ECEA First event

Madalina Vintila mvintila at
Tue Jan 11 22:19:44 EST 2011

Hello ambassadors,

I hope you all had a great winter break and are off to a good start of the semester. 

The first event that ECEA participation is required for is coming up this Saturday, Scholar's Day. It will take place between 10.45 am and 12.45 pm in the MSEE atrium, and I need 2-3 volunteers to show up at 10.30 to help set up and stay until the end (since it's a short event, we won't set up shifts). 

Recently admitted undergraduates to Purdue engineering with good high school credentials were invited to campus to learn more about the different fields of engineering, so we've been asked to represent our school at this event. We will have the typical setup, a couple of demos, the usual drill. Ambassadors will be on hand to answer questions that students or their parents might have.

Please email me back as soon as you know if you can participate. 

Thank you,

P.S. Mark your calendars for our first regular meeting of the semester - Tuesday, January 18 at 5:30 pm in EE 118

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