[eletter] eletter 346

Jianghai Hu jianghai at purdue.edu
Thu Jun 1 12:54:38 EDT 2017

E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing
Issue 346
June 2017

Jianghai Hu
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Purdue University
465 Northwestern Ave.
West Lafayette, IN, 47907
Tel: +1 (765) 4962395
Fax: +1 (765) 4943371

Welcome to the 346 issue of the Eletter, available electronically at
together with its pdf version

To submit new articles, go to the CSS website
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And, as always, search for .** to navigate to the next item in the Eletter.

The next Eletter will be mailed out at the beginning of July 2017.


1. IEEE CSS Headlines
1.1 IEEE Control Systems Society Video Clip Contest: Open for Submissions
1.2 IEEE Control Systems Society Technically Cosponsored Conferences
1.3 IEEE Control Systems Society Publications Content Digest
1.4 IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control

2. Summer Schools
2.1 Summer School on "Approximation of Large-Scale Dynamic Models"
2.2 DISC Summer School on "A Systems and Control Perspective on Privacy,
Safety, and Security in Large-Scale Cyber-Physical Systems"

3. Books
3.1 Control of Multiple Robots Using Vision Sensors
3.2 Real-time Monitoring and Operational Control of Drinking-Water Systems
3.3 Uncertain Rule-Based Fuzzy Systems Introduction and New Directions, 2nd
3.4 Advanced Flight Dynamics with Elements of Flight Control

4. Journals
4.1 Contents: Automatica
4.2 Contents: IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica
4.3 Contents: Systems & Control Letters
4.4 Contents: European Journal of Control
4.5 Contents: Annual Reviews in Control
4.6 Contents: Journal of Process Control
4.7 Contents: Journal of Process Control
4.8 Contents: Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems
4.9 Contents: ISA Transactions
4.10 Contents: Control Engineering Practice
4.11 Contents: Control Theory and Technology
4.12 Contents: Asian Journal of Control
4.13 Contents: International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems
4.14 CFP: IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology

5. Conferences
5.1 International Symposium on Computer Performance, Modeling, Measurements
and Evaluation
5.2 Asian Control Conference
5.3 Australian & New Zealand Control Conference
5.4 International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems
5.5 Workshop on Networks and Control
5.6 Workshop on Brain Dynamics and Neurocontrol Engineering
5.7 IFAC World Congress Workshop on "Process Data Analytics"

6. Positions
6.1 PhD: Université Laval, Canada
6.2 PhD: University Grenoble Alpes, France
6.3 PhD: VERIMAG, France
6.4 PhD: University of Groningen, the Netherlands
6.5 PhD: Inria, France
6.6 PhD: University of Groningen, the Netherlands
6.7 PhD: University of Groningen - University of Twente, the Netherlands
6.8 PhD: University of Grenoble, France
6.9 PhD: WASP, Sweden
6.10 PhD: LAAS Lab, France
6.11 PhD: University of New South Wales, Australia
6.12 PhD: University of Bordeaux, France
6.13 PhD/PostDoc: New York University Abu Dhabi, UAE
6.14 PostDoc: Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
6.15 PostDoc: UIUC, USA
6.16 PostDoc: Centre for Energy Systems Integration, UK
6.17 PostDoc: Ghent University Global Campus, South Korea
6.18 PostDoc: CNRS - CentraleSupélec - Univ. Paris-Sud - Univ.
Paris-Saclay, France
6.19 PostDoc: Huazhong University of Science & Technology, China
6.20 PostDoc: University of Exeter, UK
6.21 PostDoc: KTH, Sweden
6.22 PostDoc: Technical University of Munich, Germany
6.23 PostDoc: University of California at Santa Cruz, USA
6.24 PostDoc: United States Naval Academy, USA
6.25 Faculty: Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen, China
6.26 Faculty: Zhejiang University of Technology, China
6.27 Automation Engineer: Sunnyvale, CA, USA

1. IEEE CSS Headlines

1.1. IEEE Control Systems Society Video Clip Contest: Open for Submissions
Contributed by: Magnus Egerstedt, magnus at gatechedu

The 2017 IEEE Control Systems Society Video Clip Contest is now open for

Submissions are now accepted for the 3rd IEEE CSS Video Clip Contest (see
http://www.ieeecss.org/video-contest). The purpose of this competition is
to promote control theory and automatic control to a broader audience
through compelling short video clips. The videos could for example focus on
a particular topic or on the field in general, with the only constraint
being that the video promotes the field in a visually compelling and
effective manner.

The schedule for the video clip contest is:
April 15 - Open for submission
July 1 - Deadline for submitting videos
July 15 - Winners are announced

Instructions for submitting the videos and eligibility information is
available at the Video Clip Contest website:

All videos are judged by a jury consisting of IEEE CSS researchers, and the
best three videos will receive prizes for contributing to the contest: The
1st, 2nd place, and 3rd places are awarded $1000, $500, and $250,
respectively. Moreover, the 1st place winner is invited to participate in
the 2017 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (
http://ccta2017.ieeecss.org) on Kohala Coast, Hawaii. The winner, or the
Team Leader of the winning team, will be awarded one free conference
registration for the CCTA 2017 as well as reimbursement for reasonable
travel expenses - to be coordinated with the Video Clip Contest Chair in
advance. The best video clips will be presented to the public during an
award ceremony at the CCTA 2017.

Looking forward to seeing your video clips!
Magnus Egerstedt (Contest Chair)
Angela Schoellig (Jury Chair)

1.2. IEEE Control Systems Society Technically Cosponsored Conferences
Contributed by: Luca Zaccarian, CSS AE Conferences, zaccarian at laas.fr

The following conferences have been recently included in the list of events
technically cosponsored by the IEEE Control Systems Society:

- XXVI International Conference on Information, Communication and
Automation Technologies (ICAT 2017). Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Oct
26 - Oct 28, 2017. http://icat.etf.unsa.ba/

- 21st International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing
(ICSTCC 2017). Sinaia, Romania. Oct 19 - 21, 2017.

- 6th International Conference on Systems and Control (ICSC 2017). Batna,
Algeria. May 7 - May 9, 2017.

- 2017 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS’17).
Miami (FL), United States. Jun 13 - Jun 16, 2017.

For a full listing of CSS technically cosponsored conferences, please visit
http://ieeecss.org/conferences/technically-cosponsored and for a list of
the upcoming and past CSS main conferences please visit

1.3. IEEE Control Systems Society Publications Content Digest
Contributed by: Elizabeth Kovacs, ekovacs2 at nd.edu

CSS Publications Content Digest
The IEEE Control Systems Society Publications Content Digest is a novel and
convenient guide that helps readers keep track of the latest published
articles. The CSS Publications Content Digest, available at
http://ieeecss.org/publications-content-digest provides lists of current
tables of contents of the periodicals sponsored by the Control Systems

Each issue offers readers a rapid means to survey and access the latest
peer-reviewed papers of the IEEE Control Systems Society. We also include
links to the Society’s sponsored Conferences to give readers a preview of
upcoming meetings.

1.4. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
Contributed by: Elizabeth Kovacs, ekovacs2 at nd.edu

Table of Contents
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
Volume 62 (2017), Issue 6 (June)

Please note that the contents of the IEEE Transactions on Automatic
Control, together with links to the abstracts of the papers may be found at
the TAC web site:
The IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control Submission and Review Management

- A Unifying Energy-Based Approach to Stability of Power Grids with Market
Dynamics, T. Stegink, C. De Persis, A. van der Schaft p. 2612
- Model-Free Plant Tuning, F. Blanchini, G. Fenu, G. Giordano, F.
A.Pellegrino p. 2623
- Quickest Change Detection with Observation Scheduling, X. Ren, K. H.
Johansson, L. Shi p. 2635
- Simple and Robust Experiment Design for System Identification using
Fractional Models, S. Abrashov, R. Malti, M. Moze, X Moreau, F. Aioun, F.
Guillemard p. 2648
- Network Flows that Solve Linear Equations, G. Shi, B. D.O. Anderson, U.
Helmke p. 2659
- Linear Quadratic Regulation of Switched Systems Using Informed Policies,
D. Antunes, W.P.M.H. Heemels p. 2675
- An Actor-Critic Algorithm with Second-Order Actor and Critic, J. Wang, I.
Ch. Paschalidis p. 2689
- Structural Properties of a Class of Linear Hybrid Systems and Output
Feedback Stabilization, C. Possieri, A. R. Teel p. 2704
- Distributed Saddle-Point Subgradient Algorithms with Laplacian Averaging,
D. Mateos-Nunez, J. Cortes p. 2720
- Stability Analysis of Discrete-Time Infinite-Horizon Optimal Control with
Discounted Cost, R. Postoyan, L. Busoniu, D. Nesic, J. Daafouz p. 2736
- Discrete-Valued Control of Linear Time-Invariant Systems by
Sum-of-Absolute-Values Optimization, M. Nagahara, T. Ikeda, S. Ono p. 2750
- Global Stability Results for Switched Systems Based on Weak Lyapunov
Functions, J. L. Mancilla-Aguilar, H. Haimovich, R. A. Garcia p. 2764
- A Generalized Framework for Inference-Based Diagnosis of Discrete Event
Systems Capturing Both Disjunctive and Conjunctive Decision-Making, S.
Takai, R. Kumar p. 2778
- Feedback Controller Norm Optimization for Linear Time Invariant
Descriptor Systems with Pole Region Constraint, S. Datta p. 2794
- Online Learning of Feasible Strategies in Unknown Environments, S.
Paternain, A. Ribeiro p. 2807
- Verification of State-Based Opacity Using Petri Nets, Y. Tong, Z. Li, C.
Seatzu, A. Giua p. 2823
- Approximations of Stochastic Hybrid Systems: A Compositional Approach, M.
Zamani, M. Rungger, P. Mohajerin Esfahani p. 2838
- Distributed Learning Algorithms for Spectrum Sharing in Spatial Random
Access Wireless Networks, K. Cohen, A. Nedich, R. Srikant p. 2854
- Stability and Stabilization of Semi-Markov Jump Linear Systems with
Exponentially Modulated Periodic Distributions of Sojourn Time, L. Zhang,
T. Yang, P. Colaneri p. 2870
- New Results on Eigenvalue Distribution and Controller Design for Time
Delay Systems, H. Wang, J. Liu, Y. Zhang p. 2886

Technical Notes and Correspondence
- Robust Kalman Filtering under Model Perturbations, M. Zorzi p. 2902
- Stabilization of Nonlinear Time-Varying Systems through a New Prediction
Based Approach, F. Mazenc, M. Malisoff p. 2908
- Weighted Consensus Protocols Design based on Network Centrality for
Multi-agent Systems with Sampled-data, M. Park, O. Kwon, A. Seuret p. 2916
- On Exploring the Domain of Attraction for Bilateral Teleoperator Subject
to Interval Delay and Saturated P+d Control Scheme, C-C. Hua, X. Yang, J.
Yan, X-P. Guan p. 2923
- Fault-Tolerant Control of Linear Quantum Stochastic Systems, S. Wang, D.
Dong p. 2929
- Output Feedback Stabilization for a Class of Multi-Variable Bilinear
Stochastic Systems with Stochastic Coupling Attenuation, Q. Zhang, J. Zhou,
H. Wang, T. Chai p. 2936
- Periodic Optimal Control, Dissipativity and MPC, M. Zanon, L. Gruene, M.
Diehl p. 2943
- In-Block Controllability of Affine Systems on Polytopes, M. K. Helwa, P.
E. Caines p. 2950
- Stabilization of Switched Linear Systems with Quantized Output and
Switching Delays, M. Wakaiki, Y. Yamamoto p. 2958
- Sliding Mode Control of Constrained Nonlinear Systems, G. P. Incremona,
M. Rubagotti, A. Ferrara p. 2965
- On the Trade-Off Between Communication and Control Cost in
Event-Triggered Dead-Beat Control, B. Demirel, V. Gupta, D. E. Quevedo, M.
Johansson p. 2973
- A Convex Characterization of Multidimensional Linear Systems Subject to
SQI Constraints, S. Sabau, N. C. Martins, M. C. Rotkowitz p. 2981
- On Stock Trading Via Feedback Control When Underlying Stock Returns Are
Discontinuous, M. H. Baumann p. 2987
- Output Regulation of Boolean Control Networks, H. Li, L. Xie, Y. Wang p.
- Output-Feedback Multivariable Global Variable Gain Super-Twisting
Algorithm, P. V. N. M. Vidal, E. V. L. Nunes, L. Hsu p. 2999
- The Observability Radius of Networks, G. Bianchin, P. Frasca, A.
Gasparri, F. Pasqualetti p. 3006
- Extremum-seeking in Singularly Perturbed Hybrid Systems, R. J.
Kutadinata, W. H. Moase, C. Manzie p. 3014
- Minimum Resource Commitment for Reachability Specifications in a Discrete
Time Linear Setting, R. Vignali, M. Prandini p. 3021
- Forward and Backward Shifts of Vector Fields: Toward the Dual Algebraic
Framework, T. Mullari, Ü. Kotta, Z. Bartosiewicz, E. Pawluszewicz, C. H.
Moog p. 2039
- Some Extensions on the Bounded Real Lemma for Positive Systems, J. Shen,
J. Lam p. 3034
- Cooperative Output Regulation of Heterogeneous Nonlinear Multi-Agent
Systems with Unknown Control Directions, M. Guo, D. Xu, L. Liu p. 3039
- Control Contraction Metrics: Convex and Intrinsic Criteria for Nonlinear
Feedback Design, I. R. Manchester, J-J. Slotine p. 3046
- Feedback Control over Lossy SNR-Limited Channels: Linear
Encoder-Decoder-Controller Design, S. Dey, A. Chiuso, L. Schenato p. 3054
- A Characterization of Lyapunov Inequalities for Stability of Switched
Systems, R. M. Jungers, A. A. Ahmadi, P. A. Parrilo, M. Roozbehani p. 3062
- Quadratic Model Predictive Control with l0-input Constraint, R. P.
Aguilera, G. Urrutia, R. Delgado, J. C. Agüero, D. Dolz p. 3068
- A Solution for the Partitioning Problem in Partition-Based Moving-Horizon
Estimation, R. Schneider p.3076
- Robust Almost Global Splay State Stabilization of Pulse Coupled
Oscillators, F. Ferrante, Y. Wang p. 3083
- Exponential Stability Analysis of Sampled-Data ODE-PDE Systems and
Application to Observer Design, T. Ahmed-Ali, I. Karafyllis, F. Giri, M.
Krstic, F. Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue p. 3091
- Comments on “On the Necessity of Diffusive Couplings in Linear
Synchronization Problems With Quadratic Cost”, H. J. van Waarde, M. K.
Camlibel, H. L. Trentelman p. 3099

2. Summer Schools

2.1. Summer School on "Approximation of Large-Scale Dynamic Models"
Contributed by: Antoneta Iuliana BRATCU, antoneta.bratcu at gipsa-lab.fr

registration is now open

Location and Date: Grenoble (France) - September 11 to 15, 2017
Scientific Chair: Charles POUSSOT-VASSAL (ONERA, Toulouse)
Website: http://www.gipsa-lab.fr/summerschool/auto2017/

Pre-registration link:

For French participants:

Early registrations are encouraged (the number of participants is limited
to 50).

Pre-registration dead-line is June 30th 2017.
Registration dead-line is July 13th 2017.

This Summer School aims at presenting the main mathematical tools and model
approximation algorithms, in order to bridge the gap between complexity and
representativeness required in control design, analysis, simulation and
optimisation. To this end, domain experts will be present to share their
expertise and cutting-edge research results. The Summer School is mainly
intended to PhD students, researchers and scholars interested in applying
approximation of large-scale dynamic models, being meanwhile open to
industrial participants. Basic knowledge in automatic control and
mathematics will be useful.

Thanos ANTOULAS (Rice University, Houston, Texas, USA)
Sara GRUNDEL (Max Planck Institute, Magdeburg, Germany)
Serkan GUGERCIN (Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, USA)
Christian HIMPE (Münster University, Münster, Germany)
Martine OLIVI (INRIA Sophia Antipolis, France)
Charles POUSSOT-VASSAL (ONERA, Toulouse, France)
Pierre VUILLEMIN (ONERA, Toulouse, France)

For further information, please contact Antoneta Iuliana BRATCU(
antoneta.bratcu at gipsa-lab.fr)

2.2. DISC Summer School on "A Systems and Control Perspective on Privacy,
Safety, and Security in Large-Scale Cyber-Physical Systems"
Contributed by: Martha Otte, m.w.otte at tudelft.nl

>From July 3-6, 2017 the DISC Summer School "A Systems and Control
Perspective on Privacy, Safety, and Security in Large-Scale Cyber-Physical
Systems” will take place at NH Atlantic, the Hague (Kijkduin), The

The increasing adoption of cyber-physical systems (CPS) and
internet-of-things (IoT) introduces new control problems beyond the
traditional tasks of stabilization and optimization. Some of the control
challenges are related to the operation of future, highly interconnected
CPS in a safety- or mission-critical environment, and to the protection of
security and privacy where sensor and actuator data, and other control
parameters are communicated in a networked CPS. Recent denial-of-service
attacks to critical infrastructure and several accidents involving
autonomous cars are some of the instances where new theoretical
developments in the systems and control field are needed.

In this summer school program, we will present recent developments towards
this endeavor and particular attention will be given to:
-differential privacy concept in a control and networked systems context
-analysis and design of resilient and secure control systems
-safety control of CPS

Keynote lectures will be given by:
-Fabio Pasqualetti, University of California, USA
-Jerome Le Ny, Polytechnique Montreal, Canada
-Rafael Wisniewski, Aalborg University, Denmark
-Yiannis Papadopoulos, University of Hull, United Kingdom
-Henrik Sandberg, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
-Manuel Mazo, Delft University of Technology, NL
-Peyman Mohajerin Esfahani, Delft University of Technology, NL
-Claudio de Persis, University of Groningen, NL
-Rene Pluis, Cisco Systems International BV

For more information about the program and registration please visit

3. Books

3.1. Control of Multiple Robots Using Vision Sensors
Contributed by: Yasmin Brookes, yasmin.brookes at springer.com

Control of Multiple Robots Using Vision Sensors
by Miguel Aranda, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Carlos Sagüés
ISBN: 978-3-319-57827-9
May 2017, Springer
Hardcover, 187 pages, $99.00/€86,99


This monograph introduces novel methods for the control and navigation of
mobile robots using multiple-1-d-view models obtained from omni-directional
cameras. This approach overcomes field-of-view and robustness limitations,
simultaneously enhancing accuracy and simplifying application on real
platforms. The authors also address coordinated motion tasks for multiple
robots, exploring different system architectures, particularly the use of
multiple aerial cameras in driving robot formations on the ground. Again,
this has benefits of simplicity, scalability and flexibility. Coverage
includes details of:

• a method for visual robot homing based on a memory of omni-directional
• a novel vision-based pose stabilization methodology for non-holonomic
ground robots based on sinusoidal-varying control inputs;
• an algorithm to recover a generic motion between two 1-d views and which
does not require a third view;
• a novel multi-robot setup where multiple camera-carrying unmanned aerial
vehicles are used to observe and control a formation of ground mobile
robots; and
• three coordinate-free methods for decentralized mobile robot formation

The performance of the different methods is evaluated both in simulation
and experimentally with real robotic platforms and vision sensors.
Control of Multiple Robots Using Vision Sensors will serve both academic
researchers studying visual control of single and multiple robots and
robotics engineers seeking to design control systems based on visual


1 Introduction
1.1 Motivation and Background
1.1.1 Computer Vision and Multiple-View Geometry
1.1.2 Visual Control of Mobile Robots
1.1.3 Multirobot Systems
1.1.4 Applications of Vision-Based Multirobot Control
1.2 Summary of Contributions
1.3 Outline of the Monograph

2 Angle-Based Navigation Using the 1D Trifocal Tensor
2.1 Introduction
2.1.1 Related Work
2.1.2 Contributions Relative to the Literature
2.2 Computation of the Reference Set Angles
2.2.1 Angles from the 1D Trifocal Tensor
2.2.2 Complete Solution of Four-View Sets
2.3 Homing Strategy
2.3.1 Control Law
2.3.2 Method Implementation
2.3.3 Stability Analysis
2.4 Experimental Results
2.4.1 Simulations
2.4.2 Experiments with Real Images
2.5 Discussion
2.5.1 Comparison with Existing Work
2.5.2 Practical and Performance-Related Considerations
2.5.3 Summary

3 Vision-Based Control for Nonholonomic Vehicles
3.1 Introduction
3.2 System Model
3.3 Sinusoidal Input-Based Control Scheme
3.3.1 Evolution of the System
3.3.2 Feedback Estimation of Control Parameters
3.4 1D Trifocal Tensor-Based Depth Correction
3.5 State Estimation Through the 1D Trifocal Tensor
3.6 Method Implementation
3.7 Stability Analysis
3.8 Experimental Results
3.8.1 Simulations
3.8.2 Experiments on a Real Robot
3.9 Discussion
3.9.1 Practical Considerations
3.9.2 Method Properties and Possible Uses
3.9.3 Summary

4 Controlling Mobile Robot Teams from 1D Homographies
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Planar Motion Estimation Using 1D Homographies
4.2.1 Motion from the 2D Homography
4.2.2 Motion from the 1D Homography
4.2.3 Experiments on Planar Motion Estimation
4.3 1D Homography-Based Multirobot Formation Control
4.3.1 Use of 1D Homographies for Multirobot Control
4.3.2 State Observer
4.3.3 Control Strategy
4.3.4 Method Implementation
4.3.5 Simulation Results for the Multirobot Control Scheme
4.4 Discussion

5 Control of Mobile Robot Formations Using Aerial Cameras
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Homography-Based Framework
5.2.1 Desired Image Points for Minimal Cost
5.2.2 Desired Homography Parametrization and Computation
5.3 Multicamera Coordinated Visual Control
5.3.1 Multicamera Framework and Coordinate Systems
5.3.2 Visual Control Law
5.3.3 Method Implementation
5.3.4 Stability Analysis
5.4 Camera Motion Control
5.5 Simulations
5.6 Experiments with Real Robots
5.7 Discussion

6 Coordinate-Free Control of Multirobot Formations
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Coordinate-Free Stabilization of a Distributed Networked Team
6.2.1 Problem Formulation
6.2.2 Coordinate-Free Control Strategy
6.2.3 Stability Analysi
6.2.4 Simulations
6.3 Distributed Formation Stabilization in Local Coordinates
6.3.1 Problem Formulation and Background
6.3.2 Control Strategy
6.3.3 Stability Analysis
6.3.4 Discussion of Valid Formation Graph Topologies
6.3.5 Simulations
6.4 Enclosing a Target in 3D Space via Coordinate-Free Formation Control
6.4.1 Problem Formulation
6.4.2 Target Enclosing Strategy
6.4.3 Stability Analysis
6.4.4 Method Properties
6.4.5 Simulations
6.5 Discussion

7 Conclusions and Directions for Future Research


3.2. Real-time Monitoring and Operational Control of Drinking-Water Systems
Contributed by: Yasmin Brookes, yasmin.brookes at springer.com

Real-time Monitoring and Operational Control of Drinking-Water Systems
by V. Puig, C. Ocampo-Martínez, R. Pérez, G. Cembrano, J. Quevedo, T.
Escobet (Eds.)
ISBN: 978-3-319-50750-7
June 2017, Springer
Hardcover, 428 pages, $179.00/€149,99


This book presents a set of approaches for the real-time monitoring and
control of drinking-water networks based on advanced information and
communication technologies. It shows the reader how to achieve significant
improvements in efficiency in terms of water use, energy consumption, water
loss minimization, and water quality guarantees.

The methods and approaches presented are illustrated and have been applied
using real-life pilot demonstrations based on the drinking-water network in
Barcelona, Spain. The proposed approaches and tools cover:

• decision-making support for real-time optimal control of water transport
networks, explaining how stochastic model predictive control algorithms
that take explicit account of uncertainties associated with energy prices
and real demand allow the main flow and pressure actuators—pumping stations
and pressure regulation valves—and intermediate storage tanks to be
operated to meet demand using the most sustainable types of source and with
minimum electricity costs;
• decision-making support for monitoring water balance and distribution
network quality in real time, implementing fault detection and diagnosis
techniques and using information from hundreds of flow, pressure, and
water-quality sensors together with hydraulic and
quality-parameter-evolution models to detect and locate leaks in the
network, possible breaches in water quality, and failures in sensors and/or
actuators; and
• consumer-demand prediction, based on smart metering techniques, producing
detailed analyses and forecasts of consumption patterns, providing a
customer communications service, and suggesting economic measures intended
to promote more efficient use of water at the household level.

Researchers and engineers working with drinking-water networks will find
this a vital support in overcoming the problems associated with increased
population, environmental sensitivities and regulation, aging
infrastructures, energy requirements, and limited water sources.


1 Real-Time Monitoring and Control in Water Systems
1.1 The Water Need
1.2 Water Cycle and Networks
1.3 Real-Time Monitoring and Control
1.4 State of the Art
1.4.1 Real-Time Monitoring of Water Networks
1.4.2 Real-Time Optimal Control of Water Networks
1.5 Outline of the Book

2 Case Studies
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Case Studies
2.3 Water Transport Network
2.4 Water Distribution Network
2.5 Software

Part I Modelling

3 Modelling and Simulation of Drinking-Water Networks
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Problem Statement
3.3 Proposed Approach
3.3.1 Hydraulic Equations
3.3.2 Water Consumptions
3.3.3 Network Equations Solver
3.3.4 Chlorine Decay Modelling
3.3.5 Network Skeletonization
3.4 Simulation and Results
3.4.1 Matrix Model
3.4.2 Skeletonization
3.4.3 Simulation
3.5 Conclusions

4 Parameter Estimation: Definition and Sampling Design
4.1 Introduction
4.1.1 Identifiability
4.1.2 Sampling Design
4.2 Problem Statement
4.3 Proposed Approach
4.3.1 Parameter Definition
4.3.2 Sampling Design
4.4 Simulations and Results
4.4.1 Exemplification
4.4.2 Demand Components’ Model for a Real Network
4.5 Conclusions

5 Parameter Estimation: Online Calibration
5.1 Introduction
5.1.1 Calibration Methods
5.1.2 Uncertainty
5.2 Problem Statement
5.3 Proposed Approach
5.4 Simulations and Results
5.4.1 Academic Example
5.4.2 Real DMA
5.5 Conclusions

6 Demand Forecasting for Real-Time Operational Control
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Problem Statement
6.3 Proposed Approach
6.3.1 Double-Seasonality ARIMA Models
6.3.2 Daily Seasonality ARIMA Model with Hourly Pattern
6.3.3 Basic Structural Model
6.3.4 Exponential Smoothing Method
6.3.5 Naïve Methods
6.4 Simulations and Results
6.5 Conclusions

Part II Real-Time Monitoring

7 Leak Monitoring
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Problem Statement
7.2.1 Model of the Network
7.3 Proposed Approach
7.3.1 Including Temporal Information
7.4 Simulations and Results
7.5 Conclusions

8 Quality Monitoring
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Problem Statement
8.3 Proposed Approach
8.3.1 Chlorine Decay Model Calibration
8.3.2 Quality Event Detection and Location
8.4 Simulation and Results
8.4.1 Calibration Case Study
8.4.2 Abnormal Quality Detection and Isolation
8.5 Conclusions

9 Sensor Placement for Monitoring
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Problem Statement
9.2.1 Model-Based Fault Diagnosis
9.2.2 Optimal Sensor Placement
9.3 Proposed Approach
9.3.1 Clustering Analysis
9.3.2 Structural Analysis Approach
9.3.3 Sensitivity Analysis Approach
9.4 Simulations and Results
9.4.1 DMA Case Study
9.4.2 DMA Network Modelling
9.4.3 Clustering Analysis
9.4.4 Structural Analysis Approach
9.4.5 Sensitivity Analysis Approach
9.4.6 Discussion
9.5 Conclusions

10 Sensor Data Validation and Reconstruction
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Problem Statement
10.3 Proposed Methodology
10.3.1 Data Validation
10.3.2 Data Reconstruction
10.3.3 Software for Data Validation and Reconstruction
10.4 Simulation and Results
10.5 Conclusions

11 Fault Diagnosis
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Problem Statement
11.3 Proposed Approach
11.3.1 Fault Diagnosis Architecture
11.3.2 ARR Generation
11.3.3 Fault Detectability and Isolability
11.3.4 Fault Detection Implementation
11.3.5 Fault Isolation Implementation
11.4 Simulations and Results
11.4.1 Barcelona Water Transport Network
11.4.2 WTN Modelling
11.4.3 ARR Generation
11.4.4 Structural Fault Detectability and Isolability Analysis
11.4.5 FD Implementation
11.4.6 Results
11.5 Conclusions and Research Perspectives

Part III Real-Time Control

12 Model Predictive Control of Water Networks Considering Flow
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Problem Statement
12.2.1 Operational Control of Water Networks
12.2.2 Operational Control of Water Network Using MPC
12.3 Proposed Approach
12.3.1 Modelling
12.3.2 Control-Oriented Model
12.3.3 Control Criteria
12.3.4 MPC Problem Formulation
12.4 Simulations and Results
12.4.1 Test Scenarios
12.4.2 Results and Discussion
12.4.3 Complementary Comments
12.5 Conclusions

13 Model Predictive Control of Water Networks Considering Flow and Pressure
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Problem Statement
13.2.1 Control-Oriented Model Including Pressure
13.2.2 Nonlinear MPC Strategy
13.2.3 NMPC Formulation
13.3 Proposed Solution
13.3.1 Mixed-Integer NMPC Including Discrete ON/OFF Pump Scheduling
13.3.2 Two-Layer Optimal Control Strategy
13.4 Simulation Results
13.4.1 Case Study Description
13.4.2 Results
13.5 Conclusions

14 Stochastic Model Predictive Control for Water Transport Networks with
Demand Forecast Uncertainty
14.1 Introduction
14.2 Problem Formulation
14.3 Chance-Constrained MPC
14.4 Tree-Based MPC
14.5 Numerical Results
14.5.1 Performance Comparison on a Small-Scale System
14.5.2 Performance Assessment of CC-MPC on a Large-Scale System
14.6 Conclusions

15 Fault-Tolerant Model Predictive Control of Water Transport Networks
15.1 Introduction
15.2 Problem Statement
15.2.1 Flow-Based Control-Oriented Model
15.2.2 Statement of the Control Problem
15.2.3 Inclusion of Fault-Tolerant Capabilities
15.3 Proposed Approach
15.3.1 Admissibility Analysis Algorithms
15.3.2 Analyses Based on the System Graph
15.3.3 Analyses Based on the System Mathematical Model
15.3.4 Reliability Analysis Algorithm
15.3.5 MPC Redesign to Preserve Reliability
15.4 Simulations and Results
15.4.1 Case Study Description
15.4.2 Results
15.4.3 Discussion
15.5 Conclusions

16 Partitioning Approaches for Large-Scale Water Transport Networks
16.1 Introduction
16.2 Problem Statement
16.3 Proposed Approaches
16.3.1 Using Graph Theory
16.3.2 Using Masks
16.4 Simulations and Results
16.4.1 Results Using Masks-Based Approach
16.4.2 Results Using Graph Theory-Based Approach
16.5 Conclusions

17 Non-centralized Predictive Control for Drinking-Water Supply Systems
17.1 Introduction
17.2 Problem Statement
17.3 Proposed Approach
17.3.1 Lower Optimization Layer
17.3.2 Upper Optimization Layer
17.3.3 ML-DMPC Algorithm
17.4 Simulations and Results
17.5 Conclusions and Research Perspectives

Part IV Future Trends

18 Data-Driven Evolutionary-Game-Based Control for Drinking-Water Networks
18.1 Introduction
18.2 Problem Statement
18.2.1 First Data-Driven Perspective
18.2.2 Second Data-Driven Perspective
18.3 Proposed Approach
18.3.1 Population-Games Approach: First Data-Driven Perspective
18.3.2 Population-Games Approach: Second Data-Driven Perspective
18.4 Simulations and Results
18.4.1 Case Study: First Data-Driven Perspective
18.4.2 Case Study: Second Data-Driven Perspective
18.5 Conclusions and Research Perspectives

19 Coordinating Regional and Urban Water Networks
19.1 Introduction
19.2 Problem Formulation
19.2.1 Control-Oriented Model for Regional Supply Networks
19.2.2 Operational Goals for Regional Supply Networks
19.3 Coordination Scheme for Regional and Urban Networks
19.3.1 Centralized MPC
19.3.2 Multi-layer MPC
19.4 Results
19.4.1 Case Study: The Catalonia Regional Water Network
19.4.2 MPC Results for Regional Supply Network
19.4.3 MPC Results for Urban Delivery Network
19.4.4 Results of Centralized MPC
19.4.5 Results of Temporal Multi-level Coordination Scheme
19.4.6 Comparisons Between Centralized MPC and Coordination Scheme
19.5 Conclusions

20 Big Data Analytics and Knowledge Discovery Applied to Automatic Meter
20.1 Introduction
20.2 Problem Statement
20.2.1 Data Storage
20.2.2 Data Processing
20.3 Proposed Approach
20.4 Results
20.4.1 Tarragona
20.4.2 Torremolinos
20.4.3 Alicante
20.5 Conclusions



3.3. Uncertain Rule-Based Fuzzy Systems Introduction and New Directions,
2nd Edition
Contributed by: Mojtaba Ahmadieh Khanesar, ahmadieh at ieee.org

Uncertain Rule-Based Fuzzy Systems Introduction and New Directions, 2nd
by Prof. Jerry M. Mendel
ISBN: 978-3-319-51369-0
2017, Springer
Paperback, 684 pages, $119.00

Table of Content:

Chapter 1: Type-1 Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic
Chapter 2: Type-1 Fuzzy Systems
Chapter 3: Type-1 Fuzzy Systems: Design Methods and Applications
Chapter 4: Sources of Uncertainty
Chapter 5: Type-2 Fuzzy Sets
Chapter 6: Working with Type-2 Fuzzy Sets
Chapter 7: Type-Reduction
Chapter 8: Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Systems
Chapter 9: Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Systems: Design Methods and Applications
Chapter 10: General Type-2 Fuzzy Systems

▶ Presents fully updated material on new breakthroughs in human-inspired
rule-based techniques for handling real-world uncertainties
▶ Allows those already familiar with type-1 fuzzy sets and systems to
rapidly come up to speed to type-2 fuzzy sets and systems
▶ Features complete classroom material including end-of-chapter exercises,
a solutions manual, and three case studies -- forecasting of time series to
knowledge mining from surveys and PID control

The second edition of this textbook provides a fully updated approach to
fuzzy sets and systems that can model uncertainty — i.e., “type-2” fuzzy
sets and systems. The author demonstrates how to overcome the limitations
of classical fuzzy sets and systems, enabling a wide range of applications
from time-series forecasting to knowledge mining to control. In this new
edition, a bottom-up approach is presented that begins by introducing
classical (type-1) fuzzy sets and systems, and then explains how they can
be modified to handle uncertainty. The author covers fuzzy rule-based
systems – from type-1 to interval type-2 to general type-2 – in one volume.
For hands-on experience, the book provides information on accessing MatLab
and Java software to complement the content. The book features a full suite
of classroom material.

• Presents fully updated material on new breakthroughs in human-inspired
rule-based techniques for handling real-world uncertainties;
• Allows those already familiar with type-1 fuzzy sets and systems to
rapidly come up to speed to type-2 fuzzy sets and systems;
• Features complete classroom material including end-of-chapter exercises,
a solutions manual, and three case studies -- forecasting of time series to
knowledge mining from surveys and PID control.

3.4. Advanced Flight Dynamics with Elements of Flight Control
Contributed by: Nandan Kumar Sinha, nandan_aero at yahoo.com

Advanced Flight Dynamics with Elements of Flight Control
Published June 2017, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, Boca Raton,
Florida, USA.
Authors: Nandan K Sinha and N Ananthkrishnan

Details/inspection copy available at:

4. Journals

4.1. Contents: Automatica
Contributed by: Elisa Capello, elisa.capello at polito.it

Table of Contents
Vol. 80, June 2017

- Gang Zheng, Francisco Javier Bejarano, “Observer design for linear
singular time-delay systems”, pages 1-9.
- Weiguo Xia, Ming Cao, “Analysis and applications of spectral properties
of grounded Laplacian matrices for directed networks”, pages 10-16.
- Bailing Tian, Zongyu Zuo, Xiaomo Yan, Hong Wang, “A fixed-time output
feedback control scheme for double integrator systems”, pages 17-24.
- Cesar O. Aguilar, Bahman Gharesifard, “Almost equitable partitions and
new necessary conditions for network controllability”, pages 25-31.
- Héctor Ríos, Laurentiu Hetel, Denis Efimov, “Nonlinear impulsive systems:
2D stability analysis approach”, pages 32-40.
- Fangfei Li, Hongyi Li, Lihua Xie, Qi Zhou, “On stabilization and set
stabilization of multivalued logical systems”, pages 41-47.
- Yin Tong, Zhiwu Li, Carla Seatzu, Alessandro Giua, “Decidability of
opacity verification problems in labeled Petri net systems”, pages 48-53.
- Leonardo Azevedo Scardua, José Jaime da Cruz, “Complete offline tuning of
the unscented Kalman filter”, pages 54-61.
- Ziad Alkhoury, Mihály Petreczky, Guillaume Mercère, “Identifiability of
affine linear parameter-varying models”, pages 62-74.
- Giuseppe C. Calafiore, Carlo Novara, Michele Taragna, “Leading impulse
response identification via the Elastic Net criterion”, pages 75-87.
- Beidaghi Sahereh, Jalali Aliakbar, Khaki Sedigh Ali, “Image filtering for
descriptor systems with strict LMI conditions”, pages 88-94.
- Shanying Zhu, Shuai Liu, Yeng Chai Soh, Lihua Xie, “Performance analysis
of averaging based distributed estimation algorithm with additive
quantization model”, pages 95-101.
- Zong-Yao Sun, Cui-Hua Zhang, Zhuo Wang, “Adaptive disturbance attenuation
for generalized high-order uncertain nonlinear systems”, pages 102-109.
- Hassan K. Khalil, “Cascade high-gain observers in output feedback
control”, pages 110-118.
- Víctor Torres-González, Tonametl Sanchez, Leonid M. Fridman, Jaime A.
Moreno, “Design of Continuous Twisting Algorithm”, pages 119-126.
- Xiang Yin, “Initial-state detectability of stochastic discrete-event
systems with probabilistic sensor failures”, pages 127-134.
- Yu Kawano, Toshiyuki Ohtsuka, “PBH tests for nonlinear systems”, pages
- Victor Dolk, Maurice Heemels, “Event-triggered control systems under
packet losses”, pages 143-155.
- Ning Wang, Chunjiang Qian, Zong-Yao Sun, “Global asymptotic output
tracking of nonlinear second-order systems with power integrators”, pages
- Xiang Yin, Stéphane Lafortune, “A new approach for the verification of
infinite-step and image-step opacity using two-way observers”, pages
- Farnaz Adib Yaghmaie, Rong Su, Frank L. Lewis, Sorin Olaru, “Bipartite
and cooperative output synchronizations of linear heterogeneous agents: A
unified framework”, pages 172-176.
- Mohammad Naghnaeian, Petros G. Voulgaris, “Performance optimization over
positive image cones”, pages 177-188.
- Andreas Svensson, Thomas B. Schön, “A flexible state–space model for
learning nonlinear dynamical systems”, pages 189-199.
- Ming Liu, Lixian Zhang, Peng Shi, Yuxin Zhao, “Sliding mode control of
continuous-time Markovian jump systems with digital data transmission”,
pages 200-209.
- Dabo Xu, Zhiyong Chen, Xinghu Wang, “Global robust stabilization of
nonlinear cascaded systems with integral ISS dynamic uncertainties”, pages
- Alexey V. Egorov, Carlos Cuvas, Sabine Mondié, “Necessary and sufficient
stability conditions for linear systems with pointwise and distributed
delays”, pages 218-224.
- Yongming Li, Shaocheng Tong, Lu Liu, Gang Feng, “Adaptive output-feedback
control design with prescribed performance for switched nonlinear systems”,
pages 225-231.
- Emmanuel Cruz-Zavala, Jaime A. Moreno, “Homogeneous High Order Sliding
Mode design: A Lyapunov approach”, pages 232-238.
- Tae H. Lee, Ju H. Park, “A novel Lyapunov functional for stability of
time-varying delay systems via matrix-refined-function”, pages 239-242.
- Johan Thunberg, Florian Bernard, Jorge Goncalves, “Distributed methods
for synchronization of orthogonal matrices over graphs”, pages 243-252.
- Si-Lu Chen, Xiaocong Li, Chek Sing Teo, Kok Kiong Tan, “Composite jerk
feedforward and disturbance observer for robust tracking of flexible
systems”, pages 253-260.
- Johannes Schiffer, Florian Dörfler, Emilia Fridman, “Robustness of
distributed averaging control in power systems: Time delays & dynamic
communication topology”, pages 261-271.
- Thomas Berger, “Disturbance decoupling by behavioral feedback for linear
differential–algebraic systems”, pages 272-283.
- Marco Todescato, Andrea Carron, Ruggero Carli, Gianluigi Pillonetto, Luca
Schenato, “Multi-robots Gaussian estimation and coverage control: From
client–server to peer-to-peer architectures”, pages 284-294.
- Suruz Miah, Arian Y. Panah, Mostafa Mohammad Hossein Fallah, Davide
Spinello, “Generalized non-autonomous metric optimization for area coverage
problems with mobile autonomous agents”, pages 295-299.
- Jan Lunze, “Structural properties of networked systems with random
communication links”, pages 300-304.
- Milad Siami, Nader Motee, “New spectral bounds on image-norm of linear
dynamical networks”, pages 305-312.
- Jun Shang, Maoyin Chen, Hongquan Ji, Donghua Zhou, “Recursive transformed
component statistical analysis for incipient fault detection”, pages
- Christian Feller, Christian Ebenbauer, “A stabilizing iteration scheme
for model predictive control based on relaxed barrier functions”, pages
- Tor Aksel N. Heirung, B. Erik Ydstie, Bjarne Foss, “Dual adaptive model
predictive control”, pages 340-348.

4.2. Contents: IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica
Contributed by: Yan Ou, yan.ou at ia.ac.cn

IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica
Volume 4 (2017), Issue 2 (April)

- From Parallel Plants to Smart Plants: Intelligent Control and Management
for Plant Growth. M. Z. Kang and F.-Y. Wang, page 161

- Guest Editorial for Special Issue on Control and Optimization in
Renewable Energy Systems. D. W. Qian, C. D. Li, Q. M. Yang, X. Y. Zhao, Y.
B. Chen, and H. B. He, page 167
- Optimal Constrained Self-learning Battery Sequential Management in
Microgrid Via Adaptive Dynamic Programming. Q. L. Wei, D. R. Liu, Y. Liu,
and R. Z. Song, page 168
- Multilevel Feature Moving Average Ratio Method for Fault Diagnosis of the
Microgrid Inverter Switch. Z. J. Huang, Z. S. Wang, and H. G. Zhang, page
- A Chance Constrained Optimal Reserve Scheduling Approach for Economic
Dispatch Considering Wind Penetration. Y. F. Tang, C. Luo, J. Yang, and H.
B. He, page 186
- A Nonlinear Observer Approach of SOC Estimation Based on Hysteresis Model
for Lithium-ion Battery. Y. Ma, B. S. Li, G. Y. Li, J. X. Zhang, and H.
Chen, page 195
- Grid Integration of Wind Generation Considering Remote Wind Farms: Hybrid
Markovian and Interval Unit Commitment. B. Yan, H. P. Fan, P. B. Luh, K.
Moslehi, X. M. Feng, C. N. Yu, M. A. Bragin, and Y. W. Yu, page 205
- An Optimized Oxygen System Scheduling With Electricity Cost Consideration
in Steel Industry. Z. Y. Han, J. Zhao, and W. Wang, page 216
- Multi-aiming Strategy Design for Quadruple Prism Shaped Central Receiver
in Solar Power Tower System. W. J. Huang, Y. M. Qi, F. X. Yi, D. W. Li, and
H. Wang, page 223
- The Initial Guess Estimation Newton Method for Power Flow in Distribution
Systems. Q. Y. Sun, L. Liu, D. Z. Ma, and H. G. Zhang, page 231
- Short-circuit Analysis in Large-scale Distribution Systems With High
Penetration of Distributed Generators. L. V. Strezoski and M. D. Prica,
page 243
- Variable Parameter Nonlinear Control for Maximum Power Point Tracking
Considering Mitigation of Drive-train Load. Z. Y. Chen, M. H. Yin, L. J.
Zhou, Y. P. Xia, J. K. Liu, and Y. Zou, page 252
- A Parametric Genetic Algorithm Approach to Assess Complementary Options
of Large Scale Wind-solar Coupling. T. Mareda, L. Gaudard, and F. Romerio,
page 260
- Output Tracking Control of a Hydrogen-air PEM Fuel Cell. S. W. Tong, J.
J. Fang, and Y. N. Zhang, page 273
- Fast Distributed Demand Response Algorithm in Smart Grid. Q. F. Dong, L.
Yu, W. Z. Song, J. J. Yang, Y. Wu, and J. Qi, page 280
- An Improved Approach to Test Diagnosability of Bounded Petri Nets. N.
Ran, H. Y. Su, and S. G. Wang, page 297
- Design and Robust Performance Evaluation of a Fractional Order PID
Controller Applied to a DC Motor. J. Viola, L. Angel, and J. M. Sebastian,
page 304
- The Exp-function Method for Some Time-fractional Differential Equations.
A. Bekir, O. Guner, and A. Cevikel, page 315
- An Iterative Learning Approach to Identify Fractional Order KiBaM Model.
Y. Zhao, Y. Li, F. Y. Zhou, Z. K. Zhou, and Y. Q. Chen, page 322
- Pinning Synchronization Between Two General Fractional Complex Dynamical
Networks With External Disturbances. W. Y. Ma, Y. J. Wu, and C. P. Li, page
- Variational Calculus With Conformable Fractional Derivatives. M. J. Lazo
and D. F. M. Torres, page 340
- Fractional Envelope Analysis for Rolling Element Bearing Weak Fault
Feature Extraction. J. H. Wang, L. Y. Qiao, Y. Q. Ye, and Y. Q. Chen, page
- Local Bifurcation Analysis of a Delayed Fractional-order Dynamic Model of
Dual Congestion Control Algorithms. M. Xiao, G. P. Jiang, J. D. Cao, and W.
X. Zheng, page 361
- Effective Self-calibration for Camera Parameters and Hand-eye Geometry
Based on Two Feature Points Motions. J. Sun, P. Wang, Z. K. Qin, and H.
Qiao, page 370
- The Switching Fractional Order Chaotic System and Its Application to
Image Encryption. J. L. Hou, R. Xi, P. Liu, and T. L. Liu, page 381

4.3. Contents: Systems & Control Letters
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com

Systems & Control Letters
Volume 103
May 2017

- Xiaofan Wu, Mihailo R. Jovanović, Sparsity-promoting optimal control of
systems with symmetries, consensus and synchronization networks, Pages 1-8
- Ankush Chakrabarty, Raid Ayoub, Stanisław H. Żak, Shreyas Sundaram,
Delayed unknown input observers for discrete-time linear systems with
guaranteed performance, Pages 9-15
- Pengpeng Zhang, Tengfei Liu, Zhong-Ping Jiang, Input-to-state
stabilization of nonlinear discrete-time systems with event-triggered
controllers, Pages 16-22
- Daniel E. Miller, A parameter adaptive controller which provides
exponential stability: The first order case, Pages 23-31
- P. Laakkonen, A. Quadrat, A fractional representation approach to the
robust regulation problem for SISO systems, Pages 32-37
- Yang Liu, Zidong Wang, Xiao He, D.H. Zhou, Finite-horizon quantized
filter design for a class of time-varying systems under event-triggered
transmissions, Pages 38-44
- Yong He, Partial exact controllability for wave equations, Pages 45-49
- Luca Consolini, Marco Locatelli, Andrea Minari, Aurelio Piazzi, An
optimal complexity algorithm for minimum-time velocity planning, Pages 50-57
- Zhiqiang Miao, Yaonan Wang, Rafael Fierro, Cooperative circumnavigation
of a moving target with multiple nonholonomic robots using backstepping
design, Pages 58-65

4.4. Contents: European Journal of Control
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com

European Journal of Control
Volume 35
May 2017

- Sean Costello, Grégory François, Dominique Bonvin, Crosswind kite control
– A benchmark problem for advanced control and dynamic optimization, Pages
- Simone Göttlich, Peter Schillen, Numerical discretization of boundary
control problems for systems of balance laws: Feedback stabilization, Pages
- Samir Toumi, Lotfi Beji, Rhouma Mlayeh, Azgal Abichou, Stabilization of
torsional vibration in oilwell drillstring system, Pages 19-27
- Lahcen Maniar, Mohamed Oumoun, Jean-Claude Vivalda, On the stabilization
of quadratic nonlinear systems, Pages 28-33
- Timm Faulwasser, Dominique Bonvin, Exact turnpike properties and economic
NMPC, Pages 34-41
- Michael Jost, Gabriele Pannocchia, Martin Mönnigmann, Accelerating linear
model predictive control by constraint removal, Pages 42-49
- Yuliang Bai, James D. Biggs, Xiaogang Wang, Naigang Cui, A singular
adaptive attitude control with active disturbance rejection, Pages 50-56

4.5. Contents: Annual Reviews in Control
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com

Annual Reviews in Control
Volume 43

- Francoise Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue, Anuradha Annaswamy, Sebastian Engell, Alf
Isaksson, Pramod Khargonekar, Richard M. Murray, Henk Nijmeijer, Tariq
Samad, Dawn Tilbury, Paul Van den Hof, Systems & Control for the future
of humanity, research agenda: Current and future roles, impact and grand
challenges, Pages 1-64
- Anton V. Proskurnikov, Roberto Tempo, A tutorial on modeling and analysis
of dynamic social networks. Part I, Pages 65-79
- Giacomo Como, On resilient control of dynamical flow networks, Pages 80-90
- Jan Rohac, Jakob M. Hansen, Mushfiqul Alam, Martin Sipos, Tor A.
Johansen, Thor I. Fossen, Validation of nonlinear integrated navigation
solutions, Pages 91-106
- Mathukumalli Vidyasagar, Machine learning methods in computational cancer
biology, Pages 107-127
- Toru Seo, Alexandre M. Bayen, Takahiko Kusakabe, Yasuo Asakura, Traffic
state estimation on highway: A comprehensive survey, Pages 128-151
- J. Zaytoon, B. Riera, Synthesis and implementation of logic controllers –
A review, Pages 152-168
- Afshan Naseem, Syed Tasweer Hussain Shah, Shoab Ahmed Khan, Asad Waqar
Malik, Decision support system for optimum decision making process in
threat evaluation and weapon assignment: Current status, challenges and
future directions, Pages 169-187
- Dan Zhang, Bin Wei, A review on model reference adaptive control of
robotic manipulators, Pages 188-198
- Johannes Jäschke, Yi Cao, Vinay Kariwala, Self-optimizing control – A
survey, Pages 199-223
- Rodrigo Reyes Levalle, Shimon Y. Nof, Resilience in supply networks:
Definition, dimensions, and levels, Pages 224-236

4.6. Contents: Journal of Process Control
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com

Journal of Process Control
Volume 54
June 2017

- Antonio Ferramosca, Alejandro H. González, Daniel Limon, Offset-free
multi-model economic model predictive control for changing economic
criterion, Pages 1-13
- Xiaoxia Chen, Xin Chen, Jinhua She, Min Wu, A hybrid just-in-time soft
sensor for carbon efficiency of iron ore sintering process based on feature
extraction of cross-sectional frames at discharge end, Pages 14-24
- Khaled Zabet, Robert Haber, Robust tuning of PFC (Predictive Functional
Control) based on first- and aperiodic second-order plus time delay models,
Pages 25-37
- Alejandro G. Marchetti, Timm Faulwasser, Dominique Bonvin, A
feasible-side globally convergent modifier-adaptation scheme, Pages 38-46
- M. Ziyan Sheriff, Majdi Mansouri, M. Nazmul Karim, Hazem Nounou, Mohamed
Nounou, Fault detection using multiscale PCA-based moving window GLRT,
Pages 47-64
- Agustina D’Jorge, Antonio Ferramosca, Alejandro H. González, A robust
gradient-based MPC for integrating real time optimizer (RTO) with control,
Pages 65-80
- Kang-Kang Xu, Han-Xiong Li, Hai-Dong Yang, Dual least squares support
vector machines based spatiotemporal modeling for nonlinear distributed
thermal processes, Pages 81-89
- Wei Wu, Shin-An Chen, Jenn-Jiang Hwang, Fu-Teng Hsu, Optimization and
control of a stand-alone hybrid solid oxide fuel cells/gas turbine system
coupled with dry reforming of methane, Pages 90-100
- Philipp Nguyen, Robert Tenno, Stochastic evolution of regulation errors
in a boundary-actuated desalination plant, Pages 101-117
- M. Crespo, B. Ivorra, A.M. Ramos, A. Rapaport, Modeling and optimization
of activated sludge bioreactors for wastewater treatment taking into
account spatial inhomogeneities, Pages 118-128
- F. Guo, K. Hariprasad, B. Huang, Y.S. Ding, Robust identification for
nonlinear errors-in-variables systems using the EM algorithm, Pages 129-137
- Esmaeil Jahanshahi, Sigurd Skogestad, Nonlinear control solutions to
prevent slugging flow in offshore oil production, Pages 138-151
- Kai Wang, Junghui Chen, Zhihuan Song, Data-driven sensor fault diagnosis
systems for linear feedback control loops, Pages 152-171

4.7. Contents: Journal of Process Control
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com

Journal of Process Control
Volume 55
July 2017

- Adrià Soldevila, Rosa M. Fernandez-Canti, Joaquim Blesa, Sebastian
Tornil-Sin, Vicenç Puig, Leak localization in water distribution networks
using Bayesian classifiers, Pages 1-9
- Ronghu Chi, Xiaohe Liu, Ruikun Zhang, Zhongsheng Hou, Biao Huang,
Constrained data-driven optimal iterative learning control, Pages 10-29
- Paulo R.C. Mendes, Jose M. Maestre, Carlos Bordons, Julio E. Normey-Rico,
A practical approach for hybrid distributed MPC, Pages 30-41
- Siyun Wang, Jodie M. Simkoff, Michael Baldea, Leo H. Chiang, Ivan
Castillo, Rahul Bindlish, David B. Stanley, Autocovariance-based MPC model
mismatch estimation for systems with measurable disturbances, Pages 42-54
- Riccardo De-Luca, Fabrizio Bezzo, Quentin Béchet, Olivier Bernard,
Exploiting meteorological forecasts for the optimal operation of algal
ponds, Pages 55-65

4.8. Contents: Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com

Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems
Volume 25
August 2017

- Chongyang Liu, Zhaohua Gong, Kok Lay Teo, Jie Sun, Louis Caccetta, Robust
multi-objective optimal switching control arising in 1,3-propanediol
microbial fed-batch process, Pages 1-20
- Jingang Zhai, Teng Niu, Jianxiong Ye, Enmin Feng, Optimal control of
nonlinear switched system with mixed constraints and its parallel
optimization algorithm, Pages 21-40
- Hao Shen, Lei Su, Zheng-Guang Wu, Ju H. Park, Reliable dissipative
control for Markov jump systems using an event-triggered sampling
information scheme, Pages 41-59
- Assalé Adjé, Pierre-Loïc Garoche, Victor Magron, A Sums-of-Squares
extension of policy iterations, Pages 60-78
- Radosław Zawiski, Stabilizability of nonlinear infinite dimensional
switched systems by measures of noncompactness in the space, Pages 79-89
- Xinzhi Liu, Kexue Zhang, Wei-Chau Xie, Consensus seeking in multi-agent
systems via hybrid protocols with impulse delays, Pages 90-98
- M.V. Dolgopolik, A.L. Fradkov, Nonsmooth and discontinuous speed-gradient
algorithms, Pages 99-113
- Xingwen Liu, Yongbin Yu, Hao Chen, Stability of perturbed switched
nonlinear systems with delays, Pages 114-125
- Vadim Azhmyakov, Raymundo Juarez, A first-order numerical approach to
switched-mode systems optimization, Pages 126-137
- Nak-seung P. Hyun, Erik I. Verriest, Causal modeling in impulsive
systems: A new rigorous non-standard analysis approach, Pages 138-154
- Aaron D. Ames, Paulo Tabuada, Austin Jones, Wen-Loong Ma, Matthias
Rungger, Bastian Schürmann, Shishir Kolathaya, Jessy W. Grizzle, First
steps toward formal controller synthesis for bipedal robots with
experimental implementation, Pages 155-173
- Shishir Kolathaya, Aaron D. Ames, Parameter to state stability of control
Lyapunov functions for hybrid system models of robots, Pages 174-191
- A. Iovine, F. Valentini, E. De Santis, M.D. Di Benedetto, M. Pratesi,
Safe human-inspired mesoscopic hybrid automaton for autonomous vehicles,
Pages 192-210
- Mohammad Al Khatib, Antoine Girard, Thao Dang, Stability verification and
timing contract synthesis for linear impulsive systems using reachability
analysis, Pages 211-226
- Kaveh Akbari Hamed, Jessy W. Grizzle, Reduced-order framework for
exponential stabilization of periodic orbits on parameterized hybrid zero
dynamics manifolds: Application to bipedal locomotion, Pages 227-245
- Julia L. Fleck, Christos G. Cassandras, Optimal design of personalized
prostate cancer therapy using Infinitesimal Perturbation Analysis, Pages
- Ali Pakniyat, Peter E. Caines, Hybrid optimal control of an electric
vehicle with a dual-planetary transmission, Pages 263-282
- Anantharaman Subbaraman, Andrew R. Teel, Robust global recurrence for a
class of stochastic hybrid systems, Pages 283-297
- Kathrin Flaßkamp, Alex R. Ansari, Todd D. Murphey, Hybrid control for
tracking of invariant manifolds, Pages 298-311

4.9. Contents: ISA Transactions
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com

ISA Transactions
Volume 68
May 2017

- Davood Shaghaghi, Alireza Fatehi, Ali Khaki-Sedigh, Multi-linear model
set design based on the nonlinearity measure and H-gap metric, Pages 1-13
- Jie Wu, Zhu-Jun Zhou, Xi-Sheng Zhan, Huai-Cheng Yan, Ming-Feng Ge,
Optimal modified tracking performance for MIMO networked control systems
with communication constraints, Pages 14-21
- Zhijia Zhao, Yu Liu, Fei Luo, Output feedback boundary control of an
axially moving system with input saturation constraint, Pages 22-32
- Amir Zakerimanesh, Farzad Hashemzadeh, Amir Rikhtehgar Ghiasi, Dual-user
nonlinear teleoperation subjected to varying time delay and bounded inputs,
Pages 33-47
- Amir Abbasi, Javad Poshtan, Robust state estimation for a class of
uncertain nonlinear systems: Comparison of two approaches, Pages 48-53
- G. Sánchez, M. Murillo, L. Giovanini, Adaptive arrival cost update for
improving Moving Horizon Estimation performance, Pages 54-62
- Wei Ao, Yongdong Song, Changyun Wen, Adaptive robust fault tolerant
control design for a class of nonlinear uncertain MIMO systems with
quantization, Pages 63-72
- Cheng Zeng, Shan Liang, Shuwen Xiang, A novel condition for stable
nonlinear sampled-data models using higher-order discretized approximations
with zero dynamics, Pages 73-81
- Miaoping Sun, Xiaohong Nian, Liqiong Dai, Hua Guo, The design of
delay-dependent wide-area DOFC with prescribed degree of stability α for
damping inter-area low-frequency oscillations in power system, Pages 82-89
- Sajad Azizi, Sufficient LMI conditions and Lyapunov redesign for the
robust stability of a class of feedback linearized dynamical systems, Pages
- Farshad Merrikh-Bayat, A uniform LMI formulation for tuning PID,
multi-term fractional-order PID, and Tilt-Integral-Derivative (TID) for
integer and fractional-order processes, Pages 99-108
- Dengfeng Xiao, Jianqi An, Yong He, Min Wu, The chaotic characteristic of
the carbon-monoxide utilization ratio in the blast furnace, Pages 109-115
- Xiong Xu, Guo-Ying Gu, Zhenhua Xiong, Xinjun Sheng, Xiangyang Zhu,
Development of a decentralized multi-axis synchronous control approach for
real-time networks, Pages 116-126
- Yang Zheng, Jianzhong Zhou, Yanhe Xu, Yuncheng Zhang, Zhongdong Qian, A
distributed model predictive control based load frequency control scheme
for multi-area interconnected power system using discrete-time Laguerre
functions, Pages 127-140
- Zhiguo Yan, Yunxia Song, Ju H. Park, Finite-time stability and
stabilization for stochastic markov jump systems with mode-dependent time
delays, Pages 141-149
- Dan Zhang, Zhenhua Xu, Qing-Guo Wang, Yun-Bo Zhao, Leader–follower H∞
consensus of linear multi-agent systems with aperiodic sampling and
switching connected topologies, Pages 150-159
- Zhi-Hui Zhang, Guang-Hong Yang, Event-triggered fault detection for a
class of discrete-time linear systems using interval observers, Pages
- Zhichen Li, Yan Bai, Congzhi Huang, Huaicheng Yan, Further results on
stabilization for interval time-delay systems via new integral inequality
approach, Pages 170-180
- Chudong Tong, Ting Lan, Xuhua Shi, Double-layer ensemble monitoring of
non-gaussian processes using modified independent component analysis, Pages
- Naveed Ishtiaq Chaudhary, Syed Zubair, Muhammad Asif Zahoor Raja, A new
computing approach for power signal modeling using fractional adaptive
algorithms, Pages 189-202
- Sudipta Chakraborty, Sandip Ghosh, Asim Kumar Naskar, All-PD control of
pure Integrating Plus Time-Delay processes with gain and phase-margin
specifications, Pages 203-211
- WeiJia Zheng, Ying Luo, XiaoHong Wang, YouGuo Pi, YangQuan Chen,
Fractional order PIλDμ controller design for satisfying time and frequency
domain specifications simultaneously, Pages 212-222
- K. Ghousiya Begum, A. Seshagiri Rao, T.K. Radhakrishnan, Enhanced IMC
based PID controller design for non-minimum phase (NMP) integrating
processes with time delays, Pages 223-234
- Nikhil Pachauri, Vijander Singh, Asha Rani, Two degree of freedom PID
based inferential control of continuous bioreactor for ethanol production,
Pages 235-250
- Anupam Kumar, Vijay Kumar, A novel interval type-2 fractional order fuzzy
PID controller: Design, performance evaluation, and its optimal time domain
tuning, Pages 251-275
- Kai Zhang, Yuri A.W. Shardt, Zhiwen Chen, Xu Yang, Steven X. Ding,
Kaixiang Peng, A KPI-based process monitoring and fault detection framework
for large-scale processes, Pages 276-286
- Weide Xu, Junfeng Zhang, Ridong Zhang, Application of multi-model
switching predictive functional control on the temperature system of an
electric heating furnace, Pages 287-292
- Miguel Martínez-Rey, Felipe Espinosa, Alfredo Gardel, Analysis of the
optimal sampling rate for state estimation in sensor networks with delays,
Pages 293-301
- Milu Zhang, Tianzhen Wang, Tianhao Tang, Mohamed Benbouzid, Demba Diallo,
An imbalance fault detection method based on data normalization and EMD for
marine current turbines, Pages 302-312
- Shirong Zhang, Qian Tang, Yu Lin, Yuling Tang, Fault detection of feed
water treatment process using PCA-WD with parameter optimization, Pages
- Bo Ding, Huajing Fang, Fault prediction for nonlinear stochastic system
with incipient faults based on particle filter and nonlinear regression,
Pages 327-334
- Xinwei Wang, Haijun Peng, Sheng Zhang, Biaosong Chen, Wanxie Zhong, A
symplectic pseudospectral method for nonlinear optimal control problems
with inequality constraints, Pages 335-352
- Zhankui Song, Kaibiao Sun, Shuai Ling, Stabilization and synchronization
for a mechanical system via adaptive sliding mode control, Pages 353-366
- Qing Guo, Jing-min Yin, Tian Yu, Dan Jiang,
Coupled-disturbance-observer-based position tracking control for a cascade
electro-hydraulic system, Pages 367-380
- Jaromír Fišer, Pavel Zítek, Pavel Skopec, Jan Knobloch, Tomáš Vyhlídal,
Dominant root locus in state estimator design for material flow processes:
A case study of hot strip rolling, Pages 381-401
- Tao Li, Hui Zhao, Global finite-time adaptive control for uncalibrated
robot manipulator based on visual servoing, Pages 402-411
- Yongkang Liu, Richard Candell, Nader Moayeri, Effects of wireless packet
loss in industrial process control systems, Pages 412-424
- C. Shanthi, N. Pappa, An artificial intelligence based improved
classification of two-phase flow patterns with feature extracted from
acquired images, Pages 425-432
- M. Eusebia Guerrero-Sánchez, D. Alberto Mercado-Ravell, Rogelio Lozano,
C. Daniel García-Beltrán, Swing-attenuation for a quadrotor transporting a
cable-suspended payload, Pages 433-449

4.10. Contents: Control Engineering Practice
Contributed by: Martin Böck, cep at acin.tuwien.ac.at

Control Engineering Practice
Volume 63
June 2017

- Miquel À. Cugueró-Escofet, Vicenç Puig, Joseba Quevedo, Optimal pressure
sensor placement and assessment for leak location using a relaxed isolation
index: Application to the Barcelona water network,Pages 1-12
- Chin Leei Cham, Ai Hui Tan, Wooi Haw Tan, Identification of a
multivariable nonlinear and time-varying mist reactor system,Pages 13-23
- R. Gifty, U.P. Rajeev, V.R. Lalithambika, M.V. Dhekane, Entry guidance
with smooth drag planning and non-linear tracking,Pages 24-33
- Bita Fallahi, Carlos Rossa, Ron S. Sloboda, Nawaid Usmani, Mahdi
Tavakoli, Sliding-based image-guided 3D needle steering in soft
tissue,Pages 34-43
- Edward O'Dwyer, Luciano De Tommasi, Konstantinos Kouramas, Marcin
Cychowski, Gordon Lightbody, Prioritised objectives for model predictive
control of building heating systems,Pages 57-68
- Yaokui Gao, Deliang Zeng, Jizhen Liu, Yifan Jian, Optimization control of
a pulverizing system on the basis of the estimation of the outlet coal
powder flow of a coal mill,Pages 69-80
- N. Cruz, G. De Tommasi, M. Mattei, A. Mele, Y. Miyata, A. Pironti, T.
Suzuki, Control-oriented tools for the design and validation of the JT-60SA
magnetic control system,Pages 81-90
- Huazhen Fang, Thayjes Srivas, Raymond A. de Callafon, Mulugeta A. Haile,
Ensemble-based simultaneous input and state estimation for nonlinear
dynamic systems with application to wildfire data assimilation,Pages 104-115
- Nikolaus Euler-Rolle, Martin Fuhrmann, Markus Reinwald, Stefan Jakubek,
Longitudinal tunnel ventilation control. Part 1: Modelling and dynamic
feedforward control,Pages 91-103
- Martin Fuhrmann, Nikolaus Euler-Rolle, Michaela Killian, Markus Reinwald,
Stefan Jakubek, Longitudinal tunnel ventilation control. Part 2: Non-linear
observation and disturbance rejection,Pages 44-56

4.11. Contents: Control Theory and Technology
Contributed by: Zou Tiefeng, tfzou at scut.edu.cn

Control Theory and Technology
(formerly entitled Journal of Control Theory and Applications)
Vol. 15, No. 2, May 2017


Special issue on model-based optimal control theory and technology in
automotive control

Editorial, T. Shen P.81
- Cylinder pressure based combustion phase optimization and control in
spark-ignited engines, Y. Zhang, T. Shen P.83
- Experimental investigation of control updating period monitoring in
industrial PLC-based fast MPC: Application to the constrained control of a
cryogenic refrigerator, F. Bonne, M. Alamir, P. Bonnay P.92
- Two-degree-of-freedom H-infinity control of combustion in diesel engine
using a discrete dynamics model, M. Hirata, S. Ishizuki, M. Suzuki P.109
- Optimal heat release shaping in a reactivity controlled compression
ignition (RCCI) engine, C. Guardiola, B. Pla, A. Garc\'{i}a, V. Boronat
- Online calibration of combustion phase in a diesel engine, Q. Tan, P.
Divekar, Y. Tan, X. Chen, M. Zheng P.129
- MPC-based torque control of permanent magnet synchronous motor for
electric vehicles via switching optimization, B. Ren, H. Chen, H. Zhao, W.
Xu P.138
- Comparison of generalized engine control and MPC based on maximum
principle, A. Ohata P.150

- Towards to dynamic optimal control for large-scale distributed systems,
S. Li P.158

4.12. Contents: Asian Journal of Control
Contributed by: Lichen Fu, lichen at ntu.edu.tw

Asian Journal of Control
Vol.19, No.3 May, 2017

[Regular Paper]
1. Paper Title: Observability Conditions by Polynomial Ideals (pages
821–831), Y. Kawano and T. Ohtsuka
2. Paper Title: Arbitrary Pole Placement by Constant Output Feedback for
Linear Time Invariant Systems (pages 832–839), Konstadinos H. Kiritsis
3. Paper Title: Bounded-Input Control of the Quadrotor Unmanned Aerial
Vehicle: A Vision-Based Approach (pages 840–855), Hamed Jabbari Asl and
Jungwon Yoon
4. Paper Title: Design of Adaptive Block Backstepping Controllers with
Perturbations Estimation for Nonlinear State-Delayed Systems in Semi-Strict
Feedback Form (pages 856–873), Chih-Chiang Cheng, Yu-Chi Chiang and
Pei-Chia Huang
5. Paper Title: Existence and Controllability Results for a New Class of
Impulsive Stochastic Partial Integro-Differential Inclusions with
State-Dependent Delay (pages 874–899), Zuomao Yan and Xiumei Jia
6. Paper Title: Distributed Control for Coupled Nonholonomic Mobile Robots
under the Event-Triggered and Self-Triggered Frameworks (pages 900–917),
Chengshuai Yang, Yilong Qiu, Fei Chen and Linying Xiang
7. Paper Title: Distributed Observer-based Stabilization of Nonlinear
Multi-agent Systems with Sampled-data Control (pages 918–928), Ying Wan,
Jinde Cao, Ahmed Alsaedi and Tasawar Hayat
8. Paper Title: Nonlinear MPC Controller Design for AIR Supply of PEM Fuel
Cell Based Power Systems (pages 929–940), Quan Ouyang, Jian Chen, Fan Wang
and Hongye Su
9. Paper Title: Consensus of Delayed Multi-agent Systems via Intermittent
Impulsive Control (pages 941–950), Shasha Yang, Xiaofeng Liao, Yanbing Liu,
Xin Chen and Dingling Ge
10. Paper Title: Stabilization and H∞ Control of Nonlinear Switched
Hamiltonian Systems Subject to Actuator Saturation (pages 951–960), Han Li
and Airong Wei
11. Paper Title: Convergence Results of the Biconjugate Residual Algorithm
for Solving Generalized Sylvester Matrix Equation (pages 961–968), Masoud
12. Paper Title: NON-PDC Observer-Based T-S Fuzzy Tracking Controller
Design and its Application in CHAOS Control (pages 969–982), Mohammad
Hassan Asemani and Ramin Vatankhah
13. Paper Title: Approximation Optimal Vibration for Networked Nonlinear
Vehicle Active Suspension with Actuator Time Delay (pages 983–995),
Shi-Yuan Han, Cheng-Hui Zhang and Gong-You Tang
14. Paper Title: Operational Optimization for Microgrid of Buildings with
Distributed Solar Power and Battery (pages 996–1008), Yuanming Zhang and
Qing-Shan Jia
15. Paper Title: Consensus Problem with a Reference State for
Fractional-Order Multi-Agent Systems (pages 1009–1018), Jing Bai, Guoguang
Wen, Ahmed Rahmani and Yongguang Yu
16. Paper Title: Design of an Optimal Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control using
Scalar Sign Function (pages 1019–1033), Lotfi Chaouech, Moez Soltani, Slim
Dhahri and Abdelkader Chaari
17. Paper Title: Robust Stability and Stabilization Of TCP-Networked
Control Systems with Multiple Delay System Modeling (pages 1034–1045),
Masoumeh Azadegan and Mohammad T. H. Beheshti
18. Paper Title: Mixed-Objective Robust Dynamic Output Feedback Controller
Synthesis for Continuous-Time Polytopic Lpv Systems (pages 1046–1059), Wei
Jiang, Hongli Wang, Jinghui Lu, Guangbin Cai and Weiwei Qin
19. Paper Title: Stabilization of Coupled ODE-PDE System with Intermediate
Point and Spatially Varying Effects Interconnection (pages 1060–1074),
Yuanlong Yuan, Zhengwei Shen and Fucheng Liao
20. Paper Title: Adaptive Control Scheme for Large-Scale Interconnected
Systems Described by Hammerstein Models (pages 1075–1088), Mourad Elloumi
and Samira Kamoun
21. Paper Title: On Convergence of Volterra Series Expansion of a Class of
Nonlinear Systems (pages 1089–1102), Xingjian Jing and Zhenlong Xiao
22. Paper Title: Distributed Three-Dimensional Formation Containment
Control of Multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Systems (pages 1103–1113), Tao
Han, Ming Chi, Zhi-Hong Guan, Bin Hu, Jiang-Wen Xiao and Yuehua Huang
23. Paper Title: Hybrid Adaptive Type-2 Fuzzy Tracking Control of Chaotic
Oscillation Damping of Power Systems (pages 1114–1125), Majid Moradi
Zirkohi, Tufan Kumbasar and Tsung-Chih Lin
24. Paper Title: An Optimal Control Approach to Linear Systems Controlled
by Multiple Controllers (pages 1126–1139), Guoqing Yang, Zhenyu Gao and
Zhongchang Liu
25. Paper Title: Stable Delayed Bilateral Teleoperation of Mobile
Manipulators (pages 1140–1152), Diego D. Santiago, Emanuel Slawiñski and
Vicente A. Mut
26. Paper Title: Adaptive Impulsive Observers for a Class of Switched
Nonlinear Systems with Unknown Parameter (pages 1153–1163), Jinghan Li,
Ruicheng Ma and Georgi M. Dimirovski
27. Paper Title: Recursive Generalized Maximum Correntropy Criterion
Algorithm with Sparse Penalty Constraints for System Identification (pages
1164–1172), Wentao Ma, Jiandong Duan, Badong Chen, Guan Gui and Weishi Man
28. Paper Title: Event-triggered PCS Based Trajectory Tracking Control of
Systems with Perturbation (pages 1173–1188), Chengcheng Song, Haoping Wang,
Yang Tian and Nicolai Christov

[Brief Paper]
1. Paper Title: Adaptive Leader-Following Consensus for Uncertain Nonlinear
Multi-Agent Systems (pages 1189–1196), Xinglong Niu, Yungang Liu and
Yongchao Man
2. Paper Title: Robust MPC for Linear Systems with Structured Time-Varying
Uncertainties and Saturating Actuator (pages 1197–1204), Langwen Zhang, Wei
Xie and Jingcheng Wang
3. Paper Title: A Differential Game Based Guidance Law for an Accelerating
Exoatmospheric Missile (pages 1205–1216), Qing Ye and Chunsheng Liu
4. Paper Title: Model Reduction of Large Scale Descriptor Systems Using
Time Limited Gramians (pages 1217–1227), Khawaja Shafiq Haider, Abdul
Ghafoor, Muhammad Imran and Fahad Mumtaz Malik
5. Paper Title: Structural Properties of Networked Control Systems With
Bandwidth Limitations and Delays (pages 1228–1238), Mohammad Mahdi Share
Pasand and Mohsen Montazeri
6. Paper Title: Robust Stabilization of Nonlinear PVTOL Aircraft with
Parameter Uncertainties (pages 1239–1249), Chen Yu-Chan, Ma Bao-Li and Xie
7. Paper Title: Variable Gain Output Feedback Control of A Networked
Temperature Control System Based on Online Delay Estimation (pages
1250–1254), Chhavi Suryendu, Sandip Ghosh and Bidyadhar Subudhi

4.13. Contents: International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems
Contributed by: Young Hoon Joo, journal at ijcas.com

International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems (IJCAS)
ISSN: 1598-6446

Table of contents
Vol. 15, No. 3, June 2017

- A New Extended LMI-based Robust Gain Scheduled State Feedback H2
Controller Design, Yusuf Altun 967-975
- Dynamic Output Feedback Robust MPC for LPV Systems Subject to Input
Saturation and Bounded Disturbance, Xubin Ping*, Zhiwu Li, and Abdulrahman
Al-Ahmari 976-985
- Stability and Asynchronous Stabilization for a Class of Discrete-time
Switched Nonlinear Systems with Stable and Unstable Subsystems, Qunxian
Zheng*, Hongbin Zhang, and Dianhao Zheng 986-994
- Robust H∞ Filtering for Uncertain Discrete-time Descriptor Systems,
Sahereh Beidaghi*, Ali Akbar Jalali, Ali Khaki Sedigh, Bijan Moaveni
- Dynamic Analysis of a 5D Fractional-order Hyperchaotic System, Shan Wang
and Ranchao Wu* 1003-1010
- Stability Analysis of a Family of Continuous State Feedback Synthesis:
Theory and Experiments, Raul Santiesteban-Cos, Araceli Garate-Garcia*, and
Oscar Montano-Godinez 1011-1019
- Prescribed Performance Adaptive Neural Tracking Control for
Strict-feedback Markovian Jump Nonlinear Systems with Time-varying Delay,
Ru Chang, Yi-ming Fang*, Le Liu, and Ke-song Kang 1020-1031
- Positive Observer Design for Linear Impulsive Positive Systems with
Interval Uncertainties and Time Delay, Meng-Jie Hu, Yan-Wu Wang, and
Jiang-Wen Xiao* 1032-1039
- Switching Predictive Control for Continuous-time Markovian Jump Delay
Systems, Jiwei Wen* and Li Peng 1040-1050
- Optimal Controls of Fractional Impulsive Partial Neutral Stochastic
Integrodifferential Systems with Infinite Delay in Hilbert Spaces, Zuomao
Yan* and Xiumei Jia 1051-1068
- Quasi-min-max Output-feedback Model Predictive Control for LPV Systems
with Input Saturation, Tae-Hyoung Kim* and Ho-Woon Lee 1069-1076
- Adjustable Parameter-based Multi-objective Fault Estimation Observer
Design for Continuous-time/Discrete-time Dynamic Systems, Ke Zhang, Vincent
Cocquempot, and Bin Jiang* 1077-1088
- Kalman Filter-based Wind Speed Estimation for Wind Turbine Control,
Dongran Song, Jian Yang, Mi Dong*, and Young Hoon Joo* 1089-1096
- A Novel Robust Adaptive Second-order Sliding Mode Tracking Control
Technique for Uncertain Dynamical Systems with Matched and Unmatched
Disturbances, Saleh Mobayen* and Fairouz Tchier 1097-1106
- Quantized Control for Uncertain Singular Markovian Jump Linear Systems
with General Incomplete Transition Rates, Jing Xie, Yong-Gui Kao*, Cai-Hong
Zhang and Hamid Reza Karimi 1107-1116
- State Feedback Design for Nonlinear Quadratic Systems with Randomly
Occurring Actuator Saturation, Yujing Shi*, Yueru Li, Shanqiang Li and
Hongyu Liu 1117-1124
- Global Adaptive Control for a Class of Uncertain Stochastic Nonlinear
Systems with Unknown Output Gain, Wenting Zha, Junyong Zhai*, and Shumin
Fei 1125-1133
- Bifurcation Control in a Delayed Two-neuron Fractional Network, Lingzhi
Zhao, Jinde Cao , Chengdai Huang, Ahmed Alsaedi, Abdullah Al-Barakati and
Habib M. Fardoun 1134-1144
- Robust Fault Diagnosis Scheme in a Class of Nonlinear System Based on UIO
and Fuzzy Residual, S. Hamideh Sedigh Ziyabari*, Mahdi Aliyari Shoorehdeli
- TDOA/FDOA based Target Tracking with Imperfect Position and Velocity Data
of Distributed Moving Sensors, Seul-Ki Han, Won-Sang Ra, and Jin Bae Park
- Almost Global Finite-time Stabilization of Spacecraft Formation Flying
with Decentralized Collision Avoidance, Daero Lee* and George Vukovich
- Containment Control for Directed Networks Multi-agent System with
Nonlinear Dynamics and Communication Time-delays, Bo Li, Zeng-qiang Chen*,
Chun-yan Zhang, Zhong-xin Liu, and Qing Zhang 1181-1188
- A Filtering based Multi-innovation Extended Stochastic Gradient Algorithm
for Multivariable Control Systems, Jian Pan, Xiao Jiang*, Xiangkui
Wan,Wenfang Ding 1189-1197
- Decentralized Model Reference Adaptive Control for Interconnected Time
Delay Systems with Delay in State and Compensation of Long Delay in Input
by Nested Prediction, Seyed Hamid Hashemipour, Nastaran Vasegh*, and Ali
Khaki- Sedigh 1198-1206
- Servo System Design for Speed Control of AC Induction Motors Using
Polynomial Differential Operator, Dae Hwan Kim, Trong Hai Nguyen, Pandu
Sandi Pratama, Hak Kyeong Kim, Young Seok Jung, and Sang Bong Kim* 1207-1216
- Order Reduction of Plant and Controller in Closed Loop Identification
based on Joint Input-Output Approach, Atsushi Fujimori* and Shinsuke Ohara
- Robust Output Tracking Control for a Class of Uncertain Nonlinear Systems
Using Extended State Observer, Yan Zhao, Jiang-Bo Yu*, and Jie Tian 1227-123
- A Simple Method to Design Robust Fractional-order Lead Compensator,
Sharad P. Jadhav*, Rajan H. Chile, and Satish T. Hamde 1236-1248
- Auxiliary Particle Bernoulli Filter for Target Tracking, Bo Li* and
Jianli Zhao 1249-1258
- Design of Super Twisting Algorithm for Chattering Suppression in Machine
Tools, Chiew Tsung Heng*, Zamberi Jamaludin, Ahmad Yusairi Bani Hashim,
Lokman Abdullah, and Nur Aidawaty Rafan 1259-1266
- Adaptive Feedback Linearization Control for Twin Rotor Multiple-input
Multiple-output System, Nguyen Van Chi 1267-1274
- Generalized Hierarchical Block Circulant Structure of Multi-agent
Systems, Muhammad Iqbal, John Leth, and Trung Dung Ngo* 1275-1286
- A Formation and Traction Control Design for Multiple Mobile Robots,
Hyun-Su Kim, Jong-Koo Park, Tae-Yong Kuc*, Nak Yong Ko, and Yong-Seon Moon
- The LQR Baseline with Adaptive Augmentation Rejection of Unmatched Input
Disturbance, Xin Wang, Xin Chen*, and Liyan Wen 1302-1313
- Fractional Sliding Mode Control of Underwater ROVs subject to
Non-differentiable Disturbances, Aldo-Jonathan Munoz-Vazquez*, Heriberto
Ramirez-Rodriguez, Vicente Parra-Vega, and Anand Sanchez-Orta 1314-1321
- Line Segment Selection Method for Fast Path Planning, Won-Young Shin*,
Jong-Jin Shin, Byung-Ju Kim and Kwang-Rae Jeong 1322-1331
- A Novel Geometric Invariant of a Pair of Conics and its Application to
Eyeglasses-tracking Interface, Heon-Hui Kim and Kwang-Hyun Park* 1332-1341
- Equitranslational and Axially Rotational Microrobot using Electromagnetic
Actuation System, Hyunchul Choi, Semi Jeong, Gwangjun Go, Cheong Lee, Jin
Zhen, Seong Young Ko, Jong-Oh Park* and Sukho Park* 1342-1350
- Anticipated Trajectory based Proportional Navigation Guidance Scheme for
Intercepting High Maneuvering Targets, Amit Kumar*, Aparajita Ojha, and
Prabin Kumar Padhy 1351-1361
- Visual Servoing Using an Optimized Trajectory Planning Technique for a 4
DOFs Robotic Manipulator, Mohammad Keshmiri, Wen-Fang Xie*, and Ahmad
Ghasemi 1362-1373
- Stereo-Vision based Obstacle Avoidance by Finding Safe Region, Xiaojie
Zhao, Gang Wang*, Maozhi Cai and Hongkun Zhou 1374-1383
- System Identification of an Airship using Trust Region Reflective Least
Squares Algorithm, Mansoor Ahsan and Mohammad Ahmad Choudhry* 1384-1393
- An Improved H∞ Fuzzy Filter for Nonlinear Sampled-data Systems, Ho Jun
Kim, Jin Bae Park , and Young Hoon Joo 1394-1404
- Pinning Control of Complex Network Synchronization: A Recurrent Neural
Network Approach, Edgar N. Sanchez*, David I. Rodriguez-Castellanos,
Guanrong Chen, and Riemann Ruiz-Cruz 1405-1413
- Approximation-based Adaptive Tracking of Uncertain Input-Quantized
Nonlinear Systems in the Presence of Unknown Quantization Parameters and
Control Directions, Yun Ho Choi and Sung Jin Yoo* 1414-1424
- Adaptive Neural Network Tracking of a Class of Switched Nonlinear Systems
with Time-varying Output Constraints, Seung Woo Lee, Hyoung Oh Kim, and
Sung Jin Yoo* 1425-1433
- A New Quadrotor Manipulation System: Modeling and Point-to-point Task
Space Control, Ahmed Khalifa* and Mohamed Fanni 1434-1446
- Cartesian Space Consensus of Heterogeneous and Uncertain Euler-Lagrange
Systems Using Artificial Neural Networks, Remberto Machuca, Carlos I.
Aldana, Rodrigo Munguia and Emmanuel Nuno* 1447-1455
- Adaptive Wavelet Neural Network Controller for Active Suppression Control
of a Diaphragm-Type Pneumatic Vibration Isolator, Hung-Yi Chen and Jin-Wei
Liang 1456-1465
- Elongation Prediction of Steel-Strips in Annealing Furnace with Deep
Learning via Improved Incremental Extreme Learning Machine, Chao Wang*,
Jian-HuiWang, Shu-Sheng Gu, XiaoWang, and Yu-Xian Zhang 1466-1477

4.14. CFP: IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Contributed by: Guillaume Mercère, guillaume.mercere at univ-poitiers.fr

CFP: Special Issue on System identification and control in biomedical
applications in IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology

Contributions are invited for a special issue of the IEEE Transactions on
Control Systems Technology devoted to the subject of System Identification
and Control in Biomedical Applications. The purpose of this special issue
is to document the current status of research in this field through an
original collection of diverse, high-quality papers. The emphasis is on the
role control systems technology plays in advancing the state of the art in
the challenges of applying feedback control in living organisms, with
emphasis on biomedicine. Specifically, we aim at (i) pointing out
theoretical and practical issues specific to bio-medical systems, (ii)
bringing together solutions developed under different settings with
specific attention to the validation of these tools in bio-medical settings
using real-life datasets and experiments, and (iii) introducing significant
case studies. Topics of common interests include (but are not limited to)
the following:
- theoretical and implementation challenges which arise in medical systems,
- control engineering tools for solving specific system design problems in
medical technology,
- novel data-driven modeling techniques capturing the dynamics of
biomedical systems, and accounting for intra- and inter-individual
- evidence of successful projects in biomedicine enabled by system
identification and control, such as the artificial pancreas and closed-loop
- application areas in healthcare and medical systems, such as assistive
devices and therapeutics in medical rehabilitation, and mathematical models
of infectious disease spread.
- prevention and treatment of chronic, relapsing disorders and illnesses
such as cancer, diabetes, obesity, and HIV.

Only contributions that include significant results based on analysis of
real data or experimental validation will be included. Papers must contain
high-quality original contributions and be prepared in accordance with the
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology standards. Prospective
authors should state in their cover letter and in the notes section of the
submission site that their manuscript is intended for the special issue on
“system identification and control in biomedical applications.” Submitted
manuscripts must not have been previously published or be under review for
possible publication elsewhere.

Time line:
Manuscripts Due: November 1, 2017
Notification to authors (after the first round of reviews): March 1, 2018
Notification of final decision: June 1, 2018
Publication Date: January 2019

Authors can submit their manuscripts via

Information for Authors prior to submitting a paper is available via

All inquiries should be directed to G. Mercère you can contact via his
email address: guillaume.mercere at univ-poitiers.fr

Guest Editors:
Guillaume Mercère, Université de Poitiers, France (LEAD)
Bayu Jayawardhana, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Alexander Medvedev, Uppsala University, Sweden
Daniel E. Rivera, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA
Caterina Scoglio, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas, USA

5. Conferences

5.1. International Symposium on Computer Performance, Modeling,
Measurements and Evaluation
Contributed by: Yingdong Lu, yingdong at us.ibm.com



NOVEMBER 13-17, 2017

The IFIP PERFORMANCE 2017 conference solicits research papers on the design
of algorithms, mathematical modeling, simulation and measurement techniques
for computer systems or communication networks. Topics of interest include
the following.

Methodologically-oriented design and evaluation studies of:
• Network architectures, protocols and algorithms.
• Wireless, mobile, ad-hoc, sensor and cellular networks.
• Data centers, cloud computing and virtualization.
• Computer architectures, memory systems and storage systems.
• Energy-efficient computing and networking.
• Security systems, Internet servers, multimedia systems and web services.
• Social networks, smart grid and sensing infrastructure.
• Operating systems, file systems and databases.

Methodologies, evaluation techniques, and algorithms for:
• Capacity planning, resource allocation, routing, scheduling and Quality
of Service.
• System measurement and monitoring.
• Stochastic analysis, statistical analysis and simulation.
• Large scale data collection, management and processing.

Papers should not exceed 12 pages double-column and single-spaced including
figures, tables, and references in standard ACM format. In addition, a
2-page appendix is permitted, where the appendix does not count towards the
original 12 pages. Papers must be submitted electronically in printable pdf
form. Templates for the standard ACM format can be found at this link. Both
strict and alternate styles are acceptable for submission. No changes to
margins, spacing, or font sizes are allowed from those specified by the
style files. Papers violating the formatting guidelines will be returned
without review.
The papers, if accepted, will be presented in the conference and published
in a special issue of the ACM Performance Evaluation Review (PER). The
style file can be found here.

Warning: It is ACM policy not to allow double submissions, where the same
paper is submitted to more than one conference/journal concurrently. Any
double submissions detected will be immediately rejected from all
conferences/journals involved.

All submissions will be reviewed using a DOUBLE-BLIND REVIEW process: the
identity of authors and referees will not be revealed to each other. To
ensure blind reviewing, authors' names and affiliations should not appear
in the paper; bibliographic references should be made in such a way as to
preserve author anonymity. Papers will be selected on the basis of their
originality, technical standards, relevance and clarity. Submissions must
be made electronically, details will be provided in the conference website.

Abstract submission: June 19, 2017
Full paper submission: June 26, 2017
Notification to authors: August 28, 2017
Final manuscript due: September 25, 2017

General Chairs (Performance17 at lists.cs.columbia.edu):
Yingdong Lu (IBM Research, USA)
Dan Rubenstein (Columbia University, USA)

Program Committee Co-Chairs:
Frank Kelly (Cambridge University, UK)
Dow Towsley (University of Massachusetts, USA)

5.2. Asian Control Conference
Contributed by: Ljubo Vlacic, l.vlacic at griffith.edu.au

Gold Coast Australia, 17 – 20 December 2017; https://www.ascc2017.com/

The Asian Control Conference will be held immediately after CDC 2017.
If you will be attending CDC 2017 till 15 December you can then make your
way from Melbourne to Gold Coast on Sunday, 17 December and enjoy the ASCC
Welcome Reception there. The ASCC 2017 Proceedings will be published in

The City of Gold Coast is a celebrated holiday experience set on one of
Australia’s most spectacular natural stages. From pure, adrenalin-packed
fun to natural indulgence, the contrasts of Australia’s Gold Coast unite to
deliver every holiday experience you could desire in one friendly place. A
high quality accommodation at a special discount rate has been negotiated
for the conference participants.

Regular Papers (drafts) 10 July 17
Invited Session Proposals 10 July 17
Workshop Proposals 10 July 17
Author notifications 22 September 17
Final Papers 01 October 17

5.3. Australian & New Zealand Control Conference
Contributed by: Ljubo Vlacic, l.vlacic at griffith.edu.au

Gold Coast,17-20 December 2017, http://anzcc.org.au/ANZCC2017/

ANZCC 2017 will be held simultaneously with ASCC 2017, at the same venue,
the award winning Gold Coast Convention & Exhibition Centre.
The ANZCC 2017 details can be obtained from http://anzcc.org.au/ANZCC20
Specially designed and attractive registration package for those wishing to
attend both events has been arranged.

Apart from traditional paper types, ANZCC 2017 will also be accepting
Presentation only papers will not be included in the Conference
Proceedings. However, they will be a part of the Conference Program (if
accepted) and their abstracts will be included in the Book of Abstracts
which will be distributed to the conference participants.
Draft papers: 17 July 17
Invited session proposals: 17 July 17
Workshops proposals: 17 July 17
Author notification: 20 September 17
Final papers: 01 October 17

5.4. International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems
Contributed by: Hye-Soo Kim, conference at icros.org

2017 17th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems
(ICCAS 2017)
October 18(WED)-21(SAT), 2017
Ramada Plaza, Jeju Island, Korea


The aim of the ICCAS is to bring together researchers and engineers
worldwide to present their latest works, and disseminate the
state-of-the-art technologies related to control, automation, robotics, and

Proposal for Invited/Organized Session (Mini-symposium)
- June 10, 2017: Submission Deadline
Regular Papers (3 - 6 pages) & Invited/Organized Session Papers (1 - 6
- June 15, 2017: Submission Deadline
- August 1, 2017: Notification of Acceptance
- August 31, 2017: Submission of Final Camera-ready Papers
Research Poster Papers (1 - 2 pages)
- August 22, 2017: Submission Deadline
- August 31, 2017: Notification of Acceptance
- September 7, 2017: Submission of Final Camera-ready Papers

PAPER SUBMISSION: The conference invites three types of submission:
"Regular Paper", "Research Poster Paper", and "Invited(Organized)
Session/Mini-symposium Paper". To submit papers, go "Online Paper
Submission" on the website: http://online.2017.iccas.org

PAPER SUBMISSION GUIDELINE: http://2017.iccas.org/?page_id=21

Indexed in: IEEE Xplore, EI compendex, and SCOPUS

- Richard D. Braatz (Massachusetts Inst. of Tech., USA)
- Reza Moheimani (Univ. of Texas at Dallas, USA)
- Antonella Ferrara (Univ. of Pavia, Italy)
- Huijun Gao (Harbin Inst. of Tech., China)
- Atsuo Takanishi (Waseda Univ., Japan)

ACCOMMODATION: ICCAS 2017 participants can reserve rooms at the appointed
hotels at a special (discounted) rate. View details:

Organized by Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems (ICROS)
Technically Co-Sponsored by IEEE IES, IEEE CSS, IEEE RAS, SICE, ACA, CAA,

General Chair: Dong-il “Dan” Cho (Seoul Nat’l Univ., Korea / ICROS
Organizing Chair: Doyoung Jeon (Sogang Univ., Korea)
Program Chair: Hyosung Ahn (GIST, Korea)

5.5. Workshop on Networks and Control
Contributed by: Keith Glover, kg at eng.cam.ac.uk

Gonville and Caius College, University of Cambridge, UK.

A workshop to mark the contributions of Malcolm Smith to the Control field
on the occasion of his 60th birthday.

Invited speakers (confirmed):
M.Z.Q. Chen, P. Dewilde, T. Georgiou, A.R. Glover, S. Hara, T.H. Hughes,
J.Z. Jiang, A. Rantzer, M. Vidyasagar, G. Vinnicombe, Y. Yamamoto.
Chair: K. Glover

Website: http://www-control.eng.cam.ac.uk/Main/Workshop9


5.6. Workshop on Brain Dynamics and Neurocontrol Engineering
Contributed by: ShiNung Ching, shinung at wustl.edu

2017 Workshop on Brain Dynamics and Neurocontrol Engineering, June 25-27,

** Travel awards are still available for students, postdocs and junior
faculty. **

We are pleased to invite participants to the 2017 Workshop on Brain
Dynamics and Neurocontrol Engineering at Washington University in St. Louis
(St. Louis, MO, USA), to be held this summer (June 26-27).

Spurred by the development of both new technologies and new scientific
initiatives, interest is coalescing around the use of dynamical systems and
control theory to study the workings of the human brain. Neuroscience
affords several research challenges and opportunities for the dynamics and
control community, due to the immense complexity of the system at hand, the
dynamics of which span many spatial and temporal scales. Understanding how
these dynamics mediate brain function is a pivotal neuroscience question
that is well-aligned with methodological approaches innate to systems and
control engineering. The goal of this workshop is to provide a focused
forum for the discussion of research synergy between experts from the
dynamics, control and neuroscience communities.

For full information, including speaker list, award and registration
details, please visit: http://sites.wustl.edu/brain

5.7. IFAC World Congress Workshop on “Process Data Analytics”
Contributed by: Sirish L. Shah, sirish.shah at ualberta.ca

2017 IFAC World Congress workshop on:
Process Data Analytics

Speakers: Tongwen Chen, Biao Huang, Sirish L. Shah, Nina Thornhill and
Jiandong Wang

For more details and registration visit link at:

Time: Sunday, 9th July 2017; 9:00-17:30

Workshop outline
Process data analytic methods rely on the notion of sensor fusion whereby
data from many sensors and alarm tags are combined with process
information, such as physical connectivity of process units, to give a
holistic picture of health of an integrated plant. The fusion of
information from such disparate sources of data is the key step in devising
methodologies for a smart strategy for process data analytics
In the context of the application of analytics in the process industry, the
objective in this workshop is to introduce participants to tools,
techniques and a framework for seamless integration of information from
process and alarm databases complemented with process connectivity
information. The discovery of information from such diverse and complex
data sources can be subsequently used for process and performance
monitoring including alarm rationalization, root cause diagnosis of process
faults, hazard and operability (Hazop) analysis, safe and optimal process
operation. Such multivariate process data analytics involves information
extraction from routine process data, that is typically non-categorical (as
in numerical process data from sensors), plus categorical (or non-numerical
or qualitative and binary) data from Alarm and Event (A&E) logs combined
with process connectivity or topology information that can be inferred from
the data through causality analysis or as obtained from piping and
instrument diagrams of a process. The later refers to the capture of
material flow streams in process units as well information flow-paths in
the process due to control loops.

Target audience: The intended audience for this workshop would be
industrial practitioners of control including vendors working in the area
of on-line data logging and archiving, graduate students with interests in
statistical learning and data science and academics.

Workshop Program
The following topics will be discussed in this workshop. Each topic will be
accompanied by one or more industrial case study to convey the utilitarian
value of the learning, discovery and diagnosis from process data.

• Overview of the broad analytics area with emphasis on its use in the
process industry.
• Basic definitions and introduction to supervised and unsupervised
learning: simple regression, classification and clustering.
• Data visualization methods; examination and analysis of data in a
multivariate framework (in the temporal as well as the spectral domains).
• Data quality assessment: Outlier detection; filtering and data
• Elements of statistical inference and learning including
• Bayesian methods.
• Multivariate methods for data analysis: SVD, PCA, PLS, SVR.
• Case studies on nearest neighbour methods for multivariate detection and
diagnosis of transient disturbances.
• Alarm data analysis: Detection and removal of nuisance alarms; root-cause
analysis of alarms and alarm floods.
• Data-based causality analysis for identification of process topology.
• Future areas to explore in the use of statistical learning, data science
and analytics for improved process operation.

6. Positions

6.1 PhD: Université Laval, Canada
Contributed by: André Desbiens, desbiens at gel.ulaval.ca

PhD: Université Laval, Canada

Three PhD positions are available at the LOOP (Laboratoire d’observation et
d’optimisation des procédés – Process Observation and Optimization
Laboratory), Université Laval, Québec City, Canada. The projects are in
collaboration with the multinational biopharmaceutical Pfizer. They address
industrial problems and the solutions will have significant impacts for

For pharmaceutical industries, automation and continuous processing is a
way to become more competitive, to reduce production time, energy
consumption and the amount of waste produced. Towards this objective, the
projects are:

Project #1 - Coating of the tablets: development of an in-line vision
sensor providing film-coating properties (coating level, distribution
across tablets, esthetical defects, etc.).
- Fractional factorial design
- Multivariate Image Analysis
- Partial Least Squares regression
- Validation of the machine vision sensor

Project #2 – Novel continuous drying of the granules (before they are
compressed into tablets): safe and robust in-line minimization of the
drying time and/or energy consumption while insuring a desired final
humidity of the particles and avoiding their overheating.
- First-principles modelling and model calibration
- State estimation
- Model predictive control
- Real-time optimization

Project #3 - Freeze-drying of vials: safe and robust in-line minimization
of the primary drying time and/or energy consumption while insuring that
sublimation is completed and avoiding to exceed the collapse temperature.
- First-principles modelling and model calibration
- State estimation
- Model predictive control
- Real-time optimization
- Heating policies for various vials arrangements

The final stage of the three projects is to implement and validate the most
promising approaches on pilot units.

Candidate profile:
- should have completed, or about to complete, a MSc degree in Electrical
or Chemical Eng., or related areas,
- strong background in multivariate statistics and/or first-principles
modelling and/or systems and control,
- solid programming skills in Matlab,
- ability to work in multi-disciplinary teams,
- excellent communication skills (oral and written) in English - a plus if
knowledge of French (courses are given in French).

Please send a complete CV, a motivation letter and transcripts to Prof.
André Desbiens (desbiens at gel.ulaval.ca) with the subject "E-Letter PhD

6.2. PhD: University Grenoble Alpes, France
Contributed by: Hassen FOURATI, hassen.fourati at gipsa-lab.fr

A PhD position is proposed on Advanced Modelling and Control of attitude
dynamics for CubeSat, in department of Automatic Control at GIPSA-Lab
(University Grenoble Alpes, France).

The link for the position is :

6.3. PhD: VERIMAG, France
Contributed by: Oded Maler, oded.maler at imag.fr

A PhD Position at Verimag, Grenoble, Tempo (Timed and hybrid Systems) Team

We are looking for a PhD candidate (see
http://www-verimag.imag.fr/~maler/Looking-for-PhD-Candidates-2017.html for
more details). Note that the candidate will have to compete on few
positions and only candidate with an excellent record (notes, preliminary
research. recommendation) are encouraged to apply.

6.4. PhD: University of Groningen, the Netherlands
Contributed by: Bayu Jayawardhana, b.jayawardhana at rug.nl

The centre on Data Science and Systems Complexity (DSSC) at University of
Groningen, Netherlands, officially opens the call for applications for 10
PhD positions in the project DSSC COFUND, which is co-financed through the
Marie Sklodowska Curie COFUND action under the European Commission’s
Horizon 2020 Work Programme. MSc graduates in fields relevant to the DSSC
such as mathematics, statistics, computer science, artificial intelligence,
engineering, physics, bioinformatics, astronomy are invited to apply by 15
July 2017 through our vacancies website:

In their application the candidates will select one or several from the 18
projects available at the DSSC in which they are interested and which cover
various topics in the areas Adaptive Models and Big Data, Complex Systems
and Engineering, Advanced Instrumentation and Big Data. If selected, the
candidates will be matched to one of the projects they opted for in their
application. The successful candidates, who are expected to begin their
appointment no later than 1 March 2018, will conduct research on 10 of the
18 interdisciplinary projects available at the DSSC.

Candidates must comply with the eligibility criteria required under the
Marie Sklodowska Curie COFUND action. They should not have resided or
carried out their main activity in the Netherlands for more than 12 months
in the three years immediately before the reference date of the DSSC COFUND
call deadline (15 July 2017) unless it was as part of a procedure for
obtaining refugee status under the Geneva Convention. Moreover, they should
qualify as early stage researchers, i.e., be in the first four years of
their research careers, and not have been awarded a doctoral degree, by the
reference date of the DSSC COFUND call deadline (15 July 2017).

More details about evaluation criteria and application documents are
available on

6.5. PhD: Inria, France
Contributed by: Madalena Chaves, madalena.chaves at inria.fr

PhD thesis position at Inria:
Mathematical analysis, control design and coupling for models of biological

Mammalian cells have evolved highly sophisticated intracellular
communication pathways to enable their development and growth, under
multiple environmental stresses and stimulus. Two major cyclic processes
are at the basis of cell development: the cell cycle and the circadian
clock, both of which have been separately studied from many diverse points
of view. In the context of project ICycle, our goal is to understand the
communication pathways between these two primary cellular modules, using
both mathematical and simulation tools, control theory and synthetic
biology techniques. From a mechanistic point of view, the interaction
between cell cycle and circadian clock can be represented as a control
theoretic problem: a “plant” or the system to be controlled, an “output” or
a set of measurements of the system, an “input” which is an entry point
into the system, allowing for regulation, and a “controller” function.
However, many points are still unclear from experimental evidence, such as
the outputs and entry points of regulation for each oscillator, the
relationship between the frequencies of each cyclic module, possible
controllers, etc. The main topic of this thesis is the design of control
theoretical strategies for regulating and coupling two biological
oscillators, control the strength of their interconnection, and the mutual
adjustment of their frequencies and phases. The methods and techniques
developed in this thesis will be applied to design and implement feasible
control strategies to construct synthetic biology circuits reproducing the
main features of the two oscillators, in a collaboration with F. Delaunay.

To learn more about the project and related PhD positions please check:

Background: A degree in applied mathematics (or similar), dynamical
systems, control theory.

Applications accepted until June 12th.
Please send an email to madalena.chaves at inria.fr, with CV and names of two
The PhD thesis will be supervised by Madalena Chaves at Inria Sophia
Antipolis (France).

6.6. PhD: University of Groningen, the Netherlands
Contributed by: Kanat Camlibel, m.k.camlibel at rug.nl

PhD: University of Groningen, the Netherlands

The Data Science and Systems Complexity COFUND Doctoral Programme (DSSC
COFUND) at the University of Groningen offers a number of early stage
researcher (ESR) positions co-funded through the Marie Sklodowska Curie
COFUND action under the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 Work Programme.
The DSSC aims to train highly skilled graduates who will use state of the
art data methodology to understand the behaviour of complex systems and who
can handle data and complexity problems for society at large.

Four of the projects are directly related to control of complex systems:

(a) Distributed methods to handle smart power microgrids.
Keywords: Microgrids, Distributed Control Algorithms, Optimization,
Nonlinear Systems, Complex Oscillatory Networks.
Fields of expertise: Control Theory, Optimization, Dynamical Systems, Power
Engineering, Network Science.
Supervisory team: Prof. dr. Arjan van der Schaft, Prof. dr. Claudio De
Prof. dr. Kanat Camlibel

(b) Distributed control methods under communication constraints with
applications to sensor networks in a smart industry setting.
Keywords: Sensor Networks, Nonlinear consensus, Hybrid Systems,
Self-triggered Algorithms, Coordination Control.
Fields of expertise: Control Theory, Dynamical Systems, Signal Processing,
Computer Science, Network Science.
Supervisory team: Prof. dr. Claudio De Persis, Dr. Pietro Tesi, Prof. dr.
Kanat Camlibel

(c) Cyber security with applications to both smart energy systems and smart
Keywords: Cyberphysical Systems, Networked Control Systems, Hybrid Systems,
Power Networks, Smart Industries.
Fields of expertise: Control Theory, Dynamical Systems, Cybersecurity,
Computer Science, Network Science.
Supervisory team: Prof. dr. Claudio De Persis, Dr. Pietro Tesi, Dr. Bart

(d) Tailor-made model reduction methods for integrated energy systems.
Keywords: Networks of dynamical systems, structure preserving model
reduction, smart energy systems, model reduction for networks, graph
Fields of expertise involved: Systems and control engineering, Feedback
control theory, Mathematical modelling, Model reduction, Graph theory.
Supervisory team: Prof. dr. Kanat Camlibel, Prof. dr. Jacquelien Scherpen,
Dr. Bart Besselink

Eligibility criteria:

Applicants should:
* be in possession of a master’s degree or its equivalent in one of the
fields relevant to the DSSC (e.g. mathematics, statistics, computer
science, artificial intelligence, engineering, physics, bioinformatics,
* not have resided or carried out their main activity in The Netherlands
for more than 12 months in the three years immediately before the reference
date of the DSSC COFUND call deadline (15 July 2017) unless it was as part
of a procedure for obtaining refugee status under the Geneva Convention
* qualify as early stage researchers, i.e., be in the first four years of
their research careers, and not have been awarded a doctoral degree, by the
reference date of the DSSC COFUND call deadline (15 July 2017).

Evaluation criteria:

We are searching for applicants who excel academically and professionally,
are creative and independent, and have communication and leadership skills.
Evaluation will focus on the candidates’:
* educational and professional background
* compatibility of research interests with the DSSC (fit with the research
areas; motivation to conduct a PhD project at the DSSC; career plans)
* complementary skills (English proficiency and communication skills;
creativity, independence, leadership).

Conditions of employment:

The terms of employment comply with the terms of the Collective Labour
Agreement for Dutch Universities (CAO-NU). The PhD positions offered are
for four years (48 months), at full-time employment. PhDs will receive a
full-time appointment of 1 year with the perspective of extension for
another 3 years. The extension depends on the outcome of the PhDs’
evaluation after 9 months from the beginning of their appointment. The
evaluation assesses the possibility that the PhD student will successfully
complete a thesis within the following 3 years.

Successful applicants are expected to begin their appointment no later than
1 March 2018.

All DSSC PhDs are required to complete a PhD thesis by the end of the
employment period. The appointment requires that the PhD employee will
devote up to 10% of the time to teaching.

Application procedure:
You may apply for this position until 14 July 23h59 / before 15 July 2017,
local time, by means of the application form that can be found on

6.7. PhD: University of Groningen - University of Twente, the Netherlands
Contributed by: Bayu Jayawardhana, b.jayawardhana at rug.nl

PhD advertisement of STW Smart Industry 2016 project on
"Integrating models and real-time data for zero-defect manufacturing
control systems"

Project description:
High-precision manufacturing pushes the limits of what is possible with
conventional manufacturing systems. The development of the new generation
of high-precision manufacturing systems relies on detailed understanding of
the process disturbances which cause variation in the end-product. This
project aims at developing models for control of manufacturing processes
which can be used for interpreting small variations in the process due to
product-to-product disturbances. Such accurate and mature models can only
be developed through integration of knowledge from high-fidelity
physics-based models with knowledge obtained from large streams of sensor
data. Integration of models and sensor data is key for the development of
novel data analytic tools providing crucial causal information to the
product-to-product variations which can subsequently be used by our novel
data-driven control systems to pre-empt and to remove such variations in

The research consortium comprises of two universities (Univ. Groningen and
Univ. Twente) and seven small-medium and large companies. In total, the
project has four vacancies (two PhD students and two postdocs) with the
following two main research activities: (R1). the development of
model-based data analytics tools for inferring / obtaining accurate and
mature models which are applicable for control of high-precision
manufacturing systems; and (R2). the development of new provably-correct
control design mechanisms towards a self-learning control architecture
based on the integration of process models and real-time material, process
and product information.

Position description:
In this advert, we will hire one PhD student who will focus on research
activity (R2). In particular, he/she will develop novel integrated
data-driven & model-based control algorithm that enables the integration of
models and real-time process data for enabling zero-defect manufacturing
systems. The PhD appointment is for four years. The PhD candidate has to
complete the graduate courses offered by the Dutch Institute for Systems
and Control (DISC, http://disc.tudelft.nl ).

You have:
• Masters degree in Electrical & Electronics Engineering, or Mechanical
Engineering, or Mechatronics, or Computer Science, or other equivalent
degree programmes from top universities;
• Strong academic credentials, written and spoken English proficiency;
• Strong knowledge in systems and control, mechatronics and mathematics.

About the organization:
Since its foundation in 1614, the University of Groningen has enjoyed an
international reputation as a dynamic and innovative center of higher
education offering high-quality teaching and research. Study and career
paths in a wide variety of disciplines encourage currently more than 30,000
students and researchers to develop their individual talents. Belonging to
the best research universities in Europe, the top 100 universities in the
world and joining forces with prestigious partner universities and
networks, the University of Groningen is truly an international place of

Within the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMNS), the
Engineering and Technology institute Groningen (ENTEG) conducts engineering
science research and covers a broad area of mechanical engineering, control
engineering, materials engineering, and (bio)-chemical engineering. The
research unit Discrete Technology and Production Automation (DTPA) is
focused on the dynamical modeling, analysis, mechatronics and control of
complex electro-mechanical systems. The application areas include smart
energy systems, mechatronic systems, robotic systems, as well as,
multi-agent autonomous systems.

Interested candidates please send your inquiries together with your
detailed CV and a 1-page letter of motivation or research statement to:
b.jayawardhana at rug.nl and p.tesi at rug.nl
(with f.g.fokkens at rug.nl in cc).

Please specify the following text in the subject: Data-driven control
design - PhD application.

6.8. PhD: University of Grenoble, France
Contributed by: Paolo Frasca, paolo.frasca at gipsa-lab.fr

A phd position on “Modeling and Control of Cyber-Social Dynamics” under the
supervision of A. Kibangou and P. Frasca is available at the University of
Grenoble, beginning October 2017. Further information is available at

Interested candidates should contact us by *June 5* (
paolo.frasca at gipsa-lab.fr, alain.kibangou at gipsa-lab.fr)

6.9. PhD: WASP, Sweden
Contributed by: Bo Wahlberg, bo at kth.se

PhD: WASP announces 22 PhD student positions

Wallenberg Autonomous Systems and Software Program (WASP) is Sweden’s
largest individual research program ever, and provides a platform for
academic research and education, fostering interaction with Sweden’s
leading technology companies. The program addresses research on autonomous
systems acting in collaboration with humans, adapting to their environment
through sensors, information and knowledge, and forming intelligent
systems-of-systems. WASP’s key value is research excellence in autonomous
systems and software for the benefit of Swedish industry.

The graduate school within WASP is dedicated to provide the skills needed
to analyze, develop, and contribute to the interdisciplinary area of
autonomous systems and software. Through an ambitious program with research
visits, partner universities, and visiting lecturers, the graduate school
actively supports forming a strong multi-disciplinary and international
professional network between PhD-students, researchers and industry.

The graduate school provides added value on top of the existing PhD
programs at the partner universities Chalmers, KTH Royal Institute of
Technology, Linköping University, Lund University and Umeå University,
providing unique opportunities for students who are dedicated to achieving
international research excellence with industrial relevance.

We are now offering up to 22 PhD positions of which several relate to
control systems.

Information about specific projects and on how to apply can be found at

Last date for application: 2017-06-15

6.10. PhD: LAAS Lab, France
Contributed by: Aneel Tanwani, aneel.tanwani at laas.fr

We are seeking a PhD candidate within the team Methods and Algorithms in
Control (https://www.laas.fr/public/en/mac) at LAAS lab in Toulouse,
France. The topic of this PhD will be focused on studying stability and
robustness notions for switched dynamical systems with particular emphasis
on developing numerical techniques, and its applications in modern control
systems. The thesis will be supervised by Aneel Tanwani and Luca Zaccarian.
Serious candidates with strong background in control theory and a good
knowledge of applied mathematics are encouraged.

To apply for this position, students must contact at least one of the
supervisors by email before 9th June 2017. Short-listed candidates will be
contacted to provide further information, and the successful candidate will
be informed of the final decision by 30th June 2017. The thesis will start
in September 2017 and is expected to last for three years. The monthly
stipend for the entire duration is roughly 1500 euros net. Further
information and details are available at

6.11. PhD: University of New South Wales, Australia
Contributed by: Daoyi Dong, d.dong at unsw.edu.au

Scientia PhD Scholarships at UNSW

This project aims to develop distributed estimation and control methods for
quantum networks. Quantum networks play a vital role in the development of
powerful quantum technology, and benchmarking and controlling quantum
networks has been an important task in the development of the next
generation technology. The project will advance key knowledge and provide
effective methods to enable us to identify and control quantum networks for
a variety of applications arising in the emerging quantum technological
revolution. The scholarship provides the following support:

• Work on high quality research projects with the high quality supervisory
teams in world class environments
• AUD$40,000 per annum stipend for four years
• Tuition fees covered for the full 4 year period
• Coaching and mentoring will form a critical part of your highly
personalised leadership development plan
• Up to AUD$10,000 each year to build your career and support your
international research collaborations

More application information could be found at:


If you are interested in applying for the scholarship, please contact Dr
Daoyi Dong (d.dong at unsw.edu.au), Prof Valeri Ougrinovski (
v.ougrinovski at adfa.edu.au) or Dr Michael Hush (m.hush at unsw.edu.au)

6.12. PhD: University of Bordeaux, France
Contributed by: Tudor-Bogdan Airimitoaie,
tudor-bogdan.airimitoaie at ims-bordeaux.fr

PhD position at the IMS laboratory, University of Bordeaux, France
Supervisors: Pierre Melchior (Associate professor), Franck
Cazaurang(Professor), Tudor-Bogdan Airimitoaie (Associate professor)

Thesis title: Development of methods for the linearization of flat integer
or fractional systems: application to path planning and fault detection of
thermal systems

Start date: September 2017
Duration: 3 years
Closing date for applications: July 2nd 2017
Funding: 3 years financing by the University of Bordeaux

Flatness is a relatively new concept that can be used to invert the dynamic
equations governing the functioning of certain systems. As such, for the
class of flat systems it is easy to design path tracking and fault
detection algorithms. The non-integer derivation operator is well adapted
for the modelling of thermal diffusivity phenomena in materials. The
objective of this thesis is to develop tools for the linearization of flat
nonlinear integer or non-integer systems and their application for path
planning and system diagnosis. This involves performing formal calculations
on the principles of flatness and establishing the analytical expressions
of the flat outputs for fractional nonlinear systems. The different
definitions of the non-integral derivative (Riemann-Liouville, Caputo,
Grünwald) will be used. Finally, application to a thermal test bench
available at the IMS laboratory is planned for validation of the proposed

Candidate profile:
We are looking for a candidate with an MSc degree in Systems and Control or
Applied Mathematics. Good knowledge of formal calculus, strong programming
skills in Maple or Matlab MuPAD and a very good academic record are
necessary. A background in differential geometry or fractional systems
would be highly appreciated.

To express interest:
Please send the following documents to
tudor-bogdan.airimitoaie at ims-bordeaux.fr and pierre.melchior at ims-bordeaux.fr
and franck.cazaurang at ims-bordeaux.fr
- motivation letter
- detailed CV
- bachelor and master transcripts (including list of courses with
corresponding grades)
- name and email of two references

6.13. PhD/PostDoc: New York University Abu Dhabi, UAE
Contributed by: Nikolaos Freris, nf47 at nyu.edu

Positions available: Ph.D. Students, Postdoctoral Fellows, Research

The Cyberphysical Systems Lab at New York University Abu Dhabi is hiring
researchers at all levels in Electrical Engineering, Computer Science,
Applied Mathematics, or relevant fields.

About: The focus of the Cyberphysical Systems Lab (CPSLab) is to conduct
interdisciplinary research across a wide range of topics and applications
related to cyberphysical systems, such as: a) distributed algorithms for
estimation, optimization and control, b) big data: data mining/machine
learning algorithms, c) wireless sensor networks, d) system theory: control
& optimization, e) signal processing: sparse sampling and online
algorithms, as well as applications in signal processing, transportation,
cybersecurity, networking, robotics, and biomedical modeling.

Requirements: Research Assistant and Ph.D. applicants must hold (or be
close to completing) an MS degree, and Postdoctoral Fellows a Ph.D., in
Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, or Applied Mathematics with
significant research experience in at least one of the aforementioned
areas. Ph.D. applicants need to also apply directly to NYU for admission by
Dec. 15. A proven publication record, solid mathematical background,
excellent communication skills, and the ability to work in
multi-disciplinary teams are essential. Applicants must submit a CV,
research statement, cover letter with a brief research plan, along with the
names and contact information for three recommenders in a single PDF file
to Prof. Nikolaos Freris (nf47 at nyu.edu).

Start date & Salary: The start date is flexible. A very competitive salary
and benefits package (including relocation, housing, insurance,
transportation and conference travel support) are provided – note: UAE do
not levy any income tax.

For more information, please visit: https://wp.nyu.edu/cpslab

About NYUAD: New York University has established itself as a Global Network
University, a multi-site, organically connected network encompassing key
global cities and idea capitals. The network has three foundational
degree-granting campuses: New York, Abu Dhabi, and Shanghai complemented by
a network of 12 research and study-away sites across five continents.
Faculty and students circulate within the network in pursuit of common
research interests and the promotion of cross-cultural and
interdisciplinary endeavors, both local and global. Entering its sixth
year, NYU Abu Dhabi has recruited a cohort of faculty who are at once
distinguished in both research and teaching. Our students are drawn from
around the world and surpass all traditional recruitment benchmarks, both
US and global. NYU Abu Dhabi’s highly selective liberal arts enterprise is
enhanced by an institute for advanced research, sponsoring cutting-edge
projects across the Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences, Sciences, and
Engineering. NYUAD is housed at a newly built campus in the vibrant city of
Abu Dhabi, the capital of UAE.
NYUAD is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer

6.14. PostDoc: Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Contributed by: Weidong Zhang, wdzhang at sjtu.edu.cn

Postdoctoral position in Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China (Optimization
& Control)

The Optimization & Control Engineering Research Center of Shanghai (in the
Department of Automation, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China) offers 3
postdoc positions in control engineering as soon as possible thereafter. We
are interested in candidates in the broad areas of advanced control theory,
multi-agents formation, machine learning, pattern recognition, industrial
networked control systems, etc.

Requirements and qualifications:
-PhD degree
-Documented experience with research dissemination in international
scientific journals
-Experience with writing research applications
-Good communication skills in English or Chinese
-Self-motivation and the ability to work both independently and as a team
player with researchers from different disciplines

Main tasks:
-Active involvement in research efforts
-Supervision of student projects and thesis at both master and Ph.D. levels

Salary and others:
- RMB 120-200k/year (approximately, 18-30kUSD)
- It is a 2-year position and can be extended to 5 years

Required documents
-One self-recommendation letter covering your research statements, your
achievements, as well as your possible requirements from us
-A list of your publications

For further information, please contact Prof. Dr. Weidong Zhang, Email:
wdzhang at sjtu.edu.cn, tel: +86-21-34204019. Address: Dongchuan Road 800,
Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200240, China.

6.15. PostDoc: UIUC, USA
Contributed by: Naira Hovakimyan, nhovakim at illinois.edu

A postdoctoral position is available in Advanced Controls Research Lab of
UIUC. The ideal candidate must have a doctorate in mathematics with
emphasis on statistical learning. The scope of the projects involves
learning for robotic systems that operate in challenging environments. For
consideration, please email CV and 3 references to Naira Hovakimyan, at
nhovakim at illinois.edu.

6.16. PostDoc: Centre for Energy Systems Integration, UK
Contributed by: Ken McKinnon, k.mckinnon at ed.ac.uk

Applications are invited for the post of Postdoctoral Research Associate in
the multi-scale optimization of energy systems. The post is available for
an immediate start for 36 months. The precise start date is flexible.

The post holder will be part of The Centre for Energy Systems Integration
(CESI), a new £20M EPSRC consortium project involving Newcastle, Edinburgh,
Durham, Heriot-Watt and Sussex Universities. The aim of this project is to
understand the complex relationship between energy supply, demand and
infrastructure and how this will evolve in the future.

Further information can be found on the Centre’s website:

Within CESI, Edinburgh is responsible for developing modular multi-scale
stochastic planning and operational models and solution methods.
Operational and planning models operate over different time scales, and
local area energy networks need to operate in an integrated way in
regional, national and international scale models. A single monolithic
model at high time and spatial resolution is computationally intractable,
so our focus will be on developing decomposition approaches that calibrate
and select sub models at the appropriate spatial and time scales.

The starting salary will be in the range £32,004 - £38,183, depending on

The closing date for receipt of applications, including reference letters,
is 12th June 2017.

For further particulars and how to apply see

Informal enquiries are encouraged; please contact Professor Ken McKinnon
initially by e-mail: k.mckinnon at ed.ac.uk.

6.17. PostDoc: Ghent University Global Campus, South Korea
Contributed by: Shodhan Rao, Shodhan.Rao at ghent.ac.kr

PostDoc Position in Ghent University Global Campus, Incheon, South Korea

Project Description: The advertised position is a part of a project titled
“Development of Smart Polymorphic Continuous Automatic Packaging System”
which is funded by Korea Evaluation Institute of Industrial Technology
(KEIT). The three partner organizations involved in the project are ACE
Machinery, Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) – Europe and
Ghent University Global Campus (GUGC). In general, the project aims to
develop a smart automated packaging system that is capable of adapting to
changes in object shapes, sizes, production scale, rate, layout design and
throughput. At Ghent University Global Campus, we seek a researcher who
would eventually be able to design an intelligent control system for the
smart packaging system being designed at ACE machinery, that takes as input
the production demand and then accordingly synchronizes the performance of
the different modules of the packaging system. As such, the researcher is
expected to work in close collaboration with partners from ACE machinery
involved in this project, understand their specific requirements and
eventually design an electronic control system for the smart packaging

Further the candidate is expected to conduct research on the development
and implementation of an iterative learning control algorithm in order to
improve the performance of the electronic control system designed in the
first phase of the project. The candidate is also expected to contribute on
the one hand towards disseminating results in the form of conference
presentations, journal publications and patent applications and on the
other hand towards certain project administrative tasks that include annual
report writing and internal accounting of the expenses made towards the
project. The duration of the project is roughly two and a half years
subject to successful annual progress.

Profile of the candidate: We are looking for candidates with the following
qualifications and skills.
- A PhD degree in Electronics and/or Electrical Engineering with
specialization in Control or Robotics.
- A strong command and fluency in English.
- Good oral and written communication skills in English.
- Excellent academic track record.
- A strong motivation to perform research in the area of industrial control
- Strong analytical/mathematical skills.
- An experience in the design of industrial control systems is desirable.
- Willingness to learn Korean language.

The remuneration for the job will be commensurate with Korean standards for
a PostDoc position. In addition, free accommodation within the campus is
also foreseen. We provide a stimulating research environment within the
Biotech Data Science Center of Ghent University Global Campus (GUGC), which
is the first campus of Ghent University outside Belgium. This campus is
situated in Songdo International City, Incheon, South Korea. GUGC
integrates educational and research facilities in a single building. Ghent
University has the ambition to organize a first-rate, truly European
education in Asia and to develop excellent research in the fields of
Molecular biotechnology, Environmental and Food technology.

Interested candidates should send their applications before June 30th, 2017
by email to Shodhan.Rao at ghent.ac.kr with a CV, copies of transcripts and
degrees and a motivation letter (please merge all the documents in one
file). The candidate will receive an e-mail confirming receipt of the

6.18. PostDoc: CNRS – CentraleSupélec – Univ. Paris-Sud – Univ.
Paris-Saclay, France
Contributed by: Antoin Girard, antoine.girard at l2s.centralesupelec.fr

Postdoctoral Position - Towards programmable cyber-physical systems: a
symbolic control approach

Supervisors: Antoine Girard (Antoine.Girard at l2s.centralesupelec.fr)
Location: Laboratoire des Signaux et Systèmes - L2S, CNRS – CentraleSupélec
– Univ. Paris-Sud – Univ. Paris-Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
Duration: One year, starting September 2017, with possibility for one
additional year

One postdoctoral position is opened within the PROCSYS project, funded by
an ERC Consolidator Grant.

Context and Objectives:
Cyber-physical systems (CPS) consist of computational elements monitoring
and controlling physical entities. The main objective of the PROCSYS
project is to propose a general framework for the design of programmable
CPS that will allow engineers to develop advanced functionalities using a
high-level language for specifying the behaviours of a CPS while
abstracting details of the dynamics. Controllers enforcing the specified
behaviours will be generated from a high-level program using an automated
model-based synthesis tool. Correctness of the controllers will be
guaranteed by following the correct by construction synthesis paradigm
through the use of symbolic control techniques: the continuous physical
dynamics is abstracted by a symbolic model, which is a discrete dynamical
system; an interface consisting of low-level controllers is designed such
that the physical system and the symbolic model behaves identically; a
high-level symbolic controller is then synthesized automatically from the
high-level program and the symbolic model.

Work description:
We will develop a high-level language, based on the formalism of hybrid
automata, which will enable to specify rich behaviours while enabling the
development of efficient controller synthesis algorithms. The project will
also tackle two bottlenecks in the area of symbolic control. Firstly,
scalability issues will be addressed by the computation of more compact
symbolic models and by controller synthesis algorithms that require only
partial exploration of the symbolic models. Secondly, robustness will be
ensured at all levels of control by developing novel algorithms for the
synthesis of robust interfaces and of symbolic controllers.

Background of the candidate:
The candidate must hold a PhD in control theory or computer science with a
strong mathematical background. A prior experience in the area of hybrid
systems is recommended. Programming skills are also needed. Applications
must include a cover letter, a detailed CV, the preprints of the two most
significant publications, and two references who may be asked to provide
letters of recommendation.
All documents should be sent in a single pdf file to the following email
addresses: Antoine.Girard at l2s.centralesupelec.fr

6.19. PostDoc: Huazhong University of Science & Technology, China
Contributed by: Ye Yuan, yye at hust.edu.cn

Prof. Ye Yuan (http://yy311.github.io) is looking for a number of postdoc
researchers and visiting researchers starting as soon as possible at
Huazhong Artificial Intelligence Lab (HAIL), Huazhong University of Science
& Technology (HUST), Wuhan, China. The research project is broadly on the
development of novel learning and control theory with application to
cyber-physical systems (robotics and power systems).

1. For Postdoc, we offer
• A competitive salary (at least Chinese RMB 200,000 per year plus housing
allowance, negotiable);
• Possibilities for the Postdoc to spend time at world-leading universities
(such as UC Berkeley and Caltech) to take specialized courses and work with
collaborators there;
• Experimental platform (Vicon+Crazyflies, GPU cluster, UR3 robot+Kinect,
Hardware in the loop Power simulator)
• Full contract for 2 years with the possibility of renewal up to 5 years
contingent on performance;
• Possibilities for the Postdoc to stay at HUST as a lecturer or an
associate professor afterwards.

2. For visiting researchers, we offer
• A highly competitive salary depending on the qualification (per month);
• Travel cost and housing
• Experimental platform (Vicon+Crazyflies, GPU cluster, UR3 robot+Kinect,
Hardware in the loop Power simulator)

3. Your Profile
• A Ph.D. degree in Control Theory, Power Systems, Mathematics, Computer
Science, or a closely related field;
• An excellent background in one of the following areas: system
identification, control theory, machine learning, robotics.

Interested candidates should send their CV (with names of at least two
references) and a cover letter (for postdoc candidates) describing their
specific interest and how their background fits the qualifications to Prof.
Ye Yuan <ye.yuan at outlook.com>. All applications will be treated in the
strictest confidence.

6.20. PostDoc: University of Exeter, UK
Contributed by: Christopher Edwards, c.edwards at exeter.ac.uk

PostDoc: University of Exeter, UK

Contributed by: Christopher Edwards, c.edwards at exeter.ac.uk
Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Modelling and Control
Location: University of Exeter
Department: College of Engineering Mathematics and Physical Sciences
Reporting To: Prof C. Edwards and Prof M. Belmont

The full time post is available from 1 July 2017 for 3 years.

Exeter University, UK is a Russell Group university boasting a vibrant
academic community with over 21,000 students. Ranked in the top 1% of
universities in the world, 98% of our research is rated as being of
international quality and focuses on some of the most fundamental issues
facing the world today. We encourage proactive engagement with industry,
business and community partners to enhance the impact of research and
education and improve the employability of our students.

The post: The College wishes to recruit a Senior Research Fellow to lead a
project on Control of Launch and Recovery in Enhanced Sea-States. The goal
is to extend the range of sea-states in which existing wave limited
maritime operations can be safely carried out. Important examples of these
operations are the launch and recovery from a mother-ship of small craft,
manned and unmanned air vehicles and submersibles. The proposed work is
closely coupled to two already funded EPSRC projects under the Launch and
Recovery Co-Creation Initiative. This EPSRC funded post is available from 1
July 2017 for 3 years. The successful applicant will be responsible for
delivering new fundamental operations and control research and providing
the basis for the creation of a real-time decision support system for
vessel operators responsible for Launch and Recovery at sea.

About you: The successful applicant will possess a PhD or equivalent
qualification/experience in a related field of study and will have
recognised expertise in the areas of system modelling and control and
possess in-depth understanding of this specialism to enable the development
of new knowledge and understanding within the field. In addition, the
successful applicant will provide academic leadership to research teams,
lead and develop internal and external networks and develop links with
external contacts in order to foster collaboration and generate income.
Applicants will possess proven expertise in the areas of systems modelling
and control and highly developed skills in Matlab & Simulink. A wide range
of modelling activities will need to be undertaken during the project
encompassing classical Lagrangian approaches for the winch/cable/vessel
elements and surrogate modelling techniques to predict the mothership
response to the sea environment. The subsequent development of nonlinear
observers for disturbance estimation and their integration as part of the
launch and recovery control system is another key facet of the work to be

For further enquiries contact: Prof C Edwards c.edwards at exeter.ac.uk

6.21. PostDoc: KTH, Sweden
Contributed by: Mikael Johansson, mikaelj at kth.se

The School of Electrical Engineering at KTH, Stockholm, Sweden invites
applications for a postdoctoral position in the area of large-scale
optimization, decision-making, and control.

Applicants should have a Ph.D. in a relevant area, a vision and ambition
for their own research, and a proven track record of scientific
accomplishments and/or publications in leading international journals.

The position is created with the support from a five-year project on basic
research for “Engineering the Interconnected Society” from the Knut and
Alice Wallenberg Foundation, and offers many opportunities for
collaborative work with students, postdocs, and faculty at the School of
Electrical Engineering and the ACCESS Linneaus Center.

The position is available for one year, with the possibility of extension
for another year. We follow postdoctoral best practices (
to support the successful candidate in her or his career.

Applications should contain a CV, a motivational letter summarizing past
achievements and current research interests, and contact information for
one-two references. The applications should be addressed to Mikael
Johansson, mikaelj at kth.se.

6.22. PostDoc: Technical University of Munich, Germany
Contributed by: Martin Buss, mb at tum.de

Research Opportunities Week
April 16 – 20, 2018

Take this unique opportunity to experience the Technical University of
Munich (TUM) and its research environment first-hand. TUM invites you to
Munich for a fully-funded one-week visit. Afterwards, all candidates
interested in pursuing a postdoc at TUM will be eligible to apply for a
one-year TUM University Foundation Fellowship. Are you a young researcher
looking to boost your career in Munich? Send in your application for one of
the 50 Postdoc Mobility Travel Grants at the Technical University of Munich.

Application and further information on TUM’s Research Opportunities Week:

TUM ForTe: postdoc at tum.de

6.23. PostDoc: University of California at Santa Cruz, USA
Contributed by: Ricardo Sanfelice, ricardo at ucsc.edu

A postdoctoral scholar position is available at the Hybrid Systems
Laboratory at the Department of Computer Engineering, University of
California in Santa Cruz, California.

The research focus of this position is the generation of design tools for
estimation, control, and synchronization algorithms. The emphasis of the
research is on distributed systems with hybrid dynamics, in particular, due
to the use of local algorithms that self-reconfigure to cope with limited
computational capabilities or with sporadic availability of information.
Expertise in feedback control (nonlinear, MPC, hybrid), hybrid systems, and
multiagent/networked systems will be key. The results will have
applications to a wide range of hybrid and cyber-physical systems, such as
distributed power systems and unmanned vehicle systems.

Candidates with a Ph.D. in engineering or applied math, with a strong
theoretical background and required expertise are encouraged to apply by
submitting via email to Prof. Ricardo Sanfelice (ricardo at ucsc.edu) the
following: 1) a cover letter, 2) a detailed curriculum vitae, including
educational background and a list of publications, 3) two publications
representing the candidate's research work, and 4) contact information for
at least two academic references.

Review of applications will start on July 1, 2017. Though flexible, the
suggested start date for the position is September 1, 2017 and for a
duration of one year, renewable depending on performance.

More information about the research at the Hybrid Systems Laboratory at the
University of California in Santa Cruz is available at

6.24. PostDoc: United States Naval Academy, USA
Contributed by: Daniel Opila, opila at usna.edu

Postdoc: US Naval Academy, Annapolis MD
Cyber-Physical Anomaly Detection in Electric Power Systems

The Resilient Cyber-Physical Systems group at the United States Naval
Academy is seeking a candidate for a funded two-year postdoctoral position
with the possibility of renewal. The research is sponsored by the Office of
Naval Research (ONR) and is subject to availability of funds. This research
position involves:

1. Conducting research on detection of anomalies and attacks on small-scale
power grids also known as microgrids.
2. Instrumentation and hardware testing on a low voltage, low power
research test‐bed microgrid.
3. Assisting undergraduate independent research projects.

The appointee will be expected to work closely with USNA faculty, students,
multi-university research collaborators, experts from Navy Labs and other
DOD entities, and private industry. A variety of active projects span
academic, government, and industrial research. The academy is a charter
member of the Electric Ship Research and Development Consortium (
www.esrdc.com) and heavily involved with various Naval labs and program
offices. The supervising faculty have a mix of experience in academia,
industry, Navy ship design offices, and as active-duty Naval officers.
Applicants must have a Ph.D. in electrical engineering, mechanical
engineering, control systems engineering, math, computer science, physics
or a closely related area.

Please see the full ad here:

6.25. Faculty: Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen, China
Contributed by: Yunjiang LOU, louyj at hit.edu.cn

Faculty: Dept. of Automation, Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen,

Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Full Professor positions are
open for application.

Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen (HITSZ) is pleased to announce
openings for faculty positions and is inviting highly qualified applicants
to join the Department of Automation in areas related to control system

About the university
Founded in 1920, Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT) has remained on the
top 10 list of the Best Universities in China. HIT enjoys the fame as the
leading engineering school in China.

In 2002, HIT and the Shenzhen Municipal Government created HIT Shenzhen
Graduate School (HITSZ) in the University Town of Shenzhen. Together with
Graduate Schools of Tsinghua and Peking University, HITSZ is an
indispensable part of the Shenzhen-Hong Kong research and innovation base.
We strive to maintain the academic excellence of HIT, and we are dedicated
to top quality, innovation and internationalization.

HITSZ is a publicly funded institute located in the center of China's
Silicon Valley: The Shenzhen High Tech Park. New faculty members will have
the opportunity to participate in building the department and moving it
forward in exciting new directions. Ample opportunities also exist for
collaborating with the vast manufacturing, IT and other high-tech
industries in the region.

Who should apply?
Strong applicants with a PhD degree in control, systems, computer vision,
robotics, manufacturing, mechatronics, big data and machine learning, and
other related areas will be considered (the medium of instruction is
English). The appointments will be made at the level of assistant
professor, associate professor, full professor (applications for visiting
appointments/postdoctors will also be considered).

Salary and Benefits
HITSZ offers performance-based fast promotion scheme, competitive salaries,
medical benefits, and accommodation allowance.

What is required in an application pack?
-A covering letter
-A full academic CV
-Personal Statement (including statement of teaching and research)
-Transcript of grades for B.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D. degrees
-Details of three references

Application deadline is December 31, 2017; however, review of applications
will begin immediately so applicants are encouraged to apply early.
Interested candidates should send their application pack for consideration
to Ms. Hong Yuan (yuanhong at hit.edu.cn). All inquiries should be addressed
to Ms. Hong Yuan (yuanhong at hit.edu.cn).

6.26. Faculty: Zhejiang University of Technology, China
Contributed by: Qiu Xiang, qiuxiang at zjut.edu.cn

Faculty Position: Zhejiang University of Technology , Hangzhou, China

Zhejiang Control Science and Engineering First-Class (Class A) Discipline
Recruitment Announcement

Zhejiang University of Technology (ZJUT), sitting by the beautiful West
Lake, Hangzhou, is a Zhejiang Province and the Ministry of Education
co-supported, provincially governed key university, who owns one of the
only 14 Collaborative Creation Centers in the first initiative of the state
“2011 Program”. ZJUT has its beautiful campus covering more than 3000 mu,
which accommodates 24 Colleges, more than 37,000 full-time students and
more than 3,300 staffs. ZJUT is proudly to have 2 self-owned and 2 sharing
Fellows of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, as well as more than 1400
faculties with senior professional titles. ZJUT has State Key Disciplines,
State Engineering Research Centers, State University Science Parks, Centers
for Postdocs, as well as the power of awarding Doctors, Masters, MBAs and
recruiting foreign students and those from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.

The Control Science and Engineering Discipline within the College of
Information Engineering was one of the Priority-among-Priorities
Disciplines (selected by Zhejiang Provincial Government in 2009), and is
now one of the Zhejiang First-Class (Class A) Disciplines in the first
initiative of the Program in 2015. The Discipline now has the Doctoral
Program at the first-level discipline, the Center for Postdocs, and the
Zhejiang Collaborated Key Laboratory of Embedded Systems. The College of
Information Engineering where the Discipline is in has 5 undergraduate
programs: Automation, Electrical Engineering and Its Automation, Electronic
Information Engineering, Communication Engineering, and Electronic Science
and Technology. The Discipline is now recruiting faculties in the following
areas at the levels of State and Zhejiang Provincial “1000 Plan” high-level
talents, Zhejiang “Qianjiang Scholars”, ZJUT “Yunhe Specially-Appointed
Professors”, “ZJUT Professors”, outstanding PhDs and postdocs, etc.

(1) Control Science and Engineering, including advanced control theory,
robotics, machine vision, pattern recognition, industrial networked control
systems, MES, etc.
(2) Electrical Engineering, including electric drive, power electronics,
new energy, etc.
(3) Mechatronic Engineering, including high-precision servo control of
mechatronic devices, the modelling and dynamic analysis of robots, etc.
(4) Computer Science and Technology, including smart city, smart
healthcare, big data, cloud computing, IoT, industrial control software,

A. Selection criteria
High-level talents (Changjiang Scholars, 1000 Plan Scholars, Qianjiang
Scholars, etc.) You have major achievements and influence in your research
area that have already been recognized by national and international
researchers, or have great potentials of future development; You also meet
the criteria of corresponding talents programs.
ZJUT Professors /Associate Professors You have a PhD degree obtained from a
recognized university or research institutes with at least one year of
oversea research experience in a well-known foreign institute; You have
research achievements recognized by national and international researchers;
Your application also passes the review process at the university level
Outstanding PhDs/Postdocs You have a PhD degree obtained from a recognized
university or research institute; You have high-quality research outputs
and the professional skills required by a university lecturer, and great
potentials of your future career.

B. Salary and welfare
(1) National-Level Top Tier Talents:Fellows of Chinese Academy of Sciences
or Chinese Academy of Engineering, “Special Support Program” Distinguished
Talents, Principal Investigators of NSFC Innovative Research Team, or other
talents at the equivalent level. Treatment:Negotiation on the case by case

(2) National-Level Top Tier Talents:National “1000 Plan” Scholars
(long-term), Changqiang Scholars, NSFC Distinguished Young Scholars,
“Special Support Program” Outstanding Talents, winners (rank first) of
three major national science awards, or other talents at the equivalent
level. Salary (CNY):≥700K /Year; Housing Benefit(CNY):3M-5M; Startup
Funds(CNY):Case by case.

(3) National-Level Young Talents:“Special Support Program” Outstanding
Young Talents, “1000 Plan” Young Scholars, “Changjiang Young Scholars, NSFC
Outstanding Young Scholars, 973 Program Young Scholars, “Millions of
Talents Program” Scholars, or other talents at the equivalent level. Salary
(CNY):≥450K /Year; Housing Benefit(CNY):1.5M-2.5M; Startup Funds(CNY):1M-3M.

(4) Provincial-and-Ministry-Level Talents,Yunhe Specially-Appointed
Professors:CAS “100 Plan” Scholars, Zhejiang ”Qianjiang Scholars”, Zhejiang
“1000 Plan” (long-term) Scholars, or other talents who have made
significant academic contributions with great potentials of development and
who are awarded “Yunhe Specially-Appointed Professors” after the review of
ZJUT. Salary (CNY):≥350K /Year; Housing Benefit(CNY):1.5M; Startup

(5) ZJUT Professors,ZJUT Associated Professors:You have a PhD degree
obtained from a recognized university or research institutes with at least
one year of oversea research experience in a well-known foreign institute;
You have research achievements recognized by national and international
colleges; Your application also passes the review process at the university
level. Salary (CNY):Salaries at the appropriate levels; Housing
Benefit(CNY):0.4M-0.5M; Startup Funds(CNY):0.1M-0.2M.

(6) Outstanding PhDs/Postdoctors:You have a PhD degree obtained from a
recognized university or research institute; You have high-quality research
outputs and the professional skills required by a university lecturer, and
great potentials of your future career. Salary (CNY):Salaries at the
appropriate levels; Housing Benefit(CNY):0.3M.

(7) Postdocs (leading to a faculty):Besides the basic salary and welfare,
50K/Year subsidy is provided for the first two years, with the possibility
of continuing this subsidy plus a one-off 200K housing benefit if you are
accepted to ZJUT public institution business unit.

C. Required documents

(1) One self-recommendation letter covering your study and professional
records, your teaching and research statements, your achievements, your
work plan as well as your possible requirements from us.
(2) A list of your research funds, awards, and publications in the recent
five years.

D. Contact us

Dr. Qiu,
Email : qiuxiang at zjut.edu.cn
Mobile: +86-13867469319
Address: Xiaoheshan College Park, College of Information Engineering,
Zhejiang University of Technology, 310023

6.27. Automation Engineer: Sunnyvale, CA, USA
Contributed by: Erik Timmermans, et at personifysearch.com

Automation Engineer, Controls

Location: Sunnyvale, CA

The Company: A world leader in automated molecular diagnostics.

Job Summary:
Work in conjunction with Automation Engineering team to design and develop
automated assembly equipment for the high volume production of diagnostic
disposables. Candidates should have hands on experience in design and
development of PLC based control systems for use in factory automation.

- Configure, program, test and troubleshoot PLC based control systems and
associated components.
- Configure, program, test and troubleshoot User Interface (UI) software
for PLC based control systems.
- Configuration of data collection system and MES integration on RSBizware
- Electrical design, testing, and commissioning of control systems, control
panels, and associated equipment.
- Documentation of PLC architecture and unit testing results.
- Management of bug tracking and feature requests.
- Support, update, and troubleshoot existing systems in production.
- Specify system components and suppliers.
- Participate in design reviews.
- Support for systems installation and commissioning.

Required Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities
- BS in Engineering or equivalent combination of education and experience
to perform at this level
- Minimum 5 years direct experience
- PLC program design and development Allen-Bradley RSView, ControlLogix,
factory talk transaction manager and associated components required
- Minimum 5 years direct experience
- Industrial automation industry experience preferred
- Medical manufacturing experience preferred
- Hands on experience with electrical troubleshooting in a high-volume
automated manufacturing environment required

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