[eletter] eletter 333
Jianghai Hu
jianghai at purdue.edu
Wed Jun 1 12:30:43 EDT 2016
E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing
Issue 333
June 2016
Jianghai Hu
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Purdue University
465 Northwestern Ave.
West Lafayette, IN, 47907
Tel: +01 (765) 4962395
Fax: +01 (765) 4943371
Welcome to the 333 issue of the Eletter, available electronically at
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The next Eletter will be mailed out at the beginning of July 2016.
1. IEEE CSS Headlines
1.1 IEEE Control Systems Society Publications Content Digest
1.2 IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
1.3 IEEE Control Systems Society Technically Cosponsored Conferences
2. Summer Schools
2.1 Summer School: Advanced Algorithms for Traffic Prediction and Control
2.2 Summer School: An Introduction to Modelling and Control of Systems
Governed by PDEs (1st edition)
3.1 Working Paper: The Risk of Automation for Jobs in OECD Countries
3.2 Survey on Applications of Embedded Optimization
4. Journals
4.1 Contents: Automatica
4.2 Contents: Control Engineering Practice
4.3 Contents: IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica
4.4 Contents: International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems
4.5 CFP: IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid
4.6 CFP: Asian Journal of Control
5. Conferences
5.1 American Control Conference
5.2 International Conference on Intelligent Control and Information
5.3 International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems
5.4 International Symposium on Advanced Control of Industrial Processes
5.5 International Workshop on Hybrid Systems Biology
5.6 ShanghaiTech Symposium on Information Science and Technology
5.7 ShanghaiTech Workshop on Emerging Devices, Circuits and Systems
5.8 World Congress: Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and
5.9 IEEE Ecuador Technical Chapters Meeting
5.10 ACC Workshop: Perception, Control and Planning for Agile Autonomous
5.11 IFAC CAMS Workshop on Marine Robotics
6. Positions
6.1 PhD: GIPSA-lab, France
6.2 PhD: KU Leuven, Belgium
6.3 PhD: CNRS, France
6.4 PhD: Technical University of Eindhoven, Netherlands
6.5 PhD: Gipsa-lab and Mines-ParisTech, France
6.6 PhD/PostDoc: Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
6.7 PostDoc: Missouri University of Science & Technology, USA
6.8 PostDoc: Luxembourg Centre of Systems Biomedicine, Luxembourg
6.9 PostDoc: Clemson University, USA
6.10 PostDoc: Washington University in St. Louis, USA
6.11 PostDoc: McGill University, Canada
6.12 PostDoc: George Washington University, USA
6.13 PostDoc: University of Cambridge, UK
6.14 PostDoc: University of Oxford, UK
6.15 PostDoc: UC San Diego, USA
6.16 PostDoc: University Grenoble Alpes, France
6.17 Lecturer: Glasgow Caledonian University, UK
6.18 Faculty: SIU Carbondale, USA
6.19 Research Scientist: University of Vermont, USA
1. IEEE CSS Headlines
1.1. IEEE Control Systems Society Publications Content Digest
Contributed by: Elizabeth Kovacs, ekovacs2 at nd.edu
CSS Publications Content Digest
The IEEE Control Systems Society Publications Content Digest is a novel and
convenient guide that helps readers keep track of the latest published
articles. The CSS Publications Content Digest, available at
http://ieeecss.org/publications-content-digest provides lists of current
tables of contents of the periodicals sponsored by the Control Systems
Each issue offers readers a rapid means to survey and access the latest
peer-reviewed papers of the IEEE Control Systems Society. We also include
links to the Society’s sponsored Conferences to give readers a preview of
upcoming meetings.
1.2. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
Contributed by: Elizabeth Kovacs, ekovacs2 at nd.edu
Table of Contents
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
Volume 61 (2016), Issue 6 (June)
Please note that the contents of the IEEE Transactions on Automatic
Control, together with links to the abstracts of the papers may be found at
the TAC web site:
The IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control Submission and Review Management
Scanning the Issuem p. 1421
- Stability Analysis and Control of Rigid-Body Systems with Impacts and
Friction, M. Posa, M. M. Tobenkin, R. Tedrake p. 1423
- Model Reduction of Neutral Linear and Nonlinear Time-Invariant Time-Delay
Systems with Discrete and Distributed Delays, G. Scarciotti, A. Astolfi p.
- Ensemble Observability of Linear Systems, S. Zeng, S. Waldherr, C.
Ebenbauer, F. Allgöwer p. 1452
- Stability and Criticality Analysis for Integer Linear Programs with
Markovian Problem Data, J. Las Fargeas, M. Niendorf, P. Kabamba, A. Girard
p. 1466
- Convergence Analysis of Distributed Set-Valued Information Systems, A.
Fagiolini, N. Dubbini, S. Martini, A. Bicchi p. 1477
- Robust Distributed Average Consensus via Exchange of Running Sums, C. N.
Hadjicostis, N. H. Vaidya, A. D. Dominguez-Garcia p. 1492
- An iISS Framework for Stochastic Robustness of Interconnected Nonlinear
Systems, H. Ito, Y. Nishimura p. 1508
- Opinion Dynamics in Social Networks with Hostile Camps: Consensus vs.
Polarization, A. V. Proskurnikov, A. S. Matveev, M. Cao p. 1524
- Safety Controller Synthesis for Incrementally Stable Switched Systems
using Multiscale Symbolic Models, A. Girard, G. Gössler, S. Mouelhi p. 1537
- Robust Distributed Consensus using Total Variation, W. Ben-Ameur, P.
Bianchi, J. Jakubowicz p. 1550
- Bounded Disturbance Amplification for Mass Chains with Passive
Interconnection, K. Yamamoto, M. C. Smith p. 1565
- Event-Triggered Stabilization of Linear Systems Under Bounded Bit Rates,
P. Tallapragada, J. Cortes p. 1575
Technical Notes and Correspondence
- Novel Criteria for Exponential Stability of Linear Neutral Time-Varying
Differential Systems, P. H. A. Ngoc p. 1590
- On the Stability and Robust Stability of Networked Dynamic Systems, T.
Zhou, Y. Zhang p. 1595
- Tracking the Algebraic Multiplicity of Crossing Imaginary Roots for
Generic Quasipolynomials: A Vandermonde-Based Approach, I. Boussaada, S-I.
Niculescu p. 1601
- Noise-to-State Stability of Random Switched Systems and its Applications,
H. Zhang, Y. Xia, Z. Wu p. 1607
- Active Disturbance Rejection Control Approach to Output-Feedback
Stabilization of a Class of Uncertain Nonlinear Systems Subject to
Stochastic Disturbance, B-Z. Guo, Z-H. Wu, H-C. Zhou p. 1613
- Almost Sure Exponential Stabilization by Discrete-time Stochastic
Feedback Control, X. Mao p. 1619
- Robust Synchronization for Multistable Systems, H. Ahmed, R. Ushirobira,
D. Efimov, W. Perruquetti p. 1625
- Multi(2)-Rate Control from a 2-Periodic Perspective: Generalized 2-Rate
Control, S. Chakraborty, S. K. Das p. 1631
- Chang Transformation for Decoupling of Singularly Perturbed Linear
Time-Varying Systems, X. Yang, J. J. Zhu p. 1637
- Kalman Filtering With Relays Over Wireless Fading Channels, A. S. Leong,
D. E. Quevedo p. 1643
- Stability Analysis for a Class of Partial Differential Equations via
Semidefinite Programming, G. Valmórbida, M. Ahmadi, A. Papachristodoulou p.
- An Extension of Petersen's Lemma on Matrix Uncertainty, X. Ji, H. Su p.
- On Pinning Controllability of Boolean Control Networks, J. Lu, Z. Jie, C.
Huang, J. Cao p. 1658
- Scaled Consensus Problems on Switching Networks, D. Meng p. 1664
- Sampled Measurement Output Feedback Control of Multi-agent Systems with
Jointly-Connected Topologies, X. Chen, Z. Chen, C. Mei p. 1670
- Design of Stabilizing Switching Laws for Mixed Switched Affine Systems,
M. Hajiahmadi, B. De Schutter, H. Hellendoorn p. 1676
- On the Convergence of Piecewise Linear Strategic Interaction Dynamics on
Networks, B. Gharesifard, B. Touri, T. Basar, J. S. Shamma p. 1682
- Design of Proportional-Integral-Retarded (PIR) Controllers for
Second-Order LTI Systems, A. RamÌrez, S. Mondié, R. Garrido, R. Sipahi p.
- Dissipativity-Based Filtering for Fuzzy Switched Systems with Stochastic
Perturbation, P. Shi, X. Su, F. Li p. 1694
- Finite-time Connectivity-Preserving Consensus of Networked Nonlinear
Agents with Unknown Lipschitz Terms, Y. Cao, W. Ren, D. W. Casbeer, C.
Schumacher p. 1700
1.3 IEEE Control Systems Society Technically Cosponsored Conferences
Contributed by: Luca Zaccarian, CSS AE Conferences, zaccarian at laas.fr
The following conferences have been recently included in the list of events
technically cosponsored by the IEEE Control Systems Society:
- Workshop on Control of Systems Governed by Partial Differential Equations
(CPDE 16). Bertinoro, Italy. Jun 13 - Jun 15, 2016. http://www.cpde2016.org/
- 6th International Symposium on Advanced Control of Industrial Processes
(AdCONIP 2017). Taipei, Taiwan. May 28 - May 31, 2017.
- 16th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS
2016). Gyeongju, South Korea. Oct 16 - Oct 19, 2016. http://2016.iccas.org/
- 20th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing
(ICSTCC 2016). Sinaia, Romania. Oct 13 - Oct 15, 2016.
- 2017 Indian Control Conference. Guwahati, India. Jan 4 - Jan 6, 2017.
For a full listing of CSS technically cosponsored conferences, please visit
http://ieeecss.org/conferences/technically-cosponsored and for a list of
the upcoming and past CSS main conferences please visit
2. Summer Schools
2.1. Summer School: Advanced Algorithms for Traffic Prediction and Control
Contributed by: Antoneta Iuliana BRATCU, antoneta.bratcu at gipsa-lab.fr
Summer School on “Advanced algorithms for traffic prediction and control”
Location and Date: Grenoble (France) - September 12 to 16, 2016
Scientific Chair: Carlos CANUDAS DE WIT (GIPSA-lab - Grenoble, France)
Local organizer: Antoneta Iuliana BRATCU (GIPSA-lab - Grenoble, France)
Website: http://www.gipsa-lab.fr/summerschool/auto2016/
This Summer School aims at presenting the main mathematical tools which
allow modelling, predicting and controlling the traffic, starting with the
classical ones to the most advanced ones, including optimal routing and
cooperative ITS. The school will consist of a series of surveys, lectures
and research talks taught in English, completed by a full day dedicated to
industrial presentations and demonstrations of operational tools, among
which the Grenoble Traffic Lab (GTL).
The Summer School is mainly intended to PhD students, researchers and
scholars in control and traffic engineering, and applied mathematics, being
meanwhile open to industrial participants.
Carlos Canudas-de-Wit (CNRS-GIPSA-lab, Grenoble, France)
Roberto Horowitz (University of California at Berkeley, USA)
Alain Kibangou (GIPSA-lab, Grenoble, France)
Lyudmila Mihaylova (University of Sheffield, U.K.)
Markos Papageorgiou (University of Crete, Greece)
Samitha SAMARANAYAKE (Cornell University, USA)
Martin Treiber (Technische Universität Dresden, Germany)
Henk Wymeersch (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)
Early registrations are encouraged. The number of participants is limited
to 50.
For further information, please contact Antoneta Iuliana BRATCU
(antoneta.bratcu at gipsa-lab.fr)
2.2. Summer School: An Introduction to Modelling and Control of Systems
Governed by PDEs (1st edition)
Contributed by: Yann Le Gorrec, legorrec at femto-st.fr
Summer school: An Introduction to Modelling and Control of Systems Governed
by PDES (1st edition)
University Residential Centre of Bertinoro (Ce.U.B.)
Bertinoro (FC), Italy,
9-12 June 2016
Sponsored by IFAC
The scope of the summer school is to provide a succinct but rigorous
introduction to systems modelled by partial differential equations. The
school is open to all aspiring scholars in any area of mathematics or
engineering who wish to work on PDEs of any kind (whether theoretical or
applied), and it is especially addressed to doctoral students and young
postdoctoral scholars. The aim of the school is to deepen into both
theoretical developments and applications. The school focuses on four main
- Modelling,
- Analysis,
- Numerical aspects, and
- Control design.
More in detail, the summer school consists of 3 days and half of classes,
with each day devoted to a specific topic. Every morning and afternoon is
divided into 4 time slots of 50 minutes each. Two time slots are devoted to
standard frontal teaching, while the other two slots to exercises under the
supervision of the teacher.
- Yann Le Gorrec (FEMTO-ST / AS2M, FR)
- Alessandro Macchelli (University of Bologna, IT)
- Thomas Meurer (Christian-Albrechts-University, DE)
- Ralph C. Smith (North Carolina State University, US)
- Laurent Lefèvre (LCIS – Esisar, FR)
- Hans Zwart (University of Twente, NL)
- Michael Hinze (University of Hamburg, DE)
For more information and registration:
3.1. Working Paper: The Risk of Automation for Jobs in OECD Countries
Contributed by: J.A. Acosta, jaar at us.es
Arntz,M., T. Gregory and U. Zierahn (2016),
"The Risk of Automation for Jobs in OECD Countries: A Comparative Analysis",
OECD Social, Employment and Migration Working Papers, No. 189, OECD
Publishing, Paris.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/5jlz9h56dvq7-en
3.2. Survey on Applications of Embedded Optimization
Contributed by: Hans Joachim Ferreau, joachim.ferreau at ch.abb.com
Survey on Applications of Embedded Optimization
We have created a 5-minute-survey on applications of embedded optimization
targeting both scientific and industrial staff. The idea is to characterize
such applications and to learn about challenges of the technology that you
feel need to be addressed by the research community or software developers.
You can find the survey here:
We aim at presenting the results at academic conferences (e.g. at ECC'16 in
Denmark on June 29) and in a scientific journal to provide feedback to the
community. We appreciate your help in gathering the current state of the
Joachim Ferreau
Stefan Almér
Juan Jerez
Alexander Domahidi
4. Journals
4.1. Contents: Control Engineering Practice
Contributed by: Martin Böck, cep at acin.tuwien.ac.at
Control Engineering Practice
Volume 51
June 2016
- Mehdi Fallah, Mitra Imani, Mostafa Abarzadeh, Hossein Madadi Kojabadi,
Mohammad Hejri, Load compensation based on frame considering low-order
dominant harmonics and distorted power system,Pages 1-12
- Gao Ming-Zhou, Cai Guo-Ping, Nan Ying, Finite-time fault-tolerant control
for flutter of wing,Pages 26-47
- Lei Xie, Xun Lang, Junghui Chen, Alexander Horch, Hongye Su, Time-varying
oscillation detector based on improved LMD and robust Lempel–Ziv
complexity,Pages 48-57
- Zhihua Chen, Ying Zheng, Minjing Zhou, David Shan-Hill Wong, Lijuan Chen,
Zhonghua Deng, Model-based feedforward register control of roll-to-roll web
printing systems,Pages 58-68
- Chamil Abeykoon, Single screw extrusion control: A comprehensive review
and directions for improvements,Pages 69-80
- Minh Hoang Trinh, Gwi-Han Ko, Viet Hoang Pham, Kwang-Kyo Oh, Hyo-Sung
Ahn, Guidance using bearing-only measurements with three beacons in the
plane,Pages 81-91
- Jongsang Suh, Kyongsu Yi, Jiyeol Jung, Kyungjun Lee, Hyokjin Chong,
Bongchul Ko, Design and evaluation of a model predictive vehicle control
algorithm for automated driving using a vehicle traffic simulator,Pages
- Ali Hassan, Angel Torres-Perez, Stefan Kaczmarczyk, Phil Picton,
Vibration control of a Stirling engine with an electromagnetic active tuned
mass damper,Pages 108-120
- Silvio Simani, Stefano Alvisi, Mauro Venturini, Fault tolerant control of
a simulated hydroelectric system,Pages 13-25
4.2. Contents: IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica
Contributed by: Yan Ou, yan.ou at ia.ac.cn
Table of Contents
IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica
Volume 3 (2016), Issue 2 (April)
- Where Does AlphaGo Go: From Church-Turing Thesis to AlphaGo Thesis and
Beyond. F.-Y. Wang, J. J. Zhang, X. H. Zheng, X. Wang, Y. Yuan, X. X. Dai,
J. Zhang, and L. Q. Yang, page 113
- Global Synchronization of Stochastically Disturbed Memristive
Neurodynamics via Discontinuous Control Laws. Z. Y. Guo, S. F. Yang, and J.
Wang, page 121
- Semantic Similarity between Ontologies at Different Scales. Q. P. Zhang
and D. Haglin, page 132
- Traffic Flow Data Forecasting Based on Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Sets Theory.
R. M. Li, C. Y. Jiang, F. H. Zhu, and X. L. Chen, page 141
- Coupled Cross-correlation Neural Network Algorithm for Principal Singular
Triplet Extraction of a Cross-covariance Matrix. X. W. Feng, X. Y. Kong,
and H. G. Ma, page 149
- Chaos and Combination Synchronization of a New Fractional-order System
with Two Stable Node-foci. Z. Alam, L. G. Yuan, and Q. G. Yang, page 157
- Event-triggered Tracking Consensus with Packet Losses and Time-varying
Delays. M. Yu, C. Yan, D. M. Xie, and G. M. Xie, page 165
- Direct Trajectory Optimization and Costate Estimation of Infinite-horizon
Optimal Control Problems Using Collocation at the Flipped
Legendre-Gauss-Radau Points. X. J. Tang and J. Chen, page 174
- Continuous-time System Identification with Nuclear Norm Minimization and
GPMF-based Subspace Method. M. X. Dai, Y. He, and X. M. Yang, page 184
- A HMM-based Mandarin Chinese Singing Voice Synthesis System. X. Li and Z.
F. Wang, page 192
- Pose Robust Low-resolution Face Recognition via Coupled Kernel-based
Enhanced Discriminant Analysis. X. Y. Wang, H. F. Hu, and J. Q. Gu, page 203
- Face Super-resolution Reconstruction and Recognition Using Non-local
Similarity Dictionary Learning Based Algorithm. N. B. Hao, H. B. Liao, Y.
M. Qiu, and J. Yang, page 213
- Distributed Filtering Algorithm Based on Tunable Weights Under
Untrustworthy Dynamics. S. M. Chen, X. L. Chen, Z. K. Pei, X. X. Zhang, and
H. J. Fang, page 225
4.3. Contents: International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems
Contributed by: Young Hoon Joo, journal at ijcas.com
International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems (IJCAS)
ISSN: 1598-6446
Indexed in: Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch), Journal Citation
Reports/Science Edition, SCOPUS, INSPEC, Google Scholar, ProQuest, Academic
OneFile, Current Contents/Engineering, Computing and Technology,
EI-Compendex, OCLC, SCImago, Summon by Serial Solutions
Table of contents
Vol. 14, No. 3
- H∞ Control for Sochastic Time-delayed Markovian Switching Systems with
Partly Known Transition Rates and Input Saturation, Xianwen Gao, Lian
Lian*, and Wenhai Qi 637-646
- State Estimation and Simultaneous Unknown Input and Measurement Noise
Reconstruction based on Adaptive H8 Observer, Xiaohang Li, Fanglai Zhu, and
Jian Zhang* 647-654
- Mixed H2/H∞ Control for a Class of Nonlinear Networked Control Systems,
Yanqian Wang*, Junwei Lu, Ze Li, and Yuming Chu 655-665
- A Proposition of Iterative LMI Method for Static Output Feedback Control
of Continuous-Time LTI Systems, Dong Hwan Lee, Young Hoon Joo*, and Hyung
Jin Kim* 666-672
- Mean-square Exponential Stability of Impulsive Stochastic Time-delay
Systems with Delayed Impulse Effects, Dandan Wang, Lijun Gao*, and Yingying
Cai 673-680
- Robustness and Performance Parameterization of Smooth Second Order
Sliding Mode Control, Imran Khan*, Aamer Iqbal Bhatti, Ali Arshad, and
Qudrat Khan 681-690
- Lyapunov Stability Analysis of Second-Order Sliding-Mode Control and Its
Application to Chattering Reduction Design, Jeang-Lin Chang*, Shih-Yu Lin,
Kuan-Chao Chu, and Min-Shin Chen 691-697
- Discrete-time Chattering Free Exponentially Stabilizing Sliding Mode
Scalar Control via Lyapunov’s Method, Zoran M. Bucevac and Radisa Z.
Jovanovic* 698-705
- Asymptotical Synchronization for Delayed Stochastic Neural Networks with
Uncertainty via Adaptive Control, Dongbing Tong*, Liping Zhang,Wuneng Zhou,
Jun Zhou, and Yuhua Xu 706-712
- Robust Pole Assignment for Linear Control Systems in a Circular Region
Using Novel Global Harmony Search Algorithm, Junchang Zhai*, Liqun Gao, and
Steven Li 713-722
- Dynamic Surface Active Fault Tolerant Control Design for the Attitude
Control Systems of UAV with Actuator Fault, Mo-Shu Qian, Bin Jiang*, and
Hugh Hong-Tao Liu 723-732
- A New Decentralized Implicit Adaptive Regulator for Large-scale Systems
Described by Discrete-time State-space Mathematical Models, Samira Kamoun*
and Mohamed Kamoun 733-742
- Nonlinear Observer-based Active Control of Ground Vehicles with Non
Negligible Roll Dynamics, Cuauhtemoc Acosta Lua, Bernardino
Castillo-Toledo, Riccardo Cespi*, and Stefano. Di Gennaro 743-752
- Robust Adaptive Backstepping Control for Autonomous Spacecraft Proximity
Maneuvers, Liang Sun* and Wei Huo 753-762
- Design of Grey-Verhulst Sliding Mode Controller for Antilock Braking
System, A. Manivanna Boopathi* and A. Abudhahir 763-772
- Performance-oriented State-feedback Controller Parameter Tuning with
Guardian Maps, Wen-han Dong*, Ya-yun Yan, Wu-jie Xie, and Ri Liu 773-778
- Research on Nonlinear Friction Compensation of Harmonic Drive in Gimbal
Servo-system of DGCMG, Bangcheng Han, Jijun Ma, and Haitao Li* 779-786
- Design of Precision Positioner with Hall-Effect Sensors and Multivariable
Control Methodology, Ho Yu* and Won-jong Kim 787-795
- Development of a New Automatic Control System for the Harmonics Analysis
of Distribution Transformers, Jinhan Lee, Chul-Woo Park, Kyoungyong Park,
and Jee-Youl Ryu* 796-803
- Fast Ellipse Detection based on Three Point Algorithm with Edge Angle
Information, Bae-Keun Kwon, Zhu Teng, Tae-Jung Roh and Dong-Joong Kang*
- Automated Architectural Reconstruction Using Reference Planes under
Convex Optimization, My-Ha Le, Hoang-Hon Trinh, Van-Dung Hoang, and
Kang-Hyun Jo* 814-826
- Development and Evaluation of an Impact Vibration Actuator using an
Unstable Mass for Mobile Devices, Tae-Heon Yang, Dongbum Pyo, Sang-Youn
Kim*, and Dong-Soo Kwon 827-834
- Stiffness-reflecting Energy-bounding Approach for Improving Transparency
of Delayed Haptic Interaction Systems, Sangsoo Park, Riaz Uddin, and Jeha
Ryu* 835-844
- Hybrid Random-event- and Time-triggered Control and Scheduling, Zibao
Lu*, Ge Guo, Guili Wang, and Guoqing Yang 845-853
- Impulsive Synchronization for TS Fuzzy Model of Memristor-based Chaotic
Systems with Parameter Mismatches, Shiju Yang, Chuandong Li*, and Tingwen
Huang 854-864
- Adaptive Control with a Fuzzy Tuner for Cable-based Rehabilitation Robot,
Jin Yang, Hang Su, Zhijun Li, Di Ao, and Rong Song* 865-875
- Quantitative Analysis of Critical Limitation in Using Extended State
Observer, Yi Li, Mingwei Sun*, Zenghui Wang, and Zengqiang Chen 876-882
4.4. CFP: IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid
Contributed by: Javad Lavaei, lavaei at berkeley.edu
Call for Papers – IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid
Special section on Distributed Control and Efficient Optimization Methods
for Smart Grid
Smart grid proactively uses the state-of-the-art technologies in
communications, computing, and control to improve efficiency, reliability,
sustainability, and stability of the electrical grid. In particular,
distribution networks are expected to undergo dramatic changes by
incorporating a large number of sensors and thousands of controllable
devices such as distributed generators, batteries and flexible loads. To be
able to efficiently operate such complex large-scale systems, new sets of
control and optimization tools should be developed. On a slow time scale,
optimization theory plays a major role in solving various large-scale
decision-making problems for future power transmission and distribution
systems. Two main questions to be addressed are as follows: (i) how to
design computational methods to handle fairly detailed power system models
that often include continuous and discrete nonlinearities? (ii) how to
design distributed computation techniques to shift the computation from a
centralized platform to many computing devices? On a fast time scale,
control theory aims to provide stability and robustness margins for the
entire system in presence of uncertainty and stochasticity, and offer some
optimality guarantee on the real-time behavior. Since centralized
controllers often suffer from serious computation, communication and
robustness issues for power systems with many controllable devices,
distributed control is perhaps the only viable strategy for such systems.
Four main questions to be addressed are as follows: (i) how to
systematically design stabilizing, robust and high-performance distributed
controllers for different parts of the grid? (ii) what underlying
communication network of the designed distributed controller should be to
achieve certain performance guarantees? (iii) how to coordinate among
different distributed controllers used in the system (such as frequency and
voltage controls in transmission networks and load controls in distribution
networks), including the consideration of controllers for legacy equipment?
(iv) how to replace time-consuming offline optimization algorithms with
real-time distributed controllers in order to accelerate computation and
improve robustness of the closed loop (e.g., solving a dynamic energy
management problem via a dynamic online controller as opposed to an offline
numerical algorithm)? We plan this special section to address the critical
areas of distributed control and high-performance optimization techniques
for smart grid. Survey papers are also welcome.
Submitted papers should study distributed control and/or optimization
techniques for a major problem for smart grid (such as design, planning,
operation, dynamic energy management, or incorporation of renewable
energy). Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
• Distributed control and computation
• Nonlinear optimization
• Large-scale optimization
• Design of communication networks to support distributed
This special section solicits original work that is not under consideration
for publication in other venues. Extended abstracts of up to two pages are
requested for the first round of reviews. Authors of selected extended
abstracts will be invited to submit full papers, of up to eight pages, in a
second round of reviews. Prospective authors should refer to
http://www.ieee-pes.org/publications/information-for-authors for guidelines
on content and formatting of submissions. Please submit a PDF version of
the extended abstract, including a cover letter with the authors' contact
information, via e-mail to lavaei at berkeley.edu. Full papers should be
submitted to: https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/tsg-pes
Important Dates
• August 1st, 2016: Deadline for extended abstract submission
• September 1st, 2016: Decision notification for inviting full paper
• November 1st, 2016: Deadline for full paper submission
• June 1st, 2017: Notification of final decisions
• July 1st, 2017: Publication materials due
4.5. CFP: Asian Journal of Control
Contributed by: Fu Li-Chen, lichen at ntu.edu.tw
Special Issue on “Recent Emerging Technologies in Atomic Force Microscopy”
Nano-technology is an important research area in the 21st century. There
are many relevant applications in various industries, such as for
scientific measurement and for high tech. business areas. Atomic Force
Microscopy (AFM) opens a new window to the nano-world. It features a high
resolution for imaging and manipulating samples on a nanoscale in vacuum,
gases, or liquid operational environments, and has now become a widely used
tool in the sectors of, for example, biological sciences, industrial
inspection, and medical testing, etc. As a result, AFM is becoming more and
more important as one of the key approaches in next generation
This special issue invites original articles that address both theoretical
and application-oriented papers, including innovative mechanism design,
control technological improvements, new scanning methods, and any related
technologies in AFM. Topics of potential interest include, but are not
limited to:
• AFM mechanism design
• AFM control methods
• New scanning methods in AFM
• AFM actuators or sensors
• Modeling and simulation of AFM systems
• Applications of AFM systems
About AJC
The Asian Journal of Control, an ACA (Asian Control Association) affiliated
journal, is the first international journal originating from the Asian
Pacific region and being recognized by the major body of control
researchers in this region. The Asian Journal of Control publishes
bimonthly high-quality papers on original theoretical and experimental
research and development in the areas of control, involving all facets of
control theory and its application. Functionally, this journal not only
provides a forum where control researchers and practitioners can exchange
their knowledge and experiences in control areas, but also serves as an
educational means for students and any others who would like to learn new
topics in this technical area. The journal aims to be a key interface
between control communities within the Asian Pacific region and throughout
the world and is listed by Science Citation Index Expanded.
5. Conferences
5.1. American Control Conference
Contributed by: Rifat Sipahi, rifat at coe.neu.edu
American Control Conference is coming to Boston after more than a decade;
it will be held in downtown Boston during July 6-8, 2016.
Different from previous years, this year's Conference features a number of
new and exciting programs specifically geared toward industry:
One of them is called the APPLICATIONS FRIDAY
It aims to reach a broad audience of controls enthusiasts, with a minimal
one-day registration fee.
The Friday activities will be perfect for undergraduates, young
professionals, and engineers practicing in industry; for all those who are
willing to connect and get engaged with the community they love, through
networking, company exhibits, student presentations, and public talks by
Interested in presenting a poster? Visit conference website, and navigate
to "student activities"
5.2. International Conference on Intelligent Control and Information
Contributed by: Shaofu Yang, icicip at cs.cityu.edu.hk
International Conference on Intelligent Control and Information Processing
The Seventh International Conference on Intelligent Control and Information
Processing (ICICIP 2016) will be held in Siam Reap, Cambodia during
December 1-4, 2016, following the successes of previous events. Located in
Cambodia northern province of Siem Reap, Angkor Wat is one of the most
important archaeological sites in South-East Asia, the largest religious
monument in the world, and listed by UNESCO as a cultural heritage. ICICIP
2016 aims to provide a high-level international forum for scientists,
engineers, and educators to present the state of the art of research and
applications in related fields. The symposium will feature plenary speeches
given by world renowned scholars, regular sessions with broad coverage, and
special sessions focusing on popular topics.
Prospective authors are invited to contribute high-quality papers to
ICICIP2016. In addition, proposals for special sessions within the
technical scopes of the symposium are solicited. Special sessions, to be
organized by internationally recognized experts, aim to bring together
researchers in special focused topics. Papers submitted for special
sessions are to be peer-reviewed with the same criteria used for the
contributed papers. Researchers interested in organizing special sessions
are invited to submit formal proposals to ICICIP2016. A special session
proposal should include the session title, a brief description of the scope
and motivation, names, contact information and brief biographical
information on the organizers. The proceedings has been contracted to be
included in IEEExplore Digital Library and submitted for EI indexing.
For more information, please visit
Special session proposals: June 1, 2016
Paper submission: July 1, 2016
Notification of acceptance: September 1, 2016
Camera-ready copy and author registration: October 1, 2016
Conference: December 1-4, 2016
5.3. International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems
Contributed by: ICCAS2016, conference at icros.org
2016 16th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems
(ICCAS 2016)
October 16(SUN)-19(WED), 2016
HICO, Gyeongju, Korea
ICCAS 2016 will be held at HICO. Gyeongju, Korea on October
16(SUN)-19(WED), 2016. The aim of the ICCAS is to bring together
researchers and engineers worldwide to present their latest works, and
disseminate the state-of-the-art technologies related to control,
automation, robotics, and systems.
Important Dates
May 6, 2016: Submission of organized session proposals
May 27, 2016: Submission of full papers
** June 30, 2016: Submission of position papers** (Extended!!)
July 15, 2016: Notification of paper acceptance
August 12, 2016: Submission of final camera-ready papers
Position Papers
Authors may also have an option to submit position papers on preliminary
work. Position papers (2 to 6 pages long) accepted for presentation will be
ONLY published in the conference proceedings, but will NOT be indexed in
IEEE Xplore, SCOPUS and EI compendex.
Plenary Speakers
Andrew Schwartz (Univ. of Pittsburgh, USA)
Maria Prandini (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)
Sangchul Won (POSTECH, Korea)
Satoshi Tadokoro (Tohoku Univ., Japan)
James Ashton-Miller (Univ. of Michigan, USA)
Huijun Gao (Harbin Institute of Technology, China)
Song K. Choi (Univ. of Hawaii, USA)
The treasure of a brilliant cultural heritage Welcome to Gyeongju!!
Gyeongju was the capital city of Shilla for 992 years. The history of
Gyeongju, which was once called Seorabeol, is also the history of the
thousand-year-old Shilla Dynasty. Gyeongju embraces a radiant ancient
culture where Buddhism, science, and the arts and crafts of the people of
Shilla flourished, and the great spirits of Hwarangdo attained the
nification of the three kingdoms. This is why Gyeongju is so well preserved
by its people and thus, has been designated as a World Cultural Heritage by
UNESCO. The evergreen spirit of Shilla has been alive here for nearly a
thousand years. Gyeongju is truly a museum without walls.
This event starts right after IROS 2016(Oct. 9-14), Daejeon, Korea. It
takes 1 hour from Daejeon to Gyeongju by KTX(Korea Train eXpress).
Thank you for your contributions and we look forward to seeing you at ICCAS
2016 during October 16-19, 2016.
ICCAS 2016 CFP: http://icros.org/data/download/ICCAS2016/ICCAS2016_CFP.pdf
5.4. International Symposium on Advanced Control of Industrial Processes
Contributed by: Jong Min Lee, jongmin at snu.ac.kr
CFP: The 6th International Symposium on Advanced Control of Industrial
Processes (AdCONIP 2017)
May 28-31, 2017, Taipei
On behalf of the organizing committee, we are pleased to invite you to
submit papers and proposals for the 6th International Symposium on Advanced
Control of Industrial Processes (AdCONIP 2017) which will take place in
Taipei, Taiwan, May 28-31, 2017.
AdCONIP 2017 aims at bringing together researchers and practitioners from
academia and industry to discuss the state of the art
developments/techniques in advanced control and their applications in
industry. Major symposium topics include, but are not limited to:
- Process Control and Automation
- Signal Processing
- Identification and Estimation
- Controller Performance Evaluation
- Fault Detection and Diagnosis
- Data Reconciliation
- Data Mining and Data Analytics
- Computer Integrated Manufacturing
- Safe Process Operating Systems
- Integration of Process Design and Control ? Health Informatics and
- Factory Automation
- Intelligent Control
- Adaptive and Learning Systems
- Robotics and Mechatronics
- Process Integration and Optimization
The International Program Committee invites authors to submit 6-page papers
(or 2-page abstract for authors from industry) in English through
http://AdCONIP2017.org. Proposals and papers for invited sessions are
especially welcome. They should contain the title of the session, a list of
at least 5 speakers and titles of their papers, together with papers
completed according to the above instructions. Please address requets and
questions to the NOC Chair, C. L. Chen, at CCL at ntu.edu.tw.
AdCONIP 2017 proceedings will be included in IEEE Xplore and indexed by
EI/Compendex. Extended versions of selected high-quality papers will be
invited to submit to special issues in international journals including
Control Engineering Practice after the conference.
Important Dates
- 6-page paper submission Jun 1 - Sep 30, 2016
- 2-page abstract (industry) Jun 1 - Sep 30, 2016
- Invited session proposal Jun 1 - Sep 30, 2016
- Acceptance notification Dec 15, 2016
- Final paper submission Jan 31, 2017
- Early-bird registration Mar 31, 2017
Plenary Speakers
- Richard Braatz (MIT, USA)
- Jay H. Lee, (KAIST, Korea)
- Sigurd Skogestad, (NTNU, Norway)
- Jia-Yush Yen, (National Taiwan University, Taiwan)
5.5. International Workshop on Hybrid Systems Biology
Contributed by: Eugenio Cinquemani, eugenio.cinquemani at inria.fr
HSB 2016: The 5th International Workshop on HYBRID SYSTEMS BIOLOGY
20-21 October 2016, Grenoble (France)
Proceedings in Springer LNCS/LNBI series
The 5th International Workshop on 'Hybrid Systems Biology' (
http://hsb2016.imag.fr/) will be held on October 20th and 21st in Grenoble
(France). Previous editions have been held in Newcastle upon Tyne (UK),
Taormina (Italy), Vienna (Austria, at VSL 2014), and Madrid (Spain,
co-located with Madrid Meet 2015).
Registration dates, procedures and costs will be posted in due time on the
conference website. Please refer to the conference website for constantly
updated information.
Confirmed invited speakers (as of May 20, 2016):
- Linda Petzold (UC Santa Barbara)
- Dennis Bray (University of Cambridge)
- Albert Goldbeter (Université Libre de Bruxelles)
Prior to the conference, on October 19, the organization of a one-day
workshop with the above and more invited speakers is being considered.
Initial submission: June 16, 2016
Notification: July 16, 2016
Final Submission: August 1, 2016
Accepted submissions are for papers and posters/demos (see further below)
HSB is a single-track Systems Biology workshop with emphasis on hybrid
approaches in a general sense. Hybrid dynamical modelling but also other
dynamical modelling approaches are equally part of the scope of the
workshop. Interdisciplinary contributions, such as combining modelling,
analysis, algorithmic and experimental techniques from different areas, are
especially welcome.
For a list of topics of interest, please visit the conference website
We solicit high-quality submissions, to be refereed by the Program
Committee below, to be included in the oral presentation sessions of the
workshop. Accepted papers will be published in a conference proceedings
volume of the Springer LNCS/LNBI series (http://www.springer.com/lncs).
Submitted papers shall describe original work that has not been previously
published and is not under review for publication elsewhere. We will
consider full papers (about 15 pages in LNCS style; full-blown research
work contributing theoretical analysis, methods, algorithms for
biology/biomedicine, as well as novel results on biological case studies)
and short papers (about 6 pages in LNCS style; work in progress, tool
papers and small case studies).
In addition we accept submissions for posters and tool demonstration, to be
included in a dedicated poster/demo session of the workshop, in the form of
one-page poster/demo abstract (concise description of the research topic,
ongoing work, first results or advancements on existing results, objectives
and features or further developments of a new or improved tool). Abstracts
and posters will not be published. Suitable contributions that could not be
included in the workshop oral presentation sessions will be reconsidered
for the poster/demo session.
Papers should be written in English, and should not exceed 6 (short papers)
or 15 pages (full papers), inclusive of references, and have to be
formatted in LNCS style. Additional material may be included in a clearly
marked appendix but will not be included in the published version.
Papers need to be submitted electronically as PDF files via the EasyChair
online submission system ( https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=hsb2016 )
5.6. ShanghaiTech Symposium on Information Science and Technology
Contributed by: Yi Ma, yima at illinois.edu
ShanghaiTech Symposium on Information Science and Technology (SSIST) 2016
June 23-25: http://ssist2016.shanghaitech.edu.cn
SSIST is an international forum that features fundamental research
developments and groundbreaking technologies in the areas of electrical
engineering, computer sciences, and computational mathematics. Each year,
the Symposium invites some of the most renowned researchers in the world
from both academia and industry to present their latest research work and
to discuss future research directions. The Symposium aims to bring the
state of the art research and industrial technologies to young faculty and
graduate students in China, especially in the neighboring areas of Shanghai.
The first SSIST held in 2015 focused on Data Science and Machine Learning.
The second SSIST 2016 will have its focus on three main topics: Robotics,
Virtual Reality, and Computing Theory and Systems. This year Symposium will
feature some of the most exciting developments in robotics such as unmanned
helicopters and cars as well as the revolutionary virtual reality
technologies. In conjunction with the Symposium, we also offer a few
tutorials, this year including modern Computer Systems and Security etc.
Shortly after the Symposium, there will be the 2016 ShanghaiTech Workshop
on Emerging Devices, Circuits and Systems(SWEDCS) to be held from June 30th
to July 1st 2016.
The symposium is hosted by School of Information Science and Technology,
ShanghaiTech University.
Important Dates and Location
- Application Deadline: May 31, 2016
- Notification Date: June 10, 2016
- Symposium: June 23-25, 2016
- Location: Parkyard Hotel Shanghai, No.699, Bibo Road, Pudong District,
5.7. ShanghaiTech Workshop on Emerging Devices, Circuits and Systems
Contributed by: Yi Ma, yima at illinois.edu
ShanghaiTech Workshop on Emerging Devices, Circuits and Systems
June 31 - July 1: http://swedcs2016.shanghaitech.edu.cn
SWEDCS'2016 is the first gathering of world-class experts in computing
systems, and is sponsored and organized by the School of Information
Science and Technology (SIST) of ShanghaiTech University (
http://www.shanghaitech.edu.cn) that is jointly founded by Shanghai
Municipal Government and Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) in 2013.
ShanghaiTech University is a small-scale research university that will lead
the charge in China's higher education reform by becoming a top academic
research institution that is home to world-class research laboratories and
faculty members.
This year, the workshop focuses on Energy-Efficient Computing. Today,
energy-efficient computing is a key challenge for all modern computing
devices and systems. This workshop gathers the most renowned researchers in
the world to 1) discuss the state of the art and the future perspectives in
the area of energy-efficient computing and 2) identify possible actions to
develop the next-generation computing systems with orders of improvement in
energy-efficiency. Related research areas include but are not limited to
integrated circuits and systems (devices, circuits and architecture),
software (OS and algorithms), applications (such as cyber-physical systems
and Internet of Things) and neuromorphic computing.
The audience will mostly be young faculty members, post-doctoral
researchers, graduate students, and final year undergraduate students in
related fields from China and the Asian Pacific region. The workshop
charges NO registration fee for attending.
Important Dates and Location
- Application Deadline: May 31, 2016
- Notification Date: June 10, 2016
- Workshop: June 30 and July 1, 2016
- Location: Parkyard Hotel Shanghai, No.699, Bibo Road, Shanghai
5.8. World Congress: Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and
Contributed by: Seenith Sivasundaram, seenithi at gmail.com
World Congress: Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and Sciences
WHEN: 05-08 July 2016
WHERE: La Rochelle, France, University of La Rochelle
Website: http://www.icnpaa.com
Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and Science have stimulated
cooperation among scientists from a variety of disciplines. Developments in
computer technology have additionally allowed for solutions of mathematical
problems. This international forum will extend scholarly cooperation and
collaboration, encouraging the dissemination of ideas and information.
The conference will have a pool of active researchers, with a proper
balance between academia and industry, as well as between senior and junior
researchers, including graduate students and post-doctoral fellows. It is
anticipated that such a balance will provide both senior and junior
researchers an opportunity to interact and to have a wider picture of
recent advances in their respective fields. The conference, especially,
enables the setting up of new interdisciplinary research directions among
its participants by establishing links with world renowned researchers,
making possible joint international projects that will no doubt bring about
fresh and innovative ideas and technologies in engineering, aerospace and
Co-Sponsored by: AIAA: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
IFIP: International Federation of Information Processing
La Rochelle, France, University of La Rochelle
The proceedings will be published by the American Institute of Physics.
AIP Conference Proceedings are indexed in:
- Astrophysics Data System(ADS)
- Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS)
- Crossref
- EBSCO Publishing
- Electronic Library Information Navigator (ELIN), Sweden
- Elsevier – SCOPUS
- International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
- Thomson Reuters (ISI)
5.9. IEEE Ecuador Technical Chapters Meeting
Contributed by: Alberto Sanchez, aesanchez at ieee.org
Call for Papers IEEE ETCM 2016
We take great pleasure in inviting you to the 2016 IEEE ETCM, which will be
held for the first time from October 12th-14th in Guayaquil, Ecuador.
The 2016 IEEE Ecuador Technical Chapters Meeting (ETCM) will be the first
edition of what we expect will be the first of a running series of
conferences organized by the IEEE Ecuador Section and which intends to
create a highly prestigious venue for researchers, students and
practitioners from the IEEE Technical Society Chapters in Ecuador.
The conference covers both theoretical and practical issues related to
Communications, Computing, Control Systems, Industrial Electronics,
Engineering in Medicine and Biology, Power and Energy, Robotics and
Automation. Topics of interest, but not limited to, are:
Adaptive Systems, Signal Processing, Embedded Systems, Fault Tolerant
Systems, Identification, Predictive control.
Power Converters, Power semiconductors, Machines and drives, Power
electronics in transportation systems, Power electronics applications.
Internet of Things, Communications Systems Security, Green Communications,
Wireless Communications, Optical Communications, Waveforms and Signal
Processing, Access Networks and Systems, Cluster, Grid, P2P Cloud
Computing, Satellite and Space Communications, Networking protocols and
Security and Privacy, Semantic Computing, Real Time Systems, Computational
Intelligence, Multimedia Computing, Learning Technologies, Distributed
Processing, Data Engineering and Data Science, Human Computer Interaction,
Computer Vision.
Transmission, Distribution, Power Generation, Power System Control &
Operation, Reliability, Stability, Renewables, SmartGrids.
Clinical Engineering, Telemedicine, and Health Care, Bioinformatics,
Biomechanics, Biomaterials, Bioinstrumentation, Signal and Image
Processing, Biophysics.
Automation, Automation in Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Sensors,
Robotics, Assistive Technologies, System Integration, Sensor/Actuator
Networks, Distributed and Cloud Robotics, Autonomous Vehicles, Human/Robot
Software design, software building, software production processes, Quality,
design methodologies, artificial intelligence applied to software
engineering, education, process models, verification and validation,
integration and operation, human aspects in software engineering, software
project management.
Important Dates
- Full Paper Submission: 30 June 2016
- Acceptance Notification: 17 July 2016
- Final paper Submission: 30 July 2016
- Workshops & Tutorials: 10-11 October 2016
- Conference Dates: 12-14 October 2016
- Conference Publication
All submitted papers must comply with the IEEE Publication Guidelines in
A4-Page format limited to 6 pages and will be subject to a strict review
process prior to acceptance for publication. All thoughtfully
peer-reviewed, accepted and presented papers will be then submitted for
inclusion to IEEE Xplore® Digital Library . Inclusion in IEEE Xplore is not
an automatic process and IEEE reserves the right to reject any submissions
that do not meet compliance.
More information and Details in http://sites.ieee.org/etcm-2016
5.10. ACC Workshop: Perception, Control and Planning for Agile Autonomous
Contributed by: Panagiotis Tsiotras, tsiotras at gatech.edu
A full day workshop entitled “Perception, Control and Planning for Agile
Autonomous Agents” is organized by Panagiotis Tsiotras, Emilio Frazzoli,
Evangelos Theodorou, and Sertac Karaman as part of the 2016 American
Control Conference. The workshop will be held on July 05, 2016 at the
Boston Marriott Copley Place, Boston, MA, USA.
The objective of this workshop is to report on recent advances in the area
of perception and control to enable “aggressive agility” for autonomous
agents. Agility and maneuverability requires sensing and execution at much
shorter time scales than “normal” vehicles and systems. This is especially
true for small and agile UGVs and UAVs, which may have limited on-board
computational capabilities (CPU and memory). Furthermore, during extreme
maneuvering, the vehicle motion is coupled with data acquisition and
sensing. New algorithms and methodologies are needed to tackle this problem
and these methodologies most likely will span diverse areas beyond standard
control theory: machine learning, artificial intelligence, real-time
algorithms, information theory, compressive sensing, etc.
Additional information is available at the conference website
5.11. IFAC CAMS Workshop on Marine Robotics
Contributed by: Vahid Hassani, Vahid.Hassani at ntnu.no
Workshop on Marine Robotics - 13th September 2016 – Trondheim, Norway
The organizing committee of the 10th IFAC Conference on Control
Applications in Marine Systems (CAMS 2016) will be offering a
pre-conference professional workshop on Marine Robotics. The workshop is
hosted by Asgeir Sørensen, Thor Inge Fossen, and Gianluca Antonelli. The
objectives of the workshop is to bring together PhD students for
brainstorming and exchanging very recent research and developments in the
field of marine robotics.
Topics covered in the workshop:
1) Introduction to Marine robotics (Platforms, Sensors, Integrated
operations, and Autonomy Aspects)
2) Experiments from field trials with AUV and ROV
3) Kinematics and dynamics of submerged rigid bodies
4) Environment modeling (waves, current, wind)
5) Guidance & Control
6) Underwater intervention
The information about registration in the workshop will be soon posted at
website of CAMS 2016
6. Positions
6.1. PhD: GIPSA-lab, France
Contributed by: Antoneta Iuliana BRATCU, antoneta.bratcu at gipsa-lab.fr
Open Ph.D. position on
Modeling and analysis of smart grids as cyber-physical systems
Grenoble Image Speech Signal and Control Systems Laboratory (GIPSA-lab) /
Control Systems Department – Grenoble, France
October 2016 – October 2019
Funding: doctoral fellowship granted within the framework of CY-PHY-GRID
project funded by Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA)
Associate Professor Antoneta Iuliana BRATCU – GIPSA-lab
Professor Yvon BESANGER – Grenoble Electrical Engineering Laboratory
Growing presence of renewable and spatially distributed energy sources, as
well as the “intelligence” embedded in increasingly sophisticated measuring
and control systems, engenders a mutation of distribution energy grids.
Concept of “smart grid” is based on such features, which requires changes
in the control paradigm. Entities within a smart grid – production units,
loads, circuit breakers, power stations, etc. – can communicate with each
other and exchange information by means of a communication network that
overlays – or it is integrated into – the energy network. Imbrication
between these two networks becomes increasingly important, leading to
concepts such as critical infrastructures. Governing phenomena have
non-unitary character – multi-domain, multi-physics – and take place at
different time scales (multi-scale); this is a real challenge for stating a
unitary control and modeling paradigm. This topic has been identified as a
priority of the European research on smart grids [1].
The “smart grid” concept has determined development of new communication
protocol standards [2]-[4]. Irrespective of the protocol used, the
information flux through a communication network generally exhibits
variable delays potentially responsible for unstable – or at least degraded
– behavior of the power system. Moreover, certain asynchronous events –
erroneous transmissions, collisions, loss of data packets, etc. – may also
take place. Thus, a smart grid in interaction with its communication
network exhibits hybrid dynamics. The energy grids have already been
analyzed as complex interconnected systems and modeled as hybrid dynamic
systems in a systematic context allowing to study their structural
properties such as the stability [5]. Recent works have envisaged more
general methods for modeling the communication protocols for large-scale
systems [6].
The global goal of this work is to obtain a unitary model of communication
protocols which are most used for energy grids in interaction with these
latter. Smart grids may then be characterized and the class of dynamical
systems to which they belong can be identified. In this way, it will
further be possible to state and solve the associated control problems in
the formalism the most adequate to model type and desired performance.
A given micro-grid configuration will be considered, which contains
classical generators, renewable generators and flexible loads. This
configuration must be simple, but meanwhile sufficiently complex such as to
allow pertinent generalizations. It is supposed that these entities can
exchange information by means of an overlaying communication network. The
control objective of interest here is to make these entities to cooperate
in order to fulfil a common goal: either supplying the load if the
micro-grid operates in the stand-alone mode (not connected to the main
grid, otherwise called grid-off), or supplying ancillary services to the
main grid (grid-on or grid-tied mode).
Description of information fluxes by continuous stochastic models, also
able to capture discrete-event dynamics, is envisaged. Complexity is
increased due to possible presence of variable delays. In particular, a
dynamical model representing features and operation of IEC 61850 protocol
will be obtained. A first unitary model that we have obtained in MATLAB® /
Simulink® can be used here; it represents the interaction between
information and energy layers within a smart grid [7].
Based on the defined case study, a general dynamic model able to describe
sufficiently accurately the communication-energy interaction is aimed at.
The resulting model is expected to belong to hybrid dynamical systems with
variable delays, a quite general class of models. Finer characterization
will thus be necessary. Then, necessary and/or sufficient conditions to
guarantee structural properties will be sought for. Conclusions will serve
as recommendations for designers of smart-grid-dedicated communication
protocols, as well as starting point for suitable control law design.
Research profile
The candidate sought for must have a background in control systems theory,
modeling and identification, as well as solid knowledge of electrical
engineering (Bachelor or Master degree in Control Engineering or Electrical
Engineering). Knowledge and skills in stochastic mathematics are
appreciated. She/he should ideally have a double profile, having interests
and knowledge in both energy systems and in communication protocols. Skills
in MATLAB® / Simulink® are indispensable. Proficiency in English is
required; proficiency in French is a plus. Good communication and
team-working skills are appreciated.
Interested candidates are required to send their CVs, together with
motivation letters and at least 1 (one) recommendation letter to
antoneta.bratcu at gipsa-lab.fr
yvon.besanger at g2elab.grenoble-inp.fr
by June 6th 2016.
[1] *** (2013) SmartGrids SRA 2035. Summary of Priorities for SmartGrids
Research Topics. European Technology Platform SmartGrids, www.smartgrids.eu,
juin 2013.
[2] I. Al-Anbagi, M. Erol-Kantarci, H. T. Mouftah (2013) Priority- and
Delay-Aware Medium Access for Wireless Sensor Networks in the Smart Grid.
IEEE Systems Journal, pp. 1-11.
[3] M. Manbachi, M. Nasri, B. Shahabi, H. Farhangi, A. Palizban, S.
Arzanpour, M. Moallem, D. C. Lee (2014) Real-Time Adaptive VVO/CVR Topology
Using Multi-Agent System and IEC 61850-Based Communication Protocol. IEEE
Transactions on Sustainable Energy, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 587-597.
[4] E. Padilla, K. Agbossou, A. Cardenas (2014) Towards Smart Integration
of Distributed Energy Resources Using Distributed Network Protocol Over
Ethernet. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 1686-1694.
[5] Y. Susuki, T.J. Koo, H. Ebina, T. Yamazaki, T. Ochi, T. Uemura, T.
Hikihara (2012) A Hybrid System Approach to the Analysis and Design of
Power Grid Dynamic Performance. Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 100, no. 1,
pp. 225-239.
[6] S. Al-Areqi, D. Görges, S. Liu (2014) Stochastic Event-Based Control
and Scheduling of Large-Scale Networked Control Systems. Proceedings of
European Control Conference – ECC 2014, June 2014, Strasbourg, France, pp.
[7] E. Sharma, A.I. Bratcu, C. Chiculita, Y. Bésanger – Co-simulation of a
Low-Voltage Utility Grid Controlled over IEC 61850 protocol. Accepted at
IEEE 5th International Conference on Electric Utility Deregulation and
Restructuring and Power Technologies – DRPT 2015, Changsha, China.
6.2. PhD: KU Leuven, Belgium
Contributed by: Wim Michiels, Wim.Michiels at cs.kuleuven.be
PhDs: KU Leuven, Belgium
At the Faculty of Engineering of KU Leuven there are two vacant PhD
positions in the area of control and optimization of large-scale
interconnected systems.
The aim of the first PhD project, in collaboration with TU Eindhoven, is to
understand clustering mechanisms in networks of coupled dynamical systems
and to develop methods and algorithms that allow to determine or predict
the possible subdivisions into clusters, and assess their robustness and
parametric dependence. We will also tackle the problem of practical partial
synchronization, where within the cluster the states of the systems
converge to each other up to some predefined tolerance. Such a robustified
notion of synchrony plays an important role in most applications, where due
to perturbations, heterogeneity in systems and coupling, exact partial
synchrony is not possible.
The aim of the second PhD project, in collaboration with Ecole Centrale
Lille, is to develop novel, decentralized control schemes for complex delay
coupled systems. For large networks it is expensive, if not impossible, to
control all systems individually, and centralized solutions are infeasible.
Most of the approaches for decentralized control do not carry over to
systems with time-delay. Furthermore, the underlying theoretical framework
is not adapted toward complex systems where the overall dynamics are
largely determined by the interactions. Hence a shift of the control
paradigm is needed. Instead of tuning controller parameter, we focus on
optimizing the topology of the network, i.e., we determine which systems
need to interact in order to optimize a global objective in an efficient
The positions are in the framework of the project UCoCoS, funded by the
European Commission and involving both academic and non-academic partners.
Eligibility criteria, mobility requirements, and application instructions
can be found at the website
6.3. PhD: CNRS, France
Contributed by: Carlos Canudas de Wit, carlos.canudas-de-wit at gipsa-lab.fr
PhD: CNRS, Grenoble, France.
NeCS group (joint CNRS (GIPSA-lab)-INRIA team), in Collaboration with the
University of Padova.
Supervisors: Carlos Canudas-de-Wit (CNRSmain supervisor), Sandro Zampieri
(UDP co-supervisor).
Context: ERC-AdG Scale-FreeBack
TOPIC DESCRIPTION. This research proposal deals with the problem of setting
up a suitable modelling framework for complex systems corresponding to
large-scale networks. The original system is assumed to describe a
homogenous network in which the node/link distribution of G gives a
bell-shaped, exponentially decaying curve. Homogenous networks cover many
critical systems of interest (such as road traffic networks, power grids,
water distribution systems, etc.), but are inherently complex.
Scale-FreeBack is elaborated on the idea that complexity can be broken down
by abstracting an aggregated scale-free model (represented by a network
with a power law degree distribution), by merging/lumping neighboring nodes
in the original network. In that, supper-nodes (nodes with a lot of
connections) are created and represented by “aggregated” variables.
Controlling only boundary inputs and observing only aggregated variables
allows to cut-off the system complexity. The following questions will be
1) Defining the most suitable level of aggregation for the model. This
boils down to defining and sizing the state-vector, the control inputs and
outputs. A first question is how to define the right level of aggregation,
and investigate new metrics trading quantifiers reflecting an optimal level
of scalability (a suited node/link distribution) of the associated network
graph, with other performance indexes reflecting the system’s closed-loop
2) The second question focuses on how the aggregation process, in addition
to the scale-free property, will yield models consistent with the design of
control and the observation goals. The aggregation process will have to
include observability and controllability properties which are consistent
with the evolutionary nature of scale-free aggregated models (aggregation
process is evolutionary in the sense that the network changes and so the
aggregated modules will change accordingly while preserving the scale-free
3) Finally, innovative concepts such as peripheral controllability (i.e.
controlling the boundary flows in a lumped node rather than controlling
each single node separately), and energy-weighted controllability metrics
(where controllability is qualified by assessing the energy costs as a
function of the controllable nodes [Zam-et-al’14]) will be extended in this
project to the context of scale-free models. While only open loop metrics
have been considered so far, we aim to propose new closed loop metrics also
taking inspiration from road traffic networks application. Moreover we
intend to extend these concepts to the estimation and monitoring by
investigating the observability of aggregated networks. Finally, we will
propose and investigate different new weak notions of
controllability/observability in which the controllability/observability is
determined with respect to a limited subspace (peripheral and/or sparse
QUALIFICATION: knowledge and mathematical background in systems and control
theory, Complex and/or networked controlled systems.
EMPLOYMENT AND CONTEXT: This full-time position for 3 years. The position
will be open from Sept 2016 until filled. In our NeCS team at Grenoble, we
offer a dynamical research environment with a strong activity in networked
controlled systems. This PhD position is part of the large research project
Scale-FreeBack ERC Advanced Grant 2016-2021. The ERC is hosted by the CNRS,
and the project will be conducted within the NeCS group (which is a joint
CNRS (GIPSA-lab)-INRIA team).
APPLICATIONS: Please follow instructions:
6.4. PhD: Technical University of Eindhoven, Netherlands
Contributed by: A. Pogromsky, a.pogromsky at tue.nl
Two open PhD positions hosted in Technical University of Eindhoven in the
framework of UCoCoS project
Major challenges in science, society and industry are induced by the
complexity of our hyper-connected world. Examples are the climate change,
artificial interconnected systems whose dynamics are beyond our
understanding such as the internet, the global banking system and the power
grid. A demand of performance emerges at an unprecedented scale:
collaborative sensors and robots so to ensure competitiveness of the
production industry, better management of traffic flows, designing
(de)synchronization mechanisms applicable in neuroscience, are examples
illustrating the necessity to understand and control the dynamics of
complex networks.
The objectives of the UCoCoS project are to create a control-oriented
framework for complex systems, and to define a common language, common
methods, tools and software for the complexity scientist. UCoCoS aims at i)
creating a closely connected new generation of leading scientists, capable
of designing network structures and policies to affect the networks, and
ii) initiating long-term partnerships and collaboration mechanisms leading
to sustainable doctoral training. The UCoCoS approach builds on recent
developments in three domains: control engineering, computer science,
mechanical engineering. In the framework of UCoCoS there are six open PhD
positions, two of them will be hosted in TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
Every PhD researcher performs a cutting-edge project, strongly relying on
the complementary expertise of three academic partners (KU Leuven, Ecole
Centrale de Lille, and Eindhoven University of Technology) and benefiting
from training by non-academic partners from three different sectors.
Two PhD positions are open in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, TU
1. Analytical and numerical bifurcation analysis of delay-coupled systems.
Complex systems can show very diverse behaviour, synchronized or partially
synchronized motion being only few out of many possibilities. To explore
the complex behaviour that can occur, bifurcation theory is essential, as
this allows to characterise the behaviour that appears due to parameter
variations. As such, it brings inside in very complex behaviour that is
feasible near well-understood dynamical regimes, such as the synchronised
state. A second motivation to investigate bifurcations in networked systems
is to assess the robustness of the model to parameter variations and
identifies structurally stable regimes. While a well-developed theory for
bifurcations of nonlinear dynamical systems with delays exists, these
results are restricted to low-dimensional systems, and cannot exploit the
network structure.
2. Reduced modelling of large-scale networks. Reduced models of large-scale
networks are essential for the control of large-scale networks. Challenges
lie both in the representation of the communication structure, and in the
identification of the subsystems in the network. This project focusses on
modelling techniques for the control of large-scale networks, and, in
particular, on the identification of the subsystems of the network.
This step is decisive for the level of abstraction of the model. For
example, neural mass models have proven effective to simulate specific
aspects of electrical brain activity such as alpha-rithms and epileptic
patterns by identifying different populations of neurons, modelling the
dynamics within the population with a few state variables. More detailed
models describe each individual neuron in the human brain as a subsystem. A
trade-off between the conflicting requirements of a low number of agents,
and a low complexity of the individual agents is required, while ensuring
that the essential elements of the dynamics are captured in the model.
Candidate profile: An ideal candidate has a MSc degree in engineering or
applied mathematics, a strong background in control, optimization, an
experience in software development (Matlab, C/C++) will be a bonus.
Proficiency in English is a requirement.
The application procedure will be closed once an appropriate candidate is
The UCoCoS project and training network is funded by the Europen Commission
under the H2020 program, as a Marie-Sklodowska Curie Actions ITN-EJD
(Innovative Training Network- European Joint Doctorates). More information
on the project, and application instructions can be found at
6.5. PhD: Gipsa-lab and Mines-ParisTech, France
Contributed by: Christophe PRIEUR, christophe.prieur at gipsa-lab.fr
PhD/PostDoc: Gipsa-lab, Grenoble and Mines-ParisTech, Paris (France)
PhD offer: Analysis and rejection of mechanical vibrations for drilling
Mechanical vibrationsNon-Productive Time (NP), damaging or even failure of
the device and decrease of the average drilling velocity. In a context of
overall cost reduction, operators are in need of non-intrusive strategies
to limit or even suppress these vibrations. Control theory, enabling to
analyze and control the drillpipe moves from the surface, offers an ideal
framework to meet these needs.
Ph.D Objectives:
Physical phenomena at stake in the context of oil drilling are especially
complex. First, interaction laws between the borehole and the drillbit are
uncertain and intricate. Second, the physical length of the considered
systems (several kilometers) implies the existence of mechanical waves
propagation, which has to be explicitly taken into account in the modeling.
The first goal of this Ph.D will be to analyze the relative significance of
these phenomena. Simulations and analysis of several dynamical modelings of
variable complexities will be considered and compared in view of
establishing one consistent with control design. Relevance of this modeling
will be evaluated by comparison with experimental data from a test bench or
The second goal of this Ph.D will be the design of suitable control
strategies enabling to limit structural vibrations. Among other
possibilities, considered solutions include:
- Prediction-based controller for uncertain variable (state-varying)
time-delay systems;
- Observer design using only measurements available at the surface of the
- Adaptive controller or observer to reduce the impact of modeling
The applicant should have solid notions of control theory and/or applied
mathematics. Understanding of delay systems and/or partial differential
equations is not mandatory but will be highly appreciated. Applications
should be declared before June 15 and include a detailed resume.
The PhD thesis will be supervised by Delphine Bresch-Pietri (Gipsa-lab),
Florent Di Meglio (Mines-ParisTech) and Christophe Prieur (Gipsa-lab).
6.6. PhD/PostDoc: Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
Contributed by: Paul Van den Hof, p.m.j.vandenhof at tue.nl
2 PhD and 2 Postdoc positions in “Data-driven modelling in dynamic networks”
In the control systems group of Eindhoven University of Technology,
department of electrical engineering, there are open positions for two PhD
students (four years) and two Postdocs (two year positions with possible
extensions) in a new research project on system identification in dynamic
networks. The project is an ERC Advanced Research project, led by Prof.
Paul Van den Hof, and will comprise a total of 7 researchers.
Topics to be covered include, experiment design, topology and network
identification, sensor and actuator optimization, identification for
distributed control, algorithm and software development, and development of
applications in high-tech domains (e.g. smart grids). We are looking for
candidates with an excellent background in system identification, data
analysis, machine learning, modelling and/or systems & control, and a
strong drive towards fundamental research in a high-tech environment.
Candidates are expected to be team players in an international environment.
Interested candidates should apply before June 20, 2016.
For more information see: www.pvandenhof.nl/sysdynet or contact Paul Van
den Hof (p.m.j.vandenhof at tue.nl)
6.7. PostDoc: Missouri University of Science & Technology, USA
Contributed by: Robert G. Landers, landersr at mst.edu
Missouri S&T has an opening for a post-doctoral position in additive
manufacturing control working with Professors Doug Bristow and Robert
Landers. The project involves the development of new algorithms for
microstructure control in selective laser melting (powderbed) metal
additive manufacturing. A Renishaw AM250 SLM machine, specially
instrumented for control, is located at Missouri S&T for algorithm
development and testing. The postdoc will collaborate with a
multidisciplinary team of faculty and graduate students in heat transfer
and materials science, as well as scientists and engineers at the
Department of Energy National Security Campus and Renishaw. The project is
funded by Honeywell Federal Manufacturing and Technologies.
The postdoctoral position is available immediately. The applicants must
have a Ph.D. in Mechanical or Electrical Engineering (or closely related
field), a strong background in control systems theory and/or applications,
and excellent communication skills. Experience with manufacturing
applications and multi-dimensional control (e.g., PDE control, Repetitive
Process Control) are preferred.
Interested applicants should send their CV including references and a cover
letter describing their interests and suitability to the position to Prof.
Robert G. Landers (landersr at mst.edu).
Robert G. Landers
Professor, Dept. of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
Missouri University of Science & Technology
(573) 341-4586
194C Toomey Hall
Rolla, MO 65409
6.8. PostDoc: Luxembourg Centre of Systems Biomedicine, Luxembourg
Contributed by: Jorge Goncalves, jmg at uni.lu
Postdoc (Research Associate) in Machine Learning, System Identification or
Control Systems
The Systems Control Group (SCG) of the Luxembourg Centre of Systems
Biomedicine (LCSB) has the following vacancy:
The SCG specialises in dynamic modelling from time-series data of
biological systems by developing methods using tools from theoretical
control systems and machine learning. Hence, the group publishes papers on
a wide range of journals, from IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control to
PNAS and Science. Biological systems are dynamical in nature as molecular
species evolve in time in response to internal or external regulations,
perturbations or random fluctuations. The group is interested in
understanding the complexity inherent to biological systems from a
dynamical perspective, typically captured by differential equations or
stochastic processes. Theoretically, we develop mathematical tools aimed at
efficiently modelling and analysing biological data. Examples are tools to
infer causal networks with guaranteed certificates, and systematic
engineering control tools for synthetic biology design. Applied, we closely
collaborate with experimental biologists to generate mathematical models,
which offer new biological insights that can subsequently be tested
experimentally, hence closing the loop between experiments and modelling.
Examples range from understanding the role of cytoplasmic Ca2+ in plant
circadian rhythms to modelling the natural history of Huntington and
Parkinson’s disease progression.
Your Role
The Systems Control Group seeks a highly skilled Postdoctoral Fellow
(Research Associate). The project aims to develop mathematical tools to
model continuous-time nonlinear dynamical systems from time-series data. It
will also include application of these tools to model real biological data
to generate new testable hypothesis. The Postdoctoral Fellow is expected to
work together with Ph.D. students both at the LCSB and at the University of
Your Profile
To hold a Ph.D. degree in machine learning, signal processing, control
systems, system identification or mathematics. Excellent working knowledge
of English.
We offer
Full contract for 1 year with the possibility of renewal up to 5 years
contingent on performance and availability of funding. A very competitive
Further Information and online application at
Applications should contain the following documents:
A detailed Curriculum vitae. A motivation letter. Please ask at least three
references to email their confidential letters directly to Jorge Goncalves (
jmg at uni.lu) within two weeks after submitting the application.
Review of applicants will begin immediately and will continue until the
position is filled. For further information, please contact Jorge Goncalves
(jorge.goncalves at uni.lu).
The University of Luxembourg is an equal opportunity employer. All
applications will be treated in the strictest confidence.
6.9. PostDoc: Clemson University, USA
Contributed by: Yongqiang Wang, yongqiw at clemson.edu
PhD/Post-Doc: Clemson University, USA
Applications are invited for doctoral and/or post-doctoral positions in the
general area of dynamics and control of network systems. Competitive
financial supports will be provided. Students with a strong background in
systems and control and a clear interest in the general area of network
systems are encouraged to apply. Specific areas of research include: -
analysis of dynamical engineered or biochemical networks - power systems -
hybrid systems - oscillator networks or synchronization. Clemson University
is ranked 20th among national public universities by U.S. News & World
Report (tie with Purdue University-West Lafayette and University of
Maryland-College Park). It is described by students and faculty as an
inclusive, student-centered community characterized by high academic
standards, a culture of collaboration, school spirit, and a competitive
drive to excel.
Clemson is located on Lake Hartwell in the foothills of the Blue Ridge
Mountains, an area of outstanding natural beauty and temperate climate. It
is 30 miles from Greenville, SC, a vibrant and growing city which provides
many opportunities for entertainment, culture, and fine dining. Strong
mathematical and analytic skills are desired.
Candidates with a demonstrated track record in one or more of the previous
area(s) will be preferred. Interested students should send a short resume,
along with representative relevant publications, if applicable, to
yongqiw at clemson.edu
6.10. PostDoc: Washington University in St. Louis, USA
Contributed by: ShiNung Ching, shinung at wustl.edu
Postdoctoral Opening: Control-theoretic analysis of brain network dynamics
Postdoctoral positions are available in the area of control-theoretic
analysis of brain network dynamics at the Brain Dynamics and Control Group
within the Department of Electrical and Systems Engineering at Washington
University in St. Louis (St. Louis, MO, USA).
A specific focus is on investigating the link between systems-theoretic
properties, such as reachability and controllability, to overt information
processing and other functional objectives in neural circuits. That is, we
seek to understand how the dynamics of brain networks may enable us to see,
hear and think. In the pursuit of this goal, this project will involve the
development of new control-theoretic analyses tailored to brain networks
are multiple spatial and temporal scales. Thus, the project will have
natural synergy with elements of network control theory, optimization and
stability analysis. There will be opportunities to apply and validate the
developed frameworks against multimodal human neural data, and the position
will involve substantial interactions with experimental and clinical
neuroscientists at the Washington University School of Medicine.
Candidates should have a background in the general areas of systems theory,
control engineering, and/or dynamical systems modeling/analysis. Prior
experience in neuroscience is not needed, but a general interest/curiosity
about brain dynamics is a must!
Interested applicants should send a CV and brief description of interests
and goals to Prof. ShiNung Ching (shinung at wustl.edu). Applications will be
evaluated as soon as they are received, until the positions are filled. The
starting date is flexible, but can be as early as the Summer of 2016.
6.11. PostDoc: McGill University, Canada
Contributed by: Ahmad Haidar, ahmad.haidar at mcgill.ca
The Department of Biomedical Engineering at McGill University is seeking
outstanding candidates for a Postdoc position. The successful candidate
will develop a learning algorithm for an electromechanical artificial
pancreas in type 1 diabetes. The artificial pancreas is a closed-loop
system to regulate glucose levels. A model predictive control is already in
place and has been extensively tested in human clinical trials, but it
requires further development to handle more efficiently slow changes in
insulin needs over time. The successful candidate will develop and
implement a learning algorithm based on recursive state estimation methods,
conduct extensive simulations, and lead the design and the conduction of a
clinical trial to test their algorithm.
The successful candidate will have the opportunity to work with a
multi-disciplinary team that includes researchers with backgrounds of
endocrinology, control engineering, biomedical engineering, pediatrics, and
computer science. This is a great opportunity for a highly motivated
applicant who wants to utilize their expertise in control systems to tackle
medical problems.
Desired Skills:
- Strong expertise in system control design, preferably in adaptive control
or model predictive control. Desired expertise includes estimation
algorithms, observers, Kalman filtering, and Bayesian
- Strong desire to work in a clinical setting.
- Strong programming skills.
Apply with your curriculum vitae to Prof. Ahmad Haidar (
ahmad.haidar at mcgill.ca). The candidate will be supervised by Prof. Ahmad
Haidar and Prof. Robert Kearney.
Please refer to https://sites.google.com/site/ahmad7haidar/research for
more information on our research program.
6.12. PostDoc: George Washington University, USA
Contributed by: Taeyoung Lee, tylee at gwu.edu
Post-Doc: Autonomous Aerial Exploration
George Washington University, Washington DC, USA
Flight Dynamics and Control Lab at the Department of Mechanical and
Aerospace Engineering, George Washington University (
http://fdcl.seas.gwu.edu) invites applications for one post-doctoral
scientist position.
The main objective of the research is to develop motion planning and
control of multiple aerial vehicles exploring an unknown area autonomously
and cooperatively. The desired paths of the vehicles will be developed in
an optimal fashion to maximize the information gain from the sensor
measurements on those paths, while explicitly considering the sensor
limitations such as the maximum sensing range and viewing angle. These will
be illustrated by both numerical simulations and indoor flight tests with
multirotor unmanned aerial vehicles.
Required qualification
- Ph. D in control system engineering, computer science or relevant fields
- Backgrounds in control, estimation, motion planning, mapping, and SLAM
- Experiences in flight experiments of multirotor UAV
- Expertise in C/C++, ROS, and multithread programming
The appointment will be for a period of 1 year, starting from Summer/Fall
2016, and it will be considered for extension at the end of the period
based on the evaluation.
The application should consist of
- A motivation letter stating why the applicant is qualified to the research
- A complete CV with a full publication list
- List of three references
These documents should be combined into a single pdf file and sent to Prof.
Taeyoung Lee (tylee at gwu.edu) with a subject “Post-doc application of Dr.
<Name>.” Please, send all of other inquiries to tylee at gwu.edu as well.
6.13. PostDoc: University of Cambridge, UK
Contributed by: Guillaume Hennequin, g.hennequin at eng.cam.ac.uk
Postdoctoral Fellow in Computational Neuroscience
University of Cambridge, UK
We are seeking a highly creative and motivated postdoctoral fellow
(research associate) to work in the group of Guillaume Hennequin at the
Computational and Biological Learning Lab (http://cbl.eng.cam.ac.uk),
Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, on a circuit-level
theory of motor control.
The group studies the dynamics of computation in brain circuits using
methods from control theory, dynamical systems and machine learning (
http://hennequin.bitbucket.org). This project involves a collaboration with
the group of Karel Svoboda at HHMI Janelia Farm (http://www.janelia.org);
funding is available for extended visits to the Janelia Research Campus. We
also have close interactions with the control theory group in Cambridge
(Rodolphe Sepulchre, Tim O'Leary).
The successful candidate will have a strong analytical background and
demonstrable interest in theoretical neuroscience. They should have or be
close to completion of a PhD in computational neuroscience, physics,
mathematics, computer science, machine learning or a related field.
Previous experience in computational neuroscience is not required, but
preference will be given to candidates with excellent programming skills,
or expertise in neural network modelling, control theory, numerical
analysis, dynamical systems theory, and machine learning.
The position is funded for two years, with an initial one-year appointment
and an expectation of extension to another year given satisfactory
performance. Salary depends on experience and is in the range £28,143 -
£37,768 p.a.
Please direct your initial enquiries to Guillaume Hennequin <
g.hennequin at eng.cam.ac.uk>
6.14. PostDoc: University of Oxford, UK
Contributed by: Antonis Papachristodoulou, antonis at eng.ox.ac.uk
Postdoctoral Research Assistant, Department of Engineering Science,
University of Oxford
Grade 7: Salary in the range £30,738 - £37,768 p.a.
We seek a Postdoctoral Research Assistant to join the Control Engineering
group in Engineering Science (central Oxford). The position is funded by
EPSRC and is fixed-term for up to 36 months.
This post is at the interface of Synthetic Biology and Control Engineering.
You should have a good first degree in engineering or mathematics and have
completed or about to complete a doctorate in control engineering/dynamical
systems or mathematical biology. A good publication record commensurate
with your stage of career is expected. You must have the organisational
skills and initiative to carry out independent research and be able to work
as part of an interdisciplinary team. Experience of developing mathematical
algorithms and simulations, in modelling biological systems and in the
analysis and design of feedback control systems is essential.
The successful candidate will benefit from an international collaboration
with MIT, ETHZ, the Caltech and KAIST as well as Microsoft Research,
Cambridge and will become part of the growing and flourishing Synthetic
Biology community in Oxford. The work will be partly mathematical, partly
computational and will involve close interaction with researchers in the
biological sciences.
Informal enquiries may be addressed to Professor Antonis Papachristodoulou
(email: antonis at eng.ox.ac.uk). Further information can be found at
You will be required to upload a covering letter/supporting statement,
including a brief statement of research interests (describing how past
experience and future plans fit with the advertised position), CV and the
details of two referees as part of your online application.
Only applications received before 12.00 midday on 8 July 2016 can be
The Department holds an Athena Swan Bronze award, highlighting its
commitment to promoting women in Science, Engineering and Technology.
6.15. PostDoc: UC San Diego, USA
Contributed by: Miroslav Krstic, krstic at ucsd.edu
Postdoctoral position at UC San Diego
A postdoctoral position is open (with the intent of it being filled as soon
as possible) at University of California, San Diego, under Professor
Miroslav Krstic, on the topic of control of large sensorless electric motor
drives in collaboration with General Atomics, a major local San Diego
company. The research challenges include adaptation and the achievement of
stable operation in the face of significant time-varying delays. The
anticipated industrial impact is in oil/gas industry.
The appointment is for one year, with the possibility of extension subject
to availability of funds and strong performance. The salary is in
accordance with the University of California postdoctoral salary scale,
which is anticipated to be in the mid-to-high $40K's range for the
2016-2017 academic year.
Eligibility and requirements. Only candidates who are permanent residents
of the United States can be appointed for this position. The expected
experiences, in addition to strong training in control systems, include
training or at least good understanding of the modeling and control of
electric machines and power electronics.
UC San Diego's Cymer Center for Control Systems and Dynamics houses one of
the world's premier research groups and training programs in control
Interested candidates should contact Professor Krstic (krstic at ucsd.edu;
http://flyingv.ucsd.edu) and include their detailed CV, information on
their current and near-term job status, US immigration/residency status,
and a list of references.
6.16. PostDoc: University Grenoble Alpes, France
Contributed by: Alain KIBANGOU, alain.kibangou at ujf-grenoble.fr
An open post-doc position is available in Grenoble on 'System Theory
Approach for Privacy preserving Cyberphysical systems'
Start: September 2016
Duration: 12 months
The details of the offer can be found here:
6.17. Lecturer: Glasgow Caledonian University, UK
Contributed by: Geraint Bevan, geraint.bevan at gcu.ac.uk
Lecturer in Control Engineering
Glasgow Caledonian University
School: School of Engineering & Built Environment
Department: Instrumentation, Control and Analytical Sciences
Grade: 7
Salary Scale: £40,082 - £46,414 per annum
Contract: Full-time/Open-Ended
Closing Date: 15th June 2016
The School of Engineering and Built Environment wishes to appoint a
Lecturer in Control Engineering to join the Instrumentation, Control and
Chemical Sciences subject group. Control Engineering is taught in a wide
range of our undergraduate programmes and at all levels in Mechanical
Engineering and Electrical Power Engineering. Additionally, our successful
postgraduate programmes in Applied Instrumentation and Control attract high
quality applicants from around the world and are offered in a distance
learning mode. Our focus on both theoretical and practical control
engineering ensures that our graduates are well equipped for employment in
many industries.
We seek a control engineer with experience in the practical implementation
of control systems, preferably in an industrial environment, to join our
subject group. Your research interests should align with the University
research theme of Sustainable Environments or Digital Health and in
particular complement one of the research areas of existing academic staff
in the group in diagnostic systems and sensors research, or design, process
and manufacturing research or energy and power systems research.
The successful candidate will be part of a vibrant team contributing to all
levels of teaching and research within the subject area. Our laboratories
are extremely well equipped to ensure that teaching and research in control
engineering is well supported.
You will have at least a Master’s degree in a control engineering area,
experience of the practical implementation of control systems and a strong
commitment to the enhancement of teaching, student experience and
progression. A current and appropriate record of research, innovation in
industry, or knowledge exchange that compliments the existing themes of the
University is essential.
Further details on this post are available by contacting Dr Sheila Smith,
Assistant Head of Department at a.s.smith at gcu.ac.uk or on 0141 331 3552
The School of Engineering and Built Environment is committed to promoting
equality and diversity, including the Athena SWAN charter for promoting
women’s careers in STEMM subjects (science, technology, engineering,
mathematics and medicine) in higher education.
The University offers a range of benefits including opportunities for
professional development, family friendly policies, cycle to work scheme,
child care vouchers and onsite childcare facilities.
Please note that the appointment will be made on the first point of the
salary scale (unless by exception).
To apply for this role please visit:
6.18. Faculty: Southern Illinois University Carbondale, USA
Contributed by: Arash Komaee, akomaee at siu.edu
Faculty Position
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
SIU Carbondale
The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering invites applications
for one tenure track faculty position, at the Assistant Professor level, in
the general area of Power Systems, Electric Energy Conversion, and Power
Electronics. Applicants must have at the time of appointment a Ph.D. degree
in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering or a related field, a
potential for excellence in teaching and a potential for high quality
research documented by technical publications in the area of Power Systems,
Electric Energy Conversion, or Power Electronics. PhD candidates may be
considered if all degree requirements will be completed by December 31,
2016. If all requirements for the Ph.D. are not completed by that date, a
term, non-tenure track appointment may be offered in accordance with
University policy (
This position is contingent upon available funding.
The Department provides support and excellent opportunities for the
development of new faculty. Applicants should submit a resume, a list of
three references with contact information, a statement regarding the
specific area of interest and a Statement of Goals to: Chair, Department of
Electrical and Computer Engineering, Mail Code 6603, SIU Carbondale, 1230
Lincoln Drive, Carbondale, Illinois 62901 or email eceadmin at siu.edu .
Consideration of applications will begin on August 15, 2016 and will
continue until position is filled. Effective date of employment is January
1, 2017.
SIU Carbondale is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer of
individuals with disabilities and protected veterans that strives to
enhance its ability to develop a diverse faculty and staff and to increase
its potential to serve a diverse student population. All applications are
welcomed and encouraged, and will receive consideration.
6.19. Research Scientist: University of Vermont, USA
Contributed by: Mads Almassalkhi, malmassa at uvm.edu
The Electrical Engineering department at the University of Vermont is
seeking to hire a Research Scientist for an ARPA-E NODES-funded project.
The Department of Energy’s announcement can be found at:
The ideal candidate is an entrepreneurial and creative problem solver who
has prior experience with power transmission or distribution system
analysis and/or a strong analytical background in mathematics, control
theory, optimization, communication theory, and/or numerical methods.
Candidates who have experience working with real-time, hardware-in-the-loop
environments (e.g., embedded systems, Arduino, OPAL-RT, RTDS) are
particularly encouraged to apply. The project requires close collaboration
with U.S. academic and industry partners. Funding is available for up to
three years. A Ph.D. in a related field is preferred. Salary is competitive
and commensurate with experience.
Interested candidates should apply through the UVM website: www.uvmjobs.com
(search for position # 00024108 or posting # S684PO). Application packages
should include a CV and a cover letter outlining the candidate's interests
and listing references. Any questions about the opening can be directed to
Dr. Mads Almassalkhi (malmassa [at] uvm [dot] edu). Ideally the candidate
would start in August 2016, but some flexibility is possible.
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