[eletter] eletter 347
Jianghai Hu
jianghai.hu at gmail.com
Sun Jul 2 11:32:29 EDT 2017
E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing
Issue 347
July 2017
Jianghai Hu
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Purdue University
465 Northwestern Ave.
West Lafayette, IN, 47907
Tel: +1 (765) 4962395
Fax: +1 (765) 4943371
Welcome to the 347 issue of the Eletter, available electronically at
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The next Eletter will be mailed out at the beginning of August 2017.
1. IEEE CSS Headlines
1.1 IEEE Control Systems Society Technically Cosponsored Conferences
1.2 IEEE Control Systems Society Publications Content Digest
1.3 IEEE Control Systems Letters
1.4 IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
1.5 IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
2. Summer School
2.1 Summer School on Sliding Mode Control
3. Book
3.1 Linear Dynamical Quantum Systems: Analysis, Synthesis, and Control
4. Journals
4.1 Contents: Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems
4.2 Contents: Control Engineering Practice
4.3 Contents: Applied and Computational Mathematics: An International
4.4 Contents: International Journal of Control
4.5 Contents: Nonlinear Studies
4.6 Contents: Mathematics in Engineering, Science and Aerospace
4.7 Contents: Proceedings of the Institute of Applied Mathematics
4.8 CFP: Asian Journal of Control
4.9 CFP: Asian Journal of Control
4.10 CFP: IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
5. Conferences
5.1 World Congress: Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and
5.2 Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing
5.3 International Workshop on Control Engineering and Synthetic Biology
5.4 International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems
5.5 Asian Control Conference
5.6 Australian and New Zealand Control Conference
6. Positions
6.1 PhD: Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands
6.2 PhD: McGill University, Canada
6.3 PhD: Arizona State University, USA
6.4 PhD: Université Laval, Canada
6.5 PhD: Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
6.6 PhD: Imperial College London, UK
6.7 PhD: CNRS/University Grenoble Alpes, France
6.8 PhD: Ghent University Global Campus, South Korea
6.9 PhD: UNSW, Australia
6.10 PhD/PostDoc: KU Leuven, Belgium
6.11 PostDoc: Huazhong University of Science & Technology, China
6.12 PostDoc: INRIA Lille Nord Europe, France
6.13 PostDoc: Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
6.14 PostDoc: Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
6.15 PostDoc: University of Exeter, UK
6.16 Faculty: Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
6.17 Faculty: Umeå University, Sweden
6.18 Faculty: KU Leuven, Belgium
1. IEEE CSS Headlines
1.1. IEEE Control Systems Society Technically Cosponsored Conferences
Contributed by: Luca Zaccarian, CSS AE Conferences, zaccarian at laas.fr
The following conferences have been recently included in the list of events
technically cosponsored by the IEEE Control Systems Society:
- XXVI International Conference on Information, Communication and
Automation Technologies (ICAT 2017). Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Oct
26 - Oct 28, 2017. http://icat.etf.unsa.ba/
- 21st International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing
(ICSTCC 2017). Sinaia, Romania. Oct 19 - 21, 2017.
For a full listing of CSS technically cosponsored conferences, please visit
http://ieeecss.org/conferences/technically-cosponsored and for a list of
the upcoming and past CSS main conferences please visit
1.2. IEEE Control Systems Society Publications Content Digest
Contributed by: Elizabeth Kovacs, ekovacs2 at nd.edu
CSS Publications Content Digest
The IEEE Control Systems Society Publications Content Digest is a novel and
convenient guide that helps readers keep track of the latest published
articles. The CSS Publications Content Digest, available at
http://ieeecss.org/publications-content-digest provides lists of current
tables of contents of the periodicals sponsored by the Control Systems
Each issue offers readers a rapid means to survey and access the latest
peer-reviewed papers of the IEEE Control Systems Society. We also include
links to the Society’s sponsored Conferences to give readers a preview of
upcoming meetings.
1.3. IEEE Control Systems Letters
Contributed by: Francesca Bettini, bettini at dei.unipd.it
Table of Contents
IEEE Control Systems Letters
Volume 1 (2017), Issue 1 (July)
Please note that IEEE Control Systems Letters is accessible in IEEE Xplore
through the web page:
Editorial, M. E. Valcher - p. 1
- Riemannian Optimal Model Reduction of Linear Second-Order Systems, K.
Sato - p. 2
- Eigenvalue Invariance of Inhomogeneous Matrix Products in Distributed
Algorithms, S. Mou and B. D. O. Anderson - p. 8
- Matricial Wasserstein-1 Distance, Y. Chen, T. T. Georgiou, L. Ning, and
A. Tannenbaum - p. 14
- Robust Control Policies Given Formal Specifications in Uncertain
Environments, D. Frick, T. A. Wood, G. Ulli, and M. Kamgarpour - p. 20
- Knife-Edge Motion on a Surface as a Nonholonomic Control Problem, H.
McClamroch, M. Reyhanoglu, and M. Rehan - p. 26
- On Minimum-Variance Event-Triggered Control, A. Goldenshluger and L.
Mirkin - p. 32
- An Improved Lion Strategy for the Lion and Man Problem, M. Casini and A.
Garulli - p. 38
- Flow-Inducing Networks, G. Giordano and F. Blanchini - p. 44
- Representation of Chance-Constraints with Strong Asymptotic Guarantees,
J. B. Lasserre - p. 50
- Computing Minimal and Maximal Allowable Transmission Intervals for
Networked Control Systems Using the Hybrid Systems Approach, S. H. J.
Heijmans, R. Postoyan, D. Neši´c, and W. P. M. H. Heemels - p. 56
- Establishing Traveling Wave in Bistable Reaction-Diffusion System by
Feedback, P.-A. Bliman and N. Vauchelet - p. 62
- Model Order Reduction and Composite Control for a Class of Slow-Fast
Systems Around a Non-Hyperbolic Point, H. Jardón-Kojakhmetov and J. M. A.
Scherpen - p. 68
- An Extension of Lyapunov’s First Method to Nonlinear Systems with
Non-Continuously Differentiable Vector Fields, H. Lhachemi, D. Saussié, and
G. Zhu - p. 74
- Exploiting Sparsity in the Coefficient Matching Conditions in
Sum-of-Squares Programming Using ADMM, Y. Zheng, G. Fantuzzi, and A.
Papachristodoulou - p. 80
- A Network Optimization Approach to Cooperative Control Synthesis, M.
Sharf and D. Zelazo - p. 86
- Computing the Stochastic H∞-Norm by a Netwon Iteration, T. Damm, P.
Benner, and J. Hauth - p. 92
- A Scalable Sampling Method to High-Dimensional Uncertainties for Optimal
and Reinforcement Learning-Based Controls, J. Xie, Y. Wan, K. Mills, J. J.
Filliben, and F. L. Lewis - p. 98
- Distributed Economic MPC with Separable Control Contraction Metrics, R.
Wang, I. R. Manchester, and J. Bao - p. 104
- Predictive Control of Autonomous Kites in Tow Test Experiments, T. A.
Wood, H. Hesse, and R. S. Smith - p. 110
- Sampled-Data Reduction of Nonlinear Input-Delayed Dynamics, M. Mattioni,
S. Monaco, and D. Normand-Cyrot - p. 116
- Effects of Delays, Poles, and Zeros on Time Domain Waterbed Tradeoffs and
Oscillations, Y. P. Leong and J. C. Doyle - p. 122
- Preserving Privacy of Finite Impulse Response Systems, G. Bottegal, F.
Farokhi, and I. Shames - p. 128
- On Infinite Linear Programming and the Moment Approach to Deterministic
Infinite Horizon Discounted Optimal Control Problems, A. Kamoutsi, T.
Sutter, P. M. Esfahani, and J. Lygeros - p. 134
- On the Design of Nonlinear Distributed Control Protocols for Platooning
Systems, J. Monteil and G. Russo - p. 140
- Stochastic Game in Remote Estimation Under DoS Attacks, K. Ding, S. Dey,
D. E. Quevedo, and L. Shi - p. 146
- A Fast Method for Real-Time Chance-Constrained Decision With Application
to Power Systems, S. Bolognani, E. Arcari, and F. Dörfler - p. 152
- Stability Analysis of Equilibria of Linear Delay Complementarity Systems,
J. J. B. Biemond, W. Michiels, and N. van de Wouw - p. 158
- A Convex Optimization Approach to Distributionally Robust Markov Decision
Processes With Wasserstein Distance, I. Yang - p. 164
- On the Coherence of Large-Scale Networks With Distributed PI and PD
Control, . E. Tegling and H. Sandberg - p. 170
- Stochastic Channel Allocation for Networked Control Systems, Y. Long, S.
Liu, and L. Xie - p. 176
- A Local Polynomial Approach to Nonparametric Estimation of the Best
Linear Approximation of Lithium-Ion Battery From Multiple Datasets, R.
Relan, K. Tiels, J.-M. Timmermans, and J. Schoukens – p.182
- Fast Consensus in Multi-Agent Systems With Star Topology Using High Gain
Observers, D. Chowdhury and H. K. Khalil - p. 188
- Controlled Mobile Radiation Detection Under Stochastic Uncertainty, I.
Yadav and H. G. Tanner - p. 194
- Approximation of Vector Processes by Covariance Matching With
Applications to Smoothing, G. Picci and B. Zhu - p. 200
- Proof of Local Convergence of a New Algorithm for Covariance Matching of
Periodic ARMA Models, B. Zhu and G. Picci - p. 206
1.4. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
Contributed by: Elizabeth Kovacs, ekovacs2 at nd.edu
Table of Contents
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
Volume 62 (2017), Issue 7 (July)
Please note that the contents of the IEEE Transactions on Automatic
Control, together with links to the abstracts of the papers may be found at
the TAC web site:
The IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control Submission and Review Management
Scanning the Issue
p. 3106
- Distributed Intermittent Connectivity Control of Mobile Robot Networks,
Y. Kantaros, M. M. Zavlanos p. 3109
- Adaptive Source Localization Based Station Keeping of Autonomous
Vehicles, S. Guler, B. Fidan, S. Dasgupta, B. D.O. Anderson, I. Shames p.
- Robust Nonlinear Regulation: Continuous-time Internal Models and Hybrid
Identifiers, F. Forte, L. Marconi, A. R. Teel p. 3136
- Robust Stochastic Design of Signal-Controlled Road Network Under
Uncertain Travel Demands, S-W. Chiou p. 3152
- Constraint-Tightening and Stability in Stochastic Model Predictive
Control, M. Lorenzen, F. Dabbene, R. Tempo, F. Allgower p. 3165
- Games on Large Networks: Information and Complexity, I. Kordonis, G. P.
Papavassilopoulos p. 3178
- Generalized Derivatives for Hybrid Systems, K. A. Khan, P. I. Barton p.
- Reduction of Sufficient Conditions for Optimal Control Problems with
Subgroup Symmetry, A. Borum, T. Bretl p.3209
- E-Nash Equilibria for Partially Observed LQG Mean Field Games with Major
Player, P. E. Caines, A. C. Kizilkale p. 3225
- Optimal Policies for Brownian Inventory Systems with a Piecewise Linear
Ordering Cost, D. Yao, X. Chao, J. Wu p.3235
- Approximately Optimal Computing-Budget Allocation for Selection of Best
and Worst Designs, J. Zhang, L. Zhang, C. Wang, M. Zhou p. 3249
- Representation and Factorization of Discrete-Time Rational All-Pass
Functions, A. Ferrante, G. Picci p. 3262
- Recursive Identification of Hammerstein Systems: Convergence Rate and
Asymptotic Normality, B. Mu, H-F. Chen, L. Y. Wang, G. Yin, W. X. Zheng p.
- Model Reduction by Differential Balancing based on Nonlinear Hankel
Operators, Y. Kawano, J. M.A. Scherpen p. 3293
- Distributed Finite-Element Kalman Filter for Field Estimation, G.
Battistelli, L. Chisci, N. Forti, G. Pelosi, S. Selleri p. 3309
- Sequential Decision Making with Coherent Risk, A. Tamar, Y. Chow, G.
Mohammad, S. Mannor p. 3323
- Iterative Learning and Extremum Seeking for Repetitive Time-varying
Mappings, Z. Cao, H-B. Durr, C. Ebenbauer, F. Allgower, F. Gao p.3339
- Minimum Sparsity of Unobservable Power Network Attacks, Y. Zhao, A.
Goldsmith, H. V. Poor p. 3354
- Harsanyi Power Solutions in Coalitional Control Systems, F. J. Muros, E.
Algaba, J.M. Maestre, E. F. Camacho p. 3369
- Periodic Stabilization of Discrete-Time Switched Linear Systems, D. Lee,
J. Hu p. 3382
Technical Notes and Correspondence
- Note on Minimax Sliding Mode Control Design for Linear Systems, S. Zhuk,
A. Polyakov, O. Nakonechnyi p. 3395
- An Efficient and Stabilizing Model Predictive Control of Switched
Systems, K. Hariprasad, S. Bhartiya p. 3401
- Controllability Analysis for a Networked Dynamic System with Autonomous
Subsystems, Y. Zhang, T. Zhou p. 3408
- Lyapunov Functions for Persistently-Excited Cascaded Time-Varying
Systems: Application to Consensus, M. Maghenem, A. Loria p. 3416
- Distributed Coordinated Tracking Control for a Class of Uncertain
Multiagent Systems, J. Wang p. 3423
- A General Framework for Predictors based on Bounding Techniques and Local
Approximation, J. M. Bravo, T. Alamo, M. Vasallo, M. E. Gegundez p. 3430
- On Parametrization of all the Exact Pole-Assignment State-Feedbacks for
LTI Systems, Y. (J.) Peretz p. 3436
- On the Decay Rate of Discrete-time Linear Delay Systems with Cone
Invariance, J. Shen, J. Lam p. 3442
- Cooperative Control for Moving-Target Circular Formation of Nonholonomic
Vehicles, X. Yu, L. Liu, G. Feng p. 3448
- Robust Stabilization for Uncertain Saturated Time-Delay Systems: A
Distributed-Delay-Dependent Polytopic Approach, Y. Chen, S. Fei, Y. Li p.
- A Multi-Agent System with a Proportional-Integral Protocol for
Distributed Constrained Optimization, S. Yang, Q. Liu, J. Wang p.3461
- On Applicability of Auxiliary System Approach to Detect Generalized
Synchronization in Complex Networks, J. Zhou, C. Juan, J. Lu, J. Lu p. 3468
- Distributed Stochastic MPC of Linear Systems with Additive Uncertainty
and Coupled Probabilistic Constraints, L. Dai, Y. Xia, Y. Gao, M. Cannon p.
- Minimax Lower Bound and Optimal Estimation of Convex Functions in the
Sup-norm, T. M. Lebair, J. Shen, X. Wang p. 3482
- Single/Multiple Integral Inequalities with Applications to Stability
Analysis of Time-Delay Systems, J. Chen, S. Xu, B. Zhang p. 3488
- Distributed Tracking Control of an Interconnected Leader-follower
Multi-agent System, H. Cai, G. Hu p. 3494
- New Results on Stability of Slowly Switched Systems: A Multiple
Discontinuous Lyapunov Function Approach, X. Zhao, P. Shi, Y. Yin, S. K.
Nguang p. 3502
- Stabilization via Generalized Homogeneous Approximations, S. Battilotti
p. 3510
- Reach-Avoid Verification for Nonlinear Systems Based on Boundary
Analysis, B. Xue, A. Easwaran, N-J. Cho, M. Franzle p. 3518
- Event-Triggered Mean-Square Consensus Control for Time-Varying Stochastic
Multi-Agent System with Sensor Saturations, L. Ma, Z. Wang, H-K. Lam p. 3524
- An On-line Sensor Selection Algorithm for SPRT with Multiple Sensors,
C-Z. Bai, V. Gupta p. 3532
- Minimum Flow Time in a Tandem Two-Server Fluid Network, Y. Luzon, E.
Khmelnitsky, Y. Marmor p. 3540
- Performance Enhancement of Parameter Estimators via Dynamic Regressor
Extension and Mixing, S. Aranovskiy, A. Bobtsov, R. Ortega, A. Pyrkin p.
- Sliding Mode Observer-Based FTC for Markovian Jump Systems with Actuator
and Sensor Faults, S. Yin, H. Yang, O. Kaynak p. 3551
- Robust H-infinity Group Consensus for Interacting Clusters of Integrator
Agents, J. Qin, Q. Ma, W. X. Zheng, H. Gao, Y. Kang p. 3559
- Linear Minimum Mean Square Filters for Markov Jump Linear Systems, E. F.
Costa, B. de Saporta p. 3567
- New Criteria on pth Moment Input-to-State Stability of Impulsive
Stochastic Delayed Differential Systems, S. Peng, F. Deng p. 3573
- A Sliding Mode Observer for Infinitely Unobservable Descriptor Systems,
J. H. T. Ooi, C. P. Tan, S. G. Nurzaman, K. Y. Ng p. 3580
- Higher Order Super-Twisting for Perturbed Chains of Integrators, S.
Laghrouche, M. Harmouche, Y. Chitour p. 3588
- Concurrent Learning for Parameter Estimation Using Dynamic
State-Derivative Estimators, R. Kamalapurkar, B. Reish, G. Chowdhary, W. E.
Dixon p. 3594
- Distributed Optimization of Linear Multi-Agent Systems: Edge- and
Node-Based Adaptive Designs, Y. Zhao, Y. Liu, G. Wen, G. Chen p.3602
- Necessary and Sufficient Conditions on the Exponential Stability of
Positive Hyperbolic Systems, L. Zhang, C. Prieur p. 3610
- An Impulsive Delay Inequality Involving Unbounded Time-Varying Delay and
Applications, X. Li, J. Cao p. 3618
- Event-based State Estimation of Hidden Markov Models through a
Gilbert-Elliott Channel, W. Chen, J. Wang, D. Shi, L. Shi p. 3626
- L_1-stochastic Stability and L_1-gain Performance of Positive Markov Jump
Linear Systems with Time-Delays: Necessary and Sufficient Conditions, S.
Zhu, Q-L. Han, C. Zhang p. 3634
- Some New Results on Integral-type Backstepping Method for a Control
Problem Governed by a Linear Heat Equation, Z. Zhou, C. Yu, K. L. Teo p.
- Output-based Event-triggered Control with Performance Guarantees, B.
Asadi Khashooei, D. Antunes, W.P.M.H. Heemels p. 3646
- Stability Analysis of Sampled-data Systems via Free-Matrix-Based
Time-Dependent Discontinuous Lyapunov Approach, T. H. Lee, J. H. Park p.
- Time-varying Formation Tracking for Linear Multi-agent Systems with
Multiple Leaders, X. Dong, G. Hu p. 3658
- Computing Robust Controlled Invariant Sets of Linear Systems, M. Rungger,
P. Tabuada p. 3665
- Time-Varying Parameter Identification Algorithms: Finite and Fixed-Time
Convergence, H. RÌos, D. Efimov, J. A. Moreno, W. Perruquetti, J. G.
Rueda-Escobedo p. 3671
- Convex Parameterizations and Fidelity Bounds for Nonlinear Identification
and Reduced-Order Modelling, M. M. Tobenkin, I. R. Manchester, A. Megretski
p. 3679
- Distributed Time-varying Quadratic Optimization for Multiple Agents under
Undirected Graphs, C. Sun, M. Ye, G. Hu p. 3687
1.5. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Contributed by: TCST Editorial Board, ieeetcst at osu.edu
Table of Contents
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Volume 25 (2017), Issue 4 (July)
• Decentralized Feedback Controllers for Robust Stabilization of Periodic
Orbits of Hybrid Systems: Application to Bipedal Walking, K. Akbari Hamed
and R. D. Gregg, IV, page 1153
• Closed-Loop Combustion Noise Limit Control for Modern Diesel Combustion
Modes,I. Haskara and Y.-Y. Wang, page 1168
• Adaptive Stabilization of a Class of Feedforward Nonlinear Systems
Subject to Unknown Backlash-Hysteresis Inputs, S. Ibrir and C.-Y. Su, page
• Nonlinear Control With State-Dependant Reset Integrator for a Class of
Singularly Perturbed Interconnected Nonlinear Systems, D. Shin, W. Kim, Y.
Lee, and C. C. Chung, page 1193
• Collision Avoidance and Stabilization for Autonomous Vehicles in
Emergency Scenarios, J. Funke, M. Brown, S. M. Erlien, and J. C. Gerdes,
• Reduced-Order Electrochemical Model-Based SOC Observer With Output Model
Uncertainty Estimation, N. Lotfi, R. G. Landers, J. Li, and J. Park, page
• Dual-Quaternion-Based Fault-Tolerant Control for Spacecraft Tracking With
Finite-Time Convergence, H. Dong, Q. Hu, M. I. Friswell, and G. Ma, page
• Scheduling and Control of Startup Process for Single-Arm Cluster Tools
With Residency Time Constraints, Y. Qiao, M. C. Zhou, N. Q. Wu, Q. H. Zhu,
page 1243
• Energy-Constrained Coordination of Multi-Robot Teams, T. Setter and M.
Egerstedt, page 1257
• Convex Modeling and Optimization of a Vehicle Powertrain Equipped With a
Generator–Turbine Throttle Unit, S. Marinkov, N. Murgovski, and B. de
Jager, page 1264
• An Open-Loop Pole–Zero Placement Method for Active Noise Control
Headphones, K.-W. Liang and J.-S. Hu, page 1278
• Stability, Control, and Constraint Enforcement of Piston Motion in a
Hydraulic Free-Piston Engine, K. Zaseck, M. Brusstar, and I. Kolmanovsky,
page 1284
• Dynamic Modeling, Trajectory Optimization, and Control of a Flexible
Kiteplane, R. J. Caverly and J. R. Forbes, page 1297
• Stochastic Simulation and Performance Analysis of Classical Knock Control
Algorithms, J. C. Peyton Jones, J. Frey, and S. Shayestehmanesh, page 1307
• Cycle Time Optimization of Deterministic Timed Weighted Marked Graphs by
Transformation, Z. He, Z. W. Li, and A. Giua, page 1318
• Stability Analysis of Bilateral Teleoperation With Bounded and Monotone
Environments via Zames–Falb Multipliers, H. Tugal, J. Carrasco, P. Falcon,
and A. Barreiro, page 1331
• Parameters Estimation of Hydraulic Circuit Head Losses for Virtual Sensor
Design, S. Malan, C. Greco, R. Tisseur, and F. Bari, page 1345
• Finite-Time Output Feedback Control for PWM-Based DC–DC Buck Power
Converters of Current Sensorless Mode, J. Wang, C. Zhang, S. Li, J. Yang,
and Q. Li, page 1359
• Simultaneous Identification and Adaptive Torque Control of Permanent
Magnet Synchronous, D. M. Reed, J. Sun, and H. F. Hofmann, page 1372
• Delay Compensation for Real Time Disturbance Estimation at Extremely
Large Telescopes, M. Böhm, J.-U. Pott, M. Kürster, O. Sawodny, D. Defrère,
and P. Hinz, page 1384
• Real-Time Adaptive Control of a Fuel Cell/Battery Hybrid Power System
With Guaranteed Stability, C. Wu, J. Chen, C. Xu, and Z. Liu, page 1394
• Fast ADMM for Distributed Model Predictive Control of Cooperative
Waterborne AGVs, H. Zheng, R. R. Negenborn, and G. Lodewijks, page 1406
• Online Model Estimation for Predictive Thermal Control of Buildings, P.
Radecki and B. Hencey, page 1414
• Stable Path-Following Control for a Quadrotor Helicopter Considering
Energy Consumption, D. C. Gandolfo, L. R. Salinas, A. Brandão, and J. M.
Toibero, page 1423
• Fault-Tolerant Flight Control Design With Finite-Time Adaptation Under
Actuator Stuck Failures, X. Yu, Z. Liu, and Y. M. Zhang, page 1431
• Shape Control of a Snake Robot With Joint Limit and Self-Collision
Avoidance, M. Tanaka and K. Tanaka, page 1441
• Battery Power Smoothing Control in a Marine Electric Power Plant Using
Nonlinear Model Predictive Control, T. I. Bø and T. A. Johansen, page 1449
• Connectivity Assessment of Random Directed Graphs with Application to
Underwater Sensor Networks, M. M. Asadi, H. Mahboubi, J. Habibi, A. G.
Aghdam, and S. Blouin, page 1457
• NVH Optimization of Range Extender Engines by Electric Torque Profile
Shaping, J. Andert, K. Herold, R. Savelsberg, and M. Pischinger, page 1465
• Distributed Robust Control of the Power Flows in a Team of Cooperating
Microgrids, C. Bersani, H. Dagdougui, A. Ouammi, and R. Sacile, page 1473
• Decentralized Multi-UAV Flight Autonomy for Moving Convoys Search and
Track, W. Meng, Z. He, R. Su, P. K. Yadav, R. Teo, and L. Xie, page 1480
• Identification-Based Closed-Loop Control Strategies for a Cylinder Wake
Flow, E. Atam, L. Mathelin, and L. Cordier, page 1488
• Stability Boundaries for Offshore Wind Park Distributed Voltage Control,
M. P. S. Gryning, Q. Wu, Ł. Kocewiak, H. H. Niemann, K. P. H. Andersen, and
M. Blanke, page 1496
• Implementation of Nonlinear Model Predictive Path-Following Control for
an Industrial Robot, T. Faulwasser, T. Weber, P. Zometa, and R. Findeisen,
page 1505
• Optimal Hybrid Magnetic Attitude Control: Disturbance Accommodation and
Impulse Timing,B. Vatankhahghadim and C. J. Damaren, page 1512
• Application of Extremum Seeking for Time-Varying Systems to Resonance
Control of RF Cavities, A. Scheinker, page 1521
• NARMAX Self-Tuning Controller for Line-of-Sight-Based Waypoint Tracking
for an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle, R. Rout and B. Subudhi, page 1529
2. Summer School
2.1. Summer School on Sliding Mode Control
Contributed by: Martin Steinberger, martin.steinberger at tugraz.at
September 4-8, 2017
This summer school brings together people from industry and academia
motivated to get in touch with the techniques of sliding mode based
control, observation and estimation.
Location: The summer school will take place at Graz University of
Technology, Austria.
Speakers and Topics:
- Prof. B. Brogliato (INRIA Grenoble, France)
Discrete-Time Sliding Mode Control: the Implicit Approach
- Prof. A. Ferrara (University of Pavia, Italy)
Optimization Based Sliding Mode Control and Applications
- Prof. L. Fridman (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico)
Higher Order Sliding Mode Control and Observation
- Prof. J. Moreno (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico)
Lyapunov Analysis and Design of Higher Order Sliding Modes
The first day of the summer school will be spent to gain knowledge on the
basics of sliding mode control; this introductory day will be taught by
Prof. M. Horn, M. Steinberger and M. Reichhartinger (Graz University of
Registration fees: regular registration until July, 15, EUR 250. This fee
covers full participation in the summer school including coffee and tea
Registration and further information: visit the webpage www.vss-graz.com or
mail to info at vss-graz.com
3. Book
3.1. Linear Dynamical Quantum Systems: Analysis, Synthesis, and Control
Contributed by: Yasmin Brookes, yasmin.brookes at springer.com
Linear Dynamical Quantum Systems: Analysis, Synthesis, and Control
by Hendra I Nurdin & Naoki Yamamoto
ISBN: 978-3-319-55199-9
June 2017, Springer
Hardcover, 262 pages, $129.00/€109,99
This monograph provides an in-depth treatment of the class of
linear-dynamical quantum systems. The monograph presents a detailed account
of the mathematical modeling of these systems using linear algebra and
quantum stochastic calculus as the main tools for a treatment that
emphasizes a system-theoretic point of view and the control-theoretic
formulations of quantum versions of familiar problems from the classical
(non-quantum) setting, including estimation and filtering, realization
theory, and feedback control. Both measurement-based feedback control
(i.e., feedback control by a classical system involving a continuous-time
measurement process) and coherent feedback control (i.e., feedback control
by another quantum system without the intervention of any measurements in
the feedback loop) are treated.
Researchers and graduates studying systems and control theory, quantum
probability and stochastics or stochastic control whether from backgrounds
in mechanical or electrical engineering or applied mathematics will find
this book to be a valuable treatment of the control of an important class
of quantum systems. The material presented here will also interest
physicists working in optics, quantum optics, quantum information theory
and other quantum-physical disciplines.
1 Introduction
1.1 Quantum Feedback Control: A Brief History
1.2 Classical Linear Systems and Control Theory
1.3 Closed Linear Quantum Systems
1.4 Open Quantum Systems, the Markov Approximation
1.5 Linear Dynamical Quantum Systems
2 Mathematical Modeling of Linear Dynamical Quantum Systems
2.1 Quantum Stochastic Calculus
2.2 Linear Dynamical Quantum Systems: Joint Unitary Evolution of
Oscillators and Boson Fields
2.3 Equations of Motion: Real Quadrature Form and Complex Mode Form
2.4 Inclusion of Idealized Static Transformations on Bosonic Fields: The
Bogoliubov Transformation
2.5 Physical Realizability Conditions and Parameterizations for Linear
Dynamical Quantum Systems
2.6 Stability of Linear Quantum Systems
2.7 Gaussian States
3 Realization Theory for Linear Dynamical Quantum Systems
3.1 Architecture for Strict Realization
3.2 Architecture for Strict Realization Using Quantum Feedback Networks
3.3 Transfer Function Realization
Appendix A: Adiabatic Elimination of Coupled Cavity Modes
Appendix B: Proof of Theorem 3.4
Appendix C: Proof of Lemma 3.1
Appendix D: Proof of Corollary 3.1
4 Quantum Filtering for Linear Dynamical Quantum Systems
4.1 Quantum Conditional Expectations
4.2 Quantum Filtering Theory
4.3 Quantum Kalman Filter for Gaussian Linear Quantum Systems
4.4 Robust Linear Quantum Observers
5 Feedback Control of Linear Dynamical Quantum Systems
5.1 Measurement-Based Quantum Feedback Control
5.2 Coherent Feedback Quantum LQG Control
5.3 Coherent Feedback H∞ Control
5.4 Further Reading
Appendix A: Proof of Theorem 5.2
Appendix B: Proof of Lemma 5.2
6 Linear Systems and Control Theory for Quantum Information
6.1 Dissipative Generation of Pure Gaussian States
6.2 Enhancing Continuous-Variable EPR Entanglement
6.3 Force Sensing and Back-Action Evasion
6.4 Quantum Memory with Decoherence-Free Subsystem
6.5 Robust Quantum Amplification via Coherent Feedback
6.6 Feedback Control Experiments
4. Journals
4.1. Contents: Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems
Contributed by: Lars Gruene, lars.gruene at uni-bayreuth.de
Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems (MCSS)
Volume 29, Number 2
Table of Contents
- Bilinear control of high frequencies for a 1D Schrödinger equation,
Karine Beauchard and Camille Laurent
- Stochastic finite-time partial stability, partial-state stabilization,
and finite-time optimal feedback control, Tanmay Rajpurohit and Wassim M.
- A Kalman rank condition for the indirect controllability of coupled
systems of linear operator groups, Thibault Liard and Pierre Lissy
- The probability of primeness for specially structured polynomial matrices
over finite fields with applications to linear systems and convolutional
codes, Julia Lieb
- Characterization of a topological obstruction to reach control by
continuous state feedback, Melkior Ornik and Mireille E. Broucke
4.2. Contents: Control Engineering Practice
Contributed by: Martin Böck, cep at acin.tuwien.ac.at
Control Engineering Practice
Volume 64
July 2017
- Lasse Schmidt, Morten Groenkjaer, Henrik C. Pedersen, Torben O. Andersen,
Position Control of an Over-Actuated Direct Hydraulic Cylinder Drive,Pages
- Dongkui Tan, Wuwei Chen, Hongbo Wang, Zhengang Gao, Shared control for
lane departure prevention based on the safe envelope of steering wheel
angle,Pages 15-26
- Mauricio Begnini, Douglas Wildgrube Bertol, Nardênio Almeida Martins, A
robust adaptive fuzzy variable structure tracking control for the wheeled
mobile robot: Simulation and experimental results,Pages 27-43
- Simos A. Evangelou, M.A. Rehman-Shaikh, Hybrid electric vehicle fuel
minimization by DC-DC converter dual-phase-shift control,Pages 44-60
- Sahaj Saxena, Yogesh V. Hote, Stabilization of perturbed system via IMC:
An application to load frequency control,Pages 61-73
- Ingyu Lim, David J. Hoelzle, Kira L. Barton, A multi-objective iterative
learning control approach for additive manufacturing applications,Pages
- Francis Gagnon, André Desbiens, Éric Poulin, Pierre-Philippe
Lapointe-Garant, Jean-Sébastien Simard, Nonlinear model predictive control
of a batch fluidized bed dryer for pharmaceutical particles,Pages 88-101
- Jun Ni, Jibin Hu, Changle Xiang, Relaxed static stability based on tyre
cornering stiffness estimation for all-wheel-drive electric vehicle,Pages
- Xinqing Gao, Chao Shang, Dexian Huang, Fan Yang, A novel approach to
monitoring and maintenance of industrial PID controllers,Pages 111-126
- Timo Böhm, Thomas Meurer, Trajectory planning and tracking control for
the temperature distribution in a deep drawing tool,Pages 127-139
- R. Nazir, Taylor series expansion based repetitive controllers for power
converters, subject to fractional delays,Pages 140-147
- V. Gomathi, Seshadhri Srinivasan, K. Ramkumar, Guruprasath Muralidharan,
Structural analysis based sensor measurement fault diagnosis in cement
industries,Pages 148-159
- Maciej Marcin Michalek, Marcin Kielczewski, Robustification of the
modular tracking control system for non-Standard N-Trailers of uncertain
kinematics,Pages 160-172
- Robert Julius, Max Schürenberg, Frank Schumacher, Alexander Fay,
Transformation of GRAFCET to PLC code including hierarchical
structures,Pages 173-194
- S. Butt, H. Aschemann, Adaptive backstepping control for an engine
cooling system with guaranteed parameter convergence under mismatched
parameter uncertainties,Pages 195-204
- Wenkai Hu, Jiandong Wang, Tongwen Chen, Sirish L. Shah, Cause-effect
analysis of industrial alarm variables using transfer entropies,Pages
4.3. Contents: Applied and Computational Mathematics: An International
Contributed by: Fikret Aliev , chief_ed at acmij.az
Applied and Computational Mathematics: An International Journal
Vol.16, No.2, June 2017
- T.E. Simos, Ch. Tsitouras, I.Th. Famelis, Explicit Numerov Type Methods
with Constant Coefficients: A Review, pages: 89-113
- Saeed Kazem, M. Shaban, J.A. Rad, New Tau Homotopy Analysis Method for
MHD Squeezing Flow of Second-GradeFluid Between Two Parallel Disks, pages:
- A.A. Yari, M.K. Mirnia, M. Lakestani, Investigation of Optimal Control
Problems and Solving Them Using Bezier Polynomials, pages: 133-147
- B. Ahmad, D. Hnaien, M. Kirane, Global Existence and Large Time Behavior
of Solutions of a Semi-Linear Time and Space Fractional System, pages:
- Nazim I. Mahmudov, Finite-Approximate Controllability of Evolution
Equations, pages: 159-167
- H. Triki, T. Ak, A. Biswas, New Types of Soliton-Like Solutions for a
Second Order Wave Equation of Korteweg-De Vries Type, pages: 168-176
- Taekyun Kim, Dae San Kim, Some Identities of Catalan-Daehee Polynomials
Arising from Umbral Calculus, pages: 177-189
- Veli Shakhmurov, Hummet Musaev, Maximal Regular Convolution-Differential
Equations in Weighted Besov Spaces, pages: 190-200
4.4. Contents: International Journal of Control
Contributed by: Bing Chu, b.chu at soton.ac.uk
International Journal of Control
Volume 90, Issue 7, 2017
- Load reduction of a monopile wind turbine tower using optimal tuned mass
dampers, Xin Tong, Xiaowei Zhao & Shi Zhao, pages: 1283-1298
- Analogue of the Kelley condition for optimal systems with retarded
control, Misir J. Mardanov & Telman K. Melikov, pages: 1299-1307
- Nonlinear hierarchical control for quad-rotors with rotation matrix, Yao
Zou, pages: 1308-1318
- Distributed adaptive control for time-varying formation tracking of a
class of networked nonlinear systems, Lei He, Xiuxia Sun & Yan Lin, pages:
- Fixed-time regulation control of uncertain nonholonomic systems and its
applications, Zhongcai Zhang & Yuqiang Wu, pages: 1327-1344
- Robust stability analysis with cycling-based LPTV scaling: part I.
Fundamental results on its relationship with lifting-based LPTV scaling,
Mitsuaki Miyamoto, Yohei Hosoe & Tomomichi Hagiwara, pages: 1345-1357
- Robust stability analysis with cycling-based LPTV scaling. Part II: its
properties under the use of FIR separators, Mitsuaki Miyamoto, Yohei Hosoe
& Tomomichi Hagiwara, pages: 1358-1370
- The dual algebraic Riccati equations and the set of all solutions of the
discrete-time Riccati equation, Liangyin Zhang, Michael Z. Q. Chen &
Chanying Li, pages: 1371-1388
- Stealthy output injection attacks on control systems with bounded
variables, Abhishek Dutta & Cedric Langbort, pages: 1389-1402
- Rigid formation control of double-integrator systems, Zhiyong Sun, Brian
D. O. Anderson, Mohammad Deghat & Hyo-Sung Ahn, pages: 1403-1419
- Leader–follower fixed-time consensus of multi-agent systems with
high-order integrator dynamics, Bailing Tian, Zongyu Zuo & Hong Wang,
pages: 1420-1427
- Static state feedback triangular block decoupling for arbitrary systems:
a state-space method, Mingxing Li, Yingmin Jia & Hong Liu, pages: 1428-1436
- Continuous time LTI systems under lossless positive real transformations:
open-loop balanced representation and truncated reduced-order models, A.
Buscarino, L. Fortuna, M. Frasca & M. G. Xibilia, pages: 1437-1445
- A robust adaptive tracking control method for a rehabilitative walker
using random parameters, Hongbin Chang, Ping Sun & Shuoyu Wang, pages:
- Finite-time output feedback control for a class of stochastic low-order
nonlinear systems, Liang Liu, Shengyuan Xu & Yifan Zhang, pages: 1457-1465
- Finite-time output feedback stabilisation of chained-form systems with
inputs saturation, Fangzheng Gao & Yuqiang Wu, pages: 1466-1477
- Multimodel repetitive–predictive control of nonlinear systems: rejection
of unknown non-stationary sinusoidal disturbances, Mouhib Allaoui, Anis
Messaoud, Khadija Dehri & Ridha Ben Abdennour, pages: 1478-1494
- Regional optimal control problem of a class of infinite-dimensional
bi-linear systems, El Hassan Zerrik & Abella El kabouss, pages: 1495-1504
- Further results on H∞ control for discrete-time Markovian jump time-delay
systems, Zhongyang Fei, Chaoxu Guan & Peng Shi, pages: 1505-1517
- The leader-following rendezvous with connectivity preservation via a
self-tuning adaptive distributed observer, Yi Dong & Jie Huang, pages:
4.5. Contents: Nonlinear Studies
Contributed by: Seenith Sivasundaram, seenithi at gmail.com
Nonlinear Studies
Vol 24 No 2 (2017)
Published: 2017-05-30
• Iterative regularization for ill-posed operator equations in Hilbert
scales, Ioannis K. Argyros, Santhosh George, P Jidesh, 257-261
• A collocation method for the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation using
B-spline, M. Zarebnia, 273-283
• A study on the local convergence of a Steffensen-King-type iterative
method, Ioannis K Argyros, Santhosh George, 285-295
• Dini-Lipschitz Functions for the Bessel transform, R Daher, M El Hamma,
Abdlatif Akhlidj, 297-301
• Travelling wave solutions of a BBm(m,n) equation with generalized
evolution, Mustafa Inc, Esma Ates, 303-308
• Existence theory for first order functional random integrodifferential
inclusions, Bapurao C. Dhage, 309-328
• On the Asymptotic Behavior of Solutions of Certain Forced Fractional
Differential Equations, Said R. Grace, John R. Graef, Ercan Tunc, 329-336
• Analysis of impact of transgenic crops in a noisy environment, Peter L.
Antonelli, Solange F. Rutz, Rinaldo V. S. Junior, 337-353
• Weak solutions for implicit Pettis--Hadamard fractional differential
equations with retarded and advanced arguments, Said Abbas, Mouffak
Benchohra, Jamal Eddine Lazreg, Gaston N'Gu\'er\'ekata, 355-365
• Existence of positive periodic solutions for second-order nonlinear
neutral difference equations with variable delay. Abdelouaheb Ardjouni,
Ahcene Djoudi, 367-375
• A discontinuous semilinear problem involving the fractional Laplacian,
Sabri BENSID, 377-388
• An M/G/1 retrial queue with second optional service and unreliable server
under single exhaustive vacation, S. Pavai Madheswari, P. Suganthi, 389-415
• Binomial service and multiple adaptive vacation schedules for $M^X/G/1$
queue with control policy on demand for re-service, S. Jeyakumar, E.
Rameshkumar, 417-428
• On $\pi g^\ast\beta$-closed sets in topological spaces, A. Devika, R.
Vani, S. Kohila, 429-436
4.6. Contents: Mathematics in Engineering, Science and Aerospace
Contributed by: Seenith Sivasundaram, seenithi at gmail.com
Mathematics in Engineering, Science and Aerospace (MESA)
Vol 8 No 2 (2017):
Published: 2017-05-30
◦ Direct adaptive control of quadrotor attitude with the implicit reference
model, Boris Andrievsky, Stanislav Tomashevich, Andrey Belyavskyi, 119-136
◦ $\delta$ - operator formulation for a unified Kalman filter, Allen R.
Stubberud, 137-145
◦ Well-posedness and stability of nonlinear wave equations with two
boundary time-varying delays, Salah Zitouni, Abdelouaheb Ardjouni, Mouataz
Billah Mesmouli, Rachida Amiar, 147-170
◦ Can stability analysis be really simplified? (From Lyapunov to the new
theorem of stability - Revisiting Lyapunov, Barbalat, LaSalle and all
that), Itzhak Barkana, 171-199
◦ Navigation using angle measurements, Stephen C. Stubberud, Kathleen A.
Kramer, 201-213
◦ Geometric Lie algebra in matter, arts and mathematics with incubation of
the periodic systems of the elements, Erik Trell, Samuel Edeagu, Alexander
Animalu, 215-237
◦ On imputation methods in univariate time series, K.-E. Rantou, A.
Karagrigoriou, I. Vonta, 239-251
◦ Prediction of colon cancer expense via adaptive penalized mixed model
selection, Juming Pan, Junfeng Shang, 253-264
4.7. Contents: Proceedings of the Institute of Applied Mathematics
Contributed by: Fikret Aliev, proceedings.IAM at gmail.com
Proceedings of the Institute of Applied Mathematics, V.6, N.1, 2017
ISSN 2225-0530,
- F.A. Aliev, N.A. Ismailov, A.A. Namazov, Asymptotic method for defining
the coefficient of hydraulic resistance on the different parts of the
tubing in the oil extraction
- M.K. Aouf, A.O. Mostafa and W.K. Elyamany, Generalized class of p –valent
functions with higher order derivatives and negative coefficients
- М.М. Mutallimov, N.I. Velieva, Sh.A. Faradjova, Sweep method for the
solution of optimization problem with three-point boundary conditions with
inseparabilities at the internal and end points
- N.M. Rasulov, U.M. Nadirov, Mathematical model of service life of parties
of machine-building products and its analysis
- S.L. Kryvyi, Yu.V. Boyko, S.D. Pogorilyy, O.F. Boretskyi, M.M. Glibovets,
Design of grid services for running virtual machines as computing task
based on transition systems
- A.Kh. Khanmamedov, R.I. Aleskerov, The inverse scattering problem for the
discrete Dirac system on the whole axis
- N.I. Velieva, The frequency high accuracy algorithm for the solution of
continuous linear-quadratic optimal synthesis problem by output variable
- F.A. Aliev, V.B. Larin About solution of constrained matrix Sylvester
- H.M. Huseynov, A.F. Mamedova, The inverse scattering problem for the
one-dimensional Schrodinger operator with an additional linear potential
- Sh.I. Mustafayev, K.G. Gasimova, Improvement operation of sucker-rod pump
- Bhavana Deshpande, Common coupled fixed-point theorem for generalized
compatible pair of mappings under generalized Mizoguchi-Takahashi
- S.T. Huseynov, On an uniform estimation in domain of the modulus of
eigenfunctions for the elliptic equation containing the large parameter on
a part of the domain
4.8. CFP: Asian Journal of Control
Contributed by: Lichen Fu, lichen at ntu.edu.tw
CALL FOR PAPERS, Asian Journal of Control
Special Issue on “Control Applications in Renewable Energy Systems”
Renewable energy resources pose a number of fundamental and practical
challenges such as cost and availability that need to be addressed before
significant levels of renewable penetration into the existing power-mix can
be realized. The intermittency of the renewable energy sources results in
systems of exhibited changing dynamics, nonlinearities, and uncertainties.
In addition, the behavior of these energy conversion systems is dominated
by strong nonlinearities and the heavy interaction of continuous and
discrete dynamics. This makes the application of classical control
techniques, based on linearized models and purely continuous (or discrete)
models inadequate. The use of more efficient control and optimization
strategies would not only enhance the performance of these systems, but
would also reduce the cost per kilowatt-hour produced. Therefore, the
control applications of renewable energy systems are of great attractions
to researchers. This special issue of the Asian Journal of Control (AJC)
will provide a forum for researchers and practitioners to share insights on
innovation and development of control methods for renewable energy systems,
the application of advanced control techniques and methods to enable more
efficient and higher operational capabilities of systems in the general
area of renewable energy and Hybrid Power Systems (HPS).
Authors are invited to submit full papers describing original work in all
aspects of engineering techniques related to the nonlinear control and
stability analysis of the renewable energy-based systems covering the
following topics but are not limited to:
• Nonlinear control of batteries or fuel cells.
• Battery and/or fuel cells integration into HPS.
• HPS in transportation applications.
• Optimal sizing of HPS.
• Linear/nonlinear control of HPS.
• HVDC use in HPSs.
• Power electronics and drives in HPS.
• Intelligent energy and smart grids.
• Green buildings.
• ICT applications in HPS.
• Energy storage systems impacts on HPS.
• Renewable-based off-Grid/Grid-Interactive systems.
Important Dates:
December 31, 2017 Deadline for submissions
March 31, 2018 Completion of First Review
July 31, 2018 Completion of Final Review
August 31, 2018 Receipt of Final Manuscript
Nov 30, 2018 Publication (Tentatively Vol. 20, No. 6)
Guest Editors:
Prof. Jian CHEN
College of Control Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou,
jchen at zju.edu.cn
Dr. Mohamed BECHERIF
FCLab, Univ. Bourgogne Franche-Comte/UTBM, France.
Mohamed.Becherif at utbm.fr
Department of Electrial Power and Machines, Zagazig University, Egypt
haitham.s.ramadan at gmail.com
4.9. CFP: Asian Journal of Control
Contributed by: Lichen Fu, lichen at ntu.edu.tw
CALL FOR PAPERS, Asian Journal of Control
Special Issue on “SMC based observation, identification, uncertainties
compensation and fault detection”
Sliding Mode Observers (SMO) are the only type of observers that even for
the system with unknown inputs ensuring finite (or even fixed)-time exact
convergence to the real system states. Moreover, SMO based on higher-order
sliding modes provides best possible accuracy of states and unknown inputs
estimation in the presence of sampling or deterministic noises.
Recently, a lot of new results were obtained in the field like fixed-time
convergent differentiators, algorithms for finite- and fixed-time parameter
The main goal of proposed Special Issue is to summarise the theoretical
results about SMO results in the field and present different applications.
The principal topics planned to be covered are as follows:
• Sliding Mode Based Differentiators
• SMO for nonlinear systems
• SMO for descriptor systems
• SMO for switched systems
• SMO based uncertainties compensation
• SMO Based parameter identification
• SMO Based Fault Detection
• SMO Based Fault Tolerant Control
• Applications of SMOs
Important Dates:
February 28, 2018 Deadline for submissions
May, 2018 Completion of First Review
September, 2018 Completion of Final Review
October, 2018 Receipt of Final Manuscript
January, 2019 Publication (Tentatively Vol. 21, No. 1)
Guest Editors:
Dr. Leonid Fridman
National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico
lfridman at unam.mx
Dr. Hamid Reza Karimi
Politecnico di Milano, Italy
hamidreza.karimi at polimi.it
Dr. Yueying Wang
Shanghai University of Engineering Science, China
wyy676 at 126.com
Dr. Peng Shi
University of Adelaide, Australia
peng.shi at adelaide.edu.au
About AJC
The Asian Journal of Control, an ACA (Asian Control Association) affiliated
journal, is the first international journal originating from the Asian
Pacific region and being recognized by the major body of control
researchers in this region. The Asian Journal of Control publishes
bimonthly high-quality papers on original theoretical and experimental
research and development in the areas of control, involving all facets of
control theory and its application. Functionally, this journal not only
provides a forum where control researchers and practitioners can exchange
their knowledge and experiences in control areas, but also serves as an
educational means for students and any others who would like to learn new
topics in this technical area. The journal aims to be a key interface
between control communities within the Asian Pacific region and throughout
the world and is listed by Science Citation Index Expanded.
How to submit
Potential authors are encouraged to upload the electronic file of their
manuscript (in PDF format)through the journal’s online submission website:
If you encounter any submission problem, please contact Prof. Li-Chen Fu.
Editor-in-Chief: Professor Li-Chen Fu
Department of Electrical Engineering, EE II-524 Tel: +886-2-3366-3558
National Taiwan University Fax: +886-2-2365-4267
Taipei 10617, Taiwan E-mail: lichen at ntu.edu.tw
All submission should include a title page containing the title of the
paper, an abstract and a list of keywords,authors’ full names and
affiliations, complete postal and electronic address, phone and fax
numbers. The contacting author should be clearly identified. For detailed
submission guidelines, please visit:
4.10. CFP: IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Contributed by: Guillaume Mercère, guillaume.mercere at univ-poitiers.fr
CFP: Special Issue on System identification and control in biomedical
applications in IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Contributions are invited for a special issue of the IEEE Transactions on
Control Systems Technology devoted to the subject of System Identification
and Control in Biomedical Applications. The purpose of this special issue
is to document the current status of research in this field through an
original collection of diverse, high-quality papers. The emphasis is on the
role control systems technology plays in advancing the state of the art in
the challenges of applying feedback control in living organisms, with
emphasis on biomedicine. Specifically, we aim at (i) pointing out
theoretical and practical issues specific to bio-medical systems, (ii)
bringing together solutions developed under different settings with
specific attention to the validation of these tools in bio-medical settings
using real-life datasets and experiments, and (iii) introducing significant
case studies. Topics of common interests include (but are not limited to)
the following:
- theoretical and implementation challenges which arise in medical systems,
- control engineering tools for solving specific system design problems in
medical technology,
- novel data-driven modeling techniques capturing the dynamics of
biomedical systems, and accounting for intra- and inter-individual
- evidence of successful projects in biomedicine enabled by system
identification and control, such as the artificial pancreas and closed-loop
- application areas in healthcare and medical systems, such as assistive
devices and therapeutics in medical rehabilitation, and mathematical models
of infectious disease spread.
- prevention and treatment of chronic, relapsing disorders and illnesses
such as cancer, diabetes, obesity, and HIV.
Only contributions that include significant results based on analysis of
real data or experimental validation will be included. Papers must contain
high-quality original contributions and be prepared in accordance with the
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology standards. Prospective
authors should state in their cover letter and in the notes section of the
submission site that their manuscript is intended for the special issue on
“system identification and control in biomedical applications.” Submitted
manuscripts must not have been previously published or be under review for
possible publication elsewhere.
Time line:
Manuscripts Due: November 1, 2017
Notification to authors (after the first round of reviews): March 1, 2018
Notification of final decision: June 1, 2018
Publication Date: January 2019
Authors can submit their manuscripts via
Information for Authors prior to submitting a paper is available via
All inquiries should be directed to G. Mercère you can contact via his
email address: guillaume.mercere at univ-poitiers.fr
Guest Editors:
Guillaume Mercère, Université de Poitiers, France (LEAD)
Bayu Jayawardhana, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Alexander Medvedev, Uppsala University, Sweden
Daniel E. Rivera, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA
Caterina Scoglio, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas, USA
5. Conferences
5.1. World Congress: Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and
Contributed by: Seenith Sivasundaram, seenithi at gmail.com
World Congress: Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and Sciences
WHEN: July 3, 2018 – July 6, 2018
WHERE: American University of Armenia, Yerevan
Website: http://www.icnpaa.com
Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and Science have stimulated
cooperation among scientists from a variety of disciplines. Developments in
computer technology have additionally allowed for solutions of mathematical
problems. This international forum will extend scholarly cooperation and
collaboration, encouraging the dissemination of ideas and information.
The conference will have a pool of active researchers, with a proper
balance between academia and industry, as well as between senior and junior
researchers, including graduate students and post-doctoral fellows. It is
anticipated that such a balance will provide both senior and junior
researchers an opportunity to interact and to have a wider picture of
recent advances in their respective fields. The conference, especially,
enables the setting up of new interdisciplinary research directions among
its participants by establishing links with world renowned researchers,
making possible joint international projects that will no doubt bring about
fresh and innovative ideas and technologies in engineering, aerospace and
Co-Sponsored by: AIAA: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
IFIP: International Federation of Information Processing
American University of Armenia, Yerevan
The proceedings will be published by the American Institute of Physics.
AIP Conference Proceedings are indexed in:
• Astrophysics Data System(ADS)
• Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS)
• Crossref
• EBSCO Publishing
• Electronic Library Information Navigator (ELIN), Sweden
• Elsevier – SCOPUS
• International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
• Thomson Reuters (ISI)
5.2. Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing
Contributed by: Rachel Palmisano, rep2 at illinois.edu
October 3, 2017 – Opening Tutorials
October 4-6, 2017 – Conference Sessions
The Fifty-Fifth Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and
Computing will kick off with Opening Tutorials being held on Tuesday,
October 3, 2017 at the Coordinated Science Laboratory. The conference
sessions will start on Wednesday, October 4, 2017 through Friday, October
6, 2017, at the Allerton Park and Retreat Center. The Allerton House is
located twenty-six miles southwest of the Urbana-Champaign campus of the
University of Illinois in a wooded area on the Sangamon River. It is part
of the fifteen-hundred acre Robert Allerton Park, a complex of natural and
man-made beauty designated as a National natural landmark. Allerton Park
has twenty miles of well-maintained trails and a living gallery of formal
gardens, studded with sculptures collected from around the world.
Papers presenting original research are solicited in the areas of:
biological information systems
coding techniques and applications
coding theory
data storage
information theory
multiuser detection and estimation
network information theory
sensor networks in communications
wireless communication systems
intrusion/anomaly detection and diagnosis
network coding
network games and algorithms
performance analysis
pricing and congestion control
reliability, security and trust
decentralized control systems
robust and nonlinear control
adaptive control and automation
distributed and large-scale systems
complex networked systems
dynamic games
machine learning and learning theory
signal models and representations
signal acquisition, coding, and retrieval
detection and estimation
learning and inference
statistical signal processing
sensor networks
data analytics.
Final versions of papers that are presented at the conference are required
to be submitted electronically by October 8, 2017 in order to appear in the
Conference Proceedings and IEEE Xplore.
PLENARY LECTURE by John Lafferty, Louis Block Professor, Department of
Statistics & Computer Science, University of Chicago is scheduled for
Friday, October 6, 2017 at the Allerton Park and Retreat Center featuring.
OPENING TUTORIAL LECTURES by Nathan Srebro, Professor, Toyota Technological
Institute at Chicago and Alexander (Sasha) Rakhlin, Associate Professor,
Department of Statistics, University of Pennsylvania will be presented on
Tuesday, October 3, 2017 at the Coordinated Science Laboratory, University
of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
INFORMATION FOR AUTHORS: Regular papers suitable for presentation in twenty
minutes are solicited. Regular papers will be published in full (subject to
a maximum length of eight 8.5” x 11” pages, in two column format) in the
Conference Proceedings. Only papers that are actually presented at the
conference and uploaded as final manuscripts can be included in the
proceedings, which will be available after the conference on IEEE Xplore.
For reviewing purposes of papers, a title and a five to ten page extended
abstract, including references and sufficient detail to permit careful
reviewing, are required.
Manuscripts can be submitted during June 16-July 10, 2017 with the
submission deadline of July 10th being firm. Please follow the instructions
at the Conference website: http://www.csl.illinois.edu/allerton/.
Authors will be notified of acceptance via e-mail by August 7, 2017, at
which time they will also be sent detailed instructions for the preparation
of their papers for the Proceedings.
Important Dates:
Submission Deadline: July 10, 2017
Acceptance Date: August 7, 2017
Registration Opens: after August 7, 2017
Conference Dates: October 3-6, 2017
Final Submission Deadline: October 8, 2017
Conference Co-Chairs: Naira Hovakimyan and Negar Kiyavash
Email: amellis at illinois.edu URL: www.csl.illinois.edu/allerton/
5.3. International Workshop on Control Engineering and Synthetic Biology
Contributed by: Antonis Papachristodoulou, antonis at eng.ox.ac.uk
International Workshop on Control Engineering and Synthetic Biology - 17th
and 18th July 2017, Royal Academy of Engineering – Prince Philip House,
London, UK
Designing and implementing effective feedback control in living cells has
the potential to dramatically change biotechnology and synthetic biology.
However, before this potential is realised, a number of theoretical and
practical challenges must be addressed, which lie at the interface between
control engineering and synthetic biology.
This will be the topic of an International Workshop on Control Engineering
and Synthetic Biology, which will be held on the 17th and 18th July 2017 at
the Royal Academy of Engineering – Prince Philip House, London, UK. This
workshop will discuss both the challenges and the opportunities that
Synthetic Biology offers. A specific focus will be on the “next grand
challenges” in the field of synthetic biology and how control engineering
can address them. An exceptional group of speakers, world leaders in
synthetic biology and control engineering, will present recent progress,
identify challenges and share their vision of where synthetic biology is
headed and how the control engineering community can contribute to
delivering its promise.
This event is supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research
Council (EPSRC) under projects EP/M002454/1 and EP/M002187/1.
Please visit:
for more information, the list of speakers, and to register.
We would be grateful if you could disseminate this information to your
colleagues and within your institution.
Filippo Menolascina, Antonis Papachristodoulou, and Guy-Bart Stan
5.4. International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems
Contributed by: Hye-Soo Kim, conference at icros.org
2017 17th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems
(ICCAS 2017)
October 18(WED)-21(SAT), 2017
Ramada Plaza, Jeju Island, Korea
The aim of the ICCAS is to bring together researchers and engineers
worldwide to present their latest works, and disseminate the
state-of-the-art technologies related to control, automation, robotics, and
Proposal for Invited/Organized Session (Mini-symposium)
- July 15, 2017: Submission Deadline (Extended!!)
Regular Papers (3 - 6 pages) & Invited/Organized Session Papers (1 - 6
- July 15, 2017: Submission Deadline (Extended!!)
- August 1, 2017: Notification of Acceptance
- August 31, 2017: Submission of Final Camera-ready Papers
Research Poster Papers (1 - 2 pages)
- August 22, 2017: Submission Deadline
- August 31, 2017: Notification of Acceptance
- September 7, 2017: Submission of Final Camera-ready Papers
PAPER SUBMISSION: The conference invites three types of submission:
"Regular Paper", "Research Poster Paper", and "Invited(Organized)
Session/Mini-symposium Paper". To submit papers, go "Online Paper
Submission" on the website: http://online.2017.iccas.org
PAPER SUBMISSION GUIDELINE: http://2017.iccas.org/?page_id=21
Indexed in: IEEE Xplore, EI compendex, and SCOPUS
- Richard D. Braatz (Massachusetts Inst. of Tech., USA)
"New Directions in the Control in Advanced Manufacturing Systems"
- Reza Moheimani (Univ. of Texas at Dallas, USA)
"On-Chip Atomic Force Microscope: Why and How?"
- Antonella Ferrara (Univ. of Pavia, Italy)
"Modern Sliding Mode Control with Application to Automotive Systems"
- Huijun Gao (Harbin Inst. of Tech., China)
"Network-Based Control and Estimation"
- Atsuo Takanishi (Waseda Univ., Japan)
"Humanoid Robotics Research and Its Applications"
VENUE: The Jeju is the largest island off the coast of the Korean
Peninsula. The Jeju contains the natural World Heritage Site Jeju Volcanic
Island and Lava Tubes, and has a temperate climate.
- Selected as the New 7 Wonders of Nature
- Only place in the world that has been certified by UNESCO Triple Crown in
Natural Science: Biosphere Reserves, World Natural Heritage, World
Geological Park
- Designated by WHO (World Health Organization) as an International Safe
- No visa entry and 30-day stay for 187 countries including China
ACCOMMODATION: ICCAS 2017 participants can reserve rooms at the appointed
hotels at a special (discounted) rate. View details:
Organized by Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems (ICROS)
Technically Co-Sponsored by IEEE IES, IEEE CSS, IEEE RAS, SICE, ACA, CAA,
General Chair: Dong-il “Dan” Cho (Seoul Nat’l Univ., Korea / ICROS
Organizing Chair: Doyoung Jeon (Sogang Univ., Korea)
Program Chair: Hyosung Ahn (GIST, Korea)
5.5. Asian Control Conference
Contributed by: Ljubo Vlacic, l.vlacic at griffith.edu.au
The 2017 Asian Control Conference – ASCC 2017
Gold Coast 17 – 20 December 2017, Australia
Regular Papers (drafts): 24 July 17 (extended)
Invited Session Proposals: 17 July 17 (extended)
Workshop Proposals: 24 July 17 (extended)
5.6. Australian and New Zealand Control Conference
Contributed by: Ljubo Vlacic, l.vlacic at griffith.edu.au
Australian and New Zealand Control Conference - ANZCC 2017, Gold
Coast,17-20 December 2017, Australia
Regular Papers (drafts): 24 July 17 (extended)
Invited Session Proposals: 17 July 17 (extended)
Workshop Proposals: 24 July 17 (extended)
6. Positions
6.1. PhD: Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands
Contributed by: Riccardo Ferrari, r.ferrari at tudelft.nl
The Delft Center for Systems and Control (DCSC) at Delft University of
Technology (TU Delft) in the Netherlands has vacancy for
One PhD Position in Fault and Cyber-attack Tolerance for Distributed Systems
Project Description: The successful candidate will carry out research in
support of Dr. Ferrari project called SURE: Safe Unmanned Robotic
Ensembles. The goal of SURE is to make formations of mobile robots, such as
cooperative self driving cars, robust to faults or cyber-attacks that could
affect one or more robots. The PhD student will develop model-based
algorithms capable of detecting and isolating faults or cyber-attacks
affecting a robot of its neighbors, as well as accommodation techniques.
There will be the possibility to test such algorithms on a multi-robot
setup in our laboratories. Furthermore, developed algorithms are expected
to be generalized in order to be applied to other distributed systems, not
only in the field of mobile robotics.
Requirements: the applicant should have obtained a M.Sc. degree in a field
related to the project, such as electrical or electronics engineering,
systems & control, mechanical engineering or computer science. A good
command of the English language is required. Candidates with a background
in fault diagnosis, multi-robots formations or distributed
(parameters)-systems are especially encouraged to apply.
Conditions of Employment: The position will start preferably on September
1st, 2017, and run for four years. The successful candidate will be
enrolled in the University graduate school. Salary and benefits are in
accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities.
Candidates actually in the process of obtaining their M.Sc. degree can be
considered subjected to the condition of having completed it no later than
the required starting date.
About Delft University of Technology: TU Delft is an internationally
recognized research university that has been ranked 19th in the Engineering
and Technology section of the world-wide QS World University Ranking
2015/16. In the THE World University Ranking 2016/17, TU Delft has been
ranked 20th in Engineering and Technology section. TU Delft is an equal
opportunity employer and committed to increase the diversity of its staff.
Female candidates are encouraged to apply, more information on gender
related initiatives and policies can be found at
Application and More Information: Please send your application including a
motivation letter, a curriculum vitae, a list of courses with grades, and
contact information for two academic references to Dr. Riccardo Ferrari (
r.ferrari at tudelft.nl). Dr. Ferrari can also be contacted for more
information about this vacancy. The vacancy will remain open until a
suitable candidate has been found.
6.2. PhD: McGill University, Canada
Contributed by: Ahmad Haidar, ahmad.haidar at mcgill.ca
Position Title: PhD Candidate
The Department of Biomedical Engineering in the Faculty of Medicine at
McGill University is seeking outstanding candidates for a PhD position. The
successful candidate will develop a control algorithm for an
electromechanical artificial pancreas in type 1 diabetes.
The artificial pancreas is a closed-loop, tri-hormonal (multi-input),
delivery system to regulate glucose levels. The successful candidate will
design and optimize the controller through repeated clinical experiments,
and will consequently lead the design and the conduction of randomized
controlled clinical trials to test the algorithm and to answer clinical
The successful candidate will have the opportunity to work with a
multi-disciplinary team that includes researchers with backgrounds of
endocrinology, control engineering, nutrition, pediatrics, and computer
science. This is a great opportunity for a highly motivated applicant who
wants to utilize their expertise in control systems to tackle medical
Our lab implements a quality management system (ISO13485) and we work
closely with industry. Our department offers unique courses on intellectual
property, regulatory affairs, and clinical trials tailored specifically for
biomedical engineers who wish to pursue career in industry.
McGill University ranks 1st in Canada among medical-doctoral universities
(Maclean’s) and is Canada’s most international university. McGill is
located in the vibrant multicultural Montreal in the francophone province
of Quebec. Montreal is a city steeped in culture and is named the best
student city in the world (QS Ranking).
Desired Skills:
• Strong expertise in system control design, preferably in adaptive control
or model predictive control. Desired expertise includes estimation
algorithms, observers, and Kalman filtering.
• Strong desire to work in a clinical setting.
• Strong programming skills.
Starting Date:
• September 2017 or January 2018.
Apply with your curriculum vitae to Prof. Ahmad Haidar (
ahmad.haidar at mcgill.ca). Please refer to www.mcgill.ca/haidar for more
information on our research program. For information on registration
instructions, rights and responsibilities, and how to get a work permit if
you're joining us from abroad, please refer to
6.3. PhD: Arizona State University, USA
Contributed by: Theodore (Ted) Pavlic, tpavlic at asu.edu
We are seeking a PhD candidate interested in applying methods from model
predictive control (MPC) to the design and control of coordinated green and
gray water infrastructure systems to improve resiliency in chemical and
agricultural sectors. The candidate candidate will work with a
multi-disciplinary team of operations researchers, economists,
hydrologists, and ecologists to build a control model of a complex system
that includes political, legal, economic, social, and hydrological
components. The control model will be used to optimize the placement and
utilization of different green and gray water infrastructure sources to
improve resiliency of the system.
The candidate will be primarily supervised by Dr. Theodore Pavlic, a
control theorist interested in autonomous decision making systems at
Arizona State University. The team also includes Dr. John Sabo, Dr. William
Michael Hanemann, Dr. Jon Miller, and participation of the Earth Genome
Project. The NSF-funded project is expected to last 4 years. However, as
ASU is a large, multi-disciplinary university, the PhD candidate will have
many opportunities for other collaborations.
Dr. Pavlic has chair or co-chair rights in a variety of different graduate
programs at ASU. Consequently, the particular PhD program is negotiable
(e.g., Computer Science, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Electrical
Engineering, Applied Mathematics, etc.). The important thing is that the
student is interested in applying methods from optimization and predictive
control to ecological, coupled-human-natural systems involving water
Interested candidates should contact Dr. Pavlic (tpavlic at asu.edu) directly
* Brief statement of interest in the project
* Detailed CV
* Bachelors and masters transcripts (informal is OK)
* Name and e-mail of two references
Candidates should apply as soon as possible.
6.4. PhD: Université Laval, Canada
Contributed by: Andre Desbiens, desbiens at gel.ulaval.ca
Three PhD positions are available at the LOOP (Laboratoire d’observation et
d’optimisation des procédés – Process Observation and Optimization
Laboratory), Université Laval, Québec City, Canada. The projects are in
collaboration with the multinational biopharmaceutical Pfizer. They address
industrial problems and the solutions will have significant impacts for
For pharmaceutical industries, automation and continuous processing is a
way to become more competitive, to reduce production time, energy
consumption and the amount of waste produced. Towards this objective, the
projects are:
Project #1 - Coating of the tablets: development of an in-line vision
sensor providing film-coating properties (coating level, distribution
across tablets, esthetical defects, etc.).
- Fractional factorial design
- Multivariate Image Analysis
- Partial Least Squares regression
- Validation of the machine vision sensor
Project #2 – Novel continuous drying of the granules (before they are
compressed into tablets): safe and robust in-line minimization of the
drying time and/or energy consumption while insuring a desired final
humidity of the particles and avoiding their overheating.
- First-principles modelling and model calibration
- State estimation
- Model predictive control
- Real-time optimization
Project #3 - Freeze-drying of vials: safe and robust in-line minimization
of the primary drying time and/or energy consumption while insuring that
sublimation is completed and avoiding to exceed the collapse temperature.
- First-principles modelling and model calibration
- State estimation
- Model predictive control
- Real-time optimization
- Heating policies for various vials arrangements
The final stage of the three projects is to implement and validate the most
promising approaches on pilot units.
Candidate profile:
- should have completed, or about to complete, a MSc degree in Electrical
or Chemical Eng., or related areas,
- strong background in multivariate statistics and/or first-principles
modelling and/or systems and control,
- solid programming skills in Matlab,
- ability to work in multi-disciplinary teams,
- excellent communication skills (oral and written) in English - a plus if
knowledge of French (courses are given in French).
Please send a complete CV, a motivation letter and transcripts to Prof.
André Desbiens (desbiens at gel.ulaval.ca) with the subject "E-Letter PhD
6.5. PhD: Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
Contributed by: Philippe Dreesen, philippe.dreesen at vub.be
PhD position Tensors for System Identification at Vrije Universiteit Brussel
A fully funded PhD position is now available at the Vrije Universiteit
Brussel (VUB), Belgium, department ELEC. The goal is to develop novel
methods for nonlinear system identification using tensors. We will exploit
the Volterra representation while aiming for interpretable block-oriented
models. Tensors play a central role in understanding and taking advantage
of the Volterra kernels. See our paper
We offer an attractive salary, a job in the heart of Europe, and support
from a renowned research group. This is a four year PhD project, with a
yearly evaluated and renewable contract. The preferred starting date is as
soon as possible and no later than Oct 1, 2017.
The specific PhD topic can be adapted to the interests of the applicant. It
is especially suitable for engineers interested in mathematics, and for
mathematicians interested in engineering applications.
Requirements: Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering, (Applied)
Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science, or a related domain. Further
requirements include excellent programming skills (e.g., MATLAB) and
excellent English language skills. Experience in tensor methods and system
identification is an advantage, but is not required.
Please send a two-page CV, a one-page personal statement (motivation and
background knowledge) as a single PDF document to philippe.dreesen at vub.be.
Mention “FWO-VOLT-2017” in the email subject line. Applications received
before July 15, 2017 will be given full consideration. Informal inquiries
can be sent to the same email address.
6.6. PhD: Imperial College London, UK
Contributed by: Giordano Scarciotti, g.scarciotti at imperial.ac.uk
PhD studentship in Control of Uncertain Nonlinear Systems, Imperial College
London, United Kingdom
Applications are invited for a PhD studentship in "Control of Uncertain
Nonlinear Systems: a stochastic and set-valued approach". The work will be
based within the Control and Power group in the Department of Electrical
and Electronic Engineering. The student will be supervised by Dr Giordano
Scarciotti. The studentship will start as soon as possible from October 2017
Every model of a real system has some degree of uncertainty. A parameter of
the model may be unknown, some dynamics may be unmodeled, or the model may
be completely unknown. Uncertainty arises in, for example, power production
(unpredictable renewable sources), power distribution (energy
price/demand), control of aircrafts, and biological and chemical reactions.
The project will tackle the problem of modelling, analysis and control of
uncertain systems with two complementary approaches: stochastic
differential equations allow to model randomness; set-valued mappings allow
simultaneous modelling of multiple behaviours. Note that instead of
considering a robust control approach, the objective of the project is to
describe and deal with uncertainty within these two frameworks in a
comprehensive manner.
The ideal candidate should have a strong background in Control Engineering,
Automation Engineering or Applied Mathematics. Strong knowledge of linear
system theory, a basic understanding of nonlinear systems and some
experience in using MATLAB is required. Any knowledge of advanced topics
such as stochastic systems and hybrid systems would be beneficial, but are
not required skills as these will be acquired during the PhD.
Applications are invited from candidates with (or who expect to gain) a
first-class honours degree or an equivalent degree in Engineering,
Mathematics or a related discipline (for more details, see
studentship provides a (tax-free) bursary of £16,553 (Standard RCUK Bursary
rate) per annum for up to 3.5 years to cover living expenses, together with
the College tuition fees at the UK/EU rate for 3 years. Applications from
Overseas will also be considered, but the difference in the Overseas and
UK/EU rate will have to be met by the successful applicant.
For a description of the Control and Power Research Group please visit our
website at http://www3.imperial.ac.uk/controlandpower.
Informal enquiries and requests for additional information for this post
can be made to Dr Giordano Scarciotti by email at
g.scarciotti at imperial.ac.uk.
Applications will be assessed as received and all applicants should follow
the standard College application procedure (indicating Dr Giordano
Scarciotti as supervisor) (
Closing date for applications: Open until filled
Start Date: As soon as possible from October 2017.
6.7. PhD: CNRS/University Grenoble Alpes, France
Contributed by: Alain Kibangou, alain.kibangou at univ-grenoble-alpes.fr
A PhD thesis position is available at CNRS/University Grenoble Alpes
(France) within the framework of the ERC grant Scale-Freeback (
http://scale-freeback.eu/). The research proposal deals with the problem of
state estimation design and optimal sensor placement algorithms for
large-scale evolutionary dynamical networks. The estimation design will be
built upon scale-free aggregated models, where the aims is to reconstruct
some “average” measure of the systems states instead of observing the
states of the whole high-dimensional system.
Requested background: Control theory or Applied mathematics.
Applications: http://scale-freeback.eu/openings/
6.8. PhD: Ghent University Global Campus, South Korea
Contributed by: Shodhan Rao, Shodhan.Rao at ghent.ac.kr
PhD position in Applied Mathematics: Ghent University Global Campus,
Incheon, South Korea
There is a vacancy for a PhD position in Applied Mathematics in Ghent
University Global Campus (GUGC), Incheon, South Korea (www.ghent.ac.kr).
Ghent University Global Campus is the first campus of Ghent University
outside Belgium. This campus is situated in Songdo International City,
Incheon, South Korea. GUGC integrates educational and research facilities
in a single building. Ghent University has the ambition to organize a
first-rate, truly European education in Asia and to develop excellent
research in the fields of Molecular biotechnology, Environmental and Food
technology. Its programs are accredited in Flanders and in Korea.
While the prospective candidate will work in GUGC, Korea, the eventual PhD
degree of the candidate will be from Ghent University, Belgium. The
research focus of the student is expected to be in the area of
mathematical/systems biology particularly in the area of model reduction of
biochemical networks. The candidate is also expected to assist his/her
supervisor in teaching undergraduate mathematics courses. While the
candidate will mainly work under the supervision of Prof. Shodhan Rao at
GUGC, he/she will be co-supervised also by Prof. Arnout van Messem of GUGC
and Prof. Willem Waegeman from the department of Mathematical Modelling,
Statistics and Bioinformatics at Ghent University. The candidate will
therefore have the opportunity to spend some time at the campus in Ghent
University during the course of his/her PhD. In addition to the regular
salary, free accommodation within the campus and a yearly travel budget are
foreseen. GUGC is an equal opportunities employer.
We are looking for candidates with the following qualifications and skills
- The candidate should hold or expect to hold by August 2017, a master
degree in one of the following disciplines: mathematics, systems and
control, bioscience engineering, chemistry or chemical engineering.
Exceptional candidates from other science/engineering backgrounds will also
be considered.
- The candidate should have had a rigorous undergraduate mathematics
training and in general a strong background in mathematics.
- The candidate should be highly motivated to conduct research in the area
of applied mathematics, specifically in the area of mathematical
- The candidate should have an excellent academic track record, an
excellent command of English and good academic writing and presentation
- Knowledge of biology or chemistry at undergraduate level is preferable
although not mandatory.
The expected starting date of the PhD candidate is August 15, 2015.
Interested candidates should send their applications before July 21st, 2017
by email to Shodhan.Rao at ghent.ac.kr with a CV, copies of transcripts and
degrees and a motivation letter (please merge all the documents in one
6.9. PhD: UNSW, Australia
Contributed by: Daoyi Dong, daoyidong at gmail.com
Scientia PhD Scholarship at UNSW
This project aims to develop distributed estimation and control methods for
quantum networks. Quantum networks play a vital role in the development of
powerful quantum technology, and benchmarking and controlling quantum
networks has been an important task in next generation technology. The
project will advance key knowledge and provide effective methods to enable
us to identify and control quantum networks for wide applications arising
in this emerging technological revolution. The scholarship provides the
following support:
• Work on high quality research projects with the best supervisory teams in
world class environments
• $40K a year stipend for four years
• Tuition fees covered for the full 4 year period
• Coaching and mentoring will form a critical part of your highly
personalised leadership development plan
• Up to $10k each year to build your career and support your international
research collaborations
More application information could be found at:
If you are interested in applying for the scholarship, please contact Dr
Daoyi Dong (d.dong at unsw.edu.au), Prof Valeri Ougrinovski (
v.ougrinovski at adfa.edu.au) or Dr Michael Hush (m.hush at unsw.edu.au)
6.10. PhD/PostDoc: KU Leuven, Belgium
Contributed by: Wim Michiels, Wim.Michiels at cs.kuleuven.be
PhD/PostDoc: KU Leuven, Belgium
The Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (NUMA) Centre of KU Leuven -
University of Leuven (Belgium) invites applications for up to 6 doctoral
and 3 postdoctoral positions.
NUMA consists of 40 members (professors, postdoctoral and PhD researchers).
We develop, analyse and implement numerical algorithms for applications in
science and engineering. We focus on algorithmic innovations, and on the
analysis of accuracy and efficiency. Our research relies on mathematical
insight, design of algorithms, and software development.
NUMA has vacancies on several recently acquired research projects for
researchers with various expertise. Applicants should have a general
interest in the development and analysis of numerical methods, and/or their
application in engineering and science. We are currently looking for
candidates with specific interest/expertise in one (or more) of the
following domains:
- Numerical (multi)-linear algebra: polynomial computations and iterative
- Multiscale and stochastic methods for simulation and control
- Large-scale PDE-constrained optimization and uncertainty quantification
- Parallel algorithms and metaheuristics for cutting and packing problems
- High-dimensional approximation, simulation and analysis
- Computational methods for control
- Data driven network analysis and control
- Complex and cyber-physical systems
We offer a stimulating environment at a European top university, a
well-equipped and experienced multidisciplinary research unit, a
personalized PhD trajectory, with attention paid to transferable skills
development, a competitive wage and moving expenses. Senior postdocs will
get the opportunity to become involved in project management.
For more information on the research unit and possible supervisors, visit
The positions at the postdoctoral level are for one year with the
possibility of extension to a second year. The positions at the predoctoral
level will be initially for one year. After a positive evaluation, this
position can be extended for three more years.
Candidates are invited to submit their application (including a detailed
CV, a motivation letter, and two letters of recommendation) via the website
https://icts.kuleuven.be/apps/jobsite/vacatures/54213421 (for the PhD
positions) and
https://icts.kuleuven.be/apps/jobsite/vacatures/54218508 (for the postdoc
6.11. PostDoc: Huazhong University of Science & Technology, China
Contributed by: Ye Yuan, ye.yuan at outlook.com
Prof. Ye Yuan (http://yy311.github.io) is looking for a number of postdoc
researchers and visiting researchers starting as soon as possible at
Huazhong Artificial Intelligence Lab (HAIL), Huazhong University of Science
& Technology (HUST), Wuhan, China. The research project is broadly on the
development of novel learning and control theory with application to
cyber-physical systems (robotics and power systems).
1. For Postdoc, we offer
• A competitive salary (at least RMB 212,000 per year, negotiable depending
on the qualification);
• Possibilities for the Postdoc to spend time at world-leading universities
(such as UC Berkeley and Caltech) to take specialized courses and work with
collaborators there;
• Experimental platform (Vicon+Crazyflies, GPU cluster, UR3 robot+Kinect,
Hardware in the loop Power simulator)
• Full contract for 2 years with the possibility of renewal up to 6 years
contingent on performance;
• Possibilities to stay at HUST as a lecturer or an associate professor
2. For visiting professors, we offer
• A highly competitive salary depending on the qualification (per month);
• Travel cost and housing
3. Your Profile
• A Ph.D. degree in Control Theory, Power Systems, Mathematics, Computer
Science, or a closely related field;
• An excellent background in one of the following areas: system
identification, control theory, machine learning, robotics.
Interested candidates should send their CV (with names of at least two
references) and a cover letter (for postdoc candidates) describing their
specific interest and how their background fits the qualifications to Prof.
Ye Yuan <ye.yuan at outlook.com>. All applications will be treated in the
strictest confidence.
6.12. PostDoc: INRIA Lille Nord Europe, France
Contributed by: Mihaly Petreczky, mihaly.petreczky at ec-lille.fr
Postdoc position at INRIA Lille Nord Europe
We are looking for a candidate with a strong mathematical background and a
PhD in one of the following fields: machine learning, control theory,
systems identifcation, statistics or probability theory. Knowledge of
either machine learning or system identification/control theory is a plus.
The successful applicant will work on the frontier between machine learning
and control theory/systems identification. System identification is a
sub-discipline of control theory which aims at learning dynamical models
(difference/differential equations) from data and use these models for
decision making (control). Recently the same problem has gained attention
in the machine learning community. The aim of this project is to combine
theoretical results from machine learning and system identification in
order to study the theoretical limits of learning dynamical models from
time series. More broadly, the project concerns the combination of learning
dynamical models with decision making (control).
The specific tasks he the candidate is expected to contribute to are 1)
finding theoretical limits of learning dynamical models from time series,
2) applying machine learning to system identification. If time permits, the
results will be validated experimentally on several benchmark problems.
Starting date: October-November 2017,
Length of the appointment: 24 months.
Contact persons:
Daniil Ryabko (daniil at ryabko.net) Lille Nord Europe and Mihaly Petreczky (
mihaly.petreczky at ec-lille.fr) CNRS.
6.13. PostDoc: Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Contributed by: Weidong Zhang, wdzhang at sjtu.edu.cn
Postdoctoral position in Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China (Marine
The Engineer Research Center of Marine Automation, Shanghai Municipal
Education Commission (in the Department of Automation, Shanghai Jiao Tong
University, China) offers 3 postdoc positions in control engineering as
soon as possible thereafter. We are interested in candidates in the broad
areas of control engineering, marine engineering, unmanned autonomous
systems, etc.
Requirements and qualifications:
-PhD degree
-Documented experience with research dissemination in international
scientific journals
-Experience with writing research applications
-Good communication skills in English or Chinese
-Self-motivation and the ability to work both independently and as a team
player with researchers from different disciplines
Main tasks:
-Active involvement in research efforts
-Supervision of student projects and thesis at both master and Ph.D. levels
Salary and others:
- RMB 120-200k/year (approximately, 18-30kUSD)
- Apartment with very cheap rent
- It is a 2-year position and can be extended to 5 years
Required documents
-One self-recommendation letter covering your research statements, your
achievements, as well as your possible requirements from us
-A list of your publications
For further information, please contact Prof. Dr. Weidong Zhang, Email:
wdzhang at sjtu.edu.cn, Tel: +86-21-34204019. Address: Dongchuan Road 800,
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China.
6.14. PostDoc: Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Contributed by: Paolo Falcone, falcone at chalmers.se
At the Mechatronics Group of the Electrical Engineering Department, we are
engaged in both fundamental and applied research related to intelligent
transportation systems. Ongoing research projects focus on the design and
the experimental validation of control algorithms for autonomous vehicles
operating in complex urban environments. We consider both cooperative and
non-cooperative settings, where the challenges are the control over
wireless networks and making decision in a mixed automated-human
environment, respectively. Our research is, where possible, validated
through experiments on full-scale vehicles and in collaboration with
industrial partners.
We invite applications for one post-doctoral position in networked control
systems. The candidate will join a team of post-docs and Ph. D. students
engaged in neighboring research, with the main objective of developing
algorithms to control mobile networked systems, when the information
necessary to close the control loop are delivered through wireless network
and possibly generated by Cloud applications. Clearly, in such setup,
information losses and delays arising from the state of the network may
unacceptably degrade the performance of the overall system or even lead to
unsafe operation. Our objective is to harness the emerging information and
communication technologies by proactively planning the control actions to
the systems and the access to remote information in order to circumvent
classical limitation of networked control systems, where the control is
designed based on a communication protocol decided beforehand. The
successful candidate will be engaged in both fundamental and experimental
research. In particular, if relevant to the research, experimental setup in
the field of transportation systems might be available to demonstrated the
developed algorithms. A strong theoretical background in control and
practical problem-solving capabilities are required.
The working time of post-doctoral staff is mainly devoted to research.
Undergraduate teaching duties, not exceeding 20% of the working time, may
include supervision of MSc students.
The position is co-funded by the Chalmers Area of Advance in
Transportation. The appointment is a full-time employment (not a
scholarship) for a period of not more than two years (1+1).
A PhD (or close to completion) in control theory, applied math or
neighboring relevant field. Experience with networked control systems will
be preferred.
Ability to initiate new research collaborations is essential. Good
communication skills in oral and written English are required.
For further info visit:
or contact:
Paolo Falcone (falcone at chalmers.se), Division of Systems and Control. Tel.:
+46 31 772 1803
Jonas Sjöberg, (jonas.sjoberg at chalmers.se), Division of Systems and
Control. Tel.: +46 31 772 1855
6.15. PostDoc: University of Exeter, UK
Contributed by: Halim Alwi, h.alwi at exeter.ac.uk
Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Control Systems
Location: University of Exeter
Department: College of Engineering Mathematics and Physical Sciences
Reporting To: Dr Halim Alwi
The full time post is available immediately for 18 months (with possible
The University of Exeter is a Russell Group university that combines
worldclass research with very high levels of student satisfaction. Exeter
has over 21,000 students from more than 130 different countries and is in
the top 1% of universities in the world with 98% of its research rated as
being of international quality. Our research focuses on some of the most
fundamental issues facing humankind today.
The post:
The project will explore an exciting research of flight control for small
multirotor unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). The overall aims of the project
(1) to help improve safety, resilience and survivability of small
multirotor unmanned aerial vehicles in the event of inflight faults and
failures, and (2) to bridge the gap between theory and application of
sliding mode control, thus encouraging adoption of sliding mode control in
industry. In order to achieve these aims, the main objectives of the
project are:
a) to develop a simulation model and simulation tool for highly redundant
multirotor UAV,
b) to investigate and develop fault tolerant control (FTC) schemes based on
sliding mode control, and
c) to build the hardware of the multirotor UAV, and subsequently to
implement, test and evaluate FTC control schemes.
The project will focus on the application of sliding mode methods to
address the aims and objectives listed above. The successful applicants
will help develop FTC schemes (objective (b)) and also be expected to
assist in preparing the control schemes for hardware implementation on a
multirotor UAV.
About you:
The successful applicant will be able to present information on research
progress and outcomes, communicate complex information, orally, in writing
and electronically. Applicants will possess a relevant PhD and be able to
demonstrate sufficient knowledge in the discipline and of research methods
and techniques to work within established research programmes. At
Postdoctoral Research Fellow level, the successful applicant will be a
nationally recognised authority in the state of the art fault tolerant
control methods, or techniques which can be applied to these areas and be
able to develop research programmes and methodologies. Knowledge of sliding
mode control techniques would be an asset. An interest in aerospace systems
especially multirotor unmanned aerial vehicles will also be an advantage.
The successful applicant will also be able to work collaboratively,
supervise the work of others and act as team leader as required.
The successful candidate will be appointed at Postdoctoral Research
Associate or Postdoctoral Research Fellow depending on the skills and
experience the individual can bring to the role. Candidates should
demonstrate their achievement against the relevant criteria in the
accompanying person specifications which will be used to make an
appointment at an appropriate level.
Full details of the advert can be found here:
6.16. Faculty: Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Contributed by: Morten Breivik, morten.breivik at ntnu.no
The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU,
http://www.ntnu.edu/) hereby invites applications for a
professorship/associate professorship in Optimization and Control of
Dynamic Systems, affiliated with the Department of Engineering Cybernetics
(Institutt for teknisk kybernetikk - ITK, http://www.ntnu.edu/itk) at
NTNU’s Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering.
ITK has 22 professors, 14 adjunct professors, about 10 postdocs and
researchers as well as 70 PhD candidates. Approximately 160 candidates
graduate annually from the three MSc programs in cybernetics, which
comprise about 720 students in total. The department is involved in
numerous research projects and centers, including the Centre of Excellence
for Autonomous Marine Operations and Systems (NTNU AMOS,
The professor/associate professor must have a solid background in numerical
optimization for control. Important application areas include energy and
process systems, in particular control and optimization of integrated
energy systems. This includes automatic control (e.g. model predictive
control) as well as decision support systems (e.g. real-time model-based
optimization). Research competence in mixed-integer optimization coupled to
hybrid dynamic systems or static systems, including large-scale
mixed-integer programming, is relevant.
The professor/associate professor is expected to play a leading role in
research and research-based education in optimization and control of
dynamic systems in cooperation with the existing staff at ITK. She or he is
also expected to establish collaboration with relevant colleagues at other
departments at the faculty and within NTNU’s strategic research areas.
The department has strong relationships to Norwegian and international
academia and industry, with numerous joint research projects. The research
activities at the department rely crucially on external funding, and the
development of educational programs may also receive external funding. The
successful applicant is expected to work actively to obtain research grants
and other external funding from the Research Council of Norway, European
research and educational agencies, relevant industry and other available
The candidate will join a research community at ITK which was rated
"excellent from an international perspective" in the Norwegian Research
Council’s evaluation of 53 ICT communities in Norway in 2012, as one of
only three ICT communities to receive such a rating in the Norwegian
university and college sector.
The full announcement can be found at
with application deadline on Monday August 21.
About NTNU, Trondheim and Norway:
- About NTNU: http://www.ntnu.edu/
- NTNU Facts and Figures: http://www.ntnu.edu/facts
- NTNU International Researcher Support: http://www.ntnu.edu/nirs
- About Trondheim: https://trondheim.com/
- About Norway: https://www.visitnorway.com/about/
- Working in Norway: https://www.nav.no/workinnorway/en/Home
- Practical info about Norway:
6.17. Faculty: Umeå University, Sweden
Contributed by: Per Hallberg, per.hallberg at umu.se
Dear colleague
We would like to draw your attention to our announcement of a professor in
technology for autonomous systems.
We are looking for a person that could complement and strengthen our
current related research at the Department of Applied Physics and
Electronics at Umeå University. The closing date is 4th of September, 2017.
Please share this information with your network of colleagues. For full
advertisement, follow the link.
6.18. Faculty: KU Leuven, Belgium
Contributed by: Goele Pipeleers, goele.pipeleers at kuleuven.be
Vacancy: Model Based Virtual Sensing in Structural Dynamics and Mechatronics
There is currently a vacancy at the research unit Noise and Vibration
Engineering at the Science & Technology Group, Faculty of Engineering
Science, Department of Mechanical Engineering of the KU Leuven, for a
full-time professorship (ZAP) in the field of model based virtual sensing
based on ab initio physical models for structural dynamics and
mechatronics. We are looking for internationally oriented candidates with
excellent research records and with educational competences in the field of
dynamics of mecha(tro)nic systems.
More information at:
Prof. dr. ir. Dominiek Reynaerts, tel.: +32 16 32 26 40, mail:
dominiek.reynaerts at kuleuven.be
Prof. dr. ir. Wim Desmet, tel.: +32 16 32 25 27, mail:
wim.desmet at kuleuven.be.
Apply no later than: August 31, 2017
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