[eletter] This time it should work

Jianghai Hu jianghai at purdue.edu
Mon Feb 1 13:44:44 EST 2016

E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing
Issue 329
February 2016

Jianghai Hu
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Purdue University
465 Northwestern Ave.
West Lafayette, IN, 47907
Tel: +01 (765) 4962395
Fax: +01 (765) 4943371

Welcome to the Feburary issue of the Eletter, available electronically at
together with its pdf version

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The next Eletter will be mailed out at the beginning of March 2016.


1. IEEE CSS Headlines
1.1 IEEE Control Systems Society Call for Nominations for 2016 Awards
1.2 IEEE Control Systems Society Award for Technical Excellence in
Aerospace Control
1.3 IEEE Control Systems Society Publications Content Digest
1.4 IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
1.5 IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems
1.6 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
1.7 IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control
1.8 IEEE Control Systems Society Technically Cosponsored Conferences

2. Journals
2.1 Contents: Automatica
2.2 Contents: Control Engineering Practice
2.3 Contents: IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica
2.4 Contents: Asian Journal of Control
2.5 CFP: Asian Journal of Control
2.6 CFP: Asian Journal of Control

3. Conferences
3.1 International Conference on Event-Based Control, Communication, and
Signal Processing
3.2 IFAC Workshop on Distributed Estimation and Control in Networked Systems
3.3 World Congress: Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and
3.4 Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation
3.5 International Conference on Instrumentation, Control and Automation
3.6 International Conference on Swarm Intelligence
3.7 International Workshop on Symbolic and Numerical Methods for
Reachability Analysis
3.8 International Workshop on Applied Verification for Continuous and
Hybrid Systems
3.9 International Conference on Powertrain Modelling and Control
3.10 Indian Control Conference
3.11 Conference on Automation Science and Engineering
3.12 International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems
3.13 IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems
3.14 IFAC Conference on Cyber-Physical&Human-Systems

4. Courses
4.1 Course on LMI optimization with applications in control
4.2 Course on Dynamics and Control New edition

5. Positions
5.1 PhD: Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
5.2 PhD: University of Glasgow, UK
5.3 PhD: Technische Universit¨at M¨unchen, Germany
5.4 PhD: Wichita State University, USA
5.5 PhD: Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
5.6 PhD: Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
5.7 PhD: Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
5.8 PhD: MINES ParisTech, France
5.9 PhD: INCITE, Spain, Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, France, Germany,
5.10 PhD: University of Texas at Dallas, USA
5.11 PhD: University of the Federal Armed Forces Munich, Germany
5.12 PhD Research Fellow: University of Agder, Norway
5.13 PhD/PostDoc: Rutgers University, USA
5.14 PostDoc: KTH, Sweden
5.15 PostDoc: Lund University, Sweden
5.16 PostDoc: Monash University, Australia
5.17 PostDoc: ETH, Switzerland
5.18 PostDoc: Universit`a del Salento, Italy
5.19 Lecturer: Central College of Pella, USA
5.20 Lecturer: Glasgow Caledonian University, Scotland
5.21 Faculty: Washington University in St. Louis, USA
5.22 Researcher: General Motors, USA
5.23 Researcher Engineer: South Dakota School of Mines & Technology, USA
5.24 Research Engineer: GE Global Research, Germany
5.25 Developer: Intelligent Fusion Technologies
5.26 System Analyst: Intuitive Surgical, USA
5.27 Intern: GE Global Research, Germany

1. IEEE CSS Headlines

1.1. IEEE Control Systems Society Call for Nominations for 2016 Awards
Contributed by: Rick Middleton, richard.middleton at newcastle.edu.au

Nominations are open, and due by May 15, for the following IEEE Control
Systems Society Awards (see http://www.ieeecss.org/awards for full
details). Award nominations should be submitted at awards.paperplaza.net
using the nomination form for the relevant award. Details on the process
for nomination are available at the individual award pages below.
Instructions for using the paperplaza awards nomination system are
available here.

- George S. Axelby Outstanding Paper Award (for a paper published in 2014
or 2015 in the IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control);
- IEEE Transactions on Control System Technology Outstanding Paper Award
(for a paper published in 2014 or 2015 in the IEEE Transactions on Control
System Technology);
- IEEE Control Systems Magazine Outstanding Paper Award (for an article
published in 2014 or 2015 in the IEEE Control Systems Magazine);
- IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems Outstanding Paper Award
(NEW IN 2016: for a paper published in 2014 or 2015 in the IEEE
Transactions on Control of Network Systems)
- IEEE Control Systems Technology Award (for outstanding individual or team
contributions to control systems technology);
- Control Systems Society Transition to Practice Award (for a distinguished
contributor to the transition of control and systems theory to practice);
- Antonio Ruberti Outstanding Young Researcher Prize (for a young
researcher for innovation and impact on systems and control).
- IEEE Control Systems Society Award for Excellence in Aerospace Control
(NEW IN 2016: for a team or individual contribution to Aerospace Control in
the previous 36 months)

1.2. IEEE Control Systems Society Award for Technical Excellence in
Aerospace Control
Contributed by: Kingsley Fregene, kocfrege at ieee.org

This is a new IEEE CSS Award that will be given annually to a person or
team that performed an aerospace control engineering activity during the 36
months preceding the nomination deadline that shows excellence and
significant results with demonstrated impact. Examples include: a paper
appearing in an IEEE publication that specifically addresses aerospace
controls issues, a patent application that significantly advances the
state-of-the-art in aerospace controls, innovative products that have
appeared on the marketplace and prototypes that have been demonstrated in a
relevant operating environment. This award recognizes a specific
contribution as opposed to cumulative contributions over a career.

Certificate laminated on a plaque, plus a stipend towards expenses for
travel to accept the award. If awarded to a group, each group member will
receive a plaque and one member will receive partial travel stipend

IEEE CSS membership is required. Award will be given only if a suitable
awardee is identified.

Evaluation Criteria:
Contributions (for instance, papers, products, prototypes and/or patents)
will be judged on the following criteria:
- Originality of technical innovation
- Significance or relevance to aerospace controls
- Clear description of the aerospace application
- Potential impact on the practice of aerospace engineering

The award will be presented at the Society Awards Ceremony held during the
annual IEEE Conference on Decision & Control.

Nominations for the IEEE CSS Award for Technical Excellence in Aerospace
Control open on January 15th 2016 and must be submitted electronically as a
package by May 15th 2016, using the CSS online awards nomination system
http://www.ieeecss.org/awards, including
- A letter from the nominator describing the outstanding features of the
- Up to four additional supporting letters from individuals who are
familiar with the nominee(s).

1.3. IEEE Control Systems Society Publications Content Digest
Contributed by: Elizabeth Kovacs, ekovacs2 at nd.edu

CSS Publications Content Digest
The IEEE Control Systems Society Publications Content Digest is a novel and
convenient guide that helps readers keep track of the latest published
articles. The CSS Publications Content Digest, available at
http://ieeecss.org/publications-content-digest provides lists of current
tables of contents of the periodicals sponsored by the Control Systems

Each issue offers readers a rapid means to survey and access the latest
peer-reviewed papers of the IEEE Control Systems Society. We also include
links to the Society’s sponsored Conferences to give readers a preview of
upcoming meetings.

1.4. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
Contributed by: Elizabeth Kovacs, ekovacs2 at nd.edu

Table of Contents
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
Volume 61 (2016), Issue 2 (February)

Please note that the contents of the IEEE Transactions on Automatic
Control, together with links to the abstracts of the papers may be found at
the TAC web site: http://www.nd.edu/˜ieeetac/contents.html

- Scanning-the-Issue p. 285


A Parametric Non-Convex Decomposition Algorithm for Real-Time and
Distributed NMPC, J-H. Hours, C. N. Jones, p. 287
A Framework for Structural Input/Output and Control Configuration Selection
in Large-Scale Systems, S. Pequito, S. Kar, A. P. Aguiar, p. 303
Optimal Control with Noisy Time, A. Lamperski, N. J. Cowan, p. 319
A Scenario Approach for Non-Convex Control Design, S. Grammatico, X. Zhang,
K. Margellos, P. J. Goulart, J. Lygeros, p. 334
Differentially Positive Systems, F. Forni, R. Sepulchre, p. 346
Non-Asymptotic Kernel-Based Parametric Estimation of Continuous-time Linear
Systems, G. Pin, A. Assalone, M. Lovera, T. Parisini, p. 360
Reaching a Quantum Consensus: Master Equations that Generate Symmetrization
and Synchronization, G. Shi, D. Dong, I. R. Petersen, K. H. Johansson, p.
Compensating Drift Vector Fields with Gradient Vector Fields for Asymptotic
Submanifold Stabilization, J. M. Montenbruck, M. Bürger, F. Allgöwer, p. 388
Asymptotic Behavior of Recursive State Estimations with Intermittent
Measurements, T. Zhou, p. 400
Optimal Placement of Distributed Energy Storage in Power Networks, C.
Thrampoulidis, S. Bose, B. Hassibi, p. 416
Distributionally Robust Control of Constrained Stochastic Systems, B. P. G.
Van Parys, D. Kuhn, P. J. Goulart, Manfred Morari, p. 430
Convergence Time for Unbiased Quantized Consensus Over Static and Dynamic
Networks, S. R. Etesami, T. Basar, p. 443

Technical Notes and Correspondence

Convergence and Complexity Analysis of Recursive-RANSAC: A New Multiple
Target Tracking Algorithm, P. C. Niedfeldt, R. W. Beard, p. 456
Sampled-Data Adaptive Observer For a Class of State-Affine Output-Injection
Nonlinear Systems, T. Folin, T. Ahmed-Ali, F. Giri, L. Burlion, F.
Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue, p. 462
Reduction-Based Robustness Analysis of Linear Predictor Feedback for
Distributed Input Delays, A. Ponomarev, p. 468
Corrective Control of Composite Asynchronous Sequential Machines under
Partial Observation, J-M. Yang, p. 473
On H-infinity Estimation of Randomly Occurring Faults for A Class of
Nonlinear Time-Varying Systems with Fading Channels, H. Dong, Z. Wang, S.
X. Ding, H. Gao, p. 479
On the Number and Types of Unstable Equilibria in Nonlinear Dynamical
Systems with Uniformly-Bounded Stability Regions, H-D. Chiang, T. Wang, p.
Negative Imaginary Lemmas for Descriptor Systems, J. Xiong, A. Lanzon, I.
R. Petersen, p. 491
A Graph-Theoretic Condition for Global Identifiability of Weighted
Consensus Networks, S. Nabavi, A. Chakrabortty, p. 497
Stability and Stabilization of Discrete-Time Semi-Markov Jump Linear
Systems via Semi-Markov Kernel Approach, L. Zhang, Y. Leng, P. Colaneri, p.
On the Smallest Eigenvalue of Grounded Laplacian Matrices, M. Pirani, S.
Sundaram, p. 509
Distributed Consensus Control of Multi-agent Systems with Higher Order
Agent Dynamics and Dynamically Changing Directed Interaction Topologies, S.
Su, Z. Lin, p. 515
Computation of the Structured Singular Value via Moment LMI Relaxations, D.
Piga, p. 520
Stochastic Bridges of Linear Systems, Y. Chen, T. Georgiou, p. 526
Distributed Satisficing MPC with Guarantee of Stability, M. L. de Lima, D.
Limon, D. Muñoz de la Peña, E. Camponogara, p. 532
A Passivity-Based Approach to Formation Control Using Partial Measurements
of Relative Position, G. Stacey, R. Mahony, p. 538
A Direct Proof of the Discrete-Time Multivariate Circle and Tsypkin
Criteria, J. Nygren, K. Pelckmans, p. 544
Identification Scheme for Hammerstein Output Error models with Bounded
Noise, M. Pouliquen, E. Pigeon, O. Gehan, p. 550
Feedback Particle Filter for a Continuous-time Markov Chain, T. Yang, P. G.
Mehta, S. P. Meyn, p. 556
Integrity of LTI Time-Delay Systems, M. Eslami, A. Nobakhti, p. 562

1.5. IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems
Contributed by: Denise Joseph, dejoseph at bu.edu

Table of Contents
IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems
Volume 2 (2015), Issue 4 (December)

The contents of the IEEE-Transactions on Control of Network Systems, with
links to the abstracts of the papers are available on

- Optimal Distributed Finite-Time Consensus On Unknown Undirected Graphs,
S. Ghosh and J.-W. Lee, 323
- Information Exchange and Decision Making in Micro Aerial Vehicle Networks
for Cooperative Search, A. Khan, E. Yanmaz, and B. Rinner, 335
- H1 Almost Output Synchronization for Heterogeneous Networks Without
Exchange of Controller States, M. Zhang, A. Saberi, H. F. Grip, and A. A.
Stoorvogel, 348
- A Sequential Cluster-Based Approach to Node Localizability of Sensor
Networks, Y. Diao, M. Fu, Z. Lin, and H. Zhang, 358
- Distributed Finite-Time Average Consensus in Digraphs in the Presence of
Time Delays, T. Charalambous, Y. Yuan, T. Yang, W. Pan, C. N. Hadjicostis,
and M. Johansson, 370
- A Delay-Distribution Approach to Stabilization of Networked Control
Systems, B. Tang, J. Wang, and Y. Zhang, 382
- Leader-Following Coordination of Nonlinear Agents Under Time-Varying
Communication Topologies, F. D. Priscoli, A. Isidori, L. Marconi, and A.
Pietrabissa, 393
- Decentralized Protection Strategies Against SIS Epidemics in Network, S.
Trajanovski, Y. Hayel, E. Altman, H. Wang, and P. Van Mieghem, 406
- Decentralized Control of Linear Switched Nested Systems With ‘ 2 -Induced
Norm Performance, A. Mishra, C. Langbort, and G. E. Dullerud, 420

1.6. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
Contributed by: Francesco Rossi, francesco.rossi at lsis.org

55th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
December 12-14, 2016, Las Vegas, NV, USA

The 55th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control will be held Monday
through Wednesday, December 12-14, 2016 at the ARIA Resort & Casino, Las
Vegas, NV, USA. The conference will be preceded by technical workshops on
Sunday, December 11, 2016. The CDC is recognized as the premier scientific
and engineering conference dedicated to the advancement of the theory and
practice of systems and control. The CDC annually brings together an
international community of researchers and practitioners in the field of
automatic control to discuss new research results, perspectives on future
developments, and innovative applications relevant to decision making,
automatic control, and related areas. The 55th CDC will feature contributed
and invited papers, as well as tutorial sessions and workshops.

Bode Lecturer: Richard M. Murray

Semi-Plenary Speakers:
Andrew G. Alleyne
Christos G. Cassandras
Angelia Nedich
Pierre Rouchon

Important Dates (2016):
Invited Session Proposals Due: March 7
Initial Submissions Due: March 15
Workshop Proposals Due: May 2
Decision Notification: End-July
Registration Opens: August 1
Best Student Paper Award Nomination Due: August 24
Final Submissions Due: Mid-September

For more information, visit http://cdc2016.ieeecss.org/

1.7. IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control
Contributed by: Felice Andrea Pellegrino, fapellegrino at units.it

IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control 2016
September 19-22, 2016
NH City & Towers Hotel, Buenos Aires, Argentina

The 2016 IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control (MSC 2016) will take
place in NH City & Towers Hotel, Buenos Aires, during September 19-22,
2016. MSC 2016 includes three international conferences sponsored by the
IEEE Control Systems Society:

The IEEE Conference on Control Applications (CCA)
The IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control (ISIC)
The IEEE Conference on Computer Aided Control System Design (CACSD)

MSC 2016 areas of interest traditionally include a wide range of topics in
control systems, technology, and applications. This year, in addition to
such topics, we would like to address new and emerging research areas in
control, such as cyber-physical systems, robotics, intelligent autonomous
systems, computational intelligence, architectures for intelligent control,
control inspired by systems biology, vision in control, and control theory
in psychology and sociology, as well as application of control theory in
economics, next generation healthcare and healthcare delivery. Papers on
control applications in new energy resources, and in energy grid control
are welcome, as well as on networked control systems and cloud computing in
control applications.

MSC 2016 will be a three-day event, preceded by a full day of Tutorials and
Workshops. The conference proceedings will be included in IEEE Xplore and
indexed by INSPEC and Ei-Compendex.

April 15, 2016: Contributed papers, Invited session proposals, Invited
papers, Workshop proposals deadline
July 1, 2016: Notification of Acceptance/Rejection
July 15, 2016: Final submission and advance registration deadline.

All papers and session proposals must be submitted through the conference
submission website http://css.paperplaza.net and must conform to the policy
found at the conference web page requiring, in particular, that all
submissions must be written in English.

More details can be obtained from the conference website:

1.8. IEEE Control Systems Society Technically Cosponsored Conferences
Contributed by: Luca Zaccarian, CSS AE Conferences, zaccarian at laas.fr

The following conferences have been recently included in the list of events
technically cosponsored by the IEEE Control Systems Society:

- 14th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision
(ICARCV 2016). Phuket, Thailand. Nov 13 - Nov 15, 2016.
- 2016 5th International Conference on Systems and Control (ICSC’16).
Marrakech, Morocco. May 25 - May 27, 2016.
- 14th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad
Hoc, and Wireless Networks. Tempe, United States, May 9 - May 13, 2016.
- 12th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA 2016).
Guilin, China. Jun 12 - Jun 17, 2016. http://wcica2016.org/

For a full listing of CSS technically cosponsored conferences, please visit
http://ieeecss.org/conferences/technically-cosponsored, and for a list of
the upcoming and past CSS main conferences please visit

2. Journals

2.1. Contents: Automatica
Contributed by: Elisa Capello, automatica at polito.it

Table of Contents
Vol. 64, Febuary 2016

- Saleh S. Delshad, Andreas Johansson, Mohamed Darouach, Thomas Gustafsson,
“Robust state estimation and unknown inputs reconstruction for a class of
nonlinear systems: Multiobjective approach”, pages 1-7.
- Supratim Ghosh, Justin Ruths, “Structural control of single-input rank
one bilinear systems”, pages 8-17.
- Franco Blanchini, Elisa Franco, Giulia Giordano, Vahid Mardanlou, Pier
Luca Montessoro, “Compartmental flow control: Decentralization, robustness
and optimality”, pages 18-28.
- Dina Shona Laila, Engelbert Gruenbacher, “Nonlinear output feedback and
periodic disturbance attenuation for setpoint tracking of a combustion
engine test bench”, pages 29-36.
- Denis Efimov, Andrey Polyakov, Leonid Fridman, Wilfrid Perruquetti,
Jean-Pierre Richard, “Delayed sliding mode control”, pages 37-43.
- Georgios C. Chasparis, Martina Maggio, Enrico Bini, Karl-Erik Årzén,
“Design and implementation of distributed resource management for
time-sensitive applications”, pages 44-53.
- Ramdane Tami, Gang Zheng, Driss Boutat, Didier Aubry, Haoping Wang,
“Partial observer normal form for nonlinear system”, pages 54-62.
- Xiaodi Li, Jianhong Wu, “Stability of nonlinear differential systems with
state-dependent delayed impulses”, pages 63-69.
- Yan-Jun Liu, Shaocheng Tong, “Barrier Lyapunov Functions-based adaptive
control for a class of nonlinear pure-feedback systems with full state
constraints”, pages 70-75.
- Xi-Ming Sun, Kun-Zhi Liu, Changyun Wen, Wei Wang, “Predictive control of
nonlinear continuous networked control systems with large time-varying
transmission delays and transmission protocols”, pages 76-85.
- Yu Zhao, Zhisheng Duan, Guanghui Wen, Guanrong Chen, “Distributed
finite-time tracking of multiple non-identical second-order nonlinear
systems with settling time estimation”, pages 86-93.
- Rushikesh Kamalapurkar, Patrick Walters, Warren E. Dixon, “Model-based
reinforcement learning for approximate optimal regulation”, pages 94-104.
- Héctor Ramírez, Yann Le Gorrec, Bernhard Maschke, Françoise Couenne, “On
the passivity based control of irreversible processes: a port-Hamiltonian
approach”, pages 105-111.
- Jing Lü, Fei Chen, Guanrong Chen, “Nonsmooth leader-following formation
control of nonidentical multi-agent systems with directed communication
topologies”, pages 112-120.
- Jin-Hoon Kim, “Further improvement of Jensen inequality and application
to stability of time-delayed systems”, pages 121-125.
- Alessandro Pisano, Mara Tanelli, Antonella Ferrara, “Switched/time-based
adaptation for second-order sliding mode control”, pages 126-132.
- Hongyi Li, Peng Shi, Deyin Yao, Ligang Wu, “Observer-based adaptive
sliding mode control for nonlinear Markovian jump systems”, pages 133-142.
- Mathieu Claeys, Jamal Daafouz, Didier Henrion, “Modal occupation measures
and LMI relaxations for nonlinear switched systems control”, pages 143-154.
- Jun Hu, Zidong Wang, Steven Liu, Huijun Gao, “A variance-constrained
approach to recursive state estimation for time-varying complex networks
with missing measurements”, pages 155-162.
- Takayuki Ishizaki, Masakazu Koike, Nacim Ramdani, Yuzuru Ueda, Taisuke
Masuta, Takashi Oozeki, Tomonori Sadamoto, Jun-ichi Imura, “Interval
quadratic programming for day-ahead dispatch of uncertain predicted
demand”, pages 163-173.
- Lixian Zhang, Weiming Xiang, “Mode-identifying time estimation and
switching-delay tolerant control for switched systems: An elementary time
unit approach”, pages 174-181.
- Sabato Manfredi, David Angeli, “Frozen state conditions for exponential
consensus of time-varying cooperative nonlinear networks”, pages 182-189.
- Takuya Ikeda, Masaaki Nagahara, “Value function in maximum hands-off
control for linear systems”, pages 190-195.
- Xinkai Chen, Ying Feng, Chun-Yi Su, “Adaptive control for continuous-time
systems with actuator and sensor hysteresis”, pages 196-207.
- Hongkeun Kim, Seongjun Kim, Juhoon Back, Hyungbo Shim, Jin Heon Seo,
“Design of stable parallel feedforward compensator and its application to
synchronization problem”, pages 208-216.
- Zhiqiang Miao, Yaonan Wang, Rafael Fierro, “Collision-free consensus in
multi-agent networks: a monotone systems perspective”, pages 217-225.
- Thomas Berger, “Controlled invariance for nonlinear
differential–algebraic systems”, pages 226-233.
- Xiaofeng Wang, Bin Zhang, “Lebesgue approximation model of
continuous-time nonlinear dynamic systems”, pages 234-239.
- Sebastian Trip, Mathias Bürger, Claudio De Persis, “An internal model
approach to (optimal) frequency regulation in power grids with time-varying
voltages”, pages 240-253.
- Kim Batselier, Ngai Wong, “Computing the state difference equations for
discrete overdetermined linear image systems”, pages 254-261.
- H. Ersin Erol, Altug Iftar, “Stabilization of decentralized
descriptor-type neutral time-delay systems by time-delay controllers”,
pages 262-269.
- Atreyee Kundu, Debasish Chatterjee, Daniel Liberzon, “Generalized
switching signals for input-to-state stability of switched systems”, pages
- Deyuan Meng, Kevin L. Moore, “Learning to cooperate: Networks of
formation agents with switching topology”, pages 278-293.
- Anna Maria Perdon, Giuseppe Conte, Elena Zattoni, “Necessary and
sufficient conditions for asymptotic model matching of switching linear
systems”, pages 294-304.

2.2. Contents: Control Engineering Practice
Contributed by: Tobias Glück, cep at acin.tuwien.ac.at

Control Engineering Practice
Volume 47
February 2016

- Bo Zhou, Hao Ye, Haifeng Zhang, Mingliang Li, Process monitoring of
iron-making process in a blast furnace with PCA-based methods, Pages 1-14
- Da Sun, Fazel Naghdy, Haiping Du, A novel approach for stability and
transparency control of nonlinear bilateral teleoperation system with time
delays, Pages 15-27
- Xia Wang, Jun Zhao, Xi-Ming Sun, Overshoot-free acceleration of
aero-engines: An energy-based switching control method, Pages 28-36
- Daniel Jung, Erik Frisk, Mattias Krysander, A flywheel error compensation
algorithm for engine misfire detection, Pages 37-47
- Iosif S. Paraskevas, Evangelos G. Papadopoulos, Parametric sensitivity
and control of on-orbit manipula- tors during impacts using the Centre of
Percussion concept, Pages 48-59

2.3. Contents: IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica
Contributed by: Yan Ou, yan.ou at ia.ac.cn

Table of Contents
IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica
Volume 3 (2016), Issue 1 (January)

Review Papers
- A Comprehensive Overview of Cyber-Physical Systems: From Perspective of
Feedback System. X. P. Guan, B. Yang, C. L. Chen, W. B. Dai, and Y. Y.
Wang, page 1
- Theory and Application of Multi-robot Service-oriented Architecture. Y.
F. Cai, Z. M. Tang, Y. H. Ding, and B. Qian, page 15

- Adaptive Control of MIMO Mechanical Systems with Unknown Actuator
Nonlinearities Based on the Nussbaum Gain Approach. C. Chen, Z. Liu, Y.
Zhang, C. L. P. Chen, and S. L. Xie, page 26
- Manipulations Between Eigenstates of 2-Level Quantum System Based on
Optimal Measurements. J. B. Yang, S. Cong, F. Shuang, and H. Rabitz, page 35
- Characteristic Model-based Discrete-time Sliding Mode Control for
Spacecraft with Variable Tilt of Flexible Structures. L. Chen, Y. Yan, C.
X. Mu, and C. Y. Sun, page 42
- Kalman Filtering for Delayed Singular Systems with Multiplicative Noise.
X. Lu, L. L. Wang, H. X. Wang, and X. H. Wang, page 51
- Iterative Learning Control for Discrete-time Stochastic Systems with
Quantized Information. D. Shen and Y. Xu, page 59
- A Clustering-tree Topology Control Based on the Energy Forecast for
Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks. Z. Hong, R. Wang, and X. L. Li,
page 68
- MAS Based Distributed Automatic Generation Control for Cyber-Physical
Microgrid System. Z. W. Li, C. Z. Zang, P. Zeng, H. B. Yu, and H. P. Li,
page 78
- Performance Measures for Systems Under Multiple Environments. B. L. Liu,
L. R. Cui, S. B. Si, and Y. Q. Wen, page 90

Brief Papers
- Output-feedback Dynamic Surface Control for a Class of Nonlinear
Non-minimum Phase Systems. S. W. Su, page 96
- Adaptive Robust Control for a Class of Uncertain MIMO Non-affine
Nonlinear Systems. L. S. Chen and Q. Wang, page 105

2.4. Contents: Asian Journal of Control
Contributed by: Fu Li-Chen, lichen at ntu.edu.tw

Asian Journal of Control
Vol.18, No.1 January, 2016

Special Issue on “Recent Developments on Modeling and Control of Hybrid
Electric Vehicles”
1. Comparative Study and Accommodation of Biodiesel in Diesel-Electric
Hybrid Vehicles Coupled with Aftertreatment Systems, Junfeng Zhao, Pingen
Chen, Umar Ibrahim and Junmin Wang
2. Performance of an Eco-Driving Model Predictive Control System for HEVs
during Car Following, Kaijiang Yu, Qing Liang, Zhiguo Hu, Junqi Yang and
Hongwei Zhang
3. A Comparative Analysis of Route-Based Energy Management Systems for
PHEVs, Amir Taghavipour, Mahyar Vajedi, Nasser L. Azad and John McPhee
4. The Coordinate Control Strategy of Torque Recovery for the Parallel
Hybrid Electric Vehicle, Feng-Qi Zhang, Yu-Hui Hu, Jun-Qiang Xi and Yao Li
5. An Integrated Cooperative Antilock Braking Control of Regenerative and
Mechanical System for a Hybrid Electric Vehicle Based on Intelligent Tire,
Hongxiao Yu, Saied Taheri, Jianmin Duan and Zhiquan Qi
6. Optimal Distribution Control of Non-Linear Tire Force of Electric
Vehicles with In-Wheel Motors, Boyuan Li, Haiping Du and Weihua Li
7. Stabilizing Vehicle Lateral Dynamics with Considerations of State Delay
of AFS for Electric Vehicles via Robust Gain-Scheduling Control, XianJian
Jin, Guodong Yin, Yanjun Li and Jianqiu Li
8. Coordinated Active Steering and Four-Wheel Independently Driving/Braking
Control with Control Allo- cation, Jinxiang Wang, Rongrong Wang, Hui Jing
and Nan Chen
9. A Feasible Approach for the Force Control of Traction Wheels Driven by
Electric Motors, Jieh-Shian Young and Kuan-Jung Chen
10. A Robust Predictive Control Design for Nonlinear Active Suspension
Systems, Mohammed Chadli and Hamid Reza Karimi
11. A Fast Model-Predictive Speed Controller for Minimised Charge
Consumption of Electric Vehicles, Tim Schwickart, Holger Voos, Jean-R´ egis
Hadji-Minaglou and Mohamed Darouach
12. Hybrid Model Predictive Power Management of a Battery-Supercapacitor
Electric Vehicle, Richard T. Meyer, Raymond A. DeCarlo and Steve Pekarek
13. Nonlinear Adaptive Control of a Hybrid Fuel Cell Power System for
Electric Vehicles - a Lyapunov Stability Based Approach, Abdelouahad Tahri,
Hassan Elfadil, Fouad Giri and Fatima-Zahra Chaoui
14. A New Electric Hydraulic Actuator Adopted the Variable Displacement
Pump, Wei Shen, Yunfei Mai, Xiaoyu Su, Jinbao Zhao and Jihai Jiang

[Regular Paper]
1. On the Existence and Design of Functional Observers for LTI Systems,
with Application to User Modeling, Neda Eskandari, Z. Jane Wang and Guy A.
2. Deadlock Control for a Class of Generalized Petri Nets Based on Proper
Resource Allocation, YiFan Hou, Mi Zhao and Ding Liu
3. Robust Integral Sliding-Mode Consensus Tracking for Multi-Agent Systems
with Time-Varying Delay, YuLian Jiang, JianChang Liu and ShenQuan Wang
4. A Learning Model for Racket Motion Decision in Ping-Pong Robotic System,
Guodong Chen, Zaojun Fang and Min Tan
5. Multivariable Output Feedback Adaptive Terminal Sliding Mode Control for
Underwater Vehicles, Yaoyao Wang, Linyi Gu, Ming Gao and Kangwu Zhu
6. A Necessary and Suffi cient Condition for Stabilization of Switched
Descriptor Time-Delay Systems Under Arbitrary Switching, Jiemei Zhao, Lijun
Zhang and Xue Qi
7. Robust Disturbance Attenuation in Hamiltonian Systems Via Direct Digital
Control, Yaprak Yal¸ cin, Leyla Gören-Sümer and Salman Kurtulan
8. On The Timing of Antiwindup Compensation, Vinicius Binotti and Fernando
A. Bender
9. The t Decomposition Method for PID Controllers of First Order Delayed
Unstable Processes, Tiao-Yang Cai, Hua-Guang Zhang, Fei-Sheng Yang and
Xiang-Peng Xie
10. Control of Natural Oscillation Gait for Mechanical Locomotors in Three
Dimensional Space, Junping Zhang, Lijun Zhu and Zhiyong Chen
11. Trajectory Linearization Control Based Output Tracking Method for
Nonlinear Uncertain System Using Linear Extended State Observer, Shao
Xingling and Wang Honglun
12. Stabilization of Singular Markovian Jump Systems by Generally
Observer-based Controllers, Guoliang Wang and Haiying Bo
13. A Novel Robust MM Filter Against Outliers, Yong Liu, Yan Liang, Zhun-Ga
Liu and Quan Pan

[Brief Paper]
1. Formation Tracking Control of Multi-Vehicle Systems, Runsha Dong and
Zhiyong Geng
2. A Global Detectability Condition for Consensus Tracking of Linear
Multi-Agent Systems with Stochastic Disturbances, Miao Diao, Zhisheng Duan
and Guanghui Wen
3. Output Swarm Stability and Stabilization for High-Order Linear Swarm
Systems, Jianxiang Xi, Hao Liu, Zhiyong Yu, Bailong Yang and Guangbin Liu
4. Fault Detection for Linear Discrete Time-Varying Systems with
Intermittent Observations and Quanti- zation Errors, Yueyang Li, Shuai Liu
and Zhonghua Wang
5. A New Model of Networked Control Systems in Robust Control Framework,
Kai Wen, Zhiyong Geng, Zhenyong Zhang and Lijia Zhang
6. A Novel Evolution Kalman Filter Algorithm for Short-Term Climate
Prediction, Qingyu Yang, Dou An and Yuanli Cai
7. Design of a Class of Sliding Mode Observer with Time-Varying Delay,
Fa-Xiang Xie and Bo-Hai Ji

2.5. CFP: Asian Journal of Control
Contributed by: Fu Li-Chen, lichen at ntu.edu.tw

Special Issue on “Recent Emerging Technologies in Atomic Force Microscopy”

Nano-technology is an important research area in the 21st century. There
are many relevant applications in various industries, such as for
scientific measurement and for high tech. business areas. Atomic Force
Microscopy (AFM) opens a new window to the nano-world. It features a high
resolution for imaging and manipulating samples on a nanoscale in vacuum,
gases, or liquid operational environments, and has now become a widely used
tool in the sectors of, for example, biological sciences, industrial
inspection, and medical testing, etc. As a result, AFM is becoming more and
more important as one of the key approaches in next generation

This special issue invites original articles that address both theoretical
and application-oriented papers, including innovative mechanism design,
control technological improvements, new scanning methods, and any related
technologies in AFM. Topics of potential interest include, but are not
limited to:
- AFM mechanism design
- AFM control methods
- New scanning methods in AFM
- AFM actuators or sensors
- Modeling and simulation of AFM systems
- Applications of AFM systems

About AJC

The Asian Journal of Control, an ACA (Asian Control Association) affiliated
journal, is the first international journal originating from the Asian
Pacific region and being recognized by the major body of control
researchers in this region. The Asian Journal of Control publishes
bimonthly high-quality papers on original theoretical and experimental
research and development in the areas of control, involving all facets of
control theory and its application. Functionally, this journal not only
provides a forum where control researchers and practitioners can exchange
their knowledge and experiences in control areas, but also serves as an
educational means for students and any others who would like to learn new
topics in this technical area. The journal aims to be a key interface
between control communities within the Asian Pacific region and throughout
the world and is listed by Science Citation Index Expanded.

Guest Editors:
Prof. Ian Petersen
School of Engineering and Information Technology
UNSW Canberra, Australian Defence Force Academy, Australia
Email: i.r.petersen at gmail.com

Prof. Reza Moheimani
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,
The University of Newcastle, Australia
Email: Reza.Moheimani at newcastle.edu.au

Important Dates:
March 15, 2016 Deadline for submissions
June 30, 2016 Completion of First Review
October 31, 2016 Completion of Final Review
November 30, 2016 Receipt of Final Manuscript
March 1, 2017 Publication (Tentatively Vol.19, No. 2)

2.6. CFP: Asian Journal of Control
Contributed by: Fu Li-Chen, lichen at ntu.edu.tw

Special Issue on “Theoretical and Practical Challenges in Learning Control”

Learning control, including iterative learning control (ILC) and repetitive
learning control (RLC), has been widely used in industry such as chemical
reactors, batch processes, robotic manipulators, high precision CNC
machining, hard disc drives, milling and laser cutting, traffic flow
control systems, and rehabilitation robotic systems. Although learning
control algorithms have been successfully applied to various engineered
applications, there are still many challenges including the fundamental
problem of robust design in the presence of model uncertainty, disturbance
and noise, novel applications and the development of new analysis tools.

This special issue invites original articles that address both theoretical
and application-oriented challenges in the area of learning control,
including novel applications, performance improvement along iteration
domain and time domain, new analysis tools, and any related technologies in
learning control. Topics of potential interest include, but are not limited
1. Robust design methods
2. Performance improvement
3. New stability/convergence analysis tools
4. Novel applications

Guest Editors:
Prof. Ying Tan
Department of Electrical and
Electronic Engineering University of
Melbourne, VIC 3010, Australia
Email: yingt at unimelb.edu.au

Prof. Chris Freeman
Electronics and Electrical Engineering
School of Electronics and Computer Science
University of Southampton, Southampton,
SO17 1BJ, UK
Email: cf at ecs.soton.ac.uk

Prof. Kira Barton
Department of Mechanical
Engineering University of
Michigan, United States
Email: bartonkl at umich.edu

Important Dates:
March 31, 2016 Deadline for submissions
July 31, 2016 Completion of First Review
November 30, 2016 Completion of Final Review
December 31, 2016 Receipt of Final Manuscript
July 1, 2017 Publication (Tentatively Vol.19, No. 4)

3. Conferences

3.1. International Conference on Event-Based Control, Communication, and
Signal Processing
Contributed by: Antonio Visioli, antonio.visioli at unibs.it


Second International Conference on Event-Based Control, Communication, and
Signal Processing
Krakow, Poland; 13-15 June 2016
Web site: http://www.ebccsp2016.org

Jerker Delsing, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden
Sebastián Dormido, UNED, Madrid, Spain
Shih-Chii Liu, UZH-ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Roman Obermaisser, University of Siegen, Germany

The aim of the EBCCSP conference series is to provide a platform for the
research communities that work in diverse application areas of the
event-based paradigm to exchange new research results and ideas to explore
synergies and foster scientific advancement.


Research papers reporting on new developments in technological sciences.
Industry and development papers reporting on actual developments of
technology, products, systems and solutions. Tutorial and survey papers.
Work-in-progress papers. In addition, EBCCSP 2016 solicits proposals for
special session in areas relevant to the conference themes. Please consult
the conference web page for more details.

Two types of submissions are solicited: Long Papers (regular and special
sessions) - 8 double-column pages. Work-in-Progress Papers - limited to 4
double-column pages. For further details, please consult the conference web


Deadline for submission of regular and special sessions papers February 14,
Notification of acceptance of regular and special sessions papers March 13,
Deadline for submission of work-in-progress papers March 20, 2016
Notification of acceptance of work-in-progress papers April 10, 2016
Final manuscripts due – regular and special sessions May 1, 2016
Final manuscripts due – work-in-progress papers May 1, 2016

Proposals are sought for workshops to address cutting edge research and
developments in technological sciences in the technical scope of the EBCCSP
2016 Conference.

The Workshop Day will be held on June 15, 2016. For details see the web site

E-mail: ebccsp16 at agh.edu.pl
Phone: + 48 12 617 3034

3.2. IFAC Workshop on Distributed Estimation and Control in Networked
Contributed by: Hideaki Ishii, ishii at dis.titech.ac.jp

NecSys 2016
6th IFAC Workshop on Distributed Estimation and Control in Networked Systems
September 8-9, 2016, Tokyo, Japan

NecSys 2016 will be held at the Tokyo International Exchange Center, Plaza
Heisei, Tokyo, Japan. It is located on the island Odaiba, which is only a
few stations away from the core of downtown Tokyo, and is part of the Tokyo
Academic Park.

Context and Scope:
Networked Systems and complex dynamical systems are composed of a large
number of simple systems interacting through a communication medium. These
systems arise as natural models in many areas of engineering and sciences,
such as sensor networks, autonomous, unmanned vehicles, power networks,
biological networks, and animal cooperative aggregation.

The workshop will focus on the most innovative mathematical methods
proposed in the last few years for the analysis and design of networked
systems. The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers from
control, computer science, communication, game theory, statistics,
mathematics and other areas to discuss emerging topics in networked systems
of common interest.

3.3. World Congress: Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and
Contributed by: Seenith Sivasundaram, seenithi at gmail.com

World Congress: Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and Sciences
WHEN: 05-08 July 2016
WHERE: La Rochelle, France, University of La Rochelle
Website: http://www.icnpaa.com

Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and Science have stimulated
cooperation among scientists from a variety of disciplines. Developments in
computer technology have additionally allowed for solutions of mathematical
problems. This international forum will extend scholarly cooperation and
collaboration, encouraging the dissemination of ideas and information. The
conference will have a pool of active researchers, with a proper balance
between academia and industry, as well as between senior and junior
researchers, including graduate students and post-doctoral fellows. It is
anticipated that such a balance will provide both senior and junior
researchers an opportunity to interact and to have a wider picture of
recent advances in their respective fields. The conference, especially,
enables the setting up of new interdisciplinary research directions among
its participants by establishing links with world renowned researchers,
making possible joint international projects that will no doubt bring about
fresh and innovative ideas and technologies in engineering, aerospace and

Co-Sponsored by:
AIAA: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
IFIP: International Federation of Information Processing
La Rochelle, France, University of La Rochelle

The proceedings will be published by the American Institute of Physics. AIP
Conference Proceedings are indexed in:
- Astrophysics Data System(ADS)
- Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS)
- Crossref
- EBSCO Publishing
- Electronic Library Information Navigator (ELIN), Sweden
- Elsevier – SCOPUS
- International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
- Thomson Reuters (ISI)

3.4. Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation
Contributed by: Didier THEILLIOL, didier.theilliol at univ-lorraine.fr

New Submission Deadline - February 15, 2016
24th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation - MED'16
Athens, Greece
June 21-24, 2016

Important Dates/Deadlines:
Full Papers / Invited Sessions / Tutorial Proposals: February 15, 2016
Acceptance / Rejection Notification: April 15, 2016
Upload Final, Camera Ready Papers: May 6, 2016
Early Registration: April 15 – May 6, 2016

The theme of MED’16 centers on control and automation challenges and
opportunities in the 21st century and on control of autonomous systems.
MED’16 spans four full days. June 21 is devoted to Tutorials and Workshops,
followed by the three day technical conference on June 22-24. The
conference, through its technical program and keynote presentations, will
provide a unique opportunity for the academic, research and industrial
community to address new challenges, share solutions and discuss future
research directions. A broad range of topics is proposed, following current
trends of combining control and systems theory with hardware/software and
communication technologies, as well as new developments in robotics and
mechatronics, autonomous systems, unmanned systems, cyber physical systems,
network controlled systems, with the goal of strengthening cooperation of
control and automation scientists with industry.

For topics of interest please visit the conference website.

Paper Submission:
The Program Chairs are soliciting contributed technical papers for
presentation at the Conference and publication in the Conference Digital
Proceedings. All papers must be submitted and uploaded electronically. Go
to https://controls.papercept.net. Click on the link “Submit a Contribution
to MED’16” and follow the steps. The paper format must follow IEEE paper
submission rules, two-column format using 12 point fonts, Times New Roman.
The maximum number of pages per submitted paper is 6. Up to two additional
pages will be permitted for a charge of 100 € per additional page.
Illustrations and references are included in the page count.

Invited and Special Sessions:
Proposals for invited and special sessions by topic of interest must be
submitted and uploaded electronically. A Summary Statement describing the
motivation and relevance of the proposed session, invited paper titles and
author names must be uploaded electronically by February 1, 2016. In
addition, authors must submit full versions of invited papers
electronically, through https://controls.papercept.net. Each such paper
must be marked as 'Invited Session Paper'.

Workshops – Tutorials:
Proposals for workshops - tutorials should contain the title of the
session, the list of speakers, and extended summaries (2000 words) of their
presentations. Proposals must be sent by e-mail to the Tutorial and
Workshop Chair by February 1, 2016.

Paper Review Process:
All submitted papers will undergo a peer review process coordinated by the
Program Chairs, Advisory Committee Members, IPC members and qualified
Authors are encouraged to accompany their presentations with multimedia
material (i.e., videos), which will be included in the Conference Digital
Proceedings. Conference Proceedings will be acquired by IEEE and they
appear in IEEE Xplore.

For information and details about the Conference, contact by e-mail the
General or Program Chairs.

Important Dates/Deadlines:
Full Papers / Invited Sessions / Tutorial Proposals: February 15, 2016
Acceptance / Rejection Notification: April 15, 2016
Upload Final, Camera Ready Papers: May 6, 2016
Early Registration: April 15 – May 6, 2016

3.5. International Conference on Instrumentation, Control and Automation
Contributed by: Tua Tamba, tamba at instrument.itb.ac.id

Call-for-Papers: The 4th International Conference on Instrumentation,
Control and Automation 2016 (ICA'16)
Dates & Location: August 29-31, 2016; Bandung, Indonesia
Technical co-sponsor: IEEE Indonesia Section
Website: http://ica2016-itb.org

On behalf of the ICA'16 Organizing Committee, this is to invite you to
submit your contributions to the 4th International Conference on
Instrumentation, Control and Automation 2016, ICA'16,
http://ica2016-itb.org/, which will be held in Bandung, Indonesia during
August 29-31, 2016. The conference is technically co-sponsored by the IEEE
Indonesia Section and fully organized by the Instrumentation & Control
Research Group at the Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia. Details of the
conference may be found at http://ica2016-itb.org.

The biennial ICA conference is aimed at enhancing a strong networking and
creating an international platform to ease knowledge transfer among
engineers, researchers, and scientists within relevant areas of
instrumentation, control, and automation systems. We invite affiliated
scholars, researchers, students and practicing professionals to participate
in the ICA 2016 conference by submitting papers on various topics related
to instrumentation, control, and automation systems.

Conference topics include (but not limited to):
(i) INSTRUMENTATION: Metrology, Optical Instrumentation, Ultrasonic
Instrumentation, Bioengineering & Systems Biology, Medical Instrumentation,
Non-invasive Instrumentation & Measurement Techniques, Tomography & Imaging
Instrumentation, Industrial Process Instrumentation, Energy & Power Systems
Instrumentation, Software Development for Measurement & Instrumentation
(ii) CONTROL: PID Control, Linear/Nonlinear Analysis & Control,
Multivariable Control, Model Predictive Control, Robust Control,
Distributed Control, Geometric Control, Networked Control Systems,
Intelligent & Learning-based Control, Optimal Control, Stochastic Control,
Neural Networks, Process Control, System Theory, Hybrid Dynamical Systems &
Discrete Event Systems, Simulation Methods, System Identification &
Filtering, Parameter & State Estimation, Robotics & Motions, Space Vehicles
& Aircraft Systems, Design & Control of Unmanned Systems, Signal
Processing, Game Theory, Adaptive Control, Artificial Intelligence, Fuzzy &
Expert Systems, Fault Detection & Isolation System, Analysis & Control of
Biological Systems;
(iii) AUTOMATION: Human Machine Interaction, Safety Instrumented Systems,
Process Automation, Asset & Data Management Systems, Manufacturing Systems,
Supply Chain Network, Precision Motion, CAD-based Simulations & Control,
Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Automation in Biotechnology & Health
Systems, DNA Chip Fabrication & Screening.

Important Dates:
Submission site open: January 11, 2016
Initial submission due: April 15, 2016
Decision notification: May 31, 2016
Final submission due: July 15, 2016
Conference dates: August 29-31, 2016

Paper Submission:
All papers must be submitted and uploaded electronically. Go to
Click on the link “Submit a Contribution to ICA’16” and follow the steps.

3.6. International Conference on Swarm Intelligence
Contributed by: Carlo Pinciroli, ilpincy+ants at gmail.com

ANTS 2016
Tenth International Conference on Swarm Intelligence
September 7-9, 2016. Brussels, Belgium

Call for papers prepared on October 5, 2015 More details and up-to-date
information at http://iridia.ulb.ac.be/ants2016

Scope of the Conference:
Swarm intelligence is the discipline that deals with the study of
self-organizing processes both in nature and in artificial systems.
Researchers in ethology and animal behavior have proposed a number of
models to explain interesting aspects of social insect behavior such as
self-organization and shape-formation. Recently, algorithms and methods
inspired by these models have been proposed to solve difficult problems in
many domains.

An example of a particularly successful research direction in swarm
intelligence is ant colony optimization, the main focus of which is on
discrete optimization problems. Ant colony optimization has been applied
successfully to a large number of difficult discrete optimization problems
including the traveling salesman problem, the quadratic assignment problem,
scheduling, vehicle routing, etc., as well as to routing in
telecommunication networks. Another interesting approach is that of
particle swarm optimization, that mainly focuses on continuous optimization
problems. Here too, a number of successful applications can be found in the
recent literature. Swarm robotics is another relevant field. Here, the
focus is on applying swarm intelligence techniques to the control of large
groups of cooperating autonomous robots.

ANTS 2016 will give researchers in swarm intelligence the opportunity to
meet, to present their latest research, and to discuss current developments
and applications.

The three-day conference will be held in Brussels, Belgium, on September
7-9, 2016.

Relevant Research Areas:
ANTS 2016 solicits contributions dealing with any aspect of swarm
intelligence. Typical, but not exclusive, topics of interest are:
- Behavioral models of social insects or other animal societies that can
stimulate new algorithmic approaches.
- Empirical and theoretical research in swarm intelligence.
- Application of swarm intelligence methods, such as ant colony
optimization or particle swarm optimization, to real-world problems.
- Theoretical and experimental research in swarm robotics systems.

Publication Details:
Conference proceedings will be published by Springer in the LNCS. series.

The journal Swarm Intelligence will publish a special issue dedicated to
ANTS 2016 that will contain extended versions of the best research works
presented at the conference. Further details will soon be published on the
web site.

Conference Location:
Auditorium R42.4.502, Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management,
Campus du Solbosch, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Av. F.D. Roosevelt 42,
1050 Brussels, Belgium.

Best Paper Award:
A best paper award will be presented at the conference.

Further Information:
Up-to-date information will be published on the web site
http://iridia.ulb.ac.be/ants2016/. For information about local
arrangements, registration forms, etc., please refer to the above-mentioned
web site or contact the local organizers at the address below.

Conference Address:
ANTS 2016
IRIDIA CP 194/6 Tel +32-2-6502729
Université Libre de Bruxelles Fax +32-2-6502715
Av. F. D. Roosevelt 50 http://iridia.ulb.ac.be/ants2016
1050 Bruxelles, Belgium email: ants at iridia.ulb.ac.be

Important Dates:
Submission deadline March 2, 2016
Notification of acceptance May 4, 2016
Camera ready copy May 18, 2016
Conference September 7-9, 2016

3.7. International Workshop on Symbolic and Numerical Methods for
Reachability Analysis
Contributed by: Sergiy Bogomolov, sergiy.bogomolov at ist.ac.at

CALL FOR PAPERS (Deadline extension)

SNR 2016
2nd International Workshop on Symbolic and Numerical Methods for
Reachability Analysis
April 11th, 2016, Vienna, Austria
Affiliated with CPSWeek 2016

Important Dates
Submission deadline: *February 3*, 2016
Notification: March 9, 2016
Final version: March 16, 2016
Workshop date: April 11, 2016

Hybrid systems are complex dynamical systems that combine discrete and
continuous components. Reachability questions, regarding whether a system
can run into a certain subset of its state space, stand at the core of
verification and synthesis problems for hybrid systems.

There are several successful methods for hybrid systems reachability
analysis. Some methods explicitly construct flow-pipes that overapproximate
the set of reachable states over time, where efficient computation of such
overapproximations requires symbolic representations such as support
functions. Other methods based on satisfiability checking technologies,
symbolically encode reachability properties as logical formulas, while
solving such formulas requires numerically-driven decision procedures. Last
but not least, also automated deduction and the usage of theorem provers
led to efficient analysis approaches. The goal of this workshop is to bring
together researchers working with different reachability analysis
techniques and to seek for synergies between symbolic and numerical

The SNR workshop solicits papers broadly in the area of verification and
synthesis of continuous and hybrid systems. The scope of the workshop
includes, but is not restricted to, the following topics:
- Reachability analysis approaches for hybrid systems
- Flow-pipe construction; symbolic state set representations
- Trajectory generation from symbolic paths; counterexample computation
- Abstraction techniques for hybrid systems
- Reliable integration
- Decision procedures for real arithmetic
- Automated deduction
- Logics to reason about hybrid systems
- Reachability analysis for planning and synthesis
- Domain-specific approaches in biology, robotics, etc.
- Stochastic/probabilistic hybrid systems

Submission Information
The workshop solicits long (maximal 10 pages) and short research papers
(maximal 6 pages). Submissions must present original unpublished work which
is not submitted elsewhere. In order to foster the exchange of ideas, we
also encourage work-in-progress (WiP) papers (maximal 6 pages). They should
present recent/on-going work.

The papers should be written in English and formatted according to the IEEE
guidelines for conference proceedings (
Papers can be submitted using the EasyChair system:
http://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=snr2016  All submissions will
undergo a peer-reviewing process. Accepted research papers (i.e., except
for WiP papers) will be published electronically in the IEEE Xplore Digital
Library (http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/Xplore/home.jsp).
Invited Speakers
Stylianos Basagiannis (United Technologies Research Center, Ireland)
Thao Dang (Verimag, France)

3.8. International Workshop on Applied Verification for Continuous and
Hybrid Systems
Contributed by: Sergiy Bogomolov, sergiy.bogomolov at ist.ac.at

2nd Call for Submissions
3rd International Workshop on Applied Verification for Continuous and
Hybrid Systems
CPSWeek 2016, Vienna, Austria, April 11, 2016

The workshop on applied verification for continuous and hybrid systems
(ARCH) brings together researchers and practitioners, and establishes a
curated set of benchmarks submitted by academia and industry. Verification
of continuous and hybrid systems is increasing in importance due to new
cyber-physical systems that are safety- or operation-critical. This
workshop addresses verification techniques for continuous and hybrid
systems with a special focus on the transfer from theory to practice.
Topics include, but are not limited to
- Proposals for new benchmark problems (not necessarily yet solvable)
- Tool presentations
- Tool executions and evaluations based on ARCH benchmarks
- Experience reports including open issues for industrial success

Researchers are welcome to submit examples, tools and benchmarks that have
already appeared in brief form, but whose details were omitted. The online
benchmark repository allows researchers to include modeling details,
parameters, simulation results, etc. Submissions are encouraged, but not
required, to include executable data (models, configuration files, code
etc.). It is not required to show that the benchmark has a solution; it
suffices that the problem is described in enough detail that somebody else
can try to solve it.

The paper with the most promising benchmark results receives a prize of 500
Euros sponsored by Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany. The winner is preselected by
the program committee and determined by an audience voting.

General Submission Guidelines
Submissions consist of papers (ideally 3-8 pages) and optional files (e.g.
models or traces) submitted through the ARCH'16 EasyChair web site at

ARCH16 will provide proceedings in the EasyChair EPiC series, indexed by
DBLP. Authors should use the EasyChair template at
http://www.easychair.org/publications/for_authors. The papers have to be
classified below their title as benchmark proposal, tool presentation,
benchmark results, or experience report by writing the classification in
parentheses in a line below the title. Submissions receive at least 3
anonymous reviews, including one from industry and one from academia.

A zip archive with additional data for the benchmark (description details,
model files, sample traces, code, known results, etc.) is to be submitted
together with the extended abstract. Benchmarks can be academic or
industrial, of small size or extensive case studies.

Important Dates
Submission deadline February 15, 2016
Notification of acceptance March 7, 2016
Final version March 31, 2016
Workshop April 11, 2016

3.9. International Conference on Powertrain Modelling and Control
Contributed by: Kambiz Ebrahimi, k.ebrahimi at lboro.ac.uk

3rd International Conference on Powertrain Modelling and Control
Testing, Mapping and Calibration
8-9 September 2016, Loughborough, England

The aim of the conference is to bring together researchers and
practitioners from the industry and academia and provide them with a
platform to report on recent advances and developments in the newly
emerging areas of powertrain modelling for control and calibration, as well
as actual and potential applications in powertrain mapping and testing.

Prof K M Ebrahimi
Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering
Loughborough University,
00 44 1509 227289
k.ebrahimi at lboro.ac.uk

3.10. Indian Control Conference
Contributed by: M. Vidyasagar, M.Vidyasagar at utdallas.edu

The Third Indian Control Conference will be held in the Indian Institute of
Technology Guwahati dur ing January 4-6, 2017 (Wednesday through Friday).
The paper submission deadline is May 15, 2016. Please see icc.org.in for
details of the recently concluded Second Indian Control Conference. The web
site will be revamped shortly to give information about ICC2017. Papers are
to be submitted through controls.papercept.net

3.11. Conference on Automation Science and Engineering
Contributed by: Rong Su, rsu at ntu.edu.sg

Call for contributions to 12th Conference on Automation Science and
Engineering (IEEE CASE 2016)

The twelfth annual IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and
Engineering (IEEE CASE 2016) will be held in Fort Worth Texas, USA, August
21 to 24, 2016. IEEE CASE is the flagship automation conference of the IEEE
RAS and constitutes the primary forum for cross-industry and
multidisciplinary research in automation. Its goal is to provide a broad
coverage and dissemination of foundational research in automation among
researchers, academics, and practitioners.

The technical program of IEEE CASE 2016 will consist of
tutorials/workshops, keynote/plenary speeches, automation forums, and oral
presentations. Papers describing original work on abstractions, algorithms,
theories, methodologies, and case studies are invited. Accepted and
presented papers will be published in the conference proceedings, and
submitted for inclusion into IEEEXplore as well as other Abstracting and
Indexing (A&I) databases. IEEE CASE is an offspring of the journal IEEE
Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering (
www.ieee.org/publications/t-ase). The journal will publish a Special CASE
Issue of top-rated papers.

CASE 2016 will be held in conjunction with the IEEE International Symposium
on Assembly and Manufacturing (ISAM). The organizing committee of CASE and
ISAM 2016 cordially invite you to submit full paper contributions through
Paper Plaza January 7 through March 6, 2016. Proposals for workshop,
tutorials and special sessions are accepted through February 21, 2016.

In addition, we are happy to announce that starting in 2016, the editorial
board of Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L) (
www.ieee-ras.org/publications/ra-l) will accept submissions in conjunction
to CASE/ISAM January 7 through March 1, 2016.

Automation for Everyone

CASE 2016 will focus on innovative and promising applications of automation
in the home, office, factory and healthcare environments. Particular
attention to: reliable robotics, networked energy systems, assistive
technologies, internet of things, sustainable healthcare systems, automated
transportation, big data analytics and disaster management.

For researchers who are interested in organising invited sessions, please
contact Dr Rong Su, an invited session chair of IEEE CASE'16, at
rsu at ntu.edu.sg for more information about the submission procedure.

3.12. International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems
Contributed by: ICCAS2016, conference at icros.org

2016 16th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems
(ICCAS 2016)
October 16(SUN)-19(WED), 2016
HICO, Gyeongju, Korea

ICCAS 2016 will be held at HICO. Gyeongju, Korea on October 16-19, 2016.
The aim of the ICCAS is to bring together researchers and engineers
worldwide to present their latest works, and disseminate the
state-of-the-art technologies related to control, automation, robotics, and

Important Dates
May 6, 2016: Submission of organized session proposals
May 13, 2016: Submission of full papers
July 15, 2016: Notification of paper acceptance
August 12, 2016: Submission of final camera-ready papers

Plenary Speakers
Andrew Schwartz (Univ. of Pittsburgh, USA)
Maria Prandini (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)
Sangchul Won (POSTECH, Korea)
Satoshi Tadokoro (Tohoku Univ., Japan)
James Ashton-Miller (Univ. of Michigan, USA)
Huijun Gao (Harbin Institute of Technology, China)
Song K. Choi (Univ. of Hawaii, USA)

Organizing Chair: Soon-Geul Lee (Kyung Hee Univ., Korea)
Program Chair: Kang-Hyun Jo (Univ. of Ulsan, Korea)

The City of Gyeongju has an important and rich history. For centuries, the
city served as the capital of the Silla Dynasty (57-935 BC), the longest
period of reign in the history of Korea. These ancient relics are such an
integral part of the landscape that the whole city has been designated a
UNESCO World Cultural Heritage and the city is commonly known as the
"museum without walls" thanks to the many artifacts found throughout the

Thank you for your contributions and we look forward to seeing you at ICCAS
2016 during October 16-19, 2016.

ICCAS 2016 CFP: http://icros.org/data/download/ICCAS2016/ICCAS2016_CFP.pdf

3.13. IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems
Contributed by: Vahid Hassani, vahid.hassani at ntnu.no

10th IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems
Trondheim, Norway, September 13-16, 2016
CAMS 2016 website: http://www.ifac-cams2016.com
Download the CFP:
Paper submission is open from papercept

Since 1989, every three years the International Federation for Automatic
Control (IFAC) has organized a Conference on Control Applications in Marine
Systems (CAMS). CAMS returns to Trondheim after 21 years and will be
organized by the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in
cooperation with the Norwegian Society of Automatic Control (NFA), the
national member organization for Norway in the IFAC.

CAMS 2016 will provide an excellent opportunity for the presentation and
discussion of research results and development in the areas of control
applications for surface & underwater vessels, floating & sub-sea
structures, and other marine systems.

CAMS 2016 will provide an excellent opportunity for industry, universities
and research facilities to explore the future trends in application of
control theory to marine systems, and to establish new and innovative
activities for applying advanced solutions to marine systems.

The keynote speakers for CAMS 2016 will include Prof. John J. Leonard
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Prof. Jing Sun (University of
Michigan), Prof. Maarja Kruusmaa (Tallinn University of Technology), Dr.
Nils Albert Jenssen (Kongsberg), Prof. Zoran Vukic (University of Zagreb),
Prof. Mark Moline (University of Delaware).

Areas and Topics (including but not limited to)
- Guidance, navigation and control (GNC) of marine vessels and unmanned
marine vehicles
- Modeling, identification, simulation, and control of marine systems
- Ship roll stabilization techniques
- Modeling and control of high speed-craft
- Fault-tolerant control and fault handling for marine vehicles
- Intelligence and autonomy in marine systems and operations
- Cooperative navigation and control in marine systems
- Marine robotics and biomimicry
- Maritime safety and security for ports and ships
- Risk and life cycle assessment in marine systems
- Actuators, thrusters, propulsion systems, and sensors in marine systems
- Hybrid power plants in marine systems
- Surveillance and supervision systems in marine applications
- Control applications in aquaculture
- Control applications in marine renewable energy
- Condition-based monitoring in marine systems
- Applications of autonomous and remotely operated (surface and underwater)
marine vessels
- Applications of marine vessels and robotics to environmental monitoring,
mapping and surveillance, search and rescuing operations, marine habitat
mapping, marine biology and geology, and hydrographic exploration

Important dates:
- Submission site opens: December, 2015
- Invited session proposal deadline: February 15, 2016
- Paper submission deadline: March 21, 2016

Submission Procedure:
To submit a paper, please follow the link "Submission" located on the top
line of the conference website or directly under the papercept link:

Proposals for Invited Sessions are welcome and should be sent by email to
the Technical Program Chair by February 15th 2016. The proceedings of the
Symposium will be published on-line on the http://www.ifac-papersonline.net

For further information on CAMS 2016 please contact the Technical Program
Chair vahid.hassani at ntnu.no or cams at ifac-cams2016.com

3.14. IFAC Conference on Cyber-Physical&Human-Systems
Contributed by: Mariana Netto, mariana.netto at ifsttar.fr

1st IFAC Conference on Cyber-Physical&Human-Systems
7-9 December 2016, Florianopolis, Brazil

CPHS 2016 website and pdf call for papers: http://www.cphs2016.org/
Deadline for paper submission: April 20, 2016.

IFAC TC main sponsor and co-sponsors:
TC 9.2 Social Impact of Automation (main sponsor), TC 1.3 Dis- crete Event
and Hybrid Systems, TC 1.4 Stochastic Systems, TC 1.5 Networked Systems, TC
3.1 Computers for Control, TC 3.3 Telematics: Control via Communication
Networks, TC 4.3 Robotics, TC 4.5 Human Ma- chine Systems, TC 7.3
Aerospace, TC 7.4 Transportation Systems, TC 8.2 Biological and Medical
Systems, TC 9.5 Technology, Culture and International Stability.

The computer and internet revolution has dramatically widened the
possibilities in control solutions for human needs. Cyber-physical systems
(CPS) appeared as an evolution starting from embedded systems and then
evolving to networked systems. CPS are now an ICT priority, and their
relationship with humans represents a central aspect. Indeed, human
relationships with highly automated and networked systems which have
complex dynamics and complex controllers, or the design of complex control
systems to assist humans, has become a topic of major importance with
requirements to understand and progress. Advances in the related challenges
require comprehensive study that in most cases can only be accomplished via
multidisciplinary collaboration that needs to include specialists in
cognition, ergonomics, social sciences, computer and control sciences, as
well as many other experts. More details on the scope can be found in

Topics: in CPHS 2016, different application areas are considered, according
to four scenarios, as follows :
1. Human-Machine Symbiosis (smart prosthetics, neurostimulation,
exoskeletons, biomedical implants)
2. Humans as operators of complex engineering systems (aircraft control,
human-machine interaction in aircraft, automotive cooperated control
(ADAS), process plant operation, robotic surgery, spacecraft control,
control in hazardous environments, automated or semi-automated trains,
remote operation of robotic teams e.g. in rescue scenarios, ..)
3. Humans as agents in multi-agent systems (intelligent road
transportation, next-generation air traffic management, flexible
manufacturing, assistive robotics, smart grid and demand response, urban
mobility, ..)
4. Humans as elements in controlled systems (comfort control in homes,
smart cities, rescue robotics, assistive devices, smart infrastructure,
connected buildings, ..)
5. Cross-cutting themes (recent theoretical developments impacting the open
problems, semiautonomous and mixed-initiative systems, shared control,
cognitive control, decision-support for human operators, ethics and public
policy, potential impact and open problems, ...)

3. Courses

4.1. Course on LMI optimization with applications in control
Contributed by: Didier Henrion, henrion at laas.fr

Course on LMI optimization with applications in control
by Didier Henrion, LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse, France and
Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic.


Venue and dates:
The course is given at the Czech Technical University in Prague, Charles
Square, down-town Prague (Karlovo Namesti 13, 12135 Praha 2) during the 3rd
week of April 2016. It consists of six two-hour lectures, given on Mon 18
Apr, Tue 19 Apr and Wed 20 Apr from 10am to noon and from 2pm to 4pm. There
is no admission fee, students and reseachers from external institutions are
particularly welcome, but please send an e-mail to henrion at laas.fr to

This is a course for graduate students or researchers with some background
in linear algebra, convex optimization and linear control systems. The
focus in on systems control applications of semidefinite programming (SDP),
or optimization over linear matrix inequalities (LMIs), an extension of
linear programming to the cone of positive semidefinite matrices.

In the first part of the course, historical developments of LMIs and SDP
are surveyed. Convex sets that can be represented with LMIs are classified
and studied. LMI relaxations are introduced to solve non-convex polynomial
optimization problems, with a focus on the primal theory of measures and
moments and dual theory of polynomial sum-of-squares. Interior-point
methods and algorithms are described to solve LMI problems and latest
achievements in software and solvers are reported.

The second part of the course, more advanced and closer to current research
topics, focuses on the use of measures and moments for static polynomial
optimisation problems, as well as occupation measures for polynomial
differential equations and related polynomial optimal control problems.

4.2. Course on Dynamics and Control New edition
Contributed by: Pedro Albertos, pedro at aii.upv.es

MOOC on Dynamics and Control New edition

This is an introductory course about the basic concepts related with
Systems Dynamics, Feedback and Control. It last for 6 weeks, with a minimal
use of mathematics being suitable for Freshmen students in Engineering and
experts from other fields. The course is FREE, running on edX platform,
with an open forum for interaction and with the possibility of a
participation certificate. The new edition will be launched on February
23rd, 2016. There were more than 5000 participants in the past edition from
more than 10 different countries

More information and free registration at

6. Positions

5.1. PhD: Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Contributed by: Mikael Johansson, mikaelj at kth.se

PhD: Royal Institute of Technology - KTH, Stockholm, Sweden

We are looking for 1-2 PhD students to join a research group working on
fundamental theory and algorithms for real-time decision-making and
control. Current research projects include real-time optimization of
sustainable infrastructures, efficient algorithms for large-scale machine
learning, and radio resource allocation mechanisms for next generation
wireless systems. As a PhD student, you will get the opportunity to blend
curiosity-driven basic research and innovative applications with
goal-oriented research in ongoing research projects.

The PhD student positions are with the PhD program in Electrical
Engineering and the ACCESS Linnaeus Center, which provides world-class
quality education, including a large selection of regularly offered
graduate courses, intensive courses on hot topics offered by leading
international experts, as well as industrial internship possibilities.

The successful applicants are expected to hold or to be about to receive an
MSc degree in applied mathematics, electrical engineering, computer science
or similar. We are particularly looking for applicants with a strong
background and interest in mathematics and algorithms. Applicants should be
self-motivated, have an outstanding academic track record, and
well-developed analytical and problem solving skills. Good command of
English orally and in writing is essential for publishing and presenting
results at international conferences and in international journals.

For more information, please refer to:

5.2. PhD: University of Glasgow, UK
Contributed by: Konstantinos Ampountolas,
konstantinos.ampountolas at glasgow.ac.uk


Supervisor: Dr Konstantinos Ampountolas
School of Engineering, University of Glasgow, UK
Start date: October 2016
Application deadline: Friday 15 February 2016

A 3.5 years PhD studentship for the academic session starting in October
2016 is available in the School of Engineering at the University of Glasgow
in the broad area of modelling, control and optimisation of resilient
transport and cyber-physical systems. Students with a 1st Class or 2:1 MSc
or undergraduate degree in Engineering, Computer Science, or Applied
Mathematics/Operations Research are welcome to apply. The studentship
provides an annual stipend in-line with the Research Council rate and
tuition fees is available to Home UK and EU students. Formal applications
need to follow the postgraduate admissions guidelines (
The application deadline is Friday 15 February 2016.

Requests for further information should be sent to
konstantinos.ampountolas at glasgow.ac.uk and include:
1. Covering/Motivation letter
2. Curriculum Vitae
3. Contact details of two academic referees.

5.3. PhD: Technische Universitat München, Germany
Contributed by: Matthias Althoff, althoff at in.tum.de

PhD Position in Autonomous Driving (Collaboration with BMW)

Our offered position has a strong focus on planning and controlling safe
maneuvers of automated vehicles. The full job description can be found here:

5.4. PhD: Wichita State University, USA
Contributed by: Zheng Chen, zheng.chen at wichita.edu

The Bio-inspired Robotics and Control Lab in the Department of Electrical
Engineering and Computer Sci- ence at Wichita State University, which is
located in Wichita, KS, USA, has available funding to support one PhD
student in the general area of Bio-inspired Robotics, Smart Sensors and
Actuators, Bio-mechatronics, and Dynamics and Control. The successful
candidate is expected to have a strong background in control theory,
modeling of complex dynamic systems, real-time control system design,
system identification, mi- cro/nano fabrication. Good programming skills
and experience with C/C++, MATLAB/Simulink is an asset. A background in
smart materials and structures as well as prior working experience with
underwater robot design will be an advantage. Applicant to this position
should already have completed (or will soon complete) a Master degree in
systems and controls, electrical engineering, and/or mechanical
engineering. The funding covers the cost of full tuition and stipends at a
competitive rate and can start as early as Fall 2016.

The position will remain open until filled. Interested individuals should
send their detailed curriculum vitae, copies of their recent transcripts,
personal statement, a copy of their best publication in English, and if
applicable GRE/TOFEL test scores to Dr. Zheng Chen (zheng.chen at wichita.edu).

5.5. PhD: Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
Contributed by: Sergio Grammatico, s.grammatico at tue.nl

PhD position: Aggregative control of large-scale multi-agent systems.
Eindhoven University of Technology, Control Systems group, The Netherlands.

Within this PhD project, the candidate will develop novel control and
optimization methodologies for large-scale multi-agent systems,
specifically for large populations of strategic agents with local control
capability, interacting through physical and information networks. A key
challenge in regulating such large populations is that the dynamical
behavior of the overall system is highly complex, in the sense that it
includes the dynamical evolution of a large number of subsystems, each
depending on the local variables (e.g. states and inputs), the coupling
with non-local variables, the networked information, the local and global
utility functions, besides uncertain variables and inputs. The candidate
will model and analyze the decision-making processes of the subsystems and
develop scalable control and optimization methods to steer their aggregate
emerging behavior toward desirable equilibrium states. Application domains
include future smarter grids and user-centric intelligent mobility, e.g.
focusing on the matching between distributed demand and supply in the
presence of uncertain factors.

We are looking for a candidate with a master degree (or close to
completion) in systems and control, applied mathematics, electrical or
mechanical engineering, or a related field, and with a strong background or
interest in dynamical systems, automatic control, optimization, game
theory. The candidate is expected to work at the interface of several

A good command of the English language is required (knowledge of Dutch is
not required). We offer the opportunity to accomplish scientifically
challenging research in a multi-disciplinary research group. The
appointment will be for up to 4 years. The PhD student will be able to
participate in the training and research activities of the Dutch Institute
of Systems and Control (DISC). As an employee of the Eindhoven University
of Technology, the PhD student will receive a competitive salary, as well
as excellent secondary benefits. Assistance with accommodation can be

More information about the vacancy and the PhD program can be obtained from
Sergio Grammatico (s.grammatico at tue.nl).

Candidates should include the following documents in their application: cv,
short statement of motivation and research interests (one page),
transcripts of all exams taken and obtained degrees (in English), names and
contact information of up to three references (e.g. project/thesis
supervisors), up to two research documents (e.g. thesis, conference/journal
publication). Candidates shall email their application to Sergio Grammatico
(s.grammatico at tue.nl).

The call for applications will remain open until the ideal candidate is
found. The starting date is flexible, but ideally would be within March

5.6. PhD: Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
Contributed by: Nathan van de Wouw, N.v.d.Wouw at tue.nl

PhD: Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands

In the scope of the European Union EID (European Industrial Doctorates)
project HYDRA on “HYdraulics modelling for DRilling Automation”, the
Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands, offers a PhD position
at the Department of Mechanical Engineering on “Automatic model reduction
techniques for hydraulic drilling models: modelling for estimation &

Project Description:
Societal uses for the drilling of deep wells are abundant and have enormous
impact on global economies; examples include the exploration of minerals,
geothermal energy, oil and gas. The future sustainable harvesting of these
resources requires the exploitation of difficult-to-access, unconventional
reserves and is threatened by concerns on the environmental safety and high
cost of drilling operations. To overcome these threats, there are strong
needs for advanced tools for virtual drilling scenario testing and drilling

The scientific objective of HYDRA is to develop a framework for multi-phase
hydraulic modeling and model complexity reduction for drilling operations,
delivered in software directly usable in industry. The resulting models
uniquely combine high predictive capacity and low complexity enabling their
usage in both virtual drilling scenario testing and drilling automation.

The HYDRA project comprises 3 PhD projects (two at the Eindhoven University
of Technology and one at MINES ParisTech).

The main goals of this Ph.D. sub-project are:
- Develop model reduction techniques for the automatic construction of
fit-for-purpose hydraulic models that are suitable for estimation and
control of pressure.
- Implement developed model reduction techniques in software at Kelda.
- Validate and test implemented techniques on industrial scenarios.

The HYDRA consortium represents top-level expertise in all scientific and
engineering disciplines needed to take on the main challenges of HYDRA:
multiphase flow dynamics, model reduction, control and mathematics.
Moreover, the consortium houses expertise ranging from academic research &
training (Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands, MINES
ParisTech, France) and industrial R&D (Kelda, Norway) to industrial
practice and training (MH Wirth, Norway, and the Well Academy, the
Netherlands), therewith offering a broad spectrum of training.

Within all three Ph.D. positions that are available in HYDRA, the
researchers are expected to spend 50% of their time at their hosting
university and 50% of their time at Kelda Drilling Controls in Norway. This
will provide the Ph.D. students with a unique opportunity to combine
academic research and training with industrial R&D.

The starting date is flexible but ideally would be in September 2016.

The EU imposes the so-called ‘Mobility Rule’ for applicants to EID projects:
‘ at the time of recruitment by the host organisation, researchers must not
have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in
the country of their host organisation for more than 12 months in the 3
years immediately prior to the reference date. Compulsory national service
and/or short stays such as holidays are not taken into account.’

The Ph.D. candidate should have
- an M.Sc. degree in Mechanical Engineering, Systems and Control or
Mathematics with a solid background in the mathematical dynamical modeling
of mechanical systems, model reduction and systems and control theory.
- a strong interest and skills in both 1) developing new fundamental
theories for the model reduction of complex dynamical systems and 2)
applying such novel scientific developments to industrial (drilling)
- Excellent communication skills and written/verbal knowledge of the
English language.

Online application via

Please provide the following information:
- An extended curriculum vitae,
- an explanation of your interest in the proposed research topic,
- your course program and corresponding grades,
- references,
- all other information that might help us to assess your suitability for
one of these positions and
- a publication list (if applicable).

For more information on the vacancy and the HYDRA project, consult the
or contact Prof.dr. Nathan van de Wouw, N.v.d.Wouw at tue.nl

5.7. PhD: Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
Contributed by: Nathan van de Wouw, N.v.d.Wouw at tue.nl

PhD: Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands

In the scope of the European Union EID (European Industrial Doctorates)
project HYDRA on “HYdraulics modelling for DRilling Automation”, the
Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands, offers a PhD position
at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science on “Automatic model
reduction techniques for hydraulic drilling models: modelling for numerical

Project Description:
Societal uses for the drilling of deep wells are abundant and have enormous
impact on global economies; examples include the exploration of minerals,
geothermal energy, oil and gas. The future sustainable harvesting of these
resources requires the exploitation of difficult-to-access, unconventional
reserves and is threatened by concerns on the environmental safety and high
cost of drilling operations. To overcome these threats, there are strong
needs for advanced tools for virtual drilling scenario testing and drilling

The scientific objective of HYDRA is to develop a framework for multi-phase
hydraulic modeling and model complexity reduction for drilling operations,
delivered in software directly usable in industry. The resulting models
uniquely combine high predictive capacity and low complexity enabling their
usage in both virtual drilling scenario testing and drilling automation.

The HYDRA project comprises 3 PhD projects (two at the Eindhoven University
of Technology and one at MINES ParisTech).

The main goals of this Ph.D. sub-project are:
- Develop model reduction techniques for the automatic construction of
fit-for-purpose hydraulic models that are suitable for virtual drilling
scenario testing,
- Implement developed model reduction techniques in software at Kelda,
- Validate and test implemented techniques on industrial scenarios.

The HYDRA consortium represents top-level expertise in all scientific and
engineering disciplines needed to take on the main challenges of HYDRA:
multiphase flow dynamics, model reduction, control and mathematics.
Moreover, the consortium houses expertise ranging from academic research &
training (Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands, MINES
ParisTech, France) and industrial R&D (Kelda, Norway) to industrial
practice and training (MH Wirth, Norway, and the Well Academy, the
Netherlands), therewith offering a broad spectrum of training.

Within all three Ph.D. positions that are available in HYDRA, the
researchers are expected to spend 50% of their time at their hosting
university and 50% of their time at Kelda Drilling Controls in Norway. This
will provide the Ph.D. students with a unique opportunity to combine
academic research and training with industrial R&D.

The starting date is flexible but ideally would be in September 2016.

The EU imposes the so-called ‘Mobility Rule’ for applicants to EID projects:
‘ at the time of recruitment by the host organisation, researchers must not
have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in
the country of their host organisation for more than 12 months in the 3
years immediately prior to the reference date. Compulsory national service
and/or short stays such as holidays are not taken into account.’

The Ph.D. candidate should have
- an M.Sc. degree in Applied Mathematics or Mechanical Engineering/Systems
and Control with a solid background in mathematical modeling, model
reduction and scientific computing.
- a strong interest and skills in both 1) developing new fundamental
theories for the model reduction of complex dynamical systems and 2)
applying such novel scientific developments to industrial (drilling)
- Excellent communication skills and written/verbal knowledge of the
English language.

Online application via

Please provide the following information:
- An extended curriculum vitae,
- an explanation of your interest in the proposed research topic,
- your course program and corresponding grades,
- references,
- all other information that might help us to assess your suitability for
one of these positions and
- a publication list (if applicable).

For more information on the vacancy and the HYDRA project, consult the
or contact Prof.dr. Wil Schilders, w.h.a.schilders at tue.nl , or Prof.dr.
Nathan van de Wouw, N.v.d.Wouw at tue.nl

5.8. PhD: MINES ParisTech, France
Contributed by: Florent di Meglio, florent.di meglio at mines-paristech.fr and
Nathan van de Wouw, N.v.d.Wouw at tue.nl

PhD: MINES ParisTech, France

In the scope of the European Union EID (European Industrial Doctorates)
project HYDRA on “HYdraulics modelling for DRilling Automation”, the Centre
Automatiques de Systèmes, MINES ParisTech, France, offers a PhD position on
“Simplified model-based estimation of downhole parameters for drilling”.

Project Description:

Societal uses for the drilling of deep wells are abundant and have enormous
impact on global economies; examples include the exploration of minerals,
geothermal energy, oil and gas. The future sustainable harvesting of these
resources requires the exploitation of difficult-to-access, unconventional
reserves and is threatened by concerns on the environmental safety and high
cost of drilling operations. To overcome these threats, there are strong
needs for advanced tools for virtual drilling scenario testing and drilling

The scientific objective of HYDRA is to develop a framework for multi-phase
hydraulic modeling and model complexity reduction for drilling operations,
delivered in software directly usable in industry. The resulting models
uniquely combine high predictive capacity and low complexity enabling their
usage in both virtual drilling scenario testing and drilling automation.

The HYDRA project comprises 3 PhD projects (two at the Eindhoven University
of Technology and one at MINES ParisTech).

The main goals of this Ph.D. sub-project are:
- Develop an accurate model for two-phase flow in pipes, amenable to model
- Identify and perform physics-based complexity reduction opportunities,
- Develop estimation schemes for unmeasured states and parameters of
Partial Differential Equations (PDEs),
- Validate and test techniques on industrial scenarios.

The HYDRA consortium represents top-level expertise in all scientific and
engineering disciplines needed to take on the main challenges of HYDRA:
multiphase flow dynamics, model reduction, control and mathematics.
Moreover, the consortium houses expertise ranging from academic research &
training (Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands, MINES
ParisTech, France) and industrial R&D (Kelda, Norway) to industrial
practice and training (MH Wirth, Norway, and the Well Academy, the
Netherlands), therewith offering a broad spectrum of training.

Within all three Ph.D. positions that are available in HYDRA, the
researchers are expected to spend 50% of their time at their hosting
university and 50% of their time at Kelda Drilling Controls in Norway. This
will provide the Ph.D. students with a unique opportunity to combine
academic research and training with industrial R&D. The starting date is
flexible but ideally would be in September 2016.

The EU imposes the so-called ‘Mobility Rule’ for applicants to EID projects:
‘ at the time of recruitment by the host organisation, researchers must not
have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in
the country of their host organisation for more than 12 months in the 3
years immediately prior to the reference date. Compulsory national service
and/or short stays such as holidays are not taken into account.’

The Ph.D. candidate should have
- an M.Sc. degree in Mechanical or Electrical Engineering or Mathematics
with a solid background in systems and control theory, in the dynamical
modeling of mechanical systems, and in fluid dynamics.
- a strong interest and skills in both 1) developing new fundamental
theories for estimation of parameters of Partial Differential Equations and
2) applying such novel scientific developments to industrial (drilling)
- Excellent communication skills and written/verbal knowledge of the
English language.

Submit your application to Prof. Dr. Di Meglio directly (
florent.di_meglio at mines-paristech.fr) by providing the information on:
- An extended curriculum vitae,
- an explanation of your interest in the proposed research topic,
- your course program and corresponding grades,
- references,
- all other information that might help us to assess your suitability for
one of these positions and
- a publication list (if applicable).

For more information on the vacancy and the HYDRA project, consult the
or contact Prof. Dr. Di Meglio directly (
florent.di_meglio at mines-paristech.fr).

5.9. PhD: INCITE, Spain, Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, France, Germany,
Contributed by: Fernando D. Bianchi, coordinator-incite at irec.cat

PhD: Marie Sklodowska-Curie training network INCITE, Spain, Netherlands,
Belgium, Italy, France, Germany, Portugal

14 PhD positions are available in the Horizon 2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie
Innovative Training Networks (ITN) project INCITE (Innovative controls for
renewable source integration into smart energy systems - Grant No. 675318)

INCITE is a Marie Sklodowska-Curie European Training Network (ITN-ETN)
funded by the HORIZON 2020 Programme, which brings together experts on
control and power systems, from academia and industry with the aim of
training 14 young researchers capable of providing innovative control
solutions for the challenging task of controlling and designing the future
electrical networks. For this purpose, INCITE seeks to create a
multidisciplinary research space with a complete view of the smart grids
control where talented young researchers can be trained through research.
INCITE seeks to cover subjects like: optimisation tools to balance
generation and demand, to increase efficiency and to reduce the total
energy cost; control of electronics interfaces for the implementation of
smart grids; control of ESS to add flexibility to the power management;
control for integration of RES and distributed generation; monitoring and
state estimation solutions; among others.

INCITE is a multidisciplinary network formed by:
- IREC (Catalonia Institute for Energy Research), Barcelona, Spain
- UPC (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya), Barcelona, Spain
- TUDelft (Delft University of Technology), Delft, Netherlands
- VITO (Flemish Institute for Technological Research), Mol, Belgium
- UniBo (Universita di Bologna), Bologna, Italy
- UGA (Universite Grenoble Alpes), Grenoble, France
- GE Global Research, Munich, Germany
- EFACEC ENERGIA, Porto, Portugal
- 3E, Brussels, Belgium (Partner organisation)

The network supports the recruitment of 14 Early Stage Researchers (ESRs)
during 36 months. Each ESR will be working on an Individual Research
Project (IRP) in the host institution and will have secondments related to
her/his research in other academic and industrial partners of the network.
Strong interactions among the different ESRs and institutions are expected.
All ESRs will be enrolled in a PhD programme and the development of the
IRPs will be part of their thesis. The network will support training
activities (including scientific, personal and transferable skills) and
periodical events. This is a unique opportunity for highly motivated young
researchers of developing their career in a multi-sectorial and
multi-national environment and obtain a wide knowledge on the control of
electrical networks.

In Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions, ESRs are paid a competitive salary
(adjusted for the host country), including a Mobility Allowance and a
Family Allowance (subject to family situation). To be eligible as an ESR,
the researcher should be within four years of the diploma granting her/him
access to doctorate studies at the time of recruitment and must not have
spent more than 12 months in the host country within the 3 years prior to
starting. More information about eligibility criteria and Marie
Sklodowska-Curie European Training Networks can be found in:

PhD positions:
- ESR1.1: Partitioning and optimisation-based non-centralised control of
dynamical energy grids (UPC)
- ESR1.2: Decentralised control for RES by fast market-based MAS (TUDelft)
- ESR1.3: Hybrid agent-based optimisation model for self-scheduling
generators in a market environment (TUDelft)
- ESR1.4: Development of non-intrusive and intrusive energy-management
algorithms (VITO)
- ESR2.1: Energy flexible and smart grid/energy ready buildings (IREC)
- ESR2.2: Control and management of storage elements in micro-grids (UPC)
- ESR2.3: Robust management and control of smart multi-carrier energy
systems (TUDelft)
- ESR3.1: Control strategies for hybrid AC-DC grids (IREC)
- ESR3.2: A new modelling approach for stabilisation of smart grids (UGA)
- ESR3.3: Distributed control strategies for wind farms for grid support
- ESR4.1: Integrated simulation for MAS design and testing (UniBo)
- ESR4.2: Fault detection and isolation for renewable sources (UGA)
- ESR4.3: Advanced monitoring and control of electrical distribution grid
- ESR4.4: Advanced functionalities for the future smart secondary
substation (Efacec)

The positions are expected to start between June and October 2016 and the
applications open in January 2016.

Deadline for application: 22 February 2016

For full descriptions of the job positions and application procedure please
visit www.incite-itn.eu

5.10. PhD: University of Texas at Dallas, USA
Contributed by: Tyler Summers, tyler.summers at utdallas.edu

Multiple PhD positions in Control and Optimization in Dynamical Networks

Several fully funded PhD positions for highly motivated students are
available starting in Fall 2016 in the Control, Optimization, and Networks
Laboratory (http://www.utdallas.edu/~tyler.summers/index.html) in the
Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Texas at Dallas.
The lab seeks to understand the rich interplay of dynamics, control,
optimization, information, and uncertainty in large-scale networks. The
research emphasizes theoretical analysis and computational tools and is
strongly driven by a variety of applications, including future power grids
and distributed multi-robot systems.

Outstanding eligible candidates will be nominated for special university
fellowships that offer increased stipends and other professional
development opportunities. Applications from underrepresented minorities
are encouraged.

Required qualifications:
(1) B.S. in mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, computer
science, applied mathematics, or a related field
(2) Strong background in systems and control theory, optimization, and
mathematics, including relevant coursework and/or work experience
(3) Excellent communication skills
(4) Proficiency in MATLAB, Python, Julia, and/or C/C++ or other scientific
programming languages

Preferred qualifications:
(1) M.S. degree
(2) Publications in reputable control, optimization, robotics, or power
systems conferences or journals
(3) Hands-on experience with robotic systems is a plus for candidates
interested in robotics applications

How to apply:
Please send the following documents to tyler.summers at utdallas.edu
(1) One page cover letter describing your research interests, background,
and professional goals
(2) CV or resume
(3) Transcripts

Candidates will also need to formally apply through UT Dallas Graduate
Admissions; for details, please see

5.11. PhD: University of the Federal Armed Forces Munich, Germany
Contributed by: Gunther Reissig, gunther2013 at reiszig.de

PhD position: Formal methods in control

Priv.-Doz. Dr.-Ing. Dr. habil. Gunther Reissig
University of the Federal Armed Forces Munich, Germany
Department of Aerospace Engineering
Institute of Control Engineering

Open to applicants worldwide; no special security clearance necessary.

We invite applications for a doctoral researcher position in the field of
formal methods in control. The successful candidate is expected to advance
theory of as well as computational methods for abstraction-based controller
synthesis, to a degree that facilitates routine, fully automated, practical
application of the approach to nonlinear continuous-state plants and
complex specifications. The project involves theoretical work, software
development, and, on a small scale, experimental work.

Applicants are expected to have a strong interest in dynamical systems and
control. A Masters degree (or equivalent, giving access to doctoral
studies) in a related field such as Systems and Control, Computer Science,
or Mathematics, with a strong theoretical background and an excellent
academic record, as well as proficiency in programming (C or Ada) and
excellent communication skills in English are required. Experience in one
of the following fields would be a plus: Nonlinear dynamical systems;
formal methods in control; reactive synthesis; set-valued or validated
numerics; dynamic programming; game theory; modeling and control of UAVs;
professional-grade software development. Competitive salary is offered
according to the tariff ``TVOeD Bund, E 13''.

Please send your application (and any inquiries) via e-mail to G Reissig (
gunther2013 at reiszig.de, subject: PhD ref 1076, file formats: PDF, plain
text). Applications should include a CV (in English) with photo, a letter
of motivation (in English), university transcripts (grades records, in
English or German, both BSc and MSc degrees), contact details of up to
three referees, and possibly a list of publications. Screening of
applications will begin on March 1, 2016.

5.12. PhD Research Fellow: University of Agder, Norway
Contributed by: Michael Ruderman, michael.ruderman at uia.no

PhD Research Fellow in Technology with specialization in Mechatronics

Project title: Design and Verification Methods for Hybrid Control Systems

The University of Agder invites applications for a full-time, fixed-term
position as Research Fellow in Mechatronics for a period of three years, at
the Department of Engineering Sciences, Faculty of Engineering and Science.
The position is located in Grimstad, Norway. The starting date is

The Faculty of Engineering and Science has a core group of more than 16
academic staff members in the field of mechatronics. The group is
responsible for the BSc, MSc, and PhD programmes in mechatronics at the
University of Agder and has an extensive network of Norwegian and
international partner universities and university colleges.

Background for the position:
Modern control systems often combine hybrid automata for integrating
discrete behavior with continuous-time dynamics. The switched and impulsive
systems allow for discrete transitions corresponding to the changes between
the different state subspaces (set of modes) or impulsive jumps within
particular mode of a hybrid system. Various application examples are in
power systems with on-off switches, geared mechanical engines, digital
hydraulics, programmable logic controllers employed for automation, and
others. There is a growing need and correspondingly research on topics
related to the formal design and verification methods for hybrid control

The objective of this PhD project is in (i) systematic analysis of the
formal design and verification methods suitable for the hybrid control
systems, (ii) elaboration of a methodology how to integrate verification
tools and techniques in the design flow so as to improve the overall system
reliability, (iii) selection, specification, and realization of application
case(s) based on the standard and developed software and hardware. The
elaborated solutions will be tested and demonstrated by taking advantage of
the experimental facilities.
• Mechatronic Innovation Lab (MIL) in Grimstad.
• Norwegian Motion Laboratory (Motion Lab) in Grimstad.
• Partners in SFI WP3.
It is expected that the candidate will perform both the theoretical and
experimental work using the available mechatronic resources of the
above-mentioned facilities.

The successful applicant should hold a master’s degree in mechatronics,
mechanical engineering or electrical engineering that covers the above
fields. The position places great demands on the applicant’s capacity for
independent goal-oriented work, ability to concentrate and attention to
detail. Applicants will be assessed on the basis of academic background and
results, and any previous research and development work. Relevant
industrial experience, personal suitability and good teamwork skills will
also be emphasized.

The following requirements must be met:
• Strong academic skills, experience and interest in the following areas:
control design, hybrid systems and finite automaton, formal verification
• Hands on experience with PLC and dSpace and programming skills in
Matlab/Simulink, C/C++.
• Strong background in systems and control theory.
The following admission requirements apply to the PhD program:
• The average grade for courses included in the bachelor's degree (or
equivalent) must be B (or equivalent) or higher;
• The average grade for courses included in the master's degree (or
equivalent) must be B (or equivalent) or higher;
• The master's thesis (or equivalent) must have a grade B (or equivalent)
or higher when the candidate is admitted to the PhD program;
• The successful applicant must have written and spoken English proficiency;
• The position places great demands on the applicant’s capacity for
independent goal-oriented work, ability to concentrate as well as good
communication and team-work skills in cooperation with research colleagues
both inside and outside the university.

Applicants from some countries must document their English proficiency
through one of the following tests with the stated results or better:
• TOEFL – Test of English as a Foreign Language with a minimum score of 550
on the Paper-based Test (PBT), or 80 on the Internet based Test (iBT)
• IELTS – International English Language Testing System, with a result of
at least 6.0.
Please check this list
to see if an English test is required.

Admission requirements:
The candidate will be enrolled in the PhD programme in technology at the
Faculty of Engineering and Science. The applicant must qualify for
admission to this PhD Programme. More information about the program and a
complete list of admission requirements to the PhD programmes can be found

Applications from applicants who already hold a PhD will normally not be

Short-listed applicants will be invited for interviews.

For more details on this position and application procedure see

Closing date: 31.03.2016

For further information please contact Associate Professor Michael
Ruderman, e-mail michael.ruderman at uia.no

In accordance with §25(2) of the Freedom of Information Act, applicants may
request that they are not identified in the open list of applicants. The
University, however, reserves the right to publish the name of applicants.
Applicants will be advised of the University’s intention to exercise this

5.13. PhD/PostDoc: Rutgers University, USA
Contributed by: F. Javier Diez, diez at jove.rutgers.edu

PhD/Post-Doc: Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, USA

We invite applications for one postdoctoral/PhD position in the area of
experimental control for multi-rotor type UAVs. The successful candidate
will join a research group that has built the first multi-rotor vehicle
capable of operating in air and underwater and that is expanding its
capabilities. The successful candidate will be familiar with control design
methodologies for control and its implementation and testing with
multi-rotor systems. The work will involve design, and testing of a robust
nonlinear controller for altitude control of a quadrotor type autonomous
aerial vehicle operating in air and underwater.

MS/Ph.D in Flight Dynamics and Control, Mechanical or Aerospace Engineering
or relevant fields
- Backgrounds in control, nonlinear dynamic models for UAV, PID controllers
- Hands on experience in experimental testing of multirotors

Starting position is available immediately. Annual appointment with renewal
possible up to 3 years. For further information, please contact Prof. F.
Javier Diez, diez at rutgers.edu. Applicants can send a single pdf file
containing a letter of interest, curriculum vitae, and names and contact of

5.14. PostDoc: KTH, Sweden
Contributed by: Mikael Johansson, mikaelj at kth.se

The School of Electrical Engineering at KTH, Stockholm, Sweden invites
applications for a postdoctoral position in the area of large-scale
optimization, decision-making, and control.

Applicants should have a Ph.D. in a relevant area, a vision and ambition
for their own research, and a proven track record of scientific
accomplishments and/or publications in leading international journals.

The position is available for one year, with the possibility of extension
for another year. We follow postdoctoral best practices (
to support the successful candidate in her or his career.

The position is created with the support from a five-year project on basic
research for “Engineering the Interconnected Society”from the Knut and
Alice Wallenberg Foundation, and offers many opportunities for
collaborative work with students, postdocs, and faculty at the School of
Electrical Engineering and the ACCESS Linneaus Center.

Applications should contain a CV, a motivational letter summarizing past
achievements and current research interests, and contact information for
one-two references. The applications should be addressed to Mikael
Johansson, mikaelj at kth.se.

5.15. PostDoc: Lund University, Sweden
Contributed by: Anders Rantzer, rantzer at control.lth.se

Positions as LCCC Linnaeus Postdoctor at Automatic Control LTH, Lund
University, Sweden. This is an opportunity for excellent young researchers
to develop their own line of research in synergy with a strong environment.
LCCC - Lund Center for Control of Complex engineering systems - has been
created with support from a ten year Linnaeus grant by the Swedish Research
Council. The application deadline in the end of February. See

5.16. PostDoc: Monash University, Australia
Contributed by: Mohsen Ramezani, mohsen.ramezani at monash.edu

We are seeking highly motivated and talented applicants for a postdoctoral
research fellow position at the Institute of Transport Studies at Monash
University, Melbourne, Australia.

Applicants should hold a Ph.D. degree in Civil Engineering, Electrical
Engineering, Computer Science, Operations Research, Applied Mathematics, or
Physics and should be interested in transportation systems research.
Preferred background and experience include traffic modeling,
transportation network modeling, stochastic analysis, optimization, machine
learning and MATLAB computer programming. The research topics will be in
the area of complex networks in transportation, network traffic modeling
and control, and housing and transportation costs modeling and
affordability measurements.

Applicants who are very close to finish their Ph.D. degree are highly
encouraged to apply. The position is available immediately for duration of
one year, with the possibility of extension for the second year depending
on funding availability. A competitive annual salary of $60,000-$70,000
including 9.5% superannuation will be offered. The call for applications
will remain open until the position is filled. The starting date is
flexible, but ideally would be in March 2016.

Potential applicants are encouraged to contact Dr. Meead Saberi (
meead.saberi at monash.edu) and/or Dr. Mohsen Ramezani (
mohsen.ramezani at monash.edu), submitting their complete CV and contact
information for two references.

5.17. PostDoc: ETH, Switzerland
Contributed by: Melanie Zeilinger, mzeilinger at ethz.ch

Postdoctoral Position at ETH Zürich
Control for Modular Robotics in Digital Fabrication

We offer a Postdoctoral Position that will be part of a research group
focusing on the development of on-site robotic construction systems for
digital fabrication. The position will be part of the National Centre of
Competence in Research (NCCR) Digital Fabrication, dfab.ch. The successful
candidate will join the Institute for Dynamic Systems and Control at the
Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering at ETH Zürich under the
supervision of Prof. Melanie Zeilinger.

Digital fabrication is an exciting new research area combining digital
technologies with physical construction processes with the goal of enabling
new architectural designs. Complex and variable digital fabrication
environments will require machines, techniques and tools that are
inherently flexible and can adjust to their environment. In addition to
adjusting the behavior, significant benefits are offered by the ability of
changing the machine configuration on-site and during operation. In
addition to the machine design, the core technology required to realize
such a system is a controller design and implementation that can provide a
modular operation in a safe manner.

This project will address this challenge and develop new methodologies for
high performance control of modular robotic systems. Topics to be addressed
include studying properties and design of modular systems; a plug and play
controller design and synthesis; and the development of task-guided system
configurations. The results will offer large practical potential for
digital fabrication, but will also create novel theory, methods and tools
for highly modular robotic systems.

We are looking for a candidate with a PhD degree from a recognized
university (or who will be close to completion); a strong theoretical
background in systems and control (prior knowledge in optimization and/or
machine learning is a plus) and proficient oral and written English skills.

Candidates should include the following documents in their application: CV;
short statement of motivation and research interests (1-2 pages);
transcripts of all obtained degrees (in English), names and contact
information of three references; two publications.

Please email your application to Prof. Melanie Zeilinger, e-mail:
mzeilinger at ethz.ch

For more information, see

5.18. PostDoc: Universit` a del Salento, Italy
Contributed by: Giuseppe Notarstefano, giuseppe.notarstefano at unisalento.it

Postdoc (Università del Salento - ERC starting grant project)

A postdoc position will be soon available within the project OPT4SMART
funded under the ERC Starting Grant excellence program. Research will be
conducted at the Università del Salento (Lecce, Italy), under the
supervision of Prof. Giuseppe Notarstefano.

About the position
We are looking for motivated, talented PhDs from all over the world, who
wish to:
- undertake/continue research at the cutting edge of optimization and
control in cyber-physical networks;
- contribute to the startup of an excellent, international new research
- work in one of the most beautiful Italian cities with a great quality of

The initial appointment will be for one year with the possibility of
extension based on performance. The salary is competitive (very competitive
for the life cost in Italy). The postdoctoral researcher will work in a
group with about six PhD students and will have the possibility to take the
co-supervision of one or more of them.

About OPT4SMART (Distributed optimization methods for smart cyber-physical
OPT4SMART is a 5 years research project funded under the EU Horizon 2020
excellence program “ERC Starting Grant”, http://erc.europa.eu, supporting
investigator-driven frontier research on the basis of scientific
excellence. OPT4SMART will investigate a novel distributed, large-scale
optimization framework and its application to big-data estimation,
learning, decision and control problems in cyber-physical networks.

About Lecce
Lecce is a beautiful Baroque city in the South-East of Italy. It is a
lively, graceful but relaxed university town in the Salento peninsula, the
heel of Italy’s boot. For a 36-hours tour of Lecce you can google The New
York Times: “36 hours in Lecce, Italy”.

Who should apply
The desired candidate holds a PhD degree in Controls, Optimization, Signal
Processing or related fields, and has
- an excellent publication record (few high-impact papers in high-quality
journals and conferences);
- a strong mathematical background including optimization and preferably
control theory or signal processing;
- strong interest in optimization and at least one of: control theory,
estimation, machine learning;
- excellent proficiency in written and spoken English.
The above skills and background should clearly appear from the candidate
CV, from few (the most important) publications, and from the PhD thesis.

For further information about the position and the official call you can
send an email with subject “OPT4SMART Postdoc last-name” to
giuseppe.notarstefano at unisalento.it.

See also

5.19. Lecturer: Central College of Pella, USA
Contributed by: Nadine Argo, argon at central.edu

Central College of Pella, Iowa, seeks a Lecturer of Engineering for a
non-tenure line faculty appointment beginning August 2016 to teach
undergraduate engineering courses at advanced and intermediate levels. The
successful candidate will have an M.S. in Electrical Engineering with
background in Mechanical Engineering or an M.S. in Mechanical Engineering
with background in Electrical Engineering. Other required qualifications
are industrial work experience including significant engineering design,
and strong teaching skills. Preference will be given to licensed
Professional Engineers (P.E.) with digital control experience. Candidates
should be committed to undergraduate teaching and have an understanding of
and appreciation for the liberal arts environment. Additionally, candidates
will be expected to contribute to program development and assessment,
including the ABET accreditation. For more information and to apply please
visit http://www.central.edu/jobseekers/.

5.20. Lecturer: Glasgow Caledonian University, Scotland
Contributed by: Geraint Bevan, geraint.bevan at gcu.ac.uk

Lecturer: Glasgow Caledonian University

Ref no: GCU00080
Closes: Wednesday, 17th February 2016
Published: Thursday, 14th January 2016
Location: Glasgow, Scotland
Salary: £40,082 - £46,414 per year
Hours: 35.00 hours per week
Contract Type: Full Time
Position Type: Permanent
Organisation: Glasgow Caledonian University

The School of Engineering and Built Environment wishes to appoint a
Lecturer in Control Engineering to join the Instrumentation, Control and
Chemical Sciences subject group. Control Engineering is taught in a wide
range of our undergraduate programmes and at all levels in Mechanical
Engineering and Electrical Power Engineering. Additionally, our successful
postgraduate programmes in Applied Instrumentation and Control attract high
quality applicants from around the world and are offered in a distance
learning mode. Our focus on both theoretical and practical control
engineering ensures that our graduates are well equipped for employment in
many industries.

We seek a control engineer with experience in the practical implementation
of control systems to join our subject group. Your research interests
should align with the University research theme of Sustainable Environments
or Digital Health and in particular complement one of the research areas of
existing academic staff in the group in diagnostic systems and sensors
research, or design, process and manufacturing research or energy and power
systems research.

The successful candidate will be part of a vibrant team contributing to all
levels of teaching and research within the subject area. Our laboratories
are extremely well equipped to ensure that teaching and research in control
engineering is well supported.

You will have a PhD in a control engineering area, experience of teaching,
academic delivery and a strong commitment to the enhancement of teaching,
student experience and progression. A current and appropriate record of
research and / or knowledge exchange that compliments the existing themes
of the University is essential.

Further details on this post are available by contacting Dr Sheila Smith,
Assistant Head of Department at a.s.smith at gcu.ac.uk or on +44 (0) 141 331

See more at:

5.21. Faculty: Washington University in St. Louis, USA
Contributed by: Hiro Mukai, facsearch at ese.wustl.edu

Tenured/Tenure-Track Faculty

The Preston M. Green Department of Electrical & Systems Engineering at
Washington University in St. Louis invites applications for faculty
positions at all levels, for fall 2016. The Electrical & Systems
Engineering department moved to a new building, Preston M. Green Hall, with
state-of-the-art facilities. Candidates should be exceptionally strong,
possess novel and creative visions of research, and commit gladly to
teaching at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. They should have an
earned doctorate in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer
Science, Applied Physics, Systems Engineering, Mathematics, Statistics,
Operations Research or related fields.

Technical areas of interest include, but are not limited to, signal
processing, machine learning, imaging, information theory, network science,
applied physics, electronics, control systems, operations research,
optimization, applied mathematics, and applied statistics. Applications
include biomedicine, energy, the environment, robotics, financial
engineering, and modeling of physical and complex systems. Successful
candidates are expected to conduct high-quality research and teaching,
publish in peer-reviewed journals, and participate in department and
university service.

Applications will be accepted immediately, and interviews will begin after
January 1, 2016. The details of the application process and necessary
documents are found at

Washington University in St. Louis is a medium-size private university,
which is 14th in U.S. News & World Report's national university ranking.

Washington University in St. Louis is an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative
Action employer, and the Engineering School seeks an exceptionally
qualified and diverse faculty; women, minorities, protected veterans and
candidates with disabilities are strongly encouraged to apply. Employment
eligibility verification required upon employment.

5.22. Researcher: General Motors, USA
Contributed by: Yilu Zhang, yilu.zhang at gm.com

General Motors R&D has one opening in the vehicle health management (VHM)
area. VHM is an emerging technology that predicts when certain vehicle
components need attention, and notifies drivers before vehicle performance
is impacted. Enabled by the advanced connected vehicle technology, VHM
provides vehicle customers with an unprecedented level of assurance,
convenience, and ownership experience. GM R&D invites the top talent like
you to join a vibrant team to address the technical challenges of
predictive analytics, big-data, and control, and develop this exciting
industry leading technology. Depending on the background and experience,
the successful candidate may qualify for either one of the two job levels.
Interested candidates are encouraged to apply through the following links:

In case the above links do not work, please go to
http://gmibm.avature.net/careers/SearchJobsAllJobs and search for
RES0000649 or RES0000650

Senior Researcher - Diagnosis and Prognosis:

Major Duties and Responsibilities:
- Develop next-generation technologies for vehicle system diagnosis,
prognosis, and fault-tolerant controls as well as integration.
- Develop and execute technical plans, including concept generation,
development, implementation, and evaluation.
- Generate innovative ideas and establish new research areas.
- Lead technical discussions and reviews as an expert in related areas of
- Maintain state-of-the-art knowledge in related areas of responsibility.
- Communicate ideas, plans and results effectively via presentations and
written reports.
- Work effectively with peers, management, operations groups, and outside

Basic Required Skills:
- PhD in Electrical, Controls, Mechanical, Aerospace Engineering with
demonstrated research capability or equivalent background
- Up to 5 years of related industry experience
- Strong background in vehicle control, diagnosis, and prognosis systems
analysis and synthesis.
- Strong background in system diagnosis and prognosis algorithm development
and integration.
- Effective verbal and written communication skills.
- Excellent interpersonal and communication skills to work effectively with
GM internal and external customers.

Basic Preferred Skills:
- 5+ years of related industry experience
- Track record of developing and deploying new technology
- Experience of project management
- Experience in remote diagnosis and prognosis.
- Experience in vehicle dynamics.
- Experience in environmental sensors, such as camera, radar, lidar.
- Experience in electromechanical actuators.
- Experience in Matlab/Simulink, dSpace rapid prototyping, ETAS tools
- Experience in large-scale data processing.
- Experience in hardware and software development

Staff Researcher - Diagnosis and Prognosis:

Major Duties and Responsibilities:
- Lead the development of next-generation technologies for vehicle system
diagnosis, prognosis, and fault-tolerant controls as well as integration.
- Lead the development and execution of technical plans, including concept
generation, development, implementation, and evaluation.
- Set research and development strategy, generate innovative ideas, and
establish new research areas
- Lead technical discussions and reviews as an expert in related areas of
- Maintain state-of-the-art knowledge in related areas of responsibility.
- Communicate ideas, plans and results effectively via presentations and
written reports.
- Work effectively with peers, management, operations groups, and outside

Basic Required Skills:
- PhD in Electrical, Controls, Mechanical, or Aerospace Engineering with
demonstrated research capability or equivalent background
- 5-10 years of related industry experience
- Strong background in vehicle control, diagnosis, and prognosis systems
analysis and synthesis.
- Strong background in system diagnosis and prognosis algorithm development
and integration.
- Effective verbal and written communication skills.
- Excellent interpersonal and communication skills to work effectively with
GM internal and external customers.

Basic Preferred Skills:
- 10+ years of related industry experience
- Track record of developing and deploying new technology
- Experience of project management
- Experience in remote diagnosis and prognosis.
- Experience in vehicle dynamics.
- Experience in environmental sensors, such as camera, radar, lidar.
- Experience in electromechanical actuators.
- Experience in Matlab/Simulink, dSpace rapid prototyping, ETAS tools
- Experience in large-scale data processing.
- Experience in hardware and software development

5.23. Researcher Engineer: South Dakota School of Mines & Technology, USA
Contributed by: Robb M. Winter, robb.winter at sdsmt.edu

BSLIM Research Engineer I

The South Dakota School of Mines & Technology seeks applicants for the
position of BSLIM Research Engineer I in power and energy systems
engineering. The ideal candidate will join the power research team, and
perform research tasks in modeling and control of power systems.
Responsibilities will include modeling key components in a power
distribution system, such as generators, fuses, circuit breakers, cables
and transformers; constructing simulation testbed systems; designing
control logic for the power system; conducting related simulation/field
tests; and analyzing and summarizing test data.

The candidate must have a Master's degree in electrical engineering,
mechanical engineering or closely related field. Satisfactory written and
oral communication skills are required. Priority will be given to a
candidate with strong knowledge background in one or more fields of power
electronics, system modeling, controls, and data analysis. Expertise in
Matlab/Simulink and experiences in PSCAD will be a plus. Programming skills
in other languages, such as C, C++, and Java, are welcomed. Industry
experience is preferred.

Established in 1885, the South Dakota School of Mines & Technology is a
science and engineering research university located in Rapid City, South
Dakota. South Dakota Mines is a public university offering bachelor's,
master's, and doctoral degrees in engineering and science. Known for our
academic rigor, we maintain a 14:1 student-to-faculty ratio. Our students
benefit from immersive learning experiences including undergraduate
research, co-ops/internships, and numerous nationally competitive
engineering teams. Our graduates have a 98% placement rate and an average
starting salary of over $63,000. Our Research Programs are concentrated in
four areas: energy and environment; materials and manufacturing; STEM
education; and underground science. South Dakota Mines is a growing
university that enrolls over 2800 students from 47 states and 46 countries.

Rapid City is in the Rushmore Region of South Dakota. The state's second
largest city (with an urban population of 72,638 and metropolitan
population of 141,431) is nestled at the foot of the beautiful Black Hills.
Mount Rushmore, the Badlands National Park and Crazy Horse Memorial are all
within an hour of the University. Rapid City enjoys a relatively mild
climate and offers year-round recreational opportunities, including,
hiking, bicycling, skiing, snowboarding, fishing, and hunting, to name a
few. For more information about South Dakota Mines and Rapid City, visit:
www.sdsmt.edu and http://visitrapidcity.com/.

South Dakota Mines is committed to recruiting and retaining a diverse
workforce and offers an excellent comprehensive benefits package including
paid medical and life insurance for our employees, as well as medical,
dental and vision coverage for spouses and dependents; retirement plans;
paid holidays; and a generous vacation and sick day allowance. Individuals
interested in this position must apply online at
http://www.sdsmt.edu/employment. Human Resources can provide accommodation
to the online application process and may be reached at (605) 394-1203.
Review of applications will begin December 29, 2015, and will continue
until the position is filled. Employment is contingent upon completion of a
satisfactory background investigation.

South Dakota School of Mines & Technology does not discriminate on the
basis of sex, race, color, creed, national origin, ancestry, citizenship,
gender, gender identification, transgender, sexual orientation, religion,
age, disability, genetic information or veteran status in employment or the
provision of service.

5.24. Research Engineer: GE Global Research, Germany
Contributed by: Axel Busboom, busboom at ge.com

Research Engineer Advanced Wind Turbine Controls

About us
GE Global Research – Europe employs approximately 200 engineers and
scientists from more than 30 different countries. Our scientists and
technologists come from a variety of disciplines and backgrounds, including
chemistry, physics, mathematics, engineering, sciences and materials

Located in the heart of southern Germany, Global Research – Europe sits on
the Garching campus of the Technical University of Munich. This creates a
unique blend for our scientists to be in a university setting, while
performing research in a world-class industrial lab that is dedicated to
bringing new technologies to market. The facility also operates closely
with technology teams at GE businesses across the globe, ensuring effective
transition of breakthrough innovations from the lab into advanced products
and services. Within the R&D community, the center maintains close
partnerships with numerous universities, research institutions and
technology companies in Germany and abroad. Current research at the
facility focuses on automated manufacturing of composite parts, waste heat
recovery for industrial and power applications, grid integration of
renewable energies, molecular imaging for cancer diagnostics, high power
electronics for stationary and mobile applications and advanced
compressor technologies.

You will be part of the “Controls and Embedded Systems” research group, an
international team of highly qualified research engineers and scientists
with backgrounds in controls and related disciplines. The group is
conducting research on modeling, estimation, model based control, and data
analytics. We closely work with various industrial GE businesses as well as
academic and industry partners in collaborative research programs.

In this role, you will work on advanced controls for industrial
applications, with a focus on modeling, estimation, control and
optimization for onshore and offshore wind turbines and wind farms. You
will provide your expertise, ideally both in the area of dynamic systems
and controls and in the area of renewable energy generation. You will
closely work with other GE Global Research sites and GE businesses
worldwide. Your key responsibilities will include:
- Develop models for advanced wind turbine concepts for onshore and
offshore applications
- Design and verify advanced control algorithms at a wind turbine level and
at a wind farm level
- Work with GE businesses to identify their controls needs and formulate
system requirements
- Keep abreast of developments on control system theory and renewable
energy generation. Identify suitable opportunities for new technologies
- Participate in and lead projects from control system conception to
implementation and validation
- Work with other engineering disciplines (mechanical, power electronics,
etc.) to develop innovative solutions by using systems engineering and
control approaches
- Implement and validate models and controllers in simulation and
rapid-prototyping environments
- Document your results in invention disclosures, reports, conference
papers, and presentations to all levels of management

- Doctorate in controls or a related discipline (or M.Sc. degree plus at
least 3 years of relevant professional experience in advanced controls)
- Very good knowledge of linear and non-linear controls, dynamic systems,
estimation, optimization, system identification
- Proficiency with MATLAB / Simulink
- Experience with implementation and validation of control algorithms for
wind turbines, wind farms, or related industrial control applications
- Experience with controls-oriented modeling of wind turbines or wind farms
- Excellent academic track record and proven scientific achievements
(please attach your publication list to your application)
- Excellent communication and presentation skills
- Can-do attitude
- Global mindset and customer focus
- Open, creative and flexible
- Willingness to travel internationally
- Fluency in English

Desired Qualifications
- Experience data driven system modeling
- Knowledge and experience in wind turbine aeroelastic simulation tool
(e.g. in Bladed, FAST, Flex5)
- Industry and/or post-doc experience in control systems analysis, design,
implementation, integration and verification
- Willingness to travel internationally

We look forward to receiving your online application at www.ge.com/careers
(job #2469397).

5.25. Developer: Intelligent Fusion Technologies
Contributed by: Genshe Chen, gchen at intfusiontech.com

Intelligent Fusion Technologies (IFT) is a Research and Development (R&D)
company focused on information fusion technologies from basic research to
industry transition and product development and support. We are working on
modeling, control, communication, signal/image/text processing, security,
autonomy, and decision making in networked systems. We are looking for
talented developers majoring in engineering (e.g., EE, ME, AE), computer
science, and/or applied mathematics to join our multidisciplinary team as
full-time employees or interns. In particular, we are looking for
candidates having direct experience in one or several areas as follows:

Engineering Design
- Pattern recognition, image processing, video analysis;
- Full motion video/wide area motion imagery (WAMI) exploitation;
- Wireless communication;
- Cognitive radio network;
- Cyber security;
- Social network analysis, text analytics;
- RF circuit design, electromagnetic wave Propagation, and antenna design.

Control and Mathematics
- Game theoretic estimation and control;
- Graph theory;
- Robotics dynamic and control;
- Guidance, navigation and control for aerospace vehicle;
- Astrodynamics;
- Complex system modeling and simulation.

Software Design
- Cloud computing;
- Service Oriented Architecture;
- Open Architecture/ Open sources government off-the-shelf (GOTS)
- Geospatial Information System;
- Human Factors display technology and integration.

Candidate with a Ph.D. degree are preferred. Direct industry experience is
a plus. The pay is competitive and can be negotiated.

For interested candidates, please send your resume to hr at intfusiontech.com.

5.26. System Analyst: Intuitive Surgical, USA
Contributed by: James Zhang, James.Zhang at IntuSurg.com

Intuitive Surgical, the global leader in surgical robots, has the following
full time position in its Sunnyvale, CA headquarter. Enclosed is the job
description. If you have the matching qualifications, send me your resume
and links of related projects at James.Zhang at IntuSurg.com. Please start
your email subject with "Full Time".

Primary Function of Position:
Intuitive Surgical, Inc. produces the da Vinci® Surgical System, a
minimally invasive robotic surgery system that uses proprietary software
control, advanced mechanics, and enhanced visualization to extend surgical
technique and precision beyond the limits of the human hand. Systems
Analysts perform a vital and wide-ranging role in Intuitive’s product
development. They are primarily responsible for generating, debugging and
tuning the algorithms associated with Intuitive Surgical products. They
provide analytic assistance to other engineering groups, such as modal
analysis of new mechanisms or communications protocol design for new
electrical hardware. Their role in user interface design requires a
detailed familiarity with clinical issues and an ability to perceive
products from a customer’s perspective.

The Sr. Systems Analyst will investigate and resolve design issues that
impact the performance of systems in the field or design issues related to
the manufacturing process. The successful candidate will have both the
technical depth to resolve complex control algorithm issues and the ability
to work in an interdisciplinary team to troubleshoot higher level system
issues. A strong sense of shared responsibility and shared reward is
required as well as a commitment to high product quality.

Roles and Responsibilities:
* Resolve design issues related to instrument or robot mechanics,
electro-mechanical controls, and software.
- Investigate and determine root cause of both latent and emerging defects
in the existing population of deployed systems
- Tasks are related to issues found in the field or Manufacturing that
require engineering investigation and redesign, including formal design
verification testing
* Work in cross-functional teams to ensure all issues related to a design
change are understood in advance of implementation
* Develop, implement, test and document solutions for issues according to
corporate standard and departmental operating procedures

Skill/Job Requirements:
This position represents a core competitive capability for Intuitive.
Specific requirements for the position are:
* MS or Doctorate in CS, EE, ME, or similar, and at least 5 years
industrial experience
* Strong educational emphasis on control theory and practice
* Expertise in the modeling and compensation for
- Time delay
- Drive-train friction losses
- Mechanical hysteresis and back-lash
- Non-co-located sensors and actuators
* Demonstration of a rigorous experimental methodology
* Expertise in the practical implementation of tele-robotic systems, (e.g.
experience with real time control systems, multi-tasking, embedded
operating systems, etc.)
* An interest in the medical applications of haptics, robotics and machine
* Strong ability to isolate and debug mechanical, embedded hardware and
software problems
* Ability to communicate effectively across all levels and organizations
* Ability to build and maintain relationships across supported organizations
* Excellent communication (written, oral), presentation and documentation
* Comfortable with all phases of the product development lifecycle
including design, implementation, debug, verification, qualification, and
* Experience with designing in an FDA or other regulated industry or for
mission critical applications is desired; comfort with concepts of design
input, design output, traceability, and risk analysis
* A real excitement to learn and get to the bottom of tough technical
* A passion for creating robust and reliable products

We are an AA/EEO/Veterans/Disabled employer

James Zhang, PhD
Intuitive Surgical, Inc.
1266 Kifer Road, Sunnyvale, CA 94086
Email: James.Zhang at IntuSurg.com

5.27. Intern: GE Global Research, Germany
Contributed by: Axel Busboom, busboom at ge.com

Intern (m/f) Formal Verification Human-Vehicle Interaction

About us
GE Global Research - Europe employs approximately 200 engineers and
scientists from more than 40 different countries. Our scientists and
technologists come from a variety of disciplines and backgrounds, including
chemistry, physics, mathematics, engineering, sciences and materials

Located in the heart of southern Germany, Global Research - Europe sits on
the Garching campus of the Technical University of Munich. This creates a
unique blend for our scientists to be in a university setting, while
performing research in a world-class industrial lab that is dedicated to
bringing new technologies to market. The facility also operates closely
with technology teams at GE businesses across the globe, ensuring effective
transition of breakthrough innovations from the lab into advanced products
and services. Within the R&D community, the center maintains close
partnerships with numerous universities, research institutions and
technology companies in Germany and abroad.

Current research at the facility focuses on automated manufacturing of
composite parts, waste heat recovery for industrial and power applications,
grid integration of renewable energies, molecular imaging for cancer
diagnostics, high power electronics for stationary and mobile applications
and advanced compressor technologies.

The Controls and Embedded Systems (CES) Laboratory in Munich - where you
will work - provides technology innovation in the areas of control systems
for a wide range of applications as well as embedded systems development.
CES is involved with worldwide customers in GE’s Oil & Gas, Power & Water,
Transportation and Energy Management businesses. The team focuses on
control algorithm development - in particular fault accommodating control
and nonlinear controls -, physics-based prognostics and health management
(PHM) algorithms, high-integrity embedded systems, model-drivel development
and V&V. The rapidly growing customer demands for dependable and resilient
control systems, performance optimization, and Industrial Internet
solutions open up new research and development opportunities for controls
systems and embedded systems scientists and engineers.

You will work in the context of the EU Horizon2020 project UnCoVerCPS (
http://cps-vo.org/group/UnCoVerCPS) on control and verification of
cyber-physical systems. In particular you will be studying the
applicability of formal methods such as model checking for proving safety
properties of human-vehicle systems, e.g. pilot-aircraft or driver-car
- Model certain aspects and limitations of human capabilities, integrate
these with the vehicle models and apply a tool chain developed in the
UnCoVerCPS to this class of systems.
- Perform literature survey on modeling of human operators (pilots,
drivers) in collaboration with our project partners
- Develop models of aspects of human operator behavior using GE-internal
tools as well as tools developed in the EU project
- Integrate pilot / driver models with existing vehicle models
- Apply existing hybrid model checking tools to the integrated model
- Suggest and implement improvements of the tool chain
- Document and present your results

- Student of Computer Science or a related discipline
- Knowledge of automata theory for discrete systems
- Knowledge of model checking / theorem proving
- Working knowledge of modeling in Matlab/Simulink, Stateflow or similar
- Knowledge of temporal logics (LTL, CTL-)
- Excellent communication skills
- Fluency in English
- Currently enrolled at a university

Desired Qualifications
- Knowledge of tools for model checking and/or theorem proving, e.g. NuSMV,
SPIN, Isabelle or ACL2s
- Knowledge of hybrid dynamic systems and their automata representation
- Knowledge of reachability analysis
- Knowledge of temporal logics for continuous systems

We look forward to receiving your online application at
http://www.ge.com/careers (job #2418696).


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