ECEA Still need at least 1 more ambassador for Academic fair Thu

Aditya Balasubramanian abalasub at
Wed Mar 21 15:07:07 EDT 2012

Dr. J, 

Neither the word clock nor the HUD will be available this week. I want to glue down everything on the clock before sending it out again. 

The HUD currently has no atom, since we are using the old atom develop Mk II now. 

Aditya Balasubramanian

Sent from my smartphone. Please excuse my brevity.

"Johnson, Mark C" <mcjohnso at> wrote:


Thursday, noon to 2pm, I still need one more student to be able to staff the table at the academic fair. We have two students lined up, but the crowds at the ECE table for these events are such that for at least part of the time, it isn't possible to talk to all the people trying to come to the ECE table. 

Please notify me ASAP if you can help for even part of the event. 

The schedule is as follows:

11:45 - pick up items to take to fair
12:00-12:30 - set up the ECE table. 
12:30-2:00 - academic fair
2:00-2:30 - take down items and bring back to EE. 

right now the display items are in the store room in the back of EE122 & they can be returned there. 




email: mcjohnso at
voice: 765 494-0636
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-----Original Message-----
From: ecea-list-bounces at [mailto:ecea-list-bounces at] On Behalf Of Nicholas Charles Kwolek
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2012 10:01 PM
To: ecea-list at
Subject: ECEA PSEF Academic Fair

Is anyone available to work a table at an academic fair from noon to 2 pm on Thursday, March 22?

The event will be heal in the South Ballroom of the Union.

Nicholas Kwolek
President - ECE Ambassadors
Electrical Engineering
Purdue University

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