[eletter] eletter 330
Jianghai Hu
jianghai at purdue.edu
Wed Mar 2 13:40:06 EST 2016
E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing
Issue 330
March 2016
Jianghai Hu
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Purdue University
465 Northwestern Ave.
West Lafayette, IN, 47907
Tel: +01 (765) 4962395
Fax: +01 (765) 4943371
Welcome to the 330 issue of the Eletter, available electronically at
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The next Eletter will be mailed out at the beginning of April 2016.
1. IEEE CSS Headlines
1.1 IEEE Control Systems Society Publications Content Digest
1.2 IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
1.3 IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
1.4 IEEE Control Systems Society Technically Cosponsored Conferences
1.5 CFP: IEEE-CSS Outreach Fund
2. Summer Course
2.1 Summer Course: The role of systems engineering in medical assist devices
3. Books
3.1 Nonlinear Systems Tracking
4. Journals
4.1 Contents: Automatica
4.2 Contents: Control Theory and Technology
4.3 Contents: International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems
4.4 Contents: Applied and Computational Mathematics an International Journal
4.5 Contents: Asian Journal of Control
4.6 CFP: IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica
4.7 CFP: Distributed Control and Optimization with Resource-Constrained
Networked Systems
4.8 CFP: International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control
4.9 CFP: Asian Journal of Control
4.10 CFP: Asian Journal of Control
5. Conferences
5.1 American Control Conference
5.2 International Conference on Foundations of Systems Biology in
5.3 Conference on Control and Fault-Tolerant Systems
5.4 International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and
5.5 World Congress: Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and
5.6 International Conference on Swarm Intelligence
5.7 International Conference on Intelligent Unmanned Systems
5.8 IFAC Workshop on Distributed Estimation and Control in Networked Systems
5.9 International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems
5.10 International Conference on Instrumentation, Control and Automation
5.11 IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine System
6. Positions
6.1 PhD: University of Lorraine, France
6.2 PhD: University of Texas at Dallas, USA
6.3 PhD Research Fellow: University of Agder, Norway
6.4 PostDoc: ONERA The French Aerospace Lab
6.5 PostDoc: Universita del Salento, Italy
6.6 PostDoc: University Campus Bio-Medico of Rome, Italy
6.7 PostDoc: North Carolina A&T State University, USA
6.8 Faculty: University of Maryland, USA
6.9 Researcher: General Motors Research & Development, USA
1. IEEE CSS Headlines
1.1. IEEE Control Systems Society Publications Content Digest
Contributed by: Elizabeth Kovacs, ekovacs2 at nd.edu
CSS Publications Content Digest
The IEEE Control Systems Society Publications Content Digest is a novel and
convenient guide that helps readers keep track of the latest published
articles. The CSS Publications Content Digest, available at
http://ieeecss.org/publications-content-digest provides lists of current
tables of contents of the periodicals sponsored by the Control Systems
Each issue offers readers a rapid means to survey and access the latest
peer-reviewed papers of the IEEE Control Systems Society. We also include
links to the Society’s sponsored Conferences to give readers a preview of
upcoming meetings.
1.2. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
Contributed by: Elizabeth Kovacs, ekovacs2 at nd.edu
Table of Contents
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
Volume 61 (2016), Issue 3 (March)
Please note that the contents of the IEEE Transactions on Automatic
Control, together with links to the
abstracts of the papers may be found at the TAC web site: http://www.nd.edu/
- Scanning-the-Issue, p. 569
- Synthesis of Optimal Insertion Functions for Opacity Enforcement, Y-C.
Wu, S. Lafortune p. 571
- Spectrum White Space Trade in Cognitive Radio Networks, G. S. Kasbekar,
S. Sarkar p. 585
- String Submodular Functions with Curvature Constraints, Z. Zhang, E. K.
P. Chong, A. Pezeshki, W. Moran p. 601
- Distributed Coordination Control for Multi-Robot Networks Using
Lyapunov-Like Barrier Functions, D. Panagou, D. M. Stipanovic, P. G.
Voulgaris p. 617
- A Tractable Fault Detection and Isolation Approach for Nonlinear Systems
with Probabilistic Performance, P. Mohajerin Esfahani, J. Lygeros p. 633
- Invariance-Like Theorems and "lim inf" Convergence Properties, G.
Scarciotti, L. Praly, A. Astolfi p. 648
- On a New Paradigm for Stock Trading Via a Model-Free Feedback Controller,
B. R. Barmish, J. A. Primbs p. 662
- Robust Stability for Multiple Model Adaptive Control: Part I - The
Framework, M. French, D. Buchstaller p. 677
- Robust Stability for Multiple Model Adaptive Control: Part II - Gain
Bounds, M. French, D. Buchstaller p. 693
- A Payoff-based Learning Approach to Cooperative Environmental Monitoring
for PTZ Visual Sensor Networks, T. Hatanaka, Y. Wasa, R. Funada, A. G.
Charalambides, M. Fujita p. 709
- Homogeneity based Uniform Stability Analysis for Time-Varying Systems, H.
RÌos, D. Efimov, L. M. Fridman, J. A. Moreno, W. Perruquetti p. 725
- Maximum Hands-Off Control: A Paradigm of Control Effort Minimization, M.
Nagahara, D. Quevedo, D. Nesic p. 735
Technical Notes and Correspondence
- On the Analysis of the Eigenvalues of Uncertain Matrices by mu and nu:
Applications to Bifurcation Avoidance and Convergence Rates, M. Kishida, R.
D. Braatz p. 748
- A New Generalised Consensus Problem and its CRT-Based Solution, G.
Campobello, L. Galluccio, S. Palazzo, A. Leonardi p. 754
- Feedback Stabilization for the Mass Balance Equations of a Food Extrusion
Process, M. Diagne, P. Shang, Z. Wang p. 760
- LMI Stability Conditions for 2D Roesser Models, O. Bachelier, W. Paszke,
N. Yeganefar, D. Mehdi, A. Cherifi p. 766
- Stability Analysis for Time-Varying Systems with Delay using Linear
Lyapunov Functionals and a Positive Systems Approach, F. Mazenc, M.
Malisoff p. 771
- On Distributed and Parameterized Supervisor Synthesis Problems, L. Lin,
A. Stefanescu, R. Su p. 777
- Common I/O Decoupling for Multi Model Descriptor Systems, F. N.
Koumboulis p. 783
- Simple Covariance Approach to H Infinity Analysis, A. Gattami, B. Bamieh
p. 789
- Analysing the Stability of Linear Systems via Exponential Chebyshev
Polynomials, V. Yu. Protasov, R. M. Jungers p. 795
- Nonblocking Supervisory Control of Discrete Event Systems Modeled by
Mealy Automata with Nondeterministic Output Functions, T. Ushio, S. Takai
p. 799
- Distributed Mixed H2/H_infinity Fusion Estimation with Limited
Communication Capacity, B. Chen, G. Hu, W-A. Zhang, L. Yu p. 805
- Stability Analysis for LTI Control Systems with Controller Failures and
its Application in Failure Tolerant Control, W. Xiang, G. Zhai, C. Briat p.
- Distributed Nonlinear MPC of Multi-Agent Systems with Data Compression
and Random Delays, S. El Ferik, B. Siddiqui, F. L. Lewis p. 817
- An Ensemble Kushner-Stratonovich-Poisson Filter for Recursive Estimation
in Nonlinear Dynamical Systems, M. Venugopal, R. M. Vasu, D. Roy p. 823
- Discussion Aspects of High Order Sliding Mode Control, V. I. Utkin p. 829
- Time-Varying Input and State Delay Compensation for Uncertain Nonlinear
Systems, R. Kamalapurkar, N. Fischer, S. Obuz, W. E. Dixon p. 834
- L1 Adaptive Control for a Class of Uncertain Nonaffine-in-Control
Nonlinear Systems, R. Choe, E. Xargay, N. Hovakimyan p. 840
1.3 IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Contributed by: Thomas Parisini, eic-ieeetcst at units.it
Table of Contents
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Volume 24 (2016), Issue 2 (March)
T. Parisini, page 381
2015 IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology Outstanding Paper Award
page 383
- Electrochemical Model-Based State of Charge and Capacity Estimation for a
Composite Electrode Lithium-Ion Battery, A. Bartlett, J. Marcicki, S.
Onori, G. Rizzoni, X. G. Yang, and T. Miller, page 384
- Robust Landing and Sliding Maneuver Hybrid Controller for a Quadrotor
Vehicle, D. Cabecinhas, R. Naldi, C. Silvestre, R. Cunha, and L. Marconi,
page 400
- Design, Analysis, and Experimental Validation of a Distributed Protocol
for Platooning in the Presence of Time-Varying Heterogeneous Delays, M. di
Bernardo, P. Falcone, A. Salvi, and S. Santini, page 413
- Further Results on Hysteresis Compensation of Smart Micropositioning
Systems With the Inverse Prandtl-Ishlinskii Compensator, M. Al Janaideh, M.
Rakotondrabe, and O. Aljanaideh, page 428
- A Multiobjective Optimization Framework for Online Stochastic Optimal
Control in Hybrid Electric Vehicles, A. A. Malikopoulos, page 440
- Nonlinear Control of Systems Preceded by Preisach Hysteresis Description:
A Prescribed Adaptive Control Approach, Z. Li, X. Zhang, C.-Y. Su, and T.
Chai, page 451
- Predictive Control for Energy-Aware Consolidation in Cloud Datacenters,
M. Gaggero and L. Caviglione, page 461
- Monitoring Moving Objects Using Aerial Mobile Sensors, J. Haugen and L.
Imsland, page 475
- Minimum-Time Path-Following for Highly Redundant Electric Vehicles, R. de
Castro, M. Tanelli, R. Esteves Araújo, and S. M. Savaresi, page 487
- Robust L2 Stable Networked Control of Wireless Packet Queues in Delayed
Internet Connections, T. Wigren, page 502
- Lorentz-Augmented Spacecraft Formation Reconfiguration, L. A. Sobiesiak
and C. J. Damaren, page 514
- Optimal Control Approaches for Analysis of Energy Use Minimization of
Hybrid Ground-Coupled Heat Pump Systems, E. Atam, D. Patteeuw, S. P.
Antonov, and L. Helsen, page 525
- Electropneumatic Cylinder Backstepping Position Controller Design With
Real-Time Closed-Loop Stiffness and Damping Tuning, F. Abry, X. Brun, S.
Sesmat, É. Bideaux, and C. Ducat, page 541
- Vision-Based Model Predictive Control for Steering of a Nonholonomic
Mobile Robot, Z. Li, C. Yang, C.-Y. Su, J. Deng, and W. Zhang, page 553
- Reconfiguration of the Air Control System of a Bark Boiler, W. Birk and
N. Dudarenko, page 565
- Thrust Allocation With Dynamic Power Consumption Modulation for
Diesel-Electric Ships, A. Veksler, T. A. Johansen, R. Skjetne, and E.
Mathiesen, page 578
- Automatic Retraction and Full-Cycle Operation for a Class of Airborne
Wind Energy Generators, A. U. Zgraggen, L. Fagiano, and M. Morari, page 594
- Optimal Trajectories for Vibration Reduction Based on Exponential
Filters, L. Biagiotti, C. Melchiorri, and L. Moriello, page 609
- Control-Oriented Concentrated Solar Power Plant Model, Q. Luo, K. B.
Ariyur, and A. K. Mathur, page 623
- Observer-Based State Feedback Control for Vehicle Chassis Stability in
Critical Situations, H. Dahmani, O. Pagès, and A. El Hajjaji, page 636
- Control of Shunt Active Filters With Actuation and Current Limits, A.
Tilli and C. Conficoni, page 644
- Design of Stable and Broadband Remote Vibration Controllers for Systems
With Local Nonminimum Phase Dynamics, U. Ubaid, S. Daley, S. A. Pope, and
I. Zazas, page 654
- Optimal Control of Multiroom HVAC System: An Event-Based Approach, Z. Wu,
Q.-S. Jia, and X. Guan, page 662
- New Switching and Nonswitching Type Reaching Laws for SMC of Discrete
Time Systems, A. Bartoszewicz and P. Le ´sniewski, page 670
- Minimum Error Dissipative Power Reduction Control Allocation via
Lexicographic Convex Optimization for Momentum Control Systems, D. Dueri,
F. Leve, and B. Açikmese, page 678
- Consensus Control Under Communication Delay in a Three-Robot System:
Design and Experiments, W. Qiao and R. Sipahi, page 687
- A Receding Horizon Control Strategy for Autonomous Vehicles in Dynamic
Environments, G. Franzè and W. Lucia, page 695
- A Constrained Optimization Approach to Dynamic State Estimation for Power
Systems Including PMU and Missing Measurements, L. Hu, Z. Wang, I. Rahman,
and X. Liu, page 703
- 3-D Velocity Regulation for Nonholonomic Source Seeking Without Position
Measurement, J. Lin, S. Song, K. You, and C. Wu, page 711
- Binary Control Design for a Class of Bilinear Systems: Application to a
Multilevel Power Converter, L. Hetel, M. Defoort, and M. Djemaï, page 719
- Leader-Follower Formation and Tracking Control of Mobile Robots Along
Straight Paths, A. Loria, J. Dasdemir, and N. Alvarez Jarquin, page 727
- Robust Direct Adaptive Regulation of Unknown Disturbances in the Vicinity
of Low-Damped Complex Zeros—Application to AVC, A. Castellanos Silva, I. D.
Landau, and P. Ioannou, page 733
- Nonlinear Control for Tracking and Obstacle Avoidance of a Wheeled Mobile
Robot With Nonholonomic Constraint, H. Yang, X. Fan, P. Shi, and C. Hua,
page 741
- Intelligent Sampling Technique for Path Tracking Controllers, F. Auat
Cheein, page 747
- Theoretical Analysis and Experimental Validation of a Simplified
Fractional Order Controller for a Magnetic Levitation System, S. Folea, C.
I. Muresan, R. De Keyser, and C. M. Ionescu, page 756
1.4 IEEE Control Systems Society Technically Cosponsored Conferences
Contributed by: Luca Zaccarian, CSS AE Conferences, zaccarian at laas.fr
The following conferences have been recently included in the list of events
technically cosponsored by the IEEE Control Systems Society:
- The 35th Chinese Control Conference. Chengdu, China. Jul 27 - Jul 29,
2016. http://ccc2016.swjtu.edu.cn/
- 20th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing
(ICSTCC 2016). Sinaia, Romania. Oct 13 - Oct 15, 2016.
- 2017 Indian Control Conference. Guwahati, India. Jan 4 - Jan 6, 2017.
- 14th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision
(ICARCV 2016). Phuket, Thailand. Nov 13 - Nov 15, 2016.
For a full listing of CSS technically cosponsored conferences, please visit
http://ieeecss.org/conferences/technically-cosponsored and for a list of
the upcoming and past CSS main conferences please visit
1.5. CFP: IEEE-CSS Outreach Fund
Contributed by: Daniel E. Rivera, daniel.rivera at asu.edu
The IEEE CSS Outreach Task Force is pleased to announce that the next
window for submission of proposals to the IEEE-CSS Outreach Fund will be
held from May 4 to 25, 2015. Information regarding the program can be
found in:
Inquiries, including a request for application forms, should be made
directly to Daniel E. Rivera, Outreach Task Force Chair, at
daniel.rivera at asu.edu.
2. Summer Courses
2.1. Summer Course: The role of systems engineering in medical assist
Contributed by: Dana Copot, copotdana at yahoo.com
Invitation to the summer course on "The role of systems engineering in
medical assist devices"
This year's edition of our traditional Summer Course is honoring the topic
of Medical Devices and Systems. In today's healthcare, strong emphasis is
put on personalized medicine. This is only possible at the confluence of
several disciplines, eg. engineering, information technology, clinical
practice, etc. The emerging technologies require medical devices which
contain a manifold of multidisciplinary interfaced applications and
algorithms meant to ease the task of today's care giver. The central role
is obviously handed to the patient, and patient well-being and safety are
of utmost importance when overall quality is measured. Mixture of digital
and analogue information is delivered through cyber-physical systems for
medical device technologies. A satellite but equally important feature in
this inter-connected healthcare system is the pharmaceutical industry which
has to cope with increasing demand for novel and efficient drugs and faster
times to market. This course is an up-to-date for any post-graduate level
in engineering, (bio)medicine and computational and interfacing systems.
The role of this course is to provide the necessary context where control
and system engineering play in important role in the development of medical
assist devices and improving healthcare problems in general. This is
achieved by introducing to the participants concepts from modeling drug
response, patient dynamics, integration of this response into prediction
models used in regulatory loops, interfacing with patient database and
monitoring devices, modular programming architecture for patient monitoring
systems. Additionally, the participants will also have the opportunity to
learn how to bring their innovations to the market, which is an essential
knowledge and tech transfer step in order to introduce their work to the
clinical practice. The participants will gain unique but complementary
skills and the competence view the bigger context of their specific
research topic.
This year's edition of Summer Course will be closed with the celebration of
30 years expertize of our department in the application of control theory
to various fields.
3. Books
3.1. Nonlinear Systems Tracking
Contributed by: Lyubomir T. Gruyitch, lyubomir gruyitch at yahoo.com
Nonlinear Systems Tracking
Lyubomir T. Gruyitch
January 2, 2016 by CRC Press
Reference - 478 Pages - 16 B/W Illustrations
ISBN 9781498753258 - CAT# K27341
- Covers a very large class of time-varying nonlinear systems that
incorporate the any-order input-output systems and those determined by the
classical state-space description
- Presents new theories and concepts that begin by defining new system and
control properties and end with the criteria or with the conditions on the
- Solves the problem of achieving the tracking control task whatever the
physical (biological, chemical, economical, electrical, electromechanical,
mechanical, or social) nature of the plant
- Addresses the dynamical and control problems caused by the complexity of
the system
- Uses the new simple vector and matrix notation analogous to the scalar
Tracking is the goal of control of any object, plant, process, or vehicle.
>From vehicles and missiles to power plants, tracking is essential to
guarantee high-quality behavior. Nonlinear Systems Tracking establishes the
tracking theory, trackability theory, and tracking control synthesis for
time-varying nonlinear plants and their control systems as parts of control
theory. Treating general dynamical and control systems, including
subclasses of input-output and state-space nonlinear systems, the book:
- Describes the crucial tracking control concepts that comprise effective
tracking control algorithms
- Defines the main tracking and trackability properties involved,
identifying properties both perfect and imperfect
- Details the corresponding conditions needed for the controlled plant to
exhibit each property
- Discusses various algorithms for tracking control synthesis, attacking
the tracking control synthesis problems themselves
- Depicts the effective synthesis of the tracking control, under the action
of which, the plant behavior satisfies all the imposed tracking
requirements resulting from its purpose
With clarity and precision, Nonlinear Systems Tracking provides original
coverage, presenting discovery and proofs of new tracking criteria and
control algorithms. Thus, the book creates new directions for research in
control theory, enabling fruitful new control engineering applications.
4. Journals
4.1. Contents: Automatica
Contributed by: Elisa Capello, automatica at polito.it
Vol. 65, March 2016
- “Pursuit-evasion games in the presence of obstacles", Dave W. Oyler,
Pierre T. Kabamba, Anouck R. Girard, pages 1-11.
- “Event-based state estimation of discrete-state hidden Markov models",
Dawei Shi, Robert J. Elliott, Tongwen Chen, pages 12-26.
- “Non-predictor controller for feedforward and non-feedforward nonlinear
systems with an unknown time-varying delay in the input", Min-Sung Koo,
Ho-Lim Choi, pages 27-35.
- “Enhanced nonlinear damping for a class of singularly perturbed
interconnected nonlinear systems", Donghoon Shin, Wonhee Kim, Youngwoo Lee,
Chung Choo Chung, pages 36-42.
- “New unified image dynamic observer design for linear systems with
unknown inputs", Nan Gao, Mohamed Darouach, Holger Voos, Marouane Alma,
pages 43-52.
- “Reset strategy for consensus in networks of clusters", Marcos Cesar
Bragagnolo, Irinel-Constantin Morarescu, Jamal Daafouz, Pierre Riedinger,
pages 53-63.
- “Structural modeling and convergence analysis of consensus-based time
synchronization algorithms over networks: Non-topological conditions",
Yu-Ping Tian, Siheng Zong, Qingqing Cao, pages 64-75.
- “Range-only based circumnavigation of a group of moving targets by a
non-holonomic mobile robot", Alexey S. Matveev, Anna A. Semakova, Andrey V.
Savkin, pages 76-89.
- “Event-triggered zero-gradient-sum distributed consensus optimization
over directed networks", Weisheng Chen, Wei Ren, pages 90-97.
- “Direct learning of LPV controllers from data", Simone Formentin, Dario
Piga, Roland Tóth, Sergio M. Savaresi, pages 98-110.
- “Finite-time sliding mode control synthesis under explicit output
constraint", Jun Song, Yugang Niu, Yuanyuan Zou, pages 111-114.
- “Consensus of generalized integrators: Convergence rate and disturbance
attenuation property", Kwang-Kyo Oh, Byeong-Yeon Kim, Hyun Rok Cha, Kevin
L. Moore, Hyo-Sung Ahn, pages 115-119.
- “Distributed multi-agent optimization subject to nonidentical constraints
and communication delays", Peng Lin, Wei Ren, Yongduan Song, pages 120-131.
- “Transverse function control of a motorboat", Tarek Hamel, Claude Samson,
pages 132-139.
- “Asymptotic behaviour of contraction non-autonomous semi-flows in a
Banach space: Application to first-order hyperbolic PDEs", Ilyasse Aksikas,
pages 140-146.
- “Ground-state stabilization of quantum finite-level systems by
dissipation", Yu Pan, Valery Ugrinovskii, Matthew R. James, pages 147-159.
- “New results on pseudospectral methods for optimal control", Xiaojun
Tang, Zhenbao Liu, Yu Hu, pages 160-163.
- “A chain observer for nonlinear long constant delay systems: A matrix
inequality approach", Alaleh Vafaei, Mohammad Javad Yazdanpanah, pages
- “The Box-Jenkins Steiglitz-McBride algorithm", Yucai Zhu, Håkan
Hjalmarsson, pages 170-182.
- “Adaptive continuous higher order sliding mode control", Christopher
Edwards, Yuri B. Shtessel, pages 183-190.
- “Output feedback control for uncertain nonlinear systems with input
quantization", Lantao Xing, Changyun Wen, Yang Zhu, Hongye Su, Zhitao Liu,
pages 191-202.
- “Digital repetitive controller design via sampled-data delayed signal
reconstruction", Masaaki Nagahara, Yutaka Yamamoto, pages 203-209.
4.2. Contents: Control Theory and Technology
Contributed by: Zou Tiefeng, tfzou at scut.edu.cn
Control Theory and Technology
(The original title: Journal of Control Theory and Applications)
Vol. 14, No. 1, February 2016
http://jcta.alljournals.ac.cn/cta en/ch/index.aspx
Special issue dedicated to Daizhan Cheng
Editorial: Y. Hong, Z. Xi P.1
- A survey on the security of cyber-physical systems, G. Wu, J. Sun, J.
Chen P.2
- Distributed non-cooperative robust MPC based on reduced-order models, Y.
Long, S. Liu, L. Xie, K. H. Johansson P.11
- Consensus of single integrator multi-agent systems with directed topology
and communication delays, X. Xu, L. Liu, G. Feng P.21
- Observer-based leader-following tracking control under both Fixed and
switching topologies, J. Wang, P. Zhang, Z. Liu, X. Hu P.28
- Matrix expression and vaccination control for epidemic dynamics over
dynamic networks, P. Guo, Y. Wang P.39
- Output regulation problem for discrete-time linear time-delay systems by
output feedback control, Y. Yan, J. Huang P.49
- New results in global stabilization for stochastic nonlinear systems, T.
Bian, Z.-P. Jiang P.57
- Model reference adaptive impedance control for physical human-robot
interaction, B. Alqaudi, H. Modares, I. Ranatunga, S. M. Tousif, F. L.
Lewis, D. O. Popa P.68
- A robust online path planning approach in cluttered environments for
micro rotorcraft drones, S. Lai, K. Wang, H. Qin, J. Q. Cui, B. M. Chen P.83
4.3. Contents: International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems
Contributed by: Young Hoon Joo, journal at ijcas.com
International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems (IJCAS)
Vol. 14, No. 1, February 2016
ISSN: 1598-6446
Special Issue on Time-delay Systems and Their Applications
- Guest Editorial Special Issue on Time-delay Systems and Their
Applications Ju H. Park and PooGyeon Park, 1-2
- AuxiJ Park*,Won Il Lee, and Seok Young Lee, 3-11
- Enhancement on Stability Criteria for Linear Systems with Interval
Time-varying Delays Oh Min Kwon, Myeong Jin Park, Ju H. Park*, and Sang
Moon Lee, 12-20
- Stability Analysis for T-S Fuzzy Systems with Time-varying Delay via
Free-matrix-based Integral Inequality Zhi Lian, Yong He*, Chuan-Ke Zhang,
MinWu, 21-28
- Local Stability and Local Stabilization of Discrete-Time T?S Fuzzy
Systems with Time-delay Donghwan Lee, Young Hoon Joo*, and In-Ho Ra, 29-38
- Dissipative based Adaptive Reliable Sampled-data Control of Time-varying
Delay Systems Srimanta Santra, Hamid Reza Karimi, Rathinasamy Sakthivel*,
and S. Marshal Anthoni, 39-50
- Constrained Model Predictive Control for Time-varying Delay Systems:
Application to an Active Car Suspension Sofiane Bououden, Mohammed Chadli*,
Lixian Zhang and Ting Yang, 51-58
- Dynamic Output-feedback H8 Control for Active Half-vehicle Suspension
Systems with Time-varying Input Delay Hyun Duck Choi, Choon Ki Ahn, Myo
Taeg Lim*, and Moon Kyou Song*, 59-68
- Mean Square Consensus of Multi-agent systems with multiplicative noises
and time delays under directed fixed topologies Lei Song, Dan Huang*, Sing
Kiong Nguang, and Shan Fu, 69-77
Regular Papers
- Saddle Point MPC Approach to Nonlinear Robust Sampled-Data Control
Problem Maxime Penet*, Herve Gueguen, and Aziz Belmiloudi, 78-89
- Adaptive Backstepping Control That Is Equivalent to Tuning Functions
Design Maoli Wang, Zhengqiang Zhang*, and Yanmei Liu, 90-98
- Adaptive Nonsingular Fast Terminal Sliding Mode Guidance Law with Impact
Angle Constraints Junhong Song, Shenmin Song*, and Huibo Zhou, 99-114
- Sliding Mode Control based on a Modified Linear Control Input Takehito
Fujio, Hiroki Shibasaki, Ryo Tanaka, Takahiro Murakami, and Yoshihisa
Ishida*, 115-127
- Mixed H2/H8 Control for Linear Infinite-Dimensional Systems Kai-Ning Wu*,
Baozhu Guo, Weihai Zhang, and Bor-Sen Chen, 128-139
- Iterative Identification Algorithms for Input Nonlinear Output Error
Autoregressive Systems Junxia Ma, Weili Xiong, and Feng Ding*, 140-147
- Optimal LPV Control with Hard Constraints Andrew White, Guoming Zhu, and
Jongeun Choi*, 148-162
- Distance-based Acyclic Minimally Persistent Formations with Non-steepest
Descent Control Myoung-Chul Park and Hyo-Sung Ahn*, 163-173
- Stability Criterion of Linear Delayed Impulsive Differential Systems with
Impulse TimeWindows Huamin Wang, Shukai Duan*, Chuandong Li, Lidan Wang,
and Tingwen Huang, 174-180
- A Generalized Pade Approximation of Time Delay Operator Yiheng Wei,
Yangsheng Hu, Yi Dai, and Yong Wang*, 181-187
- Observability and Controllability Analysis for Sandwich Systems with
Dead-zone Na Luo, Yonghong Tan*, and Ruili Dong, 188-197
- Robust Adaptive Fault-Tolerant H8 Control of Reentry Vehicle Considering
Actuator and Sensor Faults Based on Trajectory Optimization Ming-Zhou Gao,
Guo-Ping Cai*, and Ying Nan, 198-210
- Synchronization for Fractional Order Chaotic Systems with Uncertain
Parameters Qiao Wang* and Dong-Lian Qi, 211-216
- An Adaptive Attitude Tracking Control Approach for an Unmanned Helicopter
with Parametric Uncertainties and Measurement Noises Shouzhao Sheng* and
Chenwu Sun, 217-228
- Range/Optical Flow-aided Integrated Navigation System in a Strapdown
`Sensor Configuration Sukchang Yun, Young Jae Lee, and Sangkyung Sung*,
- Model-free Control of Quad-rotor Vehicle via Finite-time Convergent
Extended State Observer Dang-Jun Zhao* and De-Gui Yang, 242-254
- Output-Feedback Control of Underwater Gliders by Buoyancy and Pitching
Moment Control: Feedback Linearization Approach Ji Hyun Moon, Sung Chul
Jee, and Ho Jae Lee*, 255-262
- Wet Area and Puddle Detection for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems
(ADAS) Using a Stereo Camera Jisu Kim, Jeonghyun Baek, Hyukdoo Choi, and
Euntai Kim*, 263-271
- Design and Analysis of A Modular Learning Based Cross-Coupled Control
Algorithm for Multi-Axis Precision Positioning Systems Nurcan Gecer Ulu,
Erva Ulu, and Melih Cakmakci*, 272-281
- Entry Optimization using Mixed Integer Linear Programming Seungmin Baek,
Sungwon Moon, and H. Jin Kim*, 282-290
- Passivity Based Adaptive Control for Upper Extremity Assist Exoskeleton
Abdul Manan Khan, Deokwon Yun, Mian Ashfaq Ali, Khalil Muhammad Zuhaib,
Chao Yuan, Junaid Iqbal, Jungsoo Han, Kyoosik Shin, and Changsoo Han*,
- Hierarchical Saliency: A New Salient Target Detection Framework Xuezhuan
Zhao, Bin Chen*, Lishen Pei, Tao Li, and Mingxia Li, 301-311
- Development and Experimental Testing of an Autonomous Jellyfish Detection
and Removal Robot System Donghoon Kim, Jae-Uk Shin, Hyungjin Kim, Hanguen
Kim, Donghwa Lee, Seung-Mok Lee, and Hyun Myung*, 312-322
- A Sum of Squares Approach for Polynomial Fuzzy Observer Design for
Polynomial Fuzzy Systems with Unknown Inputs Ali Chibani, Mohammed Chadli*,
and Naceur Benhadj Braiek, 323-330
- Design of Model Following Control Systems with Discrete-valued Signal
Constraints Yuki Minami, 331-339
- A Simple Fuzzy-approximation-based Adaptive Control of Uncertain Unmanned
Helicopters Yun Ho Choi and Sung Jin Yoo*, 340-349
- Implementation of Symmetrical Rank Based Formation for Multiple Robots
Hahmin Jung and Dong Hun Kim*, 350-355
4.4. Contents: Applied and Computational Mathematics an International
Contributed by: Fikret Aliev, chief_ed at acmij.az
Applied and Computational Mathematics an International Journal
Vol.15, No.1, February 2016
- Ernest K. Ryu, Stephen Boyd, A primer on monotone operator methods
(Survey), pages: 3-43
- Kovkov D., Khafizov F., ARQ analytical model, pages: 44-50
- Criado-Aldeanueva F., Davitashvili T., Meladze H., Tsereteli P., Sanchez
J.M., Three-layer factorized difference schemes and parallel algorithms for
solving the system of linear parabolic equations with mixed derivatives and
variable coefficients, pages: 51-66
- Pakdemirli M., Sari G., Elmas N., Approximate determination of polynomial
roots, pages: 67-77
- Afanas'ev A.P., Dzyuba S.M., Emelyanova I.I., Ramazanov A.B, Optimal
control with feedback of some class of nonlinear systems via quadratic
criteria, pages: 78-87
- Ahmet Bekir, Ozkan Guner, Esin Aksoy, Periodic and hyperbolic solutions
of nonlinear fractional differential equations, pages: 88-95
- Dag I., Irk D., Kacmaz O, Adar N., Trigonometric b-spline collocation
algorithm for solving the RLW equation, pages: 96-105
- Mao-Ting Chien, Ssu-Ting Fang, Yu-Xuan Su, A generalization of Gershgorin
circles, pages: 106-111
- Larin V.B., Vladimir Larin -80, pages: 112
- Basar T., TAMER BASAR - 70, pages: 113
4.5. Contents: Asian Journal of Control
Contributed by: Fu Li-Chen, lichen at ntu.edu.tw
Asian Journal of Control
Vol.18, No.1 January, 2016
Special Issue on “Recent Developments on Modeling and Control of Hybrid
Electric Vehicles”
1. Comparative Study and Accommodation of Biodiesel in Diesel-Electric
Hybrid Vehicles Coupled with Aftertreatment Systems, Junfeng Zhao, Pingen
Chen, Umar Ibrahim and Junmin Wang
2. Performance of an Eco-Driving Model Predictive Control System for HEVs
during Car Following, Kaijiang Yu, Qing Liang, Zhiguo Hu, Junqi Yang and
Hongwei Zhang
3. A Comparative Analysis of Route-Based Energy Management Systems for
PHEVs, Amir Taghavipour, Mahyar Vajedi, Nasser L. Azad and John McPhee
4. The Coordinate Control Strategy of Torque Recovery for the Parallel
Hybrid Electric Vehicle, Feng-Qi Zhang, Yu-Hui Hu, Jun-Qiang Xi and Yao Li
5. An Integrated Cooperative Antilock Braking Control of Regenerative and
Mechanical System, for a Hybrid Electric Vehicle Based on Intelligent Tire,
Hongxiao Yu, Saied Taheri, Jianmin Duan and Zhiquan Qi
6. Optimal Distribution Control of Non-Linear Tire Force of Electric
Vehicles with In-Wheel, Motors, Boyuan Li, Haiping Du and Weihua Li
7. Stabilizing Vehicle Lateral Dynamics with Considerations of State Delay
of AFS for Electric Vehicles via Robust Gain-Scheduling Control, XianJian
Jin, Guodong Yin, Yanjun Li and Jianqiu Li
8. Coordinated Active Steering and Four-Wheel Independently Driving/Braking
Control with Control Allocation, Jinxiang Wang, Rongrong Wang, Hui Jing and
Nan Chen
9. A Feasible Approach for the Force Control of Traction Wheels Driven by
Electric Motors, Jieh-Shian Young and Kuan-Jung Chen
10. A Robust Predictive Control Design for Nonlinear Active Suspension
Systems, Mohammed Chadli and Hamid Reza Karimi
11. A Fast Model-Predictive Speed Controller for Minimised Charge
Consumption of Electric Vehicles, Tim Schwickart, Holger Voos, Jean-Régis
Hadji-Minaglou and Mohamed Darouach
12. Hybrid Model Predictive Power Management of a Battery-Supercapacitor
Electric Vehicle, Richard T. Meyer, Raymond A. DeCarlo and Steve Pekare
13. Nonlinear Adaptive Control of a Hybrid Fuel Cell Power System for
Electric Vehicles – a Lyapunov Stability Based Approach, Abdelouahad Tahri,
Hassan Elfadil, Fouad Giri and Fatima-Zahra Chaou i
14. A New Electric Hydraulic Actuator Adopted the Variable Displacement
Pump Wei, Wei Shen, Yunfei Mai, Xiaoyu Su, Jinbao Zhao and Jihai Jiang
[Regular Paper]
1. On the Existence and Design of Functional Observers for LTI Systems,
with Application to User Modeling, Neda Eskandari, Z. Jane Wang and Guy A.
2. Deadlock Control for a Class of Generalized Petri Nets Based on Proper
Resource Allocation, YiFan Hou, Mi Zhao and Ding Liu
3. Robust Integral Sliding-Mode Consensus Tracking for Multi-Agent Systems
with Time-Varying, Delay, YuLian Jiang, JianChang Liu and ShenQuan Wang
4. A Learning Model for Racket Motion Decision in Ping-Pong Robotic System,
Guodong Chen, Zaojun Fang and Min Tan
5. Multivariable Output Feedback Adaptive Terminal Sliding Mode Control for
Underwater Vehicles, Yaoyao Wang, Linyi Gu, Ming Gao and Kangwu Zhu
6. A Necessary and Suffi cient Condition for Stabilization of Switched
Descriptor Time-Delay Systems Under Arbitrary Switching, Jiemei Zhao, Lijun
Zhang and Xue Qi
7. Robust Disturbance Attenuation in Hamiltonian Systems Via Direct Digital
Control, Yaprak Yalçin, Leyla Gören-Sümer and Salman Kurtulan
8. On The Timing of Antiwindup Compensation, Vinicius Binotti and Fernando
A. Bender
9. The t Decomposition Method for PID Controllers of First Order Delayed
Unstable Processes, Tiao-Yang Cai, Hua-Guang Zhang, Fei-Sheng Yang and
Xiang-Peng Xie
10. Control of Natural Oscillation Gait for Mechanical Locomotors in Three
Dimensional Space, Junping Zhang, Lijun Zhu and Zhiyong Chen
11. Trajectory Linearization Control Based Output Tracking Method for
Nonlinear Uncertain System Using Linear Extended State Observer, Shao
Xingling and Wang Honglun
12. Stabilization of Singular Markovian Jump Systems by Generally
Observer-based Controllers, Guoliang Wang and Haiying Bo
13. A Novel Robust MM Filter Against Outliers, Yong Liu, Yan Liang, Zhun-Ga
Liu and Quan Pan
[Brief Paper]
1. Formation Tracking Control of Multi-Vehicle Systems, Runsha Dong and
Zhiyong Geng
2. A Global Detectability Condition for Consensus Tracking of Linear
Multi-Agent Systems with Stochastic Disturbances, Miao Diao, Zhisheng Duan
and Guanghui Wen
3. Output Swarm Stability and Stabilization for High-Order Linear Swarm
Systems, Jianxiang Xi, Hao Liu, Zhiyong Yu, Bailong Yang and Guangbin Liu
4. Fault Detection for Linear Discrete Time-Varying Systems with
Intermittent Observations and Quantization Errors, Yueyang Li, Shuai Liu
and Zhonghua Wang
5. A New Model of Networked Control Systems in Robust Control Framework,
Kai Wen, Zhiyong Geng, Zhenyong Zhang and Lijia Zhang
6. A Novel Evolution Kalman Filter Algorithm for Short-Term Climate
Prediction, Qingyu Yang, Dou An and Yuanli Cai
7. Design of a Class of Sliding Mode Observer with Time-Varying Delay,
Fa-Xiang Xie and Bo-Hai Ji
4.6. CFP: IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica
Contributed by: Yan Ou, yan.ou at ia.ac.cn
CFP: IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica
Special Issue on IoT-based Smart and Complex Systems
The Internet of Things (IoT), also called Industrial Internet, has been
defined as a global infrastructure for the information society, enabling
advanced services by interconnecting (physical and virtual) things based on
existing and evolving interoperable information and communication
technologies. It has been considered as another technological revolution.
More and more smart and complex systems are based on IoT, such as Smart
Cities, Smart Grid, Smart Factories, Smart Homes, Smart Buildings and Smart
Cars. They are able to intelligently respond to their environment and offer
value-added services to their clients. Their discrete-event nature and
hybrid modeling, control, scheduling, simulation and security management
pose a deluge of theoretically significant and practically meaningful
issues to researchers in many fields. They often require interdisciplinary
efforts and mathematical modeling and optimization approaches to move this
field forward.
The aim of this special issue is to seek the original cutting-edge research
results on advances in IoT-based Smart and Complex Systems, with particular
emphasis on system modeling/analysis/control methods, system design and
evaluation, and security management.
The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Formal modeling and analysis methods for IoT-based Smart and Complex
- Fundamental control and security issues related to IoT-based Smart and
Complex Systems;
- IoT applications arising from sensor networks, social networks,
cyber-physical systems, modern production systems, hardware/software
systems, process-aware information systems, service-oriented systems, and
intelligent transportation systems, and other smart systems.
Important Dates:
15 April 2016 Deadline for manuscript submission
1 July 2016 Notification of authors
1 August 2016 Deadline for submission of revised manuscripts
1 October 2016 Final decision of acceptance
1 January 2017 Publication date
4.7. CFP: Distributed Control and Optimization with Resource-Constrained
Networked Systems
Contributed by: Jianping He, jphe at uvic.ca
Distributed Control and Optimization with Resource-Constrained Networked
In recent years, we have been witnessing booming development of a new
generation of networked systems in a vast number of applications, e.g., in
cyber-physical systems such as power grids, transportation networks,
environmental monitoring, emergency response, etc. Numerous functionalities
of networked systems can be posed as control and optimization problems.
Control and optimization over networked systems are often distributed in
nature. However, most real-world networked systems have constrained
resources in communication, networking and computing, such as energy
budget, bandwidth, network throughput, media access, computational
capability and so on, degrading the system performance and further
confining the utility of the whole system. The utilization of distributed
control and optimization is still severely limited to communications,
networking and computation capabilities, bringing new problems into the
picture. It is, consequently, of great interest to investigate distributed
control and optimization over resource-constrained networked systems.
The proposed special issue is expected to capture theoretical advances as
well as practical challenges and requirements in distributed control,
estimation and optimization with resource-constrained networked systems.
Some urgent research directions include but not limited to the following:
- Resource-constrained sensor scheduling in wireless sensor networks
- Distributed resource allocation under communication/energy constraints
- Event-based state estimation, event-triggering control and consensus
- Distributed routing and sensing algorithms subject to
communication/energy constraints
- Multi-agent formation control with limited communication capacity
- Consensus-based distributed control and optimization
- Distributed convex optimization
- Distributed sequential decision process subject to unreliable
- Security and privacy in distributed control and optimization
- Data fusion in resource-constrained network systems
- Energy-efficiency distributed optimization algorithm development
- Distributed energy dispatch and optimization in power grid
- Distributed fault detection and fault-tolerant control
- Applications and case study of distributed control and optimization
The proposed timetable is as follows:
Paper submission deadline: 05/25/2016
First round author notification: 09/25/2016
Revised manuscripts deadline: 12/25/2016
Expected publication: 02/15/2017
4.8. CFP: International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control
Contributed by: Jianping He, jphe at uvic.ca
Extended Submission Deadline: March 31, 2016
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control
Call for Submissions: Special Issue on Consensus-based Applications in
Networked Systems
In recent years, networked systems have received a lot of attentions from
various scientific researchers in various research fields, e.g., network
and communication engineering, network computing, network economics, etc.
Networked systems are often distributed in nature, and thus are viewed as
distributed systems. Distributed systems have the advantages of strong
robustness, flexibility scalability, and high efficiency.
Consensus, a popular distributed strategy, defines a set of local rules
regulating the updating iteration of nodes in the systems, under which an
agreement regarding a certain quantity of interest that depends on the
initial states of all agents can be reached. Recent studies showed that
consensus can be achieved in dynamic networked systems in finite time,
which enables numerous applications in conventional research areas such as
flocking and formation control, load balancing in networks, as well as
other newly emerging distributed systems, e.g., distributed scheduling and
optimization in wireless networks, economic dispatch in smart grid, opinion
dynamics in social networks, privacy-preserving data aggregation, and so
on. These new applications give rise to new challenges and opportunities to
algorithm design, theoretical analysis and system implementation of
consensus technologies. Meanwhile, most existing works have rarely
considered consensus in practical application scenarios, especially for the
newly emerging distributed networked systems such as wireless sensor
networks (WSNs), cyber physical systems and smart grids. Therefore, there
exist rich research opportunities in both theoretical and practical aspects.
This special issue is expected to link the practical challenges and
requirements with the theoretical advances in systematic study of consensus
applications in networked systems that include the consensus applications
development, application-oriented algorithm design and theoretical
analysis, system implementation and optimization, etc. The topics relevant
to this special issue include but are not limited to:
- Consensus-based time synchronization in sensor networks
- Consensus algorithms in mobile sensor/robot networks
- Nonlinear consensus algorithms for networked systems
- Consensus algorithms for multi-agent systems
- Consensus and cooperation in networked systems
- Consensus-based data aggregation in smart grid systems
- Consensus-based economic dispatch in smart grid systems
- Synchronization in power systems
- Consensus seeking in social networks
- Consensus-based distributed scheduling and optimization
- Security and privacy consensus algorithm and theory
- Security and privacy issues in consensus-based applications
- Robustness analysis of consensus algorithms in applications
Submission Details:
Authors are requested to submit their manuscript online no later than
February 28, 2016 at the journal submission website at:
https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/rnc-wiley. When submitting, please select
manuscript type ‘Consensus-Based Applications in Networked Systems' and
answer ‘Yes' to the question, ‘Is this submission for a Special Issue?
Please also refer to the journal's Author Guidelines for manuscript
submission at:
4.9. CFP: Asian Journal of Control
Contributed by: Fu Li-Chen, lichen at ntu.edu.tw
Asian Journal of Control
Special Issue on “Theoretical and Practical Challenges in Learning Control”
Learning control, including iterative learning control (ILC) and repetitive
learning control (RLC), has been widely used in industry such as chemical
reactors, batch processes, robotic manipulators, high precision CNC
machining, hard disc drives, milling and laser cutting, traffic flow
control systems, and rehabilitation robotic systems. Although learning
control algorithms have been successfully applied to various engineered
applications, there are still many challenges including the fundamental
problem of robust design in the presence of model uncertainty, disturbance
and noise, novel applications and the development of new analysis tools.
This special issue invites original articles that address both theoretical
and application-oriented challenges in the area of learning control,
including novel applications, performance improvement along iteration
domain and time domain, new analysis tools, and any related technologies in
learning control. Topics of potential interest include, but are not limited
1. Robust design methods
2. Performance improvement
3. New stability/convergence analysis tools
4. Novel applications
Important Dates:
March 31, 2016 Deadline for submissions
July 31, 2016 Completion of First Review
November 30, 2016 Completion of Final Review
December 31, 2016 Receipt of Final Manuscript
July 1, 2017 Publication (Tentatively Vol.19, No. 4)
About AJC
The Asian Journal of Control, an ACA (Asian Control Association) affiliated
journal, is the first international journal originating from the Asian
Pacific region and being recognized by the major body of control
researchers in this region. The Asian Journal of Control publishes
bimonthly high-quality papers on original theoretical and experimental
research and development in the areas of control, involving all facets of
control theory and its application. Functionally, this journal not only
provides a forum where control researchers and practitioners can exchange
their knowledge and experiences in control areas, but also serves as an
educational means for students and any others who would like to learn new
topics in this technical area. The journal aims to be a key interface
between control communities within the Asian Pacific region and throughout
the world and is listed by Science Citation Index Expanded.
How to submit:
Potential authors are encouraged to upload the electronic file of their
manuscript (in PDF format) through the journal’s online submission website:
http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/asjc. If you encounter any submission
problem, feel free to contact Prof. Li-Chen Fu.
Editor-in-Chief: Professor Li-Chen Fu
Department of Electrical Engineering, EE II-524 Tel: +886-2-3366-3558
National Taiwan University Fax: +886-2-2365-4267
Taipei 10617, Taiwan E-mail: lichen at ntu.edu.tw
All submission should include a title page containing the title of the
paper, an abstract and a list of keywords, authors’ full names and
affiliations, complete postal and electronic address, phone and fax
numbers. The contacting author should be clearly identified. For detailed
submission guidelines, please visit
4.10. CFP: Asian Journal of Control
Contributed by: Fu Li-Chen, lichen at ntu.edu.tw
Asian Journal of Control
Special issue on “Advances in Control and Optimization over Wireless Sensor
and Actuator Networks”
As different from traditional sensor networks which are deemed as open-loop
information gathering systems, the emerging wireless sensor and actuator
networks (WSANs) are closed-loop systems of wireless-capable sensors and
actuators which can facilitate intimate interactions between human and the
physical world. For their low cost, ease of maintenance, convenient
upgrading and the ability to enhance system intelligence, WSANs have found
promising applications in a variety of fields such as environment
monitoring and control, building automation, industrial control, smart grid
management, and intelligent transportation.
WSANs are an integrated technology of control and communication. However,
control engineers and network experts often work separately to design
control algorithms and communication protocols without closely examining
their intimate interactions and interdependencies in WSANs, resulting in
system overall performance underexplored. WSANs are systems of
heterogeneous sensors and actuators which call for joint control and
optimization of issues such as task scheduling, node coordination and
resource allocation. Also, large-scale WSANs call for distributed and
cooperative control schemes where each node make decisions based on only
limited local information. Recently, mobile WSANs are emerging where the
network connectivity becomes dynamic and even stochastic. In such a dynamic
environment, it calls for advanced control and optimization schemes with
abilities such as mobility control, path planning, and robust control
against topology dynamics.
This special issue seeks original contributions which address recent
emerging issues of control and optimization over WSANs. We solicit on (but
not limited to) the following topics:
1. Sensor-actuator and actuator-actuator coordination in WSANs
2. Estimation and control over wireless networks
3. Distributed and collaborative control over WSANs
4. Control and communication co-design in WSANs
5. Cross-layer optimization and resource allocation for WSANs
6. Wireless sensor/robot networks and mobile WSANs
7. Energy efficiency, security and privacy issues of WSANs
8. Emerging applications, simulation tools, experiments, test-beds and
prototyping systems
5. Conferences
5.1. American Control Conference
Contributed by: Rifat Sipahi, rifat at coe.neu.edu
2016 American Control Conference will take place in the heart of Boston, on
July 6-8, 2016:
with workshops planned for July 5.
Different from previous years, this year's Conference features a number of
new and exciting programs. One of them is the ** APPLICATIONS FRIDAY **
which will take place on Friday July 8, 2016
The programs on that Friday aim to reach a broad audience with minimal
one-day registration fees, with the objective to bring control systems to
everyone's life via public talks, tutorials, company exhibits, special
lunch time sessions, and undergraduate student poster competitions.
Details can be found at the conference website.
5.2. International Conference on Foundations of Systems Biology in
Contributed by: Rolf Findeisen, rolf.findeisen at ovgu.de
October 9-12, 2016, Magdeburg
On behalf of the organizing committee, we are pleased to invite you to
submit papers and proposals for invited sessions to the 6th International
Conference on Foundations of Systems Biology in Engineering (FOSBE 2016)
which will take place in the historical city of Magdeburg, Germany, October
9-12, 2016.
Computational and engineering methods are at the core of systems biology,
synthetic biology and systems medicine. The integration of quantitative
data from a variety of sources together with model inference and analysis
techniques as well as control theory have proven valuable to decipher
biological systems ranging from intracellular mechanisms to human disease.
FOSBE aims at stimulating discussion and fostering collaborations among
scientists, from method to theory oriented engineers to experimental and
theoretical biologists, interested in or working on systems thinking
applied to life sciences. Major conference topics are:
- Modelling of complex biological systems
- Multi-scale and multi-omics data integration and modelling
- Network interference and modeling (signaling, regulation, metabolic)
- Analysis and modeling of stochastic and heterogeneous systems,
- Dynamics and control of biological systems
- Design and control of synthetic biological systems and circuits
- Systems biology for (red, green, blue and white) biotechnology
- Systems medicine
- Synthetic biology
- Next generation methods and tools for systems and synthetic biology
FOSBE 2016 will take place in the historical city of Magdeburg, Germany, at
the Elbe river. Magdeburg and the federal state of Saxony-Anhalt have many
historical sights to visit. It is often called the birth cradle of German
history and culture.
For detailed information about the 6th FOSBE, visit
invited session proposals 11 MAR 2016
regular & invited papers, workshop proposals 20 MAR 2016
abstracts contributions 15 JUN 2016
Acceptance notification 30 JUN 2016
Final contributions 15 JUL 2016
Conference Website: http://www.fosbe2016.ovgu.de.
IFAC copyright conditions:
5.3. Conference on Control and Fault-Tolerant Systems
Contributed by: Christophe Aubrun, christophe.aubrun at univ-lorraine.fr
SysTol'16: 3rd Conference on Control and Fault-Tolerant Systems
September 7-9, 2016 - Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain (
The two previous editions of the International Conference on Control and
Fault-Tolerant Systems (Systol'10 and Systol'13) were a success and
demonstrated the demand for establishing a permanent scientific forum in
the general area of system monitoring, fault diagnosis and fault-tolerant
control. The third conference on Control and Fault-Tolerant Systems
(Systol'16), through its technical program, will provide a unique
opportunity for the academic and industrial community to formulate new
challenges, share solutions and discuss future research directions.
Faults/failures in technical systems may have many undesired consequences
as damage to technical parts of plants, endangering of human life or
pollution of the environment. Equipment failures may also have profound
negative impact on production costs and product quality. The development of
fault diagnosis methods allowing early detection of faults/failures is
crucial in order to protect complex manufacturing machineries, to increase
human life safety and to support decision making on emergency actions and
repairs. Moreover, in highly automated industrial systems where maintenance
or repair cannot be carried-out immediately, it is crucial to employ
fault-tolerant control systems capable of ensuring acceptable performance
even in the presence of faults. The conference will bring together
academics, engineers and practitioners active in the fields of fault
diagnosis, fault tolerant control and their application in process
monitoring and maintenance.
Important Dates:
Invited session proposals, Workshop/Tutorial proposals due: March 7, 2016
Contributed papers, Invited session papers due: March 14, 2016
Notification of acceptance/rejection: June 1, 2016
Final submission and on-line registration, due: July 4, 2016
Paper Submission:
All papers accepted and presented at SYSTOL'16 will be published in the
conference proceedings, and included in the IEEE Xplore on line digital
library and EI Compendex database.All papers must be submitted and uploaded
electronically. Go to https://contols.papercept.net Click on the link
``submit a contribution to SysTol'16" and follow the steps.
5.4. International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and
Contributed by: Pawel Dworak, pawel.dworak at zut.edu.pl
CFP: 21st International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and
29 August - 1 September 2016
Amber Baltic Hotel, Miedzyzdroje, Poland
It is our great pleasure to invite You to participate in the 21st
International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics,
MMAR 2016 to be held in Miedzyzdroje, Poland, from August 29th to September
1st, 2016. The Conference will be a good opportunity for highlighting the
new results and directions of Automatic Control theory, technology and
applications. As such, it mainly will concentrate on the following key
- emphasis on invited lectures including plenaries,
- industry participation promotion,
- attract young people to study and work in the field.
The participants of the 21st International MMAR Conference will have the
opportunity to take part in the wide spectrum of categories for technical
presentations, including plenary lectures, regular papers of both lecture
and poster session types, and panel discussion. We look forward to seeing
our old and new friends in Poland. You are kindly invited to participate in
the 21st International MMAR Conference in Miedzyzdroje, Poland.
The proceedings of the conference will be submitted for review and approval
for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore® Digital Library and will be submitted for
inclusion in the Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Science (ISI Web
of Science).
For more information see http://www.mmar.edu.pl
5.5. World Congress: Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and
Contributed by: Seenith Sivasundaram, seenithi at gmail.com
World Congress: Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and Sciences
WHEN: 05-08 July 2016
WHERE: La Rochelle, France, University of La Rochelle
Website: http://www.icnpaa.com
Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and Science have stimulated
cooperation among scientists from a variety of disciplines. Developments in
computer technology have additionally allowed for solutions of mathematical
problems. This international forum will extend scholarly cooperation and
collaboration, encouraging the dissemination of ideas and information. The
conference will have a pool of active researchers, with a proper balance
between academia and industry, as well as between senior and junior
researchers, including graduate students and post-doctoral fellows. It is
anticipated that such a balance will provide both senior and junior
researchers an opportunity to interact and to have a wider picture of
recent advances in their respective fields. The conference, especially,
enables the setting up of new interdisciplinary research directions among
its participants by establishing links with world renowned researchers,
making possible joint international projects that will no doubt bring about
fresh and innovative ideas and technologies in engineering, aerospace and
Co-Sponsored by: AIAA: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
IFIP: International Federation of Information Processing
La Rochelle, France, University of La Rochelle
The proceedings will be published by the American Institute of Physics.
AIP Conference Proceedings are indexed in:
- Astrophysics Data System(ADS)
- Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS)
- Crossref
- EBSCO Publishing
- Electronic Library Information Navigator (ELIN), Sweden
- Elsevier - SCOPUS
- International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
- Thomson Reuters (ISI)
5.6. International Conference on Swarm Intelligence
Contributed by: Carlo Pinciroli, ilpincy+ants at gmail.com
ANTS 2016
Tenth International Conference on Swarm Intelligence
September 7-9, 2016. Brussels, Belgium
Call for papers prepared on October 5, 2015
More details and up-to-date information at
Scope of the Conference:
Swarm intelligence is the discipline that deals with the study of
self-organizing processes both in nature and in artificial systems.
Researchers in ethology and animal behavior have proposed a number of
models to explain interesting aspects of social insect behavior such as
self-organization and shape-formation. Recently, algorithms and methods
inspired by these models have been proposed to solve difficult problems in
many domains.
An example of a particularly successful research direction in swarm
intelligence is ant colony optimization, the main focus of which is on
discrete optimization problems. Ant colony optimization has been applied
successfully to a large number of difficult discrete optimization problems
including the traveling salesman problem, the quadratic assignment problem,
scheduling, vehicle routing, etc., as well as to routing in
telecommunication networks. Another interesting approach is that of
particle swarm optimization, that mainly focuses on continuous optimization
problems. Here too, a number of successful applications can be found in the
recent literature. Swarm robotics is another relevant field. Here, the
focus is on applying swarm intelligence techniques to the control of large
groups of cooperating autonomous robots.
ANTS 2016 will give researchers in swarm intelligence the opportunity to
meet, to present their latest research, and to discuss current developments
and applications.
The three-day conference will be held in Brussels, Belgium, on September
7-9, 2016.
Relevant Research Areas
ANTS 2016 solicits contributions dealing with any aspect of swarm
intelligence. Typical, but not exclusive, topics of interest are:
- Behavioral models of social insects or other animal societies that can
stimulate new algorithmic approaches.
- Empirical and theoretical research in swarm intelligence.
- Application of swarm intelligence methods, such as ant colony
optimization or particle swarm optimization, to real-world problems.
- Theoretical and experimental research in swarm robotics systems.
Publication Details:
Conference proceedings will be published by Springer in the LNCS. series.
The journal Swarm Intelligence will publish a special issue dedicated to
ANTS 2016 that will contain extended versions of the best research works
presented at the conference. Further details will soon be published on the
web site.
Conference Location:
Auditorium R42.4.502, Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management,
Campus du Solbosch, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Av. F.D. Roosevelt 42,
1050 Brussels, Belgium.
Best Paper Award:
A best paper award will be presented at the conference.
Further Information:
Up-to-date information will be published on the web site
http://iridia.ulb.ac.be/ants2016/. For information about local
arrangements, registration forms, etc., please refer to the above-mentioned
web site or contact the local organizers at the address below.
Conference Address:
ANTS 2016
IRIDIA CP 194/6 Tel +32-2-6502729
Universita Libre de Bruxelles Fax +32-2-6502715
Av. F. D. Roosevelt 50 http://iridia.ulb.ac.be/ants2016
1050 Bruxelles, Belgium email: ants at iridia.ulb.ac.be
Important Dates:
Submission deadline March 2, 2016
Notification of acceptance May 4, 2016
Camera ready copy May 18, 2016
Conference September 7-9, 2016
5.7. International Conference on Intelligent Unmanned Systems
Contributed by: Youmin Zhang, Youmin.Zhang at concordia.ca
Call-for-Papers: The 12th International Conference on Intelligent Unmanned
(ICIUS 2016, http://www.icius2016.org)
On behalf of the ICIUS 2016 Organizing Committee, this is to invite you to
submit your contributions to the 2016 International Conference on
Intelligent Unmanned Systems (ICIUS 2016), http://www.icius2016.org, to be
held at the famous historical city: Xi'an, China, during Aug. 23-25, 2016.
The 2016 International Conference on Intelligent Unmanned Systems (ICIUS
2016) will be held in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, China, from August 23rd to
25th, 2016. The conference offers a unique and interesting platform for
scientists, engineers and practitioners throughout the world to present and
share their most recent research and innovative ideas in the areas of
unmanned systems, robotics, automation, and intelligent systems.
The aim of the ICIUS2016 is to stimulate among researchers active in the
areas pertinent to intelligent unmanned systems. The topics of interests
include, but are not limited to:
- Unmanned Systems: Micro air vehicle, Underwater Vehicle, Micro-satellite,
Unmanned aerial vehicle, Multi-agent systems, Autonomous ground vehicle,
Blimp, Swarm intelligence.
- Robotics and Biomimetics: Artificial muscle actuators, Smart sensors,
Design and applications of MEMS/NEMS system, Intelligent robot system,
Evolutionary algorithm, Control of biological systems, Biological learning
control systems, Neural networks, Bioinformatics.
- Control and Computation: Distributed and embedded systems, Embedded
intelligent control, Complex systems, Pervasive computing, Soft computing,
Discrete event systems, Hybrid systems, Networked control systems, Delay
systems, Identification and estimation, Nonlinear systems, Precision motion
control, Control applications, Control engineering education, Computer
Architecture & VLSI, Signal, Image and Multimedia Processing
- Intelligent System: Ubiquitous computing, Algorithms, Distributed
intelligence, Distributed/decentralized intelligent control, Fuzzy systems,
AI and expert systems, Virtual Reality, Wearable computers, Information
Systems and Retrieval, Software engineering, Knowledge Data Engineering,
Data communications and compression.
All accepted papers would be further reviewed for post conference journal
publications in International Journal of Intelligent Unmanned Systems
(IJIUS), Journal of Unmanned System Technology (JUST), Journal of
Instrumentation, Automation and Systems (JIAS), and International Journal
of Mechatronics and Robotics (IJMR).A special issue with selected papers
will also be published at journal Unmanned Systems (US), Journal of
Intelligent & Robotic Systems (JINT), and International Journal of
Intelligent Computing and Cybernetics (IJICC). Any contributed or invited
paper can be nominated for the ICIUS 2016 Best Conference Paper Award and
the ICIUS 2016 Best Student Paper Award. The final evaluation by the awards
committee will take into account the presentations at ICIUS 2016.
Contributed Papers:
Prospective authors are invited to submit the full version of their
manuscripts in MS Word or LaTeX format. A maximum of 6 pages in the
standard ICIUS format is allowed for each paper. Detailed instructions for
paper submission are available on the conference website.
Invited Sessions:
The conference will feature invited sessions on new topics and innovative
applications. These sessions will consist of 5-6 articles and undergo a
regular review process. Prospective organizers should include a brief
statement of purpose for the session as well as the abstracts of the papers.
Xi'an was once called "Chang' an" in the Han Dynasty. The connotation of
this name is "permanent peace". Xi'an marked the starting point of the
world famous Silk Road. It obtained its present name in the year 1369.
Xi'an ranks first on the list of the country's seven largest ancient
capitals. Xi'an is the home of the world famous landscape "Terracotta
Warriors". From 11th century B.C. onwards, Xi'an or its vicinity has been
established as the capital city by 15 kingdoms or feudal dynasties
successively, including the Western Zhou, the Qin, the Han, the Sui and the
Tang. It serves as an ancient capital city beyond comparison with regard to
the number of dynasties and span of time. And it was regarded as one of the
"Four Ancient Civilizations of the World", the other three being Rome,
Athens, and Istanbul. Xi'an is situated in the middle of the Yellow River
reaches and at the center of the Central Shaanxi Plain. Within Xi'an one
can find a large number of historic attractions, such as the remains of
Banpo Village, a Neolithic matriarchal clan community, the Mausoleum of the
First Qin Emperor. Walking around this old city is like going through
thousands of years back in history.
Important Dates:
Deadline for Submission: April 1, 2016
Acceptance Notification: May 1, 2016
Deadline for Final Papers: June 1, 2016
Deadline for Early Bird Registration: July 31, 2016
Conference: August 23-25, 2016
5.8. IFAC Workshop on Distributed Estimation and Control in Networked
Contributed by: Hideaki Ishii, ishii at dis.titech.ac.jp
NecSys 2016
6th IFAC Workshop on Distributed Estimation and Control in Networked Systems
September 8th-9th, 2016, Tokyo, Japan
Deadline for paper submission: April 15th, 2016
NecSys 2016 will be held at the Tokyo International Exchange Center, Plaza
Heisei, Tokyo, Japan. It is located on the island Odaiba, which is only a
few stations away from the core of downtown Tokyo, and is part of the Tokyo
Academic Park.
Context and Scope:
Networked Systems and complex dynamical systems are composed of a large
number of simple systems interacting through a communication medium. These
systems arise as natural models in many areas of engineering and sciences,
such as sensor networks, autonomous, unmanned vehicles, power networks,
biological networks, and animal cooperative aggregation.
The workshop will focus on the most innovative mathematical methods
proposed in the last few years for the analysis and design of networked
systems. The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers from
control, computer science, communication, game theory, statistics,
mathematics and other areas to discuss emerging topics in networked systems
of common interest.
5.9. International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems
Contributed by: ICCAS2016, conference at icros.org
2016 16th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems
(ICCAS 2016)
October 16(SUN)-19(WED), 2016
HICO, Gyeongju, Korea
ICCAS 2016 will be held at HICO. Gyeongju, Korea on October
16(SUN)-19(WED), 2016. The aim of the ICCAS is to bring together
researchers and engineers worldwide to present their latest works, and
disseminate the state-of-the-art technologies related to control,
automation, robotics, and systems.
Important Dates
May 6, 2016: Submission of organized session proposals
May 13, 2016: Submission of full papers
July 15, 2016: Notification of paper acceptance
August 12, 2016: Submission of final camera-ready papers
Plenary Speakers
Andrew Schwartz (Univ. of Pittsburgh, USA)
Maria Prandini (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)
Sangchul Won (POSTECH, Korea)
Satoshi Tadokoro (Tohoku Univ., Japan)
James Ashton-Miller (Univ. of Michigan, USA)
Huijun Gao (Harbin Institute of Technology, China)
Song K. Choi (Univ. of Hawaii, USA)
5.10. International Conference on Instrumentation, Control and Automation
Contributed by: Tua Tamba, tamba at instrument.itb.ac.id
2nd Call-for-Papers: The 4th International Conference on Instrumentation,
Control and Automation 2016 (ICA'16)
Dates & Location: August 29-31, 2016; Bandung, Indonesia
Technical co-sponsor: IEEE Indonesia Section
Website: http://ica2016-itb.org/index.php/call-for-paper/
On behalf of the ICA'16 Organizing Committee, this is to invite you to
submit your contributions to the 4th International Conference on
Instrumentation, Control and Automation 2016, ICA'16,
http://ica2016-itb.org/, which will be held in Bandung, Indonesia during
August 29-31, 2016. The conference is technically co-sponsored by the IEEE
Indonesia Section and fully organized by the Instrumentation & Control
Research Group at the Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia. Details of the
conference may be found at http://ica2016-itb.org.
Conference topics include (but not limited to):
(i) INSTRUMENTATION: Metrology, Optical Instrumentation, Ultrasonic
Instrumentation, Bioengineering & Systems Biology, Medical Instrumentation,
Non-invasive Instrumentation & Measurement Techniques, Tomography & Imaging
Instrumentation, Industrial Process Instrumentation, Energy & Power Systems
Instrumentation, Software Development for Measurement & Instrumentation
(ii) CONTROL: PID Control, Linear/Nonlinear Analysis & Control,
Multivariable Control, Model Predictive Control, Robust Control,
Distributed Control, Geometric Control, Networked Control Systems,
Intelligent & Learning-based Control, Optimal Control, Stochastic Control,
Neural Networks, Process Control, System Theory, Hybrid Dynamical Systems &
Discrete Event Systems, Simulation Methods, System Identification &
Filtering, Parameter & State Estimation, Robotics & Motions, Space Vehicles
& Aircraft Systems, Design & Control of Unmanned Systems, Signal
Processing, Game Theory, Adaptive Control, Artificial Intelligence, Fuzzy &
Expert Systems, Fault Detection & Isolation System, Analysis & Control of
Biological Systems;
(iii) AUTOMATION: Human Machine Interaction, Safety Instrumented Systems,
Process Automation, Asset & Data Management Systems, Manufacturing Systems,
Supply Chain Network, Precision Motion, CADbased Simulations & Control,
Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Automation in Biotechnology & Health
Systems, DNA Chip Fabrication & Screening.
Important Dates:
Submission site open: January 11, 2016
Initial paper submission due: April 15, 2016
Decision notification: May 31, 2016
Final paper submission due: July 15, 2016
Workshop proposal submission due: 15/5/2016
Conference dates: August 29-31, 2016
Paper Submission:
All papers must be submitted and uploaded electronically. Go to
https://edas.info/N21139. Click on the link "Submit a Contribution to
ICA'16" and follow the steps.
5.11. IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine System
Contributed by: Vahid Hassani, vahid.hassani at ntnu.no
10th IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems
Trondheim, Norway, September 13-16, 2016
CAMS 2016 website: http://www.ifac-cams2016.com
Download the CFP:
Paper submission is open from papercept
Since 1989, every three years the International Federation for Automatic
Control (IFAC) has organized a Conference on Control Applications in Marine
Systems (CAMS). CAMS returns to Trondheim after 21 years and will be
organized by the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in
cooperation with the Norwegian Society of Automatic Control (NFA), the
national member organization for Norway in the IFAC.
CAMS 2016 will provide an excellent opportunity for the presentation and
discussion of research results and development in the areas of control
applications for surface & underwater vessels, floating & sub-sea
structures, and other marine systems. The conference opens possibilities
for industry, universities and research facilities to explore the future
trends in application of control theory to marine systems, and to establish
new and innovative activities for applying advanced solutions to marine
The keynote speakers for CAMS 2016 will include Prof. John J. Leonard
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Prof. Jing Sun (University of
Michigan), Prof. Maarja Kruusmaa (Tallinn University of Technology), Dr.
Nils Albert Jenssen (Kongsberg), Prof. Zoran Vukic (University of Zagreb),
Prof. Mark Moline (University of Delaware).
Furthermore, CAMS 2016 will organize a Workshop on Marine Robotics on
September 13, 2016. The Workshop is hosted by Gianluca Antonelli, Thor Inge
Fossen, and Asgeir Sorensen. For more detail, visit CAMS 2016 website.
Areas and Topics (including but not limited to)
- Guidance, navigation and control (GNC) of marine vessels and unmanned
marine vehicles
- Modeling, identification, simulation, and control of marine systems
- Ship roll stabilization techniques
- Modeling and control of high speed-craft
- Fault-tolerant control and fault handling for marine vehicles
- Intelligence and autonomy in marine systems and operations
- Cooperative navigation and control in marine systems
- Marine robotics and biomimicry
- Maritime safety and security for ports and ships
- Risk and life cycle assessment in marine systems
- Actuators, thrusters, propulsion systems, and sensors in marine systems
- Hybrid power plants in marine systems
- Surveillance and supervision systems in marine applications
- Control applications in aquaculture
- Control applications in marine renewable energy
- Condition-based monitoring in marine systems
- Applications of autonomous and remotely operated (surface and underwater)
marine vessels
- Applications of marine vessels and robotics to environmental monitoring,
mapping and surveillance, search and rescuing operations, marine habitat
mapping, marine biology and geology, and hydrographic exploration
Important dates:
- Paper submission deadline: March 21, 2016
- Paper Acceptance/Rejection: May 17, 2016
Submission Procedure:
To submit a paper, please follow the link "Submission" located on the top
line of the conference website or directly under the papercept link:
Proposals for Invited Sessions are welcome and should be sent by email to
the Technical Program Chair by February 15th 2016. The proceedings of the
Symposium will be published on-line on the http://www.ifac-papersonline.net
For further information on CAMS 2016 please contact the Technical Program
Chair vahid.hassani at ntnu.no or cams at ifac-cams2016.com
6. Positions
6.1. PhD: University of Lorraine, France
Contributed by: Marion Gilson, marion.gilson at univ-lorraine.fr
PhD: CNES (National Centre for Space Studies), University of Lorraine,
The validation of the attitude control algorithms uses high fidelity
simulators with the most accurate possible models of satellite dynamics and
orbital environment. Some parameters of these models are nevertheless
difficult to identify on ground (disturbing torques amplitude, satellite
inertia, flexible modes characteristics), or are submitted to large
uncertainties. To get more accurate numerical values, flight telemetry can
be used, but the identification process is complex due to physical
characteristics of the measurements (low sampling rate, noise, bias etc)
and due to operational constraints: the necessary attitude profiles
allowing the observability of the parameters cannot always be performed
(out of flight envelop profiles, or mission interruption required). In some
other more critical cases, accurate identification of the parameters is a
pre-requisite for the attitude control feasibility: for example, on very
low altitude orbits a small knowledge error on the position of the center
of mass can lead to a non-optimal guidance profile, with respect to
aerodynamic disturbances and to the loss of the satellite due to actuator
saturations. Finally, on elliptic orbit with very low perigee, the
disturbing torques change rapidly and it would be interesting to compute a
time-variant control law adapting to amplitude and frequency changes of the
disturbances in satellite frame. To this aim, one needs to identify
time-varying models.
>From a theoretical point of view, accurate parametric identification of
``grey box" models, the search of optimal inputs (for excitation signals
generation) and time-varying parameters model identifications are topics of
great interest in academic research, also with more and more numerous
industrial applications. A lot of methodological and numerical tools exist
that can better meet the requirements.
The PhD objectives are to develop new closed-loop identification techniques
for time-varying parameters, either for the validation of attitude control
laws with more accurate models of the satellite dynamics and environment or
for adaptive control laws design. The foreseen tasks are the following:
1. Closed-loop recursive identification of time-varying parameter grey
box models by using telemetry: design of new algorithms and comparison to
existing ones (Kalman filters for example). This problem raises several
open questions, as the choice of nonlinear functions for domains where the
physical behavior is more difficult to know. This choice is often the
result of a trade-off between model flexibility and parsimony. Model
flexibility allows the model to include complex nonlinear phenomena,
whereas parsimony aims at using the minimum number of parameters to model
these nonlinear phenomena. Once this choice is done, the relevant
parametric estimation method must be developed and the (in-) validation of
the obtained model performed. Besides, some critical aspects of grey box
identification will be studied: identifiability and sensitivity analysis of
physical parameters, robustness of the proposed algorithms to initial
conditions or measurement noise, or computation of uncertainty regions for
the estimated parameters.
2. Input signal selection: as the model can be accurately identified only
if the input/output data contain enough information, the selection of
suitable excitation inputs for identification of closed-loop and
time-varying system is an important issue.
Implementation and validation of the new approach with real flight
telemetry, and comparison with existing tools
Desired profile
Master in automatic control
Structure description
Host Laboratory : Centre de Recherche en Automatique de Nancy (CRAN)
Laboratory Responsible : Marion GILSON - marion.gilson at univ-lorraine.fr
CNES Responsible : Christelle PITTET - christelle.pittet at cnes.fr
Requests for further information should be sent to
marion.gilson at univ-lorraine.fr and christelle.pittet at cnes.fr and include:
1. Covering/Motivation letter
2. Curriculum Vitae
3. Contact details of two academic referees.
6.2. PhD: University of Texas at Dallas, USA
Contributed by: Tyler Summers, tyler.summers at utdallas.edu
Multiple PhD positions in Control and Optimization in Dynamical Networks
Several fully funded PhD positions for highly motivated students are
available starting in Fall 2016 in the Control, Optimization, and Networks
Laboratory (http://www.utdallas.edu/~tyler.summers) in the Departments of
Mechanical and Electrical Engineering at the University of Texas at Dallas.
The lab seeks to understand the rich interplay of dynamics, control,
optimization, information, and uncertainty in large-scale networks. The
research emphasizes theoretical analysis and computational tools and is
strongly driven by a variety of applications, including future power grids
and distributed multi-robot systems.
Outstanding eligible candidates may be nominated for special university
fellowships that offer increased stipends and other professional
development opportunities. Applications from underrepresented minorities
are encouraged.
Required qualifications:
(1) B.S. in mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, computer
science, applied mathematics, or a related field
(2) Strong background in systems and control theory, optimization, and
mathematics, including relevant coursework and/or work experience
(3) Excellent communication skills
(4) Proficiency in at least one scientific programming language, such as
MATLAB, Python, Julia, C/C++, etc.
Preferred qualifications:
(1) M.S. degree
(2) Publications in reputable control, optimization, robotics, or power
systems conferences or journals
(3) Hands-on experience with robotic systems is a plus for candidates
interested in robotics applications
How to apply:
Please send the following documents to tyler.summers at utdallas.edu
(1) One page cover letter describing your research interests, background,
and professional goals
(2) CV or resume
(3) Transcripts
Candidates will also need to apply through UT Dallas Graduate Admissions;
for details, please see
http://www.utdallas.edu/admissions/graduate/degrees/detail.php?d=1741 or
6.3. PhD Research Fellow: University of Agder, Norway
Contributed by: Michael Ruderman, michael.ruderman at uia.no
PhD Research Fellow in Technology with specialization in Mechatronics
Project title: Design and Verification Methods for Hybrid Control Systems
The University of Agder invites applications for a full-time, fixed-term
position as Research Fellow in Mechatronics for a period of three years, at
the Department of Engineering Sciences, Faculty of Engineering and Science.
The position is located in Grimstad, Norway. The starting date is
The Faculty of Engineering and Science has a core group of more than 16
academic staff members in the field of mechatronics. The group is
responsible for the BSc, MSc, and PhD programmes in mechatronics at the
University of Agder and has an extensive network of Norwegian and
international partner universities and university colleges.
Background for the position:
Modern control systems often combine hybrid automata for integrating
discrete behavior with continuous-time dynamics. The switched and impulsive
systems allow for discrete transitions corresponding to the changes between
the different state subspaces (set of modes) or impulsive jumps within
particular mode of a hybrid system. Various application examples are in
power systems with on-off switches, geared mechanical engines, digital
hydraulics, programmable logic controllers employed for automation, and
others. There is a growing need and correspondingly research on topics
related to the formal design and verification methods for hybrid control
The objective of this PhD project is in (i) systematic analysis of the
formal design and verification methods suitable for the hybrid control
systems, (ii) elaboration of a methodology how to integrate verification
tools and techniques in the design flow so as to improve the overall system
reliability, (iii) selection, specification, and realization of application
case(s) based on the standard and developed software and hardware. The
elaborated solutions will be tested and demonstrated by taking advantage of
the experimental facilities.
- Mechatronic Innovation Lab (MIL) in Grimstad.
- Norwegian Motion Laboratory (Motion Lab) in Grimstad.
- Partners in SFI WP3.
It is expected that the candidate will perform both the theoretical and
experimental work using the available mechatronic resources of the
above-mentioned facilities.
The successful applicant should hold a master's degree in mechatronics,
mechanical engineering or electrical engineering that covers the above
fields. The position places great demands on the applicant's capacity for
independent goal-oriented work, ability to concentrate and attention to
detail. Applicants will be assessed on the basis of academic background and
results, and any previous research and development work. Relevant
industrial experience, personal suitability and good teamwork skills will
also be emphasized.
The following requirements must be met:
- Strong academic skills, experience and interest in the following areas:
control design, hybrid systems and finite automaton, formal verification
- Hands on experience with PLC and dSpace and programming skills in
Matlab/Simulink, C/C++.
- Strong background in systems and control theory.
The following admission requirements apply to the PhD program:
- The average grade for courses included in the bachelor's degree (or
equivalent) must be B (or equivalent) or higher;
- The average grade for courses included in the master's degree (or
equivalent) must be B (or equivalent) or higher;
- The master's thesis (or equivalent) must have a grade B (or equivalent)
or higher when the candidate is admitted to the PhD program;
- The successful applicant must have written and spoken English proficiency;
- The position places great demands on the applicant's capacity for
independent goal-oriented work, ability to concentrate as well as good
communication and team-work skills in cooperation with research colleagues
both inside and outside the university.
Applicants from some countries must document their English proficiency
through one of the following tests with the stated results or better:
- TOEFL - Test of English as a Foreign Language with a minimum score of 550
on the Paper-based Test (PBT), or 80 on the Internet based Test (iBT)
- IELTS - International English Language Testing System, with a result of
at least 6.0.
Please check this list
to see if an English test is required.
Admission requirements:
The candidate will be enrolled in the PhD programme in technology at the
Faculty of Engineering and Science. The applicant must qualify for
admission to this PhD Programme. More information about the program and a
complete list of admission requirements to the PhD programmes can be found
Applications from applicants who already hold a PhD will normally not be
Short-listed applicants will be invited for interviews.
For more details on this position and application procedure see
Closing date: 31.03.2016
For further information please contact Associate Professor Michael
Ruderman, e-mail michael.ruderman at uia.no
In accordance with §25(2) of the Freedom of Information Act, applicants may
request that they are not identified in the open list of applicants. The
University, however, reserves the right to publish the name of applicants.
Applicants will be advised of the University's intention to exercise this
6.4. PostDoc: ONERA The French Aerospace Lab
Contributed by: Clement Roos, clement.roos at onera.fr
Postdoctoral position at ONERA The French Aerospace Lab
Modeling, identification and control of an unmanned aircraft on ground
The proposed postdoctoral position deals with modeling, identification and
control of an unmanned aircraft on ground (before takeoff and after
landing). The objective will be first to create an accurate dynamic model
of the aircraft behavior, including the highly nonlinear tires-ground
interactions, and then to identify the most relevant parameters on the
basis of experimental data. This model will finally be used to design
control and guidance laws, so as to ensure stability and performance during
various maneuvers, despite perturbations such as crosswind, backlash and
delays, and whatever the runway state.
The selected candidate will conduct his/her research activities within the
Systems Control and Flight Dynamics Department (DCSD) of ONERA The French
Aerospace Lab, Toulouse, France. He/She will be involved in a large-scale
European project gathering several industrial and research partners.
ONERA-DCSD has a strong expertise in the fields of systems modeling,
identification techniques and control theory. Its know-how is recognized by
the main aeronautical companies in Europe.
Duration: 18 months.
A PhD in control engineering is required to be eligible. A good knowledge
in systems modeling, identification techniques, control theory, flight
dynamics and Matlab/Simulink software will be appreciated, as well as a
very good English level.
Send a resume and contact information for one-two references to Carsten
Döll [carsten.doll at onera.fr], Alexandre Janot [alexandre.janot at onera.fr]
and Clément Roos [clement.roos at onera.fr].
6.5. PostDoc: Università del Salento, Italy
Contributed by: Giuseppe Notarstefano, giuseppe.notarstefano at unisalento.it
Postdoc (Università del Salento, Lecce, Italy - ERC starting grant project)
A postdoc position will be soon available within the project OPT4SMART
funded under the ERC Starting Grant excellence program. Research will be
conducted at the Università del Salento (Lecce, Italy), under the
supervision of Prof. Giuseppe Notarstefano.
About the position
We are looking for motivated, talented PhDs from all over the world, who
wish to:
- undertake/continue research at the cutting edge of optimization and
control in cyber-physical networks;
- contribute to the startup of an excellent, international new research
- work in one of the most beautiful Italian cities with a great quality of
The initial appointment will be for one year with the possibility of
extension based on performance. The salary is competitive (very competitive
for the life cost in Italy). The postdoctoral researcher will work in a
group with about six PhD students and will have the possibility to take the
co-supervision of one or more of them.
About OPT4SMART (Distributed optimization methods for smart cyber-physical
OPT4SMART is a 5 years research project funded under the EU Horizon 2020
excellence program ``ERC Starting Grant", http://erc.europa.eu, supporting
investigator-driven frontier research on the basis of scientific
excellence. OPT4SMART will investigate a novel distributed, large-scale
optimization framework and its application to big-data estimation,
learning, decision and control problems in cyber-physical networks.
About Lecce
Lecce is a beautiful Baroque city in the South-East of Italy. It is a
lively, graceful but relaxed university town in the Salento peninsula, the
heel of Italy's boot. For a 36-hours tour of Lecce you can google The New
York Times: ``36 hours in Lecce, Italy".
Who should apply
The desired candidate holds a PhD degree in Controls, Optimization, Signal
Processing or related fields, and has
- an excellent publication record (few high-impact papers in high-quality
journals and conferences);
- a strong mathematical background including optimization and preferably
control theory or signal processing;
- strong interest in optimization and at least one of: control theory,
estimation, machine learning;
- excellent proficiency in written and spoken English.
The above skills and background should clearly appear from the candidate
CV, from few (the most important) publications, and from the PhD thesis.
For further information about the position and the official call you can
send an email with subject ``OPT4SMART Postdoc last-name" to
giuseppe.notarstefano at unisalento.it.
See also
6.6. PostDoc: University Campus Bio-Medico of Rome, Italy
Contributed by: Gabriele Oliva, g.oliva at unicampus.it
Postdoc position: Distributed Control and Security Cyber-Physical Systems,
University Campus Bio-Medico of Rome, Italy.
The Complex Systems & Security Laboratory, within the University Campus
Bio-Medico of Rome, is looking for talented researchers with a strong
research track record for a project in the field of Distributed Control and
Security Cyber-Physical Systems.
The aim of the research is to develop next-generation methods to control
and secure Cyber-Physical Systems adopting decentralized approaches. In
particular, emphasis will be posed on the ability of the system to detect
and withstand cyber attacks to the SCADA control system, aimed at
disrupting or altering the physical condition of the system. The main
envisaged applications will be in the field of Critical Infrastructures and
smart water networks.
Strong applicants will have a background in at least two of the following
areas of expertise:
distributed systems, distributed control, fault detection, critical
infrastructure modelling, SCADA& ICS systems, industrial networks, ethical
Additional required competencies include fluency in English and good
programming skills (Matlab and C/C++/Java are preferred; LABVIEW, and iFIX
SCADA suite are a plus).
Candidates should have a PhD (or equivalent) in Control, Computer Science
or a closely related subject. Suitable applicants nearing completion of a
PhD will be considered.
The successful candidate will have the opportunity to collaborate with the
students and faculty in the Complex Systems & Security Laboratory on
different aspects of our research agenda, including an active role in the
ongoing nationally and internationally funded projects and in the
submission of new project applications. Relevant research topics include,
among others, critical infrastructure protection, distributed systems and
indoor localization.
Interested candidates should send their CV, a research statement, and list
of references to Professor Gabriele Oliva at g.oliva at unicampus.it
6.7. PostDoc: North Carolina A&T State University, USA
Contributed by: Ali Karimoddini, akarimod at ncat.edu
Applications are invited for a post-doctoral position in the general area
of Machine Learning. Specific areas of research include:
(1) approximate reasoning in particular Fuzzy Type-2 and handling of
(2) data representation, data management and learning.
This is a non-tenure-track, year-to-year appointment, renewable annually
for up to four years subjected to satisfactory performance, availability of
resources, and the needs of the Center. The research results of this
project are expected to reach a high Technology Readiness Level (TRL) to be
applied to testing and evaluation of autonomous vehicles. We thus look for
applicants that have a demonstrated track record in the applications of
Machine Learning techniques to systems and control problems. Programming
skills and practical experiences with embedded real-time systems is a plus.
U.S. citizenship is preferred and minority candidates are strongly
encouraged to apply. If interested, please apply electronically by sending
detailed curriculum vitae copies of your top three publications, the
summary of your PhD thesis, names and addresses of three reference persons,
and other information that might be relevant to your application to:
Ali Karimoddini, PhD
Director, ACCESS Laboratory (http://accesslab.net)
Deputy Director, TECHLAV Center (http://techlav.ncat.edu)
North Carolina A&T State University
Email: akarimod at ncat.edu
Tel: 336-285-3313
6.8. Faculty: University of Maryland, USA
Contributed by: Derek Paley, dpaley at umd.edu
The Department of Aerospace Engineering at the University of Maryland,
College Park (www.aero.umd.edu) is seeking highly qualified candidates for
a tenure-track faculty position in specific areas of aerospace engineering.
Candidates with demonstrated technical expertise, creativity, and
leadership are sought in the areas of guidance, navigation, and control,
unmanned aerial systems (UAS), and autonomy. Candidates should have
demonstrated a proven record or have high potential for excellence in
instruction in flight dynamics and control, development and execution of
externally funded research programs, and mentorship of students.
The Department of Aerospace Engineering is a dynamic and growing department
with 24 faculty, six named faculty professorships and annual research
expenditures of more than $14M. The department has strong research and
instructional programs in several core areas, including aerodynamics and
propulsion, smart and composite structures, space systems, rotorcraft,
autonomous unmanned vehicles, and hypersonics. Close proximity to key
elements of the state and federal research and development infrastructure
provides substantial opportunities for collaborative research in problems
of national interest and importance. In addition, the University of
Maryland UAS Test Site offers researchers, students, government and
industry access to extensive resources and pools of expertise in every
aspect of UAS research.
For best consideration, a cover letter, curriculum vitae, research
statement, teaching philosophy, and the names of at least four references
should be submitted online by March 30, 2016 to the following website:
Information on the department is available at www.aero.umd.edu
6.9. Researcher: General Motors Research & Development, USA
Contributed by: ChenFang Chang, chen-fang.chang at gm.com
Position: Researcher, General Motors Research & Development Warren, MI, USA
General Motors Global Research and Development, located in Warren,
Michigan, invites outstanding candidates to apply for the position of
Researcher - Powertrain Controls, to join a dynamic group developing the
state of the art powertrain control technologies. Interested candidates
please apply for the position (Req#: RES0000684) by submitting your resume
on-line at http:\\careers.gm.com.
Envision, generate, and demonstrate powertrain control/diagnostic concepts
that lead to a quantum leap in sustainable mobility through improved fuel
economy, reduced harmful emissions, and superior vehicle performance.
Major Duties and Responsibilities:
- Develop next-generation control and diagnostic algorithms for
engine/powertrain systems
- Lead research in developing capabilities for controls that enable
deployment of advanced engines and aftertreatment systems to meet future
fuel economy and emissions standards
- Develop math models and simulation of engine/powertrain systems to
facilitate a computer-aided control system design environment that enables
an acceleration of the vehicle development process
- Develop rapid prototyping engine controllers, including their software,
for test cells and advanced technology demonstration vehicles
- Conduct experiments in dynamometer test cells and at proving ground
facilities to collect required data and validate research concepts
- Write timely and high-quality research reports, external publications,
and records of invention to document new ideas and research results in
his/her areas of research
- Manage relationships with divisional staffs and development partners to
facilitate technology transfer
- Lead technical discussions and reviews as an expert in powertrain control
- Generate innovative ideas, suggest new research areas, and establish
technical plans
- Maintain up-to-date knowledge of industry and technical developments
affecting areas of responsibility
- Ph.D. in Mechanical, Electrical, Automotive, or Aerospace Engineering
specialized in Controls
- Strong background in control theory, system modeling & simulation, and
control system synthesis
- Knowledge of microprocessor-based control system software and hardware
- Knowledge of control system simulation and rapid control prototyping
tools (e.g., Matlab, SIMULINK, dSPACE, NI, etc.)
- Effective verbal and written communication skills
- Strong knowledge in internal combustion engine and emissions control
systems desirable
- R&D experience in powertrain controls preferred
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