[eletter] eletter 332

Jianghai Hu jianghai at purdue.edu
Sun May 1 22:13:45 EDT 2016

E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing
Issue 332
May 2016

Jianghai Hu
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Purdue University
465 Northwestern Ave.
West Lafayette, IN, 47907
Tel: +01 (765) 4962395
Fax: +01 (765) 4943371

Welcome to the 332 issue of the Eletter, available electronically at
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The next Eletter will be mailed out at the beginning of June 2016.


1. IEEE CSS Headlines
1.1 IEEE Control Systems Society Publications Content Digest
1.2 IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
1.3 IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
1.4 IEEE Control Systems Society Technically Cosponsored Conferences
1.5 CFP: IEEE-CSS Outreach Fund

2.1 Summer School: Italian PhD Summer School in Automatic Control
2.2 Summer School: A Systems and Control Perspective in
Human-Robot-Environment Interaction
2.3 Short Course: Dynamic Traffic Flow Modeling and Control

3. Books
3.1 Networks of Dissipative Systems: Compositional Certification of
Stability, Performance, and Safety
3.2 Positive Markov Jump Linear Systems
3.3 Springer eBooks and Journals on Robotics & Control

4. Journals
4.1 Contents: Automatica
4.2 Contents: International Journal of Advanced Mechatronic Systems
4.3 Contents: Control Engineering Practice
4.4 Contents: Asian Journal of Control

5. Conferences
5.1 Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing
5.2 International Symposium on Formation Control and Distributed
5.3 Conference on Decision and Game Theory for Security
5.4 IEEE Ecuador Technical Chapters Meeting
5.5 Model Predictive Control Under Uncertainty: Theory, Computations and
5.6 Workshop on Control, Optimisation and Networks
5.7 Workshop on Mathematical Aspects of Network Synthesis
5.8 International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision
5.9 International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems
5.10 World Congress: Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and
5.11 International Workshop on Numerical Software Verification

6. Positions
6.1 PhD: Lund University, Sweden
6.2 PhD: L2S, France
6.3 PhD: UCoCoS Project, Netherlands
6.4 PhD: KU Leuven, Belgium
6.5 PhD: KU Leuven, Belgium
6.6 PhD/PostDoc: Clemson University, USA
6.7 PhD/PostDoc: Ohio State University, USA
6.8 PhD/PostDoc: Ohio State University, USA
6.9 PhD/PostDoc: Technische Universit¨at Chemnitz, Germany
6.10 PostDoc: Uppsala University, Sweden
6.11 PostDoc: University of Michigan, USA
6.12 PostDoc: UC Berkeley, USA
6.13 PostDoc: Ohio State University, USA
6.14 PostDoc: Israel Institute of Technology, Israel
6.15 PostDoc: Northwestern University, USA
6.16 PostDoc: University of Florida - REEF/AFRL, USA
6.17 PostDoc: UC Berkeley, CA
6.18 Research Scientist: MathWorks, USA

1. IEEE CSS Headlines

1.1. IEEE Control Systems Society Publications Content Digest
Contributed by: Elizabeth Kovacs, ekovacs2 at nd.edu

CSS Publications Content Digest
The IEEE Control Systems Society Publications Content Digest is a novel and
convenient guide that helps readers keep track of the latest published
articles. The CSS Publications Content Digest, available at
http://ieeecss.org/publications-content-digest provides lists of current
tables of contents of the periodicals sponsored by the Control Systems

Each issue offers readers a rapid means to survey and access the latest
peer-reviewed papers of the IEEE Control Systems Society. We also include
links to the Society’s sponsored Conferences to give readers a preview of
upcoming meetings.

1.2. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
Contributed by: Elizabeth Kovacs, ekovacs2 at nd.edu

Table of Contents
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
Volume 61 (2016), Issue 5 (May)

Please note that the contents of the IEEE-Transactions on Automatic
Control, together with links to the abstracts of the papers may be found at
the TAC web site:

- Scanning-the-Issue, p. 1141

- L_1 Discretization for Sampled-Data Controller Synthesis via Piecewise
Linear Approximation, J. H. Kim, T. Hagiwara p. 1143
- Optimal Steering of a Linear Stochastic System to a Final Probability
Distribution, Part I, Y. Chen, T. Georgiou, M. Pavon p. 1158
- Optimal Steering of a Linear Stochastic System to a Final Probability
Distribution, Part II, Y. Chen, T. Georgiou, M. Pavon p. 1170
- On the Stabilizability of Discrete-Time Switched Linear Systems: Novel
Conditions and Comparisons, M. Fiacchini, A. Girard, M. Jungers p. 1181
- Stability Margins in Adaptive Mixing Control via a Lyapunov-based
Switching Criterion, S. Baldi, P. A. Ioannou p. 1194
- Backstepping Control Under Multi-Rate Sampling, V. Tanasa, S. Monaco, D.
Normand-Cyrot p. 1208
- Port-Hamiltonian Systems in Adaptive and Learning Control: A Survey, S.
P. Nageshrao, G. A. D. Lopes, D. Jeltsema, R. Babuska p. 1223
- Synthesis of Maximally Permissive Supervisors for Partially-Observed
Discrete-Event Systems, X. Yin, S. Lafortune p. 1239
- Bearing Rigidity and Almost Global Bearing-Only Formation Stabilization,
S. Zhao, D. Zelazo p. 1255
- A Graph Laplacian Approach to Coordinate-free Formation Stabilization for
Directed Networks, Z. Lin, L. Wang, Z. Han, M. Fu p. 1269
- MIMO Control over Additive White Noise Channels: Stabilization and
Tracking by LTI Controllers, Y. Li, J. Chen, E. Tuncel, W. Su p. 1281
- A Unifying Framework for Robust Synchronisation of Heterogeneous Networks
via Integral Quadratic Constraints, S. Z. Khong, E. Lovisari, A. Rantzer p.

Technical Notes and Correspondence
- Fault Detection Filtering for Nonlinear Switched Stochastic Systems, X.
Su, P. Shi, L. Wu, Y. Song p. 1310
- Convergence and Stability of a Constrained Partition-Based Moving Horizon
Estimator, R. Schneider, W. Marquardt p. 1316
- Energy-Efficient Data Forwarding for State Estimation in Multi-Hop
Wireless Sensor Networks, P. Cheng, Y. Qi, K. Xin, J. Chen, L. Xie p.1322
- Randomized Control Strategies under Arbitrary External Noise, K. Amelin,
O. Granichin p. 1328
- Sufficient Lie Algebraic Conditions for Sampled-Data Feedback
Stabilizability of Affine in the Control Nonlinear Systems, J. Tsinias, D.
Theodosis p. 1334
- Minimal Conjunctive Normal Expression of Continuous Piecewise Affine
Functions, J. Xu, T. J. J. van den Boom, B. De Schutter, X. Luo p. 1340
- On the Kalman-Yakubovich-Popov Lemma for Positive Systems, A. Rantzer p.
- Non-minimal Order Dynamics Model of Mechanical Systems with Singular
Constraints, F. Aghili p. 1350
- Converse Barrier Certificate Theorems, R. Wisniewski, C. Sloth p. 1356
- Switching Signal Estimator Design for a Class of Elementary Systems, L.
Menini, C. Possieri, A. Tornambe p. 1362
- Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Global External Stochastic
Stabilisation of Linear Systems with Input Saturation, A. A. Stoorvogel, A.
Saber p. 1368
- Robust Adaptive Controller Combined with a Linear Quadratic Regulator
based on Kalman Filtering, J. M. Kanieski, R. V. Tambara, H. Pinheiro, H.
A. Gründling, R. Cardoso p. 1373
- Explicit Reference Governor for Constrained Nonlinear Systems, E. Garone,
M. M. Nicotra p. 1379
- Hybrid Control of a Bioreactor with Quantized Measurements, F. Mairet,
J-L. Gouzé p. 1385
- Heterogeneous Multi-Agent Systems: Reduced-order Synchronization and
Geometry, F. L. Lewis, B. Cui, T. Ma, Y. Song, C. Zhao p. 1391
- Efficient Rate Allocation in Wireless Networks Under Incomplete
Information, A. Garcia, M. Hong p. 1397
- Reach Control Problem for Linear Differential Inclusion Systems on
Simplices, Y. Wu, T. Shen p. 1403
- A Note on Delay Coordinates for Locally Observable Analytic Systems,
Alberto Padoan, Alessandro Astolfi p. 1409
- Stability and Disturbance Attenuation for Markov Jump Linear Systems with
Time-Varying Transition Probabilities, C. C. Lutz, D. J. Stilwell p. 1413

1.3 IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Contributed by: Thomas Parisini, eic-ieeetcst at units.it

Table of Contents
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Volume 24 (2016), Issue 3 (May)

- Decentralized Power Management in a Hybrid Fuel Cell Ultracapacitor
System, O. Madani, A. Bhattacharjee, and T. Das, page 765
- Adaptive Parameter Estimation of Blood Pressure Dynamics Subject to
Vasoactive Drug Infusion, T. Luspay and K. M. Grigoriadis, page 779
- Optimization Strategy for PID-Controller Design of AMB Rotor Systems, C.
Wei and D. Söffker, page 788
- Coordinated Performance Optimization of a Variable Geometry Compressor
With Model Predictive Control for a Turbocharged Diesel Engine, J. Zhou, L.
Fiorentini, M. Canova, and Y.-Y. Wang, page 804
- Design, Control, and Validation of a Charge-Sustaining Parallel Hybrid
Bicycle, M. Corno, D. Berretta, P. Spagnol, and S. M. Savaresi, page 817
- Adaptive Quasi-Dynamic Traffic Light Control, J. L. Fleck, C. G.
Cassandras, and Y. Geng, page 830
- Optimal DoS Attack Scheduling in Wireless Networked Control System, H.
Zhang, P. Cheng, L. Shi, and J. Chen, page 843
- Stochastic Dynamic Programming in the Real-World Control of Hybrid
Electric Vehicles, C. Vagg, S. Akehurst, C. J. Brace, and L. Ash, page 853
- Energy-Optimal Motion Planning for Multiple Robotic Vehicles With
Collision Avoidance, A. J. Häusler, A. Saccon, A. P. Aguiar, J. Hauser, and
A. M. Pascoal, page 867
- Maneuvering Control of Planar Snake Robots Using Virtual Holonomic
Constraints, A. Mohammadi, E. Rezapour, M. Maggiore, and K. Y. Pettersen,
page 884
- Modeling and Adaptive Compensation of Unknown Multiple Frequency
Vibrations for the Stabilization and Control of an Active Isolation System,
C. Chen, Z. Liu, Y. Zhang, and C. L. P. Chen, page 900
- Optimizing the Aero-Suspension Interactions in a Formula One Car, M.
Imani Masouleh and D. J. N. Limebeer, page 912
- Fault Subspace Selection Approach Combined With Analysis of Relative
Changes for Reconstruction Modeling and Multifault Diagnosis, C. Zhao and
F. Gao, page 928
- A Dynamic Market Mechanism for the Integration of Renewables and Demand
Response, J. Knudsen, J. Hansen, and A. M. Annaswamy, page 940
- Nonlinear Coordinated Motion Control of Road Vehicles After a Tire
Blowout, F. Wang, H. Chen, and D. Cao, page 956
- Isometric Torque Control for Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation With
Time-Varying Input Delay, M. Merad, R. J. Downey, S. Obuz, and W. E. Dixon,
page 971
- Optimal-Behavior-Based Dynamic Calibration of the Automotive Diesel
Engine, K. Fang, Z. Li, K. Ostrowski, A. T. Shenton, P. G. Dowell, and R.
M. Sykes, page 979
- Formation Tracking Control of Multiagents in Constrained Space, S. S. Ge,
X. Liu, C.-H. Goh, and L. Xu, page 992

- Supervised Latent Factor Analysis for Process Data Regression Modeling
and Soft Sensor Application, Z. Ge, page 1004
- Motion Blur-Based State Estimation, J. Tani, S. Mishra, and J. T. Wen,
page 1012
- Joint Wheel-Slip and Vehicle-Motion Estimation Based on Inertial, GPS,
and Wheel-Speed Sensors, K. Berntorp, page 1020
- Synthesis of Sparse Dynamic Structures via Semidefinite Programming, M.
Babazadeh and A. Nobakhti, page 1028
- Integrated Optimization of Battery Sizing, Charging, and Power Management
in Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles, X. Hu, S. J. Moura, N. Murgovski, B.
Egardt, and D. Cao, page 1036
- Sparse Optimization for Automated Energy End Use Disaggregation, D. Piga,
A. Cominola, M. Giuliani, A. Castelletti, and A. E. Rizzoli, page 1044
- Switching Extensible FIR Filter Bank for Adaptive Horizon State
Estimation With Application, J. M. Pak, C. K. Ahn, Y. S. Shmaliy, P. Shi,
and M. T. Lim, page 1052
- Some Analytical Results on Tuning Fractional-Order
[Proportional–Integral] Controllers for Fractional-Order Systems, V. Badri
and M. S. Tavazoei, page1059
- Multivariate Control Loop Performance Assessment With Hurst Exponent and
Mahalanobis Distance, L. Das, B. Srinivasan, and R. Rengaswamy, page 1067
- Robust Model Predictive Control for Train Regulation in Underground
Railway Transportation, S. Li, B. De Schutter, L. Yang, and Z. Gao, page
- Extremum Seeking Navigation Without Derivative Estimation of a Mobile
Robot in a Dynamic Environmental Field, A. S. Matveev, M. C. Hoy, and A. V.
Savkin, page 1084
- A Nonlinear Blind Identification Approach to Modeling of Diabetic
Patients, C. Novara, N. M. Pour, T. Vincent, and G. Grassi, page 1092
- Iterative Learning Control With Predictive Trial Information:
Convergence, Robustness, and Experimental Verification, B. Chu, D. H.
Owens, and C. T. Freeman, page 1101
- Diagnostic Method Combining the Lookup Tables and Fault Models Applied on
a Hybrid Electric Vehicle, C. Sundström, E. Frisk, and L. Nielsen, page 1109
- Real-Time Scheduling of PI Control Tasks, S. Reimann, W. Wu, and S. Liu,
page 1118
- Optimal Control of Series Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles Considering
the Cabin Heat Demand, J. Gissing, P. Themann, S. Baltzer, T. Lichius, and
L. Eckstein, page 1126
- Two-Layered Framework for Distributed Multiagent Formation Following, R.
Haghighi and C. C. Cheah, page 1134
- A Fault Detection Method for Automatic Detection of Spawning in Oysters,
H. Ahmed, R. Ushirobira, D. Efimov, D. Tran, M. Sow, L. Payton, and J.-C.
Massabuau, page 1140

- Correction to “LPV Control With Decoupling Performance of 4WS Vehicles
Under Velocity-Varying Motion”, M. Li, Y. Jia, and J. Du, page 1148

1.4 IEEE Control Systems Society Technically Cosponsored Conferences
Contributed by: Luca Zaccarian, CSS AE Conferences, zaccarian at laas.fr

The following conferences have been recently included in the list of events
technically cosponsored by the IEEE Control Systems Society:

- 16th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS
2016). Gyeongju, South Korea. Oct 16 - Oct 19, 2016. http://2016.iccas.org/
- 20th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing
(ICSTCC 2016). Sinaia, Romania. Oct 13 - Oct 15, 2016.
- 2017 Indian Control Conference. Guwahati, India. Jan 4 - Jan 6, 2017.
- 14th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision
(ICARCV 2016). Phuket, Thailand. Nov 13 - Nov 15, 2016.

For a full listing of CSS technically cosponsored conferences, please visit
http://ieeecss.org/conferences/technically-cosponsored and for a list of
the upcoming and past CSS main conferences please visit

1.5. CFP: IEEE-CSS Outreach Fund
Contributed by: Daniel E. Rivera, daniel.rivera at asu.edu

The IEEE CSS Outreach Task Force is providing final notice of the
submission window for proposals to the  2016 spring solicitation of the CSS
Outreach Fund, from May 2 to 27, 2016.  Information regarding the program
can be found in:


Inquiries, notices of intent, and requests for application forms should be
made directly to Daniel E. Rivera, Outreach Task Force Chair, at
daniel.rivera at asu.edu.


2.1. Summer School: Italian PhD Summer School in Automatic Control
Contributed by: Maria Elena Valcher, meme at dei.unipd.it

Italian PhD Summer School in Automatic Control ("SIDRA 2016")
Dates: July 11-16, 2016
Location: University Residential Centre of Bertinoro, Bertinoro
Organizers: Maria Elena Valcher and Claudio Melchiorri
1) Robust and constrained control (Coordinators: Franco Blanchini, Patrizio
2) Distributed Control and its applications (Coordinators: Ruggero Carli,
Luca Schenato)

The School is opened to all interested PhD Students and researchers. The
relevant information and the detailed program are available at:

See http://www.ceub.it/default.asp?id=346#.VVXk2dPtlBc

The registration process consists of a two-step procedure:
- June 5, 2016: Deadline for submission of application -- see the form at
- June 15, 2016: communication of admission to school
- 26 June 2016: deadline for payment of the fee, to be paid according to
the instruction given in the registration form.

2.2. Summer School: A Systems and Control Perspective in
Human-Robot-Environment Interaction
Contributed by: Martha Otte, m.w.otte at tudelft.nl

DISC Summer School: A Systems and Control Perspective in
Human-Robot-Environment Interaction

>From June 14-17, 2016 the DISC Summer School on “A Systems and Control
Perspective in Human-Robot-Environment Interaction” will take place in
Centerparcs Zandvoort, Zandvoort, The Netherlands.

As robotics is moving away from strictly controlled factory floors and
slowly entering our daily lives, the next generation of robots will need to
interact with their environment, with each other, and with humans. This
transition is driven by emerging societal needs and will be enabled by
advances in perception, actuation, and computational power, but also by
suitable modeling and control aspects tailored to robotic systems. This
poses challenging questions to the research community that still require
fully satisfying answers.

During the four day Summer School a set of national and international
specialists will address these questions and give particular attention to:
• Modeling and Control of Fix-Based and Free-Floating Robots
• Control of Robot-Environment Physical Interaction
• Stability and Performance of Human-Robot Physical Interaction
• Multi-Robot Coordination and Control

For more information on the program and registration please visit the
dedicated Summer School website:

2.3. Short Course: Dynamic Traffic Flow Modeling and Control
Contributed by: Manolis Diamantis, dmanolis at dssl.tuc.gr


12th Short Course 2016
Technical University of Crete
Dynamic Systems and Simulation Laboratory
Chania 73100, Greece

Lecturer: Prof. Markos Papageorgiou
Date: 14-18 November 2016
Location: Chania (Crete), Greece
Fee: 1.700 € (for graduate students: 1.300 €)
(20% reduction is granted in case of more than one participation from the
same institution)

The design, analysis, and evaluation of Intelligent Transportation Systems
(ITS) requires good knowledge of traffic flow modelling and control
techniques as well as of powerful methodologies from the areas of
optimisation, control, networks and dynamic systems. The purpose of the
intensive 5-day course is to cover the basic theory, methods and tools
necessary for efficient design and evaluation of ITS on road and freeway
networks. After a basic introduction to dynamic systems and control, the
course continues with traffic flow modelling and validation issues, the
modelling of traffic networks, dynamic traffic assignment and simulation
tools. Measurement devices and estimation problems in traffic networks,
including automatic incident detection and OD estimation, are presented and
discussed. The state-of-the-art techniques in freeway traffic control, road
traffic control and integrated traffic control, employing ramp metering,
signal control, variable speed limits and route guidance, along with
several field-implemented case studies are presented. Future prospects and
challenges related to emerging vehicle automation and communication systems
are discussed. Brief accounts of some optimisation, control and estimation
techniques are provided. Some 50 exercises are used for consolidation of
the provided knowledge. Extensive written materials, including all
transparency copies, are handed out.

Who Should Attend
Graduate students, faculty members, engineers, researchers, consultants,
and government employees who are interested in improving their
understanding of advanced traffic flow modelling and control tools and in
becoming familiar with their application in ITS.

For more information (Detailed Course Contents, About the Lecturer,
Registration Form, Location, Accommodation, Evaluation of Previous
Courses), please visit the site:
http://www.dssl.tuc.gr/en/shortcourse/12th_shortcourse_2016.pdf or email
shortcourse at dssl.tuc.gr or contact:

Prof. Markos Papageorgiou
Dynamic Systems & Simulation Laboratory
University Campus
GR-73100 Chania, GREECE

Tel: +30-28210-37240
Fax: +30-28210-37584/69410
E-mail: markos at dssl.tuc.gr
Web: http://www.dssl.tuc.gr

3. Books

3.1. Networks of Dissipative Systems: Compositional Certification of
Stability, Performance, and Safety
Contributed by: Oliver Jackson, oliver.jackson at springer.com

Networks of Dissipative Systems: Compositional Certification of Stability,
Performance, and Safety
Authors: Murat Arcak, Chris Meissen and Andrew Packard
Springer, 2016, ISBN: 978-3-319-29927-3, Softcover, 112 pp.

This book addresses a major problem for today’s large-scale networked
systems: certification of the required stability and performance properties
using analytical and computational models. On the basis of illustrative
case studies, it demonstrates the applicability of theoretical methods to
biological networks, vehicle fleets, and Internet congestion control.
Rather than tackle the network as a whole—an approach that severely limits
the ability of existing methods to cope with large numbers of physical
components— the book develops a compositional approach that derives
network-level guarantees from key structural properties of the components
and their interactions. The foundational tool in this approach is the
established dissipativity theory, which is reviewed in the first chapter
and supplemented with modern computational techniques. The book blends this
theory with the authors’ recent research efforts at a level that is
accessible to graduate students and practising engineers familiar with only
the most basic nonlinear systems concepts. Code associated with the
numerical examples can be downloaded at extras.springer.com, allowing
readers to reproduce the examples and become acquainted with the relevant

1 Brief Review of Dissipativity Theory
2 Stability of Interconnected Systems
3 Equilibrium Independent Stability Certification
4 Case Studies
5 From Stability to Performance and Safety
6 Searching Over Subsystem Dissipativity Properties
7 Symmetry Reduction
8 Dissipativity with Dynamic Supply Rates
9 Comparison to Other Input/Output Approaches
Appendices: Sum-of-Squares; Programming; Semidefinite Programming; The KYP
Lemma; True/False Questions for Chapter 1

3.2. Positive Markov Jump Linear Systems
Contributed by: Tanya Capawana, tanya.capawana at nowpublishers.com

Just published in Foundations and Trends® in Systems and Control:
Volume 2, Issue 3-4
Positive Markov Jump Linear Systems
By Paolo Bolzern and Patrizio Colaneri (DEIB-Politecnico di Milano and

1. Introduction and motivations
2. Positive Markov Jump Linear Systems
3. Dual switching
4. Concluding remarks; References

This paper presents a comprehensive study of continuous-time Positive
Markov Jump Linear Systems (PMJLS). A PMJLS can be seen as a dynamical
system that switches within a finite set of linear time-invariant
subsystems according to a stochastic switching signal modelled as a Markov
chain, and describes the time-evolution of nonnegative variables under
nonnegative inputs. Contrary to the well-studied general class of Markov
Jump Linear Systems (MJLS), positivity endows the model with peculiar
properties. The paper collects some existing results together with original
developments on the stability analysis of PMJLS and the study of their
input-output properties. In particular, conditions for stability of PMJLS
are discussed, mainly based on Linear Programming problems. Similar
computational tools are derived to analyze performance measures, such as
L1, L2 and L8 costs and the respective input-output induced gains. The
second part of the paper is devoted to the class of Dual switching Positive
Markov Jump Linear Systems (D-PMJLS), namely PMJLS affected by an
additional switching variable which can be either an unknown disturbance or
a control signal available to the designer for stabilization and
performance optimization. We discuss several problems, including stability,
performance analysis, stabilization via switching control, and
optimization. Some application examples are introduced to motivate the
interest in PMJLS and D-PMJLS.

3.3. Springer eBooks and Journals on Robotics & Control
Contributed by: Hugo Tadashi Kussaba, htkussaba at ieee.org

Last month, Springer launched a new annual subscription that gives access
to each Springer eBook and journal within Robotics and Control:

The above link has more informations about this new subscription model and
which books from Springer are included.

4. Journals

4.1. Contents: Automatica
Contributed by: Elisa Capello, automatica at polito.it

Table of Contents
Vol. 67, May 2016

- Hossein Beikzadeh, Horacio J. Marquez, “Input-to-error stable observer
for nonlinear sampled-data systems with application to one-sided Lipschitz
systems”, pages 1-7
- Lixian Zhang, Songlin Zhuang, Richard D. Braatz, “Switched model
predictive control of switched linear systems: Feasibility, stability and
robustness”, pages 8-21.
- Shihong Ding, Arie Levant, Shihua Li, “Simple homogeneous sliding-mode
controller”, pages 22-32.
- Kiyoshi Suzuki, “Optimal switching strategy of a mean-reverting asset
over multiple regimes”, pages 33-45.
- An-Min Zou, Anton H.J. de Ruiter, Krishna Dev Kumar, “Distributed
finite-time velocity-free attitude coordination control for spacecraft
formations”, pages 46-53.
- Milan Korda, Didier Henrion, Colin N. Jones, “Controller design and value
function approximation for nonlinear dynamical systems”, pages 54-66.
- Sheida Ghapani, Jie Mei, Wei Ren, Yongduan Song, “Fully distributed
flocking with a moving leader for Lagrange networks with parametric
uncertainties”, pages 67-76.
- Yanjie Li, Xinyu Wu, “A unified approach to time-aggregated Markov
decision processes”, pages 77-84.
- Angelo Alessandri, Moath Awawdeh, “Moving-horizon estimation with
guaranteed robustness for discrete-time linear systems and measurements
subject to outliers”, pages 85-93.
- Jérémy R. Dehaye, Joseph J. Winkin, “LQ-optimal boundary control of
infinite-dimensional systems with Yosida-type approximate boundary
observation”, pages 94-106.
- Arnab Dey, Sourav Patra, Siddhartha Sen, “Absolute stability analysis for
negative-imaginary systems”, pages 107-113.
- Giulio Bottegal, Aleksandr Y. Aravkin, Håkan Hjalmarsson, Gianluigi
Pillonetto, “Robust EM kernel-based methods for linear system
identification”, pages 114-126.
- Lubomír Bakule, Branislav Rehák, Martin Papík, “Decentralized
image-infinity control of complex systems with delayed feedback”, pages
- Márcio A.F. Martins, Darci Odloak, “A robustly stabilizing model
predictive control strategy of stable and unstable processes”, pages
- Robin Vujanic, Peyman Mohajerin Esfahani, Paul J. Goulart, Sébastien
Mariéthoz, Manfred Morari, “A decomposition method for large scale MILPs,
with performance guarantees and a power system application”, pages 144-156.
- Farnaz Adib Yaghmaie, Frank L. Lewis, Rong Su, “Output regulation of
linear heterogeneous multi-agent systems via output and state feedback”,
pages 157-164.
- Miroslaw Galicki, “Finite-time trajectory tracking control in a task
space of robotic manipulators”, pages 165-170.
- Ruslan E. Seifullaev, Alexander Fradkov, Daniel Liberzon, “Energy control
of a pendulum with quantized feedback”, pages 171-177.
- Michael Margaliot, Eduardo D. Sontag, Tamir Tuller, “Contraction after
small transients”, pages 178-184.
- Van Tri Nguyen, Didier Georges, Gildas Besançon, “State and parameter
estimation in 1-D hyperbolic PDEs based on an adjoint method”, pages
- Laurent Bako, “Adaptive identification of linear systems subject to gross
errors”, pages 192-199.
- Amenda Chow, Kirsten A. Morris, “Control of the Landau–Lifshitz
equation”, pages 200-204.
- Steffi Knorn, Anders Ahlén, “Deviation bounds in multi agent systems
described by undirected graphs”, pages 205-210.
- Daniel Melchor-Aguilar, “A note on stability of functional difference
equations”, pages 211-215.
- Hildo Bijl, Jan-Willem van Wingerden, Thomas B. Schön, Michel Verhaegen,
“Mean and variance of the LQG cost function”, pages 216-223.
- Sandira Gayadeen, Stephen R. Duncan, “Discrete-time anti-windup
compensation for synchrotron electron beam controllers with rate
constrained actuators”, pages 224-232.
- Graziano Chesi, Richard H. Middleton, “Robust stability and performance
analysis of 2D mixed continuous–discrete-time systems with uncertainty”,
pages 233-243.
- Tarek Ahmed-Ali, Emilia Fridman, Fouad Giri, Laurent Burlion, Françoise
Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue, “Using exponential time-varying gains for sampled-data
stabilization and estimation”, pages 244-251.
- Xianwei Li, James Lam, Huijun Gao, Junlin Xiong, “H8 and H2 filtering for
linear systems with uncertain Markov transitions”, pages 252-266.
- Junqiang Zhou, Marcello Canova, Andrea Serrani, “Predictive inverse model
allocation for constrained over-actuated linear systems”, pages 267-276.
- B.G.B. Hunnekens, N.v.d. Wouw, D. Nešic, “Overcoming a fundamental
time-domain performance limitation by nonlinear control”, pages 277-281.
- Konstantin Kogan, Fouad El Ouardighi, Tatyana Chernonog, “Learning by
doing with spillovers: Strategic complementarity versus strategic
substitutability”, pages 282-294.
- Jurgen van Zundert, Joost Bolder, Tom Oomen, “Optimality and flexibility
in Iterative Learning Control for varying tasks”, pages 295-302.
- Diego Muñoz-Carpintero, Basil Kouvaritakis, Mark Cannon, “Striped
Parameterized Tube Model Predictive Control”, pages 303-309.
- Daniel Alberto Burbano Lombana, Mario di Bernardo, “Multiplex PI control
for consensus in networks of heterogeneous linear agents”, pages 310-320.

4.2. Contents: International Journal of Advanced Mechatronic Systems
Contributed by: Mingcong Deng, deng at cc.tuat.ac.jp

International Journal of Advanced Mechatronic Systems, vol. 6, no. 6, 2015
The articles can be retrieved on:

- Pneumatic stage positioning with model following control and PDD control,
Naoki Ito; Shinji Wakui; Yukinori Nakamura, pp. 247-257
- Robust controller with a fixed compensator for underwater
vehicle-manipulator systems including thruster dynamics, Yuichiro Taira;
Shinichi Sagara; Masahiro Oya, pp. 258-268
- Robust tracking control system design for a nonlinear IPMC using neural
network-based sliding mode approach, Aihui Wang; Qiang Zhang; Dongyun Wang,
pp. 269-276
- Two-degree-of-freedom control with tuning of both prefilter and
feedforward controller, Lorlynn Asuncion Mateo; Kenji Sugimoto, pp. 277-288
- Omnidirectional wheeled mobile robots: wheel types and practical
applications, Kiattisin Kanjanawanishkul, pp. 289-302

4.3. Contents: Control Engineering Practice
Contributed by: Tobias Glück, cep at acin.tuwien.ac.at

Control Engineering Practice
Volume 50
May 2016

- André Shigueo Yamashita, Paulo Martin Alexandre, Antonio Carlos Zanin,
Darci Odloak, Reference trajectory tuning of model predictive control,Pages
- Han Woong Yoo, Shingo Ito, Georg Schitter, High speed laser scanning
microscopy by iterative learning control of a galvanometer scanner,Pages
- Alexandra Moutinho, Jos\'{e} Raul Azinheira, Ely C. de Paiva, Samuel S.
Bueno, Airship robust path-tracking: A tutorial on airship modelling and
gain-scheduling control design,Pages 22-36
- Baojie Mu, Yaoyu Li, John M. House, Timothy I. Salsbury, Experimental
evaluation of anti-windup extremum seeking control for airside
economizers,Pages 37-47
- Bing Song, Shuai Tan, Hongbo Shi, Process monitoring via enhanced
neighborhood preserving embedding,Pages 48-56
- Minlin Wang, Xuemei Ren, Qiang Chen, Shubo Wang, Xuehui Gao, Modified
dynamic surface approach with bias torque for multi-motor
servomechanism,Pages 57-68
- Yaxing Ren, Liuying Li, Joseph Brindley, Lin Jiang, Nonlinear PI control
for variable pitch wind turbine,Pages 84-94
- Ivan Portnoy, Kevin Melendez, Horacio Pinzon, Marco Sanjuan, An improved
weighted recursive PCA algorithm for adaptive fault detection,Pages 69-83
- Philipp Beckerle, Practical relevance of faults, diagnosis methods, and
tolerance measures in elastically actuated robots,Pages 95-100

4.4. Contents: Asian Journal of Control
Contributed by: Fu Li-Chen, lichen at ntu.edu.tw

Asian Journal of Control
Vol.18, No.2 March, 2016

[Regular Paper]
1. Paper Title: Adaptive Action for Multi-Agent Persistent Coverage
Authors: Carlos Franco, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Carlos Sagüés and Sergio
2. Paper Title: Automatic Control of Aircraft in Lateral-Directional Plane
During Landing
Authors: Romulus Lungu and Mihai Lungu
3. Paper Title: An Intelligent Design for a PID Controller for Nonlinear
Authors: Chung-Neng Huang and Aaron Chung
4. Paper Title: Intelligent Integral Backstepping Sliding-mode Control
Using Recurrent Neural Network For Piezo-flexural Nanopositioning Stage
Authors: Faa-Jeng Lin, Shih-Yang Lee and Po-Huan Chou
5. Paper Title: Input Shaping of the Synchronous Generator for Reduction of
Self-induced Oscillations
Authors: Danijel Jolevski and Ozren Bego
6. Paper Title: Joints Position Estimation of a Redundant Scara Robot by
Means of the Unscented Kalman Filter and Inertial Sensors
Authors: Claudio Urrea and Rodrigo Muñoz
7. Paper Title: The Synthesis of the Proportional-Differential Regulators
for the Systems with Fixed Ends of Trajectories Under Two-Sided Constraints
on Control Values
Author: Z. N. Murzabekov
8. Paper Title: Nonlinear Thf-Fxlms Algorithm For Active Noise Control With
Loudspeaker Nonlinearity
Authors: Sepehr Ghasemi, Raja Kamil and Mohammad Hamiruce Marhaban
9. Paper Title: State Estimation of Stochastic Impulsive System Via
Stochastic Adaptive Impulsive Observer
Authors: Moosa Ayati, Mohamad Alwan, Xinzhi Liu and Hamid Khaloozadeh
10. Paper Title: Globally Stable Adaptive Tracking Control for Uncertain
Strict-Feedback Systems Based on Neural Network Approximation
Authors: Dong Zhao, Weisheng Chen, Jian Wu and Jing Li
11. Paper Title: Reliable Dissipative Control for a Class of Uncertain
Singular Markovian Jump Systems via Hybrid Impulsive Control
Authors: Hui Lv, Qingling Zhang and Junchao Ren
12. Paper Title: Fault Reconstruction for Continuous-Time Systems Via
Learning Observers
Authors: Qingxian Jia, Wen Chen, Yingchun Zhang and Huayi Li
13. Paper Title: Guaranteed-Cost Consensus Control For High-Order Linear
Swarm Systems
Authors: Xiaogang Yang, Jianxiang Xi, Jinying Wu and Zhicheng Yao
14. Paper Title: Pinning Synchronization in Networked Lagrangian Systems
Authors: Mihua Ma, Jin Zhou and Jianping Cai
15. Paper Title: Observer-Based H8 Control for Continuous-Time Networked
Control Systems
Authors: Tian-Bao Wang, Yu-Long Wang, Heng Wang and Jian Zhang
16. Paper Title: A Novel Boundary Control Solution for Unstable Heat
Conduction Systems Based on Active Disturbance Rejection Control
Authors: Dong Zhao, Donghai Li and Youqing Wang
17. Paper Title: Model-Free H8 Control Design for Unknown Continuous-Time
Linear System Using Adaptive Dynamic Programming
Authors: Chunbin Qin, Huaguang Zhang and Yanhong Luo
18. Paper Title: Cooperative Adaptive Fuzzy Output Feedback Control for
Synchronization of Nonlinear Multi-Agent Systems in the Presence of Input
Authors: Wei Wang, Dan Wang, Zhouhua Peng and Hao Wang
19. Paper Title: Adaptive Fuzzy PD+ Control for Attitude Maneuver of Rigid
Authors: Zhen Chen, Li Zhong, Xiangdong Liu and Binglong Cong
20. Paper Title: Robust Adaptive Control of Uncertain Stochastic
Hamiltonian Systems with Time Varying Delay
Authors: Weiwei Sun and Lianghong Peng
21. Paper Title: Adaptive Control of A Servo System Based on Multiple Models
Authors: Ming-Gang Gan, Meng Zhang, Hui-Xia Ma and Jie Chen
22. Paper Title: Decreasing-horizon Robust Model Predictive Control With
Specified Settling Time To A Terminal Constraint Set
Authors: Weilin Yang, Gang Feng and TieJun Zhang
23. Paper Title: Optimal Control for Pennes' Bioheat Equation
Authors: Alaeddin Malek and Ghasem Abbasi
24. Paper Title: A Measurement-Based Approach for Designing Fixed-Order
Controllers for Unknown Closed-Loop Architecture
Authors: Sofiane Khadraoui, Hazem N. Nounou, Mohamed N. Nounou, Aniruddha
Datta and Shankar P. Bhattacharyya
25. Paper Title: Dynamic Output Feedback Robust MPC Using General
Polyhedral State Bounds for the Polytopic Uncertain System With Bounded
Authors: Baocang Ding, Chenbo Gao and Xubin Ping
26. Paper Title: Robust Fault Detection Using Subspace Aided Data Driven
Authors: Abrar Hussain, Abdul Qayyum Khan and Muhammad Abid
27. Paper Title: Novel Conflict Resolution Model for Multi-Uav Based on CPN
and 4D Trajectories
Authors: Linjun Fan, Jun Tang, Yunxiang Ling, Gang Liu and Benxian Li
28. Paper Title: Dynamic Stability of Power Systems Using UPFC:
Bat-Inspired Search and Gravitational Search Algorithms
Authors: B. Vijay Kumar and N. V. Srikanth
29. Paper Title: Distributed Containment Control for Nonlinear Multi-Agent
Systems with Time-Delayed Protocol
Authors: Jianqiang Hu, Jie Yu and Jinde Cao

[Brief Paper]
1. Paper Title: Output Consensus of Heterogeneous Linear Multi-agent
Systems Subject to Different Disturbances
Authors: Shaobao Li, Gang Feng, Xiaoyuan Luo and Xinping Guan
2. Paper Title: Consensus Control for Directed Networks Under Quantized
Information Exchange
Authors: Zhi-Xiang Yin, You-Rui Huang, Xian-Ya Geng and De-Quan Li
3. Paper Title: Adaptive Tracking Control for Nonlinear Systems with a
Class of Input Nonlinearities
Authors: Zongcheng Liu, Xinmin Dong, Jianping Xue and Lipeng Zhang
4. Paper Title: Controllability of Stochastic Delay Systems with Impulse in
a Separable Hilbert Space
Authors: Yingxin Guo and Chao Xu
5. Paper Title: Observer Based Control of a Missile Seeker System Using
Sliding Modes
Authors: Bhagyashri Tamhane, Dharmveer Singh, Shailaja Kurode and Prasad

5. Conferences

5.1. Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing
Contributed by: Angie Ellis, amellis at illinois.edu

The Fifty-Fourth Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and
Computing will kick off with Opening Tutorials being held on Tuesday,
September 27, 2016 at the Coordinated Science Laboratory. The conference
sessions will start on Wednesday, September 28, 2016 through Friday,
September 30, 2016, at the Allerton Park and Retreat Center. The Allerton
House is located twenty-six miles southwest of the Urbana-Champaign campus
of the University of Illinois in a wooded area on the Sangamon River. It is
part of the fifteen-hundred acre Robert Allerton Park, a complex of natural
and man-made beauty designated as a National natural landmark. Allerton
Park has twenty miles of well-maintained trails and a living gallery of
formal gardens, studded with sculptures collected from around the world.

Papers presenting original research are solicited in the areas of
biological information systems; coding techniques and applications; coding
theory; data storage; information theory; multiuser detection and
estimation; network information theory; sensor networks in communications;
wireless communication systems; intrusion/anomaly detection and diagnosis;
network coding; network games and algorithms; performance analysis; pricing
and congestion control; reliability, security and trust; decentralized
control systems; robust and nonlinear control; adaptive control and
automation; robotics; distributed and large-scale systems; complex
networked systems; optimization; dynamic games; machine learning and
learning theory; signal models and representations; signal acquisition,
coding, and retrieval; detection and estimation; learning and inference;
statistical signal processing; sensor networks; and data analytics.

Final versions of papers to be presented at the conference are required to
be submitted electronically by October 2, 2016 in order to appear in the
Conference Proceedings and IEEE Xplore.

PLENARY LECTURE: Professor Naomi Leonard from the Mechanical and Aerospace
Engineering, Princeton University, will deliver this year’s plenary
lecture. It is scheduled for Friday, September 30, 2016 at the Allerton
Park and Retreat Center.

OPENING TUTORIAL LECTURES: Professor Panagiotis Tsiotras, Georgia Institute
of Technology, and Professor Emmanuel Abbe, Princeton Unversity, will both
present a tutorial lecture on Tuesday, September 27, 2016 at the
Coordinated Science Laboratory, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

INFORMATION FOR AUTHORS: Regular papers suitable for presentation in twenty
minutes are solicited. Regular papers will be published in full (subject to
a maximum length of eight 8.5” x 11” pages, in two column format) in the
Conference Proceedings. Only papers that are actually presented at the
conference and uploaded as final manuscripts can be included in the
proceedings, which will be available after the conference on IEEE Xplore.

For reviewing purposes of papers, a title and a five to ten page extended
abstract, including references and sufficient detail to permit careful
reviewing, are required.

Manuscripts can be submitted during June 15-July 8, 2016 with the
submission deadline of July 8th being firm. Please follow the instructions
at the Conference website: http://www.csl.illinois.edu/allerton/.

Authors will be notified of acceptance via e-mail by August 8, 2016, at
which time they will also be sent detailed instructions for the preparation
of their papers for the Proceedings.

5.2. International Symposium on Formation Control and Distributed
Contributed by: Hyo-Sung Ahn, hyosung at gist.ac.kr

The 1st International Symposium on Formation Control and Distributed
September 12-14, 2016, Gwangju, Korea

Call for participation
As control, communications, sensing, and processing technologies are
advanced, multi-agent systems become more realistic in our daily life as
well as in industry. As the computational speed of embedded processors in
distributed agents becomes extremely fast, higher level control of dynamic
systems becomes more and more important. In the sense of higher level
control, two key control problems have attracted research interests:
Formation Control and Coordination of Multi-agent Systems. The formation
control is a distributed control in Euclidean space from a topological
perspective, while the coordination is distributed management or operation
of interconnected network systems. The formation control focuses on
relative assignment of agents' states, and the distributed coordination
focuses on distribution or assignment of state and state's value.
Theoretically and practically, it would be interesting to solve these
problems in decentralized or distributed manners. The decentralized control
implies that each agent uses only its own state for achieving a common goal
of the group, while the distributed control means that agent uses relative
information between neighboring agents. For examples, relative position and
attitude control of unmanned aerial vehicles could be considered as a
formation control, and distributed management of power generation and power
flow in cyber-physical energy network may be considered distributed
coordination. In this symposium, we are interested in sharing some recent
ideas and advances to solve the formation control and distributed
coordination problems using only local and/or relative information. If you
are interested in attending this symposium as audience or as speaker,
please send your "intention for participation" through email (
hyosung at gist.ac.kr) by June 30.

Outline of tentative program:
The symposium will consist of special keynote talks, technical sessions, a
poster session and problem definition session. Two technical sessions will
be a session for distributed formation control and one more session for
distributed coordination. In the problem definition session, individual
speaker will be allowed to present his/her problems within a five minute in
one slide. In the problem definition session, we would like to discuss the
problems intensively. Students will be allowed to present their on-going
works via poster session.

Specially invited speakers:
Brian D. O. Anderson, Australian National University
Daniel Zelazo, Technion (Israel Institute of Technology)
Mohamed Ali Belabbas, University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign
Zhiyong Sun, Australian National University
Hyungbo Shim, Seoul National University, Korea

Registration fee: There will be a small amount of registration fee for

Organizer and contact information: Hyo-Sung Ahn (hyosung at gist.ac.kr),
Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST), Korea

5.3. Conference on Decision and Game Theory for Security
Contributed by: Quanyan Zhu, qz494 at nyu.edu

The 7th Conference on Decision and Game Theory for Security

Recent advances in information and communication technologies pose
significant security challenges that impact all aspects of modern society.
The 7th Conference on Decision and Game Theory for Security focuses on
protection of heterogeneous, large-scale and dynamic systems as well as
managing security risks faced by critical infrastructures through rigorous
and practically-relevant analytical methods. GameSec invites novel,
high-quality theoretical and practical-relevant contributions, which apply
decision and game theory, as well as related techniques such as distributed
optimization, dynamic control and mechanism design, to build resilient,
secure, and dependable networked systems. The goal of GameSec is to bring
together academic and industrial researchers in an effort to identify and
discuss the major technical challenges and recent results that highlight
the connection between game theory, control, distributed optimization,
economic incentives and real world security, reputation, trust and privacy

The real world use of game- and decision-theoretic models in cyber and
physical security applications requires validating them. Gathering and
providing empirical evidence for or against such models is a crucial step
in our field's progress. Unfortunately, it is often difficult to find a
home for such pain-staking validation and empirical evidence gathering in
conferences that are more focused on novelty of theoretical models and
algorithms. To remedy this shortcoming, GameSec will include this year a
special track on "validating models". Papers submitted to this special
track will undergo the same rigorous evaluation as the normal GameSec
submissions, but the emphasis will be on validation, data gathering and
empirical evaluation, possibly of existing models.

For more information, please visit

Abstract submission (optional): June 3, 2016
Paper submission (firm): June 10, 2016
Decision notification: July 29, 2016
Camera-ready submission: August 22, 2016

5.4. IEEE Ecuador Technical Chapters Meeting
Contributed by: Alberto Sanchez, aesanchez at ieee.org

We take great pleasure in inviting you to the 2016 IEEE ETCM, which will be
held for the first time from October 12th-14th in Guayaquil, Ecuador. (

The 2016 IEEE Ecuador Technical Chapters Meeting (ETCM) will be the first
edition of what we expect will be the first of a running series of
conferences organized by the IEEE Ecuador Section and which intends to
create a highly prestigious venue for researchers, students and
practitioners from the IEEE Technical Society Chapters in Ecuador.

The conference covers both theoretical and practical issues related to
Com-munications, Computing, Control Systems, Industrial Electronics,
Engineering in Medicine and Biology, Power and Energy, Robotics and
Automation. Topics of interest, but not limited to, are:

Adaptive Systems, Signal Processing, Embedded Systems, Fault Tolerant
Sys-tems, Identification, Predictive control.

Power Converters, Power semiconductors, Machines and drives, Power
elec-tronics in transportation systems, Power electronics applications.

Internet of Things, Communications Systems Security, Green Communications,
Wireless Communications, Optical Communications, Waveforms and Signal
Processing, Access Networks and Systems, Cluster, Grid, P2P Cloud
Compu-ting, Satellite and Space Communications, Networking protocols and

Security and Privacy, Semantic Computing, Real Time Systems, Computational
Intelligence, Multimedia Computing, Learing Technologies, Distributed
Proces-sing, Data Engineering and Data Science, Human Computer Interaction,
Computer Vision.

Transmission, Distribution, Power Generation, Power System Control &
Ope-ration, Reliability, Stability, Renewables, SmartGrids.

Clinical Engineering, Telemedicine,and Health Care, Bioinformatics,
Biomecha-nics, Biomaterials, Bioinstrumentation, Signal and Image
Processing, Biophysics.

Automation, Automation in Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Sensors,
Robotics, Assistive Technologies, System Integration, Sensor/Actuator
Net-works, Distributed and Cloud Robotics, Autonomous Vehicles, Human/Robot

Software design, software building, software production processes, Quality,
design methodologies, artificial intelligence aplied to software
engineering, edu-cation, process models, verification and validation,
integration and operation, human aspects in software engineering, software
project management.

Important Dates:
Full Paper Submission: 30 June 2016
Acceptance Notification: 17 July 2016
Final paper Submission: 30 July 2016
Workshops & Tutorials: 10-11 October 2016
Conference Dates: 12-14 October 2016

Website: http://sites.ieee.org/etcm-2016

5.5. Model Predictive Control Under Uncertainty: Theory, Computations and
Contributed by: Sasa V. Rakovic, sasa.v.rakovic at austin.utexas.edu

A full day workshop entitled ``Model Predictive Control Under Uncertainty:
Theory, Computations and Applications” has been organized for the 2016
American Control Conference (held at Boston Marriott Copley Place, Boston,
MA, USA) by Sasa V. Rakovic, William S. Levine, Behcet Acikmese and Ilya V.
Kolmanovsky. The workshop will be held on July 05, 2016.

The workshop introduces its audience to the theory, design and applications
of model predictive control under uncertainty. The workshop provides
conceptual and practical principles governing rigorous and computationally
effective methods for design of MPC under set-membership and probabilistic
uncertainty. The theoretical fundamentals are carefully introduced and
studied within the frameworks of robust and stochastic MPC. The technical
foundations are complemented with a study of related design and practical
aspects as well as with an overview of effective computations based on
convex and reliable real-time optimization. Thus, the workshop provides a
concise and unified exposure to MPC under uncertainty.

The main themes of the workshop are Conventional MPC (by William S.
Levine), Robust MPC (by Sasa V. Rakovic), Stochastic MPC (by Ilya V.
Kolmanovsky), Convexification for MPC Under Uncertainty and Reliable Online
Computations (by Behcet Acikmese), and Overview of Applications and Open
Closing Discussion (by all organizers/speakers).

Additional info is available at the conference website
http://acc2016.a2c2.org/workshops.html and

5.6. Workshop on Control, Optimisation and Networks
Contributed by: Malcolm Smith, mcs at eng.cam.ac.uk

Two workshops will be held at the University of Cambridge, United Kingdom,
on September 19-22, 2016. The workshops aim to connect researchers from the
sciences, mathematics, and engineering who share an interest in control


This workshop marks the contributions of Professor Jan Maciejowski to the
control field on the occasion of his retirement.

Invited speakers (confirmed):
K.J. Astrom, M. Deistler, R. Findeisen, M. Gallieri, M. Gevers, J.
Goncalves, P. Goulart, B. Hanzon, E. Hartley, W. Heath, C. Jones, E.C.
Kerrigan, I. Lestas, K.V. Ling, L. Ljung, S. Longo, J. Lygeros, M. Morari,
J. Raisch, A. Richards, P. Roberts, R. Shekhar, G. Vinnicombe

Website: http://www-control.eng.cam.ac.uk/Main/Workshop7

EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION: before June 10 2016

5.7. Workshop on Mathematical Aspects of Network Synthesis
Contributed by: Malcolm Smith, mcs at eng.cam.ac.uk

Two workshops will be held at the University of Cambridge, United Kingdom,
on September 19-22, 2016. The workshops aim to connect researchers from the
sciences, mathematics, and engineering who share an interest in control


Fourth in a series of workshops initiated by Uwe Helmke.

Invited speakers (confirmed):
M.Z.Q. Chen, P. Dewilde, P. Fuhrmann*, T.H. Hughes, J.Z. Jiang, R. Kalman,
N. Karcanias, D.J.N. Limebeer, A. Morelli, R.T. Pates, P. Rapisarda, R.
Sepulchre, M.C. Smith, A.J. van der Schaft

*Paul Fuhrmann will deliver a special In Memoriam lecture to commemorate
the contributions and friendship of Uwe Helmke.

Website: http://www-control.eng.cam.ac.uk/Main/Workshop8

EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION: before June 10 2016

5.8. International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision
Contributed by: Changyun Wen, ecywen at ntu.edu.sg

The 14th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and
(ICARCV 2016)
Phuket, Thailand, November 13 – 15, 2016
Conference Website: http://www.icarcv.org/2016/

Extension of Deadline:
Due to numerous feedbacks from researchers that they have difficulty
completing paper submission by the given deadline and hence requested for
an extension. After careful consideration, the organizing committee decides
to extend the paper submission deadline to 31 May 2016.
No further extension will be considered.

ICARCV has a history of more than 26 years. ICARCV 2016 is organised by
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, and technically co-sponsored
by IEEE Control Systems Society. It focuses on both theory and applications
mainly covering the topics of control, automation, robotics and computer
vision. In addition to the technical sessions, there will be invited
sessions, panel sessions and keynote addresses.

Proceedings of past ICARCVs have been indexed by ISI Proceedings, EI
Compendex and included in the IEEE Xplore.

The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Adaptive control; Robust control; Process control; Complex systems;
Co-operative control; Identification and estimation; Nonlinear systems;
Intelligent systems; Discrete event systems; Hybrid systems; Networked
control systems; Sensor networks; Multi-agent systems; Delay systems;
Neural networks; Fuzzy systems; Control of biological systems; Precision
motion control; Control applications; Control engineering education; Marine
systems; Data analytics.

Man-machine interactions; Process automation; Intelligent automation;
Factory modeling and simulation; Home, laboratory and service automation;
Network-based systems; Planning, scheduling and coordination; Nano-scale
automation and assembly; Instrumentation systems; Biomedical
instrumentation and applications; Building energy efficiency.

Modeling and identification; Robot control; Mobile robotics; Mobile sensor
networks; Perception systems; Micro robots and micro-manipulation; Visual
servoing; Search, rescue and field robotics; Robot sensing and data fusion;
Localization, navigation and mapping; Dexterous manipulation; Medical
robots and bio-robotics; Human centered systems; Space and underwater
robots; Tele-robotics; Mechanism design and applications.

Image/video analysis; Image-based modeling; Stereo and Structure from
motion; Feature extraction, grouping and segmentation; Scene analysis;
Object recognition; Learning and Statistical methods; Human-computer
interaction; Tracking and surveillance; Biometrics; Vision for robots;
Activity/behavior recognition; Medical Image Analysis; Face and Gesture.

Emerging Technologies:
Internet of things; Cyber-physical systems; Smart buildings, Smart grid;
Energy management systems; Big data; Electric vehicles and intelligent

Paper Submission: Papers must be written in English and should describe
original work in details. Please download the template from the conference
website and submit the full papers online at http://www.icarcv.org/2016 by
31 May, 2016. Proposals for invited sessions will be submitted online at
the same web address. Upon acceptance, authors are required to register and
present their papers at the conference. Papers which make outstanding
contributions to the relevant topics will be considered for best paper

5.9. International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems
Contributed by: ICCAS2016, conference at icros.org

2016 16th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems
(ICCAS 2016)
October 16(SUN)-19(WED), 2016
HICO, Gyeongju, Korea

ICCAS 2016 will be held at HICO. Gyeongju, Korea on October
16(SUN)-19(WED), 2016. The aim of the ICCAS is to bring together
researchers and engineers worldwide to present their latest works, and
disseminate the state-of-the-art technologies related to control,
automation, robotics, and systems.

Important Dates
May 6, 2016: Submission of organized session proposals
May 13, 2016: Submission of full papers
July 15, 2016: Notification of paper acceptance
August 12, 2016: Submission of final camera-ready papers

Plenary Speakers
Andrew Schwartz (Univ. of Pittsburgh, USA)
Maria Prandini (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)
Sangchul Won (POSTECH, Korea)
Satoshi Tadokoro (Tohoku Univ., Japan)
James Ashton-Miller (Univ. of Michigan, USA)
Huijun Gao (Harbin Institute of Technology, China)
Song K. Choi (Univ. of Hawaii, USA)

The treasure of a brilliant cultural heritage Welcome to Gyeongju!!
Gyeongju was the capital city of Shilla for 992 years. The history of
Gyeongju, which was once called Seorabeol, is also the history of the
thousand-year-old Shilla Dynasty. Gyeongju embraces a radiant ancient
culture where Buddhism, science, and the arts and crafts of the people of
Shilla flourished, and the great spirits of Hwarangdo attained the
nification of the three kingdoms. This is why Gyeongju is so well preserved
by its people and thus, has been designated as a World Cultural Heritage by
UNESCO. The evergreen spirit of Shilla has been alive here for nearly a
thousand years. Gyeongju is truly a museum without walls.

This event starts right after IROS 2016(Oct. 9-14), Daejeon, Korea. It
takes 1 hour from Daejeon to Gyeongju by KTX(Korea Train eXpress).

Thank you for your contributions and we look forward to seeing you at ICCAS
2016 during October 16-19, 2016.

ICCAS 2016 CFP: http://icros.org/data/download/ICCAS2016/ICCAS2016_CFP.pdf

5.10. World Congress: Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and
Contributed by: Seenith Sivasundaram, seenithi at gmail.com

World Congress: Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and Sciences
WHEN: 05-08 July 2016 Tutorial session starts on July 4th
WHERE: La Rochelle, France, University of La Rochelle
Website: http://www.icnpaa.com

Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and Science have stimulated
cooperation among scientists from a variety of disciplines. Developments in
computer technology have additionally allowed for solutions of mathematical
problems. This international forum will extend scholarly cooperation and
collaboration, encouraging the dissemination of ideas and information.

The conference will have a pool of active researchers, with a proper
balance between academia and industry, as well as between senior and junior
researchers, including graduate students and post-doctoral fellows. It is
anticipated that such a balance will provide both senior and junior
researchers an opportunity to interact and to have a wider picture of
recent advances in their respective fields. The conference, especially,
enables the setting up of new interdisciplinary research directions among
its participants by establishing links with world renowned researchers,
making possible joint international projects that will no doubt bring about
fresh and innovative ideas and technologies in engineering, aerospace and

Co-Sponsored by: AIAA: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
IFIP: International Federation of Information Processing
La Rochelle, France, University of La Rochelle
The proceedings will be published by the American Institute of Physics.
AIP Conference Proceedings are indexed in:
• Astrophysics Data System(ADS)
• Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS)
• Crossref
• EBSCO Publishing
• Electronic Library Information Navigator (ELIN), Sweden
• Elsevier – SCOPUS
• International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
• Thomson Reuters (ISI)

5.11. International Workshop on Numerical Software Verification
Contributed by: Sergiy Bogomolov, sergiy.bogomolov at ist.ac.at


9th International Workshop on Numerical Software Verification
July 17-18, 2016
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Web Page: http://nsv2016.pages.ist.ac.at/

Important Dates:
Submissions deadline: ** May 6, 2016 **
Notification: May 15, 2016
Final version: May 28, 2016
Workshop: July 17-18, 2016

** New this year **
All accepted papers will be published as Lecture Notes in Computer Science
(LNCS) with Springer Verlag.

Description of the Workshop
Numerical computations are ubiquitous in digital systems: supervision,
prediction, simulation and signal processing rely heavily on numerical
calculus to achieve desired goals. Design and verification of numerical
algorithms has a unique set of challenges, which set it apart from rest of
software verification. To achieve the verification and validation of global
properties, numerical techniques need to precisely represent local
behaviors of each component. The implementation of numerical techniques on
modern hardware adds another layer of approximation because of the use of
finite representations of infinite precision numbers that usually lack
basic arithmetic properties such as commutativity and associativity.
Finally, the development and analysis of cyber-physical systems (CPS) which
involve the interacting continuous and discrete components pose a further
challenge. It is hence imperative to develop logical and mathematical
techniques for the reasoning about programmability and reliability. The NSV
workshop is dedicated to the development of such techniques.

The scope of the workshop includes, but is not restricted to, the following
- Quantitative and qualitative analysis of hybrid systems
- Models and abstraction techniques
- Optimal control of dynamical systems
- Parameter identification for hybrid systems
- Numerical optimization methods
- Hybrid systems verification
- Applications of hybrid systems to systems biology
- Propagation of uncertainties, deterministic and probabilistic models
- Specifications of correctness for numerical programs
- Formal specification and verification of numerical programs
- Quality of finite precision implementations
- Numerical properties of control software
- Validation for space, avionics, automotive and real-time applications
- Validation for scientific computing programs

Submission information
We solicit regular and short papers. Paper submission must be performed via
the EasyChair system: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=nsv2016

Regular papers must describe original work, be written and presented in
English, and must not substantially overlap with papers that have been
published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or a conference
with refereed proceedings. Submitted papers will be judged on the basis of
significance, relevance, correctness, originality, and clarity. They should
clearly identify what has been accomplished and why it is significant.

Regular paper submissions should not exceed 15 pages in LNCS style,
including bibliography and well-marked appendices:

Program committee members are not required to read the appendices, and thus
papers must be intelligible without them.

Short papers are also welcome, they should present tools, benchmarks,
case-studies or be extended abstracts of ongoing research. Short papers
should not exceed 6 pages.

All accepted papers will be published as Lecture Notes in Computer Science
(LNCS) with Springer Verlag.

6. Positions

6.1. PhD: Lund University, Sweden
Contributed by: Anders Rantzer, rantzer at control.lth.se

Applications are invited for positions as PhD student at the Department of
Automatic Control, Lund University, Sweden. See

6.2. PhD: L2S, France
Contributed by: Antoine Chaillet, antoine.chaillet at centralesupelec.fr

PhD offer: Modeling and steering brain oscillations based on in vivo
optogenetics data

Neuronal oscillations are ubiquitous in the brain, both in health and
disease. Nonetheless, the precise role of these oscillations is still a
matter of debate, and the mechanisms by which they are generated are still
poorly understood. Technological advances offer unprecedented ways to
acquire and influence these oscillations. Electrode arrays and electrodes
with dense recording plots now provide excellent spatiotemporal resolution
of local brain activity. Moreover, the recent advent of optogenetics is
revolutionizing the way of stimulating brain structures. The combination of
electrophysiological recordings and optogenetics is thus particularly
appealing to decipher the mechanisms of oscillation generation, their role
in brain functioning, and the development of closed-loop strategies to
steer brain oscillations (especially pathological ones).

This project aims at developing and validating ad hoc methodologies to
model, identify, analyze and control brain oscillations with these
experimental tools. The challenges in that direction are numerous due to
the nonlinear and spatiotemporal nature of the processes involved. To
address these challenges, this project proposes to adapt or develop
methodologies from control theory to the brain dynamics specificities. The
performance of the developed methodologies will be confronted to
experimental data of pathological oscillations linked to parkinsonian
symptoms, that were collected on healthy and parkinsonian primates under
optogenetics in the ANR project SynchNeuro.

The aim of this PhD thesis is to develop a methodological framework, based
on control engineering, to address three challenges:
1) development of a spatiotemporal model of specific brain oscillations,
whose parameters are identified based on experimental data
2) formal analysis of brain oscillations onset and characterization of
their dynamics in terms of magnitude, frequency and phase
3) development of closed-loop photostimulation strategies to disrupt,
attenuate, or steer brain oscillations.

The PhD thesis will be supervised by Antoine Chaillet (L2S), in
collaboration with Alain Destexhe (UNIC) and Mario Sigalotti (CMAP).

Sought candidate:
We are looking for a brilliant motivated student, eager to work on an
interdisciplinary topic. Strong background in dynamical systems is needed,
as well as interest for theoretical developments. Experience in
identification based on experimental data, or numerical simulations would
be appreciated. No French ability is required.

6.3. PhD: UCoCoS Project, Netherlands
Contributed by: Wim Michiels, Wim.Michiels at cs.kuleuven.be

Six open PhD positions, UCoCoS project

Major challenges in science, society and industry are induced by the
complexity of our hyper-connected world. Examples are the climate change,
artificial interconnected systems whose dynamics are beyond our
understanding such as the internet, the global banking system and the power
grid. A demand of performance emerges at an unprecedented scale:
collaborative sensors and robots so to ensure competitiveness of the
production industry, better management of traffic flows, designing
(de)synchronization mechanisms applicable in neuroscience, are examples
illustrating the necessity to understand and control the dynamics of
complex networks.

The objectives of the UCoCoS project are to create a control-oriented
framework for complex systems, and to define a common language, common
methods, tools and software for the complexity scientist. UCoCoS aims at i)
creating a closely connected new generation of leading scientists, capable
of designing network structures and policies to affect the networks, and
ii) initiating long-term partnerships and collaboration mechanisms leading
to sustainable doctoral training. The UCoCoS approach builds on recent
developments in three domains: control engineering, computer science,
mechanical engineering.

In the framwork of UCoCoS there are six open PhD positions. Every PhD
researcher performs a cutting-edge project, strongly relying on the
complementary expertise of three acadmic partners (KU Leuven, Ecole
Centrale de Lille, and Eindhoven University of Technology) and benefiting
from training by non-academic partners from three different sectors.

The UCoCoS project and training network is funded by the Europen Commission
under the H2020 program, as a Marie-Sklodowska Curie Actions ITN-EJD
(Innovative Training Network- European Joint Doctorates). More information
on the project, and application instructions can be found at:

6.4. PhD: KU Leuven, Belgium
Contributed by: Jan Swevers, rocsis at kuleuven.be

A fully funded open PhD position at KU Leuven
Department of Mechanical Engineering

The KU Leuven (Belgium), Department of Mechanical Engineering is searching
for a motivated and skilled PhD researcher with a strong background in
systems, control, numerical optimization and experience with control
implementation and validation.

RESEARCH PROJECT: Many companies are dealing with systems consisting of
interacting subsystems that exhibit complex dynamic behaviour. The current
industrial control practice for these systems is often a decoupled PID-like
control approach that focuses on controlling each subsystem separately.
However, this decoupled control approach fails to address the complex
behaviour of many industrial systems. Consequently, the robustness and
performance that is achievable with the current industrial control approach
is limited and insufficient to meet the continuously increasing economic
(installation and operation costs vs. productivity/profit), and ecologic

With this research project we want to take a first step in establishing a
new industrial control practice that will enable companies to find economic
solutions to control complex systems of interacting subsystems. The current
state-of-the-art in control design can cope with complex system dynamics
and uncertainty, but fails to make its way to industry mainly due to the
complexity to design and tune these controllers. In addition, the current
state-of-the-art ignores the economic aspects of more advanced controllers,
that is, their implementation cost, which is related to the complexity of
the control configuration (the number and type of sensors and actuators and
the complexity of the control architecture).

Therefore, in this research project, we will develop methods and software
to (i) design simple controllers that are compatible with industrial
control hardware but can cope with complex uncertain system dynamics and
(ii) optimize the control configuration in order to manage the costs and
pay-back time of a more involved control configuration, and find a good
trade-off between costs and benefits (improved performance and robustness).
In addition, we will develop a user-friendly design interface that
automates the design and supports use by non-experts. In order to safeguard
the practical viability of the developments, we will validate the software
developments continuously throughout the project on experimental test
setups and models of industrial systems, which are selected in agreement
with and based on the input from our industrial project partners.

For this ambitious research project, we are searching for a motivated and
skilled PhD researcher. You will develop methodologies and software to
design robust optimal controllers and optimize the control configuration,
you will experimentally validate these methods and you will be involved in
the development of the user interface.

The research will be carried out in the MECO research group at the Division
PMA of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
(https://www.mech.kuleuven.be/en/pma/research/meco) in cooperation with
Flanders Make (http://www.flandersmake.be/).

CANDIDATE PROFILE: An ideal candidate has a MSc degree in engineering or
applied mathematics, a strong background in control, numerical
optimization, mechatronics and software development (Matlab, C/C++), and
experience with and a strong interest in the implementation and
experimental validation of controllers. The candidate should have an
enthusiasm for scientific research. Proficiency in English is a
requirement, and applicants whose mother tongue is neither Dutch nor
English must present an official language test report. Acceptable tests are
TOEFL and Academic IELTS. Required minimum scores are:
- TOEFL: 102 (internet-based test), no sub-score under 23
- IELTS: 7.5 (only Academic IELTS test accepted), no sub-score under 6.5

To apply, send an email to Prof. Dr. Jan Swevers (rocsis at kuleuven.be). The
subject of your email should be: “ROCSIS PhD application”. Include:
- an academic CV
- a pdf of your diplomas and transcript of course work and grades
- statement of research interests and career goals
- sample of technical writing
- list of at least two referees: names and email addresses
- proof of English language proficiency test results.

6.5. PhD: KU Leuven, Belgium
Contributed by: Goele Pipeleers, goele.pipeleers at kuleuven.be

Fully funded open PhD position at KU Leuven, Department of Mechanical

The KU Leuven, Department of Mechanical Engineering is searching for a
young, motivated and skilled PhD researcher with a strong background in
numerical optimization, systems theory and control.

RESEARCH PROJECT: While many engineering problems are nowadays translated
into a numerical optimization problem, the associated numerical data are
often inaccurate or uncertain. As this uncertainty of data may turn the
numerical optimum into a poor or even unacceptable solution for the true
problem, there is a great push for robust optimization techniques suited
for engineering applications. Robust optimization seeks a solution that is
feasible and most optimal for all possible values of the numerical data. As
the data is generally considered to vary in infinite sets (e.g. a real
interval), robust optimization problems are numerically intractable in
general. Therefore most problems are currently relaxed to a tractable
problem by relying on either Polya’s theorem or sum-of-squares certificates
of positivity. As these approaches suffer from limited applicability or
high computational load, we recently initiated novel relaxation schemes
based on B-splines, i.e. particular piecewise polynomial basis functions,
and their properties. Within this research project you will develop the
initial results into a general methodology for constructing B-spline based
relaxations of robust optimization problems. In addition to the theoretical
research this involves, you will develop a software toolbox for efficient
spline manipulations and optimization, and validate the methodology on
robust optimization applications such as robust control and motion planning
in obstructed environments. The research will be carried out in the MECO
research group at the division PMA of the department of Mechanical
Engineering, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium.

CANDIDATE PROFILE: An ideal candidate holds a degree in engineering or
applied mathematics. He or she has a solid background in numerical
optimization, systems theory and control, a strong interest and experience
in mathematical programming (Matlab, Python, C/C++), and enthusiasm for
scientific research. Proficiency in English is a requirement and applicants
whose mother tongue is neither Dutch nor English must present an official
language test report. Acceptable tests are TOEFL and Academic IELTS, and
the required minimum scores are:
- TOEFL: 610 (paper-based test), 102 (internet-based test)
- IELTS: 7.5 (only Academic IELTS test accepted)


To apply, send an email to goele.pipeleers at kuleuven.be with subject
“Bspline PhD application”. Include:
- an academic CV
- a pdf of your diplomas and transcript of course work and grades
- statement of research interests and career goals
- sample of technical writing
- list of at least two referees: names and email addresses
- proof of English language proficiency test results.

6.6. PhD/PostDoc: Clemson University, USA
Contributed by: Yongqiang Wang, yongqiw at clemson.edu

PhD/Post-Doc: Clemson University, USA

Applications are invited for doctoral and/or post-doctoral positions in the
general area of dynamics and control of network systems. Competitive
financial supports will be provided. Students with a strong background in
systems and control and a clear interest in the general area of network
systems are encouraged to apply. Specific areas of research include: -
analysis of dynamical engineered or biochemical networks - power systems -
hybrid systems - oscillator networks or synchronization. Clemson University
is ranked 20st among national public universities by U.S. News & World
Report (tie with Purdue University-West Lafayette and University of
Maryland-College Park). It is described by students and faculty as an
inclusive, student-centered community characterized by high academic
standards, a culture of collaboration, school spirit, and a competitive
drive to excel.

Clemson is located on Lake Hartwell in the foothills of the Blue Ridge
Mountains, an area of outstanding natural beauty and temperate climate. It
is 30 miles from Greenville, SC, a vibrant and growing city which provides
many opportunities for entertainment, culture, and fine dining. Strong
mathematical and analytic skills are desired.

Candidates with a demonstrated track record in one or more of the previous
area(s) will be preferred. Interested students should send a short resume,
along with representative relevant publications, if applicable, to
yongqiw at clemson.edu

6.7. PhD/PostDoc: Ohio State University, USA
Contributed by: Xinghua Jia, jxh831027 at gmail.com

Post-doc/PhD Positions to work on Fluorescence Peptide Nanoparticles

We have openings for one graduate student and one post-doctoral research
associate to work on fluorescence peptide nanoparticles. This work is a
continuation of our recent Nature Nanotechnology paper "Bioinspired
fluorescent dipeptide nanoparticles for targeted cancer cell imaging and
real-time monitoring of drug release."

The candidates are expected to have research experiences on peptide
synthesis, nanoparticles, or biomaterials. They will work with team members
with diverse background, including molecular biology, biochemistry,
chemical engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering,
biomedical engineering, materials science and engineering, and mathematics.

Our lab is equipped with a unique combination of multiple
nano-instrumentation platforms sponsored by federal agencies and industry,
including AFM, Confocal, Nanoindentor, Digital Holographic Microscopy,
CytoViva imaging system, HPLC, DLS, and peptide synthesizer. Research
results from our laboratory have been published in Nature Nanotechnology,
PNAS, Nano Letters, Advanced Functional Materials, PLoS Computational
Biology, Nanomedicine, and have drawn international media attention,
including Science, Nature, AAAS Science Update, BBC news, Science Daily,
and many others.

To apply, please send CV along with 2-3 sample publications to Mingjun
Zhang at zhang.4882 at osu.edu

6.8. PhD/PostDoc: Ohio State University, USA
Contributed by: Mingjun Zhang, zhang.4882 at osu.edu

ONR Sponsored Post-doc/PhD Positions on Bio-inspired UUV at OSU

We have one post-doctoral researcher and one PhD student opening positions
sponsored by the Office of Naval Research (ONR) to conduct research on
hydrodynamics and control for a bio-inspired Underwater Unmanned Vehicle
(UUV). Through this research, an energy-efficient UUV inspired by
propulsion mechanisms of four unique aquatic species will be designed,
optimized, constructed and tested. Six modules, including propulsion
module, central control module, manipulator module, buoyancy control
module, body frame module and obstacle avoidance module, will implemented
and tested.

The significance of this research lies in synergistic integration of
multiple unique propulsion mechanisms inspired by nature to achieve
energy-efficient propulsion, and modular implementation through integration
of material properties, morphological features, and advanced control for
applications in underwater robotics. The focus will be on optimization of
the bio-inspired propulsion mechanisms through in-depth theoretical
investigation of multi-scale material properties, morphological features,
dynamics, control patterns, and system integration.

Interested applicants should send in CVs along with 2-3 publications to
Mingjun Zhang at zhang.4882 at osu.edu.

Mingjun Zhang
Professor of Biomedical Engineering
The Ohio State University

NEWS: Nature offers plenty examples for inspiration in design and
Check our recent Nature Nanotechnology paper on bio-inspired nanoparticles.

6.9. PhD/PostDoc: Technische Universität Chemnitz, Germany
Contributed by: Stefan Streif, stefan.streif at etit.tu-chemnitz.de

Two PhD and PostDoc positions at the Technische Universität Chemnitz,
Germany within the newly established Laboratory of Automatic Control and
System Dynamics.

Research topics:
Development of robust and adaptive methods for control and diagnosis of
uncertain nonlinear systems using optimization-based approaches.

Essential responsibilities:
* working actively and independently in new research areas
* publishing research results in high-quality journals and on international
* participation in teaching
* supervision of undergraduate students.

Qualifications and requirements:
* knowledge and mathematical background in systems and control theory,
uncertainty analysis, stochastic processes and optimization (in particular
optimal control)
* above-average qualification or degree (PhD or Master)
* strong analytic and good programming skills
* excellent communication skills in oral and written English.

This full-time position is initially for THREE years with the option to
extend the contract. The positions are open from July 2016 until filled.
Besides a long-term perspective for your career, we offer a young and
dynamical research environment with a new and well-equipped research

To request more information or to apply, please contact Prof. Stefan Streif
(stefan.streif at etit.tu-chemnitz.de) as soon as possible. Application
documents (all combined into one PDF-file!) should include a cover letter,
CV, relevant certificates and contact details of possible references.

6.10. PostDoc: Uppsala University, Sweden
Contributed by: Anders Ahlén, anders.ahlen at angstrom.uu.se

Postdoctoral position in Signal and Information Processing
at Uppsala University, Dept of Engineering Sciences, Signals & Systems.

Duties: To conduct original research in the area of signal and information
processing and control over wireless networks, in particular, theoretical
analysis of fundamental limits in networked estimation and control, signal
processing for wireless sensor networks (WSN) with quantization, packet
loss, delay and fading, as well as design and analysis of signal processing
and control algorithms over WSN. Relevant areas also include distributed
and decentralized estimation and control algorithm design, e.g., with
respect to wireless control applications. Experience of theoretical and
experimental work within the field is important, as is experience of
extensive programming in MATLAB and preferably also in LabVIEW. The duties
include theoretical analysis, algorithm design and implementation via
software based simulations, and documentation in the form of technical
papers and reports. Some teaching may be included in the position at a
level not exceeding 20%.

Qualifications required: To qualify for an employment as a post-doctor, the
applicants must hold a PhD degree or a foreign qualification deemed
equivalent to a PhD and the PhD degree must have been obtained no more than
three years prior to the application date; however, for example, periods of
sick leave or parental leave are deducted from the three-year period.

For this position it is required to have a PhD in Signal Processing,
Automatic Control or Wireless Communications with applications to networked
systems or a closely related subject with high quality publications in the
related area of signal processing, control and wireless communications.
Particular emphasis will be placed on a strong mathematical background and
documented research experience in signal and information processing/control
for/via wireless sensor networks.

For further information about the position, please contact Professor Anders
Ahlén, anders.ahlen at angstrom.uu.se. Information about the Division of
Signals and Systems can be found at www.signal.uu.se.

Apply before June 1, 2016.
Link to the position:

6.11. PostDoc: University of Michigan, USA
Contributed by: Dawn Tilbury, tilbury at umich.edu

We are looking for a postdoc in the area of manufacturing control systems.
The postdoc would work with Professors Dawn Tilbury and Kira Barton in
Mechanical Engineering and Professor Morley Mao in Computer Science. The
research will bring together large data sets collected in real time from
the factory floor, and created by real-time simulations, into a cloud-based
environment for analysis. New control algorithms will be developed to
improve the overall performance of the manufacturing system along the
dimensions of productivity, quality, flexibility, and sustainability. The
postdoc will work with a small industrial testbed at the University of
Michigan that includes 3 industrial robots and 4 CNC machines, connected by
a conveyor, and instrumented with industrial-quality sensors and
controllers. Multiple graduate and undergraduate students work in the
group, and there is good collaboration with industrial partners. Funding
comes from NSF and industry. Required qualifications include: a recent PhD
in Mechanical or Electrical Engineering (or a related field); experience in
control systems (theory and/or application); excellent communication
skills. Desirable qualifications include: experience with industrial
control systems; experience with manufacturing systems; experience with Big
Data or Cloud Computing; C/C++/Java programming experience.

Interested candidates should send their CV and a cover letter describing
their specific interest and how their background fits the qualifications to
Prof. Dawn Tilbury, <tilbury at umich.edu> preferably before April 30.

6.12. PostDoc: UC Berkeley, USA
Contributed by: Javad Lavaei, lavaei at berkeley.edu

A postdoctoral position is available in the Department of Industrial
Engineering and Operations Research at University of California, Berkeley.
The research agenda is broadly on discrete/nonconvex nonlinear optimization
problems arising in the energy area. This is a minimum one-year position,
with the possibility of a second year extension. To apply, please email a
CV along with sample research papers to Professors Alper Atamturk and Javad
Lavaei (atamturk at berkeley.edu and lavaei at berkeley.edu).

6.13. PostDoc: Ohio State University, USA
Contributed by: Mingjun Zhang, zhang.4882 at osu.edu

AFRL Sponsored Post-doc Position on Applied Neuron Science and Cognitive
Engineering at OSU

We have one post-doctoral researcher opening position to work on applied
neuron science and cognitive engineering through collaboration with AFRL.
The goal of this position is to quantitatively integrate our recent
research results on fluorescent peptide nanoparticles (Nature
Nanotechnology, 2016), and combine single cell nano-characterization
platform using systems science and mathematics apporach to address the
emerging needs in sensor-assess-agument-based (SAA) cognitive engineering,
and Alzheimer's disease diagnosis as well as progression prediction.

Through close collaborations with group members with expertise on
chemistry, biology, and nanotechnology, the postdoctoral fellow is expected
to work on modeling, sensor data fusion, Kalman filtering and prediction,
as well as closed control for SAA-based systems and Alzheimer's disease
nano-characterization platform.

Interested applicants should send CVs along with 2-3 publications to
zhang.4882 at osu.edu.

Mingjun Zhang
Professor of Biomedical Engineering
The Ohio State University

NEWS: Nature offers plenty examples for inspiration in design and
Check our recent Nature Nanotechnology paper on bio-inspired nanoparticles.

6.14. PostDoc: Israel Institute of Technology, Israel
Contributed by: Tal Shima, tal.shima at technion.ac.il

A post-doctoral position is available at the Department of Aerospace
Engineering, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, in Haifa, Israel.

The research is in the general area of guidance of unmanned vehicles,
mainly aerial ones. The scope of the research is broad and possible topics
include: 1) Cooperative guidance; 2) Integrated guidance and flight
control; 3) Estimation based guidance; 4) Intertwined guidance and task
assignment. The research will involve both theoretical and algorithmic
aspects. Laboratory experiments on available ground and aerial robots may
also be performed.

Candidates for this position should have a Ph.D. in engineering (aerospace,
mechanical, electrical, or similar), computer science, or applied math.
Strong background in optimal control and/or differential games is an

Application material should include:
- a cover letter
- detailed curriculum vitae, including educational background and a list of
- undergraduate and graduate studies grades transcripts
- contact information for at least two, preferably three, academic

The material should be submitted, in pdf, via e-mail, to Prof. Tal Shima,
tal.shima at technion.ac.il
The position is available immediately and applications will be handled as
they arrive until the position is filled.

For further inquiries, please contact Tal Shima at: tal.shima at technion.ac.il

6.15. PostDoc: Northwestern University, USA
Contributed by: Randy Freeman, freeman at eecs.northwestern.edu

Postdoctoral Position in Control of Multi-Agent Systems
Neuroscience and Robotics Lab, Northwestern University

Applications are being accepted for a postdoctoral position in control of
multi-agent systems, such as robot swarms.  The ideal candidate would have
excellent oral and written communication skills and a PhD in engineering,
with a strong background in control theory, multi-agent systems, graph
theory, motion planning, and robotics.

The successful candidate will work in the Neuroscience and Robotics Lab,
http://nxr.northwestern.edu/, a stimulating environment at the intersection
of biological and robotic systems.  The research will be supervised by
Profs. Randy Freeman and Kevin Lynch, in Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science and Mechanical Engineering.

The expected duration of the position is two years, with other durations
possible.  The position is available immediately.  To apply, email a single
pdf file containing a brief cover letter describing your professional
interests and future goals, a CV, and contact information for three
references to Prof. Randy Freeman, freeman at eecs.northwestern.edu.

6.16. PostDoc: University of Florida - REEF/AFRL, USA
Contributed by: Getachew K. Befekadu, gbefekadu at ufl.edu

Postdoctoral Researcher in Optimization and Inference at the University of
Florida - REEF, USA

There is a postdoc opportunity in optimization and inference with Dr.
Eduardo L. Pasiliao's research group at the UF-REEF/AFRL.

- Conduct research and development in the area of decision optimization,
implement novel algorithms and methods for solving large-scale optimization
problems, and apply them to challenging real world problems.
- Formulate new research ideas and pursue them all the way to realization
in prototypes. Publication in major journals is also required.
- Propose new directions and projects related to optimization problems and

- A Ph.D. degree in Mathematics, Operations Research, Computer Science,
Electrical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, or a closely related field.
- Very strong background in continuous and combinatorial optimization.
Applicants with expertise in solving sequential optimization problems under
uncertainty, planning, and scheduling are especially encouraged to apply.
- Background in related areas such as predictive analytics, machine
learning and probabilistic inference.
- Good programming skills in Matlab, C/C++ or Java; experience with
industrial grade solvers such as CPLEX and Gurobi and applying them for
large-scale optimization projects.

Interested candidates should send their CV, a research statement, and list
of references to Dr. Getachew K. Befekadu at gbefekadu at ufl.edu

6.17. PostDoc: UC Berkeley, CA
Contributed by: Javad Lavaei, lavaei at berkeley.edu

A postdoctoral position is available in the Department of Industrial
Engineering and Operations Research at University of California, Berkeley.
The research agenda is broadly on control theory. To apply, please email a
CV along with sample research papers to Professor Javad Lavaei (
lavaei at berkeley.edu).

6.18. Research Scientist: MathWorks, USA
Contributed by: Pieter J. Mosterman, pieter.mosterman at mathworks.com


Do you have a passion for emerging technologies with a knack for
identifying trends and conceiving innovative solutions? Come join us to
work together on strengthening our ties with the research community in the
fields of either Cyber-Physical Systems or Robotics!

Be part of a dynamic multidisciplinary team that works with academic and
industry customers around the world to advance the design of complex
engineered systems. Help us with technology transfer and adoption while
providing guidance on research directions that have industrial relevance
and impact.

As a talented and enthusiastic member of our research team you will:
- Gain insight into industry needs and provide guidance to the research
community with publications, presentations, as well as deep technical
- Contribute to the research community by organizing special sessions,
panels, industry talks, grand challenges, special issues, etc.
- Accelerate academic research by creating and promoting case studies,
benchmarks, interfaces, prototype solutions, etc.
- Work directly with MathWorks development engineers to implement relevant
product capabilities.
- Help articulate key needs for research customers and provide subject
matter expertise to guide the direction of and contribute to our long-term
technology roadmap.
- Champion collaborative projects between thought leaders in the research
community and MathWorks development engineers.
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