ECEA Ambassadors - need someone to show an ECE alum & son around 10am or 11am Friday.

Johnson, Mark C mcjohnso at
Wed Oct 3 13:30:38 EDT 2012

Ambassadors - need someone to show an ECE alum & son around 10am or 11am Friday. Please let me know ASAP if you can do this. I will probably come for part of the tour, but I have 10:30-11:30 office hours for students which limits my availability unless I reschedule.



Voice: (765) 494-0636
Email: mcjohnso at<mailto:mcjohnso at>
Office: EE248
Home Page:

From: Venkataramanan Balakrishnan [mailto:ragu at]
Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2012 4:35 AM
To: Johnson, Mark C
Cc: Silotto, Brian K; McIntyre, Andrea J
Subject: [Fwd: ECE tour]


Wayne Galli, ECE alumnus, is bringing his son on a Purdue tour.  I met Wayne yesterday (on another matter), and offered to consider the possibility of arranging a lab tour (see date/times below; unfortunately Friday is our advisory board day, and I will likely be tied up all day).  Would you or student volunteers be able to help?  I am copying our development office staff as there is a development connection with them as well.


-------- Original Message --------

Hi, Ragu -

It was a pleasure to meet you today and talk about our projects and the possibilities of synergies between Clean Line and Purdue ECE.  As I mentioned, my oldest son and I are coming to tour the campus on one of the potential student tours on Friday.  Our tour starts at 1:45 and lasts about 3 hours.  So, if you have someone that can give a tour of ECE prior to lunch, that would be ideal.  Say 10 or 11AM?


Wayne Galli


Venkataramanan Balakrishnan

Professor and Head of Electrical and Computer Engineering

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