[eletter] eletter 338
Jianghai Hu
jianghai at purdue.edu
Sat Oct 1 11:11:49 EDT 2016
E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing
Issue 338
October 2016
Jianghai Hu
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Purdue University
465 Northwestern Ave.
West Lafayette, IN, 47907
Tel: +1 (765) 4962395
Fax: +1 (765) 4943371
Welcome to the 338 issue of the Eletter, available electronically at
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The next Eletter will be mailed out at the beginning of November 2016.
1. IEEE CSS Headlines
1.1 IEEE Control Systems Society Publications Content Digest
1.2 IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
1.3 IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems
1.4 CFP: IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems
1.5 IEEE Control Systems Society Technically Cosponsored Conferences
1.6 CFP: IEEE-CSS Outreach Fund
2. Honors & Awards
2.1 Fulbright-Nehru Distinguished Chair Professor Award
2.2 Asian Journal of Control Best Paper Award
2.3 CFN: SIAG/Control and Systems Theory Prize
2.4 CFN: SIAG/CST Best SICON Paper Prize
3. Books
3.1 Lectures in Feedback Design for Multivariable Systems
3.2 Control of Complex Systems: Theory and Applications
4. Journals
4.1 Contents: Automatica
4.2 Contents: Control Theory and Technology
4.3 Contents: IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information
4.4 Contents: Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems
4.5 Contents: Control Engineering Practice
4.6 Contents: International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer
4.7 Contents: TWMS Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
4.8 Contents: International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems
5. Conferences
5.1 Chinese Control Conference
5.2 International Symposium on Neural Networks
5.3 IEEE Colombian Conference on Automatic Control
5.4 International Conference on Systems and Control
5.5 International Symposium on Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems
5.6 CDC Workshop: “Robust and Quantum Control Theory”
5.7 CDC Workshop: “Solving Large-Scale Semidefinite Programs (SDPs) in
Control, Machine Learning, and Robotics”
5.8 IFAC World Congress Open Invited Track: “Event-Triggered and
Self-Triggered Control”
5.9 IFAC World Congress Open Invited Track: “Design of Fault Diagnosis and
Fault-Tolerant Control methods in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle/Flee”
5.10 IFAC World Congress Open Invited Track: “Modelling, Identification and
Control of Quantum Systems”
6. Positions
6.1 MS Intern: University of Lorraine, France
6.2 PhD: CNRS, France
6.3 PhD: CNRS, France
6.4 PhD: University of North Texas, USA
6.5 PhD: KTH, Sweden
6.6 PhD: TU Berlin, Germany
6.7 PhD: University of Groningen, Netherlands
6.8 PostDoc: University of Washington & University of Texas at Austin, USA
6.9 PostDoc: Colorado School of Mines & University of Colorado Boulder, USA
6.10 PostDoc: IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca, Italy
6.11 PostDoc: Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
6.12 PostDoc: University of Bristol, UK
6.13 PostDoc: Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium
6.14 PostDoc: INRIA, France
6.15 PostDoc: Concordia University, Canada
6.16 PostDoc: University of Washington, USA
6.17 PostDoc: CMU, USA
6.18 PostDoc: Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
6.19 PostDoc: NC A&T State University, USA
6.20 Lecturer: University of Pennsylvania, USA
6.21 Faculty: Zhejiang University of Technology, China
6.22 Faculty: University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
6.23 Faculty: University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
6.24 Faculty: University of Michigan, USA
6.25 Faculty: Queen’s University, Canada
6.26 Faculty: Caltech, USA
6.27 Faculty: University of Pennsylvania, USA
6.28 Faculty: University of Waterloo, Canada
6.29 Faculty: University of Waterloo, Canada
6.30 Faculty: MIT, USA
6.31 Faculty: University of Florida, USA
6.32 Faculty: University of California at Santa Cruz, USA
6.33 Faculty: Abdullah Gul University, Turkey
6.34 Faculty: University of New South Wales Canberra, Australia
6.35 Faculty: University of North Texas, USA
6.36 Faculty: Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
6.37 Faculty: Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
6.38 Faculty: San Jose State University, USA
6.39 Researcher: GE, Germany
6.40 Engineer: United Technologies Research Center, China
6.41 Engineer: NextEV, USA
6.42 Engineer: NextEV, USA
1. IEEE CSS Headlines
1.1. IEEE Control Systems Society Publications Content Digest
Contributed by: Elizabeth Kovacs, ekovacs2 at nd.edu
CSS Publications Content Digest
The IEEE Control Systems Society Publications Content Digest is a novel and
convenient guide that helps readers keep track of the latest published
articles. The CSS Publications Content Digest, available at
http://ieeecss.org/publications-content-digest provides lists of current
tables of contents of the periodicals sponsored by the Control Systems
Each issue offers readers a rapid means to survey and access the latest
peer-reviewed papers of the IEEE Control Systems Society. We also include
links to the Society’s sponsored Conferences to give readers a preview of
upcoming meetings.
1.2. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
Contributed by: Elizabeth Kovacs, ekovacs2 at nd.edu
Table of Contents
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
Volume 61 (2016), Issue 10 (October)
Please note that the contents of the IEEE Transactions on Automatic
Control, together with links to the abstracts of the papers may be found at
the TAC web site:
The IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control Submission and Review Management
Scanning the Issue, p. 2753
- A Duality Framework for Stochastic Optimal Control of Complex Systems, A.
A. Malikopoulos p. 2756
- L2-gain Analysis for a Class of Hybrid Systems with Applications to Reset
and Event-triggered Control: A Lifting Approach, W.P.M.H. Heemels, G. E.
Dullerud, A. R. Teel p. 2766
- Stability of an Euler-Bernoulli Beam with a Nonlinear Dynamic Feedback
System, D. Stuerzer, A. Kugi, A. Arnold, M. Miletic p. 2782
- A Way to Exploit the Fractional Stability Domain for Robust Chaos
Suppression and Synchronization via LMIs, B. Aguiar, T. González, M. Bernal
p. 2796
- Ensemble Control of Time-Invariant Linear Systems with Linear Parameter
Variation, J-S. Li, J. Qi p. 2808
- Undirected Rigid Formations are Problematic, S. Mou, M. A. Belabbas, A.
S. Morse, Z. Sun, B.D.O.Anderson p.2821
- Nonlinear Moment Matching-Based Model Order Reduction, T. C. Ionescu, A.
Astolfi p. 2837
- Convergence of Nonlinear Observers on $R^n$ with a Riemannian Metric
(Part II), R. G. Sanfelice, L. Praly p. 2848
- Formal Verification of Stochastic Max-Plus-Linear Systems, S. Esmaeil
Zadeh Soudjani, D. Adzkiya, A. Abate p. 2861
- Necessary and Sufficient Graphical Conditions for Affine Formation
Control, Z. Lin, L. Wang, Z. Chen, M. Fu, Z. Han p. 2877
- Stochastic Control with Uncertain Parameters via Chance Constrained
Control, M. P. Vitus, Z. Zhou, C. J. Tomlin p. 2892
- Second-Order-Optimal Minimum-Energy Filters on Lie Groups, A. Saccon, J.
Trumpf, R. Mahony, A. P. Aguiar p. 2906
- Nash Equilibrium Computation in Subnetwork Zero-Sum Games with Switching
Communications, Y. Lou, Y. Hong, L. Xie, G. Shi, K. H. Johansson p. 2920
- Price-Based Coordinated Aggregation of Networked Distributed Energy
Resources, B. Gharesifard, T. Basar, A. D. Dominguez-Garcia p. 2936
- A Coordinate Descent Primal-Dual Algorithm and Application to Distributed
Asynchronous Optimization, P. Bianchi, W. Hachem, F. Iutzeler p. 2947
- Clustering-Based Model Reduction of Networked Passive Systems, B.
Besselink, H. Sandberg, K. H. Johansson p. 2958
- Controller Design for Robust Output Regulation of Regular Linear Systems,
L. Paunonen p. 2974
- Quantitative Supervisory Control Game for Discrete Event Systems, S.
Pruekprasert, T. Ushio, T. Kanazawa p. 2987
- State Classification of Time-Nonhomogeneous Markov Chains and Average
Reward Optimization of Multi-chains, X-R. Cao p. 3001
- Lyapunov Stability and Performance Analysis of the Implicit Discrete
Sliding Mode Control, O. Huber, V. Acary, B. Brogliato p. 3016
Technical Notes and Correspondence
- Singular Perturbation Approximation of Linear Hyperbolic Systems of
Balance Laws, Y. Tang, C. Prieur, A. Girard p. 3031
- Effects of Mixed-Modes on the Stability Analysis of Switched Time-Varying
Delay Systems, Q-K. Li, H. Lin p. 3038
- A New Minmax Linear Quadratic Tracking Control Design for Batch Processes
against Actuator Failures and Disturbance, R. Zhang, R. Lu, A. Xue, F. Gao
p. 3045
- Foundations of Not Necessarily Rational Negative Imaginary Systems
Theory: Relations Between Classes of Negative Imaginary and Positive Real
Systems, A. Ferrante, A. Lanzon, L. Ntogramatzidis p. 3052
- Inventory Control over a Short Time Horizon under Unknown Demand
Distribution, K. Kogan, A. Herbon p. 3058
- Hierarchical Fusion Estimation for Clustered Asynchronous Sensor
Networks, W-A. Zhang, B. Chen, M. Z. Q. Chen p. 3064
- Finding Optimal Observation-based Policies for Constrained POMDPs under
the Expected Average Reward Criterion, X. Jiang, H. Xi, X. Wang, F. Liu p.
- Global Stabilization of a Class of Nonminimum-Phase Nonlinear Systems by
Sampled-Data Output Feedback, W. Lin, W. Wei p. 3076
- Adaptive Observer for a Class of Parabolic PDEs, T. Ahmed-Ali, F. Giri,
M. Krstic, L. Burlion, F. Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue p. 3083
- On the Equivalence between Strict Positive Realness and Strict Passivity
of Linear Systems, D. de S. Madeira, J. Adamy p. 3091
- Robustness of Synchronization of Heterogeneous Agents by Strong Coupling
and A Large Number of Agents, J. Kim, J. Yang, H. Shim, J. S. Kim, J. H.
Seo p. 3096
- Network Synchronization with Nonlinear Dynamics and Switching
Interactions, T. Yang, Z. Meng, G. Shi, Y. Hong, K. H. Johansson p. 3103
- Robust Regulation Theory for Transfer Functions With a Coprime
Factorization, P. Laakkonen p. 3109
- Disturbance Decoupling with Closed-loop Modes Stability in Switched
Linear Systems, E. Zattoni, A. M. Perdon, G. Conte p. 3115
- Convexity of Decentralized Controller Synthesis, L. Lessard, S. Lall p.
- Embedding Internal Model in Disturbance Observer with Robust Stability,
Y. Joo, G. Park, J. Back, H. Shim p. 3128
- Further Results on the Achievable Delay Margin Using LTI Control, P. Ju,
H. Zhang p. 3134
- Generating Patterns with a Unicycle, T. Tripathy, A. Sinha p. 3140
- Observer-Based Adaptive Spacecraft Attitude Control with Guaranteed
Performance Bounds, A. H. J. de Ruiter p. 3146
- The Leader-following Consensus for Multiple Uncertain Euler-Lagrange
Systems with an Adaptive Distributed Observer, H. Cai, J. Huang p. 3152
- Subsidy-Based Control of Heterogeneous Multiagent Systems Modeled by
Replicator Dynamics, T. Morimoto, T. Kanazawa, T. Ushio p. 3158
- Noise-to-State Stability for a Class of Random Systems with
State-Dependent Switching, D. Zhang, Z. Wu, X-M. Sun, W. Wang p. 3164
- Adaptive Model Predictive Control for Unconstrained Discrete-Time Linear
Systems with Parametric Uncertainties, B. Zhu, X. Xia p. 3171
- Higher Accuracy Output Feedback Sliding Mode Control of Sampled-Data
Systems, T. Nguyen, W-C. Su, Z. Gajic, C. Edwards p. 3177
- Implicit Iterative Algorithms for Continuous Markovian Jump Lyapunov
Equations, A-G. Wu, G-R. Duan, W. Liu p. 3183
- Dynamic Quantizer Design under Communication Rate Constraints, H.
Okajima, K. Sawada, N. Matsunaga p. 3190
- A Note on Functional Observability, F. Rotella, I. Zambettakis p. 3197
- A Hybrid-Adaptive Dynamic Programming Approach for the Model-free Control
of Nonlinear Switched Systems, W. Lu, P. Zhu, S. Ferrari p. 3203
- State and Output-Feedback Shared-Control for a Class of Linear
Constrained Systems, J. Jiang, A. Astolfi p. 3209
- Stability Theorems for Delay Differential Inclusions, K-Z. Liu, X-M. Sun,
J. Liu, A.R.Teel p. 3215
- Event-Triggered H-infinity Control: a Switching Approach, A. Selivanov,
E. Fridman p. 3221
- Tracking Control for a Class of Unknown Nonsquare MIMO Nonaffine Systems:
A Deep-Rooted Information Based Robust Adaptive Approach, Y. Song, X.
Huang, C. Wen p. 3227
1.3. IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems
Contributed by: Denise Joseph, dejoseph at bu.edu
Table of Contents
IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems
Volume 3 (2016), Issue 3 (September)
The contents of the IEEE-Transactions on Control of Network Systems, with
links to the abstracts of the papers are available on
- Distributed Subspace Consensus in the Presence of Dynamic In-network
Disturbance, Usman A. Khan, Shuchin Aeron p.220
- A Speeding-up and Slowing-down Strategy for Distributed Source Seeking
with Robustness Analysis, Wencen Wu, Fumin Zhang p. 231
- Breaking the Hierarchy: Distributed Control & Economic Optimality in
Microgrids, Florian Dörfler, John W. Simpson-Porco, Francesco Bullo p. 241
- Connecting Automatic Generation Control and Economic Dispatch from an
Optimization View, Na Li, Changhong Zhao, Lijun Chen, p. 254
- Minimum-Variance Recursive Filtering over Sensor Networks with Stochastic
Sensor Gain Degradation: Algorithms and Performance Analysis,Yang Liu,
Zidong Wang, Xiao He, Donghua Zhou, p. 265
- A Cooperative Distributed MPC Algorithm with Event-Based Communication
and Parallel Optimization, Dominic Grob, Olaf Stursberg, p. 275
- Synthesis of Distributed Robust H-infinity Controllers for Interconnected
Discrete Time Systems, Eelco Pascal van Horssen, Siep Weiland, p. 286
- On the Convergence of Alternating Direction Lagrangian Methods for
Nonconvex Structured Optimization Problems Distributed bargaining in
Dyadic-exchange Networks, Sindri Magnusson, Pradeep Chathuranga Weeraddana,
Michael Rabbat, Carlo Fischione, p. 296
- Distributed Bargaining in Dyadic-exchange networks, Dean Richert, Jorge
Cortes, p. 310
- Polynomial Complexity Minimum-Time Scheduling in a Class of Wireless
Networks, Qing He, Vangelis Angelakis, Anthony Ephremides, Di Yuan, p. 322
1.4. CFP: IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems
Contributed by: Denise Joseph, dejoseph at bu.edu
Call for submissions to TCNS special issue:
Approaches to Control Biological and Biologically Inspired Networks
The emerging field at the intersection of quantitative biology, network
modeling, and control theory has enjoyed significant progress in recent
years. Application areas have included molecular and cell biology,
neuroscience, and ecology as well as biologically inspired engineering
applications such as collective formations involving moving sensors.
Learn more about this topic at
Specific potential topics include but are not limited to:
- Rational approaches for cell reprogramming and transdifferentiation
- Design of interventions to mitigate disease states
- Control of neuronal networks
- Strategies for ecosystem management
- System identification and observability in biological networks
- Interplay between stability, control, and robustness in biological
- Applications to biologically inspired networked systems
Submissions will open on October 15, 2016. Submissions deadline: January
15, 2017.
Please submit your manuscript through the TCNS submissions site:
Guest Editors:
Réka Albert, Pennsylvania State University
John Baillieul, Boston University
Adilson E. Motter, Northwestern University
1.5 IEEE Control Systems Society Technically Cosponsored Conferences
Contributed by: Luca Zaccarian, CSS AE Conferences, zaccarian at laas.fr
The following conferences have been recently included in the list of events
technically cosponsored by the IEEE Control Systems Society:
- 2017 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS’17).
Miami (FL), United States. Jun 13 - Jun 16, 2017.
- 21st International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and
Robotics (MMAR 2016). Miedzyzdroje, Poland. Aug 29 - Sep 1, 2016.
- 6th International Symposium on Advanced Control of Industrial Processes
(AdCONIP 2017). Taipei, Taiwan. May 28 - May 31, 2017.
- 16th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS
2016). Gyeongju, South Korea. Oct 16 - Oct 19, 2016. http://2016.iccas.org/
For a full listing of CSS technically cosponsored conferences, please visit
http://ieeecss.org/conferences/technically-cosponsored and for a list of
the upcoming and past CSS main conferences please visit
1.6. CFP: IEEE-CSS Outreach Fund
Contributed by: Daniel E. Rivera, daniel.rivera at asu.edu
The IEEE CSS Outreach Task Force is pleased to announce the submission
window for proposals to the IEEE-CSS Outreach Fund for its 2016 fall
solicitation. Proposals will be received starting Monday, October 31
through midnight on Friday, November 18, 2016. Information regarding the
program can be found in:
Inquiries, notices of intent, and requests for application forms should be
made directly to Daniel E. Rivera, Outreach Task Force Chair, at
daniel.rivera at asu.edu.
2. Honors & Awards
2.1. Fulbright-Nehru Distinguished Chair Professor Award
Contributed by: Aurobinda Routray, aroutray at iitkgp.ac.in
Fulbright-Nehru Distinguished Chair Professor Award for Biswa Nath Datta
Biswa Nath Datta, Professor of Mathematical Sciences and Distinguished
Research Professor at Northern Illinois University was a recipient of 2015
Fulbright-Nehru Distinguished Chair Professorship Award given by United
States Department of State Bureau of Education and Cultural Affairs with
Indian Institute of Technology-Kharagpur (IIT-KGP) as the Home Institute.
Earlier, Biswa had received two Senior Fulbright Specialists Awards in 2006
and 2008 in Mongolia and Egypt, respectively, to visit and deliver lectures
on his research at National University of Mongolia and at several
Universities in Egypt. The Distinguished Chair Award is of the highest
level of Fulbright Awards.
“The Fulbright Distinguished Chair Program awards are viewed as the most
prestigious appointments in the Fulbright Scholar Program. The candidates
are considered eminent scholars and have significant publication and
teaching record”, according to the Fulbright website. In India the award
was administered by United States-India Educational Foundation (USIEF).
“USIEF promotes mutual understanding between the nationals of India and the
national of United States through the educational exchange of outstanding
scholars, professional and students”.
During the award period ( October, 2015 to January,2016) , in addition to
delivering lectures/workshop/courses and conducting research at the home
institute, IIT-KGP, Biswa visited several other Universities and Research
Organizations of high distinctions in India, including IIT-Delhi,
IIT-Madras, IIT-Bombay, IIT- Gandhinagar, IIT- Bhubaneswar, IIT-Jodhpur, ,
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, Indian Statistical Institute in
Kolkata, and Jadavpur University , Kolkata to deliver lectures on his
current interdisciplinary research on “Computational and Optimization
Methods for Inverse Quadratic Eigenvalue Problems in Active Vibration
Control and Finite Element Model Updating” and to collaborate on research
and book-writing projects with Indian colleagues. It is worth mentioning
that his both books, “Numerical Methods for Linear Control Systems Design
and Analysis”, and “ Numerical Linear Algebra and Applications” have Indian
editions and are widely used in Indian Universities.
His in-country visits were organized and coordinated by USIEF.
2.2. Asian Journal of Control Best Paper Award
Contributed by: Lichen Fu, lichen at ntu.edu.tw
Asian Journal of Control
Best Paper Award, 2016
In 2001 Asian Control Conference, the Editorial Board of Asian Journal of
Control has conveyed the 1st Best Paper Award. The award includes a plaque
and US$ 1,000 check. Now, we would like to announce the winner of the 8th
Best Paper Award. The award was conveyed during 2016 SICE Annual Conference
(Sep.20-23) in Tsukuba, Japan.
Award Paper
Title: “Markov Chain Approach to Probabilistic Guidance for Swarms of
Autonomous Agents”
Authors: Behcet Acikmese (University of Washington, WA, USA)
David S. Bayard (California Institute of Technology, California, USA)
Issue:Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 1105–112
Full text: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/asjc.982/full
Motivated by biological swarms occurring in nature, there is recent
interest in developing swarms comprised completely of engineered agents.
The main challenge for developing swarm guidance laws compared to earlier
formation flying and multi-vehicle coordination approaches is the sheer
number of agents involved. While formation flying applications might
involve up to 10 to 20 agents, swarms are desired to contain hundreds to
many thousands of agents. In order to deal with the sheer size, the present
paper makes a break with past deterministic methods, and considers the
swarm as a statistical ensemble for which guidance can be performed from a
probabilistic point of view. The probability-based approach takes advantage
of the law of large numbers, and leads to computationally tractable and
implementable swarm guidance laws. Agents following a probabilistic
guidance algorithm make statistically independent probabilistic decisions
based solely on their own state, which ultimately guides the swarm to the
desired density distribution in the configuration space. Two different
synthesis methods are introduced for designing probabilistic guidance laws.
The first is based on the Metropolis-Hastings (M-H) algorithm, and the
second is based on using Linear Matrix Inequalities (LMIs). The M-H
approach ensures convergent swarm behavior subject to enforced desired
motion constraints, while the LMI approach additionally ensures exponential
convergence with a prescribed decay rate, and allows minimization of a cost
function that reflects fuel expenditure. In addition, both algorithms endow
the swarm with the property of self-repair, and the capability to strictly
enforce zero-probability keep-out regions. This last property requires a
slight generalization of Perron-Frobenius theory, and can be very useful in
swarm applications that contain regions where no agents are allowed to go.
Simulation examples are given to illustrate the methods and demonstrate
desired properties of the guided swarm.
2.3. CFN: SIAG/Control and Systems Theory Prize
Contributed by: SIAM Prize Program, prizeadmin at siam.org
Deadline for Nominations Approaching - SIAG/CST Prize
SIAM is accepting nominations for the 2017 SIAG/Control and Systems Theory
Prize (SIAG/CST Prize). Submit your nomination at
http://www.siam.org/prizes/nominations/nom_siag_cstprize.php. For
inquiries, contact the SIAM Prize Program at prizeadmin at siam.org.
The SIAG/CST Prize is awarded every two years to one individual in their
early career for outstanding research contributions to the mathematical
theory of control or systems. The SIAM Activity Group on Control and
Systems Theory (SIAG/CST) will award the prize at the SIAM Conference on
Control and its Applications (CT17), to be held jointly with the SIAM
Annual Meeting, July 10-12, 2017, in Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
Eligibility Criteria:
The research must contain significant contributions to the mathematical
theory of control or systems, as commonly defined in the mathematical and
engineering literature. One key paper must be cited as evidencing the
contributions, though a body of papers may be discussed in the nomination.
The qualifying key paper must have been published in English in a
peer-reviewed journal. For the 2017 award, the paper must have been
published between the dates of January 1, 2014 – December 31, 2016. The
candidate must have been awarded their PhD no earlier than 2008. The key
paper must have been published no more than six (6) years after the
candidate received their PhD.
Nomination Deadline:
October 15, 2016
Required Materials:
Nominator’s Letter of Recommendation for Candidate
Candidate’s CV
Bibliographic Citation for Candidate’s Key Contributing Paper
2-3 Letters of Support from experts in the field
Contact prizeadmin at siam.org with questions regarding nomination procedure.
2.4. CFN: SIAG/CST Best SICON Paper Prize
Contributed by: SIAM Prize Program, prizeadmin at siam.org
Call for Nominations - SIAG/CST Best SICON Paper Prize
SIAM is accepting nominations for the 2017 SIAG/CST Best SICON Paper Prize.
Submit your nomination at
http://www.siam.org/prizes/nominations/nom_best_sicon_paper.php. For
inquiries, contact the SIAM Prize Program at prizeadmin at siam.org.
The SIAG/CST Best SICON Paper Prize is awarded every two years to the
authors of the two most outstanding papers published in the SIAM Journal on
Control and Optimization (SICON) in the two calendar years prior to the
year of the award, as determined by the prize committee. The SIAM Activity
Group on Control and Systems Theory (SIAG/CST) will award the prize at the
SIAM Conference on Control and its Applications (CT17), to be held jointly
with the SIAM Annual Meeting, July 10-12, 2017, in Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
Eligibility Criteria:
The qualifying paper must contain significant research contributions to the
field of control and systems theory. For the 2017 award, the paper must
have been published in SICON between the dates of January 1, 2015 –
December 31, 2016.
Nomination Deadline:
February 15, 2017
Required Materials:
Nominator’s Letter of Recommendation for Candidate
Bibliographic Citation for Candidate’s Paper
Digital version of the Candidate’s Paper (PDF preferred)
Contact prizeadmin at siam.org with questions regarding nomination procedure.
3. Books
3.1. Lectures in Feedback Design for Multivariable Systems
Contributed by: Oliver Jackson, oliver.jackson at springer.com
Lectures in Feedback Design for Multivariable Systems
by Alberto Isidori
ISBN: 978-3-319-42030-1
August 2016, Springer
Hardcover, 424 pages, $99.00/€84.99
This book focuses on methods that relate, in one form or another, to the
“small-gain theorem”. It is aimed at readers who are interested in learning
methods for the design of feedback laws for linear and nonlinear
multivariable systems in the presence of model uncertainties. With worked
examples throughout, it includes both introductory material and more
advanced topics.
Divided into two parts, the first covers relevant aspects of linear-systems
theory, the second, nonlinear theory. In order to deepen readers’
understanding, simpler single-input–single-output systems generally precede
treatment of more complex multi-input–multi-output (MIMO) systems and
linear systems precede nonlinear systems. This approach is used throughout,
including in the final chapters, which explain the latest advanced ideas
governing the stabilization, regulation, and tracking of nonlinear MIMO
systems. Two major design problems are considered, both in the presence of
model uncertainties: asymptotic stabilization with a “guaranteed region of
attraction” of a given equilibrium point and asymptotic rejection of the
effect of exogenous (disturbance) inputs on selected regulated outputs.
Much of the introductory instructional material in this book has been
developed for teaching students, while the final coverage of nonlinear MIMO
systems offers readers a first coordinated treatment of completely novel
results. The worked examples presented provide the instructor with
ready-to-use material to help students to understand the mathematical
Readers should be familiar with the fundamentals of linear-systems and
control theory. This book is a valuable resource for students following
postgraduate programs in systems and control, as well as engineers working
on the control of robotic, mechatronic and power systems.
1 An Overview
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Robust Stabilization of Linear Systems
1.3 Regulation and Tracking in Linear Systems
1.4 From Regulation to Consensus
1.5 Feedback Stabilization and State Observersfor Nonlinear Systems
1.6 Robust Stabilization of Nonlinear Systems
1.7 Multi-input Multi-output Nonlinear Systems
1.8 Regulation and Tracking in Nonlinear Systems
Part I Linear Systems
2 Stabilization of Minimum-Phase Linear Systems
2.1 Normal Form and System Zeroes
2.2 The Hypothesis of Minimum-Phase
2.3 The Case of Relative Degree 1
2.4 The Case of Higher Relative Degree: Partial State Feedback
2.5 The Case of Higher Relative Degree: Output Feedback
3 The Small-Gain Theorem for Linear Systems and Its Applications to Robust
3.1 The L2 Gain of a Stable Linear System
3.2 An LMI Characterization of the L2 Gain
3.3 The H1 Norm of a Transfer Function
3.4 The Bounded Real Lemma
3.5 Small-Gain Theorem and Robust Stability
3.6 The Coupled LMIs Approach to the Problem of c-Suboptimal H1 Feedback
4 Regulation and Tracking in Linear Systems
4.1 The Problem of Asymptotic Tracking and Disturbance Rejection
4.2 The Case of Full Information and Francis’ Equations
4.3 The Case of Measurement Feedback: Steady-State Analysis
4.4 The Case of Measurement Feedback: Construction of a Controller
4.5 Robust Output Regulation
4.6 The Special Case in Which m ¼ p and pr ¼ 0
4.7 The Case of SISO Systems
4.8 Internal Model Adaptation
4.9 Robust Regulation via H1 Methods
5 Coordination and Consensus of Linear Systems
5.1 Control of a Network of Systems
5.2 Communication Graphs
5.3 Leader–Follower Coordination
5.4 Consensus in a Homogeneous Network: Preliminaries
5.5 Consensus in a Homogeneous Network: Design
5.6 Consensus in a Heterogeneous Network
Part II Nonlinear Systems
6 Stabilization of Nonlinear Systems via State Feedback
6.1 Relative Degree and Local Normal Forms
6.2 Global Normal Forms
6.3 The Zero Dynamics
6.4 Stabilization via Full State Feedback
6.5 Stabilization via Partial State Feedback
6.6 Examples and Counterexamples
7 Nonlinear Observers and Separation Principle
7.1 The Observability Canonical Form
7.2 The Case of Input-Affine Systems
7.3 High-Gain Nonlinear Observers
7.4 The Gains of the Nonlinear Observer
7.5 A Nonlinear Separation Principle
7.6 Examples
8 The Small-Gain Theorem for Nonlinear Systems and Its Applications to
Robust Stability
8.1 The Small-Gain Theorem for Input-to-State Stable Systems
8.2 Gain Assignment
8.3 An Application to Robust Stability
9 The Structure of Multivariable Nonlinear Systems
9.1 Preliminaries
9.2 The Basic Inversion Algorithm
9.3 An Underlying Recursive Structure of the Derivatives of the Output
9.4 Partial and Full Normal Forms
9.5 The Case of Input–Output Linearizable Systems
9.6 The Special Case of Systems Having Vector Relative Degree
10 Stabilization of Multivariable Nonlinear Systems: Part I
10.1 The Hypothesis of Strong Minimum-Phase
10.2 Systems Having Vector Relative Degree: Stabilization via Full State
10.3 A Robust “Observer”
10.4 Convergence Analysis
11 Stabilization of Multivariable Nonlinear Systems: Part II
11.1 Handling Invertible Systems that Are Input–Output Linearizable
11.2 Stabilization by Partial-State Feedback
11.3 Stabilization via Dynamic Output Feedback
11.4 Handling More General Classes of Invertible Systems
12 Regulation and Tracking in Nonlinear Systems
12.1 Preliminaries
12.2 Steady-State Analysis
12.3 The Case of SISO Systems
12.4 The Design of an Internal Model
12.5 Consensus in a Network of Nonlinear Systems
Appendix A: Background Material in Linear Systems Theory
Appendix B: Stability and Asymptotic Behavior of Nonlinear Systems
3.2. Control of Complex Systems: Theory and Applications
Contributed by: Kyriakos G. Vamvoudakis, kyriakos at vt.edu
Control of Complex Systems: Theory and Applications
Edited by: Kyriakos G. Vamvoudakis and Sarangapani Jagannathan
ISBN: 978-0-12-805246-4
eBook ISBN : 9780128054376
July 2016, Elsevier
Pages: 762
The book presents a variety of state-of-the-art methods for the control of
complex systems. These methods cover the theory and applications of complex
dynamical systems. Given the presence of modeling uncertainties, the
unavailability of the model, and the possibility of
cooperative/noncooperative goals and malicious attacks compromising the
security of networked systems, there is a need for novel approaches to
respond to situations not programmed or anticipated in the design. This
book has five sections. The first section provides an introduction to
complex systems and background on the control mechanisms that will be used
in the subsequent sections of the book to solve several problems. The
second section provides techniques from adaptive control and neuroscience.
Several adaptive learning algorithms from different perspectives are
presented in the third section. Cyber-physical systems are an example of
complex dynamical systems, and cooperative control for such systems is
included as a collection of chapters in the fourth section. Finally, the
fifth section provides real-world examples of complex systems.
Key Features
•Includes chapters from several well-known professors and researchers that
showcase their recent work
•Presents different state-of-the-art control approaches and theory for
complex systems
•Explores the presence of modelling uncertainties, the unavailability of
the model, the possibility of cooperative/non-cooperative goals, and
malicious attacks compromising the security of networked teams
•Serves as a helpful reference for researchers and control engineers
working with machine learning, adaptive control, and automatic control
Table of Contents
Section 1: Introduction and Preface
1. Introduction to Complex Systems and Feedback Control, K.G. Vamvoudakis,
S. Jagannathan
Section 2: Adaptive Control and Neuroscience
2. Hierarchical Adaptive Control of Rapidly Time-Varying Systems Using
Multiple Models, K.S. Narendra
3. Adaptive Stabilization of Uncertain Systems with Model-Based Control and
Event-Triggered Feedback Updates, E. Garcia, P.J. Antsaklis
4. A Neural Field Theory for Loss of Consciousness: Synaptic Drive
Dynamics, System Stability, Attractors, Partial, Synchronization, and Hopf
Bifurcations Characterizing the Anesthetic Cascade, W.M. Haddad, S.P. Hou,
J.M. Bailey, N. Meskin
Section 3: Adaptive Learning Algorithms
5. Optimal Tracking Control of Uncertain Systems: On-Policy and Off-Policy
Reinforcement Learning Approaches, B. Kiumarsi, H. Modares, F.L. Lewis
6. Addressing Adaptation and Learning in the Context of Model Predictive
Control with Moving-Horizon Estimation, D.A. Copp, J.P. Hespanha
7. Stochastic Adaptive Dynamic Programming for Robust Optimal Control
Design, T. Bian, Z.-P. Jiang
8. Model-Based Reinforcement Learning for Approximate Optimal Regulation,
R. Kamalapurkar, P. Walters, W.E. Dixon
9. Continuous-Time Distributed Adaptive Dynamic Programming for
Heterogeneous Multi agent Optimal Synchronization Control, Q. Wei, R.
Song, D. Liu, B. Luo
10. Model-Free Learning of Nash Games with Applications to Network
Security, K.G. Vamvoudakis
Section 4: Networked Systems and Cooperative Control
11. Adaptive Optimal Regulation of a Class of Uncertain Nonlinear Systems
Using Event Sampled Neural Network Approximators, A. Sahoo, S. Jagannathan
12. Decentralized Cooperative Control in Degraded Communication
Environments, D. Tolic, I. Palunko, A. Ivanovic, M. Car, S. Bogdan
13. Multi-agent Layered Formation Control Based on Rigid Graph Theory, S.
Ramazani, R.R. Selmic, M. de Queiroz
14. Certainty Equivalence, Separation Principle, and Cooperative Output
Regulation of Multi-agent Systems by the Distributed Observer Approach, J.
15. Cooperative Learning for Robust Connectivity in Multi-robot
Heterogeneous Networks, P.J. Cruz, R. Fierro, C.T. Abdallah
16. Discrete-Time Flocking of Wheeled Vehicles with a Large Communication
Delay through a Potential Function Approach, H. Hu, S.Y. Yoon, Z. Lin
17. Cooperative Control and Networked Operation of Passivity-Short Systems,
R. Harvey, Z. Qu
18. Synchronizing Region Approach for Identical Linear Time-Invariant
Agents, K.H. Movric, M. Sebek
Section 5: Applications
19. The Stereographic Product of Positive-Real Functions is Positive Real,
R.W. Newcomb
20. Collective Target Tracking Mean Field Control for Markovian Jump-Driven
Models of Electric Water Heating Loads, A.C. Kizilkale, R.P. Malhamé
21. Trajectory Planning Based on Collocation Methods for Adaptive Motion
Control of Multiple Aerial and Ground Autonomous Vehicles, S. Vera, F.
Petric, G. Heredia, A. Ollero, Z. Kovacic
22. Intelligent Control of a Prosthetic Ankle Joint Using Gait Recognition,
A. Mai, S. Commuri
23. Novel Robust Adaptive Algorithms for Estimation and Control: Theory and
Practical Examples, G. Herrmann, J. Na, M. Nasiruddin Mahyuddin
4. Journals
4.1. Contents: Automatica
Contributed by: Elisa Capello, automatica at polito.it
Table of Contents
Vol. 72, October 2016
- Fei Chen, Gang Feng, “On the optimal parameter of the composite Laplacian
quadratics function”, pages 1-10.
- David Evan Zlotnik, James Richard Forbes, “Exponential convergence of a
nonlinear attitude estimator”, pages 11-18.
- Carlo Novara, Simone Formentin, Sergio M. Savaresi, Mario Milanese,
“Data-driven design of two degree-of-freedom nonlinear controllers: The
image-IBC approach”, pages 19-27.
- Hongli Dong, Zidong Wang, Bo Shen, Derui Ding, “Variance-constrained
image control for a class of nonlinear stochastic discrete time-varying
systems: The event-triggered design”, pages 28-36.
- Weinan Gao, Yu Jiang, Zhong-Ping Jiang, Tianyou Chai, “Output-feedback
adaptive optimal control of interconnected systems based on robust adaptive
dynamic programming”, pages 37-45.
- Zhengtao Ding, Zhongkui Li, “Distributed adaptive consensus control of
nonlinear output-feedback systems on directed graphs”, pages 46-52.
- Denis Efimov, Christopher Edwards, Ali Zolghadri, “Enhancement of
adaptive observer robustness applying sliding mode techniques”, pages 53-56.
- Michel Verhaegen, Anders Hansson, “N2SID: Nuclear norm subspace
identification of innovation models”, pages 57-63.
- Zhengyuan Zhou, Wei Zhang, Jerry Ding, Haomiao Huang, Dušan M.
Stipanović, Claire J. Tomlin, “Cooperative pursuit with Voronoi
partitions”, pages 64-72.
- Florian David Brunner, Maurice Heemels, Frank Allgöwer, “Robust
self-triggered MPC for constrained linear systems: A tube-based approach”,
pages 73-83.
- Wenjun Xiong, Xinghuo Yu, Ragini Patel, Wenwu Yu, “Iterative learning
control for discrete-time systems with event-triggered transmission
strategy and quantization”, pages 84-91.
- Jun Fu, Tai-Fang Li, Tianyou Chai, Chun-Yi Su, “Sampled-data-based
stabilization of switched linear neutral systems”, pages 92-99.
- Junfeng Wu, Xiaoqiang Ren, Duo Han, Dawei Shi, Ling Shi, “Finite-horizon
Gaussianity-preserving event-based sensor scheduling in Kalman filter
applications”, pages 100-107.
- Carlos E. de Souza, Daniel Coutinho, Michel Kinnaert, “Mean square state
estimation for sensor networks”, pages 108-114.
- Tarek Ahmed-Ali, Fouad Giri, Miroslav Krstic, Laurent Burlion, Françoise
Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue, “Adaptive boundary observer for parabolic PDEs subject
to domain and boundary parameter uncertainties”, pages 115-122.
- Denis Efimov, Emilia Fridman, Andrey Polyakov, Wilfrid Perruquetti,
Jean-Pierre Richard, “Linear interval observers under delayed measurements
and delay-dependent positivity”, pages 123-130.
- Xingye Zhang, Jesse B. Hoagg, “Subsystem identification of multivariable
feedback and feedforward systems”, pages 131-137.
- Vincent Andrieu, Christophe Prieur, Sophie Tarbouriech, Luca Zaccarian,
“A hybrid scheme for reducing peaking in high-gain observers for a class of
nonlinear systems”, pages 138-146.
- Xinzhi Liu, Kexue Zhang, “Synchronization of linear dynamical networks on
time scales: Pinning control via delayed impulses”, pages 147-152.
- Phan T. Nam, Hieu M. Trinh, Pubudu N. Pathirana, “Component wise ultimate
bounds for positive discrete time-delay systems perturbed by interval
disturbances”, pages 153-157.
- Wenjing Su, Constantino M. Lagoa, Hao Che, “Optimization-based, QoS-aware
distributed traffic control laws for networks with time-varying link
capacities”, pages 158-165.
- Lina Sela Perelman, Waseem Abbas, Xenofon Koutsoukos, Saurabh Amin,
“Sensor placement for fault location identification in water networks: A
minimum test cover approach”, pages 166-176.
- Yuan-Xin Li, Guang-Hong Yang, “Adaptive asymptotic tracking control of
uncertain nonlinear systems with input quantization and actuator faults”,
pages 177-185.
- Arie Levant, Miki Livne, “Weighted homogeneity and robustness of sliding
mode control”, pages 186-193.
- Jin-Ming Xu, Yeng Chai Soh, “A distributed simultaneous perturbation
approach for large-scale dynamic optimization problems”, pages 194-204.
- Ricardo Sanz, Pedro Garcia, Pedro Albertos, “Enhanced disturbance
rejection for a predictor-based control of LTI systems with input delay”,
pages 205-208.
- Farzad Salehisadaghiani, Lacra Pavel, “Distributed Nash equilibrium
seeking: A gossip-based algorithm”, pages 209-216.
- John Lataire, Tianshi Chen, “Transfer function and transient estimation
by Gaussian process regression in the frequency domain”, pages 217-229.
- Pablo Borja, Rafael Cisneros, Romeo Ortega, “A constructive procedure for
energy shaping of port—Hamiltonian systems”, pages 230-234.
- Qingbin Gao, Nejat Olgac, “Bounds of imaginary spectra of LTI systems in
the domain of two of the multiple time delays”, pages 235-241.
- Matthew Philippe, Ray Essick, Geir E. Dullerud, Raphaël M. Jungers,
“Stability of discrete-time switching systems with constrained switching
sequences”, pages 242-250.
- John T. Wen, “Passivity-Based Control and Estimation in Networked
Robotics, Takeshi Hatanaka, Nikhil Chopra, Masayuki Fujita, Mark W. Spong.
Springer, Switzerland (2015)”, pages 251-252.
- Xu Li, Lu Zhang, “Comments on “Stability of linear time invariant
fractional delay systems of retarded type in the space of delay parameters
[Automatica 49 (2013) 1287–1294]”, pages 253-254.
- Yong Feng, Fengling Han, Xinghuo Yu, “Reply to “Comments on ‘Chattering
free full-order sliding-mode control’ [Automatica 50 (2014) 1310–1314]”,
pages 255-256.
- Yuxin Su, “Comments on “Chattering free full-order sliding-mode control
[Automatica 50 (2014) 1310–1314]”, page 257.
4.2. Contents: Control Theory and Technology
Contributed by: Zou Tiefeng, tfzou at scut.edu.cn
Control Theory and Technology
(formerly entitled Journal of Control Theory and Applications)
Vol. 14, No. 3, August 2016
Special issue on disturbance rejection: a snapshot, a necessity, and a
- Editorial, Z. Gao P.177
- Extended state observer for uncertain lower triangular nonlinear systems
subject to stochastic disturbance, Z. Wu, B. Guo P.179
- Sampled-data extended state observer for uncertain nonlinear systems, C.
Tian, P. Yan, Z. Zhang P.189
- On ADRC for non-minimum phase systems: canonical form selection and
stability conditions, W. Xue, Y. Huang, Z. Gao P.199
- Control of systems with sector-bounded nonlinearities: robust stability
and command effort minimization by disturbance rejection, C. Novara, E.
Canuto, D. Carlucci P.209
- Robust flat filtering DSP based control of the boost converter, H.
Sira-Ramirez, A. Hernandez-Mendez, J. Linares-Flores, A. Luviano-Juarez
- Yet another tutorial of disturbance observer: robust stabilization and
recovery of nominal performance, H. Shim, G. Park, Y. Joo, J. Back, N. H.
Jo P.237
- Active disturbance rejection control: between the formulation in time and
the understanding in frequency, Q. Zheng, Z. Gao P.250
4.3. Contents: IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information
Contributed by: Kathryn Roberts, kathryn.roberts at oup.com
Contents, IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information 33:03
The Table of Contents below can be viewed at:
- Radoslav Paulen, Mario E. Villanueva, and Benoît Chachuat, Guaranteed
parameter estimation of non-linear dynamic systems using high-order
bounding techniques with domain and CPU-time reduction strategies
- Bing Sun, An optimal distributed control problem of the viscous
Degasperis–Procesi equation
- A. Carrasco, Hugo Leiva, and N. Merentes, Controllability of the
perturbed Beam equation
- Salim Ibrir, Adaptive-gain observer-based control of a class of
time-delay systems subject to output-slope non-linearities
- Aristotle G. Yannakoudakis, The static output feedback from the invariant
point of view
- Mohamed El Azzouzi, Hammadi Bouslous, Lahcen Maniar, and Said Boulite,
Constrained approximate controllability of boundary control systems
- C. Rajivganthi, P. Muthukumar, and B. Ganesh Priya, Approximate
controllability of fractional stochastic integro-differential equations
with infinite delay of order 1 < α < 2
- Fritz Colonius and Ralph Lettau, Relative controllability properties
- Mohamed Amin Ben Sassi, Sriram Sankaranarayanan, Xin Chen, and Erika
Ábrahám, Linear relaxations of polynomial positivity for polynomial
Lyapunov function synthesis
- Rigoberto Medina and Claudio Vidal, Stability and stabilizability for
slowly time-varying systems
- Jianwei Xia, Ju H. Park, and Hongbing Zeng, New delay-dependent robust
exponential stability for uncertain stochastic systems with multiple delays
based on extended reciprocally convex approach
- Peng Gao, Optimal distributed control of the Kuramoto–Sivashinsky
equation with pointwise state and mixed control-state constraints
- Viorica Mariela Ungureanu, H2-optimal control for periodic, discrete-time
Markov-jump systems with multiplicative noise in infinite dimensions
- Mohsen Barforooshan and Reza Mahboobi Esfanjani, Output feedback
stabilization over finite-bandwidth communication channels with
signal-to-noise ratio constraint
- Chang-Hua Lien, Ker-Wei Yu, Jia-Han Yang, I-Chieh Chou, Jenq-Der Chen,
and Long-Yeu Chung, Novel delay-partitioning approach on stability of
uncertain discrete switched time-delay systems via switching signal design
- John Leventides and Iraklis Kollias, Approximate pole placement by
involution and vector decomposition
- Kamel Baibeche and Claude H. Moog, Input-state feedback linearization
for a class of single-input non-linear time-delay systems
- G. Arthi, Tae H. Lee, Ju H. Park, and H.Y. Jung, Non-fragile
observer-based passive control for discrete-time systems with repeated
scalar non-linearities
4.4. Contents: Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems
Contributed by: Elena Sachkkova, elena.sachkova at gmail.com
Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems
Volume 22 · Number 4 · October 2016
- Specification Property for Topological Spaces, S. Shah · R. Das · T. Das
- Multifractal Spectrum for Barycentric Averages, A. Meson · F. Vericat 623
- A Blow-up Result in a Viscoelastic System, M. Kafini 637
- Quenching Phenomenon of Positive Radial Solutions for p-Laplacian with
Singular Boundary Flux, Y. Yang · J. Yin · C. Jin 653
- KdV Hamiltonian as a Function of Actions, E.L. Korotyaev · S. Kuksin 661
- Tangent Hyperplanes to Subriemannian Balls, A.A. Agrachev 683
- Gevrey Order and Summability of Formal Series Solutions of some Classes
of Inhomogeneous Linear Partial Differential Equations with Variable
Coefficients, P. Remy 693
- The Phenomenon of Reversal in the Euler–Poincare–Suslov Nonholonomic
Systems, V. Kozlov 713
- Hyperbolic Chain Control Sets on Flag Manifolds, A.D. Silva · C. Kawan 725
- Maxwell Strata and Conjugate Points in the Sub-Riemannian Problem on the
Lie Group SH(2), Y.A. Butt · Y.L. Sachkov · A.I. Bhatti 747
- On Sub-Riemannian Geodesics in SE(3) Whose Spatial Projections do not
Have Cusps, R. Duits · A. Ghosh · T.C.J. Dela Haije · A. Mashtakov 771
- Gauss-Bonnet Theorem in Sub-Riemannian Heisenberg Space H1, M.M. Diniz ·
J.M.M. Veloso 807
4.5. Contents: Control Engineering Practice
Contributed by: Martin Böck, cep at acin.tuwien.ac.at
Control Engineering Practice
Volume 55
October 2016
- Ning He, Dawei Shi, Michael Forbes, Johan Backström, Tongwen Chen, Robust
tuning for machine-directional predictive control of MIMO paper-making
processes,Pages 1-12
- Wenkai Hu, Jiandong Wang, Tongwen Chen, A local alignment approach to
similarity analysis of industrial alarm flood sequences,Pages 13-25
- Timothy Broomhead, Chris Manzie, Peter Hield, Michael Brear, An
experimental investigation of additional actuators on a submarine diesel
generator,Pages 26-37
- Li Sun, Donghai Li, Kwang Y. Lee, Yali Xue, Control-oriented modeling and
analysis of direct energy balance in coal-fired boiler-turbine unit,Pages
- Amir Eisapour Moarref, Mostafa Sedighizadeh, Masoud Esmaili,
Multi-objective voltage and frequency regulation in autonomous microgrids
using Pareto-based Big Bang-Big Crunch algorithm,Pages 56-68
- Irfan Ullah Khan, David Wagg, Neil D. Sims, Nonlinear robust observer
design using an invariant manifold approach,Pages 69-79
- Berno J.E. Misgeld, Philipp G. Tenbrock, Katrin Lunze, Johannes W.
Dietrich, Steffen Leonhardt, Estimation of insulin sensitivity in diabetic
Göttingen Minipigs,Pages 80-90
- Lei Xie, Xun Lang, Alexander Horch, Yuxi Yang, Online oscillation
detection in the presence of signal intermittency,Pages 91-100
- Francesco Alonge, Maurizio Cirrincione, Filippo D'Ippolito, Marcello
Pucci, Antonino Sferlazza, Adaptive feedback linearizing control of linear
induction motor considering the end-effects,Pages 116-126
- Michał Morawski, Przemysław Ignaciuk, Reducing impact of network induced
perturbations in remote control systems,Pages 127-138
- Uroš Sadek, Andrej Sarjaš, Amor Chowdhury, Rajko Svečko, FPGA-based
optimal robust minimal-order controller structure of a DC–DC converter with
Pareto front solution,Pages 149-161
- Adrià Soldevila, Joaquim Blesa, Sebastian Tornil-Sin, Eric Duviella, Rosa
M. Fernandez-Canti, Vicenç Puig, Leak localization in water distribution
networks using a mixed model-based/data-driven approach,Pages 162-173
- M. Guerra, D. Efimov, G. Zheng, W. Perruquetti, Avoiding local minima in
the potential field method using input-to-state stability,Pages 174-184
- Vinícius Barroso Soares, José Carlos Pinto, Maurício Bezerra de Souza
Jr., Alarm management practices in natural gas processing plants,Pages
- Omar F. Ruiz, Angelica Mendoza-Torres, Irwin A. Diaz-Diaz, Ilse
Cervantes, Nancy Visairo, Ciro Nunez, Ernesto Barcenas, Controllability of
rectifiers and three point hysteresis line current control,Pages 212-225
- Timo Korpela, Olli Suominen, Yrjö Majanne, Ville Laukkanen, Pentti
Lautala, Robust data reconciliation of combustion variables in multi-fuel
fired industrial boilers,Pages 101-115
- Paweł Majdzik, Anna Akielaszek-Witczak, Lothar Seybold, Ralf Stetter,
Beata Mrugalska, A fault-tolerant approach to the control of a battery
assembly system,Pages 139-148
- Deneb Robles, Vicenç Puig, Carlos Ocampo-Martinez, Luis E.
Garza-Castañón, Reliable fault-tolerant model predictive control of
drinking water transport networks,Pages 197-211
4.6. Contents: International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer
Contributed by: AMCS, amcs at uz.zgora.pl
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science (AMCS)
2016, Volume 26, Number 3 (September)
Regular issue
- Sikora B. Controllability criteria for time-delay fractional systems with
a retarded state 521
- Kaczorek T. and Borawski K. Fractional descriptor continuous-time linear
systems described by the Caputo–Fabrizio derivative 533
- Amairi M. Recursive set membership estimation for output-error fractional
modelswith unknown-but-bounded errors 543
- Karczewska A., Rozmej P., Szczeciński M. and Boguniewicz B. A finite
element method for extended KdV equations 555
- Schwaller B., Ensminger D., Dresp-Langley B. and Ragot J. State
estimation for MISO non-linear systems in controller canonical form 569
- Byrski J. and Byrski W. A double window state observer for detection and
isolation of abrupt changes in parameters 585
- Bartczuk Ł., Przybył A. and Cpałka K. A new approach to nonlinear
modelling of dynamic systems based on fuzzy rules 603
- Beddiaf S., Autrique L., Perez L. and Jolly J.-C. Heating source
localization in a reduced time 623
- Grosso J.M., Ocampo-Martinez C. and Puig V. Reliability-based economic
model predictive control for generalised flow-based networks including
actuators’ health-aware capabilities 641
- Bilski A. and Wojciechowski J. Automatic parametric fault detection in
complex analog systems based on a method of minimum node selection 655
- Martínez P.A., Castelán M. and Arechavaleta G. Vision based persistent
localization of a humanoid robot for locomotion tasks 669
- Zhang F., Zhai Y. and Liao J. A new sufficient schedulability analysis
for hybrid scheduling 683
- Różycki R., Waligóra G. and Węglarz J. Scheduling preemptable jobs on
identical processors under varying availability of an additional continuous
resource 693
- Li S., Sun W., E C.-G. and Shi L. A scheme of resource allocation and
stability for peer-to-peer file-sharing networks 707
- Koczkodaj W.W. and Szybowski J. The limit of inconsistency reduction in
pairwise comparisons 721
4.7. Contents: TWMS Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
Contributed by: Gamar Mammadova, f_aliev at hotmail.com
TWMS Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 7, No.2, 2016
ISSN 2076-2585
- Some Families of Mittag-Leffler Type Functions and Associated Operators
of Fractional Calculus (survey), H.M. Srivastava
- Software Algorithms for Low-Cost Strapdown Inertial Navigation Systems of
Small UAV, V.B. Larin, A.A. Tunik
- Adjoint Problem for the Laplace Equation under a Nonlocal Boundary
Condition, N.A. Aliyev , A.M. Guliyeva, S.M. Gusein-Zade
- Using Elzaki Transform to Solving the Klein-Gordon Equation, H. Alimorad
D., E. Hesameddini, A. Fakharzadeh J.
- Second Hankel Determinant for Bi-Univalent Analytic Functions, B.A.
Frasin, K. Vijaya, M. Kasthuri
- On Ebe-Algebras, A. Rezaei, A. Borumand Saeid, A. Radfar
- On Weighted Ostrowski Type Inequalities for Functions of Two Variables
with Bounded Variation, H. Budak, M.Z. Sarikaya
- Method of Determining the Coefficient of Hydraulic Resistance in
Different Areas of Pump-compressor Pipes, F.A. Aliev, N.A. Ismailov
4.8. Contents: International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems
Contributed by: Young Hoon Joo, journal at ijcas.com
International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems (IJCAS)
ISSN: 1598-6446
Table of contents
Vol. 14, No. 5, October 2016
- Switched System Identification Based on the Constrained Multi-objective
Optimization Problem with Application to the Servo Turntable, Qian Zhang*,
Qunjing Wang, and Guoli Li 1153-1159
- Fault Diagnosis for a Class of Active Suspension Systems with Dynamic
Actuators’ Faults, Zehui Mao, YueWang, Bin Jiang, and Gang Tao* 1160-1172
- "Consensus Seeking of Multi-agent Systems from an Iterative Learning
Perspective", Juntao Li, Yadi Wang, and Huimin Xiao 1173-1182
- Robust Decentralized Output Regulation of Heterogeneous Uncertain Linear
Systems with Multiple Leaders via Distributed Adaptive Protocols, Ranran Li
and Huaitao Shi* 1183-1194
- Improved Low-voltage Ride through Capability for PMSG Wind Turbine Based
on Port-controlled Hamiltonian System, Yonghao Gui, Chunghun Kim, and Chung
Choo Chung* 1195-1204
- An Efficient Algorithm for the Tensor Product Model Transformation,
Jianfeng Cui*, Ke Zhang, and Tiehua Ma 1205-1212
- Discontinuous H∞ Control of Underactuated Mechanical Systems with
Friction and Backlash, Raul Rascon*, Joaquin Alvarez, and Luis T. Aguilar
- Consensus Gain Conditions of Stochastic Multi-agent System with
Communication Noise, Jianchang Liu, Pingsong Ming*, and Songhua Li 1223-1230
- Forwarding-based Trajectory Tracking Control for Nonlinear Systems with
Bounded Unknown Disturbances, Xu Zhang, Xianlin Huang*, and Hongqian Lu
- Lumped Disturbance Compensation using Extended Kalman Filter for
Permanent Magnet Linear Motor System, Jonghwa Kim, Kwanghyun Cho, and
Seibum Choi* 1244-1253
- Observer-based H∞ Guaranteed Cost Control for Uncertain Singular
Time-delay Systems with Input Saturation, Yuechao Ma and Yifang Yan*
- Stability Analysis of Switched Delay Systems with All Subsystems
Unstable, QingzhiWang, Haibin Sun, and Guangdeng Zong* 1262-1269
- Nonlinear Control for Rotational Movement of Cart-pendulum System Using
Homoclinic Orbit, Hiroya Oka, Yuji Maruki, Haruo Suemitsu, and Takami
Matsuo* 1270-1279
- Stochastic Admissibility and Stabilization of Singular Markovian Jump
Systems with Multiple Time-varying Delays, Baoping Jiang*, Cunchen Gao, and
Yonggui Kao 1280-1288
- Angular Velocity Observer for Attitude Tracking on SO(3) with the
Separation Property, Tse-Huai Wu* and Taeyoung Lee 1289-1298
- Integrated Guidance and Control Design based on a Reference Model, Jian
Chen, Qingdong Li, Cunjia Liu, Peng Li, and Zhang Ren* 1299-1308
- Quality Improvement of Shunt Active Power Filter with Direct
Instantaneous Power Estimator Based on Virtual Flux, Salem Saidi*, Rabeh
Abbassi, and Souad Chebbi 1309-1321
- Design of Modular Gripper for Explosive Ordinance Disposal Robot
Manipulator Based on Modified Dual-Mode Twisting Actuation, Ho Ju Lee,
Jae-Kwan Ryu, Jongwon Kim, Young June Shin, Kyung-Soo Kim*, and Soohyun Kim
- Three-dimensional Locomotion Control of Single-legged Robot: Resonance
Hopping and Running Direction, Tae Hun Kang and Jeon Il Moon* 1331-1339
- Guaranteed Cost Non-fragile Tracking Control for Omnidirectional
Rehabilitative TrainingWalker with Velocity Constraints, Ping Sun* and
ShuoyuWang 1340-1351
- Obstacle Avoidance with Translational and Efficient Rotational Motion
Control Considering Movable Gaps and Footprint for Autonomous Mobile Robot,
Ayanori Yorozu* and Masaki Takahashi 1352-1364
- Adaptive Control for Robot Manipulators using Multiple Parameter Models,
Shafiqul Islam*, Peter X. Liu, Jorge Dias, and Lakmal D. Seneviratne
- Improved Position Tracking Performance of a Pneumatic Actuator using a
Fuzzy Logic Controller with Velocity, System Lag and Friction Compensation,
Vahid Nazari and Brian Surgenor* 1376-1388
- Inverse Statics Analysis of Planar Parallel Manipulators via
Grassmann-Cayley Algebra, Kefei Wen, Jeh Won Lee*, and TaeWon Seo* 1389-1394
5. Conferences
5.1. Chinese Control Conference
Contributed by: Tao Liu, liurouter at ieee.org
The 36th Chinese Control Conference (CCC2017)
Chinese Control Conference (CCC) is a well-reputed international control
conference, the largest control conference in Asia, which is held annually
with 1500+ attendees in the past three years. The 36th CCC will be held
from Wednesday to Friday, July 26-28, 2017, in Dalian, China. CCC is
initiated by the Technical Committee on Control Theory (TCCT), Chinese
Association of Automation (CAA). It aims to bring together the
international community of systems & control to discuss the latest findings
& advances in control theories & technologies. CCC2017 will feature plenary
lectures, contributed & invited papers, panel discussions, preconference
workshops, oral presentation sessions & interactive sessions. The
conference language will be both Chinese and English. The papers of CCC in
English will be included in the IEEE Xplore library and indexed by EI
Dalian is an outstanding traveling tourist city in China, honored as a
Pearl of the North China & a City of Romance. There is a light blue sky,
dark blue sea, and undulating coast, where you can enjoy the beautiful
coastal scenery and taste local delicious seafood. The conference venue,
Dalian International Conference Center, is a very majestic building of
structuralism, which has been the main venue of the Summer Davos Forum in
Welcome to Dalian for CCC2017!
Invited Plenary Lectures will be delivered by
Prof. Karl Johan Åström, Lund University, Sweden;
Prof. Tianyou Cai, Northeastern University, China;
Prof. Stephen Morse, Yale University, USA;
Prof. Denis Dochain, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium;
Prof. Jie Chen, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong;
Prof. Xiaohua Xia, University of Pretoria, South Africa;
Prof. Zongben Xu, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China.
Submission Information for Authors:
1. All submissions (including papers, proposals of invited sessions) should
be completed via the conference website http://ccc2017.dlut.edu.cn
2. The CCC presents the Guan Zhao-Zhi Best Paper Prize and the Best Poster
Award. Detailed application information can be found at
3. Invited session proposals should include a package consisting of a
proposal about 1000 words and a list of all the invited papers including
the paper titles, abstracts, and the authors’ names & affiliations.
Typically, an invited session consists of 6 papers.
Important dates:
Deadline for all submissions: December 15th, 2016
Notification of acceptance: April 1st, 2017
Final submission: April 30th, 2017
5.2. International Symposium on Neural Networks
Contributed by: Nian Zhang, nzhang at udc.edu
Call for Papers:
The 14th International Symposium on Neural Networks (ISNN 2017) in Sapporo,
Hokkaido, Japan, June 21-23, 2017
Conference Website: https://conference.cs.cityu.edu.hk/isnn/
Following the successes of previous events, the 14th International
Symposium on Neural Networks (ISNN 2017) will be held in Sapporo, Hokkaido,
Japan. Located in northern island of Hokkaido, Sapporo is the fourth
largest Japanese city and a popular summer/winter tourist venue.
The Sponsors/Organizers are Hokkaido University and City University of Hong
Kong. The Technical Co-sponsors are IEEE Computational Intelligence
Society, International Neural Network Society, and Japanese Neural Network
Society. The Publishers are Springer and Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
ISNN 2017 aims to provide a high-level international forum for scientists,
engineers, and educators to present the state of the art of neural network
research and applications in related fields. The symposium will feature
plenary speeches given by world renowned scholars, regular sessions with
broad coverage, and special sessions focusing on popular topics.
Call for Papers and Special Sessions
Prospective authors are invited to contribute high-quality papers to ISNN
2017. In addition, proposals for special sessions within the technical
scopes of the symposium are solicited. Special sessions, to be organized by
internationally recognized experts, aim to bring together researchers in
special focused topics. Papers submitted for special sessions are to be
peer-reviewed with the same criteria used for the contributed papers.
Researchers interested in organizing special sessions are invited to submit
formal proposals to ISNN 2017. A special session proposal should include
the session title, a brief description of the scope and motivation, names,
contact information and brief biographical information of the organizers.
5.3. IEEE Colombian Conference on Automatic Control
Contributed by: Jose García-Tirado, ieeeccac2017 at gmail.com
First Call for Papers
3rd IEEE Colombian Conference on Automatic Control 2017
Scope: The 3rd IEEE Colombian Conference on Automatic Control (CCAC) will
be held on October 18-20, 2017 in Cartagena-Colombia. The objective of the
Conference is to gather academic and industrial researchers and
practitioners, to discuss the state of the art, research and developments
in advance control-robotics and its applications for sharing and
encouraging technology development in Colombia and the Latin American
region. The thematic emphasis of the Conference will be covering the
theory, the implementation issues and the experiences related to the
applications of control, automation and robotics methods in research,
academy and industry. The main topics for the event include, but are not
limited to, the following:
Applied control for industrial and non-industrial areas, applied control
for robots, hybrid systems, intelligent control, mechatronics, mobile
robots, modeling of dynamic systems, multi-robot systems, process and power
systems, process automation, process optimization, sensing and sensor
fusion, system identification, systems and signals, control in power
electronics and electrical drives.
Important Dates:
- May 9, 2017 Papers submission deadline
- June 30, 2017 Papers acceptance notification
- August 11, 2017 Final manuscripts in camera-ready format
Paper submission: The program committee invites you to submit 4 to 6 pages
long papers in English or Spanish through www.ieeeccac2017.org
Submitted papers to CCAC must be original, not previously published or
accepted for publication elsewhere and must not be submitted to any other
event or publisher during the entire review process. IEEE policy regarding
plagiarism and duplicate submission/publication will be strictly enforced.
The paper format and submission instructions are available at
www.ieeelarc.org. All articles will be published in the Conference
Proceedings. Only English versions will be published in IEEEXplore.
Venue: The conference will be held at Cartagena de Indias, city on the
northern coast of Colombia in the Caribbean Coast Region and capital of the
Bolívar Department. It is the fifth-largest city in Colombia and the second
largest in the region, after Barranquilla. The Cartagena urban area is also
the fifthlargest urban area in the country. Economic activities include
maritime and petrochemicals industry, as well as tourism. During the
colonial period Cartagena served a key role in administration and expansion
of the Spanish empire. It was a center of political and economic activity
due to the presence of royalty and wealthy viceroys. In 1984, Cartagena's
colonial walled city and fortress were designated a UNESCO World Heritage
Site. (further details soon).
Contact: Additional details and Conference updates are available at:
Inquiries and doubts about the Conference may be addressed to:
info at ieeeccac2017.org
5.4. International Conference on Systems and Control
Contributed by: Driss MEHDI, driss.mehdi at univ-poitiers.fr
The 6th 2017 International Conference on Systems and Control
The 6th edition of the International Conference on Systems and Control will
be held on April 23-25, 2017, at the University of Batna 2, Batna, Algeria.
Topics of interest include but not limited: Linear and nonlinear systems,
Modeling of complex systems, Robust control and H-infty control, Stochastic
control, Estimations and identification, Variable structure Systems,
Observation and Observer, Multivariable control, Time-delay systems,
Industrial control, Manufacturing systems, Intelligent and AI based
control, Mathematical systems theory, Fuzzy and neural systems, Robotics,
Control algorithms implementation, Control applications, Control education,
Guidance and control theory, Motion control, Optimal control, Real time
systems, Mechatronics, Networks optimization, Fault detection, Power
systems, Modeling and simulation, Optimization, Process control and
instrumentation, Control of telecommunications systems
Paper submission: Papers must be submitted electronically via the Web
upload system only at
for more information please visit the web site of the conference at
Important Dates:
Submission Site closing January 15th, 2017
Decision notification : February 15th, 2017,
Final paper submission : March 5th, 2017,
Congress opening April 23, 2017.
5.5. International Symposium on Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems
Contributed by: Roderich Gross, r.gross at sheffield.ac.uk
13th International Symposium on Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems
November 6-9, 2016. Natural History Museum, London, UK
We warmly invite you to participate in DARS 2016. Now in its 13th edition,
DARS provides a forum for scientific advances in the theory and practice of
distributed autonomous robotic systems.
Distributed robotics is an interdisciplinary and rapidly growing area,
combining research in computer science, communication and control systems,
and electrical and mechanical engineering. Distributed robotic systems can
autonomously solve complex problems while operating in highly unstructured
real-world environments. They are expected to play a major role in
addressing future societal needs, for example, by improving environmental
impact assessment, food supply, transportation, manufacturing, security,
and emergency and rescue services.
DARS 2016 will build upon past successes and provide an exciting
environment to present and discuss the latest technologies, algorithms,
system architectures, and applications. The single-track symposium features
a strong technical program, international keynote speakers, a welcome
reception in a beautiful Victorian townhouse, a banquet offering finest
Polish cuisine, and ample opportunity to network.
Fittingly, DARS 2016 will be located in the famed Natural History Museum in
London, a powerhouse of scientific enquiry and a voice of authority on the
natural world. Its central location in London will give you the opportunity
to explore the fabulous Kensington neighborhood, and provide easy access to
the wider London area.
Registration for DARS 2016 is open:
Normal registration till 14 October
Late / on-site registration from 15 October (subject to availability)
- Coordination, cooperation, and collaboration in multi-robot systems
(Vijay Kumar - University of Pennsylvania, USA)
- Go to the bee and be wise: Swarm engineering inspired by house-hunting
honeybees (James AR Marshall - The University of Sheffield, UK)
- Material-integrated intelligence for robot autonomy (Nikolaus Correll -
University of Colorado Boulder, USA)
- Robust human control of multi-robot swarms (Katia Sycara - Carnegie
Mellon University, USA)
The full technical program can be found here:
Special rates have been reserved for DARS participants at some hotels and
will be allocated on a first-come first-served basis:
DARS 2016 is above all a social event for the advancement of knowledge in
distributed autonomous robotic systems. Social events will include a
welcome reception, poster & lunch sessions, a banquet and the presentation
of the awards:
DARS is technically co-sponsored by the IEEE Robotics and Automation
Society. Vicon Motion Systems is a Platinum Sponsor of DARS 2016.
If you wish to become a sponsor of, or exhibitor at, DARS 2016, please
visit http://dars2016.org .
Follow us on social media for all the latest updates.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DARSSymposium
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DARS2016
Google+: https://plus.google.com/104027908184261516130
More information at
5.6. CDC Workshop: “Robust and Quantum Control Theory”
Contributed by: Daoyi Dong, daoyidong at gmail.com
CDC Workshop WS21 - Robust and Quantum Control Theory: A Workshop Dedicated
to Ian R Petersen’s 60th Birthday
Organizers: Daoyi Dong (University of New South Wales, Australia), S. O.
Reza Moheimani (University of Texas at Dallas, USA), Valery Ougrinovski
(University of New South Wales, Australia)
Speakers: B. Ross Barmish (University of Wisconsin, USA), Matthew R. James
(Australian National University, Australia), S. O. Reza Moheimani
(University of Texas at Dallas, USA), Valery Ougrinovski (University of New
South Wales, Australia), Alexander Lanzon (University of Manchester, UK),
Andrey V. Savkin (University of New South Wales, Australia)
Abstract: Ian R. Petersen, a Fellow of the IEEE and the IFAC, a key figure
in the development of robust and quantum control theory, and an ARC
Laureate Fellow at UNSW Canberra, will turn 60 this year. We propose to
celebrate this occasion with a half-day workshop as well as a following
dinner reception (8:00 pm-10:00 pm). This workshop brings together 6 of his
collaborators and former postdocs and students who will present a broad
range of contemporary topics in different areas of systems and control
theory. These talks involve: On a state-space model for matching buyers and
sellers in the stock market; Linear quantum systems theory: An overview;
Fast estimation of amplitude and phase in high-speed dynamic mode atomic
force microscopy; On distributed robust estimation via optimization of H∞
disagreement and minimum energy; Negative imaginary systems theory: An
overview; Robust control theory framework for safe autonomous robot
Target Audience: All are welcomed. For more information, please see
5.7. CDC Workshop: “Solving Large-Scale Semidefinite Programs (SDPs) in
Control, Machine Learning, and Robotics”
Contributed by: Amir Ali Ahmadi, a_a_a at princeton.edu
We are organizing a one-day workshop on "Solving large-scale semidefinite
programs (SDPs) in control, machine learning, and robotics" at the 55th
Annual Conference on Decision and Control, in Las Vegas (
http://cdc2016.ieeecss.org/). The date of the workshop is on Sunday,
December 11, 2016.
We have a great lineup of speakers to cover recent algorithmic and
mathematical innovations around large-scale SDPs. You can find more
information about the format of the event by clicking on the Workshop
Proposal link here:
Registration for the CDC conference (in addition to registration to the
workshop) is required for workshop attendance. The early registration
deadline is September 30th (http://cdc2016.ieeecss.org/registration.php).
Kindly share this email with students/postdocs/colleagues who might be
Amir Ali Ahmadi
Assistant Professor, Princeton ORFE
Georgina Hall
Graduate Student, Princeton ORFE
5.8. IFAC World Congress Open Invited Track: “Event-Triggered and
Self-Triggered Control”
Contributed by: Sandra Hirche, hirche at tum.de
Open invited track on "Event-triggered and self-triggered control" at the
IFAC World Congress 2017 in Toulouse, France
We were approached by the organisers of IFAC WC 2017 to setup an open
invited track on ETC and STC for their conference. We decided to go for
that. It is a new sort of open session and there is no strict upper limit
on the number of papers submitted. Also we do not have to cluster the
papers in sessions; this will be done by the IPC (probably in consultancy
with us), see
https://www.ifac2017.org/OIT for more details.
The deadline for submitting papers is 31 october 2016. See also
https://www.ifac2017.org .
If you decide to submit to this track please use the code below to direct
your submission to it. Essentially, you do not have to inform us that you
are submitting as it will be handled by the IPC of the conference (via TC
1.5 ‘networked systems’ and TC 1.3 `discrete-event and hybrid systems')
Title: Event-triggered and self-triggered control
Track proposed by: W.P.M.H. Heemels (Eindhoven University of Technology,
The Netherlands), S. Hirche (Technische Universität München, Germany), and
K.H. Johansson (KTH, Sweden)
Abstract: Recent developments in computer and communication technologies
are leading to an increasingly networked and wireless world. This raises
new challenging questions in the context of networked control and
cyber-physical systems, especially when the computation, communication, and
energy resources of the system are limited. To efficiently use the
available resources, it is desirable to limit the control actions to
instances when the system really needs attention. Unfortunately, the
classical time-triggered control paradigm is based on performing sensing
and actuation actions periodically in time (irrespective of the state of
the system) rather than when the system needs attention. Therefore, it is
of interest to consider event-triggered control (ETC) and self-triggered
control (STC) as alternative paradigms that trigger control actions based
on the system state, output, or other available information. ETC and STC
can thus be seen as control strategies introducing feedback in the sensing,
communication, and actuation processes. To enable the wide exploitation of
these aperiodic control concepts in various domains, there is a strong need
for both a rigorous system theory and proof-of-concepts of the main ideas
in experimental and real-life applications. To support the development of
this system theory and stimulate the application of ETC and STC, we
organise a special track in the IFAC World Congress that will present
recent advances in the area of ETC and STC and their applications.
Website: none
Code for submitting contributions: 179fp
We hope you will consider submitting your finest work to this invited
track. Please forward this information to anybody who might potentially be
5.9. IFAC World Congress Open Invited Track: “Design of Fault Diagnosis and
Fault-Tolerant Control methods in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle/Flee”
Contributed by: Marcin Witczak, M.Witczak at issi.uz.zgora.pl
CFP: “Design of Fault Diagnosis and Fault-Tolerant Control methods in
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle/Fleet” Track at IFAC World Congress 2017
Contributed by: Marcin Witczak, M.Witczak at issi.uz.zgora.pl
We would like to kindly draw your attention to the open invited track at
the IFAC World Congress, July 9-14, 2017, Toulouse, France untitled Design
of Fault Diagnosis and Fault-Tolerant Control methods in Unmanned Aerial
Open Invited Track Submission Code: 7t459
The objective of this open invited track (see
https://www.ifac2017.org/invited for more details about open invited
tracks) is to present recent significant advances, developments and
applications in the design of Fault Diagnosis (FD) and Fault-Tolerant
Control (FTC) methods devoted to Unmanned Aerial Vehicle/Fleet. The Open
Invited track session will consider linear and nonlinear techniques for
modeling, fault diagnosis, fault-tolerant control, path and trajectory
planning/re-planning, cooperative/formation flight guidance, navigation and
Important Dates:
1 Draft paper submission deadline: October 31, 2016
2 Notification of acceptance/rejection: February 20, 2017
3 Final paper submission deadline: March 31, 2017
4 IFAC World Congress: July 9-14, 2017.
Submission procedure can be found at https://www.ifac2017.org/submit
Weblink on Open invited track can be found at:
Track Organizers:
Didier Theilliol (Universite de Lorraine)
Marcin Witczak (University of Zielona Gora)
Youmin Zhang (Concordia University)
Please feel free to forward this message to researchers and colleagues. In
case of any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us.
5.10. IFAC World Congress Open Invited Track: “Modelling, Identification
and Control of Quantum Systems”
Contributed by: Daoyi Dong, daoyidong at gmail.com
CFP: "Modelling, identification and control of quantum systems" Open
Invited Track at IFAC World Congress 2017
Submissions invited for “Modelling, identification and control of quantum
systems” Open Invited Track at IFAC World Congress 2017
We kindly invite you to submit your papers to the Open Invited Track on:
“Modelling, identification and control of quantum systems”,
organized as part of the IFAC World Congress 2017, Toulouse, France, July
Topics include but not limited to
• Modelling and analysis of quantum control systems
• State estimation of quantum systems
• Hamiltonian identification of quantum systems
• Parameter identification of open quantum systems
• Linear quantum systems theory
• Quantum optimal control
• Quantum robust control
• Quantum measurement-based feedback and quantum coherent feedback
• Learning control of quantum systems
• Quantum control applications in molecular systems, quantum metrology and
quantum information
Deadline for submission of papers is October 31, 2016.
For details, please see the IFAC World Congress’s website:
Open Invited Track Organizers:
Daoyi Dong (University of New South Wales, Australia)
Naoki Yamamoto (Keio University, Japan)
Rebing Wu (Tsinghua University, China)
6. Positions
6.1. MS Intern: University of Lorraine, France
Contributed by: Samuel Martin, samuel.martin at univ-lorraine.fr
Masters student research internship position available
Title : "Data analysis for opinion dynamics in on-line social networks"
Duration : 3-6months starting between February and April 2017
Contact : samuel.martin at univ-lorraine.fr
6.2. PhD: CNRS, France
Contributed by: Hannah-Christina Walter,
Hannah-Christina.Walter at gipsa-lab.fr
PhD: CNRS, Grenoble, France.
NeCS group (joint CNRS (GIPSA-lab)-INRIA team), in Collaboration with the
University of Padova.
Supervisors: Carlos Canudas-de-Wit (CNRSmain supervisor), Sandro Zampieri
(UDP co-supervisor).
Context: ERC-AdG Scale-FreeBack
TOPIC DESCRIPTION. This research proposal deals with the problem of setting
up a suitable modelling framework for complex systems corresponding to
large-scale networks. The original system is assumed to describe a
homogenous network in which the node/link distribution of G gives a
bell-shaped, exponentially decaying curve. Homogenous networks cover many
critical systems of interest (such as road traffic networks, power grids,
water distribution systems, etc.), but are inherently complex.
Scale-FreeBack is elaborated on the idea that complexity can be broken down
by abstracting an aggregated scale-free model (represented by a network
with a power law degree distribution), by merging/lumping neighboring nodes
in the original network. In that, supper-nodes (nodes with a lot of
connections) are created and represented by “aggregated” variables.
Controlling only boundary inputs and observing only aggregated variables
allows to cut-off the system complexity. The following questions will be
1) Defining the most suitable level of aggregation for the model. This
boils down to defining and sizing the state-vector, the control inputs and
outputs. A first question is how to define the right level of aggregation,
and investigate new metrics trading quantifiers reflecting an optimal level
of scalability (a suited node/link distribution) of the associated network
graph, with other performance indexes reflecting the system’s closed-loop
2) The second question focuses on how the aggregation process, in addition
to the scale-free property, will yield models consistent with the design of
control and the observation goals. The aggregation process will have to
include observability and controllability properties which are consistent
with the evolutionary nature of scale-free aggregated models (aggregation
process is evolutionary in the sense that the network changes and so the
aggregated modules will change accordingly while preserving the scale-free
3) Finally, innovative concepts such as peripheral controllability (i.e.
controlling the boundary flows in a lumped node rather than controlling
each single node separately), and energy-weighted controllability metrics
(where controllability is qualified by assessing the energy costs as a
function of the controllable nodes [Zam-et-al’14]) will be extended in this
project to the context of scale-free models. While only open loop metrics
have been considered so far, we aim to propose new closed loop metrics also
taking inspiration from road traffic networks application. Moreover we
intend to extend these concepts to the estimation and monitoring by
investigating the observability of aggregated networks. Finally, we will
propose and investigate different new weak notions of
controllability/observability in which the controllability/observability is
determined with respect to a limited subspace (peripheral and/or sparse
QUALIFICATION: knowledge and mathematical background in systems and control
theory, Complex and/or networked controlled systems.
EMPLOYMENT AND CONTEXT: This full-time position for 3 years. The position
will be open from Sept 2016 until filled. In our NeCS team at Grenoble, we
offer a dynamical research environment with a strong activity in networked
controlled systems. This PhD position is part of the large research project
Scale-FreeBack ERC Advanced Grant 2016-2021. The ERC is hosted by the CNRS,
and the project will be conducted within the NeCS group (which is a joint
CNRS (GIPSA-lab)-INRIA team).
APPLICATIONS: Please follow instructions:
6.3. PhD: CNRS, France
Contributed by: Hannah-Christina Walter,
Hannah-Christina.Walter at gipsa-lab.fr
CNRS, Grenoble, France.
A phd position is available at the GIPSA-lab, CNRS in Grenoble, France, on
the topic "On-line Partitioning Algorithms for Evolutionary Scale-free
Networks". The proposed research will be part of the Scale-FreeBack ERC
grant and will be performed under the joint supervision of Carlos
Canudas-de-Wit and of Paolo Frasca.
Scale-FreeBack is an ERC Advanced Grant 2015 awarded to Carlos
Canudas-de-Wit, Director of Research at the National Center for Scientific
Research, (CNRS), during Sept. 2016-2021. The ERC is hosted by the CNRS.
The project will be conducted within the NeCS group (which is a joint CNRS
(GIPSA-lab)-INRIA team). Scale-FreeBack is a project with ambitious and
innovative theoretical goals, which were adopted in view of the new
opportunities presented by the latest large-scale sensing technologies.
Qualifications: knowledge and mathematical background in systems and
control theory, Complex and/or networked controlled systems.
Detailed information on the position is available at
6.4. PhD: University of North Texas, USA
Contributed by: Tao Yang, Tao.Yang at unt.edu
Multiple fully funded Ph.D. positions are available starting immediately in
the Department of Electrical Engineering at the University of North Texas.
The research areas of these positions are generally related to network
control, distributed optimization, cyber-physical systems, and their
applications to power system, unmanned aerial vehicles and transportation
Required qualifications:
(1) B.S. degree in engineering field related to control and/or power systems
(2) Strong background in systems and control, optimization, and mathematics
(3) Excellent writing and communication skills
(4) Proficiency in programming languages, such as MATLAB, C/C++, Julia,
Python, etc
Preferred qualifications:
(1) M.S. degree
(2) Previous research experience in control systems and/or power systems
with a good publication record
(3) Previous research experience on networked control systems, distributed
control and optimization for power systems application, building and/or
unmanned aerial vehicles is a plus.
Interested applicants please send the application to Dr. Tao Yang by email:
Tao.Yang at unt.edu. Please send one single pdf document that includes a
1-page cover letter that states their qualifications and career plans,
detailed CV, transcripts, and a list of professional references.
Information about UNT
UNT is a major research university with rapidly growing engineering
research and educational programs. As the nation’s 24th largest public
university and the largest, most comprehensive in the Dallas-Fort Worth
area, UNT is dedicated to providing an excellent educational experience to
its 36,000 students through 99 bachelor’s, 83 master’s, and 36 doctoral
degree programs in its 12 colleges and schools, many nationally and
internationally recognized. UNT is strategically located in Denton, Texas,
a vibrant city with a lively arts and music culture, at the northern end of
the Dallas-Fort Worth metropolitan area. The DFW area has more than six
million people, with significant economic growth, numerous industrial
establishments, and excellent school districts.
The Electrical Engineering Department offers BS, MS, and Ph.D. degrees in
electrical engineering. It is home to over 400 undergraduate and graduate
students. Additional information about the department is available at the
website: http://engineering.unt.edu/electrical/.
More information is available on
6.5. PhD: KTH, Sweden
Contributed by: Dimos Dimarogonas, dimos at kth.se
Two PhD positions in distributed hybrid control systems are available at
KTH. The full announcement and details on the requirements for the
positions can be found here:
For any further required information, please contact Assoc. Prof. Dimos
Dimarogonas, dimos at kth.se, http://people.kth.se/~dimos/.
6.6. PhD: TU Berlin, Germany
Contributed by: Christian Hans, hans at control.tu-berlin.de
2 PhD positions at TU Berlin
In the context of the 6th Energy Research Program ("Research for an
environmentally-friendly, reliable and affordable energy supply"), the
Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) will fund a project
on "Distributed energy management for migrogrids with high share of
renewable energy infeed". The objective of the project is to develop a
plug-and-play energy management (EM) for electric power systems with high
share of renewable energy sources (RES). This EM should be able to
continuously adapt to the changing structure of the network and hence to
allow for the optimal operation of the installed units in all conditions.
Consequently, new units will be integrated automatically and seamlessly
into the EM. To asses the practical applicability, the EM will be tested in
a Hardware-in-the-loop simulator. Furthermore, it will be used for the
operation of a 200kW microgrid testbed.
The BMWi will fund two research assistants / PhD students in the Control
Systems Group at TU Berlin (www.control.tu-berlin.de). They will primarily
focus on control theoretic aspects within this project. They will interact
closely with an industrial partner. We expect the two research assistants
to work towards a PhD during this project. Salary will be according to the
pay-scale E13 TV-L Berliner Hochschulen (full time). The position will be
available for three years, starting in October 2016.
As a successful candidate you should have
- a university degree (Master, Diploma or equivalent) in Electrical
Engineering, Engineering Cybernetics, Applied Mathematics, etc.
- excellent knowledge in automatic control and numerical optimization
- basic knowledge in electrical power engineering and microgrids
- the ability and motivation for interdisciplinary cooperation
- excellent English language skills
How to apply
Please send your application with reference name "EMERGE" before October
7th 2016 to hans at control.tu-berlin.de
To ensure equal opportunities between women and men, applications by women
with the required qualifications are explicitly desired. Qualified
individuals with disabilities will be favored.
6.7. PhD: University of Groningen, Netherlands
Contributed by: Ming Cao, ming.cao at ieee.org
PhD position at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands
Institute of Engineering and Technology
University of Groningen, the Netherlands
Project title: Distributed coordination of autonomous agents in complex
General description: This project is funded by the Dutch Organization for
Scientific Research (NWO). The aim is to study how to design novel
strategies and algorithms to coordinate large numbers of autonomous agents
coupled together through local interactions. The PhD position is for 4
years and the starting gross salary is about € 2000 per month in the first
year and increases to about € 2600 gross per month in the final year. After
the first year, there will be an evaluation. The position will start in
Research group profile: The Department of Discrete Technology and
Production Automation (DTPA) at the University of Groningen, the
Netherlands, provides a leading education and research environment for
students and researchers who are interested in the inter-disciplinary study
in engineering, computer science, mathematics and applied sciences in
general. The research activities at DTPA focus on developing quantitative
and analytical theories and methodologies for complex industrial processes
and systems, such as autonomous robots, sensor networks, micro-assemblies,
energy systems and space systems. The research of the group is funded by
both public agencies and industrial partners.
Candidate profile: Applicants should have a Master’s degree in one of the
following disciplines: electrical or mechanical engineering, applied
mathematics, computer science or applied physics. It is desirable for the
applicants to have solid knowledge about systems and control theory or
network theory.
Application: Applicants must submit the following materials:
-- Curriculum vitae;
-- Transcripts;
-- List of two references
These should be emailed to Prof. Ming Cao (ming.cao at ieee.org), who is
available for further inquiry.
6.8. PostDoc: University of Washington & University of Texas at Austin, USA
Contributed by: Behcet Acikmese, behcet at uw.edu
Postdoctoral researcher opportunity
A postdoctoral researcher position is available. The research objective is
to develop analytical and numerical methods to bring together optimization
based control with formal methods.
The position will be a joint appointment with University of Washington
(UW), Seattle, and University of Texas at Austin (UT). Primary advisor is
Behcet Acikmese (UW) and secondary advisor is Ufuk Topcu (UT). The position
is available for one year with a possibility of second year.
Required qualifications:
- PhD in control theory, optimization, computer science or a relevant field.
- Strong background in optimization and control theory. Formal methods
background is valuable.
- Experience with numerical optimization, particularly with convex
optimization and mixed integer convex programming.
The application should include
- CV
- Statement of purpose
- List of at least three references
Please contact Behcet Acikmese
Email: behcet at uw.edu
6.9. PostDoc: Colorado School of Mines & University of Colorado Boulder, USA
Contributed by: Lucy Pao, pao at colorado.edu
We are seeking an outstanding post-doctoral researcher for the development,
validation, implementation, and experimental field testing of controllers
for a novel wind turbine rotor design. This post-doctoral position is
available starting approximately April 2017 for a duration of up to 24
months. Candidates should have a strong background in aerospace,
mechanical, and/or electrical engineering with a specialization in control
systems, and have strong hands-on experimental skills. Familiarity with
issues related to the control of wind turbines and NREL-developed software
tools for evaluating wind turbine control algorithms will be beneficial, as
will leadership and mentoring skills. The candidate will work as part of a
collaborative, creative, interdisciplinary team and should have excellent
written and oral communication skills. The position will be jointly
appointed at both Colorado School of Mines (Golden, CO) and University of
Colorado Boulder (Boulder, CO), and the applicant must meet requirements to
gain site access at the US National Renewable Energy Laboratory where the
field testing will be performed.
To apply for the position, please send the following all in one PDF file to
both email addresses below: (1) a cover letter summarizing your interest,
(2) CV, and (3) contact information for at least three references.
Professor Kathryn E. Johnson
Electrical Engr. & Computer Sci. Dept.
Colorado School of Mines
1610 Illinois St.
Golden, CO 80401 USA
Email: kjohnson at mines.edu
Professor Lucy Y. Pao
Electrical, Computer, & Energy Engr. Dept.
425 UCB
University of Colorado Boulder
Boulder, CO 80304 USA
Email: pao at colorado.edu
For more information, see https://inside.mines.edu/~kjohnson/postdoc.html
and http://ecee.colorado.edu/~pao/SUMR-controls-postdoc
6.10. PostDoc: IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca, Italy
Contributed by: Alberto Bemporad, alberto.bemporad at imtlucca.it
The Dynamical Systems, Control, and Optimization group of the IMT School
for Advanced Studies Lucca (Italy) is seeking candidates for a
post-doctoral position within the framework of the H2020-SPIRE project
"DISIRE" funded by the European Commission. The applicant is required to
have a Ph.D. in engineering, applied mathematics, or equivalent, with a
focus on optimization, control, or systems identification, earned before
the starting date of the appointment. Experience in model predictive
control, convex optimization methods, or systems identification/machine
learning algorithms will be considered as a plus.
Candidates must have a strong theoretical background, the ability or
willingness to apply the research methodologies to case studies of
industrial interest, and an excellent level of both written and spoken
English. The main tasks of the successful candidate will be to participate
to the research activities of the group related to data-driven integrated
process control, interacting with the PhD students and other researchers of
the group, and with the European universities and companies involved in the
collaborative project that supports the postdoctoral fellowship.
The appointment compensation package will depend on the candidate, and be
competitive on an international level. The duration of the appointment is
one year, renewable for an additional year.
The deadline for applications is October 31st, 2016.
For further information regarding the position, as well as the online form,
please see https://www.imtlucca.it/school/job-opportunities/academic/295.
6.11. PostDoc: Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
Contributed by: Avishy Carmi, avcarmi at bgu.ac.il
Postdoctoral position at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev -- Information
fusion in networks using tangle machines.
* Application deadline: 1st November*
* Start date: as soon as possible *
A postdoctoral position is available for an energetic candidate in the
areas of information fusion and statistical signal processing. The focus of
this two-year funded research is a new approach to information fusion in
networks named “tangle machines”. Tangle machines are graphical models
reminiscent of objects studied in low dimensional topology, in particular
knot theory. Among their attractive features is their flexibility; an
information fusion network may have many different tangle machine
representations. This endows tangle machines with an unprecedented capacity
to describe adaptive topologically resilient networks.
Candidates should have or be close to finishing a PhD degree in electrical
engineering, computer science, applied mathematics, or a related field.
Excellent technical writing in English is required. Candidates should send
their CV and a list of two references with full contact information to Dr.
Avishy Carmi at:
avcarmi at bgu.ac.il
About the university:
Ben-Gurion University is a major center for teaching and research, with
campuses in Beer-Sheva, Eilat and Sede Boqer. More than 18,000 students are
enrolled in the Faculties of Engineering Sciences, Health Sciences, Natural
Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Business and Management
and the School of Advanced Graduate Studies. The University also includes
major research institutes such as the National Institute for Biotechnology
in the Negev, the Jacob Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research with its
Albert Katz International School for Desert Studies and the Ben-Gurion
Research Institute for the Study of Israel and Zionism.
6.12. PostDoc: University of Bristol, UK
Contributed by: Andres Marcos, andres.marcos at bristol.ac.uk
Two (2) Post-Doctoral positions are available at the Aerospace Engineering
Department of the University of Bristol (U.K.) to work on development &
flight test of aircraft control schemes. Both positions will be within the
Technology for AeroSpace Control (TASC) group, http://www.tasc-group.com.
They require an aerospace degree and a PhD in automatic control, signal
processing or other relevant field of work, with knowledge of robust
control techniques (H-infinity, LPV). A practical orientation is also
The first position, for 1.5 years, is part of the European Horizon 2020
Transport project entitled:
“Flutter Free FLight Envelope eXpansion for ecOnomical Performance
improvement (FLEXOP), http://www.flexop.eu. The objective of FLEXOP is to
demonstrate the maturity of (i) wing aeroelastic tailoring and (ii) active
flight control for flutter flight envelope expansion. Towards this goal an
unmanned demonstrator aircraft (MTOW80 kg & wing span of 7 meters) is
being designed to provide a safe flight testing platform for the developed
flutter techniques. The PD position at TASC will focus on the investigation
of robust control methods for active on-board flutter control. It will
include the development, implementation and verification of the designs, as
well as supporting their hardware implementation and flight demonstration
in FLEXOP flexible wing demonstrator.
The second position, for 2 years, is part of the European Horizon 2020
Mobility for Growth project entitled “Validation of Integrated
Safety-enhanced Intelligent flight cONtrol (VISION)”,
http://w3.onera.fr/h2020_vision. This project is part of a call for
international cooperation in aeronautics with Japan, and has the objective
to demonstrate smart technologies for aircraft Guidance, Navigation and
Control (GNC). The work at TASC focuses on the development, design and
flight test of a system-wide aircraft Fault Monitoring and Tolerant Control
(FMTC) approach based on robust control and using standard sensing units
and potentially, also vision-based systems. The designed schemes will be
flight tested in JAXA’s MuPAL-alpha aircraft in Tokyo (Japan). The project
will be carried out at the University of Bristol but will entail yearly
visits to JAXA in Tokyo during the application and validation phases.
The positions are offered on a fixed term contract with a starting salary
per annum of £31,342 - £35,256 depending on qualifications. The position is
open to all nationalities. The starting date for both positions is December
2016 or as soon thereafter. Interviews are expected to be carried out in
November and until positions are filled.
Enquiries can be made to Dr. Andrés Marcos: andres.marcos at bristol.ac.uk.
Please add to the email subject: 2016 FLEXOP/VISION PD positions.
6.13. PostDoc: Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium
Contributed by: Andrea Simonetto, andrea.simonetto at uclouvain.be
A Postdoctoral position has been opened at Université catholique de
Louvain, Belgium, in the faculty of applied mathematics, and specifically
in the cyber-physical group of Prof. R. Jungers. The aim of the
postdoctoral position is to strengthen the group in one or more of its
research areas.
Prof. R. Junger's group works on several research lines: large-scale
optimization over networks, switching systems, discrete optimization and
automata theory, control theory (esp. convex relaxations and Lyapunov
theory), as well as game theory. We have just acquired a H2020 European
project in the field of air traffic management, for which we plan to
leverage tools from robust control, large-scale optimization, network
science, and game theory.
We are asking:
-- A open-minded, self-motivated, and independent postdoctoral researcher,
who has a PhD in control theory, signal processing, machine learning, or
related fields, or about to graduate. She/he has a very strong theoretical
background, and yet no problem in programming (especially in Python)
-- The candidate must be fluent in English and be committed to excellence.
-- She/he must be a team player and have a cooperative attitude.
We are offering:
-- A one year post doctoral position (with possible extensions) in a
vibrant research institute in the heart of Europe.
-- A competitive salary.
-- The freedom to pursue your own research ideas and collaborations within
the broad domain of cyber-physical systems.
Please apply sending an email to raphael.jungers at uclouvain.be, with a
single PDF file containing: motivation letter detailing how your profile
would fit in the group, CV with publication lists, and at least two
reference contacts.
6.14. PostDoc: INRIA, France
Contributed by: Jean-Baptiste Pomet, Jean-Baptiste.Pomet at inria.fr
PostDoc: Inria Sophia Antipolis, France.
One post-doc position (one year) to be filled by the end of 2016.
Topic: optimal control and averaging
This takes place in the body of work conducted by the team MCTAO (common
with University of Bourgogne (Dijon), University of Nice and INRIA) on
averaging in control, especially in celestial mechanics and space
Both theoretical and numerical explorations have to be conducted.
More information on
Contacts: Jean-Baptiste.Caillau at u-bourgogne.fr, Jean-Baptiste.Pomet at inria.fr
6.15. PostDoc: Concordia University, Canada
Contributed by: Horizon Postdoctoral Fellowships,
tatiana.st-louis at concordia.ca
Horizon Postdoctoral Fellowships, tatiana.st-louis at concordia.ca
Are you an exceptional early researcher, keen to explore exciting
challenges at the leading edges of research and creative activity, to
mentor your researchers, and to make an impact with your work? Apply now to
receive a Horizon Postdoctoral Fellowship from Concordia University.
Project title: Cyber Security, Monitoring, Diagnostics and Resilient
Control Recovery of Critical Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) Infrastructure
Additional Salary Information: $47,500 per year plus benefits and full
access to Concordia’s services
For more information on the program, including academic and eligibility
requirements and details regarding the application process, please visit
About Concordia University
Concordia University has secured a unique legacy for supporting and
developing people and their aspirations in order to enrich the world's
wealth of knowledge, bridge communities and, most important of all, enable
individuals to grow and contribute. A next-generation university, Concordia
is one of the top 100 universities under 50 and top 200 international
universities in the world.
6.16. PostDoc: University of Washington, USA
Contributed by: Mehran Mesbahi, mesbahi at aa.washington.edu
Professors Mesbahi, Klavins, and Fairhall of the University of Washington
in Seattle are seeking two postdoctoral scholars to work on a collaborative
project at the intersection of control theory, neuro-engineering, and
synthetic biology. Our aim is to genetically reprogram the neural behavior
of Hydra, organisms with simple, decentralized nervous systems. These
positions will focus on the development of nonlinear network models and
control theory and work closely with experimentalists to design and predict
the behavior of new neural circuits. The work will be conducted at the
University of Washington in collaboration with researchers at Columbia
University, UC Davis, and UC Irvine. Candidates must have a PhD in
engineering, computer science, physics, or mathematics with (required)
prior research focus on control/dynamical systems theory. Prior experience
in synthetic biology and/or neuroscience is desired, though not required.
We are looking for candidates who can start as early as December, 2016.
Applicants should email Prof. Eric Klavins (klavins at uw.edu) or Prof. Mehran
Mesbahi (mesbahi at uw.edu) attaching a cover letter, a CV, and contact
information of three references.
6.17. PostDoc: CMU, USA
Contributed by: Bruno Sinopoli, sinopoli at cmu.edu
Postdoctoral position at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
A postdoctoral position in the broad area of system theory. The candidate
will be working on different aspect of Cyber-Physical Systems, with
emphasis on security.
Requirements: Candidates must have a PhD in engineering, computer science,
physics, or mathematics with prior research focus on systems theory. A
solid theoretical foundation is a requirement, together with creativity and
desire to explore new problems. Good communication skills, breadth of
knowledge, and ability to work as a part of a large team are a plus.
Timeline and application instructions: Start date is as soon as possible.
The appointment will be for 12 months, with a possibility of reappointment
based on performance.
Applicants should email Prof. Bruno Sinopoli at sinopoli at cmu.edu attaching
the following items:
1) Cover letter - describing previous experience and research/career goals,
2) CV - with list of publications/research accomplishments (2 pages max),
3) Contact information for three references.
6.18. PostDoc: Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
Contributed by: Tamas Keviczky, t.keviczky at tudelft.nl
A Postdoctoral position is available at the Delft Center for Systems and
Control (DCSC), Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands, with the
following focus:
Distributed Control of Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage Smart Grids
Project description:
This project offers an opportunity to develop and implement distributed
control solutions (based on stochastic predictive control) for cooperative
operation of Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES) systems coupled with
local building climate control systems. The candidate will be responsible
for the development, testing, implementation, and evaluation of control
algorithms for a proof-of-concept pilot study involving a research team at
TU Delft and several industrial partners (including building operators) in
Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The study consists of investigation of
integrated ATES solutions based on distributed predictive control for
Amsterdam at a regional scale, and also focuses on several large buildings
at a specific test and implementation site. As such, detailed
control-oriented building models will be constructed, and the generic
control algorithms will be adapted according to the characteristics of the
specific building systems (hydraulic connections and components of the
existing HVAC), and the required communication infrastructure in order to
implement the developed software within the control systems of the
associated buildings.
Applicants for this challenging project should have a PhD degree and
background in systems and control, or civil-, electrical-, computer
engineering with a clear focus on building control systems. The applicant
should have demonstrated ability to conduct high-quality research according
to international standards, as demonstrated by publications in
international journals. Familiarity or previous experience with the
following topics is a plus: decentralized and distributed control, model
predictive control, stochastic optimization, building climate control and
automation, modeling of building performance applications, HVAC, networked
control systems, distributed computing, monitoring and embedded systems,
systems modeling and identification, smart grids. In addition, excellent
communication skills are important for this position and a good command of
the English language is required.
Project term:
Employment and salary are according to the Collective Employment Agreement
of Dutch Universities, with excellent secondary benefits and an annually
increasing salary starting at approximately EUR 3000 gross per month or
higher depending on the candidate's experience. The appointment will be for
one year with the possibility of extension. The position will be filled as
soon as a suitable candidate is found, with an intended starting date of
January 1, 2017. The project will be supervised by dr. Tamás Keviczky.
Information and application:
Interested applicants should send their detailed Curriculum Vitae, the
names of two professional referees, a list of courses taken with grades
obtained, a list of publications (with a copy of three selected ones), a
summary of their Ph.D. thesis and a cover letter stating their motivation
dr. Tamás Keviczky, tel. +31 15 278 2928, t.keviczky at tudelft.nl
General information is also available from the website
6.19. PostDoc: NC A&T State University, USA
Contributed by: Ali Karimoddini, akarimod at ncat.edu
The Testing, Evaluation, and Control of Heterogeneous Large Scale systems
of Autonomous Vehicles (TECHLAV) Center, located in the Inter-Disciplinary
Research Center (IRC) at NC A&T State University, invites applications for
a full-time, post-doctoral research associate position in Machine Learning
particularly on approximate reasoning using Fuzzy Type-2 for handling of
uncertainty. The project uses these methods to develop and implement test
and evaluation techniques for autonomy algorithms of autonomous vehicles.
This is a non-tenure-track, year-to-year appointment, renewable annually
for up to four years subjected to satisfactory performance, availability of
resources, and the needs of the Center. The research results of this
project are expected to reach a high Technology Readiness Level (TRL) to be
applied to testing and evaluation of autonomous vehicles. We thus look for
applicants that have a demonstrated track record in the applications of
Machine Learning techniques to systems and control problems. Programming
skills and practical experiences with embedded real-time systems are
The candidate will be also working with both undergraduate and graduate
students in a mentoring role, and will be involved in teaching relevant
courses, conducting workshops, and seminars. The candidate will enjoy a
dynamic and collaborative working environment. U.S. citizenship is
preferred and minority candidates are strongly encouraged to apply. If
interested, please apply electronically by sending a detailed curriculum
vitae, copies of your top three publications, the summary of your PhD
thesis, names and contact information of three references, and other
information that might be relevant to your application to Dr. Karimoddini (
akarimod at ncat.edu), Deputy Director of TECHLAV DoD Center of Excellence in
6.20. Lecturer: University of Pennsylvania, USA
Contributed by: George J Pappas, pappasg at seas.upenn.edu
The University of Pennsylvania’s Department of Electrical and Systems
Engineering invites applicants for two full-time Lecturer positions. The
department seeks individuals with exceptional promise for, or a proven
record of, excellence in teaching, course and curriculum innovation.
Applicants should have a Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Systems Engineering
or related field. We are particularly interested in candidates that enhance
our educational curricula in the broad areas of:
1. Computer engineering & embedded systems (embedded programming,
distributed systems, hardware/software co-design, model-based design,
internet of things), and
2. Information & systems engineering (control systems, optimization, signal
processing, data science, stochastic systems, model based systems
engineering, systems engineering projects).
The department is strongly interested in individuals that will balance
principles-based lectures with hands-on projects addressing emerging
application domains (such as energy, transportation, health). The initial
appointment is for three years before promotion to the rank of Senior
Lecturer is considered.
Diversity candidates are strongly encouraged to apply. Interested persons
should submit an online application at
http://www.ese.upenn.edu/faculty-positions and include curriculum vitae,
statement of teaching interests, and three references. Review of
applications will begin immediately Applications will be evaluated on a
rolling basis until the positions are filled.
The University of Pennsylvania is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Minorities/Women/Individuals with Disabilities/Veterans are encouraged to
6.21. Faculty: Zhejiang University of Technology, China
Contributed by: Xiang Qiu, qiuxiang at zjut.edu.cn
Faculty Position: Zhejiang University of Technology , Hangzhou, China
Contributed by: Xiang Qiu, qiuxiang at zjut.edu.cn
Zhejiang Control Science and Engineering First-Class (Class A) Discipline
Recruitment Announcement
Zhejiang University of Technology (ZJUT), sitting by the beautiful West
Lake, Hangzhou, is a Zhejiang Province and the Ministry of Education
co-supported, provincially governed key university, who owns one of the
only 14 Collaborative Creation Centers in the first initiative of the state
“2011 Program”. ZJUT has its beautiful campus covering more than 3000 mu,
which accommodates 24 Colleges, more than 37,000 full-time students and
more than 3,300 staffs. ZJUT is proudly to have 2 self-owned and 2 sharing
Fellows of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, as well as more than 1400
faculties with senior professional titles. ZJUT has State Key Disciplines,
State Engineering Research Centers, State University Science Parks, Centers
for Postdocs, as well as the power of awarding Doctors, Masters, MBAs and
recruiting foreign students and those from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.
The Control Science and Engineering Discipline within the College of
Information Engineering was one of the Priority-among-Priorities
Disciplines (selected by Zhejiang Provincial Government in 2009), and is
now one of the Zhejiang First-Class (Class A) Disciplines in the first
initiative of the Program in 2015. The Discipline now has the Doctoral
Program at the first-level discipline, the Center for Postdocs, and the
Zhejiang Collaborated Key Laboratory of Embedded Systems. The College of
Information Engineering where the Discipline is in has 5 undergraduate
programs: Automation, Electrical Engineering and Its Automation, Electronic
Information Engineering, Communication Engineering, and Electronic Science
and Technology. The Discipline is now recruiting faculties in the following
areas at the levels of State and Zhejiang Provincial “1000 Plan” high-level
talents, Zhejiang “Qianjiang Scholars”, ZJUT “Yunhe Specially-Appointed
Professors”, “ZJUT Professors”, outstanding PhDs and postdocs, etc.
(1) Control Science and Engineering, including advanced control theory,
robotics, machine vision, pattern recognition, industrial networked control
systems, MES, etc.
(2) Electrical Engineering, including electric drive, power electronics,
new energy, etc.
(3) Mechatronic Engineering, including high-precision servo control of
mechatronic devices, the modelling and dynamic analysis of robots, etc.
(4) Computer Science and Technology, including smart city, smart
healthcare, big data, cloud computing, IoT, industrial control software,
A. Selection criteria
High-level talents (Changjiang Scholars, 1000 Plan Scholars, Qianjiang
Scholars, etc.) You have major achievements and influence in your research
area that have already been recognized by national and international
researchers, or have great potentials of future development; You also meet
the criteria of corresponding talents programs.
ZJUT Professors /Associate Professors You have a PhD degree obtained from a
recognized university or research institutes with at least one year of
oversea research experience in a well-known foreign institute; You have
research achievements recognized by national and international researchers;
Your application also passes the review process at the university level
Outstanding PhDs/Postdocs You have a PhD degree obtained from a recognized
university or research institute; You have high-quality research outputs
and the professional skills required by a university lecturer, and great
potentials of your future career.
B. Salary and welfare
(1)National-Level Top Tier Talents:Fellows of Chinese Academy of Sciences
or Chinese Academy of Engineering, “Special Support Program” Distinguished
Talents, Principal Investigators of NSFC Innovative Research Team, or other
talents at the equivalent level. Treatment:Negotiation on the case by case
(2)National-Level Top Tier Talents:National “1000 Plan” Scholars
(long-term), Changqiang Scholars, NSFC Distinguished Young Scholars,
“Special Support Program” Outstanding Talents, winners (rank first) of
three major national science awards, or other talents at the equivalent
level. Salary (CNY):≥700K /Year; Housing Benefit(CNY):3M-5M; Startup
Funds(CNY):Case by case.
(3)National-Level Young Talents:“Special Support Program” Outstanding Young
Talents, “1000 Plan” Young Scholars, “Changjiang Young Scholars, NSFC
Outstanding Young Scholars, 973 Program Young Scholars, “Millions of
Talents Program” Scholars, or other talents at the equivalent level. Salary
(CNY):≥450K /Year; Housing Benefit(CNY):1.5M-2.5M; Startup Funds(CNY):1M-3M.
(4)Provincial-and-Ministry-Level Talents,Yunhe Specially-Appointed
Professors:CAS “100 Plan” Scholars, Zhejiang ”Qianjiang Scholars”, Zhejiang
“1000 Plan” (long-term) Scholars, or other talents who have made
significant academic contributions with great potentials of development and
who are awarded “Yunhe Specially-Appointed Professors” after the review of
ZJUT. Salary (CNY):≥350K /Year; Housing Benefit(CNY):1.5M; Startup
(5)ZJUT Professors,ZJUT Associated Professors:You have a PhD degree
obtained from a recognized university or research institutes with at least
one year of oversea research experience in a well-known foreign institute;
You have research achievements recognized by national and international
colleges; Your application also passes the review process at the university
level. Salary (CNY):Salaries at the appropriate levels; Housing
Benefit(CNY):0.4M-0.5M; Startup Funds(CNY):0.1M-0.2M.
(6)Outstanding PhDs/Postdoctors:You have a PhD degree obtained from a
recognized university or research institute; You have high-quality research
outputs and the professional skills required by a university lecturer, and
great potentials of your future career. Salary (CNY):Salaries at the
appropriate levels; Housing Benefit(CNY):0.3M.
(7)Postdocs (leading to a faculty):Besides the basic salary and welfare,
50K/Year subsidy is provided for the first two years, with the possibility
of continuing this subsidy plus a one-off 200K housing benefit if you are
accepted to ZJUT public institution business unit.
C. Required documents
(1)One self-recommendation letter covering your study and professional
records, your teaching and research statements, your achievements, your
work plan as well as your possible requirements from us.
(2)A list of your research funds, awards, and publications in the recent
five years.
D. Contact us
Dr. Qiu,
Email : qiuxiang at zjut.edu.cn
Mobile: +86-13867469319
Address: Xiaoheshan College Park, College of Information Engineering,
Zhejiang University of Technology, 310023
Zhejiang Control Science and Engineering First-Class (Class A) Discipline
Sep 02, 2016
6.22. Faculty: University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
Contributed by: Alan Wervick, awe at signatur.dk
Associate Professor in Mechanical Engineering
SDU Mechatronics, part of the Mads Clausen Institute and the Faculty of
Engineering at the University of Southern Denmark, offer a full-time
position as associate professor in mechanical engineering as of 1 January
2017 or as soon as possible thereafter.
The Mads Clausen Institute is located at SDU’s campus in Sønderborg. The
university has close bonds to the industrial environment of Sønderborg and
several projects within SDU Mechatronics are conducted in close cooperation
with enterprises of the active industrial area.
SDU Mechatronics bring together experts from different scientific fields,
such as embedded systems, electrical and mechanical engineering, signal
processing and control towards research, education and innovation in the
field of mechatronics.
SDU Mechatronics is looking for a specialist in design and modelling of
mechanical systems, in order to do research and teaching towards increasing
the level of design and analysis of mechanical components in mechatronic
devices, specifically fatigue properties and vibration analysis, also
developing simplified mathematical models for potential control purposes.
Main tasks
• Teaching of mechanical systems (CAD, standard components, production
• Supervision of student projects and thesis within the engineering
programmes in mechatronics at both bachelor and master level
• Active involvement in research efforts
Requirements and qualifications
- PhD degree in mechanical engineering or similar
- Documented experience with research dissemination in international
scientific journals and conferences
- Experience with writing research applications
- Good communication skills in English
- Self-motivation and the ability to work both independently and as a team
player with researchers from different disciplines
The following qualifications are preferred
- Expertise in Mathematical modelling of mechanical components and systems
- Experience with mechatronic systems
- Experience in teaching of mechanics (specifically mechanical components,
joining methods and fatigue)
- Ability to develop course curricula
For further information, please contact Jerome Jouffroy, associate
professor and PhD, tel. +45 6550 1642, e-mail: Jerome at mci.sdu.dk or Ib
Christensen, head of SDU Mechatronics, tel. +45 6550 1606, e-mail:
ic at mci.sdu.dk
Application, salary and conditions of employment, etc.
Applications will be assessed by an expert committee. Applicants will be
informed of their assessment by the Faculty.
As part of the overall assessment of the applicant’s qualifications, an
interview may be applied.
The successful applicant will be employed in accordance with the agreement
between the Ministry of Finance and AC (the Danish Confederation of
Professional Associations), Cirkulære om overenskomst for Akademikere i
staten 2015.
Applications must be submitted online using the link below. Attached files
must be in Adobe PDF or Word format. Each box can only contain a single
file of max. 10 Mb.
Read the guideline for applicants.
An application must include:
-Curriculum Vitae
-Diplomas/Certificates (Master's degree certificate and the latest
-Teaching portfolio (please see below)
-List of publications indicating the publications attached
-Examples of the most relevant publications. Please attach one pdf-file for
each publication, a possible co-author statement must be part of this
Applicants for an associate professorship at the Faculty of Engineering are
requested to submit a teaching portfolio with the application as
documentation for teaching experience as well as supervision
qualifications. Please read more here.
The University encourages all interested persons to apply, regardless of
age, gender, religious affiliation or ethnic background.
You can only apply for the position through our website
Your application must be registered in our system on the 15/10/2016 at
23.59.59 CET at the latest.
6.23. Faculty: University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
Contributed by: Alan Wervick, awe at signatur.dk
Assistant Professor in Control Systems
SDU Mechatronics, part of the Mads Clausen Institute and the Faculty of
Engineering at the University of Southern Denmark, offer a full-time
position as associate professor or assistant professor in control systems
as of 1 January 2017 or as soon as possible thereafter.
The Mads Clausen Institute is located at SDU’s campus in Sønderborg. The
university has close bonds to the industrial environment of Sønderborg and
several projects within SDU Mechatronics are conducted in close cooperation
with enterprises of the active industrial area.
SDU Mechatronics bring together experts from different scientific fields,
such as embedded systems, electrical and mechanical engineering, signal
processing and control towards research, education and innovation in the
field of mechatronics.
SDU Mechatronics is looking for a specialist in control systems to do
research and teaching towards increasing the level of intelligence of
mechatronic devices through increased autonomy, adaptivity, self-diagnosis,
and fault tolerance.
Main tasks
• Teaching of control systems
• Active involvement in research efforts
• Supervision of student projects and thesis within the engineering
programmes in mechatronics at both bachelor and master level
Requirements and qualifications
- PhD degree in control systems or similar
- Documented experience with research dissemination in international
scientific journals and conferences
- Experience with writing research applications
- Good communication skills in English
- Self-motivation and the ability to work both independently and as a team
player with researchers from different disciplines
The following qualifications are preferred
- Expertise in nonlinear control and/or intelligent control methods
- Experience with mechatronic systems
- Experience in teaching of control systems
- Ability to develop course curricula
For further information, please contact Jerome Jouffroy, associate
professor and PhD, tel. +45 6550 1642, e-mail: Jerome at mci.sdu.dk or Ib
Christensen, head of SDU Mechatronics, tel. +45 6550 1606, e-mail:
ic at mci.sdu.dk
Application, salary, etc.
- An assistant professorship is a 3-year position.
- Applications will be assessed by an expert committee. Applicants will be
informed of their assessment by the Faculty.
- As part of the overall assessment of the applicant’s qualifications, an
interview may be applied.
- Appointment to this position may also include teaching obligations in
regard to related degree programmes.
- The successful applicant will be employed in accordance with the
agreement between the Ministry of Finance and AC (the Danish Confederation
of Professional Associations), Cirkulære om overenskomst for Akademikere i
staten 2015.
Applications must be submitted electronically using the link below.
Attached files must be in Adobe PDF or Word format. Each box can only
contain a single file of max. 10 Mb.
Read the guideline for applicants.
An application must include:
-Curriculum Vitae
-Certificates/Diplomas (Master's degree certificate and the latest
-Information on any previous teaching experience, please attach as Teaching
-List of publications indicating the publications attached
-Examples of the most relevant publications. Please attach one pdf-file for
each publication, a possible co-author statement must be a part of this
The University encourages all interested persons to apply, regardless of
age, gender, religious affiliation or ethnic background.
You can only apply for the position through our website
Your application must be registered in our system on the 15/10/2016 at
23.59.59 CET at the latest.
6.24. Faculty: University of Michigan, USA
Contributed by: Kimberly Johnson, berlykim at umich.edu
Aerospace Engineering, University of Michigan - Faculty Search
The Department of Aerospace Engineering at The University of Michigan
invites applications for multiple tenure-track/tenured faculty positions in
all areas of Aerospace Engineering. We are seeking exceptional candidates
who will develop a world-class research program and innovative educational
experiences for our students. This is a broad search, and while we will be
considering all levels, preference will be given to junior-level applicants.
The Aerospace Engineering Department completed its 100th anniversary in
2014 and our undergraduate and graduate programs continue to be among the
very best in our nation. Research interests of the faculty cover a broad
spectrum of topics including high-performance multiphysics computational
sciences, aerostructures, smart structures and materials, flight dynamics
and control, avionics and software systems, multidisciplinary design
optimization, propulsion, combustion, and sustainable energy with a mix of
air and space applications. More information about the department can be
found at aerospace.engin.umich.edu. Applicants should have earned a
doctoral degree in Aerospace Engineering or a closely related field. The
successful candidate will be expected to participate in all aspects of the
Department’s mission, including the development of a strong and relevant
externally funded research program, the teaching of undergraduate and
graduate courses, and the supervision of graduate students.
Please prepare a single PDF file to the Faculty Search Committee that
contains the curriculum vita, statements of research and teaching
interests, three representative publications, and the names and contact
information of five references. The evaluation process will start in the
Fall semester and will continue until the positions are filled.
The University of Michigan is an equal opportunity/affirmative action
employer with an active dual-career assistance program. The college is
especially interested in candidates who can contribute, through research,
teaching, and/or service, to the diversity and excellence of the academic
Click here to apply: https://umich.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3K855RLMX9B5W2F
6.25. Faculty: Queen’s University, Canada
Contributed by: Serdar Yuksel, yuksel at mast.queensu.ca
The Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Faculty of Arts and Science
at Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada, invites applications for a
Tenure-track faculty position in Applied Mathematics and Mathematics and
Engineering at the rank of Assistant Professor with a starting date of July
1, 2017.
In areas related to Mathematics and Engineering, there are presently
prominent research groups in Information and Communication Theory, Control
Theory, and Geometric Mechanics. For more information about the Mathematics
and Engineering program, please see http://www.mast.queensu.ca/meng/. A
successful candidate will be expected to work in any of these or
complementary research areas, and to contribute to both the graduate and
undergraduate programs. A candidate who joins the Mathematics and
Engineering group will be expected to obtain a license as a Professional
Engineer; an undergraduate degree in Engineering is a strong asset towards
obtaining the license.
For the full position announcement, please visit:
6.26. Faculty: Caltech, USA
Contributed by: Sheila Shull, sheila at caltech.edu
The Computing and Mathematical Sciences (CMS) department at the California
Institute of Technology (Caltech) invites applications for tenure-track or
tenured faculty positions. CMS is a unique environment where innovative,
interdisciplinary, and foundational research is conducted in a collegial
atmosphere. Candidates in all areas of computing and mathematical sciences
are invited to apply, including (but not limited to) learning and
computational statistics, security and privacy, networked and distributed
systems, optimization and computational mathematics, control and dynamical
systems, theory of computation and algorithmic economics, scientific
computing, etc. Additionally, we are seeking candidates who have
demonstrated strong connections to other fields, including the
mathematical, physical, biological, and social sciences.
A commitment to world class research, high-quality teaching, and mentoring
is expected. The initial appointment at the Assistant-Professor level is
for four years and is contingent upon the completion of a Ph.D. degree in
Computer Science, Applied Mathematics or related field.
Applicants are encouraged to have all their application materials on file
by October 21st, 2016, but applications will be accepted until the end of
December. For a list of documents required and full instructions on how to
apply on-line, please visit http://www.cms.caltech.edu/search.
Questions about the application process may be directed to:
search at cms.caltech.edu.
Caltech is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. Women,
minorities, veterans, and disabled persons are encouraged to apply.
6.27. Faculty: University of Pennsylvania, USA
Contributed by: Goerge J Pappas, pappasg at seas.upenn.edu
MEAM Tenured and Tenure-track positions - Robotics and Controls
The School of Engineering and Applied Science at the University of
Pennsylvania is growing its faculty by 33% over a five-year period. As part
of this initiative, the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Applied
Mechanics is engaged in an aggressive, multi-year hiring effort for
multiple tenured and tenure-track positions at the Assistant, Associate,
and Full Professor levels.
We seek applicants with exceptional research achievements and future
promise, a commitment to excellence in undergraduate and graduate education
in mechanical engineering, and dedication to service and collegiality.
Candidates should couple strongly with the department’s core disciplinary
strengths in mechanical systems, mechanics of materials, fluid mechanics,
and thermal sciences. We seek applicants whose training and future research
is strongly rooted in mechanical engineering, and who work in Robotics and
Controls. Connections with other domains (e.g., medicine, biomechanics,
design, energy, aerospace, or manufacturing) are encouraged. The Department
seeks applicants whose research aligns with the School’s new strategic plan
(http://www.seas.upenn.edu/PennEngineering2020). For this search,
candidates at the Assistant Professor level are preferred; candidates at
higher levels will be considered in exceptional circumstances.
The Department maintains strong collaborations with all other engineering
departments, the School of Arts and Sciences, the Perelman School of
Medicine, the Wharton School of Business, and the School of Design. Our
faculty engage strongly with leading centers including the General
Robotics, Automation, Sensing, and Perception (GRASP) Laboratory, the Penn
Institute for Computational Science (PICS), and the Laboratory for Research
on the Structure of Matter (LRSM). The Department encourages candidates who
can leverage and add to these relationships. Successful candidates will
conduct innovative, leading research programs benefiting from Penn’s strong
interdisciplinary tradition and excellent facilities such as the
state-of-the-art Singh Center for Nanotechnology. Candidates who enrich the
diversity of our community are strongly encouraged to apply. For full
consideration, candidates must apply by Dec. 15, 2016.
The University of Pennsylvania is an affirmative action/equal opportunity
employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for
employment and will not be discriminated against on the basis of race,
color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, creed, national
or ethnic origin, citizenship status, disability, veteran status, or any
other characteristic protected by law.
6.28. Faculty: University of Waterloo, Canada
Contributed by: Baris Fidan, fidan at uwaterloo.ca
Faculty Position (Mechatronics) at University of Waterloo, Canada
The Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, in the Faculty
of Engineering at the University of Waterloo, invites applications from
highly qualified candidates for a tenure-track position in Mechatronics
Engineering, with a particular focus on Intelligent Vehicles or Additive
Manufacturing. Candidates will be considered at all levels, though
preference will be given to individuals applying at the Assistant and/or
Associate Professor levels.
The successful candidate will hold a PhD in Mechatronics or Mechanical
Engineering or a similar discipline. Duties will include developing and
maintaining an active and internationally recognized research program,
teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels, and advising graduate
and undergraduate students. Applicants should have demonstrated research
strength in Intelligent Vehicles or Additive Manufacturing, and have a
commitment to establishing a multi-disciplinary collaborative program.
Applicants must have excellent communication skills and a dedication to
both teaching and research. Applicants should send their full curriculum
vitae, a concise research and teaching vision statement, and the names of
three references to:
Dr. Jan Huissoon Chair,
Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
Email: mmechair at uwaterloo.ca
Applications will be accepted until October 31, 2016, with an anticipated
start date of May 1, 2017. The successful applicant is expected to have an
engineering license for practice in Canada or to apply for an engineering
license with Professional Engineers Ontario within five years of joining
the University. The salary range for this position is $100,000 to $150,000
CAD. Negotiations beyond this salary range will be considered for
exceptionally qualified candidates. Information about the Faculty,
Department and Research Group can be found at www.eng.uwaterloo.ca,
www.mme.uwaterloo.ca and
The University of Waterloo respects, appreciates and encourages diversity.
We welcome applications from all qualified individuals including women,
members of visible minorities, aboriginal peoples and persons with
disabilities. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however,
Canadian citizens and permanent residents will be given priority.
6.29. Faculty: University of Waterloo, Canada
Contributed by: Baris Fidan, fidan at uwaterloo.ca
Faculty Position (Biomechanical and Assistive Robotics) at University of
Waterloo, Canada
The Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, in the Faculty
of Engineering at the University of Waterloo, invites applications from
highly qualified candidates for a tenure-track position in Biomechanical
and Assistive Robotics. Candidates will be considered at all levels, though
preference will be given to individuals applying at the Assistant and/or
Associate Professor levels.
The successful candidate will hold a PhD in Mechatronics or Mechanical
Engineering or a similar discipline. Duties will include developing and
maintaining an active and internationally recognized research program,
teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels, and advising graduate
and undergraduate students. Applicants should have demonstrated research
strength in Biomechanical, Biomedical, and/or Assistive Robotics,
including, but not limited to, interests in exoskeletons, rehabilitation
robots, human-robot interaction, and/or collaborative robots. Applicants
must have a commitment to establishing a multi-disciplinary collaborative
program, and have excellent communication skills and a dedication to both
teaching and research.
Applicants should send their full curriculum vitae, a concise research and
teaching vision statement, and the names of three references to:
Dr. Jan Huissoon
Chair, Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
Email: mmechair at uwaterloo.ca
Applications will be accepted until October 31, 2016, with an anticipated
start date of May 1, 2017. The successful applicant is expected to have an
engineering license for practice in Canada or to apply for an engineering
license with Professional Engineers Ontario within five years of joining
the University. The salary range for this position is $100,000 to $150,000
CAD. Negotiations beyond this salary range will be considered for
exceptionally qualified candidates. Information about the Faculty,
Department and Research Group can be found at www.eng.uwaterloo.ca,
www.mme.uwaterloo.ca and
The University of Waterloo respects, appreciates and encourages diversity.
We welcome applications from all qualified individuals including women,
members of visible minorities, aboriginal peoples and persons with
disabilities. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however,
Canadian citizens and permanent residents will be given priority.
6.30. Faculty: MIT, USA
Contributed by: Jonathan How, jhow at mit.edu
The MIT Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics invites applications for
tenure-track faculty positions with a start date of July 1, 2017 or on a
mutually agreeable date thereafter. The department is conducting a search
for exceptional candidates with a strong background in any discipline
related to Aerospace Engineering, broadly defined. Areas of interest
include, but are not limited to, autonomous systems, materials and
structures, atmospheric and space sciences, space and jet propulsion,
manufacturing, real-time safety-critical software, cyber-security, space
systems and exploration, air transportation, and fluid mechanics. We are
seeking highly qualified candidates with a commitment to research and
education. Faculty duties include teaching at the graduate and
undergraduate levels, advising students, leading a research program, and
service to the institute and the profession.
Candidates should hold a doctoral degree in a field related to aerospace
engineering by the beginning of employment. The search is for a candidate
to be hired at the assistant professor level; however, under special
circumstances, a senior faculty appointment is possible. MIT is building a
culturally diverse faculty and strongly encourages applications from female
and minority candidates.
Applications must include a cover letter, curriculum vitae, 2-3 page
statement of research and teaching interests and goals, and names and
contact information of at least three individuals who will provide letters
of recommendation. Applicants with backgrounds outside aerospace should
describe how a substantial part of their work will apply to aerospace
Applications must be submitted as a pdf at
Letters of recommendation must be submitted directly by the recommenders at
To ensure full consideration, complete applications should be received by
December 1, 2016. Applications will be considered complete only when both
the applicant materials and at least three letters of recommendations are
For more information on the MIT Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics,
please visit
Applicants may find reading our Strategic Plan (
http://aeroastro.mit.edu/aeroastro/strategicplan2015) helpful in preparing
their applications.
Questions can be directed to faculty search chair Prof. Steven Barrett (
sbarrett at mit.edu).
MIT is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer.
6.31. Faculty: University of Florida, USA
Contributed by: Warren Dixon, wdixon at ufl.edu
The Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE) in the Herbert
Wertheim College of Engineering at the University of Florida invites
applicants for multiple tenure‐track positions at the rank of
Assistant/Associate/Full Professor. Although consideration will be given to
all ranks, the anticipated hiring rank is Assistant Professor. Areas of
focus include: (1) autonomy and autonomous systems, (2) soft matter
engineering, (3) energy, and (4) computational sciences, including
computational science in support of the above areas. Exceptional candidates
in other areas may also be considered. Applicants must have a Ph.D. in
mechanical or aerospace engineering, or a related field in engineering or
Successful applicants will be expected to be an effective teacher at
undergraduate and graduate levels, and to build a vibrant externally‐funded
research program. The MAE Department currently has 53 faculty members, over
450 graduate students, total annual expenditures in excess of $26 million,
and is the largest academic department on the UF campus. Persons joining
the Department will find outstanding facilities, interdisciplinary
opportunities, a collaborative and collegial work environment, and a strong
dedication to diversity and excellence in research and education. The
Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering is undergoing a significant
expansion to 300 faculty members. Potential applicants seeking more
information are encouraged to visit our website at http://www.mae.ufl.edu.
All candidates must submit applications electronically to Prof. Nam‐Ho Kim,
Search Committee Chair, at maesearch at mae.ufl.edu. In addition, candidates
must submit through the University of Florida’s Employment website, Careers
at UF at https://jobs.ufl.edu/ to be considered for the position.
Applications must include in a single pdf document: 1) a cover letter
mentioning the specific area, and briefly outlining the candidate’s
qualifications, research and educational interests; 2) 3‐5 year research
plan, potential collaborative activities and statement of teaching
philosophy; 3) a complete CV; and 4) the names and full contact information
for at least four references. The search committee will begin screening of
applicants immediately and will continue to accept applications until all
positions are filled.
University of Florida counts among its greatest strengths – and a major
component of its excellence – that it values broad diversity in its
faculty, students, and staff and creates a robust, inclusive and welcoming
climate for learning, research and other work. UF is committed to equal
educational and employment opportunity and access and seeks individuals of
all races, ethnicity, genders and other attributes who, among their many
exceptional qualifications, have a record of including a broad diversity of
individuals in work and learning activities. The selection process will be
conducted in accord with the provisions of Florida’s ‘Government in the
Sunshine’ and Public Records Laws.
6.32. Faculty: University of California at Santa Cruz, USA
Contributed by: Qi Gong, qigong at soe.ucsc.edu
The Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics (AMS) in the Jack
Baskin School of Engineering at University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC)
invites applications for a tenure-track position in Control Systems at the
Assistant Professor level. We seek outstanding applicants whose research
complements our existing strengths in control theory, stochastic modeling,
and uncertainty quantification. We are particularly interested in
candidates who have expertise in control of stochastic systems and its
applications in areas, such as autonomous vehicles, power systems, biology,
network systems, economics, or other related fields.
The successful candidate will be expected to develop and maintain
first-class, externally-funded research programs; to teach, mentor, and
advise students at the graduate and undergraduate level individually and in
the classroom; to contribute significantly to graduate education; and, to
perform university and professional service. The candidate must be able to
work with students, faculty, and staff from a wide range of social and
cultural backgrounds. We are especially interested in candidates who can
contribute to the diversity and excellence of the academic community
through their research, teaching, and service.
The Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics is a dynamic and
growing department with fourteen faculty, six in applied mathematics and
eight in statistics. Our graduate program has approximately 50 students.
Research and instruction are supported by excellent computing facilities
and state-of-the-art laboratories. There are strong opportunities to
collaborate with colleagues in the other departments in the Baskin School
of Engineering, including Computer Engineering, Computer Science,
Electrical Engineering, Biomolecular Engineering, Technology Management,
and Computational Media. More widely, our campus offers a fertile
environment for scientific research in mathematical, physical, biological,
and social sciences. Given the proximity of the campus to Silicon Valley,
there are multiple opportunities for collaboration with investigators
working on cutting edge engineering and science problems in institutions
(for example, NASA Ames, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) and
high-tech companies in the area.
BASIC QUALIFICATIONS: Ph.D. or equivalent foreign degree in Applied
Mathematics or Control or closely related or relevant field expected to be
conferred by June 30, 2017. Teaching experience (demonstrated by college
level teaching experience, TA experience, research presentations and/or
professional training seminars). Demonstrated record of research and
PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS: University teaching experience, graduate student
mentoring experience, demonstrated record of research excellence and
productivity, participation and achievement in professional or university
organizations, and a record of honors or awards.
POSITION AVAILABLE: July 1, 2017 (with academic year beginning September
2017). Review of applications will begin on December 9, 2016. To ensure
full consideration, applications should be complete – including letters of
recommendation received – by this date. The position will remain open until
filled, but not later than 6/30/2017.
Apply at https://recruit.ucsc.edu/apply/JPF00390
6.33. Faculty: Abdullah Gul University, Turkey
Contributed by: Faruk Kececi, faruk.kececi at agu.edu.tr
Abdullah Gul University (AGU) invites applications from qualified academics
for 4 tenure-track fulltime Assistant Professor faculty positions in the
Department of Mechanical Engineering.
The candidate is expected to have a PhD in mechanical engineering or in a
closely related field with an expertise in one or more of the following
areas: Robotics, design, fluid dynamics, manufacturing and thermal
sciences; however, other research areas will also be considered for
exceptional candidates. Successful candidates will be expected to initiate
and maintain externally funded research programs, be committed to teaching
excellence and student mentorship at both undergraduate and graduate
levels, and be involved in service to the university and the profession.
About AGU:
AGU is a recently established state university in Kayseri, Turkey with a
strong foundation support that significantly supplements the state-provided
resources. The university aspires to stimulate innovation and creativity in
addressing global problems and to provide added value to society through
focused cooperation projects that involve students, faculty, and for- and
non-profit organizations. To this end, the university places great emphasis
on interdisciplinary research, university-industry collaboration, and
innovative teaching. Having a strong community of international faculty and
students with a rich multicultural atmosphere is an integral part of the
University's vision. AGU, with an English medium of instruction, admitted
its first students in the Fall semester of the 2013- 2014 academic year.
The benefits of working at AGU also include eligibility for state pension
and other advantages that accrue from being an employee of the state. The
university offers internationally competitive salaries and benefit
packages, thanks to the support of the AGU Foundation.
Applicants should submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, statements of
research and teaching (only 1 page each), contact information of three
professional references to mefacultysearch at agu.edu.tr as one pdf file and
indicate the field of expertise in the subject line of the email. All
applications received before October 14th, 2016 will get full consideration
and the positions are open until filled.
Detailed information about the university can be found at www.agu.edu.tr
For further questions:
Dr. Kececi
Head of Mechanical Engineering Department
Abdullah Gul University
mefacultysearch at agu.edu.tr
6.34. Faculty: University of New South Wales Canberra, Australia
Contributed by: Valery Ugrinovskii , v.ougrinovski at adfa.edu.au
University of New South Wales Canberra, Australia
School of Engineering and Information Technology - Lecturer/Senior
Lecturer/Associate Professor
Employment type: Full time
Salary Range:
Level B: $98,546 - $116,171 pa (+17% super) Fixed Term Appointment (2 or 3
Level C: $119,693 - $137,320 pa (+17% super) Tenure Track Appointment (5
Level D: $145,343 - $159,649 pa (+17% super) Continuing Appointment
Multiple Positions at Level B, C and D.
The School of Engineering and Information Technology delivers research
informed education in electrical, mechanical, aeronautical and civil
engineering as well as in aviation and information technology to graduates
and professionals who will be Australia’s future technology decision
makers. A number of positions are available for staff to contribute to the
excellent teaching programs and research profile of the School. Candidates
with expertise in aviation, geotechnical or pavement engineering,
mechanical (particularly in practical mechanical engineering design) and
systems engineering & technical project management are of particular
interest however candidates who can demonstrate synergy with current School
Research and Education, High Impact Strategic Themes, School Capabilities
or Associated Research Centres or the capacity to develop synergy and
collaborate with these areas are also encouraged to apply.
The position will be required to teach at any level of the undergraduate
and postgraduate coursework programs within the School of Engineering and
Information Technology, advance the School’s profile by conducting
scholarly research and publishing the outcomes of that research, and to
contribute to the effective functioning of the School by other activities
as required.
An applicant may be required to undergo pre-employment checks prior to
appointment to this role.
To Apply: Please follow the link to UNSW Career Portal
Position 56945. Please sign in or register as a new user.
Enquiries: Associate Professor Tapabrata Ray, Phone: +61 2626 88248, Email:
t.ray at adfa.edu.au
Closing date: 16/10/2016 - 23:30
6.35. Faculty: University of North Texas, USA
Contributed by: Tao Yang, Tao.Yang at unt.edu
The Department of Electrical Engineering at the University of North Texas
(UNT) is seeking candidates for three faculty positions at the Assistant
(tenure-track) or Associate Professor (tenure-track or tenured) level
starting Fall 2017. The positions are open to all areas in electrical
engineering with an emphasis on the department’s three current thrust
areas: aerial communication and signal processing, RF/circuit design and
electronic design automation, and systems and control. An earned Ph.D.
degree in electrical engineering or a closely related field is required.
For the Assistant Professor position we are looking for candidates with a
strong publication record and the potential to succeed in securing research
funding and mentoring graduate students. For the Associate Professor
position we expect a sustained record of providing mentoring to junior
faculty, advising graduate students, providing service to the University
and profession, and securing external funding for research activities. For
the Associate Professor position a significant publication record, and
current research funding and graduate student mentoring are also required.
The Electrical Engineering Department offers BS, MS, and Ph.D. degrees in
electrical engineering. It is home to over 460 undergraduate and graduate
students. Additional information about the department is available at the
website: http://engineering.unt.edu/electrical/.
Application Procedure:
All applications must be submitted online at: http://facultyjobs.unt.edu.
Questions regarding the positions can be directed to the search committee
Chair, Dr. Xinrong Li at xinrong at unt.edu. Offers of employment for these
positions will be made dependent upon available funding.
Application Deadline:
The committee will begin its review of applications on November 1, 2016,
and continue to accept and review applications until the position is filled.
The University:
UNT, classified in the Carnegie Classification as a Doctoral University:
Highest Research Activity (R1), is a major research university with rapidly
growing engineering research and educational programs. As the nation’s 24th
largest public university and the largest, most comprehensive in the
Dallas-Fort Worth area, UNT is dedicated to providing an excellent
educational experience to its almost 38,000 students through 99 bachelor’s,
83 master’s, and 36 doctoral degree programs in its 12 colleges and
schools, many nationally and internationally recognized. UNT is
strategically located in Denton, Texas, a vibrant city with a lively arts
and music culture, at the northern end of the Dallas-Fort Worth
metropolitan area. The DFW area has more than six million people, with
significant economic growth, numerous industrial establishments, and
excellent school districts.
The University of North Texas is an Equal Opportunity/Access/Affirmative
Action/Pro Disabled & Veteran Institution committed to diversity in its
employment and educational programs, thereby creating a welcoming
environment for everyone.
6.36. Faculty: Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Contributed by: Magnus Egerstedt, magnus at robotics.gatech.edu
Multiple faculty positions in robotics at Georgia Tech
Robotics — as interpreted broadly — is of strategic importance to the
Georgia Institute of Technology, and we are continuing to grow our faculty
robotics (see http://robotics.gatech.edu/jobs).
This year we have a number of faculty openings across the different Schools
and Colleges on campus, including in the School of Interactive Computing
(job posting: http://www.ic.gatech.edu/about/faculty-hiring); the School of
Electrical and Computer Engineering (job posting:
https://www.ece.gatech.edu/faculty-openings); the George W. Woodruff School
of Mechanical Engineering (job posting:
http://www.me.gatech.edu/about/employment); and the Wallace H. Coulter
Department of Biomedical Engineering (job posting:
Interested candidates are encouraged to consult the individual job postings
directly for more information.
6.37. Faculty: Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Contributed by: Morten Breivik, morten.breivik at ntnu.no
The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU,
http://www.ntnu.edu/) is establishing the world’s first professorship in
Big Data Cybernetics in collaboration with KONGSBERG (http://kongsberg.com/),
combining the fields of automatic control and multivariate data modelling.
For the successful applicant, this represents a unique opportunity to play
a central role in the development of a new interdisciplinary field. The
position will be affiliated with the Department of Engineering Cybernetics
(Institutt for teknisk kybernetikk - ITK, http://www.ntnu.edu/itk) at
NTNU’s Faculty of Information Technology, Mathematics and Electrical
ITK has 17 full-time professors, 11 adjunct professors, about 10 postdocs
and researchers as well as 70 PhD candidates. Approximately 100 MSc
candidates graduate annually from the three study programs in cybernetics,
which comprise about 650 students in total. The department is involved in
numerous research projects and centers, including the Centre of Excellence
for Autonomous Marine Operations and Systems (NTNU AMOS,
The new field Big Data Cybernetics is envisioned to combine methods from
automatic control and multivariate data modelling in order to discover
systematic structures in the spatial, temporal and property-profile
domains, and to convert these structures into quantitative,
human-interpretable information.
The main goal is to translate “big data” from a large number of sensor
channels into ”smart data” represented by a combination of theory-driven
and data-driven models, by combining science’s prior knowledge with
nature’s unexpected patterns to identify the relevant structures and
develop interpretable and useful models. The overlap between cybernetic
subspace identification and chemometric partial-least-squares regression
could for instance be a fruitful common ground for the desired
high-dimensional, spatio-temporal modelling. The outputs from such models
shall be intuitively understandable by humans, who then can use their
background knowledge and creativity for further refinement and development.
This means that black-box modelling, such as e.g. artificial neural
networks or support vector machines, are not the focus of Big Data
The applicants’ methodological basis should include theory and tools for
describing scientific knowledge in terms of both first-principles
mathematical models as well as unexpected cluster and subspace structures
in large data sets. It is required to document solid competence in at least
one of the two fields of automatic control and multivariate data modelling,
and the applicant must demonstrate a strong interest in merging these two
fields. Knowledge in system identification, nonlinear dynamics, feedback
control and self-organization, signal processing, image analysis,
visualization or machine learning is an advantage. Thus, several different
scientific backgrounds are relevant for this new interdisciplinary field.
The candidate will join a research community at ITK which was rated
"excellent from an international perspective" in the Norwegian Research
Council’s evaluation of 53 ICT communities in Norway in 2012, as one of
three ICT communities to receive such a rating in the Norwegian university
and college sector.
The position is announced at
with final application deadline on Monday October 31.
About NTNU, Trondheim and Norway:
- About NTNU: http://www.ntnu.edu/
- NTNU Facts and Figures: http://www.ntnu.edu/facts
- NTNU International Researcher Support: http://www.ntnu.edu/nirs
- About Trondheim: http://trondheim.com/
- About Norway: https://www.visitnorway.com/about/
- Working in Norway: https://www.nav.no/workinnorway/en/Home
- Practical info about Norway:
NTNU is Norway's largest university, with an annual budget of almost USD 1
billion. Its 70 departments are spread out over fourteen faculties,
educating 39.000 students at any one time, of which half study technology
and the natural sciences. NTNU graduates about 6.500 bachelor and master
students every year, while about 380 doctoral degrees are awarded annually.
The university has more than 100 laboratory facilities distributed among
the different faculties and departments.
Many of the technological and cultural innovations that allow Norway to
extract oil and gas from the North Sea, grow healthy salmon in fish farms,
or interpret the country's 9.000 years of human history have been developed
at NTNU. The university itself, founded in 1910, has contributed a solid
century of academic achievements and discoveries that have shaped Norwegian
While Norway lies at the very top of Europe – and in fact includes the
island archipelago of Svalbard, home to the most northerly communities on
the planet – the country's climate is moderated by the Gulf Stream, and
features four distinct seasons. Norway's natural beauty and a history of
famous polar explorers are two reasons why the outdoors is such an
important part of Norwegian culture.
6.38. Faculty: San Jos´ e State University, USA
Contributed by: Kamran Turkoglu, kamran.turkoglu at sjsu.edu
Assistant Professor in Aerospace Engineering, San José State University
Subject to Budgetary Approval Job Opening ID (JOID):
23790 Rank: Assistant Professor (Tenure-track)
Qualifications: Ph.D. degree in Aerospace Engineering or closely related
field by start of appointment.
Specialization in hypersonics and re-entry systems or rotorcraft design
preferred. Applicants should have an awareness and sensitivity to the
educational goals of a diverse multicultural student population as might
have been gained in cross-cultural study, training, teaching and other
comparable experience.
Responsibilities: The successful candidate is expected to
(a) teach and assess undergraduate and graduate courses in their area of
(b) develop laboratory experiments to support teaching and research,
(c) supervise graduate and undergraduate student projects,
(d) advise graduate and undergraduate students,
(e) participate in departmental, college, university, and professional
service activities, and
(f) engage in peer- reviewed scholarly work.
Aerospace Engineering faculty members are expected to collaborate with each
other as well as with other faculty within and outside the College for
course and curriculum design, course and program assessment, and other
scholarly pursuits. The candidate must address the needs of a student
population of great diversity – in age, cultural background, ethnicity,
primary language and academic preparation – through course materials,
teaching strategies, and advising.
Salary Range: Commensurate with qualifications and experience.
Starting Date: August 21, 2017
Eligibility: Employment is contingent upon proof of eligibility to work in
the United States.
Application Procedures: For full consideration, please upload the following
(a) letter of application,
(b) curriculum vitae,
(c) statement of teaching,
(d) research interests, and
(e) at least three original letters of reference with contact information
by October 30, 2016 at
Please include Job Opening ID (JOID) on all correspondence.
For inquiries, please contact: Nikos J. Mourtos, Ph.D. Chair, Aerospace
Engineering San Jose State University One Washington Square San Jose, CA
95192-0179 Voice: 408 924-3867 E-mail: nikos.mourtos at sjsu.edu
6.39. Researcher: GE, Germany
Contributed by: Axel Busboom, busboom at ge.com
Researcher / Senior Researcher Automatic Control
*About us*
GE Global Research Europe, based in Munich, Germany, is the European branch
of GE Global Research - one of the world’s most diverse industrial labs
with over 3,000 technologists around the globe. The Controls Europe group
is an international team of highly qualified research engineers and
scientists with backgrounds in controls and related disciplines. The group
is conducting research on modeling, estimation, model based control and
data science. We closely work with various industrial GE businesses, in
particular GE Renewables, GE Power and GE Aviation Systems. We also work
with academic and industry partners in collaborative research programs,
e.g. H2020 or German government funded projects.
We are currently looking for several engineers / scientists with a
background in automatic control. Industry experience is not a prerequisite,
but applications from experienced candidates are specifically encouraged.
Depending on the duration and relevance of your experience, we will rank
you in our Technical Career Path (TCP) as a Research Engineer, Lead
Engineer, Senior Engineer, or Principal Engineer.
In this role, you will perform applied research in the areas modeling,
estimation, control, and real-time optimization for a broad range of
industrial applications. You will closely work with other GE Global
Research sites around the world, GE businesses, and external collaboration
partners. You will validate your results in simulations, on test rigs, and
in the field. You will closely work with the GE businesses to ensure a
seamless transition of your results into product and service innovations.
You will keep abreast of technological and scientific developments in your
area, and identify suitable opportunities for new technologies. You will
document your results in invention disclosures, reports, conference papers,
and presentations to all levels of leadership.
As an experienced candidate, you will have a broader role which
additionally includes leading projects and teams, acquiring new research
projects internally and externally, influencing technology roadmaps and
strategies, and providing guidance and coaching to more junior colleagues.
• Doctorate in controls or a related discipline (or M.Sc. degree plus at
least 3 years of relevant professional experience in advanced controls)
• Very good knowledge of linear and non-linear controls, dynamic systems,
estimation, optimization, system identification
• Proficiency with MATLAB / Simulink
• Excellent academic track record and proven scientific achievements
(please attach your publication list to your application)
• Excellent communication and presentation skills
• Can-do attitude
• Global mindset and customer focus
• Open, creative and flexible
• Willingness to travel internationally
• Fluency in English
*Desired Qualifications*
• Industry and/or post-doc experience in control systems analysis, design,
implementation, integration and verification is a big advantage.
• You should, at least once in your career, have closed a loop on a real
physical system, and have a sense of the practical intricacies.
• Experience in at least one application domain relevant to GE is a big
advantage (e.g. wind energy, smart grids, avionics, internal combustion
engines, compressors, pumps, etc.).
For more information and to apply online, visit www.GECareers.com and
search for job number 2730638.
6.40. Engineer: United Technologies Research Center, China
Contributed by: Zhen Jia, jiaz at utrc.utc.com
Electronic Control Systems Engineer / Scientist
United Technologies Research Center (China) - Shanghai
United Technologies Research Center (UTRC) is an internationally recognized
corporate research organization of United Technologies Corporation (UTC)
that conducts research and development across a range of technology areas
to drive its mission of “growth through innovation”. UTRC partners with UTC
business units and renowned external research organizations to impact
organic growth of the Corporation through new product and process
innovations. The operating units of UTC include: Pratt & Whitney (aircraft
engines), Otis (elevators and escalators), UTC Climate Controls & Security
(HVAC, building controls and security solutions), and UTC Aerospace Systems
(aerospace products). Our headquarters is in East Hartford, USA with
partnerships worldwide and a research and development center in Shanghai,
United Technologies Research Center (China) Ltd. was established in
Shanghai in 1997 to provide a technology base for UTC business units via
partnerships and collaborative R&D (universities and government
institutes). Our engineers and scientists work on global projects in
conjunction with other UTC business units and renowned research
organizations to bring product and process innovation to enhance UTC
products competitiveness in Asia and world-wide. We are a world-class
research center advancing technologies that serve energy, environment,
controls, security, and embedded systems.
United Technologies Research Center (China) Ltd. invites qualified
individuals to apply for the following position in the Shanghai office.
This position will compensate the chosen candidate at competitive local
Shanghai market wage rate, and benefits will be administered based on local
Shanghai benefit practices.
Senior Research Engineer: Electronic Control Systems
Job Description:
• Develop and implement novel control system architecture and algorithms
for Heating, Ventilation, and Air-Conditioning (HVAC), security and
building related applications.
• Team up with modeling engineers to perform simulation analysis using
physics-based and data-driven models as well as design experiments to
calibrate physics-based models and verify control performance.
• Interact with UTRC customers for requirements definition, controllers
design and implementation for different UTC applications and system
• Define control algorithms and tuning rules based on system stability
analyses, control objectives, sound theoretical principles for both MIMO
and SISO control systems.
• Lead and participate in multidisciplinary projects, ensuring high quality
deliverables and seamless integration with other UTRC and UTC business unit
teams, as well as university partners.
• Enhance UTRC’s recognition through the writing of technical papers and
support the recruitment of world-class talent to UTRC.
Minimum Qualifications Required:
• Master with 5+ years’ experience or Ph.D. with 3+ years’ experience in
controls engineering, electrical engineering, applied mathematics, or a
closely related field.
• Strong experience in system identification, control system architecture,
and algorithm development and implementation.
• Experience in system modeling and identification with data-driven or
physics-based models and sensor networks and optimization. Windows or Linux
OS based software design.
• Experience in integration solution development in C/C++ and Matlab /
Simulink / Stateflow.
• Fluent English (both written and spoken) and excellent communication
Preferred Qualifications:
• Expert knowledge with 10+ years experience in controls technology and
implementation, and system optimization.
• Strong experience with model-based control development, including rapid
prototyping implementation.
• Demonstrated ability to work effectively with multi-disciplinary teams in
dispersed locations.
• Solid technical writing, presentation, project management, and
communication skills. Record of technical contributions including patents
and publications.
• Strong leadership skills and entrepreneurial attitude towards innovation.
jiaz at utrc.utc.com
6.41. Engineer: NextEV, USA
Contributed by: Dennis Polischuk, dennis.polischuk at nextev.com
As a senior computer vision engineer, you will be part of a team working
towards NextEV’s autonomous vehicle vision. You will be working with
bright, passionate people to implement the next generation automotive
vision, sensing, motion/path planning and machine learning algorithms.
Key Responsibilities:
· Expert knowledge of object detection and classification, with a focus on
machine learning and deep learning
· Image labeling and annotation for training
· Vision aided navigation
· Camera calibration techniques, online and offline
· Deep understanding of automotive camera sensor technologies, interfaces,
data formats
· Object tracking and data association, sensor fusion, estimation, scene
· Generation and tracking of key performance indicators and regression
· Skilled knowledge with parallel programming in CUDA or OpenCL
· Development or use of simulation environments
· Experience working on robotic and/or automotive electronics hardware is a
Preferred Qualifications:
· Previous experience in developing automotive vision a plus (lane
tracking, vehicle detection and tracking, traffic light/sign detection,
ground plane estimation)
· Experience with existing ADAS technologies such as adaptive cruise
control, automatic emergency braking, and lane keeping
· Understanding of ADAS sensors such as radar, camera, ultrasonic, and
lidar, including the measurement and data-reduction, target identification
and environmental synthesis, and sensor fusion
· Previous use or contributions to open source computer vision libraries,
such as OpenCV
· Previous use of machine learning frameworks such as Caffe and TensorFlow.
· 2+ years of experience developing software for shipping products
· Strong C/C++ software development experience
· Experience using issue tracking (JIRA) and source control (git) tools
6.42. Engineer: NextEV, USA
Contributed by: Michael Harris, michael.harris at nextev.com
Senior Autonomous Control Engineer
Michael Harris
michael.harris at nextev.com
You will be part of a team working towards NextEV’s autonomous vehicle
vision. You will be architecting and contributing to system that processes
input from a variety of vehicle sensors, evaluates possible vehicle
strategies/trajectories, and automates the safe control of the vehicle.
Key Responsibilities:
- Path planning, motion planning and decision making (A*, RRT, etc..)
- Vehicle modeling and dynamics, motion prediction, kinematics
- Control theory and model predictive/adaptive control background
- Machine learning and reinforcement learning
- Mapping and localization algorithms, vehicle state estimation, dead
- Proficient in high level design and analysis to low level software
- A practical creative hands-on approach to apply the theory required to
solve autonomous driving
- Excellent communication skills
- Desire to work in a fast-paced, production oriented environment
Preferred Qualifications:
- MS or PhD in computer science, robotics, aerospace, mechanical
engineering or related field
- Professional experience in path planning/decision-making algorithm
- C/C++ software development
- Hands-on experience in robotic or autonomous vehicle system design and
About NEXTEV USA, Inc.
Our goal is to create a different user experience on a full range of
increasingly accessible electric cars. NEXTEV USA, in San Jose, researches
and designs EVs. Our product is a connected vehicle - engineered from the
ground up as an electric vehicle.
NEXTEV USA is intent on hiring and developing great talent for all
disciplines. We have a non-conventional, collaborative, automotive product
development philosophy with technical contribution at all levels.
You are expected to be challenged, to create and innovate. You must have a
genuine passion for building the most connected vehicles in the world.
NextEV USA is committed to a policy of equal employment opportunity. We
recruit, employ, train, compensate, and promote without regard to race,
color, age, sex, ancestry, marital status, religion, national origin,
disability, sexual orientation, veteran status, present or past history of
mental disability, genetic information or any other classification
protected by state or federal law.
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