[Ececourtesy-list] Recall: TODAY, Wed, Apr 10, 1:30P, LWSN 3102A/B, Purdue Computes: AI/ML Faculty Candidate Manolis Vlatakis, FODSI Postdoc Fellow, UCBerkeley: Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice: Solving Intractable Problems in a Multi-Agent Machine Learning ...

Satterfield, Mary Ann msaterfi at purdue.edu
Fri Apr 5 17:39:31 EDT 2024

Satterfield, Mary Ann would like to recall the message, "TODAY, Wed, Apr 10, 1:30P, LWSN 3102A/B, Purdue Computes: AI/ML Faculty Candidate Manolis Vlatakis, FODSI Postdoc Fellow, UCBerkeley:  Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice: Solving Intractable Problems in a Multi-Agent Machine Learning World".

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