[eletter] eletter 336

Jianghai Hu jianghai at purdue.edu
Mon Aug 1 13:32:01 EDT 2016

E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing
Issue 336
August 2016

Jianghai Hu
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Purdue University
465 Northwestern Ave.
West Lafayette, IN, 47907
Tel: +1 (765) 4962395
Fax: +1 (765) 4943371

Welcome to the 336 issue of the Eletter, available electronically at
together with its pdf version

To submit new articles, go "Article Submissions" on the Eletter website
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And, as always, search for .** to navigate to the next item in the Eletter.

The next Eletter will be mailed out at the beginning of September 2016.


1. Important Message from CSS President

2. IEEE CSS Headlines
2.1 IEEE Control Systems Society Publications Content Digest
2.2 IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
2.3 IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems
2.4 IEEE Control Systems Society Technically Cosponsored Conferences

3. Books
3.1 Economic Model Predictive Control: Theory, Formulations and Chemical
Process Applications

4. Journals
4.1 Contents: Automatica
4.2 Contents: IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information
4.3 Contents: Control Engineering Practice
4.4 Contents: Asian Journal of Control
4.5 Contents: IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica
4.6 Contents: International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems
4.7 Contents: International Journal of Control

5. Conferences
5.1 International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control
5.2 International Symposium on Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems
5.3 Workshop on Control, Optimisation and Networks
5.4 Workshop on Mathematical Aspects of Network Synthesis
5.5 CFP: "Control and Coordination for Synchromodal Transport Systems"
Track at IFAC World Congress 2017

6. Positions
6.1 MS: Global Innovation Exchange Institute, USA
6.2 PhD: University of L'Aquila, Italy
6.3 PhD: KU Leuven, Belgium
6.4 PhD: KU Leuven, Belgium
6.5 PhD: Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
6.6 PhD: University of Texas at San Antonio, USA
6.7 PhD: LSIS, France
6.8 PhD: Centre Automatique et Systèmes, France
6.9 PhD: Stevens Institute of Technology, USA
6.10 PhD: University of South Florida, USA
6.11 PhD: CNRS in Grenoble, France
6.12 PostDoc: GE Global Research, USA
6.13 PostDoc: ETH Zurich, Switzerland
6.14 PostDoc: Colorado School of Mines, USA
6.15 PostDoc: McGill University, Canada
6.16 PostDoc: University of Michigan, USA
6.17 PostDoc: University of Cambridge, UK
6.18 Research Associate: University of Sheffield, UK
6.19 Faculty: Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
6.20 Faculty: Zhejiang University of Technology, China
6.21 Faculty: University of Groningen
6.22 Faculty: Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
6.23 Visiting Professor: UTFPR, Brazil
6.24 Research Engineer: Evolution Energie, France

1. Important Message from CSS President

From: Frank Doyle, 2016 IEEE Control Systems Society President


I am writing to you today about an urgent matter with far-reaching
ramifications for the future of both CSS and IEEE. There is a proposal
being advanced at the highest levels of the IEEE to modify the IEEE Board
of Directors (the so-called IEEE2030 initiative). This fall, there will be
a ballot on a constitutional amendment to modify/optimize the IEEE Board

At the heart of the amendment is a modified/optimized Board structure,
intended to create nimble, flexible, forward-looking organization. However,
significant concerns have been raised by a number of CSS members who are
familiar with the initiative as well as by several other IEEE societies
that are concerned about whether this reorganization still offers the
societies a strong enough voice in IEEE Board decisions.  Specifically:

  - IEEE is a bottom-up member-run organization, run by volunteers. The
proposed structure appears to turn IEEE into a top-down organization, run
by a small Board of Directors with reduced input from members.

  - Members are represented by their Societies and in the existing
structure Societies have a strong voice in the decision making process
within IEEE. The Societies and sections generate 75%-80% of IEEE’s income.
Societies elect directors who represent their members on the Board of
Directors (BoD). It appears that the new structure will dilute this voice
and move Societies away from the decision process, especially because
Societies will no longer elect these Directors directly. They will elect
Delegates who will not serve on the Board of Directors but as members of a
new body called the Assembly.

  - Directors will now be elected by the entire IEEE membership and only
candidates that satisfy certain “diversity” conditions set by the BoD can
qualify to run.

  - The possible benefits of the amendment do not outweigh its risks. It is
uncertain how IEEE would be restructured if the amendment is approved. It
is premature to vote for something for which the underlying details are
still uncertain. The new bylaws are to be written and decided later by the
BoD, and will not require member vote.

A second concern that has been voiced by several other societies is that
some of the processes followed thus far in IEEE’s handling of the IEEE2030
initiative have strayed from the spirit of  IEEE Policy 13.3.A.2 that
states "It is the policy of IEEE to facilitate open discussion, including
opposing views, of issues and initiatives to appear on the ballot
(Constitutional amendment and referendum); this applies to those proposals
originated by the IEEE Board of Directors as well as those of other members
of IEEE.” For example, there have been accusations of censorship being
applied to the statements of those who oppose this initiative.

At the July 5, 2016 meeting of the CSS Board of Governors meeting in
Boston, after careful review of these and other considerations, the Board
voted unanimously on the following motion:

  •    Motion: The IEEE Control Systems Society BoG opposes the proposed
constitutional amendment and modified board structure on IEEE2030.  To
reflect this opposition, a statement of opposition will be posted on the
Society website and in editions of the E-Letter.

Many geographic units and the governing bodies of over 22 IEEE societies,
including the largest societies such as Computer, Communications, Power and
Energy, Signal Processing, Circuits and Systems, Electron Devices, Robotics
and Automation, and Solid-State Circuits have also voted against endorsing
the amendment. At least four past IEEE Presidents and other past IEEE
leaders have also spoken against the amendment.

It is very easy to ignore ballot initiatives, especially when there are not
familiar names on the ballot. In this case, there is a very important
element on the ballot, which you are urged to evaluate and vote upon. A
number of resources are available for you to review and make an informed

Additional reasons for opposing the constitutional amendment and proposed
restructuring may be found here:

For background, the IEEE governing documents, including the Constitution
and Bylaws, can be found here:

The proposed changes to the Constitution can be found here:

In addition, the IEEEin2030 Ad Hoc Committee’s advocacy of proposed changes
to the IEEE's organizational structure is posted on an official IEEE
website here: https://www.ieee.org/about/corporate/ieeein2030_archive_m.html

Respectfully yours,

Frank Doyle
2016 IEEE Control Systems Society President

2. IEEE CSS Headlines

2.1. IEEE Control Systems Society Publications Content Digest
Contributed by: Elizabeth Kovacs, ekovacs2 at nd.edu

CSS Publications Content Digest
The IEEE Control Systems Society Publications Content Digest is a novel and
convenient guide that helps readers keep track of the latest published
articles. The CSS Publications Content Digest, available at
http://ieeecss.org/publications-content-digest provides lists of current
tables of contents of the periodicals sponsored by the Control Systems

Each issue offers readers a rapid means to survey and access the latest
peer-reviewed papers of the IEEE Control Systems Society. We also include
links to the Society’s sponsored Conferences to give readers a preview of
upcoming meetings.

2.2. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
Contributed by: Elizabeth Kovacs, ekovacs2 at nd.edu

Table of Contents
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
Volume 61 (2016), Issue 8 (August)

Please note that the contents of the IEEE Transactions on Automatic
Control, together with links to the abstracts of the papers may be found at
the TAC web site:
The IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control Submission and Review Management

- Scanning the Issue, p. 2017
- Distributed Consensus of Second-Order Multi-Agent Systems with
Heterogeneous Unknown Inertias and Control Gains Under a Directed Graph, J.
Mei, W. Ren, J. Chen p. 2019
- Approximate Kalman--Bucy Filter for Continuous-Time Semi-Markov Jump
Linear Systems, B. de Saporta, E. F. Costa p. 2035
- On Feedback Architectures with Zero Vibration Signal Shapers, T.
Vyhlidal, M. Hromcik, V. Kucera, M. Anderle p. 2049
- Dissipativity-Based Small-Gain Theorems for Stochastic Network Systems,
Z. Wu, H. R. Karimi, P. Shi p. 2065
- Event-Triggered State Observers for Sparse Sensor Noise/Attacks, Y.
Shoukkry, P. Tabuada p. 2079
- A General Framework for Robust Output Synchronization of Heterogeneous
Nonlinear Networked Systems, L. Zhu, Z. Chen, R. Middleton p. 2092
- A Notion of Robustness for Cyber-Physical Systems, M. Rungger, P. Tabuada
p. 2108
- Near-Optimal Strategies for Nonlinear and Uncertain Networked Control
Systems, L. Busoniu, R. Postoyan, J. Daafouz p. 2124
- A Uniform Approach for Synthesizing Property-Enforcing Supervisors for
Partially-Observed Discrete-Event Systems, X. Yin, S. Lafortune p. 2140
- Motion Planning for Continuous Time Stochastic Processes: A Dynamic
Programming Approach, P. Mohajerin Esfahani, D. Chatterjee, J. Lygeros p.
- A Characterization of the Minimal Average Data Rate that Guarantees a
Given Closed-Loop Performance Level, E. I. Silva, M. S. Derpich, J.
Ostergaard, M. A. Encina p. 2171
- On the Steady-State Control of Timed Event Graphs With Firing Date
Constraints, V. M. Goncalves, C. A. Maia, L. Hardouin p. 2187
- Characterization and Optimization of l_ infinity Gains of Linear Switched
Systems, M. Naghnaeian, P. G. Voulgaris p. 2203

Technical Notes and Correspondence
- An IQC Approach to Robust Stability of Aperiodic Sampled-Data Systems,
C-Y. Kao p. 2219
- A Homogeneous and Self-Dual Interior-Point Linear Programming Algorithm
for Economic Model Predictive Control, L. E. Sokoler, G. Frison, A. Skajaa,
R. Halvgaard, J. B. Jorgensen p. 2226
- Containment Control of Single-Integrator Network with Limited
Communication Data Rate, X. Mu, K. Liu p. 2232
- On Positive-Realness and Lyapunov Functions for Switched Linear
Differential Systems, J. C. Mayo-Maldonado, P. Rapisarda p. p. 2239
- Reference Tracking with Guaranteed Error Bound for Constrained Linear
Systems, S. Di Cairano, F. Borrelli p. 2245
- On Minimal Spectral Factors with Zeroes and Poles lying on Prescribed
Regions, G. Baggio, A. Ferrante p. 2251
- Finite-Time Synchronization of Coupled Networks with Markovian Topology
and Impulsive Effects, X. Yang, J. Lu p. 2256
- Feedback Linearization for Nonlinear Systems with Time-Varying Input and
Output Delays by Using High-Gain Predictors, J. Lei, H. K. Khalil p. 2262
- Properties of Composite Laplacian Quadratics and their Applications in
Consensus of Linear Differential Inclusions, F. Chen, L. Xiang, W. Ren p.
- Maximum Likelihood Estimation of the Non-Parametric FRF for Pulse-Like
Excitations, R. Hostettler, W. Birk, M. Lundberg p. 2276
- Slide Window Bounded-Error Time-Varying Systems Identification, J. M.
Bravo, A. Suarez, M. Vasallo, T. Alamo p. 2282
- Backstepping Design of Robust Output Feedback Regulators for Boundary
Controlled Parabolic PDEs, J. Deutscher p. 2288
- Frequency-Domain Analysis of Control Loops with Intermittent Data Losses,
D. J. Antunes, W.P.M.H. Heemels p. 2295
- On the Characterization of Local Nash Equilibria in Continuous Games, L.
J. Ratliff, S. A. Burden, S. S. Sastry p. 2301
- A Comparison of LQR Optimal Performance in the Decentralized and
Centralized Settings, D. E. Miller p. 2308
- Crowd-Averse Cyber-Physical Systems: The Paradigm of Robust Mean Field
Games, D. Bauso, H. Tembine p. 2312
- Global Asymptotic Stabilization of Nonlinear Deterministic Systems Using
Wiener Processes, K. Hoshino, Y. Nishimura, Y. Yamashita, D. Tsubakino p.

2.3. IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems
Contributed by: Denise Joseph, dejoseph at bu.edu

Table of Contents
IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems
Volume 3 (2016), Issue 2 (June)

The contents of the IEEE-Transactions on Control of Network Systems, with
links to the abstracts of the papers are available on

- Distributed Source Seeking via a Circular Formation of Agents under
Communication Constraints, Lara Briñón Arranz, Luca Schenato, Alexandre
Seuret, p.104
- Analysis of Randomized Join-The-Shortest-Queue (JSQ) Schemes in Large
Heterogeneous Processor Sharing Systems, Arpan Mukhopadhyay, Ravi Mazumdar,
- Robust Asymptotic Stability of Desynchronization in Impulse-Coupled
Oscillators, Sean Phillips, Ricardo G. Sanfelice, p.127
- Distributed Finite-Time Computation of Digraph Parameters:
Left-Eigenvector, Out-Degree and Spectrum, Themistoklis Charalambous,
Michael Rabbat, Mikael Johansson, Christoforos N. Hadjicostis, p.137
- Nash Game Based Distributed Control Design for Balancing of Traffic
Density over Freeway Networks, Dominik Pisarski, Carlos Canudas de Wit,
- Traffic Network Control from Temporal Logic Specifications, Samuel
Coogan, Ebru Aydin Gol, Murat Arcak, Calin Belta, p.162
- Piecewise Affine Networked Control Systems, Miad Moarref, Luis Rodrigues,
- Duration-differentiated Energy Services with a Continuum of Loads,
Ashutosh Nayyar, Matias Negrete-Pincetic, Kameshwar Poolla, Pravin P.
Varaiya, p.182
- Channel Sensitivity of LIFO-Backpressure: Quirks and Improvements, Wei
Si, David Starobinski, Morteza Hashemi, Moshe Laifenfeld, Ari Trachtenberg,
- A System-Theoretic Clean Slate Approach to Provably Secure Ad Hoc
Wireless Networking, Jonathan Ponniah, Yih-Chun Hu, P. R. Kumar, p.206

2.4 IEEE Control Systems Society Technically Cosponsored Conferences
Contributed by: Luca Zaccarian, CSS AE Conferences, zaccarian at laas.fr

The following conferences have been recently included in the list of events
technically cosponsored by the IEEE Control Systems Society:

- 21st International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and
Robotics (MMAR 2016). Miedzyzdroje, Poland. Aug 29 - Sep 1, 2016.
- 6th International Symposium on Advanced Control of Industrial Processes
(AdCONIP 2017). Taipei, Taiwan. May 28 - May 31, 2017.
- 16th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS
2016). Gyeongju, South Korea. Oct 16 - Oct 19, 2016. http://2016.iccas.org/

For a full listing of CSS technically cosponsored conferences, please visit
http://ieeecss.org/conferences/technically-cosponsored and for a list of
the upcoming and past CSS main conferences please visit

3. Books

3.1. Economic Model Predictive Control: Theory, Formulations and Chemical
Process Applications
Contributed by: Panagiotis Christofides, pdc at seas.ucla.edu

Economic Model Predictive Control: Theory, Formulations and Chemical
Process Applications
Matthew Ellis, Jinfeng Liu and Panagiotis D. Christofides

Springer, Advances in Industrial Control Series
ISBN 978-3-319-41108-8

Book Description:
This book presents general methods for the design of economic model
predictive control (EMPC) systems for broad classes of nonlinear systems
that address key theoretical and practical considerations including
recursive feasibility, closed-loop stability, closed-loop performance, and
computational efficiency. Specifically, the book proposes: Lyapunov-based
EMPC methods for nonlinear systems; two-tier EMPC architectures that are
highly computationally efficient; and EMPC schemes handling explicitly
uncertainty, time-varying cost functions, time-delays and
multiple-time-scale dynamics.

The proposed methods employ a variety of tools ranging from nonlinear
systems analysis, through Lyapunov-based control techniques to nonlinear
dynamic optimization. The applicability and performance of the proposed
methods are demonstrated through a number of chemical process examples. In
addition to being mathematically rigorous, these methods accommodate key
practical issues, for example, direct optimization of process economics,
and computational efficiency. Numerous comments and remarks providing
fundamental understanding of the merging of process economics and feedback
control into a single framework are included. A control engineer can easily
tailor the many detailed examples of industrial relevance given within the
text to a specific application.

The book presents a rich collection of new research topics and references
to significant recent work making Economic Model Predictive Control an
important source of information and inspiration for academics and graduate
students researching the area and for process engineers interested in
applying its methods.

4. Journals

4.1. Contents: Automatica
Contributed by: Elisa Capello, automatica at polito.it

Table of Contents
Vol. 70, August 2016

- Wenlian Lu, Mario di Bernardo, “Contraction and incremental stability of
switched Carathéodory systems using multiple norms”, pages 1-8.
- Xavier David-Henriet, Laurent Hardouin, Jörg Raisch, Bertrand Cottenceau,
“Model predictive control for discrete event systems with partial
synchronization”, pages 9-13.
- Pierre-Jean Meyer, Antoine Girard, Emmanuel Witrant, “Robust controlled
invariance for monotone systems: Application to ventilation regulation in
buildings”, pages 14-20.
- Gianluigi Pillonetto, “A new kernel-based approach to hybrid system
identification”, pages 21-31.
- Saeid Jafari, Petros A. Ioannou, “Robust adaptive attenuation of unknown
periodic disturbances in uncertain multi-input multi-output systems”, pages
- Peyman Mohajerin Esfahani, Debasish Chatterjee, John Lygeros, “The
stochastic reach-avoid problem and set characterization for diffusions”,
pages 43-56.
- Alessandro Vittorio Papadopoulos, Maria Prandini, “Model reduction of
switched affine systems”, pages 57-65.
- Qingshuo Song, Chao Zhu, “On singular control problems with state
constraints and regime-switching: A viscosity solution approach”, pages
- Ky Tran, G. Yin, “Numerical methods for optimal harvesting strategies in
random environments under partial observations”, pages 74-85.
- Yinghua Zhang, Oleg Makarenkov, Nicholas Gans, “Extremum seeking control
of a nonholonomic system with sensor constraints”, pages 86-93.
- Bing Zhu, Xiaohua Xia, Zhou Wu, “Evolutionary game theoretic demand-side
management and control for a class of networked smart grid”, pages 94-100.
- Anton Selivanov, Emilia Fridman, “Predictor-based networked control under
uncertain transmission delay”, pages 101-108.
- Jun Xu, Ton J.J. van den Boom, Bart De Schutter, Shuning Wang,
“Irredundant lattice representations of continuous piecewise affine
functions”, pages 109-120.
- Nicolaos E. Manitara, Christoforos N. Hadjicostis, “Distributed stopping
for average consensus in undirected graphs via event-triggered strategies”,
pages 121-127.
- Matthias A. Müller, Lars Grüne, “Economic model predictive control
without terminal constraints for optimal periodic behavior”, pages 128-139.
- Jinhui Zhang, Peng Shi, Weiguo Lin, “Extended sliding mode observer based
control for Markovian jump linear systems with disturbances”, pages 140-147.
- Tao Shen, Ian R. Petersen, “An improved method of ultimate bound
computation for linear switched systems with bounded disturbances”, pages
- Qi Xu, Gabor Stepan, Zaihua Wang, “Delay-dependent stability analysis by
using delay-independent integral evaluation”, pages 153-157.
- Alessio Benavoli, Dario Piga, “A probabilistic interpretation of
set-membership filtering: Application to polynomial systems through
polytopic bounding”, pages 158-172.
- Xiangyu Meng, Ziyang Meng, Tongwen Chen, Dimos V. Dimarogonas, Karl
Henrik Johansson, “Pulse width modulation for multi-agent systems”, pages
- Xudong Chen, Mohamed-Ali Belabbas, Tamer Başar, “Distributed averaging
with linear objective maps”, pages 179-188.
- Yao Chen, Wenwu Yu, Shaolin Tan, Henghui Zhu, “Synchronizing nonlinear
complex networks via switching disconnected topology”, pages 189-194.
- Nikolaos Bekiaris-Liberis, Miroslav Krstic, “Stability of predictor-based
feedback for nonlinear systems with distributed input delay”, pages 195-203.
- Yi Cheng, Valery Ugrinovskii, “Event-triggered leader-following tracking
control for multivariable multi-agent systems”, pages 204-210.
- Frédéric Rotella, Irène Zambettakis, “A direct design procedure for
linear state functional observers”, pages 211-216.
- Alexey Matveev, Alexander Pogromsky, “Observation of nonlinear systems
via finite capacity channels: Constructive data rate limits”, pages 217-229.
- Brendan J. Bialy, Indrasis Chakraborty, Sadettin C. Cekic, Warren E.
Dixon, “Adaptive boundary control of store induced oscillations in a
flexible aircraft wing”, pages 230-238.
- Jana Tumova, Dimos V. Dimarogonas, “Multi-agent planning under local LTL
specifications and event-based synchronization”, pages 239-248.
- Zong-Yao Sun, Ting Li, Shao-Hua Yang, “A unified time-varying feedback
approach and its applications in adaptive stabilization of high-order
uncertain nonlinear systems”, pages 249-257.
- Marcello Farina, Riccardo Scattolini, “Model predictive control of linear
systems with multiplicative unbounded uncertainty and chance constraints”,
pages 258-265.
- Hassan Omran, Laurentiu Hetel, Mihaly Petreczky, Jean-Pierre Richard,
Françoise Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue, “Stability analysis of some classes of
input-affine nonlinear systems with aperiodic sampled-data control”, pages
- Nicolás Espitia, Antoine Girard, Nicolas Marchand, Christophe Prieur,
“Event-based control of linear hyperbolic systems of conservation laws”,
pages 275-287.
- Xianwei Li, Huijun Gao, Keqin Gu, “Delay-independent stability analysis
of linear time-delay systems based on frequency discretization”, pages
- Srikant Sukumar, Debasish Chatterjee, “A jammer’s perspective of
reachability and LQ optimal control”, pages 295-302.
- Xinghu Wang, Dabo Xu, Haibo Ji, “Robust almost output consensus in
networks of nonlinear agents with external disturbances”, pages 303-311.

4.2. Contents: IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information
Contributed by: Kathryn Roberts, kathryn.roberts at oup.com

Contents, IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information 33:02

The Table of Contents below can be viewed at:

- M. Soledad Aronna and Franco Rampazzo, A note on systems with ordinary
and impulsive controls
- Daniel Yuh Chao, Improvement on ‘A merging method for the siphon-based
flexible manufacturing systems maximally permissive controllers with
simpler structures’
- Jinjin Liu, Kanjian Zhang, Changyin Sun, and Haikun Wei, Robust optimal
control of switched autonomous systems
- Qunjiao Zhang, M.A. Aziz-Alaoui, and Cyrille Bertelle, Synchronization
for networks of coupled non-linear systems with external disturbances
- Iasson Karafyllis and Markos Papageorgiou, Stability results for simple
traffic models under PI-regulator control
- Omar A. Kittaneh and M. Akbar, Deriving the efficiency function for type
I censored sample from Pareto distribution using sup-entropy
- Matheus Souza and José C. Geromel, H2 dynamic output feedback for local
sensor – remote actuator networks
- Rainer Picard, Sascha Trostorff, and Marcus Waurick, On a comprehensive
class of linear control problems
- Le Van Hien, Nguyen Trung Dzung, and Ha Binh Minh, A novel approach to
state bounding for discrete-time Markovian jump systems with interval
time-varying delay
- Xiaoliang Chen, Zhiwu Li, Naiqi Wu, Abdulrahman M. Al-Ahmari, Abdulaziz
Mohammed El-Tamimi, and Emad S. Abouel Nasr, Confusion avoidance for
discrete event systems by P/E constraints and supervisory control
- Muhammad Imran and Abdul Ghafoor, Model reduction of generalized
non-singular systems using limited frequency interval Gramians
- Boumediène Chentouf, Stabilization of a non-linear rotating flexible
structure under the presence of time-dependent delay term in a dynamic
boundary control
- Wen-Juan Qi, Peng Zhang, and Zi-Li Deng, Robust weighted information
fusion steady-state Kalman smoothers for multisensor system with uncertain
noise variances
- Hamdy M. Ahmed, Non-linear fractional integro-differential systems with
non-local conditions
- Cheng Wang, Robust stochastic stabilization and H∞ control of uncertain
stochastic interval time-delay systems
- Junqi Yang, Yantao Chen, and Kaijiang Yu, State and unknown information
estimation for non-linear systems with both input uncertainty and output
- M. Hamdy and I. Hamdan, Non-fragile controller design for a class of
multivariable bilinear systems
- Andreas Rauh, Luise Senkel, Julia Kersten, and Harald Aschemann, Reliable
control of high-temperature fuel cell systems using interval-based sliding
mode techniques
- Yueying Wang, Quanbao Wang, and Dengping Duan, H∞ filtering for
singularly perturbed systems with variable sampling and missing measurements
- Hassan Saberi Nik, Robert A. Van Gorder, and G. Gambino, The chaotic
Dadras–Momeni system: control and hyperchaotification
- Stuart M. Harwood, Joseph K. Scott, and Paul I. Barton, Bounds on
reachable sets using ordinary differential equations with linear programs
- Soleiman Hosseinpour and Alireza Nazemi, Solving fractional optimal
control problems with fixed or free final states by Haar wavelet
collocation method

4.3. Contents: Control Engineering Practice
Contributed by: Martin Böck, cep at acin.tuwien.ac.at

Control Engineering Practice
Volume 53
August 2016

- Pengbing Zhao, Yaoyao Shi, Jin Huang, Proportional-integral based fuzzy
sliding mode control of the milling head,Pages 1-13
- R. Landman, S.-L. Jämsä-Jounela, Hybrid approach to casual analysis on a
complex industrial system based on transfer entropy in conjunction with
process connectivity information,Pages 14-23
- Liuping Wang, Chris T. Freeman, Eric Rogers, Predictive iterative
learning control with experimental validation,Pages 24-34
- F. Aguilera, P.M. de la Barrera, C.H. De Angelo, D.R. Espinoza Trejo,
Current-sensor fault detection and isolation for induction-motor drives
using a geometric approach,Pages 35-46
- C. Izaguirre-Espinosa, A.J. Muñoz-Vázquez, A. Sánchez-Orta, V.
Parra-Vega, G. Sanahuja, Fractional attitude-reactive control for robust
quadrotor position stabilization without resolving underactuation,Pages
- Wojciech Paszke, Eric Rogers, Krzysztof Gałkowski, Experimentally
verified generalized KYP Lemma based iterative learning control
design,Pages 57-67
- Xin Huo, Xin-Gang Tong, Kang-Zhi Liu, Ke-Mao Ma, A compound control
method for the rejection of spatially periodic and uncertain disturbances
of rotary machines and its implementation under uniform time sampling,Pages
- Asim H. Syed, M.A. Abido, New enhanced performance robust control design
scheme for grid-connected VSI,Pages 92-108
- A.R. Plummer, Model-based motion control for multi-axis servohydraulic
shaking tables,Pages 109-122
- A. Beghi, R. Brignoli, L. Cecchinato, G. Menegazzo, M. Rampazzo, F.
Simmini, Data-driven Fault Detection and Diagnosis for HVAC water
chillers,Pages 79-91
- István Erlich, CEP special issue on smart power system control,Page 123
- Matej Pčolka, Eva Žáčeková, Rush Robinett, Sergej Čelikovský, Michael
Šebek, Bridging the gap between the linear and nonlinear predictive
control: Adaptations for efficient building climate control,Pages 124-138
- Anne Mai Ersdal, Lars Imsland, Kjetil Uhlen, Davide Fabozzi, Nina F.
Thornhill, Model predictive load–frequency control taking into account
imbalance uncertainty,Pages 139-150
- Andreas S. Pedersen, Jan H. Richter, Mojtaba Tabatabaeipour, Hjörtur
Jóhannsson, Mogens Blanke, Fault tolerant emergency control to preserve
power system stability,Pages 151-159
- Kai Sun, Junjian Qi, Wei Kang, Power system observability and dynamic
state estimation for stability monitoring using synchrophasor
measurements,Pages 160-172
- Igor B. Yadykin, Dmitry E. Kataev, Alexey B. Iskakov, Vladislav K.
Shipilov, Characterization of power systems near their stability boundary
using the sub-Gramian method,Pages 173-183
- Wenlei Bai, M. Reza Abedi, Kwang Y. Lee, Distributed generation system
control strategies with PV and fuel cell in microgrid operation,Pages
- Liangyu Ma, Kwang Y. Lee, Zhiyan Wang, Intelligent coordinated controller
design for a 600 MW supercritical boiler unit based on expanded-structure
neural network inverse models,Pages 194-201

4.4. Contents: Asian Journal of Control
Contributed by: Lichen Fu, lichen at ntu.edu.tw

Asian Journal of Control
Vol.18, No.4 July, 2016

[Invited Paper]
1. Paper Title: Fully Bayesian Field Slam Using Gaussian Markov Random
Fields (pages 1175–1188)
Authors: Huan N. Do, Mahdi Jadaliha, Mehmet Temel and Jongeun Choi

[Regular Paper]
1. Paper Title: Global Output-Feedback Stabilization for Stochastic
Nonlinear Systems with Function Control Coefficients (pages 1189–1199)
Authors: Shaoli Jin, Yungang Liu and Yongchao Man
2. Paper Title: Low Frequency Sensitivity Function Constraints for
Nonlinear ℒ2-stable Networked Control (pages 1200–1218)
Author: Torbjörn Wigren
3. Paper Title: A Receding Horizon Sliding Controller for Automotive Engine
Coldstart: Design and Hardware-in-the-Loop Testing With an Echo State
Network High-Fidelity Model (pages 1219–1238)
Authors: Ahmad Mozaffari, Nasser L. Azad, Andreas Hansen and J. Karl Hedrick
4. Paper Title: Characterization, Modeling and H∞ control of n-DOF
Piezoelectric Actuators: application to A 3-DOF Precise Positioner (pages
Authors: Didace Habineza, Micky Rakotondrabe and Yann Le Gorrec
5. Paper Title: Boundary Geometric Control of a Nonlinear Diffusion System
with Time-Dependent Spatial Domain (pages 1259–1268)
Authors: Ahmed Maidi and Jean-Pierre Corriou
6. Paper Title: Observability Under Sampling for Nonlinear Systems (pages
Authors: Sabeur Ammar, Majid Massaoud and Jean-Claude Vivalda
7. Paper Title: Abstraction-Based Verification and Synthesis for Prognosis
of Discrete Event Systems (pages 1279–1288)
Authors: Misato Yokotani, Tetsuya Kondo and Shigemasa Takai
8. Paper Title: Frequency Response Estimation from Impulse or Step-like
Response by Virtual Experiments (pages 1289–1298)
Author: Giuseppe Fedele
9. Paper Title: Robust Adaptive Soft Landing Control of an Electromagnetic
Valve Actuator for Camless Engines (pages 1299–1312)
Author: Paolo Mercorelli
10. Paper Title: Controllability and Observability of Parallel Magnetic
Suspension Systems (pages 1313–1327)
Authors: Takeshi Mizuno, Masaya Takasaki and Yuji Ishino
11. Paper Title: Influence of the Tensor Product Model Representation Of
QLPV Models on The Feasibility of Linear Matrix Inequality (pages 1328–1342)
Authors: Alexandra Szollosi and Peter Baranyi
12. Paper Title: Gait Generation and Stabilization for Nearly Passive
Dynamic Walking Using Auto-distributed Impulses (pages 1343–1358)
Authors: Jae-Sung Moon, Dušan M. Stipanović and Mark W. Spong
13. Paper Title: Apply Novel Grey Model Integral Variable Structure Control
to Air-Ball-Suspension System (pages 1359–1364)
Authors: Shian-Yi Fan, Chin-Wen Chuang and Chieh-Chuan Feng
14. Paper Title: Novel Approach to Switched Controller Design for Linear
Continuous-Time Systems (pages 1365–1375)
Authors: Vojtech Veselý and Adrian Ilka
15. Paper Title: A Smooth Wave-Form Shaped Command with Flexible Maneuvering
Time: Analysis and Experiments (pages 1376–1384)
Authors: Khaled Alhazza, Ziyad Masoud and Nehal Alotaibi
16. Paper Title: Probability Analysis of Terminal Sliding Mode Control of
Second-Order Markovian Jump Systems (pages 1385–1394)
Authors: Jiaming Zhu, Xinghuo Yu, Tianping Zhang, Zhiqiang Cao, Yuequan
Yang and Yu Fang
17. Paper Title: Dead-Zone Model Based Adaptive Backstepping Control for a
Class of Uncertain Saturated Systems (pages 1395–1405)
Authors: Seyed Hossein Mousavi and Alireza Khayatian
18. Paper Title: A Model for Residual Life Prediction Based on Brownian
Motion in Framework of Similarity (pages 1406–1416)
Authors: Huihui Zhang, Changhua Hu, Xiangyu Kong and Wei Zhang
19. Paper Title: Adaptive Active Fault Tolerant Control for Discrete-Time
Systems with Uncertainties (pages 1417–1426)
Authors: Xiaoqi Song, Chunsheng Liu and Shaojie Zhang
20. Paper Title: An Improved Dual Unscented Kalman Filter for State and
Parameter Estimation (pages 1427–1440)
Authors: Anxi Yu, Ye Liu, Jubo Zhu and Zhen Dong
21. Paper Title: H∞ Fuzzy State-Feedback Control Plus
State-Derivative-Feedback Control Synthesis for Photovoltaic Systems (pages
Authors: Nikorn Kaewpraek and Wudhichai Assawinchaichote
22. Paper Title: Adaptive Controller Design for Unknown Systems Using
Measured Data (pages 1453–1466)
Authors: Sofiane Khadraoui, Hazem N. Nounou, Mohamed N. Nounou, Aniruddha
Datta and Shankar P. Bhattacharyya
23. Paper Title: Full-Order and Reduced-order Observer Design for a Class
of Fractional-order Nonlinear Systems (pages 1467–1477)
Authors: Yong-Hong Lan, Liang-Liang Wang, Lei Ding and Yong Zhou
24. Paper Title: Adaptive Fuzzy Descriptor Sliding Mode Observer-based
Sensor Fault Estimation for Uncertain Nonlinear Systems (pages 1478–1488)
Authors: Reza Shahnazi and Qing Zhao
25. Paper Title: Robust Input Covariance Constraint Control for Uncertain
Polytopic Systems (pages 1489–1500)
Authors: Ali Khudhair Al-Jiboory and Guoming Zhu
26. Paper Title: A Computational Method for Stochastic Optimal Control
Problems in Financial Mathematics (pages 1501–1512)
Authors: Behzad Kafash, Ali Delavarkhalafi and Seyed Mehdi Karbassi
27. Paper Title: Observer-Based Consensus Tracking for Nonlinear
Multi-Agent Systems With Intermittent Communications (pages 1513–1523)
Authors: Hongjun Chu, Lixin Gao, Weidong Zhang and Linlin Ou
28. Paper Title: Solving Fixed Final Time Fractional Optimal Control
Problems Using the Parametric Optimization Method (pages 1524–1536)
Authors: Ghania Idiri, Saïd Djennoune and Maamar Bettayeb
29. Paper Title: Multifunctional Capabilities of Grid Connected Distributed
Generation System with Non-Linear Loads (pages 1537–1545)
Author: Alka Singh
30. Paper Title: Guaranteed Cost Control of Networked Control Systems Under
Transmission Control Protocol with Active Queue Management (pages 1546–1557)
Authors: Qixin Zhu, Kaihong Lu and Yonghong Zhu
31. Paper Title: Adaptive Sliding Mode Observer-Based Robust Fault
Reconstruction for a Helicopter With Actuator Fault (pages 1558–1565)
Authors: Fuyang Chen, Kangkang Zhang, Bin Jiang and Changyun Wen

[Brief Paper]
1. Paper Title: Nonlinear Control of a Robot Manipulator with a
Nonholonomic Jerk Constraint (pages 1566–1573)
Authors: Jaime Rubio-Hervas and Mahmut Reyhanoglu
2. Paper Title: Ratio Control for Continuously Variable Transmissions with
Minimal Sensor Configuration (pages 1574–1580)
Authors: Martin Steinberger and Martin Horn
3. Paper Title: Performance of Optimal Super-Twisting Controller for Liquid
Level (pages 1581–1590)
Authors: Osama Al Ameri and Igor Boiko

4.5. Contents: IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica
Contributed by: Yan Ou, yan.ou at ia.ac.cn

Table of Contents
IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica
Volume 3 (2016), Issue 3 (July)

- Control 5.0: From Newton to Merton in Popper's Cyber-Social-Physical
Spaces. F.-Y. Wang, page 233

- A Hybrid Estimation of Distribution Algorithm for Unrelated Parallel
Machine Scheduling with Sequence-Dependent Setup Times. L. Wang, S. Y.
Wang, and X. L. Zheng, page 235
- Traffic Signal Timing via Deep Reinforcement Learning. L. Li, Y. S. Lv,
F.-Y. Wang, page 247

Special Issue on Fractional Order Systems and Controls (1)
- Guest Editorial for Special Issue on Fractional Order Systems and
Controls. Y. Q. Chen, D. Y. Xue, and A. Visioli, page 255
- The Fractional Landau Model. B. J. West and M. Turalska, page 257
- A Fractional Micro-Macro Model for Crowds of Pedestrians Based on
Fractional Mean Field Games. K. C. Cao, Y. Q. Chen, D. Stuart, page 261
- Fractional Order Modeling of Human Operator Behavior with Second Order
Controlled Plant and Experiment Research. J. C. Huang, Y. Q. Chen, H. B.
Li, and X. X. Shi, page 271
- Fractional Modeling and SOC Estimation of Lithium-ion Battery. Y. Ma, X.
W. Zhou, B. S. Li, and H. Chen, page 281
- Fractional Modeling and Analysis of Coupled MR Damping System. B. S.
Chen, C. Y. Li, B. Wilson, and Y. J. Huang, page 288
- Parameter Estimation and Topology Identification of Uncertain General
Fractional-order Complex Dynamical Networks with Time Delay. X. J. Chen, J.
Zhang, and T. D. Ma, page 295
- H∞ Output Feedback Control of Linear Time-invariant Fractional-order
Systems over Finite Frequency Range. C. H. Wang, H. H. Li, and Y. Q. Chen,
page 304
- The Ellipsoidal Invariant Set of Fractional Order Systems Subject to
Actuator Saturation: The Convex Combination Form. K. Chen, J. G. Lu, and C.
Li, page 311
- Constrained Swarm Stabilization of Fractional Order Linear Time Invariant
Swarm Systems. M. Naderi Soorki and M. S. Tavazoei, page 320
- Improving the Control Energy in Model Reference Adaptive Controllers
Using Fractional Adaptive Laws. N. Aguila-Camacho and M. A. Duarte-Mermoud,
page 332
- An Approach to Design MIMO FO Controllers for Unstable Nonlinear Plants.
A. Rojas-Moreno, page 338

4.6. Contents: International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems
Contributed by: Young Hoon Joo, journal at ijcas.com

Contents: International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems
ISSN: 1598-6446

Table of contents
Vol. 14, No. 4, August 2016

- Aperiodic Disturbance Rejection in a Modified Repetitive-control System,
Lan Zhou* and Jinhua She 883-892
- Concise Adaptive Fuzzy Control of Nonlinearly Parameterized and
Periodically Time-varying Systems via Small Gain Theory, Guoqing Zhang and
Xianku Zhang* 893-905
- FIR-type State-feedback Control Law for Discrete-time LTI Systems with
Polytopic Uncertainties, Dong Hwan Lee, Jin Bae Park*, Young Hoon Joo, and
Sung Kwan Kim 906-914
- Vessel Motion Control using Rope Tension Control Strategy, Anh-Minh D.
Tran, Suk-Ho Jung, Jung-In Yoon, and Young-Bok Kim* 915-923
- A Modular Designed Bolt Tightening Shaft Based on Adaptive Fuzzy
Backstepping Control, Sibang Liu*, Shuzhi Sam Ge, and Zhongliang Tang
- Delay-dependent H∞ Control for a Class of Uncertain Time-delay Singular
Markovian Jump Systems via Hybrid Impulsive Control, Hui Lv, Qingling
Zhang*, and Junchao Ren 939-947
- Free-Matrix-based integral inequality for stability analysis of uncertain
T-S fuzzy systems with time-varying delay, Wen-Pin Luo*, Jun Yang, and Xin
Zhao 948-956
- Adaptive Control of Hammerstein Systems with Unknown Input Nonlinearity
and Partially Modeled Linear Dynamics, Mohammad Al Janaideh* and Dennis S.
Bernstein 957-966
- Linear Extended State Observer Based Sliding Mode Disturbance Decoupling
Control for Nonlinear Multivariable Systems with Uncertainty, Hai-Long
Xing*, Dong-Hai Li, Juan Li and Cai-Hong Zhang 967-976
- Finite Frequency Fault Detection for T-S Fuzzy Singular Multiple
Timedelay Systems, Ding Zhai, Li-Wei An, Jing-Hao Li, and Qing-Ling Zhang*
- A Novel Control Algorithm for the Self-organized Fission Behavior of
Flocking System with Time Delay, Panpan Yang, Mingyong Liu*, Xiaokang Lei,
and Cheng Song 986-997
- State Estimation and Parameter Identification Method for Dual-rate System
based on Improved Kalman Prediction, Panfeng Huang*, Zhenyu Lu, and
Zhengxiong Liu 998-1004
- The Consensus of Multi-Agent Systems with Uncertainties and Randomly
Occurring Nonlinearities via Impulsive Control, Dandan Li, Jing Ma*,
Hengmin Zhu, and Mei Sun 1005-1011
- Complete Delay-decomposing Approach to Exponential Stability for
Uncertain Cellular Neural Networks with Discrete and Distributed
Time-varying Delays, Yuanhua Du*, WuWen, Shouming Zhong, and Nan Zhou
- Smooth Trajectory Planning for a Parallel Manipulator with Joint Friction
and Jerk Constraints, Liang Liu, Chaoying Chen, Xinhua Zhao*, and Yangmin
Li* 1021-1035
- Position Coordinate Representation of Flying Arrow and Analysis of Its
Performance Indicator, Yeongsang Jeong, Suryo Adhi Wibowo, Moonjae Song,
and Sungshin Kim* 1036-1045
- Modeling and Simulation of Quadrotor UAV with Tilting Rotors, Mahmoud
Elfeky*, Moustafa Elshafei, Abdul-Wahid A. Saif and Mohamed F. Al-Malki
- Alternative Identification of Wheeled Mobile Robots with Skidding and
Slipping, Hyoseok Kang, Chang-Woo Park, and Chang-Ho Hyun* 1055-1062
- Minimizing Human-exoskeleton Interaction Force by Using Global Fast
Sliding Mode Control, Duong Mien Ka*, Cheng Hong, Tran Huu Toan, and Jing
Qiu 1063-1072
- Bilateral Control Based Rupture Protection Method in Surgical Robot Using
Improved Master Device, Ju Seok Kang, Min Cheol Lee*, and Sung Min Yoon
- Attitude Control for Astronaut Assisted Robot in the Space Station,
Jinguo Liu*, Qing Gao, Zhiwei Liu, and Yangmin Li* 1081-1094
- Control of a Robotic Manipulator in the Polar Coordinate System using a
Biarticular Actuation Mechanism, Hyunjin Choi, Sehoon Oh, and Kyoungchul
Kong* 1095-1105
- Hybrid Position/Force Control using an Admittance Control Scheme in
Cartesian Space for a 3-DOF Planar Cable-driven Parallel Robot, JongPyo
Jun, Xuemei Jin, Andreas Pott, Sukho Park, Jong-Oh Park*, and Seong Young
Ko* 1106-1113
- Chaotic Synchronization of Regular and Irregular Complex Networks with
Fractional Order Oscillators, Sara Angulo-Guzman, Cornelio
Posadas-Castillo*, Miguel Angel Platas-Garza, David Alejandro Diaz-Romero,
and Didier Lopez-Mancilla 1114-1123
- Coexisting Attractors Generated from a New 4D Smooth Chaotic System,
Qiang Lai* and Shiming Chen 1124-1131
- Fast Acquisition of GPS L5 PRN and NH Code Using L1 Signal for Software
Receivers, Jung-Hoon Lee and Duk-Sun Shim* 1132-1138
- Consensus of Agents with Mixed Linear Discrete Dynamics, Yun-Zhong Song
- Finite-time Stability for a Linear Discrete-time Delay Systems by using
Discrete Convolution: an LMI Approach, Sreten B. Stojanovic*, Dragutin Lj.
Debeljkovic, and Milan A. Misic 1144-1151

4.7. Contents: International Journal of Control
Contributed by: Bing Chu, b.chu at soton.ac.uk

International Journal of Control
Volume 89, Issue 8, 2016

- Distributed and boundary optimal control of the Allen–Cahn equation with
regular potential and dynamic boundary conditions, T. Benincasa, L. D. D.
Escobar and C. Moro?anu, pages 1523-1532
- Estimating parameters with pre-specified accuracies in distributed
parameter systems using optimal experiment design, M. G. Potters, X.
Bombois, M. Mansoori and P. M. J. V. d. Hof, pages 1533-1553
- Output feedback robust MPC for LPV system with polytopic model parametric
uncertainty and bounded disturbance, B. Ding and H. Pan, pages 1554-1571
- A decoupled approach to filter design for stochastic systems, A. Barbata,
M. Zasadzinski, H. S. Ali and H. Messaoud, pages 1572-1591
- The optimal control of a new class of impulsive stochastic neutral
evolution integro-differential equations with infinite delay, Z. Yan and F.
Lu, pages 1592-1612
- Convex aggregative modelling of infinite memory nonlinear systems, P.
Wachel, pages 1613-1621
- PD-like controller for delayed bilateral teleoperation of wheeled robots,
E. Slawi?ski, V. Mut and D. Santiago, pages 1622-1631
- Simultaneously stabilising controllers for time-varying linear systems
within the framework of nest algebras, H. Wang, T. Yu and J. Xiao, pages
- Vibration control for a nonlinear three-dimensional flexible manipulator
trajectory tracking, Y. Zhang, J. Liu and W. He, pages 1641-1663
- Distributed stochastic multi-vehicle routing in the Euclidean plane with
no communications, A. Pietrabissa, pages 1664-1674
- Non-predictor control of a class of feedforward nonlinear systems with
unknown time-varying delays, M.-S. Koo and H.-L. Choi, pages 1675-1683
- Further results on the L1 analysis of sampled-data systems via kernel
approximation approach, J. H. Kim and T. Hagiwara, pages 1684-1697
- Robust nonlinear generalised predictive control for a class of uncertain
nonlinear systems via an integral sliding mode approach, R. Errouissi, J.
Yang, W.-H. Chen and A. Al-Durra, pages 1698-1710
- An analysis and design method for a class of nonlinear systems with
nested saturations, Q. Wang, M. Ran and C. Dong, pages 1711-1724
- Distributed model predictive control with hierarchical architecture for
communication: application in automated irrigation channels, A. Farhadi and
A. Khodabandehlou, pages 1725-1741

5. Conferences

5.1. International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control
Contributed by: Necmiye Ozay, necmiye at umich.edu

20th International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control
April 18-21, 2017,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
URL: http://hscc2017.ece.illinois.edu/

Important dates
Paper Submission deadline: October 13, 2016 (firm, 11:59 pm UTC-12)
Rebuttal phase: TBA
Notifications: December 20, 2016
Demo/poster submission: TBA
Camera-ready: February 16, 2017
Conference dates: April 18-21, 2017

Conference Scope
HSCC 2017 is the 20th in a series of conferences on all aspects of hybrid
systems. It is dedicated to advancing design and analysis techniques that
bridge control theory and computer science, and is expanding to new domains
in security and privacy and in systems biology. The conference covers the
range from theoretical results to practical applications and experiences in
cyber-physical systems (CPS), mixed signal circuits, robotics,
infrastructure networks, and biological models. Topics of interest include,
but are not limited to, the following subjects:
* Mathematical foundations, computability and complexity
* Modeling paradigms and techniques
* Design, synthesis, planning, and control
* Analysis, verification, validation, and testing
* Programming and specification languages
* Network science and control over networks
* Security and privacy in cyberphysical systems
* Software tools
* Applications and case studies

HSCC 2017 will be part of the ninth Cyber Physical Systems Week (CPS Week),
and co- located with the International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems
(ICCPS), Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN), the Real-Time
and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS), Conference on
Internet-of-Things Design and Implementation (IOTDI), and related workshops.

Regular papers: Submissions should present unpublished original research,
not under review elsewhere. Maximum 10 pages in 10pt, two-column ACM
format. This year we will enforce a light double-blind reviewing process;
the conference webpage will have more details. Paper submissions should be
preceded by an abstract (date TBA). Authors of distinguished papers may be
invited to submit an extended version of their work for possible
publication in a Special issue of a leading journal. A Best Student Paper
Award will be presented to the author of the best paper written solely or
primarily by a student.

Tool and case study papers: Tool Papers should describe an implemented tool
and its novelty. Maximum 6 pages in the 10pt, two-column ACM format.

Demo/posters: Demo/poster descriptions are used for selecting contributions
for demo/poster session, and will not be published in the proceedings.
Maximum 2 pages, ACM format. Title should begin with “Demo (Poster):”.
Descriptions should be submitted to the “Demonstrations and Posters” track
at the submission website.

Submission website for papers:

Repeatability evaluation: Authors of accepted papers will be invited to
participate in an optional repeatability evaluation process after the
camera-ready submission. Papers that pass will receive the “artifact
evaluated” badge and there will be a Best RE Award.

The official publication date may be up to two weeks before the conference.

5.2. International Symposium on Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems
Contributed by: Roderich Gross, r.gross at sheffield.ac.uk

Last Call for Papers

DARS 2016
13th International Symposium on Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems
November 7-9, 2016. Natural History Museum, London, UK

July 12, 2016 Paper Submission Extended (23:59 PDT)
September 7, 2016 Author Notification
September 21, 2016 Camera Ready Submission
November 7-9, 2016 Conference

All accepted contributions will be included as full-length papers in the
Proceedings of DARS 2016. The proceedings will be published in the Springer
STAR series (Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics):
http://www.springer.com/series/5208 .

In addition, the Autonomous Robots journal plans to publish a special issue
on Distributed Robotics in cooperation with DARS (details about the open
call will be announced in due course).

Nikolaus Correll - University of Colorado Boulder, USA
Vijay Kumar - University of Pennsylvania, USA
James AR Marshall - The University of Sheffield, UK
Katia Sycara - Carnegie Mellon University, USA

5.3. Workshop on Control, Optimisation and Networks
Contributed by: Malcolm Smith, mcs at eng.cam.ac.uk

Two workshops will be held at the University of Cambridge, United Kingdom,
on September 19-22, 2016. The workshops aim to connect researchers from the
sciences, mathematics, and engineering who share an interest in control
theory. Discounted accommodation is available at Pembroke College for
registrations completed by 15 August.


This workshop marks the contributions of Professor Jan Maciejowski to the
control field on the occasion of his retirement.

Confirmed speakers:
K.J. Astrom, M. Deistler, R. Findeisen, M. Gallieri, M. Gevers, J.
Goncalves, P. Goulart, B. Hanzon, E. Hartley, W. Heath, C. Jones, E.C.
Kerrigan, I. Lestas, K.V. Ling, L. Ljung, S. Longo, J. Lygeros, M. Morari,
J. Raisch, A. Richards, P. Roberts, R. Shekhar, G. Vinnicombe

Website: http://www-control.eng.cam.ac.uk/Main/Workshop7

EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION: before August 15 2016 (includes discounted
accommodation at Pembroke College)

5.4. Workshop on Mathematical Aspects of Network Synthesis
Contributed by: Malcolm Smith, mcs at eng.cam.ac.uk

Two workshops will be held at the University of Cambridge, United Kingdom,
on September 19-22, 2016. The workshops aim to connect researchers from the
sciences, mathematics, and engineering who share an interest in control
theory. Discounted accommodation is available at Pembroke College for
registrations completed by 15 August.

Fourth in a series of workshops initiated by Uwe Helmke.

Confirmed speakers:
M.Z.Q. Chen, P. Dewilde, P. Fuhrmann, T.H. Hughes, J.Z. Jiang, N.
Karcanias, D.J.N. Limebeer, A. Morelli, R.T. Pates, P. Rapisarda, R.
Sepulchre, F. Seyfert, M.C. Smith, A.J. van der Schaft

Website: http://www-control.eng.cam.ac.uk/Main/Workshop8

EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION: before August 15 2016 (includes discounted
accommodation at Pembroke College)

5.5. CFP: "Control and Coordination for Synchromodal Transport Systems"
Track at IFAC World Congress 2017
Contributed by: Rudy Negenborn, r.r.negenborn at tudelft.nl

Contributions invited for “Control and Coordination for Synchromodal
Transport Systems” Track at IFAC World Congress 2017

We kindly invite you to consider submitting a contribution to the Track on:
“Control and Coordination for Synchromodal Transport Systems”,
organized as part of the IFAC World Congress 2017, Toulouse, France, July
2017, https://www.ifac2017.org/.

This track will be devoted to:
• (distributed) control for seaport hubs, container terminal, and
intermodal terminals;
• (distributed) control for road vehicles and road networks;
• (distributed) control for vessels, locks, and water networks;
• (distributed) control for rail systems, trains and rail networks;
• coordination methods for synchromodal freight transport systems.

Deadline for submission of papers is October 31, 2016.

lease find attached the details regarding further important dates and track
See also the IFAC Wold Congress’s website:

Track Organizers:
Rudy Negenborn (Delft University of Technology)
Simona Sacone (University of Genova)
Silvia Siri (University of Genova)

6. Positions

6.1. MS: Global Innovation Exchange Institute, USA
Contributed by: (Samuel) Qing-Shan Jia, jiaqs at tsinghua.edu.cn

GIX 2017 Dual Master Degree Program in Connected Devices
Call for Application

Tsinghua University and the University of Washington entered into a
partnership to create the Global Innovation Exchange Institute (GIX) in
2015. GIX locates on Seattle’s east side in Bellevue, and will be housed in
a state-of-the-art facility. Bring together top learners, teachers and
technology talent from across the world, GIX will power innovation through
an ambitious new model of project-based collaborative education that is
unbound by geography or discipline.

GIX is the first physical presence in the U.S. for a Chinese research
university. On 23rd September 2015, during his visit to Seattle, President
XI Jinping presented a dawn redwood, a tree native to China, with his
blessings to GIX for its future success.

Program Introduction
Exponential growth in connected devices is expected over the next decade,
resulting in tremendous social and economic value, as the Internet of
Things, Ubiquitous Computing, Wearable Computing, and Smart Devices become
dramatically more cost effective, simpler to develop, and increasingly
mainstream. Connected devices are poised to advance such diverse fields as
health and natural resource management. To invent new applications and
develop the expanding connected device market requires leaders with an
array of technology, prototyping, design and entrepreneurial skills. We
address global challenges by interdisciplinary project oriented education.
We train the students how to integrate resources and leverage the
innovation ecosystem to change the world. Connected devices is the first
dual master degree program offered by GIX. Starting from the fall 2017,
prospective students with innovation consciousness, vision and sense of
responsibility and mission will start their study in Bellevue.

Admissions Criteria
Applicants must meet all admission requirements of both Tsinghua and UW in
order to be admitted to the Dual Master Degree Program.
A. Bachelor degree form a recognized university, new graduates need to
complete all academic requirements and obtained a degree prior to
B. Coursework in a technical field related to computing (computer science,
electrical engineering, computer engineering, applied math) OR a
quantitative field.
C. For applicants whose native language is not English, an official English
language test score of TOEFL is required, as the whole program is English

Application Checklist
1. Resume or curriculum vitae in English;
2. Personal Statement (up to 800 words), describe why you want to apply for
our dual degree program, your professional interests and value (including
study, internship and research etc.) and future career plan;
3. Copies of official transcripts or academic records for every
post-secondary university or college attended. If your institution provides
a cumulative grade point average and/or a class rank for your degree, you
MUST include it in this section;
4. A short video of no more than two minutes, in which the applicant
demonstrates her or his creativity in a form that might otherwise be
difficult to articulate on paper;
5. Two letters of recommendation;
6. TOEFL score (for students whose native language is not English. At least
100 on the TOEFL iBT, along with a Speaking score of at least 26. Scores
should be within two years at the application deadline);
7. Additional materials that demonstrate qualifications and experiences
(e.g. published papers, patents, or portfolios).
Those who are conditionally admitted by Tsinghua University shall submit
all the original or the notarial degree certificate and transcripts. The
documents provided should be in Chinese or in English; otherwise notarial
translations in Chinese or English are required. All the original or the
notarial degree certificates and academic transcripts must be officially
sealed and will be permanently kept in students’ archives by the
university. None of the above application documents will be returned.
Students are not officially admitted if application documents are not

Application Deadline
- Early admission: Submit the complete application package by Sept. 15,
2016. Decision made by Sept. 30, 2016.
- Regular admission: Submit the complete application package by Jan. 31,
2017. Decision made by Mar. 31, 2017.
Additional materials may be needed. Please visit our website
http://gix.tsinghua.edu.cn for more details.

Key Facts
- 2-year program to earn 2 master degrees (Master of Engineering in Data
Science and Information Technology from Tsinghua University and Master of
Science in Technology Innovation from the University of Washington).
- Financial aid will cover at least 50% of tuition for all admitted
applicants. In addition, scholarship and loans are also available.
Internship also alleviates the financial situation.
- The first 15 months in Bellevue and the rest may be in Beijing (Tsinghua

Tuition: $77,000 USD

For More Information, email: gix at tsinghua.edu.cn

B425-1,Lee Shau Kee Science and Technology Building
Tsinghua University
Beijing 100084, China
Tel: +86-10-62796157

6.2. PhD: University of L'Aquila, Italy
Contributed by: Alessandro D’Innocenzo, alessandro.dinnocenzo at univaq.it

Open PhD position at the University of L’Aquila, Department of Information
Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics:


The University of L’Aquila, Department of Information Engineering, Computer
Science and Mathematics is searching for a young, motivated and skilled PhD
researcher with a background in systems and control theory and computer

The RESEARCH PROJECT is funded by the H2020-ECSEL-2015-1-RIA SafeCOP (Safe
Cooperating Cyber-Physical Systems using Wireless Communication). SafeCOP
addresses safety-related cooperating cyber-physical systems, characterised
by use of wireless communication, multiple stakeholders, dynamic system
definitions, and unpredictable operating environments. SafeCOP refers to
such systems-of-systems as Cooperative Open Cyber-Physical Systems
(CO-CPS). It is assumed that no single stakeholder has the overall
responsibility over the CO-CPS, that the cooperation relies on the wireless
communication to perform a safety function, and that security and privacy
issues are of concern. SafeCOP targets systems that are of the following
three types: (1) use inter-system communication to reach a common goal; (2)
rely on communicated information from the other systems in order to ensure
safe and/or efficient operation; (3) provide services that may compromise
safety if the communication fails. SafeCOP will address all the above
target systems in automotive, healthcare, maritime and weather use cases.

In this PhD project it is expected to contribute to the definition and the
development of methods and tools for probabilistic safety analysis of
control tasks over wireless networking protocols. In fact, to fulfil tight
safety/security standards mandated by the regulation bodies there is the
need for software tools formally verifying that the implementation of a
networked system satisfies requirements. Numerical inaccuracies and
non-idealities might compromise the result of such formal verification: to
overcome this difficulty the notion of robustness, typical of systems and
control theory, and a formal mathematical modeling of the interaction
between control algorithms and wireless communication protocols will be
exploited to guarantee the correct result of the verification process.

The research will be carried out in the Center of Excellence DEWS,
Department of Information Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics,
University of L’Aquila.

CANDIDATE PROFILE: An ideal candidate holds a degree in engineering or
computer science. He or she has a solid background in systems and control
theory and computer science, interest and experience in mathematical
programming (Matlab, Java, C/C++), and enthusiasm for scientific research.
Proficiency in English is a requirement. To apply please visit
http://phdict.disim.univaq.it/. For further information, contact Dr.
Alessandro D’Innocenzo.

6.3. PhD: KU Leuven, Belgium
Contributed by: Wim Michiels, Wim.Michiels at cs.kuleuven.be

PhD: KU Leuven, Belgium (Marie Sklodowska-Curie action)

At the Faculty of Engineering Science of KU Leuven there is vacant PhD
position in the area of control and optimization of large-scale
interconnected systems.

The aim of the PhD project is to develop novel, decentralized control
schemes for complex delay coupled systems. For large networks it is
expensive, if not impossible, to control all systems individually, and
centralized solutions are infeasible. Most of the approaches for
decentralized control do not carry over to systems with time-delay.
Furthermore, the underlying theoretical framework is not adapted toward
complex systems where the overall dynamics are largely determined by the
interactions. Hence, a shift of the control paradigm is needed. Instead of
tuning controller parameter, we focus on optimizing the topology of the
network, that is, we determine which systems need to interact in order to
optimize a global objective in an efficient way. While the focus is on
methodological developments, applications are foreseen in robotics and
sensor networks.

The PhD researcher will spend the first two years at KU Leuven, Belgium,
and the final year at Ecole Centrale de Lille, France, and he/she will be
awarded a joint doctoral diploma upon a successful completion.

What do we offer: an interdisciplinary research project, a stimulating
environment at two European top universities, a balanced and personally
tailored PhD trajectory, with attention paid to transferable skills
development and exposure to both academic and non-academic environments,
and a highly competitive salary (Marie Sklodowska-Curie program). The
position is in the framework of the project UCoCoS, funded by the European

Eligibility criteria, mobility requirements, and application instructions
can be found at the website http://ucocos-project.eu, position ESR5.
Deadline: September 1.

6.4. PhD: KU Leuven, Belgium
Contributed by: Steffen Waldherr, steffen.waldherr at kuleuven.be

In the Bio- & Chemical Systems Technology, Reactor Engineering and Safety
Section at KU Leuven, Belgium, a position for a PhD Student working on
Estimation and Control of Cell Populations is available. We are looking for
a motivated student with a background in chemical or biosystems engineering
and an interest in the modelling and computational analysis of
heterogeneity in cell populations to join the Bio- & Chemical Systems
Technology, Reactor Engineering and Safety Section at the Department of
Chemical Engineering. The student will work as a PhD student in the group
Computational Methodologies for (Bio-)chemical Processes under the
supervision of Prof. dr. Steffen Waldherr. In general, the research of the
section is aimed at the exploitation, optimization and control of chemical
and biochemical processes in selected, industrially relevant target areas.

Recent experimental advances to observe single cell dynamics have
increasingly highlighted the role of heterogeneity among cells in
biosystems and biomedical engineering. Such heterogeneity is commonly
described by a cell number density function over the state space of
individual cells, giving rise to so called population balance equations.
The focus of this project is on estimation and control methods in the
context of heterogeneous population models, in particular such models that
can be described by population balance equations. State estimation based on
lower dimensional population snapshots will be implemented via particle
filters, and control methods based on numerical optimization or moment

Please see the position announcement at
https://icts.kuleuven.be/apps/jobsite/vacatures/53807232?lang=en for more

6.5. PhD: Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
Contributed by: Erik Steur, e.steur at tue.nl

Two open PhD positions hosted in Eindhoven University of Technology in the
framework of UCoCoS project.

Major challenges in science, society and industry are induced by the
complexity of our hyper-connected world. Examples are the climate change,
artificial interconnected systems whose dynamics are beyond our
understanding such as the internet, the global banking system and the power
grid. A demand of performance emerges at an unprecedented scale:
collaborative sensors and robots so to ensure competitiveness of the
production industry, better management of traffic flows, designing
(de)synchronization mechanisms applicable in neuroscience, are examples
illustrating the necessity to understand and control the dynamics of
complex networks.

The objectives of the UCoCoS project are to create a control-oriented
framework for complex systems, and to define a common language, common
methods, tools and software for the complexity scientist. UCoCoS aims at i)
creating a closely connected new generation of leading scientists, capable
of designing network structures and policies to affect the networks, and
ii) initiating long-term partnerships and collaboration mechanisms leading
to sustainable doctoral training. The UCoCoS approach builds on recent
developments in three domains: control engineering, computer science,
mechanical engineering. In the framework of UCoCoS there are six open PhD
positions, two of them will be hosted in TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
Every PhD researcher performs a cutting-edge project, strongly relying on
the complementary expertise of three academic partners (KU Leuven, Ecole
Centrale de Lille, and Eindhoven University of Technology) and benefiting
from training by non-academic partners from three different sectors.

Two PhD positions are open in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, TU

1. Analytical and numerical bifurcation analysis of delay-coupled systems.
Complex systems can show very diverse behavior, synchronized or partially
synchronized motion being only few out of many possibilities. To explore
the complex behavior that can occur, bifurcation theory is essential, as
this allows to characterize the behavior that appears due to parameter
variations. As such, it brings inside in very complex behavior that is
feasible near well-understood dynamical regimes, such as the synchronized
state. A second motivation to investigate bifurcations in networked systems
is to assess the robustness of the model to parameter variations and
identifies structurally stable regimes. While a well-developed theory for
bifurcations of nonlinear dynamical systems with delays exists, these
results are restricted to low-dimensional systems, and cannot exploit the
network structure.

2. Reduced modelling of large-scale networks. Reduced models of large-scale
networks are essential for the control of large-scale networks. Challenges
lie both in the representation of the communication structure, and in the
identification of the subsystems in the network. This project focusses on
modelling techniques for the control of large-scale networks, and, in
particular, on the identification of the subsystems of the network. This
step is decisive for the level of abstraction of the model. For example,
neural mass models have proven effective to simulate specific aspects of
electrical brain activity such as alpha-rhythms and epileptic patterns by
identifying different populations of neurons, modelling the dynamics within
the population with a few state variables. More detailed models describe
each individual neuron in the human brain as a subsystem. A trade-off
between the conflicting requirements of a low number of agents, and a low
complexity of the individual agents is required, while ensuring that the
essential elements of the dynamics are captured in the model.

Candidate profile: An ideal candidate has a MSc degree in engineering or
applied mathematics, a strong background in control, optimization, an
experience in software development (Matlab, C/C++) will be a bonus.
Proficiency in English is a requirement.

The application procedure will be closed once an appropriate candidate is

The UCoCoS project and training network is funded by the European
Commission under the H2020 program, as a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions
ITN-EJD (Innovative Training Network- European Joint Doctorates). More
information on the project, and application instructions can be found at

6.6. PhD: University of Texas at San Antonio, USA
Contributed by: Yongcan Cao, yongcan.cao at utsa.edu

Fully funded PhD positions are available starting Spring 2017 in
distributed control and optimization, human-robot interaction, machine
learning, and motion planning. Research will be conducted in the Department
of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Texas at San Antonio
(UTSA) under the supervision of Dr. Yongcan Cao.

Position description:
- A Bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering, computer science,
mechanical engineering, aerospace engineering, or a related field;
- Strong background in systems and control theory, signal processing, and
- Excellent writing and communication skills;
- Proficiency in Matlab and C++.
- Master’s degree
- Experience on Robot Operating System, machine learning, and computer
- Hands-on experience on UAVs or ground robots
- Demonstrated research experience (i.e., a good publication record)

How to apply:
Send the following documents in a single PDF file
- One page cover letter describing your interest, goal, and how your
background fits well;
- CV or resume
- Transcripts
to yongcan.cao at utsa.edu.

About UTSA and San Antonio
Established in 1969, UTSA is the largest university in the San Antonio area
with over 28,000 students enrolled. It was selected by Times Higher
Education as one of the best universities in the world under 50 years old.
UTSA has evolved to be one of the largest institutions within the
University of Texas system.

San Antonio, officially the City of San Antonio, is the seventh most
populated city in the United States of America and the second most
populated city in the state of Texas. It is notable for Spanish colonial
missions, the Alamo, the River Walk, the Tower of the Americas, the Alamo
Bowl, and Marriage Island. Commercial entertainment includes SeaWorld and
Six Flags Fiesta Texas theme parks, and according to the San Antonio
Convention and Visitors Bureau, the city is visited by about 26 million
tourists a year. The city is home to the five-time NBA champion San Antonio

6.7. PhD: LSIS, France
Contributed by: Francesco Rossi, francesco.rossi at lsis.org

PhD position in Control - Applied Mathematics
LSIS, Marseille, France

Research project
Crowd Control: from control theory to applications to road traffic

In recent years, the study of collective behavior of a crowd of autonomous
agents has drawn a great interest from scientific communities, e.g. in
civil engineering (for emergency egress and traffic problems), robotics
(coordination of robots), computer science and sociology (social networks),
and biology (crowds of animals).

Beside the problem of analyzing the collective behavior of such systems, it
is now interesting to understand what changes of behavior can be induced by
an external agent (e.g. a policy maker) to the crowd. For example, one can
try to enforce the creation of relevant patterns (such as forcing
agreement, or alignment), or to break the formation of such patterns. This
is the problem of control of crowds.

Problems of control of crowds addressed in the project can be stated in
different mathematical frameworks, depending on the model used to describe
the crowd dynamics. We address it in three different mathematical
frameworks: microscopic models (sizable finite-dimensional dynamical
systems), macroscopic models (transport partial differential equations),
and multi-scale models (measure evolutions).

The control problems will be effectively studied by building bridges
between the three mathematical frameworks by studying in which cases
control strategies can be translated from one setting to another.

The key application of control of traffic models will be addressed too. The
goal is both to solve challenging specific problems of traffic control, and
to use such application as a benchmark for the theory developed in the

The researches developed in this project will be carried out by a team
based in Marseille. The strength of our team is its interdisciplinarity,
that permits to merge different techniques (geometric control, control of
partial differential equations, systems theory) to give a significant
contribution in solving challenging problems of crowd control.

PhD job description
The PhD candidate should have a Master degree in Applied Mathematics, or
Control, or related topics with a strong mathematical background. He/she
should have a good knowledge of mathematical control (Lyapunov methods,
geometric control) and/or partial differential equations. A genuine
interest in mathematical modeling is required. Some numerical skills
(modeling with MATLAB) would be a plus.

During the three years of the Ph.D. program, he/she will develop control
methods for models of crowds. The research project is mostly of theoretical
nature, but models coming from applications (such road traffic) will be
studied too.

The candidate can contact Francesco Rossi francesco.rossi at univ-amu.fr for
more details about the position.
For applying, please send an application to Francesco Rossi, with a CV and
a motivation letter. Two letters of recommendation (one possibly from the
Master's advisor) are also needed.

6.8. PhD: Centre Automatique et Systèmes, France
Contributed by: Florent Di Meglio, florent.di_meglio at mines-paristech.fr

The Centre Automatique et Systèmes is looking for candidates for a Ph.D.
position entitled 'Reservoir characterization during drilling: parameter
estimation for hyperbolic PDEs'.

The position is part of the Marie Curie H2020 project HYDRA, in
collaboration with TU Eindhoven and Kelda Drilling Controls. Details about
the project can be found here (Ph.D. 3):

6.9. PhD: Stevens Institute of Technology, USA
Contributed by: Yi Guo, yguo1 at stevens.edu

A PhD Research Assistant position is available in Department of Electrical
and Computer Engineering at Stevens Institute of Technology starting in
Spring 2017. The candidate is expected to have a strong mathematics
background, and research experience in dynamic systems and controls, and/or
optimization, and/or robotics. The successful candidate will work on a
research project funded by the NSF National Robotics Initiative, and focus
on robotics control, human-robot interaction, and machine learning methods.
A Bachelor's degree in relevant fields is required, and a Master's degree
is highly preferred.

Stevens Institute of Technology is located in Hoboken, NJ, on a bluff
overlooking the Hudson River and New York City. Interested candidates
please send your inquiries together with your detailed CV to
yguo1 at stevens.edu

6.10. PhD: University of South Florida, USA
Contributed by: Tansel Yucelen, yucelen at disco.team

Interdisciplinary Research Laboratory for Decision, Information, Systems,
and COntrol (DISCO, http://www.disco.team/) at the University of South
Florida is looking for exceptional doctoral students with creative skills
and a solid background in systems and control.

These students are expected to perform high quality scholarly work on our
research focus areas including adaptive and robust control of
safety-critical systems; distributed estimation and control of networked
multiagent systems; resilient and secure robotics, autonomous vehicles, and
cyber-physical systems; and biologically-inspired complex, large-scale, and
modular systems. Our intention is to give a strong guidance to maximize the
chances of our students for building a rewarding career.

If you are interested in joining the DISCO to do transformative
DISCOveries, please send an email to Dr. Tansel Yucelen (yucelen at disco.team),
the Director of the DISCO, and include 1) your curriculum vitae; 2) a
concise paragraph explaining your theoretical and experimental experience
related to systems and control; 3) a list of your undergraduate and
especially graduate courses taken (with your grades) related to systems and
control as well as mathematics; and 4) one of your (published) papers.
Please also include contact information (name, affiliation, and email) of
your current advisor and at least one other reference.

Dr. Tansel Yucelen
Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Director of the Interdisciplinary Research Laboratory for Decision,
Information, Systems, and COntrol (DISCO, http://www.disco.team)
Director of the Control Systems Forum (CSF, http://consys.forum.mst.edu/)
University of South Florida

6.11. PhD: CNRS in Grenoble, France
Contributed by: Paolo Frasca, paolo.frasca at gmail.com

A phd position is available at the GIPSA-lab, CNRS in Grenoble, France, on
the topic "On-line Partitioning Algorithms for Evolutionary Scale-free
Networks". The proposed research will be part of the Scale-FreeBack ERC
grant and will be performed under the joint supervision of Carlos
Canudas-de-Wit and of Paolo Frasca.

Scale-FreeBack is an ERC Advanced Grant 2015 awarded to Carlos
Canudas-de-Wit, Director of Research at the National Center for Scientific
Research, (CNRS), during Sept. 2016-2021. The ERC is hosted by the CNRS.
The project will be conducted within the NeCS group (which is a joint CNRS
(GIPSA-lab)-INRIA team). Scale-FreeBack is a project with ambitious and
innovative theoretical goals, which were adopted in view of the new
opportunities presented by the latest large-scale sensing technologies.

Detailed information on the position is available at

6.12. PostDoc: GE Global Research, USA
Contributed by: David Stamper, stamper at ge.com

GE Global Research has a post-doctoral position opening at Niskayuna, NY
for research projects related to electrical power grid. We are looking for
strong candidates with high level of expertise in optimization and control,
especially in distributed and stochastic optimization and model predictive
(receding horizon) control, and with good programming skills (Matlab, C++).

Prior knowledge of power grid optimization, demand response, distributed
energy resources and buildings to grid integration would also be an asset.

Candidates should hold a PhD in engineering, computer science or applied
mathematics and have a background in controls and optimization. Interested
applicants should apply at GECareers.com on position 2445017. Applications
will be evaluated as soon as they are received, until the position is
filled. The starting date is flexible, but can be as early as the Summer of

6.13. PostDoc: ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Contributed by: Melanie Zeilinger, mzeilinger at ethz.ch

Postdoctoral Position at ETH Zurich
Distributed Plug & Play Control for Complex and Modular Systems

We offer a postdoctoral position in the area of distributed control of
complex systems at the Institute for Dynamic Systems and Control at the
Mechanical and Process Engineering Department of ETH Zurich.

Distributed control techniques offer significant potential for the control
of complex and variable systems by considering the control of only a
sub-part of the system, while potentially achieving global optimality
through communication with controllers of other sub-systems, and most
importantly by offering a modular control approach to enable efficient
exchange, addition or removal of sub-systems without the need for
re-designing the overall controller.

This project will address the development of such “plug and play”
controllers that can provide flexible and modular operation in a safe
manner, i.e. take into account system constraints and/or guarantee
stability. Aside from the method development the focus will be on the
application to modular robotic systems for on site fabrication. The
postdoctoral researcher can expect a full-time position with a competitive
salary in a highly motivated and small research team offering an excellent
research infrastructure and environment. The position will be part of the
National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) Digital Fabrication,

- PhD degree (or close to completion);
- Strong background in systems and control; prior knowledge in optimization
is a plus (outstanding candidates with different background are encouraged
to apply);
- Proficient oral and written English skills.

Candidates should include the following documents in their application: CV;
short statement of motivation and research interests (1-2 pages);
transcripts of all obtained degrees (in English), names and contact
information of three references; two publications.

Please email your application to Prof. Melanie Zeilinger, e-mail:
mzeilinger at ethz.ch .
For more information, see

6.14. PostDoc: Colorado School of Mines, USA
Contributed by: Lucy Pao, pao at colorado.edu

Post-doctoral Position Opening in Control of Wind Turbines

We are seeking an outstanding post-doctoral researcher for the development,
validation, implementation, and experimental field testing of controllers
for a novel wind turbine rotor design. This post-doctoral position is
available starting approximately April 2017 for a duration of up to 24
months. Candidates should have a strong background in aerospace,
mechanical, and/or electrical engineering with a specialization in control
systems, and have strong hands-on experimental skills. Familiarity with
issues related to the control of wind turbines and NREL-developed software
tools for evaluating wind turbine control algorithms will be beneficial, as
will leadership and mentoring skills. The candidate will work as part of a
collaborative, creative, interdisciplinary team and should have excellent
written and oral communication skills. The position will be jointly
appointed at both Colorado School of Mines (Golden, CO) and University of
Colorado Boulder (Boulder, CO), and the applicant must meet requirements to
gain site access at the US National Renewable Energy Laboratory where the
field testing will be performed.
To apply for the position, please send the following all in one PDF file to
both email addresses below: (1) a cover letter summarizing your interest,
(2) CV, and (3) contact information for at least three references.

Professor Kathryn E. Johnson
Electrical Engineering & Computer Science Department
Colorado School of Mines
1610 Illinois St.
Golden, CO 80401 USA
Email: kjohnson at mines.edu

Professor Lucy Y. Pao
Electrical, Computer, & Energy Engineering Department
425 UCB
University of Colorado Boulder
Boulder, CO 80304 USA
Email: pao at colorado.edu

For more information, see https://inside.mines.edu/~kjohnson/postdoc.html
and http://ecee.colorado.edu/~pao/SUMR-controls-postdoc

6.15. PostDoc: McGill University, Canada
Contributed by: Ahmad Haidar, ahmad.haidar at mcgill.ca

The Department of Biomedical Engineering at McGill University is seeking
outstanding candidates for a Postdoc position. The successful candidate
will develop a learning algorithm for an electromechanical artificial
pancreas in type 1 diabetes. The artificial pancreas is a closed-loop
system to regulate glucose levels. A model predictive control is already in
place and has been extensively tested in human clinical trials, but it
requires further development to handle more efficiently slow changes in
insulin needs over time. The successful candidate will develop and
implement a learning algorithm based on recursive state estimation methods,
conduct extensive simulations, and lead the design and the conduction of a
clinical trial to test their algorithm.

The successful candidate will have the opportunity to work with a
multi-disciplinary team that includes researchers with backgrounds of
endocrinology, control engineering, biomedical engineering, pediatrics, and
computer science. This is a great opportunity for a highly motivated
applicant who wants to utilize their expertise in control systems to tackle
medical problems.

Desired Skills:
- Strong expertise in system control design, preferably in adaptive control
or model predictive control. Desired expertise includes estimation
algorithms, observers, Kalman filtering, and Bayesian
- Strong desire to work in a clinical setting.
- Strong programming skills.

Apply with your curriculum vitae to Prof. Ahmad Haidar (
ahmad.haidar at mcgill.ca). The candidate will be supervised by Prof. Ahmad
Haidar and Prof. Robert Kearney.

Please refer to https://sites.google.com/site/ahmad7haidar/research for
more information on our research program.

6.16. PostDoc: University of Michigan, USA
Contributed by: Dimitra Panagou, dpanagou at umich.edu

PostDoc: Aerospace Engineering Department, University of Michigan, Ann
Arbor, USA
Contributed by: Dimitra Panagou

Postdoctoral Opening: Decision-making and control for multi-agent systems
with applications in multi-UAV systems (safety and security).

The Distributed Aerospace Systems and Control Lab (
http://www-personal.umich.edu/~dpanagou/) at the Aerospace Engineering
Department, University of Michigan (Ann Arbor, MI, USA) is inviting
applications for one postdoctoral research associate position.

The successful candidate will work on planning, decision making and control
for networked UAVs in constrained, uncertain, adversarial environments.
Special emphasis will be given on (i) coordinated low-altitude flight of
small UAS (multi-copters, fixed-wing) in constrained environments, (ii)
threat detection and interception, and (iii) analyzing and mitigating
vulnerabilities in UAS systems.

The duration of the position is one year and may be renewable for another
year depending on satisfactory progress and availability of funds.

Candidates should have a strong background in the general areas of systems
and control theory, game theory, motion and path planning, optimization,
and dynamical systems modeling/analysis.

Interested applicants should send a CV, a brief description of interests
and goals, and a list of three references in a single PDF file to Professor
Dimitra Panagou (dpanagou at umich.edu). Applications will be evaluated as
soon as they are received, until the position is filled. The position is
immediately available.

6.17. PostDoc: University of Cambridge, UK
Contributed by: Ioannis Lestas, icl20 at cam.ac.uk

Postdoctoral Researcher: Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge

One or more positions exist for a Research Assistant/Associate to work in
the area of analysis and control of large scale networks, with applications
in power systems and smart grids. The positions will be funded by a five
year ERC grant. The appointment is until 31/8/2017 with the possibility for
renewal for an additional three years.

Applicants with a theoretical background in control, or research experience
in power systems are encouraged to apply. Applicants must have, or be close
to obtaining, a PhD in Engineering, Mathematics, Physics or a related

Informal inquiries may be addressed to Dr Ioannis Lestas (email:
icl20 at cam.ac.uk).
Further information can be found at http://www.jobs.cam.ac.uk/job/11006/

6.18. Research Associate: University of Sheffield, UK
Contributed by: Andreagiovanni Reina, a.reina at sheffield.ac.uk

Open position as a Research Associate in Collective Robotics for 1 year
within the ERC project "DiODe: Distributed Algorithms for Optimal
Decision-Making" led by Prof. James Marshall at the University of
Sheffield, UK.

The post holder will have the opportunity to work with a 1,000 robot swarm
in an internationally-leading research environment (the Department of
Computer Science was ranked 5th in the UK as part of the 2014 Research
Excellence Framework evaluations).

We are looking for outstanding candidates that have (or are about to
receive) a PhD in Computer Science or Electronic Engineering, experience of
designing and developing electronic circuit boards, and experience of
device firmware programming.

More information can be found at: https://t.co/6H92Stt79c
Application deadline: August 11th, 2016

Please forward this position advert to any person could be interested and
fulfils the requirements.

6.19. Faculty: Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Contributed by: Bo Egardt, bo.egardt at chalmers.se

Chalmers University of Technology is looking for highly motivated assistant
professors for our areas of advance as well as basic sciences
- Who are interested in building a research group and attracting external
- With interest and experience in teaching and supervising undergraduate
and graduate students.
- Who are open-minded and interested in collaborating within and outside of

The offer includes:
- A four-year tenure-track position at Chalmers.
- Funding for one PhD student and some operational costs.
- A leadership training programme, including career planning, together with
courses in graduate student supervision and teaching.
- A language course for non-Swedish speakers.
- A relocation package (including moving costs and help with practical
issues for people moving to Sweden).
- A permanent faculty position at Chalmers after successfully passing
tenure assessment.

Application deadline: 1 September 2016

For more information go to our campaign-site: www.chalmers.se/advance

6.20. Faculty: Zhejiang University of Technology, China
Contributed by: Qiu Xiang, qiuxiang at zjut.edu.cn

Faculty Position: Zhejiang University of Technology , Hangzhou, China
Contributed by: Xiang Qiu, qiuxiang at zjut.edu.cn


Zhejiang Control Science and Engineering First-Class (Class A) Discipline
Recruitment Announcement

Zhejiang University of Technology (ZJUT), sitting by the beautiful West
Lake, Hangzhou, is a Zhejiang Province and the Ministry of Education
co-supported, provincially governed key university, who owns one of the
only 14 Collaborative Creation Centers in the first initiative of the state
“2011 Program”. ZJUT has its beautiful campus covering more than 3000 mu,
which accommodates 24 Colleges, more than 37,000 full-time students and
more than 3,300 staffs. ZJUT is proudly to have 2 self-owned and 2 sharing
Fellows of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, as well as more than 1400
faculties with senior professional titles. ZJUT has State Key Disciplines,
State Engineering Research Centers, State University Science Parks, Centers
for Postdocs, as well as the power of awarding Doctors, Masters, MBAs and
recruiting foreign students and those from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.

The Control Science and Engineering Discipline within the College of
Information Engineering was one of the Priority-among-Priorities
Disciplines (selected by Zhejiang Provincial Government in 2009), and is
now one of the Zhejiang First-Class (Class A) Disciplines in the first
initiative of the Program in 2015. The Discipline now has the Doctoral
Program at the first-level discipline, the Center for Postdocs, and the
Zhejiang Collaborated Key Laboratory of Embedded Systems. The College of
Information Engineering where the Discipline is in has 5 undergraduate
programs: Automation, Electrical Engineering and Its Automation, Electronic
Information Engineering, Communication Engineering, and Electronic Science
and Technology. The Discipline is now recruiting faculties in the following
areas at the levels of State and Zhejiang Provincial “1000 Plan” high-level
talents, Zhejiang “Qianjiang Scholars”, ZJUT “Yunhe Specially-Appointed
Professors”, “ZJUT Professors”, outstanding PhDs and postdocs, etc.

(1) Control Science and Engineering, including advanced control theory,
robotics, machine vision, pattern recognition, industrial networked control
systems, MES, etc.
(2) Electrical Engineering, including electric drive, power electronics,
new energy, etc.
(3) Mechatronic Engineering, including high-precision servo control of
mechatronic devices, the modelling and dynamic analysis of robots, etc.
(4) Computer Science and Technology, including smart city, smart
healthcare, big data, cloud computing, IoT, industrial control software,

A. Selection criteria
- High-level talents (Changjiang Scholars, 1000 Plan Scholars, Qianjiang
Scholars, etc.): You have major achievements and influence in your research
area that have already been recognized by national and international
researchers, or have great potentials of future development; You also meet
the criteria of corresponding talents programs.
- ZJUT Professors /Associate Professors: You have a PhD degree obtained
from a recognized university or research institutes with at least one year
of oversea research experience in a well-known foreign institute; You have
research achievements recognized by national and international researchers;
Your application also passes the review process at the university level
- Outstanding PhDs/Postdocs:  You have a PhD degree obtained from a
recognized university or research institute; You have high-quality research
outputs and the professional skills required by a university lecturer, and
great potentials of your future career.

B. Salary and welfare
(1)National-Level Top Tier Talents:Fellows of Chinese Academy of Sciences
or Chinese Academy of Engineering, “Special Support Program” Distinguished
Talents, Principal Investigators of NSFC Innovative Research Team, or other
talents at the equivalent level. Treatment:Negotiation on the case by case
(2)National-Level Top Tier Talents:National “1000 Plan” Scholars
(long-term), Changqiang Scholars, NSFC Distinguished Young Scholars,
“Special Support Program” Outstanding Talents, winners (rank first) of
three major national science awards, or other talents at the equivalent
level. Salary (CNY):≥700K /Year; Housing Benefit(CNY):3M-5M; Startup
Funds(CNY):Case by case.
(3)National-Level Young Talents:“Special Support Program” Outstanding Young
Talents, “1000 Plan” Young Scholars, “Changjiang Young Scholars, NSFC
Outstanding Young Scholars, 973 Program Young Scholars, “Millions of
Talents Program” Scholars, or other talents at the equivalent level. Salary
(CNY):≥450K /Year; Housing Benefit(CNY):1.5M-2.5M; Startup Funds(CNY):1M-3M.
(4)Provincial-and-Ministry-Level Talents,Yunhe Specially-Appointed
Professors:CAS “100 Plan” Scholars, Zhejiang ”Qianjiang Scholars”, Zhejiang
“1000 Plan” (long-term) Scholars, or other talents who have made
significant academic contributions with great potentials of development and
who are awarded “Yunhe Specially-Appointed Professors” after the review of
ZJUT. Salary (CNY):≥350K /Year; Housing Benefit(CNY):1.5M; Startup
(5)ZJUT Professors,ZJUT Associated Professors:You have a PhD degree
obtained from a recognized university or research institutes with at least
one year of oversea research experience in a well-known foreign institute;
You have research achievements recognized by national and international
colleges; Your application also passes the review process at the university
level. Salary (CNY):Salaries at the appropriate levels; Housing
Benefit(CNY):0.4M-0.5M; Startup Funds(CNY):0.1M-0.2M.
(6)Outstanding PhDs/Postdoctors:You have a PhD degree obtained from a
recognized university or research institute; You have high-quality research
outputs and the professional skills required by a university lecturer, and
great potentials of your future career. Salary (CNY):Salaries at the
appropriate levels; Housing Benefit(CNY):0.3M.
(7)Postdocs (leading to a faculty):Besides the basic salary and welfare,
50K/Year subsidy is provided for the first two years, with the possibility
of continuing this subsidy plus a one-off 200K housing benefit if you are
accepted to ZJUT public institution business unit.

C. Required documents
(1)One self-recommendation letter covering your study and professional
records, your teaching and research statements, your achievements, your
work plan as well as your possible requirements from us.
(2)A list of your research funds, awards, and publications in the recent
five years.

D. Contact us

Dr. Qiu,
Email : qiuxiang at zjut.edu.cn
Mobile: +86-13867469319
Address: Xiaoheshan College Park, College of Information Engineering,
Zhejiang University of Technology, 310023

6.21. Faculty: University of Groningen
Contributed by: Claudio De Persis, c.de.persis at rug.nl

University of Groningen
Engineering and Technology Institute Groningen
Tenure Track position in Optimization and Control

Since its foundation in 1614, the University of Groningen has enjoyed an
international reputation as a dynamic and innovative centre of higher
education offering high-quality teaching and research. Balanced study and
career paths in a wide variety of disciplines encourage currently more than
30,000 students and researchers to develop their own individual talents.
Belonging to the best research universities in Europe and the top 100
universities in the world (see our ranking:
http://www.rug.nl/about-us/where-do-we-stand/rankings), the University of
Groningen is truly an international place of knowledge.

*Job description*
The successful candidate is expected to develop research in areas at the
intersection of optimization and dynamical control systems. These areas
include but are not limited to differential games, distributed
optimization, optimization and control of network systems, optimal control.
Other areas might be considered as well in cases of applications by
exceptional applicants. Examples of application areas where the candidate
should be willing to work include smart cities, transportation systems,
flow networks, energy systems, supply chain networks, optimal
actuator/sensor placement. The candidate will be embedded in the
SMS-Cyberphysical System group in which research in cyberphysical systems,
dynamical networks, nonlinear systems, hybrid and switched control is
conducted, with applications ranging from smart grids, to data centers,
water and heat networks, as well as adaptive optics

Candidates have:
- a Ph.D. degree in relevant areas such as electrical engineering, systems
and control, mechanical engineering, computer engineering, operations
- two or more years of experience in a post-doctoral capacity or experience
at another educational institution by the time the candidate is hired for
the position;
- excellent research qualities, as evidenced by a publication record in
international peer-reviewed journals and renowned conferences, and a
relevant international network;
- research, teaching and organizational experience appropriate to career
- a working knowledge of the English language;
- evidence of experience in proposal writing or successful acquisition of
external funding appropriate to career stage;

Candidates are:
- team players with good communications skills;
- willing to fulfill the requirements for the University Teaching
- willing to learn the Dutch language.

*Conditions of employment*
The appointment will be initially for a maximum of 6 years at the level of
tenure track assistant professor with a gross monthly salary dependent on
qualifications and work experience from €3,259 up to a maximum of €5,070
(CAO-NU salary scales 11 or 12) gross per month for a full-time position.
After 5 years there will be an assessment of performance based on
established criteria. If the outcome of the assessment is positive, the
assistant professor will be promoted to associate professor with tenure.
There will be another assessment at the end of a further 4-7 -year period
for the promotion to full professor.

In addition to the primary salary the University offers 8% holiday
allowance and an end-of-year bonus of 8,3%.

The University of Groningen provides career services for partners of new
faculty members moving to Groningen.

The University of Groningen has adopted an active policy to increase the
number of female scientists across all disciplines of the university.
Therefore, female candidates are especially encouraged to apply.

Interested candidates are invited to submit a complete application
- A letter of motivation;
- A Curriculum Vitae, including a list of publications;
- A list of five self selected ‘best papers’;
- A statement about teaching goals and experience and a description of
scientific interest and plans;
- The names of three references complete with title and contact information.

You may apply for this position by sending an email to secsms at rug.nl with
all the required documents attached. Deadline 31 August 2016.

For information you can contact:
Prof. C. De Persis, c.de.persis at rug.nl
(please do not use for applications)

More information can be found on

6.22. Faculty: Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Contributed by: Morten Breivik, morten.breivik at ntnu.no

The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU,
http://www.ntnu.edu/) is establishing the world’s first professorship in
Big Data Cybernetics in collaboration with KONGSBERG (http://kongsberg.com/),
combining the fields of automatic control and multivariate data modelling.

For the successful applicant, this represents a unique opportunity to play
a central role in the development of a new interdisciplinary field. The
position will be affiliated with the Department of Engineering Cybernetics
(Institutt for teknisk kybernetikk - ITK, http://www.ntnu.edu/itk) at
NTNU’s Faculty of Information Technology, Mathematics and Electrical

ITK has 17 full-time professors, 11 adjunct professors, about 10 postdocs
and researchers as well as 70 PhD candidates. Approximately 100 MSc
candidates graduate annually from the three study programs in cybernetics,
which comprise about 650 students in total. The department is involved in
numerous research projects and centers, including the Centre of Excellence
for Autonomous Marine Operations and Systems (NTNU AMOS,

The new field Big Data Cybernetics is envisioned to combine methods from
automatic control and multivariate data modelling in order to discover
systematic structures in the spatial, temporal and property-profile
domains, and to convert these structures into quantitative,
human-interpretable information.

The main goal is to translate “big data” from a large number of sensor
channels into ”smart data” represented by a combination of theory-driven
and data-driven models, by combining science’s prior knowledge with
nature’s unexpected patterns to identify the relevant structures and
develop interpretable and useful models. The overlap between cybernetic
subspace identification and chemometric partial-least-squares regression
could for instance be a fruitful common ground for the desired
high-dimensional, spatio-temporal modelling. The outputs from such models
shall be intuitively understandable by humans, who then can use their
background knowledge and creativity for further refinement and development.
This means that black-box modelling, such as e.g. artificial neural
networks or support vector machines, are not the focus of Big Data

The applicants’ methodological basis should include theory and tools for
describing scientific knowledge in terms of both first-principles
mathematical models as well as unexpected cluster and subspace structures
in large data sets. It is required to document solid competence in at least
one of the two fields of automatic control and multivariate data modelling,
and the applicant must demonstrate a strong interest in merging these two
fields. Knowledge in system identification, nonlinear dynamics, feedback
control and self-organization, signal processing, image analysis,
visualization or machine learning is an advantage. Thus, several different
scientific backgrounds are relevant for this new interdisciplinary field.

The candidate will join a research community at ITK which was rated
"excellent from an international perspective" in the Norwegian Research
Council’s evaluation of 53 ICT communities in Norway in 2012, as one of
three ICT communities to receive such a rating in the Norwegian university
and college sector.

The position is announced at
with application deadline on Friday September 30.

6.23. Visiting Professor: UTFPR, Brazil
Contributed by: Alessandro N Vargas, avargas at utfpr.edu.br

Position for Visiting Professor/Researcher in Systems and Control in Brazil

>From Alessandro Vargas, UTFPR Brazil

I have a free position for a Visiting Professor in my group.

Main conditions:
1. The pre-requisite is that the candidate must have a Doctorate diploma,
taken before july 2011.
2. The person should be willing to work in Control, Systems, and related
topics in my group [visit www.labcontrol.xyz ]
3. The salary is around 2.100 Euros per month (tax free). The candidate
will receive 13 payments for each year.
4. The contract is awarded for 6 months and can be renewed in the end of
each semester, until it completes 4 years (maximum).
5. The candidate will start in november 01, 2016 (fixed deadline).
6. The contract is issued by the Brazilian government, i.e. the selected
candidate will become a temporary employee of the Brazilian government.
Because of this, the selected candidate must be in Brazil in the first week
of october, 2016 to fulfill many forms and to overcome an extra load of
bureaucratic documents. The bureaucratic process is time-consuming.
7. There is no funding to support the travel expenses from where the
selected candidate lives to come to live in Parana, Brazil, neither money
to support the expenses of the bureaucratic documents.
8. Candidates must have a strong research score in Control and Systems
Engineering; Automation;
Robotics; Mechatronics; Mathematics (pure or applied); and Technology.
Candidates that do not have at least 5 papers published in good-quality
journals are discouraged to apply.
9. The Visiting Professor/Researcher position is available to citizens of
any country, and the
successful applicants will be required to live in the Parana State (South
of Brazil) during the fellowship period. Our research facilities are
located at UTFPR Campus in Cornelio Procopio, Parana. Londrina is the
biggest city close to Cornelio Procopio. Londrina was settled by immigrants
from London, UK, and now is a medium-scaled city with a rich cultural life.
10. The Visiting Professor/Researcher may be required to supervise graduate
students and to teach some classes for graduate and undergraduate students
(teaching can consume up to 8 hours a week).
11. The position requires a good-level of written and oral communication
skills in English. The University's staff will help the non-speaking
Portuguese candidates to learn Portuguese efficiently in specific language
training programs.
12. The Visiting Professor/Researcher will join Lab Control [visit
www.labcontrol.xyz ]. The candidate will be asked to develop a research
project to advance the knowledge of Control systems. Namely, we are
interested in new results of Control systems for applications of real-time
processes. Candidates are strongly encouraged to apply if they are
committed to pursuing theoretical or applied research in systems and
control engineering whilst working collaboratively across disciplines to
develop solutions to one or more of the next topics: Theory: linear and
nonlinear control systems, stochastic systems, Markovian systems, optimal
control, stability of systems, filtering and identification, networked
control, nonlinear optimization, computational methods, signal processing,
among others topics. Applications: industrial processes, electrical and
electronic systems, automotive systems (electronic control of vehicles),
mechatronic devices, renewable energy, wind turbines, photovoltaics,
technology applied in Agriculture, among others. The appointed candidates
are expect to build a bridge between theory and applications.

The selected candidate will work under the supervision of Prof. Alessandro
N. Vargas (UTFPR, Brazil). The selected candidate will be included in a
research project that is developed in cooperation between UTFPR, Brazil,
UPC Barcelona Tech (Codalab Group), Spain, and TUIASI Romania. Most
importantly, the candidate must agree to work in cooperation with a team of
PhDs composed by mathematicians and engineers (Electrical, Electronics,
Computer, Control, Automation).

Required documentation for application:
1. A cover letter in which the applicant justifies his or her interest in
the proposed topics;
2. An updated academic CV.

Inscription of candidates:
Candidates should submit their documentation by email at "
avargas at utfpr.edu.br".

The deadline for applications is September 01, 2016, but applications will
be accepted until the position is filled.

The result of the first step of the selection process will be informed by
email in September 02, 2016, or until the position is filled.

The interview will be arranged with the candidates by email and Skype.

More details on:

6.24. Research Engineer: Evolution Energie, France
Contributed by: Lisanne Willenbrock,
lisanne.willenbrock at evolutionenergie.com

We are looking for a research engineer to join our innovation Team in Paris
and develop a project proposition for the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions -
Research Fellowship Programme (deadline September 2016). If the proposal is
accepted the researcher would stay at least 1 or 2 years in our French
offices. The candidate will receive an attractive salary and benefit from
several Training opportunities from Evolution Energie and the European
Commission, a mobility grant and reimbursement of living expenses.

The chosen engineer will have to use the principles of automation and
optimization to develop technically sound solutions to environmental
problems in the field of water treatment. He/She will participate in the
development of our main software solution Flexinergy and explore new
optimization processes for our environmental management systems. The
candidate will be involved in efforts to grow compliance with environmental
public policy, optimize the utilization of resources and improve water

Some of the responsibilities could be the following:
- Develop control law synthesis for the process of waste water treatment;
- Provide system and component design that reduce negative impact on
- Conduct research on specific waste water treatment processes such as
advanced oxidation process; or activated carbon;
- Address problems and develop a software module to optimize the energy
consumption and water quality of waste water plants;
- Monitor the environmental impact of projects and analyze data;
- Provide systems technical evaluation;
- Develop resources management schemes and integrate latest technologies
into management systems;
- Serve as a technical advisor on environmental policies in the field of
water treatment;
- Collaborate with scientists, planners and experts;
- Cooperate and communicate effectively with project manager and other
project participants to provide assistance and technical support;
- Perform overall quality control of the work (budget, schedule, plans,
personnel’s performance) and report regularly on project status;
- Monitor progress and provide recommendations reports.

- Holding a PhD in the field of automation, control law and optimization
- First working experience as an engineer;
- Experience with analytical, mechanical and compliance software (e.g.
Matlab, Simulink, C++);
- Ability to think innovation projects on small scale and for future
- Familiarity with quality assurance, documentation, environmental rules,
regulations and best practices;
- Project and personnel management skills;
- Advanced MS Office skills.

If you are interested in this position, please send CV and motivation
letter to lisanne.willenbrock at evolutionenergie.com


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