[eletter] eletter 345

Jianghai Hu jianghai at purdue.edu
Tue May 2 10:58:51 EDT 2017

E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing
Issue 345
May 2017

Jianghai Hu
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Purdue University
465 Northwestern Ave.
West Lafayette, IN, 47907
Tel: +1 (765) 4962395
Fax: +1 (765) 4943371

Welcome to the 345 issue of the Eletter, available electronically at
together with its pdf version

To submit new articles, go to the CSS website
To subscribe, go to the CSS website
To unsubscribe, reply to this email with the subject line UNSUBSCRIBE.
And, as always, search for .** to navigate to the next item in the Eletter.

The next Eletter will be mailed out at the beginning of June 2017.


1. IEEE CSS Headlines
1.1 IEEE CSS Video Clip Contest: Open for Submissions
1.2 IEEE CSS Call for Nominations for 2017 Awards
1.3 IEEE CSS Technically Cosponsored Conferences
1.4 IEEE CSS Publications Content Digest
1.5 IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology

2. Summer Schools
2.1 SIDRA PhD Summer School in Bertinoro - Italy
2.2 American Summer School on Model Predictive Control

3. Books
3.1 Feedback Stabilization of Controlled Dynamical Systems: In Honor of
Laurent Praly

4. Journals
4.1 Contents: Automatica
4.2 Contents: Evolution Equations and Control Theory
4.3 Contents: International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer
4.4 Contents: Asian Journal of Control
4.5 Contents: Control Engineering Practice
4.6 Contents: Systems & Control Letters
4.7 Contents: Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems
4.8 Contents: Mechatronics
4.9 Contents: Mechatronics
4.10 Contents: Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
4.11 Contents: Journal of Process Control
4.12 Contents: Journal of Process Control
4.13 Contents: IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica
4.14 CFP: IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
4.15 CFP: Journal of Control Science and Engineering

5. Conferences
5.1 IEEE Global Conference on Signal & Information Processing
5.2 IFAC Workshop on Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Methods for Non Linear
5.3 Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing
5.4 IEEE Ecuador Technical Chapters Meeting
5.5 Conference on Sustainable Internet and ICT for Sustainability
5.6 International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems
5.7 Workshop on Networks and Control at University of Cambridge
5.8 IFAC World Congress Workshop: ”Rigidity Theory for Multi-agent Systems
Meets Parallel Robots: Towards the Discovery of Common Models and Methods”

6. Positions
6.1 PhD: University of Suttgart, Germany
6.2 PhD: Université Laval, Canada
6.3 PhD: University of Agder, Norway
6.4 PostDoc: University of California at San Diego, USA
6.5 PostDoc: CNRS – CentraleSupélec – Univ. Paris-Sud – Univ. Paris-Saclay,
6.6 PostDoc: Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Chile
6.7 PostDoc: Sandia National Laboratories, USA
6.8 PostDoc: Israel Institute of Technology
6.9 PostDoc: University of Florida, USA
6.10 PostDoc: National Institute of Informatics, Japan
6.11 PostDoc: Queen Mary University of London, UK
6.12 PostDoc: CNRS, France
6.13 PostDoc: UT-Dallas, USA
6.14 Research Fellow/Associate: National University of Singapore, Singapore
6.15 Faculty: Sharif University of Technology, Iran
6.16 Faculty: University of Louisiana at Lafayette, USA
6.17 Faculty: Zhejiang University of Technology, China
6.18 Faculty: University of Newcastle, Australia

1. IEEE CSS Headlines

1.1. IEEE CSS Video Clip Contest: Open for Submissions
Contributed by: Magnus Egerstedt, magnus at gatechedu

The 2017 IEEE Control Systems Society Video Clip Contest is now open for

Submissions are now accepted for the 3rd IEEE CSS Video Clip Contest (see
http://www.ieeecss.org/video-contest). The purpose of this competition is
to promote control theory and automatic control to a broader audience
through compelling short video clips. The videos could for example focus on
a particular topic or on the field in general, with the only constraint
being that the video promotes the field in a visually compelling and
effective manner.

The schedule for the video clip contest is:
April 15 - Open for submission
July 1 - Deadline for submitting videos
July 15 - Winners are announced

Instructions for submitting the videos and eligibility information is
available at the Video Clip Contest website:

All videos are judged by a jury consisting of IEEE CSS researchers, and the
best three videos will receive prizes for contributing to the contest: The
1st, 2nd place, and 3rd places are awarded $1000, $500, and $250,
respectively. Moreover, the 1st place winner is invited to participate in
the 2017 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (
http://ccta2017.ieeecss.org) on Kohala Coast, Hawaii. The winner, or the
Team Leader of the winning team, will be awarded one free conference
registration for the CCTA 2017 as well as reimbursement for reasonable
travel expenses - to be coordinated with the Video Clip Contest Chair in
advance. The best video clips will be presented to the public during an
award ceremony at the CCTA 2017.

Looking forward to seeing your video clips!
Magnus Egerstedt (Contest Chair)
Angela Schoellig (Jury Chair)

1.2. IEEE CSS Call for Nominations for 2017 Awards
Contributed by: Joao Hespanha, hespanha at ece.ucsb.edu

IEEE Control Systems Society Call for Nominations for 2017 Awards

Nominations will open April 15 and are due by May 15, for the following
IEEE Control Systems Society Awards (see http://www.ieeecss.org/awards for
full details).

- George S. Axelby Outstanding Paper Award (for a paper published in 2015
or 2016 in the IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control);

- IEEE Transactions on Control System Technology Outstanding Paper Award
(for a paper published in 2015 or 2016 in the IEEE Transactions on Control
System Technology);

- IEEE Control Systems Magazine Outstanding Paper Award (for an article
published in 2015 or 2016 in the IEEE Control Systems Magazine);

- IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems Outstanding Paper Award
(for a paper published in 2015 or 2016 in the IEEE Transactions on Control
of Network Systems)

- IEEE Control Systems Technology Award (for outstanding individual or team
contributions to control systems technology);

- Control Systems Society Transition to Practice Award (for a distinguished
contributor to the transition of control and systems theory to practice);

- Antonio Ruberti Outstanding Young Researcher Prize (for a young
researcher for innovation and impact on systems and control).

- IEEE Control Systems Society Award for Excellence in Aerospace Control
(for a team or individual contribution to Aerospace Control in the previous
36 months)

The IEEE Control Systems Society strongly encourages its members to speak
up and reach out to colleagues to initiate award nominations. Each year,
many highly qualified individuals, teams, and papers are overlooked for
nominations simply because colleagues assumed that a nomination was already
being prepared by someone else on the individual's, team's or authors'
behalf. You may be surprised to find out that your colleagues would be very
pleased to nominate you, if they had just been encouraged to do so.

1.3. IEEE Control Systems Society Technically Cosponsored Conferences
Contributed by: Luca Zaccarian, CSS AE Conferences, zaccarian at laas.fr

The following conferences have been recently included in the list of events
technically cosponsored by the IEEE Control Systems Society:

- XXVI International Conference on Information, Communication and
Automation Technologies (ICAT 2017). Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Oct
26 - Oct 28, 2017. http://icat.etf.unsa.ba/
- 21st International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing
(ICSTCC 2017). Sinaia, Romania. Oct 19 - 21, 2017.
- 6th International Conference on Systems and Control (ICSC 2017). Batna,
Algeria. May 7 - May 9, 2017.
- 2017 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS’17).
Miami (FL), United States. Jun 13 - Jun 16, 2017.

For a full listing of CSS technically cosponsored conferences, please visit
http://ieeecss.org/conferences/technically-cosponsored and for a list of
the upcoming and past CSS main conferences please visit

1.4. IEEE Control Systems Society Publications Content Digest
Contributed by: Elizabeth Kovacs, ekovacs2 at nd.edu

CSS Publications Content Digest
The IEEE Control Systems Society Publications Content Digest is a novel and
convenient guide that helps readers keep track of the latest published
articles. The CSS Publications Content Digest, available at
http://ieeecss.org/publications-content-digest provides lists of current
tables of contents of the periodicals sponsored by the Control Systems

Each issue offers readers a rapid means to survey and access the latest
peer-reviewed papers of the IEEE Control Systems Society. We also include
links to the Society’s sponsored Conferences to give readers a preview of
upcoming meetings.

1.5. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Contributed by: Michelle Colasanti, ieeetcst at osu.edu

Table of Contents
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Volume 25 (2017), Issue 3 (May)

- Data and Reliability Characterization Strategy for Automatic Detection of
Valve Stiction in Control Loops, O. Pozo Garcia, A. Zakharov, and S.-L.
Jämsä-Jounela, page 769
- Plug-and-Play Voltage Stabilization in Inverter-Interfaced Microgrids via
a Robust Control Strategy, M. S. Sadabadi, Q. Shafiee, and A. Karimi, page
- Identification and Multivariable Gain-Scheduling Control for Cloud
Computing Systems, P. S. Saikrishna, R. Pasumarthy, and N. P. Bhatt, page
- Optimum Adaptive Piecewise Linearization: An Estimation Approach in Wind
Power, M. Vaezi, P. Khayyer, and A. Izadian, page 808
- Overshoot-Free Steering-Based Source Seeking, A. Raisch and M. Krstic,
page 818
- Resource-Efficient Gradient Methods for Model Predictive Pulse Pattern
Control on an FPGA, S. Richter, T. Geyer, and M. Morari, page 828
- Critical-to-Fault-Degradation Variable Analysis and Direction Extraction
for Online Fault Prognostic, C. Zhao and F. Gao, page 842
- Improving Demand Response Potential of a Supermarket Refrigeration
System: A Food Temperature Estimation Approach, R. Pedersen, J. Schwensen,
B. Biegel, T. Green, and J. Stoustrup, page 855
- Bilateral Control of SeNZA—A Series Hybrid Electric Bicycle, M. Corno, F.
Roselli, and S. M. Savaresi, page 864
- Speed Advisory and Signal Offsets Control for Arterial Bandwidth
Maximization and Energy Consumption Reduction, G. De Nunzio, G. Gomes, C.
Canudas-de-Wit, R. Horowitz, and P. Moulin, page 875
- An Alternative Approach to the Inference of the Extended Observability
Matrix, and Its Relation With the PO-MOESP Algorithm, R. Nava Cabrera, V.
M. Alvarado, G. Lopez Lopez, and M. Adam Medina, page 888
- Distributed Model Predictive Control for Heterogeneous Vehicle Platoons
Under Unidirectional Topologies, Y. Zheng, S. E. Li, K. Li, F. Borrelli,
and J. K. Hedrick, page 899
- Health-Aware and User-Involved Battery Charging Management for Electric
Vehicles: Linear Quadratic Strategies, H. Fang, Y. Wang, and J. Chen, page
- JLS-PPC: A Jump Linear System Framework for Networked Control, B. L. Reed
and F. S. Hover, page 924
- A Hybrid Dynamic System Model for Multimodal Transportation
Electrification, A. M. Farid, page 940
- Organic Rankine Cycle for Vehicles: Control Design and Experimental
Results, J. Peralez, M. Nadri, P. Dufour, P. Tona, and A. Sciarretta, page
- Robust Real-Time Needle Tracking in 2-D Ultrasound Images Using
Statistical Filtering, K. Mathiassen, D. Dall’Alba, R. Muradore, P.
Fiorini, and O. J. Elle, page 966
- Control Engineering Methods for the Design of Robust Behavioral
Treatments, K. Bekiroglu, C. Lagoa, S. A. Murphy, and S. T. Lanza, page 979
- A Passivity-Based Approach for Stable Patient–Robot Interaction in
Haptics-Enabled Rehabilitation Systems: Modulated Time-Domain Passivity
Control, S. F. Atashzar, M. Shahbazi, M. Tavakoli, and R. V. Patel, page 991
- Force Feedback Control Assisted Tympanostomy Tube Insertion, W. Liang and
K. K. Tan, page 1007

- Flocking for Multirobots Without Distinguishing Robots and Obstacles, D.
Sakai, H. Fukushima, and F. Matsuno, page 1019
- System Identification and Fault Diagnosis of an Electromagnetic Actuator,
A. Forrai, page 1028
- Modeling and Vibration Control for a Moving Beam With Application in a
Drilling Riser, W. He, S. Nie, T. Meng, and Y.-J. Liu, page 1036
- Online Learning-Based Server Provisioning for Electricity Cost Reduction
in Data Center, J. Yang, S. Zhang, X. Wu, Y. Ran, and H. Xi, page 1044
- Toward a Robust Motorcycle Braking, M. E.-H. Dabladji, D. Ichalal, H.
Arioui, and S. Mammar, page 1052
- Allocating Sensors and Actuators via Optimal Estimation and Control, J.
A. Taylor, N. Luangsomboon, and D. Fooladivanda, page 1060
- Robust Control Allocation for Spacecraft Attitude Tracking Under Actuator
Faults, Q. Shen, D. Wang, S. Zhu, and E. K. Poh, page 1068
- State Estimation of Macromotion Positioning Tables Based on Switching
Kalman Filter, Y. Li, Y. Tan, R. Dong, and H. Li, page 1076
- An Adaptive Two-Level Quantizer for Networked Control Systems, D.
Almakhles, A. K. Swain, A. Nasiri, and N. Patel, page 1084
- Variational Bayesian Gaussian Mixture Regression for Soft Sensing Key
Variables in Non-Gaussian Industrial Processes, J. Zhu, Z. Ge, and Z. Song,
page 1092
- Policy Iteration Approach to Control Residual Gas Fraction in IC Engines
Under the Framework of Stochastic Logical Dynamics, Y. Wu and T. Shen, page
- Subspace Identification of 2-D CRSD Roesser Models With
Deterministic-Stochastic Inputs: A State Computation Approach, A. Alenany,
G. Mercère, and J. A. Ramos, page 1108
- 3-D Trajectory Planning of Aerial Vehicles Using RRT*, P. Pharpatara, B.
Hérissé, and Y. Bestaoui, page 1116
- A Probabilistic Just-in-Time Learning Framework for Soft Sensor
Development With Missing Data, X. Yuan, Z. Ge, B. Huang, and Z. Song, page
- Modular-Controller-Design-Based Fast Terminal Sliding Mode for
Articulated Exoskeleton Systems, T. Madani, B. Daachi, and K. Djouani, page
- General Unbiased FIR Filter With Applications to GPS-Based Steering of
Oscillator Frequency, Y. S. Shmaliy, S. H. Khan, S. Zhao, and O.
Ibarra-Manzano, page 1141

- Special Issue on System Identification and Control in Biomedical
Applications, page 1152

2. Summer Schools

2.1. SIDRA PhD Summer School in Bertinoro - Italy
Contributed by: M. Elena Valcher, meme at dei.unipd.it

The SIDRA PhD Summer School is a one-week annual event organized by SIDRA
(Società Italiana Docenti e Ricercatori in Automatica), the Italian Control
Systems Society, that takes place in Bertinoro, Forlì-Cesena, Italy.

The summer school is primarily intended for, but not restricted to, PhD,
post-graduate, and researcher candidates in the Control Systems and
Automatica fields. Students coming from other disciplines may also benefit
from the school depending on the topics discussed.
The school success encountered in these recent years and the distinguished
international guests, involved a progressive internationalization of the
school that now opens up to receive applications from all European PhD

The two themes presented this year are “Formal Methods for the Control of
Large-scale Networked Nonlinear Systems with Logic Specifications“,
coordinated by professors Maria Domenica Di Benedetto and Giordano Pola
(University of L'Aquila), and “Port-Hamiltonian modelling and
passivity-based control of physical systems. Theory and applications“,
coordinated by professors Alessandro Macchelli (University of Bologna) and
Cristian Secchi (University of Modena and Reggio).

Click on the School web site http://sidra2017.dei.unibo.it/to have
information about the program, the venue, the accommodation, the
instructions for reaching the school, the instructions for applying to the
school and the requested fee.

General information

• Location: as usual, the SIDRA school will take place in Bertinoro, FC
• Period: from Monday, July 3rd, 2017 to Saturday, July 8th, 2017.
• Accommodation: the attendees will be hosted in the Centro Universitario
di Bertinoro. The accommodations will be assigned according to the booking
date. Refer to Mrs. Monica Michelacci for any question.
• Costs: the fee includes the registration to the School and accommodation
(half-board, i.e. breakfast and lunch). The fee (arrival on July 2nd,
departure on July 8th) is:
- 500,00 Euro (in double room)
- 630,00 Euro (in single room)

You could indicate your roommate in the NOTE field of the registration form.
Although non-encouraged, it is possible to register for only one of the two
modules of the School; in this case, the registration fee is 330 Euro
(double room) or 430 Euro (single room).

• Registration deadlines:
- June 5, 2017: Fill in the form before this deadline to submit your
application to the school.
- June 12, 2017: You will receive a acceptance/rejection communication by
email and instructions for the final registration.
- June 23, 2017: deadline for final registration, with the payment of the

• Certified Final Exam: it will be possible to take a certified exam at the
end of the school. In case of positive result, the certification can be
used by students to obtain the corresponding ECTS from their PhD courses,
or to comply with any other requests by their home university.

For questions related to payment, accommodation and logistics:
Mrs. Monica Michelacci mmichelacci at ceub.it
For questions related to the School and the courses:
Prof. Claudio Melchiorri mailto:claudio.melchiorri at unibo.it
Prof. Maria Elena Valcher meme at dei.unipd.it

Link web site: http://sidra2017.dei.unibo.it/

2.2. American Summer School on Model Predictive Control
Contributed by: Sasa V. Rakovic, sasa.v.rakovic at gmail.com

This is an update in regards to the final programme of, and registration
for, the American MPC summer school 2017.

First American Summer School on Model Predictive Control (MPC)
July 25, 2017 – July 28, 2017
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Registration opens May 1, 2017, closes May 14, 2017 or when the class is

The first American summer school on MPC will be held at the University of
Wisconsin-Madison from July 25, 2017 to July 28, 2017. The summer school is
organized by Sasa V. Rakovic, James B. Rawlings and Ilya V. Kolmanovsky and
is supported in part by the National Science Foundation.

The summer school will enable up to 50 participants (university graduate
students as well as interested researchers and control practitioners) from
a cross-cutting set of disciplines in engineering, science, and applied
mathematics to receive advanced education and training in the theory,
implementation and applications of MPC. The instructors are international
experts and leading researchers with diversity of backgrounds and
disciplines in engineering, science and applied mathematics.

The main topics of the summer school are:
- Introduction to MPC and MPC essentials (by William S. Levine).
- Classical MPC: regulation, estimation, and disturbance models (by James
B. Rawlings).
- Robust MPC (by Sasa V. Rakovic).
- Stochastic MPC (by Ilya V. Kolmanovsky).
- Economic MPC (by David Angeli).
- Online optimization for MPC (by Lorentz T. Biegler).
- Industrial applications of MPC (by Thomas A. Badgwell).

The summer school will provide a carefully crafted overview of the
theoretical fundamentals of MPC and state-of-the-art numerical methods and
software for implementing the advanced MPC methods on difficult and
challenging examples and industrial applications. The summer school will
also feature mini-projects and discussions that will enable all attendees
to present, and discuss, problems of direct interest to their
research/professional work, and also to receive feedback from a set of
instructors with valuable expertise in all areas of MPC research.

The registration is a two-stage process. The first stage consists of online
registration at http://mpc-summer-school.che.wisc.edu/. The online
registration opens on May 01, 2017. Those interested in attending the
summer school should register at their earliest convenience. The
registration form will require (1) your name, (2) contact information
(email, address and telephone), (3) the name of your organization, (4)
briefly state your motivation for taking the course in terms of its
relevance to your research/professional work and (5) if you are applying
for a travel stipend. Because of the anticipated interest and space
limitations, we will notify participants about the admission decisions
starting May 15, 2017 on an individual basis. If admitted, a participant
will be provided with a link to pay with a credit card the registration fee
of $250 within one week.

Travel and accommodation support:
We anticipate being able to offer a limited number of travel stipends to
graduate students from American universities attending the summer school to
partially offset their travel costs. The admitted participants who apply
for a stipend will be notified about the travel stipend decision and the
amount that will be reimbursed. The stipend will be paid after the
completion of the summer school. In terms of accommodation arrangements, an
on-campus housing option at about $25 per night will be made available.

Additional information:
Further information about the summer school will be made available at

3. Books

3.1. Feedback Stabilization of Controlled Dynamical Systems: In Honor of
Laurent Praly
Contributed by: Yasmin Brookes, yasmin.brookes at springer.com

Feedback Stabilization of Controlled Dynamical Systems: In Honor of Laurent
by Nicolas Petit
ISBN: 978-3-319-51297-6
March 2017, Springer
Paperback, 354 pages, $159.00/€119,99


This book is a tribute to Professor Laurent Praly and follows on from a
workshop celebrating the occasion of his 60th birthday.

It presents new and unified visions of the numerous problems that Laurent
Praly has worked on in his prolific career: adaptive control, output
feedback and observers, stability and stabilization. His main contributions
are the central topic of this book.

The book collects contributions written by prominent international experts
in the control community, addressing a rich variety of topics: emerging
ideas, advanced applications, and theoretical concepts.
Organized in three sections, the first section covers the field of adaptive
control, where Laurent Praly started his career. The second section focuses
on stabilization and output feedback, which is also the topic of the second
half of his career. Lastly, the third section presents the emerging
research that will form Laurent Praly’s scientific legacy.


Part I Adaptive Control
1 Lyapunov Functions Obtained from First Order Approximations
2 A Review on Model Reduction by Moment Matching for Nonlinear Systems
3 Event-Triggered Control of Nonlinear Systems: A Small-Gain Approach

Part II Stabilization and Output Feedback
4 An ODE Observer for Lyapunov-Based Global Stabilization of a Bioreactor
Nonlinear PDE
5 From Pure State and Input Constraints to Mixed Constraints in Nonlinear
6 Output Regulation via Low-Power Construction
7 Passivity-Based Control of Mechanical Systems
8 Asymptotic Stabilization of Some Finite and Infinite Dimensional Systems
by Means of Dynamic Event Triggered Output Feedbacks
9 Incremental Graphical Asymptotic Stability for Hybrid Dynamical Systems

Part III New Perspectives
10 Exponential Stability of Semi-linear One-Dimensional Balance Laws
11 Checkable Conditions for Contraction After Small Transients in Time and
12 Asymptotic Expansions of Laplace Integrals for Quantum State Tomography
13 Recent Developments in Stability Theory for Stochastic Hybrid Inclusions

4. Journals

4.1. Contents: Automatica
Contributed by: Elisa Capello, elisa.capello at polito.it

Table of Contents
Vol. 79, May 2017

- Augusto Ferrante, Alexander Lanzon, Lorenzo Ntogramatzidis,
“Discrete-time negative imaginary systems”, pages 1-10.
- Vladimir L. Kharitonov, “Prediction-based control for systems with state
and several input delays”, pages 11-16.
- Wei Guo, Zhi-Chao Shao, Miroslav Krstic, “Adaptive rejection of harmonic
disturbance anticollocated with control in 1D wave equation”, pages 17-26.
- Qingling Zhang, Li Li, Xing-Gang Yan, Sarah K. Spurgeon, “Sliding mode
control for singular stochastic Markovian jump systems with uncertainties”,
pages 27-34.
- Benjamin Noack, Joris Sijs, Marc Reinhardt, Uwe D. Hanebeck,
“Decentralized data fusion with inverse covariance intersection”, pages
- Shuai Feng, Pietro Tesi, “Resilient control under Denial-of-Service:
Robust design”, pages 42-51.
- Alexey S. Matveev, Anna A. Semakova, Andrey V. Savkin, “Tight
circumnavigation of multiple moving targets based on a new method of
tracking environmental boundaries”, pages 52-60.
- Alan Tapia, Miguel Bernal, Leonid Fridman, “An LMI approach for
second-order sliding set design using piecewise Lyapunov functions”, pages
- Song Fang, Jie Chen, Hideaki Ishii, “Design constraints and limits of
networked feedback in disturbance attenuation: An information-theoretic
analysis”, pages 65-77.
- Wei Zhu, Huizhu Pu, Dandan Wang, Huaqing Li, “Event-based consensus of
second-order multi-agent systems with discrete time”, pages 78-83.
- Wei Liu, Jie Huang, “Adaptive leader-following consensus for a class of
higher-order nonlinear multi-agent systems with directed switching
networks”, pages 84-92.
- Ran Huang, Jinhui Zhang, Zhongwei Lin, “Decentralized adaptive controller
design for large-scale power systems”, pages 93-100.
- Mengyuan Fang, Yucai Zhu, “Analysis of over-sampling based
identification”, pages 101-107.
- Chandrashekar Lakshminarayanan, Shalabh Bhatnagar, “A stability criterion
for two timescale stochastic approximation schemes”, pages 108-114.
- Sofie Haesaert, Paul M.J. Van den Hof, Alessandro Abate, “Data-driven and
model-based verification via Bayesian identification and reachability
analysis”, pages 115-126.
- Lassi Paunonen, David Seifert, “Asymptotic behaviour in the robot
rendezvous problem”, pages 127-130.
- Torsten Söderström, Umberto Soverini, “Errors-in-variables identification
using maximum likelihood estimation in the frequency domain”, pages 131-143.
- Patrizio Tomei, “Multi-sinusoidal disturbance rejection for discrete-time
uncertain stable systems”, pages 144-151.
- Xunyuan Yin, Jinfeng Liu, “Distributed moving horizon state estimation of
two-time-scale nonlinear systems”, pages 152-161.
- Hamid Maarouf, “The resolution of the equation image and the pole
assignment problem: A general approach”, pages 162-166.
- Deyuan Meng, Kevin L. Moore, “Convergence of iterative learning control
for SISO nonrepetitive systems subject to iteration-dependent
uncertainties”, pages 167-177.
- Konstantin Zimenko, Denis Efimov, Andrey Polyakov, Wilfrid Perruquetti,
“A note on delay robustness for homogeneous systems with negative degree”,
pages 178-184.
- Henrik Anfinsen, Mamadou Diagne, Ole Morten Aamo, Miroslav Krstic,
“Estimation of boundary parameters in general heterodirectional linear
hyperbolic systems”, pages 185-197.
- Zhongyang Fei, Shuang Shi, Chang Zhao, Ligang Wu, “Asynchronous control
for 2-D switched systems with mode-dependent average dwell time”, pages
- Yanqiong Zhang, Zhenhua Deng, Yiguang Hong, “Distributed optimal
coordination for multiple heterogeneous Euler–Lagrangian systems”, pages
- Amit Prakash Pandey, Maurício C. de Oliveira, “A new discrete-time
stabilizability condition for Linear Parameter-Varying systems”, pages
- Orest V. Iftime, “On the Newton–Kleinman method for strongly stabilizable
infinite-dimensional systems”, pages 218-222.
- G. Roberto Marseglia, Davide M. Raimondo, “Active fault diagnosis: A
multi-parametric approach”, pages 223-230.
- Petro Feketa, Humberto Stein Shiromoto, Sergey Dashkovskiy, “Almost ISS
property for feedback connected systems”, pages 231-234.
- Bilal Gunes, Jan-Willem van Wingerden, Michel Verhaegen, “Predictor-Based
Tensor Regression (PBTR) for LPV subspace identification”, pages 235-243.
- Rong Su, Bengt Lennartson, “Control protocol synthesis for multi-agent
systems with similar actions instantiated from agent and requirement
templates”, pages 244-255.
- Jiarao Huang, Dawei Shi, Tongwen Chen, “Energy-based event-triggered
state estimation for hidden Markov models”, pages 256-264.
- Shuyou Yu, Ting Qu, Fang Xu, Hong Chen, Yunfeng Hu, “Stability of finite
horizon model predictive control with incremental input constraints”, pages
- Loïc Bourdin, Emmanuel Trélat, “Linear–quadratic optimal sampled-data
control problems: Convergence result and Riccati theory”, pages 273-281.
- Deyuan Meng, “Bipartite containment tracking of signed networks”, pages
- Xianghua Wang, Chee Pin Tan, Donghua Zhou, “A novel sliding mode observer
for state and fault estimation in systems not satisfying matching and
minimum phase conditions”, pages 290-295.
- Florian Dörfler, Sergio Grammatico, “Gather-and-broadcast frequency
control in power systems”, pages 296-305.
- Matthias A. Müller, “Nonlinear moving horizon estimation in the presence
of bounded disturbances”, pages 306-314.
- Lilian K. Carvalho, Marcos V. Moreira, João Carlos Basilio,
“Diagnosability of intermittent sensor faults in discrete event systems”,
pages 315-325
- Giulia Prando, Alessandro Chiuso, Gianluigi Pillonetto, “Maximum Entropy
vector kernels for MIMO system identification”, pages 326-339.
- Giordano Scarciotti, Alessandro Astolfi,“Data-driven model reduction by
moment matching for linear and nonlinear systems”, pages 340-351.

- Andrew R. Teel, “An abrupt, yet smooth, transition”, page 352.
- Andrew R. Teel, “Transition in an editorship”, page 353.

4.2. Contents: Evolution Equations and Control Theory
Contributed by: Irena Lasiecka, lasiecka at memphis.edu

Content of Evolution Equations and Control Theory
Vol 6, Nr 2, 2017

1. Stability of ground states for logarithmic Schrödinger equation with a
δ′-interaction Pages : 155 - 175, Alex H. Ardila
2. Asymptotic for the perturbed heavy ball system with vanishing damping
term Pages : 177 - 186, Mounir Balti and Ramzi May
3. Optimal control for a hyperbolic problem in composites with imperfect
interface: A memory effect Pages : 187 - 217, Luisa Faella and Carmen
4. Existence of periodic solution for a Cahn-Hilliard/Allen-Cahn equation
in two space dimensions Pages : 219 - 237, Changchun Liu and Hui Tang
5. General decay for a viscoelastic Kirchhoff equation with
Balakrishnan-Taylor damping, dynamic boundary conditions and a time-varying
delay term Pages : 239 - 260, Wenjun Liu, Biqing Zhu, Gang Li and Danhua
6. Viscoelastic plate equation with boundary feedback Pages : 261 - 276,
Muhammad I. Mustafa
7. Periodic solutions for time-dependent subdifferential evolution
inclusions Pages : 277 - 297, Nikolaos S. Papageorgiou and Vicenţiu D.
8. A note on dimension reduction for unbounded integrals with periodic
microstructure via the unfolding method for slender domains Pages : 299 -
318, Elvira Zappale

4.3. Contents: International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer
Contributed by: AMCS, amcs at uz.zgora.pl

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science (AMCS)
2017, Volume 27, Number 1 (March)
Regular issue

- Luis-Delgado J.D., Al-Hadithi B.M. and Jiménez A. A novel method for the
design of switching surfaces for discretized MIMO nonlinear systems 5
- Moysis L. and Karampetakis N.P. Construction of algebraic and difference
equations with a prescribed solution space 19
- Sajewski Ł. Minimum energy control of descriptor fractional discrete-time
linear systems with two different fractional orders 33
- Xu F., Puig V., Ocampo-Martinez C., Olaru S. and Niculescu S.-I. Robust
MPC for actuator-fault tolerance using set-based passive fault detection
and active fault isolation 43
- Tomera M. Hybrid switching controller design for the maneuvering and
transit of a training ship 63
- Rodríguez-Liñán M.C., Mendoza M., Bonilla I. and Chávez-Olivares C.A.
Saturating stiffness control of robot manipulators with bounded inputs 79
- Kruthika H.A.,Mahindrakar A.D. and Pasumarthy R. Stability analysis of
nonlinear time-delayed systems with application to biological models 91
- Tenne Y. Machine-learning in optimization of expensive black-box
functions 105
- Brugno A., D’Apice C., Dudin A. and Manzo R. Analysis of an MAP/PH/1
queue with flexible group service 119
- Widuch J. A relation of dominance for the bicriterion bus routing problem
- Liu Y., Qin K., Rao C. and Alhaji Mahamadu M. Object-parameter approaches
to predicting unknown data in an incomplete fuzzy soft set 157
- Szemenyei M. and Vajda F. Dimension reduction for objects composed of
vector sets 169
- Xue Y., Liu P., Tao Y. and Tang X. Abnormal prediction of dense crowd
videos by a purpose-driven lattice Boltzmann model 181
- Ptak R., Żygadło B. and Unold O. Projection-based text line segmentation
with a variable threshold 195
- Kubica M. and Kania D. Area-oriented technology mapping for LUT-based
logic blocks 207

4.4. Contents: Asian Journal of Control
Contributed by: Lichen Fu, lichen at ntu.edu.tw

Asian Journal of Control
Vol.19, No.2 March, 2017

[Regular Paper]
1. A Simultaneous Mixed LQR/H∞ Control Approach to the Design of Reliable
Active Suspension Controllers (pages 415–427), Author: Jenq-Lang Wu
2. L2–Optimal Fopdt Models of High–Order Transfer Functions (pages
428–437), Authors: Daniele Casagrande, Wieslaw Krajewski and Umberto Viaro
3. Hysteresis-Based Design of Dynamic Reference Trajectories to Avoid
Saturation in Controlled Wind Turbines (pages 438–449), Christian Tutivén,
Yolanda Vidal, Leonardo Acho and José Rodellar
4. Improved control performance of the 3-DoF aeroelastic wing section: a TP
model based 2D parametric control performance optimization (pages 450–466),
Alexandra Szollosi and Peter Baranyi
5. More Relaxed Non-Quadratic Stabilization Conditions Using Ts Open Loop
System and Control Law Properties (pages 467–481), Navid Vafamand and
Mokhtar Shasadeghi
6. Alignment Motion Control for an Automated Human Ear Surgery via
Vision-Servoing (pages 482–493), Wenchao Gao, Wenyu Liang and Kok Kiong Tan
7. Stability of Local On-Ramp Metering Control Laws (pages 494–509), Luis
Alvarez-Icaza, Oscar Rosas-Jaimes and María Elena Lárraga
8. Synchronization of General Linear Multi-Agent Systems With Measurement
Noises (pages 510–520), Wenhui Liu, Chunjie Yang, Feiqi Deng and Jiarong
9. Fractional Order Modeling And Nonlinear Fractional Order Pi-Type Control
For PMLSM System (pages 521–531), Bao Song, Shiqi Zheng, Xiaoqi Tang and
Wenjun Qiao
10. Observability and Controllability Analysis for Micro-Positioning Stage
Described by Sandwich Model with Hysteresis (pages 532–542), Na Luo,
Yonghong Tan and Ruili Dong
11. A Delay-Dependent Approach to Robust Fast Adaptive Fault Estimation
Design for Uncertain Neutral Systems with Time-Varying Interval Delay
(pages 543–553), Fuqiang You, Hui Li, Fuli Wang and Shouping Guan
12. An Efficient Finite Difference Method for The Time-Delay Optimal
Control Problems With Time-Varying Delay (pages 554–563), Amin Jajarmi and
Mojtaba Hajipour
13. Event-Based Semiglobal Consensus of Homogenous Linear Multi-Agent
Systems Subject to Input Saturation (pages 564–574), Bo Zhou, Xiaofeng
Liao, Tingwen Huang, Huaqing Li and Guo Chen
14. Robust Finite-Time H∞ Control of a Class of Disturbed Systems using
Lmi-Based Approach (pages 575–586), Xiaoyu Zhang, Jihong Zhong, Quan Zhang
and Kemao Ma
15. Smith Predictor Based Fractional-Order-Filter PID Controllers Design
for Long Time Delay Systems (pages 587–598), Maamar Bettayeb, Rachid
Mansouri, Ubaid Al-Saggaf and Ibrahim Mustafa Mehedi
16. Output Feedback Control of Surge and Rotating Stall in Axial
Compressors (pages 599–605), Hanlin Sheng, Wei Huang and Tianhong Zhang
17. Crossed Synchronization of Multiple Subnets Complex Network System with
Time-Varying Delay (pages 606–613), Zhou Bi-feng, Lou Yi-ping and Zhong
18. Distributed Consensus of Multi-Agent Networks Via Event-Triggered
Pinning Control (pages 614–624), Dan Liu, Aihua Hu and Dan Zhao
19. Robust Output Feedback Controller Design for Time-Delayed
Teleoperation: Experimental Results (pages 625–635), I. Sharifi, H. A.
Talebi and M. Motaharifar
20. Fault Diagnosis and Sliding Mode Fault Tolerant Control for
Non-Gaussian Stochastic Distribution Control Systems Using T-s Fuzzy Model
(pages 636–646), Yao Lina and Lei Chunhui
21. Performance Analysis of The Auxiliary-Model-Based Multi-Innovation
Stochastic Newton Recursive Algorithm for Dual-Rate Systems (pages
647–658), Pengfei Cao and Xionglin Luo
22. Non-Fragile Observer-Based ℋ∞ Control for Uncertain Neutral-Type
Systems via Sliding Mode Technique (pages 659–671), Zhen Liu, Cunchen Gao,
Huimin Xiao and Yonggui Kao
23. L2-gain analysis and anti-windup design of switched linear systems
subject to input saturation (pages 672–680)
Author: Xinquan Zhang
24. Event-Triggered Control for Couple-Group Multi-Agent Systems with
Logarithmic Quantizers and Communication Delays (pages 681–691), Mei Yu,
Chuan Yan and Dongmei Xie
25. Modeling and Control Approach to Coupled Tanks Liquid Level System
Based on Function-Type Weight RBF-ARX Model (pages 692–707), Feng Zhou, Hui
Peng, Xiaoyong Zeng, Xiaoying Tian and Jun Wu
26. Delay-Dependent Stability Criterion for Discrete-Time Systems with
Time-Varying Delays (pages 708–716), Changchun Hua, Shuangshuang Wu,
Zhenhua Bai and Xinping Guan
27. A Matrix Approach to the Analysis and Control of Networked Evolutionary
Games with Bankruptcy Mechanism (pages 717–727), Shihua Fu, Yuzhen Wang and
Guodong Zhao
28. Modal Kalman Filter (pages 728–738), Gh. Mohammaddadi, N. Pariz and A.
29. New Upper Matrix Bounds with Power Form for the Solution of the
Continuous Coupled Algebraic Riccati Matrix Equation (pages 739–747),
Jianzhou Liu, Yanpei Wang and Juan Zhang
30. Vector-Based Adaptive Attitude Observer and Controller on Special
Orthogonal Group (pages 748–764), Xuhui Lu, Yingmin Jia and Fumitoshi
31. Fault-Tolerant Finite Frequency H∞ Control for Uncertain Mechanical
System with Input Delay and Constraint (pages 765–780), Shidong Xu,
Guanghui Sun and Weichao Sun

[Brief Paper]
1. Iterative Path Integral Approach to Nonlinear Stochastic Optimal Control
Under Compound Poisson Noise (pages 781–786), Okumura Yuta, Kenji Kashima
and Yoshito Ohta
2. Exponential Stability for Multi-Area Power Systems with Time Delays
Under Load Frequency Controller Failures (pages 787–791), Xu Li, Rui Wang,
Shu-Nan Wu and Georgi M. Dimirovski
3. Homogeneous Control of Pneumatic Cylinders Based on Time Delay Model and
Artstein Transformation (pages 792–798), E. Edjekouane, S. Riachy, M.
Ghanes and J.-P. Barbot
4. A Robust Fault Estimation Scheme for a Class of Nonlinear Systems (pages
799–804), W. S. Chua, C. P. Tan, M. Aldeen and S. Saha
5. Algebraic Connectivity Estimation Based on Decentralized Inverse Power
Iteration (pages 805–812), Yue Wei, Hao Fang, Jie Chen and Bin Xin
6. Particle Smoother for Nonlinear Systems With One-Step Randomly Delayed
Measurements (pages 813–819), Huang Yu-Long and Zhang Yong-Gang

4.5. Contents: Control Engineering Practice
Contributed by: Martin Böck, cep at acin.tuwien.ac.at

Control Engineering Practice
Volume 62
May 2017

- Hongquan Ji, Xiao He, Jun Shang, Donghua Zhou, Incipient fault detection
with smoothing techniques in statistical process monitoring,Pages 11-21
- Wilber Acuña-Bravo, Enrico Canuto, Marco Agostani, Marco Bonadei,
Proportional electro-hydraulic valves: An Embedded Model Control
solution,Pages 22-35
- Berk Altin, Jeroen Willems, Tom Oomen, Kira Barton, Iterative Learning
Control of Iteration-Varying Systems via Robust Update Laws with
Experimental Implementation,Pages 36-45
- Yiqi Liu, Yongping Pan, Daoping Huang, Qilin Wang, Fault prognosis of
filamentous sludge bulking using an enhanced multi-output gaussian
processes regression,Pages 46-54
- Carlos Rossa, Mahdi Tavakoli, Issues in closed-loop needle steering,Pages
- Ping Shen, Han-Xiong Li, The consistency control of mold level in casting
process,Pages 70-78
- Xi Ma, Jinqiu Hu, Laibin Zhang, EMD-based online Filtering of Process
Data,Pages 79-91
- Li-Juan Li, Ting-Ting Dong, Shu Zhang, Xiao-Xiao Zhang, Shi-Ping Yang,
Time-delay identification in dynamic processes with disturbance via
correlation analysis,Pages 92-101
- I. Miletovic, D.M. Pool, O. Stroosma, M.M. van Paassen, Q.P. Chu,
Improved Stewart platform state estimation using inertial and actuator
position measurements,Pages 102-115
- Zhiyuan Tang, David J. Hill, Tao Liu, Two-stage voltage control of
subtransmission networks with high penetration of wind power,Pages 1-10

4.6. Contents: Systems & Control Letters
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com

Systems & Control Letters
Volume 102
April 2017

- Khaled Bahlali, Meriem Mezerdi, Brahim Mezerdi, Existence and optimality
conditions for relaxed mean-field stochastic control problems, Pages 1-8
- Myung-Gon Yoon, Consensus of adaptive multi-agent systems, Pages 9-14
- Matthew C. Turner, Positive modification as an anti-windup mechanism,
Pages 15-21
- Lin Zhao, Yingmin Jia, Jinpeng Yu, Adaptive finite-time bipartite
consensus for second-order multi-agent systems with antagonistic
interactions, Pages 22-31
- Johan Markdahl, Jens Hoppe, Lin Wang, Xiaoming Hu, A geodesic feedback
law to decouple the full and reduced attitude, Pages 32-41
- Christian Commault, Jacob van der Woude, Taha Boukhobza, On the fixed
controllable subspace in linear structured systems, Pages 42-47
- P. Pepe, I. Karafyllis, Z.P. Jiang, Lyapunov–Krasovskii characterization
of the input-to-state stability for neutral systems in Hale’s form, Pages
- Brandon J. Wellman, Jesse B. Hoagg, A flocking algorithm with individual
agent destinations and without a centralized leader, Pages 57-67
- Delsin Menolascino, ShiNung Ching, Bispectral analysis for measuring
energy-orientation tradeoffs in the control of linear systems, Pages 68-73
- Kaihong Yang, Haibo Ji, Hierarchical analysis of large-scale control
systems via vector simulation function, Pages 74-80
- Fengwei Chen, Marion Gilson, Hugues Garnier, Tao Liu, Robust time-domain
output error method for identifying continuous-time systems with time
delay, Pages 81-92
- Walid Djema, Frédéric Mazenc, Catherine Bonnet, Stability analysis and
robustness results for a nonlinear system with distributed delays
describing hematopoiesis, Pages 93-101
- Quanxin Zhu, Feng Jiang, Hui Wang, Bao Wang, Comment on “Stability
analysis of stochastic differential equations with Markovian switching”
[Systems & Control Letters 61 (2012) 1209–1214], Pages 102-103
- Yijing Xie, Zongli Lin, Global optimal consensus for multi-agent systems
with bounded controls, Pages 104-111
- Qingbin Gao, Nejat Olgac, Stability analysis for LTI systems with
multiple time delays using the bounds of its imaginary spectra, Pages

4.7. Contents: Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com

Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems
Volume 24
May 2017

- Qiumei Zhang, Daqing Jiang, Yanan Zhao, Donal O’Regan, Asymptotic
behavior of a stochastic population model with Allee effect by Lévy jumps,
Pages 1-12
- Yujie Zhang, Yongsheng Ou, Xinyu Wu, Yimin Zhou, Resilient dissipative
dynamic output feedback control for uncertain Markov jump Lur’e systems
with time-varying delays, Pages 13-27
- R. Rakkiyappan, V. Preethi Latha, Quanxin Zhu, Zhangsong Yao, Exponential
synchronization of Markovian jumping chaotic neural networks with
sampled-data and saturating actuators, Pages 28-44
- Le Van Hien, Hieu Trinh, Switching design for suboptimal guaranteed cost
control of 2-D nonlinear switched systems in the Roesser model, Pages 45-57
- Yazhou Tian, Yuanli Cai, Yuangong Sun, Stability of switched nonlinear
time-delay systems with stable and unstable subsystems, Pages 58-68
- Seung Woo Lee, Sung Jin Yoo, Adaptive-observer-based output-constrained
tracking of a class of arbitrarily switched uncertain non-affine nonlinear
systems, Pages 69-82
- Behrooz Rahmani, Robust output feedback sliding mode control for
uncertain discrete time systems, Pages 83-99
- W.P.M.H. Heemels, V. Sessa, F. Vasca, M.K. Camlibel, Computation of
periodic solutions in maximal monotone dynamical systems with guaranteed
consistency, Pages 100-114
- Bing Cui, Chunhui Zhao, Tiedong Ma, Chi Feng, Leaderless and
leader-following consensus of multi-agent chaotic systems with unknown time
delays and switching topologies, Pages 115-131
- Tae H. Lee, Ju H. Park, Improved criteria for sampled-data
synchronization of chaotic Lur’e systems using two new approaches, Pages
- Lijuan Zha, Jian-an Fang, Xiaofan Li, Jinliang Liu, Event-triggered
output feedback control for networked Markovian jump systems with
quantizations, Pages 146-158
- Xueling Li, Xiangze Lin, Shihua Li, Yun Zou, Globally smooth output
feedback stabilization of a class of planar switched systems with average
dwell time, Pages 159-170
- Mengling Li, Feiqi Deng, Almost sure stability with general decay rate of
neutral stochastic delayed hybrid systems with Lévy noise, Pages 171-185
- Min Meng, James Lam, Jun-e Feng, Xudong Zhao, Xiaoming Chen, Exponential
stability analysis and synthesis of positive T-S fuzzy systems with
time-varying delays, Pages 186-197
- Corentin Briat, Dwell-time stability and stabilization conditions for
linear positive impulsive and switched systems, Pages 198-226
- Ding Zhai, An-Yang Lu, Dan Ye, Qing-Ling Zhang, Adaptive tracking control
for a class of switched uncertain nonlinear systems under a new
state-dependent switching law, Pages 227-243
- Zidong Ai, Cancan Chen, Asymptotic stability analysis and design of
nonlinear impulsive control systems, Pages 244-252

4.8. Contents: Mechatronics
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com

Vol. 42
April 2017

- Wenyu Liang, Wenchao Gao, Kok Kiong Tan, Stabilization system on an
office-based ear surgical device by force and vision feedback,
Mechatronics, Pages 1-10
- David Rijlaarsdam, Pieter Nuij, Johan Schoukens, Maarten Steinbuch, A
comparative overview of frequency domain methods for nonlinear systems,
Pages 11-24
- M.A. Oliver-Salazar, D. Szwedowicz-Wasik, A. Blanco-Ortega, F.
Aguilar-Acevedo, R. Ruiz-González, Characterization of pneumatic muscles
and their use for the position control of a mechatronic finger, Pages 25-40
- Sang Hun Woo, Sung Mok Kim, Min Gun Kim, Byung-Ju Yi, Wheekuk Kim,
Torque-balancing algorithm for the redundantly actuated parallel mechanism,
Mechatronics, Pages 41-51
- Michael Muehlebach, Raffaello D’Andrea, The Flying Platform – A testbed
for ducted fan actuation and control design, Pages 52-68
- Lei Zhou, Mohammad Imani Nejad, David L. Trumper, One-axis hysteresis
motor driven magnetically suspended reaction sphere, Pages 69-80
- Li Chen, Fengyu Liu, Jian Yao, Zhao Ding, Chunhao Lee, Chi-kuan Kao,
Farzad Samie, Ying Huang, Chengliang Yin, Design and validation of
clutch-to-clutch shift actuator using dual-wedge mechanism, Pages 81-95

4.9. Contents: Mechatronics
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com

Vol. 43
May 2017

- Sergey Edward Lyshevski, Control of high-precision direct-drive
mechatronic servos: Tracking control with adaptive friction estimation and
compensation, Pages 1-5
- Stijn Derammelaere, Bram Vervisch, Jasper De Viaene, Kurt Stockman,
Sensorless load angle control for two-phase hybrid stepper motors, Pages
- A. Gonzalez-Rodriguez, F.J. Castillo-Garcia, E. Ottaviano, P. Rea, A.G.
Gonzalez-Rodriguez, On the effects of the design of cable-Driven robots on
kinematics and dynamics models accuracy, Pages 18-27
- Ehsan Hashemi, Saeid Khosravani, Amir Khajepour, Alireza Kasaiezadeh,
Shih-Ken Chen, Bakhtiar Litkouhi, Longitudinal vehicle state estimation
using nonlinear and parameter-varying observers, Pages 28-39
- Wiput Tuvayanond, Manukid Parnichkun, Position control of a pneumatic
surgical robot using PSO based 2-DOF H∞ loop shaping structured controller,
Pages 40-55
- Yijie Guo, Sandipan Mishra, Constrained optimal iterative learning
control with mixed-norm cost functions, Pages 56-65
- Jin-hui Fang, Fan Guo, Zheng Chen, Jian-hua Wei, Improved sliding-mode
control for servo-solenoid valve with novel switching surface under
acceleration and jerk constraints, Pages 66-75
- Chang-Hyuk Lee, Jiwon Choi, Hooman Lee, Joongbae Kim, Kyung-min Lee,
Young-bong Bang, Exoskeletal master device for dual arm robot teaching,
Pages 76-85
- Tiemin Li, Fengchun Li, Yao Jiang, Jinglei Zhang, Haitong Wang, Kinematic
calibration of a 3-P(Pa)S parallel-type spindle head considering the
thermal error, Pages 86-98
- Alessandro Beghi, Fabio Marcuzzi, Paolo Martin, Fabio Tinazzi, Mauro
Zigliotto, Virtual prototyping of embedded control software in mechatronic
systems: A case study, Pages 99-111
- Sunkyum Yoo, Jaeyoul Lee, Jaeyeon Choi, Goobong Chung, Wan Kyun Chung,
Development of rotary hydro-elastic actuator with robust
internal-loop-compensator-based torque control and cross-parallel
connection spring, Pages 112-123

4.10. Contents: Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com

Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Volume 61
May 2017

- XiaoHong Han, Long Quan, XiaoYan Xiong, Matt Almeter, Jie Xiang, Yuan
Lan, A novel data clustering algorithm based on modified gravitational
search algorithm, Pages 1-7
- Ahmad M. El-Nagar, Mohammad El-Bardini, Parallel realization for
self-tuning interval type-2 fuzzy controller, Pages 8-20
- Geovanny Osorio, Thibaud Monteiro, Lorraine Trilling, Frédéric Albert,
Multi-criteria assignment policies to improve global effectiveness of
medico-social service sector, Pages 21-34
- Mehdi Akbari, Hassan Rashidi, Sasan H. Alizadeh, An enhanced genetic
algorithm with new operators for task scheduling in heterogeneous computing
systems, Pages 35-46
- Sukjun Lee, David Enke, Youngmin Kim, A relative value trading system
based on a correlation and rough set analysis for the foreign exchange
futures market, Pages 47-56
- Fangwei Zhang, Jianbo Li, Jihong Chen, Jing Sun, Augustine Attey,
Hesitant distance set on hesitant fuzzy sets and its application in urban
road traffic state identification, Pages 57-64
- Sy Dzung Nguyen, Huu-Vinh Ho, Thoi-Trung Nguyen, Nang Toan Truong, Tae-Il
Seo, Novel fuzzy sliding controller for MRD suspensions subjected to
uncertainty and disturbance, Pages 65-76
- Arijit De, Sri Krishna Kumar, Angappa Gunasekaran, Manoj Kumar Tiwari,
Sustainable maritime inventory routing problem with time window
constraints, Pages 77-95
- Anh-Tu Nguyen, Raymundo Márquez, Antoine Dequidt, An augmented system
approach for LMI-based control design of constrained Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy
systems, Pages 96-102
- R. Venkata Rao, Dhiraj P. Rai, Joze Balic, A multi-objective algorithm
for optimization of modern machining processes, Pages 103-125
- Salim Zair, Sylvie Le Hégarat-Mascle, Evidential framework for robust
localization using raw GNSS data, Pages 126-135
- Kevin Kam Fung Yuen, The fuzzy cognitive pairwise comparisons for ranking
and grade clustering to build a recommender system: An application of
smartphone recommendation, Pages 136-151
- Pablo J. Prieto, Nohe R. Cazarez-Castro, Luis T. Aguilar, Selene L.
Cardenas-Maciel, Chattering existence and attenuation in fuzzy-based
sliding mode control, Pages 152-160
- Wensheng Gan, Jerry Chun-Wei Lin, Philippe Fournier-Viger, Han-Chieh
Chao, Jimmy Ming-Tai Wu, Justin Zhan, Extracting recent weighted-based
patterns from uncertain temporal databases, Pages 161-172

4.11. Contents: Journal of Process Control
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com

Journal of Process Control
Volume 52
April 2017

- John Perkins, Thomas McAvoy, Wolfgang Marquardt, Denis Dochain, History
and growth of Journal of Process Control, Pages A1-A4
- Xiaoqiang Wang, Vladimir Mahalec, Feng Qian, Globally optimal nonlinear
model predictive control based on multi-parametric disaggregation, Pages
- Mariusz Buciakowski, Marcin Witczak, Vicenç Puig, Damiano Rotondo, Fatiha
Nejjari, Józef Korbicz, A bounded-error approach to simultaneous state and
actuator fault estimation for a class of nonlinear systems, Pages 14-25
- Qian-Fang Liao, Da Sun, Wen-Jian Cai, Shao-Yuan Li, You-Yi Wang, Type-1
and Type-2 effective Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy models for decentralized control
of multi-input-multi-output processes, Pages 26-44
- Young Jae Choung, Jihoon Kang, Seoung Bum Kim, Process control of
time-varying systems using parameter-less self-organizing maps, Pages 45-56
- G. Lloyds Raja, Ahmad Ali, Smith predictor based parallel cascade control
strategy for unstable and integrating processes with large time delay,
Pages 57-65
- Seokho Kang, Pilsung Kang, An intelligent virtual metrology system with
adaptive update for semiconductor manufacturing, Pages 66-74
- Afrooz Ebadat, Patricio E. Valenzuela, Cristian R. Rojas, Bo Wahlberg,
Model Predictive Control oriented experiment design for system
identification: A graph theoretical approach, Pages 75-84

4.12. Contents: Journal of Process Control
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com

Journal of Process Control
Volume 53
May 2017

- D.K.M. Kufoalor, G. Frison, L. Imsland, T.A. Johansen, J.B. Jørgensen,
Block factorization of step response model predictive control problems,
Pages 1-14
- Alireza Fatehi, Biao Huang, Kalman filtering approach to multi-rate
information fusion in the presence of irregular sampling rate and variable
measurement delay, Pages 15-25
- K. Vinther, Rene J. Nielsen, Palle Andersen, Jan D. Bendtsen,
Optimization of interconnected absorption cycle heat pumps with
micro-genetic algorithms, Pages 26-36
- C.J. Muller, I.K. Craig, Economic hybrid non-linear model predictive
control of a dual circuit induced draft cooling water system, Pages 37-45
- Michalis Frangos, Uncertainty quantification for cuttings transport
process monitoring while drilling by ensemble Kalman filtering, Pages 46-56
- Jaeheum Jung, Won Je Lee, Sangmin Park, Younghun Kim, Chul-Jin Lee,
Chonghun Han, Improved control strategy for fixed-speed compressors in
parallel system, Pages 57-69
- Long Teng, Youyi Wang, Wenjian Cai, Hua Li, Robust model predictive
control of discrete nonlinear systems with time delays and disturbances via
T–S fuzzy approach, Pages 70-79
- Norelys Aguila-Camacho, Johan D. Le Roux, Manuel A. Duarte-Mermoud,
Marcos E. Orchard, Control of a grinding mill circuit using fractional
order controllers, Pages 80-94
- Gheorghe Maria, Mara Crişan, Operation of a mechanically agitated
semi-continuous multi-enzymatic reactor by using the Pareto-optimal
multiple front method, Pages 95-105

4.13. Contents: IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica
Contributed by: YangQuan Chen, yqchen at ieee.org

IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica (JAS) published papers on FOSC
(fractional order systems and controls) are free to download.

IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica (JAS) is a joint publication of the
IEEE and the Chinese Association of Automation. The objective of this
journal is high quality and rapid publication of articles, with a strong
focus on new trends, original theoretical and experimental research and
developments, emerging technologies, and industrial standards in automation.

Special Issues on “Fractional Order Systems and Controls (FOSC)”, guest
co-edited by Prof. YangQuan Chen, University of California, Merced, USA;
Prof. Dingyü Xue, Northeastern University, China, and Prof. Antonio
Visioli, University of Brescia, Italy, have published 54 papers so far from
2015 to 2017.

It is a great pleasure to announce that, all these published FOSC papers
were compiled in a single indexable PDF file (31.8Mb)
to share in public domain. For individual papers, they are listed with a
link to local PDF for your easy reading, and the LaTeX BiBTeX library file)
for easy citation

Visit http://mechatronics.ucmerced.edu/jas-si-fosc for the original call
for papers, two editorials, and the single combined PDF file for all
published papers, LaTeX BiBTeX file, and a list of all papers with a
hyper-link to each paper and its local PDF.

4.14. CFP: IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Contributed by: Guillaume Mercère, guillaume.mercere at univ-poitiers.fr

CFP: Special Issue on System identification and control in biomedical
applications in IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology

Contributions are invited for a special issue of the IEEE Transactions on
Control Systems Technology devoted to the subject of System Identification
and Control in Biomedical Applications. The purpose of this special issue
is to document the current status of research in this field through an
original collection of diverse, high-quality papers. The emphasis is on the
role control systems technology plays in advancing the state of the art in
the challenges of applying feedback control in living organisms, with
emphasis on biomedicine. Specifically, we aim at (i) pointing out
theoretical and practical issues specific to bio-medical systems, (ii)
bringing together solutions developed under different settings with
specific attention to the validation of these tools in bio-medical settings
using real-life datasets and experiments, and (iii) introducing significant
case studies. Topics of common interests include (but are not limited to)
the following:
- theoretical and implementation challenges which arise in medical systems,
- control engineering tools for solving specific system design problems in
medical technology,
- novel data-driven modeling techniques capturing the dynamics of
biomedical systems, and accounting for intra- and inter-individual
- evidence of successful projects in biomedicine enabled by system
identification and control, such as the artificial pancreas and closed-loop
- application areas in healthcare and medical systems, such as assistive
devices and therapeutics in medical rehabilitation, and mathematical models
of infectious disease spread.
- prevention and treatment of chronic, relapsing disorders and illnesses
such as cancer, diabetes, obesity, and HIV.

Only contributions that include significant results based on analysis of
real data or experimental validation will be included. Papers must contain
high-quality original contributions and be prepared in accordance with the
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology standards. Prospective
authors should state in their cover letter and in the notes section of the
submission site that their manuscript is intended for the special issue on
“system identification and control in biomedical applications.” Submitted
manuscripts must not have been previously published or be under review for
possible publication elsewhere.

Time line:
Manuscripts Due: November 1, 2017
Notification to authors (after the first round of reviews): March 1, 2018
Notification of final decision: June 1, 2018
Publication Date: January 2019

Authors can submit their manuscripts via

Information for Authors prior to submitting a paper is available via

All inquiries should be directed to G. Mercère you can contact via his
email address: guillaume.mercere at univ-poitiers.fr

Guest Editors:
Guillaume Mercère, Université de Poitiers, France (LEAD)
Bayu Jayawardhana, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Alexander Medvedev, Uppsala University, Sweden
Daniel E. Rivera, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA
Caterina Scoglio, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas, USA

4.15. CFP: Journal of Control Science and Engineering
Contributed by: Tushar Jain, tushar at iitmandi.ac.in

CFP: Special Issue on System Modeling, Control, and Diagnosis for Energy
Efficiency in Buildings, Journal of Control Science and Engineering
(Deadline Extended)

Energy utilization in buildings relies on numerous factors, such as
building structure, energy management systems design, and effective control
and maintenance under the varying thermal or cooling load. Their
heterogeneous operational characteristics contribute to serious
environmental and economic problems due to excessive consumption of energy
and other resources.

Consequently, there is a growing interest in high performance buildings
where the underlying concept of performance incorporates energy efficiency,
thermal performance, and healthy indoor environment.

Achieving this high performance objective is mainly dependent on enhanced
control strategies and the continuous commissioning of the building
Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning (HVAC) systems under the
constraints of economically managing the energy flows within the building
to meet the needs of the occupants. The related challenges encompass
describing the complex nonlinear dynamics of the building, deriving
mathematical models for control, and deploying different control strategies
for different weather conditions and occupancy profile.

Even when the building automation system or when advanced controllers are
applied to enhance system efficiency, faults can occur during installation,
routine operations, or scheduled preventive maintenances, resulting in
excessive energy waste. This calls for more sophisticated and tailored
algorithms for analysis and control, yielding energy efficient solutions
for smart buildings.

The purpose of this special issue is primarily to publish high quality
research papers as well as review articles on recent advances on operating
buildings in an energy efficient way through building and HVAC modeling,
diagnostics, and controls. Original contributions that are not yet
published or that are not currently under review in other journals or
peer-reviewed conferences are invited, in particular, manuscripts
containing novel ideas and algorithms with practical/experimental

Potential topics include, but are not limited to, the following:

Monozone/multizone modeling approaches and HVAC components modeling
Building simulation tools and platforms
Optimal supervisory control and model-based predictive control for building
Energy-optimal control for space-conditioning systems
Fault detection and diagnosis of HVAC and building systems
Fault-tolerant control of HVAC systems
Continuous commissioning
Whole-building optimization
Green energy rating systems in buildings
Economic performance analysis of the building

Authors can submit their manuscripts through the Manuscript Tracking System

Manuscript Due: Friday, 16 June 2017
First Round of Reviews: Friday, 8 September 2017
Publication Date: Friday, 3 November 2017

Lead Guest Editor:
Tushar Jain, Indian Institute of Technology Mandi, Himachal Pradesh, India

Guest Editors:
Joseph J. Yame, University of Lorraine, Nancy, France
Alessandro Beghi, University of Padova, Padova, Italy
Du Zhimin, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China

Learn more about this topic at

5. Conferences

5.1. IEEE Global Conference on Signal & Information Processing
Contributed by: Cedric Langbort, langbort at illinois.edu

5th IEEE Global Conference on Signal & Information Processing
Symposium on Control and Information Theoretic Approaches to Privacy and
November 14-16, 2017, Montreal, Canada

The ubiquity of technologies such as wireless communications, biometric
identification systems, on-line data repositories, and smart electricity
grids, has created new challenges in information security and privacy.
Traditional approaches based on cryptography are far from adequate in such
complex systems and fundamentally new techniques must be developed. Control
and Information theory provide fundamental limits that can guide the
development of methods for addressing these challenges. Historically, both
Systems and Control and the Information Theory communities have developed
independent approaches to deal with the issue of security and privacy. But
various emerging applications require tools from both theories to be used
in tandem. There has been relatively little effort in bringing the two
fields together and have a cohesive discussion on modeling and solution
approaches to security and privacy. The symposium aims to serve as such a
venue that discusses the perspectives developed by both communities in a
timely and productive manner. Topics of interest include but are not
limited to:

• Modeling systems under cyber and physical attacks
• Intrusion detection and attack identification
• Secure state estimation and communication
• Game theoretic, supervisory, and robust control approaches to security
and privacy
• Secrecy and secret key capacity of wireless channel
• Secure communication under adversarial attack
• Practical code design for physical layer security
• Secure cross-layer design techniques
• Secure communication with an uncertain physical layer • Jamming-assisted
secure wireless transmission
• Security and Privacy issues in applications (e.g., Smart Grids, UAVs,

Paper Submission:
Prospective authors are invited to submit full-length papers (up to 4 pages
for technical content including figures and possible references, and with
one additional optional 5th page containing only references) and extended
abstracts (up to 2 pages, for paper-less industry presentations and Ongoing
Work presentations) via the GlobalSIP 2017 conference website. Manuscripts
should be original (not submitted/published anywhere else) and written in
accordance with the standard IEEE double-column paper template. Accepted
full-length papers will be indexed on IEEE Xplore. Accepted abstracts will
not be indexed in IEEE Xplore, however the abstracts and/or the
presentations will be included in the IEEE SPS SigPort. Accepted papers and
abstracts will be scheduled in lecture and poster sessions.

Important Dates:
- May 15, 2017: Paper submission due
- June 30, 2017: Notification of Acceptance
- July 22, 2017: Camera-ready papers due

General Co-Chairs:
Aditya Mahajan, McGill University (aditja.mahajan at mcgill.ca)
Ashish Khisti, University of Toronto (akhisti at ece.utoronto.ca)
Rafael F. Schaefer, Technische Universität Berlin (
rafael.schaefer at tu-berlin.de)

Technical Co-Chairs:
Cedric Langbort, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (
langbort at illinois.edu)
Holger Boche, Technische Universität München (boche at tum.de)

5.2. IFAC Workshop on Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Methods for Non Linear
Contributed by: Juan I. Yuz, juan.yuz at usm.cl

6th IFAC Workshop on Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Methods for Non Linear

LHMNLC18, 2-4 May 2018, Valparaíso, Chile
First Announcement and Call for Papers

Hosting Institution: Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María - UTFSM,
Valparaíso, Chile
Sponsored by: IFAC International Federation of Automatic Control, IFAC TC
Non Linear Control Systems
Co-sponsored by: IFAC TC Distributed Parameter Systems, IFAC TC Control
Design, IEEE CSS TC on DPS

Scope: Recent technological progresses in material science, actuators, and
sensors as well as in real-time computing have induced the necessity of
accounting for nonlinear and distributed parameters phenomena in the design
of the nonlinear control, sometimes including the design of the plant. A
very efficient design method, based on the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian
formulations of physical systems’ dynamics, has been increasingly developed
and used in the last years. These formulations allow to combine the
powerful design methods using passivity-based control with the specific
properties of the differential-geometric structure of the Lagrangian and
Hamiltonian systems. The application areas include robotics,
tele-manipulation and power systems where developments concerning control
systems interacting through a communication network are important. Recent
developments have shown that generalization of the Hamiltonian and
Lagrangian frameworks can be used for distributed parameter systems with
applications in fluid systems and fluid-structure interactions, as well as
irreversible thermodynamical systems with applications to chemical and
biological processes and smart materials.

Topics: This workshop will cover new developments in modelling nonlinear
distributed parameters control theory and applications that have been
recently developed to take advantage of and to exploit the mathematical
structures common to the multi-physical systems. The workshop program will
include both regular papers and posters. The format of the workshop will
encourage in-depth and fruitful discussion between all the participants.

Location: The workshop will be held at Universidad Técnica Federico Santa
Maria (www.usm.cl) in Valparaiso, one of the most prestigious engineering
universities of Latin America. Built upon dozens of steep hillsides
overlooking the Pacific Ocean, Valparaiso, also known as the Jewel of the
Pacific, boasts a labyrinth of graffiti filled streets and cobblestone
alleyways, embodying a rich architectural and cultural legacy and hosting
one of Pablo Neruda’s houses. Valparaiso's historic quarter is an UNESCO
World Heritage Site since 2003, thanks to its historical importance,
natural beauty and unique architecture.

Important dates:
Submission of draft papers, invited sessions proposal, and abstracts for
poster session: October 15, 2017
Author notification: January 14, 2018
Final paper due: February 28, 2018

For more information: www.lhmnlc18.org

International Program Committee (IPC) co-chairs
Yann Le Gorrec, FEMTO-ST, UBFC, France E-mail: legorrec at femto-st.fr
Martin Guay, Queen’s University, Canada, E-mail: martin.guay at chee.queensu.ca

National Organizing Committee (NOC) co-chairs
Juan I. Yuz, UTFSM, Valparaiso, Chile, E-mail: juan.yuz at usm.cl
Juan C. Agüero UTFSM, Valparaiso, Chile, E-mail: juan.aguero at usm.cl

5.3. Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing
Contributed by: Rachel Palmisano, rep2 at illinois.edu


October 3, 2017 – Opening Tutorials
October 4-6, 2017 – Conference Sessions


The Fifty-Fifth Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and
Computing will kick off with Opening Tutorials being held on Tuesday,
October 3, 2017 at the Coordinated Science Laboratory. The conference
sessions will start on Wednesday, October 4, 2017 through Friday, October
6, 2017, at the Allerton Park and Retreat Center. The Allerton House is
located twenty-six miles southwest of the Urbana-Champaign campus of the
University of Illinois in a wooded area on the Sangamon River. It is part
of the fifteen-hundred acre Robert Allerton Park, a complex of natural and
man-made beauty designated as a National natural landmark. Allerton Park
has twenty miles of well-maintained trails and a living gallery of formal
gardens, studded with sculptures collected from around the world.

Papers presenting original research are solicited in the areas of:
biological information systems
coding techniques and applications
coding theory
data storage
information theory
multiuser detection and estimation
network information theory
sensor networks in communications
wireless communication systems
intrusion/anomaly detection and diagnosis
network coding
network games and algorithms
performance analysis
pricing and congestion control
reliability, security and trust
decentralized control systems
robust and nonlinear control
adaptive control and automation
distributed and large-scale systems
complex networked systems
dynamic games
machine learning and learning theory
signal models and representations
signal acquisition, coding, and retrieval
detection and estimation
learning and inference
statistical signal processing
sensor networks
data analytics.

Final versions of papers that are presented at the conference are required
to be submitted electronically by October 8, 2017 in order to appear in the
Conference Proceedings and IEEE Xplore.

PLENARY LECTURE is scheduled for Friday, October 6, 2017 at the Allerton
Park and Retreat Center. (we will add the speaker info when confirmed)

OPENING TUTORIAL LECTURES will be presented on Tuesday, October 3, 2017 at
the Coordinated Science Laboratory, University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign. (we will add the speakers info when confirmed)

INFORMATION FOR AUTHORS: Regular papers suitable for presentation in twenty
minutes are solicited. Regular papers will be published in full (subject to
a maximum length of eight 8.5” x 11” pages, in two column format) in the
Conference Proceedings. Only papers that are actually presented at the
conference and uploaded as final manuscripts can be included in the
proceedings, which will be available after the conference on IEEE Xplore.

For reviewing purposes of papers, a title and a five to ten page extended
abstract, including references and sufficient detail to permit careful
reviewing, are required.

Manuscripts can be submitted during June 16-July 10, 2017 with the
submission deadline of July 10th being firm. Please follow the instructions
at the Conference website: http://www.csl.illinois.edu/allerton/.

Authors will be notified of acceptance via e-mail by August 7, 2017, at
which time they will also be sent detailed instructions for the preparation
of their papers for the Proceedings.
Important Dates:
Submission Deadline: July 10, 2017
Acceptance Date: August 7, 2017
Registration Opens: after August 7, 2017
Conference Dates: October 3-6, 2017
Final Submission Deadline: October 8, 2017
Conference Co-Chairs: Naira Hovakimyan and Negar Kiyavash

Email: amellis at illinois.edu URL: www.csl.illinois.edu/allerton/

5.4. IEEE Ecuador Technical Chapters Meeting
Contributed by: Alberto Sanchez, aesanchez at ieee.org

CFP: IEEE Ecuador Technical Chapters Meeting (ETCM) 2017

Dear Colleague

IEEE Ecuador section takes great pleasure in inviting you to the 2017 IEEE
ETCM, which will be held for the first time from October 16th-20th in
Salinas, Ecuador.

The 2017 IEEE Ecuador Technical Chapters Meeting (ETCM) will be the second
edition of the running series of conferences organized by the IEEE Ecuador
Section and which intends to provide a highly prestigious venue for
researchers, students and practitioners from the IEEE Technical Society
Chapters in Ecuador.

The conference covers both theoretical and practical issues related to
Communications, Computing, Control Systems, Industrial Electronics,
Engineering in Medicine and Biology, Power and Energy, Robotics and
Automation. Topics of interest, but not limited to, are:

Adaptive Systems, Signal Processing, Embedded Systems, Fault Tolerant
Systems, Identification, Predictive control.

Power Converters, Power semiconductors, Machines and drives, Power
electronics in transportation systems, Power electronics applications.

Internet of Things, Communications Systems Security, Green Communications,
Wireless Communications, Optical Communications, Waveforms and Signal
Processing, Access Networks and Systems, Cluster, Grid, P2P Cloud
Computing, Satellite and Space Communications, Networking protocols and

Security and Privacy, Semantic Computing, Real Time Systems, Multimedia
Computing, Learning Technologies, Distributed Processing, Human Computer
Interaction, Computer Vision, Data Engineering.

Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems, Evolutionary and Swarm Computation,
Learning Systems, Data Science.

Transmission, Distribution, Power Generation, Power System Control &
Operation, Reliability, Stability, Renewables, SmartGrids.

Clinical Engineering, Telemedicine, and Health Care, Bioinformatics,
Biomechanics, Biomaterials, Bioinstrumentation, Signal and Image
Processing, Biophysics.

Automation, Automation in Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Sensors,
Robotics, Assistive Technologies, System Integration, Sensor/Actuator
Networks, Distributed and Cloud Robotics, Autonomous Vehicles, Human/Robot

Important Dates
Full Paper Submission: 7 July 2017
Acceptance Notification: 31 July 2017
Final paper Submission: 15 August 2017
Workshops & Tutorials: 16-17 October 2017
Conference Dates: 18-20 October 2017

5.5. Conference on Sustainable Internet and ICT for Sustainability
Contributed by: Nuno Pereira, nap at isep.ipp.pt

The 5th Conference on Sustainable Internet and ICT for Sustainability
(SustainIT 2017)
Funchal, Portugal - December 6-7, 2017


The 5th Conference on Sustainable Internet and ICT for Sustainability
(SustainIT 2017) will be held December 6-7, 2017 in Funchal, Portugal.
Papers are invited in all aspects of Sustainable Internet and ICT,
Sustainability through the application of ICT, and Human-Centered
technology for sustainability, including works that report on prototype
test best and real-world deployments.

Ultimately, the goal of this conference is to bring together people from
different research areas, and provide a forum to exchange ideas, discuss
solutions, and share experiences among researchers, professionals, and
application developers from both industry and academia. The topics of
interest include but are not limited to the following:

*Sustainable Internet and ICT
1. Green Internet (e.g., novel standards and metrics for green
communications, measurement and evaluation of the Internet's sustainability)
2. Energy-efficient data centers (e.g., algorithms for reduced power,
energy and heat, trade-offs between energy efficiency, Quality of Service,
and reliability)
3. Adaptation of computing and communications infrastructure to variable
renewable energy supply
4. Emerging computing / storage technologies for energy efficient operation
5. E-waste (e.g. obsolescence of electronic equipment and its disposal

*Sustainability through the application of ICT
1. ICT for energy efficiency in smart homes and buildings
2. ICT for energy efficiency in industrial environments
3. ICT for smart grids and water distribution systems
4. ICT for sustainable transport and logistics
5. ICT for monitoring and conservation of biodiversity (e.g., underwater
and fauna monitoring)

*Human-Centered Technology for Sustainability
1. User evaluation of test-bed and prototype implementations
2. Metrics for sustainability and their evaluation
3. Behavior change regarding sustainability choices
4. Human-factors in sustainable ICT systems
5. Novel user interfaces and interaction techniques

Mario Bergés, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Lucas Pereira, Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute, Funchal, PT

* June 23 - title and abstract registration
* July 7 - paper submission
* September 21 - WIP / Demo / PhD Forum submission
* October 8 - notification of acceptance
* October 21 - WIP / Demo / PhD Forum acceptance notification
* November 10 - camera ready version
* December 6 and 7 - conference

* Papers - up to 10 pages (8 + 2 additional)
* WIP - up to 4 pages (3 + 1 additional)
* Demo - up to 2 pages
* PhD Forum - up to 3 pages

(additional pages are subject to an extra charge)

5.6. International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems
Contributed by: Hye-Soo Kim, conference at icros.org

2017 17th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems
(ICCAS 2017)
October 18(WED)-21(SAT), 2017
Ramada Plaza, Jeju Island, Korea


The aim of the ICCAS is to bring together researchers and engineers
worldwide to present their latest works, and disseminate the
state-of-the-art technologies related to control, automation, robotics, and

Paper Submission: Authors are invited to submit regular papers (3 - 6
pages) or research poster papers (1 - 2 pages) to the website.

Indexed in: IEEE Xplore, EI compendex, SCOPUS

Proposal for Invited/Organized Session (Mini-symposium)
- June 10, 2017: Submission deadline
Regular Papers (3 - 6 pages) & Invited/Organized Session Papers (1 - 6
- June 15, 2017: Submission deadline
- August 1, 2017: Notification of acceptance
- August 31, 2017: Submission of final camera-ready papers
Research Poster Papers (1 - 2 pages)
- August 22, 2017: Submission deadline
- August 31, 2017: Notification of acceptance
- September 7, 2017: Submission of final camera-ready papers

- Richard D. Braatz (Massachusetts Inst. of Tech., USA)
- Reza Moheimani (Univ. of Texas, USA)
- Antonella Ferrara (Univ. of Pavia, Italy)
- Huijun Gao (Harbin Inst. of Tech., China)
- Atsuo Takanishi (Waseda Univ., Japan)

Organized by Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems (ICROS)

General Chair: Dong-il “Dan” Cho (Seoul Nat’l Univ., Korea / ICROS
Organizing Chair: Doyoung Jeon (Sogang Univ., Korea)
Program Chair: Hyosung Ahn (GIST, Korea)

5.7. Workshop on Networks and Control at University of Cambridge
Contributed by: Keith Glover, kg at eng.cam.ac.uk

Gonville and Caius College, University of Cambridge.

A workshop to mark the contributions of Malcolm Smith to the Control field
on the occasion of his 60th birthday.

Invited speakers (confirmed):
M.Z.Q. Chen, P. Dewilde, T. Georgiou, S. Hara, T.H. Hughes, J.Z. Jiang, A.
Rantzer, M. Vidyasagar, G. Vinnicombe, Y. Yamamoto.
Chair: K. Glover

Website: http://www-control.eng.cam.ac.uk/Main/Workshop9


5.8. IFAC World Congress Workshop: ”Rigidity Theory for Multi-agent Systems
Meets Parallel Robots: Towards the Discovery of Common Models and Methods”
Contributed by: Daniel Zelazo, dzelazo at technion.ac.il

Call for participation

IFAC World Congress 2017 Workshop "Rigidity Theory for Multi-agent Systems
Meets Parallel Robots: Towards the Discovery of Common Models and Methods"

Sunday, July 9, 2017 in Toulouse, France (full day)

Important dates
15 April 2017: Early registration rates expire
9 July 2017: Workshop (full-day)

Overview & Topics
This workshop aims to explore connections and encourage discussion between
two historically distinct communities: the parallel robotics community and
the multi-robot community. Although these two areas may appear as quite
distant, they share a strong common underline theme: understanding how
pairwise geometrical constraints (e.g., relative distances or angles) can
affect the mobility or state (pose) estimation for robotic systems.
Moreover, there is a strong analogy between multi-agent systems and
parallel robots: each robot of the system can be seen as a passive joint of
a virtual mechanical (parallel) architecture and each measurement between
two robots as a rigid connection between them, rigid connection whose
dimension can vary thanks to a virtual actuator. So it is possible to find
virtual parallel robot architectures associated with multi-agent systems.

Three types of sessions will be organized in order to promote interactivity
/ exchanges in the audience
- keynote sessions (6 invited speakers for a 35 minutes talk for each of
- interactive session
- panel discussion

We invite students and researchers to submit 1-page abstracts to be
presented at an interactive session during the workshop. We encourage
submissions related to the fields of multi-robot formation control and
parallel robotics. Information can be found at the workshop website.

Invited Speakers
Hyo-Sung Ahn (A physical interpretation of the rigidity matrix), GIST Korea
Shiyu Zhao (Bearing-Based distributed control and estimation over robotic
networks), University of Sheffield, UK
Daniel Zelazo (Rigidity theory and formation control: A Tutorial),
Technion, Israel
Jean-Pierre Merlet (Structural topology, singularity, and kinematic
analysis), INRIA-Sophia, France
Marco Carricato (Screw theory and its application to robotics), Univeristy
of Bologna, Italy
Sébastien Briot (How theory on parallel robot singularities was used in
order to solve sensor-based control problems), LS2N-CNRS, France

Here are the schedule and keynote session abstracts:

Antonio Franchi, LAAS-CNRS, France
Daniel Zelazo, Technion, Israel
Sébastien Briot, LS2N-CNRS, France
Paolo Robuffo Giordano, IRISA-CNRS, France

Registration at http://ifac2017.gipco-adns.com/
For more information and for submissions please contact
parrigidwrkshp at sciencesconf.org

6. Positions

6.1. PhD: University of Suttgart, Germany
Contributed by: Frank Allgower, allgower at ist.uni-stuttgart.de

PhD: University of Suttgart, Germany

Multiple PhD positions in Intelligent Systems, including Control, at the
new International Max Planck Research School for Intelligent Systems in
Stuttgart and Tubingen, Germany

The Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems and the Universities of
Stuttgart and Tubingen are collaborating to offer a new interdisciplinary
Ph.D. program, the International Max Planck Research School for Intelligent
Systems. This new doctoral program is starting in fall 2017 and will enroll
about 100 Ph.D. students over the next six years.
This school is a key element of the state’s “Cyber Valley” initiative to
accelerate basic research and commercial development in the broad field of
artificial intelligence. Students are sought who want to earn a doctorate
in the broad area of intelligent systems, including control systems.

The participating faculty are Frank Allgower, Matthias Bethge, Michael J.
Black, Andres Bruhn, Peer Fischer, Andreas Geiger, Philipp Hennig,
Katherine J. Kuchenbecker, Hendrik Lensch, Georg Martius, Ludovic Righetti,
Stefan Schaal, Bernhard Scholkopf, Metin Sitti, Alexander Sprowitz, Ingo
Steinwart, Marc Toussaint, Ulrike von Luxburg, and Felix Wichmann.

Intelligent systems that can successfully perceive, act, and learn in
complex environments hold great potential for aiding society. To advance
human knowledge in this domain, we need doctoral students who are curious,
creative, and passionate about research to join our school. Learn more at

All aspects of the program are in English. You may join our program in late
summer or early fall 2017. You will be mentored by our internationally
renowned faculty. You will register as a university graduate student and
conduct research for approximately three years. You can take part in a wide
variety of scientific seminars, advanced training workshops, and social
activities. Your doctoral degree will be conferred when you successfully
complete your Ph.D. project. Our dedicated coordinator will assist you
throughout your time as a doctoral student.

People with a strong academic background and a master’s degree in
Engineering, Computer Science, Cognitive Science, Mathematics, Control
Theory, Neuroscience, Materials Science, Physics, or related fields should

We seek to increase the number of women in areas where they are
underrepresented, so we explicitly encourage women to apply. We are
committed to employing more handicapped individuals and especially
encourage them to apply. We are an equal opportunity employer and value
diversity at our institutions.

Admission will be competitive. If selected, you will receive funding via an
employment contract, subject to the rules of the Max Planck Society and the
two participating universities.

In case of interest, please specify the desired main academic advisor with
your application.

You can apply at http://imprs.is.mpg.de before midnight PST on April 17,

6.2. PhD: Université Laval, Canada
Contributed by: Andre Desbiens, desbiens at gel.ulaval.ca

PhD: Université Laval, Canada

Three PhD positions are available at the LOOP (Laboratoire d’observation et
d’optimisation des procédés – Process Observation and Optimization
Laboratory), Université Laval, Québec City, Canada. The projects are in
collaboration with the multinational biopharmaceutical Pfizer. They address
industrial problems and the solutions will have significant impacts for

For pharmaceutical industries, automation and continuous processing is a
way to become more competitive, to reduce production time, energy
consumption and the amount of waste produced. Towards this objective, the
projects are:

Project #1 - Coating of the tablets: development of an in-line vision
sensor providing film-coating properties (coating level, distribution
across tablets, esthetical defects, etc.).
- Fractional factorial design
- Multivariate Image Analysis
- Partial Least Squares regression
- Validation of the machine vision sensor

Project #2 – Novel continuous drying of the granules (before they are
compressed into tablets): safe and robust in-line minimization of the
drying time and/or energy consumption while insuring a desired final
humidity of the particles and avoiding their overheating.
- First-principles modelling and model calibration
- State estimation
- Model predictive control
- Real-time optimization

Project #3 - Freeze-drying of vials: safe and robust in-line minimization
of the primary drying time and/or energy consumption while insuring that
sublimation is completed and avoiding to exceed the collapse temperature.
- First-principles modelling and model calibration
- State estimation
- Model predictive control
- Real-time optimization
- Heating policies for various vials arrangements

The final stage of the three projects is to implement and validate the most
promising approaches on pilot units.

Candidate profile:
- should have completed, or about to complete, a MSc degree in Electrical
or Chemical Eng., or related areas,
- strong background in multivariate statistics and/or first-principles
modelling and/or systems and control,
- solid programming skills in Matlab,
- ability to work in multi-disciplinary teams,
- excellent communication skills (oral and written) in English - a plus if
knowledge of French (courses are given in French).

Please send a complete CV, a motivation letter and transcripts to Prof.
André Desbiens (desbiens at gel.ulaval.ca) with the subject "E-Letter PhD

6.3. PhD: University of Agder, Norway
Contributed by: Jing Zhou, jing.zhou at uia.no

PhD Position at University of Agder, Norway
Supervisor: Prof. Jing Zhou
Project Topic: Coupled Dynamics Between Vessel and Crane
The University of Agder invites applications for a PhD fellowship in
Coupled Dynamics Between Vessel and Crane. The position is linked to the
Department of Engineering Sciences and the contract is for a period of 3
years. Starting date in September 2017 or negotiated with the faculty. The
position will also be linked to work-package 3 in the research centre SFI
Offshore Mechatronics.

Deadline for application: 31 May 2017.

Brief Description of the Research Project

With the increased focus on offshore operations to deep water fields, it is
important to perform crane operations faster with increased weather
operation window. In addition, necessary precautions towards the safety of
human lives, environment and property should be taken. To achieve
satisfactory control performance, the investigation of coupled dynamics
between vessel and crane is very important. The accurate control for the
dynamic positioning of the payload in a vessel-mounted crane system is
challenging due to the exogenous disturbances such as actuator movement,
accidental collisions, the motion of the vessel induced by waves and ocean
currents, and so on. The objective is to increase the control performance
of the crane and vessel, and ensure the safety of operations.

The applicant should have:
• Strong academic credentials, written and spoken English proficiency
• Strong knowledge in systems and control, mechatronics, mathematics or
marine systems
• Good academic record, showing a strong theoretical/mathematical
background and a strong interest in dynamical control systems
• Strong programming skills and years of experience in using numerical
tools such as MATLAB


The position is remunerated according to the State salary scale, code 1017
Research Fellow, salary NOK 435 500 gross per year. A 2 % compulsory
pension contribution to the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund is
deducted from the pay according to current statutory provisions.

For further information please contact Professor Jing Zhou, tel. +47 37 23
31 91, e- mail jing.zhou at uia.no.

Detailed information and application procedure:

6.4. PostDoc: University of California at San Diego, USA
Contributed by: Miroslav Krstic, krstic at ucsd.edu

Postdoctoral position in control of ELECTRIC MOTOR DRIVES at UNIVERSITY OF

A postdoctoral position is open, with the intent of it being filled in/by
Fall 2017, at University of California, San Diego, under Professor Miroslav
Krstic, on the topic of control of large electric motor drives in
collaboration with General Atomics, a major local San Diego company. The
research challenges include the achievement of stable operation in the face
of significant variations in the sampling rates and delays. The anticipated
industrial impact is in oil/gas industry.

The appointment is for one year, with the possibility of extension subject
to availability of funds and strong performance. The salary is in
accordance with the University of California postdoctoral salary scale,
which is anticipated to be in the high-$40K's range for the 2016-2017
academic year.

Eligibility and requirements. Only candidates who are PERMANENT RESIDENTS
OF THE UNITED STAES can be appointed for this position. The required
background, in addition to strong training in control systems, includes
modeling and CONTROL OF ELECTRIC MACHINES and power electronics.

UC San Diego's Cymer Center for Control Systems and Dynamics houses one of
the world's premier research groups and training programs in control

Interested candidates should contact Professor Krstic (krstic at ucsd.edu;
http://flyingv.ucsd.edu) and include their detailed CV, information on
their current and near-term job status, US immigration/residency status,
and a list of references. No response will be sent to applications that do
not meet the capitalized REQUIREMENTS mentioned above.

6.5. PostDoc: CNRS – CentraleSupélec – Univ. Paris-Sud – Univ.
Paris-Saclay, France
Contributed by: Antoine Girard, antoine.girard at l2s.centralesupelec.fr

Postdoctoral Positions - Towards programmable cyber-physical systems: a
symbolic control approach

Supervisors: Antoine Girard (Antoine.Girard at l2s.centralesupelec.fr)
Location: Laboratoire des Signaux et Systèmes - L2S, CNRS – CentraleSupélec
– Univ. Paris-Sud – Univ. Paris-Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
Duration: One year, starting September 2017, with possibility for one
additional year

Two postdoctoral positions are opened within the PROCSYS project, funded by
an ERC Consolidator Grant.

Context and Objectives:
Cyber-physical systems (CPS) consist of computational elements monitoring
and controlling physical entities. The main objective of the PROCSYS
project is to propose a general framework for the design of programmable
CPS that will allow engineers to develop advanced functionalities using a
high-level language for specifying the behaviours of a CPS while
abstracting details of the dynamics. Controllers enforcing the specified
behaviours will be generated from a high-level program using an automated
model-based synthesis tool. Correctness of the controllers will be
guaranteed by following the correct by construction synthesis paradigm
through the use of symbolic control techniques: the continuous physical
dynamics is abstracted by a symbolic model, which is a discrete dynamical
system; an interface consisting of low-level controllers is designed such
that the physical system and the symbolic model behaves identically; a
high-level symbolic controller is then synthesized automatically from the
high-level program and the symbolic model.

Work description:
We will develop a high-level language, based on the formalism of hybrid
automata, which will enable to specify rich behaviours while enabling the
development of efficient controller synthesis algorithms. The project will
also tackle two bottlenecks in the area of symbolic control. Firstly,
scalability issues will be addressed by the computation of more compact
symbolic models and by controller synthesis algorithms that require only
partial exploration of the symbolic models. Secondly, robustness will be
ensured at all levels of control by developing novel algorithms for the
synthesis of robust interfaces and of symbolic controllers.

Background of the candidate:
The candidate must hold a PhD in control theory or computer science with a
strong mathematical background. A prior experience in the area of hybrid
systems is recommended. Programming skills are also needed. Applications
must include a cover letter, a detailed CV, the preprints of the two most
significant publications, and two references who may be asked to provide
letters of recommendation.
All documents should be sent in a single pdf file to the following email
addresses: Antoine.Girard at l2s.centralesupelec.fr

6.6. PostDoc: Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Chile
Contributed by: Juan I. Yuz, juan.yuz at usm.cl


The Advanced Center for Electrical and Electronic Engineering (AC3E) was
created on 2014 to group individual research efforts into multi- and
inter-disciplinary teams and re-focus research towards industry related
problems to spark innovation. The center is hosted by Universidad Técnica
Federico Santa María (UTFSM), in Valparaíso, Chile, one of the top
engineering universities of Chile. Additional information about the center
can be found at www.ac3e.usm.cl and the university can be found at

We are looking to hire a highly qualified individual as postdoctoral
researcher for the area of Intelligent Transportation systems. In
particular, we want to focus on the development of Control and
Communications techniques applied to the deployment of platoons and their
interaction with different environments. As a consequence, it is desirable
that the applicants have a demonstrable background in Control Systems,
System Identification and Wireless Communications. Nevertheless, we are
also interested in candidates with expertise in other research areas in
Electrical and Electronic Engineering, including:
• System Identification,
• Nonlinear Systems modeling and control,
• Fault Diagnosis and Prognosis,
• Networked and Distributed Control Systems,
• Performance Limitations and Control Design,
• Control of Partial Differential Equations.

The researchers associated to the Control and Automation line are:
• Dr. Juan C. Agüero, UTFSM (Line of Research Leader),
• Dr. Juan Yuz, UTFSM,
• Dr. Marcos Orchard, U. de Chile,
• Dr. Alejandro Rojas, U. de Concepción,
• Dr. Eduardo Cerpa, UTFSM,
• Dr. Francisco Vargas, UTFSM.

Required Documents
1. Curriculum Vitae.
2. List of academic productivity (publications, books, patents).
3. Cover letter stating your interests and why you want to become part of
4. Documentation accrediting the possession of a PhD or Doctoral degree.
5. Letter of reference or a list of 2 referees that might be contacted.
*Please provide all documents in one PDF file.

General Information
• The duration of the Postdoctoral fellow will be up to 2 years.
• Applications and inquiries should be sent to the following email:
ac3e at usm.cl

6.7. PostDoc: Sandia National Laboratories, USA
Contributed by: Chimene Lopez, recruitingads at sandia.gov

Sandia National Laboratories is seeking a POSTDOCTORAL APPOINTEE for our
Albuquerque, NM site.

Please review job description below. Apply by completing an online
application at: http://www.sandia.gov/careers
Click on “View all jobs” and enter Job Number“657239" into the Keyword

On any given day, you may be called on to:
Postdoctoral researcher (or appointee) in dynamical systems analysis and
control systems design.This position requires an active researcher in basic
and applied research for marine hydrokinetic (MHK) energy systems. The
selected candidate must have the ability to contribute to a diverse
research portfolio and also support execution of the program for our
primary sponsor. The selected candidate will have the opportunity to
actively publish and present his/her research at conferences and workshops
and in technical journals. The selected candidate must also be able to
interface with the other activities in the department to assist in
furthering the development of a cross-cutting research portfolio.

• Ph.D. in Electronic, Mechanical, Aerospace Engineering or similar
• Experience with dynamic system analysis, state-estimation, and control
system design
• Experience in signal processing and data analysis.

• Test equipment development experience
• Experience in design and implementation of real time control systems
• Experience in specification, design, construction/implementation of
sensor systems for feedback control
• Experience in system identification

Department Description:
Sandia¿s Water Power Technologies Department performs research and
development to improve performance, lower costs, and accelerate the
deployment of water power technologies. The primary focus area of the
department's work is Marine Hydrokinetics (MHK) research with lower levels
of effort in Offshore Wind (OW) and Hydropower. The department is
responsible for all aspects of Marine Hydrokinetic device design,
performance, system reliability, system integration, and environmental
evaluations for the Department of Energy¿s Wind and Water Power
Technologies Office and in collaboration with industry partners. Offshore
Wind Energy activities currently include Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (VAWT)
design and analysis and foundation scour. Hydropower efforts focus on
seasonal simulation and optimization. Through partnerships with industry,
academia, other National Labs, and public dissemination of results, Sandia
serves an important role in energy security for the nation

About Sandia:
Sandia National Laboratories is the nation’s premier science and
engineering lab for national security and technology innovation, with teams
of specialists focused on cutting-edge work in a broad array of areas. Some
of the main reasons we love our jobs:

Challenging work with amazing impact that contributes to security, peace,
and freedom worldwide
Extraordinary co-workers
Some of the best tools, equipment, and research facilities in the world
Career advancement and enrichment opportunities
Flexible schedules, generous vacations,strongmedical and other benefits,
competitive 401k, learning opportunities, relocation assistance and
amenities aimed at creating a solid work/life balance*

World-changing technologies. Life-changing careers. Learn more about Sandia
at: http://www.sandia.gov

*These benefits vary by job classification.

Security Clearance:
No clearance required.

This position does not currently require a Department of Energy
(DOE)-granted security clearance.

Sandia will conduct a pre-employment background review that includes
personal reference checks, law enforcement record checks, and employment
and education verifications. Further, employees in New Mexico must pass a
U.S. Air Force background screen for access to the work site. Substance
abuse or illegal drug use, falsification of information, criminal activity,
serious misconduct or other indicators of untrustworthiness can cause
access to be denied or terminated, rendering the inability to perform the
duties assigned and resulting in termination of employment.

If hired without a clearance, and one subsequently becomes required or you
bid on positions that require a DOE-granted security clearance, a
pre-processing background review that includes personal reference checks,
law enforcement record and credit checks, and employment and education
verifications may be conducted prior to a required federal background
investigation. Applicants for DOE-granted security clearances must be U.S.
citizens and be able to obtain and maintain the appropriate DOE security
clearance as required for the position.

EEO Statement:
Equal opportunity employer/Disability/Vet/GLBT

6.8. PostDoc: Israel Institute of Technology
Contributed by: Tal Shima, tal.shima at technion.ac.il

A post-doctoral position is available at the Department of Aerospace
Engineering, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, in Haifa, Israel.

The research is in the general area of guidance of unmanned vehicles,
mainly aerial ones. The scope of the research is broad and possible topics
include: 1) Pursuit-evasion guidance; 2) Cooperative guidance; 3)
Intertwined guidance and flight control; 4) Intertwined guidance and
estimation; 5) Intertwined guidance and task assignment. The research will
involve both theoretical and algorithmic aspects. Laboratory experiments on
available ground and aerial robots may also be performed.

Candidates for this position should have a Ph.D. in engineering (aerospace,
mechanical, electrical, or similar), computer science, or applied math.
Strong background in optimal control and/or differential games is an

Application material should include:
- a cover letter
- detailed curriculum vitae, including educational background and a list of
- undergraduate and graduate studies grades transcripts
- contact information for at least three academic references

The material should be submitted, in pdf, via e-mail, to Prof. Tal Shima,
tal.shima at technion.ac.il The position is available immediately and
applications will be handled as they arrive until the position is filled.

For further inquiries, please contact Tal Shima at: tal.shima at technion.ac.il

6.9. PostDoc: University of Florida, USA
Contributed by: Michael McCourt, mccourt at ufl.edu

Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Control and Robotics
Location: UF REEF, Shalimar, FL
Department: Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Salary rate: $65,000 annual, 1.0 FTE

Position Description:
The University of Florida REEF facility is announcing a post-doctoral
fellowship sponsored by the Air Force Research Laboratory, Munitions
Directorate (AFRL/RW) at Eglin AFB, Florida in the area of control and
estimation. This AFRL/RW sponsored project, “Privileged Sensing Framework”,
has focused on cooperative control and estimation in human-machine systems.
This project has investigated novel approaches in fusing human perceptions
with autonomous sensor measurements to reduce estimation error and improve
coordination in human-machine teams. Desired skills for this postdoc
position include prior experience with Bayesian estimation, classification,
novel representations of knowledge, risk-based decision making, control
systems, learning in autonomous control, and distributed control
architectures. While this position is focused primarily in the development
of original theory, some applied demonstrations are encouraged in either
simulation or hardware utilizing ground robots and quad rotors in a motion
capture lab space.

The UF REEF facility is located in Shalimar, FL. It is a collaborative
space with researchers from UF, AFRL, and other institutions. Research
projects are in a variety of fields including control and estimation,
communication, coordination in autonomous vehicles, industrial
optimization, and materials science. Collaborative work between these
groups is highly encouraged. There are opportunities for robotic
experiments utilizing ground robots and quad rotors in a motion capture lab

Candidates must hold a Ph.D. in a field closely related to control and
estimation and a track record of conducting and publishing quality research
at top conferences and in scientific journals. This position requires good
communication and collaborative research skills as this research group is
made up of both UF and AFRL researchers.

For more information or to apply, please contact Dr. Michael McCourt,
mccourt at ufl.edu

6.10. PostDoc: National Institute of Informatics, Japan
Contributed by: Ichiro Hasuo, i.hasuo at acm.org

PostDoc: National Institute of Informatics, Japan

For our new 5-year research project (ERATO MMSD, Metamathematics for
Systems Design) we are looking for senior researchers and postdocs (10+
positions in total and several are still open), together with research
assistants (PhD students) and internship students.

This broad project aims to extend the realm of formal methods from software
to cyber-physical systems (CPS), with particular emphases both on
logical/categorical metatheories and industrial application esp. in
automotive industry. The project covers diverse areas that include: control
theory, control engineering, formal methods, programming languages,
software science, software engineering, machine learning, numerical
optimization, user interface, mathematical logic and category theory.

For more about the project please visit

About the open positions
has more information (including how to apply/inquire).

6.11. PostDoc: Queen Mary University of London, UK
Contributed by: Guang Li, g.li at qmul.ac.uk

The school of Engineering and Materials Science at Queen Mary University of
London has a vacancy for a postdoctoral research assistant to work on an
EPSRC funded project “Control of Launch and Recovery in Enhanced
Sea-States”. This project will be carried out in the Division of
Engineering Science.

The practical driver of this project is to extend the range of sea-states
in which existing wave limited maritime operations can be safely carried
out. Important examples of these operations are launch and recovery (L&R)
from a mother-ship of small craft, manned and unmanned air vehicles and
submersibles. In this project the research aim is to develop a novel
approach to predicting a suitable time instant at which to initiate a L&R
operation, together with a confidence measure (provided as advice to a
human operator), and then to control the execution of the subsequent lift
operation once initiated using a form of Model Predictive Control (MPC).
The successful applicant will possess a relevant PhD or equivalent
qualification/experience in a related field of study and will have
recognised expertise in the areas of system modelling and control and
possess in-depth understanding of this specialism to enable the development
of new knowledge and understanding within the field. Applicants will
possess proven expertise in the areas of systems modelling and control and
highly developed skills in Matlab & Simulink. The successful applicant will
1) develop fast MPC for the L&R process, 2) conduct stability analysis with
preview information and varying constraints, 3) conduct co-design to
integrate system parameter selection into controller design, 4) present
results in project meetings, workshops and conferences, 5) publish
high-quality papers.

The post is a full-time, fixed term appointment for 36 months and is
available from 1 July 2017. Starting salary will be £36,064 per annum,
inclusive of London Allowance. Benefits include 30 days annual leave,
defined benefit pension scheme and interest-free season ticket loan.

Informal enquiries should be addressed to Dr Guang Li at g.li at qmul.ac.uk or
on +44 (0) 020 7882 6116. Details about the school can be found at

6.12. PostDoc: CNRS, France
Contributed by: Hannah Walter, Hannah-Christina.Walter at gipsa-lab.fr

Scale-Free Modelling and Control for Large Scale Complex Networks
Supervisors: Carlos Canudas-de-Wit (DR-CNRS, supervisor), Sandro Zampieri
Context: ERC-AdG Scale-FreeBack (see http://scale-freeback.eu)
Application type: Post-doc. Gross salary: 2530-3509(if more than 2 year
after PhD) Euros/M
Duration: 12+12 months. Employer: CNRS. Location: Grenoble, France
Applications: http://scale-freeback.eu/openings/

Context. Scale-FreeBack is an ERC Advanced Grant 2015 awarded to Carlos
Canudas-de-Wit, Director of Research at the National Center for Scientific
Research, (CNRS), during Sept. 2016-2021. The ERC is hosted by the CNRS.
The project will be conducted within the NeCS group (which is a joint CNRS
(GIPSA-lab)-INRIA team). Scale-FreeBack is a project with ambitious and
innovative theoretical goals, which were adopted in view of the new
opportunities presented by the latest large-scale sensing technologies. The
overall aim is to develop holistic scale-free control methods of
controlling complex network systems in the widest sense, and to set the
foundations for a new control theory dealing with complex physical networks
with an arbitrary size. Scale-FreeBack envisions devising a complete,
coherent design approach ensuring the scalability of the whole chain
(modelling, observation, and control). It is also expected to find specific
breakthrough solutions to the problems involved in managing and monitoring
large-scale road traffic networks. Field tests and other realistic
simulations to validate the theory will be performed using the equipment
available at the Grenoble Traffic Lab center, and a microscopic traffic
simulator replicating the full complexity of the Grenoble urban network.
The proposed work will be undertaken in the context of this project.

Topic description. This research proposal deals with the problem of setting
up a suitable modelling framework for complex systems corresponding to
large-scale networks. The original system is assumed to describe a
homogenous network in which the node/link distribution is a bell-shaped,
exponentially decaying curve. Homogenous networks cover many critical
systems of interest (such as road traffic networks, power grids, water
distribution systems, etc.), but are inherently complex. Scale-FreeBack is
elaborated on the idea that complexity can be broken down by abstracting an
aggregated scale-free model (represented by a network with a power law
degree distribution), by merging/lumping neighboring nodes in the original
network. In that, supper-nodes (nodes with a lot of connections) are
created and represented by “aggregated” variables. Controlling only
boundary inputs and observing only aggregated variables allows to cut-off
the system complexity. The following questions will be addressed:

1) Defining the most suitable level of aggregation for the model. This
boils down to defining and sizing the state-vector, the control inputs and
outputs. A first question is how to define the right level of aggregation,
and investigate new metrics trading quantifiers reflecting an optimal level
of scalability (a suited node/link distribution) of the associated network
graph, with other performance indexes reflecting the system’s closed-loop
2) The second question focuses on how the aggregation process, in addition
to the scale-free property, will yield models consistent with the design of
control and the observation goals. The aggregation process will have to
include observability and controllability properties which are consistent
with the evolutionary nature of scale-free aggregated models (aggregation
process is evolutionary in the sense that the network changes and so the
aggregated modules will change accordingly while preserving the scale-free

3) Finally, innovative concepts such as peripheral controllability (i.e.
controlling the boundary flows in a lumped node rather than controlling
each single node separately), and energy-weighted controllability metrics
(where controllability is qualified by assessing the energy costs as a
function of the controllable nodes [Zam-et-al’14]) will be extended in this
project to the context of scale-free models. While only open loop metrics
have been considered so far, we aim to propose new closed loop metrics also
taking inspiration from road traffic networks application. Finally, we will
propose and investigate different new weak notions of controllability in
which the controllability is determined with respect to a limited subspace
(peripheral and/or sparse controllability), and to devise the associated
control methods.

Request Background. Control Systems, Applied mathematics.

Applications. Please follow the application procedure indicated at (

6.13. PostDoc: UT-Dallas, USA
Contributed by: Reza Moheimani, reza.moheimani at utdallas.edu

We are seeking a postdoctoral research fellow to join our multidisciplinary
research group, based in the Laboratory for Dynamics and Control of
Nanosystems at UT-Dallas. The applicants are expected to have a PhD in a
relevant field (or be close to completion), have a strong analytical
background and be familiar with advanced control system design techniques.
Familiarity with analog electronics design and rapid prototyping systems is
a major plus. Familiarity with scanning probe techniques is highly valued.

To be considered, the applicants should send their CVs including a list of
publications and names and addresses of three referees to D. Reza Moheimani
(contact email: Reza.Moheimani at utdallas.edu ).

6.14. Research Fellow/Associate: National University of Singapore, Singapore
Contributed by: Chong Jin Ong, mpeongcj at nus.edu.sg

Applicants are invited for Research Fellow/Associate positions to work on
approaches to distributed control/optimization of multi‐agent system. In
particular, effective approaches are sought that solve the consensus
problem for a multi‐agent, network system under several settings: the
presence of global constraint, time‐switching network and/or state and
control constraints. The position is with the Department of Mechanical
Engineering, National University of Singapore. Applicants should possess at
least a Master’s degree with at least 2 years’ relevant work experience for
Research Associate position. Candidate with PhD degree (preferably in
Multi‐agent Control, distributed optimization) will be considered for
Research Fellow position. The applicants should have very good foundation
in mathematics and control theory. Those who have recently obtained a PhD
degree in general control theory, computer science and mathematics are also
encouraged to apply. Current PhD students who are on the last leg of their
candidature (submitting their thesis within the next few months) or waiting
for their oral defense may also be considered.

Remuneration will commensurate with experience.

Applications with full CV to be submitted electronically to Assoc Prof Ong
Chong Jin at the email: mpeongcj at nus.edu.sg

6.15. Faculty: Sharif University of Technology, Iran
Contributed by: Amin Nobakhti, nobakhti at sharif.edu

Sharif University of Technology is pleased to announce openings for tenure
track positions and is inviting highly qualified applicants to join the
department of electrical engineering in areas related to control system

About the university
Sharif University of Technology is Iran’s premier technical university with
a distinguished track record in scientific research and discovery. The
department of Electrical and Electronics is especially renowned nationally
and inter-nationally for its outstanding faculty and the extremely talented
students. For more information on the university and the department please
visit http://www.sharif.ir/web/en.

Who should apply?
We are seeking graduates with a Ph.D. in control systems or related files
from a top ranking international university and with a portfolio of
fundamental and seminal research contributions to the field. A postdoc is
not necessary, but it is clearly preferred. A good experience in student
supervision and teaching, together with experience of applied and
industrial research are essential. Successful candidates are expected to
develop innovative courses in the area of control systems.

Research areas

Applicants are welcome in all areas related to control system, but are
especially sought after in the following areas:
-Big Data and machine Learning
-Complex networks
-Systems biology
-Economic systems
-Nonlinear systems
-Discrete-event systems
-Hybrid systems
-Renewable energy systems

What is required in an application pack?
-A covering letter
-A full academic CV
-Statement of Teaching
-Statement of Research
-Personal Statement
-Transcript of grades for B.Sc. , M.Sc., and Ph.D. degrees
-Details of three references

Interested candidates should send their application pack for consideration
to nobakhti at sharif.edu. All inquiries should be addressed to
nobakhti at sharif.edu

6.16. Faculty: University of Louisiana at Lafayette, USA
Contributed by: Afef Fekih, afef.fekih at louisiana.edu

Assistant Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering (Tenure Track)
University of Louisiana at Lafayette, USA

We are seeking candidates with a robust academic record, who will be active
educators in their fields. Tenure-track faculty are expected to be
excellent teachers and to develop strong funded research programs. In
addition, serve as a mentor to students, work with colleagues to assess and
improve curricula and demonstrate institutional citizenship through active
engagement at the department, college, university, community, and
professional levels.


A Ph.D. in Electrical & Computer Engineering or closely related field,
preferably with a B.S.E.E. from an ABET accredited program.

Successful candidates must be committed to working effectively with diverse
student populations. Applicants are expected to describe their commitment
to fostering a diverse educational environment through their research,
teaching, and/or service activities.

Please follow the link below for further details:

6.17. Faculty: Zhejiang University of Technology, China
Contributed by: Qiu Xiang, qiuxiang at zjut.edu.cn

Faculty Position: Zhejiang University of Technology , Hangzhou, China

Zhejiang Control Science and Engineering First-Class (Class A) Discipline
Recruitment Announcement

Zhejiang University of Technology (ZJUT), sitting by the beautiful West
Lake, Hangzhou, is a Zhejiang Province and the Ministry of Education
co-supported, provincially governed key university, who owns one of the
only 14 Collaborative Creation Centers in the first initiative of the state
“2011 Program”. ZJUT has its beautiful campus covering more than 3000 mu,
which accommodates 24 Colleges, more than 37,000 full-time students and
more than 3,300 staffs. ZJUT is proudly to have 2 self-owned and 2 sharing
Fellows of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, as well as more than 1400
faculties with senior professional titles. ZJUT has State Key Disciplines,
State Engineering Research Centers, State University Science Parks, Centers
for Postdocs, as well as the power of awarding Doctors, Masters, MBAs and
recruiting foreign students and those from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.

The Control Science and Engineering Discipline within the College of
Information Engineering was one of the Priority-among-Priorities
Disciplines (selected by Zhejiang Provincial Government in 2009), and is
now one of the Zhejiang First-Class (Class A) Disciplines in the first
initiative of the Program in 2015. The Discipline now has the Doctoral
Program at the first-level discipline, the Center for Postdocs, and the
Zhejiang Collaborated Key Laboratory of Embedded Systems. The College of
Information Engineering where the Discipline is in has 5 undergraduate
programs: Automation, Electrical Engineering and Its Automation, Electronic
Information Engineering, Communication Engineering, and Electronic Science
and Technology. The Discipline is now recruiting faculties in the following
areas at the levels of State and Zhejiang Provincial “1000 Plan” high-level
talents, Zhejiang “Qianjiang Scholars”, ZJUT “Yunhe Specially-Appointed
Professors”, “ZJUT Professors”, outstanding PhDs and postdocs, etc.

(1) Control Science and Engineering, including advanced control theory,
robotics, machine vision, pattern recognition, industrial networked control
systems, MES, etc.
(2) Electrical Engineering, including electric drive, power electronics,
new energy, etc.
(3) Mechatronic Engineering, including high-precision servo control of
mechatronic devices, the modelling and dynamic analysis of robots, etc.
(4) Computer Science and Technology, including smart city, smart
healthcare, big data, cloud computing, IoT, industrial control software,

A. Selection criteria
High-level talents (Changjiang Scholars, 1000 Plan Scholars, Qianjiang
Scholars, etc.) You have major achievements and influence in your research
area that have already been recognized by national and international
researchers, or have great potentials of future development; You also meet
the criteria of corresponding talents programs.
ZJUT Professors /Associate Professors You have a PhD degree obtained from a
recognized university or research institutes with at least one year of
oversea research experience in a well-known foreign institute; You have
research achievements recognized by national and international researchers;
Your application also passes the review process at the university level
Outstanding PhDs/Postdocs You have a PhD degree obtained from a recognized
university or research institute; You have high-quality research outputs
and the professional skills required by a university lecturer, and great
potentials of your future career.

B. Salary and welfare
(1) National-Level Top Tier Talents:Fellows of Chinese Academy of Sciences
or Chinese Academy of Engineering, “Special Support Program” Distinguished
Talents, Principal Investigators of NSFC Innovative Research Team, or other
talents at the equivalent level. Treatment:Negotiation on the case by case

(2) National-Level Top Tier Talents:National “1000 Plan” Scholars
(long-term), Changqiang Scholars, NSFC Distinguished Young Scholars,
“Special Support Program” Outstanding Talents, winners (rank first) of
three major national science awards, or other talents at the equivalent
level. Salary (CNY):≥700K /Year; Housing Benefit(CNY):3M-5M; Startup
Funds(CNY):Case by case.

(3) National-Level Young Talents:“Special Support Program” Outstanding
Young Talents, “1000 Plan” Young Scholars, “Changjiang Young Scholars, NSFC
Outstanding Young Scholars, 973 Program Young Scholars, “Millions of
Talents Program” Scholars, or other talents at the equivalent level. Salary
(CNY):≥450K /Year; Housing Benefit(CNY):1.5M-2.5M; Startup Funds(CNY):1M-3M.

(4) Provincial-and-Ministry-Level Talents,Yunhe Specially-Appointed
Professors:CAS “100 Plan” Scholars, Zhejiang ”Qianjiang Scholars”, Zhejiang
“1000 Plan” (long-term) Scholars, or other talents who have made
significant academic contributions with great potentials of development and
who are awarded “Yunhe Specially-Appointed Professors” after the review of
ZJUT. Salary (CNY):≥350K /Year; Housing Benefit(CNY):1.5M; Startup

(5) ZJUT Professors,ZJUT Associated Professors:You have a PhD degree
obtained from a recognized university or research institutes with at least
one year of oversea research experience in a well-known foreign institute;
You have research achievements recognized by national and international
colleges; Your application also passes the review process at the university
level. Salary (CNY):Salaries at the appropriate levels; Housing
Benefit(CNY):0.4M-0.5M; Startup Funds(CNY):0.1M-0.2M.

(6) Outstanding PhDs/Postdoctors:You have a PhD degree obtained from a
recognized university or research institute; You have high-quality research
outputs and the professional skills required by a university lecturer, and
great potentials of your future career. Salary (CNY):Salaries at the
appropriate levels; Housing Benefit(CNY):0.3M.

(7) Postdocs (leading to a faculty):Besides the basic salary and welfare,
50K/Year subsidy is provided for the first two years, with the possibility
of continuing this subsidy plus a one-off 200K housing benefit if you are
accepted to ZJUT public institution business unit.

C. Required documents

(1) One self-recommendation letter covering your study and professional
records, your teaching and research statements, your achievements, your
work plan as well as your possible requirements from us.
(2) A list of your research funds, awards, and publications in the recent
five years.

D. Contact us

Dr. Qiu,
Email : qiuxiang at zjut.edu.cn
Mobile: +86-13867469319
Address: Xiaoheshan College Park, College of Information Engineering,
Zhejiang University of Technology, 310023

Zhejiang Control Science and Engineering First-Class (Class A) Discipline
Apr 9, 2017

6.18. Faculty: University of Newcastle, Australia
Contributed by: Björn Rüffer, bjorn.ruffer at newcastle.edu.au

The University of Newcastle, Australia is soliciting applications for a new
full professor in applied mathematics. Mathematical systems theory and
optimization are research areas of particular interest, but other areas of
applied mathematics are equally welcome.

Application deadline: May 12, 2017
Location: Newcastle, Australia (about 170km north of Sydney)
University website: http://www.newcastle.edu.au
Position description:


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