[eletter] eletter 344
Jianghai Hu
jianghai at purdue.edu
Sat Apr 1 12:30:43 EDT 2017
E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing
Issue 344
April 2017
Jianghai Hu
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Purdue University
465 Northwestern Ave.
West Lafayette, IN, 47907
Tel: +1 (765) 4962395
Fax: +1 (765) 4943371
Welcome to the 344 issue of the Eletter, available electronically at
together with its pdf version
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And, as always, search for .** to navigate to the next item in the Eletter.
The next Eletter will be mailed out at the beginning of May 2017.
1. IEEE CSS Headlines
1.1 IEEE Control Systems Society Call for Nominations for 2017 Awards
1.2 CFP: IEEE Control Systems Society Outreach Fund
1.3 IEEE Control Systems Society Technically Cosponsored Conferences
1.4 IEEE Control Systems Society Publications Content Digest
1.5 IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
1.6 IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
1.7 IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems
2. PhD & Summer Schools
2.1 7th oCPS PhD School on Cyber-Physical Systems
2.2 Summer School on “Approximation of Large-Scale Dynamic Models”
2.3 DISC Summer School “A Systems and Control Perspective on Privacy,
Safety, and Security in Large-Scale Cyber-Physical Systems”
3. Journals
3.1 Contents: Automatica
3.2 Contents: IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica
3.3 Contents: System & Control Letters
3.4 Contents: European Journal of Control
3.5 Contents: Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
3.6 Contents: Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems
3.7 Contents: Asian Journal of Control
3.8 Contents: IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information
3.9 Contents: Control Engineering Practice
3.10 Contents: International Journal of Control
3.11 Contents: TWMS Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
3.12 CFP: IEEE Internet of Things Journal
3.13 CFP: IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
4. Conferences
4.1 Workshop on Brain Dynamics and Neurocontrol Engineering
4.2 Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Networked and Distributed Systems and
4.3 International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems
4.4 ACC Workshop on “Control Engineering in Julia: Modelling, Control
Design and Optimization”
4.5 IFAC World Congress Workshop on “Iterative Learning Control and
Repetitive Control: Theoretical Advances and Emerging Applications”
4.6 IFAC World Congress Workshop on “Process Data Analytics”
5. Positions
5.1 Technical Writer for IEEE Control Systems Magazine
5.2 PhD: Université Laval, Canada
5.3 PhD: Université Grenoble Alpes/GIPSA-lab, France
5.4 PhD: KU Leuven, Belgium
5.5 PhD: KU Leuven, Belgium
5.6 PhD: University of South Florida, USA
5.7 PhD: University of Connecticut
5.8 PhD: Johannes Kepler University Linz, Autria
5.9 PhD: Luleå University of Technology, Sweden
5.10 PhD: University of Leicester, UK
5.11 PhD: European Southern Observatory, Germany
5.12 PhD: Technical University of Kosice, Slovak Republic
5.13 PhD: University of Stuttgart, Germany
5.14 PostDoc: National University of Singapore, Singapore
5.15 PostDoc: Cornell University, USA
5.16 PostDoc: Luleå University of Technology, Sweden
5.17 PostDoc: University of Leicester, UK
5.18 Research Fellow: University of Hull, UK
5.19 Faculty: Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
5.20 Faculty: IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca, Italy
5.21 Faculty: IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca, Italy
5.22 Engineer: CROASAEN, USA
1. IEEE CSS Headlines
1.1. IEEE Control Systems Society Call for Nominations for 2017 Awards
Contributed by: Joao Hespanha, hespanha at ece.ucsb.edu
IEEE Control Systems Society Call for Nominations for 2017 Awards
Nominations will open April 15 and are due by May 15, for the following
IEEE Control Systems Society Awards (see http://www.ieeecss.org/awards for
full details).
- George S. Axelby Outstanding Paper Award (for a paper published in 2015
or 2016 in the IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control);
- IEEE Transactions on Control System Technology Outstanding Paper Award
(for a paper published in 2015 or 2016 in the IEEE Transactions on Control
System Technology);
- IEEE Control Systems Magazine Outstanding Paper Award (for an article
published in 2015 or 2016 in the IEEE Control Systems Magazine);
- IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems Outstanding Paper Award
(for a paper published in 2015 or 2016 in the IEEE Transactions on Control
of Network Systems)
- IEEE Control Systems Technology Award (for outstanding individual or team
contributions to control systems technology);
- Control Systems Society Transition to Practice Award (for a distinguished
contributor to the transition of control and systems theory to practice);
- Antonio Ruberti Outstanding Young Researcher Prize (for a young
researcher for innovation and impact on systems and control).
- IEEE Control Systems Society Award for Excellence in Aerospace Control
(for a team or individual contribution to Aerospace Control in the previous
36 months)
The IEEE Control Systems Society strongly encourages its members to speak
up and reach out to colleagues to initiate award nominations. Each year,
many highly qualified individuals, teams, and papers are overlooked for
nominations simply because colleagues assumed that a nomination was already
being prepared by someone else on the individual's, team's or authors'
behalf. You may be surprised to find out that your colleagues would be very
pleased to nominate you, if they had just been encouraged to do so.
1.2. CFP: IEEE Control Systems Society Outreach Fund
Contributed by: Daniel E. Rivera, daniel.rivera at asu.edu
The IEEE CSS Outreach Task Force is providing notice that the window for
submission of proposals to the
IEEE-CSS Outreach Fund for its 2017 spring solicitation will be held from
April 3 to 28, 2017. Please note
that this time window is earlier than usual. Information regarding the
program can be found in:
Requests for application forms (as well as inquiries and notices of
intention to submit) should be made
directly to Daniel E. Rivera, Outreach Task Force Chair, at
daniel.rivera at asu.edu.
1.3. IEEE Control Systems Society Technically Cosponsored Conferences
Contributed by: Luca Zaccarian, CSS AE Conferences, zaccarian at laas.fr
The following conferences have been recently included in the list of events
technically cosponsored by the
IEEE Control Systems Society:
- XXVI International Conference on Information, Communication and
Automation Technologies (ICAT
2017). Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Oct 26 - Oct 28, 2017.
- 21st International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing
(ICSTCC 2017). Sinaia, Roma-
nia. Oct 19 - 21, 2017. http://www.icstcc2017.ac.tuiasi.ro/
- 6th International Conference on Systems and Control (ICSC 2017). Batna,
Algeria. May 7 - May 9, 2017.
- 2017 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS’17).
Miami (FL), United States.
Jun 13 - Jun 16, 2017. http://www.uasconferences.com/
For a full listing of CSS technically cosponsored conferences, please visit
and for a list of the upcoming and past CSS main conferences please visit
1.4. IEEE Control Systems Society Publications Content Digest
Contributed by: Elizabeth Kovacs, ekovacs2 at nd.edu
CSS Publications Content Digest
The IEEE Control Systems Society Publications Content Digest is a novel and
convenient guide that helps readers keep track of the latest published
articles. The CSS Publications Content Digest, available at
http://ieeecss.org/publications-content-digest provides lists of current
tables of contents of the periodicals sponsored by the Control Systems
Each issue offers readers a rapid means to survey and access the latest
peer-reviewed papers of the IEEE Control Systems Society. We also include
links to the Society’s sponsored Conferences to give readers a preview of
upcoming meetings.
1.5. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
Contributed by: Elizabeth Kovacs, ekovacs2 at nd.edu
Table of Contents
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
Volume 62 (2017), Issue 3 (March)
Please note that the contents of the IEEE Transactions on Automatic
Control, together with links to the abstracts of the papers may be found at
the TAC web site:
The IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control Submission and Review Management
Control Systems and the Quest for Autonomy, P. Antsaklis p. 1013
List of Reviewers for 2016, p. 1017
Scanning the Issue
p. 1026
- Approximation of Markov Processes by Lower Dimensional Processes via
Total Variation Metrics, I. Tzortzis, C. D. Charalambous, T. Charalambous,
C. N. Hadjicostis, M. Johansson p. 1030
- Tradeoffs in Networked Feedback Systems: From Information-Theoretic
Measures to Bode-Type Integrals, S. Fang, H. Ishii, J. Chen p. 1046
- Linear Quadratic Risk-Sensitive and Robust Mean Field Games, J. Moon, T.
Basar p. 1062
- Basis Marking Representation of Petri Net Reachability Spaces and Its
Application to the Reachability Problem, Z. Ma, Y. Tong, Z. Li, A. Giua p.
- Stabilization and Entropy Reduction via SDP-Based Design of Fixed-Order
Output Feedback Controllers and Tuning Parameters, G. Chesi p. 1094
- Fundamental Limits of Remote Estimation of Autoregressive Markov
Processes under Communication Constraints, J. Chakravorty, A. Mahajan p.
- On Repetitive Scenario Design, G. C. Calafiore p. 1125
- State Estimation for the Individual and the Population in Mean Field
Control with Application to Demand Dispatch, Y. Chen, A. Busic, S. Meyn p.
- Non-Asymptotic Pseudo-State Estimation for a Class of Fractional Order
Linear Systems, X. Wei, D-Y. Liu, D. Boutat p. p. 1150
- A Framework for Robust Assessment of Power Grid Stability and Resiliency,
T. L. Vu, K. Turitsyn p. 1165
- A Distributed Feedback Motion Planning Protocol for Multiple Unicycle
Agents of Different Classes, D. Panagou p. 1178
- Centralized Versus Decentralized Optimization of Distributed Stochastic
Differential Decision Systems with Different Information Structures-Part I:
A General Theory, C. D. Charalambous, N. U. Ahmed p. 1194
- Temporal Logics for Learning and Detection of Anomalous Behavior, Z.
Kong, A. Jones, C. Belta p. 1210
- Relaxed Logarithmic Barrier Function Based Model Predictive Control of
Linear Systems, C. Feller, C. Ebenbauer p. 1223
- Voltage Stabilization in Microgrids via Quadratic Droop Control, J. W.
Simpson-Porco, F. Dörfler, F. Bullo p. 1239
- Accessibility of Nonlinear Time-Delay Systems, C. Califano, C. H. Moog p.
- Control under Stochastic Multiplicative Uncertainties: Part I,
Fundamental Conditions of Stabilizability, T. Qi, J. Chen, W. Su, M. Fu p.
- Control under Stochastic Multiplicative Uncertainties: Part II, Optimal
Design for Performance, W. Su, J. Chen, M. Fu, T. Qi p. 1285
- Petri-net Controller Synthesis for Partially Controllable and Observable
Discrete Event Systems, J. Luo, M. Zhou p. 1301
- Fundamental Limits on Uncertain Delays: When is a Delay System
Stabilizable by LTI Controllers? T. Qi, J. Zhu, J. Chen p. 1314
- Characterization of Admissible Marking Sets in Petri Nets with Conflicts
and Synchronizations, Z. Ma, Z. Li, A. Giua 1329
- Density Flow in Dynamical Networks via Mean-field Games, D. Bauso, X.
Zhang, A. Papachristodoulou p. 1342
- Anytime Capacity of a Class of Markov Channels, P. Minero, M.
Franceschetti p. 1356
- Low-Complexity Modeling of Partially Available Second-Order Statistics:
Theory and an Efficient Matrix Completion Algorithm, A. Zare, Y. Chen, M.
Jovanovic, T. T. Georgiou p. 1368
- Diagnosability Analysis of Labeled Time Petri Net Systems, F. Basile, M.
P. Cabasino, C. Seatzu p. 1384
Technical Notes and Correspondence
- On Passivity Analysis and Passivation of Event-Triggered Feedback Systems
Using Passivity Indices, F. Zhu, M. Xia, P. J. Antsaklis p. 1397
- Linear Machine Solution to Point Location Problem, A. Airan, M. Bhushan,
S. Bhartiya p. 1403
- On Stabilization of Decentralized Systems Across Analog Erasure Links, J.
Liu, V. Gupta p. 1411
- Approaches to Determining a Box Consistent Parameter Set for Polytopic
Output Constraints on Linear Fractional Models using Structured Singular
Values, M. Kishida p. 1417
- H2 Optimal Coordination of Homogeneous Agents Subject to Limited
Information Exchange, D. Madjidian, L. Mirkin, A. Rantzer p. 1424
- Partial Stabilization of Input-Output Contact Systems on a Legendre
Submanifold, H. Ramirez, B. Maschke, D. Sbarbaro p. 1431
- Observer Design and Exponential Stabilization for Wave Equation in Energy
Space by Boundary Displacement Measurement Only p. 1438, H. Feng, B-Z. Guo
p. 1438
- Interval Homogeneity-Based Control for a Class of Nonlinear Systems with
Unknown Power Drifts, Z. Su, C. Qian, J. Shen p. 1445
- Multiplayer Reach-Avoid Games via Pairwise Outcomes, M. Chen, Z. Zhou, C.
J. Tomlin p. 1451
- Robust Sampled-data Output Synchronization of Nonlinear Heterogeneous
Multi-Agents, X. Chen, Z. Chen p. 1458
- Distributed Reinforcement Learning via Gossip, A. Mathkar, V. S. Borkar
p. 1465
- Maximum Entropy Kernels for System Identification, F. P. Carli, T. Chen,
L. Ljung p. 1471
- Finite-Time Stabilization via Sliding Mode Control, J. Song, Y. Niu, Y.
Zou p. 1478
- Unbiased Estimation of Sinusoidal Signal Parameters via Discrete-Time
Frequency-Locked-Loop Filters, F. Tedesco, A. Casavola, G. Fedele p. 1484
- Efficiently Attentive Event-Triggered Control Systems with Limited
Bandwidth, L. Li, X. Wang, M. D. Lemmon p. 1491
- On the Computation of Lambda-Contractive Sets for Linear Constrained
Systems, M. Schulze Darup, M. Cannon p. 1498
- Design of Robust Controller for a Class of Uncertain Discrete-Time
Systems Subject to Actuator Saturation, T. Binazadeh, M. Bahmani p. 1505
- Gradient-based Parameter Estimation in Pairwise Linear Gaussian System,
M. V. Kulikova p. 1511
- Fault Detection and Isolation of Linear Periodic Systems Using the
Geometric Approach, S. Longhi, A. Monteriù p. 1518
- Performance Analysis and Coherent Guaranteed Cost Control for Uncertain
Quantum Systems Using Small Gain and Popov Methods, C. Xiang, I. R.
Petersen, D. Dong p. 1524
- MMSE State Estimation Approach for Linear Discrete-Time Systems with
Time-delay and Multi-error Measurements, Y. Sun, F. Jing, Z. Liang, M. Tan
p. 1530
- February 2017 Table of Contents p. 1537
1.6. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
Contributed by: Elizabeth Kovacs, ekovacs2 at nd.edu
Table of Contents
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
Volume 62 (2017), Issue 4 (April)
Scanning the Issue
p. 1541
- Decentralized Q-Learning for Stochastic Teams and Games, G. Arslan, S.
Yuksel p. 1545
- Integral Action in Output Feedback for Multi-Input Multi-Output Nonlinear
Systems, D. Astolfi, L. Praly p.1559
- Robust Linear Static Anti-Windup with Probabilistic Certificates, S.
Formentin, F. Dabbene, R. Tempo, L. Zaccarian, S. M. Savaresi p.1575
- Distributed Continuous-Time Convex Optimization with Time-Varying Cost
Functions, S. Rahili, W. Ren p.1590
- Convergence of Self-Organizing Pulse Coupled Oscillator Synchronization
in Dynamic Networks, J. Klinglmayr, C. Bettstetter, M. Timme, C. Kirst p.
- Regularity and Lyapunov Stabilization of Weak Entropy Solutions to Scalar
Conservation Laws, S. Blandin, X. Litrico, M. L. Delle Monache, B. Piccoli,
A. Bayen p. 1620
- A Convex Sum-of-Squares Approach to Analysis, State Feedback and Output
Feedback Control of Parabolic PDEs, A. Gahlawat, M. M. Peet p.1636
- Finite-Time Consensus on the Median Value with Robustness Properties, M.
Franceschelli, A. Giua, A. Pisano p. 1652
- Distributed Coordination of Dynamical Multi-agent Systems Under Directed
Graphs and Constrained Information Exchange, A. Abdessameud, I. G.
Polushin, A. Tayebi p. 1668
- Dissipativity Theory for Nonlinear Stochastic Dynamical Systems:
Input-Output and State Properties, and Stability of Feedback
Interconnections, T. Rajpurohit, W. M. Haddad p. 1684
- On the Synthesis of Boundary Control Laws for Distributed Port
Hamiltonian Systems, A. Macchelli, Y. Le Gorrec, H. Ramirez, H. Zwart p.
- Sparse Resource Allocation for Linear Network Spread Dynamics, J. Abad
Torres, S. Roy, Y. Wan p. 1714
- Networked State Estimation over a Shared Communication Medium, M. Xia, V.
Gupta, P. J. Antsaklis p. 1729
- Robust Stabilization of Uncertain Time-Delay Systems with Fractional
Stochastic Noise Using the Novel Fractional Stochastic Sliding Approach and
its Application to Stream Water Quality Regulation, K. Khandani, V. J.
Majd, M. Tahmasebi p. 1742
- Solving the Infinite-Horizon Constrained LQR Problem using Accelerated
Dual Proximal Methods, G. Stathopoulos, M. Korda, C. N. Jones p. 1752
- An Optimized Algorithm of General Distributed Diagnosability Analysis for
Modular Structures, Lina Ye, Philippe Dague p. 1768
- Feedback Refinement Relations for the Synthesis of Symbolic Controllers,
G. Reissig, A. Weber, M. Rungger p. 1781
- The Invariant Extended Kalman Filter as a Stable Observer, A. Barrau, S.
Bonnabel p. 1797
- Marking Observer in Labeled Petri Nets with Application to Supervisory
Control, M. P. Cabasino, C. N. Hadjicostis, C. Seatzu p. 1813
- A Characterization of Switched Linear Control Systems with Finite
L_2-Gain, Y. Chitour, P. Mason, M. Sigalotti p. 1825
- Intermittent Redesign of Analog Controllers via the Youla Parameter, L.
Mirkin p. 1838
- A Novel a priori State Computation Strategy for the Unscented Kalman
Filter to Improve Computational Efficiency, S. K. Biswas, L. Qiao, A. G.
Dempster p. 1852
- Variance-Constrained Risk Sharing in Stochastic Systems, I. Yang, D. S.
Callaway, C. J. Tomlin p. 1865
- Sensor Scheduling in Variance Based Event Triggered Estimation with
Packet Drops, A. S. Leong, S. Dey, D. E. Quevedo p. 1880
- Semidefinite Programming Approach to Gaussian Sequential Rate-Distortion
Trade-offs, T. Tanaka, K-Ki K. Kim, P. A. Parrilo, S. K. Mitter p. 1896
- Extremum Seeking for Static Maps with Delays, T. R. Oliveira, M. Krstic,
D. Tsubakino p. 1911
Technical Notes and Correspondence
- Output Feedback Stabilization for Discrete-Time Systems under Limited
Communication, Y. Feng, X. Chen, G. Gu p. 1927
- Adaptive Sliding Mode Control of Markov Jump Nonlinear Systems with
Actuator Faults, H. Li, P. Shi, D. Yao p. 1933
- Observer Design for Parameter Varying Differentiable Nonlinear Systems,
with Application to Slip Angle Estimation, Y. Wang, R. Rajamani, D. M.
Bevly p. 1940
- A Tool for the Global Stabilization of Stochastic Nonlinear Systems, T.
Bian, Z-P. Jiang p. 1946
- Accuracy Improvement of Extremum Seeking Control, K. Atta, A. Johansson,
T. Gustafsson p. 1952
- Trajectory Tracking Control of Planar Underactuated Vehicles, H.
Ashrafiuon, S. Nersesov, G. Clayton p. 1959
- Robust Stability Analysis and Synthesis for Uncertain Discrete-Time
Networked Control Systems Over Fading Channels, L. Su, G. Chesi p. 1966
- A Missing Data Approach to Data-Driven Filtering and Control, I.
Markovsky p. 1972
- The Cooperative Output Regulation Problem of Discrete-Time Linear
Multi-Agent Systems by the Adaptive Distributed Observer, J. Huang p. 1979
- Relay Control Design for Robust Stabilization in a Finite-Time, A.
Polyakov, L. Hetel p. 1985
- Fault Tolerant Corrective Control With Bounded Delays, J-M. Yang p. 1992
- Distributed Feedforward Approach to Cooperative Output Regulation Subject
to Communication Delays and Switching Networks, M. Lu, L. Liu p. 1999
- Conic Bounds for Systems Subject to Delays, L. J. Bridgeman, J. R. Forbes
p. 2006
- Consensus of Quantum Networks with Directed Interactions: Fixed and
Switching Structures, G. Shi, S. Fu, I. R. Petersen p.2014
- Passivity-Based Asynchronous Control for Markov Jump Systems, Z-G. Wu, P.
Shi, Z. Shu, H. Su, R. Lu p. 2020
- Boundary Control of Coupled Reaction-Advection-Diffusion Systems with
Spatially-Varying Coefficients, R. Vazquez, M. Krstic p. 2026
- Scaling in Bidirectional Platoons with Dynamic Controllers and
Proportional Asymmetry, I. Herman, D. Martinec, Z. Hurak, M. Sebek p. 2034
- Myopic Allocation Policy with Asymptotically Optimal Sampling Rate, Y.
Peng, M. C. Fu p. 2041
- Minimum Variance Distortionless Response Estimators For Linear Discrete
State-Space Models, E. Chaumette, P. Benoit, F. Vincent, G. Pages, A. Dion
p. 2048
- Iterated Posterior Linearisation Smoother, ¡. F. GarcÌa-Fern·ndez, L.
Svensson, S. Sarkka p. 2056
- Deadlock Analysis of Parameterized-Chain Networks, M. H. Zibaeenejad, J.
G. Thistle p. 2064
- Event-triggered Adaptive Control for a Class of Uncertain Nonlinear
Systems, L. Xing, C. Wen, Z. Liu, H. Su, J. Cai p. 2071
1.7. IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems
Contributed by: Denise Joseph, dejoseph at bu.edu
Table of Contents
IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems
Volume 4 (2017), Issue 1 (March)
The contents of the IEEE-Transactions on Control of Network Systems, with
links to the abstracts of the papers are available on
- Guest Editorial Special Issue on Secure Control of Cyber-Physical Systems
Peng Cheng ; Ling Shi ; Bruno Sinopoli p. 1
- Optimal Linear Cyber-Attack on Remote State Estimation, Ziyang Guo ;
Dawei Shi ; Karl Henrik Johansson ; Ling Shi p. 4
- Dynamic State Recovery for Cyber-Physical Systems Under Switching
Location Attacks, Chensheng Liu ; Jing Wu ; Chengnian Long ; Yebin Wang p.
- Security Assessment of Electricity Distribution Networks Under DER Node
Compromises, Devendra Shelar ; Saurabh Amin p.23
- A Clean Slate Approach to Secure Ad Hoc Wireless Networking-Open
Unsynchronized Networks, Jonathan Ponniah ; Yih-Chun Hu ; P. R. Kumar p.37
- Secure State Estimation Against Sensor Attacks in the Presence of Noise,
Shaunak Mishra ; Yasser Shoukry ; Nikhil Karamchandani ; Suhas N. Diggavi ;
Paulo Tabuada p. 49
- A Graph-Theoretic Characterization of Perfect Attackability for Secure
Design of Distributed Control Systems p. 60, Sean Weerakkody ; Xiaofei Liu
; Sang Hyuk Son ; Bruno Sinopoli
- Dynamic Games With Asymmetric Information and Resource Constrained
Players With Applications to Security of Cyberphysical Systems, Abhishek
Gupta ; Cédric Langbort ; Tamer Başar p.71
- Attack-Resilient State Estimation for Noisy Dynamical Systems, Miroslav
Pajic ; Insup Lee ; George J. Pappas p.82
- Event-Triggered Control Systems Under Denial-of-Service Attacks, V. S.
Dolk ; P. Tesi ; C. De Persis ; W. P. M. H. Heemels p. 93 - 105
- Coding Schemes for Securing Cyber-Physical Systems Against Stealthy Data
Injection Attacks, Fei Miao ; Quanyan Zhu ; Miroslav Pajic ; George J.
Pappas p.106 - 117
- Differential Privacy in Linear Distributed Control Systems: Entropy
Minimizing Mechanisms and Performance Tradeoffs, Yu Wang ; Zhenqi Huang ;
Sayan Mitra ; Geir E. Dullerud p.118 - 130
2. PhD & Summer Schools
2.1. 7th oCPS PhD School on Cyber-Physical Systems
Contributed by: Maurice Heemels, m.heemels at tue.nl
The 7th oCPS PhD School on Cyber-Physical Systems
We would like to attract your attention to the "7th oCPS PhD School on
Cyber-Physical Systems," which will take place Monday June 12 to Thursday
June 15, 2017 in Lucca, Italy. The school is targeted at graduate students
and researchers who want to learn the main concepts of cyber-physical
systems (CPSs), as well as at graduate students and postgraduate
researchers already working in the area. The school is an event organized
by oCPS, which is a Training Network (Marie Curie) receiving funding from
the European Union’s 2020 framework programme for research and innovation,
see more on ocps.ele.tue.nl.
The lecturers are
Prof. Alf Isaksson, ABB Corporate Research
Prof. Christos Cassandras, Boston University, USA
Prof. Joost-Pieter Katoen, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Prof. Samarjit Chakraborty , TU Munich, Germany
Prof. Maurice Heemels, Eindhoven University of Technology, NL
Prof. Henrik Sandberg, KTH Stockholm, Sweden
Prof. Gerhard Neumann, University of Lincoln, UK
Prof. Alberto Bemporad, IMT Lucca, Italy
Prof. Dimitri Bertsekas, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Prof. Magnus Egerstedt , Georgia Tech, USA
Prof. Marios Polycarpou , University of Cyprus, Cyprus
These speakers will lecture during the school covering the basic concepts
and results on
- Discrete-event and hybrid systems techniques for CPS
- Machine learning
- Resource-aware control
- Formal methods for embedded control
- Security in control of CPS
- Model predictive control
- Approximate dynamic programming and optimisation
- Fault-tolerant control of distributed CPS
- Multi-agent systems
- Industrial perspectives on CPS.
The program of the school includes four days of lectures, interleaved by
enough time slots to allow scientific discussions among the participants
and with the speakers.
Registration deadline: April 15, 2017. First-come-first-serve basis.
Registration fee: EUR 290 (including coffee breaks, banquet, etc)
The oCPS PhD school on Cyber-Physical Systems is also the 8th edition of a
series of biannual PhD schools with a focus on hybrid, networked and
cyber-physical systems, which educated over 500 PhD students (!) worldwide
since 2003, see http://ocps17.imtlucca.it for earlier editions!!
The full program of the school, other information and the registration
procedure can be found soon at http://ocps17.imtlucca.it/
We welcome you, your students and colleagues to this interesting and
inspiring event!
Maurice Heemels
Alberto Bemporad
Samarjit Chakraborty
2.2. Summer School on “Approximation of Large-Scale Dynamic Models”
Contributed by: Antoneta Iuliana BRATCU, antoneta.bratcu at gipsa-lab.fr
Location and Date: Grenoble (France) - September 11 to 15, 2017
Scientific Chair: Charles POUSSOT-VASSAL (ONERA, Toulouse)
Website: http://www.gipsa-lab.fr/summerschool/auto2017/
This Summer School aims at presenting the main mathematical tools and model
approximation algorithms, in order to bridge the gap between complexity and
representativeness required in control design, analysis, simulation and
optimisation. To this end, domain experts will be present to share their
expertise and cutting-edge research results.
The Summer School is mainly intended to PhD students, researchers and
scholars interested in applying approximation of large-scale dynamic
models, being meanwhile open to industrial participants. Basic knowledge in
automatic control and mathematics will be useful.
Thanos ANTOULAS (Rice University, Houston, Texas, USA)
Sara GRUNDEL (Max Planck Institute, Magdeburg, Germany)
Serkan GUGERCIN (Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, USA)
Christian HIMPE (Münster University, Münster, Germany)
Martine OLIVI (INRIA Sophia Antipolis, France)
Charles POUSSOT-VASSAL (ONERA, Toulouse, France)
Pierre VUILLEMIN (ONERA, Toulouse, France)
Early registrations are encouraged (registration link will become available
by April 20 2017).
The number of participants is limited to 50.
Registration dead-line is July 13th 2017.
For further information, please contact:
Antoneta Iuliana BRATCU
(antoneta.bratcu at gipsa-lab.fr)
2.3. DISC Summer School “A Systems and Control Perspective on Privacy,
Safety, and Security in Large-Scale Cyber-Physical Systems”
Contributed by: Martha, m.w.otte at tudelft.nl
>From July 3-6, 2017 the DISC Summer School "A Systems and Control
Perspective on Privacy, Safety, and Security in Large-Scale Cyber-Physical
Systems” will take place at NH Atlantic, the Hague (Kijkduin), The
The increasing adoption of cyber-physical systems (CPS) and
internet-of-things (IoT) introduces new control problems beyond the
traditional tasks of stabilization and optimization. Some of the control
challenges are related to the operation of future, highly interconnected
CPS in a safety- or mission-critical environment, and to the protection of
security and privacy where sensor and actuator data, and other control
parameters are communicated in a networked CPS. Recent denial-of-service
attacks to critical infrastructure and several accidents involving
autonomous cars are some of the instances where new theoretical
developments in the systems and control field are needed.
In this summer school program, we will present recent developments towards
this endeavor and particular attention will be given to:
-differential privacy concept in a control and networked systems context
-analysis and design of resilient and secure control systems
-safety control of CPS
Keynote lectures will be given by:
-Fabio Pasqualetti, University of California, USA
-Jerome Le Ny, Polytechnique Montreal, Canada
-Rafael Wisniewski, Aalborg University, Denmark
-Yiannis Papadopoulos, University of Hull, United Kingdom
-Henrik Sandberg, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
-Manuel Mazo, Delft University of Technology, NL
-Peyman Mohajerin Esfahani, Delft University of Technology, NL
-Claudio de Persis, University of Groningen, NL
For more information about the program and registration please visit
3. Journals
3.1. Contents: Automatica
Contributed by: Elisa Capello, elisa.capello at polito.it
Table of Contents
Vol. 78, April 2017
- Frédéric Mazenc, Michael Malisoff, “Extensions of Razumikhin’s theorem
and Lyapunov–Krasovskii functional constructions for time-varying systems
with delay”, pages 1-13.
- Huu Chuong La, Andreas Potschka, Hans Georg Bock, “Partial stability for
nonlinear model predictive control”, pages 14-19.
- Khaled F. Aljanaideh, Dennis S. Bernstein, “A behavioral equation
framework for time-domain transmissibilities”, pages 20-24.
- Soumya Kundu, Marian Anghel, “A multiple-comparison-systems method for
distributed stability analysis of large-scale nonlinear systems”, pages
- Milan Korda, Colin N. Jones, “Stability and performance verification of
optimization-based controllers”, pages 34-45.
- Daniel Silvestre, Paulo Rosa, João P. Hespanha, Carlos Silvestre,
“Stochastic and deterministic fault detection for randomized gossip
algorithms”, pages 46-60.
- Da-Yan Liu, Gang Zheng, Driss Boutat, Hao-Ran Liu, “Non-asymptotic
fractional order differentiator for a class of fractional order linear
systems”, pages 61-71.
- Wuchen Li, Jun Lu, Haomin Zhou, Shui-Nee Chow, “Method of evolving
junctions: A new approach to optimal control with constraints”, pages 72-78.
- Yongqiang Li, Zhongsheng Hou, Yuanjing Feng, Ronghu Chi, “Data-driven
approximate value iteration with optimality error bound analysis”, pages
- Shaunak D. Bopardikar, Alberto Speranzon, Cédric Langbort, “Convergence
analysis of Iterated Best Response for a trusted computation game”, pages
- Kristin Y. Pettersen, “Lyapunov sufficient conditions for uniform
semiglobal exponential stability”, pages 97-102.
- Yaguang Yang, “An efficient algorithm for periodic Riccati equation with
periodically time-varying input matrix”, pages 103-109.
- Fabrizio Dabbene, Didier Henrion, Constantino M. Lagoa, “Simple
approximations of semialgebraic sets and their applications to control”,
pages 110-118.
- Wenling Li, Yingmin Jia, Junping Du, “Non-augmented state estimation for
nonlinear stochastic coupling networks”, pages 119-122.
- J. Frederico Carvalho, Sérgio Pequito, A. Pedro Aguiar, Soummya Kar, Karl
H. Johansson,“Composability and controllability of structural linear
time-invariant systems: Distributed verification”, pages 123-134.
- Zbigniew Bartosiewicz, “Local observability of nonlinear positive
continuous-time systems”, pages 135-138.
- Eloy Garcia, David W. Casbeer, Meir Pachter, “Active target defense using
first order missile models”, pages 139-143.
- Bahare Kiumarsi, Frank L. Lewis, Zhong-Ping Jiang, “H_infinity control of
linear discrete-time systems: Off-policy reinforcement learning”, pages
- Moshe Idan, Jason L. Speyer, “An estimation approach for linear
stochastic systems based on characteristic functions”, pages 153-162.
- Jinwen Hu, Min Zhou, Xiang Li, Zhao Xu, “Online model regression for
nonlinear time-varying manufacturing systems”, pages 163-173.
- Marco M. Nicotra, Roberto Naldi, Emanuele Garone, “Nonlinear control of a
tethered UAV: The taut cable case”, pages 174-184.
- Wei Xu, Zhi Guo Feng, Jian Wen Peng, Ka Fai Cedric Yiu, “Optimal
switching for linear quadratic problem of switched systems in discrete
time”, pages 185-193.
- Kemi Ding, Yuzhe Li, Daniel E. Quevedo, Subhrakanti Dey, Ling Shi, “A
multi-channel transmission schedule for remote state estimation under DoS
attacks”, pages 194-201.
- Haotian Zhang, Raid Ayoub, Shreyas Sundaram, “Sensor selection for Kalman
filtering of linear dynamical systems: Complexity, limitations and greedy
algorithms”, pages 202-210.
- Xin-Ge Liu, Feng-Xian Wang, Mei-Lan Tang, “Auxiliary function-based
summation inequalities and their applications to discrete-time systems”,
pages 211-215.
- Sérgio Pequito, George J. Pappas, “Structural minimum controllability
problem for switched linear continuous-time systems”, pages 216-222.
- Fangfei Li, Yang Tang, “Set stabilization for switched Boolean control
networks”, pages 223-230.
- Derui Ding, Zidong Wang, Daniel W.C. Ho, Guoliang Wei, “Distributed
recursive filtering for stochastic systems under uniform quantizations and
deception attacks through sensor networks”, pages 231-240.
- Frédéric Mazenc, Jérome Harmand, Michael Malisoff, “Stabilization in a
chemostat with sampled and delayed measurements and uncertain growth
functions”, pages 241-249.
- Zhiyong Sun, Myoung-Chul Park, Brian D.O. Anderson, Hyo-Sung Ahn,
“Distributed stabilization control of rigid formations with prescribed
orientation”, pages 250-257.
- James B. Rawlings, Michael J. Risbeck, “Model predictive control with
discrete actuators: Theory and application”, pages 258-265.
- M. Mahdi Ghazaei Ardakani, Sei Zhen Khong, Bo Bernhardsson, “On the
convergence of iterative learning control”, pages 266-273.
- Mohamed Adlene Maghenem, Antonio Loría, “Strict Lyapunov functions for
time-varying systems with persistency of excitation”, pages 274-279.
- Jin Guo, Le Yi Wang, George Yin, Yanlong Zhao, Ji-Feng Zhang,
“Identification of Wiener systems with quantized inputs and binary-valued
output observations”, pages 280-286.
- Adel Djaballah, Alexandre Chapoutot, Michel Kieffer, Olivier Bouissou,
“Construction of parametric barrier functions for dynamical systems using
interval analysis” pages 287-296.
- Lucian Buşoniu, Jamal Daafouz, Marcos Cesar Bragagnolo, Irinel-Constantin
Morărescu, “Planning for optimal control and performance certification in
nonlinear systems with controlled or uncontrolled switches”, pages 297-308.
- Bin Zhou, Qingsong Liu, “Input delay compensation for neutral type
time-delay systems”, pages 309-319.
- Francisco Javier Muros, José María Maestre, Encarnación Algaba, Teodoro
Alamo, Eduardo F. Camacho, “Networked control design for coalitional
schemes using game-theoretic methods”, pages 320-332.
- Xiaojun Tang, Yang Shi, Li-Lian Wang, “A new framework for solving
fractional optimal control problems using fractional pseudospectral
methods”, pages 333-340.
- Tamer Başar, Alberto Isidori, Obituary, pages 341-342.
- Tamer Başar, The New Editor-in-Chief, page 343.
- Andrew R. Teel, Transition in an editorship, page 344.
3.2. Contents: IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica
Contributed by: Yan Ou, yan.ou at ia.ac.cn
IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica
Volume 4 (2017), Issue 1 (January)
Table of Contents
- PDP: Parallel Dynamic Programming. F.-Y. Wang, J. Zhang, Q. L. Wei, X. H.
Zheng, L. Li, page 1
- Toward Cloud Computing QoS Architecture: Analysis of Cloud Systems and
Cloud Services. M. H. Ghahramani, M. C. Zhou, C. T. Hon, page 6
- Social Media Based Transportation Research: the State of the Work and the
Networking. Y. S. Lv, Y. Y. Chen, X. Q. Zhang, Y. J. Duan, N. Q. Li, page 19
- Review on Cyber-physical Systems. Y. Liu, Y. Peng, B. L. Wang, S. R. Yao,
and Z. H. Liu, page 27
- Determination of Polynomial Degree in the Regression of Drug
Combinations. B. Q. Wang, X. T. Ding, F.-Y. Wang, page 41
- Observer-based Adaptive Optimal Control for Unknown Singularly Perturbed
Nonlinear Systems With Input Constraints. Z. J. Fu, W. F. Xie, S. Rakheja,
J. Na, page 48
- Synthesis of Fractional-order PI Controllers and Fractional-order Filters
for Industrial Electrical Drives. P. Lino, G. Maione, S. Stasi, F. Padula,
A. Visioli, page 58
- Maximum Power Point Tracking With Fractional Order High Pass Filter for
Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell.J. X. Liu, T. B. Zhao, Y. Q. Chen, page
- Constrained Fractional Variational Problems of Variable Order. D.
Tavares, R. Almeida, D. F. M. Torres, page 80
- Robust Attitude Control for Reusable Launch Vehicles Based on Fractional
Calculus and Pigeon-inspired Optimization. Q. Xue, H. B. Duan, page 89
- Numerical Solutions of Fractional Differential Equations by Using
Fractional Taylor Basis. V. S. Krishnasamy, S. Mashayekhi, M. Razzaghi,
page 98
- Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm-based Parameter Estimation of
Fractional-order Chaotic System with Time Delay. W. J. Gu, Y. G. Yu, W. Hu,
page 107
- Stability Analysis, Chaos Control of Fractional Order Vallis and El-Nino
Systems and Their Synchronization. S. Das, V. K. Yadav, page 114
- Distributed Model Predictive Load Frequency Control of Multi-area Power
System with DFIGs. Y. Zhang, X. J. Liu, B. Qu, page 125
- Secure Consensus Control for Multi-Agent Systems With Attacks and
Communication Delays. Y. M. Wu,X. X. He, page 136
- Bad-scenario-set Robust Optimization Framework With Two Objectives for
Uncertain Scheduling Systems. B. Wang, X. D. Xia, H. X. Meng, T. Li, page
- Adaptive Maneuvering Frequency Method of Current Statistical Model. W.
Sun, Y. J. Yang, page 154
3.3. Contents: System & Control Letters
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com
System & Control Letters
Volume 101
March 2017
- Jochen Trumpf, Harry L. Trentelman, A converse to the deterministic
separation principle, Pages 2-9
- Jan Willem Polderman, Post unimodular transformations and isomorphisms
for linear behaviors, Pages 10-14
- Keith Glover, Andrew Packard, Some numerical considerations in control,
Pages 15-20
- Arjan van der Schaft, Modeling of physical network systems, Pages 21-27
- S.C. Jugade, Debasattam Pal, Rachel K. Kalaimani, Madhu N. Belur, Fast
modes in the set of minimal dissipation trajectories, Pages 28-36
- T.M. Maupong, P. Rapisarda, Data-driven control: A behavioral approach,
Pages 37-43
- Roger W. Brockett, Thermodynamics with time: Exergy and passivity, Pages
- A.R.F. Everts, M.K. Camlibel, When is a linear multi-modal system
disturbance decoupled?, Pages 50-57
- Timothy H. Hughes, Malcolm C. Smith, Controllability of linear passive
network behaviors, Pages 58-66
3.4. Contents: European Journal of Control
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com
European Journal of Control
Volume 34
March 2017
- Kumar Pakki Bharani Chandra, Halim Alwi, Christopher Edwards, Fault
detection in uncertain LPV systems with imperfect scheduling parameter
using sliding mode observers, Pages 1-15
- Yadong Shu, Yuanguo Zhu, Stability and optimal control for uncertain
continuous-time singular systems, Pages 16-23
- Hugo Mesnage, Mazen Alamir, Nicolas Perrissin-Fabert, Quentin Alloin,
Nonlinear model-based control for minimum-time start of hydraulic turbines,
Pages 24-30
- Arvo Kaldmäe, Ülle Kotta, Input–output decoupling of discrete-time
nonlinear systems by dynamic measurement feedback, Pages 31-38
- Saeid Rastegar, Rui Araújo, Jalil Sadati, Jérôme Mendes, A novel robust
control scheme for LTV systems using output integral discrete-time
synergetic control theory, Pages 39-48
- David Gómez-Gutiérrez, C. Renato Vázquez, Sergej Čelikovský, Antonio
Ramírez-Treviño, Bernardino Castillo-Toledo, On the distinguishability and
observer design for single-input single-output continuous-time switched
affine systems under bounded disturbances with application to chaos-based
modulation, Pages 49-58
- Sathyam Bonala, Bidyadhar Subudhi, Sandip Ghosh, On delay robustness
improvement using digital Smith predictor for networked control systems,
Pages 59-65
3.5. Contents: Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Contributed by: John Coca, j.coca at elsevier.com
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Volume 60
April 2017
- Seyyed Hamid Samareh Moosavi, Vahid Khatibi Bardsiri, Satin bowerbird
optimizer: A new optimization algorithm to optimize ANFIS for software
development effort estimation, Pages 1-15
- Mohammad Shokouhifar, Ali Jalali, Optimized sugeno fuzzy clustering
algorithm for wireless sensor networks, Pages 16-25
- Luís Amaral, Rui Castro, Offshore wind farm layout optimization regarding
wake effects and electrical losses, Pages 26-34
- Sugandh P. Singh, Tapan Prakash, V.P. Singh, M. Ganesh Babu, Analytic
hierarchy process based automatic generation control of multi-area
interconnected power system using Jaya algorithm, Pages 35-44
- Hu-Chen Liu, Jian-Xin You, ZhiWu Li, Guangdong Tian, Fuzzy Petri nets for
knowledge representation and reasoning: A literature review, Pages 45-56
- Seyyed Mojtaba Bidoki, Saeed Jalili, Asghar Tajoddin, PbMMD: A novel
policy based multi-process malware detection, Pages 57-70
- Pranab K. Muhuri, Amit K. Shukla, Semi-elliptic membership function:
Representation, generation, operations, defuzzification, ranking and its
application to the real-time task scheduling problem, Pages 71-82
- Wensheng Gan, Jerry Chun-Wei Lin, Philippe Fournier-Viger, Han-Chieh
Chao, Justin Zhan, Mining of frequent patterns with multiple minimum
supports, Pages 83-96
- Varun Kumar Ojha, Ajith Abraham, Václav Snášel, Metaheuristic design of
feedforward neural networks: A review of two decades of research, Pages
- Frank A. Ruiz, Claudia V. Isaza, Andrés F. Agudelo, John R. Agudelo, A
new criterion to validate and improve the classification process of LAMDA
algorithm applied to diesel engines, Pages 117-127
- José-Ramón Cano, Naif R. Aljohani, Rabeeh Ayaz Abbasi, Jalal S. Alowidbi,
Salvador García, Prototype selection to improve monotonic nearest neighbor,
Pages 128-135
- K. Verbert, R. Babuška, B. De Schutter, Bayesian and Dempster–Shafer
reasoning for knowledge-based fault diagnosis–A comparative study, Pages
- Sandip Joardar, Amitava Chatterjee, Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay, Ujjwal
Maulik, Multi-size patch based collaborative representation for Palm Dorsa
Vein Pattern recognition by enhanced ensemble learning with modified
interactive artificial bee colony algorithm, Pages 151-163
- Harish Garg, Novel intuitionistic fuzzy decision making method based on
an improved operation laws and its application, Pages 164-174
- Pablo Muñoz, María D. R-Moreno, Bonifacio Castaño, 3Dana: A path planning
algorithm for surface robotics, Pages 175-192
- MD. Qutubuddin, Narri Yadaiah, Modeling and implementation of brain
emotional controller for Permanent Magnet Synchronous motor drive, Pages
3.6. Contents: Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems
Contributed by: Lars Gruene, lars.gruene at uni-bayreuth.de
Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems (MCSS)
Volume 29, Number 1
- Boundary controllability of a nonlinear coupled system of two Korteweg–de
Vries equations with critical size restrictions on the spatial domain,
Roberto A. Capistrano-Filho, Fernando A. Gallego, Ademir F. Pazoto, 37 pages
- On an invariance principle for differential-algebraic equations with
jumps and its application to switched differential-algebraic equations,
Pablo Ñañez, Ricardo G. Sanfelice, Nicanor Quijano, 42 pages
- The converging-input converging-state property for Lur’e systems, Adam
Bill, Chris Guiver, Hartmut Logemann, Stuart Townley, 50 pages
- Lipschitz continuity of the value function in mixed-integer optimal
control problems, Martin Gugat, Falk M. Hante, 15 pages
- Boundary local null-controllability of the Kuramoto–Sivashinsky equation,
Takéo Takahashi, 21 pages
- Optimal control of semi-Markov processes with a backward stochastic
differential equations approach, Elena Bandini, Fulvia Confortola, 35 pages
3.7. Contents: Asian Journal of Control
Contributed by: Lichen Fu, lichen at ntu.edu.tw
Asian Journal of Control
Vol.19, No.2 March, 2017
[Regular Paper]
1. Paper Title: A Simultaneous Mixed LQR/H∞ Control Approach to the Design
of Reliable Active Suspension Controllers (pages 415–427), Jenq-Lang Wu
2. Paper Title: L2–Optimal Fopdt Models of High–Order Transfer Functions
(pages 428–437), Daniele Casagrande, Wieslaw Krajewski and Umberto Viaro
3. Paper Title: Hysteresis-Based Design of Dynamic Reference Trajectories
to Avoid Saturation in Controlled Wind Turbines (pages 438–449),Christian
Tutivén, Yolanda Vidal, Leonardo Acho and José Rodellar
4. Paper Title: Improved control performance of the 3-DoF aeroelastic wing
section: a TP model based 2D parametric control performance optimization
(pages 450–466), Alexandra Szollosi and Peter Baranyi
5. Paper Title: More Relaxed Non-Quadratic Stabilization Conditions Using
Ts Open Loop System and Control Law Properties (pages 467–481), Navid
Vafamand and Mokhtar Shasadeghi
6. Paper Title: Alignment Motion Control for an Automated Human Ear Surgery
via Vision-Servoing (pages 482–493), Wenchao Gao, Wenyu Liang and Kok Kiong
7. Paper Title: Stability of Local On-Ramp Metering Control Laws (pages
494–509), Luis Alvarez-Icaza, Oscar Rosas-Jaimes and María Elena Lárraga
8. Paper Title: Synchronization of General Linear Multi-Agent Systems With
Measurement Noises (pages 510–520), Wenhui Liu, Chunjie Yang, Feiqi Deng
and Jiarong Liang
9. Paper Title: Fractional Order Modeling And Nonlinear Fractional Order
Pi-Type Control For PMLSM System (pages 521–531), Bao Song, Shiqi Zheng,
Xiaoqi Tang and Wenjun Qiao
10. Paper Title: Observability and Controllability Analysis for
Micro-Positioning Stage Described by Sandwich Model with Hysteresis (pages
532–542), Na Luo, Yonghong Tan and Ruili Dong
11. Paper Title: A Delay-Dependent Approach to Robust Fast Adaptive Fault
Estimation Design for Uncertain Neutral Systems with Time-Varying Interval
Delay (pages 543–553), Fuqiang You, Hui Li, Fuli Wang and Shouping Guan
12. Paper Title: An Efficient Finite Difference Method for The Time-Delay
Optimal Control Problems With Time-Varying Delay (pages 554–563), Amin
Jajarmi and Mojtaba Hajipour
13. Paper Title: Event-Based Semiglobal Consensus of Homogenous Linear
Multi-Agent Systems Subject to Input Saturation (pages 564–574), Bo Zhou,
Xiaofeng Liao, Tingwen Huang, Huaqing Li and Guo Chen
14. Paper Title: Robust Finite-Time H∞ Control of a Class of Disturbed
Systems using Lmi-Based Approach (pages 575–586), Xiaoyu Zhang, Jihong
Zhong, Quan Zhang and Kemao Ma
15. Paper Title: Smith Predictor Based Fractional-Order-Filter PID
Controllers Design for Long Time Delay Systems (pages 587–598), Maamar
Bettayeb, Rachid Mansouri, Ubaid Al-Saggaf and Ibrahim Mustafa Mehedi
16. Paper Title: Output Feedback Control of Surge and Rotating Stall in
Axial Compressors (pages 599–605), Hanlin Sheng, Wei Huang and Tianhong
17. Paper Title: Crossed Synchronization of Multiple Subnets Complex
Network System with Time-Varying Delay (pages 606–613), Zhou Bi-feng, Lou
Yi-ping and Zhong Yao-xiang
18. Paper Title: Distributed Consensus of Multi-Agent Networks Via
Event-Triggered Pinning Control (pages 614–624), Dan Liu, Aihua Hu and Dan
19. Paper Title: Robust Output Feedback Controller Design for Time-Delayed
Teleoperation: Experimental Results (pages 625–635), I. Sharifi, H. A.
Talebi and M. Motaharifar
20. Paper Title: Fault Diagnosis and Sliding Mode Fault Tolerant Control
for Non-Gaussian Stochastic Distribution Control Systems Using T-s Fuzzy
Model (pages 636–646), Yao Lina and Lei Chunhui
21. Paper Title: Performance Analysis of The Auxiliary-Model-Based
Multi-Innovation Stochastic Newton Recursive Algorithm for Dual-Rate
Systems (pages 647–658), Pengfei Cao and Xionglin Luo
22. Paper Title: Non-Fragile Observer-Based ℋ∞ Control for Uncertain
Neutral-Type Systems via Sliding Mode Technique (pages 659–671), Zhen Liu,
Cunchen Gao, Huimin Xiao and Yonggui Kao
23. Paper Title: L2-gain analysis and anti-windup design of switched linear
systems subject to input saturation (pages 672–680), Xinquan Zhang
24. Paper Title: Event-Triggered Control for Couple-Group Multi-Agent
Systems with Logarithmic Quantizers and Communication Delays (pages
681–691), Mei Yu, Chuan Yan and Dongmei Xie
25. Paper Title: Modeling and Control Approach to Coupled Tanks Liquid
Level System Based on Function-Type Weight RBF-ARX Model (pages 692–707),
Feng Zhou, Hui Peng, Xiaoyong Zeng, Xiaoying Tian and Jun Wu
26. Paper Title: Delay-Dependent Stability Criterion for Discrete-Time
Systems with Time-Varying Delays (pages 708–716), Changchun Hua,
Shuangshuang Wu, Zhenhua Bai and Xinping Guan
27. Paper Title: A Matrix Approach to the Analysis and Control of Networked
Evolutionary Games with Bankruptcy Mechanism (pages 717–727), Shihua Fu,
Yuzhen Wang and Guodong Zhao
28. Paper Title: Modal Kalman Filter (pages 728–738), Gh. Mohammaddadi, N.
Pariz and A. Karimpour
29. Paper Title: New Upper Matrix Bounds with Power Form for the Solution
of the Continuous Coupled Algebraic Riccati Matrix Equation (pages
739–747), Jianzhou Liu, Yanpei Wang and Juan Zhang
30. Paper Title: Vector-Based Adaptive Attitude Observer and Controller on
Special Orthogonal Group (pages 748–764), Xuhui Lu, Yingmin Jia and
Fumitoshi Matsuno
31. Paper Title: Fault-Tolerant Finite Frequency H∞ Control for Uncertain
Mechanical System with Input Delay and Constraint (pages 765–780), Shidong
Xu, Guanghui Sun and Weichao Sun
[Brief Paper]
1. Paper Title: Iterative Path Integral Approach to Nonlinear Stochastic
Optimal Control Under Compound Poisson Noise (pages 781–786), Okumura Yuta,
Kenji Kashima and Yoshito Ohta
2. Paper Title: Exponential Stability for Multi-Area Power Systems with
Time Delays Under Load Frequency Controller Failures (pages 787–791), Xu
Li, Rui Wang, Shu-Nan Wu and Georgi M. Dimirovski
3. Paper Title: Homogeneous Control of Pneumatic Cylinders Based on Time
Delay Model and Artstein Transformation (pages 792–798), E. Edjekouane, S.
Riachy, M. Ghanes and J.-P. Barbot
4. Paper Title: A Robust Fault Estimation Scheme for a Class of Nonlinear
Systems (pages 799–804), W. S. Chua, C. P. Tan, M. Aldeen and S. Saha
5. Paper Title: Algebraic Connectivity Estimation Based on Decentralized
Inverse Power Iteration (pages 805–812), Yue Wei, Hao Fang, Jie Chen and
Bin Xin
6. Paper Title: Particle Smoother for Nonlinear Systems With One-Step
Randomly Delayed Measurements (pages 813–819), Huang Yu-Long and Zhang
3.8. Contents: IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information
Contributed by: Kathryn Roberts, kathryn.roberts at oup.com
Contents, IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information 34:01
A new issue of IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information is now
available online.
The Table of Contents below can be viewed at: http://bit.ly/2nmXO97
- Xiu-Feng Miao; Long-Suo Li, Observers design for a class of Lipschitz
discrete-time systems, http://bit.ly/2mt3xev
- V. V. Alexandrov; D. I. Bugrov; G. Corona Morales; K. V. Tikhonova,
Tent-method application for minmax stabilization and maxmin testing,
- Vassilios A. Tsachouridis, A complex line homotopy algorithm for coupled
algebraic Riccati equations, http://bit.ly/2nRJGCJ
- Wenhui Liu; Shengyuan Xu; Baoyong Zhang; Yun Zou, Global asymptotic
stabilization of a class of high-order feedforward systems with unknown
control directions, http://bit.ly/2msPRAc
- Reza Dehghan; Mohammad Keyanpour, A numerical approximation for delay
fractional optimal control problems based on the method of moments,
- Xiu Fang Liu; Gen Qi Xu, Exponential stabilization for Timoshenko beam
with different delays in the boundary control, http://bit.ly/2mUO3f8
- Aws Ben Hamed; Bassem Ben Hamed, Bogdanov–Takens bifurcation in a
Hopfield network model with bidirectional connection and multiple delays,
- Min Zhao; Ronghua Liu; Yanbo Gao, Dissipative lag synchronization of
chaotic Lur'e systems with unknown disturbances, http://bit.ly/2ndnAfs
- N. Otsuka; H. Saito; G. Conte; A. M. Perdon, Robust controlled invariant
subspaces and disturbance decoupling for uncertain switched linear systems,
- Nacim Meslem; Nacim Ramdani, Reliable stabilizing controller based on
set-value parameter synthesis, http://bit.ly/2nRVh4M
- Marios Lestas; Petros Ioannou; Andreas Pitsillides; George Hadjipollas,
Global asymptotic stability of max–min congestion control schemes,
- Rafig Teymurov, Optimal scanning control for heat equation,
- Lu Lu; Jun-Min Wang; Dong Zhao, Stabilization of a pendulum in dynamic
boundary feedback with a memory type heat equation, http://bit.ly/2nna09V
- R. Sakthivel; Srimanta Santra; K. Mathiyalagan; S. Marshal Anthoni,
Reliable dissipative sampled-data control for uncertain systems with
actuator failures and application to vehicle dynamics, http://bit.ly/2mUCWTF
- Mahmood Dadkhah; Mohammad Hadi Farahi; Aghileh Heydari, Optimal control
of a class of non-linear time-delay systems via hybrid functions,
- H. A. Tehrani; J. Esmaeili, Stability of fractional-order periodic
discrete-time linear systems, http://bit.ly/2o4zWnG
- Héctor Jasso-Fuentes; José Daniel López-Barrientos; Beatris Adriana
Escobedo-Trujillo, Infinite-horizon non-zero-sum stochastic differential
games with additive structure, http://bit.ly/2nRY4uO
- Zhongqi Sun; Yuanqing Xia; Xitai Na, Consensus-based formation control
with dynamic role assignment and obstacle avoidance, http://bit.ly/2o4F2QS
- K. Sivaranjani; R. Rakkiyappan; S. Lakshmanan; C. P. Lim, Robust
stochastic sampled-data control for offshore steel jacket platforms with
non-linear perturbations, http://bit.ly/2ndfN1o
3.9. Contents: Control Engineering Practice
Contributed by: Martin Böck, cep at acin.tuwien.ac.at
Control Engineering Practice
Volume 61
April 2017
- Hongjiu Yang, Yang Yu, Jinhui Zhang, Angle tracking of a pneumatic muscle
actuator mechanism under varying load conditions,Pages 1-10
- Ivan Arsie, Andrea Cricchio, Matteo De Cesare, Francesco Lazzarini,
Cesare Pianese, Marco Sorrentino, Neural network models for virtual sensing
of NOx emissions in automotive diesel engines with least square-based
adaptation,Pages 11-20
- Gionata Cimini, Gianluca Ippoliti, Giuseppe Orlando, Sauro Longhi,
Rosario Miceli, A unified observer for robust sensorless control of DC–DC
converters,Pages 21-27
- Ehsan Hashemi, Mohammad Pirani, Amir Khajepour, Alireza Kasaiezadeh,
Shih-Ken Chen, Bakhtiar Litkouhi, Corner-based estimation of tire forces
and vehicle velocities robust to road conditions,Pages 28-40
- Mauro Candeloro, Anastasios M. Lekkas, Asgeir J. Sørensen, A
Voronoi-diagram-based dynamic path-planning system for underactuated marine
vessels,Pages 41-54
- Seok-Kyoon Kim, Robust adaptive speed regulator with self-tuning law for
surfaced-mounted permanent magnet synchronous motor,Pages 55-71
- Le Yao, Zhiqiang Ge, Moving window adaptive soft sensor for state
shifting process based on weighted supervised latent factor analysis,Pages
- Sheetla Prasad, Shubhi Purwar, Nand Kishor, Non-linear sliding mode load
frequency control in multi-area power system,Pages 81-92
- Milton C.P. Santos, Lucas V. Santana, Alexandre S. Brandão, Mário
Sarcinelli-Filho, Ricardo Carelli, Indoor low-cost localization system for
controlling aerial robots,Pages 93-111
- Yihui Wang, Zhibin Liao, Tao Tang, Bin Ning, Train scheduling and
circulation planning in urban rail transit lines,Pages 112-123
- Jack Haddad, Optimal coupled and decoupled perimeter control in
one-region cities,Pages 134-148
- Martin R. Licea, Ilse Cervantes, Robust indirect-defined envelope control
for rollover and lateral skid prevention,Pages 149-162
- John Cortés-Romero, Alexander Jimenez-Triana, Horacio Coral-Enriquez,
Hebertt Sira-Ramírez, Algebraic estimation and active disturbance rejection
in the control of flat systems,Pages 173-182
- Z.H. Rather, D. Flynn, Impact of voltage dip induced delayed active power
recovery on wind integrated power systems,Pages 124-133
- Wenlei Bai, Ibrahim Eke, Kwang Y. Lee, An improved artificial bee colony
optimization algorithm based on orthogonal learning for optimal power flow
problem,Pages 163-172
- Lars Eriksson, Gianfranco Rizzo, Yann Chamaillard, CEP special issue
section on automotive control @ World Congress 2014 & AAC 2013
- Radek Beno, Daniel Pachner, Vladimír Havlena, Robust numerical approach
to steady-state calibration of mean-value models,Pages 186-197
- Pierre Michel, Alain Charlet, Guillaume Colin, Yann Chamaillard, Gérard
Bloch, Cédric Nouillant, Optimizing fuel consumption and pollutant
emissions of gasoline-HEV with catalytic converter,Pages 198-205
- M.C.F. Donkers, J. Van Schijndel, W.P.M.H. Heemels, F.P.T. Willems,
Optimal control for integrated emission management in diesel engines,Pages
- Mitra Pourabdollah, Bo Egardt, Nikolce Murgovski, Anders Grauers, Effect
of driving, charging, and pricing scenarios on optimal component sizing of
a PHEV,Pages 217-228
- Gunter Heppeler, Marcus Sonntag, Uli Wohlhaupter, Oliver Sawodny,
Predictive planning of optimal velocity and state of charge trajectories
for hybrid electric vehicles,Pages 229-243
- Engin Ozatay, Umit Ozguner, Dimitar Filev, Velocity profile optimization
of on road vehicles: Pontryagin's Maximum Principle based approach,Pages
- Jiyu Zhang, Giorgio Rizzoni, Andrea Cordoba-Arenas, Alessandro Amodio,
Bilin Aksun-Guvenc, Model-based diagnosis and fault tolerant control for
ensuring torque functional safety of pedal-by-wire systems,Pages 255-269
- M. Doumiati, J. Martinez, O. Sename, L. Dugard, D. Lechner, Road profile
estimation using an adaptive Youla–Kucera parametric observer: Comparison
to real profilers,Pages 270-278
- Balázs Németh, Péter Gáspár, Nonlinear analysis and control of a
variable-geometry suspension system,Pages 279-291
- Nils Pletschen, Klaus J. Diepold, Nonlinear state estimation for
suspension control applications: a Takagi-Sugeno Kalman filtering
approach,Pages 292-306
- Matthew Brown, Joseph Funke, Stephen Erlien, J. Christian Gerdes, Safe
driving envelopes for path tracking in autonomous vehicles,Pages 307-316
3.10. Contents: International Journal of Control
Contributed by: Bing Chu, b.chu at soton.ac.uk
International Journal of Control
Volume 90, Issue 4, 2017
- Identification and control of nonlinear electro-mechanical systems,
Alexandre Janot, Peter C. Young, Hugues Garnier & Francoise
Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue, pages: 641-642
- Identification and control of electro-mechanical systems using
state-dependent parameter estimation, Alexandre Janot, Peter C. Young &
Maxime Gautier, pages: 643-660
- Dynamic modelling and parameter estimation of a hydraulic robot
manipulator using a multi-objective genetic algorithm, A. Montazeri, C.
West, S. D. Monk & C. J. Taylor, pages: 661-683
- Model identification and vision-based H∞ position control of 6-DoF
cable-driven parallel robots, R. Chellal, L. Cuvillon & E. Laroche, pages:
- Controller–observer design and dynamic parameter identification for
model-based control of an electromechanical lower-limb rehabilitation
system, A. Valera, M. Díaz-Rodríguez, M. Valles, E. Oliver, V. Mata & A.
Page, pages: 702-714
- Ultimate uniform bounded-stability of inertial coupling electromechanical
system via nonlinear time-varying feedback, Patricio Ordaz & Mario Ordaz,
pages: 715-728
- Identification of systems with unknown inputs using indirect input
measurements, Jonas Linder & Martin Enqvist, pages: 729-745
- Enhancing feedforward controller tuning via instrumental variables: with
application to nanopositioning, Frank Boeren, Dennis Bruijnen & Tom Oomen,
pages: 746-764
- Adaptive hysteresis compensation on an experimental nanopositioning
platform, Łukasz Ryba, Jakub Dokoupil, Alina Voda & Gildas Besançon, pages:
- A new frequency-domain subspace algorithm with restricted poles location
through LMI regions and its application to a wind tunnel test, F. Demourant
& C. Poussot-Vassal, pages: 779-799
- Real-time neural inverse optimal control for a linear induction motor,
Victor G. Lopez, Edgar N. Sanchez, Alma Y. Alanis & Jorge D. Rios, pages:
- A robust nonlinear position observer for synchronous motors with relaxed
excitation conditions, Alexey Bobtsov, Dmitry Bazylev, Anton Pyrkin,
Stanislav Aranovskiy & Romeo Ortega, pages: 813-824
- Sampled-data observer design with time-varying scalar gain for sensorless
control of induction motors, J.-F. Massieu, P. Dorléans & V. Van Assche,
pages: 825-833
- State reference design and saturated control of doubly-fed induction
generators under voltage dips, Andrea Tilli, Christian Conficoni & Ahmad
Hashemi, pages: 834-854
- A new adaptive control strategy for a class of nonlinear system using RBF
neuro-sliding-mode technique: application to SEIG wind turbine control
system, Godpromesse Kenné, Armel Simo Fotso & Françoise
Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue, pages: 855-872
- Optimal input design for parameter estimation of nonlinear systems: case
study of an unstable delta wing, J. Qian, M. Nadri & P. Dufour, pages:
- Feature-based robot navigation using a Doppler-azimuth radar, Robin P.
Guan, Branko Ristic, Liuping Wang, Bill Moran & Rob Evans, pages: 888-900
3.11. Contents: TWMS Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
Contributed by: Gamar Mammadova, f_aliev at hotmail.com
TWMS Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 8, No.1, 2017
ISSN 2076-2585
1. On q-Bernardi Integral Operator, K.I. Noor, S. Riaz, M.A. Noor
2. Research and Development of Johnson's Algorithm Parallel Schemes in
GPGPU Technology, S.D. Pogorilyy, M.S. Slynko, Y.I. Rustamov
3. Structure of the General Solution of the Moment Problem in Normed Spaces
and its Applications, M.I. Mustafayev, A.O. Atagun, M. Ekici
4. Some New Fixed Point Results in Ultra Metric Space, Lj. Gajic, M.
Arshad, S.U. Khan, Latif ur Rahman
5. Riesz Lacunary Almost Convergent Double Sequence Spaces Defined by
Sequence of Orlicz Functions over N-Normed Spaces, M. Mursaleen, S.K. Sharma
6. Characterizations of Bi-Hyperideals and Prime Bi-Hyperideals in Ordered
Krasner Hyperrings, S. Omidi , B. Davvaz
7. Stability and Bifurcation Analysis in a Discrete-Time Generalist
Predator-Prey Dynamics, Model with Fractional-Order, M. El-Shahed, A.M.
Ahmed, I.M.E. Abdelstar
8. On Ideal Convergence of Double Sequences in the Topology Induced by a
Fuzzy 2-Norm, L.D.R. Kočinac, M.H.M. Rashid
9. Events
3.12. CFP: IEEE Internet of Things Journal
Contributed by: Alex Leong, alex.leong at upb.de
CFP: IEEE Internet of Things Journal
Special Issue on Feedback Control for the Internet of Things
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a networked system that allows physical
objects to be sensed and controlled with or without frequent human
intervention. It thereby creates opportunities for a more direct
integration between the physical world and cyber-systems. This brings
potential gains in efficiency, accuracy and economic benefits. From an
applications perspective, IoT solutions are being conceived of and
implemented across the spectrum: smart homes, buildings, environments and
cities, industrial plants, health care, smart grids and modern
transportation systems.
Whilst in this first wave of IoT, most attention has concentrated on
wireless sensors, cloud connectivity, big data analytics and mobile apps,
the vision of IoT extends to closed loop operation: Sensors connect through
algorithms to actuators, communication is over the Internet. Careful design
of such control systems would enable a whole range of novel
functionalities, including the capacity to coordinate systems that are not
physically connected or collocated in real-time. However, control design
for IoT imposes significant challenges, some of which can be tackled using,
and further developing, contemporary feedback control methods. The papers
in this special issue will present state-of-the-art fundamental and applied
research on feedback control for the IoT. We solicit papers that cover a
wide range of topics of interest that include, but are not limited to, the
- control architectures for IoT
- control over nondeterministic networks
- cloud-supported control of dynamical systems
- control in the presence of latency and jitter
- control with resource constraints
- predictive maintenance of dynamical systems
- formal methods for verification of IoT control systems
- IoT control applications
Important Dates
Submissions Deadline: July 15, 2017
First Reviews: October 15, 2017
Second Reviews / Notification: December 15, 2017
Final Manuscript Due: December 31, 2017
Publication Date: 2018
Guest Editors
Daniel Quevedo, Paderborn University, Germany
Rolf Findeisen, Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany
Hideaki Ishii, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Karl H. Johansson, KTH Stockholm, Sweden
Tariq Samad, University of Minnesota, USA
Further details can be found at:
3.13. CFP: IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Contributed by: Guillaume Mercère, guillaume.mercere at univ-poitiers.fr
CFP: Special Issue on System identification and control in biomedical
applications in IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Contributions are invited for a special issue of the IEEE Transactions on
Control Systems Technology devoted to the subject of System Identification
and Control in Biomedical Applications. The purpose of this special issue
is to document the current status of research in this field through an
original collection of diverse, high-quality papers. The emphasis is on the
role control systems technology plays in advancing the state of the art in
the challenges of applying feedback control in living organisms, with
emphasis on biomedicine. Specifically, we aim at (i) pointing out
theoretical and practical issues specific to bio-medical systems, (ii)
bringing together solutions developed under different settings with
specific attention to the validation of these tools in bio-medical settings
using real-life datasets and experiments, and (iii) introducing significant
case studies. Topics of common interests include (but are not limited to)
the following:
- theoretical and implementation challenges which arise in medical systems,
- control engineering tools for solving specific system design problems in
medical technology,
- novel data-driven modeling techniques capturing the dynamics of
biomedical systems, and accounting for intra- and inter-individual
- evidence of successful projects in biomedicine enabled by system
identification and control, such as the artificial pancreas and closed-loop
- application areas in healthcare and medical systems, such as assistive
devices and therapeutics in medical rehabilitation, and mathematical models
of infectious disease spread.
- prevention and treatment of chronic, relapsing disorders and illnesses
such as cancer, diabetes, obesity, and HIV.
Only contributions that include significant results based on analysis of
real data or experimental validation will be included. Papers must contain
high-quality original contributions and be prepared in accordance with the
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology standards. Prospective
authors should state in their cover letter and in the notes section of the
submission site that their manuscript is intended for the special issue on
“system identification and control in biomedical applications.” Submitted
manuscripts must not have been previously published or be under review for
possible publication elsewhere.
Time line:
Manuscripts Due: November 1, 2017
Notification to authors (after the first round of reviews): March 1, 2018
Notification of final decision: June 1, 2018
Publication Date: January 2019
Authors can submit their manuscripts via
Information for Authors prior to submitting a paper is available via
All inquiries should be directed to G. Mercère you can contact via his
email address: guillaume.mercere at univ-poitiers.fr
Guest Editors:
Guillaume Mercère, Université de Poitiers, France (LEAD)
Bayu Jayawardhana, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Alexander Medvedev, Uppsala University, Sweden
Daniel E. Rivera, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA
Caterina Scoglio, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas, USA
4. Conferences
4.1. Workshop on Brain Dynamics and Neurocontrol Engineering
Contributed by: ShiNung Ching, shinung at wustl.edu
2017 Workshop on Brain Dynamics and Neurocontrol Engineering, June 26-27,
We are pleased to invite participants to the 2017 Workshop on Brain
Dynamics and Neurocontrol Engineering at Washington University in St. Louis
(St. Louis, MO, USA), to be held this summer (June 26-27).
** Travel awards are available for students, postdocs and junior faculty. **
Spurred by the development of both new technologies and new scientific
initiatives, interest is coalescing around the use of dynamical systems and
control theory to study the workings of the human brain. Neuroscience
affords several research challenges and opportunities for the dynamics and
control community, due to the immense complexity of the system at hand, the
dynamics of which span many spatial and temporal scales. Understanding how
these dynamics mediate brain function is a pivotal neuroscience question
that is well-aligned with methodological approaches innate to systems and
control engineering. The goal of this workshop is to provide a focused
forum for the discussion of research synergy between experts from the
dynamics, control and neuroscience communities.
For full information, including speaker list, award and registration
details, please visit: http://sites.wustl.edu/brain
4.2. Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Networked and Distributed Systems and
Contributed by: Hyo-Sung Ahn, hyosung at gist.ac.kr
The 1st Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Networked and Distributed Systems
and Control - Toward future research collaborations, June 16-17, 2017,
GIST, Gwangju, Korea
Call for participation: As control, communications, sensing, and
computational technologies are advanced, networked and distributed systems
become more realistic in our daily life as well as in industry. The
networked and distributed control systems may include a remote control of
tele-operated systems, synchronization and consensus of large-scale complex
systems, cyber-physical systems, distributed coordination of energy and
power systems, and formation control of mobile agent systems. As the
computational speed of embedded processors connected via networks becomes
extremely fast, a higher-level control in these systems becomes more and
more important. In the sense of higher-level control, analysis and control
from topological perspective of networked and distributed systems have
attracted significant research interest. In analysis, there are many issues
such as synchronization of dynamical agents, convergence characteristics,
graph topology, and connectivity between neighboring agents. In control,
there could be various issues in terms of sensing and control variables,
i.e., centralized control, distributed control, and decentralized control.
In this joint symposium, we are specifically interested in networked
robots, synchronization of distributed and social agents, energy and
resource allocations, and formation control of multi-agent systems. The
main purpose of the symposium is to introduce recent advancements on these
issues that have been developed in Japan and Korea. However, in the
symposium, we would further seek some possible collaborations among the
participants by way of discussing issues and sharing ideas. If you are
interested in attending this symposium as audience or as speaker, please
send your "intention for participation" to one of the following contacts:
hyosung at gist.ac.kr (Prof. Hyo-Sung Ahn, GIST) from Korea, or
hatanaka at ctrl.titech.ac.jp (Prof. Takeshi Hatanaka, Tokyo Tech) from Japan
by May 30, 2017.
Outline of tentative program: The symposium will consist of keynote
technical talks and problem definition sessions. Two technical sessions
will include four keynote talks. In the problem definition session,
individual speaker will be allowed to present his/her problems within a
five minute in one slide. In the problem definition session, we would like
to discuss the problems intensively. Students will be allowed to present
their on-going works via 3-minute presentations, if they want. The
symposium will also have some social events.
Specially invited speakers:
Kazunori Sakurama, Tottori University, Japan
Hyungbo Shim, Seoul National University, Korea
Takeshi Hatanaka, Tokyo Tech, Japan
Hyo-Sung Ahn, GIST, Korea
4.3. International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems
Contributed by: Hye-Soo Kim, conference at icros.org
2017 17th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems
(ICCAS 2017)
October 18(WED)-21(SAT), 2017
Ramada Plaza, Jeju Island, Korea
The aim of the ICCAS is to bring together researchers and engineers
worldwide to present their latest works, and disseminate the
state-of-the-art technologies related to control, automation, robotics, and
Paper Submission: Authors are invited to submit regular papers (3 - 6
pages) or research poster papers (1 - 2 pages) to the website.
Indexed in: IEEE Xplore, EI compendex, SCOPUS
Proposal for Invited/Organized Session (Mini-symposium)
- June 10, 2017: Submission deadline
Regular Papers (3 - 6 pages) & Invited/Organized Session Papers (1 - 6
- June 15, 2017: Submission deadline
- August 1, 2017: Notification of acceptance
- August 31, 2017: Submission of final camera-ready papers
Research Poster Papers (1 - 2 pages)
- August 22, 2017: Submission deadline
- August 31, 2017: Notification of acceptance
- September 7, 2017: Submission of final camera-ready papers
- Richard D. Braatz (Massachusetts Inst. of Tech., USA)
- Reza Moheimani (Univ. of Texas, USA)
- Antonella Ferrara (Univ. of Pavia, Italy)
- Huijun Gao (Harbin Inst. of Tech., China)
- Atsuo Takanishi (Waseda Univ., Japan)
Organized by Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems (ICROS)
General Chair: Dong-il “Dan” Cho (Seoul Nat’l Univ., Korea / ICROS
Organizing Chair: Doyoung Jeon (Sogang Univ., Korea)
Program Chair: Hyosung Ahn (GIST, Korea)
4.4. ACC Workshop on “Control Engineering in Julia: Modelling, Control
Design and Optimization”
Contributed by: Cristian R. Rojas, cristian.rojas at ee.kth.se
2017 ACC Workshop on Control Engineering in Julia: Modelling, Control
Design and Optimization
Tuesday, May 23, 2017, 8:30am - 12:30pm
Seattle, WA, USA, at the 2017 American Control Conference
Julia is a recent high-level, high-performance, free and open-source
programming language for technical computing. It has a syntax similar to
other technical computing environments and possesses a number of very
attractive features for the control and optimization communities: its
sophisticated compiler results in run-times comparable to C, it has native
support for distributed parallel execution, it includes an extensive
mathematical function library, and can be executed stand-alone, in a
powerful browser-based graphical notebook interface (IJulia) or in a
network-based environment which does not require any local installation
(JuliaBox). In addition, the Julia developer community is contributing a
number of external packages through Julia’s built-in package manager at a
rapid pace.
Over the last years, several Julia packages have been developed to
complement the work of control engineers. These include several toolboxes
for convex and nonconvex optimization, automatic differentiation,
simulation of ordinary differential equations and noncausal models,
statistics, machine learning, data-driven modeling and control.
This workshop is being organized for the purpose of disseminating and
promoting the Julia language and several of its control and
optimization-related packages to those who work in control theory,
education and applications. Many of the talks will be hands-on, in order to
provide the audience with a real, interactive Julia experience.
Participants from industry and teachers may find Julia to be a powerful and
solid alternative to commercial software. Those who do research in control
and identification theory will acknowledge that the open platforms
developed for these disciplines can provide a attractive means of
developing and promoting their own research, by contributing to these
packages with their new algorithms.
For more information, including registration details, please visit:
4.5. IFAC World Congress Workshop on “Iterative Learning Control and
Repetitive Control: Theoretical Advances and Emerging Applications”
Contributed by: Bing Chu, b.chu at soton.ac.uk
2017 IFAC World Congress Workshop on "Iterative Learning Control and
Repetitive Control: Theoretical Advances and Emerging Applications”
Date and Place: Sunday, 9 July 2017, at the IFAC World Congress Venue,
Toulouse, France
Website: https://goo.gl/v82ELH
Organizers: Bing Chu, Christopher Freeman, Tom Oomen, Kira Barton, Ying Tan
Speakers: Kevin L Moore (Colorado School of Mines, USA); David H Owens
(Zhengzhou University, China and University of Sheffield, UK; Tom Oomen
(Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands); Ying Tan (University
of Melbourne, Australia); Kira Barton (University of Michigan, USA); Bing
Chu (University of Southampton, UK); Chris Freeman (University of
Southampton, UK); Deqing Huang (Southwest Jiaotong Univeristy, China);
Mikael Norrlöf (Linköping University, Sweden)
Iterative Learning control (ILC) and repetitive control (RC) are high
performance tracking control design methods for systems operating in a
periodic or repetitive manner. To achieve this they both adapt the control
effort based on information collected from previous trials (periods).
Compared to conventional control design approaches, ILC and RC potentially
lead to significantly better performance even without accurate system model
information. Originating from robotic research, ILC and RC have attracted
intensive research effort and have proven to be extremely successful in
achieving attractive system performance in a wide range of application
domains, including manufacturing processes, mechanical testing equipment,
chemical batch processes and next generation health care.
After more than 30 years, ILC and RC have progressed considerably in both
theoretical research and its practical application. This workshop, together
with an open invited track within the main conference, aims to provide an
overview of the latest advances in ILC and RC and to create a forum for
high quality discussion of both theoretical and practical perspectives. In
particular, the workshop aims to:
• Bring together results representing the dominant analysis and design
paradigms, including internal model design, norm-optimal design, frequency
domain design, and design for nonlinear systems
• Address new theoretical challenges in ILC and RC, including robustness
and flexibility to varying tasks, networked systems, etc.
• Present new emerging and non-traditional applications
• Discuss future challenges and opportunities in ILC and RC
The workshop also features a poster session providing a great opportunity
for the participants to showcase their work both to the ILC/RC community
and to the broad audience.
For more information please see https://goo.gl/v82ELH
Students can register at a discounted rate (see
4.6. IFAC World Congress Workshop on “Process Data Analytics”
Contributed by: Sirish L. Shah, sirish.shah at ualberta.ca
2017 IFAC World Congress workshop on:
Process Data Analytics
Speakers: Tongwen Chen, Biao Huang, Sirish L. Shah, Nina Thornhill and
Jiandong Wang
For more details and registration visit link at:
Time: Sunday, 9th July 2017; 9:00-17:30
Workshop outline
Process data analytic methods rely on the notion of sensor fusion whereby
data from many sensors and alarm tags are combined with process
information, such as physical connectivity of process units, to give a
holistic picture of health of an integrated plant. The fusion of
information from such disparate sources of data is the key step in devising
methodologies for a smart strategy for process data analytics
In the context of the application of analytics in the process industry, the
objective in this workshop is to introduce participants to tools,
techniques and a framework for seamless integration of information from
process and alarm databases complemented with process connectivity
information. The discovery of information from such diverse and complex
data sources can be subsequently used for process and performance
monitoring including alarm rationalization, root cause diagnosis of process
faults, hazard and operability (Hazop) analysis, safe and optimal process
operation. Such multivariate process data analytics involves information
extraction from routine process data, that is typically non-categorical (as
in numerical process data from sensors), plus categorical (or non-numerical
or qualitative and binary) data from Alarm and Event (A&E) logs combined
with process connectivity or topology information that can be inferred from
the data through causality analysis or as obtained from piping and
instrument diagrams of a process. The later refers to the capture of
material flow streams in process units as well information flow-paths in
the process due to control loops.
Target audience: The intended audience for this workshop would be
industrial practitioners of control including vendors working in the area
of on-line data logging and archiving, graduate students with interests in
statistical learning and data science and academics.
Workshop Program
The following topics will be discussed in this workshop. Each topic will be
accompanied by one or more industrial case study to convey the utilitarian
value of the learning, discovery and diagnosis from process data.
• Overview of the broad analytics area with emphasis on its use in the
process industry.
• Basic definitions and introduction to supervised and unsupervised
learning: simple regression, classification and clustering.
• Data visualization methods; examination and analysis of data in a
multivariate framework (in the temporal as well as the spectral domains).
• Data quality assessment: Outlier detection; filtering and data
• Elements of statistical inference and learning including
• Bayesian methods.
• Multivariate methods for data analysis: SVD, PCA, PLS, SVR.
• Case studies on nearest neighbour methods for multivariate detection and
diagnosis of transient disturbances.
• Alarm data analysis: Detection and removal of nuisance alarms; root-cause
analysis of alarms and alarm floods.
• Data-based causality analysis for identification of process topology.
• Future areas to explore in the use of statistical learning, data science
and analytics for improved process operation.
5. Positions
5.1. Technical Writer for IEEE Control Systems Magazine
Contributed by: Jonathan How, jhow at mit.edu
Technical Writer for IEEE CSM
The IEEE Control Systems Magazine (CSM) seeks to hire a technical writer
(TW) to help produce the print and electronic, peer review content that is
well written and accessible to a technologically literate,
interdisciplinary audience. CSM articles are evaluated on both the
technical presentation of the authors' work and its interest to readers -
not just its scientific novelty or perceived impact on the field. The TW
would help the Editor-in-Chief to provide feedback to the authors to
improve the prose of the articles before they are accepted for publication
and check the page proofs when returned from IEEE.
The ability to write well and critique other authors/contributors,
especially with regard to highly technical and complex proposals, is a
necessary skill set for this position. Several years' experience in a
technical publishing leadership role is highly desirable. Extensive
experience in publication planning, and scheduling, and knowledge of the
publications process is critical to keeping the publication current and on
schedule. Subject matter knowledge would be beneficial, but is not
The load is heaviest every 2 month, has tight deadlines, and averages about
40hrs/month. Compensation in the range of $30 - $50 per hour that will be
commensurate with experience.
If interested, please send a short CV, examples of past work, and
references to the CSM EiC (jhow at mit.edu)
CSM: http://ieeecss.org/publications/csm
Authors Guide: http://ieeecss.org/sites/ieeecss.org/files/CSMAG_May2016.pdf
5.2. PhD: Université Laval, Canada
Contributed by: André Desbiens, desbiens at gel.ulaval.ca
PhD: Université Laval, Canada
Three PhD positions are available at the LOOP (Laboratoire d’observation et
d’optimisation des procédés – Process Observation and Optimization
Laboratory), Université Laval, Québec City, Canada. The projects are in
collaboration with the multinational biopharmaceutical Pfizer. They address
industrial problems and the solutions will have significant impacts for
For pharmaceutical industries, automation and continuous processing is a
way to become more competitive, to reduce production time, energy
consumption and the amount of waste produced. Towards this objective, the
projects are:
Project #1 - Coating of the tablets: development of an in-line vision
sensor providing film-coating properties (coating level, distribution
across tablets, esthetical defects, etc.).
- Fractional factorial design
- Multivariate Image Analysis
- Partial Least Squares regression
- Validation of the machine vision sensor
Project #2 – Novel continuous drying of the granules (before they are
compressed into tablets): safe and robust in-line minimization of the
drying time and/or energy consumption while insuring a desired final
humidity of the particles and avoiding their overheating.
- First-principles modelling and model calibration
- State estimation
- Model predictive control
- Real-time optimization
Project #3 - Freeze-drying of vials: safe and robust in-line minimization
of the primary drying time and/or energy consumption while insuring that
sublimation is completed and avoiding to exceed the collapse temperature.
- First-principles modelling and model calibration
- State estimation
- Model predictive control
- Real-time optimization
- Heating policies for various vials arrangements
The final stage of the three projects is to implement and validate the most
promising approaches on pilot units.
Candidate profile:
- should have completed, or about to complete, a MSc degree in Electrical
or Chemical Eng., or related areas,
- strong background in multivariate statistics and/or first-principles
modelling and/or systems and control,
- solid programming skills in Matlab,
- ability to work in multi-disciplinary teams,
- excellent communication skills (oral and written) in English - a plus if
knowledge of French (courses are given in French).
Please send a complete CV, a motivation letter and transcripts to Prof.
André Desbiens (desbiens at gel.ulaval.ca) with the subject "E-Letter PhD
5.3. PhD: Université Grenoble Alpes/GIPSA-lab, France
Contributed by: Emmanuel Witrant, emmanuel.witrant at univ-grenoble-alpes.fr
PhD Position Université Grenoble Alpes / GIPSA-lab (France)
Supervisors: Prof Emmanuel Witrant and Dr. Vincent Talon
Web: http://www.gipsa-lab.fr/~e.witrant/
PhD topic: Estimation and Control for Networks of Gas Mixtures with
Application to EGR in Car Engines
Starting date: June/July 2017, for a duration of 3 years
Modeling and control of fluid flow networks has been a challenging topic
during the last decades. This research is motivated by engineering
applications such as car engines, mine ventilation systems, gas pipelines,
water channels, traffic flow dynamics, heat exchangers, etc. Estimation and
control of gas mixtures are of prime interest for car engines and more
precisely to control the gas composition in the admission air-path while
taking into account the exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) inner and outer
loop. Engineering models for gas networks are typically based on
Kirchhoff's voltage and current laws, combined with the fluid dynamical
equations of individual branches.
The aim of this thesis is to propose new estimation and control solutions
for these systems and take benefit of the partial differential equations
analysis to propose efficient algorithms that can be embedded in electronic
control units. The theoretical results will be applied to car engines with
EGR, on problems such as the estimation of gas composition, of time delays
and of humidity, and such as optimal control design taking into account the
transport phenomena.
This PhD is part of the European project EMPHYSIS (within the framework of
ITEA3), whose European leader is Bosch and the French leader is Siemens PLM
The Ph.D. candidate should hold a Master degree in Automatic Control or
Applied Mathematics, and have a keen interest in fluid dynamics.
Contact: emmanuel.witrant at univ-grenoble-alpes.fr, vincent.talon at renault.com
- CV with contact details
- Bachelor and master transcripts (including list of courses with
corresponding grades)
- A summary of (or an e-link to) your master thesis
- Name and email of two references
Closing date for applications
5.4. PhD: KU Leuven, Belgium
Contributed by: Jan Swevers, jan.swevers at kuleuven.be
The KU Leuven, Department of Mechanical Engineering is searching for a
young, motivated and skilled PhD researcher with a strong background in
numerical optimization, systems and control, and robotics.
RESEARCH PROJECT: This project focuses on optimal contact-free motion
control of serial robots operating in changing environments. Changing
environments require real-time motion planning, which is very challenging
due to complex robot kinematics and dynamics and continuously changing
collision constraints. The overall project goal is to develop and
experimentally validate an effective MPC approach for serial robots that
realizes contact-free optimal robot motion planning and control in
real-time. This research will be supported by an MPC toolchain development
in order to integrate all software in an open and modular fashion as to
create a workflow from problem specification to deployment. All
developments will be validated experimentally on industrial robotic set-ups
in the lab.
YOUR PROFILE: An ideal candidate has a master degree in engineering
(mechanical, control ...) and a strong background in control and dynamic
system modelling, robotics, numerical optimization, programming (Matlab,
C/C++), a strong interest and experience in work on real-world experiments,
and enthusiasm for the project. Proficiency in English is a requirement.
Applicants whose mother tongue is neither Dutch nor English must present an
official language test report. The acceptable tests are TOEFL, IELTS, and
Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English (CAE) or Cambridge Certificate of
Proficiency in English (CPE). Required minimum scores are:
• TOEFL: 600 (paper-based test), 100 (internet-based test)
• IELTS: 7 (only Academic IELTS test accepted)
• CAE/CPE: grade B or A.
OUR OFFER: A fully funded PhD position for four years at the KU Leuven
(more information for PhD students at the KU Leuven is found here). KU
Leuven is among the top European universities and a hub for
interdisciplinary research in the field of optimization. You will be
embedded in the MECO research team of the department of Mechanical
Engineering located at the campus in Leuven and the new mechatronics
research group, established in 2015, and located at the campus in Bruges.
Theoretical work and lab experiments, which will be the main part of the
work, will be carried out at the campus in Leuven. Industrial applications
will be implemented at the campus in Bruges.
APPLICATION PROCEDURE: To apply, send email to jan.swevers at kuleuven.be.
Subject of your email should be: “ROBOT MPC PhD application”. Deadline:
April 30, 2017! Include:
• an academic CV,
• a Pdf of your diplomas and transcript of course work and grades,
• statement of research interests and career goals (max. 2 pages),
• sample of technical writing (publication or thesis),
• contact details of at least two referees,
• proof of English language proficiency test results.
5.5. PhD: KU Leuven, Belgium
Contributed by: Goele Pipeleers, goele.pipeleers at kuleuven.be
One fully funded open PhD position at KU Leuven, Department of Mechanical
The KU Leuven, Department of Mechanical Engineering is searching for a
young, motivated and skilled PhD researcher with a strong background in
numerical optimization, systems theory and control.
In motion planning one seeks for the fastest, most energy efficient…
trajectory to move a motion system from its current position to its
destination, while accounting for the system’s kinematic and dynamic
constraints and avoiding collisions with all obstacles in the environment.
It plays a vital role in the control of autonomous guided vehicles, CNC
machine tools, serial robots… As motion planning is often performed on
line, in a model predictive control fashion, solving the resulting
optimization problems efficiently and reliably is of the utmost importance.
Recently, we have developed an effective motion planning method based on
B-splines. The motion trajectory is parameterized as a polynomial spline
and the properties of the B-spline basis functions are exploited to
efficiently enforce constraints over the considered time horizon. The
method is implemented in the open source Python toolbox OMGtools (
https://github.com/meco-group/omg-tools). In this research project you will
extend this motion planning approach to a broad range of systems, and in
collaboration with experts in numerical optimization, you will supply it
with tailored optimization routines. In addition, you will contribute to
the underlying B-spline based optimization approaches and explore
additional uses of these approaches in model predictive control.
An ideal candidate holds a degree in engineering, computer science, or
applied mathematics. He or she has a solid background in numerical
optimization, systems theory and control, a strong interest and experience
in mathematical programming (Matlab, Python, C/C++), and enthusiasm for
scientific research. Team player mentality, independence, and problem
solving skills are expected, and proficiency in English is a requirement.
A fully funded PhD position for four years at the KU Leuven (more
information for PhD students at the KU Leuven is found at
https://www.kuleuven.be/personeel/jobsite/en/phd-info). KU Leuven is among
the top European universities and a hub for interdisciplinary research in
the field of control and optimization. You will be embedded in the MECO
research team of the department of Mechanical Engineering (
https://www.mech.kuleuven.be/en/pma/research/meco). The MECO research team
focuses on the identification, analysis and control of mechatronic systems
such as machine tools, active suspensions, robots... Herein theoretical
developments are combined with experimental validations on lab-scale as
well as industrial setups.
To apply, send an email to goele.pipeleers at kuleuven.be with subject
“BSpline PhD application”. Include:
* an academic CV
* a pdf of your diplomas and transcript of course work and grades
* statement of research interests and career goals (max. 2 pages)
* sample of technical writing (publication or thesis)
* contact details of at least two referees
* proof of English language proficiency, in case your mother to.ngue is
neither Dutch nor English
Deadline: April 30, 2017
5.6. PhD: University of South Florida, USA
Contributed by: Tansel Yucelen, yucelen at lacis.team
The Laboratory for Autonomy, Control, Information, and Systems (LACIS,
http://www.LACIS.team/) at the University of South Florida is looking for
exceptional doctoral students with solid background and creative skills.
The LACIS is a highly-active research laboratory on systems and control
with past and current projects from a diverse set of funding agencies,
where the researchers at the LACIS have the opportunity to collaborate with
many researchers around the world. These students to be hired are expected
to perform high-quality research on distributed control and robust adaptive
systems with applications to swarm of unmanned aerial and ground vehicles.
Our intention is to give a strong guidance to maximize the chances of our
students for building a rewarding career.
The intended start date for these open positions is Summer or Fall 2017. In
addition, basic application requirements for these open positions include:
1) A Master of Science degree in a related field such as electrical
engineering, mechanical engineering, aerospace engineering, or mathematics.
2) A strong record of courses taken related to systems and control
(including, for example, linear control systems and nonlinear control
systems). 3) If the candidates already have published and/or submitted
research papers related to systems and control, this will be considered
positively during the application process.
If you are interested in joining the LACIS to do transformative research,
please send an email to Dr. Tansel Yucelen (yucelen at lacis.team), the
Director of the LACIS, and include A) your resume (resume needs to include
a list of undergraduate and graduate courses taken related to systems and
control as well as mathematics - with grades on these courses, and it
should also include list of published and/or submitted papers, if any) and
B) a concise paragraph explaining your theoretical and experimental
experience related to systems and control. Please also include contact
information (name, affiliation, and email) of your current advisor and at
least one other reference.
Dr. Tansel Yucelen
Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Director of the Laboratory for Autonomy, Control, Information, and Systems
(LACIS, http://www.lacis.team)
Director of the Control Systems Forum (CSF, http://consys.forum.mst.edu/)
University of South Florida
5.7. PhD: University of Connecticut
Contributed by: Abhishek Dutta, abhishek.dutta at uconn.edu
Two PhD positions are available starting in Summer or Fall 2017 in my group
which is roughly based on robust design, control and learning in the
departments of mechanical and electrical & computer engineering at the
University of Connecticut. The research emphasizes theoretical analysis
involving the interplay of dynamics, control and optimization under
uncertainty and is strongly driven by two broad applications:
(i) Biology Track: Neuroscience (understanding and solving complex
(ii) Mechatronics Track: Disaster management (weather related i.e. drought
etc. amongst other humanitarian problems).
Both the projects would involve collaborations across disciplines and some
product design and prototyping (undergrads may be available to help).
Funding for buying equipments will be available.
A masters degree in electrical/mechanical engineering, applied mathematics
with strong skills in controls, optimization, learning, mathematics and
mechatronics is preferred. Some level of hands-on experience with hardware
design is a bonus.
Please send in a 1 page cover letter describing background and research
interests and a CV to:
Abhishek Dutta, Assistant Professor
School of Engineering
University of Connecticut
abhishek.dutta at uconn.edu
5.8. PhD: Johannes Kepler University Linz, Autria
Contributed by: Nadja Aichinger, nadja.aichinger at jku.at
PhD: Johannes Kepler University Linz, Insititue for Design and Control of
Mechatronical Systems, Autria;
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Luigi del Re
Opening for PhD in the Field of Modeling and Control with Focus on
Biomedical Applications
The Institute for Design and Control of Mechatronical Systems at the
Johannes Kepler University in Linz, Austria, has a long tradition in
performing control engineering research with a main focus on automotive and
biomedical applications. There exist strong links with academic and
industrial partners active in both areas. Besides other projects, the
institute is currently involved in the development of control algorithms
for adaptive, predictive replacement therapy for diabetes patients with
type 2 diabetes. Furthermore, the institute is active in designing advanced
algorithms for the data processing in continuous glucose monitoring (CGM)
In this framework, a PhD position is available, initially for one year,
which in the case of successful cooperation can be extended up to the end
of the PhD study (typically 3 to 4 years).
The tasks associated to this position will include help in data analysis,
integration of physiological understanding with modern modeling approaches,
algorithmic development, participation in testing and evaluation, in the
administration of projects, in teaching and in the direction of Bachelor
and Master students in this field. The candidate should have a degree with
a focus on automatic control or biomedical engineering, mathematics or
computer sciences and be interested in the field of medical systems and
stochastic models. Team player qualities are essential.
The salary will be between € 2.048,25/month gross (75%) and 2.731,00/month
gross (100%) both 14 times a year.
The position can be filled anytime from 04/2017 to 10/2017.
For more information contact please Prof. Luigi del Re (luigi.delre at jku.at).
Applications to be sent to: nadja.aichinger at jku.at.
5.9. PhD: Luleå University of Technology, Sweden
Contributed by: George Nikolakopoulos, geonik at ltu.se
Two PhD- Student positions in Robotics
[Ref: 1070-2017]
The Robotic Team of the Control Engineering Group (CEG) at the department
of Computer Science and Electrical and Space Engineering at Luleå
University of Technology, is now looking for two PhD student positions
contributing to our growing activities in the area of aerial and ground
robotics. The PhD students will be part of a strong research team with
intense expertise in the area of aerial field robotics and will have the
pleasure to work in multiple European and National research projects in
The research topics will focus in the following areas:
- Multiple camera view cooperative perception for UAVs
- Collaborative SLAM
- Cooperative Task allocation, scheduling and planning
- Aerial cooperative Visual Servoing
- Augmented Reality for robotics
- Event based constrained remote control
- Safe and robust navigation for aerial and ground robots in featureless or
reduced feature environments (e.g. mines)
- Visual Odometry on low light environments
- Environmental perception and online mission configuration for UAVs
- 6D real time Localization for aerial and ground robotic applications in
- Ultra Wide Band Localization
- Field Robotics demonstration of the corresponding research topics outcomes
The ideal candidate will perform research with substantial experimental
components that should be published in peer-reviewed international journals
and at major conferences. The position will include supervision of MSc
students, Teaching Assistant tasks and support in acquire funding for
future research projects from research funding agencies/councils, EU
framework program or industry. The candidate will need to represent the
group in different occasions, both in Sweden and abroad, as well as to have
an excellence in speaking English. A doctoral student's main responsibility
is to pursue doctoral studies with the aim to successfully defend a
doctoral dissertation. The position may include departmental duties
(typically teaching) with up to 20% of full-time employment.
The research tasks require a solid mathematical background with proven
advanced experimental capabilities and excellent programming skills (e.g.
C++). The candidates should have a strong vision to evaluate and
demonstrate the research findings in real life operating conditions, in an
approach to close the gap among pure theory and experimental verifications.
For further information, please contact Professor George Nikolakopoulos +46
920 491298, geonik at ltu.se
Union representatives: SACO-Daina Dagis Daina.Dagis at ltu.se , +46
(0)920-493880 and OFR- Lars Frisk, Lars.Frisk at ltu.se +46 (0)920-491792
Luleå University of Technology is actively working on equality and
diversity that contributes to a creative study- and work environment. The
University's core values are based on respect, trust, openness and
The application should include a CV, personal motivation letter, reference
letters, and copies of verified and translated diplomas Universities. Your
application must be written in English. Mark your application with the
reference number below.
Reference number: 1070-2017
Final day to apply:
URL to this page:
5.10. PhD: University of Leicester, UK
Contributed by: Matteo Rubagotti, matteo.rubagotti at le.ac.uk
PhD Position University of Leicester (UK)
Supervisors: Dr Matteo Rubagotti and Prof Matthew Turner
Project title: Predictive control of an integrated energy storage facility
A fully funded PhD position is available for UK and EU students (subject to
a competitive selection process) at the Computational Engineering and
Control Group at the University of Leicester, UK.
Starting date: 25 September 2017.
Deadline for application: 10 April 2017, 12pm (midday).
Project description:
The research activity of this PhD proposal is aimed at designing and
testing advanced control methods for the real-time management of an
Integrated Energy Storage Test and Verification (IESTV) facility. The
facility will include state-of-the art energy storage devices, and give the
opportunity to design and test advanced algorithms that can have an impact
on real-life implementations. The combined use of multiple storage systems
(e.g., electrochemical batteries, supercapacitors, compressed air energy
storage, and pumped hydro storage) can simultaneously exploit all their
advantages, but requires the ability to manage their complex interaction in
real time. The proposed PhD activity will be aimed at designing a strategy
that takes into account the practical characteristics of the IESTV.
The energy flow to/from the IESTV will depend on the power demand, and the
power produced by photovoltaic renewable sources. The designed management
system will carry out the tasks of (a) deciding in real time how much power
to be drawn from the grid, or possibly “selling” electricity to the grid
itself in case of excess storage, and (b) how to split the storage between
the elements taking operative constraints into account (e.g., limiting the
charge/discharge cycles on batteries, or the depth of charge/discharge of
the different elements). The management problem will be solved by
continuously predicting the consumer demand and the future power flow from
renewable energy sources (via weather forecast), and re-planning the
optimal strategy in order to minimise the total energy consumption, or the
overall expense for buying electricity from the grid. This approach is
known as Model Predictive Control (MPC), a control technique that has been
applied to many practical problems in industry, and is now, for instance, a
standard in petrochemical plants.
Candidate profile:
- first class (or equivalent) bachelor-level degree in engineering or a
relevant subject (to be obtained before 25th September 2017)
- strong background in control systems
- solid programming skills in Matlab
- fluency in English (written and verbal)
- ability to work independently
- Master's degree (at Merit/Distinction level) in engineering or a relevant
- knowledge of MPC, numerical optimisation techniques, and/or modelling of
energy storage systems
- experience with interfacing control systems with physical processes (e.g.
using dSPACE)
Detailed information and application procedure:
5.11. PhD: European Southern Observatory, Germany
Contributed by: Niek Doelman, niekdoelman at strw.leidenuniv.nl
The European Southern Observatory (ESO) invites applications for a PhD
position in Adaptive Optics Systems Engineering on 'Advanced Control Laws
for Exoplanet Imaging Adaptive Optics'.
The successful applicant will be part of the Adaptive Optics Systems Group
(SAOSY) of the System Engineering Department within the Directorate of
Engineering. SAOSY supports telescope and instrument projects at ESO for
what regards Adaptive Optics with the ultimate goal to provide the ESO
astronomical community with worldwide competitive ground-based Adaptive
Optics (AO) observing capabilities overcoming the limitation of atmospheric
turbulence. The direct imaging of potentially habitable Exoplanets is one
prime science case for ESO's 39-m Extremely Large Telescope, the E-ELT. In
order to reach this demanding science goal with the dedicated instrument
PCS (planetary camera and spectrograph), a comprehensive R&D programme for
the key technologies has been developed. SAOSY is involved in the R&D of
the extreme Adaptive Optics (XAO) system, which will control many thousands
of actuators at a frame-rate of several Kilohertz. In order to achieve the
highest possible imaging contrast, two major terms of XAO error budget have
to be minimized:
A) The chromaticity of the refractive index of air leads to slightly
different optical wavefronts at the science wavelength (NIR) and the AO
wavefront sensing wavelength (red optical). The difference shows up as a
residual wavefront error, which is proportional to the incoming uncorrected
wavefront and dominates the error budget at the smallest angular
B) The finite temporal correction bandwidth of the XAO system leads to an
imperfect correction of very rapid changes of the wavefront, which dominate
the residual error at somewhat larger angular separations.
Task Description
The student will first be asked to investigate how to minimize the effects
of refractive index chromaticity and temporal bandwidth error on the XAO
residual image by analyzing the nature of the problem. S/he will then
propose adapted control algorithms and strategies to cope with the errors.
After developing the concepts and verifying them through numerical
simulations, the student should confirm the effectivity of the proposed
concepts by experiment. ESO's Adaptive Optics laboratory provides a
versatile test environment, the high-order test-bench (HOT), for this
purpose. It might also be possible to implement and test these advanced
control algorithms at the telescope using the SPHERE high-contrast imaging
instrument at the VLT in Chile.
For further information, see https://recruitment.eso.org/.
Closing date for applications is 12 May 2017.
5.12. PhD: Technical University of Kosice, Slovak Republic
Contributed by: Ivo Petras, ivo.petras at tuke.sk
PhD: Technical University of Kosice, FBERG, Slovak Republic
Multiple PhD positions in Process Control
PhD candidates should have a strong background in control engineering with
an experience in mathematical modeling of systems. The topics of these
positions are related to the fractional calculus and its application in
mathematical modeling and control of systems.
Required qualifications of candidate:
1) Master degree in control engineering, electrical engineering, applied
mathematics, or a related field
2) Excellent communication skills in English
3) Proficiency in some scientific programming language, such as MATLAB, or
C/C++, etc.
To express interest, please send the following documents:
1) One page cover letter describing your research interests and background
2) CV or resume with contact details
3) Name and email of two references
To apply and for further information on positions, contact: prof. Ivo
Petras, ivo.petras at tuke.sk
Closing date for applications: 31.05.2017
5.13. PhD: University of Stuttgart, Germany
Contributed by: Frank Allgower, frank.allgower at ist.uni-stuttgart.de
PhD: University of Stuttgart, Germany
Multiple PhD positions in Intelligent Systems, including Control, at the
new International Max Planck Research School for Intelligent Systems in
Stuttgart and Tubingen, Germany
The Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems and the Universities of
Stuttgart and Tubingen are collaborating to offer a new interdisciplinary
Ph.D. program, the International Max Planck Research School for Intelligent
Systems. This new doctoral program is starting in fall 2017 and will enroll
about 100 Ph.D. students over the next six years.
This school is a key element of the state’s “Cyber Valley” initiative to
accelerate basic research and commercial development in the broad field of
artificial intelligence. Students are sought who want to earn a doctorate
in the broad area of intelligent systems, including control systems.
The participating faculty are Frank Allgower, Matthias Bethge, Michael J.
Black, Andres Bruhn, Peer Fischer, Andreas Geiger, Philipp Hennig,
Katherine J. Kuchenbecker, Hendrik Lensch, Georg Martius, Ludovic Righetti,
Stefan Schaal, Bernhard Scholkopf, Metin Sitti, Alexander Sprowitz, Ingo
Steinwart, Marc Toussaint, Ulrike von Luxburg, and Felix Wichmann.
Intelligent systems that can successfully perceive, act, and learn in
complex environments hold great potential for aiding society. To advance
human knowledge in this domain, we need doctoral students who are curious,
creative, and passionate about research to join our school. Learn more at
All aspects of the program are in English. You may join our program in late
summer or early fall 2017. You will be mentored by our internationally
renowned faculty. You will register as a university graduate student and
conduct research for approximately three years. You can take part in a wide
variety of scientific seminars, advanced training workshops, and social
activities. Your doctoral degree will be conferred when you successfully
complete your Ph.D. project. Our dedicated coordinator will assist you
throughout your time as a doctoral student.
People with a strong academic background and a master’s degree in
Engineering, Computer Science, Cognitive Science, Mathematics, Control
Theory, Neuroscience, Materials Science, Physics, or related fields should
We seek to increase the number of women in areas where they are
underrepresented, so we explicitly encourage women to apply. We are
committed to employing more handicapped individuals and especially
encourage them to apply. We are an equal opportunity employer and value
diversity at our institutions.
Admission will be competitive. If selected, you will receive funding via an
employment contract, subject to the rules of the Max Planck Society and the
two participating universities.
In case of interest, please specify the desired main academic advisor with
your application.
You can apply at http://imprs.is.mpg.de before midnight PST on April 17,
5.14. PostDoc: National University of Singapore, Singapore
Contributed by: Shuzhi Sam Ge, samge at nus.edu.sg
Post-doctoral Research Fellow Positions at National University of Singapore
on Learning Control of Semi-submersible Floatel under Shielding Effects
Job Place:
Robotics Research Lab/Social Robotics Lab, Electrical and Computer
Engineering, National University of Singapore
Job Description:
Demand by use of floatel system to do maintenance of aging FPSOs (Floating
Production Storage and Offloading) is expected to substantially increase in
the near future. To ensure the smoothness, safety and efficiency of
operation between floatel and FPSO, constant relative position and
orientation between the floatel and FPSO has to be kept. Controlling the
floatel becomes challenging once we consider the large amount of shielding
effects due to FPSO in the vicinity. The research project will develop
robust adaptive learning control schemes to compensate the shielding
effects on the floatel and design an appropriate robust dynamic positioning
control system for floatel to counteract against the environmental load and
also react to follow with FPSO low frequency yaw motion.
Prospective candidates applying for this position will join a team working
with researchers from both NUS and the offshore industry to develop control
algorithms and software packages to maintain the relative position of the
floatel. In particular, 1) a robust adaptive control scheme to be developed
to compensate for shielding effects on the floatel; 2) a high fidelity and
efficient simulation software package to be developed to assist control
designing and verification process, and provide understanding for actual
• Post-doctoral Research Fellow on Intelligent Control Design and
- Active, energetic and optimistic young researcher.
- PhD in with a background in control modelling and designing.
- Strong mathematics and good programming skills.
- Excellent communicator, ability to working in great team and learn
quickly and enthusiastically.
- Project management experience
- Preferably working experience on software development and system
integration in relevant subjects.
• Post-doctoral Research Fellow on User-friendly Dynamic Positioning
Simulation Software Development
- Active, energetic and optimistic young researcher.
- PhD in with a background in electrical engineering.
- Good mathematics and Strong programming (C/C++) skills.
- Excellent communicator, ability to working in great team and learn
quickly and enthusiastically.
- Project management experience
- Preferably working experience on software development and system
integration in relevant subjects.
Remunerations will be commensurate with qualifications and experience.
Qualified candidates are invited to express their interest in applying the
position by sending us the following documentations to us by email:
samge at nus.edu.sg:
1. Detailed CV (resume).
2. Copies of recent representative works (publications, project summaries
and etc).
3. Any other supporting documents that can display working experiences in
related areas.
Shuzhi Sam Ge
Professor, Fellows of IEEE, IFAC, IET, and Academy of Engineering (SG),
Director of Robotics Research Laboratory/ Social Robotics Laboratory,
National University of Singapore
5.15. PostDoc: Cornell University, USA
Contributed by: Elaine Shi, elaine at cs.cornell.edu
The Computer Science Department of Cornell University is seeking a
postdoctoral researcher to work on the security of Cyber-Physical Systems.
The postdoctoral researcher will be hosted in Cornell University, Ithaca,
An ideal candidate for this position should have or be expecting a Ph.D.
degree or equivalent from Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, or
equivalent, and should be familar with a subset but not necessarily all of
the following:
-- secure software/hardware systems
-- program analysis
-- cyber-physical systems
-- control systems
The postdoctoral position is for 1 year and based on performance, renewable
up to 3 years.
To apply for this position, please contact Prof. Elaine Shi (elaine at cs
dot cornell dot edu).
There is no deadline for application.
5.16. PostDoc: Luleå University of Technology, Sweden
Contributed by: George Nikolakopoulos, geonik at ltu.se
Post Doctoral position in control engineering with specialization in
[Ref: 1069-2017]
The Robotic Team of the Control Engineering Group (CEG) at the Department
of Computer Science and Electrical and Space Engineering at Luleå
University of Technology, is now looking for one Post Doctoral contributing
to our growing activities in the area of aerial an ground robotics. The
candidate will be part of a strong research team with intense expertise in
the area of aerial field robotics and will have the pleasure to work in
multiple European and National research projects in Robotics, while
contributing to the vision and goals of the group. The contract for this
position will be one year, with possibility to be extended up to 2 years in
Project description
Characteristic, but not limited, research topics will focus in the
following areas:
- Vision for Robotics
- Multiple camera views cooperative perception for UAVs
- Collaborative SLAM
- Cooperative Task allocation, scheduling and planning
- Aerial cooperative Visual Servoing
- Augmented Reality for robotics
- Event based constrained remote control
- Safe and robust navigation for aerial and ground robots in featureless or
reduced feature environments (e.g. mines)
- Visual Odometry on low light environments
- Environmental perception and online mission configuration for UAVs
- 6D real time Localization for aerial and ground robotic applications in
- Ultra Wide Band Localization
- Field Robotics demonstration of the corresponding research topics outcomes
The research tasks require a solid mathematical background with proven
advanced experimental capabilities and excellent programming skills (e.g.
C++). The candidate should have a strong vision to evaluate and demonstrate
the research findings in real life operating conditions, in an approach to
close the gap among pure theory and experimental verifications. Part of the
everyday work of the Post Doc will be also linked with management of the
LTU tasks in the project Horizon 2020 project SIMS (
http://www.simsmining.eu/). A PhD diploma in engineering is also a must to
have qualification.
The ideal candidate will perform research with substantial experimental
components that should be published in peer-reviewed international journals
and at major conferences. The position will include supervision of MSc
students, teaching and support in acquire funding for future research
projects from research funding agencies/councils, EU framework program or
industry. The candidate will need to represent the group in different
occasions, both in Sweden and abroad, as well as to have an excellence in
speaking English.
For further information, please contact Professor George Nikolakopoulos +46
920 491298, geonik at ltu.se
Union representatives: SACO-Daina Dagis Daina.Dagis at ltu.se , +46
(0)920-493880 and OFR- Lars Frisk, Lars.Frisk at ltu.se +46 (0)920-491792
Luleå University of Technology is actively working on equality and
diversity that contributes to a creative study- and work environment. The
University's core values are based on respect, trust, openness and
Final day to apply: 2017-04-10
Application URL:
5.17. PostDoc: University of Leicester, UK
Contributed by: Matthew Turner, mct6 at le.ac.uk
Post-doc: University of Leicester, UK
Applications are invited for a post-doctoral research associate in the area
of constrained adaptive control systems. The research is funded by the
EPSRC and is available until February 2019. The successful candidate will
have a good first degree in a relevant subject (engineering, mathematics or
computer science) and have, or be in the process of completing, a PhD in an
area of control engineering. The candidate should have a good understanding
of nonlinear control systems and some experience with constrained control
systems and, in particular, anti-windup would be advantageous. The research
associate will be encouraged to scrutinise carefully adaptive control
algorithms and so applications will be welcomed from both candidates with a
traditional adaptive control background, but also from candidates with
experience in other relevant areas such as robust control. Part of the work
will involve the development and assessment of adaptive control algorithms
for constrained systems, and part of the work will be practical, involving
the validation of these algorithms on real systems. The post would
therefore suit candidates with both strong theoretical backgrounds and also
an appreciation of practical implementation of controllers.
Application: Please follow the process described at:
Informal enquiries: Dr. Matthew Turner (mct6 at le.ac.uk)
Closing date: 13th April 2017
5.18. Research Fellow: University of Hull, UK
Contributed by: Ron J Patton, r.j.patton at hull.ac.uk
Research Fellow: Fault-tolerant control and dependable systems engineering
The University of Hull, Kingston-upon-Hull, UK
Deadline for applications: 18th April.
Following the very successful developments led by Professor Ron Patton the
University of Hull has available a full-time Senior Research Fellowship in
Fault-tolerant Control for a 5 year fixed term structured-research
development programme period from June 1st 2017.
This is one of seven important research only fellowships being offered by
the University within a developing research institute focused on the
interface between sustainable energy and environmental resilience.
A researcher with suitable focus and experience in fault tolerant control
will make an important contribution to a rapidly growing team of expertise
in the application of control and dependable engineering systems to
renewable marine energy systems (wave, wind, tidal). The research will
continue a strategy of developing overseas partnerships with other
international research teams focussed on the enhancement of sustainable,
reliable, efficient and dependable fault tolerant control operation, using
advanced control methods encompassing robustness, nonlinear strategies,
adaptive control estimation.
We welcome applicants who are engaged in research fellowships in the UK or
abroad who have a substantial record of appropriate archival publication
and who have proven ability to attract research grant funding. Information
about the application procedure can be found at:
Please contact Professor Ron Patton for further information about the
fellowship role.
5.19. Faculty: Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Contributed by: Rudy Negenborn, r.r.negenborn at tudelft.nl
Assistant Professor "Quantitative Methods for Large-Scale Transport Systems
and Logistics"
The Dept. of Maritime & Transport Technology at Delft University of
Technology (TU Delft) is seeking an Assistant Professor of Quantitative
Methods for Large-Scale Transport Systems and Logistics, with a particular
fascination in control for large-scale (stochastic) vehicle routing and
waterborne/maritime/port applications.
You will work on challenges at the equipment, system, and network levels.
You will make an active contribution to the group’s research and education
curriculum for both the Bachelor and Master programmes. You will develop
and give lectures and supervise Master students in their final year.
Initiating and carrying out high-level research projects and publishing
research in leading journals are essential parts of the job.
Applicants should have the following qualifications:
• A PhD and strong track record in the domain of large-scale transport
engineering and logistics;
• Knowledge of (stochastic) vehicle routing, operations research,
mathematical modelling, (distributed) control & optimisation heuristics,
relevant simulation and analysis software;
• Excellent scientific credentials;
• Experience with and ability to work in teams in an academic,
interdisciplinary environment with mechanical engineers as well as people
in other disciplines;
• Excellent didactic qualities and experience in teaching.
A tenure-track position is offered for six years. Based on performance
indicators agreed upon at the start of the appointment, a decision will be
made by the fifth year whether to offer you a permanent faculty position.
See for more application information:
Application deadline: May 1, 2017
For more information about this position, please contact:
Rudy Negenborn,
Associate Professor
Control & Coordination for Real-Time Logistics
Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
phone: +31 (0)15-2786718
e-mail: R.R.Negenborn at tudelft.nl.
5.20. Faculty: IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca, Italy
Contributed by: IMT School for Advanced Studies, scouting at imtlucca.it
IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca invites expressions of interest for
positions in Cyber security at different levels of seniority, from early
career onward. Candidates should have experience or willingness to work in
the area of cyber security broadly construed, ideally complementing IMT's
current strengths. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
•access control;
•distributed ledgers;
•formal verification of security protocols;
•network security;
•security requirements elicitation;
•web security.
Since multidisciplinary research is a founding value of the School,
inclination to work at the intersection with other core disciplines of IMT
relevant to cybersecurity will be considered an asset. We seek to hire
fixed-term (i.e., non tenure-track) and tenure-track assistant professors
and tenured associate professors.
5.21. Faculty: IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca, Italy
Contributed by: Alberto Bemporad, alberto.bemporad at imtlucca.it
Assistant Professor position in Systems, Control, and Optimization at IMT
IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca invites expressions of interest for
an Assistant Professor position (“Type-A Ricercatore”) to carry out
research in the areas of systems, control, and optimization. Research
experience is expected in one of the following areas: control systems,
numerical optimization, systems identification, machine learning. Research
experience in model predictive control or convex optimization will be
considered as a plus.
Candidates must have an excellent record of high-impact international
publications and demonstrate enthusiasm for performing research. Activities
include: research, tutorship and mentoring of PhD students, graduate
teaching. The successful candidate will be part of the research unit
Dynamical Systems, Control and Optimization (http://dysco.imtlucca.it/) at
IMT Lucca.
The position is for 3 years, extendable for further 2 years. The indicative
starting gross salary is EUR 34.898/year, net income may vary depending on
income taxes, local taxes, retirement plan, health care deduction and tax
exemptions. New employees who have worked in research-based positions
abroad for the past two years may be eligible for a substantial tax rebate
for the first three fiscal years of employment.
IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca (http://www.imtlucca.it) is a public
graduate school and research institute, ranked #1 among all public Italian
universities for quality of research in the last national research
evaluation. IMT is an interdisciplinary research environment, blending
scientific competencies of management science, engineering, computer
science, neuroscience, physics, and management of cultural heritage,
striving to reach the fusion of theoretical comprehension and practical
relevance in concrete applications. The working language at IMT Lucca is
For further information about the position, applicants can refer to the
The deadline for applications is June 5, 2017.
5.22. Engineer: CROASAEN, USA
Contributed by: Eunjeong Lee, elee at croasaen.com
Harvard robotics startup CROASAEN (Create Robots and Save Energy) is
looking for research scientists with strong background on Computational
Fluid Dynamic simulations inside gas, oil, or multi-phase pipelines.
We are developing a bi-directional internal pipeline repair/inspection
robot for oil/gas industry. Our motivation to develop an internal pipeline
repair robot stems from the needs to mitigate methane emission from
pipelines for climate change, and the desire to ensure pipeline safety to
protect life and infrastructures from accidents. Our world-class team aims
to commercialize our robot by 2019. Our operation involves global
manufacturers and super oil major companies in the US, France, Netherlands,
Germany, Korea, Norway, China, Saudi Arabia, Switzerland, etc. We are
located in Cambridge, MA, the center of creativity, innovation, and
entrepreneurship. We contribute more than ten percent of our equity to
educational outreach for the Middle Eastern refugees in Europe. We offer a
generous compensation and stock option.
If you are a highly talented CFD scientist, please join us to design and
analyze the robot operation inside live oil and gas pipelines.
Job Responsibilities
- Perform CFD analysis on the robotic system in gas, oil, or multi-phase
pipeline flows
- Help design robot components based on the CFD analysis
- Work with robotics and control engineers to iteratively predict
performance and improve designs through detailed CFD simulations and
- Work with testing engineers to cross validate test results and CFD
simulation results
- Create simulation reports and provide design recommendations
- Publish in prestigious journals and conferences
- Write proposals
Qualifications and Desired Skills
- MS or PhD in Mechanical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Ocean
Engineering, or related field
- 2+ years of industry/academic experience in CFD
- Strong CFD capability is a must (ANSYS, OpenFOAM, or both)
- CFD experiences with rotating turbo-machinery strongly desired
- Strong CFD experience for robotic propulsion or robotic fish is desirable
- Creativity, imagination and innovation
- Strive to perform at the highest level and challenge the impossible
- Experience in soft robotics or robotic fish is a plus
- Familiarity with 3D CAD modeling (preferably SolidWorks) is a plus
- Consideration for others to work as a team and self-motivation
- Ability to work with a fast-paced development schedule for
- Strong verbal and written communication skills
Application: send CV and cover letter to Eunjeong Lee, elee at croasaen.com
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