[eletter] eletter 343

Jianghai Hu jianghai at purdue.edu
Wed Mar 1 09:38:15 EST 2017

E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing
Issue 343
March 2017

Jianghai Hu
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Purdue University
465 Northwestern Ave.
West Lafayette, IN, 47907
Tel: +1 (765) 4962395
Fax: +1 (765) 4943371

Welcome to the 343 issue of the Eletter, available electronically at
together with its pdf version

To submit new articles, go to the CSS website
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And, as always, search for .** to navigate to the next item in the Eletter.

The next Eletter will be mailed out at the beginning of April 2017.


1. IEEE CSS Headlines
1.1 IEEE Control Systems Society Publications Content Digest
1.2 Inaugural IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications
1.3 CFP: 2017 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
1.4 Call for Workshop Proposals: 2017 IEEE Conference on Decision and
1.5 Corrected Table Of Contents on the Cover of February 2017 Issue of TAC
1.6 IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
1.7 CFP: IEEE-CSS Outreach Fund
1.8 IEEE Control Systems Society Technically Cosponsored Conferences

2. Summer and PhD Schools
2.1 TEMPO Summer School on Hardware Implementation of Embedded Optimisation
2.2 oCPS PhD School on Cyber-Physical Systems

3. Books
3.1 Adaptive Dynamic Programming with Applications in Optimal Control
3.2 A Mathematical Perspective on Flight Dynamics and Control
3.3 Cooperative Synchronization in Distributed Microgrid Control

4. Journals
4.1 Newly Launched: IFAC Journal of Systems and Control
4.2 Contents: Automatica
4.3 Contents: Control Theory and Technology
4.4 Contents: International Journal of Control
4.5 Contents: Systems & Control Letters
4.6 Contents: Journal of Process Control
4.7 Contents: Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
4.8 Contents: Mechatronics
4.9 Contents: Asian Journal of Control
4.10 Contents: Applied and Computational Mathematics: an International
4.11 Contents: Control Engineering Practice
4.12 CFP: IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
4.13 CFP: IEEE Transactions on Robotics

5. Conferences
5.1 Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing
5.2 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering
5.3 IEEE Colombian Conference on Automatic Control
5.4 International Symposium on Multi-Robot and Multi-Agent Systems
5.5 International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and
5.6 International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems
5.7 Workshop on Brain Dynamics and Neurocontrol Engineering

6. Positions
6.1 PhD: Grenoble Institute of Technology & GIPSA-lab, France
6.2 PhD: University of Texas at Dallas, USA
6.3 PhD: University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
6.4 PostDoc: Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
6.5 PostDoc: Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
6.6 PostDoc: Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
6.7 PostDoc: Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
6.8 PostDoc: Washington University in St. Louis, USA
6.9 PostDoc: University of Southampton, UK
6.10 PostDoc: University of Melbourne, Australia
6.11 Faculty: Zhejiang University of Technology, China
6.12 Faculty: Washington University in St. Louis, USA
6.13 Control System Engineers: nuTonomy
6.14 Research Scientist: Rockwell Automation, USA

1. IEEE CSS Headlines

1.1. IEEE Control Systems Society Publications Content Digest
Contributed by: Elizabeth Kovacs, ekovacs2 at nd.edu

CSS Publications Content Digest
The IEEE Control Systems Society Publications Content Digest is a novel and
convenient guide that helps readers keep track of the latest published
articles. The CSS Publications Content Digest, available at
http://ieeecss.org/publications-content-digest provides lists of current
tables of contents of the periodicals sponsored by the Control Systems

Each issue offers readers a rapid means to survey and access the latest
peer-reviewed papers of the IEEE Control Systems Society. We also include
links to the Society’s sponsored Conferences to give readers a preview of
upcoming meetings.

1.2. Inaugural IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications
Contributed by: Steve Yurkovich, steve.yurkovich at utdallas.edu

IEEE CSS – CCTA 2017 – Submission deadline approaching!

1st IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications August 27-30,
The Mauna Lani Bay Hotel and Bungalows Kohala Coast, Hawaii

Please visit: ccta2017.ieeecss.org

The inaugural 2017 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications
will be held on the beautiful Big Island of Hawaii. This new conference
follows in the evolution of the former IEEE Conference on Control
Applications to recent successful MSC venues, the last of which was held in
2016. The CCTA 2017 technical program will focus on all aspects of control
engineering for practical control systems, from analysis and design,
through simulation and hardware, as well as application-driven
contributions of control theory. Major themes of energy, healthcare,
manufacturing, and transportation will feature applications of control
technology for robotic, automotive, biomechanical, aerospace, power and
energy systems, control of networks, and many others.

The deadline for submission of contributed and invited papers is March 1,
2017, and submission is now open. For more information on the venue,
technical program and paper submission, please visit ccta2017.ieeecss.org .

1.3. CFP: 2017 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
Contributed by: Sergio Galeani, sergio.galeani at uniroma2.it

2017 Conference on Decision and Control

CDC is going down under! The 56th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
will be held Tuesday through Friday, December 12-15, 2017 at the Melbourne
Convention Center, Melbourne, Australia. The conference will be preceded by
technical workshops on Sunday, December 10, and Monday, December 11, 2017.
The workshops will be held at the Parkville Campus of the University of
Melbourne, which is also sponsoring the event.

The CDC is recognized as the premier scientific and engineering conference
dedicated to the advancement of the theory and practice of systems and
control. The CDC annually brings together an international community of
researchers and practitioners in the field of automatic control to discuss
new research results, perspectives on future developments, and innovative
applications relevant to decision making, systems and control, and related

The IEEE CDC is hosted by the IEEE Control Systems Society (CSS) in
cooperation with the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM),
the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences
(INFORMS), the Japanese Society for Instrument and Control Engineers
(SICE), and the European Union Control Association (EUCA).

The 2017 CDC technical program will include regular and invited sessions,
tutorial sessions, and special sessions along with workshops and exhibits.

Aside from the technical sessions, the 2017 CDC will feature three plenary
lectures and the Bode Lecture.

The Bode Lecture will be presented by Prof. Naomi E. Leonard of the
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department, Princeton University.

The Plenary speakers will be:
- Prof. Graham C. Goodwin of the School of Electrical & Computer
Engineering, University of Newcastle, Australia.
- Prof. Pablo Parrilo of the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Department at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA.
- Prof. Anna G. Stefanopoulou of the Department of Mechanical Engineering,
University of Michigan, USA.

Important deadlines:
- Invited Session Proposals Due: March 10
- Initial Paper Submissions Due: March 20
- Workshop Proposals Due: May 1

Further details can be found at the CDC2017 website:


1.4. Call for Workshop Proposals: 2017 IEEE Conference on Decision and
Contributed by: Sergio Galeani, sergio.galeani at uniroma2.it


The Technical program of 2017 CDC will include half day and full day
workshops, in addition to regular and invited sessions, tutorial sessions,
and special sessions along with exhibits. The technical workshops will be
held on Sunday, December 10, and Monday, December 11, 2017, prior to the
conference start on Tuesday, December 12. The workshops will be held at the
Parkville Campus of the University of Melbourne, which is also sponsoring
the event.

A Workshop proposal should focus on a specific theme related to the main
conference topics, describing objectives and expected outcomes, including
expected attendance. The workshop proposal should include the workshop
presenters’ short bio and contact information, and the list of speakers.
Proposals should be submitted through PaperPlaza by the workshop proposals
due date, May 1, 2017.

Further details can be found at the CDC2017 website:


1.5. Corrected Table Of Contents on the Cover of February 2017 Issue of TAC
Contributed by: Elizabeth Kovacs, ekovacs2 at nd.edu

Corrected February TOC on TAC cover

There has been an error in the Table Of Contents on the cover of the
February 2017 issue of IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. The issue is
correct, only the TOC contains the error. Note the TOC in IEEEXplore is the
correct one and the correct February TOC is included in the March printed
issue. This error occurred at the IEEE level during processing of the
papers. Our apologies.

1.6. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Contributed by: Andrea Serrani, serrani.1 at osu.edu

Table of Contents for IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Volume 25 (2017), Issue 2 (March)

Editorial,  A. Serrani, page 385

2016 IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology Outstanding Paper
Award, page 387

- Economic Model Predictive Control and Applications for Diesel Generators,
T. Broomhead, C. Manzie, P. Hield, R. Shekhar, and M. Brear, page 388
- Guidance and Attitude Control of Unstable Rigid Bodies With Single-Use
Thrusters, H. Ashrafiuon, page 401
- Modeling and Control of Heat Networks With Storage: The Single-Producer
Multiple-Consumer Case, T. Scholten, C. De Persis, and P. Tesi, page 414
- Trajectory Tracking With Prescribed Performance for Underactuated
Underwater Vehicles Under Model Uncertainties and External Disturbances, C.
P. Bechlioulis, G. C. Karras, S. Heshmati-Alamdari, and K. J.
Kyriakopoulos, page 429
- Robust PID Design Based on QFT and Convex–Concave Optimization, P.
Mercader, K. J. Åström, A. Baños, and T. Hägglund, page 441
- Battery State Estimation for a Single Particle Model With Electrolyte
Dynamics, S. J. Moura, F. B. Argomedo, R. Klein, A. Mirtabatabaei, and M.
Krstic, page 453
- Autonomous Vehicle Control: A Nonconvex Approach for Obstacle Avoidance,
U. Rosolia, S. De Bruyne, and A. G. Alleyne, page 469
- Industrial Demand Management Providing Ancillary Services to the
Distribution Grid: Experimental Verification, S. Rahnama, T. Green, C. H.
Lyhne, and J. D. Bendtsen, page 485
- Two-Level Hierarchical Model-Based Predictive Control for Large-Scale
Urban Traffic Networks, Z. Zhou, B. De Schutter, S. Lin, and Y. Xi, page 496
- Robust Lyapunov Control Design for Bioinspired Pursuit With Autonomous
Hovercraft, D. Shishika, J. K. Yim, and D. A. Paley, page 509
- Explicit MIMO Model Predictive Boost Pressure Control of a Two-Stage
Turbocharged Diesel Engine, M. E. Emekli and B. Aksun Güvenç, page 521
- Model Predictive Controllers for Reduction of Mechanical Fatigue in Wind
Farms, S. Riverso, S. Mancini, F. Sarzo, and G. Ferrari-Trecate, page 535
- Hybrid Modeling and Robust Control for Layer-by-Layer Manufacturing
Processes- A. Yebi and B. Ayalew, page 550
- A Mean Field Game Computational Methodology for Decentralized Cellular
Network Optimization, M. Aziz and P. E. Caines, page 563
- Robust Multirate On-Road Vehicle Localization for Autonomous Highway
Driving Vehicles, S.-H. Lee and C. C. Chung, page 577
- A Hierarchical Algorithm for Integrated Scheduling and Control With
Applications to Power Systems, L. E. Sokoler, P. J. Dinesen, and J. B.
Jørgensen, page 590
- Relaxing LMI Conservatism Using Nyquist Plots and Its Application to
Robust Mechatronics Synthesis, Y. Z. Tan and C. K. Pang , page 600

- Dynamics and Feedback Control of Electrospinning Processes, H.-T. Zhang,
Q. Wang, Z. Chen, and F.-L. Wei, page 611
- Cascade-Like Modular Tracking Controller for non-Standard N-Trailers, M.
M. Michałek, page 619
- Data-Driven Control With Input Design-Based Data Dropout Compensation for
Networked Nonlinear Systems, Z.-H. Pang, G.-P. Liu, D. Zhou, and D. Sun,
page 628
- A New Method for PID Tuning Including Plants Without Ultimate Frequency,
A. S. Bazanella, L. F. A. Pereira, and A. Parraga, page 637
- Sinusoidal Servocompensator Implementations With Real-Time Requirements
and Applications, M. Chang and G. Guo, page 645
- Receding Horizon Control for Convergent Navigation of a Differential
Drive Mobile Robot, M. Seder, M. Baotic´, and I. Petrovic´, page 653
- Stability Analysis of a Set of Uncertain Large-Scale Dynamical Models
With Saturations: Application to an Aircraft System, P. Vuillemin, F.
Demourant, J.-M. Biannic, and C. Poussot-Vassal, page 661
- Hybrid Sequential Fusion Estimation for Asynchronous Sensor Network-Based
Target Tracking, X. Yang, W.-A. Zhang, M. Z. Q. Chen, and L. Yu, page 669
- Online Semisingularity Avoidance for Three-Axis Tracking Pedestals, Z.
Zeng, J. Jia, W. Chai, Y. Chen, Z. Zhu, and D. Yu, page 677
- A Nonlinear, MPC-Based Motion Cueing Algorithm for a High-Performance,
Nine-DOF Dynamic Simulator Platform, M. Bruschetta, F. Maran, and A. Beghi,
page 686
- Model Predictive Control for Luminous Flux Tracking in Light-Emitting
Diodes- S. Baccari, F. Vasca, M. Tipaldi, and L. Iannelli, page 695
- Synchronized Closed Path Following for a Differential Drive and
Manipulator Robot, Y. Li and C. Nielsen, page 704
- Toward Lower Limbs Functional Rehabilitation Through a Knee-Joint
Exoskeleton, H. Rifaï, S. Mohammed, K. Djouani, and Y. Amirat, page 712
- New Schemes for GPS-Denied Source Localization Using a Nonholonomic
Unicycle, M. A. Ghadiri-Modarres, M. Mojiri, and H. R. Z. Zangeneh, page 720
- Adaptive Sliding Mode Control With Parameter Estimation and Kalman Filter
for Precision Motion Control of a Piezo-Driven Microgripper, Y. Zhang and
Q. Xu, page 728
- On Time Series Forecasting Error Measures for Finite Horizon Control,, F.
Noorian, and P. H. W. Leong, page 736
- A New Third-Order Sliding-Mode Controller—Application to an
Electropneumatic Actuator, X. Yan, F. Plestan, and M. Primot, page 744
- Adaptive State of Charge Estimation of Lithium-Ion Batteries With
Parameter and Thermal Uncertainties, H. Chaoui and H. Gualous, page 752
- Fast Model Predictive Control-Based Fuel Efficient Control Strategy for a
Group of Connected Vehicles in Urban Road Conditions,, B. HomChaudhuri, A.
Vahidi, and P. Pisu, page 760

1.7. CFP: IEEE-CSS Outreach Fund
Contributed by: Daniel E. Rivera, daniel.rivera at asu.edu

The IEEE CSS Outreach Task Force is providing notice that the window for
submission of proposals to the IEEE-CSS Outreach Fund for its 2017 spring
solicitation will be held from April 3 to 28, 2017. Please note that this
time window is earlier than usual. Information regarding the program can be
found in:

Requests for application forms (as well as inquiries and notices of
intention to submit) should be made directly to Daniel E. Rivera, Outreach
Task Force Chair, at daniel.rivera at asu.edu.

1.8 IEEE Control Systems Society Technically Cosponsored Conferences
Contributed by: Luca Zaccarian, CSS AE Conferences, zaccarian at laas.fr

The following conferences have been recently included in the list of events
technically cosponsored by the IEEE Control Systems Society:

- 21st International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing
(ICSTCC 2017). Sinaia, Romania. Oct 19 - 21, 2017.
- 6th International Conference on Systems and Control (ICSC 2017). Batna,
Algeria. May 7 - May 9, 2017.
- 2017 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS’17).
Miami (FL), United States. Jun 13 - Jun 16, 2017.
- 6th International Symposium on Advanced Control of Industrial Processes
(AdCONIP 2017). Taipei, Taiwan. May 28 - May 31, 2017.

For a full listing of CSS technically cosponsored conferences, please visit
http://ieeecss.org/conferences/technically-cosponsored and for a list of
the upcoming and past CSS main conferences please visit

2. Summer and PhD Schools

2.1. TEMPO Summer School on Hardware Implementation of Embedded Optimisation
Contributed by: Michal Kvasnica, michal.kvasnica at stuba.sk

TEMPO Summer School on Hardware Implementation of Embedded Optimisation

We would like to point your attention to the "TEMPO Summer School on
Hardware Implementation of Embedded Optimisation", which will take place
July 17 to July 21, 2017 in Bratislava, Slovakia. The aim of this intensive
five-days summer schools is to give hands-on experience in implementation
of model predictive controllers (MPC) on embedded hardware like
field-programmable gateway arrays (FPGAs), programmable logic controllers
(PLCs), and Arduino microcontrollers. The course is recommended for both
industrial and academic researchers as well as for master and PhD students
of engineering, computer science, mathematics, and physics.

Web site: http://www.uiam.sk/temposchool17

Confirmed lecturers are:
* Eric Kerrigan (Imperial College, London)
* Michal Kvasnica (Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava)
* Gergely Takacs (Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava)

The total workload is 40 hours including lectures, exercises, project work,
and self-study, and the course gives 3 ECTS credits. The final course
evaluation is based on a successful defense of the project. A certificate
of attendance can be given to participants not wishing to participate in
the project.

Participation in the course is limited to 50 places. The registration fee
is 250 EUR and covers printed and electronic course materials, guided lab
tours, social dinner, coffee breaks, and a free Arduino board for each

We welcome you, your students, and colleagues to this interesting and
inspiring event!
Michal Kvasnica

2.2. oCPS PhD School on Cyber-Physical Systems
Contributed by: Maurice Heemels, m.heemels at tue.nl

The 7th oCPS PhD School on Cyber-Physical Systems

Dear colleague,

We would like to attract your attention to the "7th oCPS PhD School on
Cyber-Physical Systems," which will take place Monday June 12 to Thursday
June 15, 2017 in Lucca, Italy. The school is targeted at graduate students
and researchers who want to learn the main concepts of cyber-physical
systems (CPSs), as well as at graduate students and postgraduate
researchers already working in the area. The school is an event organized
by oCPS, which is a Training Network (Marie Curie) receiving funding from
the European Union’s 2020 framework programme for research and innovation,
see more on ocps.ele.tue.nl.

The following lecturers form the line-up for the school:
Prof. Alf Isaksson, ABB Corporate Research
Prof. Christos Cassandras, Boston University, USA
Prof. Joost-Pieter Katoen, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Prof. Samarjit Chakraborty , TU Munich, Germany
Prof. Maurice Heemels, Eindhoven University of Technology, NL
Prof. Henrik Sandberg, KTH Stockholm, Sweden
Prof. Gerhard Neumann, University of Lincoln, UK
Prof. Alberto Bemporad, IMT Lucca, Italy
Prof. Dimitri Bertsekas, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Prof. Magnus Egerstedt , Georgia Tech, USA
Prof. Marios Polycarpou , University of Cyprus, Cyprus
These excellent speakers will lecture during the school covering the basic
concepts and results on:

- Discrete-event and hybrid systems techniques for CPS
- Resource-aware control
- Formal methods for embedded control
- Machine Learning
- Security in control of CPS
- Model predictive control
- Approximate dynamic programming
- Fault-tolerant control of distributed CPS
- Multi-agent systems
- Industrial perspectives on CPS.

The program of the school includes four full days of lectures, interleaved
by enough time slots to allow scientific discussions among the participants
and with the speakers.

Registration deadline: April 15, 2017. First-come-first-serve basis.
Registration fee: EUR 290 (including coffee breaks, banquet, etc)

The oCPS PhD school on Cyber-Physical Systems is also the 8th edition of a
series of biannual PhD schools with a focus on hybrid, networked and
cyber-physical systems, which educated over 500 PhD students (!) worldwide
since 2003, see http://ocps17.imtlucca.it for earlier editions!!

The full program of the school, other information and the registration
procedure can be found at http://ocps17.imtlucca.it/

We welcome you, your students and colleagues to this interesting and
inspiring event!

Maurice Heemels
Alberto Bemporad
Samarjit Chakraborty

3. Books

3.1. Adaptive Dynamic Programming with Applications in Optimal Control
Contributed by: Derong Liu, derongliu at foxmail.com

Adaptive Dynamic Programming with Applications in Optimal Control
Authors: Derong Liu, Qinglai Wei, Ding Wang, Xiong Yang, Hongliang Li
London: Springer, 2017.
ISBN: 978–3–319–50813–9.

This book covers the most recent developments in adaptive dynamic
programming (ADP). The text begins with a thorough background review of ADP
making sure that readers are sufficiently familiar with the fundamentals.
In the core of the book, the authors address first discrete- and then
continuous-time systems. Coverage of discrete-time systems starts with a
more general form of value iteration to demonstrate its convergence,
optimality, and stability with complete and thorough theoretical analysis.
A more realistic form of value iteration is studied where value function
approximations are assumed to have finite errors. Adaptive Dynamic
Programming also details another avenue of the ADP approach: policy
iteration. Both basic and generalized forms of policy-iteration-based ADP
are studied with complete and thorough theoretical analysis in terms of
convergence, optimality, stability, and error bounds. Among continuous-time
systems, the control of affine and nonaffine nonlinear systems is studied
using the ADP approach which is then extended to other branches of control
theory including decentralized control, robust and guaranteed cost control,
and game theory. In the last part of the book the real-world significance
of ADP theory is presented using three applications.

Table of contents (14 chapters)
01. Overview of Adaptive Dynamic Programming
02. Value Iteration ADP for Discrete-Time Nonlinear Systems
03. Finite Approximation Error-Based Value Iteration ADP
04. Policy Iteration for Optimal Control of Discrete-Time Nonlinear Systems
05. Generalized Policy Iteration ADP for Discrete-Time Nonlinear Systems
06. Error Bounds of Adaptive Dynamic Programming Algorithms
07. Online Optimal Control of Continuous-Time Affine Nonlinear Systems
08. Optimal Control of Unknown Continuous-Time Nonaffine Nonlinear Systems
09. Robust and Optimal Guaranteed Cost Control of Continuous-Time Nonlinear
10. Decentralized Control of Continuous-Time Interconnected Nonlinear
11. Learning Algorithms for Differential Games of Continuous-Time Systems
12. Adaptive Dynamic Programming for Optimal Residential Energy Management
13. Adaptive Dynamic Programming for Optimal Control of Coal Gasification
14. Data-Based Neuro-Optimal Temperature Control of Water Gas Shift Reaction

** Part of the series Advances in Industrial Control

3.2. A Mathematical Perspective on Flight Dynamics and Control
Contributed by: Andrea L’Afflitto, a.lafflitto at ou.edu

I would like to bring to your kind attention the newly published book "A
Mathematical Perspective on Flight Dynamics and Control" by Dr. Andrea
L'Afflitto published by Springer; for details, see

The scope of this book is to complement classic books on flight dynamics
and control and present in a concise, self-contained, and rigorous manner
several aspects of flight control, which are usually omitted or briefly
mentioned in textbooks. This monograph has been written for graduate
students and practitioners with strong interest in control theory and
applied mathematics, who desire to have a deeper and different insight into
flight dynamics and control.

3.3. Cooperative Synchronization in Distributed Microgrid Control
Contributed by: Yasmin Brookes, yasmin.brookes at springer.com

Cooperative Synchronization in Distributed Microgrid Control
Ali Bidram, Vahidreza Nasirian, Ali Davoudi, Frank Lewis
ISBN: 978-3-319-50807-8
March 2017, Springer
Hardcover, 260 pages, $129.00/€114,99


This book brings together emerging objectives and paradigms in the control
of both AC and DC microgrids; further, it facilitates the integration of
renewable-energy and distribution systems through localization of
generation, storage and consumption. The control objectives in a microgrid
are addressed through the hierarchical control structure.

After providing a comprehensive survey on the state of the art in microgrid
control, the book goes on to address the most recent control schemes for
both AC and DC microgrids, which are based on the distributed cooperative
control of multi-agent systems. The cooperative control structure discussed
distributes the co-ordination and optimization tasks across all distributed
generators. This does away with the need for a central controller, and the
control system will not collapse in response to the outage of a single
unit. This avoids adverse effects on system flexibility and
configurability, as well as the reliability concerns in connection with
single points of failure that arise in traditional, centralized microgrid
control schemes.

Rigorous proofs develop each control methodology covered in the book, and
simulation examples are provided to justify all of the proposed algorithms.
Given its extensive yet self-contained content, the book offers a
comprehensive source of information for graduate students, academic
researchers, and practicing engineers working in the field of microgrid
control and optimization.


1 Introduction
2 Control and Modeling of Microgrids
2.1 Control of AC Microgrids
2.2 Dynamic Modeling of AC Microgrids
2.3 Control of DC Microgrids
3 Introduction to Multi-agent Cooperative Control
3.1 Synchronization in Nature, Social Systems, and Coupled Oscillators
3.2 Communication Graphs for Interconnected Systems
3.3 Cooperative Control of Multi-agent Systems on Communication Graphs
3.4 Time-Varying Edge Weights and Switched Graphs
4 Distributed Control of AC Microgrids
4.1 Distributed Secondary Frequency Control
4.2 Distributed Secondary Frequency and Power Control
4.3 Distributed Secondary Voltage Control of AC Microgrids
4.4 Distributed Secondary Voltage and Reactive Power Control of AC
5 Multi-objective and Adaptive Distributed Control of AC Microgrids
5.1 Multi-objective and Two-Layer Control Framework for AC Microgrids
5.2 Adaptive and Distributed Voltage Control for AC Microgrids
6 Droop-Free Distributed Control of AC Microgrids
6.1 Droop-Free Cooperative Control Framework
6.2 System-Level Modeling
6.3 Experimental Verification
6.4 Summary
7 Cooperative Control for DC Microgrids
7.1 Distributed Cooperative Controller for DC Microgrids
7.2 Analytical Model Development for DC Microgrids
7.3 Distributed Adaptive Droop Control for DC Microgrids: An Alternative
7.4 Experimental Performance Evaluation
7.5 Summary
8 Distributed Assistive Control of DC Microgrids
8.1 Introductory of Power Buffer and Distributed Control
8.2 System-Level Modeling of DC Microgrid with Power Buffers
8.3 Multi-player Game for Optimal Control
8.4 Case Studies
8.5 Summary

4. Journals

4.1. Newly Launched: IFAC Journal of Systems and Control
Contributed by: Alison Waldron, a.waldron at elsevier.com

Announcing the launch of a new journal:
IFAC Journal of Systems and Control

IFAC Journal of Systems & Control is a new IFAC journal published by
Elsevier. Launched in January 2017, the journal is now open for submissions
at: http://www.evise.com/evise/jrnl/IFACSC

The journal publishes high-quality research papers containing
generalizable, extensible and transferable innovations across all aspects
of the field of control and automation.

4 reasons to publish in the journal are that it will:
• Deliver high quality, ground breaking research with relevance to the
broader IFAC community.
• Facilitate interdisciplinary communication across the technical areas of
• Benefit from informed high quality peer review by experts.
• High visibility via Elsevier’s platform, ScienceDirect

The Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Bob Bitmead, draws on a personal wealth of
experience across many aspects of Automation and Control, from fundamental
theory to modeling to implementation across many application sectors:
aerospace, telecommunications, sonar, sugar, steel, and photolithography.
He was awarded the 2014 ASME Rufus Oldenburger Medal and the 2015 IEEE
Control Systems Society Transition to Practice Award.

For the full Aims & Scope and more information about this new exciting
journal please visit the journal homepage:

Throughout 2017 papers published in IFAC Journal of Systems and Control
will be made freely available online on ScienceDirect.

4.2. Contents: Automatica
Contributed by: Elisa Capello, elisa.capello at polito.it

Table of Contents
Vol. 77, March 2017

- Ji Xiang, Yanjun Li, David J. Hill, “Cooperative output regulation of
linear multi-agent network systems with dynamic edges”, pages 1-13.
- Do Wan Kim, “Further refinement on controller design for linear systems
with input saturation”, pages 14-17.
- Honghai Ji, Frank L. Lewis, Zhongsheng Hou, Dariusz Mikulski,
“Distributed information-weighted Kalman consensus filter for sensor
networks”, pages 18-30.
- Paul A. Trodden, J.M. Maestre, “Distributed predictive control with
minimization of mutual disturbances”, pages 31-43.
- Jun Shen, James Lam, “Input–output gain analysis for linear systems on
cones”, pages 44-50.
- Sabato Manfredi, David Angeli, “Necessary and sufficient conditions for
consensus in nonlinear monotone networks with unilateral interactions”,
pages 51-60.
- Martin Guay, Denis Dochain, “A proportional-integral extremum-seeking
controller design technique”, pages 61-67.
- Niklas Everitt, Giulio Bottegal, Cristian R. Rojas, Håkan Hjalmarsson,
“Variance analysis of linear SIMO models with spatially correlated noise”,
pages 68-81.
- Jonas Mårtensson, Niklas Everitt, Håkan Hjalmarsson, “Covariance analysis
in SISO linear systems identification”, pages 82-92.
- Leonardo P.M. Santoro, Marcos V. Moreira, João C. Basilio, “Computation
of minimal diagnosis bases of Discrete-Event Systems using verifiers”,
pages 93-102.
- Yongduan Song, Beibei Zhang, Kai Zhao, “Indirect neuroadaptive control of
unknown MIMO systems tracking uncertain target under sensor failures”,
pages 103-111.
- Raghvendra V. Cowlagi, “Hierarchical trajectory optimization for a class
of hybrid dynamical systems”, pages 112-119.
- Gilberto Pin, Boli Chen, Thomas Parisini, “Robust finite-time estimation
of biased sinusoidal signals: a Volterra operators approach”, pages 120-132.
- Wei Wang, Changyun Wen, Jiangshuai Huang, “Distributed adaptive
asymptotically consensus tracking control of nonlinear multi-agent systems
with unknown parameters and uncertain disturbances”, pages 133-142.
- David A. Copp, João P. Hespanha, “Simultaneous nonlinear model predictive
control and state estimation”, pages 143-154.
- Henry de Plinval, Pascal Morin, Philippe Mouyon, “Stabilization of a
class of underactuated vehicles with uncertain position measurements and
application to visual servoing”, pages 155-169.
- Zhixin Liu, Lin Wang, Jinhuan Wang, Daoyi Dong, Xiaoming Hu, “Distributed
sampled-data control of nonholonomic multi-robot systems with proximity
networks”, pages 170-179.
- Samuel Martin, Irinel-Constantin Morărescu, Dragan Nešić, “New
cut-balance conditions in networks of clusters”, pages 180-183.
- K.D. Do, “Stochastic boundary control design for extensible marine risers
in three dimensional space”, pages 184-197.
- Zhiguang Feng, Peng Shi, “Two equivalent sets: Application to singular
systems”, pages 198-205.
- Ngoc Anh Nguyen, Sorin Olaru, Pedro Rodríguez-Ayerbe, Michal Kvasnica,
“Convex liftings-based robust control design”, pages 206-213.
- Tian Qi, Jing Zhu, Jie Chen, “On delay radii and bounds of MIMO systems”,
pages 214-218.
- Benoîte de Saporta, François Dufour, Alizée Geeraert, “Optimal strategies
for impulse control of piecewise deterministic Markov processes”, pages
- Fanghong Guo, Changyun Wen, Jianfeng Mao, Guoqi Li, Yong-Duan Song, “A
distributed hierarchical algorithm for multi-cluster constrained
optimization”, pages 230-238.
- Bahman Gharesifard, “Stabilization of bilinear sparse matrix control
systems using periodic inputs”, pages 239-245.
- Chengzhi Yuan, Fen Wu, “Exact-memory and memoryless control of linear
systems with time-varying input delay using dynamic IQCs”, pages 246-253.
- Zhiqiang Zuo, Qiaoyu Luo, Yijing Wang, “Stabilization of linear systems
with direct feedthrough term in the presence of output saturation”, pages
- Steffi Knorn, Subhrakanti Dey, “Optimal energy allocation for linear
control with packet loss under energy harvesting constraints”, pages
- Patricio E. Valenzuela, Johan Dahlin, Cristian R. Rojas, Thomas B. Schön,
“On robust input design for nonlinear dynamical models”, pages 268-278.
- K.D. Do, A.D. Lucey, “Boundary stabilization of extensible and
unshearable marine risers with large in-plane deflection”, pages 279-292.
- Fengwei Chen, Juan C. Agüero, Marion Gilson, Hugues Garnier, Tao Liu,
“EM-based identification of continuous-time ARMA Models from irregularly
sampled data”, pages 293-301.
- Zhijie Liu, Jinkun Liu, Wei He, “Modeling and vibration control of a
flexible aerial refueling hose with variable lengths and input constraint”,
pages 302-310.
- Mario E. Villanueva, Rien Quirynen, Moritz Diehl, Benoît Chachuat, Boris
Houska, “Robust MPC via min–max differential inequalities”, pages 311-321.
- Biqiang Mu, Er-Wei Bai, Wei Xing Zheng, Quanmin Zhu, “A globally
consistent nonlinear least squares estimator for identification of
nonlinear rational systems”, pages 322-335.
- Bi Ming Ge, Eric C. Kerrigan, “Noise covariance identification for
nonlinear systems using expectation maximization and moving horizon
estimation”, pages 336-343.
- Andrea Bisoffi, Luca Zaccarian, Mauro Da Lio, Daniele Carnevale, JET
Contributors, “Hybrid cancellation of ripple disturbances arising in AC/DC
converters”, pages 344-352.
- Bong Seok Park, Ji-Wook Kwon, Hongkeun Kim, “Neural network-based output
feedback control for reference tracking of underactuated surface vessels”,
pages 353-359.
- Duc N. Tran, Christopher M. Kellett, Peter M. Dower, “Qualitative
equivalences of ISS and image-gain stability properties for discrete-time
nonlinear systems”, pages 360-369.
- Xu Zhang, Wei Lin, Yan Lin, “Dynamic partial state feedback control of
cascade systems with time-delay”, pages 370-379.
- Sung Jin Yoo, Tae-Hyoung Kim, “Predesignated fault-tolerant formation
tracking quality for networked uncertain nonholonomic mobile robots in the
presence of multiple faults”, pages 380-387.
- Shihong Ding, Shihua Li, “Second-order sliding mode controller design
subject to mismatched term”, pages 388-392.
- Minh Hoang Trinh, Viet Hoang Pham, Myoung-Chul Park, Zhiyong Sun, Brian
D.O. Anderson, Hyo-Sung Ahn, “Comments on “Global stabilization of rigid
formations in the plane [Automatica 49 (2013) 1436–1441]”, pages 393-396.

4.3. Contents: Control Theory and Technology
Contributed by: Zou Tiefeng, tfzou at scut.edu.cn

Control Theory and Technology
Vol. 15, No. 1, February 2017


- On engineering game theory with its application in power systems, S. Mei,
W. Wei, F. Liu P.1
- A semi-Markov model for post-earthquake emergency response in a smart
city, S. Ghosh, A. Gosavi P. 13
- Global finite-time attitude regulation using bounded feedback for a rigid
spacecraft, Y. Zhou, W. Zhu, H. Du P. 26
- Local model networks based mixed-sensitivity H-infinity control of CE-150
helicopters, M. R. Kafi, H. Chaoui, S. Miah, A. Debilou P. 34
- Adaptive robust control for four-motor driving servo system with
uncertain nonlinearities, W. Zhao, X. Ren P. 45
- Necessary and sufficient condition for modified Nevanlinna-Pick
interpolation for closed-loop pole placement, B. Aruna, R. Devanathan P. 58
- Orthogonal projection based subspace identification against colored
noise, J. Hou, T. Liu, F. Chen P. 69
- ** Research opportunities arising from control and optimization of smart
buildings, Q. Zhao P. 78

4.4. Contents: International Journal of Control
Contributed by: Bing Chu, b.chu at soton.ac.uk

International Journal of Control
Volume 90, Issue 3, 2017

- Monotonic convergence of iterative learning control systems with variable
pass length, Thomas Seel, Thomas Schauer & Jörg Raisch, pages: 409-422
- Adaptive control of nonminimum-phase systems using shifted Laurent
series, Shicong Dai, Zhang Ren & Dennis S. Bernstein, pages: 423-443
- Stability of simultaneously block triangularisable switched systems with
partial state reset, Isabel Brás, Ana C. Carapito & Paula Rocha, pages:
- On exponential stability of linear non-autonomous functional differential
equations of neutral type, Pham Huu Anh Ngoc & Quang Ha, pages: 454-462
- A stochastic PID controller for a class of MIMO systems, Samer S. Saab,
pages: 463-478
- Adaptive H2/H¡Þ tracking control for a class of uncertain robotic
systems, Yeong-Chan Chang, pages: 479-495
- A fast non-singular terminal sliding mode control based on perturbation
estimation for piezoelectric actuators systems, A. Al-Ghanimi, J. Zheng &
Z. Man, pages: 496-507
- An approximate dynamic programming approach to resource management in
multi-cloud scenarios, Antonio Pietrabissa, Francesco Delli Priscoli,
Alessandro Di Giorgio, Alessandro Giuseppi, Martina Panfili & Vincenzo
Suraci, pages: 508-519
- Parameter identification of linear multi-delay systems via a hybrid of
block-pulse functions and Taylor's polynomials, Hamid Reza Marzban, pages:
- Boolean network representation of a continuous-time system and
finite-horizon optimal control: application to the single-gene regulatory
system for the lac operon, Laura Menini, Corrado Possieri & Antonio
Tornambè, pages: 535-568
- Stochastic switching for partially observable dynamics and optimal asset
allocation, Juri Hinz & Jeremy Yee, pages: 569-581
- Robust state estimation for singularly perturbed systems, B. Yousfi, T.
Raïssi, M. Amairi, D. Gucik-Derigny & M. Aoun, pages: 582-595
- Improved synthesis conditions for mixed H2/H∞ gain-scheduling control
subject to uncertain scheduling parameters, Ali Khudhair Al-Jiboory &
Guoming G. Zhu, pages: 596-614
- H2-Filtering for discrete-time hidden Markov jump systems, A. M. de
Oliveira & O. L. V. Costa, pages: 615-631
- H2 optimal model order reduction by two-sided technique on Grassmann
manifold via the cross-gramian of bilinear systems, Kang-Li Xu, Yao-Lin
Jiang & Zhi-Xia Yang, pages: 632-642
- Global existence and uniqueness of positive solutions and optimal control
for a novel model of pest control, Huili Xiang & Bin Liu, pages: 643-655

4.5. Contents: Systems & Control Letters
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com

Systems & Control Letters
Volume 100
February 2017

- Milan Korda, Didier Henrion, Colin N. Jones, “Convergence rates of
moment-sum-of-squares hierarchies for optimal control problems”, Pages 1-5
- Juliang Yin, Suiyang Khoo, Zhihong Man, “Finite-time stability theorems
of homogeneous stochastic nonlinear systems”, Pages 6-13
- Kyriakos G. Vamvoudakis, “Q-learning for continuous-time linear systems:
A model-free infinite horizon optimal control approach”, Pages 14-20
- Bao-Zhu Guo, Ze-Hao Wu, “Output tracking for a class of nonlinear systems
with mismatched uncertainties by active disturbance rejection control”,
February 2017
- Parijat Bhowmick, Sourav Patra, “On LTI output strictly
negative-imaginary systems”, February 2017
- Olumuyiwa I. Olanrewaju, Jan M. Maciejowski, “Implications of
dissipativity on stability of economic model predictive control—The
indefinite linear quadratic case”, February 2017
- R. Altmann, P. Schulze, “A port-Hamiltonian formulation of the
Navier–Stokes equations for reactive flows”, Pages 51-55
- Junwei Wang, Kairui Chen, Frank L. Lewis, “Coordination of multi-agent
systems on interacting physical and communication topologies”, Pages 56-65
- Jieqiong Wu, Xianzheng Zhu, Shugen Chai, “Controllability for
one-dimensional nonlinear wave equations with degenerate damping”, Pages

4.6. Contents: Journal of Process Control
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com

Journal of Process Control
Volume 51
March 2017

- Ngoc Minh Trang Vu, Laurent Lefèvre, Rémy Nouailletas, Sylvain Brémond,
“Symplectic spatial integration schemes for systems of balance equations”,
Pages 1-17
- J.P. García-Sandoval, N. Hudon, D. Dochain, “Generalized Hamiltonian
representation of thermo-mechanical systems based on an entropic
formulation”, Pages 18-26
- J.D. le Roux, A. Steinboeck, A. Kugi, I.K. Craig, “An EKF observer to
estimate semi-autogenous grinding mill hold-ups”, Pages 27-41
- Feng Zhou, Hui Peng, Yemei Qin, Xiaoyong Zeng, Xiaoying Tian, Wenquan Xu,
“A RBF-ARX model-based robust MPC for tracking control without steady state
knowledge”, Pages 42-54
- Fahad Wallam, Attaullah Y. Memon, “A robust control scheme for nonlinear
non-isothermal uncertain jacketed continuous stirred tank reactor”, Pages
- T.M.P. Gommans, T.A.F. Theunisse, D.J. Antunes, W.P.M.H. Heemels,
“Resource-aware MPC for constrained linear systems: Two rollout
approaches”, Pages 68-83

4.7. Contents: Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com

Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Volume 59
March 2017

- Fei Chao, Yuxuan Huang, Xin Zhang, Changjing Shang, Longzhi Yang, Changle
Zhou, Huosheng Hu, Chih-Min Lin, “A robot calligraphy system: From simple
to complex writing by human gestures”, Pages 1-14
- Đorđe T. Grozdić, Slobodan T. Jovičić, Miško Subotić, “Whispered speech
recognition using deep denoising autoencoder”, Pages 15-22
- David Sánchez, Montserrat Batet, “Toward sensitive document release with
privacy guarantees”, Pages 23-34
- Kamal Z. Zamli, Fakhrud Din, Salmi Baharom, Bestoun S. Ahmed, Fuzzy
adaptive teaching learning-based optimization strategy for the problem of
generating mixed strength t-way test suites, Pages 35-50
- Mariam Taktak, Slim Triki, Anas Kamoun, “Real time algorithm based on
time series data abstraction and hybrid bond graph model for diagnosis of
switched system”, Pages 51-72
- Fan Yang, Jingwei Li, Wei Lu, Jian Weng, “Copy-move forgery detection
based on hybrid features”, Pages 73-83
- Mohamed Abdel-Nasser, Jaime Melendez, Antonio Moreno, Osama A. Omer,
Domenec Puig, “Breast tumor classification in ultrasound images using
texture analysis and super-resolution methods”, Pages 84-92
- Zahra Salehi, Ashkan Sami, Mahboobe Ghiasi, “MAAR: Robust features to
detect malicious activity based on API calls, their arguments and return
values”, Pages 93-102
- Aniello Minutolo, Massimo Esposito, Giuseppe De Pietro, “Optimization of
rule-based systems in mHealth applications”, Pages 103-121
- Márcio Mendonça, Ivan R. Chrun, Flávio Neves Jr, L.V.R. Arruda, “A
cooperative architecture for swarm robotic based on dynamic fuzzy cognitive
maps”, Pages 122-132
- T. Bindima, Elizabeth Elias, “A novel design and implementation technique
for low complexity variable digital filters using multi-objective
artificial bee colony optimization and a minimal spanning tree approach”,
Pages 133-147
- Josep Domingo-Ferrer, Sergio Martínez, David Sánchez, Jordi Soria-Comas,
“Co-Utility: Self-Enforcing protocols for the mutual benefit of
participants”, Pages 148-158
- Ammar Nayal, Hadi Jomaa, Mariette Awad, “KerMinSVM for imbalanced
datasets with a case study on arabic comics classification”, Pages 159-169
- Alessandro Farinelli, Manuele Bicego, Filippo Bistaffa, Sarvapali D.
Ramchurn, “A hierarchical clustering approach to large-scale near-optimal
coalition formation with quality guarantees”, Pages 170-185
- Le Hoang Son, Tran Manh Tuan, “Dental segmentation from X-ray images
using semi-supervised fuzzy clustering with spatial constraints”, Pages
- A.W.C. Faria, F.G.F. Coelho, A.M. Silva, H.P. Rocha, G.M. Almeida, A.P.
Lemos, A.P. Braga, “MILKDE: A new approach for multiple instance learning
based on positive instance selection and kernel density estimation”, Pages
- Reza Mohammadi Asl, Yashar Shabbouei Hagh, Rainer Palm, “Robust control
by adaptive Non-singular Terminal Sliding Mode”, Pages 205-217
- Héctor Quintián, Emilio Corchado, “Beta Scale Invariant Map”, Pages
- Zhong-Sheng Chen, Bao Zhu, Yan-Lin He, Le-An Yu, “A PSO based virtual
sample generation method for small sample sets: Applications to regression
datasets”, Pages 236-243
- Mina Ghavipour, Mohammad Reza Meybodi, “Irregular cellular learning
automata-based algorithm for sampling social networks”, Pages 244-259
- K. Verbert, R. Babuška, B. De Schutter, “Combining knowledge and
historical data for system-level fault diagnosis of HVAC systems”, Pages

4.8. Contents: Mechatronics
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com

Volume 41
February 2017

- Kees Verbaan, Stan van der Meulen, Maarten Steinbuch, “Broadband damping
of high-precision motion stages”, Pages 1-16
- A. Schirrer, G. Aschauer, E. Talic, M. Kozek, S. Jakubek, “Catenary
emulation for hardware-in-the-loop pantograph testing with a model
predictive energy-conserving control algorithm”, Pages 17-28
- Vladimír Kučera, Dan Pilbauer, Tomáš Vyhlídal, Nejat Olgac, “Extended
delayed resonators – Design and experimental verification”, Pages 29-44
- Wook Bahn, Tae-Il Kim, Sang-Hoon Lee, Dong-Il “Dan” Cho, “Resonant
frequency estimation for adaptive notch filters in industrial servo
systems”, Pages 45-57
- Qing Shi, Chang Li, Chunbao Wang, Haibo Luo, Qiang Huang, Toshio Fukuda,
“Design and implementation of an omnidirectional vision system for robot
perception”, Pages 58-66
- Kantapon Tanakitkorn, Philip A. Wilson, Stephen R. Turnock, Alexander B.
Phillips, “Depth control for an over-actuated, hover-capable autonomous
underwater vehicle with experimental verification”, Pages 67-81
- L. Swartjes, L.F.P. Etman, J.M. van de Mortel-Fronczak, J.E. Rooda,
L.J.A.M. Somers, “Simultaneous analysis and design based optimization for
paper path and timing design of a high-volume printer”, Pages 82-89
- Inseong Jo, Joonbum Bae, “Design and control of a wearable and
force-controllable hand exoskeleton system”, Pages 90-101
- Dong Wang, Jun Wu, Liping Wang, Yuzhe Liu, Guang Yu, “A method for
designing control parameters of a 3-DOF parallel tool head”, Pages 102-113
- Jiangbo Liu, Bo Yan, Qingze Zou, “Optimal time-distributed fast Fourier
transform: Application to online iterative learning control—experimental
high-speed nanopositioning example”, Pages 114-124

4.9. Contents: Asian Journal of Control
Contributed by: Lichen Fu, lichen at ntu.edu.tw

Asian Journal of Control
Vol.19, No.1 January, 2017

[Regular Paper]
1. Paper Title: Mixed Event/Time-Triggered Static Output Feedback L2-Gain
Control for Networked Control Systems (pages 1–10)
Authors: Sheng-Hsiung Yang and Jenq-Lang Wu
2. Paper Title: Stabilization for Switched LPV Systems with Markovian Jump
Parameters and Its Application (pages 11–21)
Authors: Dong Yang and Jun Zhao
3. Paper Title: Frequency Interval Cross Gramians for Linear and Bilinear
Systems (pages 22–34)
Authors: Ahmad Jazlan, Victor Sreeram, Hamid Reza Shaker, Roberto Togneri
and Ha Binh Minh
4. Paper Title: Quadratic stabilizability and H∞ control of linear
discrete-time stochastic uncertain systems (pages 35–46)
Authors: Xiushan Jiang, Xuemin Tian, Tianliang Zhang and Weihai Zhang
5. Paper Title: Robust Minimum Variance Lower Bound Estimation by
Uncertainty Modeling Using Interval Type-2 Fuzzy set (pages 47–56)
Authors: Yousef Alipouri and Javad Poshtan
6. Paper Title: Design of Smith Predictor and Fuzzy Decoupling for Mimo
Chemical Processes with Time Delays (pages 57–66)
Authors: M. Hamdy and A. Ramadan
7. Paper Title: Stabilization of Discrete-time Switched Systems with State
Constraints Based on Mode-Dependent Average Dwell Time (pages 67–73)
Authors: Qingyu Su, Peipei Wang, Jian Li and Honghai Liu
8. Paper Title: Exponential Stability Analysis for Stochastic Delayed
Differential Systems with Impulsive Effects: Average Impulsive Interval
Approach (pages 74–86)
Authors: Fengqi Yao, Jinde Cao, Li Qiu and Pei Cheng
9. Paper Title: Finite-time Stability on a Class of Non-autonomous SICNNs
with Multi-proportional Delays (pages 87–94)
Author: Yuehua Yu
10. Paper Title: Fixed-Time Consensus of Multi-Agent Systems with Directed
and Intermittent Communications (pages 95–105)
Authors: Qingling Wang, Yuanda Wang and Changyin Sun
11. Paper Title: Stability and Control of Fractional Chaotic Complex
Networks with Mixed Interval Uncertainties (pages 106–115)
Authors: Hao Zhang, Xing-yuan Wang and Xiao-hui Lin
12. Paper Title: Redundant Input Safety Tracking for Omnidirectional
Rehabilitative Training Walker with Control Constraints (pages 116–130)
Authors: Ping Sun and Shuoyu Wang
13. Paper Title: Synchronization Criteria for Complex Dynamical Networks
with State and Coupling Time-Delays (pages 131–138)
Author: Ali Kazemy
14. Paper Title: Improved Robust Stability Criteria for Time-Delay Lur'e
System (pages 139–150)
Authors: Wenyong Duan, Xiaorong Fu, Zhengfan Liu and Xiaodong Yang
15. Paper Title: A Family of Robust Simultaneous Controllers With Tuning
Parameters Design for a Set of Port-Controlled Hamiltonian Systems (pages
Authors: Zhong Cao, Xiaorong Hou and Wenjing Zhao
16. Paper Title: New Finite Algorithm for Solving the Generalized
Nonhomogeneous Yakubovich-Transpose Matrix Equation (pages 164–172)
Author: Masoud Hajarian
17. Paper Title: Practical Robust Neural Path Following Control for
Underactuated Marine Vessels with Actuators Uncertainties (pages 173–187)
Authors: Guoqing Zhang and Xianku Zhang
18. Paper Title: An iterative approach to H−/H∞ Fault Detection Observer
Design for Discrete-Time Uncertain Systems (pages 188–201)
Authors: Di Huang, Zhisheng Duan and Yuqing Hao
19. Paper Title: Anti-Synchronization and Intermittent Anti-Synchronization
of Two Identical Delay Hyperchaotic Chua Systems Via Linear Control (pages
Authors: Hong-Li Li, Zuolei Wang, Yao-Lin Jiang, Long Zhang and Zhidong Teng
20. Paper Title: Multiple Information Feedback Control Scheme for an
Improved Car-Following Model (pages 215–223)
Authors: Ya-zhou Zheng, Rong-jun Cheng and Hong-Xia Ge
21. Paper Title: Robust Fault Detection for Discrete-Time Nonlinear
Impulsive Switched Systems (pages 224–232)
Authors: Jian Li, Zhengfan Song and Qingyu Su
22. Paper Title: Nonlinear State Estimation and Control for Freeway On-Ramp
Metering (pages 233–244)
Authors: H. Abouaïssa, H. Majid and D. Jolly
23. Paper Title: End-Point Regulation and Vibration Suppression of a
Flexible Robotic Manipulator (pages 245–254)
Authors: Shuang Zhang and Deqing Huang
24. Paper Title: Real-Time Leak Isolation Based on State Estimation with
Fitting Loss Coefficient Calibration in a Plastic Pipeline (pages 255–265)
Authors: Adrian Navarro, Ofelia Begovich, Juan Sánchez and Gildas Besancon
25. Paper Title: Type Number Based Steady-State Error Analysis on
Fractional Order Control Systems (pages 266–278)
Authors: Jinwen Pan, Qing Gao, Jianbin Qiu and Yong Wang
26. Paper Title: Continuous Fractional-Order Sliding PI Control for
Nonlinear Systems Subject to Non-Differentiable Disturbances (pages 279–288)
Authors: A. J. Muñoz-Vázquez, V. Parra-Vega and A. Sánchez-Orta
27. Paper Title: Minimal Volume Simplex (MVS) Polytopic Model Generation
and Manipulation Methodology for TP Model Transformation (pages 289–301)
Authors: József Kuti, Péter Galambos and Péter Baranyi
28. Paper Title: Landing Auto-Pilots for Aircraft Motion in Longitudinal
Plane using Adaptive Control Laws Based on Neural Networks and Dynamic
Inversion (pages 302–315)
Authors: Mihai Lungu and Romulus Lungu
29. Paper Title: Non-Zero Sum Differential Games of Backward Stochastic
Differential Delay Equations Under Partial Information (pages 316–324)
Authors: Shuang Wu and Lan Shu

[Brief Paper]
1. Paper Title: Stability Analysis and Design of Uncertain Discrete-time
Switched Systems with Actuator Saturation Using Antiwindup and Multiple
Lyapunov Functions Approach (pages 325–331)
Authors: Xinquan Zhang, Jun Zhao and Xiaoyin Li
2. Paper Title: Boundary Control of a Flexible Robotic Manipulator With
Output Constraints (pages 332–345)
Authors: Zhijie Liu and Jinkun Liu
3. Paper Title: Observer-Based Adaptive L2 Disturbance Attenuation Control
of Semi-Active Suspension with MR Damper (pages 346–355)
Authors: Ming-Xing Cheng and Xiao-Hong Jiao
4. Paper Title: Adaptive Observer for Simultaneous State and Parameter
Estimations for an Output Depending Normal Form (pages 356–361)
Authors: Lei Yu, Gang Zheng and Driss Boutat
5. Paper Title: Simultaneous Actuator and Sensor Faults Reconstruction
Based on Robust Sliding Mode Observer for a Class of Nonlinear Systems
(pages 362–371)
Authors: Ali Ben Brahim, Slim Dhahri, Fayçal Ben Hmida and Anis Sellami
6. Paper Title: Integral Sliding Mode Fault-Tolerant Control for Spacecraft
With Uncertainties and Saturation (pages 372–381)
Authors: Duan Wenjie, Wang Dayi and Liu Chengrui
7. Paper Title: Lower Eigenvalue Bounds on Summation for the Solution of
the Lyapunov Matrix Differential Equation (pages 382–390)
Authors: Juan Zhang, Jianzhou Liu and Hao Huang
8. Paper Title: A Parameter Dependent Controller Design Approach for
Delayed LPV System (pages 391–398)
Authors: Hai Yin, Jinwu Gao and Zhiyuan Liu
9. Paper Title: Finite-Time Sliding Mode Trajectory Tracking Control of
Uncertain Mechanical Systems (pages 399–404)
Authors: Liang Sun and Zewei Zheng
10. Paper Title: Recursive Stochastic H2/H∞ Control Problem for Delay
Systems Involving Continuous and Impulse Controls (pages 405–413)
Authors: Zhang Qixia and Sun Qiliang

4.10. Contents: Applied and Computational Mathematics: an International
Contributed by: Fikret A Aliev, chief_ed at acmij.az

Applied and Computational Mathematics an International Journal
Vol.16, No.1, February 2017

- I. Gutman, On Two Laplacian -Spectrum-Based Graph Invariants and their
Relation: A Review, pages: 3-11
- H. Demiray, Exact Solution Of Perturbed KDV Equation with Variable
Dissipation Coefficient, pages: 12-16
- M.A. Noor, K.I. Noor, A.G. Khan, Merit Functions for Quasi Variational
Inequalities, pages: 17-30
- Ekrem Savaş, A Generalized Statistical Convergent Functions via Ideals in
Intuitionistic Fuzzy Normed Spaces, pages: 31-38
- C. Bota, B. Cǎruntu, C. Lǎzureanu, The Least Square Homotopy Perturbation
Method for Boundary Value Problems, pages: 39-47
- Gȍkçe Kuralay, Hitay Özbay, Design of First Order Controllers for a
Flexible Robot Arm with Time Delaypages: 48-58
- S.S. Dragomir, Inequalities for the Riemann-Stieltjes Integral of
s-Dominated Integrators with Applications (II), pages: 59-77
- F.A. Aliev, V.B. Larin, N.I. Velieva, K.G. Gasimova, On Periodic Solution
of Generalized Sylvester Matrix Equations, pages: 78-84

4.11. Contents: Control Engineering Practice
Contributed by: Martin Böck, cep at acin.tuwien.ac.at

Control Engineering Practice
Volume 60
March 2017

- Timothy I. Salsbury, Carlos F. Alcala, A method for setpoint alarming
using a normalized index,Pages 1-6
- Konstantin Schaab, Jannik Hahn, Maksim Wolkov, Olaf Stursberg, Robust
control for voltage and transient stability of power grids relying on wind
power,Pages 7-17
- Bernd Kolar, Hubert Rams, Kurt Schlacher, Time-optimal flatness based
control of a gantry crane,Pages 18-27
- B. Mavkov, E. Witrant, C. Prieur, D. Moreau, Multi-experiment state-space
identification of coupled magnetic and kinetic parameters in tokamak
plasmas,Pages 28-38
- Jakob M. Hansen, Thor I. Fossen, Tor Arne Johansen, Nonlinear observer
design for GNSS-aided inertial navigation systems with time-delayed GNSS
measurements,Pages 39-50
- Sergio Lucia, Alexandru Tatulea-Codrean, Christian Schoppmeyer, Sebastian
Engell, Rapid development of modular and sustainable nonlinear model
predictive control solutions,Pages 51-62
- Nahla Alamoodi, Prodromos Daoutidis, Nonlinear control of coal-fired
steam power plants,Pages 63-75
- Helói F.G. Genari, Nazih Mechbal, Gérard Coffignal, Eurípedes G.O.
Nóbrega, Damage-tolerant active control using a modal Hinf-norm-based
methodology,Pages 76-86
- C. Du, A.R. Plummer, D.N. Johnston, Performance analysis of a new
energy-efficient variable supply pressure electro-hydraulic motion control
method,Pages 87-98
- Martin Klauco, Martin Kalúz, Michal Kvasnica, Real-time implementation of
an explicit MPC-based reference governor for control of a magnetic
levitation system,Pages 99-105
- Felipe Núñez, Yongqiang Wang, David Grasing, Sachi Desai, George
Cakiades, Francis J. Doyle III, Pulse-coupled time synchronization for
distributed acoustic event detection using wireless sensor networks,Pages
- V. Alcaraz-Gonzalez, E.A. Jauregui-Medina, J.Ph. Steyer, J.P.
García-Sandoval, H.O. Méndez-Acosta, V. Gonzalez-Alvarez, Simultaneous COD
and VFA unmeasured process inputs estimation in actual anaerobic wastewater
treatment processes,Pages 118-123
- Helon Vicente Hultmann Ayala, Daniel M. Muñoz, Carlos H. Llanos, Leandro
dos Santos Coelho, Efficient hardware implementation of radial basis
function neural network with customized-precision floating-point
operations,Pages 124-132
- David Rodríguez, Guillermo Bejarano, José A. Alfaya, Manuel G. Ortega,
Fernando Castaño, Parameter identification of a multi-stage,
multi-load-demand experimental refrigeration plant,Pages 133-147
- Ardeshir Mazaheri, Ahmad Radan, Performance evaluation of nonlinear
Kalman filtering techniques in low speed brushless DC motors driven
sensor-less positioning systems,Pages 148-156
- C.M. Verrelli, P. Tomei, E. Lorenzani, G. Migliazza, F. Immovilli,
Nonlinear tracking control for sensorless permanent magnet synchronous
motors with uncertainties,Pages 157-170
- Damoon Soudbakhsh, Aranya Chakrabortty, Anuradha M Annaswamy, A
Delay-Aware Cyber-Physical Architecture for Wide-Area Control of Power
Systems,Pages 171-182
- Guiying Wu, Li Sun, Kwang Y Lee, Disturbance Rejection Control of a Fuel
Cell Power Plant in a Grid-Connected System,Pages 183-192

Special Section on Selected Advanced Control Systems
Guest Editors: Houria Siguerdidjane, Shinichi Nakasuka and Rafael Vazquez

- Rafael Vazquez, Francisco Gavilan, Eduardo F Camacho, Pulse-Width
Predictive Control for LTV Systems with Application to Spacecraft
Rendezvous,Pages 197-208
- Yuting Dai, Chao Yang, Chaolei Wang, Strategy for robust gust response
alleviation of an aircraft model,Pages 209-215
- Radhakant Padhi, Pradeep R Ambati, Robust Auto-landing of Fixed-wing UAVs
using Neuro-Adaptive Design,Pages 216-230

4.12. CFP: IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Contributed by: Guillaume Mercère, guillaume.mercere at univ-poitiers.fr

CFP: Special Issue on System identification and control in biomedical
applications in IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology

Contributions are invited for a special issue of the IEEE Transactions on
Control Systems Technology devoted to the subject of System Identification
and Control in Biomedical Applications. The purpose of this special issue
is to document the current status of research in this field through an
original collection of diverse, high-quality papers. The emphasis is on the
role control systems technology plays in advancing the state of the art in
the challenges of applying feedback control in living organisms, with
emphasis on biomedicine. Specifically, we aim at (i) pointing out
theoretical and practical issues specific to bio-medical systems, (ii)
bringing together solutions developed under different settings with
specific attention to the validation of these tools in bio-medical settings
using real-life datasets and experiments, and (iii) introducing significant
case studies. Topics of common interests include (but are not limited to)
the following:
- theoretical and implementation challenges which arise in medical systems,
- control engineering tools for solving specific system design problems in
medical technology,
- novel data-driven modeling techniques capturing the dynamics of
biomedical systems, and accounting for intra- and inter-individual
- evidence of successful projects in biomedicine enabled by system
identification and control, such as the artificial pancreas and closed-loop
- application areas in healthcare and medical systems, such as assistive
devices and therapeutics in medical rehabilitation, and mathematical models
of infectious disease spread.
- prevention and treatment of chronic, relapsing disorders and illnesses
such as cancer, diabetes, obesity, and HIV.

Only contributions that include significant results based on analysis of
real data or experimental validation will be included. Papers must contain
high-quality original contributions and be prepared in accordance with the
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology standards. Prospective
authors should state in their cover letter and in the notes section of the
submission site that their manuscript is intended for the special issue on
“system identification and control in biomedical applications.” Submitted
manuscripts must not have been previously published or be under review for
possible publication elsewhere.

Time line:
Manuscripts Due: November 1, 2017
Notification to authors (after the first round of reviews): March 1, 2018
Notification of final decision: June 1, 2018
Publication Date: January 2019

Authors can submit their manuscripts via

Information for Authors prior to submitting a paper is available via

All inquiries should be directed to G. Mercère you can contact via his
email address: guillaume.mercere at univ-poitiers.fr

Guest Editors:
Guillaume Mercère, Université de Poitiers, France (LEAD)
Bayu Jayawardhana, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Alexander Medvedev, Uppsala University, Sweden
Daniel E. Rivera, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA
Caterina Scoglio, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas, USA

4.13. CFP: IEEE Transactions on Robotics
Contributed by: Soon-Jo Chung, sjchung at caltech.edu

Call for Papers
IEEE Transactions on Robotics
Special Issue on Aerial Swarm Robotics

Guest Editors:
Prof. Soon-Jo Chung, Caltech and Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA
Prof. Vijay Kumar, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Dr. Aditya Paranjape, Imperial College London, London, UK
Prof. Philip Dames, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA
Prof. Shaojie Shen, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong

Aerial robotics has been one of the most active areas of research within
the robotics community, and recently there has been a surge of interest in
aerial swarm systems. This IEEE T-RO special issue reflects on advances in
aerial robotics and unmanned aerial vehicles, and aims to put together a
cohesive set of research goals and visions towards realizing fully
autonomous aerial swarm systems. In the near future, our airspace will be
shared by a large number of aerial robots and autonomous aircraft,
performing complex tasks that would be not possible for a single ground
robot. A number of technological gaps need to be bridged in order to
achieve full autonomy and reliable and safe operation of swarms of aerial
robots. The papers selected for this special issue will represent the most
promising ideas to address such research issues in modeling, design,
control, sensing, planning, and computation of aerial swarms, with an
emphasis on enhanced scalability, adaptability, robustness, and autonomy.

Contributions must have a direct connection to the central themes of the
special issue: swarms of aerial robots flying in a three-dimensional (3-D)
world. Each contribution should emphasize how to address challenges in
transitioning from 2-D to 3-D in areas such as SWaP (size, weight, and
power), swarm coordination or collaboration, and use of 3-D vehicle

Topics of interest include the following:
• Aerial swarming: modeling, design, and control
• Motion planning, guidance, and control of distributed aerial systems
• Algorithmic innovation enabling control of large-scale swarms of aerial
• Novel system-level or hardware design concepts for aerial swarms
• Distributed sensing or estimation techniques leveraging aerial swarm
• Real-world results and lessons learned from testing state-of-the-art
• Real-time optimal control, planning, and decision making for aerial swarms
• Scalability, stability, and robustness issues in distributed aerial
• Planning and control using vision-based sensing
• Traffic control of swarms of drones in indoor or outdoor environments
• Human-swarm interaction
• Long-term autonomy of aerial swarms
• Research issues in large-scale deployment of aerial swarms
• Enabling applications using aerial swarms
• Verification and validation of multi-agent systems and algorithms
• Decentralized planning and its applications to aerial swarms

Interested authors are encouraged to contact the special issue editors with
an abstract of their paper to confirm that their submission is within the
scope of the special issue. Abstracts should be sent via email to
sjchung at caltech.edu, vijay.kumar at seas.upenn.edu, a.paranjape at imperial.ac.uk,
pdames at temple.edu, and eeshaojie at ust.hk.

Important Dates:
Call for Papers: February 24, 2017
Deadline for Initial Paper Submission: May 31, 2017
Notification of First Round Decision: September 1, 2017
Deadline for Revised Paper Submission: October 1, 2017
Target Publication Date: February 2018

5. Conferences

5.1. Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing
Contributed by: Rachel Palmisano, rep2 at illinois.edu


October 3, 2017 – Opening Tutorials
October 4-6, 2017 – Conference Sessions


The Fifty-Fifth Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and
Computing will kick off with Opening Tutorials being held on Tuesday,
October 3, 2017 at the Coordinated Science Laboratory. The conference
sessions will start on Wednesday, October 4, 2017 through Friday, October
6, 2017, at the Allerton Park and Retreat Center. The Allerton House is
located twenty-six miles southwest of the Urbana-Champaign campus of the
University of Illinois in a wooded area on the Sangamon River. It is part
of the fifteen-hundred acre Robert Allerton Park, a complex of natural and
man-made beauty designated as a National natural landmark. Allerton Park
has twenty miles of well-maintained trails and a living gallery of formal
gardens, studded with sculptures collected from around the world.

Papers presenting original research are solicited in the areas of:
biological information systems
coding techniques and applications
coding theory
data storage
information theory
multiuser detection and estimation
network information theory
sensor networks in communications
wireless communication systems
intrusion/anomaly detection and diagnosis
network coding
network games and algorithms
performance analysis
pricing and congestion control
reliability, security and trust
decentralized control systems
robust and nonlinear control
adaptive control and automation
distributed and large-scale systems
complex networked systems
dynamic games
machine learning and learning theory
signal models and representations
signal acquisition, coding, and retrieval
detection and estimation
learning and inference
statistical signal processing
sensor networks
data analytics

Final versions of papers that are presented at the conference are required
to be submitted electronically by October 8, 2017 in order to appear in the
Conference Proceedings and IEEE Xplore.

PLENARY LECTURE is scheduled for Friday, October 6, 2017 at the Allerton
Park and Retreat Center. (we will add the speaker info when confirmed)

OPENING TUTORIAL LECTURES will be presented on Tuesday, October 3, 2017 at
the Coordinated Science Laboratory, University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign. (we will add the speakers info when confirmed)

INFORMATION FOR AUTHORS: Regular papers suitable for presentation in twenty
minutes are solicited. Regular papers will be published in full (subject to
a maximum length of eight 8.5” x 11” pages, in two column format) in the
Conference Proceedings. Only papers that are actually presented at the
conference and uploaded as final manuscripts can be included in the
proceedings, which will be available after the conference on IEEE Xplore.

For reviewing purposes of papers, a title and a five to ten page extended
abstract, including references and sufficient detail to permit careful
reviewing, are required.

Manuscripts can be submitted during June 16-July 10, 2017 with the
submission deadline of July 10th being firm. Please follow the instructions
at the Conference website: http://www.csl.illinois.edu/allerton/.

Authors will be notified of acceptance via e-mail by August 7, 2017, at
which time they will also be sent detailed instructions for the preparation
of their papers for the Proceedings.
Important Dates:
Submission Deadline: July 10, 2017
Acceptance Date: August 7, 2017
Registration Opens: after August 7, 2017
Conference Dates: October 3-6, 2017
Final Submission Deadline: October 8, 2017
Conference Co-Chairs: Naira Hovakimyan and Negar Kiyavash

Email: amellis at illinois.edu URL: www.csl.illinois.edu/allerton/

5.2. IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering
Contributed by: (Samuel) Qing-Shan Jia, jiaqs at tsinghua.edu.cn

The deadline for regular/special session submissions at CASE2017 has been
extended to March 15, 2017!!! There will not be any further extensions. The
list of special sessions is available at
http://case2017.org/submission/special_sessions.html We invite you to
submit papers (including regular/special session/presentation-only
submissions) in time!

The 13th IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and
Engineering (IEEE CASE 2017, http://www.case2017.org ), sponsored by the
IEEE Robotics and Automation Society (RAS), will be held in Xi'an, China,
August 20 to 23, 2017. IEEE CASE is a flagship automation conference of the
IEEE RAS and constitutes the primary forum for cross-industry and
multi-disciplinary research in automation. Its goal is to provide a broad
coverage and dissemination of foundational research in automation among
researchers, academics, and practitioners.

The technical program of IEEE CASE 2017 will consist of
tutorials/workshops, keynote/plenary speeches, automation forums, and oral
presentations. Papers describing original work on abstractions, algorithms,
theories, methodologies, and case studies are invited. There is a track on
International Symposium on Assembly and Manufacturing (ISAM). Accepted and
presented papers will be published in the conference proceedings, and
submitted for inclusion into IEEEXplore as well as other Abstracting and
Indexing(A&I) databases. IEEE CASE is an offspring of the journal IEEE
Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering. The journal will
publish a Special CASE Issue of top-rated papers.

Regular papers and special session papers should be submitted online at
https://ras.papercept.net . One new feature of CASE 2017 is that the
authors of the papers published or accepted in and after 2016 by IEEE
Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering or IEEE Transactions on
Robotics can request presentation of their papers at the conference in the
newly organized "transaction paper sessions". General inquiries should be
addressed via Email to the Program Chair, Prof. (Samuel) Qing-Shan JIA at
jiaqs at mail.tsinghua.edu.cn. The best conference paper award, the best
application paper award, and the best student paper award will be selected.

The organizing committee of CASE 2017 cordially invite you to submit full
paper contributions and hope to see you in Xi'an, China in August 2017!

5.3. IEEE Colombian Conference on Automatic Control
Contributed by: José García-Tirado, ieeeccac2017 at gmail.com

Call for Papers
3rd IEEE Colombian Conference on Automatic Control 2017

Scope: The 3rd IEEE Colombian Conference on Automatic Control (CCAC) will
be held on October 18-20, 2017 in Cartagena-Colombia. The objective of the
Conference is to gather academic and industrial researchers and
practitioners, to discuss the state of the art, research and developments
in advance control-robotics and its applications for sharing and
encouraging technology development in Colombia and the Latin American
region. The thematic emphasis of the Conference will be covering the
theory, the implementation issues and the experiences related to the
applications of control, automation and robotics methods in research,
academy and industry. The main topics for the event include, but are not
limited to, the following:

Applied control for industrial and non-industrial areas, applied control
for robots, hybrid systems, intelligent control, mechatronics, mobile
robots, modeling of dynamic systems, multi-robot systems, process and power
systems, process automation, process optimization, sensing and sensor
fusion, system identification, systems and signals, control in power
electronics and electrical drives.

Important Dates:
- May 9, 2017 Papers submission deadline
- June 30, 2017 Papers acceptance notification
- August 11, 2017 Final manuscripts in camera-ready format

Paper submission: The program committee invites you to submit 4 to 6 pages
long papers in English or Spanish through www.ieeeccac2017.org

Submitted papers to CCAC must be original, not previously published or
accepted for publication elsewhere and must not be submitted to any other
event or publisher during the entire review process. IEEE policy regarding
plagiarism and duplicate submission/publication will be strictly enforced.
The paper format and submission instructions are available at the website
of the conference. All articles will be published in the Conference
Proceedings. Only English versions will be published in IEEEXplore.

Venue: The conference will be held at Cartagena de Indias, city on the
northern coast of Colombia in the Caribbean Coast Region and capital of the
Bolívar Department. It is the fifth-largest city in Colombia and the second
largest in the region, after Barranquilla. The Cartagena urban area is also
the fifthlargest urban area in the country. Economic activities include
maritime and petrochemicals industry, as well as tourism. During the
colonial period Cartagena served a key role in administration and expansion
of the Spanish empire. It was a center of political and economic activity
due to the presence of royalty and wealthy viceroys. In 1984, Cartagena's
colonial walled city and fortress were designated a UNESCO World Heritage

Contact: Additional details and Conference updates are available at:
Inquiries and doubts about the Conference may be addressed to:
info at ieeeccac2017.org

5.4. International Symposium on Multi-Robot and Multi-Agent Systems
Contributed by: Antonio Franchi, antonio.franchi at laas.fr

International Symposium on Multi-Robot and Multi-Agent Systems (MRS 2017)
4-5 December 2017
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA

Submissions due: 27 May 2017

General inquiries: mrs2017 at laas.fr

The International Symposium on Multi-Robot and Multi-Agent Systems (MRS) is
a new, single-track conference to be inaugurated at the University of
Southern California, USA on 4-5 December 2017. MRS is an initiative of the
IEEE RAS Technical Committee on Multi-Robot Systems, and is technically
co-sponsored by the IEEE.

The goal of the conference is to bring together researchers who are in the
field of multi-robot and multi-agent systems, both directly and indirectly,
to cross-fertilize ideas. Typically MRS research is spread across large
conferences, and this makes it difficult for us to keep up to date on new
findings and meet others in the area. The intent of the conference is to
bring those researchers together with a high-quality symposium to highlight
the best in the field. We would like to see the top advances in multi-robot
and multi-agent research represented at MRS 2017.

The focus of the MRS conference is on all aspects of multi-robot and
multi-agent systems. We envision papers from a broad range of topics in
this area, ranging from design and analysis of algorithms to systems. All
accepted papers will be presented within technical sessions. The program
will also include inspiring keynote talks, tutorials, and a student poster
session, in addition to social events to promote networking among peers.
Submission instructions will be provided when the call for papers is

27 May 2017: Full paper submission (US Pacific Standard Time)
2 September 2017: Notification to authors
4-5 December 2017: The inaugural MRS conference

Conference Chair: Gaurav Sukhatme (USC)
Junior Conference Chair: Nora Ayanian (USC)
Finance Chair: M. Ani Hsieh (Drexel University, USA)

Program Chairs:
Lorenzo Sabattini (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy)
Antonio Franchi (LAAS-CNRS, France)
Robert Fitch (University of Technology Sydney, Australia)

Editorial Board Editor-In-Chief: Paolo Robuffo Giordano (CNRS, France)
Publications Chair: Dylan Shell (Texas A&M University, USA)
Local Arrangements: Nora Ayanian (USC)

Advisory Board:
Magnus Egerstedt (Georgia Tech, USA)
David Hsu (National University of Singapore)
Vijay Kumar (University of Pennsylvania, USA)
Alcherio Martinoli (EPFL, Switzerland)
Lynne Parker (NSF, USA)
Daniela Rus (MIT, USA)

5.5. International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and
Contributed by: Pawel Dworak, pawel.dworak at zut.edu.pl

22nd International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and
28-31 August 2017
Amber Baltic Hotel, Międzyzdroje, Poland

It is our great pleasure to invite You to participate in the 22nd
International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics,
MMAR 2017 to be held in Międzyzdroje, Poland, from August 28th to August
31st, 2017.

The Conference will be a good opportunity for highlighting the new results
and directions of Automatic Control theory, technology and applications. As
such, it mainly will concentrate on the following key points:
– emphasis on invited lectures including plenaries,
– industry participation promotion,
– attract young people to study and work in the field.

The participants of the 22nd International MMAR Conference will have the
opportunity to take part in the wide spectrum of categories for technical
presentations, including plenary lectures, regular papers of both lecture
and poster session types, and panel discussion. We look forward to seeing
our old and new friends in Poland. You are kindly invited to participate in
the 22nd International MMAR Conference in Międzyzdroje, Poland.

Important Dates: (Please check the latest information at www.mmar.edu.pl)
6 March 2017 – Full Paper Submission
15 May 2017 – Notification of Acceptance
26 June 2017 – Author Registration and Payment
3 July 2017 – Camera-Ready Paper Submission

The proceedings of the conference will be submitted for review and approval
for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore® Digital Library and will be submitted for
inclusion in the Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Science (ISI Web
of Science).

For more information see http://www.mmar.edu.pl

5.6. International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems
Contributed by: Hye-Soo Kim, conference at icros.org

2017 17th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems
(ICCAS 2017)
October 18(WED)-21(SAT), 2017
Ramada Plaza, Jeju Island, Korea


The aim of the ICCAS is to bring together researchers and engineers
worldwide to present their latest works, and disseminate the
state-of-the-art technologies related to control, automation, robotics, and

Proposal for Invited/Organized Session (Mini-symposium)
- June 10, 2017: Submission deadline
Regular Papers (3 - 6 pages) & Invited/Organized Session Papers (1 - 6
- June 15, 2017: Submission deadline
- August 1, 2017: Notification of acceptance
- August 31, 2017: Submission of final camera-ready papers
Research Poster Papers (1 - 2 pages)
- August 22, 2017: Submission deadline
- August 31, 2017: Notification of acceptance
- September 7, 2017: Submission of final camera-ready papers

- Richard D. Braatz (Massachusetts Inst. of Tech., USA)
- Reza Moheimani (Univ. of Texas, USA)
- Antonella Ferrara (Univ. of Pavia, Italy)
- Huijun Gao (Harbin Inst. of Tech., China)
- Atsuo Takanishi (Waseda Univ., Japan)

Organized by Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems (ICROS)

General Chair: Dongil “Dan” Cho (Seoul Nat’l Univ., Korea / ICROS President)
Organizing Chair: Doyoung Jeon (Sogang Univ., Korea)
Program Chair: Hyosung Ahn (GIST, Korea)

5.7. Workshop on Brain Dynamics and Neurocontrol Engineering
Contributed by: ShiNung Ching, shinung at wustl.edu

2017 Workshop on Brain Dynamics and Neurocontrol Engineering, June 26-27,

We are pleased to invite participants to the 2017 Workshop on Brain
Dynamics and Neurocontrol Engineering at Washington University in St. Louis
(St. Louis, MO, USA), to be held this summer (June 26-27).

** Travel awards are available for students, postdocs and junior faculty. **

Spurred by the development of both new technologies and new scientific
initiatives, interest is coalescing around the use of dynamical systems and
control theory to study the workings of the human brain. Neuroscience
affords several research challenges and opportunities for the dynamics and
control community, due to the immense complexity of the system at hand, the
dynamics of which span many spatial and temporal scales. Understanding how
these dynamics mediate brain function is a pivotal neuroscience question
that is well-aligned with methodological approaches innate to systems and
control engineering. The goal of this workshop is to provide a focused
forum for the discussion of research synergy between experts from the
dynamics, control and neuroscience communities.

For full information, including speaker list, award and registration
details, please visit: http://sites.wustl.edu/brain

6. Positions

6.1. PhD: Grenoble Institute of Technology & GIPSA-lab, France
Contributed by: Olivier Sename, olivier.sename at gipsa-lab.fr

PhD Position Grenoble Institute of Technology / GIPSA-lab (France)
Supervisors: Prof Olivier Sename and Mazen Alamir

Project title: Embedded modelling and control of vehicle dynamics:
application to a small car pilot plant with ER dampers

DATE : June/July 2017 to June/July 2020

This thesis is part of the European project, EMPHYSIS (within the framework
of ITEA3), whose European leader is Bosch, the French leader Siemens PL
(see https://itea3.org/project/emphysis.html)

The major goal of the project is to enhance production code of embedded
control systems in automotive vehicles in order to improve the performance
of the underlying system: faster and safer operation, improved driving
dynamics, driving automation, reduced energy consumption, reduced emission
and reduced maintenance costs. Additionally, cost and time for the software
development of these embedded systems shall be reduced. This is achieved by
providing physics-based models in an automated way on electronic control
units (ECU), micro controllers, or other embedded systems. The strategies
developed by GIPSA-lab include the development of simplified modeling tools
for vehicle dynamics (in various software contexts), synthesis of control
laws and their integration into a real-time control system. In this
framework, among many research works, we will consider robust/LPV and MPC
approaches in order to account for non linearities in the considered
vehicle and subsystems models, for the adaptation of the vehicle behavior
to critical situations and also for the road conditions.

The proposed study concerns more specifically the integration of physical
modeling and synthesis of control law applied to automotive chassis. The
proposed work plan is as follows:
• Study of existing Hinf control methods for Linear Parameter Varying
Systems and Model Predictive Control (MPC), in particular applied to
• Study of the existing models and of the "Automotive control" toolbox of
GIPSA-lab. Study and training on LMS Imagine.Lab Amesim software for
physical modeling of mechatronic systems.
• Development of control architectures for the chassis vertical dynamics
(using semi-active suspensions), integrating physical models of the
considered subsystems.
• Simulation validation on complete vehicle models and in real-time
simulation HIL on DSPACE MicroAutobox
• Experiments on the INOVE platform (www.gipsa-lab.fr/projet/inove/)

Candidates should have a strong background in mechanical engineering and/or
control engineering with some experience in modellling physical systems.

Contact: Olivier.Sename at gipsa-lab.fr, mazen.alamir at gipsa-lab.fr
- CV with contact details
- Bachelor and master transcripts (including list of courses with
corresponding grades)
- A summary of (or an e-link to) your master thesis
- Name and email of two references

Closing date for applications

Gross salary / Salaire brut /: 1750 euros / month

6.2. PhD: University of Texas at Dallas, USA
Contributed by: Tyler Summers, tyler.summers at utdallas.edu

Multiple PhD positions in Control and Optimization in Cyber-Physical

Several fully funded PhD positions for highly motivated students are
available starting in Summer or Fall 2017 in the Control, Optimization, and
Networks Laboratory (http://www.utdallas.edu/~tyler.summers) in the
Departments of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering at the University of
Texas at Dallas. The lab seeks to understand the rich interplay of
dynamics, control, optimization, information, and uncertainty in
large-scale networks. The research emphasizes theoretical analysis and
computational tools and is strongly driven various applications, including
future power grids and distributed multi-robot systems.

Applications from underrepresented minorities are encouraged.

Required qualifications:
(1) B.S. in mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, computer
science, applied mathematics, or a related field
(2) Strong background in systems and control theory, optimization, and
mathematics, including relevant coursework and/or work experience
(3) Excellent communication skills
(4) Proficiency in at least one scientific programming language, such as
MATLAB, Python, Julia, C/C++, etc.

Preferred qualifications:
(1) M.S. degree
(2) Publication(s) in reputable control, optimization, robotics, or power
systems conferences or journals
(3) Hands-on experience with robotic systems is a plus for candidates
interested in robotics applications

To express interest:
Please send the following documents to tyler.summers at utdallas.edu
(1) One page cover letter describing your research interests, background,
and professional goals
(2) CV or resume

6.3. PhD: University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Contributed by: Jorge Goncalves, jorge.goncalves at uni.lu

Two Phd Positions are available in the SYSTEM CONTROL GROUP of the
Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine, Luxembourg University,
Luxembourg, in the framework of the Doctoral Training Unit CriTiCS on
Critical Transitions in Complex Systems.

PhD position #1: Classification and detection of critical transitions
PhD position #2: Using cardiac data for predicting atrial fribillation and
heart attack

Supervisor: Prof. Jorge Goncalves.
Start Date: flexible during 2017.
Closing date for applications: open until filled.
Funding: full funding available for 4 years, with a highly competitive

These positions are inserted in the framework of the Doctoral Training Unit
CriTiCS which encompasses 11 PhD positions and confronts the topic of
critical transitions in complex systems within a range of disciplines
including the areas of clinical science, immunology, biology and finance.
More information at: www.critics.uni.lu.

Candidate profile:
- Hold a Master in Control Systems, Theoretical Machine Learning or
- Strong mathematical background is a requirement, biological knowledge is
not essential.
- We will only consider students that graduate in their top 20%
undergraduate and Master’s class rank (equivalent to a UK first class
- Excellent working knowledge of English.

To apply and for further information: www.critics.uni.lu.
Informal inquires: Dr. Stefano Magni, info.critics at uni.lu.

The University of Luxembourg is an equal opportunity employer. All
applications will be treated in the strictest confidence.

6.4. PostDoc: Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Contributed by: Balazs Kulcsar, kulcsar at chalmers.se

Information about the division
The Department of Signals and Systems within the Chalmers University of
Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, consists of several divisions such as
Systems and Control, Communication Systems, Signal Processing and
Biomedical Engineering, and Antennas. This research knowledge is
complemented by a new initiative from Chalmers, through the Transport Area
of Advance aiming at promoting cross-fertilized transportation research and
by the SAFER Vehicle and Traffic Safety Center focusing on safe and
efficient transportation solutions.

Major responsibilities
We invite candidates to apply for a post-doctoral position in the research
field of decentralized sensing and control algorithms for large-scale
transportation networks. Our main goal is to develop real-time vehicle
routing strategies for a mixed human- and self-driven vehicular network,
with emphasis on post-accident scenarios in large-scale road networks. We
will rely on an inter-disciplinary approach between traffic theory,
communication technologies and accident risk management. The topics include
the duality of theoretical and application-oriented research. Her/his
research activity will be shared between the Automatic Control, the
Communication Systems, and the Vehicle Safety Groups (SAFER) at Chalmers
University of Technology.

More information, and instructions how to apply, can be found at

Application deadline: 15/02/2017.

6.5. PostDoc: Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Contributed by: C.C. Cheah, ecccheah at ntu.edu.sg

The School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological
University, Singapore invites applications for one postdoc research fellow
position and one PhD student position in the following areas:

1) Wireless sensor networks
2) Human motion tracking
3) Optimal sensor placements

Applicants for the postdoc research fellow position should hold a Ph.D
degree in relevant areas; have a track record of competitive research
experience in terms of journal publications; have a good command of English
and are able to communicate well. The starting salary is about
S$4,000/month and may be adjusted depending on experience.

General information about the research scholarships for PhD candidates at
Nanyang Technological University, can be found at:

Application Procedure:
Suitably qualified candidates are invited to submit a CV, cover letter
initially. Short-listed candidates will be notified for submission of full
application packages. Electronic submission of application is encouraged
and can be sent to:

Prof C. C. Cheah
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Nanyang Technological University
50 Nanyang Avenue
Block S1
Singapore 639798

E-mail Address for E-mailed Applications: ECCCheah at ntu.edu.sg

Application closes when the positions are filled.

Only shortlisted candidates will be notified for interview.

6.6. PostDoc: Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
Contributed by: Emanuele Garone, egarone at ulb.ac.be

POSITIONS AVAILABLE : 2 Post-doc positions

SUPERVISOR : Emanuele Garone
DURATION: 24 months
SALARY: approximately 2150 Euros/months after taxes

DESCRIPTION: This postdoc is in the framework on the MIS project
“optimization-free constrained control of nonlinear systems”. The ideal
candidate should have a strong background in control and should master at
least one of the following subjects
- nonlinear control;
- Model Predictive Control;
- Continuous Optimization Methods;
- Set invariance;
- Sum of Squares

STARTING DATE: Between July 2017

REQUIREMENTS: The candidate must have obtained the title of PhD less than 5
years before the date of start of the post-doc contract. He must have spent
or worked in Belgium less than 24 months in the last 36 months.

TO APPLY: Send an email to Prof. Emanuele Garone (egarone at ulb.ac.be) with
you curriculum vitae in English, as well as contact information of two

6.7. PostDoc: Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Contributed by: Bowen Yi, yibowen at ymail.com

Postdoctoral position in Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

The Optimization &Control Engineering Research Center of Shanghai (in the
Department of Automation, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China) offers 3
postdoc positions in control engineering as soon as possible thereafter. We
are interested in candidates in the broad areas of advanced control theory,
multi-agents formation, machine learning, pattern recognition, industrial
networked control systems, etc.

The Engineer Research Center of Marine Automation, Shanghai Municipal
Education Commission (in the Department of Automation, Shanghai Jiao Tong
University, China) offers 3 postdoc positions in control engineering as
soon as possible thereafter. We are interested in candidates in the broad
areas of control engineering, marine engineering, unmanned autonomous
systems, etc.

Requirements and qualifications:
-PhD degree
-Documented experience with research dissemination in international
scientific journals
-Experience with writing research applications
-Good communication skills in English or Chinese
-Self-motivation and the ability to work both independently and as a team
player with researchers from different disciplines

Main tasks:
-Active involvement in research efforts
-Supervision of student projects and thesis at both master and Ph.D. levels

Salary and others:
- RMB 120-200k/year (approximately, 18-30kUSD)
- Apartment with very cheap rent
- It is a 2 year position and can be extended to 5 years

Required documents
-One self-recommendation letter covering your research statements, your
achievements, as well as your possible requirements from us
-A list of your publications

For further information, please contact Prof. Dr. Weidong Zhang, Email :
wdzhang at sjtu.edu.cn, tel: +86-21-34204019. Address: Dongchuan Road 800,
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China.

6.8. PostDoc: Washington University in St. Louis, USA
Contributed by: ShiNung Ching, shinung at wustl.edu

Postdoctoral Opening: Optimal Control of Neural Activity

Postdoctoral positions are available at Washington University in St. Louis
in the area of control and optimization with applications in brain
dynamics. This position is a part of an NIH BRAIN initiative-funded project
on stimulation protocols for neuron-level control.

This project will involve the development and implementation of optimal
control methods for the precise manipulation of neuronal activity at the
level of neurons and networks thereof. Candidates should have a strong
background in the general areas of systems theory, control engineering,
machine learning and/or optimization. Prior experience in neuroscience is
not needed, but a general interest/curiosity about brain dynamics is a plus!

This project will be jointly supervised by Profs. ShiNung Ching and Jr-Shin
Li in the Department of Electrical and Systems Engineering at Washington
University. Interested applicants should send a CV and brief description of
interests and goals to (shinung at wustl.edu) and (jsli at wustl.edu).
Applications will be evaluated as soon as they are received, until the
positions are filled.

6.9. PostDoc: University of Southampton, UK
Contributed by: Bing Chu, b.chu at soton.ac.uk

Research Fellow in Control Systems, University of Southampton, UK

Full Time Fixed Term - 2 years
Closing Date: Tuesday 04 April 2017
Reference: 843017FP


We are looking for a highly-motivated post-doctoral researcher in the field
of control systems. The post holder will work under the guidance of Dr Bing
Chu and Dr Chris Freeman in undertaking research on the development and
assessment of novel control approaches. Some experience in the area of
iterative learning control, model predictive control, networked dynamical
systems, distributed optimisation, or optimal control is desirable but not
essential. Experience in experimental implementation of control algorithms
is also desirable (e.g. in robotics, automation, power inverters, or
rehabilitation systems).

The post is split between 80% research and 20% teaching activities. The
latter is expected to comprise:
- Supervising projects at postgraduate student level in the area of control
- Supervising laboratory experiments in the area of control systems
- Giving a limited number of lectures in the area of control systems at
postgraduate level

It is also expected that candidates can provide evidence of the following:
- An awarded PhD or equivalent qualification related to control systems
(theory and/or implementation)
- The ability to work independently and a good team work attribute
- A willingness and ability to assist with the supervision of postgraduate
- Excellent communication and organisational skills and proven track record
in journal publications and conference presentations

The job provides an opportunity for you to develop your academic career and
gain a wide range of research experience; you will be supported by an
experienced research team who are international leaders in their fields.

Further enquiries about the position should be directed to Dr Bing Chu
(tel: +44 (0) 23 8059 6653; email: b.chu at ecs.soton.ac.uk) or Dr Chris
Freeman (tel: +44 (0) 23 8059 3486; email: cf at ecs.soton.ac.uk)

Application procedure: You should submit your completed online application
form at www.jobs.soton.ac.uk. The application deadline will be midnight on
the closing date stated above. If you need any assistance, please call
Suzanne Stone (Recruitment Team) on +44 (0) 23 8059 4043.

6.10. PostDoc: University of Melbourne, Australia
Contributed by: Michael Cantoni, cantoni at unimelb.edu.au

Research Fellow Positions: University of Melbourne, Australia.

Two post-doctoral positions are available to work on systems and control
theory research that is relevant to the automation of large-scale
gravity-powered water distribution networks. The ideal candidate has a PhD
in engineering or applied mathematics, and expertise in one or more of the
following topics:
(i) Modelling, identification and feedback control of distributed-parameter
(ii) Robust control with decentralized information;
(iii) Fault monitoring and performance analysis for large-scale systems;
(iv) Robust / stochastic MPC for constrained control in the presence of
(v) Structured and distributed computation for optimization; and/or
(vi) Hierarchical control and scheduling for dynamical systems.

Both positions are with the Department of Electrical and Electronic
Engineering, for up to 24 months.

The closing date for applications is 10 March 2017.

For more details, including how to apply, search jobs.unimelb.edu.au for
"systems and control" or "0042604".


6.11. Faculty: Zhejiang University of Technology, China
Contributed by: Qiu Xiang, qiuxiang at zjut.edu.cn

Faculty Position: Zhejiang University of Technology , Hangzhou, China

Zhejiang Control Science and Engineering First-Class (Class A) Discipline
Recruitment Announcement

Zhejiang University of Technology (ZJUT), sitting by the beautiful West
Lake, Hangzhou, is a Zhejiang Province and the Ministry of Education
co-supported, provincially governed key university, who owns one of the
only 14 Collaborative Creation Centers in the first initiative of the state
“2011 Program”. ZJUT has its beautiful campus covering more than 3000 mu,
which accommodates 24 Colleges, more than 37,000 full-time students and
more than 3,300 staffs. ZJUT is proudly to have 2 self-owned and 2 sharing
Fellows of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, as well as more than 1400
faculties with senior professional titles. ZJUT has State Key Disciplines,
State Engineering Research Centers, State University Science Parks, Centers
for Postdocs, as well as the power of awarding Doctors, Masters, MBAs and
recruiting foreign students and those from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.

The Control Science and Engineering Discipline within the College of
Information Engineering was one of the Priority-among-Priorities
Disciplines (selected by Zhejiang Provincial Government in 2009), and is
now one of the Zhejiang First-Class (Class A) Disciplines in the first
initiative of the Program in 2015. The Discipline now has the Doctoral
Program at the first-level discipline, the Center for Postdocs, and the
Zhejiang Collaborated Key Laboratory of Embedded Systems. The College of
Information Engineering where the Discipline is in has 5 undergraduate
programs: Automation, Electrical Engineering and Its Automation, Electronic
Information Engineering, Communication Engineering, and Electronic Science
and Technology. The Discipline is now recruiting faculties in the following
areas at the levels of State and Zhejiang Provincial “1000 Plan” high-level
talents, Zhejiang “Qianjiang Scholars”, ZJUT “Yunhe Specially-Appointed
Professors”, “ZJUT Professors”, outstanding PhDs and postdocs, etc.

(1) Control Science and Engineering, including advanced control theory,
robotics, machine vision, pattern recognition, industrial networked control
systems, MES, etc.
(2) Electrical Engineering, including electric drive, power electronics,
new energy, etc.
(3) Mechatronic Engineering, including high-precision servo control of
mechatronic devices, the modelling and dynamic analysis of robots, etc.
(4) Computer Science and Technology, including smart city, smart
healthcare, big data, cloud computing, IoT, industrial control software,

A. Selection criteria
High-level talents (Changjiang Scholars, 1000 Plan Scholars, Qianjiang
Scholars, etc.) You have major achievements and influence in your research
area that have already been recognized by national and international
researchers, or have great potentials of future development; You also meet
the criteria of corresponding talents programs.
ZJUT Professors /Associate Professors You have a PhD degree obtained from a
recognized university or research institutes with at least one year of
oversea research experience in a well-known foreign institute; You have
research achievements recognized by national and international researchers;
Your application also passes the review process at the university level
Outstanding PhDs/Postdocs You have a PhD degree obtained from a recognized
university or research institute; You have high-quality research outputs
and the professional skills required by a university lecturer, and great
potentials of your future career.

B. Salary and welfare
(1)National-Level Top Tier Talents:Fellows of Chinese Academy of Sciences
or Chinese Academy of Engineering, “Special Support Program” Distinguished
Talents, Principal Investigators of NSFC Innovative Research Team, or other
talents at the equivalent level. Treatment:Negotiation on the case by case
(2)National-Level Top Tier Talents:National “1000 Plan” Scholars
(long-term), Changqiang Scholars, NSFC Distinguished Young Scholars,
“Special Support Program” Outstanding Talents, winners (rank first) of
three major national science awards, or other talents at the equivalent
level. Salary (CNY):≥700K /Year; Housing Benefit(CNY):3M-5M; Startup
Funds(CNY):Case by case.
(3)National-Level Young Talents:“Special Support Program” Outstanding Young
Talents, “1000 Plan” Young Scholars, “Changjiang Young Scholars, NSFC
Outstanding Young Scholars, 973 Program Young Scholars, “Millions of
Talents Program” Scholars, or other talents at the equivalent level. Salary
(CNY):≥450K /Year; Housing Benefit(CNY):1.5M-2.5M; Startup Funds(CNY):1M-3M.
(4)Provincial-and-Ministry-Level Talents,Yunhe Specially-Appointed
Professors:CAS “100 Plan” Scholars, Zhejiang ”Qianjiang Scholars”, Zhejiang
“1000 Plan” (long-term) Scholars, or other talents who have made
significant academic contributions with great potentials of development and
who are awarded “Yunhe Specially-Appointed Professors” after the review of
ZJUT. Salary (CNY):≥350K /Year; Housing Benefit(CNY):1.5M; Startup
(5)ZJUT Professors,ZJUT Associated Professors:You have a PhD degree
obtained from a recognized university or research institutes with at least
one year of oversea research experience in a well-known foreign institute;
You have research achievements recognized by national and international
colleges; Your application also passes the review process at the university
level. Salary (CNY):Salaries at the appropriate levels; Housing
Benefit(CNY):0.4M-0.5M; Startup Funds(CNY):0.1M-0.2M.
(6)Outstanding PhDs/Postdoctors:You have a PhD degree obtained from a
recognized university or research institute; You have high-quality research
outputs and the professional skills required by a university lecturer, and
great potentials of your future career. Salary (CNY):Salaries at the
appropriate levels; Housing Benefit(CNY):0.3M.
(7)Postdocs (leading to a faculty):Besides the basic salary and welfare,
50K/Year subsidy is provided for the first two years, with the possibility
of continuing this subsidy plus a one-off 200K housing benefit if you are
accepted to ZJUT public institution business unit.

C. Required documents
(1)One self-recommendation letter covering your study and professional
records, your teaching and research statements, your achievements, your
work plan as well as your possible requirements from us.
(2)A list of your research funds, awards, and publications in the recent
five years.

D. Contact us

Dr. Qiu,
Email : qiuxiang at zjut.edu.cn
Mobile: +86-13867469319
Address: Xiaoheshan College Park, College of Information Engineering,
Zhejiang University of Technology, 310023

Zhejiang Control Science and Engineering First-Class (Class A) Discipline
Feb 02, 2017

6.12. Faculty: Washington University in St. Louis, USA
Contributed by: Hiro Mukai, facsearch at ese.wustl.edu

Tenured/Tenure-Track Faculty
Washington University in St. Louis
Electrical and Systems Engineering

The Preston M. Green Department of Electrical & Systems Engineering at
Washington University in St. Louis invites applications for faculty
positions at all levels, for fall 2017. The Electrical & Systems
Engineering department enjoys a new building, Preston M. Green Hall, with
state-of-the-art facilities. Candidates should be exceptionally strong,
possess novel and creative visions of research, and commit gladly to
teaching at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. They should have an
earned doctorate in Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Applied
Physics, Systems Engineering, Mathematics, Statistics, Operations Research
or related fields.

Technical areas of interest include, but are not limited to, applied
physics, integrated circuits, nano devices, device packaging, imaging,
signal processing, cyber-physical systems, control systems, operations
research, optimization, applied mathematics, and applied statistics.
Applications include biomedicine, robotics, financial engineering, and
modeling of physical and complex systems. Successful candidates are
expected to conduct high-quality research and teaching, publish in
peer-reviewed journals, and participate in department and university

Applications will be accepted immediately, and interviews will begin after
January 1, 2017. The details of the application process and necessary
documents are found at the following site:

Washington University in St. Louis is a medium-size private university,
which is 19th in the national university ranking and 14th in the
undergraduate teaching ranking, both according to the U.S. News & World

Washington University in St. Louis is an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative
Action employer, and invites applications from all qualified candidates.
Employment eligibility verification required upon employment.

6.13. Control System Engineers: nuTonomy
Contributed by: Andrea Censi, censi at mit.edu

nuTonomy (self-driving cars) - Control Systems Engineers

nuTonomy is looking to expand its workforce, hiring dozens of people in all
areas of robotics, and at all levels (from interns to management). nuTonomy
has a presence in Cambridge, MA; Santa Monica, CA; Singapore; and Zurich.
Today I would like to draw your attention to our positions open for Control
System Engineer. Come help us make our ride safe and comfortable!

nuTonomy aims to be the first company in the world to launch an autonomous
taxi system, and we are building up an awesome team to make this goal a
reality. nuTonomy is developing the first-of-its-kind complete solution for
providing point-to-point mobility via large fleets of autonomous vehicles.
This includes software for autonomous vehicle navigation in urban
environments, smartphone-based ride hailing, fleet routing and management,
and controlling a vehicle remotely through teleoperation. The company’s
software has been tested in the U.S., Singapore, and Europe.

We are seeking highly talented control system engineers to help ensure our
vehicles are robust and perform at the highest levels. The ideal candidate
will be a problem solver – someone who is able to track down and solve
problem across an incredibly complex system of software and hardware.

Job Responsibilities
* Design and implement control systems for self-driving cars
* Debug problems arising from a complex interaction of hardware and software

Education and Experience
* PhD or MSc in Engineering or related field with focus on robotics /
* 3+ years professional work experience at automotive company developing
control systems for ADAS products or autonomous vehicle prototypes

Core Skills
* Expert in control system theory
* Familiarity with RTOS (real-time operating systems)
* Experience with real-time constraints, and hardware interfaces (e.g.
Ethernet, UART, SPI, I2C)
* Good C/C++ development skills on Linux platforms
* Experience developing software as part of a team
* Experience with version control systems (e.g., Git)
* Desire to work in a fast-paced startup environment

* Experience in a regulated, safety critical environment

For more information about nuTonomy, visit: http://nutonomy.com

To see the complete listing of jobs, visit: http://nutonomy.com/jobs.html

6.14. Research Scientist: Rockwell Automation, USA
Contributed by: BIJAN SAYYARRODSARI, bsayyarrodsari at ra.rockwell.com

Research Scientist: Rockwell Automation, Strategic Development, USA

Rockwell Automation (http://www.rockwellautomation.com) has an open
position for a research scientist within our corporate research group in
Austin, TX. The successful candidate will join a dynamic research team to
develop innovative solutions for a diverse range of applications. This
position will put the candidate’s technical and creative skills to test.
The specific activities will focus on the development of optimization
algorithms and models for real-time analytics applications in the
manufacturing and process industries.

Required Skills:
• Developed applications or algorithms, which required use of optimization
• Developed applications or algorithms, which required use of complex
• Demonstrated experience to develop creative solutions for real world
• Strong programming background, or demonstrated learning proficiency with
programming languages. Specific languages of interest: Python, C/C++,

Desired Skills:
• Experience in algorithmic development for optimization. Of special
interest is the ability to analyze and enhance the robustness and
computational efficiency of optimization algorithms for real-time
• Experience in uncertainty modeling.
• Familiarity with statistical data analysis algorithms and concepts.
• Prior work with Big data is a plus.
• Familiarity with control theory.
• Ability to communicate effectively with people of diverse technical
backgrounds and across technologies, disciplines and functions.

Education Requirements:
• Graduate degree (preferably Ph.D) in Engineering, Physics, or Computer
Science specializing in one or more of the following: Optimization,
Statistical Data Analysis, Learning Algorithms for Big data, Complex System
Modeling, Control.

Salary and contract conditions:
• Compensation package will be commensurate with the qualifications of the
• Minimal travel requirements.

Please send your application (including a full CV) to Bijan Sayyar-Rodsari (
bsayyarrodsari at ra.rockwell.com).


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