[eletter] eletter 331

Jianghai Hu jianghai at purdue.edu
Fri Apr 1 17:15:53 EDT 2016

E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing
Issue 331
April 2016

Jianghai Hu
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Purdue University
465 Northwestern Ave.
West Lafayette, IN, 47907
Tel: +01 (765) 4962395
Fax: +01 (765) 4943371

Welcome to the 331 issue of the Eletter, available electronically at
together with its pdf version

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The next Eletter will be mailed out at the beginning of May 2016.


1. IEEE CSS Headlines
1.1 IEEE Control Systems Society Publications Content Digest
1.2 IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
1.3 IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems
1.4 IEEE Control Systems Society Technically Cosponsored Conferences
1.5 CFP: IEEE-CSS Outreach Fund

2. Books
2.1 Nonsmooth Mechanics: Models, Dynamics and Control

3. Journals
3.1 Contents: Automatica
3.2 Contents: Proceedings of the Institute of Applied Mathematics
3.3 Contents: Nonlinear Studies
3.4 Contents: Mathematics in Engineering Science and Aerospace
3.5 Contents: Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems
3.6 Contents: TWMS Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
3.7 Contents: Control Engineering Practice
3.8 Contents: International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer
3.9 Contents: International Journal of Advanced Mechatronic Systems
3.10 Contents: International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems
3.11 Contents: IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information

4. Conferences
4.1 American Control Conference
4.2 IFAC Conference on Cyber-Physical & Human-Systems
4.3 IFAC International Conference on Foundations of Systems Biology in
4.4 International Workshop on Applied Verification for Continuous and
Hybrid Systems
4.5 International Workshop on Hybrid Systems Biology
4.6 International Workshop on Symbolic and Numerical Methods for
Reachability Analysis
4.7 International Conference on Swarm Intelligence
4.8 International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems
4.9 International Symposium on Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems
4.10 International Conference on Instrumentation, Control and Automation
4.11 ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy-Efficient Built
4.12 ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems
4.13 European Conference on Computational Optimization
4.14 World Congress: Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and
4.15 Workshop on ICT Research and Innovation for Sustainable Economic and
Social Development in ASEAN
4.16 Symposium on Management of Future Motorway and Urban Traffic Systems
4.17 CFP: IET Control Theory & Applications
4.18 CFP: Asian Journal of Control
4.19 CFP: International Workshop on Numerical Software Verification

5. Positions
5.1 PhD: ETH, Switzerland
5.2 PhD: Lehigh University, USA
5.3 PhD: University of Toulouse III, France
5.4 PhD: Stevens Institute of Technology, USA
5.5 PhD: CRAN & CEA LIST, France
5.6 PhD: Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
5.7 PhD: University of Texas at Dallas, USA
5.8 Research Assistant: University of Sheffield, UK
5.9 PostDoc: Texas A&M University-Qatar, Qatar
5.10 PostDoc: Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
5.11 PostDoc: KTH, Sweden
5.12 PostDoc: UTFPR, Brazil
5.13 PostDoc: Gyeongsang National University, Korea
5.14 PostDoc: Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
5.15 PostDoc: United States Naval Academy, USA
5.16 PostDoc: University of Salento, Italy
5.17 PostDoc: Cambridge Centre for Advanced Research and Education,
5.18 PostDoc: University of Florida, USA
5.19 Faculty: Texas A&M University, USA
5.20 Researcher: MINES ParisTech, France
5.21 Researcher: TNO-Helmond, Netherlands

1. IEEE CSS Headlines

1.1. IEEE Control Systems Society Publications Content Digest
Contributed by: Elizabeth Kovacs, ekovacs2 at nd.edu

CSS Publications Content Digest
The IEEE Control Systems Society Publications Content Digest is a novel and
convenient guide that helps readers keep track of the latest published
articles. The CSS Publications Content Digest, available at
http://ieeecss.org/publications-content-digest provides lists of current
tables of contents of the periodicals sponsored by the Control Systems

Each issue offers readers a rapid means to survey and access the latest
peer-reviewed papers of the IEEE Control Systems Society. We also include
links to the Society’s sponsored Conferences to give readers a preview of
upcoming meetings.

1.2. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
Contributed by: Elizabeth Kovacs, ekovacs2 at nd.edu

Table of Contents
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
Volume 61 (2016), Issue 4 (April)

Please note that the contents of the IEEE Transactions on Automatic
Control, together with links to the abstracts of the papers may be found at
the TAC web site:
The IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control Submission and Review Management

- Extensions of Fast-Lipschitz Optimization, M. Jakobsson, S. Magnusson, C.
Fischione, P. C. Weeraddana, p. 861
- Transient Performance Analysis of Serial Production Lines with Geometric
Machines, G. Chen, C. Wang, L. Zhang, J. Arinez, G. Xiao, p. 877
- Explicit Convergence Rate of a Distributed Alternating Direction Method
of Multipliers, F. Iutzeler, P. Bianchi, P. Ciblat, W. Hachem p. 892
- Observers are Unnecessary for Output-Feedback Control of Lagrangian
Systems, A. Loria, p. 905
- System Identification for Passive Linear Quantum Systems, M. Guta, N.
Yamamoto, p. 921
- Identification of Dynamic Models in Complex Networks with Prediction
Error Methods - Predictor Input Selection, A. Dankers, P. M.J. Van den Hof,
X. Bombois, P. S.C. Heuberger, p. 937
- Asynchronous Gossip-Based Random Projection Algorithms Over Networks, S.
Lee, A. Nedich, p. 953
- On the Factorization of Rational Discrete-Time Spectral Densities, G.
Baggio, A. Ferrante, p. 969
- Verification of Hybrid Automata Diagnosability with Measurement
Uncertainty, Y. Deng, A. Dinnocenzo, M. D. Di Benedetto, S. Di Gennaro, A.
A. Julius, p. 982
- Newton-Raphson Consensus for Distributed Convex Optimization, D.
Varagnolo, F. Zanella, A. Cenedese, G. Pillonetto, L. Schenato, p. 994
- Uncertain Price Competition in a Duopoly with Heterogeneous Availability,
M. H. Lotfi, S. Sarkar, p. 1010
- Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Constrained Output Path Following,
T. Faulwasser, R. Findeisen, p. 1026

Technical Notes and Correspondence
- Information Centrality and Ordering of Nodes for Accuracy in Noisy
Decision-Making Networks, I. Poulakakis, G. F. Young, L. Scardovi, N. E.
Leonard p. 1040
- A c-mu Rule for Two-Tiered Parallel Servers, S. Saghafian, M. H. Veatch
p. 1046
- Shaping the Energy of Mechanical Systems Without Solving Partial
Differential Equations, A. Donaire, R. Mehra, R. Ortega, S. Satpute, J. G.
Romero, F. Kazi, N. Singh p. 1051
- Lyapunov-Based Sufficient Conditions for Stability of Hybrid Systems with
Memory, J. Liu, A. R. Teel p. 1057
- Robust Monotonic Convergent Iterative Learning Control, T. D. Son, G.
Pipeleers, J. Swevers p. 1063
- Finite-Time Stabilization and Optimal Feedback Control, W. M. Haddad, A.
L'Afflitto p. 1069
- Stabilization of Nonlinear Systems via Potential-based Realization, M.
Guay, N. Hudon p. 1075
- Stability Analysis via Averaging Functions, A. Yu. Pogromsky, A. S.
Matveev p. 1081
- Nonlinear Scaling of (i)ISS-Lyapunov Functions, C. M. Kellett, F. R.
Wirth p. 1087
- Asymptotic Agreement in a Class of Networked Kalman Filters with
Intermittent Stochastic Communications, D. Spinello p. 1093
- Approximate Reduction of Heterogeneous Nonlinear Models with Differential
Hulls, M. Tschaikowski, M. Tribastone p. 1099
- Distributed Source Localization of Multi-Agent Systems with Bearing Angle
Measurements, C. Lin, Z. Lin, R. Zheng, G. Yan, G. Mao p. 1105
- A Quadratic Programming Algorithm Based on Nonnegative Least Squares with
Applications to Embedded Model Predictive Control, A. Bemporad p. 1111
- Controllability of Linear Systems with Switching Delays, R. M. Jungers,
A. D'Innocenzo, M. D. Di Benedetto p. 1117
- MPC for Tracking Periodic References, D. Limon, M. Pereira, D. Muñoz de
la Peña, T. Alamo, C. N. Jones, M. N. Zeilinger p. 1123
- Controllability and Observability of n-Link Planar Robot with a Single
Actuator Having Different Driving Configurations, Y. Liu, X. Xin p. 1129
- Containment of Higher-Order Multi-Leader Multi-Agent Systems: A Dynamic
Output Approach, G. Wen, Y. Zhao, Z. Duan, W. Yu, G. Chen p. 1135

1.3 IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems
Contributed by: Denise Joseph, dejoseph at bu.edu

Table of Contents
IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems
Volume 3 (2016), Issue 1 (March)

The contents of the IEEE-Transactions on Control of Network Systems, with
links to the abstracts of the papers are available on

- Interconnected Observers for Robust Decentralized Estimation With
Performance Guarantees and Optimized Connectivity Graph, Y. Li and R. G.
Sanfelice, 1
- Distributed Synchronization of Heterogeneous Oscillators on Networks With
Arbitrary Topology, E. Mallada, R. A. Freeman, and A. K. Tang, 12
- Dynamic Partitioning and Coverage Control With Asynchronous
One-to-Base-Station Communication, R. Patel, P. Frasca, J. W. Durham, R.
Carli, and F. Bullo, 24
- Fluid Models of Population and Download Progress in P2P Networks, A.
Ferragut and F. Paganini, 34
- Structural Balance and Opinion Separation in TrustYMistrust Social
Networks, W. Xia, M. Cao, and K. H. Johansson, 46
- Network Entropy and Data Rates Required for Networked Control,  C. Kawan
and J.-C. Delvenne, 57
- Minimal Actuator Placement With Bounds on Control Effort, V. Tzoumas, M.
A. Rahimian, G. J. Pappas, and A. Jadbabaie, 67
- An Instance of Distributed Social Computation: The Multiagent Group
Membership Problem, L. Coviello and M. Franceschetti, 79
- On Submodularity and Controllability in Complex Dynamical Networks, T. H.
Summers, F. L. Cortesi, and J. Lygeros, 91

1.4 IEEE Control Systems Society Technically Cosponsored Conferences
Contributed by: Luca Zaccarian, CSS AE Conferences, zaccarian at laas.fr

The following conferences have been recently included in the list of events
technically cosponsored by the IEEE Control Systems Society:

- The 35th Chinese Control Conference. Chengdu, China. Jul 27 - Jul 29,
2016. http://ccc2016.swjtu.edu.cn/
- 20th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing
(ICSTCC 2016). Sinaia, Romania. Oct 13 - Oct 15, 2016.
- 2017 Indian Control Conference. Guwahati, India. Jan 4 - Jan 6, 2017.
- 14th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision
(ICARCV 2016). Phuket, Thailand. Nov 13 - Nov 15, 2016.

For a full listing of CSS technically cosponsored conferences, please visit
http://ieeecss.org/conferences/technically-cosponsored and for a list of
the upcoming and past CSS main conferences please visit

1.5. CFP: IEEE-CSS Outreach Fund
Contributed by: Daniel E. Rivera, daniel.rivera at asu.edu

The IEEE CSS Outreach Task Force is providing initial notice that the
window for submission of proposals to the IEEE-CSS Outreach Fund for its
2016 spring solicitation will be held from May 2 to 27, 2016. Information
regarding the program  can be found in:


Inquiries, notices of intent, and requests for application forms should be
made directly to Daniel E. Rivera, Outreach Task Force Chair, at
daniel.rivera at asu.edu.

2. Books

2.1. Nonsmooth Mechanics: Models, Dynamics and Control
Contributed by: Bernard BROGLIATO, bernard.brogliato at inria.fr

Now in its third edition, this standard reference is a comprehensive
treatment of nonsmooth mechanical systems refocused to give more prominence
to issues connected with control and modelling. It covers Lagrangian and
Newton–Euler systems, detailing mathematical tools such as convex analysis
and complementarity theory. The ways in which nonsmooth mechanics influence
and are influenced by well-posedness analysis, numerical analysis and
simulation, modelling and control are explained. Contact/impact laws,
stability theory and trajectory-tracking control are given detailed
exposition connected by a mathematical framework formed from
complementarity systems and measure-differential inclusions. Links are
established with electrical circuits with set-valued nonsmooth elements as
well as with other nonsmooth dynamical systems like impulsive and piecewise
linear systems. Please visit http://www.springer.com/us/book/9783319286624
for more informations.

3. Journals

3.1. Contents: Automatica
Contributed by: Elisa Capello, automatica at polito.it

Table of Contents
Vol. 65, April 2016

- Comments on “Finite-time stability of a class of nonlinear time-delay
systems”, Guopei Chen, Ying Yang, pages 1-2.
- “Blind multivariable ARMA subspace identification”, Chengpu Yu, Michel
Verhaegen, pages 3-14.
- “New developments for matrix fraction descriptions: A fully-parametrised
approach”, Jérémy Vayssettes, Guillaume Mercère, Olivier Prot, pages 15-24.
- “Distributed disturbance estimator and application to stabilization for
multi-dimensional wave equation with corrupted boundary observation”,
Hongyinping Feng, Bao-Zhu Guo, pages 25-33.
- “Maximum entropy properties of discrete-time first-order stable spline
kernel”, Tianshi Chen, Tohid Ardeshiri, Francesca P. Carli, Alessandro
Chiuso, Lennart Ljung, Gianluigi Pillonetto, pages 34-38.
- “Stabilization with guaranteed safety using Control Lyapunov–Barrier
Function”, Muhammad Zakiyullah Romdlony, Bayu Jayawardhana, pages 39-47.
- “New control design for bounded backstepping under input delays”,
Frédéric Mazenc, Michael Malisoff, pages 48-55.
- “Leader–follower containment control over directed random graphs”, Zhen
Kan, John M. Shea, Warren E. Dixon, pages 56-62.
- “Multirate adaptive control of uncertain resonances beyond the Nyquist
frequency in high-performance mechatronic systems”, Weili Yan, Chunling Du,
Chee Khiang Pang, pages 63-72.
- “Quadratic control with partial information for discrete-time jump
systems with the Markov chain in a general Borel space”, Oswaldo Luiz do
Valle Costa, Danilo Zucolli Figueiredo, pages 73-84.
- “Distributed control of inverter-based lossy microgrids for power sharing
and frequency regulation under voltage constraints”, Chin-Yao Chang, Wei
Zhang, pages 85-95.
- “Stability analysis of feedback systems with dead-zone nonlinearities by
circle and Popov criteria”, Masami Saeki, Nobutaka Wada, Satoshi Satoh,
pages 96-100.
- “Quantized identification of ARMA systems with colored measurement
noise”, Chengpu Yu, Keyou You, Lihua Xie, pages 101-108.
- “Consensus and formation control on image for switching topologies”,
Johan Thunberg, Jorge Goncalves, Xiaoming Hu, pages 109-121.
- “Model-based fault detection, estimation, and prediction for a class of
linear distributed parameter systems”, Jia Cai, Hasan Ferdowsi, Jagannathan
Sarangapani, pages 122-131.
- “Analysis of a nonsmooth optimization approach to robust estimation”,
Laurent Bako, Henrik Ohlsson, pages 132-145.
- “Cooperative control of a nonuniform gantry crane with constrained
tension”, Wei He, Shuzhi Sam Ge, pages 146-154.
- “The synchronization of instantaneously coupled harmonic oscillators
using sampled data with measurement noise”, Jingyi Wang, Jianwen Feng, Chen
Xu, Michael Z.Q. Chen, Yi Zhao, Jiqiang Feng, pages 155-162.
- “Dissipation inequalities for the analysis of a class of PDEs”,
Mohamadreza Ahmadi, Giorgio Valmorbida, Antonis Papachristodoulou, pages
- “A robust extremum seeking scheme for dynamic systems with uncertainties
and disturbances”, Maojiao Ye, Guoqiang Hu, pages 172-178.
- “Uniformly continuous differintegral sliding mode control of nonlinear
systems subject to Hölder disturbances”, Aldo-Jonathan Muñoz-Vázquez,
Vicente Parra-Vega, Anand Sánchez-Orta, pages 179-184.
- “Simultaneous fault detection and consensus control design for a network
of multi-agent systems”, Mohammadreza Davoodi, Nader Meskin, Khashayar
Khorasani, pages 185-194.
- “Input-to-state stability of impulsive stochastic delayed systems under
linear assumptions”, Xiaotai Wu, Yang Tang, Wenbing Zhang, pages 195-204.
- “On quadratic approximations for Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman equations”,
Yumiharu Nakano, pages 205-217.
- “Errors-in-variables system identification using structural equation
modelling”, David Kreiberg, Torsten Söderström, Fan Yang-Wallentin, pages
- “Observer-based finite-time coordinated tracking for general linear
multi-agent systems”, Junjie Fu, Jinzhi Wang, pages 231-237.
- “Iterative learning control based on extremum seeking”, Sei Zhen Khong,
Dragan Nešic, Miroslav Krstic, pages 238-245.
- “Stability of traffic flow networks with a polytree topology”, Samuel
Coogan, Murat Arcak, pages 246-253.
- “On reconstructability of quadratic utility functions from the iterations
in gradient methods”, Farhad Farokhi, Iman Shames, Michael G. Rabbat,
Mikael Johansson, pages 254-261.
- “Split-path nonlinear integral control for transient performance
improvement”, S.J.L.M. van Loon, B.G.B. Hunnekens, W.P.M.H. Heemels, N. van
de Wouw, H. Nijmeijer, pages 262-270.
- “Comprehensive admissibility for descriptor systems”, Yu Feng, Mohamed
Yagoubi, pages 271-275.

3.2. Contents: Proceedings of the Institute of Applied Mathematics
Contributed by: proceedings.iam at gmail.com

Proceedings of the Institute of Applied Mathematics
V.4, N.2, 2015
ISSN 2225-0530

- F.A. Aliev, K.K. Hasanov, N.A Aliyev, A.P. Quliev, Numerical method for
solving a system of hyperbolic equations describing the motion in oil
production, pages: 85-95
- S. Erfanmanesh, D. Foroutannia, Some new semi-normed sequence spaces of
non-absolute type and matrix transformations, pages: 96-108
- Hamidov R.H., Allahverdiyeva N.K., Decision-making in problem of the
bicriterial fractional linear programming, pages: 109-118
- M.A. Sadygov, On the necessary and sufficient conditions for the minimum
in the variational problem, pages: 119-136
- F.A. Aliev, N.A. Aliev, A.P. Kuliev,M.F. Rajabov, R.M Tagiev, Sweep
method for solving the Roesser type equation describing the motion in the
pipeline, pages: 136-148
- M.N. Akhtar, M.H. Durad, A.Ahmed, Solving initial value ordinary
differential equations by Monte Carlo method, pages: 149-174
- Sh.I. Mustafayev, K.G. Gasimova, M.H. Khanbabayeva, Improvement work of
pipe-shaped gas separator with high separator Possibility, pages: 175-182
- R.A. Aliyev, A.Kh. Abdullaev, On a determination of unknown coefficients
at the high derivatives in the linear elliptic equation, pages: 183-194
- A.P. Guliev, R.M. Tagiev, Z.A. Makhmudova, Numerical algorithm for
finding a solution to discrete equation type Roesser,describing the
movement of oil in the gas lift process, pages: 195-205
- N.S. Mukhtarova, Algorithm to solution the identification problem for
finding the coefficient of hydraulicnresistance in gas-lift proceses,
pages: 206-213
- A.B. Ramazanov, On a estimation of the gradient extremum by the help of
parametrization of the gradient algorithm, pages: 214-220
- Anniversary, pages: 221

3.3. Contents: Nonlinear Studies
Contributed by: Seenith Sivasundaram, seenithi at gmail.com

Journal Nonlinear Studies
Vol 23, No 1 (2016)

Table of Contents

- Approximation and existence of solutions for nonlinear two point BVPs of
ordinary second order differential equations, Bapurao C. Dhage, 1-17
- Kalman filtering for fractional order systems with multiple time delay
measurement, Faridoon Shabani, Ali Azami, Reza Dadkhah Tehrani, 19-33
- Allee effect and associated risk of species extinction: An empirical
study based on global population dynamics database, Abhijnan Chattopadhyay,
Bapi Saha, Amiya Ranjan Bhowmick, Sabyasachi Bhattacharya, 35-50
- On q-Analogues of Mangontarum Transform of Some Polynomials and Certain
Class of H-Functions, Shrideh Khalaf Al-Omari, 51-61
- Solving PDEs Using the Natural Decomposition Transform Method, Mahmoud
Saleh Rawashdeh, Shehu Maitama, 63-72
- Analytical expressions of mass transfer effects on unsteady flow past an
accelerated vertical porous plate with suction, Vembu Ananthaswamy, T.
Iswarya, 73-86
- Boundedness and stability results for the finite delay nonlinear Volterra
discrete system, Youssef Naim Raffoul, Abdualrazaq Sanbo, 87-94
- Application of L-limited sets to some classes of operators, Kamal El
Fahri, Nabil Machrafi, Mohammed Moussa, 95-102
- Existence and multiplicity of periodic solutions for a class of dynamical
systems, Khaled Khachnaoui, 103-110
- Carbon cycles in tree stands from KCC theory: Discounted production due
to litter decomposition, P.L. Antonelli, S.F. Rutz, J.R.B. Cantalice,
- A novel approximate method for multisecting an angle into n-equal
segments by the straightedge, compass, and constructible lengths, Ahmad
Sabihi, 117-131
- Analytical expressions of the effect of radiation on free convective flow
of heat and mass transfer, Vembu Ananthaswamy, T. Iswarya, 133-147
- A new Approach to Find Exact and Approximate Solutions to PDEs in
Different Dimensions, Mahmoud Saleh Rawashdeh, Ghada Mohammed Alsmadi,

3.4. Contents: Mathematics in Engineering Science and Aerospace
Contributed by: Seenith Sivasundaram, seenithi at gmail.com

Journal Mathematics in Engineering Science and Aerospace (MESA), Vol 7, No
1 (2016)

Table of Contents

- Preface: Special issue dedicated to honoring the memory of Professor Dr.
A.V. Balakrishnan, Anthony N. Michel, Stefan Balint, Seenith
- Mathematical aeroelasticity: A survey, Igor Chueshov, Earl H. Dowell,
Irena Lasiecka, Justin T. Webster, 5-29
- The influence of time dependent flight and maneuver velocities and
elastic or viscoelastic flexibilities on aerodynamic and stability
derivatives, Alexander D. Cochrane, Craig G. Merrett, Harry H. Hilton,
- Geometric formulations of Furuta pendulum control problems, Taeyoung Lee,
Melvin Leok, Harris McClamroch, 69-81
- Explicit strategies for some linear and nonlinear stochastic differential
games,  Tyrone E. Duncan, Bozenna Pasik-Duncan, 83-92
- Investigation of higher order effects in linear piston theory, Earl H.
Dowell, Hamed Faghanpour Ganji, 93-103
- Estimation of connections in a hybrid neuronal network, Andre Manitius,
Anish Mitra, 105-125
- Stability theory of dynamical systems involving multiple non-monotonic
Lyapunov functions, Anthony N. Michel, Ling Hou, 127-148
- Stability analysis of degenerately-damped oscillations, Thomas Anderson,
George Avalos, Elizabeth Galvin, Ian Kessler, Michelle Kleckner, Daniel
Toundykov, William Tritch, 149-177
- Finite time stability of uncertain affine systems, A.A. Martynuyk, Ye.A.
Babenko, 179-196
- Barbalat’s lemma and stability – Misuse of a correct mathematical result?
Itzhak Barkana, 197-218

3.5. Contents: Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems
Contributed by: Lars Gruene, lars.gruene at uni-bayreuth.de

Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems (MCSS)
Volume 28, Number 1

Table of Contents

- Nonlinear filtering via stochastic PDE projection on mixture manifolds in
L^2 direct metric, John Armstrong & Damiano Brigo, 33 pages
- Discrete-time map for an impulsive Goodwin oscillator with a distributed
delay, Alexander N. Churilov & Alexander Medvedev, 22 pages
- Global sensitivity analysis for the boundary control of an open channel,
Alexandre Janon, Maëlle Nodet, Christophe Prieur & Clémentine Prieur, 27
- On conditions of oscillations and multi-homogeneity, Denis Efimov &
Wilfrid Perruquetti, 37 pages
- On series connection of infinitely many RLC two-ports, Avraham Feintuch &
Bruce Francis, 13 pages
- Efficient polyhedral enclosures for the reachable set of nonlinear
control systems, Stuart M. Harwood & Paul I. Barton, 33 pages
- Controllability conditions of linear singularly perturbed systems with
small state and input delays, Valery Y. Glizer, 29 pages
- Explicit criteria for exponential stability of time-varying systems with
infinite delay, Pham Huu Anh Ngoc & Cao Thanh Tinh, 30 pages
- Boundary controllability of incompressible Euler fluids with Boussinesq
heat effects, Enrique Fernández-Cara, Maurício C. Santos & Diego A. Souza,
28 pages

3.6. Contents: TWMS Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
Contributed by: Gamar Mammadova, f_aliev at hotmail.com

TWMS Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 7, No.1, 2016
ISSN 2076-2585

1.Integral Inequalities for Differentiable Relative Harmonic Preinvex
Functions, M.A. Noor, K.I. Noor , S. Iftikhar
2.Navigation of the Wheeled Transport Robot under Measurement Noise, V.B.
3.On an Optimal Shape Problem for the Eigenfrequency of the Clamped Plate,
Y.S. Gasimov, N.A. Allahverdiyeva, A. Aliyeva
4.Hopf Hypersurfaces in the Complex Projective Space and the Sasakian Space
Form, E.Abedi, M. Ilmakchi
5.Bernstein Polynomial Approach for Solution of Higher-Order Mixed Linear
Fredholm Integro-Differential-Difference Equations with Variable
Coefficients, S. Davaeifar, J. Rashidinia, M. Amirfakhrian
6.Inclusion Results Associated with Certain Subclass of Analytic Functions
Involving Calculus Operator, G. Murugusundaramoorthy, T. Janani
7.On the Spaces of Nörlund Null and Nörlund Convergent Sequences, O. Tug,
F. Basar
8.The Multistep Multiderivative Methods for the Numerical Solution of First
Order Initial Value Problems, A.Shokri
9.Second Hankel Determinant for a General Subclass of Bi-univalent
Functions, S. Altinkaya, S. Yalçin
10.About the Steepness of the Function of Discrete Argument, A.P.
Afanas'ev, V.A. Emelichev, A.B. Ramazanov
11.Adjoint Problem for the Laplace Equation under a Nonlocal Boundary
Condition, N.A. Aliyev, A.M. Guliyeva, S.M. Gusein-Zade
12.BOOK REVIEW Mathematical Methods and Models in Economic Planning,
Management and Budgeting. Galimkair Mutanov. Reviewed by F.A. Aliev

3.7. Contents: Control Engineering Practice
Contributed by: Tobias Glück, cep at acin.tuwien.ac.at

Control Engineering Practice
Volume 49
April 2016

- Anh Mai, Sesh Commuri, Intelligent control of a prosthetic ankle joint
using gait recognition,Pages 1-13
- S. Afshar Khamseh, A. Khaki Sedigh, B. Moshiri, A. Fatehi, Control
performance assessment based on sensor fusion techniques,Pages 14-28
- M. Benmiloud, A. Benalia, M. Defoort, M. Djemai, On the limit cycle
stabilization of a DC/DC three-cell converter,Pages 29-41
- Chih-Hong Lin, Design of a composite recurrent Laguerre orthogonal
polynomial neural network control system with ameliorated particle swarm
optimization for a continuously variable transmission system,Pages 42-59
- I. Santín, C. Pedret, R. Vilanova, M. Meneses, Advanced decision control
system for effluent violations removal in wastewater treatment plants,Pages
- M. Schultze, J. Horn, Modeling, state estimation and nonlinear model
predictive control of cathode exhaust gas mass flow for PEM fuel
cells,Pages 76-86
- Robson Marinho da Silva, Fabrício Junqueira, Diolino J. Santos Filho,
Paulo E. Miyagi, Control architecture and design method of reconfigurable
manufacturing systems,Pages 87-100
- Cristina Martín, Manuel R. Arahal, Federico Barrero, Mario J. Durán,
Multiphase rotor current observers for current predictive control: A
five-phase case study,Pages 101-111
- Peng Lu, Erik-Jan van Kampen, Cornelis de Visser, Qiping Chu, Nonlinear
aircraft sensor fault reconstruction in the presence of disturbances
validated by real flight data,Pages 112-128
- Achraf Cohen, Teodor Tiplica, Abdessamad Kobi, Design of experiments and
statistical process control using wavelets analysis,Pages 129-138
- J.A. Delgado-Aguiñaga, G. Besançon, O. Begovich, J.E. Carvajal,
Multi-leak diagnosis in pipelines based on Extended Kalman Filter,Pages
- Moncef Chioua, Margret Bauer, Su-Liang Chen, Jan C. Schlake, Guido Sand,
Werner Schmidt, Nina F. Thornhill, Plant-wide root cause identification
using plant key performance indicators (KPIs) with application to a paper
machine,Pages 149-158
- Miquel À. Cugueró-Escofet, Diego García, Joseba Quevedo, Vicenç Puig,
Santiago Espin, Jaume Roquet, A methodology and a software tool for sensor
data validation/reconstruction: Application to the Catalonia regional water
network,Pages 159-172
- Diana Hernández-Alcántara, Juan C. Tudón-Martínez, Luis Amézquita-Brooks,
Carlos A. Vivas-López, Rubén Morales-Menéndez, Modeling, diagnosis and
estimation of actuator faults in vehicle suspensions,Pages 173-186
- Inês M. Cecílio, James R. Ottewill, Nina F. Thornhill, Determining the
propagation path of a disturbance in multi-rate process and
electromechanical systems,Pages 187-193
- Lejun Chen, Ron Patton, Philippe Goupil, Robust fault estimation using an
LPV reference model: ADDSAFE benchmark case study,Pages 194-203
- Jürgen Herp, Niels L. Pedersen, Esmaeil S. Nadimi, Wind turbine
performance analysis based on multivariate higher order moments and
Bayesian classifiers,Pages 204-211
- Laurent Cauffriez, Sébastien Grondel, Pierre Loslever, Christophe Aubrun,
Bond Graph modeling for fault detection and isolation of a train door
mechatronic system,Pages 212-224

3.8. Contents: International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer
Contributed by: amcs at uz.zgora.pl

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science (AMCS)
2016, Volume 26, Number 1 (March)
Regular issue

- Kaczorek T. Positivity and stability of fractional descriptor
time-varying discrete-time linear systems 5
- Rauh A., Senkel L., Aschemann H., Saurin V.V. and Kostin G.V. An
integrodifferential approach to modeling, control, state estimation and
optimization for heat transfer systems 15
- Németh B., Gáspár P. and Péni T. Nonlinear analysis of vehicle control
actuations based on controlled invariant sets 31
- Hassanabadi A.H., Shafiee M. and Puig V. Robust fault detection of
singular LPV systems with multiple time-varying delays 45
- Kraft M., Nowicki M., Penne R., Schmidt A. and Skrzypczynski P. Efficient
RGB-D data processing for feature-based self-localization of mobile robots
- Belter D., Labecki P., Fankhauser P. and Siegwart R. RGB-D terrain
perception and dense mapping for legged robots 81
- Wilkowski A., Kornuta T., Stefanczyk M. and Kasprzak W. Efficient
generation of 3D surfel maps using RGB-D sensors 99
- Kreczmer B. Connections between object classification criteria using an
ultrasonic bi-sonar system 123
- Duan R., Li J., Zhang Y., Yang Y. and Chen G. Stability analysis and H8
control of discrete T–S fuzzy hyperbolic systems 133
- Napoli C., Pappalardo G. and Tramontana E. A mathematical model for file
fragment diffusion and a neural predictor to manage priority queues over
BitTorrent 147
- Brdys M.A., Brdys M.T. and Maciejewski S.M. Adaptive predictions of the
euro/zloty currency exchange rate using state space wavelet networks and
forecast combinations 161
- Trajdos P. and Kurzynski M. A dynamic model of classifier competence
based on the local fuzzy confusion matrix and the random reference
classifier 175
- ChmielnickiW. and Stapor K. Using the one-versus-rest strategy with
samples balancing to improve pairwise coupling classification 191
- Stasiak B., Monko J. and Niewiadomski A. Note onset detection in musical
signals via neural-network-based multi-ODF fusion 203
- Jaskowski W., Liskowski P., Szubert M. and Krawiec K. The performance
profile: A multi-criteria performance evaluation method for test-based
problems 215
- Jaskóla P., Arabas P. and Karbowski A. Simultaneous routing and flow rate
optimization in energy-aware computer networks 231
- Kuppusamy L. and Mahendran A. Modelling DNA and RNA secondary structures
using matrix insertion–deletion systems 245

3.9. Contents: International Journal of Advanced Mechatronic Systems
Contributed by: Mingcong Deng, deng at cc.tuat.ac.jp

International Journal of Advanced Mechatronic Systems, vol. 6, no. 5, 2015

The articles can be retrieved on:

- Optimal PID control of DC motor with ABC and PSO algorithms, Haiquan
Wang; Yingyue Hu; Wudai Liao; Tongbin Yan pp. 193-200
- Development of an active wire tension system for improving the
performance of brushless direct current coil winding machine, Van Tu Duong;
Dae Hwan Kim; Hak Kyeong Kim; Sang Bong Kim pp. 201-210
- An optimal scheduling for using chain technique on superscalar processor,
Lin Meng; Nobuhiro Moriwaki; Shigeru Oyanagi pp. 211-219
- Robust tracking control design to nonlinear plants with perturbation
using operator-based observers, Junming Xiao; Yiwen Fu; Aihui Wang pp.
- Direct control parameter tuning method for stochastic disturbance
attenuation based on variance evaluation, Shiro Masuda pp. 229-236
- Adaptive tracking control of quad-rotor helicopter in quaternion based on
input-output linearisation with online estimation of inertia moment, Yuta
Kutsuna; Makoto Ando; Manabu Yamada pp. 237-246

3.10. Contents: International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems
Contributed by: Young Hoon Joo, journal at ijcas.com

International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems (IJCAS)
ISSN: 1598-6446

Table of contents
Vol. 14, No. 2, April 2016

- Leader-following Consensus of Single-integrator Multi-agent Systems under
Noisy and Delayed Communication, Sabir Djaidja* and Qinghe Wu 357-366
- (m,N)-delay-partitioning Approach to stability Analysis for T-S Fuzzy
systems with Interval Time-varying Delay, Jun Yang*,Wen-Pin Luo, Yong-Hu
Wang and Jun Cheng 367-377
- Adaptive Fuzzy Robust Control of PMSM with Smooth Inverse Based Dead-zone
Compensation, Xingjian Wang* and Shaoping Wang 378-388
- Control of a Laboratory 3-DOF Helicopter: Explicit Model Predictive
Approach Ju Zhang*, Xinyan Cheng, and Jiaqi Zhu 389-399
- Trajectory Tracking and Fault Detection Algorithm for Automatic Guided
Vehicle Based on Multiple Positioning Modules, Pandu Sandi Pratama, Amruta
Vinod Gulakari, Yuhanes Dedy Setiawan, Dae Hwan Kim, Hak Kyeong Kim and
Sang Bong Kim* 400-410
- Output Feedback Second Order Sliding Mode Control for Spacecraft Attitude
and Translation Motion, Chutiphon Pukdeboon 411-424
- l8 Fuzzy Filter Design for Nonlinear Systems with Missing Measurements:
Fuzzy Basis-dependent Lyapunov Function Approach, Sun Young Noh, Geun Bum
Koo, Jin Bae Park*, and Young Hoon Joo 425-434
- Fault Diagnosis and Fault Tolerant Control for Non-Gaussian Time-delayed
Singular Stochastic Distribution Systems, Lina Yao* and Long Feng 435-442
- Fuzzy Fault Tolerant Predictive Control for a Diesel Engine Air Path,
Lamia Ben Hamouda*, Mounir Ayadi and Nicolas Langlois 443-451
- Detecting Sensor Fault for Nonlinear Systems in T-S Form Under
Sampled-Data Measurement: Exact Direct Discrete-Time Design Approach, Sung
Chul Jee, Ho Jae Lee*, and Do Wan Kim 452-460
- Input/output-to-state Stability of Switched Nonlinear Systems with an
Improved Average Dwell Time Approach, Li-Xia Liu, Rong-Wei Guo*, and
Shu-Ping Ma 461-468
- Operator-based Robust Control for Nonlinear Uncertain Systems with
Unknown Backlash-like Hysteresis, Shuhui Bi*, Lei Wang, Yongguo Zhao,
Mingcong Deng 469-477
- Adaptive ILC for Tracking Non-repetitive Reference Trajectory of 2-D FMM
under Random Boundary Condition, Qing-Yuan Xu, Xiao-Dong Li*, and Mang-Mang
Lv 478-485
- Output Feedback Fault-tolerant Control for a Class of Discrete-time Fuzzy
Bilinear Systems, Yang Yu and Kang-Hyun Jo* 486-494
- Robust Output Feedback Tracking Control for a Class of Perturbed Systems
Using NDOB and Nonlinear Continuous Predictive Control, Shaoming He* and
Defu Lin 495-504
- Reduction of Phase Error between Sinusoidal Motions and Vibration of a
Tube Scanner During Spiral Scanning Using an AFM, Habibullah, Hemanshu
Pota, and I. R. Petersen 505-513
- Random Weighting Estimation for Systematic Error of Observation Model in
Dynamic Vehicle Navigation, Wenhui Wei, Shesheng Gao*, Yongmin Zhong,
Chengfan Gu, and Aleksandar Subic 514-523
- Fast and Accurate Analyses of Spacecraft Dynamics Using Implicit Time
Integration Techniques, Chang-Joo Kim, Do Hyeon Lee, Sung Wook Hur and
Sangkyung Sung* 524-539
- A Coverage Algorithm for Multiple Autonomous Surface Vehicles in Flowing
Environments, Lei Zuo, Weisheng Yan*, Rongxin Cui, and Jian Gao 540-548
- Cartesian Space Control of a Quadrotor System Based on Low Cost
Localization under a Vision System, Seungho Jeong and Seul Jung* 549-559
- Further Results on the Robust Stability for Neutral-type Lur’e System
with Mixed Delays and Sector-bounded Nonlinearities, Wen-Yong Duan,
Xiao-Rong Fu, and Xiao-Dong Yang 560-568
- Robust Delay Dependent Fault Estimation for a Class of Interconnected
Nonlinear Time Delay Systems, Maryam Kazerooni, Alireza Khayatian*, and Ali
Akbar Safavi 569-578
- Sliding Mode Control Design for Mismatched Uncertain Systems Using Output
Feedback, Jeang-Lin Chang 579-586
- Optimal Charging Strategy for a Residential PEV Battery Considering
Bidirectional Trade and Frequency Regulation, Sekyung Han, Hirohisa Aki,
Soohee Han*, Bokyu Kwon, and Jong-Bae Park 587-597
- An Extended Any-angle Path Planning Algorithm for Maintaining Formation
of Multi-agent Jellyfish Elimination Robot System, Hanguen Kim, Donghoon
Kim, Hyungjin Kim, Jae-Uk Shin, and Hyun Myung* 598-607
- Service-provider Intelligent Humanoid Robot using TCP/IP and CORBA,
DongW. Kim, Ho-Dong Lee, ClarenceW. de Silva, and Jong-Wook Park* 608-615
- Extraction of Sparse Features of Color Images in Recognizing Objects, T.
T. Quyen Bui, Thang T. Vu, and Keum-Shik Hong* 616-627
- Strategies for Feet Massage Robot to Position the Pelma Acupoints with
Model Predictive and Real-time Optimization, Yingzi Wei*, Kanfeng Gu,
Xujing Cui, Changzhong Hao, Hongguang Wang, and Yong Chang 628-636

3.11. Contents: IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information
Contributed by: Suzanne Eves, suzie.eves at oup.com

Contents, IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information 33:01

A new issue of IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information is now
available online.

The Table of Contents below can be viewed at:

- S. E. Rebiai and F. Z. Sidi Ali, Uniform exponential stability of the
transmission wave equation with a delay term in the boundary feedback
- De-Feng He, Hua Huang, and Qiu-Xia Chen, Stabilizing model predictive
control of time-varying non-linear systems using linear matrix inequalities
- Yuan Chen, Guangying Ma, Shuxia Lin, Shurong Ning, and Jun Gao,
Computed-torque plus robust adaptive compensation control for robot
manipulator with structured and unstructured uncertainties
- Victor N. Zhermolenko and Alex S. Poznyak, Necessary and sufficient
conditions for stabilizability of planar parametrically perturbed control
- Wenying Xu, Tasawar Hayat, Jinde Cao, and Min Xiao, Hopf bifurcation
control for a fluid flow model of internet congestion control systems via
state feedback
- Ying Feng Shang, Gen Qi Xu, and Xuan Li, Output-based stabilization for a
one-dimensional wave equation with distributed input delay in the boundary
- Do Duc Thuan, Nguyen Huu Du, and Nguyen Chi Liem, Stabilizability and
robust stabilizability of implicit dynamic equations with constant
coefficients on time scales
- Jia Liu, Liuxiao Guo, Manfeng Hu, Zhenyuan Xu, and Yongqing Yang,
Leader-following consensus of multi-agent systems with delayed impulsive

4. Conferences

4.1. American Control Conference
Contributed by: Rifat Sipahi, rifat at coe.neu.edu

2016 American Control Conference will take place in the heart of Boston, on
July 6-8, 2016:
with workshops planned for July 5.

Different from previous years, this year's Conference features a number of
new and exciting programs. One of them is the ** APPLICATIONS FRIDAY **
which will take place on Friday July 8, 2016


The programs on that Friday aim to reach a broad audience with minimal
one-day registration fees, with the objective to bring control systems to
everyone's life via public talks, tutorials, company exhibits, special
lunch time sessions, and undergraduate student poster competitions.

Details can be found at the conference website.

4.2. IFAC Conference on Cyber-Physical & Human-Systems
Contributed by: Sandra Hirche, hirche at tum.de

1st IFAC Conference on Cyber-Physical&Human-Systems (CPHS 2016)
http://www.cphs2016.org/, Florianopolis, Brazil, 7-9 December 2016.

I. Call for Papers : can be downloaded by
II. Contact : CPHumSys2016 at gmail.com
III. Important dates:
- Paper submission deadline: May 20, 2016
- Paper acceptance decision: July 20, 2016
- Final paper submission: August 15, 2016

Objectives: CPHS 2016 aims to stimulate the brainstorming on the topic of
cyber-physical&human-systems by discussing recent research results,
formulating new theoretical control challenges to cope with needs in the
joint cyber-physical&Human-systems control, identifying new application
areas requesting research advances on the topic and discussing its
prospective and impacts.

Approach and Structure :
1) To join together multidisciplinary competencies (The interplay of humans
with highly automated and connected systems with complex dynamics and
complex controllers or the design of complex control systems to assist the
humans need a deep study that requires multidisciplinary joint efforts.

2) To consider different application areas (healthcare, robotics, operation
in hazardous environments, transport - ground (automotive, railway), air,
space, etc) according to four scenarios:
- Human-Machine Symbiosis
- Humans as operators of complex engineering systems
- Humans as agents in multi-agent systems
- Humans as elements in controlled systems
(The conference topics are organized according to these four scenarios and
the complete list is accessible via : http://www.cphs2016.org/scope-topics/)

3) To promote exchanges between industry and universities.

Plenaries: The CPHS 2016 Plenaries will include (
http://www.cphs2016.org/keynote-speakers/) .
- Homayoon Kazerooni
- Franck Mars
- Bérénice Mettler
- Gérard Roucairol
- Petr Stluka

We look forward to receiving your contributions and it will be a great
pleasure for us to host you in Florianopolis.

Prof Sandra Hirche, CPHS 2016 Steering Committee, on behalf of the CPHS
2016 General Chair, Program Chair, the Steering Commitee board, the
Organizing and Program Committees.

4.3. IFAC International Conference on Foundations of Systems Biology in
Contributed by: Rolf Findeisen, rolf.findeisen at ovgu.de

October 9-12, 2016, Magdeburg

On behalf of the organizing committee, we are pleased to invite you to
submit papers and proposals for invited sessions to the 6th International
Conference on Foundations of Systems Biology in Engineering (FOSBE 2016),
which will take place in the historical city of Magdeburg, Germany, October
9-12, 2016.

Computational and engineering methods are at the core of systems biology,
synthetic biology and systems medicine. The integration of quantitative
data from a variety of sources together with model inference and analysis
techniques as well as control theory have proven valuable to decipher
biological systems ranging from intracellular mechanisms to human disease.

FOSBE aims at stimulating discussion and fostering collaborations among
scientists, from method to theory oriented engineers to experimental and
theoretical biologists, interested in or working on systems thinking
applied to life sciences. Major conference topics are:
- Modelling of complex biological systems
- Multi­scale and multi­omics data integration and modelling
- Network interference and modeling (signaling, regulation, metabolic)
- Analysis and modeling of stochastic and heterogeneous systems,
- Dynamics and control of biological systems
- Design and control of synthetic biological systems and circuits
- Systems biology for (red, green, blue and white) biotechnology
- Systems medicine
- Synthetic biology
- Next generation methods and tools for systems and synthetic biology

FOSBE 2016 will take place in the historical city of Magdeburg, Germany, at
the Elbe river. Magdeburg and the federal state of Saxony-Anhalt have many
historical sights to visit. It is often called the birth cradle of German
history and culture.

For detailed information about the 6th FOSBE, visit

invited session proposals 1 APR 2016
regular & invited papers,
workshop proposals 10 APR 2016
abstracts contributions 15 JUN 2016
Acceptance notification 30 JUN 2016
Final contributions 15 JUL 2016

Rolf Findeisen (NOC Chair) Eva Balsa-Canto (IPC Chair)
Thomas Eißing (NOC Industrial Co-Chair), Kristel Bernaerts (IPC Co-Chair)

Conference Website:

IFAC copyright conditions:

4.4. International Workshop on Applied Verification for Continuous and
Hybrid Systems
Contributed by: Sergiy Bogomolov, sergiy.bogomolov at ist.ac.at

ARCH 2016
3rd International Workshop on Applied Verification for Continuous and
Hybrid Systems
CPSWeek 2016, Vienna, Austria, April 11, 2016


The workshop on applied verification for continuous and hybrid systems
(ARCH) brings together researchers and practitioners, and establishes a
curated set of benchmarks submitted by academia and industry. Topics
include, but are not limited to
- Proposals for new benchmark problems (not necessarily yet solvable)
- Tool presentations
- Tool executions and evaluations based on ARCH benchmarks
- Experience reports including open issues for industrial success

Early registration deadline: *March 18, 2016*

08:00 Registration

09:00-10:25 Invited Talk and Benchmarks I
- Invited Talk: Dirk Beyer: Reliable and Reproducible Competition Results
- Houssam Abbas, Kuk Jin Jang and Rahul Mangharam: Nonlinear Hybrid
Automata Model of Excitable Cardiac Tissue
- Sidharta Andalam, Avinash Malik, Partha Roop and Mark Trew: Hybrid
automata model of the heart for formal verification of pacemakers

10:25-11:00 Coffee break

11:00-12:20 Benchmarks II
- Scott Livingston and Vasumathi Raman: Chains of Integrators as a
Benchmark for Scalability of Hybrid Control Synthesis
- Andrew Sogokon, Taylor T Johnson and Khalil Ghorbal: Benchmarks for
Non-linear Continuous System Safety Verification
- Omar Beg, Ali Davoudi and Taylor T Johnson: Formal Verification of Charge
Pump Phase-Locked Loop and Full Wave Rectifier Through Reachability Analysis
- Simone Schuler, Fabiano Daher Adegas and Adolfo Anta: Hybrid modelling of
a wind turbine

12:20-14:00 Lunch

14:00-15:20 Benchmarks III and Tools I
- Sergiy Bogomolov, Christian Herrera and Wilfried Steiner: Benchmark for
Verification of Fault-Tolerant Clock Synchronization Algorithms
- Hoang-Dung Tran, Luan Viet Nguyen and Taylor T Johnson: Large-Scale
Linear Systems from Order-Reduction
- Stanley Bak, Sergiy Bogomolov and Christian Schilling: High-level Hybrid
Systems Analysis with Hypy
- Ibtissem Ben Makhlouf, Norman Hansen and Stefan Kowalewski: HyReach: A
Reachability Tool for Linear Hybrid Systems Based on Support Functions

15:20-16:00 Coffee break

16:00-17:20 Tools II
- Axel Busboom, Simone Schuler and Alexander Walsch: FormalSpec -
semi-automatic formalization of system requirements for formal verification
- Dalibor Drzajic, Nikolaos Kariotoglou, Maryam Kamgarpour and John
Lygeros: A Semidefinite Programming Approach to Control Synthesis for
Stochastic Reach-Avoid Problems
- Heinz Riener, Robert Koenighofer, Goerschwin Fey and Roderick Bloem:
SMT-Based CPS Parameter Synthesis and Repair
- Matthias Althoff and Dmitry Grebenyuk Implementation of Interval
Arithmetic in CORA 2016

4.5. International Workshop on Hybrid Systems Biology
Contributed by: Eugenio Cinquemani, eugenio.cinquemani at inria.fr

HSB 2016: The 5th International Workshop on Hybrid Systems Biology
20-21 October 2016, Grenoble (France)
Proceedings in Springer LNCS/LNBI

The 5th International Workshop on 'Hybrid Systems Biology' (
http://hsb2016.imag.fr/) will be held on October 20th and 21st in Grenoble
(France). Previous editions have been held in Newcastle upon Tyne (UK),
Taormina (Italy), Vienna (Austria, at VSL 2014), and Madrid (Spain,
co-located with Madrid Meet 2015).

Prior to the conference, on October 19, the organization of a one-day
workshop with renowned invited speakers is being considered. Registration
dates, procedures and costs will be posted in due time on the conference
website. Please refer to the conference website for constantly updated

Initial submission: June 16, 2016
Notification: July 16, 2016
Final Submission: August 1, 2016

Accepted submissions are for papers and posters/demos (see further below)

HSB is a single-track Systems Biology workshop with emphasis on hybrid
approaches in a general sense. Hybrid dynamical modelling but also other
dynamical modelling approaches are equally part of the scope of the
workshop. Interdisciplinary contributions, such as combining modelling,
analysis, algorithmic and experimental techniques from different areas, are
especially welcome.

For a list of topics of interest, please visit the conference website

We solicit high-quality submissions, to be refereed by the Program
Committee below, to be included in the oral presentation sessions of the
workshop. Accepted papers will be published in a conference proceedings
volume of the Springer LNCS/LNBI series (http://www.springer.com/lncs).

Submitted papers shall describe original work that has not been previously
published and is not under review for publication elsewhere. We will
consider full papers (about 15 pages in LNCS style; full-blown research
work contributing theoretical analysis, methods, algorithms for
biology/biomedicine, as well as novel results on biological case studies)
and short papers (about 6 pages in LNCS style; work in progress, tool
papers and small case studies).

In addition we accept submissions for posters and tool demonstration, to be
included in a dedicated poster/demo session of the workshop, in the form of
one-page poster/demo abstract (concise description of the research topic,
ongoing work, first results or advancements on existing results, objectives
and features or further developments of a new or improved tool). Abstracts
and posters will not be published. Suitable contributions that could not be
included in the workshop oral presentation sessions will be reconsidered
for the poster/demo session.

Papers should be written in English, and should not exceed 6 (short papers)
or 15 pages (full papers), inclusive of references, and have to be
formatted in LNCS style. Additional material may be included in a clearly
marked appendix but will not be included in the published version. Papers
need to be submitted electronically as PDF files via the EasyChair online
submission system ( https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=hsb2016 )

4.6. International Workshop on Symbolic and Numerical Methods for
Reachability Analysis
Contributed by: Sergiy Bogomolov, sergiy.bogomolov at ist.ac.at

SNR 2016
2nd International Workshop on Symbolic and Numerical Methods for
Reachability Analysis
April 11th, 2016, Vienna, Austria
Affiliated with CPSWeek 2016


The scope of the workshop includes, but is not restricted to, the following
- Reachability analysis approaches for hybrid systems
- Flow-pipe construction; symbolic state set representations
- Trajectory generation from symbolic paths; counterexample computation
- Abstraction techniques for hybrid systems
- Reliable integration
- Decision procedures for real arithmetic
- Automated deduction
- Logics to reason about hybrid systems
- Reachability analysis for planning and synthesis
- Domain-specific approaches in biology, robotics, etc.
- Stochastic/probabilistic hybrid systems
- Tools, benchmarks, and case studies

Early registration deadline: *March 18, 2016*

Invited talks
- Stylianos Basagiannis (United Technologies Research Center, Ireland)
Formal Verification towards Software Safety-Critical Certification of
Airborne Systems under DO-178C
- Thao Dang (Verimag, France) Template Complex Zonotopes: A New Set
Representation for Verification of Hybrid Systems
- Walid Taha (Halmstad University, Sweden) Accurate Rigorous Simulation
Should be Possible for Good Designs

9:00-10:30 Session 1: Validated simulation
- 9:00-10:00 Invited talk: Walid Taha (joint work with Adam Duracz and
Ference Bartha). Accurate Rigorous Simulation Should be Possible for Good
- 10:00-10:30 Adrien Le Coent, Julien Alexandre Dit Sandretto, Alexandre
Chapoutot and Laurent Fribourg. Control of Nonlinear Switched Systems Based
on Validated Simulation

11:00-12:30 Session 2: Formal methods in industry
- 11:00-12:00 Invited talk: Stylianos Basagiannis. Software Certification
of Airborne Cyber-Physical Systems under DO-178C
- 12:00-12:30 Podium discussion
Formal Methods: Bridging the Gap Between Academic and Industrial Research

14:00-15:30 Session 3: Reachability analysis
- 14:00-15:00 Invited talk: Thao Dang (joint work with Santosh Arvind
Adimoolam). Template complex zonotopes: A new set representation for
verification of hybrid systems
- 15:00-15:30 Stefan Ratschan. Computing ODE-barriers in Hyper-rectangles

16:00-17:30 Session 4: Discrete-time and probabilistic systems
- 16:00-16:30 Riccardo Vignali and Maria Prandini. Model reduction of
discrete time hybrid systems: A structural approach based on observability
- 16:30-17:00 Yang Gao and Martin Fränzle. CSiSAT: A Satisfiability Solver
for SMT Formulas with Continuous Probability Distributions
- 17:00-17:30 Kristóf Marussy, Attila Klenik, Vince Molnár, András Vörös,
Miklos Telek and Istvan Majzik. Configurable Numerical Analysis for
Stochastic Systems

4.7. International Conference on Swarm Intelligence
Contributed by: Carlo Pinciroli, ilpincy+ants at gmail.com

ANTS 2016
Tenth International Conference on Swarm Intelligence
September 7-9, 2016. Brussels, Belgium

Call for papers prepared on March 2, 2016
More details and up-to-date information at

Scope of the Conference
Swarm intelligence is the discipline that deals with the study of
self-organizing processes both in nature and in artificial systems.
Researchers in ethology and animal behavior have proposed a number of
models to explain interesting aspects of social insect behavior such as
self-organization and shape-formation. Recently, algorithms and methods
inspired by these models have been proposed to solve difficult problems in
many domains.

An example of a particularly successful research direction in swarm
intelligence is ant colony optimization, the main focus of which is on
discrete optimization problems. Ant colony optimization has been applied
successfully to a large number of difficult discrete optimization problems
including the traveling salesman problem, the quadratic assignment problem,
scheduling, vehicle routing, etc., as well as to routing in
telecommunication networks. Another interesting approach is that of
particle swarm optimization, that mainly focuses on continuous optimization
problems. Here too, a number of successful applications can be found in the
recent literature. Swarm robotics is another relevant field. Here, the
focus is on applying swarm intelligence techniques to the control of large
groups of cooperating autonomous robots.

ANTS 2016 will give researchers in swarm intelligence the opportunity to
meet, to present their latest research, and to discuss current developments
and applications.

The three-day conference will be held in Brussels, Belgium, on September
7-9, 2016.

Relevant Research Areas
- ANTS 2016 solicits contributions dealing with any aspect of swarm
intelligence. Typical, but not exclusive, topics of interest are:
- Behavioral models of social insects or other animal societies that can
stimulate new algorithmic approaches.
- Empirical and theoretical research in swarm intelligence.
- Application of swarm intelligence methods, such as ant colony
optimization or particle swarm optimization, to real-world problems.
- Theoretical and experimental research in swarm robotics systems.

Publication Details
Conference proceedings will be published by Springer in the LNCS. series.

The journal Swarm Intelligence will publish a special issue dedicated to
ANTS 2016 that will contain extended versions of the best research works
presented at the conference. Further details will soon be published on the
web site.

Conference Location
Auditorium R42.4.502, Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management,
Campus du Solbosch, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Av. F.D. Roosevelt 42,
1050 Brussels, Belgium.

Best Paper Award
A best paper award will be presented at the conference.

Further Information
Up-to-date information will be published on the web site
http://iridia.ulb.ac.be/ants2016/. For information about local
arrangements, registration forms, etc., please refer to the above-mentioned
web site or contact the local organizers at the address below.

Conference Address
ANTS 2016
IRIDIA CP 194/6 Tel +32-2-6502729
Université Libre de Bruxelles Fax +32-2-6502715
Av. F. D. Roosevelt 50 http://iridia.ulb.ac.be/ants2016
1050 Bruxelles, Belgium email: ants at iridia.ulb.ac.be

Important Dates
Submission deadline March 14, 2016 (extended)
Notification of acceptance May 4, 2016
Camera ready copy May 18, 2016
Conference September 7-9, 2016

4.8. International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems
Contributed by: ICCAS2016, conference at icros.org

2016 16th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems
(ICCAS 2016)
October 16(SUN)-19(WED), 2016
HICO, Gyeongju, Korea

ICCAS 2016 will be held at HICO. Gyeongju, Korea on October
16(SUN)-19(WED), 2016. The aim of the ICCAS is to bring together
researchers and engineers worldwide to present their latest works, and
disseminate the state-of-the-art technologies related to control,
automation, robotics, and systems.

Important Dates
May 6, 2016: Submission of organized session proposals
May 13, 2016: Submission of full papers
July 15, 2016: Notification of paper acceptance
August 12, 2016: Submission of final camera-ready papers

Plenary Speakers
Andrew Schwartz (Univ. of Pittsburgh, USA)
Maria Prandini (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)
Sangchul Won (POSTECH, Korea)
Satoshi Tadokoro (Tohoku Univ., Japan)
James Ashton-Miller (Univ. of Michigan, USA)
Huijun Gao (Harbin Institute of Technology, China)
Song K. Choi (Univ. of Hawaii, USA)

The treasure of a brilliant cultural heritage Welcome to Gyeongju Gyeongju
was the capital city of Shilla for 992 years. The history of Gyeongju,
which was once called Seorabeol, is also the history of the
thousand-year-old Shilla Dynasty. Gyeongju embraces a radiant ancient
culture where Buddhism, science, and the arts and crafts of the people of
Shilla flourished, and the great spirits of Hwarangdo attained the
unification of the three kingdoms. This is why Gyeongju is so well
preserved by its people and thus, has been designated as a World Cultural
Heritage by UNESCO. The evergreen spirit of Shilla has been alive here for
nearly a thousand years. Gyeongju is truly a museum without walls.

This event starts right after IROS 2016(Oct. 9-14), Daejeon, Korea. It
takes 1 hour from Daejeon to Gyeongju by KTX(Korea Train eXpress).

ICCAS 2016 CFP: http://icros.org/data/download/ICCAS2016/ICCAS2016_CFP.pdf

4.9. International Symposium on Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems
Contributed by: Roderich Gross, r.gross at sheffield.ac.uk

Second Call for Papers

DARS 2016
13th International Symposium on Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems
November 7-9, 2016. Natural History Museum, London, UK

Vicon Motion Systems is a Platinum Sponsor of DARS 2016

Now in its 13th edition, DARS provides a forum for scientific advances in
the theory and practice of distributed autonomous robotic systems. It is a
highly selective, single-track meeting that is soliciting submissions
presenting significant, original, and previously unpublished research.

Distributed robotics is an interdisciplinary and rapidly growing area,
combining research in computer science, communication and control systems,
and electrical and mechanical engineering. Distributed robotic systems can
autonomously solve complex problems while operating in highly unstructured
real-world environments. They are expected to play a major role in
addressing future societal needs, for example, by improving environmental
impact assessment, food supply, transportation, manufacturing, security,
and emergency and rescue services. DARS 2016 will build upon past successes
and provide an exciting environment for researchers to present and discuss
the latest technologies, algorithms, system architectures, and
applications. All interested researchers and engineers are invited to take
part in DARS 2016.

Previous editions of DARS took place in 1992, 1994, and 1996 in Japan
(Riken, Wako); Karlsruhe, Germany (1998); Knoxville, Tennessee, USA (2000);
Fukuoka, Japan (2002); Toulouse, France (2004); Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
(2006); Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan (2008); Lausanne, Switzerland (2010);
Baltimore, Maryland, USA (2012); and Daejeon, Korea (2014).

All accepted contributions will be included as full-length papers in the
Proceedings of DARS 2016. The proceedings will be published in the Springer
STAR series (Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics):

Nikolaus Correll - University of Colorado Boulder, USA
Vijay Kumar - University of Pennsylvania, USA
James Marshall - University of Sheffield, UK
Katia Sycara - Carnegie Mellon University, USA

Papers should be formatted according to the style files of Springer Tracts
in Advanced Robotics. The page limit is 12 pages.

Papers are solicited in all areas of distributed autonomous robotics,
including, but not restricted to:
- Architectures for teams of robots
- Self-organizing and self-assembling robotic systems
- Swarm robotic systems
- Hybrid symbiotic teams (humans and robots, animals and robots)
- Learning and adaptation in teams of robots
- Modular robotics
- Localization and navigation in multi-robot systems
- Multi-robot and multi-vehicle motion coordination
- Distributed cooperative perception
- Distributed cooperative action
- Distributed control and planning
- Control issues in multi-robot systems
- Performance metrics for robot teams
- Distributed decision making
- Sensor and actuator networks
- Networking issues in multi-robot systems
- Wireless and robotic sensor networks
- Multi-robot applications in exploration, inspection, coverage, search and
rescue, service, environmental monitoring, etc.

Submission instructions are available on http://dars2016.org .

July 5, 2016 Paper Submission
September 7, 2016 Author Notification
September 21, 2016 Camera Ready Submission
November 7-9, 2016 Conference

DARS is technically co-sponsored by the IEEE Robotics and Automation
Society. If you wish to become a sponsor of, or exhibitor at, DARS 2016,
please visit http://dars2016.org.

The following awards will be presented at the conference:
- Best Paper Award (certificate and cash honorarium of USD 1000)
- Best Application Paper Award (by IET Robotics & Mechatronics TPN)
- Best Poster Award (by Springer)

Follow us on social media for all the latest updates.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DARSSymposium
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DARS2016
Google+: https://plus.google.com/104027908184261516130

More information at: http://dars2016.org

4.10. International Conference on Instrumentation, Control and Automation
Contributed by: Tua Tamba, tamba at instrument.itb.ac.id

Final Call-for-Papers: The 4th International Conference on Instrumentation,
Control and Automation 2016 (ICA'16)
Dates & Location: August 29-31, 2016; Bandung, west Java, Indonesia
Technical co-sponsor: IEEE Indonesia Section
Website: http://ica2016-itb.org/index.php/call-for-paper/

On behalf of the ICA'16 Organizing Committee, this is to invite you to
submit your contributions to the 4th International Conference on
Instrumentation, Control and Automation 2016, ICA'16,
http://ica2016-itb.org/, which will be held in Bandung, Indonesia during
August 29-31, 2016. The conference is technically co-sponsored by the IEEE
Indonesia Section and is fully organized by the Instrumentation & Control
Research Group of the Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia. Details of the
conference may be found athttp://ica2016-itb.org/index.php/call-for-paper/.

Important Dates:
Submission site open: January 11, 2016
Initial submission due: April 30, 2016
Decision notification: May 31, 2016
Workshop proposal submission due: May 31, 2016
Final submission due: July 15, 2016
Conference dates: August 29-31, 2016

Paper Submission:
All papers must be submitted and uploaded electronically. Go to
Click on the link “Submit a Contribution to ICA’16” and follow the steps.

4.11. ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy-Efficient Built
Contributed by: Pine Liu, pine at cmu.edu

ACM BuildSys 2016 Call for Papers

November 16-17, 2016
Stanford, California | co-located with ACM SenSys 2016

BuildSys has established itself as the premier conference for researchers
and practitioners working to develop and optimize smart infrastructure
systems that are driven by sensing, computing, and control functions. The
review process is very thorough, and publications are considered to have
the same value as journal publications in engineering fields.

Important Dates:
Abstract registration: June 10th, 2016 AOE
Paper submission deadline: June 17th, 2016 AOE
Paper notification: August 15th, 2016 AOE
Poster/Demo submission deadline: August 29th, 2016 AOE
Poster/Demo notification deadline: September 7th, 2016 AOE
Camera ready submissions: September 14, 2016 AOE

Advances in the effective integration of networked sensors, building
controls, and physical infrastructure are transforming our society,
allowing the formation of unprecedented built environments and interlocking
physical, social, cyber challenges. Built environments, including buildings
and critical urban infrastructure, account for over half of society’s
energy consumption and are the mainstay of our nation’s economy, security
and health. As a result, there is a broad recognition that systems
optimizing explicitly for the built environment are particularly important
in improving our society, e.g., by increasing its sustainability and
enhancing people’s quality-of-life. These systems represent the foundation
for emerging “smart cities”.

The 3rd ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy-Efficient Built
Environments (BuildSys 2016) will be held November 16-17th, 2016 at
Stanford University in Palo Alto, California. We invite original
contributions in the areas of intelligent systems and applications for the
built environment. BuildSys particularly emphasizes approaches that improve
energy efficiency, reduce costs, increase performance, and add novel
functionality for improving users’ comfort and experience. BuildSys’ scope
is broad, encompassing all systems within the built environment of the
urban fabric, including not only buildings but also critical infrastructure
systems, such as water, power, communications, and transportation that will
make up the “smart cities” of the future. BuildSys has established itself
as the premier conference for researchers and practitioners working to
develop and optimize smart infrastructure systems that are driven by
sensing, computing, and control functions.

Submission Types:
We solicit three types of original submissions:
   * Regular papers for oral presentation (10 pages)
   * Notes papers for oral presentation (4 pages)
   * Technical posters and demos (2 pages)

Papers are invited in all emerging aspects of information-driven systems
for the built environment. Topics of interest include but are not limited
to the following:
  * Sensing and control systems for managing urban infrastructure systems,
such as water supply and distribution networks, wastewater treatment
systems, electrical grids, transportation networks, etc.;
  * Sensing, actuation and management of electrical loads in residential,
commercial and industrial settings;
  * Novel sensor methodologies, sensor networks and applications that
enhance energy efficiency, energy reliability, durability and occupant
  * Systems that integrate infrastructure with the emerging smart grid to
provide demand response and ancillary services and/or manage utility costs;
  * Modeling, simulation, optimization, and control of heating, cooling,
lighting, ventilation, water usage and other energy flows in built
  * Distributed generation, alternative energy, renewable sources, and
energy storage in buildings;
  * Emerging communication standards for data collection, energy control,
or interoperation of disparate devices or systems;
  * Human in the loop sensing and control for efficient usage of
electricity, gas, heating, water;
  * New socio-technical systems for innovative applications and services to
enable more livable, workable, sustainable, and connected communities;
  * Localization and contextual computing for increased
human-infrastructure interactions;
  * Security and Privacy issues for the built environments;
  * Optimizations interconnected and interdependent systems-of-systems,
such as water, energy, or transportation systems

Submission Guidelines:
Submitted papers must be unpublished and must not be currently under review
for any other publication. Paper submissions should be no more than the
indicated page count and must follow a double column format. All figures,
appendices, and references must fit within this page limit. Paper reviewing
is single-blind and submissions should list author names on the front page.
Regular and short papers must be submitted through the BuildSys submission
site. Requests relating to the technical program and deadlines should be
sent to the TPC co-chairs.

4.12. ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems
Contributed by: Pine Liu, pine at cmu.edu

Call for Papers: The 2016 ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor
Systems (SenSys 2016)
November 16-17, 2016
Stanford, California

The 14th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys 2016)
introduces a highly selective, single-track forum for research on systems
issues of sensors and sensor-enabled smart systems, broadly defined.
Systems of smart sensors will revolutionize a wide array of application
areas by providing an unprecedented density and fidelity of
instrumentation. They also present various systems challenges because of
resource constraints, uncertainty, irregularity, mobility, and scale. This
conference provides an ideal venue to address research challenges facing
the design, development, deployment, use, and fundamental limits of these
systems. Sensing systems require contributions from many fields, from
wireless communication and networking, embedded systems and hardware,
energy harvesting and management, distributed systems and algorithms, data
management, and applications, so we welcome cross-disciplinary work.

Important Dates:
• Paper Registration and Abstract: April 3, 2016, AOE.
• Paper Submission Deadline: April 10, 2016, AOE.
• Notification of Paper Acceptance: July 17, 2016.
Note: These are hard deadlines. No extension will be granted.

Sensors have become an essential part of computing systems and
applications. Computing today is increasingly characterized by ubiquitous,
information-rich sensors that produce massive quantities of data about the
physical world. This new era of computing is driving important new systems
issues, and requires new system-level approaches and design principles.

The ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys 2016) is a
computer systems conference focused on the architecture, design,
implementation, and performance of sensors, broadly defined, as well as
sensor-enabled smart systems. ACM SenSys brings together academic,
industry, and government professionals to a single-track, highly selective
forum on networked sensing design, implementation, and applications. It is
the premier forum to discuss systems issues that arise specifically due to
sensing. SenSys takes a broad view on the areas of computing that are
relevant to the future of sensor systems, and topics of interest include
but are not limited to the following:
• New technology, platforms and hardware designs
• Systems software
• Low power operation, energy harvesting, and energy management
• Applications and deployment experiences
• Networking and protocols for embedded devices and the Internet
• Ubiquitous, mobile and pervasive systems
• Actuation and control (cyber-physical systems)
• Key services as time and location estimation
• Data storage, retrieval, processing, and management
• Wearable and human-centric devices
• Fault-tolerance and reliability
• Data quality, integrity, and trustworthiness
• Security and privacy
• Programmability and manageability of sensor networks
• Compelling challenge papers grounded in technology trends

We invite technical papers describing original ideas, ground-breaking
results, and/or real-world experiences involving innovative sensor systems.
Successful submissions will explain why the topic is relevant to a vision
of the future of sensing systems. Submissions will be judged on
originality, significance, clarity, relevance, and correctness. In addition
to citing relevant, published work, authors must cite and relate their
submissions to relevant prior publications of the their own. Ethical
approval for experiments with human subjects should be demonstrated as part
of the submission.

Submission Guidelines:
Submissions must be full papers, at most 12 single-spaced 8.5” x 11” pages,
including figures, tables,with additional two pages for references, in
two-column format, using 10-point type on 12-point (single-spaced) leading,
with a maximum text block of 7” wide x 9” deep with an inter-column spacing
of .25”. Authors must make a good faith effort to anonymize their
submissions. Papers that do not meet the size, formatting, and
anonymization requirements will not be reviewed. Accepted submissions will
be available on the ACM digital library at least one week before the

Latex Class and Sample Latex Files
You can use the sensys-proc.cls file in this zip file. There is also a
template LaTeX file for your use. Please do not modify any spacing
parameters. We successfully typeset Karthik et al.'s Sensys 2011 paper on
Karma with this style file and tested on the submission site.
All papers must be submitted through the conference submission site:

4.13. European Conference on Computational Optimization
Contributed by: Panos Patrinos, panos.patrinos at esat.kuleuven.be

EUCCO2016, the 4th European Conference on Computational Optimization, will
be held in Leuven, Belgium, September 12 – 14, 2016.

The conference is organised by the University of Leuven, Center of
Excellence on Optimization in Engineering (OPTEC), and by the TEMPO Marie
Curie Initial Training Network: Training in Embedded Predictive Control and

The conference aims to bring together researchers who are active in the
areas of computational optimization, algorithms and applications. EUCCO2016
will have special emphasis on Embedded Optimization and Optimization in
Engineering, but it will also continue the traditional EUCCO focus on large
scale optimization, optimization with partial differential equations, and
numerical optimization algorithms and software.

Invited plenary speakers are: Stephen Boyd (Stanford, USA), Yurii Nesterov
(Louvain, Belgium), Sina Ober-Bloebaum (Oxford, UK), Colin Jones (Lausanne,
Switzerland), Niels Aage (Lyngby, Denmark), Marc Teboulle (Tel-Aviv,
Israel), and Boris Vexler (Munich, Germany).

For additional information, please visit the conference webpage

4.14. World Congress: Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and
Contributed by: Seenith Sivasundaram, seenithi at gmail.com

World Congress: Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and Sciences
WHEN: 05-08 July 2016
WHERE: La Rochelle, France, University of La Rochelle
Website: http://www.icnpaa.com

Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and Science have stimulated
cooperation among scientists from a variety of disciplines. Developments in
computer technology have additionally allowed for solutions of mathematical
problems. This international forum will extend scholarly cooperation and
collaboration, encouraging the dissemination of ideas and information.

The conference will have a pool of active researchers, with a proper
balance between academia and industry, as well as between senior and junior
researchers, including graduate students and post-doctoral fellows. It is
anticipated that such a balance will provide both senior and junior
researchers an opportunity to interact and to have a wider picture of
recent advances in their respective fields. The conference, especially,
enables the setting up of new interdisciplinary research directions among
its participants by establishing links with world renowned researchers,
making possible joint international projects that will no doubt bring about
fresh and innovative ideas and technologies in engineering, aerospace and

Co-Sponsored by: AIAA: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
IFIP: International Federation of Information Processing
La Rochelle, France, University of La Rochelle
The proceedings will be published by the American Institute of Physics.
AIP Conference Proceedings are indexed in:
• Astrophysics Data System(ADS)
• Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS)
• Crossref
• EBSCO Publishing
• Electronic Library Information Navigator (ELIN), Sweden
• Elsevier – SCOPUS
• International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
• Thomson Reuters (ISI)

4.15. Workshop on ICT Research and Innovation for Sustainable Economic and
Social Development in ASEAN

RISE'2016: Workshop on ICT Research and Innovation for Sustainable Economic
and Social Development in ASEAN - 9th & 10th May 2016 – Hanoi, Vietnam

RISE 2016 is organized in conjunction with ASEAN-EU STI Days on 10-12 May
2016 <http://www.stidays.net>. The objectives of the workshop are: (1) to
bring together European and ASEAN experts and PhD students for
brainstorming and exchanging very recent ICT research and developments as
well as societal challenges and to discuss their social impact, (2) to
reinforce and increase ICT research and innovation collaborations between
Europe and South East Asia in these domains with particular attention to
the specificities in ASEAN countries [Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Laos,
Myanmar, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam], and
(3) to contribute to the reinforcement of collaborative research links
between EU and ASEAN ICT specialists.

Five topics :
1) Energy efficiency and reduction of pollution by ICT,
2) Water systems management,
3) Building management and control,
4) Smart cities & ICT systems for rural areas, and
5) E-services: promoting access to ICT for economic and social development.

Free registration (deadline: 15 April 2016)
Programme, see http://www.mica.edu.vn/RISE2016/technical-program

4.16. Symposium on Management of Future Motorway and Urban Traffic Systems
Contributed by: Claudio Roncoli, croncoli at dssl.tuc.gr

The Symposium on "Management of Future motorway and urban Traffic Systems"
will take place on June 2-3, 2016, in Chania, Greece.

The Symposium will cover the subjects of traffic control, estimation, and
modelling of motorway and urban networks, with particular emphasis on the
presence of advanced vehicle communication and automation technologies.
Considering the lack of conferences focusing exclusively on future traffic
management systems, and since it is expected that the interest of our
research community in this specific research area will be increased in the
future, we aim at bringing together researchers working on this field.

We invite interested practitioners, researchers, students, and consultants
to participate in the Symposium (without presentation). Please visit the
website (http://mfts2016.tuc.gr) for updates and registration procedure.

4.17. CFP: IET Control Theory & Applications
Contributed by: Junfeng Wu, junfengw at kth.se

IET Control Theory & Applications
Special Issue on "Resource-efficient Control in Cyber-Physical Systems"

A cyber-physical system (CPS) is a system of collaborative computational
agents offering monitoring and control of physical systems. The defining
feature of a CPS is that, as a multi-dimensional aggregation of
communication, networking, computing and control, it realises
unprecedentedly deep integration of the information system and the physical
world, which calls for a novel theoretical framework concerning intertwined
effects between the ingredients. In particular, in CPSs the constrained
resources in communication, networking and computing, such as energy
budget, communication bandwidth, network throughput, media access,
computational capability, limit the system performance. Traditionally,
communication, networking, computing, optimisation and control are
investigated relatively independently, and theoretical limits have been
approached in their respective fields. Integrated approaches are urgently

The objective of this Special Issue is to gather the state-of-the-art
studies of resource-constrained optimisation and control for CPSs within a
wide range of relevant topics in control theory, optimisation, information
theory, wireless communication and networking.

Potential topics include, but are not limited to the following:
- Event-based state estimation, event-triggered control, event-triggered
sampling, hybrid systems, supervisory control;
- Sequential decision processes subject to information exchange constraints;
- Co-design techniques for communication and control systems;
- Control and filtering under communication imperfection and constraints;
- Distributed optimization and distributed algorithm analysis;
- Networked filtering, data fusion, and feedback control;
- Networked multi-agent systems;
- Techniques, algorithms and protocols for bandwidth allocation, media
access control, power control, scheduling;
- Self-organization under resource constraints;
- Security of information systems against external and internal attacks;
- Fault detection and fault-tolerant control technology for networked
- Applications and case studies of CPSs.

Important dates:
Submission deadline: Jun 30 2016
Publication Date: Jul 2017

4.18. CFP: Asian Journal of Control
Contributed by: Fu Li-Chen, lichen at ntu.edu.tw

Special Issue on “Theoretical and Practical Challenges in Learning Control”
Asian Journal of Control

Learning control, including iterative learning control (ILC) and repetitive
learning control (RLC), has been widely used in industry such as chemical
reactors, batch processes, robotic manipulators, high precision CNC
machining, hard disc drives,milling and laser cutting, traffic flow control
systems, and rehabilitation robotic systems. Although learning control
algorithms have been successfully applied to various engineered
applications, there are still many challenges including the fundamental
problem of robust design in the presence of model uncertainty, disturbance
and noise, novel applications and the development of new analysis tools.

This special issue invites original articles that address both theoretical
and application-oriented challenges in the area of learning control,
including novel applications, performance improvement along iteration
domain and time domain, new analysis tools, and any related technologies in
learning control. Topics of potential interest include, but are not limited
1. Robust design methods
2. Performance improvement
3. New stability/convergence analysis tools
4. Novel applications

How to submit:
Potential authors are encouraged to upload the electronic file of their
manuscript (in PDF format) through the journal’s online submission website:
http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/asjc. If you encounter any submission
problem, feel free to contact Prof. Li-Chen Fu.

Editor-in-Chief: Professor Li-Chen Fu
Department of Electrical Engineering, EE II-524 Tel: +886-2-3366-3558
National Taiwan University Fax: +886-2-2365-4267
Taipei 10617, Taiwan E-mail: lichen at ntu.edu.tw

All submission should include a title page containing the title of the
paper, an abstract and a list of keywords, authors’ full names and
affiliations, complete postal and electronic address, phone and fax
numbers. The contacting author should be clearly identified. For detailed
submission guidelines,
please visit http://wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/asjc.

Special issue on “Advances in Control and Optimization over Wireless Sensor
and Actuator Networks”
Asian Journal of Control

As different from traditional sensor networks which are deemed as open-loop
information gathering systems, the emerging wireless sensor and actuator
networks (WSANs) are closed-loop systems of wireless-capable sensors and
actuators which can facilitate intimate interactions between human and the
physical world. For their low cost, ease of maintenance, convenient
upgrading and the ability to enhance system intelligence, WSANs have found
promising applications in a variety of fields such as environment
monitoring and control,building automation, industrial control, smart grid
management, and intelligent transportation.

WSANs are an integrated technology of control and communication. However,
control engineers and network experts often work separately to design
control algorithms and communication protocols without closely examining
their intimate interactions and interdependencies in WSANs, resulting in
system overall performance underexplored. WSANs are systems of
heterogeneous sensors and actuators which call for joint control and
optimization of issues such as task scheduling, node coordination and
resource allocation. Also,large-scale WSANs call for distributed and
cooperative control schemes where each node make decisions based on only
limited local information. Recently, mobile WSANs are emerging where the
network connectivity becomes dynamic and even stochastic. In such a dynamic
environment, it calls for advanced control and optimization schemes with
abilities such as mobility control, path planning, and robust control
against topology dynamics.

This special issue seeks original contributions which address recent
emerging issues of control and optimization over WSANs. We solicit on (but
not limited to) the following topics:
1. Sensor-actuator and actuator-actuator coordination in WSANs
2. Estimation and control over wireless networks
3. Distributed and collaborative control over WSANs
4. Control and communication co-design in WSANs
5. Cross-layer optimization and resource allocation for WSANs
6. Wireless sensor/robot networks and mobile WSANs
7. Energy efficiency, security and privacy issues of WSANs
8. Emerging applications, simulation tools, experiments, test-beds and
prototyping systems

4.19. CFP: International Workshop on Numerical Software Verification
Contributed by: Sergiy Bogomolov, sergiy.bogomolov at ist.ac.at

9th International Workshop on Numerical Software Verification (NSV 2016)
July 17-18, 2016
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Web Page: http://nsv2016.pages.ist.ac.at/

Important Dates
Submissions deadline: ** April 22, 2016 **
Notification: May 15, 2016
Final version: May 28, 2016
Workshop: July 17-18, 2016

** New this year **
All accepted papers will be published as Lecture Notes in Computer Science
(LNCS) with Springer Verlag.

Description of the Workshop
Numerical computations are ubiquitous in digital systems: supervision,
prediction, simulation and signal processing rely heavily on numerical
calculus to achieve desired goals. Design and verification of numerical
algorithms has a unique set of challenges, which set it apart from rest of
software verification. To achieve the verification and validation of global
properties, numerical techniques need to precisely represent local
behaviors of each component. The implementation of numerical techniques on
modern hardware adds another layer of approximation because of the use of
finite representations of infinite precision numbers that usually lack
basic arithmetic properties such as commutativity and associativity.
Finally, the development and analysis of cyber-physical systems (CPS) which
involve the interacting continuous and discrete components pose a further
challenge. It is hence imperative to develop logical and mathematical
techniques for the reasoning about programmability and reliability. The NSV
workshop is dedicated to the development of such techniques.

The scope of the workshop includes, but is not restricted to, the following
- Quantitative and qualitative analysis of hybrid systems
- Models and abstraction techniques
- Optimal control of dynamical systems
- Parameter identification for hybrid systems
- Numerical optimization methods
- Hybrid systems verification
- Applications of hybrid systems to systems biology
- Propagation of uncertainties, deterministic and probabilistic models
- Specifications of correctness for numerical programs
- Formal specification and verification of numerical programs
- Quality of finite precision implementations
- Numerical properties of control software
- Validation for space, avionics, automotive and real-time applications
- Validation for scientific computing programs

Submission information
We solicit regular and short papers. Paper submission must be performed via
the EasyChair system: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=nsv2016

Regular papers must describe original work, be written and presented in
English, and must not substantially overlap with papers that have been
published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or a conference
with refereed proceedings. Submitted papers will be judged on the basis of
significance, relevance, correctness, originality, and clarity. They should
clearly identify what has been accomplished and why it is significant.

Regular paper submissions should not exceed 15 pages in LNCS style,
including bibliography and well-marked appendices:

Program committee members are not required to read the appendices, and thus
papers must be intelligible without them.

Short papers are also welcome, they should present tools, benchmarks,
case-studies or be extended abstracts of ongoing research. Short papers
should not exceed 6 pages. All accepted papers will be published as Lecture
Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) with Springer Verlag.

5. Positions

5.1. PhD: ETH, Switzerland
Contributed by: Maryam Kamgarpour, mkamgar at control.ee.ethz.ch

ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Department of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
Automatic Control Laboratory
Prof. Maryam Kamgarpour

PhD positions: Two PhD projects are available on the topic of control of
large-scale dynamical systems with uncertainty. The problems are motivated
by integration of renewable sources of energy in the power grid. We will
explore and develop dynamic game theory for a large number of players (e.g.
participants in the market) and scalable optimal control algorithms for
large dimensional dynamical systems (e.g. the power grid).

Applicant requirements: a strong background and interest in mathematics,
self-motivated, well-developed analytical and problem solving skills,
outstanding academic track record, excellent English communication and
writing skills.

Application process: The interested students should submit their CV,
transcript, one page on statement of research interests and goals and name
of three references. Please email your applications and inquiries to
mkamgar at control.ee.ethz.ch.

ETH Zurich: Situated by lake Zurich and at the foot of Swiss Alps, ETH
Zurich is a leading technological university in the world with over 18000
students from 110 countries. Further information on ETH Zurich, working
conditions and doctoral employment:

5.2. PhD: Lehigh University, USA
Contributed by: Nader Motee, motee at lehigh.edu

Ph.D. Research Assistantship and Postdoctoral Positions in Large-Scale and
Distributed Control and Dynamical Networks. Contact: Prof. Nader Motee (
motee at lehigh.edu)

Interested students and recently graduated PhD students are encouraged to
apply for our open positions in Distributed Control and Dynamical Systems
(DCDS) Laboratory in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics
at Lehigh University. There are several open positions for Summer 2016,
Fall 2016, and Spring 2017 in the form of Research Assistants and
Postdoctoral Scholars. For more information about our group and current
research activities, please visit our website at


For Postdoctoral Positions: Strong background in probability theory,
stochastic dynamical systems, and graph theory are desirable. Candidate
with strong Control Systems background as well as Applied/Pure Mathematical
background are highly encouraged to apply.

For PhD Positions: Students with a M.Sc. degree, preferably in Control
Systems/Optimization/Applied Math or other related areas, are strongly
encouraged to apply. Undergraduate students with strong background in
Control Systems, Communications, Optimization and Applied Mathematics are
also encouraged to apply. Interested applicants with a Ph.D. in a related
field (e.g., Control Systems/Optimization/Applied Math) are strongly
encouraged to apply.

Lehigh is a premier residential research university, ranked in the top tier
of national research universities each year. We are a coeducational,
nondenominational, private university that offers a distinct academic
environment of undergraduate and graduate students from across the globe.
Located in Pennsylvania's scenic Lehigh Valley, the campus is in close
proximity to both New York City and Philadelphia. Lehigh is comprised of
2,358 acres, making it one of the largest private universities in the

Interested applicants may contact Prof. Nader Motee (motee at lehigh.edu) with
the following information: (1) one-page research statement explaining how
your background fits our current research group, (2) detailed CV and list
of publications, (3) copies of one or two publications. All documents
should be in PDF format.

5.3. PhD: University of Toulouse III, France
Contributed by: Carolina Albea Sanchez, calbea at laas.fr; Germain Garcia (
garcia at laas.fr)

PhD : LAAS (Laboratory for Analysis and Architecture of Systems),
University of Toulouse III, France.


Production, distribution and consumption of renewable energy are among the
active areas, which mobilize many researchers and industrialists. More
specifically, the development of renewable energy distribution networks
depends on advances of electrical energy management systems, whose
efficiency is based, in particular, on the design and use of high
performance materials and components. In this context, the control of
electrical energy converters is an important step to improve the energy
efficiency of the processing systems as whole.

The different topologies and power converters have been extensively studied
by the power electronics and control communities, usually based on
approximate models, for example, averaged models. These approaches have
helped solve many practical problems, even though in theoretical terms, the
answers are often very incomplete. The advances of recent years in the
field of materials and components lead to converter topologies or
structures with many possibilities to improve performance. These options
allow considering a diversity of structures (e.g. converter network) that
advance toward reliable and secure conversion operation, while maintaining
a quality of high energy. However, the drawback is an increase of the
complexity that directly concerns the control laws and, consequently, the
development methods. Therefore, we must consider more realistic models
taking into account the specifications of energy conversion, and encompass
theoretical complexity, such as the discontinuities caused by switching
models. We wish to take directly into account the discrete dynamics
(switching of active gates that decide the circuit configuration at every
sampling time) and continuous dynamics (evolutions of the electrical
continuous signals of the converter). The expected results in this
direction present a relevant impact on the development of control law
techniques and would allow us to develop an approach with a reduction of
the differences between simulated results and experimental results. This is
the general context of the thesis. It is based on a novel power converters
control paradigm, combining all the points described above, through an
innovative approach inspired by hybrid dynamic models for the automatic

Starting date: 1st october 2016

Requests for further information should be sent to calbea at laas.fr and
garcia at laas.fr and include:
1. Covering/Motivation letter
2. Curriculum Vitae
3. Contact details of two academic referees.

Candidates will also need to apply through UT Dallas Graduate Admissions;
for details, please see:

5.4. PhD: Stevens Institute of Technology, USA
Contributed by: Yi Guo, yguo1 at stevens.edu

PhD: Stevens Institute of Technology, USA

A PhD Research Assistant position is available in Department of Electrical
and Computer Engineering at Stevens Institute of Technology starting Fall
2006. The candidate is expected to have a strong mathematics background,
and research experience in dynamic systems and controls, or optimization,
or robotics. The successful candidate will work on research project funded
by the NSF National Robotics Initiative, and focus on robotics control,
human-robot interaction, and machine learning methods. A Bachelor's degree
in relevant fields is required, and a Master's degree is preferred.

Stevens Institute of Technology is located in Hoboken, NJ, on a bluff
overlooking the Hudson River and New York City. Interested candidates
please send your inquiries together with your detailed CV to
yguo1 at stevens.edu

5.5. PhD: CRAN & CEA LIST, France
Contributed by: Irinel-Constantin Morarescu, moraresco at yahoo.com

Ph.D.: Research Center for Automatic Control of Nancy

This PhD thesis will be developed in the framework of "Projet de
Ressourcement en Region Lorraine" and will be supervised by Marc Jungers,
Irinel-Constantin Morarescu from CRAN and Christophe Janneteau and Michael
Boc from CEA LIST.

1) Scientific Context: Embedded systems have become a predominant component
of modern engineering systems. An important application domain of embedded
technology is the field of control systems where embedded software is
executed in order to control a physical plant. The software receives
information about the plant, processes this information and determines
control actions that are applied to the plant. Moreover, these systems are
often interconnected with others forming a network. A typical application
of such networked embedded systems is the decentralized control of fleets
of robots.

2) Objectives: Traditionally, the design of embedded control systems
assumes a separation of concerns between computation and control. An
integrated approach where the constraints due to limited or shared
computational resources are taken into account in the synthesis of control
strategies would enable the development of high quality embedded
controllers with guarantees of safety, stability and performance, while
optimizing the usage of the available computational resources. The main
objective of this thesis is to design decentralized controllers that
integrate the communication and computation constraints. In other words, we
specify the computation budget and the communication bandwidth and range
and we want to design a controller that can be executed under these
constraints. In order to satisfy the communication constraints we will
impose a limited number of simultaneous communications per agent. The
computation constraints will be taken into account by designing simple
control laws that require small computation loads. This will be basically
done by decoupling the controller in two parts. The first will compute
reference trajectories based on standard consensus algorithms while the
second will design tracking controllers for each agent independently from
the others.

3) Background of the candidate and contact:
We are looking for a candidate with a MS or engineer degree having a good
background in control theory. The applicant should be interested in
theoretical and practical aspects of multi-agent systems. The working
language can be either English or French. The standard duration of a PhD
thesis in France is 36 months and the net salary is around 1 600 euros.
Applications have to be sent by email at: marc.jungers at univ-lorraine.fr,
constantin.morarescu at univ-lorraine.fr. They can also be contacted for
further information, and should include a resume, recommendation letters
(or persons to contact preferably).

The position is open and the candidate can start anytime but not later than

5.6. PhD: Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
Contributed by: Rudy Negenborn, r.r.negenborn at tudelft.nl

2 PhD positions on "Dynamic Fleet Management for Autonomous Vehicles" at
Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands

Job description
The Section of Transport Engineering & Logistics (TU Delft) seeks two
talented and ambitious PhD candidates for a challenging multidisciplinary
research project on modelling and control of fleets of cooperative
vehicles. The PhD positions are defined within the framework of the NWO/STW
Perspectief Programme "i-CAVE: Integrated Cooperative Automated Vehicles".

Cooperative driving solutions for areas such as business parks, leisure
sites, port areas, or event sites demand efficient management of fleets of
cooperative vehicles. This project considers the real-time challenges at
the logistics and system level for organisations owning fleets of
cooperative vehicles. This encompasses the entire spectrum of logistics
systems: fleet size selection, vehicle rostering and assignment,
dispatching, repositioning, and maintenance. The aim is to develop
efficient methods that will enable the efficient deployment and operation
of such fleets of cooperative (automated) vehicles.

Within the framework of the project there will be two PhD positions that
will focus on the above aspects from different perspectives.

PhD Project 1 will take a more application-oriented perspective. The PhD
candidate working on this project will determine in close cooperation with
industrial partners high-potential logistic applications that could be
enabled with fleets of automated vehicles, and their possible interaction
with traffic management. Integrating fleet system dynamics in models
representing traffic, simulating the combined behaviour under varying fleet
control strategies, and assessing the performance of the different control
strategies are core parts of this project. This connects the fields of
simulation systems, operations research, and transport sciences. The PhD
candidate will have the unique opportunity to work with engineers at a
leading company that designs the communities and cities of the future in
order to assess the potential of proposed methods in highly relevant case

PhD Project 2 will take a more methodological, artificial intelligence and
distributed control perspective. Automatic coordination strategies and
planning algorithms that will maximise the performance of fleets of
vehicles themselves or as a system will be proposed and investigated.
Autonomous learning algorithms, e.g. using (multi-agent) reinforcement
learning, and how to integrate expert knowledge will be formally analysed.
State-of-the-art logistic service simulators will be used to investigate
the technical and logistic performance that could be realised with the new
fleet management strategies. The value of integrating real-time maps with
up-to-date transport system conditions (e.g. related to travel times) will
then also be explored.

We are seeking two outstanding and enthusiastic researchers who have
expertise and interest in one or more of the following areas:

* fleet management, logistics, intelligent transport systems, vehicle
routing, traffic control;
* multi-agent systems, planning algorithms, artificial intelligence,
computer science, automatic coordination / negotiation, modelling and
control, control theory, optimisation.

You have obtained an MSc or an equivalent degree or expect to obtain an MSc
very soon related to these areas (Transport and Logistics, Operations
Research, Computer Science / AI). Good spoken and written English and the
ability to work in a team are mandatory.

Conditions of employment
The TU Delft offers a customisable compensation package, a discount for
health insurance and sport memberships, and a monthly work costs
contribution. Flexible work schedules can be arranged. An International
Children’s Centre offers childcare and an international primary school.
Dual Career Services offers support to accompanying partners. Salary and
benefits are in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch

As a PhD candidate you will be enrolled in the TU Delft Graduate School.
The TU Delft Graduate School provides an inspiring research environment; an
excellent team of supervisors, academic staff and a mentor; and a Doctoral
Education Programme aimed at developing your transferable,
discipline-related and research skills. Please visit
http://graduateschool.tudelft.nl/ for more information.

Information and application
For more information about these positions, please contact R. R. Negenborn,
phone: +31 (0)15-2786718, e-mail: r.r.negenborn at tudelft.nl. To apply,
please e-mail an up-to-date, detailed curriculum vitae, a letter of
application, a transcript of grades obtained during your MSc studies, and
the names and contact information (telephone number and e-mail address) of
two references by 30 April 2016 to: application-3mE at tudelft.nl.
When applying for one of these positions, please refer to vacancy number
3ME16-16 and specify for which position you are applying (PhD1 or PhD2).

5.7. PhD: University of Texas at Dallas, USA
Contributed by: Tyler Summers, tyler.summers at utdallas.edu

Several fully funded PhD positions for highly motivated students are
available starting in Fall 2016 in the Control, Optimization, and Networks
Laboratory (http://www.utdallas.edu/~tyler.summers) in the Departments of
Mechanical and Electrical Engineering at the University of Texas at Dallas.
The lab seeks to understand the rich interplay of dynamics, control,
optimization, information, and uncertainty in large-scale networks. The
research emphasizes theoretical analysis and computational tools and is
strongly driven by a variety of applications, including future power grids
and distributed multi-robot systems.

Outstanding eligible candidates may be nominated for special university
fellowships that offer increased stipends and other professional
development opportunities. Applications from underrepresented minorities
are encouraged.

Required qualifications:
(1) B.S. in mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, computer
science, applied mathematics, or a related field
(2) Strong background in systems and control theory, optimization, and
mathematics, including relevant coursework and/or work experience
(3) Excellent communication skills
(4) Proficiency in at least one scientific programming language, such as
MATLAB, Python, Julia, C/C++, etc.

Preferred qualifications:
(1) M.S. degree
(2) Publications in reputable control, optimization, robotics, or power
systems conferences or journals
(3) Hands-on experience with robotic systems is a plus for candidates
interested in robotics applications

How to apply:
Please send the following documents to tyler.summers at utdallas.edu
(1) One page cover letter describing your research interests, background,
and professional goals
(2) CV or resume
(3) Transcripts

Candidates will also need to apply through UT Dallas Graduate Admissions;
for details, please see
http://www.utdallas.edu/admissions/graduate/degrees/detail.php?d=1741 or

5.8. Research Assistant: University of Sheffield, UK
Contributed by: Andreagiovanni Reina, a.reina at sheffield.ac.uk

The Behavioural and Evolutionary Theory group of the University of
Sheffield has an opening for a Research Assistant in Collective Robotics
beginning in May 2016. The position is for 2 years with the option to
enroll in a PhD program in parallel to the assistant position.
The post holder will have the opportunity to work with a 1000 robot swarm
in a research excellence environment (elected as one of the best places to
work in the UK), within the research project DiODe led by Prof. James

Required qualifications involve a degree in Computer Science or Electronic
Engineering, some experience of designing and developing electronic circuit
boards, and experience of device firmware programming.

More information can be found at: http://tinyurl.com/guh8a6m
Application deadline: 13th of April (2016)

5.9. PostDoc: Texas A&M University-Qatar, Qatar
Contributed by: Reza Langari, rlangari at tamu.edu

Postdoctoral Position – Exoskeleton-based Stroke Rehabilitation

A postdoctoral position in exoskeleton-based stroke rehabilitation is
available at Texas A&M University-Qatar (TAMU-Q). Applicants must have
control, design and biomechanics background. Good oral and written
communication skills and the ability to prepare internal and external
documents and presentations as well as hands-on experience are desirable.

TAMU-Q offers excellent benefits and a number of special items. For
example, the package includes furnished accommodations in Doha at no cost,
a local transportation allowance, and dependent education allowance.

TAMU-Q (see: www.qatar.tamu.edu) is a branch campus of Texas A&M University
and is located in Education City, Doha, Qatar. Education City is the
location of a number of premier institutions, which are engaged in
activities of advanced scientific and engineering research and
applications. Major companies are establishing facilities in Education City
and its vicinity as well.

Review of applications will begin immediately, and continue until the
positions are filled. Candidates who would like to apply need to submit
their curriculum vita to:

Dr. Reza Langari
Professor and JR Thompson Department Head Chair
Engineering Technology and Industrial Distribution (ETID)
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX 77843-3367
979-845-4949 (office)
979-847-9396 (fax)
rlangari at tamu.edu

and to

Dr. Reza Tafreshi
Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Texas A&M University at Qatar
Education City
P.O. Box 23874, Doha, Qatar
974-4423-0237 (office)
974-4423-0066 (fax)
email: reza.tafreshi at qatar.tamu.edu

*Please note that only shot-listed candidates will be contacted.

5.10. PostDoc: Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
Contributed by: Tamas Keviczky, t.keviczky at tudelft.nl

A Postdoctoral position is available at the Delft Center for Systems and
Control (DCSC), Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands, with the
following focus:

Cooperative Control of Remote Wind Farm Transmission Grids

Project description:
The project will focus on power and voltage control in remote (e.g.
offshore) wind farms and related transmission systems to ensure stability
and robustness with respect to fluctuations in the wind field, unforeseen
events, and to enforce maximum power limits. Motivated by typical
challenging scenarios defined by our industrial partner, we will focus on a
decentralized or distributed cooperative control setting, where local
controllers are designed for each subsystem and may have the ability to
communicate with each other. The candidate will implement applicable
methodologies in the area of consensus filters, and may investigate topics
such as robust control for interconnected systems, distributed model
predictive control, and distributed optimization. The control mechanisms
will be elaborated and implemented in a simulation environment (e.g., RTDS)
for further analysis. In addition to developing and testing research
methodology and algorithms, the successful applicant will be involved in
the interaction with representatives of our industrial partner, with
frequent visits to their offices in northwest Europe.

Applicants for this challenging project should have a PhD degree and
background in systems and control or electrical engineering. The applicant
should have demonstrated ability to conduct high-quality research according
to international standards, as demonstrated by publications in
international journals. Familiarity or previous experience with the
following topics is a plus: smart grids, power networks, power inverter
control, decentralized and distributed control, consensus. In addition,
excellent communication skills are important for this position and a good
command of the English language is required.

Project term:
Employment and salary are according to the Collective Employment Agreement
of Dutch Universities, with excellent secondary benefits and an annually
increasing salary starting at approximately EUR 3000 gross per month or
higher depending on the candidate's experience. The appointment will be for
one year. The position will be filled as soon as a suitable candidate is
found. The project will be supervised by dr. Tamás Keviczky.

Information and application:
Interested applicants should send their detailed Curriculum Vitae, the
names of two professional referees, a list of courses taken with grades
obtained, a list of publications (with a copy of three selected ones), a
summary of their Ph.D. thesis and a cover letter stating their motivation

dr. Tamás Keviczky, tel. +31 15 278 2928, t.keviczky at tudelft.nl

General information is also available from the website

5.11. PostDoc: KTH, Sweden
Contributed by: Dimos Dimarogonas, dimos at kth.se

I am looking for a postdoc in distributed hybrid systems at the Department
of Automatic Control at KTH to start not earlier than July 2016. Topics of
expertise should include one or more of the following:

- hybrid control systems
- formal methods for planning and control
- discrete approximations of continuous systems
- hybrid control and planning of multi-robot systems

The positions will be related to the ERC Starting Grant BUCOPHSYS (
http://bucophsys.eu/index.html) and a recent Fellowship by the Knut och
Alice Wallenberg Foundation in Sweden, both projects involving research on
the above topics. Experience with robotics' platforms will be considered as
a positive, but is not necessary.

In case of interest, please send me a short CV, two reference contacts and
list of publications before April 15, 2016. Contact: Dimos Dimarogonas,
email: dimos at kth.se, web: http://people.kth.se/~dimos/.

5.12. PostDoc: UTFPR, Brazil
Contributed by: Alessandro N Vargas, avargas at utfpr.edu.br

Systems and Control: Two Post-Doctoral Fellowships in Brazil

Two exciting opportunities are opened for young or experienced researchers
to develop research in Brazil.

Candidates must hold a PhD or Doctorate degree related to at least one of
the next topics: Control and Systems Engineering; Automation; Robotics;
Electrical Engineering; Electronics; Mechatronics; Industrial Engineering;
Computer Engineering; Mechanics; Mathematics (pure or applied); Statistics;
Computer sciences; and Technology. Candidates holding a PhD in any of the
aforementioned topics are invited to apply.

The two vacancies are available to citizens of any country, and the
successful applicants will be required to live in the Parana State (South
of Brazil) during the fellowship period. Our research facilities are
located at UTFPR Campus in Cornelio Procopio, Parana, in the urban area of
Londrina. Londrina was settled by immigrants from London, UK, and now is a
medium-scaled city with a rich cultural life.

The two selected candidates will receive a Post-Doctorate Fellowship from
CAPES, Brazil (R$ 4,100 per month; it is equivalent to EU 1,100). The
fellowships are awarded for 12 months and can be renewed annually. The
successful applicant can be appointed to receive support for travel
expenses from where he/she lives to come to live in Parana, Brazil, but
this financial support depends on the available budget from the hosting

Candidates must have a PhD or Doctorate degree to apply for a fellowship.
The position requires a good-level of written and oral communication skills
in English. The University's staff will help the non-speaking Portuguese
candidates to learn Portuguese efficiently in specific language training

The aim of the project is to advance the knowledge of Control systems in
its broad sense. We are interested in new results of Control systems for
applications of real-time processes. Candidates are strongly encouraged to
apply if they are committed to pursuing theoretical or applied research in
systems and control engineering whilst working collaboratively across
disciplines to develop solutions to one or more of the next topics:
- Theory: linear and nonlinear control systems, stochastic systems,
Markovian systems, optimal control, stability of systems, filtering and
identification, networked control, nonlinear optimization, computational
methods, signal processing, among others topics.
- Applications: industrial processes, electrical and electronic systems,
automotive systems (electronic control of vehicles), mechatronic devices,
renewable energy, wind turbines, photovoltaics, technology applied in
Agriculture, among others.

The appointed candidates are expect to build a bridge between theory and
applications. Candidates will be trained in one or more of the next topics:
control, electronics, computer processing, programming of microprocessors
(e.g., DSP, FPGA, Arduino, Raspberry Pi), data acquisition cards, digital
oscilloscopes, industrial instrumentation, sensors, technology for
industrial applications, among others.

The selected candidates will work under the supervision of Prof. Alessandro
N. Vargas (UTFPR, Brazil). The selected candidates will be included in a
research project that is developed in cooperation between UTFPR, Brazil,
UPC Barcelona Tech (Codalab Group), Spain, and TUIASI Romania. Besides, the
selected candidates can be invited to make an internship at any partner.
Most importantly, the candidate must agree to work in cooperation with a
team of PhDs composed by mathematicians and engineers (Electrical,
Electronics, Computer, Control, Automation).

Quantity of fellowships: 02 (two)

Time: The initial appointment is for a period of 12 months, renewable up to
three years.

Salary: R$ 4,100 (EU 1,100 aprox.) per month paid by CAPES, Brazil.
This value is free of tax.

The selection process will be completed in three steps:

assessment of the candidate CV by analysis of documents submitted by the
candidate; interview via email and Skype with the selected candidates. the
selected candidate is required to sign a document stating that will obey
the CAPES and Brazilian rules. This document is required by CAPES to issue
the documents to be used by the candidate to apply for a Brazilian Visa.

Required documentation for application:
A cover letter in which the applicant justifies his or her interest in the
proposed topics; An updated academic CV.

Inscription of candidates:
Candidates should submit their documentation by email at "
avargas at utfpr.edu.br".

The deadline for applications is June 01, 2016, but applications will be
accepted until the positions are filled.

The result of the first step of the selection process will be informed by
email in June, 2016, or until the position is filled. The interview will be
arranged with the candidates by email and Skype.

Starting time (tentative):
Candidate: From September 01, 2016 to February 01, 2017.

The vacancies of this call are for nominations for scholarships only. As a
result the Brazilian government issues a Visa for study only, i.e., the
candidate cannot work for private companies. But the successful candidates
may apply for permanent positions at UTFPR in a future opportunity. UTFPR
is a Brazilian public university. This signifies that candidates, citizens
of any nationality, may apply for full-time professor permanent positions.
After approved by a rigorous public selection, the candidate obtains the
employment stability in the professor's position after completing three
years of work.

More details on:

5.13. PostDoc: Gyeongsang National University, Korea
Contributed by: Yoonsoo Kim, yoonsoo at gnu.ac.kr

Post-doctoral research fellow in “Design and analysis of large-scale
complex network of dynamical systems”

The Graduate School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering in Gyeongsang
National University (Jinju, Republic of Korea) has a one-year postdoctoral
research fellow position in aerospace, mechanical engineering, or applied
mathematics to join an active research project on design and analysis of
large-scale complex network of dynamical systems.

This one-year research shall be funded by the BK21plus project (directed by
the Ministry of Education in Korea), and mainly focused on quantitatively
characterizing the effect of network topology on the stability and
performance of the network of dynamical systems. The network of interest is
often of large-scale and complex in practice, and it may need to be
approximated to a small-scale or scale-free network with a certain level of
stability and performance guarantee (stability/robustness margin,
H2/H-infinity performance, etc.). Unlike many existing works on complex
network, this research shall have the aim of providing a new insight into
the interplay between ‘the network’ connecting local systems and ‘the local
dynamics’ physically driving the global network. This research will be
supervised by Principal Investigator of the BK21plus project (Prof. R. S.
Myong) and Technical Investigator (Prof. Yoonsoo Kim).

Requirements: This position requires a PhD degree in aerospace, mechanical
engineering, or applied mathematics. Research experience and a record of
journal publications in control theory or application are strongly

Salary: The starting annual salary is USD 25,000 (plus basic insurance
fees). Salary negotiation is possible for a candidate with an excellent
research background.

To apply: a full Curriculum Vitae including a list of journal publications
and the contact details of two referees must be sent to yoonsoo at gnu.ac.kr.

Closing date: The closing date is April 30, 2016.

5.14. PostDoc: Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Contributed by: Erdal KAYACAN, erdal at ntu.edu.sg

NTU: A post-doctorate position in ST Eng-NTU Corp. Laboratory at Nanyang
Technological University (Singapore) is immediately available.

Research topic: Precise landing of unmanned aerial vehicles on an
un-defined landing target

This project aims to solve the precise landing problem of a VTOL UAV by
using a cost-effective hybrid method consisting of local positioning
systems and global positioning systems. In this project, an un-defined
landing target will be selected for the UAV to realize a precise landing.

- Prospective candidate should hold a Ph.D. degree in automatic control
engineering, mechatronics engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical
engineering, computer science or other related disciplines from reputable
- The candidate should have excellent verbal and writing skills in English
with very good communication skills.
- Concrete knowledge in C/C++.
- Experience in controlling and navigating of multi-rotor UAVs.
- Knowledge in calibration of multiple sensors and sensor fusion for UAV is
a plus.
- Knowledge in 3D vision, e.g. stereo vision or a monocular vision plus a
laser range finder, for UAV is a plus.
- Knowledge in 6D pose estimation or localization for UAV is a plus.
- Knowledge in fuzzy logic control is a plus.
- Knowledge in visual model-free object tracking for UAV is a plus.
- Knowledge in working with Robot Operating System (ROS) is a plus.
- Knowledge in developing Graphical User Interface (GUI) is a plus.

The application should consist of:
• A CV with a full publication list,
• Transcripts of B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D.
• The contact details of three referees.

These documents must be compiled as a single pdf file, and named as
"<Name>_<Surname>.pdf". Then, the single file should be sent to "
erdal_at_ntu.edu.sg" with a subject line of "Postdoc application for PL

The salaries are competitive, and the position will be available
immediately once the candidate is selected. The applications will be
reviewed directly until the position is filled.

The deadline for the application is the 30th of April 2016.

5.15. PostDoc: United States Naval Academy, USA
Contributed by: Daniel Opila, opila at usna.edu

The Power and Energy group in the Electrical and Computer Engineering
Department at the United States Naval Academy, is seeking a candidate for a
funded 2-year postdoctoral position with the possibility of renewal. The
research is sponsored by the Office of Naval Research (ONR) and is subject
to availability of funds. This research position involves:
1. Conducting research on the design, simulation, operation, and control of
small-scale power grids using power electronics.
2. Constructing and operating a low voltage, low power research test-bed
3. Assisting undergraduate independent research projects.

The appointee will be expected to work closely with USNA faculty, students,
multi-university research collaborators, experts from Navy Labs and other
DOD entities, and private industry. A variety of active projects span
academic, government, and industrial research. The academy is a charter
member of the Electric Ship Research and Development Consortium (
www.esrdc.com) and heavily involved with various Naval labs and program
offices. The supervising faculty have a mix of experience in academia,
industry, Navy ship design offices, and as active-duty Naval officers.
This is a non-tenure track federal excepted service position. The position
includes office space, computer facilities, library privileges, conference
travel support, health benefits, and a competitive salary. The position is
currently open, and the starting date is negotiable.

Minimum: Applicants must have a Ph.D. in electrical engineering, mechanical
engineering, systems/controls engineering, math, computer science, physics
or a closely related area. US Citizenship is required.

A background in power systems, power electronics, and control/optimization
is beneficial, as is familiarity with shipboard machinery systems, fluid
mechanics, and thermodynamics. Hands-on experience with building and
testing power electronics hardware is extremely useful, as is knowledge of
MATLAB/Simulink and rapid prototyping of embedded control systems.

Please see the official posting here:
Applicants should submit a cover letter describing their qualifications and
research interests, their curriculum vitae, and a list of three references.
The cover letter should include the applicant’s citizenship. Application
review will begin immediately. All application materials should be emailed
to power-research-group at usna.edu.

5.16. PostDoc: University of Salento, Italy
Contributed by: Giuseppe Notarstefano, giuseppe.notarstefano at unisalento.it

Postdoc (University of Salento, Lecce, Italy - ERC starting grant project)

A postdoc position is available within the project OPT4SMART funded under
the ERC Starting Grant excellence program. Research will be conducted at
the University of Salento (Lecce, Italy), under the supervision of Prof.
Giuseppe Notarstefano.

About the position
The official call will be published at the beginning of April with
tentative deadline end of April and tentative interview in the second half
of May.
The initial appointment will be for one year with the possibility of
extension based on performance. The salary is competitive (very competitive
for the life cost in Italy). The postdoctoral researcher will work in a
group with about six PhD students and will have the possibility to take the
co-supervision of one or more of them.

About OPT4SMART (Distributed optimization methods for smart cyber-physical
OPT4SMART is a 5 years research project funded under the EU Horizon 2020
excellence program ``ERC Starting Grant", http://erc.europa.eu, supporting
investigator-driven frontier research on the basis of scientific
excellence. OPT4SMART will investigate a novel distributed, large-scale
optimization framework and its application to big-data estimation,
learning, decision and control problems in cyber-physical networks.

About Lecce
Lecce is a beautiful Baroque city in the South-East of Italy. It is a
lively, graceful but relaxed university town in the Salento peninsula, the
heel of Italy's boot. For a 36-hours tour of Lecce you can google The New
York Times: ``36 hours in Lecce, Italy".

Who should apply
We are looking for motivated, talented PhDs from all over the world, who
wish to:
- undertake/continue research at the cutting edge of optimization and
control in cyber-physical networks;
- contribute to the startup of an excellent, international new research
- work in one of the most beautiful Italian cities with a great quality of

The desired candidate holds a PhD degree in Controls, Optimization, Signal
Processing or related fields, and has
- an excellent publication record (few high-impact papers in high-quality
journals and conferences);
- a strong mathematical background including optimization and preferably
control theory or signal processing;
- strong interest in optimization and at least one of: control theory,
estimation, machine learning;
- excellent proficiency in written and spoken English.
The above skills and background should clearly appear from the candidate
CV, from few (the most important) publications, and from the PhD thesis.

For further information about the position and the official call you can
send an email with subject ``OPT4SMART Postdoc last-name" to
giuseppe.notarstefano at unisalento.it.

See also

5.17. PostDoc: Cambridge Centre for Advanced Research and Education,
Contributed by: Jan Maciejowski, jmm at eng.cam.ac.uk


Applications are invited for a post-doctoral Research Fellow to work on the
use of Model Predictive Control (MPC) for 'Smart Grid' applications, with
particular reference to reducing the carbon footprint associated with
industrial energy consumption.

This post will be associated with the project "Integrated Chemical and
Electrical System Operation", which is a collaboration between Nanyang
Technological University and the University of Cambridge. The project sits
within the Cambridge Centre for Advanced Research and Education in
Singapore (CARES), the University of Cambridge's presence in Singapore
sponsored by the NRF CREATE programme. Further information on CARES may be
found at www.cares.cam.ac.uk .

The main responsibility of the Research Fellow will be the development of
real-time MPC algorithms for use with linear and nonlinear dynamic models
of ‘smart grids’ containing electrical and thermal power generation and
distribution systems, as well as industrial loads. A contribution to the
development and maintenance of power system models may also be required.
The Research Fellow will be expected to interact with other team members,
who will supply detailed models and domain-specific knowledge, as well as
MPC expertise.

The successful candidate is expected to have a good degree in Engineering,
Mathematics or a related subject, and a PhD in Systems and Control,
Numerical optimization, or a closely-related field. Expertise with
numerical constrained optimization for convex and/or non-convex problems is
required. The successful candidate will have experience of at least one of
the following: implementation under real-time constraints (for example for
MPC); implementation on special-purpose processors;
distributed/decentralized optimization; modelling and control of power
generation and distribution systems. The person appointed will work under
the supervision of Prof. Jan Maciejowski of the University of Cambridge,
and of Prof. Keck-Voon Ling of NTU Singapore.

The post-holder will be employed under a Research Collaboration Agreement
between CARES and Nanyang Technological University (NTU) and will be an
employee of NTU. The post is located in Singapore. Occasional visits to the
University of Cambridge in the UK will be required.

The salary range is SGD 52K – SGD 75K per year; the actual salary will
depend on the experience of the successful candidate. The tenure of the
post will be up to April 2018, with the possibility of reappointment if
further grant funding is obtained. The position is available immediately.

Application Procedure: Please send (1) CV and publication list, (2) Names
and contact details of 3 referees, and (3) a covering letter discussing
interest and qualification for the position, to Ms Leong Xiang Ning (CARES
HR Executive), cares at hermes.cam.ac.uk by Monday 9 May 2016.

5.18. PostDoc: University of Florida, USA
Contributed by: Getachew K Befekadu, gbefekadu at ufl.edu

Postdoctoral Researcher in Optimization and Inference

There is a postdoc opportunity in optimization and inference with Dr.
Eduardo L. Pasiliao's research group at the UF-REEF/AFRL.

- Conduct research and development in the area of decision optimization,
implement novel algorithms and methods for solving large-scale optimization
problems, and apply them to challenging real world problems.
- Formulate new research ideas and pursue them all the way to realization
in prototypes. Publication in major journals is also required.
- Propose new directions and projects related to optimization problems and

- A Ph.D. degree in Mathematics, Operations Research, Computer Science,
Electrical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, or a closely related field.
- Very strong background in continuous and combinatorial optimization.
Applicants with expertise in solving sequential optimization problems under
uncertainty, planning, and scheduling are especially encouraged to apply.
- Background in related areas such as predictive analytics, machine
learning and probabilistic inference.
- Good programming skills in Matlab, C/C++ or Java; experience with
industrial grade solvers such as CPLEX and Gurobi and applying them for
large-scale optimization projects.

Interested candidates should send their CV, a research statement, and list
of references to Dr. Getachew K. Befekadu at gbefekadu at ufl.edu

5.19. Faculty: Texas A&M University, USA
Contributed by: Rebecca Marianno, rmarianno at tamu.edu

The Dwight Look College of Engineering invites applications for a senior
level position at the professor level from exceptional individuals who have
demonstrated broad research expertise in one or more of the following
domains: autonomous air, ground, or space vehicles; computational
intelligence/machine learning; cyber engineering and sensor systems.
Applicants with demonstrated success in leading team efforts at the
university and national levels, and who bridge the above domains are
especially encouraged to apply. The successful candidate will lead capture
efforts to develop and deploy advanced technology solutions that address
existing and emerging missions of national importance that involve
autonomous systems for a broad range of federal and industrial sponsors.
The faculty candidate will also be instrumental in fostering and promoting
a thriving research environment that envisions and develops disruptive
technical solutions and advances the state of the art for autonomous
systems. This will include facility development and recruitment and
retention of other outstanding technical contributors. As a faculty member,
the candidate will be expected to teach at the undergraduate and graduate
levels; lead the multi-disciplinary effort for national level
externally-funded research programs in the autonomous systems area; mentor
graduate students; and provide service to the university and professional

Texas A&M is located in the twin cities of Bryan and College Station, with
a population of more than 175,000, and is conveniently located in a
triangle formed by Dallas, Houston and Austin. Texas A&M has more than
55,000 graduate and undergraduate students enrolled. Research expenditures
at Texas A&M total more than $820 million annually, ranking in the top tier
of universities nationwide. With an endowment valued at more than $5
billion, the university ranks fourth among U.S. public universities and
10th overall. Texas A&M is aware that attracting and retaining exceptional
faculty often depends on meeting the needs of two careers and having
policies that contribute to work-life balance. For more information visit
With over 400 tenured/tenure-track faculty members and more than 13,900
students, the Dwight Look College of Engineering is one of the largest
engineering schools in the country. The college is ranked seventh in
graduate studies and eighth in undergraduate programs among public
institutions by U.S. News & World Report, with seven of the college’s 13
departments ranked in the Top 10. The Look College is also ranked 10th in
the Academic Ranking of World Universities compiled by Shanghai Jiao Tong
University. The American Society for Engineering Education ranks the Look
College second in research expenditures.

The Dwight Look College of Engineering at Texas A&M University is leading a
multi-disciplinary search for scholarly talent in the area of unmanned
autonomous systems. The goal of this effort is to position the Look College
as the national leader in underwater, ground, air, and space autonomous
systems research. The college is committed to providing the resources,
facilities, equipment, and personnel to realize this goal. Applicants must
have earned a doctorate in an engineering discipline or a closely related
field. Applicants should submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, teaching
statement, research statement, and a list of five references (including
postal addresses, phone numbers and email addresses) by applying for this
specific position at www.tamengineeringjobs.com. Full consideration will be
given to applications received by 1 June 2016. Applications received after
that date may be considered until positions are filled. It is anticipated
the appointment will begin fall 2016.

The members of Texas A&M Engineering are all Equal Opportunity/Affirmative
Action/Veterans/Disability employers committed to diversity. It is the
policy of these members to recruit, hire, train and promote without regard
to race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, disability, genetic
information, veteran status, sexual orientation or gender identity.

5.20. Researcher: MINES ParisTech, France
Contributed by: Nicolas Petit, nicolas.petit at mines-paristech.fr


Developing its research and teaching activities in the field of Automatic
Control, MINES ParisTech opens a full time researcher position. This
position is aimed at a researcher (man or woman), who appreciates a
multidisciplinary work combining fundamental research and industrial
applications. The successful candidate will take part to the partnership
research work of CAS and contribute to industrial and economic innovation.

MINES ParisTech is a top-level engineering school in France. The school has
developed research and graduate education, in conjunction with industry and
academic partners. Within it, the Centre Automatique et Systèmes (CAS) is a
research laboratory specialized in automatic control theory. The research
developed at CAS is focused on industrial needs and is the subject of
scientific publications. CAS also provides courses for engineering Master
students and PhD students. The laboratory wishes to strengthen its team of
8 researchers, based in Paris and Fontainebleau, and is looking for a
person capable of contributing to the field of automatic control theory by
developing scientific research relevant to real-world applications.

The successful candidate is expected to have already proven his/her ability
to elaborate academic research in automatic control: uncertain time delay
systems, systems with varying delays, backstepping, stability and
stabilization, adaptive control, distributed parameters systems, modeling
of nonlinear systems for real-world applications and industry. The
successful candidate is expected to develop scientific research to be
published in the best journals and international conferences. He/she is
expected to develop an independent and creative research program devoted to
his/her topics, in order to contribute to theoretical and methodological
studies as well as to their application to concrete cases. He/she will
initiate externally funded research programs, and establish strong
relationship with academic communities and technological companies.

He/she will take part to the various undergraduate and graduate courses and
teaching sessions in which CAS is involved (in particular Automatic Control
and Optimization), open to MINES ParisTech students as well as to engineers
undergoing post-graduate education.

The applicant must have a doctoral degree in Automatic Control or Applied
Mathematics (nonlinear control theory, delay systems, uncertain or varying
delay systems, backstepping, stability, stabilization, adaptive control,
distributed parameters systems) or related subject. The applicant must show
interest for science and technology applied to industry applications. A
post-doctoral experience in a research laboratory different from the one
he/she got his/her doctoral degree at, especially in a foreign laboratory,
would be an asset for this position. As the position implies cooperation
with international partners, strong social skills as well as good knowledge
of English language are required. The applicant will have to show his/her
capacity to conduct research work in a multidisciplinary context, together
with an aptitude for teamwork.

Detailed information can be obtained at

5.21. Researcher: TNO-Helmond, Netherlands
Contributed by: Arturo Tejada, arturo.tejadaruiz at tno.nl

The Integrated Vehicle Safety (IVS) department at TNO-Helmond is looking
for a new, junior/medior-level colleague with embedded control expertise.
IVS focuses on cooperative vehicle automation technologies such as
cooperative adaptive cruise control.

The new colleague will support, among other tasks, the development of
current and future vehicle fault-tolerant and operational safety
architectures. This will require familiarity (or familiarization) with the
systematic process of vehicle safety assessment (e.g, ISO26262) and the
ability of relating its results to existing (or new) hardware and software
fault-tolerant solutions. Moreover, we expect the new colleague to help us
analyze the impact of such solutions on our existing and future automation
(control) algorithms and propose and demonstrate their necessary
fault-tolerant adaptations.

Complete details about the position, its requirement, and its electronic
application process can be found here: https://goo.gl/M2b9jV


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