functionals, C-K. Zhang, Y. He, L. Jiang, M.
Wu p. 5331
- Convex Distributed Controller Synthesis for Interconnected Heterogeneous
Subsystems via Virtual Normal Interconnection Matrices, C. Hoffmann, H.
Werner p. 5337
- Robust Model Predictive Controller for Tracking Changing Periodic
Signals, M. Pereira, D. Muñoz de la Peña, D. Limon, I. Alvarado, T. Alamo
p. 5343
- Some New Results on Sample Path Optimality in Ergodic Control of
Diffusions, A. Arapostathis p. 5351
- Linearising Discrete Time Hybrid Systems, V. Alimguzhin, F. Mari, I.
Melatti, I. Salvo, E. Tronci p. 5357
- Event-Triggered Control of Multi-Agent Systems for Fixed and Time-Varying
Network Topologies, T-H. Cheng, Z. Kan, J. R. Klotz, J. M. Shea, W. E.
Dixon p. 5365
- Steady-State Matching and Model Reduction for Systems of
Differential-Algebraic Equations, G. Scarciotti p. 5372
- Output Reachable Set Estimation for Switched Linear Systems and Its
Application in Safety Verification, W. Xiang, D. Tran, T. T. Johnson p. 5380
- Consensus with Output Saturations, Y-H. Lim, H-S. Ahn p. 5388
- Dynamic Output-Feedback Control for Singular Markovian Jump System: LMI
Approach, N. K. Kwon, I. S. Park, P. Park, C. Park p. 5396
- Static Output-Feedback Control of Markov Jump Linear Systems without Mode
Observation, M. Dolgov, U. D. Hanebeck p. 5401
- Second-Order Switching Time Optimization for Switched Dynamical Systems,
B. Stellato, S. Ober-Blöbaum, P. J. Goulart p. 5407
- Networked Fusion Estimation with Bounded Noises, B. Chen, D. W. C. Ho,
W-A. Zhang, L. Yu p. 5415
- Iterative Residual Generator for Fault Detection with Linear
Time-Invariant State-Space Models, S. Zhao, B. Huang p. 5422
- Distributed Biased Min-Consensus with Applications to Shortest Path
Planning, Y. Zhang, S. Li p. 5429
- A Unified Framework for Deterministic and Probabilistic D-Stability
Analysis of Uncertain Polynomial Matrices, D. Piga, A. Benavoli p. 5437
- Time Synchronization in WSNs with Random Bounded Communication Delays,
Y-P. Tian p. 5445
- On the Stability Margin of Networked Dynamical Systems, Y. Kim p. 5451
- Controllability of Multi-agent Networks with Antagonistic Interactions,
C. Sun, G. Hu, L. Xie p. 5457
- Unbiased Minimum Variance Fault and State Estimation for Linear Discrete
Time-Varying Two-Dimensional Systems, Y. Wang, D. Zhao, Y. Li, S. X. Ding
p. 5463
- Equivalence of Finite Dimensional Input-Output Models of Solute Transport
and Diffusion in Geosciences, A. Rapaport, A. Rojas-Palma, J-R. De Dreuzy,
H. Ramirez C. p. 5470
- A Numerical Approach to Stability of Multiclass Queueing Networks, H.
Leahu, M. Mandjes, A-M. Oprescu p. 5478
- Delay Robustness of an L1 Adaptive Controller for a Class of Systems with
Unknown Matched Nonlinearities, K-D. Nguyen, Y. Li, H. Dankowicz p. 5485
2.4. IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems
Contributed by: Denise Joseph, dejoseph at bu.edu
The contents of the IEEE-Transactions on Control of Network Systems, with
links to the abstracts of the papers are available on
- Controllability of Formations over Directed Time-varying Graphs, Xudong
Chen, Mohamed Ali Belabbas, Tamer Basar, p. 407
- Distributed online convex optimization on time-varying directed graphs,
Mohammad Akbari, Bahman Gharesifard, Tamas Linder, p. 417
- Translational and Scaling Formation Maneuver Control via a Bearing-Based
Approach, Shiyu Zhao, Daniel Zelazo, p. 429
- Channel-Aware Random Access in the Presence of Channel Estimation
Errors,, Jeongho Jeon, Anthony Ephremides , p. 439
- Power Allocation in Mobile Cellular Communication under Multiplicative
Noise and Interference Uncertainty,, Daniel U. Campos-Delgado, Martin
Luna-Rivera, Alejandro J. Rojas, Carlos A. Gutierrez, p. 451
- Robust Adaptive Coverage Control for Robotic Sensor Networks , Mac
Schwager, Michael P. Vitus, Samantha Powers, Daniela Rus, Claire J. Tomlin,
p. 462
- A Gradient-based Coverage Optimization Strategy for Mobile Sensor
Networks, Jalal Habibi, Hamid Mahboubi, Amir G. Aghdam , p. 477
- Performance Analysis of Incremental LMS over Flat Fading Channels, Azam
Khalili, Amir Rastegarnia, Saeid Sanei , p. 489
- Communication-Free Distributed Coverage for Networked Systems,, A.Yasin
Yazicioglu, Magnus Egerstedt, Jeff S. Shamma , p. 499
- Multi-Dimensional Forward Contracts under Uncertainty for Electricity
Markets,, Hamidreza Tavafoghi, Demosthenis Teneketzis, p. 511
- Optimal k-Leader Selection for Coherence and Convergence Rate in
One-Dimensional Networks, Stacy Patterson, Neil McGlohon, Kirill Dyagilev ,
p. 523
- A Hybrid Quasi Steady-State Model for Long-Term Stability Analysis of
Electric Power Networks: Model Development and Theoretical Basis,, Xiaozhe
Wang, Hsiao-Dong Chiang, p. 533
- Accelerating Consensus by Spectral Clustering and Polynomial Filters,
Simon Apers, Alain Sarlette , p. 544
- Team Decision Problems with Convex Quadratic Constraints, Ather Gattami,
p. 555
- Distributed Controllers for Multi-Terminal HVDC Transmission Systems,
Martin Andreasson, Dimos V. Dimarogonas, Henrik Sandberg, Karl H.
Johansson, p. 564
- A Novel Distributed Network Selection Scheme for Heterogeneous Wireless
Network Environments, Li Qiang, Jie Li, Eitan Altman, p. 575
- Delay Scheduled Impulsive Control for Networked Control Systems, Chengzhi
Yuan, Fen Wu , p. 587
- Distributed Network Design for Laplacian Eigenvalue Placement , Victor M.
Preciado, Michael M. Zavlanos , p. 598
- Constraint preconditioned inexact Newton method for hydraulic simulation
of large-scale water distribution networks , Edo Abraham, Ivan Stoianov,
- Gramian-based reachability metrics for bilinear networks , Yingbo Zhao,
Jorge Cortes , p. 620
- SINR-based DoS Attack on Remote State Estimation: A Game-theoretic
Approach , Yuzhe Li, Daniel E. Quevedo, Subhrakanti Dey, Ling Shi , p. 632
- On the Role of Network Centrality in the Controllability of Complex
Networks , Nicoletta Bof, Giacomo Baggio, Sandro Zampieri
p. 643
- The Role of Information in Distributed Resource Allocation , Jason R.
Marden , p. 654
- Competitive Diffusion in Social Networks: Quality or Seeding? Arastoo
Fazeli, Amir Ajorlou, Ali Jadbabaie , p. 665
- Corrigendum to "Compositional Transient Stability Analysis of
Multi-Machine Power Networks" [TCNS (1) 1, pp. 4-14, March 2014] , Sina Y.
Caliskan, Paulo Tabuada, p. 676
2.5. IEEE CSS Publications Content Digest
Contributed by: Elizabeth Kovacs, ekovacs2 at nd.edu
The IEEE Control Systems Society Publications Content Digest is a novel and
convenient guide that helps readers keep track of the latest published
The CSS Publications Content Digest, available at
http://ieeecss.org/publications-content-digest provides lists of current
tables of contents of the periodicals sponsored by the Control Systems
Each issue offers readers a rapid means to survey and access the latest
peer-reviewed papers of the IEEE Control Systems Society. We also include
links to the Society’s sponsored Conferences to give readers a preview of
upcoming meetings.
3. Award
3.1. Call for Nomination: European Control Award
Contributed by: Paul Goulart, paul.goulart at eng.ox.ac.uk
The “European Control Award (ECA)” is to recognize outstanding
contributions by a young researcher in the area of systems and control. The
award is sponsored by the European Control Association (EUCA), and will be
presented during the annual European Control Conference. The recipient will
give a plenary lecture during the final day of the ECC.
Details of this award and the nomination procedure can be found at
We encourage you to identify and to promote potential candidates for the
European Control Award 2018, before November 15th 2017.
4.1. Summer School: 10th Elgersburg School on Mathematical Systems Theory
Contributed by: Fabian Wirth, fabian.wirth at uni-passau.de
1st Announcement of Summer School: 10th Elgersburg School on Mathematical
Systems Theory
10th Elgersburg School on Mathematical Systems Theory
"Time-delay systems: Lyapunov functionals and matrices" and "Imput-to-state
stability and interconnected systems"
Location and Date: Elgersburg, Thuringia (Germany), March 4 - 10, 2018
Achim Ilchmann (TU Ilmenau), Timo Reis (U Hamburg), Fabian Wirth (U Passau)
Support by the Ernst-Abbe-Foundation is gratefully acknowledged.
Invitation: The organizers have the pleasure to announce the 10th
Elgersburg School.
The topics and lecturers are:
"Time-delay systems: Lyapunov functionals and matrices"
Professor Vladimir Kharitonov
Saint-Petersburg State University, Russia
"Input-to-state stability and interconnected systems"
Professor Sergey Dashkovskiy
Universität Würzburg, Germany
See the website for the complete programme.
The school is addressed to postgraduate students and postdocs in control,
either in mathematics or engineering, very good graduate students are also
welcome. We would be grateful if you could pass on this information to any
potential candidates.
The location has a capacity for 40 participants.
The cost for the hotel including full board per person is: EUR 520,- for a
single and EUR 420,- for a double room.
Due to the limited number of places there will be an application procedure
for participation at the school. Applicants are asked to provide their CV
and a letter of reference from their supervisor. The deadline for
applications is November 30, 2017. The organizers will then rank the
applications according to excellence and suitability. A list of all
participants will be available on the web site by January 15, 2018.
Additionally, there are stipends for travel support, accommodation and
subsistence for 10 participants.
As the email list is not complete, please feel free to pass on this
information to anybody who may be interested.
For further information please refer to the website or send an email to one
of the organizers
4.2. International Graduate School on Control
Contributed by: Francoise Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue,
lamnabhi at l2s.centralesupelec.fr
2018 International Graduate School on Control
Advance registration deadline: 31 December 2017
Nonlinear Model Predictive Control
by Frank Allgöwer, Matthias A. Müller, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Stability of switched linear systems: finite and infinite dimension
by Yacine Chitour, Univ. Paris-Sud, Paris-Saclay, France
& Mario Sigalotti, Ecole Polytechnique, France
The scenario approach for systems, control and machine learning
by Marco C. Campi, University of Brescia, Italy
& Simone Garatti, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Time-delay and sampled-data systems
by Emilia Fridman, Tel Aviv University, Israel
& Pierdomenico Pepe, University of L’Aquila, Italy
Modeling and Control of Distributed Parameter Systems: the Port Hamiltonian
by Yann Le Gorrec, ENS2M, Besançon, France
& Hans Zwart, University of Twente, The Netherlands
Adaptive extremum-seeking control
by Denis Dochain, Univ. Catholique de Louvain, Belgium
& Martin Guay, Queen’s University, Canada
Game theory and distributed control
by Jeff S. Shamma, KAUST, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
& Jason R. Marden, Univ. of California, Santa Barbara, USA
Introduction to Nonlinear Systems & Control
by Hassan K. Khalil, Michigan State University, USA
Computational Issues in Nonlinear Control and Estimation
by Arthur Krener, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey CA, USA
Model-Based Fault Diagnosis - a Linear Synthesis Framework using MATLAB
Andreas Varga, Gilching - Former Senior Scientist at the German Aerospace
Center, Germany
Control of Timed and Untimed Discrete Event Systems
by Joerg Raisch, Technical University of Berlin, Germany
& Laurent Hardouin, University of Angers, France
Sliding mode control and observation
by Christopher Edwards, University of Exeter, UK
Cyber-Physical systems control: Algebraic and Optimization techniques
by Raphaël Jungers, Univ. Catholique de Louvain, Belgium
Modeling, analysis and design of wireless sensor and actuator networks
by Alessandro D'Innocenzo, University of L'Aquila
& Carlo Fischione, KTH Royal Inst. Tech., Sweden
Nonlinear control design via Lyapunov functions and positivity-based
by Frédéric Mazenc, INRIA, Paris-Saclay, France
Lyapunov stability and stabilisation without Lyapunov functions
by Elena Panteley & Antonio Loria, CNRS-L2S, Paris-Saclay, France
Time-delay systems: Lyapunov functional and matrices
by Vladimir Kharitonov, RAS, Saint-Peterburg, Russia
Model Predictive Control
by Jan Maciejowski, University of Cambridge, UK
Convergence theory for observers
by Laurent Praly, CAS - École des Mines de Paris, France
Distributed Computation and Control
by A. Stephen Morse, Yale University, USA
Sparsity and Big Data in Control, Systems Identification and Machine
Learning by Mario Sznaier, Northeastern Univ, MA, USA
Formal Methods for Discrete-Time Dynamical Systems
by Calin A. Belta, Boston University, USA
Control-oriented modeling and system identification
by Emmanuel Witrant, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, GIPSA, Grenoble, France
Switched systems and control
by Daniel M. Liberzon, University of Illinois, USA
Distributed Coordination of Multi-agent Systems
by Wei Ren, University of California, Riverside, USA
4.3. Software Release: MORLAB 3.0
Contributed by: Steffen W. R. Werner, werner at mpi-magdeburg.mpg.de
Software Release: MORLAB 3.0
Version 3.0 of the MORLAB (Model Order Reduction LABoratory) toolbox has
been released. The toolbox is a collection of MATLAB/OCTAVE routines for
model order reduction of linear dynamical systems based on the solution of
matrix equations. The implementation is based on spectral projection
methods, e.g., methods based on the matrix sign function and the matrix
disk function.
The toolbox contains implementations for standard and descriptor systems:
- Modal truncation
- Balanced truncation
- Bounded-real balanced truncation
- Positive-real balanced truncation
- Balanced stochastic truncation
- Linear-quadratic-Gaussian balanced truncation
- H-infinity balanced truncation
- Hankel-norm approximation
Also, matrix equation solvers based on the matrix sign function as well as
further subroutines for linear dynamical systems can be found in the MORLAB
For more details on this software, see:
5. Books
5.1. Model Predictive Control of High Power Converters and Industrial Drives
Contributed by: Tobias Geyer, t.geyer at ieee.org
Model Predictive Control of High Power Converters and Industrial Drives
by Tobias Geyer
November 2016, Wiley
Hardcover, 576 pages, £84.50 / €101.40
Traditionally, power converters have been controlled by linear SISO control
loops. Particularly for high power converters with multiple coupled
dynamics and tight operating constraints, model predictive control (MPC) is
expected to evolve into the control method of choice. MPC allows one to
increase the power capability of the converter, lower the current
distortions, reduce the converter hardware, achieve very fast transient
responses and ensure the reliable operation within safe operating area
Consisting of two main parts, the first part of the book offers a detailed
review of three-phase power electronics, electrical machines, carrier-based
pulse width modulation, optimized pulse patterns, state-of-the art
converter control methods and the principle of MPC. The second part is an
in-depth treatment of MPC methods that fully exploit the performance
potential of high-power converters. These control methods combine the fast
control responses of deadbeat control with the optimal steady-state
performance of optimized pulse patterns by resolving the antagonism between
the two.
This book is targeted at control engineers with an interest in power
electronics as well as power electronic practitioners working on
control-related aspects. Readers benefit from a concise and comprehensive
treatment of MPC for industrial power electronics, enabling them to
understand, implement and advance the field of high-performance MPC
schemes. A companion website with video animations augments the book.
Part I: Introduction
1 Introduction
2 Industrial Power Electronics
3 Classic Control and Modulation Schemes
Part II: Direct Model Predictive Control With Reference Tracking
4 Predictive Control with Short Horizons
5 Predictive Control with Long Horizons
6 Performance Evaluation of Predictive Control with Long Horizons
Part III: Direct Model Predictive Control With Bounds
7 Model Predictive Direct Torque Control
8 Performance Evaluation of Model Predictive Direct Torque Control
9 Analysis and Feasibility of Model Predictive Direct Torque Control
10 Computationally Efficient Model Predictive Direct Torque Control
11 Derivatives of Model Predictive Direct Torque Control
Part IV: Model Predictive Control Based on Pulse Width Modulation
12 Model Predictive Pulse Pattern Control
13 Performance Evaluation of Model Predictive Pulse Pattern Control
14 Model Predictive Control of a Modular Multilevel Converter
Part V: Summary
15 Summary and Conclusion
5.2. Global Formulations of Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Dynamics on Manifolds
Contributed by: Taeyoung Lee, tylee at gwu.edu
Global Formulations of Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Dynamics on Manifolds
by Taeyoung Lee, Melvin Leok, and N. Harris McClamroch
2018, Springer
Softcover, 539 pages, $89.99/£59.99
This book provides an accessible introduction to the variational
formulation of Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics, with a novel emphasis
on global descriptions of the dynamics, which is a significant conceptual
departure from more traditional approaches based on the use of local
coordinates on the configuration manifold. In particular, we introduce a
general methodology for obtaining globally valid equations of motion on
configuration manifolds that are Lie groups, homogeneous spaces, and
embedded manifolds, thereby avoiding the difficulties associated with
coordinate singularities.
The material is presented in an approachable fashion by considering
concrete configuration manifolds of increasing complexity, which then
motivates and naturally leads to the more general formulation that follows.
Understanding of the material is enhanced by numerous in-depth examples
throughout the book, culminating in non-trivial applications involving
multi-body systems.
This book is written for a general audience of mathematicians, engineers,
and physicists with a basic knowledge of mechanics. Some basic background
in differential geometry is helpful, but not essential, as the relevant
concepts are introduced in the book, thereby making the material accessible
to a broad audience, and suitable for either self-study or as the basis for
a graduate course in applied mathematics, engineering, or physics.
1 Mathematical Background
2 Kinematics
3 Classical Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Dynamics
4 Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Dynamics on (S^1)^n
5 Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Dynamics on (S^2)^n
6 Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Dynamics on SO(3)
7 Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Dynamics on SE(3)
8 Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Dynamics on Manifolds
9 Rigid and Multi-body Systems
10 Deformable Multi-body Systems
A Fundamental Lemmas of the Calculus of Variations
B Linearization as an Approximation to Lagrangian Dynamics on a Manifold
5.3. Robust Adaptive Dynamic Programming
Contributed by: Yu Jiang, yu.jiang at nyu.edu
Robust Adaptive Dynamic Programming
Authors: Yu Jiang and Zhong-Ping Jiang
ISBN: 978-1-119-13264-6
This book fills a gap in the literature by providing a theoretical
framework for integrating techniques from adaptive dynamic programming
(ADP) and modern nonlinear control to address data-driven optimal control
design challenges arising from both parametric and dynamic uncertainties.
Traditional model-based approaches leave much to be desired when addressing
the challenges posed by the ever-increasing complexity of real-world
engineering systems. An alternative which has received much interest in
recent years are biologically-inspired approaches, primarily RADP. Despite
their growing popularity worldwide, until now books on ADP have focused
nearly exclusively on analysis and design, with scant consideration given
to how it can be applied to address robustness issues, a new challenge
arising from dynamic uncertainties encountered in common engineering
Robust Adaptive Dynamic Programming zeros in on the practical concerns of
engineers. The authors develop RADP theory from linear systems to
partially-linear, large-scale, and completely nonlinear systems. They
provide in-depth coverage of state-of-the-art applications in power
systems, supplemented with numerous real-world examples implemented in
MATLAB. They also explore fascinating reverse engineering topics, such how
ADP theory can be applied to the study of the human brain and cognition. In
addition, the book:
* Covers the latest developments in RADP theory and applications for
solving a range of systems’ complexity problems
* Explores multiple real-world implementations in power systems with
illustrative examples backed up by reusable MATLAB code and Simulink block
* Provides an overview of nonlinear control, machine learning, and dynamic
* Features discussions of novel applications for RADP theory, including an
entire chapter on how it can be used as a computational mechanism of human
movement control
Robust Adaptive Dynamic Programming is both a valuable working resource and
an intriguing exploration of contemporary ADP theory and applications for
practicing engineers and advanced students in systems theory, control
engineering, computer science, and applied mathematics.
5.4. Aerial Manipulation
Contributed by: Yasmin Brookes, yazziebrookes at msn.com
Aerial Manipulation
by Matko Orsag, Christopher Korpela, Paul Oh and Stjepan Bogdan
ISBN: 978-3-319-61020-7
October 2017, Springer
Hardcover, 235 pages, $129.00/€114,99
This text is a thorough treatment of the rapidly growing area of aerial
manipulation. It details all the design steps required for the modeling and
control of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) equipped with robotic
manipulators. Starting with the physical basics of rigid-body kinematics,
the book gives an in-depth presentation of local and global coordinates,
together with the representation of orientation and motion in fixed- and
moving-coordinate systems. Coverage of the kinematics and dynamics of
unmanned aerial vehicles is developed in a succession of popular UAV
configurations for multirotor systems. Such an arrangement, supported by
frequent examples and end-of-chapter exercises, leads the reader from
simple to more complex UAV configurations. Propulsion-system aerodynamics,
essential in UAV design, is analyzed through blade-element and momentum
theories, analysis which is followed by a description of drag and
ground-aerodynamic effects.
The central part of the book is dedicated to aerial-manipulator kinematics,
dynamics, and control. Based on foundations laid in the opening chapters,
this portion of the book is a structured presentation of Newton–Euler
dynamic modeling that results in forward and backward equations in both
fixed- and moving-coordinate systems. The Lagrange–Euler approach is
applied to expand the model further, providing formalisms to model the
variable moment of inertia later used to analyze the dynamics of aerial
manipulators in contact with the environment. Using knowledge from sensor
data, insights are presented into the ways in which linear, robust, and
adaptive control techniques can be applied in aerial manipulation so as to
tackle the real-world problems faced by scholars and engineers in the
design and implementation of aerial robotics systems. The book is completed
by path and trajectory planning with vision-based examples for tracking and
1 Introduction
2 Coordinate Systems and Transformations
3 Multirotor Aerodynamics and Actuation
4 Aerial Manipulator Kinematics
5 Aerial Manipulator Dynamics
6 Sensors and Control
7 Mission Planning and Control
5.5. Saturated Control of Linear Systems
Contributed by: Yasmin Brookes, yazziebrookes at msn.com
Saturated Control of Linear Systems
by Abdellah Benzaouia, Fouad Mesquine and Mohamed Benhayoun
ISBN: 978-3-319-65989-3
September 2017, Springer
Hardcover, 226 pages, $129.00/€114,99
This book deals with a combination of two main problems for the first time.
They are saturation on control and on the rate (or increment) of the
control, and the solution of unsymmetrical saturation on the control by
LMIs. It treats linear systems in state space form, in both the continuous-
and discrete-time domains. Necessary and sufficient conditions are derived
for autonomous linear systems with constrained state increment or rate,
such that the system evolves respecting incremental or rate constraints if
any. A pole assignment technique is then used to solve the problem, giving
stabilizing state feedback controllers that respect non-symmetrical
constraints on control alone or on both control and its increment or rate.
Illustrative examples show the application of these methods on academic
examples or on such real plant models as the double integrator system. This
problem is then extended to various others including:
• systems with constraints and perturbations;
• singular systems with constrained control;
• systems with unsymmetrical saturations;
• saturated systems with delay, and
• 2-D systems with saturations.
The solutions obtained are of two types:
• necessary and sufficient conditions solved with linear programming
techniques; and
• sufficient conditions under LMIs.
A new approach extends existing techniques for dealing with symmetrical
saturations to take direct account of unsymmetrical saturations into
account with LMIs. This tool enables the authors to obtain new results on
continuous- and discrete-time systems. The book uses illustrative examples
and figures and provides many comparisons with existing results.
Systems theoreticians interested in multidimensional systems and
practitioners working with saturated and constrained controllers will find
the research and background presented in Saturated Control of Linear
Systems to be of considerable interest in helping them overcome problems
with their plant and in stimulating further research.
1 Preliminary Results
2 Robust Constrained Linear Regulator Problem
3 Constrained Control and Rate or Increment for Linear Systems
4 Regulator Problem for Singular Linear Systems with Constrained Control
5 Observer-Based Constrained Control
6 Constrained Control and Rate or Increment: An LMI Approach
7 Output Feedback Stabilization for Constrained Control Systems
8 Stabilization of Unsymmetrical Saturated Control Systems
9 Delay Systems with Saturating Control
10 Stabilization of 2D Continuous Systems with Multi-delays and Saturated
11 Case Studies
General Conclusion
6. Journals
6.1. Contents: Automatica
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com
Vol. 84
October 2017
- S. Sepehr Tabatabaei, Heidar Ali Talebi, Mahdi Tavakoli, An adaptive
order/state estimator for linear systems with non-integer time-varying
order, Pages 1-9
- Jinling Liang, Hongwei Chen, Yang Liu, On algorithms for state feedback
stabilization of Boolean control networks, Pages 10-16
- Kim Batselier, Zhongming Chen, Ngai Wong, A Tensor Network Kalman filter
with an application in recursive MIMO Volterra system identification, Pages
- Kim Batselier, Zhongming Chen, Ngai Wong, Tensor Network alternating
linear scheme for MIMO Volterra system identification, Pages 26-35
- Yang Liu, Bowen Li, Hongwei Chen, Jinde Cao, Function perturbations on
singular Boolean networks, Pages 36-42
- Anton A. Stoorvogel, Ali Saberi, Meirong Zhang, Solvability conditions
and design for state synchronization of multi-agent systems, Pages 43-47
- Dario Bauso, Adaptation, coordination, and local interactions via
distributed approachability, Pages 48-55
- Dmitry V. Balandin, Mark M. Kogan, Pareto suboptimal controllers in
multi-objective disturbance attenuation problems, Pages 56-61
- Mohammad Soltani, Abhyudai Singh, Moment-based analysis of stochastic
hybrid systems with renewal transitions, Pages 62-69
- Chirayu D. Athalye, Debasattam Pal, Harish K. Pillai, -stability: The
cases of infinite dimensional discrete autonomous systems and 2-D
autonomous systems, Pages 70-78
- Maria Elena Valcher, Irene Zorzan, On the consensus of homogeneous
multi-agent systems with arbitrarily switching topology, Pages 79-85
- Bahare Kiumarsi, Frank L. Lewis, Output synchronization of heterogeneous
discrete-time systems: A model-free optimal approach, Pages 86-94
- Jean-Michel Coron, Long Hu, Guillaume Olive, Finite-time boundary
stabilization of general linear hyperbolic balance laws via Fredholm
backstepping transformation, Pages 95-100
- Zahra Gallehdari, Nader Meskin, Khashayar Khorasani, An cooperative fault
recovery control of multi-agent systems, Pages 101-108
- Ziyang Meng, Tao Yang, Guodong Shi, Dimos V. Dimarogonas, Yiguang Hong,
Karl Henrik Johansson, Targeted agreement of multiple Lagrangian systems,
Pages 109-116
- Hui Xiao, Siyang Gao, Loo Hay Lee, Simulation budget allocation for
simultaneously selecting the best and worst subsets, Pages 117-127
- Valery Ugrinovskii, Cedric Langbort, Controller–jammer game models of
Denial of Service in control systems operating over packet-dropping links,
Pages 128-141
- Jie Zhong, Daniel W.C. Ho, Jianquan Lu, Wenying Xu, Global robust
stability and stabilization of Boolean network with disturbances, Pages
- Alessandro Falsone, Kostas Margellos, Simone Garatti, Maria Prandini,
Dual decomposition for multi-agent distributed optimization with coupling
constraints, Pages 149-158
- Antonio Pietrabissa, Vincenzo Suraci, Wardrop equilibrium on time-varying
graphs, Pages 159-165
- Mihály Petreczky, Sergiy Zhuk, Solutions of differential–algebraic
equations as outputs of LTI systems: Application to LQ control problems,
Pages 166-173
- Adrian-Mihail Stoica, Isaac Yaesh, A bounded real lemma type-result with
respect to the anisotropic norm setup for stochastic systems with
multiplicative noise, Pages 174-180
- Mahyar Fazlyab, Florian Dörfler, Victor M. Preciado, Optimal network
design for synchronization of coupled oscillators, Pages 181-189
- Chang Tan, Gang Tao, Ruiyun Qi, Hui Yang, A direct MRAC based
multivariable multiple-model switching control scheme, Pages 190-198
- Lijun Zhu, Zhiyong Chen, Robust input-to-output stabilization of
nonlinear systems with a specified gain, Pages 199-204
- Xiaoqing Cheng, Takeyuki Tamura, Wai-Ki Ching, Tatsuya Akutsu,
Discrimination of singleton and periodic attractors in Boolean networks,
Pages 205-213
- Xiangyu Meng, Lihua Xie, Yeng Chai Soh, Asynchronous periodic
event-triggered consensus for multi-agent systems, Pages 214-220
- Xian-Ming Zhang, Qing-Long Han, Alexandre Seuret, Frédéric Gouaisbaut, An
improved reciprocally convex inequality and an augmented
Lyapunov–Krasovskii functional for stability of linear systems with
time-varying delay, Pages 221-226
- Roman Geiselhart, Navid Noroozi, Equivalent types of ISS Lyapunov
functions for discontinuous discrete-time systems, Pages 227-231
- Qinghua Zhang, Lennart Ljung, From structurally independent local LTI
models to LPV model, Pages 232-235
- Chien-Shu Hsieh, Unbiased minimum-variance input and state estimation for
systems with unknown inputs: A system reformation approach, Pages 236-240
- Richard Seeber, Martin Horn, Stability proof for a well-established
super-twisting parameter setting, Pages 241-243
6.2. Contents: European Journal of Control
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com
European Journal of Control
Volume 37
September 2017
- Denis Efimov, Johannes Schiffer, Nikita Barabanov, Romeo Ortega, A
relaxed characterization of ISS for periodic systems with multiple
invariant sets, Pages 1-7
- Jinbiao Wu, Zaiming Liu, Maximum principle for mean-field zero-sum
stochastic differential game with partial information and its application
to finance, Pages 8-15
- Ioan Filip, Iosif Szeidert, Tuning the control penalty factor of a
minimum variance adaptive controller, Pages 16-26
- Alireza Farhadi, Sub-optimal control over AWGN communication network,
Pages 27-33
- Lifeng Ma, Zidong Wang, Yurong Liu, Fuad E. Alsaadi, Exponential
stabilization of nonlinear switched systems with distributed time-delay: An
average dwell time approach, Pages 34-42
- Roberto Diversi, Roberto Guidorzi, The Frisch scheme in multivariable
errors-in-variables identification, Pages 43-53
- Moustapha Dieye, Mamadou Abdoul Diop, Khalil Ezzinbi, Optimal feedback
control law for some stochastic integrodifferential equations on Hilbert
spaces, Pages 54-62
- Tianqiu Yu, Simultaneously stabilizing controllers subject to QI subspace
constraints, Pages 63-69
- Jinghao Zhu, A feedback optimal control by Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman
equation, Pages 70-74
6.3. Contents: System & Control Letters
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com
System & Control Letters
Vol. 107
September 2017
- Shun Chen, Daniel W.C. Ho, Ming Liu, Consensus protocol for multiple
delta operator systems, Pages 1-8
- Xuefang Li, Dong Shen, Two novel iterative learning control schemes for
systems with randomly varying trial lengths, Pages 9-16
- Hanbing Liu, Impulse output feedback stabilization of Fisher’s equation,
Pages 17-21
- Xiaodi Li, Yanhui Ding, Razumikhin-type theorems for time-delay systems
with Persistent impulses, Pages 22-27
- Jung Hoon Kim, Tomomichi Hagiwara, Upper/lower bounds of generalized
norms in sampled-data systems with convergence rate analysis and
discretization viewpoint, Pages 28-35
- Jinshan Zeng, Tao He, Mingwen Wang, A fast proximal gradient algorithm
for decentralized composite optimization over directed networks, Pages 36-43
- Junfeng Wu, Yuzhe Li, Daniel E. Quevedo, Ling Shi, Improved results on
transmission power control for remote state estimation, Pages 44-48
- Solmaz S. Kia, Distributed optimal in-network resource allocation
algorithm design via a control theoretic approach, Pages 49-57
- Li Sheng, Zidong Wang, Lei Zou, Output-feedback consensus control for
stochastic time-varying multi-agent systems with -dependent noises, Pages
- Iasson Karafyllis, Miroslav Krstic, Sampled-data boundary feedback
control of 1-D linear transport PDEs with non-local terms, Pages 68-75
- D. Bauso, Consensus via multi-population robust mean-field games, Pages
- Qinghua Zhang, On stability of the Kalman filter for discrete time output
error systems, Pages 84-91
- Jorge R. Chávez-Fuentes, Jorge E. Mayta, Eduardo F. Costa, Marco H.
Terra, Stochastic and exponential stability of discrete-time Markov jump
linear singular systems, Pages 92-99
- Xu Jin, Adaptive fault tolerant tracking control for a class of
stochastic nonlinear systems with output constraint and actuator faults,
Pages 100-109
- Shun-Pin Hsu, Constructing a controllable graph under edge constraints,
Pages 110-116
6.4. Contents: Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com
Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems
Volume 26
November 2017
- Xiang Wu, Kanjian Zhang, Ming Cheng, Computational method for optimal
control of switched systems with input and state constraints, Pages 1-18
- Shengqiang Zhang, Xinzhu Meng, Tao Feng, Tonghua Zhang, Dynamics analysis
and numerical simulations of a stochastic non-autonomous predator–prey
system with impulsive effects, Pages 19-37
- L.J. Ontañón-García, E. Campos-Cantón, Widening of the basins of
attraction of a multistable switching dynamical system with the location of
symmetric equilibria, Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, Pages 38-47
- Manuel Navarro-Gutiérrez, Antonio Ramírez-Treviño, Manuel Silva,
Homothecy, bifurcations, continuity and monotonicity in timed continuous
Petri nets under infinite server semantics, Pages 48-67
- Yongbao Wu, Bingdao Chen, Wenxue Li, Synchronization of stochastic
coupled systems via feedback control based on discrete-time state
observations, Pages 68-85
- Mohammad S. Ghasemi, Ali A. Afzalian, Robust tube-based MPC of
constrained piecewise affine systems with bounded additive disturbances,
Pages 86-100
- Roman Kuiava, Bruna Krasota Matos, Gustavo Reche Razente, Finite-time
stability of a class of continuous-time non-homogeneous switched systems,
Pages 101-114
- Dean W. Smith III, Ricardo G. Sanfelice, A hybrid feedback control
strategy for autonomous waypoint transitioning and loitering of unmanned
aerial vehicles, Pages 115-136
- Jing Wang, Mengshen Chen, Hao Shen, Ju H. Park, Zheng-Guang Wu, A Markov
jump model approach to reliable event-triggered retarded dynamic output
feedback control for networked systems, Pages 137-150
- Qing Zhang, Caojin Zhang, George Yin, Optimal stopping of two-time scale
Markovian systems: Analysis, numerical methods, and applications, Pages
- Albert Benveniste, Timothy Bourke, Benoit Caillaud, Bruno Pagano, Marc
Pouzet, A type-based analysis of causality loops in hybrid systems
modelers, Pages 168-189
- Sergey Dashkovskiy, Petro Feketa, Input-to-state stability of impulsive
systems and their networks, Pages 190-200
- Wenhai Qi, Ju H. Park, Jun Cheng, Yonggui Kao, Xianwen Gao, Anti-windup
design for stochastic Markovian switching systems with mode-dependent
time-varying delays and saturation nonlinearity, Pages 201-211
- He Zhang, Huihui Ji, Zhiyong Ye, Tian Senping, Hua Zhang, Chenlong Li,
Impulsive consensus of multi-agent systems with stochastically switching
topologies, Pages 212-224
- Leonardo Herrera, Oscar Montano, Yury Orlov, Hopf bifurcation of hybrid
Van der Pol oscillators, Pages 225-238
- Bo Wang, Jun Cheng, Jianming Zhan, A sojourn probability approach to
fuzzy-model-based reliable control for switched systems with mode-dependent
time-varying delays, Pages 239-253
- C. Renato Vázquez, David Gómez-Gutiérrez, Antonio Ramírez-Teviño,
Observer synthesis for Linear Hybrid Systems with constrained discrete
dynamics, Pages 254-273
- Chengzhi Yuan, Distributed adaptive switching consensus control of
heterogeneous multi-agent systems with switched leader dynamics, Pages
- Yanan Li, Yuangong Sun, Fanwei Meng, New criteria for exponential
stability of switched time-varying systems with delays and nonlinear
disturbances, Pages 284-291
- Mauro Franceschelli, Alessandro Giua, Carla Seatzu, Gossip based
asynchronous and randomized distributed task assignment with guaranteed
performance on heterogeneous networks, Pages 292-306
- Xin Wang, Xinzhi Liu, Kun She, Shouming Zhong, Pinning impulsive
synchronization of complex dynamical networks with various time-varying
delay sizes, Pages 307-318
6.5. Contents: Mechatronics
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com
Vol. 46
October 2017
- Mohammad Pournazeri, Amir Khajepour, Yanjun Huang, Development of a new
fully flexible hydraulic variable valve actuation system for engines using
rotary spool valves, Pages 1-20
- Philips S. Ogun, Michael R. Jackson, Active vibration control and
real-time cutter path modification in rotary wood planing, Pages 21-31
- Hongchul Kim, Young June Shin, Jung Kim, Design and locomotion control of
a hydraulic lower extremity exoskeleton for mobility augmentation, Pages
- Pedram Agand, Mohammad Motaharifar, Hamid D. Taghirad, Decentralized
robust control for teleoperated needle insertion with uncertainty and
communication delay, Pages 46-59
- Franz Königseder, Wolfgang Kemmetmüller, Andreas Kugi, Attitude control
strategy for a camera stabilization platform, Pages 60-69
- Santhakumar Mohan, Error analysis and control scheme for the error
correction in trajectory-tracking of a planar 2PRP-PPR parallel
manipulator, Pages 70-83
- Milad Jalali, Ehsan Hashemi, Amir Khajepour, Shih-ken Chen, Bakhtiar
Litkouhi, Integrated model predictive control and velocity estimation of
electric vehicles, Pages 84-100
- Hua Liu, Weidong Zhu, Huiyue Dong, Yinglin Ke, A helical milling and oval
countersinking end-effector for aircraft assembly, Pages 101-114
- Guillaume Millet, Martin Otis, Daniel Horodniczy, Jeremy R. Cooperstock,
Design of Variable-friction devices for shoe-floor contact, Pages 115-125
- Kun-Yung Chen, Yu-Hong Lai, Rong-Fong Fung, A comparison of fitness
functions for identifying an LCD Glass-handling robot system, Pages 126-142
- Qingcong Wu, Xingsong Wang, Bai Chen, Hongtao Wu, Ziyan Shao, Development
and hybrid force/position control of a compliant rescue manipulator, Pages
- Ritwik Chattaraj, Siladitya Khan, Aritra Dasgupta, Gautam Gare, Debabrata
Chatterjee, Subhasis Bhaumik, An iteratively optimized resolution to hyper
redundancy for dissimilarly doped compliant IPMC actuators, Pages 154-167
- Jianfeng Liao, Zheng Chen, Bin Yao, High-performance adaptive robust
control with balanced torque allocation for the over-actuated cutter-head
driving system in tunnel boring machine, Pages 168-176
- Yuanjian Zhang, Liang Chu, Zicheng Fu, Nan Xu, Chong Guo, Xuezhao Zhang,
Zhouhuan Chen, Peng Wang, Optimal energy management strategy for parallel
plug-in hybrid electric vehicle based on driving behavior analysis and real
time traffic information prediction, Pages 177-192
- Shahabeddin Vamegh Estahbanati, Rached Dhaouadi, Maher Bakri-Kassem,
Macromodeling of thermally driven V-shaped MEMS actuators, Pages 193-204
6.6. Contents: Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Volume 64
September 2017
- Brahim Farou, Med Nadjib Kouahla, Hamid Seridi, Herman Akdag, Efficient
local monitoring approach for the task of background subtraction, Pages 1-12
- Mei-Ying Cheng, Abhishek Gupta, Yew-Soon Ong, Zhi-Wei Ni, Coevolutionary
multitasking for concurrent global optimization: With case studies in
complex engineering design, Pages 13-24
- Walid Hariri, Hedi Tabia, Nadir Farah, Abdallah Benouareth, David
Declercq, 3D facial expression recognition using kernel methods on
Riemannian manifold, Pages 25-32
- Jia Cai, Xiaolin Huang, Robust kernel canonical correlation analysis with
applications to information retrieval, Pages 33-42
- Tinghua Wang, Wei Li, Fulai Liu, Jialin Hua, Sprinkled semantic diffusion
kernel for word sense disambiguation, Pages 43-51
- Jesús Velasco Carrau, Gilberto Reynoso-Meza, Sergio García-Nieto, Xavier
Blasco, Enhancing controller’s tuning reliability with multi-objective
optimisation: From Model in the loop to Hardware in the loop, Pages 52-66
- Yongquan Zhou, Yuxiang Zhou, Qifang Luo, Mohamed Abdel-Basset, A simplex
method-based social spider optimization algorithm for clustering analysis,
Pages 67-82
- Andrzej Janusz, Marek Grzegorowski, Marcin Michalak, Łukasz Wróbel, Marek
Sikora, Dominik Ślęzak, Predicting seismic events in coal mines based on
underground sensor measurements, Pages 83-94
- Joel Janek Dabrowski, Johan Pieter de Villiers, Conrad Beyers,
Context-based behaviour modelling and classification of marine vessels in
an abalone poaching situation, Pages 95-111
- Krzysztof Wrobel, Rafal Doroz, Piotr Porwik, Jacek Naruniec, Marek
Kowalski, Using a Probabilistic Neural Network for lip-based biometric
verification, Pages 112-127
- Ran Duan, Changhong Fu, Erdal Kayacan, Tracking–recommendation–detection:
A novel online target modeling for visual tracking, Pages 128-139
- Md. Ashfaqur Rahman, Ganesh Kumar Venayagamoorthy, A hybrid method for
power system state estimation using Cellular Computational Network, Pages
- Adam J. Wootton, John B. Butcher, Theocharis Kyriacou, Charles R. Day,
Peter W. Haycock, Structural health monitoring of a footbridge using Echo
State Networks and NARMAX, Pages 152-163
- Nicolas Lefebvre, Xiandong Chen, Pierre Beauseroy, MengYao Zhu, Traffic
flow estimation using acoustic signal, Pages 164-171
- Daniela Sánchez, Patricia Melin, Oscar Castillo, Optimization of modular
granular neural networks using a firefly algorithm for human recognition,
Pages 172-186
- S. Martin-del-Campo, F. Sandin, Online feature learning for condition
monitoring of rotating machinery, Pages 187-196
- Adrián Peidró, Óscar Reinoso, Arturo Gil, José María Marín, Luis Payá, An
improved Monte Carlo method based on Gaussian growth to calculate the
workspace of robots, Pages 197-207
- Dariusz Jacek Jakóbczak, 2D and 3D curve modeling — multidimensional data
recovery, Pages 208-212
- Gholamreza Khademi, Hanieh Mohammadi, Dan Simon, Hybrid invasive
weed/biogeography-based optimization, Pages 213-231
- Peifang Guo, Brain tissue classification method for clinical
decision-support systems, Pages 232-241
- Bisan Alsalibi, Ibrahim Venkat, Mohammed Azmi Al-Betar, A
membrane-inspired bat algorithm to recognize faces in unconstrained
scenarios, Pages 242-260
- Gaspar Pizarro V., Juan D. Velásquez, Docode 5: Building a real-world
plagiarism detection system, Pages 261-271
- Selmo Eduardo Rodrigues Júnior, Ginalber Luiz de Oliveira Serra, A novel
intelligent approach for state space evolving forecasting of seasonal time
series, Pages 272-285
- Huimin Jiang, C.K. Kwong, Woo-Yong Park, Probabilistic fuzzy regression
approach for preference modeling, Pages 286-294
- Simon Enjalbert, Frédéric Vanderhaegen, A hybrid reinforced learning
system to estimate resilience indicators, Pages 295-301
- Gaoqi He, Qi Chen, Dongxu Jiang, Xingjian Lu, Yubo Yuan, A double-region
learning algorithm for counting the number of pedestrians in subway
surveillance videos, Pages 302-314
- Edmundas Kazimieras Zavadskas, Romualdas Bausys, Birute Juodagalviene,
Inga Garnyte-Sapranaviciene, Model for residential house element and
material selection by neutrosophic MULTIMOORA method, Pages 315-324
- Anouar Farah, Tawfik Guesmi, Hsan Hadj Abdallah, A new method for the
coordinated design of power system damping controllers, Pages 325-339
- Sayan Banerjee, Amitava Chatterjee, Robust multimodal multivariate ear
recognition using kernel based simultaneous sparse representation, Pages
- Jin Qi, Jie Hu, Yinghong Peng, A modularized case adaptation method of
case-based reasoning in parametric machinery design, Pages 352-366
- Luciano Sánchez, Inés Couso, Cecilio Blanco, A class of Monotone Fuzzy
rule-based Wiener systems with an application to Li-ion battery modelling,
Pages 367-377
- Jakub Marszałkowski, Dariusz Mokwa, Maciej Drozdowski, Łukasz Rusiecki,
Hubert Narożny, Fast algorithms for online construction of web tag clouds,
Pages 378-390
- Shiju S.S., Asif Salim, Sumitra S., Multiple kernel learning using
composite kernel functions, Pages 391-400
- K. Prajindra Sankar, Tiong Sieh Kiong, Johnny Koh Siaw Paw, Dynamic
social behavior algorithm for real-parameter optimization problems and
optimization of hyper beamforming of linear antenna arrays, Pages 401-414
- Yaping Ren, Guangdong Tian, Fu Zhao, Daoyuan Yu, Chaoyong Zhang,
Selective cooperative disassembly planning based on multi-objective
discrete artificial bee colony algorithm, Pages 415-431
- Liang Yao, Yin Zhang, Qinfei Chen, Hongze Qian, Baogang Wei, Zhifeng Hu,
Mining coherent topics in documents using word embeddings and large-scale
text data, Pages 432-439
- Drasko Furundzic, Srdjan Stankovic, Slobodan Jovicic, Silvana Punisic,
Misko Subotic, Distance based resampling of imbalanced classes: With an
application example of speech quality assessment, Pages 440-461
6.7. Contents: ISA Transactions
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com
ISA Transactions
Volume 70
September 2017
- Wei Qian, Manman Yuan, Lei Wang, Xuhui Bu, Junqi Yang, Stabilization of
systems with interval time-varying delay based on delay decomposing
approach, Pages 1-6
- Baris Baykant Alagoz, Hurwitz stability analysis of fractional order LTI
systems according to principal characteristic equations, Pages 7-15
- N.K. Arun, B.M. Mohan, Modeling, stability analysis, and computational
aspects of some simplest nonlinear fuzzy two-term controllers derived via
center of area/gravity defuzzification, Pages 16-29
- Xiaoxiao Lv, Xiaodi Li, Finite time stability and controller design for
nonlinear impulsive sampled-data systems with applications, Pages 30-36
- Yu Ren, Guanghui Sun, Zhiguang Feng, Observer-based stabilization for
switched positive system with mode-dependent average dwell time, Pages 37-45
- Pavin Mahmoudabadi, Mokhtar Shasadeghi, Jafar Zarei, New stability and
stabilization conditions for nonlinear systems with time-varying delay
based on delay-partitioning approach, Pages 46-52
- Dawei Wu, Mou Chen, Huajun Gong, Robust control of post-stall pitching
maneuver based on finite-time observer, Pages 53-63
- Fatemeh Khani, Mohammad Haeri, Constrained tracking control for nonlinear
systems, Pages 64-72
- Xiangfei Deng, Xiangbin Liu, Adaptive internal model guidance law for
weaving maneuvering target, Pages 73-78
- Jianming Wei, Youan Zhang, Meimei Sun, Baoliang Geng, Adaptive iterative
learning control of a class of nonlinear time-delay systems with unknown
backlash-like hysteresis input and control direction, Pages 79-92
- Tawfik Najeh, Abdelkader Mbarek, Kais Bouzrara, Lotfi Nabli, Hassani
Messaoud, New methods of Laguerre pole optimization for the ARX model
expansion on Laguerre bases, Pages 93-103
- Feng Yu, Zhizhong Mao, Ping Yuan, Dakuo He, Mingxing Jia, Recursive
parameter estimation for Hammerstein-Wiener systems using modified EKF
algorithm, Pages 104-115
- Ting Wang, Tao Li, Guobao Zhang, Shumin Fei, Further triple integral
approach to mixed-delay-dependent stability of time-delay neutral systems,
Pages 116-124
- Liguang Xu, Jiankang Li, Shuzhi Sam Ge, Impulsive stabilization of
fractional differential systems, Pages 125-131
- Raaja Ganapathy Subramanian, Vinodh Kumar Elumalai, Multi-loop nonlinear
control design for performance improvement of LTI systems, Pages 132-138
- A.H. Tahoun, A new online delay estimation-based robust adaptive
stabilizer for multi-input neutral systems with unknown actuator
nonlinearities, Pages 139-148
- Israa Sh. Tawfic, Sema Kayhan, An improved stopping condition guarantee
recovery of sparse signal via Subspace Pursuit method, Pages 149-160
- Linqi Ye, Qun Zong, Bailing Tian, Xiuyun Zhang, Fang Wang,
Control-oriented modeling and adaptive backstepping control for a
nonminimum phase hypersonic vehicle, Pages 161-172
- Qinglei Hu, Guanglin Niu, Attitude output feedback control for rigid
spacecraft with finite-time convergence, Pages 173-186
- Hsin-Chen Hu, Yen-Chen Liu, Passivity-based control framework for
task-space bilateral teleoperation with parametric uncertainty over
unreliable networks, Pages 187-199
- Zhe Li, Guang-Hong Yang, A data-driven fault-tolerant control design of
linear multivariable systems with performance optimization, Pages 200-208
- Young-Rae Ko, Yoonkyu Hwang, Minji Chae, Tae-Hyoung Kim, Direct
identification of generalized Prandtl–Ishlinskii model inversion for
asymmetric hysteresis compensation, Pages 209-218
- Carlos Ma, Michael Z.Q. Chen, James Lam, Kie Chung Cheung, A novel body
frame based approach to aerospacecraft attitude tracking, Pages 228-237
- A. David Rosas, V. Karla Velazquez, F. Luz Olivares, T. Adrian Camacho,
Ivan Williams, Methodology to assess quality of estimated disturbances in
active disturbance rejection control structure for mechanical system, Pages
- Tao Zhao, Songyi Dian, Fuzzy dynamic output feedback H∞ control for
continuous-time T-S fuzzy systems under imperfect premise matching, Pages
- Yi-You Hou, Design and implementation of EP-based PID controller for
chaos synchronization of Rikitake circuit systems, Pages 260-268
- Wenxiang Deng, Jianyong Yao, Dawei Ma, Robust adaptive precision motion
control of hydraulic actuators with valve dead-zone compensation, Pages
- B.B. Naik, A.J. Mehta, Sliding mode controller with modified sliding
function for DC-DC Buck Converter, Pages 279-287
- Nowrouz Mohammad Nouri, Mehrdad Valadi, Robust input design for nonlinear
dynamic modeling of AUV, Pages 288-297
- Runmin Hou, Li Wang, Qiang Gao, Yuanglong Hou, Chao Wang, Indirect
adaptive fuzzy wavelet neural network with self- recurrent consequent part
for AC servo system, Pages 298-307
- Active Fault Tolerant Control Based on Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Sliding Mode
Controller and Non Linear Adaptive Observer for 3-DOF Laboratory
Helicopter, Page 308
- Sy Dzung Nguyen, Hoang Duy Vo, Tae-Il Seo, Nonlinear adaptive control
based on fuzzy sliding mode technique and fuzzy-based compensator, Pages
- Gang Shen, Xiang Li, Zhencai Zhu, Yu Tang, Weidong Zhu, Shanzeng Liu,
Acceleration tracking control combining adaptive control and off-line
compensators for six-degree-of-freedom electro-hydraulic shaking tables,
Pages 322-337
- K.H. Estévez-Sánchez, A. Sampieri-Croda, M.A. García-Alvarado, I.I.
Ruiz-López, Design of multiloop PI controllers based on quadratic optimal
approach, Pages 338-347
- Fethi Farhani, Chiheb Ben Regaya, Abderrahmen Zaafouri, Abdelkader
Chaari, Real time PI-backstepping induction machine drive with efficiency
optimization, Pages 348-356
- Konstantinos G. Papadopoulos, Praveen K. Yadav, Nikolaos I. Margaris,
Explicit analytical tuning rules for digital PID controllers via the
magnitude optimum criterion, Pages 357-377
- Jitendra Kr. Jain, Sandip Ghosh, Somnath Maity, Pawel Dworak, PI
controller design for indirect vector controlled induction motor: A
decoupling approach, Pages 378-388
- Zhengbing Yan, Te-Hui Kuang, Yuan Yao, Multivariate fault isolation of
batch processes via variable selection in partial least squares
discriminant analysis, Pages 389-399
- Yiqi Liu, Ali M. Bazzi, A review and comparison of fault detection and
diagnosis methods for squirrel-cage induction motors: State of the art,
Pages 400-409
- Jie Shao, Zhiquan Deng, Yu Gu, Sensorless control for switched reluctance
motor based on special position detection, Pages 410-418
- Hyoung Oh Kim, Sung Jin Yoo, Memoryless disturbance-observer-based
adaptive tracking of uncertain pure-feedback nonlinear time-delay systems
with unmatched disturbances, Pages 419-431
- Barmak Baigzadehnoe, Zahra Rahmani, Alireza Khosravi, Behrooz Rezaie, On
position/force tracking control problem of cooperative robot manipulators
using adaptive fuzzy backstepping approach, Pages 432-446
- Ying-jun Li, Cong Yang, Gui-cong Wang, Hui Zhang, Huan-yong Cui,
Yong-liang Zhang, Research on the parallel load sharing principle of a
novel self-decoupled piezoelectric six-dimensional force sensor, Pages
- Ko Ko Htet Kyaw, Kok Kiong Tan, Set-point manipulation approach towards
online performance improvement in existing process control loops, Pages
- A. Rini Ann Jerin, Palanisamy Kaliannan, Umashankar Subramaniam, Improved
fault ride through capability of DFIG based wind turbines using synchronous
reference frame control based dynamic voltage restorer, Pages 465-474
- Asma Chihi, Hechmi Ben Azza, Mohamed Jemli, Anis Sellami, Nonlinear
integral sliding mode control design of photovoltaic pumping system: Real
time implementation, Pages 475-485
- Li Sun, Qingsong Hua, Donghai Li, Lei Pan, Yali Xue, Kwang Y. Lee, Direct
energy balance based active disturbance rejection control for coal-fired
power plant, Pages 486-493
- Yunji Li, Peng Li, Wen Chen, An energy-efficient data transmission scheme
for remote state estimation and applications to a water-tank system, Pages
- M. Shirvani Boroujeni, G.R. Arab Markadeh, J. Soltani, Torque ripple
reduction of brushless DC motor based on adaptive input-output feedback
linearization, Pages 502-511
- Mohammad Khan, Malik Tahiyat, Syed Imtiaz, M.A.A.Shoukat Choudhury,
Faisal Khan, Experimental evaluation of control performance of MPC as a
regulatory controller, Pages 512-520
6.8. Contents: Asian Journal of Control
Contributed by: LiChen Fu, lichen at ntu.edu.tw
Asian Journal of Control
Vol.19, No.5 September, 2017
[Regular Paper]
1. Paper Title: On-the-Fly and Incremental Technique for Fault Diagnosis of
Discrete Event Systems Modeled by Labeled Petri Nets (pages 1659–1671),
Baisi Liu, Mohamed Ghazel and Armand Toguyéni
2. Paper Title: A New High-Order Adaptive Robust Control for Constraint
Following of Mechanical Systems (pages 1672–1687), Xiuye Wang, Han Zhao,
Qinqin Sun and Ye-Hwa Chen
3. Paper Title: Statistical Analysis of Power System Sensitivity Under
Random Penetration of Photovoltaic Generation (pages 1688–1698), Yu Li and
Masato Ishikawa
4. Paper Title: Fractional Order PI-PD Control of Liquid Level in Coupled
Two Tank System and its Experimental Validation (pages 1699–1709), Prasanta
Roy, Biprajeet Kar and Binoy Krishna Roy
5. Paper Title: Robust control design of an air-breathing engine for a
supersonic vehicle using backstepping and UKF (pages 1710–1721), Arnab
Maity and Radhakant Padhi
6. Paper Title: Taylor polynomial Approximation and Adaptive
Passivity-Based Control Applied to the Level Regulation of a Conical Tank
(pages 1722–1730), Juan Carlos Travieso-Torres, Manuel A. Duarte-Mermoud
and Orlando Beytía-Cancino
7. Paper Title: On The Modeling of Twin Rotor MIMO System Using Chirp
Inputs as Test Signals (pages 1731–1740), Parthish Kumar Paul and Jeevamma
8. Paper Title: Fractal Dimension and Synchronization of the Controlled
Julia Sets of a Reaction–Diffusion System (pages 1741–1747), Yongping
Zhang, Changchun Liu, Shutang Liu and Jie Sun
9. Paper Title: Stochastic Point-to-Point Iterative Learning Control Based
on Stochastic Approximation (pages 1748–1755), Yun Xu, Dong Shen and
Xiao-Dong Zhang
10. Paper Title: Finite-Time Consensus Problem for Second-Order Multi-Agent
Systems Under Switching Topologies (pages 1756–1766), Fang Wang, Xin Chen,
Yong He and Min Wu
11. Paper Title: Active Disturbance Rejection in Affine Nonlinear Systems
Based on Equivalent-Input-Disturbance Approach (pages 1767–1776), Fang Gao,
Min Wu, Jinhua She and Weihua Cao
12. Paper Title: Fault Detection and Isolation Method Based on H−/H∞
Unknown Input Observer Design in Finite Frequency Domain (pages 1777–1790),
Meng Zhou, Zhenhua Wang and Yi Shen
13. Paper Title: NLFXLMS and THF-NLFXLMS Algorithms for Wiener-Hammerstein
Nonlinear Active Noise Control (pages 1791–1801), Radik Srazhidinov, Raja
Kamil and Samsul Bahari Mohd Noor
14. Paper Title: Active DIsturbance Rejection Control of Surface Vessels
Using Composite Error Updated Extended State Observer (pages 1802–1811),
Tairen Sun, Jun Zhang and Yongping Pan
15. Paper Title: Attitude Tracking Control of A Quad-Rotor with Partial
Loss of Rotation Effectiveness (pages 1812–1821), Zhankui Song and Kaibiao
16. Paper Title: Synchronization Control for a Swarm of Unicycle Robots:
Analysis of Different Controller Topologies (pages 1822–1833), H.
Gutiérrez, A. Morales and H. Nijmeijer
17. Paper Title: Stabilization of a Heat-ODE System Cascaded at a Boundary
Point and an Intermediate Point (pages 1834–1843), Zhiyuan Zhen, Shu-Xia
Tang and Zhongcheng Zhou
18. Paper Title: Stability Analysis in a Curved Road Traffic Flow Model
Based on Control Theory (pages 1844–1853), Xiang Pei Meng and Li Ying Yan
[Brief Paper]
1. Paper Title: Discrete-Time Super-Twisting Guidance Law with Actuator
Faults Consideration (pages 1854–1861), Shaoming He, Wei Wang and Jiang Wang
2. Paper Title: Reachable Set Estimation for Discrete-Time Singular Systems
(pages 1862–1870), Jiangrong Li, Zhiguang Feng and Changzhu Zhang
6.9. Contents: International Journal of Control
Contributed by: Bing Chu, b.chu at soton.ac.uk
International Journal of Control
Volume 90, Issue 10, 2017
- Adaptive output feedback control of feedforward nonlinear distributed
delay systems with unknown delay kernel, Xianglei Jia, Xinkai Chen &
Shengyuan Xu, pages: 2057-2071
- Incremental passivity and output regulation for switched nonlinear
systems, Hongbo Pang & Jun Zhao, pages: 2072-2084
- On the conditions of exponential stability in active disturbance
rejection control based on singular perturbation analysis, S. Shao & Z.
Gao, pages: 2085-2097
- Transcale average consensus of directed multi-vehicle networks with fixed
and switching topologies, Deyuan Meng , Yingmin Jia, Kaiquan Cai & Junping
Du, pages: 2098-2110
- Increasing eigenstructure assignment design degree of freedom using
lifting, L. Chen , A.J. Pomfret & T. Clarke, pages: 2111-2123
- Reliable computation of PID gain space for general second-order
time-delay systems, M. Firouzbahrami & A. Nobakhti, pages: 2124-2136
- Formation Potential Field for Trajectory Tracking Control of Multi-Agents
in Constrained Space, Xiaomei Liu , Shuzhi Sam Ge & Cher-Hiang Goh, pages:
- Optimal linear–quadratic control of coupled parabolic–hyperbolic PDEs, I.
Aksikas, A. Alizadeh Moghadam & J. F. Forbes, pages: 2152-2164
- Stability analysis based on partition trajectory approach for switched
neural networks with fractional Brown noise disturbance, Xianghui Zhou, Jun
Yang, Zhi Li, Wuneng Zhou & Dongbing Tong, pages: 2165-2177
- H∞ control of continuous-time Markov jump linear systems with
detector-based mode information, C. C. Graciani Rodrigues, Marcos G.
Todorov & Marcelo D. Fragoso, pages: 2178-2196
- Coordination of heterogeneous nonlinear multi-agent systems with
prescribed behaviours, Yutao Tang, pages: 2197-2205
- Coordinate independent adaptive attitude tracking control design for
spacecraft robust to time-varying system uncertainties, Iman Fadakar, Baris
Fidan & Jan P. Huissoon, pages: 2206-2226
- Fault-tolerant cooperative output regulation for multi-vehicle systems
with sensor faults, Liguo Qin, Xiao He & D. H. Zhou, pages: 2227-2248
- Corrigendum and addendum to "A note on stability conditions for planar
switched systems, M. Balde, U. Boscain, P. Mason", pages: 2249-2252
- Adaptive robust fault-tolerant control for linear MIMO systems with
unmatched uncertainties, Kangkang Zhang, Bin Jiang, Xing-Gang Yan & Zehui
Mao, pages: 2253-2269
- Fault detection for linear discrete-time systems with output
quantisation, Fumin Guo, Xuemei Ren, Zhijun Li & Cunwu Han, pages: 2270-2283
- Robust consensus control with guaranteed rate of convergence using
second-order Hurwitz polynomials, Michael Fruhnert & Martin Corless, pages:
- A polytopic LPV approach to active fault tolerant control system design
for three-phase induction motors, H. Rezaei & M. J. Khosrowjerdi, pages:
6.10. Contents: Control Theory and Technology
Contributed by: Zou Tiefeng, tfzou at scut.edu.cn
Table of Contents
Control Theory and Technology
(formerly entitled Journal of Control Theory and Applications)
Vol. 15, No. 3, August 2017
Special issue on quantum control
Dedicated to the occasion of Prof. Ian Petersen's 60th birthday
- Editorial, D. Dong, G. Shi, S. Vuglar, M. R. James P.161
- Time averaged consensus in a direct coupled coherent quantum observer
network, I. R. Petersen P.163
- A phase-space formulation and Gaussian approximation of the filtering
equations for nonlinear quantum stochastic systems, I. G. Vladimirov P.177
- Pole placement approach to coherent passive reservoir engineering for
storing quantum information, T. Nguyen, Z. Miao, Y. Pan, N. Amini, V.
Ugrinovskii, M. R. James P.193
- Feedback stabilization of N-dimensional stochastic quantum systems based
on bang-bang control, X. Sun, S. Kuang, Y. Liu, J. Zhou, S. Cong P.206
- Time-optimal control for hybrid systems based on the nitrogen-vacancy
center, S. Yu, N. Li, P. Wei, Z. Xi P.219
- Quantum learning control using differential evolution with equally-mixed
strategies, H. Ma, D. Dong, C. Shu, Z. Zhu, C. Chen P.226
- Recent advances on analysis and design of switched linear systems, Z. Sun
6.11. Contents: Evolution Equations and Control
Contributed by: Irena Lasiecka, lasiecka at memphis.edu
Content : vol 6.3 EECT [Evolution Equations and Control] is on line:
1. On the Frechet differentiability in optimal control of coefficients in
parabolic free boundary problems Pages : 319 - 344, Ugur G. Abdulla, Evan
Cosgrove and Jonathan Goldfarb
2. The varepsilon-entropy of some infinite dimensional compact ellipsoids
and fractal dimension of attractors Pages : 345 - 356, María Anguiano and
Alain Haraux
3. Local exact controllability to trajectories of the magneto-micropolar
fluid equations Pages : 357 - 379, Cung The Anh and Vu Manh Toi
4. Null controllability for parabolic equations with dynamic boundary
conditions Pages : 381 - 407, Lahcen Maniar, Martin Meyries and Roland
5. Lp-solutions of the stochastic Navier-Stokes equations subject to Lévy
noise Pages : 409 - 425, Manil T. Mohan and Sivaguru S. Sritharan
6. Sensitivity analysis in set-valued optimization under strictly minimal
efficiency Pages : 427 - 436, Zhenhua Peng, Zhongping Wan and Weizhi Xiong
7. Long-time dynamics for a class of extensible beams with nonlocal
nonlinear damping Pages : 437 - 470, Marcio Antonio Jorge da Silva and
Vando Narciso
8. Approximate controllability of Sobolev type fractional evolution systems
with nonlocal conditions Pages : 471 - 486, Jinrong Wang, Michal Fečkan and
Yong Zhou
6.12. Contents: IET Control Theory & Applications
Contributed by: Alexandria Lipka, alipka at theiet.org
IET Control Theory & Applications
Volume 11, Issue 14, 2017
Research Article
- Ying Gu and Guang-Hong Yang, Fault detection for discrete-time Lipschitz
non-linear systems in finite-frequency domain, Pages 2177–2186
- Shuang Zhang and Xiuyu He, Boundary control of a flexible crane system in
two-dimensional space, Pages 2187–2194
- Renquan Lu, Hui Peng, Shuang Liu, Yong Xu, Xiao-Meng Li, Reliable l2−l∞l2
filtering for fuzzy Markov stochastic systems with sensor failures and
packet dropouts, Pages 2195–2203
- Jian Feng, Kezhen Han, Qing Zhao, Memory scheduling robust H∞
filter-based fault detection for discrete-time polytopic uncertain systems
over fading channels, Pages 2204–2212
- Dongyu Li, Guangfu Ma, Wei He, Wei Zhang, Chuanjiang Li, Shuzhi Sam Ge,
Distributed coordinated tracking control of multiple Euler–Lagrange systems
by state and output feedback, Pages 2213–2221
- Hansheng Wu, Simple adaptive robust control schemes of uncertain
strict-feedback non-linear time-delay systems, Pages 2222–2231
- Jianglin Lan, Ron J. Patton, Xiaoyuan Zhu, Integrated fault-tolerant
control for a 3-DOF helicopter with actuator faults and saturation, Pages
- Yue Wu and Jiuxiang Dong, Controller synthesis for one-sided Lipschitz
Markovian jump systems with partially unknown transition probabilities,
Pages 2242–2251
- Fang Guo, Yu Liu, Fei Luo, Adaptive stabilisation of a flexible riser by
using the Lyapunov-based barrier backstepping technique, Pages 2252–2260
- Diego Langarica-Cordoba, Jesus Leyva-Ramos, Luis H. Diaz-Saldierna,
Victor M. Ramirez-Rivera, Non-linear current-mode control for boost power
converters: a dynamic backstepping approach, Pages 2261–2269
- Yuandi Li, Hak-Keung Lam, Lixian Zhang, Control design for interval
type-2 polynomial fuzzy-model-based systems with time-varying delay, Pages
- Wei Wang, Fangfang Zhang, Chunyan Han, Distributed linear–quadratic
regulator control for discrete-time multi-agent systems, Pages 2279–2287
- Wenjie Si, Xunde Dong, Feifei Yang, Adaptive neural control for
stochastic pure-feedback non-linear time-delay systems with output
constraint and asymmetric input saturation, Pages 2288–2298
- Wenbing Zhang, Zidong Wang, Yurong Liu, Derui Ding, Fuad E. Alsaadi,
Distributed sampled-data containment control of linear multi-agent systems
with fixed topology, Pages 2299–2306
- Xiong Yang, Haibo He, Derong Liu, Yuanheng Zhu, Adaptive dynamic
programming for robust neural control of unknown continuous-time non-linear
systems, Pages 2307–2316
- Xia Huang, Yingjie Fan, Jia Jia, Zhen Wang, Yuxia Li,
Quasi-synchronisation of fractional-order memristor-based neural networks
with parameter mismatches, Pages 2317–2327
- Kai Liu, Xiaowu Mu, Tao Li, Sampled-data-based consensus of
continuous-time systems with limited data rate, Pages 2328–2335
- Maopeng Ran, Qing Wang, Chaoyang Dong, Yanze Hou, Zhaolei Wang,
Backstepping active disturbance rejection control: a delayed activation
approach, Pages 2336–2342
- Ping Zhou, Peng Dai, Heda Song, Tianyou Chai, Data-driven recursive
subspace identification based online modelling for prediction and control
of molten iron quality in blast furnace ironmaking, Pages 2343–2351
Brief Paper
- Yinghong Zhao, Xiao He, Donghua Zhou, Optimal joint control and
triggering strategies against denial of service attacks: a zero-sum game,
Pages 2352–2360
- Meng Zhou, Zhenhua Wang, Yi Shen, Mouquan Shen, H−/H∞ fault detection
observer design in finite-frequency domain for Lipschitz non-linear
systems, Pages 2361–2369
- Suying Sheng and Xiaomei Zhang, H∞ filtering for T–S fuzzy complex
networks subject to sensor saturation via delayed information, Pages
- Haibin Sun, Linlin Hou, Guangdeng Zong, Lei Guo, Composite
anti-disturbance attitude and vibration control for flexible spacecraft,
Pages 2383–2390
- Le Van Hien and Chu Trong Kinh, Decentralised stabilisation of positive
fractional-order interconnected systems, Pages 2391–2395
- Chao Deng and Guang-Hong Yang, Cooperative adaptive output regulation for
linear multi-agent systems with actuator faults, Pages 2396–2402
6.13. Contents: IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information
Contributed by: Charis Edworthy, charis.edworthy at oup.com
Contents, IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information 34:03
A new issue of IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information is now
available online.
The Table of Contents below can be viewed at: http://bit.ly/2wpaNrN
- Timothy C. Johnson, The solution of some discretionary stopping problems
- Yanjiao Wang and Feng Ding, Iterative estimation for a non-linear IIR
filter with moving average noise by means of the data filtering technique
- Linna Zhou, Yuchen Han, and Chunyu Yang, Finite-time control of linear
systems subject to time-varying disturbances
- Zuomao Yan and Xiumei Jia, Approximate controllability of impulsive
fractional stochastic partial neutral integrodifferential inclusions with
infinite delay
- Weiguo Gu, Qin Fu, and Jianrong Wu, Iterative learning control for
quasi-one-sided Lipschitz non-linear systems
- Haoyue Cui, Genqi Xu, and Zhongjie Han, Distributed tracking control of
the Schrödinger equation with internal disturbance
- Juan Zhang, Jianzhou Liu, and Yaling Zha, The improved eigenvalue bounds
for the solution of the discrete algebraic Riccati equation
- Fudong Ge, YangQuan Chen, and Chunhai Kou, Regional boundary
controllability of time fractional diffusion processes
- Farshid Mirzaee and Elham Hadadiyan, Numerical solution of optimal
control problem of the non-linear Volterra integral equations via
generalized hat functions
- Pham Huu Anh Ngoc, Stability of periodic solutions of nonlinear
time-delay systems
- Minh Cuong Nguyen, Hieu Trinh, and Phan Thanh Nam, Non-linear observer
design for a class of singular time-delay systems with Lipschitz
- Brahim El Asri and Imade Fakhouri, Viscosity solutions for a system of
PDEs and optimal switching
- I. El Harraki, A. El Alami, A. Boutoulout, and M. Serhani, Regional
stabilization of semi-linear parabolic systems
- Omar Balatif, Mostafa Rachik, El houssine Labriji, and Zineb Rachik,
Optimal control problem for a class of bilinear systems via block pulse
- Juan Zhang, Jianzhou Liu, and Quanbing Li, Lower bounds on eigenvalue
summation for the solution of the Lyapunov matrix differential equation
- Xue-Li Tan and Yong Li, The null controllability of nonlinear discrete
control systems with degeneracy
- Shuyi Shao, Mou Chen, and Qingxian Wu, Tracking control for uncertain
fractional-order chaotic systems based on disturbance observer and neural
- Jin-Mun Jeong and Hae-Jun Hwang, Controllability for retarded semilinear
integrodifferential control systems with unbounded operators
- Yanbo Gao, Jie Ren, and Min Zhao, Projective lag synchronization of
second-order chaotic systems via modified terminal sliding mode control
- Yun Xu, Dong Shen, and Xuhui Bu, Zero-error convergence of iterative
learning control using quantized error information
6.14. Contents: IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica
Contributed by: Yan Ou, yan.ou at ia.ac.cn
Table of Contents
IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica
Volume 4 (2017), Issue 4 (October)
- Parallel Driving in CPSS: A Unified Approach for Transport Automation and
Vehicle Intelligence. F.-Y. Wang, N.-N. Zheng, D. P. Cao, C. M. Martinez,
L. Li, and T. Liug, page 577
- Generative Adversarial Networks: Introduction and Outlook. K. F. Wang, C.
Gou, Y. J. Duan, Y. L. Lin, X. H. Zheng, and F.-Y. Wang, page 588
- Guest Editorial for Special Issue on Human-centered Intelligent Robots:
Issues and Challenges. Z. J. Li, C. L. P. Chen, and W. He, page 599
- A Survey of Human-centered Intelligent Robots: Issues and Challenges. W.
He, Z. J. Li, and C. L. P. Chen, page 602
- Tracking Control for a Cushion Robot Based on Fuzzy Path Planning With
Safe Angular Velocity. P. Sun and Z. Yu, page 610
- Continuous Robust Control for Series Elastic Actuator With Unknown
Payload Parameters and External Disturbances. M. Wang, L. Sun, W. Yin, S.
Dong, and J. T. Liu, page 620
- Robust Control Design of Wheeled Inverted Pendulum Assistant Robot.M. S.
Mahmoud and M. T. Nasir, page 628
- Motor Imagery and Error Related Potential Induced Position Control of a
Robotic Arm. S. Bhattacharyya, A. Konar, and D. N. Tibarewala, page 639
- Intent Pattern Recognition of Lower-limb Motion Based on Mechanical
Sensors. Z. J. Liu, W. Lin, Y. L. Geng, and P. Yang, page 651
- A Target Grabbing Strategy for Telerobot Based on Improved Stiffness
Display Device. P. W. Xiong, X. D. Zhu, A. G. Song, L. Y. Hu, X. P. P. Liu,
and L. H. Feng, page 661
- A Facial Expression Emotion Recognition Based Human-robot Interaction
System. Z. T. Liu, M. Wu, W. H. Cao, L. F. Chen, J. P. Xu, R. Zhang, M. T.
Zhou, and J. W. Mao, page 668
- Automatic Feature Point Detection and Tracking of Human Actions in
Time-of-flight Videos. X. H. Yuan, L. B. Kong, D. C. Feng, and Z. C. Wei,
page 677
- Interpreting and Extracting Open Knowledge for Human-Robot Interaction.
D. C. Lu and X. P. Chen, page 686
- Human Interaction Dynamics for Its Use in Mobile Robotics: Impedance
Control for Leader-follower Formation. D. Herrera,
F. Roberti, M. Toibero, and R. Carelli, page 696
- Teaching the User By Learning From the User: Personalizing Movement
Control in Physical Human-robot Interaction. A. Safavi and M. H. Zadeh,
page 704
- Augmented Virtual Stiffness Rendering of a Cable-driven SEA for
Human-Robot Interaction. N. B. Yu, W. L. Zou, W. Tan, and Z. Yang, page 714
- Modified Grey Model Predictor Design Using Optimal Fractional-order
Accumulation Calculus. Y. Yang and D. Y. Xue, page 724
- Applications of Fractional Lower Order Time-frequency Representation to
Machine Bearing Fault Diagnosis. J. B. Long, H. B. Wang, P. Li, and H. S.
Fan, page 734
- Functional-type Single-input-rule-modules Connected Neural Fuzzy System
for Wind Speed Prediction. C. D. Li, L. Wang, G. Q. Zhang, H. D. Wang, and
F. Shang, page 751
- Linearized Proximal Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers for
Parallel Magnetic Resonance Imaging. B. X. Zhang and Z. B. Zhu, page 763
- Ladle Furnace Temperature Prediction Model Based on Large-scale Data With
Random Forest. X. J. Wang, page 770
- High-speed Nonsingular Terminal Switched Sliding Mode Control of Robot
Manipulators. F. N. Zhang, page 775
- Modeling and Tracking Control for Piezoelectric Actuator Based on a New
Asymmetric Hysteresis Model. G. Wang, G. Q. Chen, H. Zhou, and F. Z. Bai,
page 782
- Intrusion Detection System for PS-Poll DoS Attack in 802.11 Networks
Using Real Time Discrete Event System. M. Agarwal, S. Purwar, S. Biswas, S.
Nandi, page 792
- Finite-time Sliding Mode Control Design for a Class of Uncertain Conic
Nonlinear Systems. S. P. He and J. Song, page 809
6.15. Contents: Control Engineering Practice
Contributed by: Martin Böck, cep at acin.tuwien.ac.at
Control Engineering Practice
Volume 67
October 2017
- Donald Selmanaj, Matteo Corno, Giulio Panzani, Sergio M. Savaresi,
Vehicle sideslip estimation: A kinematic based approach,Pages 1-12
- Farhad Farokhi, Iman Shames, Nathan Batterham, Secure and private control
using semi-homomorphic encryption,Pages 13-20
- Jiandong Wang, Zijiang Yang, Kuang Chen, Donghua Zhou, Practices of
detecting and removing nuisance alarms for alarm overloading in thermal
power plants,Pages 21-30
- Qi Zhang, Shilong Wang, Anrui Zhang, Jie Zhou, Qing Liu, Improved PI
neural network-based tension control for stranded wire helical springs
manufacturing,Pages 31-42
- Liang Ma, Jie Dong, Kaixiang Peng, Kai Zhang, A novel data-based
quality-related fault diagnosis scheme for fault detection and root cause
diagnosis with application to hot strip mill process,Pages 43-51
- Mojtaba Sharifi, Saeed Behzadipour, Hassan Salarieh, Mahdi Tavakoli,
Cooperative modalities in robotic tele-rehabilitation using nonlinear
bilateral impedance control,Pages 52-63
- F. Tahir, K. Krzemieniewska-Nandwani, J. Mack, D. Lovett, H. Siddique, F.
Mabbott, V. Raval, I. Houson, A. Florence, Advanced control of a continuous
oscillatory flow crystalliser,Pages 64-75
- Devaprakash Muniraj, Mark C. Palframan, Kyle T. Guthrie, Mazen Farhood,
Path-following control of small fixed-wing unmanned aircraft systems with
type performance,Pages 76-91
6.16. Contents: TWMS Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
Contributed by: TWMS Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics,
f_aliev at hotmail.com
TWMS Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 8, No.2, 2017
ISSN 2076-2585
1.Solving Linear Fuzzy Fredholm Integral Equations of the Second Kind via
Iterative Method and Simpson Quadrature Rule : A Review, R. Ezzati, A.M.
2. A Numerical Method to Determine the Optimal Stopping Boundary for
Installment Option, K. Ivaz, A. Beiranvand
3. Stability Problem for Singular Sturm-Liouville Equation E.S. Panakhov,
A. Ercan
4. Existence of Solution of Hybrid Differential Equations with Arbitrary
Fractional Order, N.I. Mahmudov, M.M. Matar
5. On Higher Order (p; q)-Frobenius-Euler Polynomials, U. Duran, M.Acikgoz
S. Araci
6. Existence and Behavior of Solutions for Convection-Diffusion Equations
with Third Type Boundary Condition, K. Kalli, K.N. Soltanov
7. Controllability of Process Described by Linear System of Ordinary
Differential Equations, S.A. Aisagaliev, I.V. Sevryugin
8. On Dualistic Contractive Mappings, M. Nazam, M. Arshad , O. Valero, A.
9. The Technique of Early Determination of Reservoir Drive of Gas
Condensate and Velotail Oil Deposits on the Basis of New Diagnosis
Indicators, M.A. Jamalbayov, N.A. Veliyev
10. About Solution of Matrix Sylvester Equation F.A. Aliev, V.B. Larin
6.17. CFP: IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Contributed by: Guillaume Mercère, guillaume.mercere at univ-poitiers.fr
CFP: Special Issue on System identification and control in biomedical
applications in IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Contributions are invited for a special issue of the IEEE Transactions on
Control Systems Technology devoted to the subject of System Identification
and Control in Biomedical Applications. The purpose of this special issue
is to document the current status of research in this field through an
original collection of diverse, high-quality papers. The emphasis is on the
role control systems technology plays in advancing the state of the art in
the challenges of applying feedback control in living organisms, with
emphasis on biomedicine. Specifically, we aim at (i) pointing out
theoretical and practical issues specific to bio-medical systems, (ii)
bringing together solutions developed under different settings with
specific attention to the validation of these tools in bio-medical settings
using real-life datasets and experiments, and (iii) introducing significant
case studies. Topics of common interests include (but are not limited to)
the following:
- theoretical and implementation challenges which arise in medical systems,
- control engineering tools for solving specific system design problems in
medical technology,
- novel data-driven modeling techniques capturing the dynamics of
biomedical systems, and accounting for intra- and inter-individual
- evidence of successful projects in biomedicine enabled by system
identification and control, such as the artificial pancreas and closed-loop
- application areas in healthcare and medical systems, such as assistive
devices and therapeutics in medical rehabilitation, and mathematical models
of infectious disease spread.
- prevention and treatment of chronic, relapsing disorders and illnesses
such as cancer, diabetes, obesity, and HIV.
Only contributions that include significant results based on analysis of
real data or experimental validation will be included. Papers must contain
high-quality original contributions and be prepared in accordance with the
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology standards. Prospective
authors should state in their cover letter and in the notes section of the
submission site that their manuscript is intended for the special issue on
“system identification and control in biomedical applications.” Submitted
manuscripts must not have been previously published or be under review for
possible publication elsewhere.
Time line:
Manuscripts Due: November 1, 2017
Notification to authors (after the first round of reviews): March 1, 2018
Notification of final decision: June 1, 2018
Publication Date: January 2019
Authors can submit their manuscripts via
Information for Authors prior to submitting a paper is available via
All inquiries should be directed to G. Mercère you can contact via his
email address: guillaume.mercere at univ-poitiers.fr
Guest Editors:
Guillaume Mercère, Université de Poitiers, France (LEAD)
Bayu Jayawardhana, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Alexander Medvedev, Uppsala University, Sweden
Daniel E. Rivera, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA
Caterina Scoglio, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas, USA
7. Conferences
7.1. IFAC Workshop on Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Methods for Non Linear
Contributed by: Juan I. Yuz, juan.yuz at usm.cl
6th IFAC Workshop on Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Methods for Non Linear
LHMNLC18, 1-4 May 2018, Valparaíso, Chile
Hosting Institution: Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María - UTFSM,
Valparaíso, Chile
Sponsored by: IFAC International Federation of Automatic Control, IFAC TC
Non Linear Control Systems
Co-sponsored by: IFAC TC Distributed Parameter Systems, IFAC TC Control
Design, IEEE CSS TC on DPS
Topics: This workshop will cover new developments in modelling nonlinear
distributed parameters control theory and applications that have been
recently developed to take advantage of and to exploit the mathematical
structures common to the multi-physical systems. The workshop program will
include both regular papers and posters. The format of the workshop will
encourage in-depth and fruitful discussion between all the participants.
Location: The workshop will be held at Universidad Técnica Federico Santa
Maria (www.usm.cl) in Valparaiso, one of the most prestigious engineering
universities of Latin America. Built upon dozens of steep hillsides
overlooking the Pacific Ocean, Valparaiso, also known as the Jewel of the
Pacific, boasts a labyrinth of graffiti filled streets and cobblestone
alleyways, embodying a rich architectural and cultural legacy and hosting
one of Pablo Neruda’s houses. Valparaiso's historic quarter is an UNESCO
World Heritage Site since 2003, thanks to its historical importance,
natural beauty and unique architecture.
Important dates:
Submission of draft papers, invited sessions proposal, and abstracts for
poster session: October 15, 2017
Author notification: January 14, 2018
Final paper due: February 28, 2018
For more information: www.lhmnlc18.org
International Program Committee (IPC) co-chairs
Yann Le Gorrec, FEMTO-ST, UBFC, France E-mail: legorrec at femto-st.fr
Martin Guay, Queen’s University, Canada, E-mail: martin.guay at chee.queensu.ca
National Organizing Committee (NOC) co-chairs
Juan I. Yuz, UTFSM, Valparaiso, Chile, E-mail: juan.yuz at usm.cl
Juan C. Agüero UTFSM, Valparaiso, Chile, E-mail: juan.aguero at usm.cl
7.2. ASCC 2017 Workshops: Advances in Distributed Control and Formation
Control Systems
Contributed by: Zhiyong Sun, zhiyong.sun at anu.edu.au
ASCC 2017 Workshops: Advances in distributed control and formation control
Website: https://sites.google.com/view/zhiyong-sun/ascc2017-workshop
Workshop duration: Full day (10:00 – 17:00)
Time and venue: December 17, 2017, at Gold Coast, Australia
Workshop speakers:
- Brian D. O. Anderson, Research School of Engineering, Australian National
University, Australia
- Hyo-Sung Ahn, School of Mechanical Engineering, Gwangju Institute of
Science and Technology, South Korea
- Shaoshuai Mou, College of Engineering, Purdue University, USA
- Daniel Zelazo, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Israel Institute of
Technology, Israel
- Minh Hoang Trinh, School of Mechanical Engineering, Gwangju Institute of
Science and Technology, South Korea
- Zhiyong Sun, Research School of Engineering, Australian National
University, Australia
- Hector Garcia de Marina, Ecole Nationale de l'Aviation Civile (ENAC),
Toulouse, France
- Zhiyun Lin, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou, China
7.3. World Congress: Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and
Contributed by: Seenith Sivasundaram, seenithi at gmail.com
World Congress: Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and Sciences
WHEN: July 3, 2018 – July 6, 2018
WHERE: American University of Armenia, Yerevan
Website: http://www.icnpaa.com
Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and Science have stimulated
cooperation among scientists from a variety of disciplines. Developments in
computer technology have additionally allowed for solutions of mathematical
problems. This international forum will extend scholarly cooperation and
collaboration, encouraging the dissemination of ideas and information.
The conference will have a pool of active researchers, with a proper
balance between academia and industry, as well as between senior and junior
researchers, including graduate students and post-doctoral fellows. It is
anticipated that such a balance will provide both senior and junior
researchers an opportunity to interact and to have a wider picture of
recent advances in their respective fields. The conference, especially,
enables the setting up of new interdisciplinary research directions among
its participants by establishing links with world renowned researchers,
making possible joint international projects that will no doubt bring about
fresh and innovative ideas and technologies in engineering, aerospace and
Co-Sponsored by: AIAA: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
IFIP: International Federation of Information Processing
American University of Armenia, Yerevan
The proceedings will be published by the American Institute of Physics.
AIP Conference Proceedings are indexed in:
• Astrophysics Data System(ADS)
• Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS)
• Crossref
• EBSCO Publishing
• Electronic Library Information Navigator (ELIN), Sweden
• Elsevier – SCOPUS
• International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
• Thomson Reuters (ISI)
7.4. IFAC Conference on Modelling Identification and Control of Nonlinear
Contributed by: Alma Y. Alanis, almayalanis at gmail.com
Second IFAC Conference on Modelling Identification and Control of Nonlinear
Systems, IFAC MICNON 2018
June 20-22, 2018
Guadalajara, Mexico
On behalf of the Program Committee, it is our pleasure to welcome you to
the Second IFAC Conference on Modelling Identification and Control of
Nonlinear Systems (IFAC MICNON 2018). MICNON 2018 will be held in
Guadalajara, Mexico during June 20-22, 2018, as a sequence to MICNON 2015
(Saint-Petersburg, Russia). This conference series that is organized by the
IFAC Technical Committee on Nonlinear Systems (that is also in charge of
the NOLCOS series).
The MICNON 2018 will cover all areas of nonlinear systems theory and
applications, including control and analysis of nonlinear systems,
modelling and identification of nonlinear systems and all types of
applications in connection to nonlinear systems. The organization of MICNON
2018 in Guadalajara-Mexico will be a catalyzer to increase the research
interest in nonlinear systems as well as a great opportunity to explore the
research advances in the Automatic Control community.
The MICNON 2018 program will consist of plenary lectures, parallel and
panel sessions, invited talks, industrial exhibitions and more. MICNON 2018
will be accompanied by a pre-conference day of workshops and tutorials.
Besides, the MICNON 2018 is complemented with a social and cultural program
to enjoy Guadalajara and Mexico.
We invite you to participate in different ways with: Contributed papers,
Invited Sessions, Tutorial Sessions, Panel Sessions, Special Sessions,
Workshops, Exhibits and more. Papers, session and workshop proposals must
be submitted through the submission website. Submissions must conform to
policies given on the conference website https://www.micnon2018.org/, for
the rest of proposals, please contact us at: contact at micnon.org, and
looking forward to welcoming you in Guadalajara!
Important Dates
Deadline for submission: December 23, 2017
Notification of acceptance: March 16, 2018
Final paper submission: April 30, 2018
Preconference activities: June 19, 2018
Conference dates: June 20-22, 2018
Lorenzo Marconi and Jaime A. Moreno, IPC Chairs
Alma Y. Alanis and Marco A. Perez-Cisneros, NPC Chairs
Edgar N. Sanchez and Esteban A. Hernandez-Vargas, Editors
7.5. World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation
Contributed by: Zhiqiang Miao, miaozhiqianghnu at gmail.com
[Call for Paper for the 13th World Congress on Intelligent Control and
Automation (WCICA 2018)]
Dear Colleagues,
The 13th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA 2018)
will be held in Changsha China, July 4-8, 2018. WCICA 2018 is technically
sponsored by IEEE Control Systems Society, IEEE Robotics and Automation
Society, National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Chinese
Association of Automation, and the Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy
of Sciences. WCICA 2018 features plenary lectures and panel discussion
sessions by the world leading researchers as well as awards to honor
outstanding papers presented at this Congress. The awards include Best
Paper on Theory, Best Paper on Applications, Best Student Paper, Best
Poster Paper, Best Paper on Biomedical & Biosystem Related Areas, and AIAG
Best Paper on Supply Chain Related Topics.
Contributed Papers: Original papers are solicited in all related areas of
Intelligent Control and Automation. Full papers must be submitted in PDF
format prepared strictly following the Requirements for Creating PDF
Documents. For detailed format information, please visit the conference
website. All accepted papers will be included in the IEEE Xplore database
and indexed by EI.
Tutorials & Workshops: Proposals for tutorials and workshops addressing new
topics in Intelligent Autonomous Systems are invited for submission to the
T/W chair.
Journal Publications: Expanded versions of the accepted and presented
papers with high quality will be invited for publication in the WCICA 2018
special issues in the selected leading international journals.
Areas and topics of contributed papers include but are not limited to the
A Control Theory and Control Engineering
A1. Systems and Control Theory and Applications
A2. Intelligent Control Theory and Applications
A3. Multi-agent Systems and Distributed Control
A4. Networked Control Systems
A5. Advanced Control Algorithms and Applications
B. Robotics and Intelligent Systems
B1. Industrial Robots and Intelligent Manufacturing
B2. Service Robots and Intelligent Society
B3. Autonomous Vehicles and Intelligent Drive
B4. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles & Unmanned Systems
B5. Field Robotics and Applications
B6. Medical Robots and Biomedical Engineering
B7. Networked Robots and Cloud Robotics
B8. Human-Robot Interaction & Collaboration
B9. Intelligent Transportation Systems
B10. Cyber Physical Systems
C. Big Data and Artificial Intelligence
C1. Big Data Analysis, Compressed, Sampling and Visualization
C2. Data-driven Modeling, Identification and Control
C3. Data-driven Optimization, Scheduling, and Decision Making
C4. Cloud Computing Techniques for Big Data
C5. Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Engineering
C6. Computational Intelligence and Applications
C7. Swarm Intelligence and Bio-Inspired Computation
C8. Brain-like Intelligence
C9. Deep Learning for Control and Automation
C10. Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning
D. Systems Engineering and Management
D1. System Modelling, Identification and Simulation
D2. System Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis
D3. Healthcare and Biomedical Systems
D4. Logistics and Supply Chain Management
D5. Optimization Theory and Operations Research
Important Dates:
•Jan. 10, 2018 Submission of original PDF full papers
•Jan. 10, 2018 Submission of organized session proposals
•Feb. 20, 2018 Notification of paper and organized session acceptance
•Mar. 20, 2018 Submission of final papers and advance registration
General Chair:
Yunhui Liu The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China
Program Chair:
Yaonan Wang Hunan University, China
For more information, please visit the conference website
Zhiqiang Miao, Ph.D,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, HK
7.6. IFAC Conference on Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems
Contributed by: Daniele Magazzeni, daniele.magazzeni at kcl.ac.uk
ADHS 2018 Call for Papers
The 6th IFAC Conference on Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems
Oxford University, UK, July 11-13, 2018.
Website: http://www.cs.ox.ac.uk/conferences/ADHS18/
* Papers and Invited Session Proposals due: December 2017
* Author notification: February 2018
The Organising Committee has the pleasure of inviting you to participate in
the 6th IFAC Conference on Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems (ADHS 18)
to be held at Oxford University, UK, July 11-13, 2018.
ADHS 2018 takes place as a workshop of the Conference on Computer Aided
Verification (CAV 2018), and within FLOC 2018. The conference happens under
the auspices of IFAC and is sponsored by the IFAC Technical Committee on
Discrete Event and Hybrid Systems.
Contributions are invited in all areas pertaining to the engineering of
hybrid systems including: modelling, specification, verification, analysis,
control synthesis, simulation, validation, and implementation. We solicit
papers and invited session proposals describing theoretical or applied
research in the area. We also welcome papers describing tools, reporting
case studies or connecting the cognate fields of control theory and formal
Contributions are encouraged on applications of hybrid methods in various
fields, such as automotive, avionics, energy and power, mobile and
autonomous robotics, the process and manufacture industry, transportation
and infrastructure networks, communication networks and networked control
systems, cyber-physical systems, safety-critical systems, systems and
synthetic biology.
Author Guidelines
* Regular papers: Regular papers can have a length of up to 8 pages at
submission. Accepted papers are limited to 6 pages in the conference
preprints and on-line proceedings.
* Invited session proposals: Invited sessions consist of 4 to 6 papers
related to a common theme that fits within the scope of ADHS. An invited
session proposal should contain a short description of the common theme as
well as the list of papers in the session and their abstracts.
The invited session organiser first has to submit the pdf file of the
session proposal (without participating papers). The IFAC Conference
Manuscript Management System then returns an acknowledgment that contains
an alpha-numeric code for the proposed session. Subsequently, the organiser
has to notify the contributing authors of their invited session code. The
corresponding author of each paper then submits the paper on-line as an
invited paper.
* Invited session papers: Invited session papers can have a length of up to
8 pages at submission. Invited session papers go through the same review
process as regular papers. Accepted papers are limited to 6 pages in the
conference preprints and on-line proceedings. Submission as an invited
session paper requires the invited session code, which can be obtained from
the session organiser.
Submission Instructions
* All papers submitted to ADHS 18 must be written in English and formatted
in the standard IFAC 2-column format provided on the IFAC Conference
Management System website (see the item "Support for Authors" above).
* For initial submissions, all regular and invited session papers are
limited to eight (8) pages. The submission website will not permit longer
papers to be uploaded.
* For the final upload all accepted and invited papers are limited to six
(6) pages.
* For each accepted paper at least one of the authors should have a full
registration in order to have the paper included in the preprints and the
post-conference on-line proceedings at IFAC-PapersOnLine.
* Author's kits with style (.cls) files for LaTeX are available from the
submission website. Go to http://ifac.papercept.net and select "Support"
for these files and example files, or directly go to the support page.
Please do not change the formatting in any way.
Important Dates
Papers and Invited Session Proposals due: December 2017
Author notification: February 2018
Final papers due: TBA
Early registration: TBA
Conference: Jul. 11-13, 2018
The reference timezone for all deadlines is UTC-12.
General Chair
* Alessandro Abate (U. Oxford, UK)
Program Chairs
* Maurice Heemels (TU Eindhoven, NL)
* Antoine Girard (CNRS, FR)
7.7. IFAC Symposium on Control in Transportation Systems
Contributed by: Silvia Siri, silvia.siri at unige.it
15th IFAC Symposium on Control in Transportation Systems (CTS 2018)
June 6-8, 2018
Savona University Campus, Italy
- Paper submission deadline: October 10, 2017
- Notification of acceptance: December 31, 2017
- Final paper submission and early registration deadline: February 28, 2018
The Symposium will provide an interesting opportunity for the academic and
industrial communities to investigate new ideas, to share innovative
solutions, and to discuss future research directions in the area of control
in transportation systems. The main scope of the Symposium refers to the
development of automatic control methods and tools for the analysis,
supervision and management of transportation systems.
Technical topics of the conference include (but are not limited to):
- Modelling and control of road traffic networks
- Urban mobility systems
- Planning and management of ports and terminals
- Planning and control problems in freight transportation networks
- Maritime transportation planning and control
- Control of connected and automated vehicles
- Rail transportation modelling and control systems
- Technologies for control in transportation
- Cooperative logistics
- Planning and management of public transportation
- Safety and security in transportation systems
- Human factors in traffic and transportation control
- Control and scheduling of air transportation
- Multimodal transport modelling, monitoring and control
- Simulation tools and commercial software
The Symposium program will also include Special Tracks on specific topics:
- Freeway Traffic Control (Track Editor: Claudio Roncoli, Aalto University,
- Urban Traffic Control (Track Editor: Jack Haddad, Israel Institute of
Technology, Israel)
- Connected and Automated Vehicles (Track Editor: Dan Work, University of
Illinois, USA)
- Automotive Control (Track Editor: Simona Onori, Clemson University, USA)
- Road Traffic Modelling (Track Editor: Paola Goatin, INRIA, Sophia
Antipolis, France)
- Ports, Terminals and Logistic Networks (Track Editor: Mariagrazia Dotoli,
Polytechnic University of Bari, Italy)
- Decision and Control in Railways (Track Editor: Alfredo Nuñez, Delft
University of Technology, The Netherlands)
- Air Traffic Management and Control (Track Editor: Gokhan Inalhan,
Istanbul Technical University, Turkey)
National Organization Committee Chair: Simona Sacone (University of Genova,
National Organization Committee Co-Chair: Silvia Siri (University of
Genova, Italy)
National Organization Committee Vice-Chair Industry: Nadia Mazzino (Ansaldo
STS, Hitachi Group, Italy)
International Program Committee Chair: Bart De Schutter (Technical
University of Delft, The Netherlands)
Editor: Antonella Ferrara (University of Pavia, Italy)
Authors are invited to submit draft papers with original results, either on
theoretical approaches or on applied research. Guidelines for the
preparation of manuscripts are provided on the IFAC website (
https://www.ifac-control.org/events/author-guide). All manuscripts will be
electronically submitted through the PaperPlaza Conference Manuscript
Management System (https://ifac.papercept.net/conferences/scripts/start.pl).
Final manuscripts will be limited to six double-column pages.
The best paper award will be granted to a young researcher who presents the
paper at the conference as the first author. The author of the paper must
be max 30 years old at the time of the event.
For more information visit the website www.cts2018.unige.it or contact the
symposium organisers at cts2018 at unige.it
7.8. IFAC Conference on Cyber-Physical & Human Systems
Contributed by: Yue Wang, yue6 at clemson.edu
The 2nd IFAC Conference on Cyber-Physical & Human Systems
December 14-15, 2018, Miami, USA
Submission Deadline: April 15, 2018
Acceptance notification: September 1, 2018
Final Submission Deadline: October 1, 2018
The field of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) has evolved due to the growing
intersection of controls, communications, networks and computing with
domain expertise in biology, chemistry, aerospace, electrical, and
mechanical engineering. Specific application areas of CPS include
transportation energy, robotics, healthcare, and manufacturing. Of late,
the relationship between CPS and humans is taking center stage, with roles
of humans in technical systems becoming more complex, beyond users and
consumers, as active agents, operators, decision-makers and enablers of
efficient and resilient infrastructures. This relationship and its
underpinnings must be studied both from an engineering perspective and from
the perspective of social sciences. This is the focus of this conference
series on Cyber-Physical & Human Systems (CPHS).
The second IFAC conference on CPHS is intended to bring together
researchers and practitioners in related fields from academia and industry
to share revolutionary advances, and explore a deeper understanding of the
interactions between cyber-physical systems & humans. We are interested not
only in the potential impact of control systems, including new solutions
and theoretical developments, but also the study of ethics, public policies
and negative impacts that may result as a consequence of this emerging
interaction between humans and CPS.
The aim of CPHS 2018 is to follow the success of CPHS 2016 and H-CPS-I in
2014 through multidisciplinary exchanges. Indeed, we believe that removing
the barriers between the different disciplines and application domains is
essential to identify new open problems and to discuss the actual
challenges to be overcome by scientific investigation.
To achieve this goal, we invite submissions in the following categories:
• Full conference papers (6-8 pages) addressing topics of interest, to be
carefully reviewed, presented at the conference (if accepted). Review,
Tutorial and Vision papers are also welcome.
• Extended abstracts (a minimum of 500 words) addressing topics of
interest, subject to the same review process as full papers, and invited to
present at the conference (if accepted). Abstracts will be included on the
conference “preprints” (USB drive) but not published on-line.
• Invited sessions, consisting of 6 full papers and/or short abstracts, to
fill a two-hour block.
• Tutorials and/or workshops, a half-day or full-day event either before or
after the conference (please contact the organizers for guidance and
We encourage submissions on human-centered technologies in a wide-range of
applications including transportation (ground, air, and space), energy,
robotics, manufacturing, and health-care. Example of topics include the
1. Human-Machine Symbiosis
o Control of smart prosthetics
o Neurostimulation
o Exoskeletons
o Biomedical implants
o Augmented Human
2. Humans as supervisors/operators of complex engineering systems
o Human-Machine interaction in flight control
o Cooperative control in Automotive systems (ex. ADAS)
o Process plant operation
o Robotic surgery
o Spacecraft control
o Control in hazardous environments
o Automated or semi-automated trains
o Remote operation of robotic teams (ex. in rescue scenarios)
3. Humans as agents in multi-agent systems
o Intelligent road transportation
o Next-generation air traffic management
o Flexible manufacturing
o Assistive robotics
o Smart Grid and Demand Response
o Urban mobility
4. Humans as elements in controlled systems
o Comfort control in homes
o Smart cities
o Rescue robotics
o Assistive devices
o Smart infrastructure
o Connected buildings
5. General CPHS topics
o Semiautonomous and mixed-initiative systems
o Shared control
o Cognitive control
o Decision-support for human operators
o Recent theoretical developments impacting the open problems
o Ethics, public policy, and regulatory issues
o Potential impact and open problems
All authors should refer to the Preprints, Proceedings and Copyright
Conditions prior to submitting their papers/abstracts. All manuscripts must
be submitted electronically through the PaperPlaza Conference Manuscript
Management System. Guidelines for the preparation of manuscripts are
provided on the IFAC website. Authors are advised to read PaperCept's
Getting Started Manual for Authors. Only PDF files compliant with the IFAC
Publications Requirements are acceptable for publication. The procedure to
generate pdf files and compliance and diagnostic tools are provided in the
support section of PaperCept.
The conference program will only include papers selected on the highest
standard by the IPC, according to the IFAC guidelines
www.ifac-control.org/publications/Publications-requirements-1.4.pdf, and
published in open access in partnership with Elsevier in the
IFAC-PapersOnline series, hosted on the ScienceDirect platform
All papers will be accepted with the understanding that the authors will
present them at the CPHS Conference. At least one author of every accepted
paper will be required to register for the conference before uploading the
final version. Accepted papers will be presented in oral or poster format.
Operating Committee
General Chair Anuradha Annaswamy, MIT, USA
General Chair Dawn Tilbury, UMichigan, USA
Program Chair Sandra Hirche, TU Muenchen, Germany
Vice Chair, Invited Sessions Goldie Nejat, UToronto, Canada
Vice Chair, Industry Tariq Samad, UMinnesota, USA
Editor Berenice Mettler, ICueMotion, USA
Finance Chair Rifat Sipahi, Northeastern University, USA
Publicity Chair Yue Wang, Clemson University, USA
Registration Chair Yildiray Yildiz, Bilkent University, Turkey
Local Arrangements Chair Tansel Yucelen, Univ. South Florida, USA
Special Sessions Chair Neera Jain, Purdue University, USA
Advisory Board Mariana Netto, IFSTTAR, France
Advisory Board Francoise Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue, CNRS, University of
Paris-Saclay, France
Advisory Board Pramod Khargonekar, UC Irvine, USA
Preprints, Proceedings & Copyright Conditions
Preprints, proceedings and copyright conditions are as requested by IFAC,
see www.ifac-control.org/publications/copyright-conditions.
All publication material submitted for presentation at an IFAC-sponsored
meeting (Congress, Symposium, Conference, Workshop) must be original and
hence cannot be already published, nor can it be under review elsewhere.
The authors take responsibility for the material that has been submitted.
IFAC-sponsored conferences will abide by the highest standard of ethical
behavior in the review process as explained on the Elsevier webpage (
https://www.elsevier.com/authors/journal-authors/policies-and-ethics), and
the authors will abide by the IFAC publication ethics guidelines (
Accepted papers that have been presented at an IFAC meeting will be
published in the proceedings of the event using the open-access
IFAC-PapersOnLine series hosted on ScienceDirect (
http://www.sciencedirect.com). To this end, the author(s) must confer the
copyright to IFAC when they submit the final version of the paper through
the paper submission process. The author(s) retain the right to use a copy
of the paper for personal use, internal institutional use at the author(s)’
institution, or scholarly posting at an open web site operated by the
author(s) or their institution, limited to noncommercial use. Any other use
of the paper requires approval by IFAC.
7.9 ACM International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control
Contributed by: Kostas Margellos, kostas.margellos at eng.ox.ac.uk
21st ACM International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and
Control (HSCC)
April 11-13, 2018,
Porto, Portugal
URL: www.hscc2018.deib.polimi.it
Important dates:
Paper submission deadline: October 6, 2017 (11:59pm UTC-12)
Notification: December 2017
Camera-ready: February 2018
Conference dates: April 11-13, 2018
* Please refer to the conference website for up-to-date submission
information. *
Paper submission information:
Regular papers (maximum 10 pages, 10pt font, two-column ACM format)
Tool and Case Study Papers (maximum 6 pages, 10pt font, two-column ACM
Demos and posters:
Demos (maximum 2 pages, 10pt font, two-column ACM format, title should
begin with “Demo”)
Posters (maximum 2 pages, 10pt font, two-column ACM format, title should
begin with “Poster”)
- Best Repeatability Evaluation Award; Papers would be eligible upon
passing the repeatability evaluation process and receive the “artifact
evaluated” badge.
- Best Demo/Poster
- Best Paper Award *New*
- Test-of-Time Award *New*
Conference scope:
HSCC 2018 is the 21st in a series of conferences and is part of the
eleventh Cyber Physical Systems Week, and co-located with the International
Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems, Internet-of-Things Design and
Implementation, Information Processing in Sensor Networks, the Real-Time
and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium, and related workshops.
It focuses on original research on concepts, tools, and techniques from
computer science, control theory, and applied mathematics for the analysis
and control of hybrid systems, with an emphasis on computational aspects.
By drawing on strategies from computation and control, hybrid systems
theory finds application in both man-made cyber-physical systems (ranging
from small robots to global infrastructure networks) and natural systems
(ranging from biochemical networks to physiological models). Papers are
expected to cover a wide spectrum of topics from theoretical results to
practical considerations, from academic research to industrial adoption,
including but not limited to:
- Mathematical foundations, computability and complexity
- Analysis, verification, validation, and testing
- Modeling paradigms and techniques
- Design, synthesis, planning, and control
- Programming and specification languages
- Network science and network-based control
- Security, privacy, and resiliency in cyber-physical systems with a focus
on computation and control
- Artificial intelligence and machine learning in control algorithms
- Software tools
- Applications and industrial case studies in: automotive, transportation,
autonomous systems, avionics, energy and power, robotics, medical devices,
manufacturing, systems and synthetic biology, models for the life sciences,
and other related areas
Program Committee Chairs:
Maria Prandini, Politecnico di Milano
Jyotirmoy V.Deshmukh, University of Southern California
Repeatability Evaluation Chair:
Sergiy Bogomolov, Australian National University
Publicity Chair:
Kostas Margellos, University of Oxford
Demo and Poster Session Chair:
Jens Oehlerking, Robert Bosch GmbH
Awards Chair:
Akshay Rajhans, The MathWorks
Program Committee:
See conference website.
Steering Committee:
Rajeev Alur, University of Pennsylvania
Werner Damm, OFFIS
John Lygeros, ETH Zurich
Oded Maler, Verimag
Paulo Tabuada, University of California at Los Angeles
Claire Tomlin, University of California at Berkeley
8. Positions
8.1. PhD: Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands
Contributed by: Manuel Mazo Jr., m.mazo at tudelft.nl
The Delft Center for Systems and Control at Delft University of Technology,
the Netherlands, announces two (2) vacancies for PhD position within the
ERC-funded project SENTIENT (Scheduling of Event-Triggered Control Tasks).
— Project description:
The SENTIENT project will develop efficient scheduling methods for
networked control systems, implemented in event-triggered form. The
objective is to abstract the traffic of such control systems in the form of
timed-automata. The resulting models will then be employed in the synthesis
of schedulers. The research will require the use of interdisciplinary
skills in the fields of control of hybrid systems, communication networks,
and timed-automata theory. Two test-beds will be employed in the research,
each assigned to one PhD:
- PhD1: will apply his/her research to a wireless control system of a
(scaled-down) water distribution network.
- PhD2: will apply his/her research to a control bus in an real-time
industrial automotive simulator.
— Requirements:
• An MSc degree in systems and control, applied mathematics, electrical
engineering, computer science or related fields.
• Basic knowledge of control systems theory (maybe waived if the candidate
is particularly skilled on theoretical computer science).
• Strong analytical skills and ability to work at the intersection of
several research domains, in particular control systems theory and computer
• At least some basic programming skills in C/C++ are expected.
• A good command of the English language and good communication skills.
— Conditions of employment:
We offer the opportunity to do scientifically exciting research in a
multi-disciplinary research group. The appointment is for a period of 4
years. As an employee of the university you will receive a competitive
salary: between approx. EUR 2100 (first year) and EUR 2700 (4th year) gross
per month based on a full-time appointment, as well as excellent secondary
benefits in accordance with the Collective Agreement (CAO) of the
Association of Universities in the Netherlands (VSNU). Assistance with
accommodation can be arranged.
— Application procedure:
Submit your application to Willeke Zeestraten (application-3mE at tudelft.nl)
with the subject code SENTIENTPHD before November 15th, 2017. Include a
cover letter along with:
(i) a detailed curriculum vitae,
(ii) a separate motivation letter stating why the proposed research topic
interests you, names and contact of referees, and other information that
might be relevant to your application.
(iii) academic transcripts of both your BSc and MSc degrees.
Application Deadline: November 15th, 2017
Starting date is: February 1st, 2018
For questions you may contact Dr. Manuel Mazo Jr (M.Mazo at tudelft.nl)
8.2. PhD: Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands
Contributed by: Rudy Negenborn, r.r.negenborn at tudelft.nl
PhD position "Coordinated Control for Predictive Synchromodality" at Delft
University of Technology (Dept. of Maritime & Transport Technology)
Large-scale transport and logistics systems are key in satisfying
societies' demand for more reliable and efficient delivery of goods.
Real-time information availability via huge numbers of sensors and the
widespread availability of computation and communication power enable the
development of new, real-time control and coordination strategies.
Synchromodality is a promising concept that explicitly aims at benefitting
from these developments to optimise transport logistics.
In this project, your goal is to propose and evaluate new methods that
properly deal with the inherent complexity of synchromodal freight
transport systems. You will hereby consider as a starting point the
existence of multiple controllers / decision makers. Information is assumed
not to be available at a central location but instead distributed over a
number of different locations, and this information can include
uncertainty. Moreover, decisions are not
made by a single decision maker, but by multiple decision makers.
Interactions among these decision makers in terms of exchange of different
types of information lead to various ways of negotiation and cooperation
strategies. Considering the decision makers all together, you will propose
a distributed optimisation problem setting, in which multiple optimisation
problems need to be solved, taking into account interconnecting constraints
and objectives. The main challenge then becomes how to solve this
distributed problem, taking into account information sharing constraints
and degrees of uncertainty. You will work with the industrial users in the
project on realistic case studies in order to assess the potential of
different coordination strategies.
We are seeking an outstanding and enthusiastic researcher who has expertise
interest in one or more of the following areas:
* Automatic control, distributed control, predictive control, multi-agent
* Mathematical programming, robust optimisation, stochastic assignment
* Freight logistics, synchromodal transport, container/bulk transport.
You have obtained an MSc or an equivalent degree or expect to obtain an MSc
very soon related to these areas (Control; Transport & Logistics;
Operations Research; Computer Science / AI; Mathematics). Good spoken and
written English and the ability to work in a team are mandatory.
Information and application
For more information about these positions, please contact R.R. Negenborn,
phone: +31(0)15-2786718, e-mail: r.r.negenborn at tudelft.nl.
To apply, please e-mail an up-to-date, detailed curriculum vitae, a letter
of application, a transcript of grades obtained during your MSc studies,
and the names and contact information (telephone number and e-mail address)
of two references by October 15, 2017 to: application-3mE at tudelft.nl. When
applying for this position, please refer to vacancy number 3ME17-42.
See also:
8.3. PhD: University of Colorado Denver, USA
Contributed by: Satadru Dey, satadru.dey at ucdenver.edu
Applications are invited for a Ph.D. position in the area of “Control of
Energy Storage Systems”. The position is with the Department of Electrical
Engineering, University of Colorado Denver and the student will work under
the supervision of Dr. Satadru Dey.
Description: Energy storage systems are ubiquitous in modern engineering
applications such as electrified transportation, renewable power grids, and
consumer electronics. Intelligent management/control of such energy storage
systems is essential for safe, reliable and efficient operation. In this
context, we are developing real-time control/estimation/diagnostics
algorithms for advanced energy storage systems such as batteries,
ultracapacitors, and fuel cells. The student is expected to conduct
research on one or more of the following areas focused on energy storage
systems: State and/or parameter estimation, optimal and/or robust control,
fault diagnosis, and optimization.
The successful Ph.D. applicant will be awarded a competitive scholarship
covering both tuition and living expenses.
Expected Start Date: Spring/Summer 2018
Ideal Candidates should satisfy the following criteria:
- Bachelor’s or Master’s degree with major/specialization in electrical,
mechanical, civil, mechatronics, controls, or any other relevant
engineering/science discipline [Master’s degree is preferred but not
- Strong background in linear systems, controls, applied mathematics
- Strong MATLAB programming experience
If interested, please send an e-mail to Satadru Dey (
satadru.dey at ucdenver.edu) with the subject “Ph.D. Position | Energy Storage
Controls”. Attach a copy of your transcript(s) and detailed CV.
8.4. PhD: University of Houston, USA
Contributed by: Zheng Chen, zchen43 at central.uh.edu
The Bio-inspired Robotics and Controls Lab in the Department of Mechanical
Engineering at the University of Houston has available funding to support
PhD students in the general area of Bio-inspired Robotics, Smart Sensors
and Actuators, Bio-mechatronics, and Dynamics and Control. The successful
candidate is expected to have a strong background in control theory,
modeling of complex dynamic systems, real-time control system design,
system identification, micro/nano fabrication. Good programming skills and
experience with C/C++, MATLAB/Simulink is an asset. A background in smart
materials and structures as well as prior working experience with
underwater robot design will be an advantage. Applicant to this position
should already have completed (or will soon complete) a Master degree in
systems and controls, electrical engineering, and/or mechanical
engineering. The funding covers the cost of full tuition and stipends at a
competitive rate and can start as early as Spring 2018.
The position will remain open until filled. Interested individuals should
send their detailed curriculum vitae, copies of their recent transcripts,
personal statement, a copy of their best publication in English, and if
applicable GRE/TOFEL test scores to Dr. Zheng Chen (zchen43 at central.uh.edu )
8.5. PhD: Technical University OF Liberec, Czech Republic
Contributed by: Jaroslav Hlava, jaroslav.hlava at tul.cz
Early Stage Researcher / PhD Position at TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF LIBEREC,
CZECH REPUBLIC, Europe as a part of European Innovative Training Network
Smart Tomographic Sensors for Advanced Industrial Process Control (TOMOCON)
PROJECT DESRIPTION: Process tomography provides rich data but new control
methodologies are needed if these data are to be used for real time
control. As image reconstruction is computationally demanding and
ill-posed, approaches based on suitable process model parametrization or
state estimation are more likely to succeed. The PhD candidate shall
develop control methodology (-ies) appropriate for tomography data together
with concepts to use raw data instead of reconstructed images. The
methodology must take into account the significant uncertainty in
tomography data and finally it shall be implemented and tested with the
continuous casting process using the LIMMCAST facility available at
Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden Rossendorf . The PhD candidate will spend
secondments of about eight months in total for technical and scientific
training with academic and industrial partners of the project.
* Distinct university graduation in engineering (preferably but not limited
to control or electrical engineering), applied mathematics or natural
* Profound knowledge of systems and control theory and image data processing
* Sound expertise in mathematical optimization and mathematical modelling
* Programming skills
* Strong interest in interdisciplinary scientific work
* Good proficiency in English language
OUR OFFER: Full-time contract for 36 months, competitive and attractive
salary according to the rules of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action -
European Training Networks will be offered including mobility and (if
eligible) family allowances.
Starting Date is 1st March 2018
APPLICATION: Please submit your application (cover letter, CV,
certificates) to the Primary Supervisor Prof. Jaroslav Hlava
jaroslav.hlava at tul.cz with indication of the position reference number
ELIGIBILITY: The candidate must be Early-Stage Researcher i.e. in the first
four years from the date when the researcher obtained the degree entitling
him or her to embark on a doctorate (e.g. master degree). No doctoral
degree has been awarded during these four years. The candidate can be of
any nationality. The candidate must not have resided or carried out her/his
main activity (work, studies, etc.) in the Czech Republic for more than 12
months in the 3 years immediately before the recruitment date.
More detailed information can be obtained at http://www.tomocon.eu/jobs/
position ESR -09
8.6. PhD: University of South Florida, USA
Contributed by: Tansel Yucelen, yucelen at usf.edu
Open PhD Positions on Systems and Control
The Laboratory for Autonomy, Control, Information, and Systems (LACIS,
http://lacis.eng.usf.edu/) at the University of South Florida is looking
for exceptional doctoral students with solid background and creative
skills. The LACIS is a highly-active research laboratory on systems and
control with past and current projects from a broad set of funding
agencies, where the researchers at the LACIS have the opportunity to
collaborate with many researchers around the world. Doctoral students to be
hired are expected to perform high-quality and creative research on
distributed control and robust adaptive systems with applications to swarm
of unmanned aerial and ground vehicles. Our intention is to give a strong
guidance to maximize the chances of our students for building a rewarding
The intended start date for these open positions is Spring 2018/Summer
2018. In addition, basic application requirements for these open positions
include: 1) A Master of Science degree in a closely related field such as
electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, aerospace engineering, or
mathematics. 2) A strong record of courses taken related to systems and
control (including but not limited to linear control systems and nonlinear
control systems). 3) If the candidates already have published and/or
submitted research papers related to systems and control, this will be
considered very positively during the application process.
If you are interested in joining the LACIS at the USF to do transformative
high-impact research, please send an email to Dr. Tansel Yucelen (
yucelen at usf.edu), the Director of the LACIS, and include A) your resume
(resume needs to include a list of undergraduate and graduate courses taken
related to systems and control as well as mathematics - with grades on
these courses, and it should also include list of published and/or
submitted papers, if any) and B) a concise paragraph explaining your
theoretical and experimental experience precisely related to systems and
control. Please also include contact information (name, affiliation, and
email) of your current advisor and at least one other reference.
Dr. Tansel Yucelen
Asst. Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Director of the LACIS (http://lacis.eng.usf.edu/)
University of South Florida
8.7. PhD: Louisiana State University, USA
Contributed by: Michael Malisoff, malisoff at lsu.edu
PhD Research Assistant Positions at Louisiana State University:
One or more graduate Research Assistant positions are available in systems
and controls, as part of Prof. Malisoff's US National Science Foundation
Directorate for Engineering funded research projects. Prof. Malisoff will
consider applicants from all universities, but students from outside LSU
must first be granted admission to LSU before being eligible to work on the
research projects, and international students may first need to obtain
visas. For the first year, the selected students will receive financial
support including a full tuition remission, with continued availability of
this support for up to 3 years contingent on satisfactory progress and the
availability of funds.
The positions are for students wishing to earn PhDs from LSU, either in
engineering or math. For math PhD students, no background in engineering is
required. Engineering PhD students could be co-advised by Prof. Miroslav
Krstic and by Prof. Malisoff. Applicants should send malisoff at lsu.edu their
CV as a .pdf file with contact information for 3 references, a plain text
statement of interest, and a .pdf with a list of courses taken. Applicants
not already at LSU must also complete an admission process; see
http://sites01.lsu.edu/wp/graduateschool/. Applicants may be considered for
an RA position starting as early as Spring 2018. Minorities and women are
strongly encouraged to apply.
For more information about Prof. Malisoff's current projects and his
research group and publications, see
https://www.math.lsu.edu/~malisoff/ or
8.8. PhD: University of Cambridge, UK
Contributed by: Jorge Goncalves, jmg77 at cam.ac.uk
Doctoral Candidate (PhD student) in Systems Biology
Control of circadian period
The PhD student will be a member of the highly interdisciplinary research
group, integrating experimental biological (supervised by Alex Webb in
Plant Sciences) and system biology approaches (supervised by Jorge
Goncalves in Engineering).
Your Profile:
• The ideal candidate would hold degrees in Control Systems, Mathematics,
Theoretical Physics, or Theoretical Machine Learning.
• We are seeking students that graduate in their top 20% undergraduate and
Master’s class rank (equivalent to a UK first class degree).
• Excellent working knowledge of English.
• Funding is available to students from the UK and other EU nations.
Excellent candidates from non-EU nations are welcome to apply but they will
have to obtain additional funding to take up the position.
Applications should contain the following documents:
• A detailed Curriculum vitae.
• A motivation letter, including a brief description of past research
experience and future interests.
• Copies of diplomas.
• Please ask at least two references to email their confidential letters
directly to Alex Webb (aarw2 at cam.ac.uk) within two weeks of submitting the
More details can be found at
Only complete applications will be considered.
Review of applicants will begin immediately and will continue until the
position is filled.
For further information, please Alex Webb (aarw2 at cam.ac.uk) or Jorge
Goncalves (jmg77 at cam.ac.uk).
The University of Cambridge is an equal opportunity employer. All
applications will be treated in the strictest confidence
8.9. PhD: University of Oxford, UK
Contributed by: Kostas Margellos, kostas.margellos at eng.ox.ac.uk
D.Phil (Ph.D. equiv.), University of Oxford
Project title: Aggregative game theory for optimal charging of large fleets
of electric vehicles
Supervisor: Prof. Kostas Margellos
Duration: 3.5 years
The studentship is part of an EPSRC funded project on "Aggregative charging
control of electric vehicle populations" being undertaken by the University
of Oxford (PI: Prof. Kostas Margellos).
The student will focus on the development and coding of the distributed
charging algorithms; emphasis will also be given on analysing their
optimality properties. S/he will be a member of the Control Group and will
be supervised by Prof. Kostas Margellos.
This studentship is funded through the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences
Research Council (EPSRC) Doctoral Training Partnership and is open to both
UK students (full award – fees plus stipend) and EU students (partial award
– fees only). Full details of the EPSRC eligibility requirements can be
found here https://www.epsrc.ac.uk/skills/students/help/eligibility/
Award Value:
University tuition fees are covered at the level set for UK/EU students, as
are Oxford college fees (c. £7,432 in total p.a.). The stipend (tax-free
maintenance grant) is c. £14,553 p.a. for the first year, and at least this
amount for a further two years.
Candidate Requirements:
Prospective candidates will be judged according to how well they meet the
following criteria:
- A first class honours degree in Engineering, Mathematics or Computer
- Experience in control theory and optimization;
- Mathematical maturity with emphasis on optimization theory;
- Excellent English written and spoken communication skills;
The following skills are desirable but not essential:
- Ability to program in Matlab;
- Experience in energy systems management and operations;
Application Procedure:
Informal enquiries are encouraged and should be addressed to Prof Kostas
Margellos (kostas.margellos at eng.ox.ac.uk).
Candidates must submit a graduate application form and are expected to meet
the graduate admissions criteria. Details are available on the course page
of the University website.
Please quote 18ENGIN_09DTP in all correspondence and in your graduate
Application deadline: noon on 19 January 2018
Start date: October 2018
8.10. PhD: University of Agder, Norway
Contributed by: Jing Zhou, jing.zhou at uia.no
PhD: Department of Engineering Sciences, University of Agder, Norway
Title of the project: Coupled Dynamics Between Vessel and Crane
The University of Agder invites applications for a PhD fellowship in
Coupled Dynamics Between Vessel and Crane. The position is linked to the
Department of Engineering Sciences and SFI Offshore Mechatronics Center and
the contract is for a period of 3 years. Starting date January 2018/ or
negotiated with the faculty.
Brief Description of the Research Project:
• modelling of vessel and crane dynamics,
• analysis of coupled dynamics between large crane, small vessel and heavy
• dynamic positioning control,
• motion compensation and heave compensation,
• and implementing and testing the developed models and control algorithms.
Admission Requirements
• a master’s degree in control, mechatronics, mechanical engineering,
marine engineering or a similar/related field.
• background in several of the following topics: systems and control,
dynamic system modeling, marine systems
To be regarded as an eligible applicant, the applicant should have:
• the average grade for courses included in the bachelor's degree should be
B or higher
• the average grade for courses included in the master's degree should be B
or higher
• the master's thesis should have a grade B or higher
• Applicants whose mother tongue is neither Norwegian nor English must
present an official language test report. The acceptable tests are:
• TOEFL – 550 (paper-based test), or 80 (internet based test)
• IELTS – 6.0.
Salary: The position is remunerated according to the State salary scale,
code 1017, salary NOK 435 500 gross per year.
APPLICATION PROCEDURE: To apply, send email to jing.zhou at uia.no. Subject of
your email should be: “Coupled Dynamics PhD application”. Deadline: October
15, 2017! Include:
- an academic CV,
- a pdf of your diplomas and transcript of course work and grades,
- proof of English language proficiency test results,
- a research proposal (max. 2 pages) that sets out background, rationale,
recent work and research design for the intended study.
Contac Person: Prof. Jing Zhou, email: jing.zhou at uia.no
8.11. PhD: ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Contributed by: Maryam Kamgarpour, maryamk at ethz.ch
PhD opening: The Automatic Control Laboratory, Prof. Maryam Kamgarpour, at
the Department of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, ETH
Zurich has an opening PhD position on the topic of developing the theory
and algorithms for real-time control in emergency evacuation scenarios.
About the lab: We work on control theoretic topics in the intersection of
optimisation, game theory and learning. Furthermore, we work on
applications ranging from air traffic system and robotics to power grid.
For further information about the group please visit our website
About the position: This PhD project advances the necessary control theory
and algorithms to develop a decision support system for first responders in
emergency evacuation scenarios. Our tools will be based on stochastic
control, online optimization, combinatorial optimization and multi-agent
Requirements: Applicants should have a strong background and interest in
mathematics, optimization or control, well-developed analytical and problem
solving skills, outstanding academic track record, excellent English
communication skills.
Procedure: We look forward to receiving your application including CV,
transcript, one page on statement of research interests and goals and names
of three references. Please submit the applications or inquiries regarding
the position to Prof. Maryam Kamgarpour, by email mkamgar at control.ee.ethz.ch
8.12. PhD: University of Rhode Island, USA
Contributed by: Chengzhi Yuan, cyuan at uri.edu
A couple of fully-supported Ph.D. positions are available at the University
of Rhode Island, the students will be working on cutting-edge research on
distributed control of Multi-robot systems, cooperative intelligent
learning control systems, dynamical pattern recognition, and multi-view
data-fusion-based human gait recognition.
Successful candidates should have strong backgrounds on control theory,
programming skills using MATLAB/Simulink, and experiences in scientific
paper writing using English. Candidates with Master degree in control
theory and application are preferred.
Interested parties should send their complete CV to Prof. Yuan through
cyuan at uri.edu.
8.13. PhD: European Training Network TOMOCON, Europe
Contributed by: Uwe Hampel, u.hampel at hzdr.de
15 PhD Positions in the European Training Network TOMOCON:
We seek 15 excellent open-minded and team-spirited PhD candidates within
the European Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network TOMOCON in
multiple European locations. This network joins 12 international academic
institutions and 15 industry partners. We work together in the emerging
field of industrial process control using smart tomographic sensors. The
network will lay the scientific and technological fundamentals of
integrating imaging sensors into industrial processes and will demonstrate
its functional feasibility on lab and pilot-scale applications. Our
doctoral researchers will be trained and work in the fields of process
tomography hardware, software and algorithms, control systems theory and
design, industrial process design, multi-physics modelling and simulation,
human-computer interaction, and massive parallel data processing.
The application deadline is 25 October 2017. More information about the
network and all open positions can be found on the following web page:
www.tomocon.eu. In case of interest please use the links and contact
details provided there for application.
The following positions are available:
New concepts for control in continuous casting using electrical and
magnetic tomography
Reference number: TOMOCON-ESR02
Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Germany
Human-computer interaction with application on industrial tomography
Reference number: TOMOCON-ESR03
Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Optimized controlled inline fluid separation
Reference number: TOMOCON-ESR04
Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Advanced simulation of liquid melt flows in controlled continuous casting
Reference number: TOMOCON-ESR05
Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Hybrid CFD simulation of two-phase flow in inline flow splitters using VOF
and Lagrangian models
Reference number: TOMOCON-ESR06
Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse, France
Microwave drying of porous products with novel tomography-assisted moisture
Reference number: TOMOCON-ESR07
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Controlled batch crystallization with ultrasound actuation
Reference number: TOMOCON-ESR08
Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland
Control systems based on multi-parametric data and exemplary application to
continuous casting control
Reference number: TOMOCON-ESR09
Technical University of Liberec, Czech Republic
Qualification of ERT/ECT for real-time control of inline fluid separators
Reference number: TOMOCON-ESR10
Lodz University of Technology, Poland
ERT tomography for measuring the crystallization progress in a batch reactor
Reference number: TOMOCON-ESR11
Lodz University of Technology, Poland
A novel combined ECT/MIT sensor for controlled continuous steel casting
Reference number: TOMOCON-ESR12
University of Bath, UK
Ultrasound tomography for control of batch crystallization
Reference number: TOMOCON-ESR13
University of Bath, UK
ECT sensor for moisture distribution measurement in controlled microwave
Reference number: TOMOCON-ESR14
University of Eastern Finland, Finland
Microwave tomography for control of microwave drying processes
Reference number: TOMOCON-ESR15
University of Eastern Finland, Finland
8.14. PhD: KTH, Sweden
Contributed by: Mikael Johansson, mikaelj at kth.se
We are looking for 1-2 PhD students with a passion for developing theory
and algorithms for large-scale machine-learning, decision-making and
The position is with the Automatic Control Lab at KTH, ranked as the 3rd
European university in the area of Automation and Control in the most
recent Academic Ranking of World Universities. Our research blends
curiosity-driven basic research with applications and collaboration with
industry and society. Current research projects include optimization of
sustainable infrastructures, distributed algorithms for large-scale machine
learning, and autonomous systems.
The PhD student will enroll in the PhD program in Electrical Engineering,
which provides world-class quality education, including a large number of
graduate courses to ensure that you will get in-depth development of
relevant competences and skills. KTH offers an attractive working
environment, generous remuneration, as well as other employment benefits.
As a PhD student at KTH you have many opportunities to participate at
international conferences, research projects and other relevant events,
which will extend your professional network and benefit your future career.
The complete description, as well as information on how to apply, is
available at
8.15. PhD/Researcher: Bosch Center for Artificial Intelligence, Germany
Contributed by: Michael Hanselmann, michael.hanselmann at de.bosch.com
We are offering several positions in Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous
driving at the Bosch Center for Artificial Intelligence (BCAI) located in
Stuttgart, Southern Germany.
Reinforcement Learning offers methods to solve sequential decision making
problems in stochastic and unstructured environments. Such problems are
also present in autonomous driving where autonomous cars need to take
decisions on many different levels (e.g., which route to take, when to
merge etc.) and have to cope with an open context setting.
Current job offers include:
Reinforcement learning researcher for autonomous driving
• Development and implementation of novel reinforcement (RL) and inverse
reinforcement learning (IRL) algorithms, in particular in the context of
situation understanding and decision making for highly automated /
autonomous driving
• Original research, theoretical investigations, publications at top
Machine Learning conferences and journals
• Close contact to the scientific community in RL, scouting and assessment
of new approaches, publications on top conferences and journals
• Technical discussions and creation of new ideas within the existing
Machine Learning research team
• Supervision of Master and PhD students
PhD in Risk-averse Reinforcement Learning
• Development and implementation of risk-averse Reinforcement Learning
algorithms for decision making under uncertainty
• Evaluation of developed algorithms on open datasets and on multi-modal
Bosch datasets for the lead application autonomous driving
• Original research, collaboration with Machine Learning experts
• Technical discussions and creation of new ideas within the existing
research team at the Bosch Center for Artificial Intelligence
• Publications in top-tier journals and supervision of Master students
We are looking forward to your application!
8.16. PhD/PostDoc: I-Form, Ireland
Contributed by: Robert Shorten, robert.shorten at ucd.ie
Research opportunities in the design of cyber-physical control systems
As part of the recently established Science Foundation Ireland (SFI)
Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre, I-Form (http://www.i-form.ie/),
applications are invited for post-doctoral and doctoral positions in the
area of cyber-physical control design.
Our objective is to use cognitive technologies to design and augment
complex decision support tools as part of cyber-physical feedback control
systems for advanced manufacturing applications such as in additive
manufacturing (3D -printing). The focus of the programme will be to develop
advanced control techniques to enable operators and machines to augment
one-another in order to realise high performance control strategies in
highly contrained environments. The research will exploit ideas from
machine learning, cognitive computing, natural language processing, as well
as traditional control theory and intelligent product design. Applications
are sought from excellent candidates with a background in some, or all, of
the above areas, for a number of positions commencing in early 2018. All
positions will involve significant interaction with industrial partners,
and several appointments will be directed jointly with IBM Research through
the IBM-UCD Colab.
For informal enquiries contact: Robert Shorten (robert.shorten at ucd.ie);
Nikos Papakostas (nikolaos.papakostas at ucd.ie); Giovanni Russo (
grusso at ie.ibm.com); or Joern Ploennings (Joern.Ploennigs at ie.ibm.com).
Interested applicants should send a CV, together with a list of 3
referrees, to Professor Robert Shorten (robert.shorten at ucd.ie).
Closing date for applications is October 15th, 2017.
8.17. PhD/PostDoc: University of Melbourne, Australia
Contributed by: Girish Nair, gnair at unimelb.edu.au
Post-doctoral and PhD Positions, University of Melbourne, Australia
Topic: Filtering, Control and Causal Inference using Nonstochastic
Information Theory
One Post-doctoral and two PhD positions are available to investigate the
use of nonstochastic and zero-error information theory in filtering,
control and causal inference problems with deterministic disturbances or
unknown noise distributions. These positions are based in the Department of
Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Melbourne, and support
an Australian Research Council project. The University of Melbourne has a
well-known control group and is ranked 14th globally in Automation and
Control, according to the ARWU Global Ranking of Academic Subjects 2017.
**Post-doctoral applicants should have a theoretically-focused PhD in a
relevant area. Knowledge of probability theory or random sampling methods
would be useful.
Salary: from AU$87,415/year before tax, plus employer superannuation
contribution of 9.25%.
Duration: one year including probation period. Extensions are subject to
performance and funding.
Starting date: flexible, but preferably before Feb 2018.
To express interest, please email a research statement and CV, with 3
referees listed, to Prof. Girish Nair, gnair at unimelb.edu.au
**PhD candidates should have a Bachelors and/or Masters degree with a
strong background in control or information theory. Knowledge of
probability theory would be helpful. Candidates must also meet the PhD
admission requirements of the Department of Electrical and Electronic
Engineering and the University of Melbourne.
Stipend: AU$30,000/year tax-free for 3.5 years, with up to AU$15,00 for
travel and conferences; subject to passing Departmental confirmation after
one year.
Starting date: flexible, but preferably before Feb 2018.
To express your interest, please email a research statement and CV, with 2
referees listed, to Prof. Girish Nair, gnair at unimelb.edu.au
8.18. PostDoc: Tel Aviv University, Israel
Contributed by: Michael Margaliot, michaelm at eng.tau.ac.il
Postdoctoral Position at the Dept. of Elec. Eng. - Systems, Tel Aviv
University, Israel
Applications are invited for a post-doctoral research position in the areas
of systems and control theory and systems biology at Dept. of Elec. Eng. -
Systems, Tel Aviv University, Israel. The position is for a period of one
year, with the possibility of renewal up to another two years contingent on
performance. Applicants are required to have a recently completed PhD in
control or related area of engineering or applied mathematics.
Applications (including a motivation letter, complete CV, list of
publications, names of referees) and inquiries should be addressed to
Michael Margaliot (Homepage: www.eng.tau.ac.il/~michaelm).
8.19. PostDoc: National Institute of Informatics, Japan
Contributed by: Ichiro Hasuo, i.hasuo at acm.org
PostDoc: National Institute of Informatics, Japan
For our 5-year research project (ERATO MMSD, Metamathematics for Systems
Design) we are looking for senior researchers and postdocs (10+ positions
in total and several are still open), together with research assistants
(PhD students) and internship students.
This broad project aims to extend the realm of formal methods from software
to cyber-physical systems (CPS), with particular emphases both on
logical/categorical metatheories and industrial application esp. in
automotive industry. The project covers diverse areas that include: control
theory, control engineering, formal methods, programming languages,
software science, software engineering, machine learning, numerical
optimization, user interface, mathematical logic and category theory.
Integration of techniques from control theory and those from software
science, via mathematical abstraction, is of our particular interest.
For more about the project please visit
About the open positions
has more information (including how to apply/inquire).
8.20. PostDoc: University of California San Diego, USA
Contributed by: Behrouz Touri, btouri at ucsd.edu
We are looking for a highly qualified scholar in the area of control and
optimization theory over networks to join our research group with the
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of
California San Diego (UCSD). For more information about the research
program please visit: http://eceweb.ucsd.edu/~btouri/research.html
To apply, please send your complete cv with a list of at least three
recommendation providers and one representative research paper to:
btouri at ucsd.edu
8.21. PostDoc: UTFPR, Brazil
Contributed by: Alessandro N Vargas, avargas at utfpr.edu.br
Systems and Control: Two Post-Doctoral Fellowships in Brazil
Two exciting opportunities are opened for young or experienced researchers
to develop research in Brazil.
Candidates must hold a PhD-Doctorate degree related to at least one of the
next topics: Control and Systems Engineering; Automation; Robotics;
Electrical Engineering; Electronics; Mechatronics; Mathematics (pure or
applied); Statistics.
Candidates holding a PhD in any of the aforementioned topics are invited to
The two vacancies are available to citizens of any country, and the
successful applicants will be required to live in the Parana State (South
of Brazil) during the fellowship period. Our research facilities are
located at UTFPR Campus in Cornelio Procopio, Parana, in the urban area of
Londrina. Londrina was settled by immigrants from London, UK, and now is a
medium-scaled city with a rich cultural life.
The two selected candidates will receive a Post-Doctorate Fellowship from
CAPES, Brazil (R$ 4,100 per month; it is equivalent to EU 1,100). The
fellowships are awarded from 6 (six) to 12 (twelve) months and can be
renewed up to 36 months.
The scholarship does not cover travel expenses from where he/she lives to
come to live in Parana, Brazil
Candidates must have a PhD or Doctorate degree to apply for a fellowship.
The position requires a good-level of written and oral communication skills
in English.
The aim of the project is to advance the knowledge of Control systems in
its broad sense. We are interested in new results of Control systems for
applications of real-time processes. Candidates are strongly encouraged to
apply if they are committed to pursuing theoretical or applied research in
systems and control engineering whilst working collaboratively across
disciplines to develop solutions to one or more of the next topics:
- Theory: linear and nonlinear control systems, stochastic systems,
Markovian systems, optimal control, stability of systems, filtering and
identification, networked control, nonlinear optimization, among others
- Applications: industrial processes, electrical and electronic systems,
automotive systems (electronic control of vehicles), mechatronic devices,
renewable energy, wind turbines, photovoltaics, technology applied in
Agriculture, among others.
The appointed candidates are expect to build a bridge between theory and
Depending on the qualifications of the candidate, he or she can be trained
in one or more of the next topics: control, electronics, signal processing,
programming of microprocessors (e.g., DSP, FPGA, Arduino, Raspberry Pi),
data acquisition cards, digital oscilloscopes, industrial instrumentation,
sensors, technology for agriculture, among others.
The selected candidates will work under the supervision of Prof. Alessandro
N. Vargas (UTFPR, Brazil).
Quantity of fellowships: 02 (two)
Time: The initial appointment is for a period from 6 (six) to 12 (twelve)
months, renewable up to three years.
Salary: R$ 4,100 (EU 1,100 aprox.) per month paid by CAPES, Brazil.
This value is tax free.
The selection process will be completed in three steps: assessment of the
candidate CV by analysis of documents submitted by the candidate; interview
via email and Skype with the selected candidates. the selected candidate is
required to sign a document stating that will obey the CAPES and Brazilian
rules. This document is required by CAPES to issue the documents to be used
by the candidate to apply for a Brazilian Visa.
Required documentation for application:
1) A cover letter in which the applicant justifies his or her interest in
the proposed topics.
2) An updated academic Curriculum vitae.
Inscription of candidates:
Candidates should submit their documentation by email at "
avargas at utfpr.edu.br".
The deadline for applications is November 10, 2017, but applications will
be accepted until the positions are filled.
The result of the first step of the selection process will be informed by
email. The interview will be arranged with the candidates by email and
Starting time (tentative):
Candidate: March 01, 2018.
The vacancies of this call are for nominations for scholarships only. As a
result the Brazilian government issues a Visa for study only, i.e., the
candidate cannot work for private companies during the postdoc.
More details on:
8.22. PostDoc: The Ohio State University, USA
Contributed by: Mingjun Zhang, zhang.4882 at osu.edu
We have one post-doc position to work on
Modeling and control of micro-/nano-scale biological systems. Interested
candidates please send your CV to zhang.4882 at osu.edu.
Mingjun Zhang, PhD & D.Sc.
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Depart of Surgery (Courtesy)
Investigator, Davis Heart and Lung Research Institute
Member, Neurological Institute
Faculty Mentor, Interdisciplinary Biophysics Graduate Program
Member, Center for Regenerative Medicine and Cell Based Therapies
The Ohio State University
318 Biomedical Research Tower
OSU Medical Center
Columbus, OH 43210-1002
Email: zhang.4882 at osu.edu
Tel: 614-292-3181
8.23. PostDoc: University of Newcastle, Australia and Huazhong University
of Science and Technology, China
Contributed by: Zhiyong Chen, zhiyong.chen at newcastle.edu.au
PostDoc: University of Newcastle, Australia and Huazhong University of
Science and Technology, China
Prof. Zhiyong Chen (http://www.eng.newcastle.edu.au/~zc879/) is looking for
two postdocs available as soon as possible to work at both University of
Newcastle, Australia and Huazhong University of Science & Technology, China.
The research project is broadly on control theory development and
experiments of nano-positioning systems. The project is funded by National
Natural Science Foundation of China - Overseas Joint Grant. The successful
applicants will be offered
• A competitive salary (Chinese RMB 200,000 to 300,000 per year plus
housing allowance, negotiable depending on the qualification) by Huazhong
University of Science and Technology.
• Opportunity to work full time at University of Newcastle, Australia with
additional support.
• State-of-the-art experimental platforms.
• Full contract for 2 years with the possibility of renewal on performance.
• A Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Applied
Mathematics, or a closely related field.
• Excellent background and a record of journal publications in control
theory and applications on nanopositioning systems.
Interested candidates should send their CV (with names of at least two
references) and a cover letter describing their specific interest and how
their background fits the qualifications to Prof. Zhiyong Chen,
Zhiyong.chen at newcastle.edu.au
8.24. PostDoc: University of Groningen, the Netherlands
Contributed by: Claudio De Persis, c.de.persis at rug.nl
PostDoc: University of Groningen, the Netherlands
A postdoctoral scholar position is available at the SMS-Cyberphysical
System research group at the Faculty of Science and Engineering, University
of Groningen, the Netherlands.
The research of the groups focuses on the modeling and control of complex
systems with nonlinear dynamics and large-scale dimensions and their
interaction with communication media and computational devices. Examples of
these systems are found in manufacturing systems, power systems,
distribution networks, supply chains and formation control systems.
Research areas which provide fundamental tools to investigate these
problems include quantized and discontinuous control, event-triggered
control, time-delay systems, hybrid systems, optimization, game theory,
cooperative control and output regulation.
The postdoctoral position comes with teaching obligations. A bachelor and a
master course must be taught in the period February-mid April 2018. The
teaching-research time division is 70% research and 30% teaching.
Duration: One year, starting January 2018.
Deadline for submitting applications: November 1, 2017
Your Profile:
• A Ph.D. degree in Control Theory, Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Applied Mathematics;
• An excellent background in one of the following areas: networked control
systems, dynamical networks, control theory, distributed control and
optimization, machine learning;
• Strong academic credentials, written and spoken English proficiency.
About the organization:
Since its foundation in 1614, the University of Groningen has enjoyed an
international reputation as a dynamic and innovative center of higher
education offering high-quality teaching and research. Study and career
paths in a wide variety of disciplines encourage currently more than 30,000
students and researchers to develop their individual talents. Belonging to
the best research universities in Europe, the top 100 universities in the
world and joining forces with prestigious partner universities and
networks, the University of Groningen is truly an international place of
Interested candidates please send your application together with your
detailed CV and lis of references to:
c.de.persis at rug.nl and p.tesi at rug.nl (with f.g.fokkens at rug.nl in cc).
*Please specify the following text in the subject*: SMS - PostDoc
8.25. PostDoc: University of Oxford, UK
Contributed by: Kostas Margellos, kostas.margellos at eng.ox.ac.uk
Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Control Engineering
Applications to be received by 12pm on Wednesday 1st of November 2017
Grade 7: £31,604 - £38,833 p.a.
We are seeking a full-time Postdoctoral Research Assistant to join the
Control Group under Professor Kostas Margellos at the Department of
Engineering Science central Oxford. The post is funded by an EPSRC Grant
and is fixed-term for 12 months.
The research supported by this post aims at an aggregative control
framework for decentralised charging of large populations of electric
vehicles. You will be responsible for collaborating in the
preparation/presentation of scientific reports and the implementation of
algorithms in MATLAB. You will also be required to conduct short-term
visits in project partner institutions and contribute to relevant
workshop/tutorial organisation.
You should possess a PhD/DPhil (or near completion) in control
theory/optimisation, have a track record of relevant published work,
experience in energy systems management and experience in MATLAB.
Further information can be found at: www.eng.ox.ac.uk/jobs/home
Only applications received before 12.00 midday on 1 November 2017 can be
considered. You will be required to upload a covering letter/supporting
statement, including a brief statement of research interests (describing
how past experience and future plans fit with the advertised position), CV
and the details of two referees as part of your online application.
The Department holds an Athena Swan Bronze award, highlighting its
commitment to promoting women in Science, Engineering and Technology.
Please note that the University of Oxford's retirement policy is changing.
With effect from October 1 2017, all employees at Grade 8 and above will
have a retirement age of 68, and all employees at Grades 6 and 7 will no
longer have a set retirement age. Further details are available at:
Informal enquiries may be addressed to Professor Kostas Margellos (
kostas.margellos at eng.ox.ac.uk).
8.26. PostDoc/Visiting Professor: Huazhong University of Science &
Technology, China
Contributed by: Ye Yuan, yye at hust.edu.cn
Prof. Ye Yuan (http://yy311.github.io) is looking for a number of postdocs
and visiting researchers starting as soon as possible at Huazhong
Artificial Intelligence Lab (HAIL), Huazhong University of Science &
Technology (HUST), China.
The research project is broadly on the development of deep learning and
control theory with application to cyber-physical systems (robotics and
power systems).
1. For Postdoc, we offer
• A competitive salary (USD 30,000-40,000 per year, negotiable depending on
the qualification);
• Possibilities for the Postdoc to spend time at world-leading universities
(such as UC Berkeley and Caltech) to take specialized courses and work with
collaborators there;
• Experimental platform (Vicon + Crazyflies, GPU cluster, UR3 robot +
Kinect, Hardware in the loop Power simulator)
• Full contract for 2 years with the possibility of renewal up to 6 years
contingent on performance;
• Possibilities to stay at HUST as a lecturer or an associate professor
2. For visiting professors, we offer
• A highly competitive salary depending on the qualification;
• Travel cost and housing
3. Your Profile
• A Ph.D. degree in Control Theory, Mathematics, Computer Science, or a
closely related field;
• An excellent background in one of the following areas: system
identification, control theory, machine learning, neuroscience, robotics.
Interested candidates should send their CV (with names of at least two
references) and a cover letter (for postdoc candidates) describing their
specific interest and how their background fits the qualifications to Prof.
Ye Yuan <yye at hust.edu.cn>.
8.27. Research Fellow: Australian National University, Australia
Contributed by: Guodong Shi, guodong.shi at anu.edu.au
Future Engineering Research Leadership (FERL) Fellow
College of Engineering and Computer Science (CECS)
Australian National University (ANU)
Classification: ANU Academic Level B/C
Salary package: $94,287 - $127,025 per annum plus 17% superannuation
Terms: Full Time, Fixed Term, 5 Years
Position summary
The Research School of Engineering (RSEng or the School) is one of two
Research Schools within the ANU College of Engineering and Computer Science
(CECS). This is an exciting time to join our School and be part of the a
community that prides ourselves on solving “wicked problems” in
collaboration with the best minds in the world from across a broad range of
disciplines. We take pride in pursuing our fundamental mission – discovery
and to making knowledge matter – to the very highest quality.
We are calling for applications from innovative and enthusiastic academics
in the early stages of their careers who are willing to explore uncharted
landscapes through our Future Engineering Research Leadership Fellows
(FERL) program.
We welcome and develop diversity of backgrounds, experiences and ideas and
encourage applications from individuals who may have had non-traditional
career paths, who may have taken a career break or who have achieved
excellence in careers outside of academia.
The positions are initially for a period of 5 years. Longer term and/or
tenure-track appointments may be offered to outstanding candidates subject
to experience, skill and performance with consideration given to the
candidate’s achievement relative to opportunity. Successful candidates will
be offered individualised attention and be part of a culture with a strong
sense of community to define their own research agendas, apply for
competitive funding, develop their own laboratory facilities and where
appropriate, build a research team. These positions come with a yearly
budget to cover visitors and conference travel as well as the possibility
to negotiate a longer term and/or continuing appointment and significant
start-ups funds.
This recruitment process is part of the wider ANU College of Engineering
and Computer Science initiative, where we are looking to appoint up to 10
positions across Engineering and Computer Science over the next two (2)
years. The Research School of Computer Science is running a similar and
simultaneous process.
Successful applicants will have the opportunity to engage in
ground-breaking, cutting-edge research in the fields of signal processing,
computer vision and robotics, computational mechanics, materials,
fabrication, renewable energy, networked systems and quantum cybernetics.
Start date: Negotiable
Essential qualifications: A PhD in Engineering or a related area, with a
track record of independent research in the field of engineering or related
area, as evidenced by publications in peer-reviewed journals and
conferences, a record of developing and maintaining collaborations and by
other measures such as awards, invitations to give talks at leading
conferences etc.
Applications: Guidelines on completing your application can be found in the
candidate information booklet which is available at
Applications close 05/11/2017
For further information please contact:
Dr Guodong Shi
College of Engineering & Computer Science
Australian National University
Email: guodong.shi at anu.edu.au
8.28. Research Fellowship: Hull University, UK
Contributed by: Ron Patton, r.j.patton at hull.ac.uk
Senior Research Fellowship: Hull University, UK
Applications are invited from experts in Robust Detection and Isolation
(Fault Diagnosis) and Fault Tolerant Control to apply for a Senior Research
Fellow position tenable for up to 5 years at Hull University UK within an
EPSRC funded Offshore Wind turbine research project with Siemens-Gamesa and
Dong Energy and in partnership with Sheffield and Durham Universities. The
research aim is to Establish Fault Detection and Isolation methods capable
of identifying a variety of faults based on robust control system
performance and integrating these methods within Fault Tolerant Control
schemes. An interest in wind turbine and/or wave energy control would be a
special advantage along with knowledge and experience of decentralized and
distributed control systems. A PhD plus several years of research
leadership experience are required along with a strong publication record
and evidence of experience in research income generation. A successful
candidate could expect to progress to a senior academic position leading a
research team in the Control and Intelligent Systems Engineering Laboratory
within the Aura Research Centre.
Please contact Professor Ron J Patton for further information
8.29. Research Scientist: DLR Institute of Transportation Systems, Germany
Contributed by: Andreas Luber, andreas.luber at dlr.de
Research Scientist: German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute of
Transportation Systems, Germany
Research Scientist Position at the German Aerospace Center (DLR)
The DLR Institute of Transportation Systems in Braunschweig, Germany, is
looking for a research scientist in the field of sensor fusion and machine
learning for automotive applications.
We offer:
- A creative, team-oriented work and research environment
- Challenging projects that require cutting-edge sensor fusion and machine
learning technology
- Work on the interface between academic research and future automotive
Your profile:
- PhD (or MSc) in electrical engineering or a related discipline
- Professional experience with automotive projects
- Excellent knowledge of sensor fusion, e.g. Kalman filters, and machine
learning algorithms, e.g. neural networks
- Excellent programming skills in, e.g. C++ and Python
- Excellent communication skills in English (knowledge of German is a plus)
The job announcement with further details (in German) can be found at
Contact: Andreas Luber (andreas.luber at dlr.de)
8.30. Faculty: Zhejiang University of Technology, China
Contributed by: Qiu Xiang, qiuxiang at zjut.edu.cn
Faculty Position: Zhejiang University of Technology , Hangzhou, China
Zhejiang Control Science and Engineering First-Class (Class A) Discipline
Recruitment Announcement
Zhejiang University of Technology (ZJUT), sitting by the beautiful West
Lake, Hangzhou, is a Zhejiang Province and the Ministry of Education
co-supported, provincially governed key university, who owns one of the
only 14 Collaborative Creation Centers in the first initiative of the state
“2011 Program”. ZJUT has its beautiful campus covering more than 3000 mu,
which accommodates 24 Colleges, more than 37,000 full-time students and
more than 3,300 staffs. ZJUT is proudly to have 2 self-owned and 2 sharing
Fellows of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, as well as more than 1400
faculties with senior professional titles. ZJUT has State Key Disciplines,
State Engineering Research Centers, State University Science Parks, Centers
for Postdocs, as well as the power of awarding Doctors, Masters, MBAs and
recruiting foreign students and those from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.
The Control Science and Engineering Discipline within the College of
Information Engineering was one of the Priority-among-Priorities
Disciplines (selected by Zhejiang Provincial Government in 2009), and is
now one of the Zhejiang First-Class (Class A) Disciplines in the first
initiative of the Program in 2015. The Discipline now has the Doctoral
Program at the first-level discipline, the Center for Postdocs, and the
Zhejiang Collaborated Key Laboratory of Embedded Systems. The College of
Information Engineering where the Discipline is in has 5 undergraduate
programs: Automation, Electrical Engineering and Its Automation, Electronic
Information Engineering, Communication Engineering, and Electronic Science
and Technology. The Discipline is now recruiting faculties in the following
areas at the levels of State and Zhejiang Provincial “1000 Plan” high-level
talents, Zhejiang “Qianjiang Scholars”, ZJUT “Yunhe Specially-Appointed
Professors”, “ZJUT Professors”, outstanding PhDs and postdocs, etc.
(1) Control Science and Engineering, including advanced control theory,
robotics, machine vision, pattern recognition, industrial networked control
systems, MES, etc.
(2) Electrical Engineering, including electric drive, power electronics,
new energy, etc.
(3) Mechatronic Engineering, including high-precision servo control of
mechatronic devices, the modelling and dynamic analysis of robots, etc.
(4) Computer Science and Technology, including smart city, smart
healthcare, big data, cloud computing, IoT, industrial control software,
A. Selection criteria
High-level talents (Changjiang Scholars, 1000 Plan Scholars, Qianjiang
Scholars, etc.) You have major achievements and influence in your research
area that have already been recognized by national and international
researchers, or have great potentials of future development; You also meet
the criteria of corresponding talents programs.
ZJUT Professors /Associate Professors You have a PhD degree obtained from a
recognized university or research institutes with at least one year of
oversea research experience in a well-known foreign institute; You have
research achievements recognized by national and international researchers;
Your application also passes the review process at the university level
Outstanding PhDs/Postdocs You have a PhD degree obtained from a recognized
university or research institute; You have high-quality research outputs
and the professional skills required by a university lecturer, and great
potentials of your future career.
B. Salary and welfare
(1)National-Level Top Tier Talents:Fellows of Chinese Academy of Sciences
or Chinese Academy of Engineering, “Special Support Program” Distinguished
Talents, Principal Investigators of NSFC Innovative Research Team, or other
talents at the equivalent level. Treatment:Negotiation on the case by case
(2)National-Level Top Tier Talents:National “1000 Plan” Scholars
(long-term), Changqiang Scholars, NSFC Distinguished Young Scholars,
“Special Support Program” Outstanding Talents, winners (rank first) of
three major national science awards, or other talents at the equivalent
level. Salary (CNY):≥700K /Year; Housing Benefit(CNY):3M-5M; Startup
Funds(CNY):Case by case.
(3)National-Level Young Talents:“Special Support Program” Outstanding Young
Talents, “1000 Plan” Young Scholars, “Changjiang Young Scholars, NSFC
Outstanding Young Scholars, 973 Program Young Scholars, “Millions of
Talents Program” Scholars, or other talents at the equivalent level. Salary
(CNY):≥450K /Year; Housing Benefit(CNY):1.5M-2.5M; Startup Funds(CNY):1M-3M.
(4)Provincial-and-Ministry-Level Talents,Yunhe Specially-Appointed
Professors:CAS “100 Plan” Scholars, Zhejiang ”Qianjiang Scholars”, Zhejiang
“1000 Plan” (long-term) Scholars, or other talents who have made
significant academic contributions with great potentials of development and
who are awarded “Yunhe Specially-Appointed Professors” after the review of
ZJUT. Salary (CNY):≥350K /Year; Housing Benefit(CNY):1.5M; Startup
(5)ZJUT Professors,ZJUT Associated Professors:You have a PhD degree
obtained from a recognized university or research institutes with at least
one year of oversea research experience in a well-known foreign institute;
You have research achievements recognized by national and international
colleges; Your application also passes the review process at the university
level. Salary (CNY):Salaries at the appropriate levels; Housing
Benefit(CNY):0.4M-0.5M; Startup Funds(CNY):0.1M-0.2M.
(6)Outstanding PhDs/Postdoctors:You have a PhD degree obtained from a
recognized university or research institute; You have high-quality research
outputs and the professional skills required by a university lecturer, and
great potentials of your future career. Salary (CNY):Salaries at the
appropriate levels; Housing Benefit(CNY):0.3M.
(7)Postdocs (leading to a faculty):Besides the basic salary and welfare,
50K/Year subsidy is provided for the first two years, with the possibility
of continuing this subsidy plus a one-off 200K housing benefit if you are
accepted to ZJUT public institution business unit.
C. Required documents
(1)One self-recommendation letter covering your study and professional
records, your teaching and research statements, your achievements, your
work plan as well as your possible requirements from us.
(2)A list of your research funds, awards, and publications in the recent
five years.
D. Contact us
Dr. Qiu,
Email : qiuxiang at zjut.edu.cn
Mobile: +86-13867469319
Address: Xiaoheshan College Park, College of Information Engineering,
Zhejiang University of Technology, 310023
Zhejiang Control Science and Engineering First-Class (Class A) Discipline
Sep 3, 2017
8.31. Faculty: Texas A&M University, USA
Contributed by: Reza Langari, rlangari at tamu.edu
Assistant, Associate or Full Professor – Multidisciplinary Engineering
Technology Program
The Department of Engineering Technology and Industrial Distribution at
Texas A&M University invites applications for a tenured or tenure-track
faculty position at the assistant, associate, or full professor level with
expertise in one or more of the following areas: Mechatronics, Industrial
and Mobile Robots, Automation, Product Design, Industrial Internet of
Things (IIoT), Cyber-Physical Systems, and Embedded Systems. The successful
applicant will be required to teach; advise and mentor undergraduate and
graduate students; develop an independent, externally funded research
program; participate in all aspects of the department’s activities; and
serve the profession. Strong written and verbal communication skills are
required. Applicants should consult the department’s website to review our
academic and research programs (https://engineering.tamu.edu/etid).
Applicants must have an earned doctorate in an appropriate engineering
field and or a closely related engineering or science discipline.
Applicants should submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, teaching
statement, research statement, and a list of 4 (can be between 3 – 5)
references (including postal addresses, phone numbers and email addresses)
by applying for this specific position at www.tamengineeringjobs.com. Full
consideration will be given to applications received by December 15, 2017.
Applications received after that date may be considered until positions are
filled. It is anticipated the appointment will begin fall 2018.
The members of Texas A&M Engineering are all Equal Opportunity/Affirmative
Action/Veterans/Disability employers committed to diversity. It is the
policy of these members to recruit, hire, train and promote without regard
to race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, disability, genetic
information, veteran status, sexual orientation or gender identity.
8.32. Faculty: Texas A&M University, USA
Contributed by: Reza Langari, rlangari at tamu.edu
Assistant, Associate or Full Professor – Electronic Systems Engineering
The Department of Engineering Technology and Industrial Distribution at
Texas A&M University invites applications with recent and relevant
industrial experience for a tenured or tenure-track faculty position at the
assistant, associate, or full professor level with expertise in one or more
of the following areas: Wireless Communications, Industrial Internet of
Things (IIoT), Distributed Sensor Networks, Mobile/Cloud Computing and/or
Industrial Cybersecurity. The successful applicant will be required to
teach; advise and mentor undergraduate and graduate students; develop an
independent, externally funded research program; participate in all aspects
of the department’s activities; and serve the profession. Strong written
and verbal communication skills are required. Applicants must have an
earned doctorate in an appropriateelectrical engineering field and or a
closely related engineering or science discipline. Applicants should
consult the department’s website to review our academic and research
programs (https://engineering.tamu.edu/etid).
Applicants should submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, teaching
statement, research statement, and a list of 4 (can be between 3 – 5)
references (including postal addresses, phone numbers and email addresses)
by applying for this specific position at www.tamengineeringjobs.com. Full
consideration will be given to applications received by December 15, 2017.
Applications received after that date may be considered until positions are
filled. It is anticipated the appointment will begin fall 2018.
The members of Texas A&M Engineering are all Equal Opportunity/Affirmative
Action/Veterans/Disability employers committed to diversity. It is the
policy of these members to recruit, hire, train and promote without regard
to race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, disability, genetic
information, veteran status, sexual orientation or gender identity.
8.33. Faculty: University of Pennsylvania, USA
Contributed by: George J. Pappas, pappasg at seas.upenn.edu
Multiple Faculty Positions
The School of Engineering and Applied Science at the University of
Pennsylvania is growing its faculty by 33% over the next five years. As
part of this initiative, the Department of Electrical and Systems
Engineering is engaged in an aggressive, multi-year hiring effort for
multiple tenure-track positions at all levels. Candidates must hold a Ph.D.
in Electrical Engineering, Systems Engineering, or related area. The
department seeks individuals with exceptional promise for, or proven record
of, research achievement, who will take a position of international
leadership in defining their field of study, and excel in undergraduate and
graduate education. Leadership in cross-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary
collaborations is of particular interest. We are interested in candidates
in all areas that enhance our research strengths in:
Nanodevices and nanosystems (nanoelectronics, MEMS/NEMS, power electronics,
nanophotonics, integrated devices and systems at nanoscale),
Circuits and computer engineering (analog, RF, mm-wave, and digital
circuits, emerging circuit design, computer engineering, IoT, embedded and
cyber-physical systems), and
Information and decision systems (control, optimization, robotics, data
science, network science, communications, information theory, signal
processing, markets and social systems).
Prospective candidates in all areas are strongly encouraged to address
large-scale societal problems in energy, transportation, health, food and
water, economic and financial networks, critical infrastructure, and
national security. We are especially interested in candidates whose
interests are aligned with the school’s strategic plan (
Diversity candidates are strongly encouraged to apply. Click Here to submit
an application.
The University of Pennsylvania is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Minorities/Women/Individuals with Disabilities/Veterans are encouraged to
8.34. Faculty: Princeton University, USA
Contributed by: Naomi Leonard, naomi at princeton.edu
Associate or Full Professor in Robotics and Cyber-Physical Systems,
Princeton University
September 2, 2017
The School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS) at Princeton
University invites applications for a faculty position at the senior level
(tenured Associate or Full Professor rank) in the broadly defined field of
robotics and cyber-physical systems. Applicants must hold a Ph.D. in
engineering or a related subject, and have a demonstrated record of
excellence and leadership in research. We seek faculty members who will
create a climate that embraces excellence and diversity, with a strong
commitment to teaching and mentoring.
Princeton SEAS has a long history of leadership in its core disciplines of
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Computer
Science, Operations Research and Financial Engineering, Civil and
Environmental Engineering, and Chemical and Biological Engineering. A major
effort is underway to establish a collaborative, cross-disciplinary
community in robotics and cyber-physical systems, which will lead to new
academic opportunities and future robotic systems that interact with the
human-occupied world with safety and sophistication for the benefit of
society. We seek candidates with the background, expertise, creativity, and
passion to build upon and complement existing strengths in order to lead
Princeton in its efforts to establish inspiring research and teaching in
the rapidly growing field of robotics and cyber-physical systems.
To ensure full consideration, applications should be received by December
1, 2017. Applicants should submit a curriculum vitae, including a list of
publications, a summary of research accomplishments and future plans, a
teaching statement, and contact information for at least three references
online at https://www.princeton.edu/acad-positions/position/3442. Personal
statements that summarize leadership experience and contributions to
diversity are encouraged.
Princeton University is an equal opportunity employer and all qualified
applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to
race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national
origin, disability status, protected veteran status, or any other
characteristic protected by law. We welcome applications from members of
all underrepresented groups. This position is subject to the University’s
background check policy.
8.35. Faculty: IST Austria, Austria
Contributed by: Pedro del Real, academic.affairs at ist.ac.at
IST Austria (www.ist.ac.at) invites applications for
Computer Science and Data Science
Applicants in software systems (operating, distributed, database systems),
algorithms, machine learning, and robotics are particularly encouraged to
We offer:
-Competitive start-up package and salary
-Guaranteed, annual base funding
-Support and benefits for acquiring third party funds
-Multiple positions are open
IST Austria is a young international institute dedicated to world-class
basic research and graduate education in the natural and mathematical
sciences. Our PhD program involves a multi-disciplinary course schedule and
rotations in research labs. Currently 40 research groups are active in the
fields of biology, neuroscience, physics, mathematics, and computer
science. The institute will grow to about 90 research groups by 2026. We
hire scholars from diverse international backgrounds. Our working language
is English. The campus of IST Austria is located about 15 km distant from
Vienna, a city with high quality of life.
Candidates for tenured positions must be internationally accomplished
scientists in their respective research fields and have at least six years
of experience in leading a research group.
Assistant Professors receive independent group leader positions with an
initial contract of six years, at the end of which they are evaluated by
international peers. The outcome of this evaluation determines if an
Assistant Professor is promoted to a tenured Professor position.
Successful candidates are expected to apply for external research funds and
participate in graduate teaching.
Please apply online at:
Applications should include a curriculum vitae, a list of publications, as
well as a research statement, including a description of the most important
scientific achievements and planned future research activities.
The closing date for applications is November 2, 2017.
IST Austria values diversity and is committed to equal opportunity. Female
researchers are especially encouraged to apply.
8.36. Faculty: New York University Abu Dhabi, UAE
Contributed by: Anthony Tzes, anthony.tzes at nyu.edu
New York University Abu Dhabi http://nyuad.nyu.edu/en/ is a research
university with a fully integrated Engineering division. NYUAD is seeking
applicants for a faculty position in the Engineering division at the
Associate or Full professor level. NYUAD is a major hub of the NYU Global
Network University (GNU), and provides access to the faculty and the assets
of the entire GNU system. The Electrical and Computer Engineering program
offers undergraduate degrees and participates in NYU’s doctoral program.
The Engineering faculty consists of 6 professors, 3 associate professors,
15 assistant professors, and 6 lecturers. The ECE program leads
internationally recognized research in the areas of information,
cybersecurity, and biomedical systems. The control and robotics group has
experience in the areas of mobile (aerial/ground) robots, vision systems,
haptics, game theory, optimization, wireless sensor systems and other areas.
The position at the level of associate or full professor falls within the
broad area of control and/or robotics. The candidate’s expertise should be
in one or more of the following areas: networked controlled systems, smart
grids, cyber physical systems, adaptive and robust control, distributed and
collaborative control, aerial / marine and ground robotics, mobile
manipulation, multi-robot systems, robot vision, grasping, soft and
surgical robotics.
The successful candidate will: a) participate in teaching and laboratory
activities for undergraduate and doctoral courses in ECE, b) supervise
doctoral students, c) lead his/her research group in leading-edge research
projects with the participation of a postdoctoral group of researchers (to
be selected by her/him), d) collaborate with research groups at NYUAD and
NYU (Tandon School of Engineering), e) participate in research funded
either by local sources or international funding agencies or industries.
Start date: flexible, from January to August 2019
Essential qualifications
Applicants must hold a doctorate (PhD) in Electrical and Computer
Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, or other related field. The candidate
will apply for tenure at NYUAD prior to his/her appointment.
NYUAD offers a competitive starting salary, depending on the candidate’s
academic evaluation. Additional benefits include housing and transportation
allowance, repatriation allowance, international travel allowance, health
insurance and education allowance for family members.
Candidates should submit electronically an application that consists of a
curriculum vitae, a statement of teaching goals and research priorities,
records of teaching effectiveness, official records of diplomas, and the
names of three references, and three representative research articles of
the applicant’s work relevant to the position.
Applications must be submitted by November 15, 2017, to the following site:
Interested candidates may contact for further information:
Anthony Tzes, Professor
Electrical and Computer Engineering Program, Engineering Division
New York University Abu Dhabi
Email: antony.tzes at nyu.edu
Examination of applications will begin on November 15, and continue until
the position is filled.
8.37. Faculty: Stanford University, USA
Contributed by: Edwin Mendoza, edwinm1 at stanford.edu
Faculty Position
Department of Electrical Engineering
Stanford University
The Department of Electrical Engineering at Stanford University (
http://ee.stanford.edu/) invites applications for a tenure-track faculty
appointment at the junior level (Assistant or untenured Associate
Professor) in the broadly defined field of electrical and computer
engineering. The department is especially interested in candidates in
robotics, autonomous systems, embedded systems, control, optimization, and
machine learning. Priority, however, will be given to the overall
originality and promise of the candidate’s work over any specific area of
Applicants should have an earned Ph.D., evidence of the ability to pursue
an independent program of research, a strong commitment to both graduate
and undergraduate teaching, and the ability to initiate and conduct
research across disciplines. A successful candidate will be expected to
teach courses at the graduate and undergraduate levels and to build and
lead a team of graduate students in Ph.D. research.
Applications should include a brief research and teaching plan, a detailed
resume including a publications list, and the names and email addresses of
at least five references.
Candidates should apply online at http://ee.stanford.edu/job-openings. The
review of applications will begin on December 15, 2017, and applicants are
strongly encouraged to submit complete applications by that date for full
consideration; however, applications will continue to be accepted through
January 15, 2018.
Stanford is an equal employment opportunity and affirmative action
employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for
employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual
orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, protected
veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law.
8.38. Faculty: Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Contributed by: Panagiotis Tsiotras, tsiotras at gatech.edu
Faculty Position in Control Systems
The School of Aerospace Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology,
Atlanta, Georgia, invites nominations and applications for a faculty
position in the areas of flight dynamics, dynamical systems, control
theory, information science, and the interactions between these fields
beginning August 2018. All ranks will be considered, but senior level
appointments will reserved for exceptional candidates having a demonstrated
superior research and teaching record. Salary and rank will be commensurate
with qualifications.
While all related areas of research in dynamical systems and control will
be considered, candidates with a research agenda most closely aligned with
aerospace applications are highly desirable.
Candidates are required to have a doctorate in Aerospace Engineering or a
closely related field. The successful transdisciplinary candidates will
have an outstanding research record and will be expected to teach graduate
and undergraduate courses, supervise graduate students, and interact with
the faculty on the development of a strong externally funded research
The School of Aerospace Engineering presently has 36 full-time faculty
members and its undergraduate and graduate programs are ranked among the
top aerospace engineering programs in the nation. The research interests of
the faculty cover a broad spectrum of aerospace engineering including gas
dynamics, propulsion, combustion, aerodynamics, structural mechanics,
flight dynamics, and control. Information about the School can be found at
Applicants should send (electronically or via mail) a curriculum vitae, a
cover letter, a statement of teaching interests and philosophy, a statement
of research plans, and the name and contact information of at least three
references to: Michelle Hall, c/o Professor Panagiotis Tsiotras, School of
Aerospace Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA,
30332-0150. Phone: (404) 385-3819, e-mail: michelle.hall at ae.gatech.edu
Review of applications will begin immediately, and will continue until the
positions are filled.
Board of Regents policy requires Federal and State background
investigations, including a criminal background check. Georgia Tech is an
equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.
8.39. Faculty: Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Contributed by: Panagiotis Tsiotras, tsiotras at gatech.edu
Faculty Position in Autonomy (AE/IRIM-GaTech)
The Institute for Robotics and Intelligent Machines and the School of
Aerospace Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech)
invites nominations and applications for a faculty position in the general
area of autonomous and intelligent systems. The appointment is expected to
be at the Assistant or Associate Professor level, but appointments at the
Full Professor level will be considered for exceptional candidates having
demonstrated a superior research and teaching record.
Candidates are expected to have a strong commitment to teaching at the
undergraduate and graduate levels as well as to the development of an
externally funded research program. An earned doctorate in Aerospace
Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science/Engineering, Software
Engineering or a closely related field is required.
The Aerospace Engineering program at Georgia Tech is the largest program of
its kind in the US, having approximately 40 full-time faculty members, and
more than 800 undergraduate students and 500+ graduate students. Its
undergraduate and graduate programs are typically ranked among the top
aerospace engineering programs in the nation. The research interests of the
faculty cover a broad spectrum including gas dynamics, propulsion,
combustion, aerodynamics, structural mechanics, flight mechanics, robotics
and autonomy, orbital mechanics, rotorcraft, aircraft and space systems
design, dynamics and control, air-traffic control, and cognitive
engineering. Information about the School can be found at www.ae.gatech.edu.
The Institute for Robotics and Intelligent Machines (IRIM) is one of the
twelve interdisciplinary research institutes (IRI) at Georgia Tech, and
serves as an umbrella under which robotics researchers, educators, and
students from across campus come together to advance the many high-powered
and diverse robotics activities at Georgia Tech. IRIM’s mission is to
create new and exciting opportunities for faculty collaboration; educate
the next generation of robotics experts, entrepreneurs, and academic
leaders; and partner with industry and government to pursue truly
transformative robotics research. More than 70 faculty, 30 labs and 60+ PhD
students across the College of Engineering, the College of Computing, the
College of Science, and the College of Design are affiliated with IRIM.
More details about IRIM can be found at robotics.gatech.edu
Applicants should send (electronically or via mail) a curriculum vitae, a
cover letter, a statement of teaching interests and philosophy, a statement
of research plans, and the name and contact information of at least three
references to: Michelle Hall, c/o Professor Panagiotis Tsiotras, School of
Aerospace Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA,
30332-0150. Phone: (404) 385-3819, e-mail: michelle.hall at ae.gatech.edu
8.40. Faculty: University of Tehran, Iran
Contributed by: Hamed Kebriaei, kebriaei at ut.ac.ir
Faculty Position: University of Tehran, Iran
The University of Tehran offers up to three tenure track faculty member
position in the field of Control in School of Electrical and Computer
Engineering (ECE).
University of Tehran (UT) is the first modern and highest rank university
in Iran. School of ECE, with more than 2000 students, 84 faculty members,
80 research Laboratories is the largest school in UT. ECE-UT holds the
“Control and Intelligent Processing Center of Excellence” of the country
and the Control department of ECE attracts the highest ranked students of
the country in the field.
The control group is active in some interdisciplinary areas like, Smart
Grids, Biological Systems, Robotics, Cognitive Science, and Industrial
Automation. For more information about the control department of ECE you
can visit:
The applicants must hold a PhD degree from renowned international
universities and have a solid background in Control Systems with a strong
academic records and proved world class capabilities in research.
The areas of interest include but not limited to: Hybrid/Switched Control
Systems, Learning Control Systems, Data Driven Control Systems, Control of
Network Systems and Automation Control Systems with application areas such
as: Systems Biology, Energy, Cyber Physical Systems, and Complex Networks.
As a faculty member your role will be to:
-Perform fundamental and applied research at the forefront of the systems
and control domain;
-Publish in renowned scientific journals and conferences;
-Set up and teach inspiring courses and lab projects in the BSc, MSc and
PhD programs at ECE-CS;
-Supervise PhD and MSc students as well as BSc student projects;
-Maintain and expand an effective network of cooperation partners in
academia, institutes and industry
-Contribute to acquiring funding for research projects from (inter)national
research funding agencies.
The salary of a faculty member is paid according to the common regulations
of UT, nevertheless, applicants recognized as “Elite Researchers” by the
recruitment committee will get 30% extra from the beginning of the service.
What is required in an application pack?
- Cover letter stating your interest in the faculty position in Control
- A full academic CV,
- Your statement of purpose,
- Details of three references.
Interested candidates should send their application pack for consideration
Dr. Hamed Kebriaei: kebriaei at ut.ac.ir
8.41. Faculty: Lehigh University, USA
Contributed by: Barbara McGuire, bcm208 at lehigh.edu
Lehigh University Robotics & Controls Faculty Search
The P.C. Rossin College of Engineering & Applied Science at Lehigh
University invites nominations and applications from qualified individuals
for senior/junior tenure-track positions in the area of robotics & controls.
Lehigh University is investing more than $250M over the next few years on
new innovative research and academic programs to enhance its intellectual
footprint and our equitable community. The investments, based on
faculty-driven initiatives, will advance the university’s mission and
commitment to enhance student experiences. Investments will include
upgrades to physical plants, research and teaching laboratories, and
technical infrastructure.
The P.C. Rossin College of Engineering has a strong and diverse team of
faculty members researching in the core disciplines of robotics, controls,
and intelligent systems. This faculty search aims at expanding our core
team to accelerate growth of interdisciplinary research in the area of
robotics and controls. Our vision is for Lehigh University and the Lehigh
Valley region of Pennsylvania to achieve national prominence and leadership
in this important growth area and related technology. We are committed to
growing our research footprint in this space while supporting an inclusive
learning, research, and working environment.
We invite applications from outstanding faculty candidates at both junior
and senior levels for multiple tenure-track positions in all aspects of
robotics and controls, including (but not limited to):
Perception and learning in robotics, Field & industrial robotics, Control
and planning of autonomous systems, Micro-, nano-scale robotics, Haptics,
human-robot interaction, social robotics, Biologically inspired and soft
Candidates should have a Ph.D. in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, or a related field and a
distinguished record of research scholarship, and qualify for the rank of
assistant, associate, or full professor. Candidates who have experience
working with a diverse range of faculty, staff, and students, and who can
contribute to the climate of inclusivity are encouraged to identify their
experience in these areas. Ideal candidates with outstanding academic
credentials and a strong interest in research and teaching (especially
undergraduate education) will be given priority. Applications from female
or minority candidates are strongly encouraged. Lehigh University is an
affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. Lehigh provides competitive
salaries and comprehensive benefits, including partner benefits. Lehigh
University has a well-developed infrastructure to address dual career and
work-life balance matters. As demonstrated by the Core Values and the
Principles of Our Equitable Community, Lehigh University is committed to
the values of Integrity and Honesty, Equitable Community, Academic Freedom,
Intellectual Curiosity, Collaboration, Commitment to Excellence, and
Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the
position is filled. For full consideration, applicant materials must be
received on-line at https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/9860 by
Candidates should submit the following: 1) a cover letter indicating the
area of specialization and faculty track, 2) curriculum vitae, 3) a
statement for current and future research directions, 4) a teaching
statement, 5) a description of experience and vision for enhancing
participation of people from traditionally underrepresented groups, 6)
copies of 3 representative papers, and 7) contact information for at least
three references. Inquiries can be directed to Professors Mooi Choo Chuah
and Nader Motee, Co-Chairs of the Search Committee at (
robotics-search at lehigh.edu).
Lehigh is a premier residential research university, ranked in the top tier
of national research universities each year. Lehigh University is a
coeducational, nondenominational, private university that offers a distinct
academic environment for undergraduate and graduate students from across
the globe. Located in Pennsylvania’s scenic Lehigh Valley, the campus is
situated on 1,600 acres in close proximity to both New York City and
8.42. Faculty: University of Michigan, USA
Contributed by: Kimberly Johnson, berlykim at umich.edu
Chair, Department of Aerospace Engineering, University of Michigan
The Department of Aerospace Engineering at the University of Michigan seeks
applications and nominations for the position of Department Chair. The
Department currently has 27 tenured and tenure-track faculty members with
approximately 318 undergraduate and 191 graduate students (116 PhD and 75
MSE/SGUS). The University of Michigan’s Aerospace Engineering Department is
the first collegiate aeronautics program in the United States—started in
1914, with more than 6,000 aerospace engineers graduated over the past 100
years. The successful candidate will be an outstanding scholar with an
earned doctorate in a research field related to Aerospace Engineering, and
will have an exemplary record of achievement in research, teaching and
service at a level commensurate with appointment as a tenured full
The candidate must possess visionary leadership abilities, a broad
appreciation for the diverse perspectives within the Aerospace Engineering
discipline, and a strong interest in promoting sponsored research programs
and mentoring faculty. The qualified candidate should be able to lead and
support the faculty to ensure that learning of the highest quality
flourishes at all levels, from undergraduate education to graduate and
post-doctoral research. The candidate should be able to work with a diverse
group of faculty, staff, students, and administrators to achieve common
goals and to maintain rapport with alumni and industry representatives.
Furthermore, the ideal candidate would capitalize on the breadth of
research at the University of Michigan to foster multidisciplinary
collaboration across the College and University and have a vision to expand
the department’s impact. The College of Engineering is especially
interested in qualified candidates who can contribute, through their
research, teaching, and/or service, to the diversity and excellence of the
academic community.
Michigan Engineering’s vision is to be the world’s preeminent college of
engineering serving the common good. This global outlook, leadership focus,
and service commitment permeate our culture. Our vision is supported by a
mission and values that, together, provide the framework for all that we
do. Information about our vision, mission and values can be found at:
The University of Michigan has a storied legacy of commitment to Diversity,
Equity and Inclusion (DEI). The Michigan Engineering component of the
University’s comprehensive, five-year, DEI strategic plan—with updates on
our programs and resources dedicated to ensuring a welcoming, fair, and
inclusive environment—can be found at:
Applicants should electronically submit a detailed curriculum vitae and a
two-page synopsis of his or her views on current challenges and
opportunities facing aerospace engineering education and research. The
deadline for ensuring full consideration of an application is November 15,
2017, but the position will remain open and applications may still be
considered until the appointment is made. The search will be conducted in
confidence until finalists are invited for campus visits at which time
professional references will be contacted.
Please submit your application to the following:
Web: https://apply.interfolio.com/45214
If you have any questions regarding the web application submittal process
or other inquiries please contact Professor Henry A. Sodano, Chair,
Aerospace Engineering Search Committee, at aero-search at umich.edu.
The University of Michigan is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity
Employer with an Active Dual-Career Assistance Program.
8.43. Faculty: McGill University, Canada
Contributed by: Inna Sharf, facultysearch.mecheng at mcgill.ca
McGill University
The Department of Mechanical Engineering at McGill University invites
applications for three tenure-track positions at the rank of Assistant
Professor. McGill is among the top research intensive academic institutions
in Canada, attracting over one-half billion dollars in competitive research
funding each year. It has been consistently ranked in the top 25
universities worldwide in a number of recent surveys. Successful candidates
will play leading roles in maintaining McGill’s international reputation of
excellence in research and teaching. We are particularly interested in the
areas of thermofluid sciences, alternative energies, robotics and
mechatronics, with applications at all scales, including micro/nanoscale.
The Department is committed to excellence in teaching in its undergraduate
and graduate programs in Mechanical Engineering and values service
contributions of its Faculty members to the University, the profession and
society at large.
Candidates must have a Ph.D., preferably with a first degree in Mechanical
or Aerospace Engineering, and a strong commitment to excellence in research
and teaching. Evidence of outstanding research achievements, or research
potential, is indispensable. Preferred qualifications include dedication to
an environment that supports diversity of population and perspectives.
Membership or eligibility for membership in a Canadian professional
engineering association is required.
Applications will be reviewed starting October 1, 2017 and will continue
until the position is filed. Interested candidates should submit
applications which include their resume, a statement of teaching and
research interests, names and addresses of three referees, and copies of
recent publications to:
Professor Inna Sharf
Dept. of Mech. Eng., McGill University
817 Sherbrooke Street West MD270
Montreal, Quebec, H3A 0C3 Canada
E-mail (preferred): facultysearch.mecheng at mcgill.ca
Web site: http://www.mcgill.ca/mecheng/
All qualified applicants are encouraged to apply; however, in accordance
with Canadian immigration requirements, Canadians and permanent residents
will be given priority. The position is subject to final budgetary approval
of the University. McGill University is committed to diversity and equity
in employment. It welcomes applications from: women, Aboriginal persons,
persons with disabilities, ethnic minorities, persons of minority sexual
orientation or gender identity, visible minorities, and others who may
contribute to diversification.
Please reference the source of the ad when applying for, or inquiring
about, this job announcement.
8.44. Faculty: University of Oklahoma, USA
Contributed by: Andrea L’Afflitto, a.lafflitto at ou.edu
Tenure Track Faculty Position in Aerospace Engineering
The School of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering (AME) at the University
of Oklahoma is seeking outstanding candidates to fill a tenure-track
position in aerospace engineering at the Assistant Professor level.
Candidates with research and teaching expertise in one or more of the
following specialty areas are of particular interest:
- Novel unmanned autonomous systems for defense, civil, and commercial
applications, preferably with application to aerial and terrestrial
-Guidance, navigation, and control systems of unmanned single or multiple
vehicles operating in hostile environments and GPS-denied areas;
-Integration of unmanned aerial systems (UAS) with the National Airspace
System and use of UAS for commercial and scientific applications;
- Qualification and testing of unmanned systems in standard conditions,
extreme weather, and man-made events;
-Propulsion and energy storage systems to guarantee extended autonomy of
unmanned systems
Review of candidates will begin on November 1, 2017. For details and to
submit applications, visit https://apply.interfolio.com/45232
8.45. Faculty: The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Contributed by: Jie Huang, jhuang at mae.cuhk.edu.hk
Faculty: The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) is ranked one of the top 50
universities worldwide according to the QS World University Rankings of
2016/17. It is also named the Most Innovative University in Hong Kong by
Thomson Reuters in their survey of August 2016. In the 2014 Research
Assessment Exercise, the mechanical engineering discipline of CUHK was
ranked first among its counterparts of all universities in Hong Kong in
terms of the ratio of world leading research (top category of 4*). Further
information about the Department is available at http://www.mae.cuhk.edu.hk.
The Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering (MAE) at CUHK is
seeking excellent candidates in the area of systems and control in all
Applicants should have (i) a PhD degree in Mechanical
Engineering/Electrical Engineering or a related discipline, (ii) a proven
record of academic scholarship such as publications in IEEE Transactions on
Automatic Control, Automatica, International Journal of Robust and
Nonlinear Control, etc., and (iii) high potential for excellence in
teaching and research. Experience in technology transfer and
entrepreneurship will also be valued.
The appointees will (a) teach undergraduate and postgraduate courses; (b)
develop an externally funded high impact research programme; (c) supervise
postgraduate students; and (d) provide service to the department,
professional organizations and the community.
All positions are similar to tenure tracked positions at Universities in
USA; that is, appointments will initially be made on contract basis for up
to three years, which, subject to mutual agreement, may lead to longer-term
appointment or substantiation later. Outstanding candidates with
substantial experience for Professor rank may be considered for substantive
appointment forthwith. The exact start date will be negotiated with the
successful applicants.
Salary and Fringe Benefits
Salary will be highly competitive, commensurate with qualifications and
experience. The University offers a comprehensive fringe benefit package,
including medical care, plus a contract-end gratuity for appointments of
two years or longer and housing benefits for eligible appointees. (Starting
annual salary for Assistant Professor is above US$100k, plus housing
allowance of US$25k per year; low salary tax rate: <15%).
Applicants please apply via the link at
with uploading the full CV, copies of academic credentials, publication
list with abstracts of selected published papers, details of courses taught
and evaluation results (if available), a research plan, a teaching
statement, together with names, addresses and fax numbers/e-mail addresses
of three to five referees to whom the applicants' consent has been given
for their providing references (unless otherwise specified).
For more information, please contact Ms. YL Kan at ylkan at mae.cuhk.edu.hk.
8.46. Faculty: University of Delaware, USA
Contributed by: Herbert Tanner, btanner at udel.edu
The Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Delaware (UD)
invites applications for a faculty position focused at an associate or full
professor level, in the area of robotics systems including but not limited
to bio-inspired design, mobile manipulation, machine learning, and
human-machine interaction.
The Department consists of 29 full-time faculty members actively engaged in
the core research areas of biomechanics, clean energy and environment,
composite and advanced materials, nanotechnology, and robotics and
controls. The Department has also demonstrated interest and institutional
commitment in autonomous systems, and is looking for an individual who will
lead campus-wide initiatives in the area, such as related new centers and
institutes. It enrolls over 500 undergraduate and 100 graduate students,
with an undergraduate program that is in high demand and places a strong
emphasis on research and real-world design. More information can be found
at www.me.udel.edu.
The University of Delaware combines a rich historic legacy in science and
engineering with a commitment to undergraduate education and scholarly
excellence. With external funding exceeding $200 million, the University
ranks among the top 100 universities in federal R&D support. The main
campus in Newark, Delaware, provides the amenities of a vibrant college
town with convenient access to the major cities of the East Coast. The
recently opened 194,000- square-foot Harker Interdisciplinary Science and
Engineering Laboratory greatly expands opportunities and resources for
research and education, and the 272-acre STAR (Science, Technology and
Advanced Research) campus offers even more opportunities for research,
academic, and commercial development.
Applicants must hold a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering, or a closely
related field from an accredited university. The successful candidate will
be a dynamic leader with international visibility, who will have
demonstrated excellence in innovative research, a track record of
substantially expanding external funding, and an ability to lead large
interdisciplinary, multi- institutional research initiatives.
Applicants should provide a curriculum vitae, a statement of research and
teaching interests and achievements, and a list of at least four references
via https://apply.interfolio.com/45169. Applications received by December
15, 2017, will be given full consideration. However, the search will
continue until the position is filled. Women and minorities are strongly
encouraged to apply. The University of Delaware is an equal opportunity
8.47. Faculty: Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Contributed by: Morten Breivik, morten.breivik at ntnu.no
The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU,
http://www.ntnu.edu/) is establishing the world’s two first professorships
in Big Data Cybernetics in collaboration with KONGSBERG (
https://kongsberg.com/) and Statoil (https://www.statoil.com/), combining
the fields of automatic control and multivariate data modelling. We seek
ambitious candidates with complementary backgrounds and enthusiasm for
merging these fields by working together. For the successful applicants,
this represents a unique opportunity to play a central role in the
development of a new interdisciplinary field.
In particular, we seek one candidate with a strong background in automatic
control/cybernetics/system identification and one candidate with a strong
background in multivariate data modelling/chemometrics/subspace modelling.
The purpose is to bridge the gap between theory-driven and data-driven
modelling, to provide better understanding, monitoring and control of
complex dynamic systems.
The positions will be affiliated with the Department of Engineering
Cybernetics (Institutt for teknisk kybernetikk, ITK –
http://www.ntnu.edu/itk) at NTNU’s Faculty of Information Technology and
Electrical Engineering in Trondheim, Norway.
ITK has 22 professors, 15 adjunct professors, about 15 postdocs and
researchers as well as 70 PhD candidates. Approximately 160 candidates
graduate annually from the three MSc programs in cybernetics, which
comprise over 700 students in total. The department is involved in numerous
research projects and centers, including the Centre of Excellence for
Autonomous Marine Operations and Systems (NTNU AMOS,
Understanding and safely controlling complex dynamic processes requires a
strong combination of theoretical background knowledge and practical
real-world measurements. Many approaches to handling big data are based on
black-box methods which may not be intuitive or transparent for human
interpretation. A major focus of Big Data Cybernetics is therefore the
development and application of methods which give easily interpretable
results, and consequently allow domain experts to play a central role in
the data analysis and decision-making processes.
The main goal is to translate “big data” from a large number of sensor
channels into “smart data” represented by a combination of theory-driven
and data-driven models. The overlap between dynamic subspace identification
(from cybernetics) and partial-least-squares modelling (from chemometrics)
could for instance be a fruitful common ground for the desired
high-dimensional, spatio-temporal modelling. Other types of suitable
modelling techniques from physics, statistics, signal processing and
machine learning may also be relevant, as long as they are multivariate,
open to unexpected events, computationally fast, and their solutions are
easy to interpret and validate.
The applicants’ methodological background should include theory and tools
for describing scientific knowledge in terms of both first-principles
mathematical models as well as data-driven models based on large data sets.
It is required to document solid competence in essential areas of automatic
control and/or multivariate data modelling. Knowledge in system
identification, nonlinear dynamics, feedback control, signal processing,
image analysis, visualization or machine learning will be considered an
The candidate will join a research community at ITK which was rated
"excellent from an international perspective" in the Norwegian Research
Council’s evaluation of 53 ICT communities in Norway in 2012, as only one
of three ICT communities to receive such a rating in the Norwegian
university and college sector. Currently, two of ITK’s professors are IEEE
The full announcement can be found at
About NTNU, Trondheim and Norway:
- About NTNU: http://www.ntnu.edu/
- NTNU Facts and Figures: http://www.ntnu.edu/facts
- NTNU International Researcher Support: http://www.ntnu.edu/nirs
- About Trondheim: https://trondheim.com/
- About Norway: https://www.visitnorway.com/about/
- Working in Norway: https://www.nav.no/workinnorway/en/Home
- Practical info about Norway:
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