ECEA Homecoming - 9/23

Connolly, Sarah A connolls at
Wed Sep 20 09:31:05 EDT 2017

Hello Ambassadors!

This Saturday is Homecoming! There is a College of Engineering Homecoming celebration that day (Saturday, September 23rd). We have secured a table for the ECE department and we need your help manning the tables. You will have the opportunity to engage alumni (excellent networking opportunities) and show the fun side of ECE!

We need you to please be available to work one of the following slots:
1 - 12:00-1:00 (set up and start event)
2 - 1:00-2:00 (Man the booth; engage with visitors)
3 - 2:00-3:00 (finish event and tear down)

Please let me know ASAP when you are available to be there. I apologize for the late notice, but if you are in town, please make this a priority and help out. Thank you!

Sarah Connolly
Academic Advisor/Engagement Coordinator
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Purdue University
465 Northwestern Avenue, EE 136
West Lafayette, IN 47907

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