[Ececourtesy-list] ECE Distinguished Lecturer: "The Convergence of MEMs and Acoustics for Mobile Phones", Richard Ruby (U. C. Berkeley), Monday, October 23 at 11:00 AM, MSEE 112

Hodges, Kendra Renee khodges at purdue.edu
Wed Oct 18 13:54:49 EDT 2023

Zoom: https://purdue-edu.zoom.us/j/99695090664~ Meeting ID: 996 9509 0664

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Kendra Hodges | Senior Administrative Assistant
Elmore Family School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Purdue University
Materials and Electrical Engineering Building
501 Northwestern Avenue, Suite 150
West Lafayette, Indiana 47907
Phone: 765-494-3540
Email: khodges at purdue.edu

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