[OUTAGE] MSEE Power outage, Saturday, August 15th, 7am-9pm

Sundeep Rao sundeep at purdue.edu
Mon Aug 3 13:11:09 EDT 2015


You are receiving this email because you have an account on an ECN system.

Please be aware of another major power outage announced for the MSEE building during the day, Saturday, Aug 15th.
This will be a total shutdown, including airhandling, so no one will be allowed in the building. 
Please plan for this outage, since it affects the vast majority of ECN services including file servers, license servers, websites, and mail hosted on ECN servers (Not Exchange and MyMail).

We will send you an additional reminder closer to the date.


-Sundeep Rao



FR:      Larry Kult
DA:     July 29, 2015
RE:      MSEE Electrical Shutdown

Building(s) Affected: MSEE (Materials and Electrical Engineering)

Utility Shutdown Notice: This notification is for a complete electrical shutdown at MSEE.  This work is associated with the Multiple High
Voltage Lead Cable Replacements -€“ 2015 project.

Date/Time of Shutdown: 7:00am Saturday, August 15, 2015 to 9:00pm Saturday, August 15, 2015

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